Titanium Alloys Piping Welding: Functional Specification
Titanium Alloys Piping Welding: Functional Specification
Titanium Alloys Piping Welding: Functional Specification
Rev. 1
July 2009
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Rev. 0 14 Sheets
2006 July
Rev. 1 29 Sheets
2009 July
General Revision
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1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Scope................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Definitions........................................................................................................................................... 6
3 WELDING .............................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Welding Procedure Qualification.................................................................................................... 11
3.9 Postheating....................................................................................................................................... 19
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7 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................... 22
7.1 Qualification certificates ................................................................................................................. 22
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1.1 Scope
1.2.2 In the event of conflict between the various technical documents, the
following order of priority shall apply:
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1.2.5 The Contractor may use welding consumables and welding processes
indicated by Company in this specification or, otherwise, he may use
other consumables, processes and WPSs already certified by a
Recognized Third Party, with the prior approval of the Company.
1.3 Definitions
1.3.2 For welding terms, the definitions given in ASME Code Sect. IX par.
QW/QB-492 shall apply.
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1.5 Abbreviation
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2.1.5 Reinforcing pads, when required, shall be of the same material and
thickness as the pipe that is to be reinforced.
Preparation shall be as per Fig. 5 in APPENDIX 2.
2.1.6 Edges tapering (when foreseen in the drawings) shall be carried out by
machining. Small tapering for corrections of small misalignments may
be carried out by grinding.
2.1.8 Types of preparation different from the ones stated above shall be
authorized by the Company.
In particular, when a non manual welding process is used for which the
end preparation shown above may not be adequate, then the
Contractor may adopt any other type of end preparation, but he must
demonstrate by means of qualification tests that it is suitable and such
as to produce production welds in line with the requirements of this
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2.2 Cleaning
2.2.1 Just before welding the edges to be welded shall be properly cleaned by
brushing and/or grinding (see 2.1.2) for a strip of 10 mm on the outer and
inner surface of the tube; then edges shall be cleaned by proper solvent
(e.g. acetone) for a strip of at least 40 mm.
2.2.2 Any surface oxidation on the edges shall be removed by chemical with
proper solution (e.g. hydrofluoric acid + nitric acid) to be applied according
to producer instructions. Cleaning by mechanical abrasion followed by
solvent treatment may replace chemical pickling.
2.2.4 Equipment for fit up shall be adequately cleaned and degreased before
coming in contact with pieces to be welded.
2.2.5 The Contractor shall save a cleaned area for handling of components of
piping systems and filler metals in titanium. In this area only devices
and equipment necessary for carrying out production welding shall be
2.3.3 Hot or cold adjustment of spools (e.g. by heat straightening) are not
2.3.5 During piping assembly the minimum distance between two longitudinal
welds of two adjacent tubes shall be twice the thickness with a
minimum distance of 20 mm.
2.3.6 For DN > 50 mm the maximum offset between the actual supports
distance and the distance foreseen in the design drawing shall not
exceed one diameter.
2.3.7 Fixed and guided supports shall be positioned during piping assembly.
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2.3.11 Tack welding for fit up shall be carried out only by qualified welders for
the root pass and shall be performed using the same precautions as for
main welds. Tack welds that shall not be removed but remain part of the
final root pass shall be properly cleaned and accurately inspected to
avoid the presence of cracks. In case of cracks tack welds shall be
removed before welding the root pass.
2.3.12 If tack weld are not removed before welding but remain part of the final
root pass they shall be smoothed to edge surfaces and liquid penetrant
tested before welding. In this case the relevant preliminary tests for
procedure qualification record shall include tack welds in the welded
2.3.15 For socket welds a 2 mm spacing between socket bottom and branch
end shall be assured before welding.
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3.1.2 For each welding procedure the Contractor shall prepare a Welding
Procedure Specification (WPS) with the indication of all essential
variables, as requested by ASME Sect. IX (par. QW-200.1), or by other
Company agreed equivalent standard prior to commencement of
3.1.4 The Company’s Representative reserves the right to attend all tests.
Therefore the Contractor shall inform the Company’s Representative
concerning the scheduled dates for tests in proper advance.
3.1.5 Qualification tests shall include bending test on the inner and outer
side, to evaluate welding ductility, weld metal and heat affected zones.
3.1.6 Should the piping system be in “sour-S” service (v. par. 1.1.4),
procedure qualification tests shall include hardness tests according to
standard NACE MR-0175/ISO 15156. Hardness values in the HAZ and
in Weld Metal shall be < 250 HV10.
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3.2.2 After the completion of qualification tests and handling over the
documentation to the Company’s Representative, an identification code
(numbers and/or letters) shall be assigned to each welder. This code
shall appear in a proper stamp to be included in each single welder’s
equipment. Numbers/letters shall not be higher than 4 mm and the
code shall not be decomposable.
