Es0153-75350100-Dbr-0001 - R6 Etp
Es0153-75350100-Dbr-0001 - R6 Etp
Es0153-75350100-Dbr-0001 - R6 Etp
Date 31.12.19
DOCUMENT NO ES0153-75350100-DBR-0001 Rev 06
No. of pages 71
The intent of this “DBR” is to cover the basic design criteria for the ETP Plant of subjected POWER
plant is to be engineered, designed, supplied, erected & commissioned by M/s. ISGEC Heavy
Engineering Ltd. A brief description and salient feature of the various sub systems are defined here
for the basis of design. However, the detailed specification requirement as described in the
contract/technical specification shall be met under individual package in totality
A Site details
2 x 65 MW Captive Cogeneration Power Plant
1. Project Title
(CCPP) at Dahej, Gujarat, India
2. Client GACL- NALCO Alkalies & chemicals Pvt Ltd
B Meteorological data
Ambient Temperature:
11. °C 11 / 45 /27 (Design & Performance)
(Min. / Max. / Average)
Relative Humidity :
12. % 32 / 89/70 (Design & Performance)
(Min. / Max. / Average)
Wet Bulb Temperature :
13. °C 28
Design Temperature for
14. °C 50
Electrical equipments
15. Average annual rainfall mm 710
1. All other parameter not mentioned in the above are considered to be NIL for designing of the
2. Coal pile run off flow of 60 m3/hr shall be intermittent in nature and the same shall be recycled
for CHP dust suppression.
3. Treated water flow of 10 m3/hr from Oil water separator shall be intermittent in nature and the
same shall be utilized for gardening in the nearby area.
1 TDS 27000
7 HCl 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0
1. Oil at the inlet of separator has been considered as 100% in free and floating
Above ground
Number of compartments provided 2.0 nos.
Effective Capacity required as per tender for
250.0 m3
each compartment
Capacity provided for each compartment 250.0 m3
Effective Side water depth considered 2.5 m
Area required 100.0 m2
Length of each compartment required 10.0 m
Width of each compartment required 10.0 m
Free board provided 0.4 m
Dead level provided 0.3 m
Total HOS considered in the tank 3.2 m
Microprocessor based PLC system shall be provided for packages mentioned below
covering the total functional requirements of modulating control, sequence control,
interlocks & protection, monitoring, alarm, data logging etc.
The Hot Redundancy for PLC shall be considered for Controllers, communication
modules, data highway, power supply modules, IO Modules (As mentioned in
Schedule IV, Section-IV A Chapter 4 & Annex. B: Drive Control Philosophy).
Make and Model of PLC shall be same for all packages provided for subjected plant
as mentioned in schedule IV, section IVA, Ch-4.
UPS system with ACDB & batteries, associated furniture, and erection hardware for
said areas shall be provided as per contract technical specification.
All relevant design standards and design criteria shall also be included in the design
Memorandum as per Technical specification, Schedule IV, Section IV-A, Ch 1 to 8.
The design of the control system and related equipment will adhere to the principle
of “fail safe” operation at all system levels and provide reliable and efficient
operation of the plant under dynamic conditions and attainment of maximum station
The system shall execute all control functions with the help of a set of pre-
programmed functions resident in controllers.
The system shall provide inherent safe operation under all plant disturbances and
component failures so that under no circumstance safety of the plant personnel or
equipment is risked.
The I/O panel shall be powered from redundant feeders of UPS source of
respective unit. The unit enclosure shall be of weather proof, dust tight and water
Suitable rating of UPS shall be provided to Feed IO PLC Panels, OWS / EWS all
field instruments (Through PLC), SOV (Through PLC), HW annunciation panel etc.
The control and monitoring shall be performed from control room by means
of OWS/KB operation interface mounted on unit control desk, through a
microprocessor based PLC.
(a) Any condition which endangers the safety of the plant personnel.
(b) Any of the permissive conditions becoming abnormal thereby producing a
dangerous condition in operating the equipment.
(c) The conditions from process such as dry flow conditions, flashing conditions or
any other conditions that may create cavitation.
Man Machine Interface (MMI) shall be provided through Operator’s station along
with its peripherals like LED monitor, printer, mouse. Engineering functions shall
normally be carried out from dedicated workstation or operating station. In case a
dedicated engineering station is provided, EWS shall also be worked as operating
station through password / Hardware lock.
