SONI GridCode June2019
SONI GridCode June2019
SONI GridCode June2019
Requirements in the Grid Code which are not marked by a symbol and border are applicable to all
Users (which expression means all persons (other than the TSO) to whom any individual section of
the Grid Code applies).
Requirements in the Grid Code which are marked by a symbol and border as per Table 1: Non-RfG
Generation Requirements are applicable to Non-RfG Generation Units.
Requirements in the Grid Code which are marked by a symbol and border as per Table 2: RfG
Generation Requirements are applicable to New Generation Units.
26 June 2019
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
GLOSSARY AND DEFINITIONS (GD) ..................................................................................................... 8
GD1. DEFINED TERMS ........................................................................................................ 8
GD2. CONSTRUCTION OF REFERENCES ....................................................................... 57
PC1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 59
PC2 OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................. 60
PC3 SCOPE ......................................................................................................................... 61
PC4 PLANNING CRITERIA - TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ............................................ 61
PC5 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM CAPACITY STATEMENT .......................................... 61
PC5.1 Development of the Transmission System ................................................................... 61
PC5.2 Transmission System Capacity Statement ................................................................... 62
PC6 PLANNING DATA REQUIREMENTS FROM USERS ............................................ 62
PC6.1 Requirement to provide Planning Data ........................................................................ 62
PC6.2 Manner of provision by Users ...................................................................................... 63
PC6.3 Data to be provided ...................................................................................................... 63
PC6.4 Status of Planning Data ................................................................................................ 64
TRANSMISSION USE OF SYSTEM AGREEMENTS ............................................. 68
PC7.1 Application Procedure for New Connection and/or Transmission Use of
System Agreements ...................................................................................................... 68
PC7.2 Offer of Terms ............................................................................................................. 68
PC7.3 Right to Reject an Application ..................................................................................... 69
PC7.4 Connection / Transmission Use of System Agreements .............................................. 69
PC7.5 Applications for Modifications .................................................................................... 70
OBLIGATIONS ........................................................................................................... 70
THE DNO) CONNECTED TO THE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ONLY ............................... 71
PC.A1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 71
PART 1 71
PC.A2 STANDARD PLANNING DATA .............................................................................. 71
PC.A2.1 CONNECTION SITE AND USER SYSTEM DATA ................................................. 71
PC.A2.2 DEMAND DATA ........................................................................................................ 72
PC.A2.3 GENERATING UNIT AND POWER STATION DATA ........................................... 73
PART 2 75
PC.A3 DETAILED PLANNING DATA ................................................................................ 75
PC.A3.1 CONNECTION SITE AND USER SYSTEM DATA ................................................. 75
PC.A3.2 DEMAND DATA ........................................................................................................ 79
PC.A3.3 GENERATING UNIT AND POWER STATION DATA ........................................... 79
PC.A3.4 ADDITIONAL / ALTERNATIVE DATA .................................................................. 84
THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ................................................................................................ 86
PC.B1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 86
26 June 2019
PC.B.2 STANDARD PLANNING DATA .............................................................................. 86
PC.B2.1 CONNECTION SITE AND USER SYSTEM DATA ................................................. 86
PC.B2.2 GENERATING UNIT AND POWER STATION DATA ........................................... 86
PART 2 89
PC.B3 DETAILED PLANNING DATA ................................................................................ 89
PC.B3.1 CONNECTION SITE AND USER SYSTEM DATA ................................................. 89
PC.B3.2 GENERATING UNIT AND POWER STATION DATA ........................................... 91
PC.B3.3 ADDITIONAL / ALTERNATIVE DATA .................................................................. 94
APPENDIX C PLANNING DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DNO ................................................ 97
PC.C1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 97
PC.C2 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................... 97
PC.C3 BULK SUPPLY POINT DEMAND DATA................................................................ 97
PC.C3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 97
PC.C3.2 Historic Bulk Supply Point Demand Data ................................................................... 97
PC.C3.3 Forecasted Bulk Supply Point Demand Data ............................................................... 98
PC.C4 DEMAND CONNECTED TO THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM .............................. 99
PC.C5 FLUCTUATING LOADS > 5 MVA .......................................................................... 99
PC.C.6 ABNORMAL LOADS................................................................................................. 99
PC.C7 ADDITIONAL / ALTERNATIVE DATA ................................................................ 100
APPENDIX D MODELLING REQUIREMENTS FOR USERS ........................................................... 104
PC.D1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 104
PC.D2. MODELLING REQUIREMENTS FOR USERS ...................................................... 104
PC.D3. MODEL CAPABILITIES .......................................................................................... 104
PC.D4. MODEL DOCUMENTATION AND SOURCE CODE ........................................... 105
PC.D5. CONFIDENTIALITY ................................................................................................ 105
PC.D6. PROVISION OF INFORMATION ........................................................................... 106
PC.D7. VALIDATION ........................................................................................................... 106
PC.D8. SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................ 107
APPENDIX E CCGT Installation Matrix example form ......................................................................... 103
CONNECTION CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................... 107
CC1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 107
CC2 OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................ 108
CC3 SCOPE ....................................................................................................................... 108
CC4 CONNECTION PRINCIPLES .................................................................................. 108
CC5 SUPPLY STANDARDS ............................................................................................ 109
CC6 TECHNICAL CRITERIA:......................................................................................... 110
CC7 TECHNICAL CRITERIA:......................................................................................... 116
CC8 TECHNICAL CRITERIA:......................................................................................... 117
CC9 SITE RELATED CONDITIONS ............................................................................... 130
CC10 APPROVAL TO CONNECT .................................................................................... 132
CC11 Obligations on Users connected to the Distribution System ...................................... 136
CC12 Generator AGGREGATORS ..................................................................................... 138
CC13 DEMAND SIDE UNITS............................................................................................ 128
CC14 FUEL SECURITY CODE ......................................................................................... 141
26 June 2019
CONNECTION CONDITIONS SCHEDULE 1 ...................................................................................... 142
PPMs ......................................................................................................................................... 142
PPMs ......................................................................................................................................... 152
CONNECTION CONDITIONS SCHEDULE 2 ...................................................................................... 157
SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................... 157
SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................... 174
THE PREPARATION OF SITE RESPONSIBILITY SCHEDULES ...................................... 185
APPENDIX 2 PROCEDURES RELATING TO OWNERSHIP DIAGRAMS ...................................... 188
APPENDIX 3 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 190
OPERATING CODE NO. 1 DEMAND FORECASTING ..................................................................... 192
OPERATING CODE NO. 2 OPERATIONAL PLANNING .................................................................. 196
OC2 APPENDIX 1 OC2.A1.1 Capability Chart for CDGUs and CCGT Modules within a
CCGT Installation 229
OC2 APPENDIX 2 ................................................................................................................................... 231
OPERATING CODE NO.3 OPERATING MARGIN............................................................................. 233
OC3 APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................... 237
OPERATING CODE NO. 4 DEMAND CONTROL .............................................................................. 238
OPERATING CODE NO. 5 OPERATIONAL LIAISON ....................................................................... 246
OPERATING CODE NO. 6 SAFETY CO-ORDINATION ................................................................... 252
OC6 - APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................................ 260
OC6 - APPENDIX B ................................................................................................................................ 261
OPERATING CODE NO.7 CONTINGENCY PLANNING .................................................................. 262
INFORMATION SUPPLY ....................................................................................................... 270
ACCORDANCE WITH OC8.4.1 .............................................................................................. 274
BE REQUESTED UNDER OC8.4.2 ........................................................................................ 275
APPARATUS AT CONNECTION SITES ............................................................................... 276
OPERATING CODE NO. 10 SYSTEM TESTS ..................................................................................... 278
PART A – PPA CDGUs only ................................................................................................................... 289
OC11 PART A – APPENDIX TABLE A ............................................................................................... 304
OC11 PART A – APPENDIX TABLE B ................................................................................................ 305
PART B – All User’s Equipment other than PPA CDGUs ...................................................................... 306
OC11 PART B – APPENDIX TABLE A................................................................................................ 315
OC11 PART B – APPENDIX TABLE B ................................................................................................ 316
26 June 2019
OC11 PARTB – APPENDIX TABLE C .................................................................................................. 293
SCHEDULING AND DISPATCH CODE NO.1 UNIT SCHEDULING ............................................... 318
SDC1 – APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................. 344
SDC1 - APPENDIX B .............................................................................................................................. 349
ANNEX I .................................................................................................................................................. 351
DISPATCH................................................................................................................................ 356
SDC2 - APPENDIX A Dispatch Instructions for CDGUs and Demand Side Units .............................. 368
SDC2 - APPENDIX B .............................................................................................................................. 373
SDC2 - APPENDIX C Dispatch Instructions for different fuels ............................................................. 374
SDC2 - APPENDIX D PPA Generation Provision ................................................................................. 375
ANNEX I .................................................................................................................................................. 376
SCHEDULING AND DISPATCH CODE NO.3 FREQUENCY CONTROL........................................ 365
DATA REGISTRATION CODE ............................................................................................................. 384
SCHEDULE 1 DATA REGISTRATION CODE .................................................................................... 389
PARAMETERS, RESPONSE CAPABILITY DATA AND SDC1 DATA.............................. 396
STATION EQUIPMENT/INTERCONNECTOR OUTAGES ................................................. 404
DATA AND ENERGY SALES DATA .................................................................................... 408
SCHEDULE 5 DATA REGISTRATION CODE USERS SYSTEM DATA......................................... 409
SUPPLY POINTS ..................................................................................................................... 412
DATA PART 1 - DEMAND CONTROL DATA .................................................................... 413
USERS....................................................................................................................................... 415
GENERAL CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................... 417
METERING CODE .................................................................................................................................. 424
SUB-CODE No. 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 455
SUB-CODE No. 2.1 .................................................................................................................................. 466
SUB-CODE No. 2.2 .................................................................................................................................. 477
SUB-CODE No. 2.3 .................................................................................................................................. 488
SUB-CODE No. 2.4 .................................................................................................................................. 499
SUB-CODE No. 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 518
AGREED PROCEDURE No. 1 ................................................................................................................ 527
AGREED PROCEDURE No. 2 ................................................................................................................ 536
AGREED PROCEDURE No. 3 ................................................................................................................ 545
AGREED PROCEDURE No. 4 ................................................................................................................ 556
AGREED PROCEDURE No. 5 ................................................................................................................ 567
AGREED PROCEDURE No. 6 ................................................................................................................ 576
AGREED PROCEDURE No. 7 ................................................................................................................ 588
26 June 2019
1. The Grid Code is designed to permit the development, maintenance and operation of an
efficient, co-ordinated and economical Transmission System, to facilitate the
Transmission System being made available to persons authorised to supply or generate
electricity and in conjunction with the arrangements in place in the Republic of Ireland
generally to facilitate competition in the generation and supply of electricity on the Island of
Ireland and is conceived as a statement of what is optimal (particularly from a technical
point of view) for all Users and the Transmission System Operator (TSO) itself in
relation to the planning, operation and use of the Transmission System. It seeks to avoid
any undue discrimination between Users and categories of Users.
2. The TSO has a number of licence conditions designed to achieve the objectives of the
Single Electricity Market (SEM). To comply with these conditions, the TSO is obliged to
act in conjunction with the Other TSO. In addition, the TSO must also have in place and
comply with new arrangements between the TSO and the Transmission Owner (TO). The
detailed arrangements are set out in two documents:
(a) The System Operator Agreement (SOA) between the TSO and the Other TSO;
(b) The Transmission Interface Agreement (TIA) between the TSO and the TO.
3. Where a Licence Condition, or one of the above agreements, requires the TSO to assist, co-
operate with or provide information to the Other TSO, the TO or the DNO then it is
obliged to do so. This is likely to entail the exchange of data, some of which may have been
received from Users including those connected to the Distribution System. The occasions
where this may be necessary are identified in the relevant sections of the Grid Code.
4. The Operating procedures and principles governing the TSO's relationship with all Users
under the Grid Code, be they the DNO, Generators, Suppliers, Interconnector Users,
Interconnector Owners, Generator Aggregators, Demand Side Unit Operator(s) or
Large Demand Customers are set out in the Grid Code. The Grid Code specifies day-to-
day procedures for both planning and operational purposes and covers both normal and
exceptional circumstances.
(a) a Planning Code which provides generally for the supply of certain information
by Users in order that the planning and development of the Transmission System
may be undertaken. The Planning Code applies to:
(iii) Suppliers;
26 June 2019
(iv) Large Demand Customers;
(v) Aggregators;
(b) Connection Conditions which specify the minimum technical, design and certain
operational criteria which must be complied with by Users connected to or seeking
connection with the Transmission System. The Connection Conditions apply to:
(iii) Suppliers;
(v) Aggregators;
(c) an Operating Code which is split into a number of sections and deals with:
26 June 2019
(aa) Generators with respect to Generating Units connected to the
Transmission System;
(ix) the procedures for determining the number and nomenclature of Plant
and Apparatus at Connection Sites (OC9);
(x) the procedures for the establishment of System Tests (OC10). OC10
applies to:
26 June 2019
(aa) Generators with respect to Generating Units connected to the
Transmission System;
(cc) Aggregators;
(d) a Scheduling and Dispatch Code which is split into three sections and deals with:
(e) a Data Registration Code which sets out a unified listing of all data required by
the TSO from Users, and by Users from the TSO, under the Grid Code;
(f) General Conditions which are intended to ensure, so far as possible, that the
various sections of the Grid Code work together and work in practice and which
include provisions relating to the establishment of a Grid Code Review Panel and
other provisions of a general nature; and
(g) a Metering Code which is split into a number of sections, which deal in particular
6. This Introduction is provided to Users and to prospective Users for information only and
does not constitute part of the Grid Code.
26 June 2019
In the Grid Code the following words and expressions shall, unless the subject matter or the context
otherwise requires or is inconsistent therewith, bear the following meanings:
Active Power Control Set-Point Ramp Rate The rate of increase or decrease of Active Power
Output of a PPM in response to an Active Power
Dispatch Instruction sent by the TSO via
SCADA when the PPM is operating in an Active
Power control mode. This ramp rate will be
calculated by the Generator each time an Active
Power Dispatch Instruction is sent by the TSO
via SCADA based on the change in Active Power
required and the curtailment time interval set
1000 kW = 1 MW;
1000 MW = 1 GW.
Additional Grid Code Availability Notice A notice submitted by a User to the TSO pursuant
to SDC1.4.2 relating to additional data on
26 June 2019
Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice A notice to be submitted to the TSO pursuant to
SDC1.4.4.2 relating to additional technical data.
26 June 2019
Monitoring Procedures the TSO for conducting certain Tests and
undertaking certain Monitoring and which form
part of the Grid Code.
26 June 2019
Connection Point and at the direct
connection with the Distribution System)
stated in accordance with SDC1.4.1.1(a) to
be the capability of the CDGU or
Controllable PPM to generate electricity
during that period. In relation to all CDGUs
including an Open Cycle Gas Turbine
CDGU and/or a CCGT Installation, the
Availability declared by a Generator shall
correspond to the maximum generation of
electricity which that Generator’s CDGU
can achieve during that period. In relation to
all CDGUs, the Availability declared by a
Generator shall correspond to the level of
generation of electricity up to and including
the Contracted Capacity (for PPA CDGUs
other than PPA Open Cycle Gas Turbines)
or Contracted Capacity (Peak) (for PPA
Open Cycle Gas Turbines) or Registered
Capacity (for non-PPA plant) which that
CDGU can achieve during that period;
26 June 2019
Average Cold Spell Demand The forecast of peak daily Demand during
average cold spell conditions.
26 June 2019
combined cycle efficiency of the CCGT
Centrally Dispatched Generating Unit (CDGU) A Generating Unit within a Power Station
subject to Central Dispatch, which comprises,
unless specified otherwise in relation to a
particular use of the term a Thermal Plant
including a CCGT Installation, a Dispatchable
PPM, Hydro Unit and Pumped Storage Plant in
respect of its Pumped Storage Generation.
26 June 2019
Commissioning/ Acceptance Test Testing of a CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped
Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power
Station Demand, Demand Side Units,
Aggregated Generating Units, Interconnector
or an item of User's Equipment required pursuant
to the Connection Conditions prior to connection
or re-connection in order to determine whether or
not it is suitable for connection to the System and
also to determine the new values of parameters to
apply to it following a material alteration or
modification of a CDGU, Controllable PPM,
Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy
Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side
Units, Aggregated Generating Units,
Interconnector or of an item of User's
Equipment and the term
“Commissioning/Acceptance Testing” shall be
construed accordingly.
Committed Project Planning Data Has the meaning set out in PC6.4.3.
Connection Agreement In the case of a User other than the DNO, the
bilateral agreement between the TSO and the
User, which contains the detail specific to the
User’s connection to the Transmission System.
26 June 2019
Constrained Group A group of Generating Units located within a
constrained part of the System as determined by
the TSO.
26 June 2019
Contracted Technical Parameters In relation to a PPA CDGU, the values of
Technical Parameters which are identical to those
parameters set out in schedule 1 to the Generating
Unit Agreement for that CDGU, which are there
referred to as "Contracted Operating
Characteristics", as those values are amended
from time to time in accordance with that
Generating Unit Agreement. In the case of a
CDGU other than a PPA CDGU, the values of
Technical Parameters which are identical to the
parameters set out in the relevant SSS Agreement
and referred to as “SSS Parameters”, as those
values are amended from time to time in
accordance with that SSS Agreement.
Control Circuit Load Management A direct Load management arrangement whereby
certain separate domestic off peak Loads can be
controlled by the TSO via radio teleswitch.
Control Facility A location used for the purpose of Monitoring,
control and operation of the User’s Plant and
Apparatus and for accepting Dispatch
Instructions via Electronic Interface.
26 June 2019
Data Registration Code or DRC The part of the Grid Code which is identified as
the Data Registration Code.
Declared Fuel A fuel having the characteristics described in
schedule 3 of the relevant Generating Unit
Delivery Point Has the meaning ascribed to it in the relevant
Generating Unit Agreement or, in the case of a
CDGU other than a PPA CDGU or Controllable
PPM, in the relevant Connection Agreement.
Deload Break Point The point at which due to technical reason a
Generating Unit may need to pause during its
MW Output reduction process.
Demand Side Unit MW Availability The forecasted change in Active Power which can
be achieved in one currency zone by a Demand
Side Unit for each Imbalance Settlement Period
Imbalance Settlement Period in the following
Trading Day period and which must be submitted
by the User to the TSO in an Availability Notice
under SDC1.4.1.2.
Demand Side Unit Best Correlated Profile The four Demand Side Unit Profiles from one
day to eighty-four days prior to the Dispatch
26 June 2019
Instruction, offset to minimise the average
absolute error across all the Meter periods
comprising the Demand Side Unit Profile when
compared to the Demand Side Unit Profile which
finishes with the Dispatch period, resulting in the
four smallest average absolute errors, averaged.
Demand Side Unit Calculated MWh Response The value of the half-hour Demand Side Unit
Performance Monitoring Baseline less the sum
of the half-hour Meter readings of all the
Individual Demand Sites that comprise the
Demand Side Unit aligned to a half-hour Meter
Demand Side Unit MW Capacity The maximum change in Active Power that can
be achieved by a Demand Side Unit on a
sustained basis for the duration of the Demand
Side Unit’s Maximum Down Time by totalling
the potential increase in on-site Active Power
Generation and the potential decrease in on-site
Active Power Demand at each Individual
Demand Site.
Demand Side Unit MWh Response The equivalent Energy in a half-hour Meter
period of a Demand Side Unit MW Response
requested in a Dispatch Instruction.
Demand Side Unit MW Response Time The time as specified by the Demand Side Unit
Operator in the Technical Parameters and is the
time it takes for the Demand Side Unit Operator
to be able to implement the Demand Side Unit
MW Response from receipt of the Dispatch
Instruction from the TSO.
Demand Side Unit Notice Time The time as specified by the Demand Side Unit
Operator in the Technical Parameters and is the
time it takes for the Demand Side Unit to begin
ramping to the Demand Side Unit MW Response
from receipt of the Dispatch Instruction from the
Demand Side Unit Operator A person who operates a Demand Side Unit, with
a Demand Side MW Capacity not less than 4
Demand Side Unit Performance An Energy value for each half-hour Meter
Monitoring Baseline period while a Demand Side Unit is
Dispatched. It is the Demand Side Unit Best
Correlated Profile excluding the first twenty four
half-hour Meter periods
26 June 2019
Demand Side Unit Performance The absolute value of the Demand Side Unit
Monitoring Error Calculated MWh Response less the Demand
Side Unit MWh Response.
Demand Side Unit Performance The absolute value of the Demand Side Unit
Monitoring Percentage Error Calculated MWh Response less the Demand
Side Unit MWh Response divided by the
Demand Side Unit MWh Response.
Demand Side Unit SCADA Error The Demand Side Unit Calculated MWh
Response less the accumulated Energy calculated
from Demand Side Unit MW Response from
Generation operating as a continuous
Synchronous Generating Unit signal (CC.13.3
(a)) plus the Demand Side Unit MW Response
from avoided Demand consumption and
Generation in DSU Short-term Synchronous
Operating Mode signal (CC.13.3 (c)) in the same
half-hour Meter period.
Demand Side Unit SCADA Percentage Error The Demand Side Unit Calculated MWh
Response less the accumulated Energy calculated
from Demand Side Unit MW Response from
Generation operating as a continuous
Synchronous Generating Unit signal (CC.13.3
(a)) plus the Demand Side Unit MW Response
from avoided Demand consumption and
Generation operating in DSU Short-term
Synchronous Operating Mode signal (CC.13.3
(c)) divided by Demand Side Unit Calculated
26 June 2019
MWh Response the in the same half-hour Meter
Demand Side Unit Ramp Time The time it takes for a Demand Side Unit to ramp
to the Demand Side Unit MW Response. It is
equal to the Demand Side Unit MW Response
Time less the Demand Side Unit Notice Time.
26 June 2019
Dispatch The issue by the TSO of instructions to a
Generator, Pumped Storage Generator, Energy
Storage Generator, Interconnector Owner,
Demand Side Unit Operator or Generator
Aggregator in respect of its CDGU, Pumped
Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power
Station Demand, Demand Side Unit,
Aggregated Generating Units or Interconnector
pursuant to SDC2 and the term "Dispatched" shall
be construed accordingly.”
Dispatch Instruction Test Flag The flag indicating that a Dispatch Instruction
will not be deemed to be a Dispatch Instruction
for settlement purposes, used when the TSO
approves new or amended test proposals submitted
by a Generator after Gate Closure 2 (or there is
insufficient time for the TSO to evaluate and
approve the test proposal before Gate Closure 2)
and as a result, the Dispatch Instructions issued
by the TSO diverge from the Final Physical
26 June 2019
Distribution Network Owner (DNO) NIE acting in its capacity as owner of the
Distribution System.
Distribution System The electric lines within the Authorised Area, as
defined in the licence held by the DNO, owned by
the Distribution Licensee (but not, for the
avoidance of doubt, any lines forming part of the
transmission system or any Interconnector), and
any other electric lines which the Authority may
specify as forming part of the distribution system,
together with (in each case) any Plant and
Apparatus and/or meters owned or operated by
the DNO used in connection with the distribution
of electricity.
DNO Connection Agreement The bilateral agreement between the DNO and the
DNO Demand Customer, which contains the
detail specific to the DNO Demand Customer’s
connection to the Distribution System.
Dwell Time Down The duration for which the Generating Unit must
remain at the Dwell Time Down Trigger Point
during a change in its MW Output while ramping
down between instructed MW Output and
Minimum Generation.
Dwell Time Down Trigger Point A constant MW level at which a Generating Unit
must remain while ramping down between
instructed MW Output and Minimum
Generation. There may be circumstances where
more than one parameter applies and this is
indicated by adding a number at the end of the
Dwell Time Up The duration for which the Generating Unit must
remain at the Dwell Time Up Trigger Point
during a change in its MW Output while ramping
26 June 2019
up between Minimum Generation and instructed
MW Output.
End Point of Start Up Period The time after which the rate of change of the
Generating Unit Output is not dependent upon
the initial Warmth of the Generating Unit.
26 June 2019
Energy Limit The forecasted maximum amount of Energy that
can be generated by an Energy Limited
Generating Unit within the Trading Day.
Energy Limited Generating Unit A Generating Unit with a limit on the Energy it
can deliver in a specified time period.
Energy Storage Power Station (ESPS) A collection of one or more storage devices owned
and/or operated by the same Generator, as a PPM
or as part of a PPM, and joined together by a
System with a single Connection Point or
connection to the Distribution System.
Energy Storage Power Station Generation An Energy Storage Power Station in its
operation of producing Energy.
Energy Storage Generator A Generator which owns and/or operates any
Energy Storage Power Station.
Energy Storage Power Station Demand An Energy Storage Power Station in its
operation of consuming Energy.
Event Has the meaning set out in OC5.4.2.
Event Recorder An electronic device that measures and records
data at locations on the NI System, including but
not limited to quality of supply, dynamic system
behaviour and fault recording.
26 June 2019
prepared by the TSO for Year 1 pursuant to
Final Physical Notification In respect of an certain Users and the Physical
Notification submitted in accordance with
SDC1.4.4.6 for an Imbalance Settlement Period,
the last Physical Notification received for that
Imbalance Settlement Period before Gate
Closure 2 for that Imbalance Settlement Period.
Final Report Has the meaning set out in OC10.A.4.
Flexible Planned Outage A Planned Outage which can at the request of the
TSO be deferred by a period or advanced by a
period (and the period for which it is planned (and
therefore excluding any overrun), including the
periods for which it may be advanced or deferred,
shall be known as the Flexible Planned Outage
Forbidden Zone A MW range within which a Generator cannot
operate in a stable manner due to an inherent
technical limitation of the machine.
Forecast Minimum Output Profile The User’s forecast of the average level of
minimum MW Output for a Pumped Storage
Plant or Energy Storage Power Station for each
Imbalance Settlement Period in the Trading
26 June 2019
Frequency Response Deadband An interval used intentionally to make the
Frequency control unresponsive.
Frequency Sensitive Mode (FSM) The operation of a Generating Unit whereby its
Active Power output is varied automatically to
compensate for variations in the Frequency of the
System in such a way that it assists with the
recovery to target frequency.
26 June 2019
Full Load Maximum electrical output of a Generating Unit
or CCGT Installation less any Demand
associated solely with facilitating the operation of
the Generating Unit, measured at the
Connection Point or, in the case of a Power Park
Module, the maximum electrical output of the
Power Park Module at the power factor stated in
the relevant Connection Agreement less any
Demand associated solely with facilitating the
operation of the Generating Unit(s), measured as
at the Connection Point of the Power Park
Module and depending, in the case of a
Generating Unit which is capable of firing on
two different Designated Fuels, on which
Designated Fuel is being used to operate the
Generating Unit but excluding Maximum
Generation. In respect of a PPA CDGU, the TSO
may take into account the Conversion Factors
when Dispatching such a CDGU.
Fully Available In relation to a CDGU or Controllable PPM (as
the case may be) means Available to the CDGU’s
Contracted Capacity / Registered Capacity
(PPA plant / non-PPA plant respectively) (or full
output in the case of a Controllable PPM or
Dispatchable PPM). In relation to a PPA Open
Cycle Gas Turbine CDGU, means Available to
the CDGU’s Contracted Capacity (Peak).
Gas The gas to be delivered in accordance with
arrangements agreed between the TSO and the
Generator from time to time or where there are
no such arrangements, gas to fuel a CCGT
Gas Turbine Unit A Generating Unit fuelled by Gas or distillate.
26 June 2019
generator (which in the case of a steam turbine
will include the boiler and heat exchanger and in
the case of a gas turbine will include the gas
generator/combustion turbine). In the case of
Power Park Modules, a generator within a
Power Park Module, together with all Plant and
Apparatus (including any step-up transformer)
which relates exclusively to the operation of that
generator. It will be either a Synchronous
Generating Unit or a Non-Synchronous
Generating Unit.
26 June 2019
Generator Transformer The main transformer for a CDGU through which
that power passes from the Generator Terminals
to the NI System.
Governor Droop In relation to the operation of the governor of a
Generating Unit, the percentage drop in NI
System Frequency which would cause the
Generating Unit under free governor action to
change its output from zero to Full Load.
Governor Droop Test In relation to a CDGU or CCGT Module within a
CCGT Installation, a test of the Governor
Grid Code The Grid Code prepared pursuant to the TSO’s
Licence, as from time to time revised in
accordance with the TSO’s Licence.
Grid Code Compliance Agreement An agreement that a User whose Plant and
Apparatus is connected to the Distribution
System is required to enter into with the TSO
pursuant to its connection agreement with the
DNO, such agreement being in the form set out in
Schedule 4 of the Transmission Interface
Grid Code Review Panel The panel with the functions set out in GC6.
High Voltage or HV A voltage exceeding 650 volts.
Hot Cooling Boundary The period of time, following De-
Synchronisation of a Generating Unit after
which the Warmth State transfers from being hot
to being warm.
26 June 2019
Implementing Safety Co-ordinator Has the meaning set out in OC6.4.2.6.
Incident Room The focal point in the TSO or the User, as the
case may be, for the communication of
information between the TSO and the senior
management representatives of Users relating to a
Joint System Incident.
Independent Generating Plant A Power Station which is not subject to Central
Dispatch and is not a Controllable PPM.
Indicative Operations Schedule A schedule prepared by the TSO in conjunction
with the Other TSO pursuant to SDC1.4.8.1.
Inflexible Planned Outage A Planned Outage the Start Date and Start
Time of which cannot be moved by the TSO
under OC2.6.4(d) and which accordingly is
designated as an Inflexible Planned Outage in
the relevant Outage programme produced
pursuant to OC2 (and the period for which it is
planned (and therefore excluding any overrun)
shall be known as the Inflexible Planned Outage
Interconnector Electric lines and electric Plant used for
conveying electricity or provision of Reserves
from outside both of Northern Ireland and the
Republic of Ireland directly to or from a substation
or converter station in either Northern Ireland or
the Republic of Ireland.
Interconnector Schedule Quantities The quantities of Active Power which have been
scheduled on an Interconnector as a result of
trading in day ahead and/or intraday markets and
submitted by a Scheduling Agent.
26 June 2019
Intermediary The person representing a Generating Unit for
the purposes provided for in the TSC.
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode - A Generating Unit operating mode which will
Overfrequency (LFSM-O) result in Active Power output reduction in
response to a change in system frequency above a
certain value (CC8.8.7.1).
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode - A Generating Unit operating mode which will
26 June 2019
Underfrequency (LFSM-U) result in Active Power output increase in response
to a change in system frequency below a certain
value (CC8.8.7.2).
Load Up Break Point Hot The break point which defines the shared MW
boundary between the Loading Rates Hot. The
first Loading Rate Hot applies from Block Load
to the first Load Up Break Point Hot, the second
Loading Rate Hot applies from the first Load Up
Break Point Hot to the second Load Up Break
Point Hot, the third Loading Rate Hot applies
from the second Load Up Break Point Hot to the
end point of the Start-Up period, which should be
set equal to the Minimum Generation.
Load Up Break Point Warm The break point which defines the shared MW
boundary between the Loading Rates Warm. The
first Loading rate applies from Block Load to the
first Load Up Break Point Warm, the second
Loading Rate Warm applies from the first Load
Up Break Point Warm to the second Load Up
Break Point Warm, the third Loading Rate
Warm applies from the second Load Up Break
Point Warm to the end point of the Start-Up
period, which should be set equal to the Minimum
26 June 2019
Loading Rate Cold The rate at which a Generating Unit increases
Output from Block Load to Minimum
Generation when it is instructed to Cold Start.
There may be circumstances where more than one
parameter applies and this is indicated by adding a
number at the end of the parameter.
26 June 2019
Maximisation An increase in MW Output above the
Contracted Capacity (for CDGUs other than
Open Cycle Gas Turbines) or Contracted
Capacity (Peak) (for PPA Open Cycle Gas
Turbines) or Registered Capacity (for non-PPA
plant) up to the level of the Short Term
Maximisation Capability, and the terms
“Maximise” and “Maximised” shall be construed
Maximum Export Capacity The value (in MW, MVA, kW and/or kVA)
provided in accordance with the User’s
Connection Agreement or DNO Demand
Customer’s DNO Connection Agreement.
Maximum Ramp Down Rate The maximum Ramp Down Rate of a Demand
Side Unit. In the case of a Demand Side Unit
which consists of an Aggregated Demand Site
this shall be the aggregated maximum Ramp
Down Rate of the Individual Demand Sites.
26 June 2019
Maximum Storage Capacity The maximum amount of Energy that can be
produced from the reservoir of a Pumped Storage
Generator for a Trading Day.
Minimum Demand Regulation (MDR) That minimum margin of Active Power to provide
a sufficient regulating margin for adequate
Frequency Control.
Minimum Off Time The minimum time that must elapse from the time
of a Generating Unit De-synchronises before it
can be instructed to Start-Up. In the case of
Demand Side Units, the time that must elapse
while the Demand Side Unit MW Response is at
zero until the next delivery of Demand Side Unit
MW Response.
Minimum On Time The minimum time that must elapse from the time
of a Generating Unit Start-Up before it can be
instructed to Shut Down.
26 June 2019
(i) 3 times the Active Energy which would be
produced by the Test Proposer’s Plant
during 1 hour of operation at the Plant’s
Registered Capacity; and
(ii) 500 MWh.
26 June 2019
NIE plc In relation to the period prior to 1 November 2007
in its then capacity as Transmission and
Distribution System operator
No Load Cost A price which forms part of Commercial Offer
Data expressed in € or £/hour and which is
invariant in the level of MW Output and which
applies at all times when the level of MW Output
is greater than zero.
Nominated Power Station Agreement One of the following Power Station Agreements
entered into between NIE plc (and subsequently
transferred to NIE Energy) and the relevant
Generator on the Transfer Date (which date was
1 April 1992), as amended from time to time:
(NCDGU) Dispatch.
26 June 2019
(b) Whose owner has concluded a final and
binding contract for the purchase of the main
Plant on or before 17th May 2018 and
provides evidence of same, as acknowledged
by the TSO, on or before the 11th November
2018. Such evidence shall at least contain the
contract title, its date of signature and date of
entry into force, and the specifications of the
main Plant to be connected, assembled or
purchased; or
(c) Is one of the exceptions to the applicability of
the New Generation Unit requirements and is
a Generating Unit as follows:
(i) Installed to provide back-up power
and operate in parallel with the
Network for less than five minutes
per calendar month while the system
is in normal state; or
(ii) No permanent Connection Point and
is used by the TSO to temporarily
provide power when normal system
capacity is partly or completely
unavailable; or
(iii) Energy Storage Units except for
Pumped Storage Plant.
26 June 2019
(i.e. without operation of any associated Steam
Turbine Units).
26 June 2019
Other Grid Code The code prepared by the Other TSO pursuant to
section 33 of the Electricity Regulation Act 1999
of the Republic of Ireland, and approved by the
relevant regulatory authority, as from time to time
revised, amended, supplemented or replaced with
the approval of or at the instance of the relevant
regulatory authority.
26 June 2019
Generating Unit, Energy Storage Power
Station, Pumped Storage Plant Demand or
Demand Side Unit as declared pursuant to
SDC1.4 and submitted by the TSO to SEM after
the end of the Trading Day.
Outturn Availability Connection Asset. Any equipment that is part of the Transmission
System between and including the Connection
Point and the busbar clamps at the Meshed
Transmission Station for which the TSO
schedules outages.
26 June 2019
Planning Code or PC That part of the Grid Code which is identified as
the Planning Code.
Plant Fixed and movable items other than Apparatus.
Post Event Notice A notice issued by the TSO pursuant to OC11, re-
declaring the Availability or Technical
Parameters of a CDGU.
Power Islands Has the meaning set out in OC7.4.6.2.
Schedule or PPM Settings Schedule accordance with CC.7.2 certain technical criteria
that Generators must comply with in respect of
their Power Park Module.
26 June 2019
agreement being made between NIE Energy on
the one hand and Premier Power Limited on the
PPA CDGU A CDGU which is subject to a Nominated
Generating Unit Agreement as at the Transfer
Date to the extent it continues to be so subject,
which agreement being made between NIE
Energy on the one hand and Kilroot Power
Limited, Premier Power Limited or Coolkeeragh
ESB Limited on the other.
PPA Generation Includes PPA CDGUs and PPA CCGT
Preliminary Notice Has the meaning ascribed to it in OC10.A.1.2.
Preliminary Project Planning Data Has the meaning set out in PC6.4.2.
Price Quantity Pairs Prices and their respective quantity ranges for
Generating Units, Demand Side Unitsand
Aggregated Generating Units as part of
Commercial Offer Data indicating the price of
dispatching away from the relevant Physical
Notifications profile.
26 June 2019
Provisional Outage Programme The provisional Outage programme in respect of
CDGUs and/or Power Station Equipment
prepared by the TSO for Years 2 and 3 pursuant to
Prudent Operating Practice In relation to a User or the TSO, the standard of
practice attained by exercising that degree of skill,
diligence, prudence and foresight which could
reasonably be expected from a skilled and
experienced operator engaged in the same type of
undertaking under the same or similar
Pumped Storage Generation A Pumped Storage Plant in its operation of
producing Energy by releasing water from an
upper reservoir.
Ramp Down Break Point The MW level at which the Ramp Down Rate
changes. There may be circumstances where more
than one parameter applies and this is indicated by
adding a number at the end of the parameter.
26 June 2019
Ramp Up Rate The maximum rate of increase in a Generating
Unit’s Output. This rate of increase continues
until the Generating Unit reaches the level of
output instructed by the control room operator of
its Contracted Capacity (for PPA CDGUs other
than PPA Open Cycle Gas Turbines) or
Contracted Capacity (Peak) (for PPA Open
Cycle Gas Turbines) or Registered Capacity
(for non-PPA plant). The rate of increase may not
depend upon the initial Warmth of the plant but
may depend on the MW Output. There may be
circumstances where more than one parameter
applies and this is indicated by adding a number at
the end of the parameter.
Reactive Power or Mvar The product of voltage and current and the sine of
the phase angle between them measured in units of
volt-amperes reactive and standard multiples
thereof, i.e.:
1000 var = 1 kvar
1000 kvar = 1 Mvar
26 June 2019
Reserve Characteristics The MW level of reserve available at any given
MW Output of a CDGU as set out in the
Sustained Load Diagram.
Resource Following Ramp Rate The maximum rate of increase of Active Power
Output of a PPM in response to an increase in
input resource or removal of any TSO action
via SCADA which limits Active Power Output
of the PPM.
Responsible Engineer/Operator A person nominated by a User to be responsible
for control of the User's System.
Responsible Manager A manager who has been duly authorised by a
User or the TSO to sign Site Responsibility
Schedules on behalf of that User or the TSO, as
the case may be.
RfG Generation Unit A Generating Unit that is not a Non-Rfg
Generation Unit.
Re-Synchronisation The act of achieving the state where the
Frequencies and phase relationships of parts of
the Total System are identical.
RISSP-A and RISSP-B Have the meanings set out in OC6.4.3.2.
Rota Load Shedding Planned Disconnection of Customers on a rota
basis during circumstances when there is a
significant shortfall of generation required to meet
the total Demand for a protracted period.
RTS Notice Has the meaning ascribed to it in OC2.6.8.1.
Safety Co-ordinator Has the meaning set out in OC6.4.2.
Safety from the System That condition which safeguards persons working
or testing HV Apparatus from the dangers which
are inherent in working on items of HV
Safety Precautions Has the meaning set out in OC6.5.1.
Safety Rules The rules and procedures (as amended or re-stated
from time to time) of the TSO or a User to ensure
Safety From The System.
Schedule Day The period from 0000 hours until 2400 hours on
the same day.
Schedule Week The period from 0000 hours on Saturday of any
week until 2400 hours on the next following
Scheduling The process of compiling an Indicative
Operations Schedule as set out in SDC1, and the
term "Scheduled" and like terms shall be
construed accordingly.
26 June 2019
Scheduling Agent In relation to an Interconnector, a person
nominated to provide Interconnector Schedule
Quantities to the TSO.
Scheduling and Dispatch Code (SDC) The parts of the Grid Code which specify the
Scheduling and Dispatch process.
Short Term Maximisation Time The time that the Short-Term Maximisation
Capability could be maintained.
Shutdown Cost or Shut Down Cost The costs associated with shutting down a
Demand Side Unit.
26 June 2019
Significant Test A Test with a total duration of equal to or
greater than 6 hours, or where the Active
Energy produced during the total duration of the
test is equal to or greater than:
(i) 3 times the Active Energy which would
be produced by the Test Proposer’s
Plant during 1 hour of operation at the
Plant’s Registered Capacity; or
(ii) 500 MWh
Single Electricity Market (SEM) The wholesale all-island single electricity market
established and governed pursuant to the relevant
legislation and the TSC.
Site Responsibility Schedule A schedule prepared by the TSO and the TO and
signed by both parties detailing the division of
responsibilities at Connection Sites towards the
ownership, control, operation and maintenance of
Plant and Apparatus and the safety of personnel
at the Connection Site. The format, principles
and basic procedure to be used in the preparation
of Site Responsibility Schedules are set down in
Appendix 1 to the CC.
Soak Time Cold The duration of time for which the Generating
Unit must remain at the Soak Time Trigger
Point Cold during a Cold Start. There may be
circumstances where more than one parameter
applies and this is indicated by adding a number at
the end of the parameter.
Soak Time Hot The duration of time for which the Generating
Unit must remain at the Soak Time Trigger
Point Hot during a Hot Start. There may be
circumstances where more than one parameter
applies and this is indicated by adding a number at
the end of the parameter.
Soak Time Trigger Point Cold A constant MW level at which a Generating Unit
must remain while loading up between Block
Load and Minimum Generation after a Cold
Start. There may be circumstances where more
than one parameter applies and this is indicated by
adding a number at the end of the parameter.
Soak Time Trigger Point Hot A constant MW level at which a Generating Unit
must remain while loading up between Block
26 June 2019
Load and Minimum Generation after a Hot
Start. There may be circumstances where more
than one parameter applies and this is indicated by
adding a number at the end of the parameter.
Soak Time Trigger Point Warm A constant MW level at which a Generating Unit
must remain while loading up between Block
Load and Minimum Generation after a Warm
Start. There may be circumstances where more
than one parameter applies and this is indicated by
adding a number at the end of the parameter.
Soak Time Warm The duration of time for which the Generating
Unit must remain at that Soak Time Trigger
Point Warm during a Warm Start. There may be
circumstances where more than one parameter
applies and this is indicated by adding a number at
the end of the parameter.
Standard Time The time derived from the Caesium Atomic Clock
at Anthorn, England.
26 June 2019
Standing Technical Offer Data Technical offer data provided on registration to the
TSC, and updated in accordance with the TSC, by
a User of each of its Units in accordance with the
Sustained Load Diagram The diagram(s) setting out the reserve capability
of a CDGU submitted to the TSO pursuant to the
PC and, in the case of a PPA CDGU annexed to
schedule 8 of the Generating Unit Agreement for
that CDGU and, in the case of a non-PPA CDGU
annexed to the System Support Services
Agreement for that CDGU.
Sustained Response Test A test carried out by the TSO pursuant to the
provisions of OC11.6.2.
26 June 2019
that Generating Unit or System, as the case may
be, and the System to which it is connected are
identical and all like terms shall be construed
Synchronous Start-Up Time Cold The time taken to bring a Generating Unit to a
Synchronised state from a Cold (De-
Synchronised) state.
Synchronous Start-Up Time Hot The time taken to bring a Generating Unit to a
Synchronised state from a Hot (De-
Synchronised) state.
Synchronous Start-Up Time Warm The time taken to bring a Generating Unit to a
Synchronised state from a Warm (De-
Synchronised) state.
System Operator Agreement (SOA) The agreement of the same name entered into by
the TSO and the Other TSO.
System Support Services Has the meaning set out in Condition 1 of the
TSO Licence.
System Support Services Agreement An agreement between the TSO and a Generator,
(“SSS Agreement”) and in the case of PPA CDGUs between the TSO
and NIE Energy, for the provision by a
Generator of System Support Services, which
includes Ancillary Services.
26 June 2019
Technical Parameters Those parameters listed in Appendix A to SDC1.
26 June 2019
without the TSO's directions relating to a Black
Trading and Settlement Code (TSC) The Single Electricity Market Trading and
Settlement Code adopted by the Market
Operator and approved by the by the Authority
and the Other Authority.
Transmission Interface Agreement (TIA) The agreement of the same name entered into by
the TO and the TSO.
Transmission System Operator (TSO) The holder of the Licence granted pursuant to
Article 10(1)(b) of the Electricity (Northern
Ireland) Order 1992 to operate a Transmission
Transmission Use of System Agreement An agreement between the TSO and a User
setting out the terms relating to use of the All
Island Transmission Networks.
TSO Control Centre A location used for the purpose of control and
operation of the Transmission System which, as
at the Transfer Date, is at Castlereagh House, but
26 June 2019
which may be moved. Notice will be given to
relevant Users if a move should take place.
TSO Financial Year For the purposes of OC1.4.1, means the period
from 1st October in each year to 30th September
in the next following year.
Unit Load Controller A device which regulates the Active Power output
when the Generating Unit is operating in
Frequency Sensitive Mode to ensure (as far as
possible) that it does not exceed or fall short of
previously set limits.
Use of System Charges The TSO’s charges to users for use of the All
Island Transmission Networks.
26 June 2019
Var A single unit of Reactive Power.
Warm Cooling Boundary The period of time, which must be greater than
that defined by the Hot Cooling Boundary, post
De-Synchronisation of a Generating Unit after
which the Generating Unit’s Warmth State
transfers from being warm to cold.
26 June 2019
For a CCGT Installation the Willans Line is the
composite of the heat consumption and electrical
outputs of the several CCGT Modules dependent
at any time on the operating mode of the CCGT
Wind Farm Power Station or WFPS A collection of one or more wind turbines owned
and/or operated by the same Generator and joined
together by a System with a single Connection
Point or connection to the Distribution System.
Wind Farm Power Station Settings The document of that name setting out in
Schedule or WFPS Settings Schedule accordance with CC.7.2 certain technical criteria
that Generators must comply with in respect of
their Wind Farm Power Stations.
26 June 2019
(i) the table of contents and headings are inserted for convenience only and shall be ignored in
construing the Grid Code;
(ii) unless the context otherwise requires, all references to a particular paragraph, sub-paragraph,
Appendix or Schedule shall be a reference to that paragraph, sub-paragraph Appendix or
Schedule in or to that part of the Grid Code in which the reference is made;
(iii) unless the context otherwise requires, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa,
references to any gender shall include all other genders and references to persons shall
include any individual, body corporate, corporation, joint venture, trust, unincorporated
association, organisation, firm or partnership and any other entity, in each case whether or
not having a separate legal personality;
(iv) references to the words "include" or "including" are to be construed without limitation to the
generality of the preceding words;
(v) unless there is something in the subject matter or the context which is inconsistent therewith,
any reference to an Order in Council or an Act of Parliament or any section of or schedule
to, or other provision of an Order in Council or an Act of Parliament shall be construed at
the particular time, as including a reference to any modification, extension or re-enactment
thereof then in force and to all instruments, orders and regulations then in force and made or
deriving from the relevant Order in Council or Act of Parliament;
(vi) references to "in writing" or "written" include typewriting, printing, lithography and other
modes of reproducing words in a legible and non-transitory form;
(vii) where the Glossary and Definitions refers to any word or term which is more particularly
defined in a part of the Grid Code, the definition of that part of the Grid Code will prevail
over the definition in the Glossary & Definitions in the event of any inconsistency;
(viii) a cross-reference to another document or part of the Grid Code shall not of itself impose
any additional or further or co-existent obligation or confer any additional or further or co-
existent right in the part of the text where such cross-reference is contained;
(ix) nothing in the Grid Code is intended to or shall derogate from the TSO's statutory or
licence obligations;
(x) a "holding company" means, in relation to any person, a holding company of such person
within the meaning of Section 736, 736A and 736B of the Companies Act 1985 as
substituted by Section 144 of the Companies Act 1989;
(xi) a "subsidiary" means, in relation to any person, a subsidiary of such person within the
meaning of Section 736, 736A and 736B of the Companies Act 1985 as substituted by
Section 144 of the Companies Act 1989;
26 June 2019
(xiii) if any item (including any technical or operational parameter) is defined or determined by
reference to a Generating Unit Agreement, then for the purposes of applying this Grid
Code to a CDGU that is not the subject of a Generating Unit Agreement, the value of the
item shall be taken to be:
(a) as set out in or determined under the SSS Agreement (for that CDGU);
(b) if paragraph (a) above does not apply, and where the CDGU was subject to any Generating
Unit Agreement which is no longer in force, then as set out in or determined under that
Generating Unit Agreement as if it were still in effect; and
(c) if paragraph (a) and (b) do not apply, then as agreed between the TSO and the Generator
(both acting reasonably).
26 June 2019
PC1.1 The Planning Code (the "PC") specifies the requirements for the supply of information by:
(a) persons (other than the DNO) connected or persons seeking new or modified
connection to the Transmission System and/or use of the All Island
Transmission Networks,
(b) Generators with CDGUs and Controllable PPMs connected to or seeking a new
or modified connection to the Distribution System, and
(c) the DNO (in respect of information relating to Independent Generating Plant
with a Registered Capacity of 5MW or more and in respect of Demand
information at the Bulk Supply Points),
in order for the TSO to meet the TSO Licence obligations with respect to the planning and
development of the Transmission System and, where required the co-ordinated planning
and development of both the Transmission System and the Other Transmission System
together with the Other TSO. It also specifies the technical and design criteria and
procedures which will be applied in the planning and development of the Transmission
System and which are to be taken into account by other persons connected or seeking
connection to the Transmission System in the planning and development of their own
Plant and Systems.
PC1.2 A requirement for reinforcement or extension of the Transmission System may arise for a
number of reasons including, but not limited to:
PC1.3 Accordingly, the reinforcement or extension of the Transmission System may involve
(a) at the Connection Point between a User's System and the Transmission System;
26 June 2019
(b) on transmission lines or substations or other facilities which join the Connection
Point to the remainder of the Transmission System;
PC1.4 System developments must be planned with sufficient lead time to allow any necessary
consents to be obtained and any necessary detailed engineering design/construction work to
be completed. The PC and the relevant Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use
of System Agreement or Grid Code Compliance Agreement impose appropriate
timescales on the exchange of information between the TSO and Users (other than the
DNO) subject to all parties having regard, where appropriate, to the confidentiality of such
information. With respect to the DNO, the timescales are specified in the PC. Additionally,
the transmission interface arrangements between the TSO and TO and the system operator
agreement between the TSO and the Other TSO require information to be passed on and
exchanged between the TSO and the TO and between the TSO and the Other TSO subject
to all parties having regard, where appropriate, to the confidentiality of such information.
PC1.5 As explained in the Glossary and Definitions section, references to the term “User System”
shall be read as referring to the Distribution System with respect to provisions applicable to
the DNO.
(a) provide for the supply of information required by the TSO from Users in order for
the development (including reinforcement and extension) of the Transmission
System to be planned;
(b) provide for the supply of information required by the TSO from Users in order to
enable the TSO (and the TO) to participate in the co-ordinated planning and
development of both the Transmission System and the Other Transmission
System where required;
(c) reflect the Licence requirements for the supply of information by the TSO as
published annually in order to facilitate the identification and evaluation of
available Transmission System capacity;
(d) set out the requirements for the supply of information in respect of any proposed
development on a User's System which may impact on the performance of the
Transmission System or the Other Transmission System; and
(e) specify the technical and design criteria and procedures which will be applied in
the planning and development of the Transmission System and which are to be
26 June 2019
taken into account by Users in the planning and development of their own
In addition, it briefly reflects the Licence provisions relating to the entering into, and
modification, of connection and use of system agreements.
PC2.2 The TSO agrees with each User to procure that the TO shall plan and develop the
Transmission System in accordance with the TO Licence and with the Grid Code subject
to any derogations from time to time.
PC3.1 The PC applies to the TSO and to Users, which in the PC means:
(c) Suppliers;
(e) Aggregators,
PC3.2 Persons other than the DNO whose prospective activities would place them in any of the
above categories of User will, either pursuant to a Licence or as a result of the application
procedure for a Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use of System Agreement
or pursuant to a Grid Code Compliance Agreement, become bound by the PC prior to
their generating, supplying or consuming, as the case may be, and references to the various
categories (or to the general category) of User should, therefore, be taken as referring to
them in that prospective role as well as to Users actually connected.
PC4.1 The TSO shall ensure that the relevant Licence Standards are applied in the planning and
development of the Transmission System and these shall be taken into account by Users in
the planning and development of their own plant and Systems.
By way of information for Users, and generally without imposing any other or further
obligation to that contained in the TSO Licence, the following section sets out a brief
26 June 2019
description of the position regarding the provision by the TSO to Users of a Transmission
System Capacity Statement.
PC5.2.1 One of the means by which Users and intending Users are able to assess available
Transmission System capacity is the Transmission System Capacity Statement, prepared
by the TSO under the TSO Licence (to cover each of the seven succeeding financial years,
to be revised at least once per year), showing future circuit capacity (and present circuit
capacity), forecast power flows and loading on the Transmission System and fault levels
for each network node covered by the statement.
PC5.2.2 A copy of the Transmission System Capacity Statement will, unless the TSO is relieved
of the obligation by the Authority pursuant to the TSO Licence, be given or sent to any
person who requests a copy of such statement. The TSO may make a charge for supplying
such copy reflecting its reasonable costs of providing the statement which shall not exceed
the maximum amount specified in directions issued by the Authority for the purpose from
time to time.
PC5.2.3 The TSO may, with the prior consent of the Authority, omit from the Transmission
System Capacity Statement any details as to circuit capacity, power flows, loading or other
information, disclosure of which would, in the view of the Authority, seriously and
prejudicially affect the commercial interests of the TSO or any third party or which would
place the TSO in breach of any confidentiality conditions of the Licence, or any
Connection Agreement, Transmission Use of System Agreement and/or Grid Code
Compliance Agreement, any other agreement or code to which it is a party and any other
matters provided for in the TSO Licence.
PC6.1.1 Users must provide sufficient planning data annually as set out below, or as reasonably
requested by the TSO from time to time, to enable the TSO to comply with the
requirements under its Licence (including in relation to the interface arrangements with the
TO and the Other TSO) and under the Grid Code. In the case of an Interconnector
Owner, this obligation will be discharged by complying with the provisions of PCA3.4.3.
PC6.1.2 Planning data submissions must be in respect of each of the seven succeeding calendar years
(other than in the case of Registered Project Planning Data which will reflect the current
(b) provided by a User at the time that it notifies the TSO of any significant changes
to its System or operating regime; and
26 June 2019
(c) provided by the categories of Users specified in PC6.3.3 and PC6.3.4 on a routine
annual basis by the end of calendar week 9 of each year or such other annual date
as the TSO may, upon not less than 6 months' notice, notify to such Users in
In the case of submissions under paragraphs (a) and (b), the submission must be in respect
of the remainder of the current year as well as in respect of the seven succeeding calendar
PC6.1.4 In the case of submission on a routine annual basis, where from the date of one annual
submission to another there is no change in the data (or some of the data) to be submitted,
instead of re-submitting the data a User may submit a written statement that there has been
no change from the data (or the relevant data) submitted the previous time.
PC6.1.5 In the case of submissions under PC6.1.3 (a) and (b), the notification must include the time
and date at which the change became, or is expected to become, effective. Notice must be
given as soon as practicably possible in advance to enable the TSO to implement properly
any necessary system modification. In the event of unplanned changes in a User's System
or operating regime the User shall notify the TSO as soon as is practicably possible to
ensure that any contingency measures, which the TSO considers necessary, can be
implemented by the TSO.
PC6.1.6 Any User proposing to de-rate, close, retire, withdraw from service or otherwise cease to
maintain and keep available for Dispatch in accordance with good industry practice any
Generating Unit(s) or Controllable PPMs with Registered Capacity greater than 50
MW in aggregate shall give the TSO at least 36 calendar months’ notice of such action and
any Generating Unit(s) or Controllable PPMs with Registered Capacity less than or
equal to 50 MW in aggregate shall give the TSO at least 24 calendar months’ notice of such
PC6.2.1 All data to be supplied by Users to the TSO pursuant to this PC shall reflect the best
possible estimate or measurement available to the User in the circumstances, shall be
supplied in writing by the date specified for the purpose of the PC or, where no date is so
specified, in a prompt and timely manner. The TSO shall be entitled to require any User to
submit further information in the event that it considers any data supplied to it by such User
to be unclear or incomplete.
PC6.2.2 Failure by a User to comply with its obligation under PC 6.2.1 may result in the
Transmission System, and, in certain circumstances, the Other Transmission System,
being planned in accordance with incorrect data and/or a delay in the offer of terms being
made to the User by the TSO for connection and/or use of system.
PC6.3.1 The planning data required under the PC from Users (other than the DNO) is allocated to
one of two categories:
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(b) Detailed Planning Data.
PC6.3.2 Listings of Standard Planning Data, required in every case and Detailed Planning Data,
required in certain cases, are set out in Appendix A to this PC (in the case of Users, other
than the DNO, connected to the Transmission System) and Appendix B to this PC (in the
case of Users connected to the Distribution System) and Appendix D to this PC (in the
case of Users as defined in PC.D2.1). Listings of planning data required from the DNO are
set out in Appendix C to this PC. In either case, the data must be supplied in the format set
out in the Data Registration Code.
PC6.3.3 In relation to the submission of data on a routine annual basis, Standard Planning Data in
every case, and Detailed Planning Data if required by the TSO, by reasonable notice in
advance of the submission ("reasonableness" being judged in this context by reference to the
amount of time which it may take to collate the required data), shall (unless there has been
no change from the data submitted the previous time, in which case the provisions of
PC6.1.4 shall apply) be submitted to the TSO annually by Users in the following categories:
(b) Suppliers;
(e) Demand Side Unit Operators in respect of their Demand Side Units.
PC6.3.4 Planning data, by reasonable notice in advance of the submission ("reasonableness" being
judged in this context by reference to the amount of time which it may take to collate the
required data), shall (unless there has been no change from the data submitted the previous
time, in which case the provisions of PC6.1.4 shall apply) be submitted to the TSO annually
by the DNO in respect of Independent Generating Plant connected to the Distribution
PC6.3.5 Standard Planning Data shall be provided by Users (other than the DNO) at the time that
they notify the TSO of any significant changes to their System or operating regime.
Detailed Planning Data shall be provided by Users (other than the DNO) in these
circumstances if required by the TSO.
PC6.3.6 PC7 deals with what is required pursuant to the Grid Code for applications for new or
modified arrangements for connection to the Transmission System or use of the All Island
Transmission Networks.
As explained in PC6.4.1 to PC6.4.5, for Planning Code purposes, planning data supplied by
Users applying for a Connection Agreement or Transmission Use of System Agreement
is allocated to one of four status levels which provide a progression related to degrees of
confidentiality, commitment and validation, as follows:
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PC6.4.1 Initial Data
(a) Data supplied by a User in conjunction with an application for connection to the
Transmission System and/or use of the All Island Transmission Networks shall
be considered as Preliminary Project Planning Data until such time as a binding
Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use of System Agreement is
established between the TSO and the User.
(b) Subject to PC6.4.2(c), this data shall not be disclosed by the TSO unless and until
it becomes Committed Project Planning Data and/or Registered Project
Planning Data whereupon the following applicable disclosure provisions of this
PC6.4 will apply, except where it needs to be disclosed to the TO to enable the
preparation of a connection or use of system offer or in relation to planning or
development of the Transmission System or where it needs to be disclosed to the
DNO for the purposes of discharging its planning obligations under the
Distribution Code or the DNO Licence.
(c) The TSO may disclose Preliminary Project Planning Data to the Other TSO
for the purposes of consideration of developments and consideration of other
system development matters such as for example system reinforcement upgrading
on the Other Transmission System.
Preliminary Project Planning Data will normally contain only Standard Planning Data,
unless Detailed Planning Data is specifically requested by the TSO to permit more detailed
System or Other Transmission System studies.
When the offer for a Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use of System
Agreement is accepted, the data relating to the User's development submitted as
Preliminary Project Planning Data and data required or received subsequently by the
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TSO under this PC shall have the status of Committed Project Planning Data. This data
together with other data held by the TSO or the TO relating to the Transmission System
(and in certain circumstances, the Other Transmission System) shall form the background
against which new applications from Users shall be considered and against which planning
of the Transmission System and, where required for the purposes of the Single Electricity
Market, the participation of the TSO in the co-ordinated planning and development of both
the Transmission System and the Other Transmission System in conjunction with the
Other TSO, shall be undertaken. Accordingly, Committed Project Planning Data may be
disclosed by the TSO to the extent that the TSO:
(b) needs to disclose it when considering and/or advising on applications (or possible
applications) of Users, including disclosure of it or data from it both orally and in
writing, to other Users making an application (or considering or discussing a
possible application) which is, in the TSO's view, relevant to that application or
possible application;
(c) needs to disclose it to the TO for the purposes of planning and/or development of
the Transmission System and/or, to the Other TSO for the purposes of
consideration of developments and consideration of other system development
matters such as for example system reinforcement upgrading on the Other
Transmission System or to the DNO for the purposes of discharging its planning
obligations under the Distribution Code or the DNO Licence;
Committed Project Planning Data may contain both Standard Planning Data and
Detailed Planning Data.
The Connection Conditions require that, before an agreed connection to the Transmission
System or Distribution System may be physically established, any estimated values
contained within the Committed Project Planning Data shall be replaced, where
practicable, by validated actual values and as appropriate by updated forecasts for future
data items such as Demand. Data provided at this stage is termed Registered Project
Planning Data.
Registered Project Planning Data may contain both Standard Planning and Detailed
Planning Data.
PC6.4.5 Registered Project Planning Data, together with other data held by the TSO or the TO
relating to the Transmission System (and, in certain circumstances the Other
Transmission System), will form the background against which new applications by any
User will be considered and against which planning of the Transmission System will be
26 June 2019
undertaken. Accordingly, Registered Project Planning Data may be disclosed by the TSO
to the extent that the TSO:
(b) needs to disclose it when considering and/or advising on applications (or possible
applications) of Users, including disclosure of it or data from it both orally and in
writing, to other Users making an application (or considering or discussing a
possible application) which is, in the TSO's view, relevant to that application or
possible application;
(c) needs to disclose it to the TO for the purposes of planning and/or development of
the Transmission System and/or, to the Other TSO for the purposes of
consideration of developments and consideration of other system development
matters such as for example system reinforcement upgrading on the Other
Transmission System or to the DNO for the purposes of discharging its planning
obligations under the Distribution Code or the DNO Licence;
PC6.4.6 Planning Data submitted by the DNO and by Generators with Controllable PPM
connected to the Distribution System shall contribute to the background against which
planning of the Transmission System will be undertaken. Such data may be disclosed by
the TSO to the extent that the TSO:
(b) needs to disclose it when considering and/or advising on applications (or possible
applications) of Users, including disclosure of it or data from it both orally and in
writing, to other Users making an application (or considering or discussing a
possible application) which is, in the TSO's view, relevant to that application or
possible application;
(c) needs to disclose it to the TO for the purposes of planning and/or development of
the Transmission System and/or, to the Other TSO for the purposes of
consideration of developments and consideration of other system development
matters such as for example system reinforcement upgrading on the Other
Transmission System or to the DNO for the purposes of discharging its planning
obligations under the Distribution Code or the DNO Licence; or
PC6.4.7 For the avoidance of doubt, the TSO may of course use the data supplied for the purposes
referred to in this PC, in complying with the requirements of its Licence and for operational
26 June 2019
purposes and nothing herein shall limit the TSO's rights to disclose information pursuant to
any provisions relating to confidentiality in any Connection Agreement, Transmission
Use of System Agreement, Grid Code Compliance Agreement or in the TSO Licence.
PC7.1 Application Procedure for New Connection and/or Transmission Use of System
Any person other than the DNO and Controllable PPMs with a Registered Capacity
below 10MW seeking to establish a new or modified Connection to the Transmission
System and/or seeking to apply for a Transmission Use of System Agreement pursuant to
the TSO Licence must make application on the standard application form which is available
from the TSO on request. The application shall include:
(b) the relevant Standard Planning Data as listed in Part 1 of Appendix A in the case
of Users connected to the Transmission System or Part 1 of Appendix B in the
case of Users connected to the Distribution System; and
PC7.2.1 (a) The TSO shall, in accordance with its Licence, offer terms upon which it is
prepared to enter into an agreement with the applicant for establishment of the
proposed new or modified Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use of
System Agreement.
(b) The offer will be made as soon as is practicable after receipt of the application
containing all such information as the TSO may reasonably require for the
purposes of formulating an offer and (save where the Authority consents to a
longer period) in any event not more than 28 days in the case of an application for
use of system only or not more than 3 months in the case of an application for a
(c) The offer shall specify, and the terms shall take account of, any works required for
the extension or reinforcement of the Transmission System, and/or the Other
Transmission System, necessitated by the applicant's proposed activities and for
the obtaining of any consents necessary for such purposes.
(d) Where the offer is in respect of a modified connection, the terms shall take account
of any further requirements contained in the relevant Connection Agreement.
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PC7.2.2 Any offer made by the TSO in accordance with PC7.2.1 shall remain valid for 90 days or
for such period as the TSO may agree with the applicant and, unless accepted before the
expiry of such period, shall lapse thereafter. During the period of its validity the offer shall
at all times be conditional upon the continuing availability of the necessary capacity within
the Transmission System and within the Other Transmission System.
PC7.2.3 A User must, within 28 days after acceptance of an offer made by the TSO in accordance
with PC7.2.1 (or such longer period as the TSO may reasonably agree in a particular case),
supply (to the extent not already supplied) to the TSO the relevant Detailed Planning Data
as listed in Part 2 of Appendix A in the case of Users connected to the Transmission
System or Part 2 of Appendix B in the case of Users connected to the Distribution System.
The TSO shall be entitled to reject an application for connection to the Transmission
System and/or use of the All Island Transmission Networks:
(a) if to do so would be likely to involve the TSO in a breach of its duties under the
Order, or of any regulations (whether made under the Order or other enactment)
relating to safety or standards applicable to the TSO Business, or any Licence
conditions, or the Grid Code; or
(b) if the person making the application does not undertake to be bound, insofar as
applicable, by the terms of the Grid Code.
A Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use of System Agreement (or the offer
for a Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use of System Agreement) will
include, as appropriate, within its terms and conditions:
(a) a condition requiring both parties to comply with the Grid Code;
(c) details of any capital related payments arising from necessary reinforcement or
extension of the Transmission System or the Other Transmission System;
(e) a condition requiring the User to supply Detailed Planning Data pertaining to the
User Development as listed in Part 2 of Appendix A in the case of Users
connected to the Transmission System or Part 2 of Appendix B in the case of
Users connected to the Distribution System (to the extent not already supplied)
within 28 days of acceptance of the offer (or such longer period as the TSO may
agree in a particular case).
Condition 26 of the TSO Licence provides that if, after a period which in the Authority’s
opinion is a reasonable period for the purpose, the TSO has failed to enter into a
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Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use of System Agreement pursuant to a
request made pursuant to the TSO Licence, either party may apply to the Authority to settle
any terms of the agreement which are in dispute.
Any User seeking to establish modified arrangements for connection to the Transmission
System and/or use of the All Island Transmission Networks must, in addition to the
provisions set out above, apply to the TSO in accordance with the procedure set out in the
relevant Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use of System Agreement.
PC8.1 An offer by the TSO to a User other than the DNO for connection to the Transmission
System and/or use of the All Island Transmission Networks may be conditional upon the
obtaining of or compliance with any necessary consents, approvals, permissions, wayleaves,
or other external requirements (whether of a statutory, contractual or other nature).
PC8.2 A User whose Development requires the TSO, TO and/or Other TSO to obtain any of the
consents, approvals, permissions and wayleaves or to comply with any other requirements
referred to in PC8.1 shall:
(b) ensure attendance by such witness as the TSO may reasonably request.
PC8.3 If any planning or other consent or approval is granted, but is conditional upon a change in
the design arrangements originally offered by the TSO (e.g. undergrounding), then the TSO
shall make a revised offer to the User, including revised terms and timing. This revised
offer shall form the basis of any Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use of
System Agreement. The provisions of PC7.2.2 shall apply to such revised offer.
PC8.4 The Connection Agreement and/or Transmission Use of System Agreement will deal
with the consequences if any necessary consent is not granted.
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PC.A1.1 This Appendix specifies the Standard and Detailed Planning Data to be submitted to
the TSO by Users (other than the DNO) connected to the Transmission System only
pursuant to PC6 and PC7.
PC.A2.1.1 General
All Users shall provide the TSO with the details as specified in sub sections PC.A2.1.2 to
PC.A2.1.4 relating to their User System.
Single line diagrams of existing and proposed arrangements of main connections and
primary distribution systems showing equipment ratings and if available numbering and
(a) The maximum 3-phase short circuit current infeed into the Transmission
(b) The minimum zero sequence impedance of the User System at the point of
connection with the Transmission System.
The User in respect of its Plant and Apparatus must submit modelling data to the TSO
as specified by the TSO in PC Appendix D.
The modelling data submitted to the TSO is for System planning and operational
purposes. It is not intended to restrict the scope of any Ancillary Service agreements
which the User may enter into with the TSO.
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PC.A2.2.1 General
(a) All Users with Demand shall provide the TSO with the Demand data, both
current and forecast, as specified in subsections PC.A2.2.2 to PC.A2.2.3.
(b) All forecast maximum Demand levels submitted to the TSO by Users shall be
on the basis of ACS Conditions.
(c) So that the TSO is able to estimate the diversified total Demand at various
times throughout the year each User shall provide such additional forecast
Demand data as the TSO may reasonably request ("reasonableness" being
judged in this context by reference to the level of forecast Demand data which
may be required in order to estimate the diversified total Demand at various
times throughout the year).
(a) Forecast peak day Demand profile (Active and Reactive) and monthly peak
Demand variations net of the output profile of all Independent Generating
Plant in time marked half hours throughout the day.
(c) The sensitivity of the Demand to any variations in voltage and Frequency on
the Transmission System.
(d) The maximum harmonic content which the User would expect its Demand to
impose on the Transmission System.
(e) The average and maximum phase unbalance which the User would expect its
Demand to impose on the Transmission System.
(a) Details of the cyclic variation of Demand (Active Power and Reactive
(b) The rates of change of Demand (Active Power and Reactive Power) both
increasing and decreasing.
(c) The shortest repetitive time interval between fluctuations in Demand (Active
Power and Reactive Power).
(d) The magnitude of the largest step changes in Demand (Active Power and
Reactive Power), both increasing and decreasing.
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(e) Maximum energy demanded per half hour by the fluctuating load cycle.
(f) Steady state residual Demand (Active Power) occurring between Demand
Details should be provided on any individual Loads which have characteristics differing
from the normal typical range of Loads in the domestic, commercial or industrial fields.
In particular, details on arc furnaces, rolling mills, traction installations etc. which are
liable to cause flicker problems.
PC.A2.3.1 General
All Generating Unit and Power Station data submitted to the TSO shall be in the form
(a) one set of Generating Unit and Power Station data where it is connected to
the Transmission System via a busbar arrangement which is not normally
operated in a split configuration; and
(b) separate sets of Generating Unit and Power Station data where they are
connected to the Transmission System via a busbar arrangement which is, or
is expected to be, operated in a split configuration.
(b) Capacity of Power Station (being an aggregate of all Generating Units in the
Power Station) in MW sent out for Registered Capacity, Minimum
Generation (which in the case of PPMs shall be assumed to be zero unless a
different value is notified by the User) and, where relevant, Maximum
(c) In the case of Wind Farm Power Stations, a diagram that shows for the Wind
Farm Power Station wind speed and direction against electrical output in
MW, in “rose” format.
(d) In the case of PPMs that are not WFPS, an equivalent diagram to that in
PC.A2.3.2(c), in relation to the input resource of that PPM.