3.2.4 The Contractor shall submit to the Company all welder’s qualification
certificates (WPQR) and shall demonstrate that each welder employed
in construction has a proper experience in welding titanium and titanium
alloys, and that each welder has been adequately trained receiving
instructions about all precautions (concerning cleaning, handling, gas
protection) to be adopted before and during welding operations.
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3.3.1 In case of rain, snow, wind (and above all in presence of sand) the
Contractor shall adopt proper shielding devices for the welder and for
parts to be welded, in order to assure the work is performed correctly. If
these corrective action couldn’t be adopted welding operation are not
3.3.2 If welding edges are wet or covered by snow or hoar-frost welding shall
be performed only after they have been dried (see par. 3.6.2). Flame or
another proper heat source can be used.
3.3.3 In case of low ambient temperature a preheat can be required (see par.
3.6.). Preheat shall be accomplished also in case of temporary and tack
3.3.4 For outdoor welding operations, a proper protection against air stream
and wind shall be adopted.
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3.4.1 Applicable welding processes are listed here below, adopting AWS
GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)
3.4.3 The use of permanent support rings for the root pass is not allowed
without a previous authorization from the Company.
3.4.4 The use of high frequency arc ignition devices is recommended and
also the use of “gas Lens” devices to assure an adequate protection of
the welding pool.
3.4.7 Welding procedures and filler metals not conforming to this and other
Company specifications shall not be used without a written
authorization by the Company.
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3.5.1 Electrodes, wires and fluxes shall be those indicated in the welding
Procedure Specifications (WPS) and shall be trade and type approved
by the Company.
3.5.2 If not differently specified the Contractor shall provide chemical analysis
and mechanical test certificates for deposited weld metal (according to
AWS or other accepted standard), for each lot of wires/electrodes.
The above certificates shall be at Company’s Representative’s
3.5.3 All packages for filler materials shall be marked by the producer/vendor
with the same reference number indicated in the certificates of chemical
analysis and mechanical tests according to par. 3.5.2.
3.5.4 Welding rods shall be perfectly dried at the time of use; for this aim they
shall be adequately stored. Materials shall be protected against dust
and other contaminants (e.g. by plastic foils) and shall be handled using
cleaned gloves.
3.5.5 In case of welding with filler metal the tip of the rod shall be kept under
the shielding gas flow; should the tip of the rod be contaminated it shall
be cut before the course of welding.
3.5.7 Shielding gases shall have a nominal composition and a purity grade
conforming to the requirement of the qualified WPS prepared by the
Contractor and handed over to the Company’s Representative as
specified in par. 3.1.
3.5.8 Argon or argon-helium mixtures shall be used both as torch gas and as
trailing gas to further protect the parts of metals during cooling, after the
torch has passed. Trailing gas protection shall be adopted using proper
devices (perforated boxes).
3.5.9 In any case gas purity shall be ≥ 99.99% and its dew point shall be ≤
50°C. The Company’s Representative is authorized to check chemical
analysis of used gases during fabrication.
3.5.10 A check for gas purity may be carried out by welding on a small sample.
The sample shall be submitted to bend test (see par. 3.1.5) and no
cracks shall be detected.
3.5.11 The inner part (back) of the tube shall be protected by inert gas before
and during welding to prevent oxidation of root and subsequent passes,
as established during qualification tests. Torch gas and backing gas
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shall be kept after completion of welding, until welded parts have been
cooled down to a temperature below 500°C.
3.5.12 Oxygen content in the torch, trailing and backing gases shall not exceed
20 ppm.
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3.6.1 When the ambient air temperature is below +5 °C, the weld area shall
be preheated to a minimum of 50 °C.
3.7.1 Root pass of full penetration butt and branch connection welds shall
provide a full and regular penetration.
Root reinforcement shall not exceed 3 mm, neither locally.
3.7.3 When welding has been started particular attention shall be paid to
prevent shocks, vibrations, displacements, stresses which could
jeopardise final result, until the welded joint is completed.
3.7.4 Arc shall be ignited inside the bevel or upon a special plate.
3.7.5 The arc shall be extinguished on the edge, keeping the weld pool under
shielding gas protection until solidification is completed.
3.7.6 It is not allowed to interrupt welding and to leave the joint cool down
before root pass is accomplished.
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3.7.10 Welder charged only for the root pass of butt joints shall affix his own
stamp in two opposite positions on the tube, nearby the joint, before
starting welding (unless another method is requested by the Company’s
3.7.11 In case of joints welded from both sides (back welding procedures),
before back welding, grinding or gouging shall be carried out up to
sound metal.
3.8.1 Butt weld filling and all other types of joints shall be carried out by the
same weld process and the same method of gas protection adopted for
the root pass.