(a) Selection of Auto / Manual, Open / Close operation, start / stop operation etc.
(b) Dynamic Mimic display detecting the entire process for control monitoring
(c) Alarm monitoring, report generation, logs, calculations and printing of logs,
reports, trends etc.
(d) Online / historical trending, historical storage and retrieval of data.
A Shift/daily log shall be provided to furnish data for routine analysis of plant
performance. This log can be printed on demand at any time. The primary objective
of the Visual Annunciation System shall be to draw operator’s attention to
abnormalities in plant status and parametric values enabling him to take corrective
measures to avoid emergency/Plant trip out conditions or decrease in plant output.
HW annunciation system shall be driven by Digital output.
Sequence of annunciation for the control desk mounted facia windows shall
be as below:-
4 Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz
6 Frequency Variation + 5% + 5%
Combined Voltage &
7 10 % 10 %
Frequency Variation
Note: $$ denotes fault level at DCDB level shall be 25kA while at DLDB level fault level
shall be 9kA.
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the printouts produced by this program are estimates of product
performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed or implied unless provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics representative. Calculations for chemical
consumption are provided for convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of chemical needed for pH adjustment is feedwater dependent and not
membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required,please contact your Hydranautics representative. on-standard or extended warranties may result in
different pricing than previously quoted.
4. Cleaning Occurrence and Time Consumption
Duration Total Plant Occurrence Total Plant Time Consumed for Cleaning per
(min) / day Day (min)
AS 4.131 34.76 143.6
MC1 28.71 0 0
MC2 0 0 0
MC3 28.71 1 28.71
MC1 + 2 28.71 2 57.42
MIT 11.73 0.033 0.391
RC1 121.1 0.017 2.011
RC2 121.1 0.017 2.011
RC3 121.1 0.017 2.011
Total per day (min) 230.1
Non production time per 230.1
rack (min)
Total waste
Chemical-free waste Chemical waste Waste
Occurrence water
Sequence water volume / water volume / water
/ day volume /
3 3 %
sequence (m ) sequence (m )
day (m3)
Concentrate Bleed 0.0 0 0
AS 1.508 ~ 34.76 52.43 73.37
MC1 0 0 0 0 0
MC2 0 0 0 0 0
MC3 1.544 4.784 1 6.327 8.854
MC1 + 2 1.544 4.784 2 12.65 17.71
MIT 1.508 0 0.033 0.05 0.088
RC1 6.474
RC2 6.474
RC3 6.474
Total per day 71.46
Chemical-free wastewater total 57.06
per day
Chemical wastewater total per 14.35
6. Major Equipment Specification Summary
*Does not include piping losses outside of rack. i.e. The piping to and from the rack. **Chemical for RCs can be poured and mixed directly into RC tank. In
which case, no RC dosing pump is required.
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the printouts produced by this program are estimates of product
performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed or implied unless provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics representative. Calculations for chemical
consumption are provided for convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of chemical needed for pH adjustment is feedwater dependent and not
membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required,please contact your Hydranautics representative. on-standard or extended warranties may result in
different pricing than previously quoted.
7. Chlorine Maintenance Clean (MC1) summary
Makeup water for MC1s N/A
Number of MC1 per rack per day 0
Duration 28.71 minutes
Target chlorine concentration per MC 0 ppm
MC1 Chlorine Consumption Data
Assumed chemical stock concentration 0 g/L
Assumed chemical stock concentration 12 %
Volume of chlorine to be used per MC 0 L
Volume of chlorine to be used per day 0 L
MC1 Chemical Filling
Pump used for chemical solution filling N/A
MC1 chemical solution filling flowrate 0 m3/h
Chlorine dosing pump flowrate 0 L/h
Chlorine dosing pump run time 0 s
MC1 Chemical Rinsing
Pump used for chemical rinsing N/A
MC1 rinsing flow 0 m3/h
MC1 Dosing Pump Specifications
Chemical dosed into N/A
Maximum dosing pump flow rate 0 L/h
Maximum dosing pump pressure 0 kPa
8. Chlorine Recovery Clean (RC1) summary
Makeup water for RC1s Filtrate
Number of days between RC1 per rack 60.24 days
Duration 121.1 minutes
Target chlorine concentration per RC 1000 ppm
Target temperature of solution 40 °C
RC1 Chlorine Consumption Data
Solution concentration 133.1429 g/L
Stock Solution concentration (weight percent) 12 %
Volume of chlorine to be used per RC 17.01 L
Volume of chlorine to be used per day 0.282 L
RC1 Chemical Filling
Pump used for chemical solution filling RC Pump
RC1 filling flow 105.4 m3/h
RC1 Chemical Rinsing
Pump used for chemical rinsing Feed Pump
RC1 rinsing flow 130.4 m3/h
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the printouts produced by this program are estimates of product
performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed or implied unless provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics representative. Calculations for chemical
consumption are provided for convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of chemical needed for pH adjustment is feedwater dependent and not
membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required,please contact your Hydranautics representative. on-standard or extended warranties may result in
different pricing than previously quoted.