(f) Where Generating Units form part of a User's System, the output from these
units is to be taken into account by the User in his Demand profile submissions
to the TSO. In such cases the User must inform the TSO of the number of
such Generating Units together with their total capacity. On receipt of such
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data the User may be further required, at the TSO's discretion, to provide
details of the Generating Units together with their energy output profile.
(g) Operating regime of Generating Units not subject to Central Despatch (e.g.
continuous, intermittent, peak-lopping).
In relation to Generating Units other than the generators comprised within a PPM:
(c) Generating Unit rating and terminal voltage (MVA & kV);
(f) Maximum Generation and Minimum Generation capability sent out (MW
sent out);
(g) Reactive Power capability (both leading and lagging) at the lower voltage
terminals of the Generator Transformers for Maximum Generation, normal
full Load and normal minimum Load;
(m) Generator Transformer rated MVA, positive sequence reactance, and tap
change range;
(o) a list of the CCGT Modules in the CCGT Installation, identifying each
CCGT Module, and the CCGT Installation of which it forms part
unambiguously, together with any other information which may be relevant in
relation to the CCGT Modules and CCGT Installations and their operation.
In relation to the generators comprised within a PPM, such data equivalent to that listed
in PC.A2.3.3(a) to PC.A2.3.3(n) as the TSO shall reasonably require.
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PCA2.3.4 CCGT Installation Matrix
(b) Any changes must be notified to the TSO promptly. Generators should note
that amendments to the composition of the CCGT Installation may only be
made in accordance with the principles set out in PC.A2.3.5 below. If in
accordance with PC.A2.3.5 an amendment is made, an updated CCGT
Installation Matrix must be immediately submitted to the TSO in accordance
with this PCA2.3.4.
(c) The CCGT Installation Matrix submitted under the PC will be used by the
TSO for planning purposes and will also be used by the TSO in connection
with Scheduling and Despatch under the SDCs, as a look up table determining
which CCGT Modules will be operating at any given MW Despatch level
subject to any updated information on the individual Availability of CCGT
Modules submitted by a Generator to the TSO in an Availability Notice
under SDC1.
PC.A2.3.5 Notwithstanding any other provision of this PC, the CCGT Modules within a CCGT
Installation, details of which are required under PC.A2.3.3 and PC.A2.3.4, can only be
amended such that the CCGT Installation comprises different CCGT Modules if the
TSO gives its prior consent in writing. Notice of the wish to amend the CCGT Modules
within the CCGT Installation must be given at least 12 months (or less with agreement
of the TSO) before it is wished for the amendments to take effect and be permitted under
any other contractual and operational arrangement with the TSO.
PC.A3.1.1 General
All Users shall provide the TSO with the details as specified in sub sections PC.A3.1.2
to PC.A3.1.11 (which comprises both Standard and Detailed Planning Data).
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PC.A3.1.2 User System Layout
Single line diagrams of existing and proposed arrangements of main connections and
primary distribution systems including:
For all independently switched reactive compensation equipment on the User's System
at 11kV and above, other than power factor correction equipment associated directly
with the User's Plant and Apparatus, the following information is required:
(d) The point of connection to the User's System in terms of electrical location and
Each User is required to provide the total short circuit infeeds calculated in accordance
with good industry practice into the Transmission System from its User System at the
Connection Point as follows:
(a) the maximum 3-phase short circuit infeed including infeeds from any
Generating Units forming part of the User's System;
(b) the additional maximum 3-phase short circuit infeed from induction motors on
the User's System; and
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PC.A3.1.5 Lumped System Susceptance
(b) any susceptance of the User's System inherent in the Active and Reactive
Power Demand data given under subsection PC.A3.2.
For User interconnections that operate in parallel with the Transmission System an
equivalent single impedance (resistance, reactance and shunt susceptance) of the parallel
User System. If the impedance is, in the reasonable opinion of the TSO, low then more
detailed information on the equivalent or active part of the parallel User System may be
Where the same Demand may be supplied from alternative points of supply, the
proportion of Demand normally fed from each supply point and the arrangements
(manual or automatic) for transfer under planned/fault Outage conditions shall be
provided. Where the same Demand is supplied from different User supply points, then
this information should be provided to all parties.
Each User with an existing or proposed User System connected at High Voltage shall
provide the following details relating to that High Voltage System:
(b) Interconnecting transformers between the User's High Voltage system and the
User's primary voltage system:
Rated MVA
Voltage ratio
Winding arrangement
Positive sequence reactance
(max, min and nominal tap)
Positive sequence resistance
26 June 2019
(max, min and nominal tap)
Zero sequence reactance
Tap changer range
Tap change step size
Tap changer type: on Load or off circuit
(c) Switchgear including circuit breakers, switch disconnecters and isolators on all
circuits connected to the Connection Point including those at Power Stations:
Rated voltage (kV)
Operating voltage (kV)
Rated short-circuit breaking current, 3-phase (kA)
Rated short-circuit breaking current, 1-phase (kA)
Rated load-breaking current, 3-phase (kA)
Rated load-breaking current, 1-phase (kA)
Rated short-circuit making current, 3-phase (kA)
Rated short circuit making current, 1-phase (kA)
The information essential to the TSO relates only to Protection which can trip or
intertrip or close any Connection Point circuit breaker or any circuit breaker on the
Transmission System. The following information is required:
(a) a full description, including estimated settings, for all relays and protection
systems installed or to be installed on the User's System;
(c) a full description, including estimated settings, for all relays and Protection
systems installed or to be installed on the Generating Unit, Generator
Transformer, station transformer and their associated connections;
(d) for Generating Units having (or intended to have) a circuit breaker on the
circuit leading to the Generator Terminals, at the same voltage, clearance
times for electrical faults within the Generating Unit zone;
(e) the most probable fault clearance time for electrical faults on the User's
Full details of the means of permanently connecting the User System to earth including
impedance values.
When undertaking insulation co-ordination studies the TSO will need to conduct
transient overvoltage assessments. When requested by the TSO each User is required to
submit estimates of the surge impedance parameters present and forecast of its User
System with respect to the Connection Point and to give details of the calculations
carried out. The TSO may further request information on physical dimensions of
26 June 2019
electrical equipment and details of the specification of Apparatus directly connected to
the Connection Point and its means of Protection.
PC.A3.2.1 General
(a) All Users with Demand shall provide the TSO with the Demand data both
current and forecast as specified in sub sections PC.A3.2.2 to PC.A3.2.3.
(b) All forecast maximum Demand levels submitted to the TSO by Users shall be
on the basis of ACS Conditions.
(c) So that the TSO is able to estimate the diversified total Demand at various
times throughout the year, each User shall provide such additional forecast
Demand data as the TSO may reasonably request.
Forecast daily Demand profiles net of the output profile of all Independent
Generating Plant directly connected to the User's System in time marked half hours
throughout the day as follows:
The potential reduction in Demand available from the User in MW and MVAr, the
notice required to put such reduction into effect, the maximum acceptable duration of
the reduction in hours and the permissible number of reductions per annum.
PC.A3.3.1 General
All Generators with Power Stations shall provide the TSO with the details as specified
in sub sections PC.A3.3.2 to PC.A3.3.10.
(a) The normal Generating Unit-supplied auxiliary Load is required for each
Generating Unit at rated MW output.
(b) The Power Station auxiliary Load, if any, additional to the Generating Unit -
supplied auxiliary Load, where the Power Station auxiliary Load is supplied
from the Transmission System, is required for each Power Station.
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PC.A3.3.3 Generating Unit Parameters
(t) Other than for generators comprised within a PPM, rated field current; and
(u) Other than for generators comprised within a PPM, field current (amps) open
circuit saturation curve for voltages at the Generator Terminals ranged from
50% to 120% of rated value in 10% steps as derived from appropriate
manufacturers' test certificates.
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(b) Voltage ratio
(c) Zero sequence reactance as seen from the higher voltage side
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(c) HP governor valve time constant
PC.A3.3.8 Governor parameters (for Non-Reheat Steam Turbine Units and Gas Turbine
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PC.A3.3.10 Plant Flexibility Performance
(a) Rate of Loading following weekend shutdown (Generating Unit and Power
(c) Block Load following Synchronising, or, in the case of PPMs, generating
whilst connected to the Transmission System.
(f) Load rejection capability while still Synchronised, or, in the case of PPMs,
while still connected to the Transmission System and generating, and able to
supply Load.
The figures described as “fixed unit load” and “unit load scalar” under the TSC (together
referred to in the Grid Code as the “Conversion Factors”), which are the figures
submitted by the Generator or an Intermediary on its behalf pursuant to the “net output
function” provisions of the TSC. If these figures change, then the User must update them
as if it were a change under PC6.1.3(b).
The above information shall be provided where required for the Grid Code or where
required for the purposes of settlement in the Generating Unit Agreements or System
Support Services Agreements, and such information may include data for the purposes
of conversions at different temperature, pressure and humidity levels.
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PC.A3.4.1 General
Notwithstanding the Standard Planning Data and Detailed Planning Data set out in
this Appendix; the TSO may reasonably require additional data from Users to represent
correctly the performance of Plant and Apparatus on the Transmission System where
the present data submissions would, in the TSO's reasonable opinion, prove insufficient
for the purpose of producing meaningful system studies for the relevant parties.
Aggregators shall, upon request by the TSO, provide to the TSO any Connection Site
and User System data which the TSO may reasonably deem necessary.
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(xv) details of restrictions to the Operation of Individual Demand Sites
comprising the Demand Side Unit (e.g. Northern Ireland
Environmental Agency Licence or planning conditions);
(xvi) whether each Individual Demand Site comprising the Demand Side
Unit is currently participating as or part of an Aggregated
Generator Unit, other Demand Side Unit or any other demand side
management scheme;
(xvii) proposed effective date in Single Electricity Market for first-time
Interconnector Owners shall submit to the TSO Planning Data of the nature required
from other Users under the Planning Code. This obligation shall be satisfied as at 1
November 2007 by the Planning Data already submitted as at that date by the
Interconnector Owner. This PC.A3.4.4 will be superseded once the Planning Code has
been updated to include specific data requirements from Interconnector Owners.
26 June 2019
PC.B1.1 This Appendix specifies the Standard and Detailed Planning Data to be submitted to
the TSO by Generators pursuant to PC6 and PC7 in respect of CDGUs and
Controllable PPMs connected to the Distribution System and, with respect to
PC.B3.3.2, Aggregators with respect to Generating Units connected to the Distribution
PC.B2.1.1 General
All Users shall provide the TSO with the details as specified in sub section PC.B2.1.2
and PC.B2.1.3 relating to their User System.
(a) The maximum 3-phase short circuit current infeed into the Distribution
(b) The minimum zero sequence impedance of the User System at the point of
connection with the Distribution System.
The User in respect of its Plant and Apparatus must submit modelling data to the TSO
as specified by the TSO in PC Appendix D.
The modelling data submitted to the TSO is for System planning and operational
purposes. It is not intended to restrict the scope of any Ancillary Service agreements
which the User may enter into with the TSO.
(a) Capacity of Power Station (being an aggregate of all Generating Units in the
Power Station) in MW sent out for Registered Capacity, Minimum
Generation (which in the case of PPMs shall be assumed to be zero unless a
26 June 2019
different value is notified by the User) and, where relevant, Maximum
(b) In the case of Wind Farm Power Stations, a diagram that shows for the Wind
Farm Power Station wind speed and direction against electrical output in
MW, in “rose” format.
(c) In the case of PPMs that are not WFPS, a diagram equivalent to that in (b), in
relation to the input resource of that PPM.
(e) Operating regime of Generating Units not subject to Central Despatch (e.g.
continuous, intermittent, peak-lopping).
In relation to Generating Units other than the generators comprised within a PPM:
(a) Prime mover type;
(c) Generating Unit rating and terminal voltage (MVA & kV);
(f) Maximum Generation and Minimum Generation capability sent out (MW
sent out);
(g) Reactive Power capability (both leading and lagging) at the lower voltage
terminals of the Generator Transformers for Maximum Generation, normal
full Load and normal minimum Load;
(m) Generator Transformer rated MVA, positive sequence reactance, and tap
change range;
(o) a list of the CCGT Modules in the CCGT Installation, identifying each
CCGT Module, and the CCGT Installation of which it forms part
26 June 2019
unambiguously, together with any other information which may be relevant in
relation to the CCGT Modules and CCGT Installations and their operation.
In relation to the generators comprised within a PPM, such data equivalent to that listed
in PC.B2.2.2(a) to PC.B2.2.2(n) as the TSO shall reasonably require.
(b) Any changes must be notified to the TSO promptly. Generators should note
that amendments to the composition of the CCGT Installation may only be
made in accordance with the principles set out in PC.B2.2.4 below. If in
accordance with PC.B2.2.4 an amendment is made, an updated CCGT
Installation Matrix must be immediately submitted to the TSO in accordance
with this PCB2.2.3.
(c) The CCGT Installation Matrix submitted under the PC will be used by the
TSO for planning purposes and will also be used by the TSO in connection
with Scheduling and Despatch under the SDCs, as a look up table determining
which CCGT Modules will be operating at any given MW Despatch level
subject to any updated information on the individual Availability of CCGT
Modules submitted by a Generator to the TSO in an Availability Notice
under SDC1.
PC.B2.2.4 Notwithstanding any other provision of this PC, the CCGT Modules within a CCGT
Installation, details of which are required under PC.B2.2.2 and PC.B2.2.3, can only be
amended such that the CCGT Installation comprises different CCGT Modules if the
TSO gives its prior consent in writing. Notice of the wish to amend the CCGT Modules
within the CCGT Installation must be given at least 12 months (or less with agreement
of the TSO) before it is wished for the amendments to take effect and be permitted under
any other contractual and operational arrangement with the TSO.
26 June 2019
PC.B3.1.1 General
All Users shall provide the TSO with the details as specified in sub sections PC.B3.1.2
to PC.B3.1.7 (which comprises both Standard and Detailed Planning Data).
Single line diagrams of existing and proposed arrangements of main connections and
primary distribution systems including operating voltages.
For all independently switched reactive compensation equipment on the User's System
at 11kV and above, other than power factor correction equipment associated directly
with the User's Plant and Apparatus, the following information is required:
(d) The point of connection to the User's System in terms of electrical location and
Each User is required to provide the total short circuit infeeds calculated in accordance
with good industry practice into the Distribution System from its User System at the
point of connection with the Distribution System as follows:
(a) the maximum 3-phase short circuit infeed including infeeds from any
Generating Units forming part of the User's System;
(b) the additional maximum 3-phase short circuit infeed from induction motors on
the User's System; and
26 June 2019
PC.B3.1.5 Lumped System Susceptance
For User interconnections that operate in parallel with the Distribution System an
equivalent single impedance (resistance, reactance and shunt susceptance) of the parallel
User System. If the impedance is, in the reasonable opinion of the TSO, low then more
detailed information on the equivalent or active part of the parallel User System may be
Each User with an existing or proposed User System shall provide the following details
relating to that System:
(b) Interconnecting transformers between the User's High Voltage system and the
User's primary voltage system:
Rated MVA
Voltage ratio
Winding arrangement
Positive sequence reactance
(max, min and nominal tap)
Positive sequence resistance
(max, min and nominal tap)
Zero sequence reactance
Tap changer range
Tap change step size
Tap changer type: on Load or off circuit
26 June 2019
PC.B3.2.1 General
All Generators shall provide the TSO with the details as specified in sub sections
PC.B3.2.2 to PC.B3.2.10.
(a) The normal Generating Unit-supplied auxiliary Load is required for each
Generating Unit at rated MW output.
(b) The Power Station auxiliary Load, if any, additional to the Generating Unit -
supplied auxiliary Load, where the Power Station auxiliary Load is supplied
from the Distribution System, is required for each Power Station.
26 June 2019
(r) Stator leakage reactance;
(t) Other than for generators comprised within a PPM, rated field current; and
(u) Other than for generators comprised within a PPM, field current (amps) open
circuit saturation curve for voltages at the Generator Terminals ranged from
50% to 120% of rated value in 10% steps as derived from appropriate
manufacturers' test certificates.
(c) Zero sequence reactance as seen from the higher voltage side
26 June 2019
(f) Maximum rate of change of field voltage (falling)
PC.B3.2.8 Governor parameters (for Non-Reheat Steam Turbine Units and Gas Turbine
26 June 2019
(g) Governor block diagram
(a) Rate of Loading following weekend shutdown (Generating Unit and Power
(c) Block Load following Synchronising, or, in the case of PPMs, generating
whilst connected to the Distribution System.
(f) Load rejection capability while still Synchronised, or, in the case of PPMs,
while still connected to the Distribution System and generating, and able to
supply Load.
PC.B3.3.1 General
Notwithstanding the Standard Planning Data and Detailed Planning Data set out in
this Appendix; the TSO may reasonably require additional data from Generators to
represent correctly the performance of Plant and Apparatus on the Distribution System
where the present data submissions would, in the TSO's reasonable opinion, prove
insufficient for the purpose of producing meaningful system studies for the relevant
Aggregators shall, upon request by the TSO, provide to the TSO any connection site
and User System data which the TSO may reasonably deem necessary.
26 June 2019
(iii) address of each Individual Demand Site(s) comprising the Demand
Side Unit;
(iv) Irish Grid Co-ordinates of the Connection Point of each Individual
Demand Site comprising the Demand Side Unit;
(v) Meter Point Reference Number for each Individual Demand Site
comprising the Demand Side Unit;
(vi) the name of the Bulk Supply Point(s) to which each Individual
Demand Site comprising the Demand Side Unit is/are normally
(vii) single line diagram for each Individual Demand Site;
(viii) details of the operating regime of each Individual Demand Site
comprising the Demand Side Unit, e.g. avoided Demand
consumption only, combination of avoided Demand consumption
and operation of Generating Units, operation of Generating Units
only or other;
(ix) details of the operating mode of the Generating Units where the
Generating Units form part of the Individual Demand Site’s
operating regime, e.g. Non-Synchronous Generating Unit, short
term Synchronous Generating Unit, continuous Synchronous
Generating Unit or other;
(x) details of all Generating Units used as part of the Demand Side
Unit, including the make, model, capacity, MVA rating, fuel type,
Protection settings and whether it will be used as a standby plant;
(xi) whether a change is required to the Maximum Export Capacity or
Maximum Import Capacity of Individual Demand Sites
comprising the Demand Side Unit;
(xii) details of the current operation of Protection installed to disconnect
Generating Units from the Distribution System during abnormal
system conditions;
(xiii) details of all Demand loads with Demand reduction capability of 5
MW or greater, including size in MW and Demand reduction
capability from load;
(xiv) Maximum Import Capacity of each Individual Demand Site
comprising the Demand Side Unit (MW);
(xv) Maximum Export Capacity of each Individual Demand Site
comprising the Demand Side Unit (MW);
(xvi) proof of a valid Connection Agreement for each Demand
Customer and proof of a valid DNO Connection Agreement for
each DNO Demand Customer that comprises the Demand Side
Unit clearly showing Maximum Import Capacity and Maximum
Export Capacity (if applicable);
(xvii) whether the Distribution Network Owner has been informed about
the intention of the Demand Side Unit Operator to operate a
Demand Side Unit (the Demand Side Unit Operator is obliged to
inform the Distribution Network Owner);
(xviii) details of any special operating or network limitations placed by the
Distribution Network Owner on the Demand Side Unit;
(xix) details of restrictions to the Operation of Individual Demand Sites
comprising the Demand Side Unit (e.g. Northern Ireland
Environmental Agency Licence or planning conditions);
(xx) whether each Individual Demand Site comprising the Demand Side
Unit is currently participating as or part of any Aggregated
26 June 2019
Generating Unit, other Demand Side Unit or any demand side
management scheme;
(xxi) proposed effective date in Single Electricity Market for first-time
26 June 2019
PC.C1.1 This Appendix specifies the planning data to be submitted to the TSO by the DNO
pursuant to PC6.
and the implementation of either (a) or (b) may materially affect the import or the
export at a Bulk Supply Point, the DNO shall inform the TSO as soon as reasonably
practicable and shall provide, on request, all the information which the TSO may
reasonably require.
PC.C2.2 Where the compliance of the Transmission System with the Transmission and
Distribution System Security and Planning Standards is planned to be achieved by
temporarily reconfiguring the Distribution System, for example by transferring
Load between Bulk Supply Points, whether manually or automatically, the DNO
shall inform the TSO of such plans and provide all the information relating to such
plans which the TSO may reasonably require.
PC.C3.1 Introduction
The DNO shall provide the TSO with Demand data, both historic and forecast, as
specified in this PC.C3.
PC.C3.2.1 The DNO shall inform the TSO by the end of April each year of the typical levels of
reduction in Demand at each Bulk Supply Point between 16.00 hours and 19.00
hours each day during the most recent period of 1 November to 28 February due to
customers connected to the Distribution System running their Generating Units to
reduce their individual Demands. The value of the reduction in Demand shall be
expressed in MW.
PC.C3.2.2 The DNO shall inform the TSO by the end of April 2010 of the maximum and
minimum imports from the Transmission System at each Bulk Supply Point during
the 12 month period up to the end of February 2010. The maximum and minimum
26 June 2019
values shall be expressed in MVA and shall be the average imports within the half-
hours in which the maximum and minimum occur at each Connection Point.
PC.C3.2.3 Commencing in 2011 the DNO shall inform the TSO by the end of April in each year
of the magnitude of the maximum and minimum levels of Active Power and
Reactive Power imported from the Transmission System and the magnitude of the
maximum and minimum levels of Active Power and Reactive Power exported to the
Transmission System at each Bulk Supply Point during the 12 month period up to
the end of the previous February. The import and export values shall be expressed in
MW and MVAr and shall be the average within the half-hours in which the
maximum and minimum occur at each Connection Point.
PC.C3.2.4 Where any of the import or export values provided pursuant to PC.C3.2.2 or
PC.C3.2.3 vary by more than 10% when compared to the corresponding value
provided by the DNO in its previous 12 month submission, the DNO shall provide,
on request, all the information relating to the variation which the TSO may
reasonably require.
PC.C3.2.5 From January 2011 the DNO shall make available to the TSO half-hourly Active and
Reactive Power flows at each Bulk Supply Point in a form and within a timescale
agreed between the DNO and the TSO.
PC.C3.3.1 The DNO shall provide to the TSO by the end of June forecasts of maximum and
minimum Demand at each Bulk Supply Point for the current and the seven
succeeding financial years expressed in MVA.
PC.C3.3.2 Commencing in 2011 the DNO shall provide to the TSO by the end of June in each
year forecasts of seasonal maximum and minimum Demand (Active Power and
Reactive Power) at each Bulk Supply Point for the current and the seven succeeding
financial years, expressed in MW and MVAr. The seasons to be considered are:
PC.C3.3.3 The forecasts provided pursuant to PC.C3.3.1 and PC.C3.3.2 shall be provided for
both the maximum Demand on the NI System and the maximum Demand at the
relevant Bulk Supply Point.
PC.C3.3.4 In preparing the forecasts provided pursuant to PC.C3.3.1 and PC.C3.3.2 the DNO
shall assume that:
(a) the Demand at the Bulk Supply Point is not reduced by the output from
PPMs connected to the Distribution System at 33kV; and
(b) customers connected to the Distribution System do not run their Generating
Units between 16.00 hours and 19.00 hours in the period 1 November to 28
February to reduce their individual Demands.
26 June 2019
PC.C3.3.5 The DNO shall provide to the TSO along with the Bulk Supply Point Demand
forecasts provided pursuant to this PC.C3 a description of the Bulk Supply Point
Demand forecasting techniques used.
PC.C3.3.6 The DNO shall provide to the TSO all the information in the possession of the DNO
which the TSO may reasonably require relating to any step-change in Load growth,
whether permanent or temporary, at a Bulk Supply Point which the DNO anticipates
may occur in the forthcoming financial year and which, if it occurs, may materially
affect the Demand at the relevant Bulk Supply Point.
The DNO will inform the TSO of the type and electrical loading of any equipment
connected, or to be connected, to the Distribution System where the DNO believes
there may be a material effect on the Transmission System with respect to the
Transmission and Distribution System Security and Planning Standards. The DNO
shall also inform the TSO of any measures taken, or to be taken, to address the
material effect.
Where the DNO believes that fluctuating Loads over 5 MVA on the Distribution
System may have a material effect on the Transmission System with respect to the
Transmission and Distribution System Security and Planning Standards, it shall
provide the TSO with the following information for each individual Demand site:
(a) Details of the cyclic variation of Demand (Active Power and Reactive
(b) The rates of change of Demand (Active Power and Reactive Power) both
increasing and decreasing.
(c) The shortest repetitive time interval between fluctuations in Demand (Active
Power and Reactive Power).
(d) The magnitude of the largest step changes in Demand (Active Power and
Reactive Power), both increasing and decreasing.
(e) Maximum energy demanded per half hour by the fluctuating load cycle.
(f) Steady state residual Demand (Active Power) occurring between Demand
Where the DNO believes that there may be a material effect on the Transmission
System with respect to the Transmission and Distribution System Security and
Planning Standards, it shall provide the TSO with details in respect of individual
Demand sites which have characteristics differing from the normal typical range of
Loads in the domestic, commercial or industrial fields. In particular, details on arc
26 June 2019
furnaces, rolling mills, traction installations etc. which are liable to cause flicker
Notwithstanding the planning data set out in this Appendix, the TSO may reasonably
require additional data from the DNO to represent correctly the performance of Plant
and Apparatus on the Distribution System where the present data submissions
would, in the TSO's reasonable opinion, prove insufficient for the purpose of
producing meaningful system studies.
26 June 2019
PC.D1.1 This Appendix specifies the modelling data to be submitted to the TSO by Users
connected to or applying for a new or modified connection to the Transmission System
or Distribution System pursuant to PC6.3.2.
PC.D2.1 Scope
PC.D2.2 General
All Users shall provide the TSO with suitable and accurate Models in order for the TSO
to assess the impact of the connection on the transient performance, security and stability
of the System.
The Models submitted by the User shall be representative of the Users Plant and
Apparatus at the Connection Point. All Models must take into account all
communication, controller and processing delays of the Users Plant and Apparatus. If
all Generating Units contained within the Users Plant and Apparatus are not identical,
the Model shall account for this by accurately representing the overall performance of the
Users Plant and Apparatus at the Connection Point.
All Users shall provide Models which are representative of the Users Plant and
Apparatus at the Connection Point. The Models shall represent the Users Plant and
Apparatus in balanced, root mean-square, positive phase-sequence, time domain studies
and three phase electromagnetic transient and harmonic studies.
26 June 2019
The balanced, root mean-square positive sequence time-domain Model shall be able to
calculate how quantities, including but not limited to; Active Power and Reactive Power
of the Users Plant and Apparatus vary due to changes in Frequency and voltage at the
Connection Point. The Model shall include all electrical and mechanical phenomena
that impact on the Active Power and/or Reactive Power of the Users Plant and
Apparatus for sub-transient, transient and synchronous dynamics up to and including
Primary Operating Reserve and Secondary Operating Reserve timeframes or when
post-event steady state conditions have been achieved.
The three-phase electromagnetic transient Model shall include all material aspects of the
Users Plant and Apparatus that affect the symmetrical and asymmetrical voltage and
current outputs from the Users Plant and Apparatus. The Model shall represent
phenomena that materially affect the voltage and Frequency on the System over
timeframes of sub-cycle up to 50 cycles including, but not limited to, switching electronic
devices, transformer saturation and equipment energisation.
PC.D3.1 Models provided by the Generator shall contain but not be limited to the following sub-
Generating Unit protection models, as agreed between the TSO and the
Generator, and
Users shall provide the TSO with an appropriate balanced, root mean-squared positive-
phase sequence time domain Model and a three-phase electromagnetic transient Model
in accordance with this Grid Code. The TSO requires that sufficient information be
provided by the User to allow for Models to be redeveloped in the event of future
software environment changes or version updates. All Models shall be accompanied
with appropriate documentation with sufficient detail as specified and deemed complete
by the TSO (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed). The User
shall provide information including, but not limited to, a full description of the Model
structure, inputs/outputs and functionality, Laplace diagrams or other suitably
understandable information. The User shall provide a description of the controller’s
26 June 2019
functionality of all levels of control on the Users Plant and Apparatus, along with
manufacturer details, version and operation manual. The User may also choose to
provide the TSO with Model source code. The Models shall be provided in a software
format as specified by the TSO. Alternatively, the User may provide an unambiguous
reference to a standard open-source Model, such as a standard IEEE Model, or to a
Model previously submitted to the TSO provided this Model accurately reflects the
Users Plant and Apparatus at the Connection Point.
The TSO may, when necessary to ensure the proper operation of its complete system
representation or to facilitate its understanding of the results of a dynamic simulation,
request additional information concerning the Model, which may include Model
documentation or source code of one or more routines in the Model. The User shall
comply with such request without undue delay.
The Models, supporting documentation and associated data are provided to the TSO in
order to carry out its duties to meet its Licence and Grid Code obligations. In that
regard, the TSO is entitled to share the Models, supporting documentation and associated
data with third parties, including but not limited to the Other TSO and DNO to perform
co-ordinated operational and/or planning studies. Where such data is shared with third
parties working for/with the TSO, this data will be shared and protected under the
confidentiality conditions of the Licence.
It is the responsibility of the User to provide the Models, supporting documentation and
associated data to the TSO. Where it is not possible for the User to provide the Models,
supporting documentation and associated data to the TSO, the TSO will accept the
Models, supporting documentation and associated data from a third party manufacturer.
The TSO will only accept this information from a third party manufacturer provided the
third party manufacturer agrees to enter into the TSOs standard confidentiality agreement
for Users. In the event the third party manufacturer is unable to enter into the TSOs
standard confidentiality agreement, the User shall be responsible for the provision of the
Models, supporting documentation and associated data to the TSO.
At all times the TSO shall be in possession of an up to date full and accurate parameter
listing of the Users Plant and Apparatus. This parameter listing must include all
operational control functionality, including Frequency, voltage and all the Users Plant
and Apparatus parameters relating to the control and operation of the Users Plant and
The User shall provide the Models, supporting documentation and associated data as
Standard Planning Data in accordance with PC.A2.1.4 and PC.B2.1.3 and in any case
must be submitted at least six months prior to energisation of the Users Plant and
26 June 2019
The Models provided to the TSO must be validated. The TSO must be satisfied that
behaviour shown by the Model under simulation conditions is representative of the Users
Plant and Apparatus under equivalent conditions.
Prior to energisation of the Users Plant and Apparatus, and where appropriate, the User
shall provide type test results to show that the responses shown by the Models are
representative of the Users Plant and Apparatus under laboratory test conditions.
Through Monitoring, the TSO shall ensure that Models submitted by the User remain
representative of the Users Plant and Apparatus throughout the operational lifetime of
the Users Plant and Apparatus.
In the event the TSO identifies that the response of the Models are not representative of
the Users Plant and Apparatus, the TSO shall notify the User. The User shall provide
the revised Models, supporting documentation and associated data whose response is
representative of the Users Plant and Apparatus as soon as reasonably practicable, but
in any case no longer than 30 Business Days after notification of the noncompliance by
the TSO, or as otherwise agreed with the TSO.
In the event of the User modifying hardware/software which affects the control and/or
operation of the Users Plant and Apparatus, the User shall provide the TSO with
updated Models, supporting documentation and associated data to enable the TSO to
assess the impact of the modification of the Users Plant and Apparatus on the System.
The User shall not implement any hardware/software modifications to the Users Plant
and Apparatus without prior agreement with the TSO.
The User must provide Models in software packages as specified by the TSO. The TSO
shall inform the User of the required software version, computer platform, compiler
version and model usability guidelines etc. upon request and shall be published on the
TSO website. The TSO may, from time to time, request the User to provide updated
Models which are compatible with changes in the TSO’s computing environment,
namely software version and/or compiler version. The User shall ensure such updated
Models are provided without undue delay and in any case in a timeframe agreed between
the User and the TSO. The User shall provide Models in the software formats as
defined by the TSO. Changes in the software format requirements for Models shall be
subject to the Grid Code amendments process defined in GC.6.5 and the TSO Licence.
26 June 2019
All Models, irrespective of software format, shall be accompanied by a sample case such
that the Model can be tested before being integrated into the System model in the
respective software environment. The sample case should include the Users Plant and
Apparatus up to the Connection Point connected via a suitable impedance to an infinite
26 June 2019
Please insert MW ranges and tick the boxes to indicate which units are synchronised to deliver each
MW range, as shown in the example above.
26 June 2019
CC1.1 (a) The Connection Conditions specify the technical, design and certain operational
criteria which must be complied with by Users whose Plant and Apparatus is
connected to, or who are seeking a connection to, the Transmission System and
by Generators with respect to CDGUs and Controllable PPMs connected to or
seeking a connection to the Distribution System.
(b) They also set out the procedures by which the Transmission System Operator
(TSO) shall seek to ensure compliance with these criteria as a pre requisite to
granting approval for the connection of a User’s Plant and Apparatus to the
Transmission System, or to decide whether or not to prevent a User’s connection
to the Distribution System.
(c) Users are defined for the purpose of these Connection Conditions in CC3.
CC1.2 (a) Procedures by which the TSO and Users connected or seeking a connection
to the Transmission System may conclude a Connection Agreement are
reflected in the Planning Code. Each Connection Agreement shall require
Users to comply with the terms of the Grid Code and the TSO will not grant
approval to connect the User's installation to the Transmission System
unless and until it is satisfied that the criteria laid down by the Connection
Conditions have, subject to any derogations issued by the Authority, been
met. The TSO’s grant of approval to connect a User’s installation to the
Transmission System shall also be subject to the provisions of paragraph 6
of Condition 25 of the TSO Licence as amended from time to time.
(b) With respect to Generators connected to, or seeking a connection to, the
Distribution System, the Transmission Use of System Agreement or Grid
Code Compliance Agreement as the case may be shall require Users to
comply with the terms of the Connection Conditions and the TSO may
prevent the connection of a User’s installation to the Distribution System
unless and until it is satisfied that the relevant criteria laid down by the
Connection Conditions have, subject to any derogations issued by the
Authority, been met.
CC1.3 The provisions of the Connection Conditions shall apply to all connections to the
Transmission System:
CC1.4 The Connection Conditions are structured such that certain provisions are dealt with
in the Schedules to these Connection Conditions, with separate schedules for different
types of Plant.
26 June 2019
CC1.5 As explained in the Glossary and Definitions section, references to the term “User
System” shall be read as referring to the Distribution System with respect to provisions
applicable to the DNO.
(b) the basic rules for connection treat all Users of an equivalent category in a non-
discriminatory fashion, in accordance with the TSO’s statutory and Licence
obligations; and
(c) to enable the TSO to comply with its Licence and statutory obligations.
CC3.1 The Connection Conditions apply to the TSO and to Users which, in the Connection
Conditions, means:
CC3.2 The only provisions relevant to Generators connected to the Distribution System in
the CCs are CC11, Part II of Schedules 1 and 2 and Appendix 3.
CC3.3 Persons other than the DNO whose prospective activities would place them in any of the
above categories of User will, either pursuant to a Licence or as a result of the
application procedures for a Connection Agreement or Transmission Use of System
Agreement or pursuant to a Grid Code Compliance Agreement, become bound by
the CC prior to their generating or consuming, as the case may be, and references to the
various categories (or to the general category) of User should, therefore, be taken as
referring to them in that prospective role as well as to Users actually connected.
CC4.1 The design of connections between the Transmission System and Users' Systems
shall be in accordance with the Licence Standards.
26 June 2019
CC4.2 The TSO will determine the point, including the voltage, at which each User other than
the DNO may be connected to the Transmission System.
CC4.3 The User's Plant and Apparatus shall comply with the principles outlined in
Regulation 28 of the Electricity Supply Regulations (N.I.) 1991 and Regulations 4-12
and 15 of the Electricity at Work Regulations (N.I.) 1991 or any amendments to or re-
statements of those provisions.
CC5.1 The Frequency of the NI System, and the voltage and harmonic design criteria of the
Transmission System are set out in CC5.3 to CC5.5.
CC5.2 Each User shall ensure that its Plant and Apparatus at Connection Points is capable
of operating under any variation in the System Frequency and voltage as set out in
CC5.3 to CC5.5.
CC5.3.1 The Frequency of the NI System shall be nominally 50 Hz and shall normally be
controlled within the limits of 49.5 Hz to 50.5 Hz and in accordance with the Electricity
Supply Regulations (N.I.) 1991.
CC5.3.3 In exceptional circumstances, System Frequency could vary causing a considerable
Rate of Change of Frequency. Under such conditions, Users must ensure that their
Plant and Apparatus remains synchronised to the NI System for a Rate of
Change of Frequency up to and including 1 Hz per second as measured over a
rolling 500 milliseconds period within the frequency range mentioned in CC5.3.2.
For the avoidance of doubt, this requirement relates to the capabilities of
Generating Units only and does not impose the need for Rate of Change of
Frequency protection nor does it impose a specific setting for anti-islanding or loss-
of-mains protection relays. Voltage dips may cause localised Rate of Change of
Frequency values in excess of 1 Hz per second for short periods, and in these cases,
the relevant condition for each type of generation contained in the schedule of these
Connection Conditions supersedes this CC5.3.3 (the relevant conditions being:
CC.S1.1.5.6 for any User other than a PPM connected to the Transmission System;
CC.S2.1.4 or a PPM connected to the Transmission System; CC.S2.2.3.4 for a
PPM connected to the Distribution System and CC.S1.2.4.4 for any User other
than a PPM connected to the Distribution System.)
26 June 2019
CC5.4 Voltage Variations
CC5.4.1 The voltage variation on the Transmission System shall comply with the Electricity
Supply Regulations (N.I.) 1991 (as amended, updated or superseded), that is, will
normally remain within the limits ± 10% of the nominal value or as otherwise agreed.
CC5.4.2 The design criteria in respect of voltage fluctuations and unbalance shall be in
accordance with the Licence Standards.
CC5.4.3 Under fault and circuit switching conditions the rated Frequency component of voltage
may fall or rise transiently. The fall and rise in voltage will be affected by the method
of Earthing of the respective system voltage neutral point.
CC5.4.4 Each connection to the Transmission System must not adversely affect the method of
voltage control employed by the TSO. Information on the voltage regulation and
control arrangements will be made available by the TSO on request by the User.
The design criteria in respect of harmonic distortion shall be in accordance with the
Licence Standards.
The design criteria in respect of phase unbalance shall be in accordance with the
Licence Standards.
At the Connection Point, all Users' Plant and Apparatus shall meet the following
technical design and operational criteria. Detailed information relating to a particular
connection will, where indicated below, be made available by the TSO on request by
the User.
CC6.2.1 (a) The TSO shall ensure in respect of the TO’s equipment, and Users shall ensure in
respect of their own equipment, that subject as provided in (b) below, the
principles of design, manufacture, installation and testing of overhead lines,
underground cables and other Plant and Apparatus designed after 31 March 1992
shall conform to (and such equipment shall comply with) all applicable statutory
obligations and the applicable requirements of the following standards, each as
current at the date of design of such Plant and Apparatus, which shall apply (to
the extent of any inconsistency) in the following order of precedence:
(i) designed prior to 31 March 1992 and in use or awaiting re-use at such date
(or about to be used at such date); and
the applicable standards under (a) above shall be those which were current at the
date when the Plant or Apparatus was originally designed, provided that the
TSO reasonably considers the Plant and/or Apparatus to be fit for its purpose
having full regard to the respective obligations of the TSO and the relevant User,
and otherwise shall be those current at the date of re-use.
CC6.2.2 The short circuit rating and insulation level of a User’s Plant and Apparatus at the
relevant Connection Point shall not be less than that specified in the relevant
Connection Agreement.
CC6.2.3 The TSO shall ensure in respect of the TO’s Plant and Apparatus at the Connection
Point and a User shall ensure in respect of its Plant and Apparatus at the Connection
Point that the specifications shall be such as to permit operation within the applicable
Local Safety Instructions.
CC6.3 Metering
CC6.3.1 The requirements to be met by each User in respect of metering equipment are set out
in the Metering Code and, with respect to Generators whose CDGUs or Controllable
PPMs are connected to the Distribution System, the Distribution Code Metering
CC6.4 Protection
CC6.4.1 All User Systems and the Transmission System must incorporate Protection in
accordance with the requirements of the Electricity Supply Regulations (N.I.) 1991 as
amended or re-stated.
CC6.4.2 The basic requirement in all cases is that Users’ arrangements for Protection at the
Connection Point, including types of equipment and Protection settings must be
compatible with standard practices on the Transmission System from time to time,
whilst maintaining necessary discrimination and coordination. Relevant details of the
application of these requirements to a particular connection will be made available to
the User upon request pursuant to CC6.1.
In particular:
(a) maximum fault clearance times (from fault inception to arc extinction) must be
within the limits established by the TSO in accordance with the Protection and
equipment short circuit rating policy adopted by the TSO from time to time for
the Transmission System;
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(b) auto reclosing or sequential switching features may need to be used on the
Transmission System. If needed to be used on the Transmission System, the
TSO will on request provide details of the auto-reclose or sequential switching
CC6.4.3 With respect to Users other than the DNO, during the course of an application for a
Connection Agreement the TSO shall specify the Protection standards applicable to
the Transmission System and agree with the User (or, in the event that agreement
cannot be reached, the TSO will determine acting reasonably) any conditions for
compatibility with the TO Protection arrangements which shall be complied with by
the User.
In particular:
(b) in order to cover a circuit breaker or equipment having a similar function failing to
operate correctly to interrupt fault current on a High Voltage System, back-up
Protection by operation of other circuit breakers or equipment having a similar
function must normally be provided by the User. The TSO will inform the User
if it is not required. If the back-up circuit breaker is owned by the TO, it may be
equipped with Protection that is limited to that required to provide excess Energy
Protection to the Transmission System; and
(c) unless the TSO specifies otherwise, it is not acceptable for Users to limit the fault
current infeed to the Transmission System by the use of Protection and
associated equipment if the failure of the Protection and associated equipment to
operate as intended in the occurrence of a fault could cause equipment owned by
the TO to operate outside its short-circuit rating.
CC6.4.4 Generating Units shall fulfil the following protection system management
(i) the schemes and settings of the different control devices of the
Generating Unit that are necessary for transmission system stability and
for taking emergency action shall be coordinated and agreed between the
TSO, DNO and Generator;
(ii) any changes to the schemes and settings, mentioned in (i), of the different
26 June 2019
control devices of the Generating Unit shall be coordinated and agreed
between the TSO, DNO and Generator, in particular if they apply in the
circumstances referred to in point (i);
(i) the TSO shall specify the schemes and settings necessary to protect the
network, taking into account the characteristics of the Generating Unit.
The protection schemes for the Generating Unit and the network as well
as the settings relevant to the Generating Unit shall coordinated and
agreed between the TSO and the Generator. The protection schemes and
settings for internal electrical faults must not jeopardise the performance
of a Generating Unit, in line with the requirements set out in this
(ii) electrical protection of the Generating Unit shall take precedence over
operational controls, taking into account the security of the system and
health and safety of staff and of the public, as well as mitigating any
damage to the Generating Unit;
inter-area oscillations,
inrush current,
26 June 2019
inverse power,
(iv) changes to the protection schemes needed for the Generating Unit and
the network and to the setting relevant to the Generating Unit shall be
agreed between the TSO and the Generator, and agreement shall be
reached before any changes are made;
(c) the Generator shall organise its protection and control devices in accordance
with the following priority ranking (from highest to lowest):
(ii) the TSO shall specify the content of information exchanges including a
precise list of data to be provided by the Generator.
CC6.4.5 With regard to loss of angular stability or loss of control, a Generating Unit shall be
capable of disconnecting automatically from the network in order to help preserve
system security or to prevent damage to the Gnerating Unit. The Generator and the
DNO in coordination with the TSO shall agree on the criteria for detecting loss of
angular stability or loss of control
CC6.4.6 With regard to the installation of devices for system operation and devices for system
26 June 2019
security, if the TSO considers that it is necessary to install additional devices at the
Generators Generating Plant in order to preserve or restore system operation or
security, the TSO and the Generator shall investigate the matter and agree on an
appropriate solution.
CC6.4.7 Earthing arrangement of the neutral-point at the network side step-up transformers
shall comply with the specifications of the TSO.
CC6.5 Intertripping
With respect to Users other than the DNO, where automatic reclosure of the TO circuit
breakers is required following faults on the User's System, automatic switching
equipment shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the relevant
Connection Agreement.
With respect to Users other than the DNO, the design criteria to be applied to Users’
Loads connected to the Transmission System to limit voltage fluctuations and
unbalance and harmonic distortion will be notified to the User in the course of an
application for connection to the Transmission System and will be in accordance with
the Licence Standards. In the event that a User causes any such limits to be breached,
the TSO shall be entitled to require the User to take such steps as the TSO reasonably
considers to be necessary in order to prevent such breach from continuing and the User
shall comply with the TSO’s instructions without delay.
CC6.8.1 The specification of a User's Apparatus shall meet the voltages which will be imposed
on the Apparatus as a result of the method of Earthing of the Transmission System
as specified in the relevant Connection Agreement.
CC6.8.2 The higher voltage windings of each transformer of a User connected to the
Transmission System shall be star connected with the star point earthed. If the earth
electrode system to which the User's star point is earthed is not independent from the
earth electrode system of any Substation owned by the TO, it shall be connected to the
earth electrode system of that Substation.
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CC6.8.3 The Earthing of a User's Apparatus at the Connection Point must be in accordance
with current TO practice which will be notified to the User, initially, during the course
of an application for connection to the Transmission System. In the event that the TO
wishes to change its current practice, the TSO will notify the User as soon as
reasonably practicable in advance of the change and any modifications which such
change will require to be undertaken on the User's System will be implemented in
accordance with the modifications procedure set down in the User's Connection
Agreement (for Users other than the DNO), if it is applicable.
CC6.8.4 Users shall take all reasonable precautions in relation to a particular Connection Point
to limit the occurrence and effects of circulatory currents in respect of neutral points of
any interconnected system (e.g. where there is more than one source of Energy).
CC6.9.1 A User (other than the DNO) connected to the Transmission System may be required
by the Connection Agreement to be subject to arrangements for Automatic Load
Shedding at selected Connection Points. One of the purposes of these facilities is to
improve the overall security of supply by providing some measure of Demand relief to
assist in preventing NI System collapse under emergency conditions involving low
System Frequency. OC4 contains a section dealing with Automatic Load Shedding.
The setting levels and demand block sizes for the relevant supply points shall be
determined by the TSO and specified in the relevant Connection Agreement.
Technical requirements relating to Low Frequency Relays are given in Appendix 3.
CC6.9.2 The DNO may be required to be subject to arrangements for Automatic Load
Shedding at selected Bulk Supply Points. One of the purposes of these facilities is to
improve the overall security of supply by providing some measure of Demand relief to
assist in preventing NI System collapse under emergency conditions involving low
System Frequency. OC4 contains a section dealing with Automatic Load Shedding.
The setting levels and demand block sizes for the relevant supply points shall be
determined by the TSO and specified in the relevant Connection Agreement.
Technical requirements relating to Low Frequency Relays are given in Appendix 3.
Where a User proposes to use mains borne signalling equipment to superimpose signals
on the Transmission System, the prior written agreement of the TSO is required
(which agreement will not be unreasonably withheld).
Technical Criteria for PPMs and Generating Units other than those comprised within
CC7.1 The Schedules to these Connection Conditions contain certain technical requirements
for Users, divided into type of Plant or User connection. Schedule 1 sets out technical
criteria that Generators must comply with in respect of their CCGT Modules, Steam
Turbine Units and Gas Turbine Units. Schedule 2 sets out technical criteria that
Generators must comply with in respect of their PPMs.
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CC7.2 The detail of such technical criteria for WFPSs and PPMs is in some cases as specified
by the TSO from time to time in the WFPS Settings Schedule and PPM Settings
Schedule published on the SONI website (or such other place or by such other means
as may be notified to the Generator from time to time), for the reasons set out in the
introduction to the WFPS Settings Schedule and PPM Settings Schedule. The
version of the WFPS Settings Schedule and PPM Settings Schedule at any time
current is therefore deemed to form part of the Grid Code. Changes to the WFPS
Settings Schedule and PPM Settings Schedule shall be the subject of consultation
undertaken by the TSO except to the extent that those changes do not alter the setting
for a technical criterion specified in the WFPS Settings Schedule and PPM Settings
Schedule so that it ceases to be within the range prescribed for that criterion in the
Grid Code Connection Conditions.
CC7.3 The Grid Code and the WFPS Settings Schedule and PPM Settings Schedule set out
technical criteria in relation to communications, control and telemetry that Generators
must comply with in respect of their WFPSs.
This CC8 shall not apply to the DNO with the exception CC8.8. As explained in
CC11.1.1, references to the Connection Agreement in CC8 shall be read as references
to a Transmission Use of System Agreement or a Grid Code Compliance
Agreement where relevant.
CC8.2.1 Equipment shall be provided for connection to the Corporate Control Telephone
Network notified by the TSO by means of which routine and emergency control
telephone calls may be established between each User and the TSO. Provision of this
equipment shall be in accordance with the relevant Connection Agreement.
CC8.2.2 Connection to the Corporate Telephone Network notified by the TSO and any circuit or
circuits required to connect the User with the point of connection shall be provided in
accordance with the relevant Connection Agreement.
CC8.2.3 The User shall furnish the TSO with all relevant information associated with its
connection to the Corporate Telephone Network notified by the TSO to enable the
TSO to meet its obligations under the "Temporary Licence For The Electricity
Association Member Companies To Run Certain Telecommunications Systems", issued
by the Department of Trade and Industry and/or any other applicable requirements.
CC8.2.4 All equipment the TSO requires to be connected to the Corporate Control Telephone
Network notified by the TSO shall be provided and maintained by the TSO at its own
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CC8.2.5 All equipment connected to the Corporate Telephone Network notified by the TSO
shall be maintained by a Registered Maintainer as defined by Statutory Regulations
administered by the British Standards Institute on behalf of the DTI.
Each Generator with a CDGU or a CCGT Installation shall provide and maintain in
full working order a facsimile machine at each Power Station Control Centre and each
will notify the TSO of the telephone number. The TSO shall provide and maintain in
full working order a facsimile machine at Castlereagh House Grid Control Centre and
will notify each Generator of the number.
CC8.4 Telemetry
(a) In addition to the requirements of the MC, each User shall provide such voltage,
current, Frequency, Active and Reactive Power measurements and status points
and alarms and controls at the TSO telemetry outstation interface (if any) as
required and specified by the TSO in the relevant Connection Agreement. The
TSO shall provide, install and maintain the telemetry outstation. Each User shall
be responsible for providing a secure AC power supply to the telemetry outstation.
(b) If it is agreed between the TSO and a User that the TSO will telecontrol the
User's switchgear on the User Site, the TSO shall install the necessary telecontrol
facilities. It shall be the responsibility of the User to provide the necessary control
interface for the switchgear of the User which is to be controlled.
CC8.5.1 The User’s contact locations and personnel shall be notified by the User to the TSO
prior to connection and thereafter updated as appropriate.
CC.8.5.2 A User in relation to a CDGU, a Demand Side Unit, Aggregated Generating Units
and/or an Interconnector is required to provide a continually manned Control
Facility. For the avoidance of doubt, the Control Facility for Aggregated
Generating Units and Aggregated Demand Sites is to be provided by the relevant
CC.8.5.3 The Control Facility shall be staffed by a Responsible Operator(s) who shall
respond to communications from the TSO without undue delay (except where
otherwise provided for by agreement between the User and the TSO, such agreement
not to be unreasonably withheld) and are of suitable experience and training and are
authorised to perform the following functions:
(b) to receive and acknowledge receipt of requests, for amongst other matters,
operation outside the Declared values of Availability, System Support
Service capability, or operation of the CDGU, Demand Side Unit,
Aggregated Generating Units and/or Interconnector during System
Emergency Conditions.
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CC.8.5.4 At any point in time, a single person shall be designated by the User and notified to
the TSO as the Responsible Manager. The Responsible Manager shall be
responsible for dealing with the TSO on matters relating to the Grid Code. In the
event that the Responsible Manager is not a person on duty at the Control Facility,
then the Responsible Manager must be capable of being contacted from the Control
Facility at all times, and in the event that the TSO issues a request to the Control
Facility requiring the Responsible Manager to contact the TSO Control Centre,
the Responsible Manager shall comply with the request without undue delay and in
any case within 15 minutes of the request. For the avoidance of doubt, in the case of
an Interconnector, the Interconnector Owner is the Responsible Manager.
CC8.5.5 The Responsible Manager shall be authorised by the User to perform the following
functions on behalf of the CDGU, Demand Side Unit, Aggregated Generating
Units and/or Interconnector:
(a) to make Declarations for the CDGU, Demand Side Unit, Aggregated
Generating Units and/or Interconnector;
CC8.5.6 The User may, from time to time, notify a replacement contact location and personnel
which meets the foregoing requirements.
CC8.5.7 Unless otherwise agreed with the TSO, each Individual Demand Site comprising a
Demand Side Unit shall have a Responsible Operator that must be capable of being
contacted from the Control Facility of the Demand Side Unit Operator at all times
and is capable of being at the Individual Demand Site within 1 hour of request to
respond to any query or issue from the Responsible Operator at the Control Facility
of the Demand Side Unit Operator.
CC8.5.7 A User who is a Generator with a capacity between 5 and 10 MW and is not a CDGU
which has lost automatic control will be given notice by the TSO and must take manual
intervention to return the Generator to the required set point in a time period no
greater than 1 hour. Best endeavours shall be made to resolve the loss of automatic
remote control in as quick a timeframe as possible.
Users shall ensure that accommodation is provided for Electronic Interface facilities.
All communication connections between each User and the TSO shall conform to:
(a) appropriate CCITT standards and other standards required by licensed public
telephone operators; and/or
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(b) appropriate standards for radio systems as required by the Radio communications
Agency from time to time.
In respect of (b) above, each User shall, except to the extent that an alternative means
of communication has been agreed with the TSO in a Connection Agreement, provide
where required by the TSO facilities on which a small radio aerial can be mounted and
shall obtain where necessary any planning permissions required therefor.
CC8.8.1 When entering into a connection agreement with a User in respect of a Controllable
PPM which is or is to be connected to the Distribution System or in respect of a
Generating Unit which is to be subject to Central Dispatch and which is or is to be
connected to the Distribution System, the DNO shall install, at the time the physical
connection is established, and following a request by the TSO the relevant equipment
contained in an Event Recorder (whose data can be retrieved remotely via a
communications network for analysis), to enable the TSO to carry out its Monitoring,
Testing and Investigation rights and obligations under OC11. This paragraph shall not
apply with respect to Generating Units that form part of an Aggregated Generating
CC8.8.2 Where the DNO is required to install the relevant equipment contained in an Event
Recorder under CC8.8.1, the DNO shall also provide the TSO with the means to
retrieve remotely the data collected by such equipment.
CC8.8.3 With regard to instrumentation:
(a) Generating Units shall be equipped with an Event Recorder to provide fault
recording and monitoring of dynamic system behaviour. The TSO shall have the
right to specify quality of supply parameters including harmonic recording
accuracy class to be complied within a reasonable prior notice period. The Event
Recorder shall record the following parameters:
active power,
reactive power,
frequency, and
(b) the settings of the Event Recorder, including triggering criteria and the sampling
rates shall be agreed between the Generator and the TSO in coordination with the
(c) the Event Recorder shall include an oscillation trigger specified by the TSO in
26 June 2019
coordination with the DSO, with the purpose of detecting poorly damped
(d) the Event Recorder shall include arrangements for the Generator and TSO to
access information. The communications protocols for recorded data shall be
agreed between the Generator and the TSO,.
(e) the facilities for the Event Recorder shall include arrangements for the
Generator, the TSO and DSO to access information. The communications
protocols for recorded data shall be agreed between the Generator, the TSO and
CC8.8.4.1 The DNO shall provide in the Distribution Code that, apart from those circumstances
set out in CC8.8.4, all Independent Generating Plant connected to the Distribution
System with an Output of 100 kW or more shall stay connected and operate:
(a) continuously where the System Frequency varies within the range 49.5
to 52.0 Hz;
(b) for a period of up to one hour where the System Frequency varies within
the range 48.0 to 49.5 Hz; and
(c) for a period of up to 5 minutes where the System Frequency varies
within the range 47.0 to 48.0 Hz.
The DNO shall notify the TSO if an Independent Generating Plant above
100KW does not operate within the parameters set out above and, if required by
the TSO, shall use reasonable endeavours to enforce the Distribution Code
obligations on the Independent Generating Plant.
CC8.8.4.2 On or after 27th April 2019 the DNO shall provide in the Distribution Code that, all
Independent Generating Plant connected to the Distribution System shall stay
connected and operate in accordance with the requirements of NIE Networks
Engineering Recommendation G98/NI, Engineering Recommendation G99/NI and
the PPM Setting Schedule, each as applicable and as amended, supplemented,
varied or replaced from time to time and with all other relevant Engineering
Recommendations and relevant regulations and the particular requirements of the
DNO which will take account of the conditions prevailing on the Distribution
System at the Connection Point at the relevant time.
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CC8.8.5 The requirements of CC8.8.4.1 do not apply where:
(a) the islanding protection has operated correctly, consistent with the
settings agreed with the DNO;
(b) the System Frequency has changed at a rate greater than 0.5HZ/s; or
(c) there is manual intervention by the Generator.
CC8.8.6 System Frequency Variations
CC8.8.6.1 All CDGUs and Controllable PPMs shall be capable of staying connected to the
System and remaining operable within the frequency ranges and time periods
specified in the table below
Frequency Range (Hz) Time Period for Operation (s)
47.0 – 47.5 Hz 20 seconds
47.5 – 48.5 Hz 90 minutes
48.5 – 49.0 Hz 90 minutes
49.0 – 51.0 Hz Unlimited
51.0 – 51.5 Hz 90 minutes
51.5 – 52 Hz 60 minutes
CC8.8.6.2 A Generator shall not unreasonably withhold consent to apply wider frequency
ranges or longer minimum times for operation taking account of their economic and
technical feasibility.
CC8.8.6.3 The Generator in coordination with the TSO may agree on wider frequency ranges,
longer minimum operating times for operation or specific requirements for combined
frequency and voltage deviations to ensure the best use of the technical capabilities of
the Generating Unit (s) if required to preserve or restore system security.
CC8.8.6.4 The Generator shall be capable of maintaining constant output at its target active
power value regardless of changes in frequency, except where output follows the
changes specified in the context of CC8.8.7.1 and CC8.8.7.4.
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CC8.8.7.1 Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Overfrequency (LFSM-O)
If NI System Frequency rises to or above 50.2 Hz, each Generator at its Generating
Plant will be required to ensure that each of its CDGUs and Controllable PPMs has
the capability to contribute to containing and correcting the high System Frequency.
This capability shall be in accordance with;
(a) The default rate of change of Active Power output must be at a rate of 5
percent of output per 0.1 Hz deviation of System Frequency above 50.2 Hz
(i.e. a Droop of 4%) as shown in the Frequency response characteristic below.
Each Generator at its Generating Plant will be required to ensure that each of
its CDGUs and Controllable PPMs proportional governor should be equipped
with controls which allow the droop to be set independently in the range 2% to
12% above 50.2 Hz,
(b) The reduction in Active Power output must be continuously and linearly
proportional, as far as is practicable, to the excess of Frequency above 50.2
Hz and must be provided increasingly with time,
(c) Each CDGUs and Controllable PPM shall be capable of initiating a power
Frequency response with an initial delay that is as short as possible. If the
delay exceeds 2 seconds the Generator shall justify the variation, providing
technical evidence to the TSO.
(d) Each Generator at its Generating Plant will be required to ensure that each of
its CDGUs and Controllable PPMs which is providing LFSM-O must
continue to provide it until the Frequency has returned to or below 50.2 Hz or
until otherwise instructed by the TSO.
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(e) Each Generator at its Generating Plant will be required to ensure that each of
its CDGUs and Controllable PPMs which is providing LFSM-O shall be
capable of operating stably during LFSM-O operation. When LFSM-O is
active, the LFSM-O setpoint will prevail over any other Active Power
(g) All reasonable efforts should in the event be made by the Generator to avoid
such tripping provided that the System Frequency is below 52 Hz in
accordance with the requirements of CC8.8.6.1. If the System Frequency is at
or above 52 Hz, the requirement to make all reasonable efforts to avoid tripping
does not apply and the Generator is required to take action to protect its Plant
and Apparatus.
(b) The actual delivery of Active Power Frequency Response in LFSM-U mode
shall take into account;
(c) The activation of Active Power frequency response by each CDGU and
Controllable PPM shall not be unduly delayed. In the event of any delay
greater than 2 seconds the Generator shall justify it to the TSO.
(e) stable operation of each CDGU and Controllable PPM during LFSM-U
shall be ensured.
+0.05 Capacity
26 June 2019
49.985 50.015
49.6 49.8 50.2 50.4
Parameter Setting
Nominal System Frequency 50 Hz
Frequency Response Insensitivity in mHz ±15m Hz
(ǀ )
Frequency Response Insensitivity as a ±0.03 %
percentage of nominal frequency ( )
26 June 2019
Each Generator at its Generating Plant will be required to ensure that each of its
CDGUs and Controllable PPMs proportional governor should be equipped with
controls which allow the droop to be set independently in the range 2% to 12%. The
frequency control device (or speed governor) must also be capable of being set so that
it operates with an overall default speed Droop of 4%. The Frequency Response
Deadband and Droop must be able to be reselected repeatedly.
CC8. Frequency Step Change
(i) In the event of a Frequency step change, each CDGU shall be capable of
activating full and stable Active Power Frequency response (without undue
power oscillations), in accordance with the performance characteristic and
parameters shown below.
t1 t2
Parameter Setting
Active Power as a percentage of 10%
Registered Capacity ( Capacity )
Maximum admissible initial delay t1 0 seconds
Activation time t2 5 seconds
(ii) In the event of a Frequency step change, each Controllable PPM shall be capable
of activating full and stable Active Power Frequency response (without undue
power oscillations), in accordance with the performance characteristic and
parameters shown below and detailed in the PPM Setting Schedule.
26 June 2019
MW Output
MW Output
t1 t2
Parameter Setting
Active Power as a percentage of 60%
expected MW output based on droop
characteristic ( MW Output )
Maximum admissible initial delay t1 0 seconds
Activation time t2 5 seconds
(iii) For each CDGU and Controllable PPM, the initial activation of Active
Power Primary Frequency response is 0 seconds and shall not be unduly
delayed. If the Generator cannot meet this requirement they shall provide
technical evidence to TSO demonstrating why a longer time is needed for the
initial activation of Active Power Frequency response.
(iv) Each CDGU and Controllable PPM shall be capable of providing full Active
Power frequency response for a period of 20 minutes.
(v) With regard to CC8. (iv), Active Power control must not have any
adverse impact on the Active Power frequency response of Generating
(vi) With regard to frequency restoration control, CDGUs and Controllable
PPMs shall provide functionalities complying with specifications specified by
the TSO, aimed at restoring Frequency to its nominal value or maintaining
power flows between control areas at their scheduled values.
(vii) With regard to disconnection due to underfrequency, Generating Units
capable of acting as load, including hydro pump-storage power-generating
facilities, shall be capable of disconnecting their load in case of
underfrequency. The requirement referred to in this point does not extend to
auxiliary supply.
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CC8. With regard to real time monitoring of FSM:
(a) to monitor the operation of active power frequency response, the communication
interface shall be equipped to transfer in real time and in a secured manner from
the Generating Unit to the TSO Control Centre, at least the following signals:
Status signal of FSM (on/off),
scheduled active power output,
actual value of the active power output,
actual parameter settings for active power frequency response,
droop and deadband;
(b) the TSO shall specify additional signals to be provided by the Generator by
monitoring and recording devices in order to verify the performance of the active
power frequency response provision of participating Generating Units.
CC8.8.7.4 Admissible Active Power reduction of Generating Units from Registered Capacity
output with falling Frequency
Each CDGU and Controllable PPM must be capable of:
(a) continuously maintaining constant Active Power output for System Frequency
changes within the range specified in CC8.8.6.1, and
(b) (subject to the provisions of CC8.8.6.1) maintaining its Active Power output at a
level not lower than the figure determined by the linear relationship shown in
below for System Frequency changes below 49.5 Hz for Steady State domain
and 49 Hz for Transient domain for ambient conditions of 10⁰C, 70% relative
humidity and 1013 hPa for gas fired turbine generators, such that if the System
Frequency drops to below 49.5 Hz for Steady State domain and 49 Hz for
Transient domain the Active Power output does not decrease by more than 2%.
48 48.5 49 49.5 50
(c) For the avoidance of doubt, in the case of a PPM where the mechanical power
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input will not be constant over time, the requirement is that the Active Power
output shall be independent of System Frequency under (a) above and should
not drop with System Frequency by greater than the amount specified in (b)
CC9.1.1 The ownership boundary between the Transmission System and a User's System shall
be agreed between the User and the TSO.
CC9.1.2 In the absence of a separate written agreement between the parties to the contrary,
construction, commissioning, control, operation and maintenance responsibilities
follow ownership.
CC9.1.3 In respect of Users other than the DNO, for connections to the Transmission System
for which a Connection Agreement is required and those covered by regulation 26 and
parts 1 and 2 of schedule 3 of the Electricity Supply Regulations (N.I.) 1991, as
amended or re-stated from time to time, a Site Responsibility Schedule shall be
prepared by the TSO (reflecting the details agreed between the TSO and the User) in
respect of each Connection Site pursuant to the relevant Connection Agreement and
26 June 2019
signed by both parties (by way of confirmation of its accuracy), detailing the division
of responsibilities at interface sites in respect of ownership, control, operation,
maintenance and safety. The format, principles and basic procedure to be used in the
preparation of Site Responsibility Schedules are set down in Appendix 1.
CC9.1.5 A copy of the Site Responsibility Schedule and any Ownership Diagrams shall be
retained by the TSO and by the User (other than the DNO).
CC9.1.6 The User (other than the DNO) shall notify the TSO of any changes at or relating to
the Connection Site which may affect the Site Responsibility Schedule or Ownership
Diagrams and the TSO shall carry out any necessary updating and the principles set
out in CC9.1.3 shall apply to such updating.
The provisions relating to access to TO Sites by Users and to User's Sites by members
or representatives of the TSO or the TO shall be set out in the relevant Connection
Agreement, Transmission Use of System Agreement, and/or Lease.
CC9.4.1 (a) It is a requirement that all User's Plant and Apparatus on TO Sites is maintained
adequately for the purpose for which it is intended and to ensure that it does not
pose a threat to the safety of any of TO's Plant, Apparatus or personnel on the
TO Site.
(b) The TSO shall ensure that all of the Transmission System Plant and Apparatus
on Users' Sites is maintained adequately for the purpose for which it is intended
and to ensure that it does not pose a threat to the safety of any User's Plant,
Apparatus or personnel on the User's Site.
(c) The TSO or the User (as the case may be) will have the right to inspect the test
results and maintenance records relating to such Plant and Apparatus at any
26 June 2019
CC9.5 Responsibility for Safety
CC9.5.1 The Site Responsibility Schedule referred to in CC9.1.3 shall detail the demarcation of
responsibility for safety of persons carrying out work or testing at Connection Sites
and on circuits which cross a Connection Site at any point.
CC9.5.2 More detailed information on procedures and responsibilities involved in the provision
of Safety Precautions is set out in OC6.
For the avoidance of doubt, this CC10 applies only to Users connected or seeking a
connection to the Transmission System.
CC10.1.1 A User (other than the DNO) whose development is under construction in accordance
with the relevant Connection Agreement and who wishes to establish connection with
the Transmission System shall apply to the TSO by submitting a standard connection
card or otherwise in writing, stating readiness to connect and giving the following:
(a) confirmation that the User's installation complies with the principles outlined in
Regulation 28 of the Electricity Supply Regulations (N.I.) 1991 and Regulations
4-12 and 15 of the Electricity at Work Regulations (N.I.) 1991 (or as amended or
(b) where relevant, updated Planning Code data based on actual values; and
CC10.1.2 The TSO may require a User (other than the DNO) to provide in addition to its written
application to the TSO for connection in accordance with CC10.1.1, a report, prepared
by such person as the TSO may reasonably consider to be competent to issue the same,
certifying to the TSO that all matters required by CC5 have been considered and that
CC6 to CC8 inclusive have been complied with by the User and incorporating:
(a) type test reports and test certificates produced by Nationally Accredited
Laboratories (or other equivalent testing organisations) showing that the Plant and
Apparatus specified in the Connection Conditions meets the criteria specified;
(b) copies of the manufacturer's test certificates relating to Plant and Apparatus
referred to in the Connection Conditions, including measurements of positive
and zero sequence impedance of Apparatus which will contribute to the fault
current at the Connection Point;
(d) a certificate declaring the maximum short circuit current in amperes which the
User's System would contribute to a three-phase short circuit at the Connection
Point, and the minimum zero sequence impedance of the User's System at the
Connection Point and taking into account the contributions of any Generating
Unit or Power Station motors and transformers; and
26 June 2019
(e) confirmation that design conforms with the standards referred to in CC6.
CC10.1.3 A User (other than the DNO) shall, in all cases, supply the following information
together with its notification under CC10.1.1:
(a) to the TO, a list of persons proposed to be appointed by the User to undertake,
and to be responsible for, the application and removal of Safety Precautions on
those parts of the User's System which are directly connected to the
Transmission System;
(b) to the TSO, a list of persons appointed by the User to undertake operational duties
on the User's System and to issue and receive operational messages and
instructions in relation to the User's System;
(c) to the TSO, a list of names and telephone numbers of responsible management
representatives in accordance with OC7;
(d) to the TSO, site common drawings as specified in the Connection Agreement;
(e) to the TSO, in the case of User Systems directly connected to the Transmission
System, a single line diagram of the User's Apparatus showing all items to
which these Connection Conditions apply; and
(f) to the TSO, in the case of User Systems directly connected to the Transmission
System, information to enable the TSO to prepare a Site Responsibility
CC10.1.4 In order that the TSO may verify that the requirements of these Connection
Conditions can be met, the User (other than the DNO) shall provide a proposed
commissioning programme, giving at least six weeks (or such longer period as the TSO
may reasonably consider to be appropriate in the circumstances) notice of the proposed
connection date, and detailing all proposed site testing of main and ancillary equipment,
together with the names of the organisations which are to carry out such testing and the
proposed timetable for such testing. The required period of notice will be notified to
the User by the TSO during the course of an application for connection. The TSO will
consider the proposed commissioning programme and, as soon as reasonably
practicable, will notify the User:
(a) that it approves the programme, in which case the TSO and the User shall take all
reasonable steps to ensure that the Commissioning/Acceptance Testing is
undertaken in accordance with the commissioning programme (subject to NI
System conditions); or
(d) that it rejects the proposed commissioning programme and the reasons for such
rejection in which event, subject to the resolution of any dispute in accordance
with the relevant Connection Agreement, the proposed
Commissioning/Acceptance Testing shall not take place but the User shall be
entitled to submit a revised commissioning programme for the TSO 's
CC10.1.5 The TSO shall be entitled to witness site testing of equipment whose performance can
reasonably be regarded as affecting the integrity of the Transmission System. The
User (other than the DNO) shall provide the TSO with certified results of all such tests
and the TSO may withhold agreement to energise the User's Equipment where test
results establish that the Connection Conditions have not been complied with.
CC10.1.6 Where in advance of the proposed connection date, a Generator requires connection to
the NI System for the purpose of testing, the Generator will be required to satisfy the
TSO of the following:
CC10.2.1 Within 30 days of notification by a User (other than the DNO) pursuant to CC10.1.1
the TSO shall (except where it has rejected the User's application in accordance with
CC10.1.4(d)) inform the User whether or not the requirements of CC10.1 and the other
requirements of the Connection Conditions are satisfied and the making of the
connection is approved subject to satisfactory results of those tests (including
Commissioning/Acceptance Tests) which cannot be performed prior to energisation
of the User's Plant and Apparatus. Where approval is withheld, reasons shall be
stated by the TSO.