3.8.2 Gas protection inside the tube (backing) shall be kept until the
completion of the joint.
3.8.4 Welding in the vertical downwards position for filling passes shall only
be permitted with the prior approval of the Company.
3.8.5 The filling of joint shall normally be carried out immediately after
completion of the root pass.
Exceptions may be allowed only provided that the welds are not
restrained, the welded parts are not piled up or knocked.
3.8.6 The arc shall not be started striking on the pipe wall, outside the bevel
(a suitable plate may be used for this purpose)
3.8.7 On completion of each pass, any slag shall be carefully removed and
any defects or irregularities on the bead shall be ground off, to avoid
alteration of subsequent passes.
3.8.8 The width of the weld face shall cover completely the groove of the
joint. On fillet welds, the weld profile shall be regular, at about 45°.
3.8.9 Filing or smoothing of the weld is allowed provided that no sharp cuts
are produced.
3.8.10 For socket welds and for slip-on flanges (allowed for DN <1” ½) at least
two passes shall be carried out.
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3.8.11 For each weld the welder symbol shall be provided, except for fillet
joints. For this purpose, on completion of the weld, the welder shall
level by grinding two small zones on the weld face in a diametrically
opposite position, where he will stamp his identification symbol (unless
a different identification system is provided in the welding specification
relevant to the material, or is required by the Company’s
Representative). If the welder performs only the filling passes, such
zones shall be close to the ones stamped by the welder who performed
the root pass).
3.8.12 Butt welds without welder symbol, or with the symbol not clear, shall be
3.8.13 It is not allowed performing any weld on pipes or tubes containing water
or other liquid or gas, without Company’s Representative's
3.9 Postheating
3.10.1 After welding operations have been completed external surface of the
joints shall appear free of any residual oxide, slag, spatters, arc strikes,
and any other surface contaminant.
Surface oxidation evaluation (hence, indirectly, of the weld quality) shall
be performed as follows:
- Bright silver: good weld – no oxidation;
- Light yellow/light blue: surface oxidation to be removed by
stainless steel brushing – acceptable weld;
- Dark blue/blue-gray: metal contamination – welds shall be
removed and rewelded after adjusting inert gas protection
- Gray-white (detaching deposits) metal contamination – welds
shall be removed and rewelded after adjusting inert gas
protection systems.
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5.1.1 During the execution of the work, inspection shall be carried out by the
Contractor, as well as by the Company’s Representative, in order to
ensure the compliance with the codes and specifications.
This inspection shall concern the availability and the efficiency of the
equipment used for edge preparation, fit-up, pre-heating, welding, heat-
treatment and, moreover, the correct performance of the above said
5.1.2 Before presenting each line of piping system for testing, the Contractor
shall carry out a visual examination on the welds, in order to ensure the
compliance with this specification (see also 20377.PIP.MEC.FUN) and
the provisions of ANSI / ASME B 31.3 code (or other Code accepted by
5.1.3 The Company’s Representative shall have free access to all the places
where the work is carried out and where the documentation, the
materials and the equipment connected with the work are stored.
5.1.4 The Company’s Representative shall have the right to reject personnel
that, during the progress of the work, shows that he/she is working with
an unsatisfactory quality standard.
5.2.1 The examinations to be performed on the welds are set out in the
specification 20377.PIP.MEC.FUN, which provides the provisions for
the execution of the examination and the acceptance criteria of the
defects, according to the class of the piping.
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Hardness values > 240 HB are not allowed unless more restrictive
values are prescribed.
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7.2.3 The Contractor shall keep an updated list of the welds, the radiographs
and the repairs made by each welder. The list shall be at the disposal
of the Company’s Representative.
7.2.4 After all the welds belonging to a particular piping system have been
completed, post weld heat treated (when required) has been
performed, and the Company’s Representative has returned to the
Contractor copy of the relevant records with his approval, the
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≤ 2.5
- S [mm] -
2) For whatever not specifically mentioned in this standard, the requirements of ANSI B
16.25 shall govern.
3) Edge preparations different from those indicated may be used, with the prior approval
of the Client.
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A3.2 Definition
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A3.3 Materials
All low hydrogen filler materials (5 HDM 5ml/100g) shall be supplied with
certification type 3.1 according EN 10204.
All other filler materials and fluxes for SAW shall be supplied with
certification type 2.2 according EN 10204.
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For pressure piping cat. II and III, all Welding Procedure Qualification
Reports (WPQR) shall be approved by a Notified Body or by a
Recognized Third Party, at Manufacturer’s choice.
Welded joints (weld metal and heat affected zone) shall conform to
impact (27 J at minimum design temperature or lower) and elongation
requirements provided by PED Directive.
For pressure piping cat. II e III, all welding personnel shall be approved
by a Notified Body or by a Recognized Third Party, at Manufacturer’s
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