9. Caustic Maintenance Clean (MC2) summary
Makeup water for MC2s N/A
Number of MC2 per rack per day 0
Duration 0 minutes
Target caustic solution concentration 0 ppm
MC2 Caustic Consumption Data
Stock chemical density 0 g/mL
Stock chemical % 30 %
Volume of caustic to be used per MC 0 L
Volume of caustic to be used per day 0 L
MC2 Chemical Filling
Pump used for chemical solution filling N/A
Filling flow 0 m3/h
Caustic flow during filling 0 L/h
Caustic dosing pump running time 0 s
MC2 Chemical Rinsing
Pump used for chemical rinsing N/A
MC2 Rinsing flux 0 LMH
MC2 Rinsing flow 0 m3/h
MC2 Dosing Pump Specifications
Chemical dosed into N/A
Maximum dosing pump flow rate 0 L/h
Maximum dosing pump pressure 0 kPa
10. Caustic Recovery Clean (RC2) summary
Makeup water for RC2s Filtrate
Number of days between RC2 per rack 60.24 days
Duration 121.1 minutes
Target caustic concentration 3500 ppm
Target temperature of solution 40 °C
RC2 Caustic Consumption
Density 1.52 g/ML
% commercial solution 30 %
Volume of caustic to be used per RC 17.38 L
Volume of caustic to be used per day 0.289 L
RC2 Chemical Filling
Pump used for chemical solution filling RC Pump
Filling flow 105.4 m3/h
RC2 Chemical Rinsing
Pump used for chemical rinsing Feed Pump
RC2 Rinsing flow 130.4 m3/h
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the printouts produced by this program are estimates of product
performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed or implied unless provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics representative. Calculations for chemical
consumption are provided for convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of chemical needed for pH adjustment is feedwater dependent and not
membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required,please contact your Hydranautics representative. on-standard or extended warranties may result in
different pricing than previously quoted.
11. Acid Maintenance Clean (MC3) summary
Makeup water for MC3s Filtrate
Number of MC3 per rack per day 1
Duration 28.71 minutes
Type of acid Hydrochloric Acid
Target acid solution concentration 1470 ppm
MC3 Acid Consumption Data
Stock chemical density 1.164 g/mL
Stock chemical % 30 %
Volume of acid to be used per MC 9.535 L
Volume of acid to be used per day 9.535 L
MC3 Chemical Filling
Pump used for chemical solution filling RC Pump
Filling flow 105.4 m3/h
Acid flow during filling 443.5 L/h
Acid dosing pump running time 77.39 s
MC3 Chemical Rinsing
Pump used for chemical rinsing Feed Pump
MC3 Rinsing flux 49.52 LMH
MC3 Rinsing flow 130.4 m3/h
MC3 Dosing Pump Specifications
Chemical dosed into Filtrate Line
Maximum dosing pump flow rate 443.5 L/h
Maximum dosing pump pressure 230 kPa
12. Acid Recovery Clean (RC3) summary
Makeup water for RC3s Filtrate
Number of days between RC3 per rack 60.24 days
Type of acid Hydrochloric Acid
Duration 121.1 minutes
Target acid concentration 5000 ppm
Target temperature of solution 40 °C
RC3 Acid Consumption
Density 1.164 g/l
% commercial solution 30 %
Volume of acid to be used per RC 32.43 L
Volume of acid to be used per day 0.538 L
RC3 Chemical Filling
Pump used for chemical solution filling RC Pump
Filling flow 105.4 m3/h
RC3 Chemical Rinsing
Pump used for chemical rinsing Feed Pump
RC3 Rinsing flow 130.4 m3/h
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the printouts produced by this program are estimates of product
performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed or implied unless provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics representative. Calculations for chemical
consumption are provided for convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of chemical needed for pH adjustment is feedwater dependent and not
membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required,please contact your Hydranautics representative. on-standard or extended warranties may result in
different pricing than previously quoted.