CC10.2.2 Where the notification given by the TSO pursuant to CC10.2.1 is in the affirmative, the
TSO (or in the case of (a), the TO) will in addition supply to the User the following
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(b) a list of persons appointed by the TSO, following its appointment as Safety Co-
ordinator by the TO, to undertake operational duties on the Transmission
System and to issue and receive operational messages and instructions in relation
to the User's System; and
CC10.2.3 When indicating agreement to the energising of a connection, the TSO shall, to the
extent not previously determined in a commissioning programme, specify the contents
and sequence of the energising programme and associated testing. In either case, the
TSO shall be entitled to postpone or suspend the programme where, due to
circumstances which could not reasonably have been foreseen by the TSO,
continuation of the programme would impose an unacceptable level of risk to the
integrity of the NI System.
CC10.3.1 At the same time that the User submits to the TO in relation to safety requirements the
list of information pursuant to CC10.1.3, it shall submit to the TO a list of staff which
will be used to implement Safety Precautions. The TO may ask the User questions to
clarify the suitability of persons named on the list.
CC10.3.2 At the same time that the TSO and the TO submits to the User the list of information
pursuant to CC10.2.2 the TO shall submit to the User a list of TO staff which will be
used to implement Safety Precautions. The User may ask the TO questions to clarify
the suitability of persons named on the list.
CC10.3.3 The TO and each User have the right to object to the inclusion of particular members
of staff on the other's list, on technical grounds, and in the event of objection which is
accepted by the other, that member of staff will not be used to implement Safety
CC10.3.4 A party must accept an objection to the extent it is reasonable to do so. In the event of
a disagreement, each party must escalate the dispute to its highest management level in
order to seek to resolve the dispute. In the absence of the dispute so being resolved,
each party must write to the Authority explaining why it believes its position is correct
under this CC10.3.4. It will be for the Authority to determine whether each party is
complying with this CC10.3.4.
CC10.3.5 As part of the approval process, each party may (upon reasonable notice and at
reasonable times) interview members of staff on the other's list or the parties may agree
to hold joint interviews.
CC10.3.6 If the list of the TO or a User, as the case may be, changes, the relevant party must
notify the other without delay and the relevant provisions of this CC10.3 shall apply to
any new names included as part of that change.
CC10.3.7 Neither the TO nor any User shall have any liability to the other by reason of or arising
from their approval under this CC10.3 of the other's list of staff entitled to implement
Safety Precautions.
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For the avoidance of doubt, this CC11 shall apply only to Users connected to the
Distribution System.
CC11.1.1 Users with respect to CDGUs and Controllable PPMs connected to the Distribution
System shall comply with the obligations set out in CC7 and CC8 (with the exception
of CC8.8 which applies only to the DNO). For the purposes of CC11.1.1, references to
the Connection Agreement in CC8 shall be read as references to a Transmission Use
of System Agreement or a Grid Code Compliance Agreement as the case may be.
CC11.1.2 Users whose development is under construction and that are to be connected to the
Distribution System shall submit the following information to the TSO as soon as
reasonably practicable:
(a) where relevant, updated Planning Code data based on actual values; and
CC11.1.3 The TSO may require a User which is to be connected to the Distribution System to
provide in addition to its submission of information in accordance with CC11.1.2, a
report, prepared by such person as the TSO may reasonably consider to be competent
to issue the same, certifying to the TSO that CC7 and CC8 have been complied with by
the User and incorporating:
(a) type test reports and test certificates produced by Nationally Accredited
Laboratories (or other equivalent testing organisations) showing that the Plant and
Apparatus specified in the Connection Conditions meets the criteria specified;
(b) copies of the manufacturer's test certificates relating to Plant and Apparatus
referred to in the Connection Conditions, including measurements of positive
and zero sequence impedance of Apparatus which will contribute to the fault
current at the point of connection to the Distribution System;
(c) a certificate declaring the maximum short circuit current in amperes which the
User's System would contribute to a three-phase short circuit at the connection to
the Distribution System.
CC11.1.4 A User which is to be connected to the Distribution System shall, in all cases, supply
the following information to the TSO together with its submission of information under
(a) a list of persons appointed by the User to undertake operational duties on the User
System and to issue and receive operational messages and instructions in relation
to the User System;
(c) a single line diagram of the User's Apparatus showing all items to which these
Connection Conditions apply.
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CC11.1.5 In order that the TSO may verify that the requirements of these Connection Conditions
can be met, the User shall provide a proposed commissioning programme, giving at
least six weeks (or such longer period as the TSO may reasonably consider to be
appropriate in the circumstances) notice of the proposed connection date to the
Distribution System, and detailing all proposed site testing of main and ancillary
equipment, together with the names of the organisations which are to carry out such
testing and the proposed timetable for such testing. The required period of notice will
be notified to the User by the TSO during the course of an application for connection
to the Distribution System. The TSO will consider the proposed commissioning
programme and, as soon as reasonably practicable, will notify the User:
(a) that it approves the programme, in which case the TSO and the User shall take all
reasonable steps to ensure that the Commissioning/Acceptance Testing is
undertaken in accordance with the commissioning programme (subject to
Transmission System conditions); or
(d) that it rejects the proposed commissioning programme and the reasons for such
rejection in which event, subject to the resolution of any dispute in accordance
with the relevant Transmission Use of System Agreement or Grid Code
Compliance Agreement as the case may be, the proposed
Commissioning/Acceptance Testing shall not take place but the User shall be
entitled to submit a revised commissioning programme for the TSO's
CC11.1.6 To the extent the TSO can obtain the relevant information from the DNO, the TSO will
not ask the User to carry out Commissioning/ Acceptance Testing required under
CC11.1.7 The TSO shall be entitled to witness site testing of equipment whose performance can
reasonably be regarded as affecting the integrity of the Transmission System. The
User shall provide the TSO with certified results of all such tests. To the extent the
TSO can obtain the relevant information from the DNO, the TSO will not ask the User
to carry out Commissioning/ Acceptance Testing required under CC11.1.5.
CC11.1.8 Where in advance of the proposed connection date, a Generator requires connection to
the Distribution System for the purpose of testing, the Generator will be required to
satisfy the TSO of the following:
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(a) compliance with those requirements of the Connection Conditions and
Transmission Use of System Agreement or Grid Code Compliance Agreement
as the case may be necessary to give assurance that it is safe to connect; and
CC11.2.1 Within 30 days of submission of information by a User pursuant to CC11.1.2 the TSO
shall inform the User whether or not the requirements of CC11.1 and the other
requirements of the Connection Conditions are satisfied.
CC11.2.2 Where the notification given by the TSO pursuant to CC11.2.1 is in the affirmative, the
TSO will in addition supply to the User the following information:
(a) a list of persons appointed by the TSO to undertake operational duties on the
Transmission System and to issue and receive operational messages and
instructions in relation to the user's system; and
CC11.2.3 Where the notification given by the TSO pursuant to CC11.2.1 is in the negative, the
TSO can request further information from the DNO. If a User does not satisfy the
requirements of the Connection Conditions, the TSO can request that the DNO
prevents a connection to, or disconnects the User from, the Distribution System.
CC12.1 Each Aggregator shall give to the TSO such information in relation to Connection
Conditions related issues from time to time that the TSO may reasonably deem necessary.
CC13.1 Each Demand Side Unit shall, as a minimum, have the following capabilities:
(a) Able to provide Demand Side Unit MW Response between 0 MW and the
Demand Side Unit MW Capacity;
(b) Maximum Ramp Up Rate not less than 1.67% per minute of Demand Side
Unit MW Response as specified in the Dispatch Instruction;
(c) Maximum Ramp Down Rate not less than 1.67% per minute of Demand
Side Unit MW Response as specified in the Dispatch Instruction.
(d) Minimum Down -Time not greater than 30 minutes;
(e) Maximum Down- Time not less than 2 hours;
(f) Minimum off time not greater than 2 hours;
(g) Demand Side Unit MW Response Time of not greater than 1 hour;
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(h) maintain Demand Side Unit MW Response at NI System Frequencies in
the range 49.5Hz to 52Hz;
(i) maintain Demand Side Unit MW Response at NI System Frequencies
within the range 48Hz to 49.5Hzfor a duration of 1 hour;
(j) maintain Demand Side Unit MW Response at NI System Frequencies
within the range 47.0Hz to 48Hz for a duration of 5 minutes; and
(k) maintain Demand Side Unit MW Response for a rate of change of NI
System Frequency up to and including 1.0 Hz per second as measured over
a rolling 500 milliseconds period.
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CC13.2 The requirements of CC13.1(h) to CC13.1(p) do not apply where:
(a) The islanding protection has operated correctly, consistent with the settings agreed
with the TSO or DNO as applicable;
(b) The System Frequency has changed at a rate greater that 1.0 Hz per second as
measured over a rolling 500 millisecond period; or
(c) There is manual intervention by the Generator
CC13.3 Signals and indications required to be provided by Demand Side Unit Operators
will include but shall not be limited to the following:
26 June 2019
(g) MW Output from Generation Units with a capacity greater than or equal to
5 MW;
(h) Mvar output from Generation Units with a capacity greater than or equal to
5 MW at Individual Demand Sites with a Maximum Export Capacity
specified in the Connection Agreement or DNO Connection Agreement as
applicable, as required by the TSO;
(i) Aggregate MW Output from Generation Units with a combined Capacity of
greater than or equal to 5 MW on an Individual Demand Site, as required by
the TSO; and
(j) Demand Side Unit MW Response from each Individual Demand Site that
comprises the Demand Side Unit, as required by the TSO.
CC.13.4 Demand Side Unit Operators shall provide the TSO the specification of the method
of aggregation of SCADA from multiple sites. The minimum specifications shall be
agreed with the TSO in advance and shall include:
(a) signals from Demand Side Unit Operators shall be relayed to the TSO
telemetry outstation interface which reflect the Demand Side Unit MW
Response to an accuracy of within 1 MW of the actual Demand Side Unit
MW Response within 15 seconds of change occurring to the Demand Side
Unit MW Response; and
(b) a single failure of an item of the Demand Side Unit Operators equipment
will not result in:
CC14.1 Each Generator whose Plant and Equipment is connected to the Transmission System
and each CDGU connected to the Distribution System agrees to comply with the Fuel
Security Code to the extent that it is expressed to apply to it and with any instructions from
the TSO pursuant to the Fuel Security Code, including in relation to CDGUs, with
Dispatch Instructions issued by the TSO.
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(a) In this Schedule 1, Part I all references to Generating Units shall be read and
construed as references only to CCGT Modules, Steam Turbine Units and/or
Gas Turbine Units connected to the Transmission System. Such references
shall not be read or construed as references to Generating Units connected to the
Transmission System that form part of a PPM.
(b) At the Connection Point all Generating Units with an Output of 5 MW or more
shall, in addition to the requirements of CC6, meet the following technical design
and operational criteria. This Schedule 1, Part I contains more detailed
requirements for Generating Units than those set out in CC6 and is intended to be
complementary to CC6. However, in the event of any conflict between the
requirements of CC6 and the requirements of this Schedule 1, the provisions of
this Schedule 1 shall prevail. Detailed information relating to a particular
connection will, where indicated below, be made available by the TSO on request
by the Generator.
(d) A Generating Unit with a Registered Capacity greater than the MEC at the
Connection Point, as agreed with the TSO in the Connection Agreement, shall
demonstrate Grid Code compliance with the technical design and operational
requirements of the Generating Unit set out in Grid Code CC5, CC6, CC7 and
CC8. Under such circumstances Grid Code compliance shall be demonstrated at
the MEC rather than at the Generating Unit Registered Capacity to ensure the
safe operation of the Generators Plant and Apparatus and the TO's Plant and
Apparatus. A Generator shall be issued with Agreed compliance Testing and
Monitoring Procedures throughout the connection and commissioning
programme of the Generators connection.
Each connection between a Generating Unit and the Transmission System unless
specified otherwise in the Connection Agreement must be controlled by a circuit
breaker capable of interrupting the maximum short circuit current at the point of
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connection. The short circuit current design values at a Connection Point will be set
out in the Connection Agreement.
CC.S1.1.3.1 For Generating Units not subject to Central Dispatch the electrical parameters
required to be achieved at the Generator Terminals shall be specified by the TSO in
the Connection Agreement or in a Request for Proposal, as the case may be.
CC.S1.1.3.2 For CDGUs and for CCGT Installations (in relation to the CCGT Modules therein)
the Reactive Power capability shall as a minimum be:
CC.S1.1.3.3 A Generating Unit shall continuously control voltage at the Connection Point within
its Reactive Power capability limits.
Voltage (p.u.)
-0.48 0.6
Consumption (lead) Mvar Capability of
Production (lag) Mvar Capability of Generating
Generating Unit at the Connection Point Unit at the Connection Point
Point A Mvar consumption (lead) capability of the Generating Unit at Registered Capacity and
Voltage of 1.1 p.u. at the Connection Point
Point B Mvar consumption (lag) capability of the Generating Unit at Registered Capacity and
Voltage of 1.1 p.u. at the Connection Point
26 June 2019
Point C Mvar consumption (lead) capability of the Generating Unit at Registered Capacity and
Voltage of 0.9 p.u. at the Connection Point
Point D Mvar consumption (lag) capability of the Generating Unit at Registered Capacity and
Voltage of 0.9 p.u. at the Connection Point
400 kV Connection
Voltage (p.u.)
-0.48 0.6
Consumption (lead) Mvar Capability of
Production (lag) Mvar Capability of Generating
Generating Unit at the Connection Point Unit at the Connection Point
Point A Mvar consumption (lead) capability of the Generating Unit at Registered Capacity and
Voltage of 1.05 p.u. at the Connection Point
Point B Mvar consumption (lag) capability of the Generating Unit at Registered Capacity and
Voltage of 1.05 p.u. at the Connection Point
Point C Mvar consumption (lead) capability of the Generating Unit at Registered Capacity and
Voltage of 0.875 p.u. at the Connection Point
Point D Mvar consumption (lag) capability of the Generating Unit at Registered Capacity and
Voltage of 0.875 p.u. at the Connection Point
(b) The Generating Unit shall be capable of moving to any operating point
within the profiles above in appropriate timescales to target values
requested by the TSO.
(d) Generating Units shall fulfil the following requirements relating to robustness:
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(i) in the event of power oscillations, Generating Units shall retain steady-
state stability when operating at any point along the characteristics
defined in CC.S1.1.3.3,
(iv) the TSO and the Generator shall enter into an agreement regarding
technical capabilities of the Generating Unit to aid angular stability
under fault conditions.
(ii) the TSO may specify shorter periods of time during which Generating
Units shall be capable of remaining connected to the Power System in
the event of simultaneous overvoltage and underfrequency or
simultaneous undervoltage and overfrequency,
(iii) wider voltage ranges or longer time periods for operation may be agreed
with the TSO and Generator. If wider voltage ranges or longer
minimum times for operation are economically and technically feasible,
the Generator shall not unreasonably withhold an agreement,
(i) the parameters and settings of the components of the voltage control
system shall be agreed between the Generator and the TSO;
(ii) the agreement referred to in (a) shall cover the specifications and
performance of an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) with regard to
steady-state and transient voltage control and the specifications and
performance of the excitation control system. The latter shall include:
26 June 2019
bandwidth limitation of the output signal to ensure the highest
frequency of response cannot excite torsional oscillations on
other Generating Units connected to the Power System;
CC.S1.1.3.4 The TSO may specify supplementary Reactive Power capability to be provided if the
connection point of a Generating Unit is neither located at the high-voltage terminals
of the step-up transformer to the voltage level of the connection point nor at the
Generating Unit terminals if no step-up transformer exists. This supplementary
Reactive Power shall compensate the Reactive Power demand of the high-voltage line
or cable between the high-voltage terminals of the step-up transformer of the
Generating Unit or its alternator terminals, if no step-up transformer exists, and the
connection point and shall be provided by the responsible owner of that line or cable.
CC.S1.1.3.5 For CDGUs and CCGT Installations the minimum connected impedance applicable to
the generator and Generator Transformer will be specified in the Connection
Agreement. The TSO’s requirements for the impedances will reflect the needs of the
Transmission System from the fault level and stability points of view.
CC.S1.1.3.6 A Generating Unit must be capable of continuously supplying its Registered
Capacity at a stable Output within the System Frequency range 49.5 Hz to 50.5 Hz.
Within the Frequency range 49.5 Hz to 50.5 Hz there must be no reduction in Output
whilst Frequency is falling. Any decrease in Output whilst Frequency is falling to a
level below Registered Capacity occurring in the Frequency range 49.5 Hz to 47 Hz
must not be more than pro rata with any decrease below nominal Frequency.
CC.S1.1.3.7 The Output should not be affected by voltage changes in the normal operating range
specified in CC5.4.
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CC.S1.1.3.8 A Generating Unit must be capable of remaining Synchronised to the NI System at
an Output which is no greater than the lower of 80 MW or 40% of maximum
continuous rating.
(a) The NI System is equipped with a Black Start Capability (to be utilised in
accordance with OC7) achieved by incorporating such a capability at a number of
strategically located Power Stations.
(c) In order to ensure that the NI System continues to have a Black Start Capability,
the TSO will require, as a condition of an offer of connection or as a term of the
Request for Proposal, certain new Generating Plants to be Black Start
Stations and Users must, in relation to such new Generating Plant, ensure that it
has a Black Start Capability.
CC.S1.1.5.1 Each Generating Unit must be capable, in accordance with CC.S1.1.5.2 and
CC.S1.1.5.3, of contributing appropriately to Frequency and voltage control by
continuous modulation of Active Power and Reactive Power supplied to the
Transmission System.
CC.S1.1.5.2 Each Generating Unit with a Registered Capacity of 5 MW or more must be fitted
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with a fast acting proportional turbine speed governor to provide Frequency Control
under normal operational conditions as specified by the TSO in the relevant
Connection Agreement. Where a Generating Unit or Power Station becomes
isolated from the rest of the Transmission System but is still supplying Customers,
the speed governor must also be able to contribute to controlling NI System
Frequency to below 52 Hz. As stated in CC5.3.2, the NI System Frequency could
rise to 52 Hz or fall to 47 Hz. For steam turbine Generating Units the governor must
be designed and operated to the relevant requirements of BS132. For gas turbine
Generating Units the governor must be capable of operating with a nominal droop
characteristic of 4%.
CC.S1.1.5.3 The TSO may specify in the relevant Connection Agreement that a continuously
acting fast response automatic excitation control system is required to control the
generator voltage without instability over the entire operating range of the Generating
Unit or Power Station. This will be dependent on the size and type of Generating
Unit or Power Station and the part of the Transmission System to which it is
CC.S1.1.5.4 The TSO may specify the requirement for tap changing facilities on the Generator
Transformers for all Generating Units. The tapping range and the step sizes will
then be specified in the respective Connection Agreements.
CC.S1.1.5.5 The TSO may specify in the relevant Connection Agreement that a Generating Unit
must be fitted with a Unit Load Controller. Where so specified, the Generator must
ensure that the Unit Load Controller is in operation at all times and in accordance
with the settings for Frequency trigger and reset point, time delay and droop as
specified in the relevant Connection Agreement or such other settings as the TSO
may notify to the Generator in writing on not less than two Business Days' notice,
unless directed otherwise by the TSO.
CC.S1.1.5.6 The TSO may specify in the relevant Connection Agreement that a Generating Unit
must remain synchronised during and following any fault which could result in
voltage dips at the Connection Point of no greater than 95% (5% retained).
CC.S1.1.6.1 Each Generator must meet, in relation to each of its Generating Units, the target
clearance times for fault current interchange with the Transmission System in order to
reduce to a minimum the impact on the Transmission System of faults on circuits
owned by Generators. The target clearance times are measured from fault current
inception to arc extinction and will be specified by the TSO to meet the requirements
of the relevant part of the Transmission System. A Generator may obtain relevant
details specific to its Generating Units pursuant to CC.S1.1. The TSO shall ensure
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that (subject to any necessary discrimination) the same target fault clearance times can
be achieved by its own Plant and Apparatus at each Connection Point.
CC.S1.1.6.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the fault clearance times specified in the Connection
Agreement shall not be greater than:
but, if otherwise agreed, nothing in this CC.S1.6.2 shall prevent a Generating Unit or
the TO's Plant and Apparatus at the Connection Point from having faster clearance
times (subject to necessary discrimination being maintained). The times specified in
the Connection Agreement will reflect the TSO 's view of the requirements of the
Transmission System, and the User's System, for the expected life time of the
Protection (for example, 15 years). The probability that the fault clearance times
stated in the Connection Agreement will be exceeded by any given fault must be less
than 2%.
CC.S1.1.6.3 To cover for failure of the above Protection systems to meet the above fault clearance
times, back up Protection shall be provided by the Generator. The back up
Protection shall be required to discriminate with other Protections fitted on the
Transmission System. Relevant details will be made available to a Generator upon
request pursuant to CC.S1.1.
CC.S1.1.6.4 For Generating Units connected to the Transmission System the Connection
Agreement will specify the Protection to be fitted which may include:
CC.S1.1.6.5 The setting of any Protection controlling a circuit breaker or the operating values of
any automatic switching device at any Connection Point shall have been agreed
between the TSO and the User during the course of the application for a Connection
Agreement. The settings and operating values will only be changed if both the TSO
and the User agree provided that neither the TSO nor the User shall unreasonably
withhold their consent.
CC.S1.1.6.6 If in the opinion of the TSO following an overall review of Transmission System
Protection requirements improvements to any Generating Unit Protection scheme
are necessary, the relevant provisions of the Connection Agreement shall be followed.
CC.S1.1.6.7 The Generating Unit Protection must co-ordinate with any auto reclose policy
specified by the TSO.
26 June 2019
CC.S1.1.7 Negative Phase Sequence Loadings
CC.S1.1.8.1 The winding configuration and method of Earthing of Generating Units and
associated Generator Transformers shall be agreed with the TSO or, if agreement
cannot be reached, determined by the TSO.
CC.S1.1.9 The Active Power output measured at each Generating Unit connection point
should not be affected by;
(i) voltage changes in the normal operating range specified in CC5.4, and
CC.S1.1.9.1 In the event of a step change in voltage each Generating Unit shall remain
connected to the Transmission System as specified in the following diagram.
0 0.15 0.45
CC.S1.1.9.2 The Generating Unit shall be capable of remaining connected to the network and
continuing to operate stably while the Voltage remains above retained voltage (0
p.u.) during a fault. The Generating Unit’s internal protection schemes and settings
shall not unduly jeopardise fault ride through performance while the Voltage remains
above retained voltage (0 p.u.).
26 June 2019
CC.S1.1.9.3 Without prejudice to CC.S1.1.9.2 and with due regard to CC.S1.1.6, undervoltage
protection (either fault ride through capability or minimum Voltage specified at the
Connection Point Voltage) shall be set by the Generator according to the widest
possible technical capability of the Generating Unit, unless the TSO requires
narrower settings in accordance with CC6.4.4. The settings shall be justified by the
Generator in accordance with this principle.
CC.S1.1.9.4 Generating Units shall be capable of staying connected to the network and operating
stably after the Power System has been disturbed by secured faults. This capability
should be in accordance with CC.S1.1.9.1. Following the fault clearance the
Generating Unit shall return to prefault conditions subject to its normal Governor
Control System and Automatic Voltage Regulator response unless oteherwise
instructed by the TSO.
CC.S1.1.9.5 The TSO shall specify the pre-fault and post-fault conditions for the fault ride
through capability in terms of:
(i) the calculation of the pre-fault minimum short circuit capacity at the
connection point,
CC.S1.1.9.6 At the request of a Generator, the TSO shall provide the pre-fault and post fault
conditions to be considered for fault ride through capability as an outcome of the
calculations at the Connection Point as specified in CC.S1.1.9.5 :
alternatively, the TSO may provide generic values derived from typical cases.
CC.S1.1.9.7 The TSO and the Generator shall enter into an agreement regarding technical
capabilities of the Generating Unit to aid angular stability under fault conditions.
26 June 2019
(a) In this Schedule 1, Part II all references to Generating Units shall be read and
construed as references only to CDGUs connected to the Distribution System
other than PPMs. Such references shall not be read or construed as references to
Generating Units connected to the Distribution System that form part of a PPM.
(b) At the point of connection to the Distribution System, all Generating Units with
an Output of 10 MW or more shall meet the following technical design and
operational criteria.
(d) The DNO shall ensure that protection equipment applied to Generators, with an
output of 5MW or more, in compliance with the requirements of Engineering
Recommendation G59/1/NI (as amended, updated or superseded), are configured
such that the Generators remain connected to the NI System whilst the
frequency remains within the limits given in these Connection Conditions unless
alternative arrangements have been agreed with the TSO.
(e) A Generating Unit with a Registered Capacity greater than the MEC at the
Connection Point, as agreed in the relevant Connection Agreement, shall
demonstrate Grid Code compliance with the technical design and operational
requirements of the Generating Unit set out in Grid Code CC5, CC6, CC7 and
CC8. Under such circumstances Grid Code compliance shall be demonstrated at
the MEC rather than at the Generating Unit Registered Capacity to ensure the
safe operation of the Generators Plant and Apparatus and the DNO's Plant and
Apparatus. A Generator shall be issued with Agreed compliance Testing and
Monitoring Procedures throughout the connection and commissioning
programme of the Generators connection.
26 June 2019
CC.S1.2.2 Generating Unit Connections
CC.S1.2.3.2 The Output should not be affected by voltage changes in the normal operating range
specified in the Electricity Supply Regulations (N.I.) 1991.
(b) A CDGU which is in a hot condition must be capable of ramping up from part-
load pursuant to a Dispatch instruction at a rate of at least 3% of MCR per minute.
CC.S1.2.4.4 The TSO may specify in the relevant Transmission Use of System Agreement or
Grid Code Compliance Agreement that a Generating Unit must remain
synchronised during and following any fault which could result in voltage dips at the
Connection Point. The magnitude and duration of such fault ride through capability
will need to be agreed with the User and the DNO.
CC.S1.2.5 The Active Power output measured at each Generating Unit connection point
should not be affected by;
(i) voltage changes in the normal operating range specified in CC5.4, and
CC.S1.2.5.1 In the event of a step change in Voltage, Generating Units with a Registered
Capacity of 5 MW or more shall remain connected to the Distribution System as
specified in the following diagram.
26 June 2019
0 0.15 0.45
CC.S1. 2.5.2 The Generating Unit shall be capable of remaining connected to the network and
continuing to operate stably while the Voltage remains above retained voltage (0.05
p.u.) during a fault. The Generating Unit’s internal protection schemes and settings
shall not unduly jeopardise fault ride through performance while the Voltage remains
above retained voltage (0.05 p.u.).
CC.S1. 2.5.3 Without prejudice to CC.S1. 2.5.2, undervoltage protection (either fault ride through
capability or minimum Voltage specified at the Connection Point Voltage) shall be
set by the Generator according to the widest possible technical capability of the
Generating Unit, unless the TSO requires narrower settings in accordance with
CC6.4.4. The settings shall be justified by the Generator in accordance with this
CC.S1. 2.5.4 Generating Units shall be capable of staying connected to the network and operating
stably after the Power System has been disturbed by secured faults. This capability
should be in accordance with CC.S1.2.5.1.
CC.S1.2.5.5 The TSO shall specify the pre-fault and post-fault conditions for the fault ride through
capability in terms of:
(iv) the calculation of the pre-fault minimum short circuit capacity at the
connection point,
CC.S1.2.5.6 At the request of a Generator, the TSO shall provide the pre-fault and post fault
26 June 2019
conditions to be considered for fault ride through capability as an outcome of the
calculations at the Connection Point as specified in CC.S1.1.9.5 :
alternatively, the TSO may provide generic values derived from typical cases.
26 June 2019
(a) In this Schedule 2, Part I all references to Generating Units shall be read and
construed as references only to Generating Units connected to the Transmission
System that form part of a PPM. It shall not be deemed to refer to CCGT
Modules, Steam Turbine Units and/or Gas Turbine Units.
(b) In this Schedule 2, Part I unless otherwise specified all references to measurements
shall be deemed to be applicable at the Connection Point of the PPM.
(c) This Schedule 2, Part I contains technical, design and operational requirements for
PPMs that are more detailed than those set out in CC6 and is intended to be
complementary to CC6. However, in the event of any conflict between the
requirements of CC6 and the requirements of this Schedule 2, the provisions of this
Schedule 2 shall prevail. Detailed information relating to a particular connection
will, where indicated below, be made available by the TSO on request by the
Generator. A number of the requirements in this Schedule 2 (and specifically for
WFPS the WFPS Settings Schedule and PPMS the PPM Settings Schedule) are
applicable only to Controllable PPMs or Dispatchable PPMs. Such requirements
are not, by definition, applicable to a PPMs first connected to the Transmission
System before 1 April 2005 whose generators comprise a Registered Capacity of
5 MW or more, unless that PPM is subject to material modification, whereupon
such a PPM shall, for the purposes of this Schedule 2 (and specifically for WFPS
the WFPS Settings Schedule and PPMS the PPM Settings Schedule), be treated
as a Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM.
(e) A PPM with a Registered Capacity greater than the MEC at the Connection
Point, as agreed with the TSO in the Connection Agreement, shall demonstrate
Grid Code compliance with the technical design and operational requirements of
the Generating Unit set out in Grid Code CC5, CC6, CC7 and CC8. Under such
circumstances Grid Code compliance shall be demonstrated at the MEC rather
than at the PPM Registered Capacity to ensure the safe operation of the
Generators Plant and Apparatus and the TO's Plant and Apparatus. The
26 June 2019
Generator shall demonstrate Grid Code compliance in accordance with the
WFPS Setting Schedule or PPM Setting Schedule which may be reviewed from
time to time by the TSO.
Each connection between a PPM and the Transmission System unless specified
otherwise in the Connection Agreement must be controlled by a circuit breaker
capable of interrupting the maximum short circuit current at the point of connection.
The short circuit current design values at a Connection Point will be set out in the
Connection Agreement.
CC.S2.1.3.1 For PPMs that are not Controllable PPMs or Dispatchable PPMs the electrical
parameters required to be achieved at the Generator Terminals shall be specified by
the TSO in the Connection Agreement or in a Request for Proposal, as the case may
be. For PPMs whose generators comprise a Registered Capacity of 2 MW or more,
but less than 5 MW, the electrical parameters achieved at the Generator Terminals
shall be monitored by the TSO.
CC.S2.1.3.2 A PPM shall continuously control voltage at the Connection Point within its Reactive
Power capability limits. For PPMs, the minimum Reactive Power capability is
defined in the characteristic below, within the voltage limits specified under CC5.4.
Whilst the PPM is operating in Voltage Control mode the minimum reactive
capability is defined by the envelope ABCDEF in the Voltage Control characteristic
shown below. Points E and F will be defined by the Generator six weeks prior to
energisation and confirmed by the TSO through Compliance testing. Whilst the PPM
is operating in power factor control mode the reactive capability is defined by the
envelope AGB in the power factor control mode characteristic shown below. Whilst the
PPM is operating in Reactive Power Dispatch control mode, the PPM, as a minimum,
must be capable of exporting or importing Mvars within the envelope ABCDEF.
For the avoidance of doubt, all measurements refer to the Connection Point.
26 June 2019
Point A Mvar consumption (lead) capability of the PPM at Registered Capacity at the Connection Point
Point B Mvar production (lag) capability of the PPM at Registered Capacity at the Connection Point
Point C Mvar consumption (lead) capability of the PPM when Output is 12% of Registered Capacity at
the Connection Point
Point D Mvar production (lag) capability of the PPM when Output is 12% of Registered Capacity at the
Connection Point
Point E Mvar consumption (lead) capability when any of the Generating Units begins to export Active
Power at the Connection Point (to be defined by Generator)
Point F Mvar production (lag) capability when any of the Generating Units begins to export Active
Power at the Connection Point (to be defined by Generator)
PPMs must be capable of responding to variations in the voltage of the NI System in accordance with
26 June 2019
CC.S2.1.3.3 PPMs shall fulfil requirements in relation to voltage stability as defined in the
characteristic below;
(a) For PPMs, the minimum Reactive Power capability is defined in the
characteristic below, within the voltage limits specified under CC5.4.
Voltage (p.u.)
-0.33 0.33
Consumption (lead) Mvar Capability of
Production (lag) Mvar Capability of Generating
Generating Unit at the Connection Point Unit at the Connection Point
Point A Mvar consumption (lead) capability of the PPM at Registered Capacity and Voltage of 1.1
p.u. at the Connection Point
Point B Mvar consumption (lag) capability of the PPM at Registered Capacity and Voltage of 1.1
p.u. at the Connection Point
Point C Mvar consumption (lead) capability of the PPM at Registered Capacity and Voltage of 0.9
p.u. at the Connection Point
Point D Mvar consumption (lag) capability of the PPM at Registered Capacity and Voltage of 0.9
p.u. at the Connection Point
26 June 2019
400 kV Connection
Voltage (p.u.)
-0.33 0.33
Consumption (lead) Mvar Capability of
Production (lag) Mvar Capability of Generating
Generating Unit at the Connection Point Unit at the Connection Point
Point A Mvar consumption (lead) capability of the PPM at Registered Capacity and Voltage of 1.05
p.u. at the Connection Point
Point B Mvar consumption (lag) capability of the PPM at Registered Capacity and Voltage of 1.05
p.u. at the Connection Point
Point C Mvar consumption (lead) capability of the PPM at Registered Capacity and Voltage of 0.875
p.u. at the Connection Point
Point D Mvar consumption (lag) capability of the PPM at Registered Capacity and Voltage of 0.875
p.u. at the Connection Point
(b) The TSO may specify supplementary Reactive Power to be provided if the
Connection Point of a PPM is neither located at the high-voltage terminals of the
step-up transformer to the voltage level of the Connection Point nor the
converter terminals, if no step-up transformer exists. This supplementary
Reactive Power demand of the high-voltage line or cable between the high-
voltage terminals of the step-up transformer of the PPM or its converter terminals
if no step-up transformer exits, and the Connection Point. This supplementary
Reactive Power shall be provided by the responsible owner of that line or cable.
(c) When operating at an Active Power output below Registered Capacity, the PPM
shall be capable of providing Reactive Power at any operating point inside
characteristic above. If all Generating Units of that PPM are technically
available that is to say they are not out of service due to maintenance or failure,
otherwise there may be less Reactive Power capability taking into consideration
the technical availabilities.
(d) The PPM shall be capable of moving to any operating point within the
characteristic specified in CC.S2.1.3.3in appropriate timescales to target values
requested by the TSO.
(e) For the purpose of Reactive Power Dispatch, the PPM shall be capable of setting
the Reactive Power setpoint anywhere in the Reactive Power range specified in
CC.S2.1.3.3 and with regard to CC.S2.1.3.3 (b). The setting steps shall be no
26 June 2019
greater than 5 MVAr or 5 % (whichever is the minimum) of full Reactive Power
at the Connection Point to an accuracy within plus or minus 5 MVAr or plus or
minus 5 % (whichever is the minimum) of the full Reactive Power.
(f) The PPM shall be capable of contributing to damping of power oscillations. The
voltage and reactive power control characteristics of the PPM must not adversely
affect the damping of power oscillations.
(i) in the event of power oscillations, PPMS shall retain steady-state stability when
operating at any point along the characteristics defined in CC.S2.1.3.3,
(iii) PPMS shall be capable of remaining connected to the Power System during
single-phase or three-phase auto–reclosures on meshed network lines, if applicable
to which they are connected. The details of that capability shall be subject to
coordination and agreements on protection schemes and settings as referred to in
CC.S2.1.3.5 PPMS shall fulfil the following requirements relating to voltage stability:
(i) without prejudice to CC.S2.1.4 PPMS shall be capable of staying connected to the
Power System and operating within the voltage ranges as specified in the table
(ii) the TSO may specify shorter periods of time during which PPMS shall be capable
of remaining connected to the Power System in the event of simultaneous
overvoltage and underfrequency or simultaneous undervoltage and overfrequency
(iii) wider voltage ranges or longer time periods for operation may be agreed with the
TSO and Generator. If wider voltage ranges or longer minimum times for
operation are economically and technically feasible, the Generator shall not
unreasonably withhold an agreement,
CC.S2.1.3.6 For PPMs the minimum connected impedance applicable to the whole PPM as a
single unit will be specified in the Connection Agreement. The TSO's requirements
26 June 2019
for the impedance will reflect the needs of the Transmission System from the fault
level and stability points of view.
CC.S2.1.3.7 Given resource levels equal to or greater than the level required to generate Active
Power, and equal to or lower than the level at which the PPM can no longer safely
produce Active Power, for operation of the generators in the PPM, both as specified
within the Connection Agreement for the particular site, a PPM must be capable of
continuously supplying Output in accordance with the power curve as specified/set out
in the Connection Agreement within the System Frequency range 49.5 Hz to 50.5
Hz. Within the Frequency range 49.5 Hz to 50.5 Hz there must be no reduction in
Output whilst Frequency is falling. Any decrease in Output to a level below the
Output to be delivered in accordance with the power curve as specified/set out in the
Connection Agreement occurring in the Frequency range 49.5 Hz to 47 Hz must not
be more than pro rata with any decrease below nominal Frequency.
CC.S2.1.3.8 The Output measured at each generator terminal should not be affected by voltage
changes in the normal operating range specified in CC5.4.
CC.S2.1.3. 9 (a) In the event of a step change in voltage each PPM first connected to the
Transmission System on or after 1 April 2005 shall remain connected to the
Transmission System as specified in the following diagram and the remainder of
this CC.S2.3.6.
0 150 625 3000
(b) WFPSs first connected to the Transmission System prior to 1 April 2005 shall
not be required to comply with the requirements in the above diagram save where
the PPM is subject to material modification involving the installation of
26 June 2019
additional Generating Units in which case the requirements in the above
diagram shall apply in respect of the performance of those Generating Units.
(c) The speed of response of the PPM control system should be such that following a
step change in voltage and recovery to the normal operating range the PPM
should achieve and maintain on average at least 90% of its steady state active
power response, measured by Output, at the Connection Point within 500ms of
the voltage recovery to the normal range for faults cleared within 140ms. For
longer duration faults, the PPM shall provide at least 90% of its steady state
active power response, measured by Output, at the Connection Point within 1
second of the voltage recovery to the normal range.
(d) PPMs shall not consume on average more reactive power in the 10 seconds
following a disturbance on the Transmission System than they did immediately
before the occurrence of the disturbance. Where a PPM is supporting the
Transmission System voltage through reactive power export, it shall not draw
reactive power during or immediately following the disturbance.
(e) In order to ensure the continued performance of each PPM the Generator shall
meet the reasonable costs of the TSO in providing and maintaining a
Monitoring, recording and transmitting device.
(f) Each PPM shall be capable of satisfactory operation at any voltage within the
range 0% - 120% for the minimum time periods specified below. Other voltage
thresholds may be possible but agreement between the Generator and the TSO
must be reached about their suitability at the application stage for connection.
26 June 2019
CC.S2.1.4 The Active Power output measured at each PPM connection point should not
be affected by;
(i) voltage changes in the normal operating range specified in CC5.4, and
In the event of a step change in voltage each PPM shall remain connected to the
Transmission System as specified in the following diagram.
0.0 (s)
0.15 2.9
CC.S2.1.4.1The PPM shall be capable of remaining connected to the network and continuing
to operate stably while the Voltage remains above retained voltage (0 p.u.)
during a fault. The PPM’s internal protection schemes and settings shall not
unduly jeopardise fault ride through performance while the Voltage remains
above retained voltage (0 p.u.).
CC.S2.1.4.2 Without prejudice to CC.S2.1.4 and with due regard to CC.S2.1.8, undervoltage
protection (either fault ride through capability or minimum Voltage specified at
the Connection Point Voltage) shall be set by the Generator according to the
widest possible technical capability of the PPM, unless the TSO requires
narrower settings in accordance with CC6.4.4.The settings shall be justified by
the Generator in accordance with this principle.
CC.S2.1.4.2 PPMS shall be capable of staying connected to the network and operating stably
after the Power System has been disturbed by secured faults. This capability
should be in accordance with CC.S2.1.4.
CC.S2.1.4.3 The TSO shall specify the pre-fault and post-fault conditions for the fault ride
through capability in terms of:
CC.S2.1.4.4 At the request of a Generator, the TSO shall provide the pre-fault and post fault
conditions to be considered for fault ride through capability as an outcome of the
calculations at the Connection Point as specified in CC.S2.1.4.3:
alternatively, the TSO may provide generic values derived from typical cases.
CC.S2.1.4.5 A PPM shall be capable of providing fast fault current at the connection point in
the case of symmetrical and asymmetrical faults, under the following conditions:
(a)the PPM shall be capable of activating the supply of fast fault current either
(i) ensuring the supply of the fast fault current at the connection point,
(b) the PPM shall provide fast fault current at the connection point;
(c) the PPM shall prioritise reactive current injection during the duration of
the voltage deviation remaining within the rating of PPM capability. The
PPM shall provide fast fault current injection with a rise time no greater
than 100 ms and a settling time no greater than 300 ms,
26 June 2019
CC.S2.1.4.6 Regarding post-fault Active Power recovery the speed of response of the PPM
control system should be such that following a step change in voltage and
recovery to the normal operating range the PPM should achieve and maintain on
average at least 90% of its steady state active power response, measured by
Output, at the Connection Point within 500ms of the voltage recovery to the
normal range for faults cleared within 140ms. For longer duration faults, the
PPM shall provide at least 90% of its steady state active power response,
measured by Output, at the Connection Point within 1 second of the voltage
recovery to the normal range. The PPM control system shall ensure that any
Active Power oscillations following post fault Active Power recovery must be
adequately damped.
(c) During operation the TSO may send to the Generator a positive ramp
blocking signal if the NI System would otherwise be at risk from excess
Frequency movements. This signal is designed to restrain PPMs from
ramping above the previous 10 minute average level at the time of
receiving the signal. The PPM may continue to supply Output up to
this level until the signal is removed. The TSO will remove the ramp
blocking signal as soon as stable conditions on the NI System are
restored, as determined by the TSO.
(f) The ramp rate requirements for PPMs need not be met in the case of the
resource availability falling at a greater rate than that which would be
required to control the Output to be within the ramp rate.
A PPM is not required to provide Energy to any part of the NI System during the
restoration of power process following a Black Start and therefore does not require a
Black Start Capability. For the avoidance of doubt a PPM will be disconnected from
the NI System during Black Start conditions until the NI System is restored to a stable
operating mode, as determined by the TSO.
CC.S2.1.7.1 Each Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM must be capable, in accordance with
CC.S2.1.7.2 and CC.S2.1.7.3, of contributing appropriately, as reasonably specified by
the TSO, to Frequency and voltage by continuous modulation of Active and Reactive
Power supplied to the Transmission System.
CC.S2.1.7.2 (a) Each Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM must be fitted with a
Fast Acting proportional power governor to provide Frequency
Control under normal operational conditions. This Fast Acting
proportional governor should be equipped with controls which allow the
droop to be set independently in the range 2% to 20% above and below
50.0 Hz. A deadband within which no control will be exercised must be
capable of being set with a lower limit between 49.0 Hz and 50.0 Hz in
steps of 0.05 Hz and an upper limit between 50.0 Hz and 51.0 Hz in
steps of 0.05 Hz. Whilst responding to Frequency excursions on the
System the change in Active Power Output of the Controllable PPM
or Dispatchable PPM shall be at the Frequency Response Ramp Rate.
In addition a high Frequency trip facility must be provided capable of
being set in the range 51.0 Hz to 52.0 Hz in steps of 0.1 Hz. Where a
26 June 2019
Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM becomes isolated from the
rest of the Transmission System the Controllable PPM or
Dispatchable PPM must immediately detect the condition and shut itself
(b) Under certain System conditions the TSO may require a Controllable
PPM or a Dispatchable PPM to operate below its maximum
instantaneous Output on a droop setting to be set in the range 2% to
20%. In this mode of operation the Controllable PPM or Dispatchable
PPM will be providing some of the System reserve. The Controllable
PPM or Dispatchable PPM controller must be capable of being set to
operate in a constrained manner within the range of at least 50% to 100%
of maximum instantaneous Output.
(a) Each Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM must be fitted with a
Fast Acting control system capable of being switched to control the
Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM voltage; power factor or the
Reactive Power output at the Connection Point. These control modes
must maintain the voltage at the Connection Point within a voltage band
as specified within the Connection Agreement for the particular site,
and in any case within statutory limits as specified under CC5.4. A PPM
shall be capable of continuously controlling voltage at the Connection
Point within its Reactive Power capability limits when instructed to do
so by the TSO via SCADA signals. If the voltage exceeds the specified
band the power factor control or Reactive Power control must revert to
voltage control. The control of voltage, power factor and Reactive
Power Dispatch must ensure stable operation over the entire operating
range of the Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM. In the event that
action by the Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM active and
reactive power control functions is unable to achieve a sustained voltage
within the statutory limits, the Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM
must detect this and immediately shut down.
(b) Other voltage control schemes may be possible but agreement between
the Generator and the TSO must be reached at the application stage for
connection about their suitability. If voltage control is implemented for
the Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM, rather than on individual
Generating Units, then the range of power factor available should not
be less than that which would have been available if voltage control had
been on individual Generating Units. Voltage control schemes based
upon equipment located on the TSO’s side of the connection may be
possible, but such schemes are considered special, and the details,
responsibilities and cost schedule must be agreed between the Generator
and the TSO in the Connection Agreement.
CC.S2.1.7.4 The TSO may specify the requirement for tap changing facilities on the Site
Transformer(s) for PPMs. Where a suitable Site Transformer does not exist the
requirement may be applied to individual Generator Transformers. The tapping
range and the step sizes will then be specified in the respective Connection
CC.S2.1.8.1 A Generator must meet, in relation to a PPM, the target clearance times for fault
current interchange with the Transmission System in order to reduce to a minimum
the impact on the Transmission System of faults on circuits owned by Generators.
The target clearance times are measured from fault current inception to arc extinction
and will be specified by the TSO to meet the requirements of the relevant part of the
Transmission System. A Generator may obtain relevant details specific to its PPM
pursuant to CC.S2.1.
CC.S2.1.8.2 Unless otherwise agreed in the Connection Agreement, nothing in this CC.S2.6.2 shall
prevent a PPM or the TO's Plant and Apparatus at the Connection Point from
having faster clearance times than those specified in the Connection Agreement
(subject to necessary discrimination being maintained). The times specified in the
Connection Agreement will reflect the TSO's view of the requirements of both the
Transmission System and the User's System for the expected life time of the
Protection (for example, 15 years). The probability that the fault clearance times
stated in the Connection Agreement will be exceeded by any given fault must be less
than 2%.
CC.S2.1.8.3 To cover for failure of the above Protection systems to meet the above fault clearance
times, back up Protection shall be provided by the Generator. The backup Protection
shall be required to discriminate with other protections fitted on the Transmission
System. Relevant details will be made available to a Generator upon request pursuant
to CC.S2.1.
CC.S2.1.8.4 For PPMs connected to the Transmission System the Connection Agreement will
specify the Protection to be fitted, which may include circuit breaker fail Protection.
CC.S2.1.8.5 The setting of any Protection controlling a circuit breaker or the operating values of
any automatic switching device at any Connection Point shall have been agreed
between the TSO and the User during the course of the application for a Connection
Agreement. The settings and operating values will only be changed if both the TSO
and the User agree provided that neither the TSO nor the User shall unreasonably
withhold their consent.
CC.S2.1.8.6 If in the opinion of the TSO following an overall review of Transmission System
Protection requirements improvements to any PPM Protection scheme are necessary,
the relevant provisions of the Connection Agreement shall be followed.
26 June 2019
CC.S2.1.8.7 The PPM Protection must co-ordinate with any auto reclose policy specified by the
CC.S2.1.10.1 The winding configuration and method of Earthing of PPMs and associated
Generator Transformers shall be agreed with the TSO or, if agreement cannot be
reached, determined by the TSO.
CC.S2.1.11.1 There is an expectation that PPMs will continue to operate outside statutory
Frequency limits. However, it is likely that this could mean connection within an
Automatic Load Shedding zone as detailed in OC4. Consequently, Users shall
ensure that Protection on PPMs shall have settings to co-ordinate with the
settings on the Automatic Load Shedding equipment as detailed by the TSO on
request by the User.
(a) Each PPM shall be capable of satisfactory operation at any Frequency within
the range of 47.0 Hz to 52.0 Hz for the minimum time periods specified below
unless the TSO has agreed to the use of any Frequency level relays which will
trip the PPM within this Frequency range.
26 June 2019
(b) Where PPMs are equipped with Rate of Change of Frequency relays or
other devices which measure and operate in relation to a Rate of Change
of Frequency (e.g. a governor) the procedure in CC.S2.9.2(c) below will
be followed to ensure satisfactory operation of the PPMs.
(c) (i) At a reasonable time prior to a PPM being connected to the Transmission
System, and prior to any relevant modification to a PPM or any relevant
Power Station Equipment, the Generator shall contact the TSO with
details of the proposed rate-of-change-of-Frequency setting.
(ii) The TSO shall, within a reasonable period and in any case no more than 28
days, discuss with the Generator whether the proposed settings are
satisfactory. The agreed settings shall be specified in the Connection
(iii) In relation to any Generator which has agreed the settings with the TSO
under these provisions, the TSO shall notify that Generator of any
change of which it is aware in the expected rate-of-change-of-Frequency
on the NI System which may require new settings to be agreed.
CC.S2.1.11.3 Each Generator shall be responsible for protecting the PPMs owned or operated
by it against the risk of damage which might result from any Frequency excursion
outside the range 52 Hz to 47 Hz and for deciding whether or not to interrupt the
connection between its Plant and/or Apparatus and the Transmission System in
the event of such a Frequency excursion.
CC.S2.1.12.1 Each Generator, in relation to a WFPS, shall provide the calculated Output for
the WFPS as part of the application for connection of that WFPS to the
Transmission System. This will take the form of a diagram showing wind speed
and direction against electrical output in MW, in “rose” format. In relation to
PPM that are not WFPS, an equivalent diagram relating to the input resource of
that PPM shall be provided. Following connection, the WFPS shall be monitored
for a period to confirm the validity of the calculations, which may be used for
future Output predictions. This Monitoring shall be completed before a final
compliance certificate is issued. Each Generator requires a temporary
compliance certificate in respect of each of its PPMs before being allowed to
operate it.
CC.S2.1.12.3 For the avoidance of doubt all requirements in this Schedule 2, Part I, shall be
applicable to Energy Storage Power Stations (ESPS) under the full range of
operation and shall not be interpreted to only apply during times the ESPS is
providing Active Power or Reactive Power to the System.
26 June 2019
(a) In this Schedule 2, Part II all references to Generating Units shall be read and
construed as references only to Generating Units connected to the Distribution
System that form part of a PPM. It shall not be deemed to refer to CCGT
Modules, Steam Turbine Units and/or Gas Turbine Units.
(b) In this Schedule 2, Part II unless otherwise specified all references to measurements
shall be deemed to be applicable at the connection to the Distribution System of
the PPM.
(c) This Schedule 2, Part II contains technical, design and operational requirements for
PPMs. Detailed information relating to a particular connection will, where
indicated below, be made available by the TSO on request by the Generator. A
number of the requirements in this Schedule 2 (and specifically for WFPS the
WFPS Settings Schedule and PPMS the PPM Settings Schedule) are applicable
only to Controllable PPMs or Dispatchable PPMs. Such requirements are not, by
definition, applicable to a PPM first connected to the Distribution System before 1
April 2005 whose generators comprise a Registered Capacity of 5 MW or more,
unless that PPM is subject to material modification, whereupon such a PPM shall,
for the purposes of this Schedule 2 (and specifically for WFPS the WFPS Settings
Schedule and PPMS the PPM Settings Schedule), be treated as a Controllable
PPM or Dispatchable PPM.
(e) A PPM with a Registered Capacity greater than the MEC at the Connection
Point, as agreed in the relevant Connection Agreement, shall demonstrate Grid
Code compliance with the technical design and operational requirements of the
Generating Unit set out in Grid Code CC5, CC6, CC7 and CC8. Under such
circumstances Grid Code compliance shall be demonstrated at the MEC rather
than at the PPM Registered Capacity to ensure the safe operation of the
Generators Plant and Apparatus and the DNO's Plant and Apparatus. The
Generator shall demonstrate Grid Code compliance in accordance with the
WFPS Setting Schedule or PPM Setting Schedule which may be reviewed from
time to time by the TSO.
26 June 2019
(f) The DNO shall ensure that protection equipment applied to Generators, with an output
of 5MW or more, in compliance with the requirements of Engineering
Recommendation G59/1/NI (as amended, updated or superseded), are configured such
that the Generators remain connected to the NI System whilst the frequency remains
within the limits given in these Connection Conditions unless alternative arrangements
have been agreed with the TSO.
Each connection between a PPM and the Distribution System must be controlled
by a circuit breaker.
CC.S2.2.3.1 Within the Frequency range 49.5 Hz to 50.5 Hz there must be no reduction in Output
whilst Frequency is falling. Any decrease in Output to a level below the Output to
be delivered in accordance with the power curve occurring in the Frequency range
49.5 Hz to 47 Hz must not be more than pro rata with any decrease below nominal
CC.S2.2.3.2 The Output measured at each generator terminal should not be affected by voltage
changes in the normal operating range specified in the Electricity Supply Regulations
(N.I.) 1991.
26 June 2019
CC.S2.2.3.3 (a) In the event of a step change in voltage each PPM first connected to the
Distribution System on or after 1 April 2005 shall remain connected to the
Distribution System as specified in the following diagram and the remainder of
this CC.S2.2.3.3.
0 150 625 3000
(b) PPMs first connected to the Distribution System prior to 1 April 2005 shall not
be required to comply with the requirements in the above diagram save where the
PPM is subject to material modification involving the installation of additional
Generating Units in which case the requirements in the above diagram shall
apply in respect of the performance of those Generating Units.
(c) The speed of response of the PPM control system should be such that following a
step change in voltage and recovery to the normal operating range the PPM
should achieve and maintain on average at least 90% of its steady state active
power response, measured by Output, at the point of connection to the
Distribution System within 500ms of the voltage recovery to the normal range
for faults cleared within 140ms. For longer duration faults, the PPM shall
provide at least 90% of its steady state active power response, measured by
Output, at the Point of connection to the Distribution System within 1 second
of the voltage recovery to the normal range.
(d)In order to ensure the continued performance of each PPM the Generator shall
meet the reasonable costs of the TSO in providing and maintaining a
Monitoring, recording and transmitting device.
(e) Each PPM shall be capable of satisfactory operation at any voltage within the
range 0% - 120% for the minimum time periods specified below. Other voltage
thresholds may be possible but agreement between the Generator and the TSO
about their suitability must be reached at the application stage for connection.
26 June 2019
Minimum time periods:
26 June 2019
CC.S2.2.3.4 The Active Power output measured at each PPM connection point should not be
affected by;
(i) voltage changes in the normal operating range specified in CC5.4, and
In the event of a step change in voltage each PPM with a Registered Capacity of 5
MW or more shall remain connected to the Distribution System as specified in the
following diagram.
0 0.25 2.9
CC. S2.2.3.5 The PPM shall be capable of remaining connected to the network and continuing to
operate stably while the Voltage remains above retained voltage (0.15 p.u.) during a
fault. The PPM’s internal protection schemes and settings shall not unduly
jeopardise fault ride through performance while the Voltage remains above retained
voltage (0.15 p.u.).
CC. S2.2.3.6 Without prejudice to CC. S2.2.3.4, undervoltage protection (either fault ride through
capability or minimum Voltage specified at the Connection Point Voltage) shall be
set by the Generator according to the widest possible technical capability of the
PPM, unless the TSO requires narrower settings in accordance with CC6.4.4. The
settings shall be justified by the Generator in accordance with this principle.
CC. S2.2.3.7 PPMS shall be capable of staying connected to the network and operating stably
after the Power System has been disturbed by secured faults. This capability should
be in accordance with CC.S2.2.3.4.
CC. S2.2.3.8 A PPM shall be capable of providing fast fault current at the connection point in the
case of symmetrical and asymmetrical faults, under the following conditions:
26 June 2019
(a) the PPM shall be capable of activating the supply of fast fault current either by:
(i) ensuring the supply of the fast fault current at the connection point, or
(b) the PPM shall provide fast fault current at the connection point;
(ii) until voltage has recovered to within normal operating voltage range,
(c) the PPM shall prioritise reactive current injection during the duration of the
voltage deviation remaining within the rating of PPM capability. The PPM
shall provide fast fault current injection with a rise time no greater than 100 ms
and a settling time no greater than 300 ms,
CC. S2.2.3.9 Regarding post-fault Active Power recovery the speed of response of the PPM
control system should be such that following a step change in voltage and recovery
to the normal operating range the PPM should achieve and maintain on average at
least 90% of its steady state active power response, measured by Output, at the
Connection Point within 500ms of the voltage recovery to the normal range for
faults cleared within 140ms. For longer duration faults, the PPM shall provide at
least 90% of its steady state active power response, measured by Output, at the
Connection Point within 1 second of the voltage recovery to the normal range. The
PPM control system shall ensure that any Active Power oscillations following post
fault Active Power recovery must be adequately damped.
CC.S2.2.3.10 The TSO shall specify the pre-fault and post-fault conditions for the fault ride
through capability in terms of:
(i) the calculation of the pre-fault minimum short circuit capacity at the
connection point,
CC.S2.2.3.11 At the request of a Generator, the TSO shall provide the pre-fault and post fault
conditions to be considered for fault ride through capability as an outcome of the
calculations at the Connection Point as specified in CC.S2.2.3.4:
alternatively, the TSO may provide generic values derived from typical cases.
(a) The PPM control system shall be capable of controlling the ramp rate of
its Active Power Output. There shall be three ramp rate capabilities
designated, Resource Following Ramp Rate, Active Power Control
Set-Point Ramp Rate and Frequency Response Ramp Rate. The PPM
control system shall operate the ramp rates with the following order of
priority (high to low): Frequency Response Ramp Rate; Active Power
Control Set-Point Ramp Rate; Resource Following Ramp Rate. It
shall be possible to vary the Resource Following Ramp Rate over a
range between 1% and 100% of Registered Capacity per minute. The
ramp rate is the average rate of change in Output measured over any 10
minute period. The ramp rate averaged over 1 minute should not exceed
3 times the average ramp rate over 10 minutes.
(c) During operation the TSO may send to the Generator a positive ramp
blocking signal if the NI System would otherwise be at risk from excess
Frequency movements. This signal is designed to restrain PPMs from
ramping above the previous 10 minute average level at the time of
receiving the signal. The PPM may continue to supply Output up to
this level until the signal is removed. The TSO will remove the ramp
blocking signal as soon as stable conditions on the NI System are
restored, as determined by the TSO.
(f) The ramp rate requirements for PPMs need not be met in the case of
input resource availability falling at a greater rate than that which would
be required to control the Output to be within the ramp rate.
A PPM is not required to provide Energy to any part of the NI System during the
restoration of power process following a Black Start and therefore does not require a
Black Start Capability. For the avoidance of doubt a PPM will be disconnected from
the Distribution System during Black Start conditions until the NI System is restored
to a stable operating mode, as determined by the TSO.
CC.S2.2.5.2 (a) Each Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM must be fitted with a Fast
Acting proportional power governor to provide Frequency Control under
normal operational conditions. This Fast Acting proportional governor
should be equipped with controls which allow the droop to be set
independently in the range 2% to 20% above and below 50.0 Hz. A
deadband within which no control will be exercised must be capable of
being set with a lower limit between 49.0 Hz and 50.0 Hz in steps of 0.05
Hz and an upper limit between 50.0 Hz and 51.0 Hz in steps of 0.05 Hz.
Whilst responding to Frequency excursions on the System the change in
Active Power Output of the Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM
shall be as per the Frequency Response Ramp Rate. In addition a high
26 June 2019
Frequency trip facility must be provided capable of being set in the range
51.0 Hz to 52.0 Hz in steps of 0.1 Hz. Where a Controllable PPM or
Dispatchable PPM becomes isolated from the rest of the Transmission
System the Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM must immediately
detect the condition and shut itself down.
(b) Under certain System conditions the TSO may require a Controllable
PPM or a Dispatchable PPM to operate below its maximum
instantaneous Output on a droop setting to be set in the range 2% to 20%.
In this mode of operation the Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM
will be providing some of the System reserve. The Controllable PPM or
Dispatchable PPM controller must be capable of being set to operate in a
constrained manner within the range of at least 50% to 100% of maximum
instantaneous Output.
CC.S2.2.5.3 In order to deal with Controllable PPMs or Dispatchable PPMs inducing power
fluctuations, an additional control loop must be provided by the Generator to ensure
that the wind turbine control system, wind turbulence or other factors in the
Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM cannot produce power oscillations between
0.25 Hz and 1.75 Hz. It should be designed and operated to ensure that the total peak-
to-peak MW oscillation within this Frequency range is less than 1% of the Registered
Capacity of the Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPM.
CC.S2.2.6.1 Controllable PPMs and Dispatchable PPMs may be capable of operating outside
statutory Frequency limits. However, this may mean that they will continue to operate
if connected within an Automatic Load Shedding zone as detailed in OC4.
Consequently, Users shall ensure that Protection on their Controllable PPMs and
Dispatchable PPMs shall have settings to co-ordinate with the settings on the
Automatic Load Shedding equipment as detailed by the TSO on request by the User.
(a) Each Controllable PPM and Dispatchable PPM shall be capable of
satisfactory operation at any Frequency within the range of 47.0 Hz to
52.0 Hz for the minimum time periods specified below unless the TSO
has agreed to the use of any Frequency level or rate of change of
Frequency relays which will trip the Controllable PPM and/or
Dispatchable PPM within this Frequency range.
26 June 2019
Frequency Range Time requirement, minimum
CC.S2.2.6.3 Each Generator shall be responsible for protecting the PPMs owned or operated by it
against the risk of damage which might result from any Frequency excursion outside
the range 52 Hz to 47 Hz and for deciding whether or not to interrupt the connection
between its Plant and/or Apparatus and the Distribution System in the event of such
a Frequency excursion.
CC.S2.2.7.1 Each Generator shall provide the calculated Output for the WFPS as part of the
submission of information under CC11. This will take the form of a diagram showing
wind speed and direction against electrical output in MW, in “rose” format. Following
connection, the WFPS shall be monitored for a period to confirm the validity of the
calculations, which may be used for future Output predictions. This Monitoring shall
be completed before a final compliance certificate is issued. Each Generator requires a
temporary compliance certificate in respect of each of its Controllable or
Dispatchable PPMs before being allowed to operate it.
CC.S2.2.7.2 A temporary compliance certificate may be issued to allow tests or Monitoring that
can only be performed on energised and/or loaded Plant. After a period of time not
exceeding one year from the date on which a temporary compliance certificate takes
effect (unless the TSO in its absolute discretion agrees to extend the validity of a
temporary compliance certificate), the TSO shall issue a final compliance certificate or
indicate the reason why a certificate cannot be issued. The final compliance certificate
26 June 2019
may be issued with or without conditions depending upon the result of compliance
tests. A temporary or final compliance certificate may be subsequently withdrawn for
the non-compliance of the Generator or a Generator’s PPM with the Grid Code by
the TSO and replaced with a restricted compliance certificate. A restricted compliance
certificate shall be issued to the Generator which shall set out the matters in respect of
which there is non-compliance; the MVA rating at the Connection Point to which the
PPM is restricted; the timescales for resolution of the non-compliance. Upon resolution
of the non-compliance the TSO in its absolute discretion, may re-issue a temporary or
final compliance certificate.
CC.S2.2.7.3 For the avoidance of doubt all requirements in this Schedule 2, Part II, shall be
applicable to Energy Storage Power Stations (ESPS) under the full range of operation
and shall not be interpreted to only apply during times the ESPS is providing Active
Power or Reactive Power to the System.
26 June 2019
This Appendix 1 applies only to Users (other than the DNO) whose Plant and
Equipment are connected to the Transmission System.
CC.A1.1.1 The following Site Responsibility Schedules shall be drawn up using the proforma
attached or with such variations as may be agreed between the TSO and the User,
although in the absence of agreement the proforma attached will be used:
Other than at Generating Unit and Power Station locations (including PPMs), the
schedules referred to in (b) and (c) may be combined.
CC.A1.1.2 Each Site Responsibility Schedule for a Connection Site shall be prepared by the
TSO in consultation with other Users at least 2 weeks prior to the date for connection
proposed by the User pursuant to CC10.1.1(c). Each User shall provide information to
the TSO to enable it to prepare the Site Responsibility Schedule.
CC.A1.1.3 Each Site Responsibility Schedule shall detail for each item of Plant and Apparatus:
(c) Safety (applicable Safety Rules and Control Person or other responsible person
(Safety Co-ordinator), or such other person who is responsible for safety);
CC.A1.1.4 In the case of Site Responsibility Schedules referred to in CC.A.1.1.1.(b) and (c), with
the exception of Protection and Intertrip Apparatus operation, it will be sufficient to
indicate the responsible User or the TSO as the case may be. In the case of the Site
Responsibility Schedule referred to in CC.A.1.1.1 (a) for Protection and Intertrip
26 June 2019
Apparatus, the responsible management unit must be shown in addition to the User or
the TSO as the case may be.
CC.A1.1.5 The HV Apparatus Site Responsibility Schedule for each Connection Site must
include lines and cables emanating from the Connection Site.
CC.A1.1.6 Every page of each Site Responsibility Schedule shall bear the date of issue and the
issue number.
CC.A1.1.7 When a Site Responsibility Schedule is prepared it shall be sent by the TSO to the
Users involved for confirmation of its accuracy.
CC.A1.1.8 The Site Responsibility Schedule shall then be signed on behalf of the TSO by the
Manager responsible and on behalf of each User involved by its Responsible Manager
(see CC.A.1.1.15), by way of written confirmation of its accuracy if they agree on its
accuracy. The TSO shall also procure that the TO will sign the Site Responsibility
CC.A1.1.9 Once signed, two copies will be distributed by the TSO, not less than two weeks prior
to its implementation date, to each User which is a party on the Site Responsibility
Schedule and to the TO, accompanied by a note indicating the issue number and the
date of implementation.
CC.A1.1.10 The TSO and Users must make the Site Responsibility Schedules readily available to
their respective operational staff at the Site and the TSO must make the Site
Responsibility Schedule available to the TO’s operational staff at the Site.
CC.A1.1.11 Without prejudice to the provisions of CC.A.1.1.14, when a User identified on a Site
Responsibility Schedule becomes aware that an alteration is necessary, it must inform
the TSO immediately and in any event 8 weeks prior to any change taking effect (or as
soon as possible after becoming aware of it, if less than 8 weeks remain when the User
becomes aware of the change).
CC.A1.1.12 Where the TSO has been informed of a change by a User, or itself proposes a change,
it will prepare a revised Site Responsibility Schedule by not less than six weeks prior
to the change taking effect (subject to it having been informed or knowing of the
change eight weeks prior to that time) and the procedure set out in CC.A.1.1.7 shall be
followed with regard to the revised Site Responsibility Schedule.
CC.A1.1.13 The revised Site Responsibility Schedule shall then be signed in accordance with the
procedure set out in CC.A.1.1.8 and distributed in accordance with the procedure set
out in CC.A.1.1.9, accompanied by a note indicating where the alteration(s) has/have
been made, the new issue number and the date of implementation.
CC.A1.1.14 When a User identified on a Site Responsibility Schedule, or the TSO, as the case
may be, becomes aware that an alteration to the Site Responsibility Schedule is
necessary urgently to reflect, for example, an emergency situation, the User shall notify
the TSO, or the TSO shall notify the User, as the case may be, immediately and will
26 June 2019
(a) what change is necessary to the Site Responsibility Schedule;
The TSO will prepare a revised Site Responsibility Schedule as soon as possible, and
in any event within seven days of it being informed of or knowing the necessary
alteration. The Site Responsibility Schedule will be confirmed by Users and signed on
behalf of the TSO and Users (by the persons referred to in CC.A.1.1.8) as soon as
possible after it has been prepared and sent to Users for confirmation.
Responsible Managers
CC.A1.1.15 Each User and the TSO shall, prior to the date for connection proposed by the User
pursuant to CC10.1.1(c), exchange names and status of managers with authority to sign
Site Responsibility Schedules.
26 June 2019
This Appendix 2 applies only to Users (other than the DNO) whose Plant and
Equipment are connected to the Transmission System.
(a) Where practicable, all the HV Apparatus on any Connection Site shall be shown
on one Ownership Diagram. Provided the clarity of the diagram is not impaired,
the layout shall represent as closely as possible the geographical arrangement on
the Connection Site.
(c) The Ownership Diagram must show accurately the current status of the
Apparatus, e.g. whether commissioned or decommissioned. Where
decommissioned, the associated switchbay will be labelled "spare bay".
(d) Provision will be made on the Ownership Diagram for signifying approvals,
together with provision for details of revisions and dates.
(e) Ownership Diagrams will be prepared in A4 format or such other format as may
be agreed with the TSO.
1. Busbars
2. Circuit Breakers
3. Disconnector (Isolator) and Switch Disconnectors (Switching Isolators)
4. Disconnectors (Isolators) - Automatic Facilities
5. Bypass Facilities
6. Earthing Switches
7. Maintenance Earths
8. Overhead Line Entries
9. Overhead Line Traps
10. Cable and Cable Sealing Ends
11. Generating Unit
12. Generator Transformers
13. Generating Unit Transformers, Station Transformers, including the lower
voltage circuit-breakers
13A. PPM Transformers, including the lower voltage circuit-breakers
14. Synchronous Compensators
15. Static Variable Compensators
16. Capacitors (including Harmonic Filters)
17. Series or Shunt Reactors
18. Supergrid and Grid Transformers
19. Tertiary Windings
26 June 2019
20. Earthing and Auxiliary Transformers
21. Three Phase VTs
22. Single Phase VT & Phase Identity
23. High Accuracy VT and Phase Identity
24. Surge Arrestors/Diverters
25. Neutral Earthing Arrangements on HV Plant
26. Fault Throwing Devices
27. Quadrature Boosters
28. Arc Suppression Coils
29. Current Transformers (where separate Plant items)
30. Wall Bushings
26 June 2019
CC.A3.1.1 The Low Frequency Relays to be used shall be in accordance with the requirements of
the Connection Agreement. They should have a setting range of 47 Hz to 50 Hz and
be suitable for operation from a nominal AC input of 63.5, 110 or 240 V. The following
general parameters on the requirements of approved Low Frequency Relays for
automatic installations is given as an indication, without prejudice to the provisions that
may be included in the Connection Agreement:
CC.A3.2.1 It is essential that the voltage supply to the Low Frequency Relays shall be derived
from the primary System at the supply point concerned so that the Frequency of the
Low Frequency Relays input voltage is the same as that of the primary System. This
requires either:
(a) the use of a secure supply obtained from voltage transformers directly associated
with the grid transformer(s) concerned, the supply being obtained where necessary
via a suitable automatic voltage selection scheme; or
(b) the use of the Substation 240 V phase-to-neutral selected auxiliary supply,
provided that this supply is always derived at the Connection Point concerned
and for the avoidance of doubt is never derived from a standby supply Generating
Unit or from another part of the Distribution System.
26 June 2019
CC.A3.3 Scheme Requirements
CC.A3.3.1 The tripping facility should be engineered in accordance with the following reliability
(a) Dependability
Failure to trip at any one particular Demand shedding point would not harm the
overall operation of the scheme. However, many failures would have the effect of
reducing the amount of Demand under low Frequency Control. An overall
reasonable minimum requirement for the dependability of the Demand shedding
scheme is 96%, i.e. the average probability of failure of each Demand shedding
point should be less than 4%. Thus the Demand under low Frequency Control
will not be reduced by more than 4% due to relay failure.
(b) Outages
Low Frequency Demand shedding schemes will be engineered such that the
amount of Demand under control is as specified by the TSO and is not reduced
unacceptably during equipment Outage or maintenance conditions.
