Eng PT
Eng PT
Eng PT
The debate over whether students should wear school uniforms has been going on for more than a decade. Some
people argue that uniforms have a positive impact on the school environment by promoting confidence and a sense
of belonging. In today's society, students forget about the real reason for going to school and just focus only in their
appearance and popularity. But for me, Students wearing a school uniforms would be the best thing for the students
First, more students attend in school when they’re wearing uniforms, study by researchers at the University of
Houston found that the average attendance of middle and high school student increased by 0.3 to 0.4 percent after
school uniforms became mandatory. They also found that attendance rates increased and suspensions decreased once
students began wearing uniforms. Students may also be more likely to show up to school on time when they have to
wear uniforms. If they don’t have to spend time choosing what to wear every morning, students are able to get out
the door more quickly. Second, Dress code enforcement, many school officials spend a lot of time policing dress
codes. Enforcing it can require a lot of resources, dress code policies must be enforced equally among all students to
avoid potential litigation involving discrimination. Lastly, improving school safety. School uniforms provide a sense
of community and belonging for students. They also help to create a positive school environment by reinforcing
good beqhavior and discouraging bad behavior. Uniforms also promote the importance of punctuality, courtesy, and
Some people argue about school uniforms can restrict students’ freedom of expression. For me clothing is not the
only way where students can show there creativity and expressive outlet. They can express themselves in other ways
such as art, music, literature, or sports. It helps students learn that they are more than just their appearance. Also,
Students who choose not to wear uniform can't be trusted as they may be hiding something. Uniforms are important
for the safety and well-being of students. They can also decrease the influence of gangs. When kids wear uniforms,
it sets a good example for them and makes it clear what is expected of them
In conclusion, there are many well-documented benefits of having school uniforms. Studies have proven that
students learn better and act more responsibly when they wearing uniforms. All schools must require uniforms in
order to benefit the students, the schools and all of society.