13. Chlorine + Caustic Maintenance Clean (MC1 + 2) summary
Makeup water for MC1+2s Filtrate
Number of MC1+2 per rack per day 2
Duration 28.71 minutes
Target chlorine solution concentration 200 ppm
Target caustic solution concentration 1200 ppm
MC1+2 Chlorine & Caustic Consumption Data
Chlorine stock chemical concentration 133.1429 g/L
Caustic stock chemical density 1.52 g/mL
Chlorine stock chemical % 12 %
Caustic stock chemical % 30 %
Volume of chlorine to be used per MC 3.402 L
Volume of caustic to be used per MC 5.961 L
Volume of chlorine to be used per day 6.805 L
Volume of caustic to be used per day 11.92 L
MC1+2 Chemical Filling
Pump used for chemical solution filling RC Pump
Filling flow 105.4 m3/h
Chlorine dosing pump flowrate 158.3 L/h
Chlorine dosing pump run time 77.39 s
Caustic dosing pump flowrate 277.3 L/h
Caustic dosing pump run time 77.39 s
MC1+2 Chemical Rinsing
Pump used for chemical rinsing Feed Pump
MC1+2 Rinsing flux 49.52 Lmh
MC1+2 Rinsing flow 130.4 m3/h
MC1+2 Dosing Pump Specifications
Chemical dosed into Filtrate Line
Maximum dosing pump flow rate (chlorine) 158.3 L/h
Maximum dosing pump flow rate (caustic) 277.3 L/h
Maximum dosing pump pressure 230 kPa
14. Chemical Consumption Summary
Sodium Hypochlorite Consumption due to MC1 0.000000 L/m3 filtrate
Sodium Hypochlorite Consumption due to MC1 + 2 0.002594 L/m3 filtrate
Sodium Hypochlorite Consumption due to RC1 0.000108 L/m3 filtrate
Total Sodium Hypochlorite Consumption 0.002702 L/m3 filtrate
Total Daily Sodium Hypochlorite Consumption 7.087 L/day
Total Annual Sodium Hypochlorite Consumption 2587 L/year
Sodium Hydroxide Consumption due to MC2 0.000000 L/m3 filtrate
Sodium Hydroxide Consumption due to MC1 + 2 0.004545 L/m3 filtrate
Sodium Hydroxide Consumption due to RC2 0.000110 L/m3 filtrate
Total Sodium Hydroxide Consumption 0.004655 L/m3 filtrate
Total Daily Sodium Hydroxide Consumption 12.21 L/day
Total Annual Sodium Hydroxide Consumption 4457 L/year
Hydrochloric Acid Consumption due to MC3 0.003635 L/m3 filtrate
Hydrochloric Acid Consumption due to RC3 0.000205 L/m3 filtrate
Total Acid Consumption 0.003840 L/m3 filtrate
Total Daily Acid Consumption 10.07 L/day
Total Annual Acid Consumption 3677 L/year
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the printouts produced by this program are estimates of product
performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed or implied unless provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics representative. Calculations for chemical
consumption are provided for convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of chemical needed for pH adjustment is feedwater dependent and not
membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required,please contact your Hydranautics representative. on-standard or extended warranties may result in
different pricing than previously quoted.
15. Auxiliary Equipment Recommendations
Number of RC pumps 1
RC maximum pump flow 105.4 m3/h
RC maximum pump pressure 230 kPa
RC Tank Size 4.722 m3
Number of Compressors/Air Receivers/Dryers 1
Compressed Air Receiver Size** 0.138 m3
Air Volume required to do a Pressurized Drain and MIT*** 0.645 m3
Compressor Rating**** 10.42 m3/h
Dryer Rating***** 10 m3/h
*All sizes expressed in this table depend upon site requirements
*All sizes expressed correspond to working volume capacities not including piping from tank to racks or safety factors
**Assumes air in receiver is at 6 bar.Only considers volume required for air assisted chemical drain and integrity testing, which is delivered to the rack at ~1.4
bar. Does not consider requirements of any other equipment requiring compressed air for operation.