26 June 2019
The objectives of OC1 are to set out the requirement for Users to provide data to the
TSO to:
(a) enable the TSO insofar as it is able to do so, to maintain a sufficient Margin
during the Operational Planning Phase and the Programming Phase; and
(b) enable the TSO to know how much Generating Plant to Schedule and to
Dispatch (insofar as Generating Plant is available) to meet Demand on the
NI System to the Licence Standards in the Control Phase;
and to specify those factors which the TSO will take into account when conducting
Demand forecasting.
OC1.3.1 OC1 applies to the TSO and to Users, which in this OC1 means, Generators (in
respect of all Generating Units connected to the Transmission System and in
respect of CDGUs connected to the Distribution System and Controllable PPMs
connected to the Distribution System), Generator Aggregators, the DNO and
OC1.4.1 Users, as specified below, must provide the following data to the TSO at the time and
in the manner specified in order to enable the TSO to have the relevant data for it to
carry out Demand forecasting over the periods specified in OC1.1.
26 June 2019
OC1.4.1.1 Energy Sales
(a) Each Supplier must, by the end of week 48 each year, provide to the TSO in
writing details of its anticipated aggregate annual sales of Energy in GWh
(calculated in accordance with paragraph (c) below) in respect of each of the
three following TSO Financial Years. If between such annual notifications
the anticipated sales of Energy for any year materially changes, the Supplier
must notify the TSO in writing without delay giving details in GWh of the
revised anticipated sales of Energy.
(b) The details of anticipated sales of Energy notified to the TSO pursuant to (a)
above must contain the Supplier's best estimate, acting as a reasonable and
prudent Supplier in all the circumstances.
With respect to all Generating Units connected to the Transmission System and to
CDGUs and Controllable PPMs connected to the Distribution System, the output
in MW and Mvar of Power Stations will be monitored by the TSO at the TSO
Control Centre. The generator output in MW and Mvar of Independent
Generating Plant connected to the Distribution System with a Registered
Capacity of 2MW and above shall, when requested by the TSO and where suitable
metering is fitted, be recorded by the DNO and then provided by the DNO to the
TSO in half hourly metered data. This is to enable the TSO to be able to assess the
total Demand on the NI System and it will in due course form part of the historical
records which are vital in carrying out Demand forecasting.
The DNO shall, at the request of the TSO, in respect of each Independent
Generating Plant connected to the Distribution System with a Registered
Capacity of 2MW and above, submit to the TSO in writing by 1000 hours on the day
following the day on which the request was made an estimate of the Generator
Loading profiles for such Independent Generating Plant for the following
Schedule Day, save that it will be for the following three Schedule Days when
submitted on a Friday and the next two Schedule Days when submitted on a Saturday
(no notice being required on a Sunday) and shall be for such longer period as the
TSO may specify, at least one week in advance, to cover holiday periods. Such
26 June 2019
estimate will identify the Bulk Supply Point that the Independent Generating
Plant is associated with and be in the form of half hourly output in MW.
OC1.5.1 The following factors will be taken into account by the TSO when conducting
Demand forecasting in the Operational Planning Phase and in the Programming
(b) local factors known to the TSO in advance which may affect Demand on the
NI System, for example trade holidays and school holidays;
(d) prospective new Demand for Energy exceeding 2MW on the NI System
submitted in accordance with the terms of the Planning Code;
The peak daily Demand forecast in the Operational Planning Phase will become
the Average Cold Spell Demand forecast which is utilised by the TSO to determine
whether the Licence Standards can be met.
OC1.5.2 The following factors will be taken into account by the TSO when conducting
Demand forecasting in the Control Phase:
(a) historic load curves which the TSO considers to be relevant in the Control
Phase, for example, in respect of the same or a similar day in the previous
year or previous week;
(b) local factors known to the TSO in advance which may affect Demand on the
NI System, for example trade holidays and school holidays;
(d) weather forecasts and the current and historic weather conditions;
26 June 2019
(e) Demand Control of which the TSO is aware in accordance with OC4;
26 June 2019
OC2.1.1 Operational Planning involves planning through various timescales, the matching of
generating capacity with forecast Demand on the All Island Networks together with
a reserve of generation to provide the Margin taking into account Outages of
CDGUs (and/or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Modules as provided in
OC2), Controllable PPMs, Power Station Equipment and Outages of and
constraints on parts of the NI System and taking into account the output of
Independent Generating Plant and transfers of electricity across any
Interconnector and the Inter-jurisdictional Tie Line between Northern Ireland and
the Republic of Ireland, in order to maintain the security and integrity of the NI
OC2.1.2 In general terms there is an "envelope of opportunity" for the release of CDGUs,
Controllable PPMs and Power Station Equipment and of parts of the NI System
for Outages in accordance with this OC2. The envelope is determined by reference
to the excess of the total generating capacity available (including transfers across any
Interconnector and taking account of the output of Independent Generating Plant)
over the sum of Demand plus the Margin at the relevant time.
OC2.1.3 OC2 sets out the data required by the TSO from Generators and the data exchanges
between the TSO and the DNO in order for the TSO to conduct the co-ordinated
Operational Planning process in conjunction with the Other TSO, and the
procedures to be adopted by the TSO in the planning and co-ordination of CDGU
Outages, (and/or in the case of a CCGT Installation, Outages of CCGT Modules
as provided in OC2), Controllable PPM Outages, Power Station Equipment
Outages and NI System Outages in accordance with this OC2.
OC2.1.4 In OC2, "Year 0" means the current calendar year at any time, Year 1 means the next
calendar year at any time, Year 2 means the calendar year after Year 1, etc.
OC2.2.1 The objective of OC2 is to ensure, as far as possible, that the TSO, in conjunction
with the Other TSO, co-ordinates, optimises and approves Outages of CDGUs
(and/or in the case of CCGT Installations, CCGT Modules as provided in OC2),
Controllable PPMs and Power Station Equipment, taking into account System
Outages on the NI System and the Other TSO’s Transmission System, to minimise
so far as possible the number and effect of constraints on the NI System, the Other
Transmission System and the Inter-jurisdictional Tie Line between Northern
Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and in order to ensure that, so far as possible,
forecast Demand plus the Margin (taking account of the output of Independent
Generating Plant and transfers across any Interconnector and the Inter-
26 June 2019
jurisdictional Tie Line between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland) is
OC2.3.1 OC2 applies to the TSO, Generators (in respect of all Generating Units connected
to the Transmission System and in respect of CDGUs and Controllable PPMs
connected to the Distribution System), Interconnector Owners, Generator
Aggregators, Demand Side Unit Operators, the DNO and Large Demand
OC2.4.1 Such information as the TSO may reasonably require relating to Independent
Generating Plant connected to the Distribution System shall, where required by the
TSO for the purposes of this OC2, be provided by the DNO.
OC2.5.1 Under OC2 the interaction between the TSO, the DNO, Generators and
Aggregators will be as follows:
(a) each Generator and the TSO: in respect of Outages of CDGUs (and/or in
the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Modules, as provided under
OC2), Controllable PPMs, Dispatchable PPMs, Demand Side Units,
Aggregated Generators and/or Power Station Equipment;
(b) the DNO and the TSO: in respect of Outages of Independent Generating
Plant connected to the Distribution System with a Registered Capacity of
2 MW and greater;
(c) the TSO and each Generator: in respect of Transmission System Outages
relevant to the Generator's CDGUs (and/or in the case of a CCGT
Installation, CCGT Modules, therein), Controllable PPMs., and
Dispatchable PPMs.
(d) the DNO and the TSO: in respect of Outages on the Distribution System
relevant to distribution connected CDGUs, Controllable PPMs,
Dispatchable PPMs, Demand Side Units, Aggregated Generators and
Generators with distribution connected Independent Generating Plant
with a Registered Capacity of 2 MW and greater;
(e) the TSO and the DNO : in respect of Outages of CDGUs connected to the
Distribution System including Controllable PPMs, Dispatchable PPMs,
Demand Side Units, Aggregated Generating Units and/or associated
Power Station Equipment;
(f) the DNO and the TSO: in respect of Outages of 33kV circuits on the
Distribution System; and
26 June 2019
(g) the DNO and the TSO: in respect of Outages on the Distribution System
which may affect Customers with a Demand greater than 10 MW and
which are connected to the Distribution System.
OC2.5.2 Under OC2 the interaction between the TSO and Large Demand Customers will be
in respect of Transmission System Outages relevant to each Large Demand
OC2.5.3 (a) In relation to all matters to be undertaken pursuant to this OC2, including
(without limitation) making requests for Outages and supplying information
to the TSO concerning overruns, each Generator must act reasonably and in
good faith. Without limitation to such obligation, each Generator shall act
in accordance with Prudent Operating Practice in planning its Outages
and, in particular, so as to avoid a situation arising in which the Generator
is obliged to request an Outage during the Outage Planning process by
reason of obligations imposed upon the Generator by statute as a
consequence of the Generator not having planned its Outages in
accordance with Prudent Operating Practice, for example, by not having
planned its Outages sufficiently far in advance of any statutory time limit.
The provisions of this paragraph also apply to Interconnector Owners as if
references to Generator and to a Generator’s units were references to an
Interconnector Owner in respect of an Interconnector. The provisions of
this paragraph also apply to Aggregators as if Generators and to a
Generator’s units were references to an Aggregator in respect of a
Demand Side Unit or an Aggregated Generator.
(i) the DNO must act reasonably and in good faith; and
each Aggregator
26 June 2019
(c) The TSO must, in relation to all matters to be undertaken pursuant to this
OC2, including (without limitation) the co-ordination of Generators',
Aggregators’ or Interconnector Owners’ Outages, act reasonably and in
good faith in the discharge of its obligations.
OC2.5.4 Where in this OC2 there are references to outages of CCGT Modules, such
provisions only apply where the Power Station Agreement and/or Generating Unit
Agreement relating to the CCGT Installation of which the CCGT Module forms
part so provides.
The provisions of this section OC2.6 shall only apply if reasonably required and
requested by the TSO. In each calendar year:
(aa) the period for which the Outage could be deferred at the
request of the TSO, which period shall be not less than 30
days in length;
26 June 2019
(bb) the period for which the Outage could be advanced at the
request of the TSO, which period shall be not less than 10
days in length; and
(vii) where relevant, that the Generator wishes to take the Outage in
order to enable it to comply with obligations relating to the
operation and maintenance of CDGUs (or in the case of a CCGT
Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), Controllable PPMs (or
Generating Unit(s) therein) and/or Power Station Equipment
imposed upon the Generator by statute and, if so, the latest date by
which the Outage must be taken.
In relation to sub-paragraph (v), the Generator must provide the TSO with
such evidence as it may reasonably require in order to substantiate the
declaration as an Inflexible Planned Outage and, if the Generator fails to
establish to the TSO 's reasonable satisfaction that the Outage is required to
be an Inflexible Planned Outage, the Outage shall be deemed to have been
submitted as a Flexible Planned Outage with an attendant Flexible
Planned Outage Period of 10 days for advancement and 30 days for
(i) The TSO will be calculating the weekly capacity required from
Generating Plant in Years 4 and 7 taking into account insofar as
the TSO may consider to be appropriate:
26 June 2019
(dd) forecast output available from any Interconnectors;
(ii) The calculation under (i) will, with anticipated Outages other than
Planned Outages then taken into account, effectively define the
envelope of opportunity for Planned Outages of CDGUs, (or in
the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein),
Controllable PPMs (or Generating Unit(s) therein) and/or Power
Station Equipment.
During this period the TSO may, as appropriate, contact each Generator
which has supplied information to seek clarification on information received
or such additional relevant information as is reasonable. The provisions of
this paragraph OC2.6.1(b) also apply to Interconnector Owners as if
references to Generator and to a Generator’s units were references to an
Interconnector Owner in respect of an Interconnector. The provisions of
this paragraph OC2.6.1(b) also apply to Aggregators as if references to
Generator and to a Generator’s units were references to an Aggregator in
respect of an Aggregated Generating Unit or a Demand Side Unit.
26 June 2019
(iv) preferred Start Date and Start Time or range of Start Dates and
Start Times;
(aa) the period for which the Outage could be deferred at the
request of the TSO, which period shall be not less than 30
days in length;
(bb) the period for which the Outage could be advanced at the
request of the TSO, which period shall be not less than 10
days in length; and
(vii) where relevant, that the Generator wishes to take the Outage in
order to enable it to comply with obligations relating to the
operation and maintenance of CDGUs (or in the case of a CCGT
Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), Controllable PPMs (or
Generating Unit(s) therein) and/or Power Station Equipment
imposed upon the Generator by statute and, if so, the latest date by
which the Outage must be taken.
In relation to sub-paragraph (v), the Generator must provide the TSO with
such evidence as it may reasonably require in order to substantiate the
declaration as an Inflexible Planned Outage and, if the Generator fails to
establish to the TSO 's reasonable satisfaction that the Outage is required to
be an Inflexible Planned Outage, the Outage shall be deemed to have been
submitted as a Flexible Planned Outage with an attendant Flexible
Planned Outage Period of 10 days for advancement and 30 days for
The updates to the programme for Year 3 when, by effluxion of time, Year 3
has become Year 2, may only reflect the Generator's reasonable response to
changed circumstances and changes which, in the context of the Provisional
Outage Programme as a whole, are minimal in their effect on the operation
of the NI System; otherwise it must reflect the Provisional Outage
Programme for Year 3 issued the previous September.
26 June 2019
Aggregator in respect of an Aggregated Generating Unit or a Demand
Side Unit.
(i) The TSO will be calculating the weekly capacity required from
Generating Plant in Years 2 and 3 taking into account insofar as
the TSO may consider to be appropriate:
(ii) The calculation under (i) will, with anticipated Outages other than
Planned Outages then taken into account, effectively define the
envelope of opportunity for Planned Outages of CDGUs (or in the
case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein),
Controllable PPMs (or Generating Unit(s) therein) and/or Power
Station Equipment.
During this period the TSO may, as appropriate, contact each Generator
which has supplied information to seek clarification on information received
or such additional relevant information as is reasonable. The provisions of
this paragraph OC2.6.2 (b) also apply to Interconnector Owners as if
references to Generator and to a Generator’s units were references to an
Interconnector Owner in respect of an Interconnector. The provisions of
this paragraph OC2.6.2(b) also apply to Aggregators as if references to
Generator and to a Generator’s units were references to an Aggregator in
respect of an Aggregated Generating Unit or a Demand Side Unit.
(i) The TSO will, in conjunction with the Other TSO and having
taken into account the information notified to it pursuant to (a), the
factors specified in (b) and, having discussed it with the Generator
26 June 2019
if appropriate, provide each Generator in writing with a
Provisional Outage Programme showing the CDGUs (or in the
case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein),
Controllable PPMs (or Generating Unit(s) therein) and/or Power
Station Equipment it may potentially withdraw from service
during each week of Years 2 and 3 for a Planned Outage
(including, for the avoidance of doubt, both Flexible Planned
Outages and Inflexible Planned Outages) and showing the
Flexible Planned Outage Periods, by way of amendment to, or
confirmation of, the suggested Provisional Outage Programme
submitted by the Generator. When preparing the Provisional
Outage Programme with respect to an Interconnector, the TSO
shall take into account the arrangements it has in place under its
Operating procedures with National Grid Electricity Transmission.
26 June 2019
provided that in Year 2 only (but not in Year 3) the TSO may not
move a Planned Outage relating to which the Generator has
informed the TSO under OC2.6.2(a)(vii) that it needs it to comply
with statutory obligations, if to do so would result in the Generator
being in breach of those statutory obligations. However, the TSO
may discuss the Planned Outage with the Generator and may
request the Generator to approach the relevant authorities for an
extension of time in order to avoid the breach of those statutory
obligations. The Generator must accede to that request and use
reasonable endeavours to obtain such an extension. In the case of a
Generator with PPA CDGUs, the provisions of GC13.2 shall be
imported into (and for the purposes of the TSO Licence, regarded
as forming part of) this OC2.6.2(c)(ii). The Generator must, in all
cases, inform the TSO of the position. In the event that an
extension is obtained, the TSO may (subject to the other provisions
of this paragraph (c)(ii)) move the Planned Outage accordingly.
26 June 2019
In the case of a Generator with PPA CDGUs, the provisions of
GC13.1 shall be imported into (and for the purposes of the TSO
Licence, regarded as forming part of) this OC2.6.2(c)(iii).
(iv) Subject to (iii) above, the amendments may be made by the TSO in
relation to Year 2, even if the offered Planned Outages in the
suggested Provisional Outage Programme reflect the Provisional
Outage Programme for Year 3 issued the previous September, to
the extent necessary for the TSO to carry out its obligations in
relation to Operational Planning.
(ii) The resolution of the problem may require the TSO to contact other
Generators and joint meetings of parties may be convened by the
TSO. A Generator which notifies the TSO of its objections in
accordance with (i) above may request that such a meeting be
convened and the TSO will give due and reasonable consideration
to such request. The need for further discussions, be they on the
telephone or at meetings, can only be determined at the time.
(iv) This paragraph (d) does not override paragraph (c) above.
26 June 2019
The provisions of this paragraph OC2.6.2(d) also apply to Aggregators as if
references to Generator and to a Generator’s units were references to an
Aggregator in respect of an Aggregated Generating Unit or a Demand
Side Unit.
The Outage programme for Year 2 forming part of the Provisional Outage
Programme established under OC2.6.2 will become the Outage programme for Year
1 (until updated in accordance with this OC2.6.3) when, by effluxion of time, Year 2
becomes Year 1.
Each Generator will provide the TSO in writing with its suggested Final
Outage Programme for Year 1 (showing any updates to the outage
programme for Year 2 which, by effluxion of time, has become that for Year
1), which will then, in accordance with this OC2, become the Final Outage
Programme. For the avoidance of doubt, the suggested Final Outage
Programme will contain the following information in relation to each
proposed Planned Outage in the suggested Final Outage Programme:
(iv) preferred Start Date and Start Time or range of Start Dates and
Start Times;
(aa) the period for which the Outage could be deferred at the
request of the TSO, which period shall be not less than 30
days in length;
26 June 2019
(bb) the period for which the Outage could be advanced at the
request of the TSO, which period shall be not less than 10
days in length; and
(vii) where relevant, that the Generator wishes to take the Outage in
order to enable it to comply with obligations relating to the
operation and maintenance of CDGUs (or in the case of a CCGT
Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), Controllable PPMs (or
Generating Unit(s) therein) and/or Power Station Equipment
imposed upon the Generator by statute and, if so, the latest date by
which the Outage must be taken.
In relation to sub-paragraph (v), the Generator must provide the TSO with
such evidence as it may reasonably require in order to substantiate the
declaration as an Inflexible Planned Outage and, if the Generator fails to
establish to the TSO 's reasonable satisfaction that the Outage is required to
be an Inflexible Planned Outage, the Outage shall be deemed to have been
submitted as a Flexible Planned Outage with an attendant Flexible
Planned Outage Period of 10 days for advancement and 30 days for
The updates to the programme for Year 2 when, by effluxion of time, Year 2
has become Year 1, may only reflect the Generator's reasonable response to
changed circumstances and changes which, in the context of the Provisional
Outage Programme as a whole, are minimal in their effect on the operation
of the NI System and the Other TSO’s Transmission System; otherwise it
must reflect the Provisional Outage Programme for Year 2 issued the
previous September.
26 June 2019
(i) The TSO will provide each Generator in writing with a draft Final
Outage Programme showing the CDGUs (or in the case of a
CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), Controllable
PPMs (or Generating Unit(s) therein) and/or Power Station
Equipment it may potentially withdraw from service during each
week of Year 1 for a Planned Outage (including, for the avoidance
of doubt, both Flexible Planned Outages and Inflexible Planned
Outages) and showing the Flexible Planned Outage Periods, by
way of amendment to, or confirmation of, the suggested Final
Outage Programme submitted by the Generator. With respect to
an Interconnector, when preparing the draft Final Outage
Programme, the TSO shall take into account the arrangements it
has in place under its Operating procedures with National Grid
Electricity Transmission.
(ii) The draft Final Outage Programme may differ from the suggested
Final Outage Programme as follows:
provided that the TSO may not move a Planned Outage relating to
which the Generator has informed the TSO under OC2.6.3(a)(vii)
that it needs it to comply with statutory obligations, if to do so
would result in the Generator being in breach of those statutory
obligations. However, the TSO may discuss the Planned Outage
with the Generator and may request the Generator to approach the
relevant authorities for an extension of time in order to avoid the
breach of those statutory obligations. The Generator must accede
to that request and use reasonable endeavours to obtain such an
extension. In the case of a Generator with PPA CDGUs, the
provisions of GC13.2 shall be imported into (and, for the purposes
of the TSO Licence, regarded as forming part of) this
OC2.6.3(c)(ii). The Generator must, in all cases, inform the TSO
of the position. In the event that an extension is obtained the TSO
may (subject to the other provisions of this paragraph (c)(ii) move
the Planned Outage accordingly.
26 June 2019
(aa) that a Flexible Planned Outage or an Inflexible Planned
Outage which was shown in the Provisional Outage
Programme (prepared the previous September as the Year
2 programme) or is newly requested by the Generator
(such request not reflecting a change in any Outage
included in the Provisional Outage Programme prepared
the previous September as the Year 2 programme) be
excluded from the Provisional Outage Programme; or
26 June 2019
(d) By the End of July
The DNO will provide the TSO in writing with details of Outages of
Independent Generating Plant connected to the Distribution System with
a Registered Capacity of 2 MW and greater.
The TSO will be considering the draft Final Outage Programme in the
light of the factors set out in OC2.6.2(b), any changes as a result of (d) above
and the requirement for Minimum Demand Regulation and will be
analysing whether the Margin for the period can be met. With respect to an
Interconnector, when considering the draft Final Outage Programme, the
TSO shall take into account the arrangements it has in place under its
Operating procedures with National Grid Electricity Transmission.
(i) The TSO will notify each Generator in writing of any further
changes (if any) to the draft Final Outage Programme by the issue
of a Final Outage Programme showing the CDGUs (or, in the
case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s)), Controllable
PPMs (or Generating Unit(s) therein) and/or Power Station
Equipment it may potentially withdraw from service during each
week of Year 1 for a Planned Outage and showing the Flexible
Planned Outage Periods.
(ii) The TSO will provide the DNO in writing with an extract from the
latest copy of the Final Outage Programme showing:
(iii) The Final Outage Programme may differ from the draft Final
Outage Programme as follows:
26 June 2019
ordinate all Outage proposals received by the TSO or
generally for reasons relating to the proper operation of the
NI System and the Other TSO’s Transmission System;
provided that the TSO may not move a Planned Outage relating to
which the Generator has informed the TSO under OC2.6.3(a)(vii)
that it needs it to comply with statutory obligations, if to do so
would result in the Generator being in breach of those statutory
obligations. However, the TSO may discuss the Planned Outage
with the Generator and may request the Generator to approach the
relevant authorities for an extension of time in order to avoid the
breach of those statutory obligations. The Generator must accede
to that request and use reasonable endeavours to obtain such an
extension. In the case of a Generator with PPA CDGUs, the
provisions of GC13.2 shall be imported into (and for the purposes
of the TSO Licence, regarded as forming part of) this
OC2.6.3(g)(iii). The Generator must, in all cases, inform the TSO
of the position. In the event that an extension is obtained, the TSO
may (subject to the other provisions of this paragraph (g)(iii)) move
the Planned Outage accordingly.
26 June 2019
if references to Generator and to a Generator’s units were references to an
Aggregator in respect of an Aggregated Generating Unit or a Demand
Side Unit.
Throughout each calendar year and from 1st October of the preceding year:
(a) The TSO will monitor the Margin continuously in the light of any
movement of Planned Outages, the factors specified in OC2.6.2(b)(i), the
incidence of Outages other than Planned Outages and the requirement for
Minimum Demand Regulation.
(b) The DNO will provide the TSO in writing with such information as the TSO
may reasonably require relating to distribution connected Independent
Generating Plant with a Registered Capacity of 2 MW and greater
including information updates on planned Outages.
(c) The TSO shall ensure the DNO is provided with any updated information
regarding Outages of distribution connected CDGUs, Controllable PPMs
and in particular:
In the case of a Flexible Planned Outage, the TSO may, upon giving a
Generator written notice of not less than 7 days (in the case of
advancement, before the advanced Start Date and in the case of deferral,
before the original Start Date) require the Start Date or Start Time of the
Flexible Planned Outage to be advanced or deferred within the Flexible
Planned Outage Period, and the Generator will take that Outage in
accordance with the revised timing set out in that notice. Such written notice
may be given in the preceding year where the TSO could not otherwise give
the Generator a sufficient period of notice. The provisions of this paragraph
OC2.6.4(d) also apply to Interconnector Owners as if references to
Generator were references to an Interconnector Owner. The provisions
of this paragraph OC2.6.4(d) also apply to an Aggregator as if references to
26 June 2019
Generator were references to an Aggregator.
(i) a Flexible Planned Outage which the TSO would like to move
outside the Flexible Planned Outage Period; or
(ii) a Flexible Planned Outage which the TSO would like to move
within the Flexible Planned Outage Period on less than seven
days' notice (in the case of advancement, before the advanced Start
Date and, in the case of deferral, before the original Start Date);
(iii) an Inflexible Planned Outage which the TSO would like to move;
the TSO may, upon giving a Generator written notice, request that the
Start Date or Start Time of a Planned Outage be advanced or deferred. If
the Generator agrees to such advancement or deferral, or the TSO and the
Generator agree to some other advancement or deferral, the Generator will
take the Outage in accordance with that agreement. The provisions of this
paragraph OC2.6.4(e) also apply to Interconnector Owners as if references
to Generator were references to an Interconnector Owner. The
provisions of this paragraph OC2.6.4(e) also apply to an Aggregator as if
references to Generator were references to an Aggregator.
26 June 2019
were references to an Aggregator in respect of an Aggregated Generating
Unit or a Demand Side Unit.
(i) A Generator may at any time in Year 0 request the TSO, by giving
not less than 7 days' notice before the earliest Start Date, for a
Short Term Planned Maintenance Outage. The request notice
must contain the following information:
The Generator may (if it is the case), in addition, state that the
Outage is required for the purposes of maintaining the brush gear
of a CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT
Module(s) therein), and/or a Controllable PPM (or Generating
Unit(s) therein), in accordance with (v) below.
(ii) On receipt of a request notice under (i) above, the TSO shall
consider the request and shall, having discussed the position with
the Generator, reply within one Business Day in writing
(iii) If the TSO has accepted the request, the STPM Outage, if taken,
must be taken by the Generator in accordance with the request. If
the TSO has indicated an alternative Start Time and/or duration,
the TSO and the Generator must discuss the alternative and any
26 June 2019
other options which may arise during the discussions. If agreement
is reached, then the Outage, if taken, must be taken by the
Generator in accordance with the agreement. If the request is
refused by the TSO or if agreement is not reached then, subject to
(iv) below, the Outage may not be taken by the Generator.
26 June 2019
(cc) duration of the Outage; and
(a) A Generator must, if it considers that a CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT
Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), and/or a Controllable PPM (or
Generating Unit(s) therein) and/or an item of Power Station Equipment
will require an Outage which cannot reasonably be deferred to become a
Planned Outage or a Short Term Planned Maintenance Outage but of
which it has some warning, give the TSO as much notice as is reasonably
possible. Such Outage is known as a Notified Unplanned Outage and the
Generator's notice as an Outage Notice. Such notice must include an
identification of the CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT
Module(s) therein), and/or Controllable PPM (or Generating Unit(s)
therein) or item of Power Station Equipment, as the case may be, the
expected Start Date and Start Time and duration of the Notified
Unplanned Outage and the nature of the Outage together with the MW
concerned (i.e. MW which will not be Available as a result of the Outage
and that which will still be Available (if any)). The TSO must acknowledge
such notification as soon as reasonably possible after the notification was
received by the TSO. The provisions of this paragraph OC2.6.5(a) also
apply to Interconnector Owners as if references to Generator and to a
Generator’s units were references to an Interconnector Owner in respect
of an Interconnector. The provisions of this paragraph OC2.6.5(a) also
apply to an Aggregator as if references to Generator and to a Generator’s
units were references to an Aggregator in respect of an Aggregated
Generating Unit or a Demand Side Unit.
(b) The TSO may request the Generator to advance or defer the Outage and if
the Generator agrees to such a request, he shall send the TSO a written
notice confirming this agreement, which the TSO will acknowledge, and the
Generator must then (subject to any intervening Outage) take the Outage
in accordance with that agreement. The provisions of this paragraph
OC2.6.5(b) also apply to Interconnector Owners as if references to
Generator were references to an Interconnector Owner. The provisions of
this paragraph OC2.6.5(b) also apply to an Aggregator as if references to
Generator were references to Aggregators.
26 June 2019
(c) 24 Hour Recall
OC2.6.6.1 In the event that a CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s)
therein), and/or Controllable PPM (or Generating Unit(s) therein) or item of Power
Station Equipment suffers a Forced Outage, the relevant Generator shall, as soon
as possible after the commencement of the Outage and in any event within 48 hours
thereof, inform the TSO by written notice (in addition to the notifications required to
be given by the Generator in such circumstances under SDC1.4.5, SDC2.4.2.10(b)
and SDC2.4.2.15) of the Generator's best estimate of the date and time by which the
CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), and/or
Controllable PPM (or Generating Unit(s) therein) or item of Power Station
Equipment is likely to have been repaired and restored to its full level of
Availability. (It should be noted that a Forced Outage of an item of Power Station
Equipment may result in a reduced level of Availability of the associated CDGU
Controllable PPM.) If the Generator is unable for any reason to comply with this
requirement, it shall not later than 48 hours after the commencement of the Forced
Outage, provide to the TSO such information as is then known to the Generator
regarding the date and time of return from such Outage and shall provide such
updates thereafter as the TSO may reasonably require. The Generator shall then
inform the TSO by written notice of the Generator's best estimate of the date and
time by which the CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s)
therein), and/or Controllable PPM (or Generating Unit(s) therein) or item of Power
26 June 2019
Station Equipment is likely to have been repaired and restored to its full level of
Availability as soon as the Generator is able. The provisions of this paragraph
OC2.6.6.1 also apply to Interconnector Owners as if references to Generator and to
a Generator’s units were references to an Interconnector Owner in respect of an
Interconnector. The provisions of this paragraph OC2.6.6.1 also apply to an
Aggregator as if references to Generator and to a Generator’s units were references
to an Aggregator in respect of an Aggregated Generating Unit or a Demand Side
OC2.6.6.2 Pursuant to and subject to SDC1.4.3, a Generator shall use all reasonable endeavours
to ensure that, following a Forced Outage, the CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT
Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), and/or Controllable PPM (or Generating
Unit(s) therein) or item of Power Station Equipment (as the case may be) is
repaired and restored to its full level of Availability as soon as possible and in
accordance with Prudent Operating Practice. The provisions of this paragraph
OC2.6.6.2 also apply to Interconnector Owners as if references to Generator and to
a Generator’s units were references to an Interconnector Owner in respect of an
Interconnector. The provisions of this paragraph OC2.6.6.2 also apply to an
Aggregator as if references to Generator and to a Generator’s units were references
to an Aggregator in respect of and Aggregated Generating Unit or a Demand Side
OC2.6.7.1 Generators may only undertake Planned Outages with the TSO's agreement in
accordance with Outage programmes produced pursuant to this OC2.
OC2.6.7.2 In real time operation CDGUs (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT
Module(s) therein), Controllable PPMs (or Generating Unit(s) therein) and Power
Station Equipment must not actually be withdrawn for a Planned Outage or a
Short Term Planned Maintenance Outage without the TSO's express formal
permission for such release according to the procedures set out in OC2.6.7.3, which
permission shall be given except as described in OC2.6.7.4.
OC2.6.7.3 The TSO's express formal permission shall specify (consistent with the details
resulting from the application of the foregoing procedures of this OC2):
(a) the identity of the CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT
Module(s) therein), and/or Controllable PPMs (or Generating Unit(s)
therein) and/or Power Station Equipment and MW concerned (i.e. MW
which will not be Available as a result of the Outage and that which will,
notwithstanding the Outage, still be Available (if any));
(b) the duration of the Outage; and
OC2.6.7.4 (a) Notwithstanding anything else contained in this OC2, the TSO shall be
entitled, on the basis set out in (b) below, to determine whether to release a
CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein),
and/or a Controllable PPM (or Generating Unit(s) therein) or an item of
26 June 2019
Power Station Equipment for a Planned Outage or a Short Term
Planned Maintenance Outage.
(b) Subject to (c) below the TSO may withhold its permission for the release of
a CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s)
therein), and/or a Controllable PPM (or Generating Unit(s) therein) or any
item of Power Station Equipment for a Planned Outage or a Short Term
Planned Maintenance Outage where such Outage has previously been
planned in accordance with this OC2 where, in the TSO 's reasonable
opinion (were such Outage not to be deferred):
and may require the Generator to continue to defer such Outage for so long
as those circumstances exist.
(c) In the case of a Generator with PPA CDGUs, the provisions of GC13.3
shall be imported into (and, for the purposes of the TSO Licence, shall be
regarded as forming part of) this OC2.6.7.4. Nothing in this OC2.6.7.4 shall
limit any other power which the TSO has in this OC2 to grant or withhold
absolutely its permission for an Outage under this OC2.
OC2.6.7.5 The provisions of this OC2.6.7 also apply to Interconnector Owners as if references
to Generator and to a Generator’s units were references to an Interconnector
Owner in respect of an Interconnector. The provisions of this paragraph OC2.6.7
also apply to an Aggregator as if reference to Generator and to a Generator’s units
were references to an Aggregator in respect of an Aggregated Generating Unit or a
Demand Side Unit.
OC2.6.8.1 (a) In relation to a Planned Outage, not later than 7 days before the expiry of
the Flexible Planned Outage Period or the Inflexible Planned Outage
Period (as the case may be), the Generator must inform the TSO by notice
in writing, in such form as the TSO may reasonably require, (a "RTS
Notice") either that its CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation,
CCGT Module(s) therein), and/or Controllable PPM (or Generating
Unit(s) therein) or Power Station Equipment is returning to service earlier
than expected, or at the time and date expected, or later than expected and if,
upon return, it is expected to be Fully Available, the Generator shall so
state. Where a CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT
Module(s) therein), and/or Controllable PPM (or Generating Unit(s)
therein) is not expected to be Fully Available upon its return to service, the
Generator shall state the MW level at which the CDGU (or in the case of a
CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), and/or Controllable PPM
(or Generating Unit(s) therein) is expected to be Available. In the case of a
26 June 2019
CDGU which is capable of firing both on coal and on oil, the Availability
must be stated for each Designated Fuel.
(b) In the case of a return from a Planned Outage earlier than expected, the
RTS Notice must be given as far as possible in advance of return but in any
event not later than required under (a) above.
(c) In the case of a return from a Planned Outage later than expected, the RTS
Notice must be given not later than required under (a) above and shall state
the reason for the delay in the return of the CDGU (or in the case of a
CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), the TSO and/or
Controllable PPM (or Generating Unit(s) therein) or Power Station
Equipment to service and the Generator's best estimate of the date and
time at which the CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT
Module(s) therein), and/or Controllable PPM (or Generating Unit(s)
therein) or Power Station Equipment will return to service.
(d) If, after giving a RTS Notice, the Generator becomes aware that any details
notified to the TSO in such notice are or have become inaccurate, the
Generator shall give a revised RTS Notice.
OC2.6.8.2 Without prejudice to the provisions of SDC1.4.3 (which, for the avoidance of doubt,
are not applicable in respect of Controllable PPMs), a Generator must use all
reasonable endeavours to ensure that, in respect of each Planned Outage of the
Generator's CDGUs (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s)
therein), and/or Controllable PPMs (or Generating Unit(s) therein) and Power
Station Equipment, the Outage as included in the Final Outage Programme (or as
moved in accordance with this OC2) is followed.
OC2.6.8.3 Before returning from any Outage other than a Planned Outage, a Generator must
inform the TSO, as far in advance as reasonably possible, by notice in writing in such
form as the TSO may reasonably require, that its CDGUs (or in the case of a CCGT
Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), and/or Controllable PPM (or Generating
Unit(s) therein) or Power Station Equipment is returning to service. The
Generator must, in addition, give an Availability Notice in accordance with SDC1
on the day prior to the Schedule Day on which the CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT
Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), or Power Station Equipment (other than
Power Station Equipment used in the operation of a Controllable PPM) is to return
to service. The Generator must also give an updated Availability Notice amending
or confirming the Availability Notice for the Controllable PPM on the day prior to
the day in the Schedule Week on which the Controllable PPM (or Generating
Unit(s) therein) or Power Station Equipment used in the operation of the
Controllable PPM is to return to service.
OC2.6.8.4 If at any time during an Outage (in the case of a Planned Outage, prior to giving a
RTS Notice) the Generator becomes aware that its CDGU (or in the case of a
CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), or item of Power Station
Equipment (other than Power Station Equipment used in the operation of a
Controllable PPM) will not (or is unlikely to) have been maintained, repaired or
restored to be Available in accordance with SDC1.4.3 by the expiry of the period
26 June 2019
specified for the duration of the Outage in the Final Outage Programme or as
otherwise notified in the case of Outages other than Planned Outages, the
Generator shall notify the TSO immediately in writing stating the reason for the
delay and the Generator's best estimate of the date and time by which the CDGU (or
in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), or item of Power
Station Equipment (other than Power Station Equipment used in the operation of a
Controllable PPM) will actually have been maintained, repaired or restored to be
Available in accordance with SDC1.4.3. If at any time during an Outage (in the case
of a Planned Outage, prior to giving a RTS Notice) the Generator becomes aware
that its Dispatchable PPM or Controllable PPM (or Generating Unit(s) therein) or
item of Power Station Equipment used in the operation of the Dispatchable PPM
or the Controllable PPM will not (or is unlikely to) have been maintained, repaired
or restored to be Available by the expiry of the period specified for the duration of
the Outage in the Final Outage Programme or as otherwise notified in the case of
Outages other than Planned Outages, the Generator shall notify the TSO
immediately in writing stating the reason for the delay and the Generator's best
estimate of the date and time by which the Dispatchable PPM or the Controllable
PPM (or Generating Unit(s) therein) or item of Power Station Equipment used in
the operation of the Dispatchable PPM or the Controllable PPM will actually have
been maintained, repaired or restored to be Available.
OC2.6.8.5 The provisions of this OC2.6.8 also apply to Interconnector Owners as if references
to Generator and to a Generator’s units were references to an Interconnector
Owner in respect of an Interconnector. The provisions of this paragraph OC2.6.8.5
also apply to an Aggregator as if reference to Generator and to a Generator’s units
were references to an Aggregator in respect of an Aggregated Generating Unit or a
Demand Side Unit.
In assessing capacity Adequacy the TSO shall, in conjunction with the Other TSO,
estimate Demand growth, formulate Demand Forecasts and consider Outages of
CDGUs (or in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein as
provided in OC2), Dispatchable PPMs, Controllable PPMs , Power Station
Equipment Interconnectors, Aggregated Generating Units and Demand Side
If there is a deficit indicated in any week, the TSO and the Other TSO shall jointly
issue a System Capacity Shortfall Warning.
If there is a deficit indicated in any day, the TSO and the Other TSO shall jointly
issue a System Capacity Shortfall Warning.
26 June 2019
OC2.8.1 This Section 8 sets out the data exchanges and planning procedures required to enable
the TSO to prepare a plan of:
(c) Outages on the Distribution System which may affect CDGUs (and/or in
the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Modules as provided in OC2),
Dispatchable PPMs and Controllable PPMs, Aggregated Generating
Units and Demand Side Units connected to the Distribution System;
(e) Outages on the Distribution System which may affect Customers with a
Demand greater than 10 MW and which are connected to the Distribution
OC2.8.2 Long Term Operational Planning - Planning for Years 2 and 3 ahead
The TSO shall develop the System Outage Plan for Years 2 and 3 taking due
account of known requirements for construction and refurbishment works. This
contrasts with the System Outage Plan in respect of Years 0 and 1 ahead when the
TSO will, in addition, take into account Outages required as a result of maintenance.
Transmission System Outages and CDGU (or in the case of a CCGT Installation,
CCGT Module(s) therein) and/or Controllable PPM (or Generating Unit(s)
therein) and/or Power Station Equipment Outages shall, during Years 2 and 3 but
not in Year 1 or later, be co-ordinated so that, in general, CDGU (or in the case of a
CCGT Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein) and/or Controllable PPM (or
Generating Unit(s) therein) and/or Power Station Equipment Outages shall take
precedence over Transmission System Outages but subject always, in any particular
case, to the TSO's discretion to determine otherwise on the basis of reasons relating
to the proper operation of the Transmission System and the Other TSO’s
Transmission System. The provisions of this paragraph OC2.8.2 also apply to
Interconnectors as if references to a Generator’s units were references to
Interconnectors. The provisions of this paragraph OC2.8.2 also apply to an
Aggregator as if references to a Generator or a Generator’s units were references
to Aggregated Generating Units or Demand Side Units.
The DNO will provide the TSO in writing with known requirements for
Outages on the Distribution System of the type set out in OC2.8.1 (b), (c),
(d) and (e) which are related to construction or refurbishment works in Years
2 and 3 ahead, if any.
26 June 2019
(b) By the End of September
The TSO will draw up a draft System Outage Plan covering the period
Years 2 and 3 for the TSO’s internal use. The TSO will notify each
Generator in writing where Transmission System Outages may
operationally affect such Generator's CDGUs (and/or in the case of a
CCGT Installation, CCGT Modules, as provided under OC2),
Controllable PPMs, Dispatchable PPMs including, in particular, proposed
start dates and end dates of relevant Transmission System Outages. The
TSO will indicate to a Generator where a need may exist to use
Intertripping or other measures including restrictions on the Dispatch of
CDGUs and/or Controllable PPMs to allow the security of the NI System
to be maintained within the Licence Standards. The TSO will also inform
each Large Demand Customer of the aspects of the plan which may affect
it. The provisions of this paragraph OC2.8.3(b) also apply to
Interconnector Owners as if references to Generator and to a Generator’s
units were references to an Interconnector Owner in respect of an
Interconnector. The provisions of this paragraph OC2.8.3(b) also apply to
an Aggregator as if references to Generator and to a Generator’s units
were references to an Aggregator in respect of an Aggregated Generating
Unit or a Demand Side Unit.
OC2.8.4.1 The plan produced pursuant to OC2.8.2 will become the draft System Outage Plan
for Year 1 when, by effluxion of time, Year 2 becomes Year 1. Each calendar year
the TSO shall update the draft System Outage Plan and shall, in addition, take into
account Outages required as a result of maintenance work.
The DNO will provide the TSO in writing with known requirements for
Outages on the Distribution System of the type set out in OC2.8.1 (b), (c),
(d) and (e) which are related to construction, refurbishment or maintenance
works in Year 1.
The TSO will draw up the System Outage Plan and will inform each
Generator in writing where Transmission System Outages may
operationally affect in Year 1 such Generator's CDGUs (and/or in the case
of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Modules, as provided under OC2),
Controllable PPMs including, in particular, proposed start dates and end
dates of relevant Transmission System Outages.
26 June 2019
(c) By the end of July
The TSO will draw up a final System Outage Plan covering Year 1.
(i) The TSO will publish the final System Outage Plan for Year 1.
OC2.8.5 Short Term Operational Planning - Planning in Year 0 Down to the Programming
The System Outage Plan for Year 1 issued under OC2.8.4.2(e) shall become the
final plan for Year 0 when by effluxion of time Year 1 becomes Year 0.
Programming Phase
The DNO shall provide the TSO in writing with known requirements for
Outages on the Distribution System of the type set out in OC2.8.1 (b), (c),
(d) and (e) which are related to construction, refurbishment or maintenance
26 June 2019
works in the following one week period beginning on the Friday.
(i) The TSO shall update the System Outage Plan for the following
one week period beginning on the Friday.
Each Generator and the TSO will inform each other immediately if there is
any unavoidable requirement to depart from the Outages and actions
determined and notified under paragraph OC2.8.5(b) above. In addition, the
TSO shall notify each Large Demand Customers to whom it notified
details of the updated Transmission System Outage plan pursuant to
OC2.8.5(b) of any changes to such details.
OC2.9.1 (a) When requested initially under the Connection Agreement, and thereafter
in calendar week 24 in each calendar year, each Generator shall in respect
of each of its:
26 June 2019
(iv) Dispatchable PPMs and Controllable PPMs in relation to the
Generation Planning Parameters and the Generator Performance
submit to the TSO in writing the Generation Planning Parameters and the
Generator Performance Chart (which shall be within the parameters set
out in CC.S1.3.2 or, in the case of Controllable PPMs, CC.S2.3.2 and
which shall reasonably reflect the true operating characteristics of the
CDGU and/or CCGT Module within a CCGT Installation and/or
Controllable PPM, as the case may be) to be applied (unless revised under
this OC2, in the case of the Generator Performance Chart) from the
beginning of week 25 onwards, in the formats indicated in Appendix 1 for
the Generator Performance Charts and as set out in Appendix 2 for the
Generation Planning Parameters.
(c) In the case of a CCGT Module within a CCGT Installation, the Generator
must submit to the TSO details of the availability of any Back-Up Fuel.
(e) Generators should note that the amendments to the composition of CCGT
Installations may only be made in accordance with the principles set out in
PC.A2.3.5. If in accordance with PC.A2.3.5 an amendment is made, any
consequential changes to the Generation Planning Parameters must be
notified to the TSO promptly.
OC2.9.2 The Generator Performance Chart must be on a Generating Unit specific basis at
the Generator Terminals except in the case of Dispatchable PPMs or Controllable
PPMs, where it must be on a Power Park Module basis at the Connection Point to
the NI System and must include details of the Generator Transformer parameters
(or, in the case of Dispatchable PPMs or Controllable PPMs, to the extent present,
the main step-up transformer(s) or, otherwise, the step-up transformers that relate
exclusively to the operation of each wind turbine generator therein) and demonstrate
the limitation on reactive capability of the NI System voltage at 3% above nominal.
OC2.9.3 For each CCGT Module, and any other Generating Unit whose performance varies
significantly with ambient temperature, the Generator Performance Chart shall
show curves for at least two values of ambient temperature so that the TSO can
assess the variation in performance over all likely ambient temperatures by a process
of linear interpolation or extrapolation. One of these curves shall be for the ambient
26 June 2019
temperature at which the Generating Unit’s Output, or CCGT Installation’s
Output, as appropriate, equals its Registered Capacity.
OC2.9.4 The Generation Planning Parameters supplied under OC2.9.1 shall be used by the
TSO for Operational Planning purposes only and not in Scheduling and Dispatch
(subject as otherwise permitted in the SDCs).
OC2.9.5 When determining Operational Planning timescales, the TSO shall use the
information contained in the CCGT Installation Matrix submitted by the Generator
under PCA2.3.4.
26 June 2019
26 June 2019
OC2.A1.2 Capability Chart for Dispatchable PPMs and Controllable PPMs
26 June 2019
(i) the minimum notice required to Synchronise a Generating Unit from De-
(iv) maximum Generating Unit Loading rates from Synchronising for the
following conditions:
(vi) maximum Generating Unit deLoading rates for the following conditions:
OC2.A.2.2 Generation Planning Parameters for Dispatchable PPMs and Controllable PPMs
The following parameters are required in respect of each Dispatchable PPM and
Controllable PPM:
(iii) the maximum rate at which Load can be increased following connection of
the Dispatchable PPM and Controllable PPM (or part thereof) to the NI
26 June 2019
(iv) the minimum fault level or voltage at the Connection Point below which the
Dispatchable PPM or Controllable PPM cannot be connected.
26 June 2019
Operating Code No. 3 ("OC3") sets out the different types of reserve which make up
the Operating Margin that the TSO may use in the Control Phase.
The objective of OC3 is to set out and describe the types of reserve which may be
utilised by the TSO acting in conjunction with the Other TSO pursuant to the
Scheduling and Dispatch Codes (SDCs).
OC3 applies to the TSO, Generators with Generating Plant (in respect of all
Generating Units connected to the Transmission System and in respect of CDGUs
and Controllable PPMs connected to the Distribution System) and Interconnector
OC3.4.2.1 Operating Reserve is additional output from Generating Plant in Northern Ireland,
additional Interconnector transfer and/or reduction in Demand which must be
realisable in real time operation to respond in order to contribute to containing and
correcting any System Frequency deviation to an acceptable level, within the limits
specified in the Electricity Supply Regulations (N.I.) 1991, in the event of a loss of
generation or a loss of import from any Interconnector or mismatch between
generation output and Demand.
OC3.4.2.2 The Operating Reserve from Generating Plant must be capable of providing
response in four distinct time scales:
26 June 2019
OC3. Primary Operating Reserve
The additional MW output required compared to the pre-Event output which is fully
available and sustainable from 90 seconds to 5 minutes following an Event.
The additional MW output required compared to the pre-Event output which is fully
available and sustainable from 5 minutes to 20 minutes following an Event.
The additional MW output required compared to the pre-Event output which is fully
available and sustainable from 20 minutes to 4 hours following an Event.
The additional MW output required compared to the pre-Event output which is fully
available and sustainable from 4 hours to 24 hours following an Event.
The TSO, in accordance with its Licence and statutory obligations, and acting in
conjunction with the Other TSO which shall be looking at similar factors in respect
of the Other Transmission System shall determine the amount of Operating
Reserve to be carried at any time. This will not be constrained by the Trading and
Settlement Code.
This is the reserve held in Northern Ireland over, and above, Operating Reserve,
which is required in the period from 24 hours ahead (SDC1 Scheduling) down to real
time to cover against uncertainties of generation output, weather conditions and
Demand forecast. The amount of Contingency Reserve required at the day ahead
Scheduling stage under SDC1 and in subsequent timescales will be decided by the
26 June 2019
TSO acting in conjunction with the Other TSO on the basis of historical trends in the
reduction in Availability of CDGUs and increases in forecast Demand up to real time
The amount of Operating Reserve required at any time will be determined by the
TSO acting in conjunction with the Other TSO having regard to the demand levels,
generating plant availability shortfalls and the greater of the largest secured loss of
generation on the Island of Ireland or loss of import from or sudden export across any
Interconnectors. The TSO will allocate the Operating Reserve to the various classes
of Generating Plant, to an Interconnector and/or to a reduction in the Demand
initiated by the operation of Low Frequency Relays or Special Protection Schemes
so as to fulfil the required levels of Primary Operating Reserve, Secondary
Operating Reserve, Tertiary Operating Reserve band 1 and Tertiary Operating
Reserve band 2.
The TSO will instruct (as part of the Dispatch Instructions), sufficient individual
CDGUs and Interconnectors and/or arrange for sufficient Low Frequency
disconnection of Demand by means of Special Protection Schemes so as to fulfil in
total the required levels of Contingency Reserve, Replacement Reserve, Substitute
Reserve and Operating Reserve with the required levels of response. Such
instructions of CDGUs and/or Interconnectors will be issued (as part of the Dispatch
Instructions) pursuant to SDC2.
The response capability data required for each CDGU (and in the case of a CCGT
Installation, CCGT Module(s) therein), in connection with Operating Reserve and
relating to circumstances when NI System Frequency falls to a level which fully
opens the CDGU's governor valve, is listed in the Appendix to OC3 (in the case of
an Open Cycle Gas Turbine Unit, only the data applicable to an Open Cycle Gas
Turbine Units should be supplied). This data for all such units should be provided
when required initially under the Connection Agreement and thereafter in Week 24
in each calendar year and shall be within the parameters set out in Schedule 1 to the
CC. The provisions of SDC1.4.4.1(b) will apply, with necessary changes of
terminology, to any changes to these parameters.
CC.S1.5 requires certain CDGUs specified by the TSO (other than Gas Turbine
Units) to be fitted with Unit Load Controllers. Each Generator must ensure that
each of its CDGUs which is subject to this requirement operates with its Unit Load
Controller in operation unless relieved of this obligation in respect of a particular
CDGU by the TSO. A Generator at its Generating Plant may request the TSO 's
agreement for one of its CDGUs at that Generating Plant to be operated without the
Unit Load Controller in service. The TSO 's agreement will be dependent on the risk
that would be imposed on the NI System, provided that in any event a Generator may
take such action as is reasonably necessary to avoid, in the Generator's reasonable
26 June 2019
opinion, an imminent risk of injury to persons or material damage to property
(including the CDGU).
26 June 2019
Governor Droop %
Maximum droop %
Normal droop %
Minimum droop %
26 June 2019
OC4.1.1 Operating Code No 4 ("OC4") is concerned with the provisions made by the TSO and
procedures to be followed by the TSO and Users to permit a reduction in Demand in
the event that there are insufficient Generating Plant, PPMs, Independent
Generating Plant, Demand Side Units or transfers across any Interconnectors and
the Inter-jurisdictional Tie Lines between Northern Ireland and the Republic of
Ireland available to meet Demand in all or any part of the NI System and/or in the
event of problems on the NI System, including, without limitation, in the event of
both a steady state shortfall of generation and a transient shortfall of generation
following a sudden loss of generation. OC4 also covers operating problems such as
unacceptable voltage levels and thermal overloads and also the provision of
information on any Demand Control arrangements by Suppliers, including Demand
Control arrangements providing for the utilisation of controllable Load blocks on the
NI System (for example, by radio teleswitching). OC4 does not override and must be
read in conjunction with the Operating Security Standard. The Demand Control
arrangements may also apply where there are insufficient Generating Plant,
Demand Side Units or transfers to meet Demand in all or any part of the Other
Transmission System and/or in the event of problems on the Other Transmission
System in circumstances where the TSO is able to assist the Other TSO and where
doing so would not have a detrimental effect on the security of the NI System.
26 June 2019
(vii) Disconnection of Load blocks by operation of Automatic Load
Shedding Devices to preserve overall NI System security.
The term "Demand Control" is used to describe any or all of those methods
of controlling Demand.
(b) The type of Demand Control utilised by the TSO in any particular case will
depend upon the amount of time between the TSO becoming aware of the
need for implementing Demand Control and the time at which it needs to be
implemented. In the event of a sudden and unexpected loss of generation
and/or NI System problems and, subject to the circumstances set out in
OC4.1.1, in the event of a sudden and unexpected loss of generation on the
Other Transmission System and/or Other Transmission System problems,
the requisite Demand Control will normally be achieved by means of
Automatic Load Shedding but, occasionally, Emergency Manual
Disconnection may additionally be required. The amount of time which the
TSO has in which to implement Demand Control will also determine
whether Customer Demand Management will be implemented before
voltage reduction. In all cases when Demand Control is necessary, the TSO
will generally use Demand Disconnection as the last option.
OC4.1.3 Load Shedding shall not, so far as possible, be exercised in respect of Protected
Customers and Contract Customers. OC4, therefore, applies subject to this
OC4.1.4 As explained in the Glossary and Definitions section, references to the term “User
System” shall be read as referring to the Distribution System with respect to
provisions applicable to the DNO.
OC4.2.1 The objective of OC4 is to detail the provisions required to enable the TSO to
achieve a reduction in Demand to avoid or relieve operating problems on all or any
part of the NI System and, subject to the circumstances set out at OC4.1.1, the Other
Transmission System. Subject to OC4.1.3, the TSO will utilise Demand Control in
a manner which does not unduly discriminate against, or unduly prefer, any one or
any group of Customers. OC4 requires that the TSO be notified of any Demand
Control arrangements entered into or utilised by Users.
OC4.3.1 OC4 applies to the TSO and to Users, which in OC4 means the DNO, Suppliers and
OC4.4.1.1 The TSO shall issue to the DNO notification of a risk of Demand Reduction when
the TSO anticipates that there may be insufficient Generating Plant, PPMs,
Independent Generating Plant, Demand Side Units or transfers across any
Interconnectors and the Inter-jurisdictional Tie Lines between Northern Ireland
26 June 2019
and the Republic of Ireland available to meet Demand in all or any part of the NI
OC4.4.1.2 Any such notification issued pursuant to OC4.4.1.1 shall be provided as soon as
reasonably possible after the TSO has grounds to believe that there is a risk of
Demand Reduction. The notice shall include the TSO's best estimate of:
OC4.4.3.1 Each Supplier which enters into (or amends) an agreement or other arrangement with
a Customer allowing Customer Demand Management must notify the TSO in
writing in accordance with OC4.4.3.2 of the following when the aggregate of its
possible Customer Demand Management pursuant to all such agreements or
arrangements it has effected can equal or exceed 2 MW at any point in time:
(c) the expected duration of Demand Control and the maximum permitted;
(e) the locations at which it is expected that Demand Control will be exercised.
The Supplier must supply its best estimate to the TSO for each item specified above
although the Supplier will not then become bound to act in accordance with its
estimate. The information may be supplied to the TSO on an aggregated basis, thus
avoiding the ability to identify individual Customers, insofar as that is possible
without destroying its meaning.
OC4.4.3.2 The notification must be given when the total of such Customer Demand
Management can equal or exceed 2 MW at any point in time and thereafter must be
updated by the end of March each year in respect of the year commencing on 1st May
following such notification in order to permit the TSO to reflect the effects of such
Customer Demand Management. If following the end of March, or initial
notification, as the case may be, any of the details change, the TSO must be notified
in writing by the Supplier promptly.
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OC4.4.3.3 Each Supplier must notify the TSO in writing on each occasion that any Customer
Demand Management, of which it has notified the TSO under OC4.4.3.1 and
OC4.4.3.2, is planned to be instructed (or has been instructed) by that Supplier and
which will in aggregate equal or exceed (or has equalled or exceeded) 2 MW at any
point in time other than following an instruction by the TSO.
OC4.4.3.4 (a) The notification will, where the Customer Demand Management is planned
sufficiently in advance, be given by 1400 hours on the day prior to the
Trading Day on which the Customer Demand Management is to be
(b) Where the Customer Demand Management is planned after that time, the
TSO will be notified as soon as possible after the decision to implement has
been made.
(c) If it is not possible to notify in advance, the Supplier must notify the TSO
within 10 minutes of implementation.
(d) Any material change in the details contained in such notice must be notified
to the TSO in writing as soon as possible and in any event not later than 10
minutes after the implementation of such change. Such notification shall be
confirmed to the TSO in writing as soon as possible after the notification has
been given.
(b) the length of time that the Customer Demand Management is anticipated to
be in force and the time at which it is to commence, or commenced; and
(c) the locations on the Total System at which the Customer Demand
Management is to be, or has been, implemented.
OC4.4.3.6 A Supplier which has initiated Customer Demand Management, otherwise than
pursuant to an instruction from the TSO, which has equalled or exceeded 2 MW in
aggregate at any point in time must, in addition, notify the TSO of details as to the
Customer Demand Management which was actually achieved. The notification
must be made within 2 weeks of the initiation of such Customer Demand
Management and (to the extent it differs from the Customer Demand Management
details supplied already) must contain the TSO profiles on a half hourly basis and the
amount of Demand reduction achieved from such use of Demand Control. Such
information is required by the TSO in order to establish the effect that the level of
Customer Demand Management actually achieved had on the NI System.
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Systems in the event that the TSO implements voltage reduction on such User
Systems at any time whilst voltage reduction utilised by the Supplier is in effect. In
particular, the Supplier must take steps to ensure that the Customer is aware that the
voltage at the point of supply from the NI may be reduced within the limit set out in
the Electricity Supply Regulations (NI) 1991.
OC4.4.4.1 If a Supplier would like to make arrangements with the TSO whereby the TSO
would be given the ability to use Customer Demand Management which the
Supplier has arranged for the purposes of Demand Control, it shall notify the TSO
in accordance with OC4.4.4.3 and OC4.4.4.4. Each Supplier must ensure that it does
not, by initiating Customer Demand Management itself, limit the Customer
Demand Management which it has made available to the TSO under this OC4.4.4.
OC4.4.4.2 The notification must be given by the Supplier to the TSO in writing by the end of
March each year. If, following the end of March, any of the details change, the TSO
must be notified in writing by the Supplier promptly. By so notifying, the Supplier
will be agreeing that, throughout the year commencing on 1 May following the
notification (or such other date as may be agreed between the TSO and the Supplier),
it will comply with the TSO’s instructions relating to the Customer Demand
Management provided these instructions are within the parameters set out in the
notification. Any commercial arrangements relating to this are outside the Grid
Code. For the avoidance of doubt, commercial arrangements cannot override the
provisions of the Grid Code.
OC4.4.4.4 The TSO will, when it considers it necessary, implement the Customer Demand
Management arranged and made available to it by a Supplier within the parameters
notified to it.
OC4.4.5.1 The TSO will, insofar as it is able, organise the Transmission System and make
such other arrangements as are necessary so that a 6 per cent reduction of voltage
supplied to all or any group of Customers on a particular part of the NI System can
be implemented.
OC4.4.5.2 The DNO shall arrange to have available within the Distribution System an
arrangement which will provide for two 3 per cent stages of voltage reduction, which
can be applied to all or selected groups of Customers.
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OC4.4.5.3 The TSO will, when it considers it necessary, instruct the DNO to implement either a
3 per cent or 6 per cent Customer Demand Reduction which the DNO shall
complete without delay.
OC4.4.5.4 The TSO will, when it considers it necessary, instruct the DNO to remove the 3 per
cent or the 6 per cent voltage reduction implemented pursuant to OC4.4.5.3 which the
DNO shall complete without delay.
OC4.4.6.1 Planned Manual Disconnection is the procedure adopted when the TSO has
reasonable notice that a generation shortfall and/or Transmission System problems
require Demand Control. Where Demand Control is required to continue for a
protracted period rotation of Disconnection under a Rota Load Shedding procedure
may be required to ensure equitable treatment, insofar as practicable, for all
Customers as further detailed in OC4.4.6.2 and OC4.4.6.3.
OC4.4.6.2 The TSO, in conjunction with the DNO, will arrange for the purposes of Rota Load
Shedding, insofar as it is able, that the total Demand on the NI System is arranged in
groups of approximately 5 per cent. of total Demand (as a percentage at time of
winter peak) so that any or all such groups can be Disconnected when the TSO
considers it necessary.
OC4.4.6.3 Where Disconnection is envisaged by the TSO to be prolonged, the DNO will,
where possible, utilise Disconnection rotas where approximately 5 per cent. groups
are interchanged to ensure (so far as possible) equitable treatment of Customers.
OC4.4.6.4 Emergency Manual Disconnection is utilised by the TSO when a loss of generation
or a mismatch of generation output and Demand is such that there is an operational
requirement to shed Load at short notice (or no notice) to maintain a Regulating
Margin between generation output and Demand and in certain circumstances to deal
with operating problems such as unacceptable voltage levels and thermal overloads.
OC4.4.6.5 To avoid affecting the operational integrity of the Automatic Load Shedding
scheme, the DNO shall ensure that the Load blocks shed under Planned Manual
Disconnection and/or Emergency Manual Disconnection will, as far as practicable,
not be those within the Automatic Load Shedding scheme which could be shed
under a single operational contingency. To ensure no undue discrimination against
any Customers, manual Load Shedding will be dealt with in conjunction with the
provisions for rotating Load Shedding in OC4.4.8 and the TSO will monitor Load
Shedding to ensure no undue discrimination.
OC4.4.6.6 The TSO will, when it considers it necessary, implement Emergency Manual
Disconnection and/or instruct the DNO to implement Planned Manual
Disconnection, which the DNO shall complete without delay.
OC4.4.6.7 The TSO will, when it considers it necessary, restore the connections removed by
Emergency Manual Disconnection and/or instruct the DNO to restore the
connections removed by Planned Manual Disconnection, which the DNO shall
complete without delay.
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OC4.4.7 Demand Control with Weak or Reduced System Capabilities
OC4.4.7.1 This section covers the situation where the TSO may wish to initiate Demand
Control to maintain partial supplies to a part of the NI System which cannot support
the full area Demand of that part of the NI System. It applies to circumstances
where the TSO wishes to allow for fault contingencies more severe than envisaged in
the Licence Standards because the impact of these contingencies on the NI System
would be unacceptable. It can also apply to circumstances where Planned Outages
or unplanned Outages would, in the opinion of the TSO, result in a single
contingency having an unacceptable impact on the NI System.
OC4.4.7.2 Where the TSO considers that it should put in place arrangements to enable Demand
Control to be effected in the circumstances outlined in OC4.4.7.1, it may effect such
arrangements and Demand Control under such arrangements may be initiated by the
TSO and implemented by the TSO and/or the DNO at the TSO’s request.
OC4.4.7.3 Load shedding caused by these schemes will be assimilated into Load shedding
caused by the Automatic Load Shedding scheme detailed in OC4.4.8 to ensure no
Customer or group of Customers is unfairly discriminated against.
OC4.4.8.2 The Demand on the NI System subject to Automatic Load Shedding will be split
into discrete blocks. The number, location, size and the associated low Frequency
settings of these blocks will be as determined by the TSO on a rota basis insofar as
OC4.4.8.3 Where conditions are such that, following Automatic Load Shedding, and the
subsequent recovery of Frequency on the NI System, it is not possible to restore a
large proportion of the total Demand so Disconnected within a reasonable period of
time, the TSO may require the DNO to implement additional Disconnection
manually to restore an equivalent amount of the Demand which has been
Disconnected automatically.
OC4.4.8.4 For the avoidance of doubt, no Demand shed by operation of Automatic Load
Shedding Devices will be restored without the specific direction of the TSO.
OC4.4.9 General
OC4.4.9.1 In most instances of Demand Control, other than with Customer Demand
Management initiated by Suppliers, Demand Control is initiated by the TSO and
implemented by the TSO and/ or the DNO upon the TSO’s request. Suppliers
should note, however, that although implementation of Demand Control in respect
of their Customers is not, in general, exercisable by them, their Customers may be
affected by Demand Control. The contractual arrangements of Suppliers with their
Customers may, accordingly, need to reflect this.
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OC4.4.9.2 During the implementation of Demand Control, Scheduling and Dispatch in
accordance with the principles in the SDCs for determining which CDGUs will be
Scheduled and Dispatched may cease and will not be re-implemented until the TSO
decides that normal operation can be resumed. The TSO will inform Generators
when normal Scheduling and Dispatch in accordance with the SDCs is to be re-
implemented as soon as reasonably practicable.
OC4.4.9.3 Where time permits, the TSO will, insofar as it is reasonably able, inform all affected
Users that Demand Control is planned to be exercised.
OC4.5.1 Each Supplier agrees to comply with the Fuel Security Code to the extent it is expressed to
apply to it and with any instructions issued by the TSO pursuant to the Fuel Security Code
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OC5.1.1 OC5 sets out the requirements for the exchange of information in relation to
Operations and/or Events on the Total System which have had (or may have had) or
will have (or may have) an Operational Effect:
where no requirement for liaison is specified in any other section of the Grid Code.
OC5 also sets out the procedure for issue of warnings in the event of a risk of serious
and widespread disturbance of the whole, or part of, the NI System.
OC5.1.2 Where an Operation and/or Event on the Transmission System falls to be reported by
the TSO to the Other TSO under the System Operator Agreement, the TSO may
include in that report the information which it has been given by the User in relation to
the Operation and/or Event on the User System which has itself then caused or
exacerbated the Operation or Event on the Transmission System.
OC5.1.3 As explained in the Glossary and Definitions section, references to the term “User
System” shall be read as referring to the Distribution System with respect to
provisions applicable to the DNO .
The exchange of information is needed in order that the implications of the Operation
and/or Event can be considered and the possible risks arising from it can be assessed
and appropriate action taken by the relevant party in order to maintain the integrity of
the Total System. OC5 does not seek to deal with any actions arising from the
exchange of information, but merely with that exchange.
OC5 applies to the TSO and to Users, which in this OC5 means the DNO, Generators
(in respect of all Generating Units connected to the Transmission System),
Interconnector Owners and Large Demand Customers.
OC5.4.1 The term "Operation" means a scheduled or planned action relating to the operation of
a System or on the Other Transmission System but, for the avoidance of doubt, does
not include fault locating operations undertaken by the TSO or the Other TSO.
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OC5.4.2 The term "Event" means an unscheduled or unplanned (although it may have been
anticipated) occurrence on a System or on the Other Transmission System including,
without limiting that general description, faults, incidents and breakdowns.
OC5.4.3 The term "Operational Effect" in the whole of this OC5 shall mean any effect on the
operation of the relevant System or on the Other Transmission System which will or
may cause the Systems of the TSO or the other User or Users, as the case may be, to
operate differently from the way in which they would or may have operated in the
absence of that effect.
In the case of an Operation on the Transmission System which will have, or may
have, an Operational Effect on a User System, the TSO will (unless this requirement
arises under any other part of the Grid Code) notify the User or Users, whose
System(s) will, or may in the opinion of the TSO, be so affected in accordance with
this OC5. Following notification by the TSO, the DNO may notify any user connected
to the Distribution System on whose system the Operation will have an Operational
Effect. The provisions of this OC5.4.4.1 shall also apply to circumstances where an
Operational Effect on the User System was caused or may have been caused by an
Operation on the Other Transmission System, provided that the TSO’s duty to notify
a User shall be solely a duty to pass on the information that the TSO has received from
the Other TSO.
OC5.4.4.2 User
In the case of an Operation on a User System, which will have or may have an
Operational Effect on the Transmission System, the User will (unless this
requirement arises under any other part of the Grid Code) notify the TSO in
accordance with this OC5. Following notification by the relevant User, the TSO will
notify any other User or Users on whose System(s) the Operation will (or, in the
TSO’s reasonable opinion, may) have an Operational Effect, and may also notify the
Other TSO if the Operation will (or, in the TSO’s reasonable opinion, may) have an
equivalent effect on the Other Transmission System, in accordance with this OC5.
OC5.4.4.3 Whilst in no way limiting the general requirement to notify in advance as set out in
OC5.4.4.1 and OC5.4.4.2, the following are examples of scheduled or planned actions
for which notification will be required under this OC5 if they will, or may, have an
Operational Effect:
(i) the planned operation (other than, in the case of a User, at the instruction of
the TSO) of any circuit breaker or isolator or any sequence or combination
of the two; and
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OC5.4.4.4 Nature of Notification
OC5.4.4.5 Timing
OC5.4.4.6 Recording
In the case of an Event on the Transmission System which has had (or may have had)
an Operational Effect on a User System, the TSO will (unless this requirement arises
under any other part of the Grid Code) notify the User or Users whose System(s) have
been (or in the reasonable opinion of the TSO may have been) so affected, in
accordance with this OC5. Following notification by the TSO, the DNO may notify
any user connected to the Distribution System on whose system the Event has had (or
may have had) an Operational Effect. The provisions of this OC5.4.5.1 shall also
apply to circumstances where an Operational Effect on a User System was caused by
an Event on the Other Transmission System, provided that the TSO’s duty to notify a
User shall be solely a duty to pass on the information that the TSO has received from
the Other TSO.
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OC5.4.5.2 User
In the case of an Event on a User System which has had (or may have had) an
Operational Effect on the Transmission System, the User will (unless this
requirement arises under any other part of the Grid Code) notify the TSO in
accordance with this OC5. Following notification by the relevant User, the TSO will
notify any other User or Users on whose System the Event has had or may have had in
the TSO's reasonable opinion an Operational Effect, and may also notify the Other
TSO if the Event has had or may have had in the TSO's reasonable opinion an
equivalent effect on the Other Transmission System, in accordance with this OC5.
OC5.4.5.3 Whilst in no way limiting the general requirement to notify set out in OC5.4.5.1 and
OC5.4.5.2, the following are examples of situations where notification will be required
under this OC5 if they have had, or may have had, an Operational Effect:
(i) where Plant and/or Apparatus is being operated in excess of its capability
or may present a hazard to personnel;
(iv) breakdown of, or faults on, or temporary changes in the capabilities of, Plant
and/or Apparatus;
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OC5.4.5.5 Recording
Notification shall be given orally and, except in the case of emergency, if either party
requests, shall be written down by the sender and dictated to the recipient who shall
write it down and repeat each phrase as received and, on completion, shall repeat the
notification in full to the sender and check that it has been accurately recorded.
OC5.4.5.6 Timing
A notification under OC5.4.5.1 or OC5.4.5.2 shall be given as soon as possible after the
occurrence of the Event, or the time that the Event is known of or anticipated by the
giver of the notification under this OC5, and in any event within 15 minutes of such
OC5.4.6.1 Where a User notifies the TSO under OC5.4.5.2 of an Event which the TSO considers
has had or may have had a significant effect on the Transmission System, the TSO
may require the User to report that Event in writing in accordance with the provisions
of OC8 in which event it will, within one Business Day, notify that User accordingly.
OC5.4.6.2 Where the TSO notifies a Generator or an Interconnector Owner of an Event under
this OC5 which the Generator or the Interconnector Owner considers has had or may
have had a significant effect on that Generator's or Interconnector Owner’s System,
that Generator or Interconnector Owner may require the TSO to report that Event in
writing in accordance with the provisions of OC8 in which event it will, within one
Business Day, notify the TSO accordingly.
OC5.4.6.3 Events which the TSO requires a User to report in writing pursuant to OC5.4.6.1 and
Events which a Generator requires the TSO to report in writing pursuant to OC5.4.6.2
are known as "Significant Incidents".
OC5.4.6.4 Without limiting the general description set out in OC5.4.6.1 and OC5.4.6.2, a
Significant Incident will include an Event having an Operational Effect which
results in, or is likely to result in, the following:
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OC5.4.7 Warnings
(ii) The warning will contain such information as the TSO reasonably considers
to be necessary in order to explain the nature and extent of the anticipated
disturbance to the User provided that sufficient time is available to the TSO
prior to the issue of the warning and that such information is available to the
(iii) For the duration of a warning each User in receipt of the warning shall take
the necessary steps to warn its operational staff and maintain its Plant and/or
Apparatus in the condition in which it is best able to withstand the
anticipated disturbance ;
(iv) Scheduling and Dispatch in accordance with the Scheduling and Dispatch Codes
may be affected during the period covered by a warning. Further provisions on this
are contained in the Scheduling and Dispatch Codes.
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OC6.1.1 Operating Code No. 6 ("OC6") specifies the standard procedures which are to be
followed by the TSO, the TO, and Users for the co-ordination, establishment
and maintenance of necessary Safety Precautions when work and/or testing
(other than System Tests, which are covered by OC10 and the type of tests
covered in OC11) is to be carried out on or near either the Transmission
System or a User’s System and when, for this to be done safely, Safety
Precautions are required on the Transmission System and on a User’s
OC6.1.2 Where, by reason of the design of any HV Apparatus on which Safety Precautions
are to be applied, it is not practicable to apply Safety Precautions on such HV
Apparatus, the Safety Precautions shall be applied at the most appropriate point(s)
on the User’s Plant and Apparatus (for example, at steam valves) to achieve Safety
From The System on the HV Apparatus on which Safety From The System is to
be achieved.
OC6.1.3 OC6 does not apply to a situation in which Safety Precautions need to be agreed
solely between Users.
OC6.1.4 OC6 does not seek to impose a particular set of Safety Rules on the TO or Users; the
Safety Rules to be adopted and used by the TO and each User shall be those chosen
by each.
OC6.1.5 The procedures set out in this OC6 do not refer expressly to a situation in which both
the TO and a User require the other to implement Safety Precautions at the same
time. In such circumstances the relevant procedures of this OC6 should be applied
twice, once with the TO acting as Implementing Safety Co-ordinator and once with
the User acting in that role.
OC6.1.6 In this OC6 the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(a) "HV Apparatus" means High Voltage electrical circuits forming part of a
System on which Safety From The System may be required or on which
Safety Precautions may be applied to allow work and/or testing to be carried
out on a System;
OC6.1.7 It should be noted that the term “User System” includes the Distribution System and
therefore references to a User System should be construed accordingly.
The objective of this OC6 is to achieve Safety From The System when work and/or
testing on or near either a User System or the Transmission System necessitates the
provision of Safety Precautions on both Systems.
OC6.3.1 OC6 applies to the TO, to the TSO, and to Users which term in this OC6 means the
DNO, Generators with respect to Generating Units connected to the Transmission
System, Large Demand Customers and Interconnector Owners.
OC6.3.2 The TSO shall procure that the TO complies with its obligations under OC6.
OC6.4.1.1 (a) In accordance with the timing requirements of its Connection Agreement, or as
otherwise agreed, each User shall supply to the TO a copy of its Local Safety
Instructions relating to the User’s side of the Connection Point at each Connection
(c) Prior to connection and in accordance with the timing requirements of the relevant
Connection Agreement, or as otherwise agreed, the TO and the User must have
approved each other's Local Safety Instructions dealing with Isolation and
Earthing. Where an employee of the TSO has been appointed to act on behalf of the
TO as a Safety Co-ordinator the TO and each User shall, at the same time as
confirming approval of the other’s Local Safety Instructions, provide to the TSO a
copy of that other’s Local Safety Instructions which they have approved, with a
copy also being sent to the User or the TO, as the case may be.
OC6.4.1.2 If the party required to give approval requires, for that approval to be given, more
stringent provisions relating to Isolation and/or Earthing (including relating to
Earthing Devices) (and to the extent that these are not unreasonable), the other party
will make such changes as soon as reasonably practicable to the provisions in its
Local Safety Instructions relating to Isolation and/or Earthing (including relating
to Earthing Devices) affecting the Connection Site (which may of course need to
cover the application of Isolation and/or Earthing at a place remote from such
Connection Site, depending upon the System layout). There is no right to withhold
approval on the grounds that the party required to approve reasonably believes the
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provisions relating to Isolation and/or Earthing (including Earthing Devices) are
too stringent.
OC6.4.1.3 If, following approval, a party wishes to change the provisions in its Local Safety
Instructions relating to Isolation and/or Earthing (including Earthing Devices), it
must inform the other party. If the change is to make the provisions more stringent,
then the other party merely has to note the changes. If the change is to make the
provisions less stringent, then the other party needs to approve the new provisions and
the procedures referred to in OC6.4.1.2 will apply.
OC6.4.2.1 The TO and each User will at all times have nominated a person or persons to be
responsible for the co-ordination of Safety Precautions at each Connection Point,
when work and/or testing is to be carried out on or near a System which necessitates
the provision of Safety Precautions on (or relating to) HV Apparatus, pursuant to
this OC6 ("Safety Co-ordinator(s)"). A Safety Co-ordinator may be responsible
for the co-ordination of safety on (or relating to) HV Apparatus at more than one
Connection Point. It should be noted that, for the purposes of this OC6, the Safety
Co-ordinator's role is limited to the co-ordination of Safety Precautions. The
Safety Co-ordinator will not necessarily but may undertake the physical
implementation of Safety Precautions. In the case of the TO, the Safety Co-
ordinator may be an employee of the TSO acting on behalf of the TO.
OC6.4.2.2 Each User shall, prior to its Plant and Apparatus being connected to the
Transmission System, in accordance with any timing and other provisions of the
Connection Conditions, give notice in writing to the TO of the identity of the User’s
Safety Co-ordinator(s) and shall update the written notice (i) whenever there is a
change to the identity of its Safety Co-ordinator(s), and (ii) annually on 1 April each
OC6.4.2.3 The TO shall, prior to the Plant and Apparatus of a User being connected to the
Transmission System, in accordance with any timing and other provisions of the
Connection Conditions, give notice in writing to that User of the identity of the
TO’s Safety Co-ordinator(s) and shall update the written notice (i) whenever there is
a change to the identity of its Safety Co-ordinator(s), and (ii) annually on 1 April
each year.
OC6.4.2.4 Where an employee of the TSO has been appointed to act on behalf of the TO as a
Safety Co-ordinator, the TO shall, prior to the Plant and Apparatus of a User
being connected to the Transmission System, in accordance with any timing and
other provisions of the Connection Conditions, give notice in writing to the TSO of
the identity of the User’s Safety Co-ordinator(s) and shall update the written notice
(i) whenever there is a change to the identity of the User’s Safety Co-ordinator(s),
and (ii) annually on 1 April each year..
OC6.4.2.5 Contact will be made between Safety Co-ordinators via normal operational channels
and, accordingly, separate telephone numbers for Safety Co-ordinators need not be
OC6.4.2.6 If work and/or testing is to be carried out on or near a System which necessitates the
provision of Safety Precautions on (or relating to) HV Apparatus in accordance
with the provisions of this OC6, the Safety Co-ordinator who is nominated as
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responsible for the HV Apparatus on which or in relation to which Safety From The
System is to be achieved (the "Requesting Safety Co-ordinator") shall contact the
Safety Co-ordinator who is nominated as responsible for the HV Apparatus which
is connected at the Connection Point to the HV Apparatus on which Safety From
The System is required (the "Implementing Safety Co-ordinator"), to co-ordinate
the Safety Precautions.
OC6.4.3.1 OC6 sets out the procedures for utilising the Record of Inter-System Safety
Precautions ("RISSP").
OC6.4.3.2 The TO and the DNO will use the format of the RISSP forms set out in Appendix A
and Appendix B to this OC6. That set out in Appendix A and designated as "RISSP-
A", shall be used when the TO and the DNO is the Requesting Safety Co-ordinator,
and that in Appendix B and designated as "RISSP-B", shall be used when the TO or
the DNO is the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator.
OC6.4.3.3 Users other than the DNO may either adopt the format referred to in OC6.4.3.2, or
use a form or other tangible written record in an equivalent format provided that the
form, or other tangible written record, includes sections for containing the same
information and has the same numbering of sections as RISSP-A and RISSP-B as set
out in Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively. Whichever method a User
chooses, it shall provide proformas or other means of recording in writing for use by
its staff.
OC6.4.3.4 All references to RISSP-A and RISSP-B shall be taken as referring to the
corresponding parts of the alternative forms or other tangible written records used by
each User other than the DNO.
OC6.4.3.6 At the time that a User first gives notice to the TO of its Safety Co-ordinators, that
User shall apply in writing to the TO for the TO's approval of its proposed prefix.
The TO shall consider the proposed prefix to see if it is the same as (or confusingly
similar to) a prefix used by the TO or another User and shall, as soon as possible (and
in any event within ten days), respond in writing to the User with its approval or
disapproval. If the TO disapproves, it shall explain in its response why it has
disapproved and will suggest an alternative prefix and the User shall either notify the
TO in writing of its acceptance of the suggested alternative prefix or it shall apply in
writing to the TO with revised proposals and the above procedure shall apply to that
For the purpose of the co-ordination of safety under OC6 relating to HV Apparatus,
the term "Safety Precautions" means Isolation and/or Earthing.
26 June 2019
OC6.5.2 Agreement of Safety Precautions
OC6.5.2.1 When the TO or a User wishes to carry out work and/or testing on or near its System
and it is of the opinion that, for this to be done safely, Safety Precautions are
required on the TO's HV Apparatus (in the case of a User), or on or relating to the
HV Apparatus of a User (in the case of the TO), the Requesting Safety Co-
ordinator will contact the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator for the part of the
System on which (or relating to which) the Safety Precautions are, in his reasonable
opinion, required, in order to agree in accordance with the procedure contained in this
OC6.5, the Location at which the Safety Precautions will be implemented or
OC6.5.2.2 When the TO wishes to carry out work and/or testing on or near the Transmission
System and it is of the opinion that, for this to be done safely, Safety Precautions are
required on (or relating to) more than one User System the provisions of this OC6.5
shall be followed with regard to each User separately.
OC6.5.3.1 The Requesting Safety Co-ordinator shall inform the Implementing Safety Co-
ordinator of the HV Apparatus on which Safety From The System is to be
achieved and they will need to reach agreement on the Location(s) at which Isolation
is to be established on (or relating to) the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator's
OC6.5.3.2 The Implementing Safety Co-ordinator shall then promptly inform the Requesting
Safety Co-ordinator of the following:
(a) for each Location, the identity (by means of name and numbering or position,
as applicable) of each point of Isolation; and
OC6.5.3.3 The Implementing Safety Coordinator shall maintain each point of Isolation in
accordance with the relevant Local Safety Instructions.
OC6.5.4.1 If, in addition to the Isolation requested under OC6.5.3, the Requesting Safety Co-
ordinator requires Earthing, he shall notify this requirement to the Implementing
Safety Co-ordinator and they will need to reach agreement on the Location(s) at
which Earthing is to be established on the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator's
OC6.5.4.2 The Implementing Safety Co-ordinator shall then promptly inform the Requesting
Safety Co-ordinator for each Location, the identity (by means of HV Apparatus
name and numbering or position, as is applicable) of each point of Earthing.
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OC6.5.4.3 The Implementing Safety Coordinator shall maintain each point of Earthing in
accordance with the relevant Local Safety Instructions.
In any case where the Requesting Safety Co-ordinator and the Implementing
Safety Co-ordinator are unable to agree the Location of the Isolation and (if
requested) Earthing, it shall be at the closest available points on the infeeds to the
HV Apparatus on which Safety From The System is to be achieved as indicated on
the Ownership Diagram or, in the case where, by reason of the design of any HV
Apparatus on which Safety Precautions are to be applied, it is not practicable to
apply Safety Precautions on such HV Apparatus, it shall be at the most appropriate
point(s) on the User’s Plant and/or Apparatus to achieve Safety From The System
on the HV Apparatus on which Safety From The System is to be achieved, as
determined by the TO.
Once the Location of Isolation and (if requested) Earthing are agreed in accordance
with OC6.5.3 and OC6.5.4 above, the following procedure will apply:
(a) the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator will ensure the implementation of the
(b) the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator will confirm to the Requesting Safety
Co-ordinator that the Isolation has been established on his System;
(c) when the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator has confirmed the establishment
of Isolation in accordance with (b) above, the Requesting Safety Co-
ordinator shall confirm to the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator the
establishment of relevant Isolation on his System and request, if it has been
required, the implementation of the Earthing;
(d) the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator will ensure the implementation of the
Earthing on his System; and
(e) the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator will confirm to the Requesting Safety
Co-ordinator that Earthing has been established on his System.
26 June 2019
OC6.5.7.2 The Implementing Safety Co-ordinator shall then contact the Requesting Safety
Co-ordinator and confirm, by reading out the details entered on parts 1.1 and 1.2 of
RISSP-B, to the Requesting Safety Co-ordinator, that the Safety Precautions have
been established.
OC6.5.7.3 The Requesting Safety Co-ordinator will then complete parts 1.1 and 1.2 of RISSP-
A with the precise details received from the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator and
then read back all those details to the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator. If both
confirm that the details entered are the same, the Requesting Safety Co-ordinator
shall issue the RISSP identifying number, as stated on the RISSP-A, to the
Implementing Safety Co-ordinator who shall ensure that the number, including its
prefix and suffix, is correctly entered on the RISSP-B.
OC6.5.7.4 The Requesting Safety Co-ordinator and the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator
shall then respectively complete part 1.3 of RISSP-A and RISSP-B (which relates to
the identity and location of the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator and the
Requesting Safety Co-ordinator respectively). Each Safety Co-ordinator shall
then complete the issue of the RISSP by signing part 1.3 of their respective RISSPs
and then enter the time and date. Once signed, no alteration to the RISSP is
permitted; the RISSP may only be cancelled.
OC6.5.7.5 The Requesting Safety Co-ordinator is then free to authorise work, but not testing.
Where testing is to be carried out, the procedure set out below in OC6.5.8 shall be
implemented. The procedure to carry out the work is entirely an internal matter for
the party which the Requesting Safety Co-ordinator is representing.
OC6.5.8 Testing
OC6.5.8.1 Where the Requesting Safety Co-ordinator wishes to authorise the carrying out of a
test to which the procedures in this OC6.5 apply he may not do so and the test will not
take place unless and until the following procedures have been followed:
(b) all current RISSPs (except for the original RISSP) between the Requesting
Safety Co-ordinator and the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator which relate
to those parts of the Systems between the points of Isolation identified on the
original RISSP and the points of Isolation on the Requesting Safety Co-
ordinator's System, have been cancelled in accordance with the procedures set
out in OC6.5.9; and
(c) the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator agrees with the Requesting Safety
Co-ordinator to permit the testing on those parts of the Systems between the
points of Isolation identified in the original RISSP and the points of Isolation
on the Requesting Safety Co-ordinator's System.
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OC6.5.8.2 The Requesting Safety Co-ordinator will inform the Implementing Safety Co-
ordinator as soon as the test has been completed or cancelled. Where Earthing has
been removed during a test and has not been restored at the original position upon
completion or cancellation of the test, the original RISSP shall be cancelled
immediately in accordance with the procedure set out in OC6.5.9.
OC6.5.9 Cancellation
OC6.5.9.1 When the Requesting Safety Co-ordinator decides (having followed all relevant
internal procedures) that Safety Precautions are no longer required, he will contact
the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator and inform him of the RISSP identifying
number (including the prefix and suffix). The Requesting Safety Co-ordinator shall
read out to the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator the details entered on parts 1.1
and 1.2 of his RISSP-A, and the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator shall confirm
that the details entered on parts 1.1 and 1.2 of the RISSP-B are the same. The
Requesting Safety Co-ordinator shall then confirm to the Implementing Safety
Co-ordinator that the Safety Precautions are no longer required.
OC6.5.9.2 The Requesting Safety Co-ordinator and the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator
shall then respectively complete part 2.1 of RISSP-A and RISSP-B (which relates to
the identity and location of the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator and the
Requesting Safety Co-ordinator respectively). Each Safety Co-ordinator shall
then complete the cancellation of the RISSP procedure by signing part 2.1 of their
respective RISSPs and then entering the time and date.
OC6.5.9.4 Where Earthing has been requested neither Safety Co-ordinator shall instruct the
removal of any Isolation forming part of the Safety Precautions until it is confirmed
to each by the other that all Earthing has been removed.
In any instance when any Safety Precautions may be ineffective for any reason the
relevant Safety Co-ordinator shall without delay inform the other Safety Co-
ordinator(s) of that being the case and, if requested, of the reasons why.
OC6.6.1 The TO and each User shall maintain a safety log which shall be a chronological
record of all messages relating to safety co-ordination under this OC6 sent and
received by the Safety Co-ordinator(s). The safety log must be retained for a period
of not less than 3 years.
26 June 2019
26 June 2019
[Northern Ireland Electricity] [CONTROL CENTRE/SITE]
(Implementing Safety Co-ordinator's Record)
Safety Precautions have been established by the Implementing Safety Co-ordinator to achieve (in so far as it is possible from
that side of the Connection Point) Safety From The System on the following HV Apparatus on the Requesting Safety Co-
ordinator's System: [State identity - name(s) and, where applicable, identification of the HV circuit(s) up to the Connection
[State the Location(s) at which Isolation has been established. For each Location, identify each point of Isolation. For each
point of Isolation, state the means by which the Isolation has been achieved and whether immobilised and Locked, Caution Notice
affixed or other safety procedures applied, as appropriate.]
[State the Location(s) at which Earthing has been established. For each Location, identify each point of Earthing. For each
point of Earthing, state the means by which the Earthing has been achieved and whether immobilised and Locked or other safety
procedures applied, as appropriate].
I have confirmed to ______________________________ (name of Requesting Safety Co-ordinator) at
___________________________________ (location) that the Safety Precautions identified in paragraph 1.2 have been
established and that instructions will not be issued at my location for their removal until this RISSP is cancelled.
Signed ...................................(Implementing Safety Co-ordinator)
at .................................. (time) on ............................(date)
I have received confirmation from _________________________________ (name of the Requesting Safety Co-ordinator) at
_______________________________ (location) that the Safety Precautions set out in paragraph 1.2 are no longer required and
accordingly the RISSP is cancelled.
Signed .................................(Implementing Safety Co-ordinator)
at .........................(time) on ..........................(Date)
(Note: This form to be a different colour from RISSP-A)
26 June 2019
(b) the Re-Synchronisation of parts of the Total System which have ceased to
be Synchronised with each other where there is no Total Shutdown or
Partial Shutdown;
(d) the procedure to be followed when the TSO Control Centre is incapacitated
for any reason.
OC7.1.2 It should be noted that, under Article 58 of the Order, the Department may give
directions to the TSO and/or any Generator and/or any Supplier for the purpose of,
"mitigating the effects of any civil emergency which may occur" (i.e. for the purposes of
planning for dealing with a civil emergency); a civil emergency is defined in the Order
as "any natural disaster or other emergency which, in the opinion of the Department, is
or may be likely to disrupt electricity supplies". Under the Energy Act 1976, the
Secretary of State has powers to make orders and give directions controlling the
production, supply, acquisition or use of electricity, where an Order in Council under
Section 3 is in force declaring that there is an actual or imminent emergency affecting
electricity supplies. In the event that any such directions are given or orders made under
the Energy Act 1976, the provisions of the Grid Code will be suspended insofar as they
are inconsistent with them.
OC7.1.3 As explained in the Glossary and Definitions section, references to the term “User
System” shall be read as referring to the Distribution System with respect to provisions
applicable to the DNO .
(a) to achieve, as far as possible, restoration of the Total System and to enable
Demand once again to be satisfied in the shortest possible time, taking into
account Power Station capabilities, transfers across any Interconnectors
26 June 2019
and the inter-jurisdictional Tie Lines between Northern Ireland and the
Republic of Ireland and the operational constraints of the Total System;
(b) to achieve the Re-Synchronisation of parts of the Total System which have
ceased to be Synchronised with each other;
(d) to ensure that the NI System can continue to operate in the event that the
TSO Control Centre is incapacitated for any reason.
OC7 applies to the TSO and to Users which in this OC7 means the DNO, Generators
(in respect of all Generating Units connected to the Transmission System and in
respect of CDGUs and Controllable PPMs connected to the Distribution System) and
Large Demand Customers.
A "Total Shutdown" is the situation existing when all generation has ceased and there is
no electricity supply across any Interconnectors and the inter-jurisdictional Tie Lines
between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and, therefore, the Total System
has shutdown with the result that it is not possible for the Total System to begin to
function again without the TSO’s directions relating to a Black Start.
A "Partial Shutdown" is the same as a Total Shutdown except that all generation has
ceased in a separate part of the Total System and there is no electricity supply across any
Interconnectors and the inter-jurisdictional Tie Lines between Northern Ireland and the
Republic of Ireland or other parts of the Total System to that part of the Total System
and, therefore, that part of the Total System is shutdown with the result that it is not
possible for that part of the Total System to begin to function again without the TSO
directions relating to a Black Start, which may include re-connecting that part of the
Total System which is subject to a Partial Shutdown to another, operating, part of the
Total System.
OC7.4.3 During a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown and during the period leading up to
such shutdowns and the subsequent recovery, the Licence Standards may not be met
and the whole or any part of the Total System may be operated outside normal voltage
and/or Frequency standards. Further, Scheduling and Dispatch in accordance with the
SDCs may cease and will not be re-implemented until the TSO decides that the NI
System is once again capable of operating under normal Scheduling and Dispatch
procedures and that they should be re-implemented.
26 June 2019
OC7.4.4 Certain Power Stations ("Black Start Stations") are identified, pursuant to the relevant
Generator's Connection Agreement as having an ability for at least one of its CDGUs
to Start-Up as soon as possible from Shutdown and to energise a part of the Total
System and to be Synchronised to the NI System upon instruction from the TSO,
without an external electrical power supply (i.e. power which has not been generated at
the Power Station) ("Black Start Capability").
In the event of a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown, the TSO will inform Users (or,
in the case of a Partial Shutdown, Users which in the TSO’s opinion need to be
informed) that a Total Shutdown or, as the case may be, a Partial Shutdown, exists and
that the TSO intends to implement a Black Start.
OC7.4.6.1 The procedure necessary for a recovery from a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown is
known as a "Black Start". The procedure for a Partial Shutdown is the same as that
for a Total Shutdown except that it applies only to a part of the Total System. It should
be remembered that a Partial Shutdown may affect parts of the Total System which are
not themselves shutdown.
OC7.4.6.2 The complexities and uncertainties of recovery from a Total Shutdown or Partial
Shutdown require that this OC7 is sufficiently flexible to accommodate the full range of
Power Station and Total System characteristics and operational possibilities, and this
precludes the setting out of precise chronological sequences. The overall strategy will, in
general, include the overlapping phases of establishment of isolated Power Stations,
together with complementary local Demand, termed "Power Islands", step by step
integration of these Power Islands into larger sub-systems and, eventually, complete re-
establishment of the Total System.
OC7.4.6.3 The procedure for a Black Start will, therefore, be that specified by the TSO at the time.
Users shall (subject to the provisions of OC7.4.6.6) abide by the TSO’s instructions
during a Black Start situation, even if they conflict with the general overall strategy
outlined in OC7.4.6.2.
OC7.4.6.4 The TSO’s instructions may (although this list should not be regarded as exhaustive) be
to a Black Start Station relating to the commencement of generation, to a Large
Demand Customer with respect to the restoration of Demand or to the DNO with
respect to cooperating in the restoration of Demand on the Distribution System, and to
a Generating Plant relating to preparation for commencement of generation once an
external power supply has been made available to it and, in each case, may include
switching instructions. Instructions to Black Start Stations will be in the format
required for instructions to CDGUs under the SDCs.
OC7.4.6.5 (a) The TSO instructions relating to a Black Start will be given in the same
format and will be notified to Generators by the same means as set out in
SDC2 for normal Dispatch Instructions. Accordingly, the TSO will, as
part of a Black Start, instruct a Generator with a Black Start Station to
Start-Up a particular CDGU following which the Generator must Start-Up
that Generating Unit as soon as possible and confirm to the TSO when this
has been achieved. Following such confirmation, the TSO will endeavour to
26 June 2019
stabilise that CDGU by instructing Large Demand Customers to establish
appropriate Demand on the Transmission System and/or the DNO to
coordinate where possible the establishment of appropriate Demand on the
Distribution System , following which the TSO may instruct the Start-Up
and Synchronisation of the remaining available CDGUs at that Black Start
Station and their loading with appropriate Demand to create a Power
(b) If during this Demand restoration process any CDGU cannot, because of the
Demand being experienced, either keep within its Technical Parameters or
operate outside its Technical Parameters without giving rise to the
circumstances specified in OC7.4.6.6, the Generator shall inform the TSO
and the TSO will, where possible, either instruct Large Demand
Customers to alter Demand and/or the DNO to cooperate with altering
Demand, or will re-configure the NI System in order to alleviate the
problem being experienced by the Generator.
OC7.4.6.6 A Generator must always comply with the TSO’s instructions relating to a Black Start
where these are within the Technical Parameters of the relevant CDGU. In the case of
a Generator with PPA CDGUs, the provisions of GC13.4 shall be imported into (and,
for the purposes of the TSO Licence, regarded as forming part of) this OC7.4.6.6.
OC7.4.6.7 The conclusion of the Black Start and the time of the return to normal operation of the
Total System will be determined by the TSO which shall inform Users (or, where there
has been a Partial Shutdown, Users in the area subject to Partial Shutdown and other
Users which in the TSO’s reasonable opinion need to be informed) that the Black Start
situation no longer exists and that normal operation of the Total System has begun. The
TSO will inform all Generators with Generating Plant when normal Scheduling and
Dispatch in accordance with the SDCs has been re-implemented.
OC7.4.6.5 (a) Generators shall at the request of the TSO, provide a quotation for
providing Black Start capability. The TSO may make such a request if it
considers system security to be at risk due to a lack of Black Start
capability in its control area.
(b) Generating Units with Black Start capability shall be capable of starting
from shutdown without any external electrical supply within a time frame
specified by the TSO.
26 June 2019
be capable of operating in LFSM-O and LFSM-U, as specified in
OC7.5.1 Where parts of the Total System have ceased to be Synchronised with each other but
there is no Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown, the TSO will instruct relevant Users
to regulate generation or Demand, as the case may be, to enable the De-Synchronised
islands to be Re-Synchronised and the TSO will inform those Users when Re-
Synchronisation has taken place.
OC7.5.2 During a period in which the circumstances described in OC7.5.1 apply, the Licence
Standards may not be met and the whole or any part of the Total System may be
operated outside normal voltage and/or Frequency standards. Further, Scheduling and
Dispatch in accordance with the principles in the SDCs for determining which CDGUs
will be Scheduled and Dispatched may cease and will not be re-implemented until the
TSO decides that normal Scheduling and Dispatch procedures can be re-implemented.
The TSO will inform all Generators with Generating Plant when normal Scheduling
and Dispatch has been re-implemented.
OC7.5.3 In circumstances where the part of the NI System to which Generating Units are
connected has become detached from the rest of the NI System and there is no
Synchronising system available to facilitate Re-synchronisation with the rest of the NI
System, then the Generator shall, under the TSO’s instructions, ensure that the
Generating Units are Disconnected and held ready for Re-synchronisation upon the
TSO’s subsequent instructions.
OC7.5.4 With regard to quick re-synchronisation capability:
(a) in case of disconnection of the Generating Unit from the network, the
Generating Unit shall be capable of quick re-synchronisation in line with the
protection strategy agreed between the TSO in co-ordination with the DNO and
26 June 2019
minutes after its disconnection from any external power supply must be designed
to trip house load from any operating point on its Reactive Power capability. In
this case, the identification of house load operation must not be based solely on
the TSO’s switchgear position signals;
OC7.6.1 A "Joint System Incident" is an Event, wherever occurring on the Total System which,
in the opinion of the TSO or a User, has had or may have a serious and/or widespread
effect, in the case of an Event on a User(s) System(s), on the Transmission System
and, in the case of an Event on the Transmission System, on a User(s) System(s).
Where an Event on a User(s) System(s) has had or can have no material effect on the
Transmission System, then such an Event cannot fall within the ambit of OC7 and
accordingly OC7 shall not apply to it.
OC7.6.2 Each User must provide in writing to the TSO and the TSO must provide in writing to
each User, a telephone number or numbers at which, or through which, senior
management representatives nominated for this purpose and who are authorised fully to
make binding decisions on behalf of the TSO or the relevant User, as the case may be,
can be contacted day or night for the purposes of this OC7.6. The lists of telephone
numbers will be provided in accordance with the timing requirements of the User's
Connection Agreement, Transmission Use of System Agreement or Grid Code
Compliance Agreement prior to the time that a User connects to the NI System and
must be up-dated (in writing) as often as the information contained in them changes.
OC7.6.3 Following notification of an Event under OC5, the TSO or a User, as the case may be,
will, if it considers necessary, telephone the User or the TSO, as the case may be, on the
telephone number referred to in OC7.6.2, to obtain such additional information as it may
reasonably require.
OC7.6.4 Following notification of an Event under OC5, and/or the receipt of any additional
information requested pursuant to OC7.6.3, the TSO or a User, as the case may be, will
determine whether or not the Event is a Joint System Incident and, if so, the TSO
and/or the User may set up an Incident Room in order to avoid overloading the existing
TSO’s or that User's, as the case may be, operational/control arrangements.
OC7.6.5 Where the TSO has determined that an Event is or will be a Joint System Incident, the
TSO shall, as soon as possible, notify all relevant Users that a Joint System Incident
has occurred or is expected to occur and, if appropriate, that it has established an
Incident Room and the telephone number(s) of its Incident Room if different from
those already supplied pursuant to OC7.6.2.
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OC7.6.6 If a User establishes an Incident Room it shall, as soon as possible, notify the TSO that
it has been established and the telephone number(s) of the Incident Room if different
from those already supplied pursuant to OC7.6.2.
OC7.6.7 The TSO Incident Room and/or the User's Incident Room will not assume any
responsibility for the operation of the Transmission System or User's System, as the
case may be, but will be the focal point in the TSO or the User, as the case may be, for
the communication and dissemination of information between the TSO and the senior
management representatives of User(s) or between the User and the senior management
representatives of the TSO, as the case may be, relating to the Joint System
Incident. During a Joint System Incident, the normal communication channels for
operational/control communication between the TSO and Users will continue to be used
as normal.
OC7.6.8 All communications between the senior management representatives of the relevant
parties with regard to the TSO’s role in the Joint System Incident shall be made via the
TSO’s Incident Room if one has been established.
OC7.6.9 All communications between the senior management representatives of the TSO and a
User with regard to that User's role in the Joint System Incident shall be made via that
User's Incident Room if one has been established.
OC7.6.10 The TSO will decide when conditions no longer justify the use of its Incident Room
and will inform all relevant Users of this decision.
OC7.6.11 Each User which has established an Incident Room will decide when conditions no
longer justify the use of that Incident Room and will inform the TSO of this decision.
OC7.7.1 If the Event referred to in OC7.6 is the temporary loss of the TSO Control Centre, then
the provisions of OC7.6 shall not apply but instead the following provisions shall apply.
OC7.7.2 Each Generator shall continue to operate its CDGUs in accordance with the last
Dispatch Instructions to have been issued by the TSO but shall use all reasonable
endeavours to maintain NI System Frequency at the target Frequency of 50Hz plus or
minus 0.05Hz by monitoring Frequency and increasing/decreasing the output of its
CDGUs as necessary until such time as new Dispatch Instructions are received from
the TSO.
OC7.7.3 The TSO will have arrangements in place whereby, if the circumstances described in
OC7.7.1 arise, the TSO may transfer the functions of the TSO Control Centre to an
alternative control facility whereupon the TSO will re-commence the issue of Dispatch
Instructions in accordance with the SDCs and inform Users of the communications
details for the new location. The TSO will inform all Generators with CDGUs as and
when Scheduling and/or Dispatch in accordance with the principles in the SDCs for
determining which CDGUs will be Scheduled and Dispatched can be reimplemented.
26 June 2019
OC7.8 System Restoration
OC7.8.1 The TSO shall specify the conditions under which a Generating Unit is capable of
reconnecting to the NI System after an incidental disconnection caused by an Event.
OC7.8.2 Installation of automatic reconnection systems shall be subject to both prior authorisation
and reconnection conditions specified by the TSO.
26 June 2019
OC8 sets out the requirements for reporting in writing and, where appropriate, more
fully those Significant Incidents which initially were reported to the TSO or a
Generator orally under OC5 and the requirements for the provision to the TSO of
information to enable it to prepare analyses and assessments of policies in the Grid
Code. As explained in the Glossary section, references to the term “User System”
includes references to the “Distribution System” where relevant.
(iii) the assessment of the effectiveness of policies adopted in accordance with the
Grid Code.
OC8 applies to the TSO and to Users, which in this OC8 means the DNO, Generators
(in respect of all Generating Units connected to the Transmission System),
Interconnector Owners and Large Demand Customers.
OC8.4.1.1 In the case of a Significant Incident which has been notified as an Event by a User to
the TSO pursuant to OC5, the User shall provide a written report to the TSO in
accordance with this OC8.
OC8.4.1.2 In the case of a Significant Incident which has been notified as an Event by the TSO
to the DNO, a Generator or an Interconnector Owner pursuant to OC5, the TSO
shall provide a written report to the DNO, Generator or Interconnector Owner in
accordance with this OC8.
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OC8.4.1.3 Form of Report
(a) A report under OC8.4.1 will be in writing and, in the case of a report by a
User, shall be addressed to the TSO and marked for the attention of the
System Operations Manager and, in the case of a report by the TSO to the
DNO, a Generator or Interconnector Owner shall be addressed to the DNO,
Generator or Interconnector Owner and marked for the attention of the
person notified to the TSO by the DNO, Generator or Interconnector
Owner in writing from time to time for this purpose (or in the absence of
notification, to the Company Secretary).
(b) In either case, the report will contain a written confirmation of the oral
notification given under OC5 together with such further information which
has become known relating to the Significant Incident since the oral
notification under OC5. The report shall, as a minimum, contain those
matters specified in Appendix 1 to this OC8. Appendix 1 is not intended to be
(c) Whilst the report need not state the cause of the Significant Incident, it shall
contain an indication as to whether the cause has been ascertained and
whether it is thought likely by the party issuing the report that the matter
which caused the Significant Incident will recur. The recipient may raise
questions to clarify the report.
OC8.4.1.4 Timing
(a) Where a User is required to produce a written report under OC8.4.1, it shall
do so as soon as possible and in any event within two Business Days after
notification by the TSO under OC5.4.6.1. In the event that the User is unable
to provide a full report within this timescale, it shall provide to the TSO a
preliminary report containing such information as is then known to the User
not later than two Business Days after the notification by the TSO under
OC5.4.6.1 and shall provide such up-dates thereafter as the TSO may
reasonably require. A full report shall then be provided to the TSO as soon as
the User is able.
(b) Where the TSO is required to produce a written report under OC8.4.1, it shall
do so as soon as possible and in any event within two Business Days after
notification by the User under OC5.4.6.2. In the event that the TSO is unable
to provide a full report within this timescale, it shall provide to the User a
preliminary report containing such information as is then known to the TSO
not later than two Business Days after the notification by the User under
OC5.4.6.2 and shall provide such up-dates thereafter as the User may
reasonably require. A full report shall then be provided to the User as soon as
the TSO is able.
OC8.4.1.5 The TSO and Users shall each nominate responsible officers in order to establish
communication channels to enable timely and adequate flows of information between
the TSO and Users to be maintained and thus to ensure the effectiveness of this OC8.
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OC8.4.1.6 Provision of Reports to Other Generators
OC8.4.1.7 Provision of Reports by the DNO to users connected to the Distribution System
Whenever the TSO has provided a written report in respect of a Significant Incident
to the DNO in accordance with OC8.4.1.2, the DNO shall consider whether the system
of a user connected to the Distribution System has been or is likely to have been
materially affected. If the DNO considers that the system of a user connected to the
Distribution System has been or is likely to have been so affected, the DNO may
supply the user with an extract from the TSO’s report, containing only the technical
information (and no information of commercial value) which was set out in the report.
OC8.4.2.1 The TSO may require (to the extent not supplied under any other provision of the Grid
Code) information of a technical (but not of a commercial) nature to be supplied by
Users under this OC8.4.2 to enable it to undertake the following:
insofar as such information is necessary to enable the TSO to fulfil its obligations
relating to the operation of the Transmission System.
OC8.4.2.2 When the TSO requires information from a User or Users for the purposes set out in
OC8.4.2.1 it shall send a written request to the User or Users setting out the
information it reasonably requires, the reasons (in such detail as the TSO reasonably
considers to be appropriate) why such information is required and the time by which it
reasonably requires a response. Normally this will be within two Business Days.
OC8.4.2.3 The User or Users will use all reasonable endeavours to respond in writing within the
time stated. However, a User will not be obliged to supply the information requested
by the TSO to the extent that it considers that it is not reasonable to comply with the
request. In such circumstances, the User must, in its written response to the TSO, state
such reason in sufficient detail to enable the TSO to consider whether the User is
acting reasonably in refusing to supply the information.
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OC8.4.2.4 Although the request will set out the information required, an indication of the sort of
information that may be requested is set out in Appendix 2 to this OC8. The list
contained in Appendix 2 shall not limit the information which may be requested, but is
merely given by way of example.
OC8.4.2.5 The information supplied to the TSO pursuant to this OC8.4.2 will be used by the TSO
only for the purposes set out in OC8.4.2.1.
Nothing in this OC8 shall be construed as relieving Users from their duty to report
events in accordance with the Electricity Supply Regulations (N.I.) in so far as they
apply to Users.
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26 June 2019
Time and date
Recorded Frequency
Frequency Response Parameters (List to be included)
Reasons for difference between Technical Parameters and achieved performance
Time and date
Target volts
Actual volts
Reason if different
Time and date
Set identification
Generating Unit/PPM performance parameters (List to be included)
Reasons for difference between Technical Parameters and achieved performance
The necessary data to enable (single phase to earth and three phase symmetrical)
fault levels to be calculated
26 June 2019
OC9.1.1 This Operating Code sets out the responsibilities and procedures for determining and
notifying the TSO and Users of the numbering and/or nomenclature of the other's
Plant and/or Apparatus at Connection Sites. For clarification, nomenclature shall
include the selection of Substation names.
The prime objective embodied in this OC9 is to ensure that, at any Connection Site
(including in respect to Bulk Supply Points), every item of Plant and/or Apparatus
has numbering and/or nomenclature that, so far as possible, has been mutually agreed
and that has been notified between the TSO and Users to ensure, so far as is reasonably
practicable, the safe and effective operation of the Total System by minimising the risk
of error in identifying Plant and/or Apparatus.
OC9 applies to the TSO and to Users which, in this OC9, means Generators (in
respect only of Generating Units connected to the Transmission System),
Interconnector Owners, Large Demand Customers and the DNO.
OC9.4.1.1 Plant and/or Apparatus of a User at a Connection Site shall have numbering and/or
nomenclature which cannot be confused with that of the TO at that Connection Site.
OC9.4.1.2 In furtherance of the general requirement set out in OC9.4.1.1 above, no User will
install, or permit the installation of, any Plant and/or Apparatus which has numbering
and/or nomenclature which could be confused with that of the TO which is either
already on that Connection Site or which the TSO has notified the User will be
installed on that Connection Site. The procedure for determining the applicable
numbering and nomenclature for new and existing Connection Sites is set out in
OC9.4.2.1 and OC9.4.2.2 respectively.
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OC9.4.2 Plant and Apparatus
When a User intends to install or the TSO intends to ensure the installation of Plant
and/or Apparatus as part of the construction and commissioning of a new Connection
Site, the proposed numbering and/or nomenclature shall be notified as part of the
production of the Ownership Diagram in accordance with the provisions of the CC.
The principles to apply to determine whether that proposed numbering and/or
nomenclature is acceptable will be those set out in this OC9 (including, for the
avoidance of doubt, the provisions of OC9.4.2.2(e)).
(a) When a User intends to install or the TSO intends to ensure the installation of
Plant and/or Apparatus at an existing Connection Site the proposed
numbering and/or nomenclature to be adopted for the Plant and/or Apparatus
shall be notified to the other.
(b) The notification shall be made in writing to the other and will consist of a
revised Ownership Diagram incorporating the proposed new Plant and/or
Apparatus to be installed and its proposed numbering and/or nomenclature.
(c) The notification shall be made at least six months (or such shorter period as the
TSO or the User, as the case may be, may agree) prior to the proposed
installation of the Plant and/or Apparatus.
(d) The recipient of the notification shall respond in writing within one month of
the receipt of the notification confirming receipt and confirming whether the
proposed numbering and/or nomenclature is acceptable or, if not, what would
be acceptable.
(e) In the event that agreement cannot be reached between the TSO and the User,
the TSO acting reasonably, shall have the right to determine the numbering and
nomenclature to be applied at the Connection Site.
The TSO shall be responsible for ensuring the provision, erection and maintenance of
clear and unambiguous labelling showing the numbering and nomenclature of the TO’s
Plant and/or Apparatus at Connection Sites and each User shall be responsible for
the provision, erection and maintenance of clear and unambiguous labelling showing
the numbering and nomenclature of its User’s Plant and/or Apparatus at Connection
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OC10.1.1 Operating Code No. 10 ("OC10") relates to the following types of test (all of which are
referred to as "System Tests"):
(a) tests to be carried out by a User or the TSO which involve or may involve
simulating conditions or the controlled application of irregular, unusual or
extreme conditions on the User's System or the Transmission System (as the
case may be) which may have a material effect on the Total System, beyond
the User's System or the Transmission System (as the case may be); and
OC10.1.2 OC10 only deals with the responsibilities and procedures for arranging and carrying out
tests which have (or may have) a material effect on the Systems of both the TSO and
Users. Accordingly, where a test proposed by a User will not have a material effect on
the Transmission System or where a test proposed by the TSO will not have a material
effect on a User System, such test will not fall within this OC10 and OC10 shall not
apply to it.
OC10.1.4 As explained in the Glossary and Definitions section, references to the term “User
System” shall be read as referring to the Distribution System with respect to
provisions applicable to the DNO.
(a) to ensure, so far as possible, that tests proposed to be carried out either by:
(i) a User which may have a material effect on the Total System or any
part of the Total System (in addition to that User's System)
including the Transmission System; or
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(ii) the TSO which may have a material effect on the Total System or
any part of the Total System (in addition to the Transmission
(b) to set out the procedures to be followed for establishing and where appropriate
reporting such tests and to set out guidelines for which tests need to be notified
to the TSO prior to the test being carried out.
OC10 applies to the TSO and to Users which, in this OC10 means:
(a) with the exception only of OC10.5, Generators (in respect only of all
Generating Units connected to the Transmission System), Interconnector
Owners, Large Demand Customers and Aggregators; and
OC10.4.1.1 The level of Demand on the NI System varies substantially according to the time of
day and time of year and, consequently, certain System Tests which may have a
significant impact on the NI System (for example, tests of the Full Load capability of a
Generating Unit over a period of several hours) can only be undertaken at certain
times of the day and year. Other System Tests, for example, those involving
substantial Mvar generation or valve tests, may also be subject to timing constraints. It
therefore follows that notice of System Tests should be given as far in advance of the
date on which they are proposed to be carried out as reasonably practicable.
OC10.4.1.2 Where a User wishes to carry out a System Test it shall submit a notice (a "Proposal
Notice") to the TSO as far in advance of the date it would like to undertake the
proposed System Test as is reasonably practicable. In the event that a User submits to
the TSO a programme for proposed Commissioning/Acceptance Testing pursuant to
CC10.1.4 which the TSO considers may involve the application of irregular, unusual or
extreme conditions and which may have a material effect on the Total System, beyond
the User's System, such programme shall be treated as a Proposal Notice for the
purposes of this OC10. Notwithstanding the other requirements in this OC10.4.1.2, in
the case of Significant Tests, Users shall submit proposals to the TSO at least five
Business Days before the test start date or, with the agreement of the TSO, no later
than 09:00 two Business Days before the test start date.
OC10.4.1.3 The Proposal Notice shall be in writing, or in such other form as the TSO and the
relevant User may otherwise agree (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld),
and shall contain details of the nature and purpose of the proposed System Test and
shall indicate the identity and situation of the Plant and/or Apparatus involved. In the
case of a System Test (other than an on-Load valve test) involving a CDGU, the User
shall state in the Proposal Notice the level of Availability and the values for Technical
26 June 2019
Parameters which will be declared for the CDGU for the period of the test in
accordance with SDC1 and shall also include details of the Dispatch Instructions
which the User wishes the TSO to issue to it for the purposes of the test which may be
outside the Availability and Technical Parameters to be so declared.
OC10.4.1.4 If the TSO is reasonably of the view that the information set out in the Proposal Notice
is insufficient, it will contact the person who submitted the Proposal Notice (the "Test
Proposer") as soon as reasonably practicable, with a written request for further
information. The TSO shall not be required to do anything under this OC10 until it is
satisfied with the details supplied in the Proposal Notice or pursuant to a request for
further information.
OC10.4.1.5 If the TSO wishes to undertake a System Test, the TSO shall be deemed to have
received a Proposal Notice for that System Test.
OC10.4.1.6 The TSO will use all reasonable endeavours to accommodate requests for System
Tests but has absolute discretion as to the timing of such tests (which discretion will be
exercised reasonably consistently with previous practice) to ensure the proper operation
of the Transmission System and so as to ensure that the Licence Standards are not
OC10.4.1.7 Without prejudice to the general description of the types of System Tests which have to
be dealt with under this OC10, as set out in OC10.1.1 above, each Generator must
submit a Proposal Notice to the TSO if it proposes to carry out any of the following
tests, each of which is therefore a System Test:
OC10.4.2.1 Using the information supplied (or deemed to have been supplied) to it under OC10.4.1,
the TSO will determine, in its reasonable estimation, which Users, other than the Test
Proposer, may be materially affected by the proposed System Test and will notify
such Users accordingly.
OC10.4.2.2 The TSO will then determine, in its reasonable opinion, whether a Test Panel is
required taking into account the degree of severity of its possible effect on the Systems
of the TSO and Users. A Test Panel will not generally be needed for a routine test
and, since the majority of System Tests are routine, the establishment of a Test Panel
will be the exception rather than the rule. If the TSO, in its reasonable discretion,
decides that a Test Panel is necessary, the provisions set out in the Appendix to this
OC10 will apply.
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OC10.4.3 The TSO Supervision
OC10.4.3.1 If the TSO determines that no Test Panel is required, it will determine, acting
reasonably, whether and, where appropriate, when the proposed System Test can take
place and it will consider:
(a) the details of the nature, technical reasons for and timing of the proposed
System Test and other matters set out in the Proposal Notice (together with
any further information requested by the TSO under OC10.4.1.4);
(b) the economic, operational and risk implications of the proposed System Test;
(c) the possibility of combining the proposed System Test with any other tests
and with Plant and/or Apparatus Outages which arise pursuant to the
Operational Planning requirements of the TSO and Users.
If the TSO determines that the proposed System Test cannot take place, it will, insofar
as it is able to do so without breaching any obligations regarding confidentiality
contained either in the TSO Licence or in any agreement, notify the Test Proposer of
the reasons for such decision in such degree of detail as the TSO considers reasonable
in the circumstances.
OC10.4.3.2 Users identified by the TSO under OC10.4.2.1 (and the Test Proposer) shall be
obliged to supply the TSO, upon written request, with such details as the TSO
reasonably requires in order to consider the proposed System Test.
OC10.4.3.3 The TSO will consult with each User identified by it under OC10.4.2.1 regarding the
proposed System Test including, in particular, the effects which such test is likely to
have on such User's System.
OC10.4.4.1 As soon as practicable the TSO shall, if it approves of the proposed System Test taking
place (of which it will notify the Test Proposer), taking into account the factors
specified in OC10.4.3.1, prepare a programme (the "Test Programme"), in such detail
as the TSO considers, in its reasonable opinion, to be appropriate for the test, which
will include:
(a) the procedure to be adopted for carrying out the System Test, including the
switching sequence and proposed timings of the switching sequence;
(c) a list of those members of staff to be involved in carrying out the System Test,
including those who will be responsible for site safety; and
(d) such other matters as the TSO considers appropriate including (without
limitation) matters suggested by Users identified by the TSO pursuant to
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OC10.4.4.2 The TSO, the Test Proposer and each User identified by the TSO under OC10.4.2.1
will determine by agreement the basis on which the costs of the System Test (including
unanticipated costs, for example, costs arising from modifications etc) shall be borne as
between the affected parties (the general principle being that the Test Proposer will
bear such costs). If agreement cannot be reached (each party having acted in good
faith), the System Test will be cancelled.
OC10.4.4.3 Without prejudice to the provisions of OC10.4.1, the TSO shall be entitled to require
the proposed System Test to be modified, delayed or cancelled if, in its reasonable
opinion, it considers that such test would impose unacceptable effects on the
Transmission System or any User System.
OC10.4.4.4 If the TSO requires the proposed System Test to be cancelled or if it requires such test
to be delayed or modified but the Test Proposer considers that such delay or
modification is not possible, the proposed System Test shall not take place.
OC10.4.4.5 The Test Programme will, subject to OC10.4.4.6, bind the Test Proposer to act in
accordance with the provisions of the Test Programme in relation to the proposed
System Test.
OC10.4.4.6 Any problems with the proposed System Test perceived by the Test Proposer or any
affected User or the TSO which arise or are anticipated after the issue of the Test
Programme and prior to the day of the proposed System Test must be notified by the
Test Proposer or affected User or the TSO (as the case may be) to the others as soon
as possible in writing. If, in any such case, the TSO decides that these anticipated
problems merit an amendment to, or postponement of, the System Test, it shall notify
the Test Proposer and affected Users accordingly.
OC10.4.4.7 If, on the day of the proposed System Test, operating conditions on the Total System
are such that any of the TSO, the Test Proposer or an affected User wishes to delay or
cancel the start or continuance of the System Test, they shall immediately inform the
others of this decision and the reasons for it. The TSO shall then postpone or cancel, as
the case may be, the System Test and another suitable time and date shall be arranged
in accordance with this OC10.4.4.
OC10.5.1 In circumstances where the DNO receives the equivalent of a Proposal Notice from a
user whose Plant and Apparatus is connected to the Distribution System, the DNO
shall inform the TSO as soon as reasonably practicable if it has reason to believe that
the proposed System Test may have a material effect on the Transmission System.
Following such notification, the DNO shall provide such information as the TSO may
reasonably require.
OC10.5.2 Where the DNO intends to carry out a System Test on the Distribution System, it
shall notify the TSO as soon as reasonably practicable if it has reason to believe that
such System Test may have a material effect on the Transmission System. Following
such notification, the DNO shall provide such information as the TSO may reasonably
26 June 2019
OC10.A.1.1 If the TSO determines pursuant to OC10.4.2.2 that a Test Panel is required, it will
appoint a representative to co-ordinate the System Test (the "Test Co-ordinator") as
soon as reasonably practicable after it has, or is deemed to have, received a Proposal
Notice and in any event prior to the distribution of the Preliminary Notice referred to
below. The Test Co-ordinator shall act as Chairman of the Test Panel and shall be a
full member of the Test Panel.
OC10.A.1.2 The TSO will notify all Users identified by it under OC10.4.2.1 of the proposed
System Test by a notice in writing (a "Preliminary Notice") and will send a copy of
the Preliminary Notice to the Test Proposer. The Preliminary Notice will contain:
(a) the details of the nature and purpose of the proposed System Test, the identity
and situation of the Plant and/or Apparatus involved, the identities of the
Users identified by the TSO under OC10.4.2.1 and the identity of the Test
(c) the name of the TSO representative whom the TSO has appointed as the Test
Coordinator and who will be a member of the Test Panel for the proposed
System Test together with the names of any other representatives whom the
TSO has nominated to be members of the Test Panel.
OC10.A.1.3 The Preliminary Notice will be sent within one month of the later of either the receipt
by the TSO of the Proposal Notice, or of the receipt of any further information
requested by the TSO under OC10.4.1.3. Where the TSO is the proposer of the
System Test, the Preliminary Notice will be sent within one month of the proposed
System Test being fully formulated.
OC10.A.1.5 The TSO will, as soon as possible after the expiry of that one month period, appoint the
nominated persons to the Test Panel and notify all Users identified by it under
OC10.4.2.1 and the Test Proposer, of the composition of the Test Panel.
OC10.A.2.1 A meeting of the Test Panel will take place as soon as possible after the TSO has
notified all Users identified by it under OC10.4.2.1 and the Test Proposer of the
26 June 2019
composition of the Test Panel, and in any event within one month of the appointment
of the Test Panel.
(a) the details of the nature, technical reasons for and timing of the proposed
System Test and other matters set out in the Proposal Notice (together with
any further information requested by the TSO under OC10.4.1.3);
(b) the economic, operational and risk implications of the proposed System Test;
(c) the possibility of combining the proposed System Test with any other tests
and with Plant and/or Apparatus Outages which arise pursuant to the
Operational Planning requirements of the TSO and Users; and
(d) whether, at the conclusion of the System Test, the Test Proposer should be
required to prepare a written report on the System Test (a "Final Report") in
accordance with OC10.A.4 and, if so, the period within which the Final
Report must be prepared.
OC10.A.2.3 Users identified by the TSO under OC10.4.2.1, the Test Proposer (whether or not they
are represented on the Test Panel) and the TSO shall be obliged to supply the Test
Panel, upon written request, with such details as the Test Panel reasonably requires in
order to consider the proposed System Test.
OC10.A.2.4 The Test Panel shall be convened by the Test Co-ordinator as often as he considers
necessary to conduct its business.
OC10.A.3.1 As soon as practicable after its first meeting, the Test Panel shall, taking into account
the factors specified in OC10.A.2.2, prepare a programme (the "Test Programme")
which will include:
(a) the procedure to be adopted for carrying out the System Test, including the
switching sequence and proposed timings of the switching sequence;
(c) a list of those members of staff to be involved in carrying out the System Test,
including those who will be responsible for site safety; and
OC10.A.3.2 The Test Panel shall also determine the basis on which the costs of the System Test
(including unanticipated costs) shall be borne as between the affected parties (the
general principle being that the Test Proposer will bear such costs). If the Test Panel
cannot agree on this (each party having acted in good faith), the System Test will be
26 June 2019
OC10.A.3.3 The Test Co-ordinator shall be entitled to require the proposed System Test to be
modified, delayed or cancelled if, in his reasonable opinion, he considers that such test
would impose unacceptable effects on the NI System or on any User System.
OC10.A.3.4 If the Test Co-ordinator requires the proposed System Test to be cancelled or if he
requires such test to be delayed or modified but the Test Proposer considers that such
delay or modification is not possible, the proposed System Test shall not take place and
the Test Panel will disband automatically.
OC10.A.3.5 If the Test Co-ordinator requires the proposed System Test to be modified or delayed
and such modification or delay is possible, the Test Panel shall, as soon as practicable,
revise the Test Programme accordingly.
OC10.A.3.6 The Test Programme will, subject to OC10.A.3.7, bind all recipients to act in
accordance with the provisions of the Test Programme in relation to the proposed
System Test.
OC10.A.3.7 Any problems with the proposed System Test which arise or are anticipated after the
issue of the Test Programme and prior to the day of the proposed System Test must
be notified to the Test Co-ordinator as soon as possible in writing. If the Test Co-
ordinator decides that these anticipated problems merit an amendment to, or
postponement of, the System Test, he shall notify the Test Proposer (unless the test
was proposed by the TSO) and each User identified by the TSO under OC10.4.2.1
OC10.A.3.8 If, on the day of the proposed System Test, operating conditions on the Total System
are such that any party involved in the proposed System Test wishes to delay or cancel
the start or continuance of the System Test, they shall immediately inform the Test Co-
ordinator of this decision and the reasons for it. The Test Co-ordinator shall then
postpone or cancel, as the case may be, the System Test and shall, if possible, agree
with the Test Proposer (unless the test was proposed by the TSO) and all Users
identified by the TSO under OC10.4.2.1 another suitable time and date. If he cannot
reach such agreement, the Test Co-ordinator shall reconvene the Test Panel as soon
as practicable, which will endeavour to arrange another suitable time and date for the
System Test, in which case the relevant provisions of this OC10 shall apply.
OC10.A.4.1 At the conclusion of the System Test, the Test Proposer shall, if so decided by the
Test Panel pursuant to OC10.A.2.2(d), prepare a Final Report for submission to the
TSO and the other members of the Test Panel. The Final Report shall be submitted
within the period agreed by the Test Panel pursuant to OC10.2.2(d).
OC10.A.4.2 The Test Proposer may omit from the Final Report matters which, in its reasonable
opinion, are confidential to it and the Final Report shall not be submitted to any person
who is not a member of the Test Panel unless the Test Panel, having considered the
confidentiality issues arising, shall have unanimously approved such submission.
OC10.A.4.3 The Final Report shall include a description of the Plant and/or Apparatus tested and
a description of the System Test carried out, together with the results and, where
appropriate, the conclusions and recommendations of the Test Panel.
26 June 2019
OC10.A.4.4 When the Final Report has been prepared and submitted in accordance with
OC10.A.4.1, the Test Panel will disband automatically. If a Final Report is not
required by the Test Panel then it will disband automatically upon the conclusion of the
System Test.
26 June 2019
OC11.1.1 To enable it to comply with its Licence and statutory obligations, the TSO will carry
out certain Monitoring, Testing and Investigation in respect of the performance of
User’s Equipment. Operating Code No. 11 ("OC11") specifies the procedures to be
OC11.1.2 It should be noted that the text in OC11.1, OC11.2 and OC11.3 is generic and is
applicable to all Users. The remainder of OC11 is separated into two sections. Part A
(and its Appendix) is applicable to PPA CDGUs only as these units have specific
terminology and processes due to the terms of the Nominated Generating Unit
Agreements. Part B (and its Appendix) is applicable to all User’s Equipment other
than PPA CDGUs.
OC11.1.3 Monitoring, Testing and Investigation under this OC11 are separate procedures. In
general terms, TSO representatives likely to be present at the Power Station or User
Site for a Test or an Investigation, but not for Monitoring. It should also be noted that
Testing under OC11 includes Within-Day Tests.
OC11.1.4 The detailed procedures and methodologies for conducting certain Tests and
undertaking certain Monitoring are set out in Agreed Testing and Monitoring
Procedures each of which forms part of the Grid Code.
(a) whether PPA CDGUs, Demand Side Units and Relevant Plant (as
defined in OC11.10.2.1) comply with Dispatch Instructions;
26 June 2019
(d) whether Users are in compliance with protection requirements and
protection settings under the Grid Code, Users' Connection Agreements
and System Support Services Agreements between Users and the TSO;
(f) whether a Black Start Station has the ability to Black Start; and
(g) whether CDGUs that have the ability to generate on more than one fuel
are capable of switching from operation on one fuel to operation on
another fuel in compliance with a Dispatched Fuel Notice in accordance
with the requirements of SDC2.
OC11 applies to the TSO and to Users which in this OC11 means Generators (in
respect of their Black Start Stations, all other Generating Units connected to the
Transmission System and in respect of CDGUs and Controllable PPMs connected
to the Distribution System), Generator Aggregators, Interconnector Owners,
Demand Side Units and Large Demand Customers.
26 June 2019
OC11.5.1 Monitoring may be carried out at any time by the TSO and involves the analysis of the
output of Monitoring equipment (as required or permitted under the CC and/or
relevant Connection Agreements and/or the MC), which is relayed to the TSO, which
shows the output and/or performance of the CDGU, and associated Equipment in
order to see whether the CDGU, is complying with its Dispatch Instructions.
OC11.5.3 (a) If, having applied the relevant Tolerance Band, and, where appropriate,
Conversion Factors and Additional Conversion Factors the TSO suspects that
a CDGU has not complied, or is not complying, with a Dispatch Instruction,
the TSO will, if it wishes to continue with the Monitoring inform the relevant
User by submitting a Warning Notice (either orally or in writing) and, subject to
the requirements of System security (which may require the Dispatch
Instruction to be cancelled in which case the Warning Notice will be deemed to
have been withdrawn), the TSO will allow the User 10 minutes after such notice
to comply with the Dispatch Instruction.
(b) If in that 10 minute period the User still fails to comply with the Dispatch
Instruction, the TSO may give notice to the User by submitting a Monitoring
Notice (either orally or in writing) that the CDGU is being Monitored.
26 June 2019
(iii) specify, if relevant, whether the Narrow Tolerance Band is to apply
as a Maximum Tolerance Band or as a Minimum Tolerance Band.
(d) The User has the right, before the issue of the Monitoring Notice, or at any time
thereafter by submitting to the TSO an Availability Notice, a Technical
Parameters Notice or a Technical Parameters Revision Notice (as the case
may be), to re-declare Availability or the Technical Parameters (in accordance
with the provisions of SDC1) in respect of the Dispatch Characteristic(s) to be
Monitored, such re-declaration to take effect from the time of receipt of the
Warning Notice by the User. In the event that the User submits to the TSO an
Availability Notice or a Technical Parameters Notice or a Technical
Parameters Revision Notice at or about the same time as the TSO submits to
the User a Post Event Notice (or Interim Post Event Notice) pursuant to
OC11.5.4 or OC11.5.5 seeking to re-register the Availability or the same
Technical Parameter (as the case may be) of the CDGU in question to a
different value, then the value of Availability or the value of the relevant
Technical Parameter shall be deemed to be redeclared to the inferior of the
values specified in the two notices.
(e) The period of Monitoring shall not exceed the period set out in the relevant table
in the Appendix to this OC11 Part A for the relevant Dispatch Characteristic(s)
and the selected Tolerance Band.
(a) At the end of the period of Monitoring, if the User has achieved each Dispatch
Instruction for the period of the Monitoring within the relevant Tolerance
Band, the CDGU will be deemed to have complied with each Dispatch
(b) If the average value of the Dispatch Characteristic(s) in any 5 minute period
during the period of Monitoring falls outside the relevant Tolerance Band the
TSO may by submitting a Post Event Notice to the Generator re-register the
value of Availability or of the relevant Technical Parameter corresponding to
that Dispatch Characteristic to the most inferior value outside the Tolerance
Band for any 5 minute period during the period of Monitoring (with effect from
the Imbalance Settlement Period in which the Monitoring Notice was issued)
and the TSO may also notify the Generator not later than 10 minutes before the
end of the period of Monitoring that it will continue to Monitor the CDGU for a
further period not exceeding that shown in the relevant Table in the Appendix to
this OC11 Part A in respect of the particular Dispatch Characteristic and with
reference to the relevant or selected Tolerance Band.
(c) If at the end of the further period of Monitoring the average value of the
Dispatch Characteristic(s) in any 5 minute period during the Monitoring falls
outside the relevant Tolerance Band, the TSO may re-register the value of the
Availability or of the relevant Technical Parameter corresponding to that
Dispatch Characteristic to the most inferior value for any 5 minute period
during the period of Monitoring (with effect from the Imbalance Settlement
Period in which the Monitoring Notice was issued). Further periods of
Monitoring may also take place, in accordance with the procedure set out in
26 June 2019
paragraph (b) above and the provisions of this paragraph (c) will apply to such
further periods of Monitoring.
(e) Prior to submitting a Post Event Notice, the TSO may deliver an Interim Post
Event Notice to the User not later than 2 hours after:
(i) in the case of an event of the type specified in (d) (i) or (ii) above the
end of the Imbalance Settlement Period during which the event
occurred; or
(ii) in the case of instances of Monitoring, the end of the relevant period of
if it is not reasonably practicable for the TSO to deliver a Post Event Notice to
the User within that time.
(i) the Imbalance Settlement Period during which the event of the type
specified in (d) (i) or (ii) above occurred and, in the instance of
Monitoring, the Imbalance Settlement Period during which the
relevant Warning Notice was issued; and
(ii) the matters or values which the TSO intends to redeclare in a Post
Event Notice as a result of what happened.
(g) Each Generating Unit Agreement contains provisions on the validity of Post
Event Notices which shall apply to the Grid Code.
26 June 2019
OC11.5.5 Spinning Reserve Monitoring (including Governor Droop Monitoring)
(a) In the case of CDGUs, the following provisions of this OC11.5.5 shall apply to
the Monitoring of Spinning Reserve and Governor Droop unless Schedule 8
of the relevant Nominated Generating Unit Agreement otherwise requires. For
the purposes of this OC11.5, in the event of any conflict between the provisions
of this OC11.5 and the provisions of Schedule 8 of the relevant Nominated
Generating Unit Agreement, the provisions of Schedule 8 shall apply.
Monitoring of Governor Droop in relation to Open Cycle Gas Turbine
CDGUs may be undertaken pursuant to the provisions of this OC11.5 set out
(i) the Spinning Reserve Response for the period from 10 seconds
to 5 minutes after the commencement of a Frequency Transient
is referred to as "Sustained Response";
26 June 2019
(d) Contracted Response
For the purposes of this OC11 Part A, for any Frequency Transient, the
Contracted Sustained Response (in MW) is whichever is the least of:
Fg = determined as:
50Hz * D/100
A= determined as:
(Fp - Ft) - (Fg * B)
except where this term has a negative value, in which
case A is 0;
where B is determined as:
0.9 - PTL/CC
26 June 2019
except where this term has a negative value, in which
case B is 0;
where PTL is Pretransient Load.
(e) OC3, "Operating Margin", specifies the timescales within which the Operating
Reserve from CDGUs must be provided (and which are further described in
SDC3, "Frequency Control"), as follows:
26 June 2019
Operational Metering will record (from not less than 5 seconds before
the Frequency Transient commenced) and retain, the instantaneous
Load level of the CDGU.
(i) For the purposes of the Grid Code the "Sustained Response
Capability" is a factor (not greater than one) which represents actual
or anticipated Achieved Sustained Response as a fraction of (where
less than) Contracted Sustained Response. Sustained Response
Capability may be:
(ii) For the purposes of this OC11 Part A, in respect of any Frequency
Transient, the "Adjusted Contracted Sustained Response" (ACSR)
is the Contracted Sustained Response (CSR) adjusted by the
prevailing Sustained Response Capability (SRC), determined as
26 June 2019
(cc) the Spinning Reserve Deviation shall be zero if it would
otherwise be negative.
For the purposes of this OC11 Part A, there is a "Spinning Reserve Failure"
whenever following a Frequency Transient, the Spinning Reserve Response
Achieved deviated (as described in (g) above) below the Contracted response
and the Spinning Reserve Deviation is the amount of such deviation
(determined in accordance with (g) above).
OC11.5.6 In addition to the provisions set out in OC11.5.5, a Generator shall, having redeclared
or having had a Technical Parameter of one of its CDGUs re-registered as a result of
non-compliance, notify the TSO when it has rectified the fault which caused that non-
compliance or believes reasonably that the CDGU is no longer so failing to comply by
submitting a Technical Parameters Notice or a Technical Parameters Revision
Notice to the TSO under SDC1. Upon the TSO receiving such notification, the
relevant Technical Parameter will be deemed to be re-declared to either its original
value or to the value specified in the Technical Parameters Notice or the Technical
Parameters Revision Notice (which may be a lesser value which is an improved value
to that to which it had been re-registered). The re-declared value will be regarded for all
purposes as the applicable value for that Technical Parameter.
OC11.5.7 The TSO may then, of course, Monitor that re-declared value in accordance with the
provisions of this OC11 Part A and may, if the CDGU fails to comply with the re-
registered Technical Parameter, follow the procedures set out in OC11.5.
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(a) In circumstances where the TSO reasonably considers that, in relation to a
CDGU or item of User’s Equipment, a Generator might be failing to comply
or might in the foreseeable future fail to comply with the relevant Design and
Operating Requirements, the TSO may, upon giving reasonable notice
identifying the Design and Operating Requirement concerned, send
representatives to the relevant Power Station in order to verify by Testing or
inspection (in the case of Testing, conducted by the Generator) whether in
relation to the CDGU or item of User’s Equipment, as the case may be, the
Design and Operating Requirement is being complied with. The Test or
inspection may involve the giving of specific Dispatch Instructions within the
provisions of SDC2, including instructions in connection with Black Starts and
Dispatched Fuel Notices. The period of notice which is reasonable will depend
upon all the circumstances, including the Design and Operating Requirement
in question.
(b) A Generator must allow the TSO representative’s access to all relevant parts of
its Power Station for the purposes of this OC11 Part A.
(c) Where a Test falls within the scope of an Agreed Testing and Monitoring
Procedure, the procedure for conducting the Test and the criteria for passing the
Test will be as set out in the applicable Agreed Testing and Monitoring
Procedure. Where a Test falls outside the scope of the Agreed Testing and
Monitoring Procedures, the procedure for the Test, and the criteria for passing
the Test, will, if not agreed between the TSO and the Generator, be as
determined by the TSO acting reasonably and as notified to the Generator at the
time. In all cases, the Generator must comply with all reasonable instructions
of the TSO in carrying out the Test.
(d) If the procedure for the Test, and the criteria for passing the Test, are
determined by the TSO under OC11.6.1(c) and, within 48 hours after completion
of the Test, the Generator notifies the TSO in writing that it objects to the
procedure and/or the criteria which were used for the Test, then the question of
whether the Test procedure and/or the criteria were valid shall:
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and, in any such case, the effects of the Test shall be suspended until such time as
it has been determined that the procedure for the Test or the criteria for passing
the Test were valid. If it is determined that the procedure for the Test or the
criteria for passing the Test were not valid, then the Test shall not be effective
for the purposes of the relevant Agreement or the Grid Code, as the case may
be. The TSO may, however, conduct a further Test in accordance with this
OC11.6 (including this OC11.6(d)), taking into account any relevant
recommendations of the Expert, in determining the procedure and/or criteria for
such further Test.
(ii) If, within 48 hours after completion of the Test, the Generator notifies
the TSO in writing that it disagrees that the results show that the
CDGU or item of User’s Equipment, has failed the Test, then the
question of whether the Test has been passed or failed shall:
and, in any such event, the effects of the Test shall be suspended until
such time as it has been determined that the CDGU or item of User's
Equipment has failed the Test.
(f) If in relation to the CDGU or item of User's Equipment, as the case may be, the
Generator fails the Test then:
(i) if the Design and Operating Requirement is one under the Grid
Code, the TSO may, in the case of those Design and Operating
Requirements where a parameter or other data item can be registered
(that is, those other than CC parameters), re-register the value of the
relevant Design and Operating Requirement to reflect the lower level
of compliance shown by the Test;
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(ii) the Generator will, if the Design and Operating Requirement is one
under a Nominated Generating Unit Agreement to which it is a
party, be subject to such consequences (if any) as may arise under that
agreement; or
(iii) the Generator will, if the Design and Operating Requirement is one
under a Connection Agreement to which it is a party, be subject to
such consequences (if any) as may arise under that agreement.