***Assumes pressure required for the modules (no piping) and a 50% safety factor.
****Assumes a 50% safety factor and that the air will be delivered within the first third air scour and chemical drain step.
*****Assumes dryer is only used for pneumatic valve operations.
16. Automatic Valves
1 1 Filtrate chlorine
injection valve
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the
printouts produced by this program are estimates of product performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed or implied unless
provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics representative. Calculations for chemical consumption are provided for
convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of chemical needed for pH adjustment is
feedwater dependent and not membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required,please
contact your Hydranautics representative. on-standard or extended warranties may result in different pricing than previously quoted.
HYDRAcap® MAX 80 Process Overview
Membrane System
Project Information Number of Racks 1
Project Title GACL Nalco (2) (1) Modules per Rack 25
Application RO Pretreatment Temperature Corrected
Average Gross Flux, LMH
Client Name GACL
Recovery, % 97.35
Prepared By
Filtration time, min 34
Flow, m3/d 2623
RC Pump
Max Flow, m3/h 105.4
Max Pressure, kPa 230
Flow, m3/d 0
RC Tank
Volume, m3 4.722
Flow, m3/d 2694
Feed Source Waste Water - Industrial Chemical Maintenance Clean
Temp, oC 27 Stock Chemical NaOCl NaOH HCl NaOCl + NaOH
Turbidity, NTU 1 Concentration 12 % 30 % 30 % 12 % + 30 %
MCs / Rack / Day 0 0 1 2
Total, m3/d 71.46 Chem. Use, LPD 0 0 9.535 6.805 + 11.92
Chemical, m3/d 14.35 Dosing Pump Flow, LPH 158.3 277.3 443.5
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the printouts produced by this program are estimates of product performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed
or implied unless provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics representative. Calculations for chemical consumption are provided for convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of
chemical needed for pH adjustment is feedwater dependent and not membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required, please contact your Hydranautics representative. Non-standard or extended warranties may result in
different pricing than previously quoted.
Integrated Membranes Solutions Design Software, 2018
Pass - Perm. Flow / Vessel Flux DP Flux Beta Stagewise Pressure Perm. Element Element PV# x
Stage Flow Feed Conc Max Perm. Boost Conc TDS Type Quantity Elem #
m3/h m3/h m3/h lmh bar lmh bar bar bar mg/l
1-1 62.4 7.8 3.4 17.1 0.6 20.7 1.13 3 0 15.5 78 CPA5-LD 98 14 x 7M
1-2 19.6 7.8 4.5 12.6 0.7 16.8 1.1 0 0 14.6 227.4 CPA5-LD 42 6 x 7M
Ion (mg/l) Raw Water Feed Water Water Concentrate 1 Concentrate 2
Hardness, as CaCO3 792.13 792.13 6.355 3154.9 3154.9
Ca 148.00 148.00 1.187 343.9 589.5
Mg 103.00 103.00 0.826 239.3 410.2
Na 1050.76 1050.76 39.953 2412.5 4090.2
K 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0.0
NH4 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0.0
Ba 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
Sr 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
H 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0.0
CO3 0.82 0.51 0.001 3.2 10.5
HCO3 147.00 144.38 9.002 325.5 543.1
SO4 34.00 34.00 0.251 79.0 135.5
Cl 2070.00 2071.90 60.667 4773.7 8119.5
F 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0.0
NO3 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0.0
PO4 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0.0
OH 0.00 0.01 0.000 0.0 0.0
SiO2 71.00 71.00 1.957 163.7 278.6
B 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0.0
CO2 3.81 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93
TDS 3624.58 3623.55 113.85 8340.75 14177.19
pH 7.70 7.50 6.37 7.82 8.02
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the printouts produced by this program are
estimates of product performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed or implied unless provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics
representative. Calculations for chemical consumption are provided for convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of chemical
needed for pH adjustment is feedwater dependent and not membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required, please contact your
Hydranautics representative. Non-standard or extended warranties may result in different pricing than previously quoted. Version : 1.222.81 %
Email :