(aa) by the Generator, at any time; in which case the TSO will by
the same time on the second Business Day thereafter specify the
time (within 3 days) for the Test which shall be as soon as
reasonably practicable having regard to System constraints (but
in any event within 3 days); and
(bb) by the TSO, on not less than 24 hours' notice of the start of the
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(ii) If the TSO requests a test pursuant to OC11.6.2(b)(i)(bb)(ii) above and
the Sustained Response Capability determined pursuant to such Test
is lower than the value which had been redeclared (as described in (1)
or (2) thereof) by the TSO, the value determined pursuant to such test
shall be applied retrospectively (from the Imbalance Settlement
Period in which the TSO's redeclaration was made) in calculating the
value of the "Sustained Response Inflexibility Factor" (as such term is
defined in the relevant Nominated Generating Unit Agreement)
under paragraph 10.9 of Schedule 2 to each Nominated Generating
Unit Agreement relating to steam turbine CDGUs in relation to their
Steam Turbine Units.
(iv) For each initial Load level, the maximum Load increase which was
sustained for 5 minutes will set the value (of Load increase) at which
the Test was passed ("the achieved sustained increase"). If for any
initial Load level the achieved sustained increase deviated from (and
below) the relevant expected value on the Sustained Load Diagram
by more than the greater of 2MW and 5% (the "test tolerance"), the
party which called for the Test may redeclare the value of the
Sustained Response Capability (SRC) (but subject to the right of the
Generator subsequently to redeclare), determined as:
(i) For the purposes of this OC11 Part A, "Specified Governor Droop"
means the highest incremental Governor Droop at any Load below
26 June 2019
90% of Contracted Capacity. For a given Specified Governor
Droop (SGD):
0.4 * SGD
3 * SGD
(ii) A Test of Governor Droop may be requested by the TSO, on not less
than 24 hours' notice, at any time if the TSO has reasonable grounds to
believe that the Specified Governor Droop of the CDGU in relation to
its Steam Turbine Units is higher than its declared value. The Test is
carried out with the turbine at speed but with the CDGU not
Synchronised, and determines the relationship between governor
hydraulic output and turbine speed, as turbine speed is decreased, from
several speeder set points. Incremental Governor Droop values are
calculated for the turbine Load range from the recorded results of the
(iii) The TSO may then redeclare the value of Specified Governor Droop
to the value determined according to such Test (to the extent that it is
higher than the value previously declared by the Generator).
(d) (i) To the extent that the TSO and a Generator are unable to agree on any
further details or procedures for carrying out the Sustained Response
Test or testing of Governor Droop, an Expert may be requested,
pursuant to the relevant Nominated Generating Unit Agreement, to
determine such details or procedures, which will then be adopted and
thereafter applied in any further Testing by the parties.
(a) The TSO may, upon giving reasonable notice (in any event not less than 2
Business Days), send representatives to a Power Station in order to investigate
any equipment or operational procedure.
(b) An Investigation may take place only for the purposes of enabling the TSO to
fulfil its obligations relating to the operation of the Transmission System (and
where in the reasonable opinion of the TSO in the absence of an Investigation it
would be unable properly to fulfil such obligations).
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(c) An Investigation shall not take place during or less than 2 days before or after a
period of Monitoring (carried out following the issue of a Warning Notice) or
Test in respect of Plant or equipment at the relevant Power Station .
(i) the nature and purpose of the Investigation and the reasons therefor;
(iii) the procedure (as reasonably determined by the TSO) for the
(e) The scope of an Investigation and the information and parts of the Power
Station to which the TSO shall be entitled to access shall be limited to that
required for the purposes of the Investigation as specified in the TSO's notice
under (d).
(f) The Generator shall comply with the reasonable requests of the TSO in carrying
out the Investigation, and allow the TSO representative access to all relevant
parts of the Power Station to conduct the Investigation.
(g) An Investigation shall not of itself result in consequences for the Generator
under the Grid Code or any Nominated Generating Unit Agreement,
Nominated Power Station Agreement or Connection Agreement.
(h) These provisions shall be without prejudice to TSO's rights of access under any
other document or agreement.
OC11.8.1 A Generator shall, subject to OC11.8.2, be entitled, by notice in writing setting out the
desired procedure (or, if the TSO acting reasonably so agrees, taking into account the
nature of the test being requested, by oral request specifying the desired procedure, such
oral request to be confirmed in writing as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter), to
request the TSO to assist it (by Dispatch) in carrying out a test on any of its CDGUs,
as such Generator, acting reasonably in accordance with Prudent Operating Practice,
may request. In the case of a test (other than an on-Load valve test) on a CDGU, the
procedure set out in the notice or specified in the oral request (as the case may be) shall
include the level of Availability and the values for Technical Parameters which will
be declared for the CDGU for the period of the test in accordance with SDC1 and shall
also include details of the Dispatch Instructions which the Generator wishes the TSO
to issue to it for the purposes of the test which may be outside the Availability and
Technical Parameters to be so declared. Notwithstanding the other requirements in
this OC11.8.2, in the case Significant Tests, Generators shall submit proposals to the
TSO at least five Business Days before the test start date or, with the agreement of the
TSO, no later than 09:00 two Business Days before the test start date.
OC11.8.2 The TSO shall be entitled to refuse to conduct any test requested under OC11.8.1 (or
refuse to conduct it in accordance with the procedure or at the time requested) if, in the
TSO's reasonable opinion, it is unsafe for the NI System to conduct such a test or if it is
26 June 2019
otherwise not practicable to do so (or to do so in accordance with the procedure or at the
time requested) for System or any other reasons, including if all reasonable costs and
expenses of the TSO are not, in the TSO's reasonable view, adequately covered by the
User. The TSO may only continue to refuse to conduct the test (or to conduct it in
accordance with the procedure) for so long as these reasons continue.
OC11.8.3 (a) If the TSO refuses to conduct the test, either at all or in accordance with the
procedure or at the time requested, the TSO and the Generator may discuss an
alternative form of test or procedure for conducting the test or timing of the test
to see whether agreement can be reached.
(b) If the TSO agrees to the test taking place, to the procedure for conducting the test
and to the time of the test, either in response to the original request or following
the discussion referred to in (a) above, it will notify the Generator accordingly.
(c) If the TSO does not (following the discussion referred to in (a)) agree to the test
taking place, then it will not take place, provided that as indicated in OC11.8.2
above, the TSO may only continue to refuse to conduct the test for so long as the
reasons set out in that paragraph continue to apply.
(d) If the TSO does not (following such discussion) agree to the procedure for
conducting the test, then if the test is to go ahead, the TSO's requirements
relating to the procedure will prevail, unless the reasons set out in OC11.8.2
above no longer continue.
(e) If the TSO does not (following such discussion) agree to the timing of the test,
then if the test is to go ahead, the TSO's requirements relating to timing will
OC11.8.4 (a) The TSO may then, in accordance with the agreed (or otherwise settled)
procedure and timing and if agreed by the Generator, send representatives to the
Power Station in order to witness the test.
(b) The Generator must, if agreed under (a) above, allow the TSO witnesses access
to all relevant parts of its Power Station in order to witness such a test.
(c) The TSO shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any representatives that it
sends to the Power Station pursuant to (a) above comply at all times with all
relevant safety requirements of the Generator of which they are made aware and
with all reasonable directions of the Generator and (but subject to (b) above) any
reasonable restrictions on access whilst at the Power Station in question.
26 June 2019
26 June 2019
Loading Rate
(MW/min) ± 5% period to achieve Not applicable Not applicable
Compensation ± 5Mvar 2 hours ± 3Mvar 30 minutes
Governor Droop
4% Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
26 June 2019
OC11.10.2.1 The TSO will Monitor CDGUs, Aggregated Generating Units and Interconnectors
(referred to in the following paragraphs of this OC11.10 as “Relevant Plant”) in
accordance with the following provisions of this OC11.10.2 when it wishes to
determine whether they are being operated in compliance with Dispatch Instructions.
OC11.10.2.2 In determining whether Relevant Plant has complied, or is complying, with a Dispatch
Instruction, the TSO shall in each case give due regard to operating conditions on the
NI System. The TSO shall also apply the Tolerance Bands set out in the relevant table
in the Appendix to this OC11 Part B to the Monitoring of the relevant Dispatch
Characteristic, as indicated in the relevant paragraphs of this OC11 Part B, and shall
also apply the Conversion Factors and Additional Conversion Factors where
appropriate. The TSO shall, when Monitoring Active Power or Reactive Power,
select either the Wide Tolerance Band (for Monitoring sustained performance) or the
Narrow Tolerance Band (for Monitoring stability over a short period). When
Monitoring on the Narrow Tolerance Band, the TSO will select either the Maximum
Tolerance Band or the Minimum Tolerance Band. In the event of a Frequency
Transient occurring whilst the TSO is Monitoring the compliance by Relevant Plant
(regardless of which Tolerance Band is being applied by the TSO at the time) to which
the CDGU responds in accordance with the relevant User’s obligations to provide
Operating Reserve, the CDGU shall not fail the Monitoring by reason of such
OC11.10.2.3 (a) If, having applied the relevant Tolerance Band, and, where appropriate,
Conversion Factors and Additional Conversion Factors the TSO suspects that
any Relevant Plant has not complied, or is not complying, with a Dispatch
Instruction, the TSO will, if it wishes to continue with the Monitoring inform
the relevant User by submitting a Warning Notice (either orally or in writing)
and, subject to the requirements of System security (which may require the
Dispatch Instruction to be cancelled in which case the Warning Notice will be
26 June 2019
deemed to have been withdrawn), the TSO will allow the User 10 minutes after
such notice to comply with the Dispatch Instruction.
(b) If in that 10 minute period the User still fails to comply with the Dispatch
Instruction, the TSO may give notice to the User by submitting a Monitoring
Notice (either orally or in writing) that the Relevant Plant is being Monitored.
(d) The User has the right, before the issue of the Monitoring Notice, or at any time
thereafter by submitting to the TSO an Availability Notice, a Technical
Parameters Notice or a Technical Parameters Revision Notice (as the case
may be), to re-declare Availability or the Technical Parameters (in accordance
with the provisions of SDC1) in respect of the Dispatch Characteristic(s) to be
Monitored, such re-declaration to take effect from the time of receipt of the
Warning Notice by the User. In the event that the User submits to the TSO an
Availability Notice or a Technical Parameters Notice or a Technical
Parameters Revision Notice at or about the same time as the TSO submits to
the User a Post Event Notice (or Interim Post Event Notice) pursuant to the
following provisions of this OC11.10.2 seeking to re-register the Availability or
the same Technical Parameter (as the case may be) of the Relevant Plant in
question to a different value, then the value of Availability or the value of the
relevant Technical Parameter shall be deemed to be redeclared to the inferior of
the values specified in the two notices.
(e) The period of Monitoring shall not exceed the period set out in the relevant table
in the Appendix to this OC11 Part B for the relevant Dispatch Characteristic(s)
and the selected Tolerance Band.
OC11.10.2.4 At the end of the period of Monitoring, if the User has achieved each Dispatch
Instruction for the period of the Monitoring within the relevant Tolerance Band, the
Relevant Plant will be deemed to have complied with each Dispatch Instruction.
OC11.10.2.5 If the average value of the Dispatch Characteristic(s) in any 5 minute period during
the period of Monitoring falls outside the relevant Tolerance Band the TSO may by
submitting a Post Event Notice to the Generator re-register the value of Availability
or the value of the relevant Technical Parameter corresponding to that Dispatch
Characteristic to the most inferior value outside the Tolerance Band for any 5 minute
period during the period of Monitoring (with effect from the Imbalance Settlement
Period in which the Monitoring Notice was issued) and the TSO may also notify the
Generator not later than 10 minutes before the end of the period of Monitoring that it
will continue to Monitor the Relevant Plant for a further period not exceeding that
shown in the relevant Table in the Appendix to this OC11 Part B in respect of the
26 June 2019
particular Dispatch Characteristic and with reference to the relevant or selected
Tolerance Band.
OC11.10.2.6 If at the end of the further period of Monitoring the average value of the Dispatch
Characteristic(s) in any 5 minute period during the Monitoring falls outside the
relevant Tolerance Band, the TSO may re-register the value of the Availability or the
value of the relevant Technical Parameter corresponding to that Dispatch
Characteristic to the most inferior value for any 5 minute period during the period of
Monitoring (with effect from the Imbalance Settlement Period in which the
Monitoring Notice was issued). Further periods of Monitoring may also take place, in
accordance with the procedure set out in OC11.10.2.5 and the provisions of this
OC11.10.2.6 will apply to such further periods of Monitoring.
OC11.10.2.7 (a) If (other than pursuant to a Dispatch Instruction to De-Load) the average value
of Output for any 5 minute period is less than 80% of the average Output for
either of the two immediately preceding 5 minute periods, the TSO may issue a
Post Event Notice re-registering the Availability of the Relevant Plant at the
level consistent with its average value for that 5 minute period with effect from
the beginning of the Imbalance Settlement Period in which such 5 minute
period commenced.
OC11.10.2.8 Prior to submitting a Post Event Notice, the TSO may deliver an Interim Post Event
Notice to the User not later than 2 hours after:
(a) in the case of an event of the type specified in OC11.10.2.7 (a) or (b) the end of
the Imbalance Settlement Period during which the event occurred; or
(b) in the case of instances of Monitoring, the end of the relevant period of
if it is not reasonably practicable for the TSO to deliver a Post Event Notice to the
User within that time.
(a) the Imbalance Settlement Period during which the event of the type specified
in OC11.10.2.7 (a) or (b) occurred and, in the instance of Monitoring, the
Imbalance Settlement Period during which the relevant Warning Notice was
issued; and
(b) the matters or values which the TSO intends to redeclare in a Post Event Notice
as a result of what happened.
26 June 2019
OC11.10.2.10 A Post Event Notice shall not be validly issued:
(a) if submitted to the User under OC11.10.2.5 later than 5pm on the 5th Business
Day following the day on which the Monitoring was undertaken or, in the case
of an event of the type specified in OC11.10.2.7(a) or (b), later than 5pm on the
5th Business Day following the day on which the event occurred;
(b) if submitted to the User under OC11.10.2.5 later than 2 hours after the end of the
relevant period of Monitoring or, in the case of an event of the type specified in
OC11.10.2.7 (a) or (b), later than 2 hours after the Imbalance Settlement Period
in which the event occurred and no Interim Post Event Notice was issued in
accordance with OC11.10.2.9; or
(c) to the extent that the Post Event Notice re-registers matters or values that were
not specified in an Interim Post Event Notice issued in accordance with
A Demand Side Unit shall be deemed compliant with a Dispatch Instruction if:
(ii) the Demand Side Unit Performance Monitoring Percentage Error is less
than 5% for each full half-hour Meter period of the Demand Side Unit MW
Response for 90% of the last ten Dispatches or 90% of the Dispatches in a
three-hundred and sixty-five day period
(iii) the Demand Side Unit Performance Monitoring Percentage Error is less
than 10% for each full half-hour Meter period of the Demand Side Unit
MW Response
26 June 2019
(iv) the Demand Side Unit Performance Monitoring Percentage Error is on
average less than 5% for each full half-hour Meter period of the Demand
Side Unit MW Response
(v) the Demand Side Unit SCADA Percentage Error is less than 5% or the
Demand Side Unit SCADA Error is less than 0.5 MWh.
OC11.10.4.1 Monitoring to determine whether a Relevant Plant is able to achieve its Primary
Operating Reserve, Secondary Operating Reserve and/or Tertiary Operating
Reserve band 1 (for the purposes of this OC11 Part B, “Relevant Operating
Reserve”) capability will be undertaken by the TSO in accordance with the
applicable Agreed Testing and Monitoring Procedure.
OC11.11.1.1 In circumstances where the TSO reasonably considers that, in relation to a CDGU,
Controllable PPM, Demand Side Unit or item of User's Equipment, a User might
be failing to comply or might in the foreseeable future fail to comply with the relevant
Design and Operating Requirements (or the requirements of the SSS Agreement, as
the case may be), the TSO may, upon giving reasonable notice identifying the Design
and Operating Requirement concerned, send representatives to the relevant Power
Station or User Site in order to verify by Testing or inspection (in the case of Testing
conducted by the User) whether in relation to the CDGU, Controllable PPM,
Demand Side Unit or item of User's Equipment, as the case may be, the Design and
Operating Requirement (or SSS Agreement requirement, and the case may be) is
being complied with. The Test or inspection may involve the giving of specific
Dispatch Instructions within the provisions of SDC2, including instructions in
connection with Black Starts and Dispatched Fuel Notices. The period of notice
which is reasonable will depend upon all the circumstances, including the Design and
Operating Requirement (or SSS Agreement requirement, as the case may be) in
26 June 2019
OC11.11.1.2 A Generator, Demand Side Unit Operator or other User, as the case may be, must
allow the TSO representatives access to all relevant parts of its Power Station or User
Site for the purposes of this OC11.11.
OC11.11.1.3 In the case of a Test of Relevant Operating Reserve capability or any other Test that
falls within the scope of an Agreed Testing and Monitoring Procedure, the
procedure for conducting the Test and the criteria for passing the Test will be as set out
in the applicable Agreed Testing and Monitoring Procedure. If a Test falls outside
the scope of the Agreed Testing and Monitoring Procedures, the procedure for the
Test, and the criteria for passing the Test will, if not agreed between the TSO and the
Generator, Demand Side Unit Operator or other User, be as determined by the TSO
acting reasonably and as notified to the Generator, Demand Side Unit Operator or
other User, as the case may be, at the time and the Generator, Demand Side Unit
Operator or other User, as the case may be, will comply with all reasonable
instructions of the TSO in carrying out the Test.
OC11.11.1.4 If the procedure for the Test, and the criteria for passing the Test, are determined by the
TSO under OC11.11.1.3 and, within 48 hours after completion of the Test, the User
notifies the TSO in writing that it objects to the procedure and/or the criteria which
were used for the Test, then the question of whether the Test procedure and/or the
criteria were valid shall:
(a) in the case of a Design and Operating Requirement contained in the Grid
Code, be decided in accordance with the relevant dispute resolution procedure set
out in the User's relevant Connection Agreement, Transmission Use of
System Agreement or Grid Code Compliance Agreement; or
(b) in the case of a Design and Operating Requirement contained in the User's
relevant Connection Agreement, Transmission Use of System Agreement or
Grid Code Compliance Agreement be decided in accordance with the relevant
dispute resolution procedure set out in the User's relevant Connection
Agreement, Transmission Use of System Agreement or Grid Code
Compliance Agreement; or
(c) in the case of a requirement contained in the User's relevant SSS Agreement, be
decided in accordance with the relevant dispute resolution procedure set out in
the User's relevant SSS Agreement,
and, in any such case, the effects of the Test shall be suspended until such time as it has
been determined that the procedure for the Test or the criteria for passing the Test were
valid. If it is determined that the procedure for the Test or the criteria for passing the
Test were not valid, then the Test shall not be effective for the purposes of the relevant
Agreement or the Grid Code, as the case may be. The TSO may, however, conduct a
further Test in accordance with this OC11.11 (including this OC11.11.1.4).
OC11.11.1.5 (a) In determining whether the CDGU, Controllable PPM, Demand Side Units or
item of User's Equipment, as the case may be, has passed a Test, due regard
will be given by the TSO to operating conditions on the NI System and (where
applicable) the relevant Tolerance Bands will be applied to the relevant matters
being Tested as set out in the Appendix to this OC11 Part B and the Conversion
Factors and the Additional Conversion Factors shall also be applied where
26 June 2019
(b) If, within 48 hours after completion of the Test, the User notifies the TSO in
writing that it disagrees that the results show that the CDGU, Controllable
PPM, Demand Side Unit or item of User's Equipment has failed the Test, then
the question of whether the Test has been passed or failed shall:
and, in any such event, the effects of the Test shall be suspended until such time
as it has been determined that the CDGU, Demand Side Unit or item of User's
Equipment has failed the Test.
OC11.11.2.1 If in relation to the CDGU, Demand Side Unit or item of User's Equipment, as the
case may be, the Generator or Demand Side Unit fails the Test then:
(a) if the Design and Operating Requirement is one under the Grid Code, the
TSO may, in the case of those Design and Operating Requirements where a
parameter or other data item can be registered (that is, those other than CC
parameters), re-register the value of the relevant Design and Operating
Requirement to reflect the lower level of compliance shown by the Test;
(b) the User will, if the Design and Operating Requirement is one under a
Connection Agreement, Transmission Use of System Agreement or Grid
Code Compliance Agreement to which it is a party, be subject to such
consequences (if any) as may arise under that agreement; and
OC11.12.1 The TSO may, if it reasonably considers that there may be an issue of non-compliance
by the User, carry out an Investigation to acquire or verify information relevant to
User's Equipment design, operation or connection requirements under the Grid Code,
26 June 2019
Connection Agreements, Generator Aggregator System Operator Agreement
(SOA) and System Support Service Agreements between Users and the TSO.
OC11.12.2 Investigation by the TSO usually applies to information not collected on a regular
basis by means of Monitoring and Testing. The TSO may, having given not less than
2 Business Days’ notice, send a representative or subcontractor to a User’s Site in
order to investigate any equipment or operational procedure on or applicable to the
User Site insofar as the condition of that equipment or operational procedure is relevant
to compliance with the Grid Code, Connection Agreements, and/or other agreements
between Users and the TSO. A site visit by the TSO or his representative, as part of an
Investigation will, generally not take place less than 2 days before or after Testing.
OC11.12.3 An Investigation shall not of itself result in consequences for the User under the Grid
Code or Connection Agreement.
OC11.12.4 These provisions shall be without prejudice to the TSO's rights of access under any
other document or agreement.
OC11.13.1 A Generator, Demand Side Unit Operator or other User, as the case may be, shall,
subject to OC11.13.2, be entitled, by notice in writing setting out the desired procedure
(or, if the TSO acting reasonably so agrees, taking into account the nature of the test
being requested, by oral request specifying the desired procedure, such oral request to
be confirmed in writing as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter), to request the
TSO to assist it (by Dispatch) in carrying out a test on any of its CDGUs, Demand
Side Unit or User's Equipment, as the case may be, as such Generator, Demand Side
Unit Operator or other User, acting reasonably in accordance with Prudent
Operating Practice, may request. In the case of a test (other than an on-Load valve
test) on a CDGU or Demand Side Unit Operator the procedure set out in the notice or
specified in the oral request (as the case may be) shall include the level of Availability
and the values for Technical Parameters which will be declared for the CDGU,
Demand Side Unit, Aggregated Generating Unit or Interconnector for the period of
the test in accordance with SDC1 and shall also include details of the Dispatch
Instructions which the Generator or Demand Side Unit Operator wishes the TSO
to issue to it for the purposes of the test which may be outside the Availability and
Technical Parameters to be so declared.
OC11.13.2 The TSO shall be entitled to refuse to conduct any test requested under OC11.13.1 (or
refuse to conduct it in accordance with the procedure or at the time requested) if, in the
TSO's reasonable opinion, it is unsafe for the NI System to conduct such a test or if it is
otherwise not practicable to do so (or to do so in accordance with the procedure or at the
time requested) for System or any other reasons, including if all reasonable costs and
expenses of the TSO are not, in the TSO's reasonable view, adequately covered by the
User. The TSO may only continue to refuse to conduct the test (or to conduct it in
accordance with the procedure) for so long as these reasons continue.
OC11.13.3 (a) If the TSO refuses to conduct the test, either at all or in accordance with the
procedure or at the time requested, the TSO and the Generator, Demand Side
Unit Operator or other User, as the case may be, may discuss an alternative
form of test or procedure for conducting the test or timing of the test to see
whether agreement can be reached.
26 June 2019
(b) If the TSO agrees to the test taking place, to the procedure for conducting the test
and to the time of the test, either in response to the original request or following
the discussion referred to in (a) above, it will notify the Generator, Demand
Side Unit Operator or other User, as the case may be, accordingly.
(c) If the TSO does not (following the discussion referred to in (a)) agree to the test
taking place, then it will not take place, provided that as indicated in OC11.13.2
above, the TSO may only continue to refuse to conduct the test for so long as the
reasons set out in that paragraph continue to apply.
(d) If the TSO does not (following such discussion) agree to the procedure for
conducting the test, then if the test is to go ahead, the TSO's requirements
relating to the procedure will prevail, unless the reasons set out in OC11.13.2
above no longer continue.
(e) If the TSO does not (following such discussion) agree to the timing of the test,
then if the test is to go ahead, the TSO's requirements relating to timing will
OC11.13.4 (a) The TSO may then, in accordance with the agreed (or otherwise settled)
procedure and timing and if agreed by the User, send representatives to the
Power Station or User Site, as the case may be, in order to witness the test.
(b) The Generator, Demand Side Unit Operator or other User, as the case may be,
must, if agreed under (a) above, allow the TSO witnesses access to all relevant
parts of its Power Station or User Site in order to witness such a test.
(c) The TSO shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any representatives that it
sends to the Power Station or User Site pursuant to (a) above comply at all
times with all relevant safety requirements of the Generator, Demand Side Unit
Operator or other User (as the case may be) of which they are made aware and
with all reasonable directions of the Generator or Demand Side Unit Operator
and (but subject to (b) above) any reasonable restrictions on access whilst at the
Power Station or User Site in question.
26 June 2019
26 June 2019
Loading Rate
(MW/min) ± 5% period to achieve Not applicable Not applicable
Compensation ± 5Mvar 2 hours ± 3Mvar 30 minutes
Governor Droop
4% Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
26 June 2019
Demand Side Unit Energy Profile – (metered Demand + Demand Side < ±5% of the Demand
Unit MW Response) Side Unit Energy
26 June 2019
(a) This Scheduling and Dispatch Code No. 1 ("SDC1") forms part of the
Sections under Common Governance of the Grid Code. The Sections
under Common Governance are those parts of the Grid Code which are
under common governance in both the Grid Code and the Other Grid
(b) The form of this SDC1 is similar to the SDC1 in the Other Grid Code.
Differences relate to references to relevant power systems and related
terms. Where there is a difference between a provision in this Grid Code
and an equivalent provision in the Other Grid Code, the wording in
question is shaded in grey. In addition, those parts of this SDC1 that are
not part of the Other Grid Code are shaded in grey in this SDC1.
Differences between the form of this SDC1 and the SDC1 in the Other
Grid Code are summarised in Annex 1 to this SDC1.
(d) Where stated in this SDC1, the obligation to submit data in relation to
some of the information required to be provided to the TSO may be
fulfilled by Users where such information submitted under the TSC by a
User or by an Intermediary on behalf of Users is then provided to the
TSO by the Market Operator in accordance with the TSC, as further
provided in this SDC1. The TSO may require Users to verify or provide
revisions to data received by it via the Market Operator.
SDC1.1.2 SDC1 sets out the procedure used by the TSO to develop unit commitment
Schedules in respect of CDGU’s, Controllable PPMs and Demand Side Units
including the requirements for Users to submit data to support this procedure:
26 June 2019
not Pumped Storage Plant Demand) and Dispatchable
(i) CDGUs;
(iv) Interconnectors;
26 June 2019
(v) Demand Side Units;
may be required.
SDC1.1.3 The TSO (in conjunction with the Other TSO) shall develop, maintain and publish
the process describing the methodology and parameters to be used by the TSO (and
the Other TSO) in discharging their role under this SDC1 and SDC2.
SDC1.1.4 In respect of PPA Generation the provisions of Appendix B prevail and replace, as
stated, the other parts of this SDC1 in relation to such PPA Generation.
(a) to ensure (so far as possible) the integrity of the Transmission System
and to ensure that the TSO acts in conjunction with the Other TSO so
that the Other TSO can ensure the integrity of the Other Transmission
System (with the Other TSO having a similar objective);
(d) to enable the TSO, in conjunction with the Other TSO, to prepare
Indicative Operations Schedules to be used in the Scheduling and
Dispatch process;
and, subject to delivering the objectives in SDC1.2 (a), SDC1.2(b), and SDC1.2(c)
and taking account of the factors set out in SDC1.4.8.3,
26 June 2019
(g) In fulfilling the objective in SDC1.2(c), minimise the requirement to
issue Notices to Synchronise before Gate Closure 2.
(c) Energy Storage Generators with regard to their Energy Storage Power
Station Demand;
(f) Demand Side Unit Operators in relation to their Demand Side Units;
Each of which (other than the TSO) is a “User” under this SDC1.
SDC1.3.2 In this SDC1, the term “User” shall include users of the Distribution System that
fall under one of the above categories and are subject to Central Dispatch.
SDC1.3.3 The TSO shall inform the DNO as soon as reasonably practicable after it becomes
aware that a User that is connected to the Distribution System is required to
comply with the Grid Code.
SDC1.4.1.1 Requirement
(a) Each User shall, by not later than the Gate Closure 1 each day, notify
the TSO by means of an Availability Notice (in such form as the TSO
may reasonably notify from time to time or in the form published on the
26 June 2019
TSO website) of changes to the Availability and/or Demand Side Unit
MW Availability (as the case may be) of each of its:
(i) CDGUs;
(b) A User may satisfy this obligation by submitting the data under the TSC,
unless the TSO requires, by notice to the User, the data to be submitted to
it directly under the Grid Code.
(d) As a general requirement, the User shall ensure that the data in any
Availability Notice or any revision thereto is consistent with its
obligations under SDC1.4.3.2 and SDC1.4.3.4.
SDC1.4.1.2 Content
(a) The Availability Notice shall state the Availability of the relevant
CDGU, Controllable PPM, Interconnector, Demand Side Unit, Energy
Storage Power Station or Pumped Storage Plant Demand or Energy Storage
Power Station Demand as the case may be, (including, in the case of a CCGT
Installation, the Availability of each of the CCGT Modules within it) for each
Imbalance Settlement Period in the time up to an including the end of the
relevant Trading Day (subject to revision under SDC1.4.3.6). A new
Availability Notice will supersede the previous one in relation to Availability for
Imbalance Settlement Periods which are covered by the new one.
In respect of Interconnectors, the Availability Notice shall state the
physical capability of the Interconnector, and shall take account of any
further restrictions placed by any relevant agreement or the provisions of
any licence in respect of the Interconnector, but shall not otherwise take
account of any expected transmission constraints or other aspects of the
operation of the Transmission System or an External System. A new
Availability Notice will supersede the previous one in relation to
26 June 2019
Availability for Imbalance Settlement Periods which are covered by the
new one.
SDC1.4.1.3 Whole Numbers: The MW figure stated in the Availability Notice shall be a whole
SDC1.4.1.4 Atmospheric Conditions: In the case of CDGUs and Controllable PPMs which are
affected by ambient conditions, an Availability Notice submitted by a Generator
shall be stated as being the User’s best estimate of the prevailing atmospheric
conditions for the Imbalance Settlement Period to which each part of the
Availability Notice relates.
The following items are required to be submitted by each User by no later than the
Gate Closure 1 each day, with the exception of Aggregators and Demand Side
Unit Operators, direct to the TSO, regardless of whether these have to be
submitted under the TSC. The requirements in SDC1.4.1 in relation to data apply to
this SDC1.4.2 as if repeated here.
SDC1.4.2.1 Fuels: In the case where a CDGU is capable of firing on different fuels, then the
Generator shall submit an Availability Notice setting out the information in
SDC1.4.1 above for each fuel for the CDGU. The provisions of this SDC1.4.2.1
shall, with respect to PPA Generation, be read in conjunction with the provisions
of SDC1.B.3.1
(a) The Availability of each CCGT Module within each CCGT Installation;
CCGT Installations
26 June 2019
Each Generator shall notify the TSO as soon as practicable after the
event of any such variance.
(f) The CCGT Installation Matrix can only be amended such that the
CCGT Installation comprises different CCGT Modules in accordance
with PCA2.3.5.
SDC1.4.2.3 Constraints: Fuel constraints, emission constraints or any other technical related
constraint which may affect the Output or Demand Reduction of a Plant as the
case may be both immediately and in the longer term.
SDC1.4.3.2 Each Generator, and where relevant each Generator Aggregator, shall, subject to
the exceptions in SDC1.4.3.3 and SDC1.4.3.3A, use reasonable endeavours to
ensure that it does not at any time declare in the case of its CDGU, Controllable
PPM, or Aggregated Generating Unit, the Availability or Technical Parameters
at levels or values different from those that the CDGU, Controllable PPM, and/or
an Aggregated Generating Unit could achieve at the relevant time. The TSO can
reject declarations to the extent that they do not meet these requirements.
(a) it would require the Generator or, where relevant, the Generator
Aggregator to declare levels or values better than the Registered
Capacity and Technical Parameters as submitted under the Planning
Code in respect of a CDGU, a Controllable PPM and/or an Aggregated
Generating Unit;
26 June 2019
(c) necessary while repairing or maintaining the CDGU, the Controllable
PPM and/or the Aggregated Generating Unit or equipment necessary to
the operation of the CDGU, the Controllable PPM and/or the
Aggregated Generating Unit where such repair or maintenance cannot
reasonably, in accordance with Prudent Operating Practice be deferred
to a period of Planned Outage or Planned Maintenance Outage;
(c) it is not lawful for the Generator to operate the CDGU, the Controllable
PPM and/or the Aggregated Generating Units.
SDC1.4.3.3A SDC1.4.3.2 shall not apply for a CDGU, Controllable PPM, Aggregated
Generating Unit, Energy Storage Power Station or Pumped Storage Plant
Demand that is disconnected during any one of the following:
(b) where work to the Transmission System is being carried out that is driven
by the relevant CDGU, Controllable PPM, Aggregated Generating
Unit, Energy Storage Power Station or Pumped Storage Plant
Demand or driven by works related to the Connection Agreement of the
relevant CDGU, Controllable PPM, Aggregated Generating Unit,
Energy Storage Power Station or Pumped Storage Plant Demand.
This does not include work carried out related to another Generating Unit
with a different Connection Point but a shared asset.
Each Demand Side Unit Operator shall, subject to the exceptions in SDC1.4.3.5
and SDC1.4.3.5A, use reasonable endeavours to ensure that it does not at any time
declare the Demand Side Unit MW Availability and the Demand Side Unit
characteristics of its Demand Side Unit at levels or values different from those that
the Demand Side Unit could achieve at the relevant time. The TSO can reject
declarations to the extent that they do not meet these requirements.
(a) it would require the Demand Side Unit Operator to declare levels or
values better than Demand Side Unit MW Capacity and Technical
Parameters as submitted under the Planning Code in respect of a
Demand Side Unit;
26 June 2019
(b) necessary during periods of Planned Outage or Planned Maintenance
Outage or otherwise with the consent of the TSO;
(e) it is not lawful for the Demand Side Unit Operator to change its
Demand Side Unit MW Response or to operate its Demand Side Unit.
SDC1.4.3.5A SDC1.4.3.4 shall not apply for a Demand Side Unit that is disconnected during any
one of the following:
(a) where work to the Transmission System is being carried out that is driven
by the relevant Demand Side Unit or driven by works related to the
Connection Agreement of the Demand Side Unit. This does not include
work carried out related to another Generating Unit with a different
Connection Point but a shared asset.
The relevant Demand Side Unit shall declare Availability at a value of zero
during any one or more of (a) or (b) above, as advised by the TSO.
(b) In the event that the TSO submits a Post Event Notice under OC11 in
relation to any part of the period covered by the Availability Notice at any
26 June 2019
time after submission of the Availability Notice, the User shall be deemed
to have submitted a revised Availability Notice consistent with such Post
Event Notice.
(c) The revisions to the Availability Notice may include revisions of the
levels of Availability in the CCGT Installation Matrix reflecting the
revised Availability.
(iii) in the case of a Demand Side Unit, the Demand Side Unit is
capable of delivering a greater Demand Side Unit MW
Response at that specified time.
26 June 2019
prevailing Availability until the time specified in the notice. Thereafter,
the CDGU and/or Controllable PPM shall be capable of maintaining
Load to the level which would have been achieved if a Dispatch
Instruction had been given to reduce the Load. This would have
occurred with effect from the specified time, at the maximum De-
Loading Rate and/or Ramp-Down Rate declared for the CDGU and/or
Controllable PPM as a Technical Parameter at such time down to the
level of Availability specified in the new Availability Notice or a Re-
declaration. When a Demand Side Unit is providing a Demand Side
Unit MW Response the Demand Side Unit may have occasion to issue
an Availability Notice or a Re-declaration decreasing the level of
Demand Side Unit MW Availability of the Demand Side Unit from a
specified time. Such notice shall be construed as meaning that the
Demand Side Unit is capable of maintaining Demand Side Unit MW
Response at the level of the prevailing Demand Side Unit MW
Availability until the time specified in the notice. Thereafter, the
Demand Side Unit shall be capable of maintaining Demand Side Unit
MW Response to the level which would have been achieved if a
Dispatch Instruction had been given to reduce the Demand Side Unit
MW Response. This would have occurred with effect from the specified
time, at the Maximum Ramp Down Rate declared for the Demand Side
Unit as a Technical Parameter at such time down to the level of
Demand Side Unit MW Availability specified in the new Availability
Notice or a Re-declaration.
(a) Insofar as any data submitted or deemed to have been submitted on any
particular day in any Availability Notice or any revision thereto is
inconsistent with any other data in any other such notice, then the most
recently submitted data which, if substituted for the inconsistent data,
would make the data in such notices consistent, shall apply for the next
following Trading Day.
26 June 2019
SDC1.4.4 Technical and Commercial Data Requirements
SDC1.4.4.3(a) shall not apply in respect of PPA Generation and the provisions of
SDC1.B.4 shall apply instead. The provisions of SDC1.4.4.2 and SDC1.4.4.4(b)
shall, with respect to PPA Generation, be read in conjunction with the provisions
of SDC1.B.3.1.
(a) (i) By not later than the Gate Closure 1, each User shall in respect
of each:
- Controllable PPM;
- Aggregated Generating Unit,
- Pumped Storage Plant Demand
- Energy Storage Power Station Demand; and/or
- Demand Side Unit,
(ii) A User may satisfy this obligation by submitting the data under
the TSC, unless the TSO requires, by notice in writing to the
User, the data to be submitted to it under the Grid Code.
(iv) As a general requirement, the User shall ensure that the data in
any Technical Parameters Notice, or any revision thereto is
consistent with its obligations under SDC1.4.3.2 and
(b) Flexibility:
26 June 2019
in any agreement, the TSO shall notify the User of the reasons
for such flexibility request in such degree of detail as the TSO
considers reasonable in the circumstances.
A User shall notify the TSO as soon as it becomes aware, acting in accordance with
Prudent Operating Practice, that any of the data submitted under SDC1.4.4.1
26 June 2019
notices consistent, shall apply for the next following Trading
The following items are required to be submitted by each User, direct to the TSO:
(a) Individual CCGT Module data equivalent to the data required for a
CCGT Installation. It shall also show any revisions to the Technical
Parameters for each of the CCGT Modules within it.
(e) In relation to each Demand Side Unit, the Demand Side Unit Notice
Time and the Demand Side Unit MW Response Time.
(i) In the case of Kilroot Power Station, Ballylumford Power Station and
Coolkeeragh Power Station, which configuration referred to in
PC.A3.3.12 the Power Station is operating at for each Imbalance
Settlement Period.
26 June 2019
A User shall notify the TSO as soon as it becomes aware, acting in accordance with
Prudent Operating Practice, that any of the data submitted under SDC1.4.4.2 is no
longer correct.
Any changes to the MVAr capability shall be expressed as the maximum MVAr
capability, for both leading and lagging MVAr, at the Registered Capacity.
Any changes to the ability to meet the reserve capability specified in the
relevant Sustained Load Diagram(s) shall be expressed as the maximum
reserve capability for each category of reserve, as applicable to the
relevant CDGU.
(b) A change following such notification will only take effect for so long as
it takes, acting in accordance with Prudent Operating Practice, for the
relevant CDGU and/or Controllable PPM and/or Aggregated
Generating Units or associated Power Station Equipment to be
repaired and such repair shall re-instate the reserve capability to its
previous level or to such other level as the TSO may, acting in
accordance with Prudent Operating Practice, agree, taking into
26 June 2019
account the provisions of SDC1.4.4.4(a), and the Generator shall then
submit a Technical Parameters Notice re-declaring the reserve
capability accordingly. The Generator shall advise the TSO of the
nature of any such defect or failure and of the Generator's best estimate,
acting as a reasonable and prudent Generator, of the time it will take to
effect the repair to restore the Reserve Characteristics to their former
(a) By not later than Gate Closure 1each day, each User in respect of each of
its Plant, shall in respect of the following Trading Day submit to the
TSO in writing in the form set out on the TSO website or in such other
form as the TSO may reasonably notify to each User from time to time),
details in relation to the relevant Trading Day of any newly arisen special
factors, including abnormal risk to loss, which in the reasonable opinion of
the User may have a material effect on the likely MW Output or Demand
Side Unit MW Response of such Plant (including, for a CCGT
Installation in relation to each of the CCGT Modules therein). The
notice shall be consistent with the User’s obligations under SDC1.4.3.2.
The provisions of this paragraph also apply to Interconnector Owners in
relation to their Interconnector Filters.
The User must notify the TSO via Electronic Interface of any new
Other Relevant Data of which it becomes aware as soon as reasonably
practicable after it becomes aware of such data.
26 June 2019
(f) As a general requirement, the User shall ensure that the data in any
notice of any Other Relevant Data or any revision thereto is consistent
with its obligations under SDC1.4.3.2 and SDC1.4.3.4.
(a) Each:
- Generator;
- Energy Storage Generator;
- Pumped Storage Generator;
- Demand Side Unit Operator; and
- Generator Aggregator,
(b) The TSO may require, by notice to the relevant User, the data referred to
at SDC1.4.4.5 (a) to (c) to be submitted to it directly under the Grid
Code. All data items submitted under this SDC1.4.4.5 are to be at levels
of MW Output at the Connection Point.
(a) Each:
26 June 2019
Energy Storage Generator;
Pumped Storage Generator;
Demand Side Unit Operator; and
Generator Aggregator,
(d) Each Scheduling Agent shall in respect of each Interconnector they have
been nominated to schedule, submit to the TSO, Interconnector
Schedule Quantities by Gate Closure 1 for the corresponding Trading
Days in accordance with the TSC. Prior to Gate Closure 2 for each
Imbalance Settlement Period (or an alternative later time advised from
time to time by the TSO acting in accordance with Prudent Operating
Practice but not later than the start of the Imbalance Settlement Period),
Scheduling Agents shall submit further Interconnector Schedule
Quantities in accordance with the TSC to reflect trading in intraday
markets. At Gate Closure 2 for an Imbalance Settlement Period (or an
alternative later time advised from time to time by the TSO acting in
accordance with Prudent Operating Practice but not later than the start
of the Imbalance Settlement Period), further Interconnector Schedule
Quantities may not be submitted for that Imbalance Settlement Period.
26 June 2019
(e) Notwithstanding the obligations in SDC1.4.4.6(a) and SDC1.4.4.6(b), a
value of zero will be deemed in all Imbalance Settlement Periods, or
parts thereof, for which Physical Notifications data or Interconnector
Schedule Quantities data has not been submitted.
(f) If a User has submitted proposals for a test to the TSO and subsequently
receives approval for the test from the TSO, the User (or their
Intermediary, if applicable) shall submit Physical Notifications for the
unit under test in accordance with the TSC to identify the time periods
during which their units are under test. The User shall ensure that the
Physical Notifications submitted in respect of a unit under test align with
the approved test start time, test MW Output profile (or Demand Unit
MW Response profile in the case of Demand Side Units) and test end
(a) Where this SDC1 requires a User to submit a notice, it may instead of
submitting it in writing, submit the information required in such a notice
(which information shall be supplied in full) by telephone subject to the
TSO’s prior consent (identifying unambiguously the type of notice which
is thereby being submitted).
(b) The individual who is giving the notice by telephone on behalf of the
User shall firstly specify the time at which the notice is being given, then
identify himself and ask the individual receiving the notice on behalf of
the TSO also to identify himself. The information required by the notice
shall then be given, including (without limitation) the identity of the
CDGU, Controllable PPM, Energy Storage Power Station Demand,
Aggregated Generating Unit, Pumped Storage Plant and Demand
Side Unit to which the notice relates.
26 June 2019
SDC1.4.8 Compilation of Indicative Operations Schedules
The provisions of SDC1.4.8.2 and SDC1.4.8.8 shall, with respect to PPA Generation,
be read in conjunction with the provisions of SDC1.B.3.2 and SDC1.B.3.3
SDC1.4.8.1 Indicative Operations Schedules will be compiled by the TSO in conjunction with
the Other TSO as further provided in this SDC1.4.8 as a statement of which CDGUs
and/or Controllable PPM and/or transfers across any Interconnector and/or
Demand Side Units and/or Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or Energy Storage
Power Station Demand and/or Aggregated Generating Units and equivalent units
in the Republic of Ireland may be required to operate and their expected MW
Output. The TSO in conjunction with the Other TSO will periodically update the
Indicative Operations Schedules.
Subject as provided below, a Merit Order will be compiled by the TSO (in
conjunction with the Other TSO) for each Imbalance Settlement Period from the
Price Quantity Pairs, Start-Up Cost, Shutdown Cost and No-Load Cost (which
together shall be known as the “Price Set”) and, subject as provided in this SDC1,
used to determine which of the CDGUs, Controllable PPMs, Pumped Storage
Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Units,
Aggregated Generating Units or Interconnector power transfer to Schedule and
Dispatch in relation to their Price Sets at values that differ from those indicated by
Physical Notifications and Interconnector Schedule Quantities, as required to
deliver the objectives set out in SDC1.2(a), SDC1.2(b) and SDC1.2(c). The Merit
Order for increasing MW Output above the level indicated in Physical
Notifications and Interconnector Schedule Quantities will be on the basis of
ascending prices so that once committed the CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped
Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side
Unit, Aggregated Generating Unit Price Set or bid-offer data from an External
System Operator at the head of the Merit Order will be that which has the lowest
price per MWh, and that at the foot of the Merit Order shall be the one with the
highest price per MWh. Each CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant
Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Unit,
Aggregated Generating Units and/or bid-offer data from an External System
Operator shall appear in the Merit Order for each Price Set submitted.
The Merit Order for dispatching MW Output to a level below that indicated in
Physical Notifications and Interconnector Schedule Quantities will be on the
basis of descending prices so that the CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage
Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Unit,
Aggregated Generating Unit Price Set or bid-offer data from an External System
Operator at the head of a Merit Order will be that which has the highest price per
MWh, and that at the foot of a Merit Order shall be the one with the lowest price
per MWh. Each CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant Demand,
Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Unit, Aggregated
Generating Units or bid-offer data from an External System Operator shall
appear in the Merit Order for each Price Set submitted.
26 June 2019
SDC1.4.8.3 In compiling the Indicative Operations Schedules in conjunction with the Other
TSO, the TSO will take account of the following factors (and the equivalent factors
on the Other Transmission System will be so treated separately by the Other
(ii) Transmission System constraints which may vary from time to time, as
determined by the TSO;
(iii) Reserve constraints which may vary from time to time, as determined by
the TSO;
(iv) the need to provide an Operating Margin (by using the various categories
of reserve as specified in OC3 (as the case may be), as determined by the
TSO acting in conjunction with the Other TSO;
(ix) Commercial Offer Data for each CDGU and/or Controllable PPM and
the Shutdown Cost of each Demand Side Unit and equivalent
commercial data provided by an External System Operator in respect of
(x) the requirements, as determined by the TSO, for Voltage Control and
Mvar reserves;
(xii) other matters to enable the TSO to meet its Licence Standards and the
Other TSO to meet its equivalent;
26 June 2019
(xv) System Tests;
(xvi) the inability of any CDGU and/or Controllable PPM to meet its full
reserve capability;
(xxiii) fuel and emission constraints of a Plant as well as any other technical
related factors which may constrain the Output or Demand Reduction of
a Plant as the case may be both immediately and in the longer term.
(xxiv) any inter-unit dependencies notified to the TSO that restrict the number of
Generating Units that can start up or shut down simultaneously.
(xxv) factors used by the TSO (and the Other TSO) in order to comply with
Statutory Instruments, Statutory Regulations and/or the Licence which
may impact Scheduling and Dispatch;
(xxvi) factors used by the TSO (and the Other TSO) to comply with the
objectives in SDC1.2(g);
SDC1.4.8.4 Taking account of and applying the factors referred to in SDC1.4.8.3, Indicative
Operations Schedules shall be compiled by the TSO in conjunction with the Other
TSO to Schedule such CDGUs, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant
Demand, Demand Side Units, Aggregated Generating Units and/or such
Interconnector power transfers, and equivalent units or power transfers of
equivalent units in the Republic of the Ireland, which have been declared Available
in an Availability Notice (and the equivalents on the Other Transmission
(ii) as will in aggregate (after taking into account electricity delivered other
than from CDGUs, Controllable PPMs, Aggregated Generating Units,
and/or Interconnector power transfers and variation in Demand from
26 June 2019
Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station
Demand and Demand Side Units) be sufficient to match at all times (to
the extent possible having regard to the Availability or Demand Side
Unit MW Availability of CDGUs, Controllable PPMs, Pumped
Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand,
Demand Side Units, Aggregated Generating Units and Interconnector
power transfers) the forecast aggregated Demand (derived under OC1 of
the Grid Code and the Other Grid Code) together with such margin of
reserve as the TSO working in conjunction with the Other TSO shall
consider to be appropriate; and
The taking account of and application of the factors in SDC1.4.8.3 will mean that, in
general, strict adherence to Merit Order may not necessarily be feasible.
SDC1.4.8.5 The TSO will periodically rerun the Scheduling process and issue revised
Indicative Operating Schedules to take account of any of the following factors
(and the equivalent factors on the Other Transmission System which will be so
dealt with separately by the Other TSO):
(c) changes to Commercial Offer Data [and bid-offer data from External
Transmission System Operators];
26 June 2019
(j) changes to any conditions which in the reasonable opinion of the TSO,
would impose increased risk to the Transmission System and would
therefore require an increase in the Operating Margin;
SDC1.4.8.6 When:
(b) there is a high risk to the whole or part of the Transmission System
and/or the Other Transmission System;
these factors may mean that a CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant
Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Unit,
Aggregated Generating Unit and/or Interconnector transfers is/are chosen other
than in accordance with the profile described in Physical Notifications (the Active
Power profile derived from Interconnector Schedule Quantities in respect of
Interconnectors) and amended in line with Merit Order to a greater degree than
would be the case when merely taking into account the factors listed in SDC1.4.8.3
in order to seek to maintain the integrity of the Transmission System.
SDC1.4.8.7 (a) The Synchronising and De-Synchronising times (and, in the case of
Pumped Storage Plant Demand and Energy Storage Power Station
Demand, the relevant effective time) shown in the Indicative
Operations Schedule are indicative only and it should be borne in mind
by Users that the Dispatch Instructions could reflect more or different
CDGU, Aggregated Generating Unit and/or Controllable PPM,
Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station
Demand and/or Aggregate Generating Unit requirements than in the
Indicative Operations Schedule. The TSO may issue Dispatch
Instructions in respect of any CDGU and/or Aggregated Generating
Unit, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy
Storage Power Station Demand or Aggregated Generating Unit
which has not declared an Availability or Demand Side Unit MW
Availability of 0 MW in an Availability Notice. Users with CDGUs
and/or Aggregated Generating Units, Controllable PPM, Pumped
Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand shall
ensure that their units are able to be Synchronised, or in the case of
Pumped Storage Plant Demand and Energy Storage Power Station
Demand, used at the times Scheduled, but only if so Dispatched by the
TSO by issue of a Dispatch Instruction. Users shall, as part of a
revision to the Technical Parameters, indicate to the TSO the latest
time at which a Dispatch Instruction is required to meet the scheduled
Synchronising time or in the case of Pumped Storage Plant Demand
26 June 2019
and Energy Storage Power Station Demand, the Scheduled relevant
effective time.
(b) The provisions of SDC1.4.8.7(a) shall apply to Demand Side Units with
the exception that reference to relevant effective time shall be read as a
reference to Demand Side Unit Notice Time.
(a) The initial Indicative Operations Schedule for a Trading Day will be
published for access by Users (or where in relation to a CDGU the User
does not have access to where it would be published, shall, subject to
agreement with the TSO (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld
or delayed), be sent by the TSO to that User) by 1600 hours on the day
preceding the relevant Trading Day. However, if on any occasion the TSO
is unable to meet these times, the TSO also reserves the right to extend the
timescale for the issue of the initial Indicative Operations Schedules to the
extent necessary. Following the issue of the initial Indicative Operations
Schedule preceding the relevant Trading Day, the TSO will issue revised
Indicative Operations Schedules to reflect updated information from the
Scheduling process.(b) Indicative Operations Schedules issued by
the TSO may comprise several schedules covering short term, medium term
or long term timeframes where long term covers the period up to 48 hours
immediately following real time.
(c) The TSO may issue Dispatch Instructions to Users in respect of CDGUs,
Controllable PPMs, Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or Energy
Storage Power Station Demand and/or Demand Side Units and/or
Aggregated Generating Units and/or Interconnector transfers before the
issue of the Indicative Operations Schedule for the Trading Day to which
the Dispatch instruction relates if the Synchronous Start Up Time for the
relevant CDGUs and/or Controllable PPMs, Pumped Storage Plant
Demand and/or Energy Storage Power Station Demand and/or Demand
Side Unit and/or Aggregated Generating Unit requires the Dispatch
instruction to be given at that time. When the length of the time required
for Notice to Synchronise is within 30 minutes of causing the CDGU
and/or Controllable PPMs and/or Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or
Energy Storage Power Station Demand to be unable to meet the
indicative Synchronising time in the Indicative Operations Schedule or a
26 June 2019
subsequent indicative Synchronising time and no Dispatch Instruction
has been received, the Generator shall inform the TSO without delay.
SDC1.4.8.10 Regulation
SDC1 Appendix A Part 1 sets out the Technical Parameters for which values are
to be supplied by a User in respect of each of its CDGUs and/or Controllable
PPMs and/or Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or Energy Storage Power
Station Demand and/or Demand Side Units and/or Aggregated Generating Units
by not later than Gate Closure 1 for the relevant Trading Day.
SDC1 Appendix A Part 2 sets out the additional data items required in respect of an
Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice.
26 June 2019
26 June 2019
Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. ESPS Pump
PPM Gen Demand Storage
Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - -
En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites
Load Up Break Point
Hot (2)
Load Up Break Point
Warm (1)
Load Up Break Point
Warm (2)
Loading Rate Cold (1)
Loading Rate Cold (2)
Loading Rate Cold (3)
Loading Rate Hot (1)
Loading Rate Hot (2)
Loading Rate Hot (3)
Loading Rate Warm (1)
Loading Rate Warm (2)
Loading Rate Warm (3)
Max Ramp Down Rate
(shall be a number
greater than zero)
Max Ramp Up Rate
(shall be a number
greater than zero)
Maximum Charge
Capacity Gen Only
Maximum Down Time
Maximum Generation /
Registered Capacity
Maximum On Time
Maximum Storage
Minimum Charge
Capacity Gen Only
Minimum Down Time
Minimum Generation
Minimum Off Time
Minimum On Time
Minimum Storage
Off to Generating Time
Off to Spin Pump Time
(Other relevant technical
Pumping capacity
Ramp Down Break Point
Ramp Down Break Point
Ramp Down Break Point
Ramp Down Break Point
Ramp Down Rate 1
26 June 2019
Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. ESPS Pump
PPM Gen Demand Storage
Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - -
En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites
Ramp Down Rate 2
Ramp Down Rate 3
Ramp Down Rate 4
Ramp Down Rate 5
Ramp Up Break Point 1
Ramp Up Break Point 2
Ramp Up Break Point 3
Ramp Up Break Point 4
Ramp Up Rate 1
Ramp Up Rate 2
Ramp Up Rate 3
Ramp Up Rate 4
Ramp Up Rate 5
Short Term
Maximisation Capability
Short Term
Maximisation Time
Soak Time Cold (1)
Soak Time Cold (2)
Soak Time Hot (1)
Soak Time Hot (2)
Soak Time Trigger Point
Cold (1)
Soak Time Trigger Point
Cold (2)
Soak Time Trigger Point
Hot (1)
Soak Time Trigger Point
Hot (2)
Soak Time Trigger Point
Warm (1)
Soak Time Trigger Point
Warm (2)
Soak Time Warm (1)
Soak Time Warm (2)
Spin Pump to Pumping
Energy Time
Synchronous Start-Up
Time Cold
Synchronous Start-Up
Time Hot
Synchronous Start-Up
Time Warm
Start of Restricted Range
End of Restricted Range
Start of Restricted Range
End of Restricted Range
26 June 2019
Part 2. Additional data items required in an Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice
Variable Applies to
Time from initiation of a start to achieving CDGUs which are Open Cycle Gas
Dispatched Load Turbines or CCGTs
The maximum reserve capability for each All non-PPA CDGUs, except Aggregated
category of reserve Generating Units
Two shifting limitation (limitation on the All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
number of Start-ups per Trading Day) Units
The MW and Mvar capability limits within All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
which the CDGU is able to operate as shown Units
in the relevant Generator Performance
Maximum number of on Load cycles per 24 All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
hour period, together with the maximum Units
Load increases involved
^Minimum notice to change the Designated All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
Fuel. Units
Settings of the Unit Load Controller for All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
each CDGU for which a Unit Load Units
Controller is required under CCS1.5.5 of the
SONI Grid Code
26 June 2019
Variable Applies to
26 June 2019
SDC1.B.1.1 In relation to PPA Generation, each Generator shall subject always to the terms
and conditions of any applicable Generating Unit Agreement throughout the term
of the Generating Unit Agreement relating to a particular PPA CDGU, maintain,
repair, operate and fuel the CDGU as required by Prudent Operating Practice and
any legal requirements with a view to providing the Contracted Capacity and the
Contracted Technical Parameters, provided that in determining when so to
maintain or repair the CDGU, the Generator may have regard to the amount of
Availability Payments (including reductions in and rebates of Availability
Payments) which may at any time be earned (or suffered) by it under the relevant
Generating Unit Agreement and to its obligations under clause 5.1 of the relevant
Power Station Agreement.
SDC1.B.1.2 In relation to PPA Generation, the Generator shall use reasonable endeavours to
ensure that it does not at any time declare by issuing or allowing to remain
outstanding an Availability Notice, or a Technical Parameter Notice which
declares the Availability or Technical Parameters of the CDGU, (including, in the
case of a CCGT Installation, its Operating Mode) at levels or values different
from those that the PPA CDGU could achieve at the relevant time except:
(d) if it is not lawful for the Generator to operate the PPA CDGU; or
(e) to the extent that the Generator is affected by Force Majeure under the
Generating Unit Agreement;
provided that nothing in the Grid Code shall require the Generator to declare
levels or values better than Contracted Capacity and Contracted Technical
Parameters in respect of a PPA CDGU.
SDC1.B.1.3 The Generator shall provide the TSO with all information necessary to enable the
TSO to implement and apply the above provisions.
26 June 2019
SDC1.B.3.1 References to “fuel” at SDC1.4.2.1, SDC1.4.4.2 and SDC1.4.4.4(b) shall be read as
references to “Designated Fuel”.
SDC1.B.3.3 References to the Price Set in SDC1.4.8.2 shall be construed as in relation to each
Designated Fuel or Declared Fuel, as the case may be.
SDC1.B.4.1 The following paragraph applies in relation to PPA Generation in place of the
equivalent provisions of SDC
SDC1.B.4.2 A Generator must notify the TSO as soon as it becomes aware, acting in
accordance with Prudent Operating Practice if (whether due to a defect in the
CDGU or in its associated Power Station Equipment) any of its CDGUs is unable
to meet the Spinning Reserve Capability set out in the Sustained Load Diagram
attached to Schedule 8 of the relevant Generating Unit Agreement and submitted
pursuant to the PC.
SDC1.B.4.3 In SDC1.4.4.3(a) and (b) the term “reserve capability” shall be construed as
“Spinning Reserve Capability”.
SDC1.B.4.4 In relation to PPA Generation the User shall provide in the Technical Parameters
Notice any revisions to the Technical Parameters compared to the Contracted
Technical Parameters.
26 June 2019
Explanatory Note of differences between SDC1 in the SONI Grid Code and EirGrid Grid Code
This annex is an explanatory note only and does not form part of the Grid Code.
The table below summarises the general differences in wording between the form of SDC1 in the SONI Grid
Code and the form of SDC1 in the EirGrid Grid Code, which appear repeatedly throughout SDC1.
26 June 2019
2. Specific differences in wording between equivalent provisions in both Grid Codes
The table below provides a list of the other specific differences in wording between equivalent provisions of
SDC1 in both Grid Codes.
26 June 2019
The EirGrid Grid Code Difference is due
SDC1.4.3.7 contains the following to different
additional words at the end requirements in
of the paragraph: both jurisdictions.
26 June 2019
SDC1.4.8.9(a) Reference is made after the No such reference is made.
This additional
word User to “(or where in wording in the
relation to a CDGU the User SONI Code is to
does not have access to where reflect the fact
it would be published, shall, that Generators
subject to agreement with the with
TSO, be sent by the TSO to Intermediaries
that User)” will not have
access to the
published IOS.
SDC1 Appendix Part 2 refers to factors Part 2 refers to factors The two System
A Part 2 applicable to the SONI Grid applicable to the EirGrid Operators require
Code only Grid Code only some data items
specific to that
system and they
are detailed here.
The table below provides a list of the provisions of SDC1 which exist in one Grid Code only.
26 June 2019
Provisions used in EirGrid Grid Code only
SDC1.4.4.2 (h) There are differences in how Operating Reserve
capabilities are notified to both SONI and EirGrid.
SDC1.4.4.2(c) The SONI Grid Code addresses the issue of
conversion factors in a different way by cross-
referring to the Planning Code.
26 June 2019
(a) This Scheduling and Dispatch Code No. 2 ("SDC2") forms part of the
Sections under Common Governance of the Grid Code. The Sections
under Common Governance are those parts of the Grid Code which are
under common governance in both the Grid Code and the Other Grid
(b) The form of this SDC2 is similar to the SDC2 in the Other Grid Code.
Differences relate to references to relevant power systems and related
terms. Where there is a difference between a provision in this Grid Code
and an equivalent provision in the Other Grid Code, the wording in
question is shaded in grey. In addition, those parts of this SDC2 that are
not part of the Other Grid Code are shaded in grey in this SDC2.
Differences between the form of this SDC2 and the SDC2 in the Other
Grid Code are summarised in Annex 1 to this SDC2.
(d) Where stated in this SDC2, the obligation to submit data in relation to
some of the information required to be provided to the TSO may be
fulfilled by Users where such information submitted under the TSC by a
User or by an Intermediary on behalf of Users is then provided to the
TSO by the Market Operator in accordance with the TSC, as further
provided in this SDC2. The TSO may require Users to verify or update
data received by it via the Market Operator.
(e) Dispatch Instructions issued pursuant to this SDC2 may be utilised for
settlement in respect of SEM generator units which have been registered
in accordance with the TSC.
SDC2.1.2 SDC2 sets out the procedure for the TSO to issue Dispatch Instructions to:
(a) Generators in respect of their CDGUs (which for the avoidance of doubt
comprise, Generating Units subject to Central Dispatch, CCGT
Installations, Hydro Units, Pumped Storage Generation (but not
Pumped Storage Demand) and Dispatchable PPMs);
26 June 2019
(b) Pumped Storage Generators in respect of their Pumped Storage Plant
(e) Demand Side Unit Operators in respect of their Demand Side Units; and
SDC2.1.3 Certain provisions relating to PPA Generation are included in Appendix C and
Appendix D and prevail, supplement and/or replace as the case may be the
provisions of SDC2 in relation to such PPA Generation.
The procedure for the issue of Dispatch Instructions by the TSO, is intended to
enable (as far as possible) the TSO to match continuously CDGU, Demand Side
Unit, Aggregated Generating Units output (or reduction as the case may be)
and/or Interconnector transfers to Demand, and thereby in conjunction with the
Other TSO, the Demand on the Island of Ireland, by utilising the Physical
Notifications and Merit Order derived pursuant to SDC1 and the factors to be
taken into account listed there and by taking into account any NCDGU MW
Output in both cases together with an appropriate margin of reserve, whilst
maintaining (so far as possible) the integrity of the Transmission System together
with the security and quality of supply (with the Other TSO having a similar
objective with regard to its Transmission System).
(c) Energy Storage Generators with regard to their Energy Storage Power
Station Demand;
(e) Demand Side Unit Operators in relation to their Demand Side Units;
26 June 2019
(f) Generator Aggregators in respect of their Aggregated Generating
Each of which (other than the TSO) is a “User” under this SDC2.
SDC2.3.2 In this SDC2, the term “User” shall include users of the Distribution System that
fall under one of the above categories and are subject to Central Dispatch.
SDC2.4.1.1 The information which the TSO shall use in assessing which CDGU, Demand
Side Unit, Interconnector transfers, Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or
Energy Storage Power Station Demand and/or Aggregated Generating Units to
Dispatch, will be:
(d) the other factors to be taken into account under SDC1 and which were used
by the TSO to compile the Indicative Operations Schedule; and
(e) the:
SDC2.4.1.2 Additional factors which the TSO will also take into account are:
(a) those Generators or Demand Side Unit Operators who have not complied
with Dispatch Instructions or Special Actions;
26 June 2019
(c) the need to Dispatch CDGUs, Aggregated Generating Units, Demand
Side Units, Interconnector transfers, Pumped Storage Plant Demand and
Energy Storage Power Station Demand for Monitoring, Testing or
Investigation purposes (and/or for other trading purposes whether at the
request of a User, for Commissioning or Acceptance, System Tests or
SDC2.4.1.3 In the event of two or more CDGUs, Demand Side Units, Pumped Storage Plant
Demand and/or Energy Storage Power Station Demand and/or Aggregated
Generating Units having the same Price Set and the TSO not being able to
differentiate on the basis of the factors identified in SDC1.4.8.2, SDC1.4.8.3 and
SDC1.4.8.4, then the TSO will select first for Dispatch the one which in the
TSO’s reasonable judgement is most appropriate in all the circumstances.
SDC2.4.1.4 Following Gate Closure 2, Users may no longer amend Interconnector Schedule
Quantities, Physical Notifications or Commercial Offer Data in respect of
Imbalance Settlement Periods for which the Gate Closure 2 has occurred
(subject to SDC1.4.4.6(d)). Notwithstanding SDC1.4.8, the TSO will continue to
rerun the Scheduling process and issue Indicative Operations Schedules.
SDC2.4.1.5 In this SDC2, where the provisions relating to CCGTs differ from the explicit
requirements contained in a Generating Unit Agreement, a Power Station
Agreement and/or a System Support Services Agreement in Northern Ireland,
the provisions of that agreement will prevail.
SDC2.4.2.1 Introduction
(b) the Generator Aggregator for the Dispatch of its Aggregated Generating
(c) the Energy Storage Generator for the Dispatch of its Energy Storage
Power Station Demand.
(d) the Demand Side Unit Operator and the Pumped Storage Demand User in
respect of each of their Demand Side Units and Pumped Storage Plant
Demand respectively.
26 June 2019
(e) the Interconnector Owner for the Dispatch of the Interconnector transfers.
(f) The TSO may issue Dispatch Instructions for any CDGU, Demand Side
Unit, Interconnector transfers, Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or
Energy Storage Power Station Demand and/or Aggregated Generating
Units which has been declared Available in an Availability Notice even if
that CDGU, Demand Side Unit, Interconnector transfers, Pumped Storage
Plant Demand and/or Energy Storage Power Station and/or Aggregated
Generating Units was not included in an Indicative Operations Schedule.
(b) (i) Mvars: the individual Reactive Power output from CDGUs at the
Generator Terminals or voltage levels (at instructed MW level) at
the Connection Point which will be maintained by the CDGU.
(c) Fuels: Fuels to be used by the Generator in operating the CDGU. The
Generator shall only be permitted to change Fuels with the TSO’s prior
consent. Appendix C provides further detail on Dispatch Instructions for
different fuels.
26 June 2019
(d) Special Protection Scheme: an instruction to switch into or out of service a
Special Protection Scheme or other Intertripping Scheme;
(h) System Tests: an instruction in relation to the carrying out of a System Test
as required under OC10;
26 June 2019
(k) Pumped Storage: mode changes for Pumped Storage Plants, where
contracted, in relation to Pumped Storage Plant Demand;
(l) Energy Storage Power Station: mode changes for ESPS, where contracted,
in relation to Energy Storage Power Station Demand;
(m) Dispatch Instruction Test Flags: Dispatch Instruction Test Flags shall
be applied to Dispatch Instructions in respect of new or amended test
proposals submitted by a Generator after Gate Closure 2 has already
occurred for the relevant Imbalance Settlement Periods (since Final
Physical Notifications cannot be amended) and the Generator could not
have reasonably foreseen the need for the new or amended test request
before Gate Closure 2 for the relevant Imbalance Settlement Period. The
Dispatch Instruction Test Flag shall be applied to the portion of the
Dispatch Instruction which diverges from Physical Notifications
submitted by a Generator in respect of a test proposal which has been
approved by the TSO. The part of a Dispatch Instruction subject to the flag
will not be deemed to be a Dispatch Instruction for settlement purposes;
(p) Fuel Security Code: in relation to CDGUs, an instruction given by the TSO
pursuant to the Fuel Security Code, with which document all Generators
are required under the Grid Code to comply.
(a) Instructions may normally be given via Electronic Interface but can be
given by telephone, by facsimile transmission or by radio telephone. In the
case of a Special Protection Scheme, a Low Frequency Relay initiated
response from a CDGU, Demand Side Unit, and/or Pumped Storage Plant
in relation to Pumped Storage Plant Demand, and/or Energy Storage
Power Stations in relation to Energy Storage Power Station Demand, the
instruction will be given for the effective time which is consistent with the
time at which the Low Frequency Relay operation occurred. This Dispatch
Instruction will be issued retrospectively.
(c) (i) In the event of a temporary loss of the TSO Control Centre as
described under OC7, each Generator shall, subject to the provisions
of SDC2.4.2.5(c)(ii), continue to operate its CDGUs in accordance
with the last Dispatch Instructions to have been issued by the TSO
but shall use all reasonable endeavours to maintain System
Frequency at the indicated Target Frequency by monitoring
Frequency and increasing/decreasing the MW Output of its
26 June 2019
CDGUs as necessary until such time as new Dispatch Instructions
are received from the TSO.
SDC2.4.2.7 To aid clarity, the form of and terms to be used by the TSO in issuing instructions
together with their meanings are set out in the Appendices to this SDC2.
SDC2.4.2.8 (a) Subject only to SDC2.4.2.9 and as provided below in this SDC2.4.2.8,
Dispatch Instructions will not be inconsistent with the Availability and/or
Technical Parameters and/or Additional Grid Code Characteristics
Notice data and Other Relevant Data notified to the TSO under SDC1
(and any revisions under SDC1 or this SDC2 to that data).
26 June 2019
Availability and/or Technical Parameters and/or Additional Grid Code
Characteristics Notice data and/or Other Relevant Data so notified to the
TSO in circumstances where the TSO issues a Dispatch Instruction to a
Generator in relation to its CDGUs pursuant to the Fuel Security Code.
(d) For the avoidance of doubt, any Dispatch Instructions issued by the TSO
for the purposes of carrying out a test at the request of the relevant
Generator under OC11.8, a test at the request of a User under OC11.13 or
a System Test at the request of the relevant Generator under OC10.4 shall
not be deemed to be Dispatch Instructions given pursuant to SDC2.4.2.9.
SDC2.4.2.9 (a) To preserve System integrity under emergency circumstances where, for
example, Licence Standards cannot be met the TSO may, however, issue
Dispatch Instructions to change CDGU, Aggregated Generating Units,
Demand Side Unit, Interconnector transfers and/or Pumped Storage
Plant Demand MW Output and/or Energy Storage Power Station
Demand MW Output or Demand Side Unit MW Response even when
this is outside parameters so registered or so amended. This may, for
example, be an instruction to trip or partially load a CDGU. The instruction
will be stated by the TSO to be one in relation to emergency circumstances
under SDC2.4.2.9.