Integrated Membranes Solutions Design Software, 2018
1-2 1 15.3 0.14 6.7 9 0.6 16.8 1.08 81.1 0.843 0.587 28.489 43.202
1-2 2 15.2 0.12 7.2 8.3 0.6 15.4 1.1 84.9 0.882 0.614 29.8 45.198
1-2 3 15.1 0.11 7.8 7.6 0.5 14.1 1.08 89.3 0.929 0.646 31.343 47.548
1-2 4 15 0.1 8.5 6.9 0.5 12.6 1.07 94.4 0.982 0.683 33.123 50.259
1-2 5 14.9 0.09 9.1 6.1 0.4 11 1.07 100.1 1.043 0.726 35.146 53.341
1-2 6 14.8 0.08 9.8 5.4 0.4 9.7 1.07 106.6 1.111 0.773 37.415 56.799
1-2 7 14.7 0.07 10.4 4.7 0.3 8.3 1.06 113.8 1.187 0.826 39.93 60.632
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the printouts produced by this program are
estimates of product performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed or implied unless provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics
representative. Calculations for chemical consumption are provided for convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of chemical
needed for pH adjustment is feedwater dependent and not membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required, please contact your
Hydranautics representative. Non-standard or extended warranties may result in different pricing than previously quoted. Version : 1.222.81 %
Email :
Integrated Membranes Solutions Design Software, 2018
The above saturations limits only apply when using effective scale inhibitor or dispersant. Without scale
inhibitor or dispersant, the saturation and precipitation limit of the contaminant should not exceed its solubility in
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the printouts produced by this program are
estimates of product performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed or implied unless provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics
representative. Calculations for chemical consumption are provided for convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of chemical
needed for pH adjustment is feedwater dependent and not membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required, please contact your
Hydranautics representative. Non-standard or extended warranties may result in different pricing than previously quoted. Version : 1.222.81 %
Email :
Integrated Membranes Solutions Design Software, 2018
Stream No. Flow (m3/h) Pressure (bar) TDS (mg/l) pH Econd (µs/cm)
1 109 0 3625 7.70 6489
2 109 16.2 3624 7.50 6492
3 109 16.2 3624 7.50 6492
4 46.9 15.5 8341 7.82 13973
5 27.3 14.6 14177 8.02 22888
6 62.4 3.00 78.0 6.21 159
7 19.6 0 227 6.66 463
8 82.0 0 114 6.37 232
Product performance calculations are based on nominal element performance when operated on a feed water of acceptable quality. The results shown on the printouts produced by this program are
estimates of product performance. No guarantee of product or system performance is expressed or implied unless provided in a separate warranty statement signed by an authorized Hydranautics
representative. Calculations for chemical consumption are provided for convenience and are based on various assumptions concerning water quality and composition. As the actual amount of chemical
needed for pH adjustment is feedwater dependent and not membrane dependent, Hydranautics does not warrant chemical consumption. If a product or system warranty is required, please contact your
Hydranautics representative. Non-standard or extended warranties may result in different pricing than previously quoted. Version : 1.222.81 %
Email :
Project Information
Project Name/ Location: GNAL Project Dahej
Country of Installation: India
RO Designation: RO System
Prepared by: ISGEC
Date: 30-01-2019
Version: 2.0.0
Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant Proposal
All queries and requests for additional information can be made to:
Nalco Company - PermaCare products
Web site:
North America (+1) 630 305 1000, South America (+55) 11 5644 6500,
Europe (+31) 71 524 1100, Pacific (+65) 686 14011
Disclaimer: The information used in the RO Optimizer computer program is based on published data, laboratory studies and practical experience.
Since the conditions in which the PermaTreat antiscalants may be used are outside our control, We cannot warranty the results obtained.
Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant Proposal
Project Information
Project Name/ Location: GNAL Project Dahej
Country of Installation: India
RO Designation: RO System
Prepared by: ISGEC
Date: 30-01-2019
Version: 2.0.0
Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant Proposal
Recovery adjusted to 75 vs. 75 ; Feed pH adjusted to 7.5 vs. 7.7; Temperature adjusted to 35 vs. 25.