(b) In the event that in carrying out the Dispatch Instructions, an unforeseen
problem arises, giving rise, in the User's reasonable opinion, to an imminent
risk of injury to persons or material damage to property (including the
CDGU) the TSO must be notified as soon as possible by telephone.
26 June 2019
(c) The applicable synchronous start up time shall be based on the prevailing heat
state at the time when the TSO issues a Notice to Synchronise in respect of
their relevant Generating Unit.
(a) Each User will comply in accordance with SDC2.4.2.12 with all Dispatch
Instructions given by the TSO unless the User has given notice to the TSO
under the provisions of SDC2.4.2.10 regarding non-acceptance of Dispatch
(c) Where the TSO issues a Synchronising time to a Generator for a specific
CDGU and the Generator identifies that such CDGU will not be
Synchronised within +15/-5 minutes of the instructed time, the Generator
must immediately (at the time the discrepancy is identified) inform the TSO
of the situation and estimate the new Synchronising time.
(d) If the CDGU has not synchronised within 15 minutes of the Synchronising
time in the original Notice to Synchronise the TSO will issue a Failure to
Follow Notice to Synchronise and the Generator shall re-declare, by
Electronic Interface or by other form as the TSO may reasonably notify to
each User from time to time, its Availability to 0MW for the CDGU
effective at the Synchronising time in the original Notice to Synchronise.
When a User has received a Dispatch Instruction given by the TSO, it will react
by responding to that Dispatch Instruction given by the TSO without undue
delay, and, in any event, within one minute in accordance with the instruction,
including those Dispatch Instructions issued pursuant to SDC2.4.2.9.
Instructions indicating a target MW Output at the Target Frequency will be
complied with by Users notwithstanding any tolerance bands set out in any
Testing requirement or elsewhere in the Grid Code.
SDC2.4.2.13 (a) Subject to the exception set out below in this SDC2.4.2.13, Generators will
only Synchronise or de-Synchronise CDGUs when they have received these
Dispatch Instructions from the TSO or unless it occurs automatically as a
result of Special Protection Schemes or Low Frequency Relay
operations. Subject to the exception set out below in this SDC2.4.2.13,
Demand Side Unit Operators will only reduce or increase their Demand
Side Unit MW Response to the Dispatch Instructions of the TSO or unless
it occurs automatically as a result of Special Protection Schemes or Low
Frequency Relay operations.
(b) De-Synchronisation may otherwise only take place without the TSO's prior
agreement if it is to avoid, in the Generator's reasonable opinion, an
imminent risk of injury to persons or material damage to property (including
26 June 2019
the CDGU). Demand Side Units, who can not maintain the provision of any
Demand Side Unit MW Response, may otherwise only take place without
the TSO's prior agreement if it is to avoid, in the Demand Side Unit
Operator's reasonable opinion, an imminent risk of injury to persons or
material damage to property (including the Demand Side Unit).
(c) If one of these exceptions occur, then the TSO must be informed that it has
taken place as soon as possible.
SDC2.4.2.14 The TSO may suspend the issue of Dispatch Instructions to User’s Plant in
accordance with the Merit Order (having taken account of and applied the factors
referred to in SDC1.4.8.3) to the extent that the conditions in SDC1.4.8.6 or
SDC2.4.2.4(m) arise. When necessary the TSO will issue Dispatch Instructions
for a Black Start.
Each User at its Control Facility will, without delay, notify the TSO by
Electronic Interface, telephone or by facsimile transmission of any change or loss
(temporary or otherwise) to the operational capability of its Plant including any
changes to the Technical Parameters and/or Additional Grid Code
Characteristics Notice data of each of the User’s Plant (in the case of Technical
Parameters, by the submission of a Technical Parameters Revision Notice)
indicating (where possible) the magnitude and the duration of the change. In the
case of CDGUs already Synchronised to the System, each Generator, in respect
of its Generating Units, must also state whether or not the loss was instantaneous.
SDC2.4.2.16 Each Generator, in respect of its Generating Units, will operate its Synchronised
CDGUs with AVRs and Var limiters in service at all times (where required
pursuant to CC.S1.5) unless released from this obligation in respect of a particular
CDGU by the TSO.
SDC2.4.2.17 Each Generator, in respect of its Generating Units, shall request the TSO's
agreement for one of its CDGUs at that Generating Plant to be operated without
the AVR or Var limiter in service. The agreement of the TSO will be dependent
on the risk that would be imposed on the System. However, a Generator may, in
any event, take such action in relation to that CDGU as is reasonably necessary to
avoid, in the Generator's reasonable opinion, an imminent risk of injury to
persons or material damage to property (including the CDGU). When a Generator
operates one of its CDGUs without the AVR or Var limiter in service, whether or
not the TSO has agreed to such action, the Generator shall notify the TSO in such
form as the TSO may reasonably notify to each User or in the form published on
the TSO website from time to time.
26 June 2019
MDR for any period is insufficient, and may take any shortfall into account in
The TSO may also issue Dispatch Instructions for Special Actions (either pre- or
post-fault) to a User in respect of any of its Plant in the event that the TSO in its
reasonable opinion believes that such instructions are necessary in order to ensure
that the Licence Standards are met. Special Actions will generally involve a
Load change, a Load reduction change or a change in required Notice to
Synchronise (or, in the case of a Demand Side Unit or Pumped Storage Plant
Demand or Energy Storage Power Station Demand, a change in the relevant
effective time) in a specific timescale on individual or groups of CDGUs. They
may also include selection of Special Protection Scheme for stability or thermal
reasons. Instructions for Special Actions will always be within Technical
26 June 2019
SDC2.A.1 General
In this SDC2, where the provisions relating to CCGT Modules and CCGT
Installations differ from the explicit requirements contained in a Generating Unit
Agreement, a Power Station Agreement and/or a System Support Services
Agreement, the provisions of that agreement will prevail.
(a) where appropriate, the specific CDGU or User’s Plant to which the
instruction applies;
(c) if the start time is different from the time the instruction is issued, the start
time will be included;
(f) the Designated Fuel, Declared Fuel or fuel as the case may be;
26 June 2019
(g) in the case of CDGUs , if the instruction is designated as a "Maximisation
Instruction", this will be stated; and
SDC2.A.2.3 Where the MW Output (or Demand Side Unit MW Response) is instructed until
a specified time, that time shall normally be within the Trading Days for which
Gate Closure 1 has passed. The TSO may, however, at its discretion, specify a
time beyond the end of the Trading Days for which Gate Closure 1 has passed.
SDC2.A.3.1 If the time of the Dispatch Instruction is 1400 hours, the Unit is Unit 1 and the
MW Output to be achieved is 205 MW, the relevant part of the instruction would
be, for example:
SDC2.A.3.2 If the start time is 1415 hours, it would be, for example:
"Time 1400 hours. Unit 1 to 205 MW until further notice, start at 1415
"Time 1400 hours. Unit 1 to 205 MW effective until 1500 hours, start at
1415 hours"
SDC2.A.3.3 Loading and De-Loading Rates are assumed to be in accordance with Technical
Parameters and Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice data unless
otherwise stated. If different Loading or De-Loading Rates are required, the time
to be achieved will be stated, for example:
"Time 1400 hours. Unit 1 to 205 MW by 1420 hours until further notice"
"Time 1400 hours. Unit 1 to 205 MW by 1420 hours, effective until 1500
SDC2.A.4.1.1 In this instance, for CDGUs, the Dispatch Instruction issue time will always
have due regard for the Synchronous Start-Up Time (for cold, hot, warm states)
declared to the TSO by the Generator as a Technical Parameters or as part of
Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice data.
26 June 2019
The instruction will follow the form, for example:
SDC2.A.4.1.2 Unless a Loading programme is also given at the same time it will be assumed
that the CDGU(s) are to be brought to Minimum Generation and on the
Generator reporting that the unit has Synchronised a further Dispatch
Instruction will be issued.
SDC2.A.4.1.4 If a CDGU fails to Synchronise more than 15 minutes after the Synchronising
time specified in a Notice to Synchronise, the TSO will issue a Failure to Follow
Notice to Synchronise Instruction. If a Generator requests to Synchronise a
CDGU more than 15 minutes before the Synchronising time set out in the Notice
to Synchronise, the TSO may agree to the CDGU being Synchronised at that
time or request that the CDGU be Synchronised at the original Synchronising
time. If the TSO accepts the request to Synchronise more than 15 minutes before
the original Synchronising time, the TSO will not amend the original
Synchronising time but the Generator shall be entitled to Synchronise the
CDGU, and the CDGU shall be deemed to have met the original Synchronising
SDC2.A.4.1.6 When a CDGU trips before reaching Minimum Generation a Failure to Reach
Minimum Generation Instruction will be issued. The Failure to Reach
Minimum Generation Instruction will negate the Notice to Synchronise
received by the CDGU. The TSO will then decide whether or not to instruct the
CDGU to Synchronise again, and will notify the Generator in relation to that
CDGU accordingly.
SDC2.A.4.1.7 The TSO may request a CDGU to endeavour to Synchronise earlier than the
declared Synchronous Start Up Time (for cold, hot, warm states). In this event
the TSO will issue the Dispatch Instruction with a Synchronising time that
reflects the CDGU declared Synchronous Start Up Time (for cold, hot, warm
states) accompanied by a written or verbal request that the unit Synchronise as
soon as possible. If the CDGU Synchronises ahead of the Synchronising time in
the Dispatch Instruction the TSO will cancel that Dispatch Instruction and
26 June 2019
issue a new Dispatch Instruction with a Synchronising time equal to the actual
time the unit Synchronised.
SDC2.A.4.1.7 With regard to synchronisation of CDGU above 10 MW:
(d) the TSO and the Generator shall agree on the settings of
synchronisation devices to be concluded prior to operation of the
CDGU. This agreement shall cover:
(i) voltage;
(ii) frequency;
SDC2.A.4.2.1 The Dispatch Instruction will normally follow the form, for example:
If the instruction start time is for 1400 hours the form will be, for example:
26 June 2019
SDC2.A.5 Frequency Control
SDC2.A.5.1 All the above Dispatch Instructions will be deemed to be at the instructed Target
Frequency, i.e. where a CDGU is in the Frequency Sensitive Mode instructions
refer to target MW Output at Target Frequency. Target Frequency changes
will always be given to the Generator by telephone or Electronic Interface and
will normally only be 49.95, 50.00, 50.05Hz.
In order that adequate System voltage profiles are maintained under normal and
fault conditions a range of Voltage Control instructions will be utilised from time
to time, for example:
When the TSO wishes to instruct a Generator to change the fuel being burned in
the operation of one of its CDGUs from one Dispatched Fuel (or fuel) to another
(for example from 1% sulphur oil to 3% sulphur oil), the Dispatch Instruction
will follow the form, for example:
When the TSO wishes to instruct a Generator to change the fuel being burned in
the operation of one of its CDGUs which is capable of firing on two different fuels
26 June 2019
(for example, coal or oil), from one Designated Fuel (or fuel) to another (for
example, from coal to oil), the instruction will follow the form, for example:
SDC2.A.12.1 For Demand Side Units, the Dispatch Instruction issue time will always have
due regard for the Demand Side Unit Notice Time declared to the TSO by the
Demand Side Unit Operator as a Technical Parameter or as part of Additional
Grid Code Characteristics Notice data.
SDC2.A.12.2 If the time of the Dispatch Instruction is 1400 hours, the Demand Side Unit is
XX1, the Demand Side Unit Notice Time is 10 minutes and the Demand Side
Unit MW Response to be achieved is 20 MW, the relevant part of the instruction
would be for example :
“Time 1400 hours. Unit XX1 to 20 MW until further notice, start at 1410
“Time 1400 hours. Unit XX1 to 20 MW until 1500 hours,
start at 1410 hours”
[Not Used]
26 June 2019
(a) the Declared Fuel (or fuel) to be used by the Generator in operating the
CDGU. In the case of a CDGU capable of firing on different fuels, the
Dispatch Instruction may also specify the Designated fuel (or fuel) to be
used by the Generator. If no Declared Fuel (or fuel) and/or, where
relevant, fuel is contained in the Dispatch Instruction, then the most
recently instructed fuel will apply. The part of a Dispatch Instruction
which specifies a change in the fuel to be burned by the Generator shall
be known as a "Dispatched fuel Notice". The TSO may, however, use a
separate Dispatched fuel Notice and which may be issued separately
from any Dispatch Instruction, containing the above information. These
provisions apply to a PPA CDGU. If a fuel has been notified for a CDGU
other than a PPA CDGU, the fuel may be specified;
(b) in the case of a PPA CDGU only, the Generator may (subject to the
following provisions of this paragraph (b)), in complying with a Dispatch
Instruction burn a fuel other than the fuel specified in the Dispatch
26 June 2019
SDC2.A.D.2 In the case of PPA Generation, references to “Maximisation” in the Grid Code
shall be read as being references to “Peak” or “Peaking” in the Power Station
Agreements and the Generating Unit Agreements.
26 June 2019
Explanatory Note of differences between SDC2 in the SONI Grid Code and EirGrid Grid Code
This annex is an explanatory note only and does not form part of the Grid Code.
The table below summarises the general differences in wording between the form of SDC2 in the SONI Grid
Code and the form of SDC2 in the EirGrid Grid Code, which appear repeatedly throughout SDC2.
The table below provides a list of the other specific differences in wording between equivalent provisions of
SDC1 in both Grid Codes.
26 June 2019
SDC2.4.2.4(g) Reference is made to “OC11” Reference is made to These are the
and “OC11.8 and “OC11.13”. “OC10” and “OC8.5”. respective
Reference is also made to (i) requirements in
“Generator in relation to a relation to testing,
PPA CDGU” and “in relation monitoring and
to User’s Equipment other investigations
than a PPA CDGU”. The
word “Acceptance” appears
before “Commissioning”.
SDC2.4.2.4(h) Reference is made to “OC10” Reference is made to These are the
“OC8.4” respective System
SDC2.4.2.5 Reference is made to “radio No reference is made to These are
telephones” in the list of “radio telephones” and in respective
means of communications of addition, after the words requirements
a Dispatch Instruction “Frequency Relay” the regarding the
EirGrid Grid Code also form of a
refers to “or any other Dispatch
automatic Primary Instruction
Frequency Control Scheme
(excluding governor
SDC2.4.2.5(b) Reference is made to Reference is made to These are the
“SDC3.6.1” “OC4.3” respective
requirements in
relation to actions
required in
response to high
SDC2.4.2.5(c)(i) Reference is made to “OC7” Reference is made to These are the
“OC9” respective
references in
respective of
temporary losses
at the TSOs’
Control Centres
SDC2.4.2.8(c) Reference is made to Reference is made to These are the
“OC11.8”, “OC11.13” and “OC8.5” and “OC8.6” respective
“OC10.4”. Reference is also requirements in
made to “a test at the request respect of testing
of a User under OC11.13”. and System Tests
SDC2.4.2.8(d) Reference is made to Reference is made to These are the
“OC11.8”, “OC11.13” and “OC8.5” and “OC8.6” respective
“OC10.4”. Reference is also requirements in
made to “a test at the request respect of testing
of a User under OC11.13”. and System Tests
SDC2.4.2.10(a) Reference is made to “radio No reference is made to The reference to
telephones” in the list of “Radio telephones” “radio
means of communication telephones” is
specific to the
26 June 2019
means of
under the SONI
Grid Code.
SDC2.4.2.11(c) Reference is made to “+15/-5 Reference is made to “+/- These are the
minutes” 10 minutes” respective delays
in synchronising
times which
trigger an
obligation on a
Generator to
notify the TSO of
the delay in
SDC2.4.2.12 No reference is made to Reference is made to “or in The EirGrid Grid
Dispatch Instructions for the case of a Dispatch Code has several
Mvars Instruction for Mvars specific
within two minutes of the requirements for
instruction” after the words the dispatch of
“in accordance with the Generator
instruction” Reactive Power.
SDC2.4.2.16 Reference is made to Reference is made to These are the
“CC.S1.5” “CC7.3 and SDC2.B.7” respective
requirements for
Generating Unit
SDC2.4.2.17 There is a requirement for a No such reference is made. This is a Northern
Generator to notify the TSO Ireland specific
where one of its CDGUs declaration.
operates without the AVR of
Var limiter in service.
SDC2.A.2.2 Reference is made to Reference is only made to This is due to the
“Designated Fuel” and “fuel” PPA specific fuel
“Declared Fuel” terminology in the
SONI Grid Code
The table below provides a list of the provisions of SDC1 which exist in one Grid Code only.
26 June 2019
Power Station Agreements and System Support
Services Agreements prevail over the
requirements of the Grid Code in case of
SDC2.4.2.3 This paragraph is necessary to deal with issues
specific to PPA Generation, and in particular the
fact that for PPA Generation, a Dispatch
Instruction may include an automatic instruction
of Spinning Reserve.
SDC2.4.2.4(c) – final sentence This final sentence is specific to the SONI Grid
Code as it cross-refers to Appendix C that sets out
the different terminology and requirements
relating to fuel for PPA Generation.
SDC2.4.2.4(n) This is a SONI Grid Code only requirement in
respect of instructions to change Generator
Transformer tap positions
SDC2.A.1 – second paragraph This is a SONI Grid Code only provision which
provides that for PPA CCGT Modules and Units,
provisions in the Power Purchase Arrangements
and SSSAs prevail over Grid Code requirements
where there is an inconsistency.
SDC2 Appendix C This appendix deals with fuel provisions which
apply to PPA Generation only.
SDC2 Appendix D This appendix deals with additional provisions
which apply to PPA Generation only.
26 June 2019
SDC3.1.1 SDC3 sets out the procedure which the TSO will use to direct Frequency Control. NI
System Frequency will be controlled by:
SDC3.1.2 The requirements for Frequency Control are determined by the consequences and
effectiveness of Scheduling and Dispatch and by the effect of transfers across any
Interconnector and therefore SDC3 is complementary to SDC1 and SDC2.
The procedure for the TSO to direct Frequency Control is intended to enable (as far as
possible) the TSO to meet the statutory requirements of Frequency Control.
SDC3 applies to the TSO, Suppliers, Generators (in respect of all Generating Units
connected to the Transmission System and in respect of CDGUs and Controllable
PPMs connected to the Distribution System) and Interconnector Owners.
SDC3.4.1.1 (a) All CDGUs and Controllable PPMs must be capable of operating at all times in
Frequency Sensitive Mode (including, where applicable, with the Unit Load
Controller in operation) which term means an automatic incremental or
decremental generation response (Primary Operating Reserve) to contain the
initial NI System Frequency change together with a sustained generation
response (Secondary Operating Reserve) which can contribute to containing
and correcting the NI System Frequency within the statutory requirements for
Frequency Control.
(b) All Synchronised CDGUs and Controllable PPMs must, unless relieved of the
requirement by the TSO, operate at all times in Frequency Sensitive Mode
(including, where applicable, with the Unit Load Controller in operation)
except where, in the Generator's reasonable opinion, it is necessary to cease
26 June 2019
operation in Frequency Sensitive Mode in order to avoid an imminent risk of
injury to persons or material damage to property (including the CDGU).
SDC3.4.1.2 A System Frequency induced change in the Active Power output of CDGUs and
Controllable PPMs which assists the recovery to target NI System Frequency
must not be manually overridden by a Generator except where it is necessary, in the
Generator's reasonable opinion, to avoid an imminent risk of injury to persons or
material damage to property (including the CDGU).
SDC3.4.2.1 When the TSO determines it is necessary by having monitored the NI System
Frequency it will, as part of the procedure set out in SDC2, issue Dispatch
Instructions in order to seek to regulate NI System Frequency to meet the statutory
requirements for Frequency Control. CDGUs and Controllable PPMs will be
instructed by the TSO to operate at target NI System Frequency which will
normally be 50.00 Hz plus or minus 0.05 Hz, except in exceptional circumstances as
determined by the TSO.
SDC3.4.2.2 Any Dispatch Instruction to CDGUs and remote signals sent by the TSO to
Controllable PPMs will refer to the required output at the target NI System
SDC3.4.3 Low Frequency Relay Initiated Response from Open Cycle Gas Turbine CDGUs
SDC3.4.3.1 The TSO may allocate part of its requirements for Operating Reserve to CDGUs
which are Open Cycle Gas Turbines with the capability of Low Frequency Relay
initiated response for Start-Up to a pre-determined output level which have not been
Scheduled for Dispatch in accordance with SDC1, although the TSO may, in the
event, decide to issue a Dispatch Instruction in respect of any such CDGU in
accordance with SDC2. Alternatively, CDGUs which are Open Cycle Gas
Turbines of this type may be Scheduled for Dispatch by the TSO in accordance
with SDC1.
SDC3.4.3.2 The TSO will periodically specify, within the range established pursuant to the
Connection Agreement, Low Frequency Relay settings to be applied to the
CDGUs pursuant to SDC3.4.3.1 and will instruct the Low Frequency Relay
initiated response to be placed in and out of service.
SDC3.4.3.3 Generators will comply with the TSO's instructions issued under SDC3.4.3.2 for
Low Frequency Relay settings and low Frequency initiated response to be placed
in or out of service. Generators may not alter such Low Frequency Relay settings
or take low Frequency initiated response out of service without the TSO's
agreement, except where necessary, in the Generator's reasonable opinion, to avoid
an imminent risk of injury to persons or material damage to property (including the
Suppliers should note that in allocating its requirements for Operating Reserve the
TSO may take into account Low Frequency Relay initiated Demand Reduction.
26 June 2019
SDC3.5.1 (a) If the NI System Frequency falls to or below 49.8 Hz, each Generator at
its Generating Plant will be required to check that each of its CDGUs and
Controllable PPMs is achieving the required levels of response including
that required from the Unit Load Controller, where applicable, in order to
contribute to containing and correcting the low System Frequency.
(b) Where the required levels of response are not being achieved appropriate
action should be taken by the Generator without delay and without receipt
of instructions from the TSO to achieve the required levels of response,
provided local security and safety conditions permit namely, in relation to
safety conditions, where this will not, in the Generator's reasonable
opinion, cause an imminent risk of injury to persons or material damage to
property (including the CDGU).
(c) In the case of Gas Turbine Units instructed for Low Frequency Relay
initiated response, manual Start-Up and/or Synchronisation shall be
attempted if automatic Start-Up and/or Synchronisation has failed.
SDC3.5.2 In order that the TSO can deal with emergency conditions effectively, it needs as
much up to date information as possible and accordingly, the TSO will be informed
of the action taken as soon as possible after the fall in NI System Frequency
directly by telephone from the Generating Plant.
SDC3.6.1 If NI System Frequency rises to or above 50.2 Hz, each Generator at its
Generating Plant will be required to ensure that each of its CDGUs and
Controllable PPMs has responded in order to contribute to containing and
correcting the high System Frequency by automatically or manually reducing
output by a minimum amount of 2% and by a maximum amount of 5% of
Generating Plant output per 0.1 Hz deviation of NI System Frequency from target
NI System Frequency.
SDC3.6.2 This reduction will have to be made without reference to the TSO and must be
maintained until the NI System Frequency has returned to Target Frequency or
receipt of revised Dispatch Instructions from the TSO under SDC2. In order that
the TSO can deal with the emergency conditions effectively, it needs as much up to
date information as possible and accordingly, the TSO must be informed of the
action taken as soon as possible after the rise in System Frequency directly by
telephone from the Generating Plant.
SDC3.7.1 The TSO will make separate arrangements with Interconnector Owners to specify
the response to be provided by Interconnector Owners in the event of high or low
Frequency in order for the Interconnector Owners to contribute to containing and
correcting the high or low System Frequency as the case may be.
26 June 2019
SDC3.8.1 The TSO will endeavour (in so far as it is able) to control electric clock time to
within plus or minus 10 seconds of Standard Time by specifying changes to target
NI System Frequency and by Dispatch taking into account Merit Order and
forecast Generating Plant/Demand margins. Errors greater than plus or minus 10
seconds may be temporarily accepted at the TSO’s reasonable discretion. The TSO
will give 15 minutes’ notice to each Generator of variation in target NI System
26 June 2019
DRC1.1 The Data Registration Code ("DRC") presents a unified listing of all data
required by the TSO from Users and by Users from the TSO, from time to time
under the Grid Code. The data which is specified in each section of the Grid
Code is collated here in the DRC. Where there is any inconsistency in the data
requirements under any particular section of the Grid Code and the Data
Registration Code, the provisions of the particular section of the Grid Code shall
DRC1.2 The DRC identifies the section of the Grid Code under which each item of data
is required.
DRC1.3 The Code under which any item of data is required specifies procedures and
timings for the supply of that data, for routine updating and for recording
temporary or permanent changes to that data. All timetables for the provision of
data are repeated in the DRC
DRC1.4 Various sections of the Grid Code also specify information which the Users will
receive from the TSO. This information is summarised in a single schedule in
the DRC (Schedule 8).
(a) list and collate all the data to be provided by each category of User to the TSO
under the Grid Code; and
(b) list all the data to be provided by the TSO to each category of User under the
Grid Code.
(a) Generators;
26 June 2019
(h) Suppliers; and
DRC4.1 Within the DRC each data item is allocated to one of the following three
DRC4.3.1 The Detailed Planning Data listed and collated in this DRC is
that data listed in Part 2 of the Appendix to the PC.
In accordance with the provisions of the various sections of the Grid Code,
each User must submit data as summarised in DRC6 and listed and collated in
the attached schedules.
26 June 2019
DRC5.2.1 Wherever possible the data schedules to the DRC are structured
to serve as standard formats for data submission and such
format must be used for the written submission of data to the
DRC5.2.3 Where both the TSO and a User agree that a computer data
link should be used, the method of use of the link shall be
agreed at the time, including what data can be submitted by the
DRC5.4.1 Users are obliged to supply data as set out in the individual
sections of the Grid Code and repeated in the DRC. If a User
fails to supply data when required by any section of the Grid
Code, the TSO will (unless the default position is dealt with
specifically in the relevant part of the Grid Code) estimate
such data, acting reasonably, if and when, in the TSO's view, it
is necessary to do so. Such estimates will, in each case, be
based upon data supplied previously for the same Plant or
Apparatus or upon corresponding data for similar Plant or
Apparatus or upon such other information as the TSO
considers to be appropriate.
DRC5.4.2 The TSO will advise a User in writing of any estimated data it
intends to use pursuant to DRC5.4.1 relating directly to that
User's Plant or Apparatus in the event of data not being
26 June 2019
Comprising Generating Unit and Power Station fixed
electrical parameters.
DRC6.2 The Schedules applicable to the following categories of User are as follows:
26 June 2019
to the NI System with Demand
(including Generators with
respect to Demand at directly
connected Power Stations and
Demand Side Unit Operators
in respect of Demand Side Units): Sched 2,5,6,7 & 8
Suppliers: Sched 4 & 7
Interconnector Owners: Sched 2 & 3
Interconnector Users: Sched 2 (Para 6 only)
DRC6.3 As stated in DRC1, the data listed in the Schedules to this DRC are required to
be submitted by Users to the TSO in other parts of the Grid Code and
consequently the schedules should reflect accurately the requirements of other
parts of the Code relating to the submission of data. If at any time the TSO
considers that the Schedules do not so reflect the operative provisions relating to
the submission of data, the TSO may, by notice in writing to all affected Users
amend the Schedules to this DRC. The TSO may also vary the format of the
Schedules in this way. No changes may be made in accordance with this
DRC6.3 which would affect the substantive obligations of Users. Changes of
this latter nature can only be achieved by means of the usual procedure for Grid
Code changes and will require the approval of the Authority.
26 June 2019
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 STN
26 June 2019
% on MVA = & on Rated MVA RC = Registered Capacity
% on 100 = % on 100 MVA OC1,SDC1,etc= Grid Code for which data is required
26 June 2019
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 STN
Short circuit ratio -
Direct axis transient reactance % on -
Direct axis sub-transient time constant S -
Generator Transformer rated MVA, positive sequence
reactance and tap change range % on
Sustained Load Diagram Diagram SPD
In relation to the generators comprised within a PPM,
such General Generating Unit Data equivalent to that
listed above as the TSO shall reasonably require.
Rated MW MW DPD -
Min.Gen. MW DPD -
26 June 2019
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 STN
26 June 2019
Rated field voltage DPD -
Maximum field voltage DPD -
26 June 2019
G1 G2 G3 G G5 G G7 STN
4 6
26 June 2019
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 STN
Users are referred to Schedule 5 which sets down data required for all Users directly connected to the NI System, including Power Stations.
26 June 2019
Part 1 of this schedule contains the CDGU and Controllable PPM or Dispatchable PPMs Generation Planning Parameters required
by the TSO to facilitate studies in Operational Planning timescales. It also contains the response capability data for CDGUs.
Part 2 of this schedule contains the data required with respect to CDGUs, Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power
Station Demand, Interconnectors, Interconnector Units, Demand Side Units, Aggregated Generating Units and/or Controllable
PPM to be supplied by Users by Gate Closure pursuant to SDC1. Many of these parameters are the same as those required in Part 1, but
the data supplied under Part 1 will not be used for real time operation.
26 June 2019
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 STN
warm OC2 -
cold OC2
Generation Planning Parameters for Controllable PPMs or
Dispatchable PPMs
The minimum time to connect/reconnect the Controllable OC2
PPM or Dispatchable PPM (or part thereof) to the NI System
following a Dispatch instruction
Governor Droop
Maximum Droop
% OC3
26 June 2019
Part 2: Availability, Technical Parameters Data and other data required under SDC1
The following information is required daily by not later than Gate Closure to cover the next following Trading Day in relation to each
CDGU, Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Interconnector, Interconnector Units (only in
relation to paragraph 6 below), Demand Side Unit, Aggregated Generating Unit and/or Controllable PPM. In so far as the Availability
data is not so submitted, the data to have been submitted in respect of the last Imbalance Settlement Period of the current Trading Day
will be deemed to have been resubmitted. Any further revisions to this data are required to be notified to the TSO when they become known.
1 Availability
Each User must notify the TSO by means of an Availability Notice of the Availability of each of its CDGUs (and in the case of a CCGT
Installation, the CCGT Modules within it), Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Interconnectors,
Demand Side Units, Aggregated Generating Units and/or Controllable PPM.
The Availability Notice shall state the Availability of the relevant CDGU for each Imbalance Settlement Period in the following
Trading Day (subject to revision under SDC1.4.5.1 (a)).
In addition, Users other than Aggregators and Demand Side Unit Operators must submit an Additional Grid Code Availability Notice
under SDC1.4.2 by no later than Gate Closure each day. The information contained in an Additional Grid Code Availability Notice
broadly relates to a CDGU’s different Availabilities depending on which fuel a CDGU is firing on (for a CDGU that is capable of firing on
different fuels), the Availability of each CCGT Module within a CCGT Installation and to the various long-term constraints (such as fuel
and emissions constraints) which can affect the Availability of a CDGU.
2. Technical Parameters
For each CDGU, Controllable PPM, Dispatchable PPM, Demand Side Unit, Aggregated Generating Unit, Energy
Storage Power Station Demand and Pumped Storage Plant Demand, the Technical Parameters listed in the table set out in
Appendix A to SDC1 and copied below. The factors applicable to a particular Plant are indicated with a tick.
26 June 2019
Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. ESPS Pump
PPM Gen Demand Storage
Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - -
En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites
Dwell Time Up Trigger
Point 3
Dwell Time Down
Trigger Point 1
Dwell Time Down
Trigger Point 2
Dwell Time Down
Trigger Point 3
End Point of Start Up
Energy Limit
Forecast Minimum
Output Profile Gen Only
Forecast Minimum
Generation Profile
Load Up Break Point
Cold (1)
Load Up Break Point
Cold (2)
Load Up Break Point
Hot (1)
Load Up Break Point
Hot (2)
Load Up Break Point
Warm (1)
Load Up Break Point
Warm (2)
Loading Rate Cold (1)
Loading Rate Cold (2)
Loading Rate Cold (3)
Loading Rate Hot (1)
Loading Rate Hot (2)
Loading Rate Hot (3)
Loading Rate Warm (1)
Loading Rate Warm (2)
Loading Rate Warm (3)
Max Ramp Down Rate
(shall be a number
greater than zero)
Max Ramp Up Rate
(shall be a number
greater than zero)
Maximum Charge
Capacity Gen Only
Maximum Down Time
Maximum Generation /
Registered Capacity
Maximum On Time
Maximum Storage
Minimum Charge
Capacity Gen Only
26 June 2019
Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. ESPS Pump
PPM Gen Demand Storage
Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - -
En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites
Minimum Down Time
Minimum Generation
Minimum Off Time
Minimum On Time
Minimum Storage
Off to Generating Time
Off to Spin Pump Time
(Other relevant technical
Pumping capacity
Ramp Down Break Point
Ramp Down Break Point
Ramp Down Break Point
Ramp Down Break Point
Ramp Down Rate 1
Ramp Down Rate 2
Ramp Down Rate 3
Ramp Down Rate 4
Ramp Down Rate 5
Ramp Up Break Point 1
Ramp Up Break Point 2
Ramp Up Break Point 3
Ramp Up Break Point 4
Ramp Up Rate 1
Ramp Up Rate 2
Ramp Up Rate 3
Ramp Up Rate 4
Ramp Up Rate 5
Short Term
Maximisation Capability
Short Term
Maximisation Time
Soak Time Cold (1)
Soak Time Cold (2)
Soak Time Hot (1)
Soak Time Hot (2)
Soak Time Trigger Point
Cold (1)
Soak Time Trigger Point
Cold (2)
Soak Time Trigger Point
Hot (1)
Soak Time Trigger Point
Hot (2)
Soak Time Trigger Point
Warm (1)
26 June 2019
Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. ESPS Pump
PPM Gen Demand Storage
Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - -
En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites
Soak Time Trigger Point
Warm (2)
Soak Time Warm (1)
Soak Time Warm (2)
Spin Pump to Pumping
Energy Time
Synchronous Start-Up
Time Cold
Synchronous Start-Up
Time Hot
Synchronous Start-Up
Time Warm
Start of Restricted Range
End of Restricted Range
Start of Restricted Range
End of Restricted Range
Users should also refer to SDC1.4.5.2 for the submission of revised Technical Parameters data.
The following data are required to be submitted by each User, with the exception of Aggregators, direct to the TSO:
1. Individual CCGT Module data equivalent to the data required for a CCGT Installation. It shall also show any revisions to
the Technical Parameters for each of the CCGT Modules within it.
2. In the case of a CDGU capable of firing on different fuels, an Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice in respect of
any additional fuel for the CDGU, each containing the information set out in the Technical Parameters for each fuel and each
marked clearly to indicate to which fuel it applies.
3. In the case of Interconnector Owners, Interconnector data, including but not limited to the Availability of
Interconnector Filters.
4. In relation to each Demand Side Unit, the Demand Profile and the Initial Demand Reduction Time.
5. Where there is a System Support Services Agreement in place, the System Support Services which are Available.
6. The parameters listed in the table in Part 2 of Appendix A to SDC 1 and copied below, where relevant to a User.
7. In the case of Kilroot Power Station and Ballylumford Power Station, which configuration referred to in PC.A3.3.12 the
Power Station is operating at for each Imbalance Settlement Period .
The table contained in Part 2 of Appendix A to SDC1 and referred to at paragraph 6 above is copied below:
Variable Applies to
Time from initiation of a start to achieving CDGUs which are Open Cycle Gas Turbines or
26 June 2019
Variable Applies to
Two shifting limitation (limitation on the number All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
of Start-ups per Trading Day) Units
The MW and Mvar capability limits within All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
which the CDGU is able to operate as shown in Units
the relevant Generator Performance Chart
Maximum number of on Load cycles per 24 hour All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
period, together with the maximum Load Units
increases involved
^Maximum number of changes to the Dispatched All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
Fuel per 24 hour period Units
Maximum quantity of oil in “ready-use tanks” All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
and associated pipework Units
^Maximum number of changes to the Designated All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
Fuel per 24 hour period Units
^Minimum notice to change the Designated All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
Fuel. Units
Settings of the Unit Load Controller for each All CDGUs, except Aggregated Generating
CDGU for which a Unit Load Controller is Units
required under CCS1.5.5 of the SONI Grid Code
Users should also refer to SDC1.4.5.2 for the submission of revised Additional Grid Code Characteristics data.
26 June 2019
4. Reserve capability
Each Generator and Generator Aggregator shall submit reserve capability data in accordance with SDC1.4.4.3 and, in the case
of PPA Generation, Appendix B to SDC1.
For each Plant which has been declared Available in an Availability Notice (and, in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT
Modules within):
(i) any newly arisen special factors which in the reasonable opinion of the User may have a material effect on the likely
Output or Demand Reduction of such Plant (and, in the case of a CCGT Installation, CCGT Modules therein) or, in
the case of an Interconnector, the Availability of the Interconnector Filters; and
(ii) any temporary changes, and their likely duration, to the Registered Data of such Plant (and, in the case of a CCGT
Installation, CCGT Modules therein) (other than those already notified under the foregoing provisions of this Part II of
Schedule 2).
Each Generator, Pumped Storage Generator (in respect of Pumped Storage Plant Demand), Energy Storage Generator (in
respect of Energy Storage Power Station Demand), Interconnector User (in respect of an Interconnector Unit), Demand Side
Unit Operator and Generator Aggregator shall submit Commercial Offer Data to the TSO (either directly or by means of an
Intermediary) by Gate Closure for the following Trading Day in accordance with the TSC. Specific requirements for Energy
Limited Generating Units and Pumped Storage Plants are listed in SDC1.4.4.5.
26 June 2019
(vi) if Flexible:
26 June 2019
(vi) if Flexible:
(Generators' responses to changes suggested by the TSO and Year 3 By end Oct. OC2)
resolution of any disputes as set out in OC2
Up-dated suggested Provisional Outage Programme containing: Year 2 By end March OC2
(vi) if Flexible:
(Generators' and Interconnector Owner’s responses to the TSO's Year 2 By end Oct OC2)
changes and resolution of any disputes as set out in OC2
26 June 2019
(vi) if Flexible:
(The TSO to notify Generators of any further changes required as By end Sept. OC2)
detailed in OC2
During Year 0, OC2 requires notices to be given in respect of the - Year 0 - OC2
following (the details of which can be found in OC2):
26 June 2019
Generator or Interconnector Owner, acknowledged by the
Generator or Interconnector Owner by notice in writing;
date & time OC2
(vii) Forced Outages - to be notified by the Generator or
Interconnector Owner in writing, not later than 48 hours after the
event, such notice to include the Generator's best estimate of the
date and time by which the CDGU/Controllable
PPM/Dispatchable PPM/Power Station
Equipment/Interconnector is likely to have been repaired and
restored to its full level of Availability;
Each Generator with Independent Generating Plant shall be obliged to submit such information in relation to that
Independent Generating Plant for the purposes of Operation Planning as the TSO may reasonably require pursuant to
26 June 2019
Where requested by the TSO, the Generator at each Power Station The preceding Daily at 10.00 OC1
with a Registered Capacity of 2MW, but not exceeding 5MW Schedule
must provide to the TSO a half-hourly printout of metered output in Day
respect of such Power Station for:
(i) Active Power; and MW
(ii) Reactive Power MVAr
Where requested by the TSO, each Generator with Independent MW Years 1-3 By end of OC1
Generating Plant with a Registered Capacity of 2MW and above ahead week 45
and in respect of each of its CDGUs other than PPA CDGUs in
relation to Predicted Output shall provide the TSO with estimated
Loading profiles for such Units for a period of 3 years ahead,
beginning in week 1 of the following year.
Where requested by the TSO, each Generator with Independent MW Following Daily at 10.00 OC1
Generating Plant other than PPMs with a Registered Capacity of Schedule
2MW and above shall submit an estimate of Loading profiles Day
including the half hourly output. (Following
3/2 Schedule
Days where
given as
ay and for
longer periods
at holiday
Where requested by the TSO, each Generator with Independent MW Following By 06.00 on OC1
Generating Plant that is a PPM with a Registered Capacity of Schedule Friday
2MW and above shall submit to the TSO an estimate of Loading Week
Each Supplier must provide to the TSO in writing details of its GW/h Years 1 - 3 By end of OC1
anticipated aggregate annual sales of Energy in respect of each of ahead week 48
the three following years in accordance with OC1.4.1.1.
26 June 2019
Modelling Data
Modelling data of the Users Plant and Apparatus at the Connection Point in accordance with SPD
PC.A2.1.4 and PC.B2.1.3
User System layout
Single line diagrams of existing and proposed arrangements of main Plant and Apparatus including: SPD/DPD
For all independently switched reactive compensation equipment on the User's System at 11kV and
above, other than power factor correction equipment associated directly with the User's Plant and
Apparatus, the following information is required:
(ii) capacitive and/or inductive rating or its operating range in MVAr Mvar DPD
(iii) details of any automatic control logic to enable operating characteristics to be determined DPD
(iv) the point of connection to the User's System in terms of electrical location and voltage DPD
The total short circuit infeeds calculated in accordance with good industry practice into the NI System
from the User System at the Connection Point as follows:
(i) maximum 3-phase short circuit infeed including infeeds from any Generating Plant MVA SPD/DPD
forming part of the User's System
(ii) additional maximum 3-phase short circuit infeed from induction motors via the User's MVA DPD
(iii) minimum zero sequence impedance of the User's System at the Connection Point % on 100 SPD/DPD
Details of equivalent lumped network susceptance of the User's System at nominal Frequency back to % on 100 DPD
the connection with the NI System. This should include any shunt reactors which are an integrated part
of a cable system and which are not normally in or out of service independently of the cable (i.e. they
are regarded as part of the cable). It should not include:
(ii) any susceptance of the User's System inherent in the Active and Reactive Power Demand
data given under PC.A.3.2
26 June 2019
Interconnection Impedance
For User interconnections which operate in parallel with the NI System and equivalent single % on 100 DPD
impedance (resistance, reactance and shunt susceptance) of the parallel User System. If the
impedance is, in the reasonable opinion of the TSO, low, the more detailed information in the
equivalent or active part of the parallel User System may be requested.
Where the same Demand may be supplied from alternative NI System points of supply, the DPD
proportion of Demand normally fed from each NI System supply point and the arrangements
(manual or automatic) for transfer under planned /fault Outage conditions shall be provided. Where
the same Demand is supplied from different User supply points, then this information should be
provided to all parties.
System Data
Each User with an existing or proposed User System connected at High Voltage shall provide the
following details relating to that High Voltage System:
(ii) Interconnecting transformers between the User's higher voltage system and the User's primary
voltage system:
positive sequence reactance (max, min, and nominal tap) % on MVA DPD
positive sequence resistance (max, min, and nominal tap) % on MVA DPD
(iii) Switchgear, including circuit breakers, switch disconnectors and isolators on all circuits
connected to the Connection Point including those at Power Stations:
26 June 2019
rated load-breaking current, 1-phase kA DPD
Protection Data
The following information relates only to Protection which can trip or intertrip or close any
Connection Point circuit breaker or any the TSO circuit breaker:
(i) a full description, including estimated settings, for all relays and Protection systems DPD
installed or to be installed on the User's System;
(ii) a full description of any auto-reclose facilities installed or to be installed on the User's DPD
System, including type and time delays;
(iii) a full description, including estimated settings, for all relays and Protection systems DPD
installed or to be installed on the Generating Unit Generator Transformer, station
transformer and their associated connections:
(iv) for Generating Units having (or intended to have) a circuit breaker on the circuit leading DPD
to the Generator Terminals, at the same voltage, clearance times for electrical faults
within the Generating Unit zone; and
(v) the most probable fault clearance time for electrical faults on the User's System m/Sec DPD
Earthing Arrangements
Full details of the means of permanently connecting the User System to each, including impedance DPD
When requested by the TSO, each User is required to submit estimates of the surge impedance DPD
parameters present and forecast of its User System with respect to the Connection Point and to give
details of the calculations carried out. The TSO may further request information on physical
dimensions of electrical equipment and details of the specification of Apparatus directly connected to
the Connection Point and its means of Protection.
Forecast daily Demand profiles net of the output profile of all Generating Plant directly connected
to the User's System in time marked half hours throughout the day as follows:
The potential reduction in Demand available from the User in MW and MVAr, the notice required MW/Mvar DPD
to put such reduction into effect, the maximum acceptable duration of the reduction in hours and the + text
permissible number of reductions per annum.
26 June 2019
All data in this Schedule 6 is categorised as Standard Planning Data (SPD) and is required for existing and agreed future connections.
This data is to be updated annually by the end of week 52 for each of the next 7 financial years.
Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7
26 June 2019
A Supplier which enters into (or amends) an agreement or other End of By end of OC4
arrangement with a Customer allowing Customer Demand current year March
Management must notify the TSO in writing in accordance with to 30th April
OC4.4.2.2 of its best estimate of the following (on an aggregated and/or for
basis) when the aggregate of its possible Customer Demand following
Management pursuant to all such agreements or arrangements it has year
effected can equal or exceed 2MW at any point in time: commencing
1st May
A Supplier must notify the TSO in writing on each occasion that The OC4
any Customer Demand Management of which it has notified the following
TSO under OC4.4.2.1 and OC4.4.2.2, is planned to be instructed (or Schedule
has been instructed) by that Supplier and which will in aggregate Day (where
equal or exceed (or has equalled or exceeded) 2MW at any point in the
time other than following an instruction by the TSO. Such Customer
notification must be given in accordance with the timing Demand
requirements of OC4.4.2.4 and will contain: Management
is planned
far in
(b) the length of time which the Customer Demand hours/minutes OC4
Management is anticipated to be in force and the time at
which it is to commence, or commenced; and
(c) the location on the Total System at which the Customer location OC4
Demand Management is to be, or has been,
26 June 2019
Where a Supplier wishes to make arrangements with the TSO Year By end of OC4
whereby the TSO would be given the ability to use Customer commencing March
Demand Management for the purposes of Demand Control, it 1st May each year
must notify the TSO in writing of the following:
(iii) the length of time that Demand Control can be used; hours/mins OC4
(iv) the notice required to be given to the Supplier by the hours/mins OC4
(vi) the duration of the arrangement with the Customer; and OC4
1. All forecast maximum Demand levels submitted to the TSO by Users shall be on the basis of ACS Conditions.
2. All Users with Demand are obliged to provide such additional forecast Demand data as the TSO may reasonably request to
enable the TSO to estimate the diversified total Demand at various times throughout the year.
The TSO may, by notice in writing, require Users, pursuant to OC8.4.2 to supply to it information of a technical (but not commercial)
nature to enable the TSO to fulfil its obligations relating to the operation of the NI System (examples of the type of information which
may be required are set out in Appendix 2 to OC8 but that is not an exhaustive list).
26 June 2019
CC9.1.3/CC9.1.4 The TSO shall, in respect of each connection to the NI System for which a Connection Agreement is
required and those covered by Regulation 26 and Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 3 of the Electricity Supply
Regulations (NI) 1991, prepare:
Operational Planning
The TSO shall, by the end of September in each calendar year, provide each Generator in writing with a
Provisional Outage Programme showing the CDGUs, Controllable PPMs or Dispatchable PPMs (or
Generating Unit(s) therein) and/or Power Station Equipment it may potentially withdraw from service
during each week of Years 2 and 3 for a Planned Outage.
OC2.6.3(c)(i)/ The TSO shall, by the end of June in Year 1, provide each Generator in writing with a draft Final
OC2.6.3(f)(i) Outage Programme showing the CDGUs, Controllable PPMs or Dispatchable PPMs (or Generating
Unit(s) therein) and/or Power Station Equipment it may potentially withdraw from service during each
week of Year 1 for a Planned Outage and shall, by the end of September, notify any further changes by
the issue of a Final Outage Programme.
OC2.6.7.3 The TSO’s express formal permission must be obtained by a Generator prior to withdrawing a CDGU,
Controllable PPMs or Dispatchable PPMs (or Generating Unit(s) therein) or item of Power Station
Equipment for a Planned Outage, which permission shall specify:
(i) the identity of the CDGU, Controllable PPMs or Dispatchable PPMs (or Generating
Unit(s) therein) and/or Power Station Equipment and MW concerned;
0C2.7.1 If there is a deficit indicated in any week, the TSO and the Other TSO shall jointly issue a System
Capacity Shortfall Warning.
OC2.7.2 If there is a deficit indicated in any day, the TSO and the Other TSO shall jointly issue a System Capacity
Shortfall Warning.
OC2.8.2 The TSO will, by the end of September in each calendar year, notify each Generator in writing of those
aspects of the draft NI System Outage plan which may affect such Generator operationally, including
proposed start dates and end dates of relevant NI System Outages. The TSO will also inform each Large
Demand Customer with a Demand greater than 10 MW of the aspects of the plan which may affect it.
OC2.8.5(a)(ii) The TSO will, by 11.00 hours each Thursday during the Programming Phase, notify each Generator in
writing of those aspects of the NI System Outage plan which may affect it operationally, including
proposed start dates and end dates of relevant NI System Outages. The TSO will also inform each Large
Demand Customer with a Demand greater than 10 MW of the aspects of the plan which may affect it.
SDC1.4.8.9 The TSO will issue the Indicative Operation Schedule each day to each Generator with CDGUs,
Controllable PPMs or Dispatchable PPMs, each Pumped Storage Generator with respect to their
Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Generator with respect to their Energy Storage
Power Station Demand, each Interconnector Owner with regard to their Interconnectors, each
Demand Side Unit Operator in relation to their Demand Side Units, provided that all the necessary
information from these Users was made available by not later than Gate Closure.
Initial Planning Data
26 June 2019
PC6.4.1 Initial planning data to be submitted on the TSO website including the following information:
(i) User’s name (legal and project name);
1. The TSO Licence requires the TSO to produce a Transmission System Statement (save where the TSO is relieved of such
obligations by the Authority) which provides a means by which Users and intending Users of the Transmission System are able
to assess opportunities for connecting to and using the Transmission System. The TSO’s obligations in this respect are described
more fully in PC5.
2. The TO Licence requires the DNO to produce a Distribution System Statement (save where the DNO is relieved of such
obligations by the Authority) which provides a means by which Users and intending Users of the Distribution System are able to
assess opportunities for connecting to and using the Distribution System. The DNO’s obligations in this respect are described
more fully in PC5.
3. The TSO Licence also imposes upon the TSO certain obligations to offer to enter into an agreement for a new or modified
connection to the NI System or for use of the Distribution System and All Island Transmission Networks. In the case of a new
or modified connection, the intending User's Plant and Apparatus must comply with the requirements of the CC. Where a User
or intending User requires more detailed information concerning the requirements for a particular connection, that User may obtain
such information pursuant to CC6.1, CC.S1.1 and CC.S2.1.
26 June 2019
The General Conditions contain provisions which are of general application to all
sections of the Grid Code. Their objective is to ensure, to the extent possible, that the
various sections of the Grid Code work together and work in practice for the benefit of all
GC2.1 The General Conditions apply to the TSO, the TO and to all Users which, in these
General Conditions, means all persons (other than the TSO and the TO) to whom any
individual section of the Grid Code applies.
GC2.2 In relation to a User whose Plant and/or Apparatus are connected to the Distribution
System, but also uses the Transmission System, the User will be bound by both the
Distribution Code and the relevant provisions of the Grid Code. Each section of the
Grid Code will indicate, where relevant, which categories of Users that are connected to
the Distribution System, are to be subject to that section of the Grid Code.
GC.3.1 The TSO Licence imposes a duty upon the TSO to implement the Grid Code and it is
accepted by the TSO and all Users that the Grid Code must, therefore, be capable of
being enforced by the TSO. In certain cases the TSO may need access across boundaries,
services and facilities from Users or to issue instructions to Users in order to be able to
implement and enforce the Grid Code. It is hoped that these cases would be exceptional
and it is not, therefore, possible to envisage precisely or comprehensively what the TSO
might reasonably require in order to put it in a position to be able to carry out its duty to
implement and enforce the Grid Code, in these cases.
GC.3.2 Accordingly, all Users are required not only to abide both by the letter and the spirit of the
Grid Code, but also to provide the TSO with such rights of access, services and facilities
and to comply with such instructions as it may reasonably require to implement and
enforce the Grid Code.
GC3.3 As the TO is also a party to certain sections of the Grid Code (CC10.2, CC10.3 and
OC6), the TO may also in certain cases need access across boundaries, services and
facilities from Users in order to be able to carry out its rights and obligations under these
sections of the Grid Code (for example, to isolate or disconnect Plant or Apparatus).
Accordingly, all Users are required to provide the TO with such rights of access, services
and facilities and to comply with such instructions as it may reasonably require to carry
out its obligations under the Grid Code.
If circumstances arise which the provisions of the Grid Code have not foreseen, the TSO
shall, to the extent reasonably practicable in the circumstances, consult promptly and in
good faith all affected Users in an effort to reach agreement as to what action should be
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taken. If agreement between the TSO and such Users cannot be reached in the time
available, the TSO shall determine what is to be done. Whenever the TSO makes a
determination, it shall do so having regard, wherever possible, to the views expressed by
Users and, in any event, to what is reasonable in all the circumstances. Each User shall
comply with all instructions given to it by the TSO following such a determination
provided that the instructions are consistent with the then current technical parameters of
the relevant User's System registered under the Grid Code. The TSO shall, as soon as
reasonably practicable following the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances, notify all
relevant details thereof to the Panel for consideration in accordance with GC.6.2(e).
GC.5.1 In the event of any conflict between the provisions of any direction of the Secretary of
State on the one hand and any provisions of the Grid Code on the other, the provisions of
such direction shall prevail (provided that such direction or ruling is binding upon the
person to whom it is addressed), and neither the TSO nor any User shall be liable for
failing to comply with the conflicting provision of the Grid Code.
GC.5.2 In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Grid Code unless otherwise
specified and any contract, agreement or arrangement between the TSO and a User, the
provisions of the Grid Code shall prevail unless the Grid Code expressly provides
GC.5.3 In the event of any conflict between provisions of the Grid Code applicable to Users
connected to the Distribution System and the provisions of the Distribution Code, the
provisions of the Grid Code shall prevail.
GC.5.4 In the event of any conflict between provisions of the Grid Code and the provisions of the
Applicable Legislation, including (for the avoidance of doubt) the Network Codes, the
Applicable Legislation shall prevail in such order of precedence as the law requires
between such statutes or regulations.
GC.6.1 The TSO shall establish and maintain the Panel, which shall be a standing body carrying
out the functions referred to in paragraph GC.6.2.
GC.6.2 The Panel shall, with regard to all sections of the Grid Code which are not Sections
under Common Governance:
(a) keep the Grid Code and its working under review;
(b) review all suggestions for amendments to the Grid Code which the Authority
or any User or the TO (in respect of data items to be submitted under the
Planning Code, PC Appendix A, the Connection Conditions CC4, CC5, CC6,
CC7, safety related matters in CC9 and CC10, CC Schedule 1, CC Schedule
2, CC Appendix 1, CC Appendix 2, OC6 and other Grid Code sections which
are relevant to the TO) may submit to the TSO for consideration by the Panel
from time to time;
(c) determine recommendations for amendments to the Grid Code which the
TSO or the Panel feels are necessary or desirable and the reasons for the
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(d) issue guidance in relation to the Grid Code and its implementation,
performance and interpretation upon the reasonable request of any User; and
(e) consider what changes are necessary to the Grid Code arising out of any
unforeseen circumstances referred to it by the TSO under GC.4.
GC.6.3 The Panel shall consist of the following persons, each of whom shall have the right to
(f) a person representing the TO provided that such person shall only have a right
to vote on matters related to the list of data items in GC6.2(b) which the TO is
allowed to submit suggestions for amendment;
(i) 3 persons representing renewable energy sources and their impact on the NI
System (including photovoltaic, large scale renewable generation and small
scale renewable generation);
each of whom shall be appointed pursuant to the rules issued pursuant to GC.6.4.
GC.6.4 The Panel shall establish and comply at all times with its own rules and procedures
relating to the conduct of its business, which shall be approved by the Authority.
GC.6.5 The TSO shall submit all proposed amendments to the Grid Code (regardless of which
party proposes such amendment) to the Panel for discussion prior to fulfilling any
obligations under its Licence in relation to wider consultation.
GC7.1 The TSO and the Other TSO shall jointly establish, with the approval of the Authority
and the Other Authority, a Joint Grid Code Review Panel which shall be a standing
body carrying out the functions referred to in GC7.2.
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(a) keep the Sections under Common Governance and their working under
(b) review all suggestions for amendments to the Sections under Common
Governance which the Authority, the Other Authority or any User may
submit to the TSO or the Other TSO for consideration by the Joint Grid
Code Review Panel from time to time;
(d) consider what changes are necessary to the Sections under Common
Governance arising out of any unforeseen circumstances referred to it by the
TSO under GC.4 or the Other TSO pursuant to the Other Grid Code.
GC7.3 The Joint Grid Code Review Panel shall consist of the Panel established by the TSO
pursuant to GC6.1 and the panel established by the Other TSO pursuant to the Other
Grid Code.
GC.7.4 The Joint Grid Code Review Panel shall establish and comply at all times with its own
rules and procedures relating to the conduct of its business, which shall be approved by
the Authority and the Other Authority.
GC.7.5 The TSO and the Other TSO shall submit all proposed amendments to the Sections
under Common Governance (regardless of which party proposes such amendment) to
the Joint Grid Code Review Panel for discussion prior to fulfilling any obligations under
their respective Licence in relation to wider consultation. Following the determination of
a recommendation at a Joint Grid Code Review Panel meeting, the TSO shall ensure
that it fulfils its Licence obligation in relation to wider consultation.
GC.7.6 The TSO shall, in conjunction with the Other TSO, issue guidance in relation to the
Sections under Common Governance and their implementation, performance and
interpretation upon the reasonable request of any User. If a User requires further
clarification on the interpretation of the Sections under Common Governance, the User
may request that it be raised for discussion at the next Joint Grid Code Review Panel
GC.8.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Grid Code, all instructions given by the TSO and
communications (other than those relating to the submission of data and notices) between
the TSO and Users (other than Generators) shall take place between the TSO System
Operations Manager and the relevant User's Responsible Engineer/Operator or such
other person as TSO or the User (as the case may be) may from time to time notify to the
other for such purposes.
GC.8.2 Unless otherwise specified in the Grid Code, all instructions given by the TSO and
communications (other than those relating to the submission of data and notices) between
the TSO and a Generator shall take place between the TSO System Operations Manager
and the Generator's Power Station Manager or such other person as the TSO or the
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Generator (as the case may be) may from time to time notify to the other for such
GC.8.3 Unless otherwise specified in the Grid Code, all instructions given by the TSO and
communications (other than relating to the submission of data and notices which shall be
submitted pursuant to GC.9.1) between the TSO and Users will be by means of telephone
with a facility to record messages permanently.
GC.8.4 Where instructions or communications are given under the Grid Code by means of a
communications system with a facility to record (by whatever means) messages
permanently, such recording shall be accepted by the TSO and Users as evidence of those
instructions or communications.
GC.9.1 Data and notices to be submitted to the TSO under the Grid Code (other than data which
is the subject of a specific requirement of the Grid Code as to the manner of its delivery)
shall be delivered in writing either by hand or sent by registered first class pre-paid post,
or by telex or facsimile transmission. Data shall be submitted in the format set out in the
Data Registration Code.
(a) in the case of data other than operational data, be submitted by a User to the
Grid Operations Planning Manager at the address notified by the TSO to the
User via the TSO’s website or to such other department within the TSO or
address as the TSO may notify to the User from time to time; and
(b) in the case of operational data, be submitted by a User to the Grid Operations
Manager at the address notified by the TSO to the User via the TSO’s
website or to such other department within the TSO or address as the TSO
may notify to the User from time to time.
GC.9.3 Notices submitted to Users shall be addressed to such person as may be notified in writing
to the TSO from time to time by the relevant User at its address(es) notified by the User
to the TSO in writing from time to time for submission of data and service of notices
under the Grid Code (or failing which to the registered or principal office of the User).
GC.9.4 All data items, where relevant, will be referenced to nominal voltage and Frequency
unless otherwise stated.
References in the Grid Code to Plant and/or Apparatus of a User include Plant and/or
Apparatus used by a User under any agreement with a third party.
Users should note that the provisions of the Grid Code may be suspended in whole or in
part pursuant to any directions given and/or orders made by the Secretary of State under
Article 58 of the Order.
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GC.12.1 If any provision of the Grid Code should become or be declared unlawful or partially
invalid for any reason, the validity of all remaining provisions of the Grid Code shall not
be affected.
GC.12.2 If part of a provision of the Grid Code is invalid or unlawful but the rest of such
provision would remain valid if part of the wording were deleted, the provision shall
apply with such modifications as may be necessary to make it valid and effective but
without affecting the meaning or validity of any other provision of the Grid Code.
GC.13.4 Where appropriate, in relation to OC7.4.6.6, a Generator with PPA CDGUs shall not be
obliged to comply with the TSO's instructions relating to a Black-Start where these are
outside the Technical Parameters of the relevant CDGU if:
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(a) in the Generator's reasonable opinion there is an imminent risk of injury to
persons or material damage to property (including the CDGU); or
(b) there is, in the Generator's reasonable opinion, a significant risk that to
comply with such instruction would result in damage or deterioration to Plant
and/or Apparatus and/or costs, expenses or losses, in either case for which
the Generator reasonably considers there to be no or an insufficient
contractual commitment by NIE Energy to compensate the Generator.
The Generator shall provide the TSO with such evidence as is reasonable in relation to
the above.
GC13.5 Where appropriate, in relation to SDC2.4.2.9, a Generator with PPA CDGUs may refuse
to comply or continue to comply with instructions referred to in SDC2.4.2.9 but only:
(b) where in the Generator's reasonable opinion there is a significant risk that to
comply with such instruction would result in damage or deterioration to Plant
and/or Apparatus and/or costs, expenses or losses, in either case for which
the Generator reasonably considers there to be no or an insufficient
contractual commitment by NIE Energy to compensate the Generator.
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1000 Wh = 1 kWh;
“Data Protection Legislation” the Data Protection Act 1998 implementing Directive
95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to
the Processing of Personal Data and including all
regulations and codes of practice applicable to those
persons subject to the Metering Code in relation to matters
the subject of the Metering Code;
“Event Recorder” the device referred to in Sub-Code No. 3 (and used in the
manner specified therein);
“Generator Circuits” circuits in a Power Station and their associated current and
voltage transformers which feed Metering, in each case
which are not in the ownership of the TO;
“Generator data collector” a data collector available to transmit data directly to the
relevant Generator;
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“Import” in respect of any User, a flow of electricity to the Plant or
Apparatus of such User from the Plant or Apparatus of
another User and the verb “import” and its respective
tenses shall be construed accordingly;
“Interconnections” the electric lines and Plant or Apparatus and meters for the
transfer of electricity to or from the Transmission System
into or out of Northern Ireland;
“Main Code” the part of the Metering Code entitled the "Main Code"
and comprising MC1 to MC20;
“Market Registration Code” the code of that name drawn up by the TO pursuant to the
TO Licence as amended or restated from time to time;
“Metering Code” the Main Code, each Sub-Code and each Agreed
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“Metering Committee” the committee in the relevant form established in
accordance with MC16;
“Overall Accuracy” the accuracy of any Metering as affected by its current and
voltage transformers and Generator Circuits;
“Personal Data” the personal data (as defined in the Data Protection Act
1998) that is collected or processed under the Metering
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“Point of Supply” the Connection Point between the NI System and the
relevant User System, unless another point is agreed
between the TSO and the User;
“Power Purchase Agreement” the Power Station Agreement and associated Generating
or “PPA” Unit Agreements relating to a Power Station;
“Reactive Energy” the integral with respect to time of the Reactive Power
measured in units of voltampere-hours reactive or
standard multiples thereof, that is:
“Retail Market Procedure” or “MP” each of the retail market procedures forming part of the
Market Registration Code, including those specified in
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system. For the avoidance of doubt, the Event Recorders
are not part of SCADA;
“TSO” or “Transmission System SONI Limited in its capacity as the holder of a licence
Operator” granted pursuant to Article 10(1)(b) of the Electricity
(Northern Ireland) Order 1992 to operate a Transmission
MC2.1 This Metering Code sets out or refers to the requirements for Metering and
Generator Circuits in the electricity industry in Northern Ireland. It covers:
MC2.1.2 Operational Metering for Active and Reactive Power and monitoring
Power Stations and Generating Units that Import and Export Energy;
It deals with Metering at Relevant Connection Sites although it does not require
Operational Metering at Points of Supply to Non NIE Customers nor at certain
points of generation as may be specified in the relevant Sub-Code.
MC2.2 The Metering Code does not apply to Imports at Power Stations below a certain
Active Power level as may be specified in the relevant Sub-Code. In such
circumstances, the Metering will be required to meet the TO’s current standards
for Metering in respect of supplies to large industrial customers, and the TSO will
provide the Generator with a copy of such standards upon request.
MC2.3 Where the detailed requirements for Metering are too extensive for inclusion in the
Main Code they are set out in the Sub-Codes and Agreed Procedures or, in certain
cases, in the Retail Market Procedures. In general, the Main Code contains the
broader principles applying to Metering and the Sub-Codes, Agreed Procedures
and relevant Retail Market Procedures contain the more detailed requirements.
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The Sub-Codes, Agreed Procedures and relevant Retail Market Procedures cover,
inter alia, the following matters:
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4. Meter Advance Reconciliation MC10
(Non NIE Customer)
5. Settlement Values Estimation MC4.3, MC13
(Generation) & MC14
6. Settlement Values Estimation MC4.3, MC13
(Non NIE Customer) & MC14
7. Communication Protocols MC4.4
MC2.4.2 Sub-Codes Nos. 2.1 to 2.4 apply to those Relevant Connection Sites to
which Sub-Code No. 1 does not apply.
MC2.4.3 Sub-Code No. 3 applies to all Power Stations and Generating Units.
MC3.1 Active and Reactive Energy and Active and Reactive Power exported or imported
by Parties shall be metered and Power Stations and Generating Units shall be
monitored as required by this Metering Code. Each Generating Unit which is
subject to Central Despatch (whether alone or jointly with other Generating Units)
shall have separate Tariff Metering.
MC3.2 Tariff Metering shall be designed and installed so as to measure both net Exports
to and Imports from the Transmission System and gross output from each
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Generating Unit. Data from Tariff Metering required under this Metering Code
shall be collected from the System data collectors or any other data collector
nominated by the TSO through the Data Collection System.
MC3.3 All Metering shall be owned by the TO. The TSO shall ensure that the TO ensures
that all such Metering complies with this Metering Code, other than:
MC3.3.1 all Tariff Metering relating to Non NIE Customer which shall, for the
purposes of this Metering Code, be the responsibility of the relevant
MC3.3.2 all Generator Circuits which shall, for the purposes of this Metering
Code, be the responsibility of the Generator which operates the
Generating Unit and/or PPM to which they relate.
the TSO or the User responsible for Metering shall be known in this Metering
Code as the Registrant in respect of such Metering. The User responsible for
Generator Circuits shall be known as the Interested User.
MC3.4 Each of the TSO and the User (which in this context means the User acting in its
capacity as a Registrant or as an Interested User) shall, by the date such person
becomes bound by this Metering Code and in respect of that Metering or those
Generator Circuits for which it is responsible, ensure such Metering or Generator
Circuits are properly installed and that they comply with the requirements of this
Metering Code. Details of such Metering or Generator Circuits shall be provided
by the relevant Registrant or Interested User to the TSO on request for the
purposes of maintaining the register pursuant to MC8.6.1 PROVIDED ALWAYS
that all reasonable costs of upgrading any Generator Circuit to ensure
compatibility with the requirements of any changes to the Data Collection System
required by the TSO shall be met by the TSO. Maintenance and replacement of
Generator Circuits in the ordinary course shall be the responsibility of the relevant
Interested User.
MC3.5 Unless Sub-Code No. 1 applies, all current and voltage transformers associated
with Tariff Metering must be installed at the expense of the Registrant as close as
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reasonably practicable to each Point of Supply or Delivery Point taking into
account physical location and cost. Where Sub-Code No. 1 applies, all current and
voltage transformers associated with Tariff Metering shall remain where sited at
the Effective Date.
MC3.6 Generator Circuits and Tariff Metering installed prior to the Effective Date shall
comply with Sub-Code No. 1 and Sub-Code No. 3. Generator Circuits and Tariff
Metering installed after the Effective Date shall comply with the applicable Sub-
Codes of Sub-Codes Nos. 2.1 to 2.4, and Sub-Code No. 3, except for replacement
Tariff Metering at Generating Units or Relevant Connection Sites which were
commissioned on or before the Effective Date. In such case such Metering may
comply with Sub-Code No. 1 or the applicable Sub-Codes under Sub-Codes Nos.
2.1 to 2.4, and in each case with Sub-Code No. 3, as the relevant Registrant and
the TSO may agree. Once Metering to Sub-Codes Nos. 2.1 to 2.4 and No. 3 has
been installed and commissioned, the installation may not revert to Sub-Code No.
1 standards.
MC3.7 Operational Metering shall be sited where reasonably required by the TSO after
consultation with the Interested User so as to measure at points reasonably
determined by the TSO. Operational Metering will be installed so as to ensure it
will not adversely affect plant performance. Installation of Operational Metering
shall be undertaken by the Interested User, as soon as is reasonably practicable
following the request of the TSO, on behalf of and under the supervision of the
TSO, with the TSO bearing all such costs as are reasonable in respect thereof.
MC3.8 A Registrant shall continue to be responsible for Metering in accordance with this
Metering Code, until another person becomes Registrant in respect of such
Metering in accordance with this Metering Code or until electricity ceases to be
imported or exported at the Relevant Connection Site as a result of permanent
disconnection but may not otherwise cease to be responsible as Registrant.
MC3.9 Subject to MC3.4 above, Generator Circuits are the responsibility of the Interested
User which operates the Power Station where such Generator Circuits are
installed. Such Interested User shall be required to maintain the same in
accordance with the Metering Code.
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MC4.1 The TSO shall have the right to collect data relating to Active Power and Reactive
Power and Active Energy and Reactive Energy imported and exported and data
permitted to be collected by Operational Metering by remote interrogation or
manual on-site interrogation in accordance with the terms of this Metering Code.
MC4.2 Each Interested User shall read each meter register in respect of which it is the
Interested User, daily at or around midnight, and pass such readings to the TSO as
soon as possible thereafter.
MC4.3 For the purposes of remote interrogation the TSO may use its own data
communications network or failing this, shall enter into, manage and monitor
contracts to provide for the maintenance of all data links by which data is passed
from System data collectors or Operational Metering to the TSO. In the event of
any fault or failure on such communication lines or any error or omission in such
data the TSO shall, if possible, retrieve such data by manual on-site interrogation
in accordance with Agreed Procedure No.5 or, as the case may be, No.6 failing
which it shall estimate the same in accordance with the relevant Agreed Procedure.
MC4.4 Each of the TSO and all Users shall use communications protocols in relation to
Metering specified in Agreed Procedure No.7.
MC5.1 Metering shall comply with the requirements set out in the relevant Sub-Code.
MC5.2 All Tariff Metering shall be compatible with the Data Collection System.
MC5.3 All Generator Circuits shall be compatible with the relevant Metering.
Metering shall be accurate within the prescribed limits set out in the relevant Sub-Codes.
With respect to Tariff Metering these prescribed limits shall be applied after adjustments
have been made in accordance with the relevant Sub-Code to compensate for any errors due
to measuring current and voltage transformers and connections thereto and/or due to
Generator Circuits.
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Each Registrant shall ensure that all Metering for which it is responsible and each Interested
User shall ensure that all Generator Circuits for which it is responsible shall, at the Effective
Date and thereafter, be calibrated or compensated in accordance with this Metering Code in
order to meet the accuracy requirements in the Sub-Codes. The Registrant in the case of
Metering or the TSO in the case of Generator Circuits shall be granted access to such
Metering or Generator Circuits by the relevant Party upon reasonable notice and at
reasonable times, in order to make or inspect any adjustments thereto and to attend any tests
or inspection thereof required pursuant to this Metering Code.
MC8.1.1 Each Registrant shall at its own cost and expense keep in good
working order, repair and condition all Metering in respect of which it
is the Registrant to the extent necessary to ensure the correct
registration, recording and transmission of the requisite data relating
to or in respect of the quantity of Active and Reactive Energy and
Active and Reactive Power measured by the relevant Metering and, in
the case of Metering at Power Stations, of the performance of the
relevant Power Station and/or Generating Unit.
MC8.1.2 Each Generator shall at its own cost and expense keep in good
working order, repair and condition all Generator Circuits for which it
is responsible.
MC8.2 Testing:
MC8.2.4 The Registrant shall give the TSO or (in the case of Metering of
which the TSO is the Registrant), the Interested User at least one
month’s prior written notice of a routine test and 5 Business Days’
prior written notice in the case of every site test of new, replacement
or modified Metering stating the date, time, work required and
estimated duration of every such test except where such test is carried
out as a result of an emergency or equipment failure in respect of
Metering which is already in service.
MC8.2.5 The TSO or the Interested User, as the case may be, shall have the
right to attend any such test should it so require. Any such test shall
comply with the relevant Sub-Code.
MC8.2.6 The costs and expenses of such testing shall be borne by the
MC8.3.1 If the TSO or any User has reason to believe that Metering or
Generator Circuits are not performing properly or within the
prescribed limits of accuracy referred to in the relevant Sub-Code
then such person (where it is not the TSO) shall promptly notify the
TSO accordingly.
MC8.3.2 Subject to MC8.3.3 the TSO shall notify the relevant Registrant or
Interested User promptly and require him to test the accuracy of the
relevant Metering or Generator Circuits as soon as practicable but in
any event within 24 hours of receiving notification of such
requirement, whereupon the relevant Registrant or Interested User as
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the case may be shall inspect such Metering or Generator Circuits and
make such tests as the TSO shall reasonably deem necessary to
determine the accuracy of the same.
MC8.3.3 Where the TSO has reason to believe it would not be appropriate for
the relevant Registrant or Interested User to test the accuracy of
Metering or Generator Circuits then the TSO shall without being
required to give prior notice to the relevant Registrant or Interested
User as the case may be, inspect such Metering or Generator Circuits
and make such tests as the TSO shall reasonably deem necessary to
determine the accuracy of the same.
MC8.3.5 Where any Metering or Generator Circuits pass all inspections and
tests required pursuant to MC8.3.2 or 8.3.3, the costs of or associated
with such inspections and tests referred to in MC8.3.4 shall be borne
by the User which has notified the TSO pursuant to MC8.3.1 or
otherwise, by the TSO, which shall reimburse the relevant Registrant
or Interested User such costs and expenses on demand.
MC8.3.6 Calibration certificates for test equipment shall be made available for
inspection by the relevant Registrant, the TSO or Interested User.
MC8.5.1 Any meter which fails any test whilst in its operational position shall
be removed by the Registrant forthwith and tested by the TSO under
laboratory conditions at an Approved Meter Test Station in
accordance with Sub-Code No. 1 or Sub-Code No. 2.4, as the case
may be, in the presence of the Registrant or the Interested User if
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either wishes to attend. The TSO shall give the Registrant or the
Interested User, as the case may be, prior notice of such test.
MC8.5.2 For meters removed in accordance with MC8.5.1 on circuits that are
required to remain in service either:
MC8.6 Records:
MC8.6.1 Each Registrant shall at its own cost and expense maintain a register
in relation to Metering for which it is the Registrant. Each Interested
User shall at its own cost and expense maintain a register in relation
to Generator Circuits for which it is responsible. Each such register
shall detail any relevant loss adjustment factors, specification details,
e.g. serial number and accuracy class, and all relevant matters as may
be required by the relevant Sub-Code relating to the calibration of
such Metering or Generator Circuits including the dates, location and
results of any tests, readings, adjustments or inspections carried out,
any temporary or permanent replacement of meters and the dates on
which any seal was applied or broken, the reason for any seal being
broken and the persons carrying out and attending any such tests,
readings, inspections or sealings. Such records shall also include any
other details as may be reasonably required by the TSO or any other
Registrant or Interested User. Any such records shall be complete
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and accurate and retained for a minimum period of 12 months
following the permanent removal of the relevant Metering or
Generator Circuits. Any data which forms part of such records shall
be made available to the Interested User in the case of Metering and
the TSO in the case of Generator Circuits. Copies of the results of all
manual readings, adjustments, tests and inspections shall be provided
to the Registrant, Interested User or the TSO in accordance, where
appropriate, but without limitation, with the Agreed Procedures.
MC8.6.2 Each Registrant shall pass such records or copies of the same to its
successor as Registrant in relation to any Metering.
MC8.6.4 Each of the TSO and each User shall upon reasonable notice and at
reasonable times have access to the records maintained by the
Registrant or Interested User pursuant to MC8.6.1 and used for the
purposes of a PPA which NIE Energy and the User has entered into
and may take copies thereof.
MC8.6.5 Each User shall upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times have
access to the Operational Metering data that is relevant to the Power
Station and/or Generating Unit operated by such User which is in the
possession of the TSO.
MC8.7 Sealing:
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physical and electrical configuration at each Relevant Connection
MC8.7.2 Each Generator and the TSO shall, following the Effective Date,
make arrangements for all Generator Circuits as are capable of being
made secure to be sealed by or on its behalf in accordance with
Agreed Procedure No. 1, except where impractical in the reasonable
opinion of the relevant Generator and the TSO having regard to the
physical and electrical configuration at each Relevant Connection
MC8.7.4 Neither the TSO nor the relevant User shall incur any liability under
this Metering Code in the event it cannot perform any of its duties
hereunder due to any such consent required by MC8.7.3 being
withheld save that it shall promptly inform the TSO and the relevant
Registrant or Interested User accordingly.
MC8.7.5 Each of the TSO and each User shall ensure, so far as it is able, that
physical access to Metering and Generator Circuits is, where
practicable, restricted to personnel who are required to have such
access for the proper performance of their duties and have received
permission for such access. A record of any such access shall be
maintained by the TSO or the User, as the case may be, on whose land
the Metering or Generator Circuits are positioned, with copies
provided to the Registrant and the TSO pursuant to MC8.6.3. In
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addition all Metering and Generator Circuits, where practicable, must
be made secure, if necessary by making the lock and keys subject to
similar access restrictions.
MC8.7.6 Each User shall control the issue of its own seals and sealing pliers,
and shall keep an accurate register of all such pliers and the
authorised persons to whom they are issued.
MC8.8.1 The TSO shall ensure that all meters forming part of Metering which
is subject to the terms of this Metering Code are inspected and read
by it or on its behalf by on-site interrogation not less than once every
12 months and shall give the Registrant or the Interested User at least
5 Business Days’ prior notice thereof or such shorter period as the
TSO and the relevant User may agree. A failure to notify in
accordance with MC8.8.1 shall invalidate the results of any such
inspection or reading. Each reading shall be taken at, or as close as is
practicable to, the end of a Settlement Period. The TSO shall keep
written reports of all such inspections and readings and provide
copies to the Registrant or the Interested User for the purposes of
MC8.6.1. Any resulting discrepancies will be dealt with as provided
in MC10, the relevant Agreed Procedure and the relevant PPA.
MC8.8.2 The Registrant or Interested User, as the case may be shall have the
right to attend any such inspection and reading although the failure to
attend shall not prevent such inspection or reading taking place nor
invalidate its results. The representative of the Interested User or
Registrant shall acknowledge the results of any such inspection or
reading in the manner required by the Agreed Procedure.
MC9.1 Each Party hereby agrees to grant to any other Party, its employees, agents and
contractors and persons duly authorised by them (each an “Invitee”) full right to
enter upon and through and remain upon any part of such Party’s property to the
extent necessary for the purposes of this Metering Code subject to the other
provisions of MC9. Each Party granting access must further ensure that any
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consents or other forms of approval of third parties required in respect of such
access have been correctly obtained and remain valid at the time of such access
including, if appropriate, rights of access across third party land.
MC9.2 The right of access provided for in MC9.1 includes the right to bring on to such
property such vehicles, plant, machinery and maintenance or other materials as
shall be necessary for the purposes of this Metering Code.
MC9.3 Each Party shall ensure that any particular authorisation or clearance for any
Invitee which is required to be given to ensure access by such Invitee is available
on the arrival of such Invitee at the relevant Site.
MC9.4 Subject to the right of the TSO to inspect without notice pursuant to MC8.3.3 each
Party shall ensure that all reasonable arrangements and provisions are made and/or
revised from time to time as and when necessary or desirable to facilitate the safe
exercise of any right of access granted pursuant to MC9.1 with the minimum of
disruption, disturbance and inconvenience. Such arrangements and provisions
may, to the extent that the same is reasonable, limit or restrict the exercise of such
right of access and/or provide for any Party to make directions or regulations from
time to time in relation to a specified matter. Matters to be covered by such
arrangements and/or provisions include:
MC9.4.2 the particular access routes applicable to the land in question having
particular regard for the weight and size limits on these routes;
MC9.5 Each Invitee shall ensure that all reasonable steps are taken in the exercise of any
right of access by such Invitee to:
and shall make good any damage caused to any such property in the course of
exercise of such rights as soon as may be practicable. Subject to this, all such
rights of access shall be exercisable free of any charge or payment of any kind.
MC9.6 In the case of Operational Metering, the TSO shall agree with the Interested User
(such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld) whether such Operational
Metering is sited in an area which includes both Operational Metering and other
equipment which is of importance in relation to a Power Station and/or Generating
Unit and, if it is the Interested User shall maintain or with the approval of the TSO
shall procure the maintenance of such Operational Metering on behalf of and
under the supervision of the TSO, with the TSO bearing all such costs and
expenses as are reasonable in respect thereof.
MC9.7 For the avoidance of doubt, no Party shall incur any liability under this Metering
Code in the event it cannot perform any of its duties hereunder due to access to
Metering or Generator Circuits being denied to it save that such Party shall
promptly inform the TSO, the relevant Registrant and the Interested User
The Parties acknowledge that, in transmitting metered data, impulses representing quantities
of electricity may be lost between the relevant meter and the System data collector or the
Data Collection System giving rise to inaccuracies in Settlement Values notwithstanding
that the Metering is complying with the standards required by this Metering Code. In such
circumstances any differences between electricity flows recorded on meters and the total of
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the Settlement Values recorded in the Data Collection System will be noted at the time that
the meter is inspected and read either pursuant to MC8.8 or MC4.2. Reports of such meter
readings will be provided to the Interested User and any resulting discrepancies will be dealt
with as provided in the relevant Agreed Procedure and the relevant PPA. In any other
circumstances where Metering is not complying with the standards required by this
Metering Code such difference will be dealt with in accordance with MC13.
Save as provided in the relevant PPA, no financial adjustment shall be made to any payment
to be made in respect of a day under a PPA as a result of identifying any Metering
discrepancy in respect of such day unless a dispute is raised in respect of such discrepancy
prior to the expiry of the fourteenth Business Day following receipt by the Interested User of
the Confirmation Statement in respect of such day or the Meter Reconciliation Statement
which identifies such discrepancy.
If at any time any Metering or Generator Circuits are destroyed or damaged or otherwise
cease to function, or are found to be outside the prescribed limits of accuracy referred to in
MC6, the Registrant or, in the case of Generator Circuits, the Interested User shall, subject
to compliance with its obligations under MC8.7, promptly adjust, renew or repair the same
or replace any defective component or procure the same so as to ensure that the relevant
Metering or Generator Circuits are returned to service and operating within the prescribed
limits of accuracy as quickly as is reasonably practicable in all the circumstances.
In the event that a Registrant or Interested User cannot or does not comply with its
obligations to repair, adjust or replace or renew any defective component pursuant to MC11,
the TSO or the Interested User shall have the right to carry out or procure there is carried out
such repair, adjustment, replacement or renewal and to recover its own costs, expenses and
profit thereon from such Registrant or Interested User forthwith on demand (such profit to
be based on a reasonable rate of return).
MC13.1 If at any time any Metering ceases to function or is found to be outside the
prescribed limits of accuracy referred to in MC6 (as the case may be) for whatever
reason then, except in the circumstances referred to in MC13.2:
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MC13.1.1 in the case of Metering ceasing to function, during the period from the
date of such cessation; or
MC13.1.2 in any other case, during the period from the time when such
inaccuracy first occurred or, if such time is unknown, from the
midnight preceding the day during which the disputed reading
until, in either such case, the date of adjustment, replacement, repair or renewal of
such Metering under MC11 and MC12, meter readings shall be deemed to be those
calculated pursuant to Agreed Procedure No.5 or, as the case may be, No.6 and, in
the case of disputes under Agreed Procedure No. 5, the relevant PPA and, in the
case of disputes under Agreed Procedure No. 6, under MC.15.
MC13.2 If at any time a voltage transformer fuse on a circuit supplying a meter has failed
with the result that the Metering is outside the prescribed limits of accuracy
referred to in MC6, the meter readings from the time the failure is deemed to have
occurred until the voltage transformer circuit is again restored to the meter shall be
deemed to be those calculated pursuant to Agreed Procedure No. 5 or, as the case
may be, Agreed Procedure No.6 and, in the case of disputes under Agreed
Procedure No. 5, the relevant PPA and, in the case of disputes under Agreed
Procedure No. 6, under MC.15.
Where a Party identifies that data required from any Metering is incomplete, inaccurate or
has not been transmitted or received, that Party will notify the TSO, the Interested User or
the Registrant as appropriate in accordance with the relevant Agreed Procedure. The TSO,
the Interested User or the Registrant as appropriate shall investigate and remedy the defect
in accordance with the relevant Agreed Procedure taking into account the following
priorities in the following order:
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MC15.1 Any dispute relating to Metering or Generator Circuits which would affect any
payment to be made or reduced in respect of a Generating Unit under a PPA shall
be dealt with in accordance with the relevant PPA and the TSO will provide the
parties with data on the metered values and related issues.
shall be referred to the Metering Committee who shall act as experts and whose
decision shall be final and binding on, and published to, the Parties concerned
(giving reasons therefor).
MC15.3 Any other dispute under this Metering Code shall be dealt with in accordance with
the disputes procedure in the relevant Connection Agreement.
MC15.4 Any testing of Metering or Generator Circuits required to settle a dispute will be
carried out in accordance with MC8.4 and MC8.5.
MC15.5 The Metering Committee may order payment of costs and expenses in respect of
any dispute referred to it in such manner as it considers appropriate. The Metering
Committee can demand any information it may properly and reasonably require to
settle a dispute from any Party and such Party shall provide the relevant
information on request.
MC15.6 Notwithstanding MC15.1 to MC15.5, any dispute under this Metering Code in
relation to a matter that is also subject to the dispute resolution procedures
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contained within the Trading and Settlement Code and the Market Registration
Code will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant dispute resolution
procedure contained within the Market Registration Code.
MC16.1 A Metering Committee shall be appointed for the purposes of this Metering Code.
The composition of the Metering Committee shall vary depending upon whether it
is considering generation matters or supply matters. It will comprise:
MC16.1.2 when it considers supply matters, one representative from the TSO
(such person having one vote for each vote cast by a Supplier at the
meeting), one representative from each Supplier and one
representative from the Authority’s office.
MC16.2 Members of the Metering Committee shall be appointed, from time to time, by the
relevant Party or Parties concerned. In default of appointment by the relevant
Parties the Authority shall have the right to appoint representatives from the
Parties who have failed to appoint their own representatives. Members of the
Metering Committee shall be required to enter into confidentiality undertakings in
favour of all Parties in a form specified by the Grid Code Review Panel.
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MC16.4 The chairman shall be appointed by the Metering Committee and in the absence of
agreement shall be the representative from the Authority’s office.
MC16.5 The Metering Committee shall operate in accordance with such other rules and
procedures as are laid down by it.
MC16.6 The TSO shall act as secretary of the Metering Committee for the purpose, inter
alia, of giving and receiving of notices.
MC17.1 All Users shall give to the TSO all such information in their possession regarding
Metering as the TSO shall reasonably require for the proper functioning of the
Data Collection System including information regarding the dates and time periods
for installation of new Metering and the dates and periods when Metering is out of
MC17.2 At the request of any Party which is a party to a dispute referred to in MC15.2 any
relevant data derived from Metering shall and may be submitted by the TSO to the
Metering Committee for the purposes of resolving such dispute.
MC17.3 In the event of any material malfunction, breakdown or other such occurrence or
difficulty of or affecting the Data Collection System which, in the reasonable
opinion of the TSO, affects or is likely to affect any Party other than the TSO to a
material extent the TSO shall as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter provide
each Party so affected (or likely to be affected) with a report describing in
reasonable detail such occurrence or difficulty and its likely duration.
MC17.4 Any Party that chooses to receive electronic data from Metering shall install such
computer equipment as may be necessary for such purpose and which shall be
compatible with such Metering and shall comply with any relevant requirement of
the Agreed Procedures. Each Party shall be responsible for its own computer
equipment and communication lines.
MC17.5 Each Interested User shall have the right to receive electronic data from Metering
in respect of which it is the Interested User via the Generator data collector. The
TSO shall not, without good cause, interrupt or otherwise disturb such electronic
data. The Interested User shall be responsible for the maintenance of any
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communication lines from the Generator data collector to the relevant Interested
MC18.1 The Registrant of any Metering shall own the data acquired therefrom. Any Party
shall at all times have the right to and is hereby authorised to have access to the
same and to use the same in each case as may be permitted pursuant to this
Metering Code, free of charge and, if confidential, may only release such data to
others to the extent required pursuant to this Metering Code or as permitted by the
Connection Agreement.
MC18.2 Any person subject to this Metering Code shall, at all times, comply with its
respective obligations under all applicable Data Protection Legislation in relation
to all Personal Data that is Processed by it in the course of performing its
obligations under this Metering Code, including maintaining any required
notification under the Data Protection Legislation. To the extent that any Personal
Data is data that is Processed for a purpose set out in the data protection provisions
contained within the Market Registration Code, any Person Processing such data
will be subject to those provisions.
MC19.1 The procedures for registration of a new connection in Northern Ireland and for a
change of Supplier are set out in MP NI 101 and MP NI 102 respectively.
Additional guidance relating to these procedures is set out in the market guide(s)
associated with MP NI 101 and MP NI 102.
MC20.2 Any notice or other communication sent by facsimile pursuant to MC20.1 shall be
deemed to have been received when despatched.
MC20.3 A new Registrant must be notified to the TSO at least 20 Business Days prior to
(as the case may be) in connection with the relevant Metering.
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MC - 455
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1. SCOPE 34
3.1 Meters 37
3.2 Current Transformers 38
3.3 Voltage Transformers 38
3.4 Data Collectors 39
3.5 Data Compensators 39
3.6 Data Collection System 39
3.7 Power Supplies 39
4.1 Accuracy 39
4.1.1 Overall Accuracy of Equipment 3
4.1.2 Accuracy of Metering 4 Active Energy Metering
Overall Accuracy 4 Reactive Energy Metering
Overall Accuracy 4 Active Energy Meters 4 Reactive Energy Meters 5
4.1.3 Accuracy of Time Keeping 5
4.2 Compensation for Current and Voltage Transformer Errors and Generator Circuit
Errors 41
4.3 Compensation for Primary Transformer Losses 41
5.1 Meters 42
5.1.1 Initial Calibration 6
5.1.2 Periodic Calibration 6
5.4 Records 43
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1.1 This Sub-Code for the Interim Metering Scheme specifies the facilities that are to
be provided and certain practices that are to be employed, for the measurement of
electricity produced by Generating Units and for the measurement of electricity
consumed at Power Stations. It will terminate automatically on the FMS Date.
1.2 This Sub-Code supplements the Main Code of the Metering Code to which
reference should be made. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions
of this Sub-Code and the Main Code, the provisions of the Main Code shall
1.3 This Sub-Code should also be read in conjunction with any relevant Agreed
1.4 The Metering Code will not apply to imports at Power Stations with an agreed
import capacity of below 5 MW which shall be treated in accordance with MC2.2.
2.1 All references to industry standards given in the text of this Sub-Code are to
versions which are current at the Effective Date. Where Metering is in use at the
Effective Date which was installed when earlier versions of these standards (or
their predecessors) were in force there is no requirement to update such Metering
unless expressly required pursuant to this Sub-Code.
2.2 Metering installed after the Effective Date is required to comply with the standards
specified in the Final Metering Scheme except where defective Metering is being
replaced or renewed prior to the FMS Date and such defective Metering was
required to comply with the standards set out below in which case such
replacement Metering shall be required to comply with the standards set out below
until the FMS Date.
3.1 Meters
3.1.1 Meters installed at the Effective Date shall be Landis & Gyr ZFA 400
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(d) Reactive Energy for Export
3.1.3 If direct measurement of the required values cannot be achieved, then the
required values may be calculated using values measured at other points.
3.1.5 Where the import and/or export of Reactive Energy and Active Energy is
required to be measured at the same point, these functions may be
combined in a single meter in which each energy flow is measured
Current transformers which are installed after the Effective Date shall comply with
BS3938, accuracy class 0.2 and have a rated output of not less than 15 VA.
Voltage transformers which are installed after the Effective Date shall comply with
BS3941, accuracy class 1.0 and have a rated output of not less than 100 VA. Each
voltage transformer secondary winding supplying a main meter shall be dedicated
for that purpose unless otherwise agreed with the TSO. Each voltage transformer
secondary winding supplying a check meter may be used for purposes other than
those associated with the Interim Metering Scheme so long as such other uses do
not degrade the accuracy of the check meter outside the limits required by 4.1.1
unless otherwise agreed with the TSO. Where both a main meter and a check meter
are supplied by the same voltage transformer secondary winding, each such voltage
transformer secondary winding shall be dedicated for that purpose unless otherwise
agreed with the TSO.
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3.4 Data Collectors
Data collectors shall be used to integrate impulses from meters over each
Settlement Period, store values and transmit Settlement Values to the Data
Collection System. Data collectors installed at the Effective Date shall be Landis &
Gyr FAF 22 type. The Settlement Period shall be selectable over the following
range: 30, 20, 15, 10, 5 and 1 minute(s). For any selectable value in this range one
Settlement Period shall commence on the hour.
Where direct measurement of required values cannot be achieved and the required
values are calculated using values measured at other points, data compensators of
Landis & Gyr type FBS shall be used.
4.1 Accuracy
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meter current
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125% to 20% inclusive 1.0 ±2.0%
Less than 20% to 10% inclusive 1.0 ±2.5%
125% to 20% inclusive 0.5 lag ±2.0%
4.2 Compensation for Current and Voltage Transformer Errors and Generator Circuit
MC - 461
26 June 2019 for losses in the primary transformers where required to
simulate the measurement of energy at each Delivery Point.
5.1 Meters
Meters shall be tested no less frequently than once every 5 years or such
period as otherwise agreed between ME and the Interested User from
time to time having regard to an acquired knowledge of the performance
of the particular design of meter.
Test terminal blocks in accordance with CEGB Standard 993908 (TPS 9/14) shall
be provided to facilitate meter testing and current and/or voltage transformer
checks in situ.
5.3.1 Maintenance
5.3.2 Testing
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5.4 Records
The results of all calibration tests and recalibrations on meters (including those
prior to the Effective Date) carried out in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations and the relevant IEC Publication 687 and all periodic checks or
recalibrations, shall be kept in accordance with MC8.6.1 and be available for
inspection in accordance with MC8.6.4.
The Interim Metering Scheme and the commercial processes which it serves are
shown in Appendix A.
The system provides energy data measured over both one-minute intervals and
Settlement Periods, as appropriate. Energy impulses generated from energy meters
are recorded by both the TSO data collector and a Generator data collector. Where
necessary, measured values are subject to calculation and compensation through a
data compensator in order to generate the required Settlement Values. This data
compensator works in conjunction with the data held in the TSO data collector.
The calculated compensation values are thereafter transferred to the Generator data
The TSO data collector transmits energy data via the Data Collection System to the
contract management system where it is used to determine payments made under
the PPA in place between the TSO and the operator of each Generating Unit.
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MC - 464
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1. Active Energy
Active Energy is considered to be imported when it flows to the power station from the
TSO. The meter(s) registering this Active Energy should be labelled "Import".
Active Energy is considered to be exported when it flows from the power station to the
TSO. The meter(s) registering this Active Energy should be labelled "Export".
2. Reactive Energy
For the purposes of labelling of meters the conditions asterisked above will determine
labelling where Import for active energy is defined as in 1. above.
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MC - 466
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1. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................ 1
2. STANDARDS............................................................................................................................. 1
4. MEASUREMENT CRITERIA................................................................................................ 6
Appendix..................................................................................................................................... 9
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1.1 This Sub-Code No. 2.1 specifies the metering facilities which must be provided and certain
practices that must be employed for the measurement of electrical energy flows associated with:
1.2 This Sub-Code supplements the Main Code of the Metering Code to which reference should be
made. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this Sub-Code and the Main
Code, the provisions of the Main Code shall prevail.
1.3 This Sub-Code should also be read in conjunction with any relevant Agreed Procedures and
Schedule 7 of the Order.
1.4 This Sub-Code applies to circuits with a rated capacity which exceed 100 MVA.
All references to industry standards given in the text of this Sub-Code are to versions which are
current at the Effective Date. However, Metering installed after the Effective Date is required to
comply with the version of any such standard in force at the date of installation.
3.1 General
Although for clarity the specification identifies separate items of equipment, nothing in this Sub-
Code prevents the items being combined to perform the same task provided the requirements of
this Sub-Code are met.
3.2 Meters
3.2.1 For each circuit the following energy measurements are required at or in relation to the
Point of Supply:
3.2.2 The Registrant shall ensure that Metering for the above measurements shall normally be
provided on the TSO side of the Point of Supply in order to measure required Settlement
Active Energy meters shall comply with the relevant part of BSEN60687 for class 0.2S
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3.2.4 Reactive Energy Meters (kVArh)
Reactive Energy meters shall comply with the relevant requirements of IEC Standard
1268 for class 2 meters.
3.2.5 The measurements will be produced using the outputs from current transformers and
voltage transformers.
(a) main kWh meter fitted with reverse running stop and pulse output;
(b) check kWh meter fitted with reverse running stop and pulse output;
(c) two main kVArh meters fitted with reverse running stop and pulse output or one
bi-directional kVArh meter with two pulse outputs for lagging and leading
power factors;
(d) two check kVArh meters fitted with reverse running stop and pulse output or
one bi-directional kVArh meter with two pulse outputs for lagging and leading
power factors.
Paragraph 3.2.9 deals with the situation where Import and/or Export of Active Energy is
required at the same point where a single meter can be used.
3.2.7 All meters shall be of an approved pattern or construction and, where appropriate, will
be installed in an approved manner under paragraph 3 of Schedule 7 of the Order.
3.2.8 If direct measurement of the required values cannot be achieved, then the required
values may be calculated using values measured at other points subject to prior
agreement with the TSO and providing the overall accuracy meets the requirements of
section 4.1. Where compensation is applied the values shall be recorded and supporting
evidence shall be available to justify the compensation criteria.
3.2.9 Where the Import and/or Export of Active Energy and Reactive Energy is required to be
measured at the same point, these functions may be combined in a single meter in which
each energy flow is measured separately.
3.2.10 Meters shall be labelled in accordance with the Appendix of this Sub-Code.
3.3.1 The terms "current transformer" ("CT") and "voltage transformer" ("VT") used in this
Sub-Code do not preclude the use of other measuring techniques with accuracies of the
required standards providing the accuracy, and also the longer term accuracy, in
accordance with this Sub-Code can be verified to the TSO's satisfaction.
3.3.2 In accordance with the principles in paragraph 3.2.2, all CTs and VTs will be fitted on
the TSO's side of the Point of Supply.
3.3.3 Where CTs and/or VTs are used, they shall meet the requirements set out in paragraphs
3.3.5 and 3.3.6 below.
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3.3.4 Where CTs and/or VTs are used then a test terminal block or equivalent facility shall be
provided close to the meter(s). This facility will be fitted with the TSO seals and access
granted by prior arrangement with the TSO on reasonable request.
(a) Two sets of CTs to BS7626/HD553S1 and ERS3/1 with a minimum standard of
accuracy class 0.2S shall be provided per circuit and shall also meet (to the
extent applicable) any meter certification regulations in force at the time.
(c) Where a CT circuit has an additional burden not associated with meters, this
additional burden shall not be modified in any way without obtaining the
approval of the TSO in accordance with sub-paragraph (g) below.
(d) Common return leads for two or more CT secondary circuits are not permitted.
(f) The total burden on CTs shall not exceed their rating at the rated secondary
(g) Where any of the foregoing provisions of this paragraph 3.3.5 permit a
modification to CT secondary circuits, provided that the approval of the TSO is
sought for the modification, any such request must be made in writing to the
TSO a reasonable time in advance of the modification and evidence of the value
of any additional electrical burden must be made available for inspection to
verify compliance with this paragraph 3.3.5 and also to ensure there is no
degradation of the accuracy required by paragraph 4.1.1.
(a) Two VTs, or one VT with two or more secondary winding sets, to
BS7625/HD554S1 with a minimum standard of accuracy class 0.2 shall be
provided for the metering of each circuit and shall also (to the extent applicable)
meet any meter certification regulations in force at the time.
(b) Capacitor VTs shall have a working burden which provides for monitoring of
the integrity of each fuse and which does not exceed the maximum rating or fall
below the minimum rating stipulated by the relevant manufacturer.
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(d) Where a VT circuit has an additional burden not associated with meters, this
additional burden shall not be modified in any way unless the approval of the
TSO is obtained in accordance with sub-paragraph (h) below.
(e) Each meter suite shall be fed by a separate, fused set of leads from the VT.
(f) Main and check meters must be connected to different VTs. If the VT supplies
other equipment, separate fusing must be provided for the Metering.
(g) The total burden on VTs shall not exceed their rating at the rated secondary
(h) Where any of the foregoing provisions of this paragraph 3.3.6 permit a
modification to VT secondary circuits, provided that the approval of the TSO is
sought for the modification, any such request must be made in writing to the
TSO a reasonable time in advance of the modification and evidence of the value
of any additional electrical burden must be made available for inspection to
verify compliance with this paragraph 3.3.6 and also to ensure there is no
degradation of accuracy as required by paragraph 4.1.1.
For existing installations, the installed instrument transformers may be used irrespective
of their accuracy class providing the overall accuracy requirements as defined in
paragraph 4.1 are met and also the following:
(i) in the event of a significant alteration to the primary plant (e.g. a switchgear
change), new instrument transformers which comply with paragraphs 3.3.5 and
3.3.6 shall be provided;
(ii) separately fused VT supplies shall be provided for each of the following:
3.4.1 Duplicate data collectors will be used and provided by the Registrant to integrate pulses
from meters over each Settlement Period, store values and transmit Settlement Values to
the Data Collection System.
(a) the data collectors must have a minimum of sixteen channels and be capable of
storing the recorded demand Settlement Values during failure of the AC power
(b) on demand from the central collection station the data collector will transfer the
recorded Settlement Values without loss or error. The Settlement Values must
also be transferable manually using a portable collection device (personal
computer/hand held unit/removable memory module etc) of a type compatible
with the system used by the TSO;
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(c) in the event of failure of communications with the central collection station the
data collector will be capable of storing a minimum of five channels of demand
values per feeder for a minimum period of 20 days with an integrating period of
30 minutes. This 20 day period may reduce pro rata dependent on the notified
demand period selected as described in paragraph 3.4.3 below. Access to the
manual transfer facility will be secured, in accordance with the relevant Agreed
Procedures, from unauthorised interference.
3.4.3 The settlement period shall be selectable over the following range: 30, 20, 15, 10, and 5
minutes and will be notified by the TSO. For any selectable value in this range one
Settlement Period shall commence on the hour.
3.4.4 Monitoring facilities shall be provided for data collector fault conditions and also to
record instances of local interrogation access which changes data and also tagged
wherever possible to the relevant Settlement Period(s). All the above conditions will be
reported as, at minimum, a common alarm via the remote interrogation facility.
3.5.1 Communications
The means of communication between the data collector and the central collection
station will be secured, by the TSO, in accordance with the relevant Agreed Procedure,
from interference. The normal path will be across PSTN or PTN networks and any
modem will be BABT approved. However, as technological changes take place this
may change in the future and all points of interface shall be programmable to
accommodate other equipment which may be used, as technology develops. The TSO
will liaise with Users on such developments.
The TSO central collection station will interrogate each data collector. All the TSO
operations carried out either manually or automatically shall be protected by a security
system or by an operational log produced by the system or both. The TSO central
collection station will synchronise the outstations during interrogation by interfacing
with its own radio clock. Following receipt of all data from the outstation the kWh and
kVArh lag and lead totals for each meter will be transferred by the TSO to a file for
onward transmission to the TSO's centralised computing facilities.
Where a measurement VT source is used and the outstation is storing data for more than
one circuit, a voltage select or relay scheme using each circuit involved shall be
provided. Local and remote phase failure indications shall be provided.
3.6 Facilities
The metering equipment shall be capable of providing the following information locally from
voltage free (clean contacts) outputs:
(a) impulsing for kWh and either kVAh or kVArh with a normal duration of 80ms per
pulse; and
MC - 472
26 June 2019
(b) a 30 minute reset pulse with a minimum duration of 0.5 second and a maximum duration
of 10 seconds; and
4.1 Accuracy
*This requirement shall only apply where the energy transfers to be measured
by the Import meter and/or the Export meter during normal operating conditions
are such that the Rated Measuring Current will be below 5% (excluding zero)
for periods equivalent to 10% or greater per annum.
MC - 473
26 June 2019
(c) The duration of each Settlement Period shall be within +/- 0.1% of the required
duration, except where synchronisation has occurred in a Settlement Period.
Compensation shall be made for errors of current and voltage transformers and/or lead
electrical burdens, if possible, in the meter calibration.
Where the installed Metering location and the Point of Supply do not coincide then,
where necessary, compensation for power transformer and/or line losses shall be
provided to meet the overall accuracy at the boundary point defined in paragraph 3.2.2.
Compensation shall be made in the relevant data collector and the formula for
calculation shall be agreed between the TSO and the relevant User.
4.2.3 Where existing calibration records do not exist, a recalibration test shall be carried out
where practicable. Values of compensation shall be recorded and evidence to justify the
compensation criteria shall be made available for inspection, including, wherever
possible, test certificates as required by MC8.6.1 and MC8.6.4.
5.1 Meters
Meters shall be calibrated and tested in accordance with the requirements of Sub-Code No. 2.4 -
"Sub-Code for the Calibration, Testing and Commissioning Requirements for Metering".
Measuring transformers shall be supplied with known characteristics within the requirements of
paragraph 3.3 of this Sub-Code. No periodic recalibration is required.
Sealable test terminal blocks shall be provided to facilitate meter testing and current and/or
voltage transformer checks in situ. Test terminal blocks shall comply with Electricity Association
Technical (EAT) Specification 50-18.
5.4.1 Maintenance
5.4.2 Testing
There is no requirement for routine tests of data collectors. Testing of data collectors
shall be carried out in accordance with MC8.4.
MC - 474
26 June 2019
5.5 Records
The results of all calibration tests and recalibration tests on meters carried out in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations and IEC Publication 687 and records of all periodic checks or
recalibrations shall be kept in accordance with MC8.6.1 and be available for inspection in
accordance with MC8.6.4.
MC - 475
26 June 2019
Active Energy is considered to be Imported when it flows to the User System from the NI
System. The meter(s) registering this Active Energy should be labelled "Import".
Active Energy is considered to be Exported when it flows from the User System to the NI
System. The meter(s) registering this Active Energy should be labelled "Export".
For the purposes of labelling of meters the conditions asterisked above will determine labelling
where Import for Active Energy is defined as in 1. above.
MC - 476
26 June 2019
MC - 477
26 June 2019
1. SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................1
2. STANDARDS...........................................................................................................................1
4. MEASUREMENT CRITERIA..............................................................................................6
MC - 478
26 June 2019
1.1 This Sub-Code No. 2.2 specifies the metering facilities which must be provided and certain
practices that must be employed for the measurement of electrical energy flows associated with:
1.2 This Sub-Code supplements the Main Code of the Metering Code to which reference should be
made. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this Sub-Code and the Main
Code, the provisions of the Main Code shall prevail.
1.3 This Sub-Code should also be read in conjunction with any relevant Agreed Procedures and
Schedule 7 of the Order.
1.4 This Sub-Code applies to circuits with a rated capacity which exceed 10 MVA and up to and
including 100 MVA.
1.5 For the purposes of this Sub-Code, the criteria for a Customer supply (import active energy) to be
over 10 MVA is that monthly maximum demand in each of the three months of the highest
maximum demand on the NI System in each period of 12 consecutive months exceeds 10 MVA.
For a new supply, a maximum demand is formally agreed between the customer and the TSO
and this is periodically reviewed thereafter.
2.1 All references to industry standards given in the text of this Sub-Code are to versions which are
current at the Effective Date. However, Metering installed after the Effective Date is required to
comply with the version of any such standard in force at the date of installation.
3.1 General
Although for clarity the specification identifies separate items of equipment, nothing in this Sub-
Code prevents the items being combined to perform the same task provided the requirements of
this Sub-Code are met.
3.2 Meters
3.2.1 For each circuit the following energy measurements are required at or in relation to the
Point of Supply:
* Subject to agreement of the TSO where system or plant conditions permit, either the
Import or Export quantities may be omitted.
MC - 479
26 June 2019
3.2.2 The Registrant shall ensure that Metering for the above measurements shall normally be
provided on the TSO side of the Point of Supply in order to measure required Settlement
Active Energy meters shall comply with the relevant clauses of BS5685/IEC521 for
class 0.5 meters or the relevant part of BSEN60687 for class 0.5S static meters.
Reactive Energy meters shall comply with IEC Standard 1268 or BS5685 Part 4 for
class 3 meters.
3.2.5 The measurements will be produced using the outputs from current transformers and
voltage transformers in the case of circuits given at voltages above 400 volts; in the case
of circuits given at 400 volts or less than 400 volts, the measurement voltage will be 400
volts (line voltage)/230 volts (phase voltage).
(a) main kWh meter fitted with reverse running stop and pulse output;
(b) check kWh meter fitted with reverse running stop and pulse output;
(c) two kVArh meters fitted with reverse running stop and pulse output or one bi-
directional kVArh meter with two pulse outputs for lagging and leading power
Paragraph 3.2.9 deals with the situation where Import and/or Export of Active Energy is
required at the same point, where a single meter can be used.
3.2.7 All meters shall be of an approved pattern or construction and, where appropriate, will
be installed in an approved manner under paragraph 3 of Schedule 7 of the Order.
3.2.8 If direct measurement of the required values cannot be achieved, then the required
values may be calculated using values measured at other points subject to prior
agreement with the TSO and providing the overall accuracy meets the requirements of
section 4.1. Where compensation is applied the values shall be recorded and supporting
evidence shall be available to justify the compensation criteria.
3.2.9 Where the Import and/or Export of Active Energy and Reactive Energy is required to be
measured at the same point, these functions may be combined in a single meter in which
each energy flow is measured separately.
3.2.10 Meters shall be labelled in accordance with the Appendix of this Sub-Code.
3.3.1 The terms "current transformer" ("CT") and "voltage transformer" ("VT") used in this
Sub-Code do not preclude the use of other measuring techniques with accuracies of the
required standards providing the accuracy, and also the longer term accuracy, in
accordance with this Sub-Code can be verified to the TSO's satisfaction.
MC - 480
26 June 2019
3.3.2 In accordance with the principles in paragraph 3.2.2, all CTs and VTs will be fitted on
the TSO's side of the Point of Supply.
3.3.3 Where CTs and/or VTs are used, they shall meet the requirements set out in paragraphs
3.3.5 and 3.3.6 below.
3.3.4 Where CTs and/or VTs are used then a test terminal block or equivalent facility shall be
provided by the TSO close to the meter(s). This facility will be fitted with the TSO seals
and access granted by prior arrangement with the TSO on reasonable request.
(a) One set of CTs to BS7626/HD553S1 and ERS3/1 with a minimum standard of
accuracy class 0.2 shall be provided per circuit and shall also meet (to the extent
applicable) any meter certification regulations in force at the time.
(c) Where a CT circuit has an additional burden not associated with meters, this
additional burden shall not be modified in any way without obtaining the
approval of the TSO in accordance with sub-paragraph (g) below.
(d) Common return leads for two or more CT secondary circuits are not permitted.
(f) The total burden on CTs shall not exceed their rating at the rated secondary
(g) Where any of the foregoing provisions of this paragraph 3.3.5 permit a
modification to CT secondary circuits, provided that the approval of the TSO is
sought for the modification, any such request must be made in writing to the
TSO a reasonable time in advance of the modification and evidence of the value
of any additional electrical burden must be made available for inspection to
verify compliance with this paragraph 3.3.5 and also to ensure there is no
degradation of the accuracy required by paragraph 4.1.1.
(b) Capacitor VTs shall have a working burden which provides for monitoring of
the integrity of each fuse and which does not exceed the maximum rating or fall
below the minimum rating stipulated by the relevant manufacturer.
MC - 481
26 June 2019
(c) Each VT secondary winding supplying a main meter shall be dedicated to
metering purposes only. Each VT secondary winding only supplying a check
meter may be used for other purposes so long as other uses do not degrade the
accuracy of the check meter outside the limits required by paragraph 4.1.1 and
sub-paragraph (g) below and the TSO is notified of such other uses in
accordance with sub-paragraph (h) below.
(d) Where a VT circuit has an additional burden not associated with meters, this
additional burden shall not be modified in any way unless the approval of the
TSO is obtained in accordance with sub-paragraph (h) below.
(e) Each meter suite shall be fed by a separate, fused set of leads from the VT.
(f) Main and check meters must be connected to different VTs. If the VT supplies
other equipment, separate fusing must be provided for the metering equipment.
(g) The total burden on VTs shall not exceed their rating at the rated secondary
(h) Where any of the foregoing provisions of this paragraph 3.3.6 permit a
modification to VT secondary circuits, provided that the approval of the TSO is
sought for the modification, any such request must be made in writing to the
TSO a reasonable time in advance of the modification and evidence of the value
of any additional electrical burden must be made available for inspection to
verify compliance with this paragraph 3.3.6 and also to ensure there is no
degradation of accuracy as required by paragraph 4.1.1.
For existing installations, the installed instrument transformers may be used irrespective
of their accuracy class providing the overall accuracy requirements as defined in
paragraph 4.1 are met and also the following:
(i) in the event of a significant alteration to the primary plant (e.g. a switchgear
change), new instrument transformers which comply with paragraphs 3.3.5 and
3.3.6 shall be provided;
(ii) separately fused VT supplies shall be provided for each of the following:
3.4.1 Data collectors will be used and provided by the Registrant to integrate pulses from
meters over each Settlement Period, store values and transmit Settlement Values to the
Data Collection System.
(a) the data collectors must have a minimum of sixteen channels and be capable of
storing the recorded demand Settlement Values during failure of the AC power
MC - 482
26 June 2019
(b) on demand from the central collection station the data collector will transfer the
recorded Settlement Values without loss or error. The Settlement Values must
also be transferable manually using a portable collection device (personal
computer/hand held unit/removable memory module etc) of a type compatible
with the system used by the TSO;
(c) in the event of failure of communications with the central collection station the
data collector will be capable of storing a minimum of five channels of demand
values per feeder for a minimum period of 20 days with an integrating period of
30 minutes. This 20 day period may reduce pro rata dependent on the notified
demand period selected as described in paragraph 3.4.3 below. Access to the
manual transfer facility will be secured, in accordance with the relevant Agreed
Procedures, from unauthorised interference.
3.4.3 The settlement period shall be selectable over the following range: 30, 20, 15, 10, and 5
minutes and will be notified by the TSO. For any selectable value in this range one
Settlement Period shall commence on the hour.
3.4.4 Monitoring facilities shall be provided for data collector fault conditions and also to
record instances of local interrogation access which changes data and tagged wherever
possible to the relevant Settlement Period(s). All the above conditions shall be reported
as, at minimum, a common alarm via the remote interrogation facility.
3.5.1 Communications
The means of communication between the data collector and the central collection
station will be secured, by the TSO, in accordance with the relevant Agreed Procedure,
from interference. The normal path will be across PSTN or PTN networks and any
modem will be BABT approved. However, as technological changes take place this
may change in the future and all points of interface shall be programmable to
accommodate other equipment which may be used, as technology develops. The TSO
will liaise with Users on such developments.
The TSO central collection station will interrogate each data collector. All the TSO
operations carried out either manually or automatically shall be protected by a security
system or by an operational log produced by the system or both. The TSO central
collection station will synchronise the outstations during interrogation by interfacing
with its own radio clock. Following receipt of all data from the outstation the kWh and
kVArh lag and lead totals for each meter will be transferred by the TSO to a file for
onward transmission to the TSO's centralised computing facilities.
Where a measurement VT source is used and the outstation is storing data for more than
one circuit, a voltage select or relay scheme using each circuit involved shall be
provided. Local and remote phase failure indications shall be provided.
MC - 483
26 June 2019
3.6 Facilities
The metering equipment shall be capable of providing the following information locally from
voltage free (clean contacts) outputs:
(a) impulsing for kWh and either kVAh or kVArh with a normal duration of 80ms per
pulse; and
(b) a 30 minute reset pulse with a minimum duration of 0.5 second and a maximum duration
of 10 seconds; and
4.1 Accuracy
(b) The commencement of each Settlement Period shall be within 10 seconds of the
Standard Time.
MC - 484
26 June 2019
(c) The duration of each Settlement Period shall be within +/- 0.1% of the required
duration, except where synchronisation has occurred in a Settlement Period.
Compensation shall be made for errors of current and voltage transformers and/or lead
electrical burdens, if possible, in the meter calibration.
Where the installed Metering location and the Point of Supply do not coincide then,
where necessary, compensation for power transformer and/or line losses shall be
provided to meet the overall accuracy at the boundary point defined in paragraph 3.2.2.
Compensation shall be made in the relevant data collector and the formula for
calculation shall be agreed between the TSO and the relevant User.
4.2.3 Where existing calibration records do not exist, a recalibration test shall be carried out
where practicable. Values of compensation shall be recorded and evidence to justify the
compensation criteria shall be made available for inspection, including, wherever
possible, test certificates as required by MC8.6.1 and MC8.6.4.
5.1 Meters
Meters shall be calibrated and tested in accordance with the requirements of Sub-Code No. 2.4 -
"Sub-Code for the Calibration, Testing and Commissioning Requirements for Metering".
Measuring transformers shall be supplied with known characteristics within the requirements of
paragraph 3.3 of this Sub-Code. No periodic recalibration is required.
Sealable test terminal blocks shall be provided to facilitate meter testing and current and/or
voltage transformer checks in situ. Test terminal blocks shall comply with Electricity Association
Technical (EAT) Specification 50-18.
5.4.1 Maintenance
5.4.2 Testing
There is no requirement for routine tests of data collectors. Testing of data collectors
shall be carried out in accordance with MC8.4.
MC - 485
26 June 2019
5.5 Records
The results of all calibration tests and recalibration tests on meters carried out in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations and IEC Publication 687 and records of all periodic checks or
recalibrations shall be kept in accordance with MC8.6.1 and be available for inspection in
accordance with MC8.6.4.
MC - 486
26 June 2019
Active Energy is considered to be Imported when it flows to the User System from the NI
System. The meter(s) registering this Active Energy should be labelled "Import".
Active Energy is considered to be Exported when it flows from the User System to the NI
System. The meter(s) registering this Active Energy should be labelled "Export".
For the purposes of labelling of meters the conditions asterisked above will determine labelling
where Import for Active Energy is defined as in 1 above.
MC - 487
26 June 2019
MC - 488
26 June 2019
1. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................... 1
2. STANDARDS......................................................................................................................... 1
4. MEASUREMENT CRITERIA............................................................................................ 6
Appendix................................................................................................................................. 9
MC - 489
26 June 2019
1.1 This Sub-Code No. 2.3 specifies the metering facilities which must be provided and certain
practices that must be employed for the measurement of electrical energy flows associated with:
1.2 This Sub-Code supplements the Main Code of the Metering Code to which reference should be
made. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this Sub-Code and the Main
Code, the provisions of the Main Code shall prevail.
1.3 This Sub-Code should also be read in conjunction with any relevant Agreed Procedures and
Schedule 7 of the Order.
1.4 This Sub-Code does not apply to circuits with a rated capacity of less than 70 kVA nor to circuits
with a rated capacity greater than 10 MVA, and for such circuits metering arrangements shall
meet the relevant Sub-Codes or where there are no applicable Sub-Codes, as agreed with the
TSO, and shall be in accordance with Schedule 7 of the Order.
1.5 For the purposes of this Sub-Code, the criteria for a Customer supply (import active energy) to be
over 10 MVA is that monthly maximum demand in each of the three months of the highest
maximum demand on the NI System in each period of 12 consecutive months exceeds 10 MVA.
For a new supply, a maximum demand is formally agreed between the customer and the TSO
and this is periodically reviewed thereafter.
2.1 All references to industry standards given in the text of this Sub-Code are to versions which are
current at the Effective Date. However, Metering installed after the Effective Date is required to
comply with the version of any such standard in force at the date of installation.
3.1 General
Although for clarity the specification identifies separate items of equipment, nothing in this Sub-
Code prevents the items being combined to perform the same task provided the requirements of
this Sub-Code are met.
3.2 Meters
3.2.1 For each circuit the following energy measurements are required at or in relation to the
Point of supply:
3.2.2 The Registrant shall ensure that Metering for the above measurements shall normally be
provided on the TSO side of the Point of Supply in order to measure required Settlement
Active Energy meters shall comply with the relevant clauses of BS5685/IEC521 for
class 2.0 meters or the relevant parts of BSEN61036 for class 2.0S static meters.
Reactive Energy meters shall comply with the relevant requirements of IEC Standard
1268 or BS5685 Part 4 class 3 meters.
3.2.5 The measurements will be produced using the outputs from current transformers and
voltage transformers in the case of circuits given at voltages above 400 volts; in the case
of circuits given at 400 volts or less than 400 volts, the measurement voltage will be 400
volts (line voltage)/230 volts (phase voltage).
3.2.6 Meters will be provided with reverse running stop and pulse output.
3.2.7 All meters shall be of an approved pattern or construction and, where appropriate, will
be installed in an approved manner under paragraph 3 of Schedule 7 of the Order.
3.2.8 If direct measurement of the required values cannot be achieved, then the required
values may be calculated using values measured at other points subject to prior
agreement with the TSO and providing the overall accuracy meets the requirements of
section 4.1. Where compensation is applied the values shall be recorded and supporting
evidence shall be available to justify the compensation criteria.
3.2.9 Where Import and/or Export of Active Energy and Reactive Energy is required to be
measured at the same point, these functions may be combined in a single meter in which
each energy flow is measured separately.
3.2.10 Meters shall be labelled in accordance with the Appendix of this Sub-Code.
3.3.1 The terms "current transformer" ("CT") and "voltage transformer" ("VT") used in this
Sub-Code do not preclude the use of other measuring techniques with accuracies of the
required standards providing the accuracy, and also the longer term accuracy, in
accordance with this Sub-Code can be verified to the TSO's satisfaction.
3.3.2 In accordance with the principles in paragraph 3.2.2, all CTs and VTs will be fitted on
the TSO's side of the Point of Supply.
3.3.3 Where CTs and/or VTs are used, they shall meet the requirements set out in paragraphs
3.3.5 and 3.3.6 below.
MC - 491
26 June 2019
3.3.4 Where CTs and/or VTs are used then a test terminal block or equivalent facility shall be
provided close to the meter(s). This facility will be fitted with the TSO seals and access
granted by prior arrangement with the TSO on reasonable request.
(a) One set of CTs to BS7626/HD553S1 and ERS3/1 where appropriate with a
minimum standard of accuracy class 0.5S shall be provided per circuit and shall
also (to the extent applicable) meet any meter certification regulations in force at
the time.
(c) Where a CT circuit has an additional burden not associated with meters, this
additional burden shall not be modified in any way without obtaining the
approval of the TSO in accordance with sub-paragraph (g) below.
(d) Common return leads for two or more CT secondary circuits are not permitted.
(f) The total burden on CTs shall not exceed their rating at the rated secondary
(g) Where any of the foregoing provisions of this paragraph 3.3.5 permit a
modification to CT secondary circuits, provided that the approval of the TSO is
sought for the modification, any such request must be made in writing to the
TSO a reasonable time in advance of the modification and evidence of the value
of any additional electrical burden must be made available for inspection to
verify compliance with this paragraph 3.3.5 and also to ensure there is no
degradation of the accuracy required by paragraph 4.1.1.
(b) Capacitor VTs shall have a working burden which provides for monitoring of
the integrity of each fuse and which does not exceed the maximum rating or fall
below the minimum rating stipulated by the relevant manufacturer.
(e) Each meter suite shall be fed by a separate, fused set of leads from the VT.
(f) Main and check meters must be connected to different VTs. If the VT supplies
other equipment, separate fusing must be provided for the metering equipment.
(g) The total burden on VTs shall not exceed their rating at the rated secondary
(h) Where any of the foregoing provisions of this paragraph 3.3.6 permit a
modification to VT secondary circuits, provided that the approval of the TSO is
sought for the modification, any such request must be made in writing to the
TSO a reasonable time in advance of the modification and evidence of the value
of any additional electrical burden must be made available for inspection to
verify compliance with this paragraph 3.3.6 and also to ensure there is no
degradation of accuracy as required by paragraph 4.1.1.
For existing installations, the installed instrument transformers may be used irrespective
of their accuracy class providing the overall accuracy requirements as defined in
paragraph 4.1 are met and also the following:
(i) in the event of a significant alteration to the primary plant (e.g. a switchgear
change), new instrument transformers which comply with paragraphs 3.3.5 and
3.3.6 shall be provided;
(ii) separately fused VT supplies shall be provided for each of the following:
3.4.1 Data collectors will be used and provided by the Registrant to integrate pulses from
meters over each Settlement Period, store values and transmit Settlement Values to the
Data Collection System.
Small generators (NFFO), in this load band, may not require on line data collection and
the detailed requirements will be agreed with the TSO.
3.4.2 (a) Data collectors must have a minimum of four channels per feeder and be
capable of storing the recorded demand Settlement Values during failure of the
AC power supply;
(b) on demand from the central collection station the data collector will transfer the
recorded Settlement Values without loss or error. The Settlement Values must
also be transferable manually using a portable collection device (personal
MC - 493
26 June 2019
computer/hand held unit/removable memory module etc) of a type compatible
with the system used by the TSO;
(c) in the event of failure of communications with the central collection station the
data collector will be capable of storing a minimum of four channels of demand
values per feeder for a minimum period of 20 days with an integrating period of
30 minutes. This 20 day period may reduce pro rata dependent on the notified
demand period selected as described in paragraph 3.4.3 below. Access to the
manual transfer facility will be secured, in accordance with the relevant Agreed
Procedures, from unauthorised interference.
3.4.3 The settlement period shall be selectable over the following range: 30, 20, 15, 10, and 5
minutes and will be notified by the TSO. For any selectable value in this range one
Settlement Period shall commence on the hour.
3.4.4 Monitoring facilities shall be provided for data collector fault conditions and also to
record instances of local interrogation access which changes data and tagged wherever
possible to the relevant Settlement Period(s). All the above conditions shall be reported
as, at minimum, a common alarm via the remote interrogation facility.
3.5.1 Communications
The means of communication between the data collector and the central collection
station will be secured, by the TSO, in accordance with the relevant Agreed Procedure,
from interference. The normal path will be across PSTN or PTN networks and any
modem will be BABT approved. However, as technological changes take place this
may change in the future and all points of interface shall be programmable to
accommodate other equipment which may be used, as technology develops. The TSO
will liaise with Users on such developments.
The TSO central collection station will interrogate each data collector. All the TSO
operations carried out either manually or automatically shall be protected by a security
system or by an operational log produced by the system or both. The TSO central
collection station will synchronise the outstations during interrogation by interfacing
with its own radio clock. Following receipt of all data from the outstation the kWh and
kVArh lag and lead totals for each meter will be transferred by the TSO to a file for
onward transmission to the TSO's centralised computing facilities.
Where a measurement VT source is used and the outstation is storing data for more than
one circuit, a voltage select or relay scheme using each circuit involved shall be
provided. Local and remote phase failure indications shall be provided.
MC - 494
26 June 2019
3.6 Facilities
The metering equipment shall be capable of providing the following information locally from
voltage free (clean contacts) outputs:
(a) impulsing for kWh and either kVAh or kVArh with a normal duration of 80ms per
pulse; and
(b) a 30 minute reset pulse with a minimum duration of 0.5 second and a maximum duration
of 10 seconds; and
4.1 Accuracy
MC - 495
26 June 2019
(b) The commencement of each Settlement Period shall be within 20 seconds of the
Standard Time.
(c) The duration of each Settlement Period shall be within +/-0.1% of the required
duration except where synchronisation has occurred in a Settlement Period.
Compensation shall be made for errors of current and voltage transformers and/or lead
electrical burdens, if possible, in the meter calibration.
Where the installed Metering location and the Point of Supply do not coincide then,
where necessary, compensation for power transformer and/or line losses shall be
provided to meet the overall accuracy at the boundary point defined in paragraph 3.2.2.
Compensation shall be made in the relevant data collector and the formula for
calculation shall be agreed between the TSO and the relevant User.
4.2.3 Where existing records do not exist, a recalibration test shall be carried out where
practicable. Values of compensation shall be recorded and evidence to justify the
compensation criteria shall be made available for inspection, including, wherever
possible, test certificates as required by MC8.6.1 and MC8.6.4.
5.1 Meters
Meters shall be calibrated and tested in accordance with the requirements of Sub-Code No. 2.4 -
"Sub-Code for the Calibration, Testing and Commissioning Requirements for Metering".
Measuring transformers shall be supplied with known characteristics within the requirements of
paragraph 3.3 of this Sub-Code. No periodic recalibration is required.
Sealable test terminal blocks shall be provided to facilitate meter testing and current and/or
voltage transformer checks in situ. Test terminal blocks shall comply with Electricity Association
Technical (EAT) Specification 50-18.
5.4.1 Maintenance
MC - 496
26 June 2019
5.4.2 Testing
There is no requirement for routine tests of data collectors. Testing of data collectors
shall be carried out in accordance with MC8.4.
5.5 Records
The results of all calibration tests and recalibration tests on meters carried out in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations and IEC Publication 687 and records of all periodic checks or
recalibrations shall be kept in accordance with MC8.6.1 and be available for inspection in
accordance with MC8.6.4.
MC - 497
26 June 2019
Active Energy is considered to be Imported when it flows to the User's System from the NI
System. The meter(s) registering this Active Energy should be labelled "Import".
Active Energy is considered to be Exported when it flows from the User's System to the NI
System. The meter(s) registering this Active Energy should be labelled "Export".
For the purposes of labelling of meters the conditions asterisked above will determine labelling
where Import for Active Energy is defined as in 1. above.
MC - 498
26 June 2019
MC - 499
26 June 2019
1. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................... 1
2. STANDARDS ........................................................................................................................ 1
3. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................... 1
8. MOBILITY ........................................................................................................................... 5
MC - 500
26 June 2019
10.1 Meters ........................................................................................................................ 6
10.2 Current and voltage transformers ............................................................................. 8
10.3 Data collectors .......................................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX A .................................................................................................................................... 10
TABLE 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 12
TABLE 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 14
TABLE 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 15
TABLE 4 ............................................................................................................................................. 16
MC - 501
26 June 2019
1.1 This Sub-Code No. 2.4 specifies the requirements for the calibration, testing and commissioning
of Metering covered by the Grid Code.
1.2 This Sub-Code defines the minimum requirements that must be met in all instances.
1.3 This Sub-Code states the practices that shall be employed, and the apparatus that shall be used
for the calibration, testing and commissioning of Metering.
1.4 This Sub-Code specifies the frequency for both calibration and on-site accuracy tests.
1.5 This Sub-Code supplements the Main Code of the Metering Code to which reference should be
made. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this Sub-Code and the Main
Code, the provisions of the Main Code shall prevail.
1.6 The obligations of the Registrant in respect of the requirements for calibration and testing under
this Sub-Code, also extends to calibration and testing carried out on Metering at the
manufacturer's works.
2.1 All references to industry standards given in the text of this Sub-Code are to versions which are
current at the Effective Date.
2.2 Metering installed after the Effective Date is required to comply with the version of any such
standard in force at the date of installation.
In this Sub-Code No.2.4, the following terms have the following meanings:
AC/DC Transfer Standard means a standard which has been verified at an Approved Meter Test
Station and is used to verify AC Transfer Standards or Working Standards.
AC Transfer Standard means a standard which has been verified by comparison to a Reference
Standard or an AC/DC Transfer Standard and is used for the calibration and testing of Metering.
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL), or a calibration laboratory that has been accredited by
the National Accreditation Service (NAMAS), or an international laboratory recognized by NPL
for the measurement required, or any other laboratory approved by the Authority.
MC - 502
26 June 2019
3.4 Mobile Standard
Mobile Standard means a Standard (i.e. AC Transfer Standard or Working Standard) which is
used for on-site calibration or accuracy test purposes.
Reference Standard means a standard whose measurement traceability to National Standards has
been verified either at an Approved Meter Test Station or is directly maintained by radio
Reference Temperature means a stated temperature for any apparatus at which that apparatus has
a known specification. If no temperature is stated the Reference Temperature is 23 degrees
Working Standard means a Standard, including a complete meter testing system, which has been
verified by comparison to either a Reference Standard or a Transfer Standard, and is used for the
calibration and testing of Metering.
4.1.2 Save insofar as it is necessary to comply with the accuracy requirements of this Sub-
Code, Reference Standard CTs and VTs need not be maintained at a Reference
Temperature where it is impracticable.
4.2.1 Reference Standards, other than Reference Standard CTs and VTs, shall, unless its
measurement traceability is maintained by radio communication, be verified at an
Approved Meter Test Station at intervals dependent on the specification(s) but in no case
less frequently than at intervals of 24 months.
4.2.2 Reference Standard CTs and VTs shall be calibrated by an Approved Meter Test Station
at intervals not exceeding 5 years. Where records are made available to the TSO which
show either a negligible or predictable deviation from previous calibrations, the TSO
may, acting reasonably, permit the interval between such calibrations to be increased.
4.3 Use
4.3.1 During periods of use of a Reference Standard (i.e. between calibrations at an Approved
Meter Test Station) evidence shall be made available to the TSO to substantiate the
stability of that Reference Standard.
MC - 503
26 June 2019
5.2.1 AC/DC Transfer Standards shall be verified at an Approved Meter Test Station at
intervals dependent on their specifications but in no case less frequently than at intervals
of 24 months.
5.2.2 Where records are made available to the TSO which show either negligible or
predictable deviation from previous calibrations, the TSO may, acting reasonably, permit
the interval between such calibrations to be increased up to an interval of 5 years.
5.3 Use
5.3.1 Prior to use of a AC/DC Transfer Standard (i.e. between calibrations at an Approved
Meter Test Station) the AC/DC Transfer Standard shall be calibrated against Reference
5.3.2 An AC/DC Transfer Standard need not be calibrated against a Reference Standard prior
to use, where records are made available to the TSO which show either negligible or
predictable deviation from previous calibrations, the TSO may, acting reasonably, permit
an interval between such calibrations of up to 6 months.
6.1.1 Save insofar as it is necessary to comply with the accuracy requirements of the Sub-
Code, AC Transfer Standards need not be maintained at a given temperature.
6.2.1 AC Transfer Standards need not be verified at an Approved Meter Test Station provided
they have been calibrated in accordance with 6.2.2 or 6.2.3.
6.2.3 Where records are made available to the TSO which show either a negligible or
predictable deviation from previous calibrations, the TSO may, acting reasonably, permit
the interval between such calibrations to be increased up to 6 months.
MC - 504
26 June 2019
6.3 Use
6.3.1 Where any AC Transfer Standard is used for on-site calibration or testing it should be
calibrated before and after use. Neither the period from calibration to use nor the period
from use to next calibration shall exceed one week.
6.4.1 When an AC Transfer Standard is calibrated and is found to be outside specification, the
reason shall be investigated and the occurrence reported to the TSO within 3 working
days of its discovery. The results of the investigation shall determine:
a) whether Metering calibrated or tested using that Standard since its last
satisfactory calibration complies with the relevant Sub-Code.
7.1.1 Save insofar as is necessary to comply with the accuracy requirements of this Sub-Code,
Working Standards need not be maintained at a given temperature.
7.2.1 Working Standards need not be verified at an Approved Meter Test Station provided
they have been calibrated in accordance with 7.2.2 or 7.2.3.
7.2.3 Where records are made available to the TSO which show either negligible or
predictable deviation from previous calibrations, the TSO may, acting reasonably, permit
the interval between such calibrations to be increased up to 6 months.
7.3 Use
7.3.1 Where any Working Standard is used for on-site calibration or testing it should be
calibrated before and after use. Neither the period from calibration to use nor the period
from use to next calibration shall exceed one week.
7.4.1 When a Working Standard is calibrated and is found to be outside specification, the
reason shall be investigated and the occurrence reported to the TSO within 3 working
days of its discovery. The results of the investigation shall determine:
a) whether Metering calibrated or tested using that Standard since its last
satisfactory calibration complies with the relevant Sub-Code;
8.1.1 Reference Standards and AC/DC Transfer Standards shall not be Mobile Standards and
shall remain in one location as far as possible and only be moved for verification at an
Approved Meter Test Station.
9.1 Meters shall be calibrated and tested using standards complying with this Sub-Code to
demonstrate compliance of such meters with the accuracy requirements of the Grid Code.
The overall uncertainty of measurement during calibration or on-site accuracy test shall be
calculated in accordance with the NAMAS Directive NIS3003 allowing for all uncertainties in
the chain of measurement from true value to the meter under test. The confidence level in the
determination of the overall uncertainty shall be 95% or greater.
9.3 Calibration
9.3.1 Meters shall be calibrated such that the overall accuracy is within the percentage error
limits as defined in Table 1 (for Active Energy meters) or as appropriate Table 3 (for
Reactive Energy meters). The overall uncertainty of measurement of the calibration shall
not exceed the limits specified in Tables 1 or 3 as appropriate.
9.3.2 All initial calibrations of meters shall be performed in a laboratory or test house
(including any meter manufacturer's works).
a) Periodic calibrations of all meters other than Active Energy class 0.2S may be
performed on-site provided that the percentage error limits and overall
uncertainty requirements as in Tables 1 and 3 are met.
9.3.3 The reference conditions for influence quantities and voltage and current balance shall
be as in the appropriate meter specification.
In the case of on-site calibration adequate evidence of the influence quantity conditions
applying shall be available to substantiate the calibration.
9.4.1 Meters shall be on-site tested to demonstrate that the overall accuracy is within the
percentage error limit defined in Table 2 (for Active Energy meters), or Table 4 (for
Reactive Energy meters). The overall uncertainty of measurement of the on-site
accuracy shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 2 or 4 as appropriate.
MC - 506
26 June 2019
9.4.2 For any Active Energy meter an on-site accuracy test may be performed by an injection
test or at a prevailing load.
Where a prevailing load test is performed, the load used shall be between 10% and 120%
(for whole current metering percentage relates to Imax and shall not exceed 100%) of
meter rated current, at a power factor between 0.8 lead and 0.5 lag. Injection tests shall
be performed between 5% and 120% (for whole current Metering percentage relates to
Imax and shall not exceed 100%) of meter rated current, at unity power factor.
9.4.3 For any Reactive Energy meter an on-site accuracy test may be performed only by an
injection test.
Injection tests shall be performed at between 20% and 120% (for whole current metering
percentage relates to Imax and shall not exceed 100%) of meter rated current at zero
power factor.
9.4.4 If any on-site accuracy test shows that the meter is outside the required error limits then
a) the meter shall be returned to a laboratory or test house for re-testing or re-
calibration; or
Records shall be maintained which record the calculations and observations to justify
this and shall state that those influence quantities were temporary.
10.1 Meters
Meters shall be calibrated such that the overall accuracy is within the percentage error
limits as defined in Table 1 (for Active Energy meters) or as appropriate in Table 3 (for
Reactive Energy meters). The overall uncertainty of measurement shall not exceed the
limits specified in Tables 1 or 3 as appropriate. All initial calibrations shall be
performed in a laboratory or test house (including any meter Manufacturer's Works).
Meters shall be calibrated using traceable standards. The results of all calibrations and
on-site accuracy tests shall be retained as permanent records in accordance with
paragraph 12.
MC - 507
26 June 2019
10.1.2 Periodic Testing
(a) Calibration
(ii) For electronic meters the Registrant shall implement an evenly phased
calibration schedule for each type of meter on-circuit for which it is
responsible. Over a 10 year period at least 20% of the total of each
such type of meter for which it is responsible shall be calibrated without
adjustment and the results of such calibration shall be recorded in
accordance with paragraph 12.
The results of calibrations shall be sent to the TSO for review, and to
assess the need to revise any of the requirements.
(i) Active Energy meters of accuracy class 0.5 shall have on-site accuracy
tests performed at intervals not exceeding 5 years except for the
particular meter types listed under paragraph 10.1.2(a) (i) for which no
on-site accuracy tests are required.
(ii) On-site accuracy tests are not required for all other types of
electromechanical meters.
MC - 508
26 June 2019
For electronic Meters the following (iii) to (vi):
(iii) Where the main and check meters employed on a circuit are of the same
manufacture and type (i.e. where the meters are likely to have the same
failure/fault characteristics), on-site accuracy tests shall be performed
on such meters at intervals not exceeding 5 years.
(iv) Where the main and check meters employed on a circuit are of a
different manufacture or type, no on-site accuracy tests shall be
required on such meters.
(v) Where only a main Active Energy meter is employed on a circuit on-
site accuracy tests shall be performed at intervals not exceeding 10
years on such meter.
(vi) Where only a main Reactive Energy meter is employed, on-site
accuracy tests shall be performed at intervals not exceeding 10 years on
such meter.
The accuracy requirements for calibration and on-site tests are specified in
section 9. The errors for on-site accuracy tests are greater than the associated
laboratory test figures as this reflects the greater uncertainty in the chain of
measurement from true value for the meter under test.
(i) The Registrant of the meter believes that the meter is not performing to
its required accuracy.
(ii) The TSO believes that the meter is not performing to its required
(iii) The TSO is aware the Customer believes that the meter is not
performing to its required accuracy.
Measuring transformers shall be supplied with electrical calibration load curves. Evidence shall
be made available to the TSO, in the form of a test certificate, to show that the measurement
transformers comply with their accuracy class. No periodic recalibration is required.
MC - 509
26 June 2019
10.3 Data Collectors
10.3.1 Maintenance
10.3.2 Testing
11.1 A commissioning programme shall be performed on all new and replacement metering. The TSO
shall be provided with evidence to confirm that, following its commissioning, that the metering
equipment shall meet the requirements of this Sub-Code.
Appendix A sets out those tests and checks which are necessary as part of the commissioning
11.2 At the completion of commissioning, metering equipment shall be sealed in accordance with the
requirements of the appropriate Agreed Procedure.
The results of all calibration tests and recalibration tests on meters carried out in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations and IEC Publication 687 and records of all periodic checks or
recalibrations shall be kept in accordance with MC8.6.1 and be available for inspection in
accordance with MC8.6.4.
MC - 510
26 June 2019
Metering equipment shall have basic tests undertaken such as earthing, insulation, continuity and other
tests which would normally be conducted in accordance with good industry practice as well as the
following where appropriate;
1. Measurement transformers
(a) Confirm and record installed unit details including: Manufacturer, serial number, rating,
accuracy class, ratio(s).
NOTE: For (b) and (c) the confirmation shall include a visual inspection at the time of
installation followed by either site measurements (e.g. injection tests) or a final visual inspection
and check against drawings.
(a) Confirm cable/core connections are to schedule at the instrument transformers, the
metering cubicles and at any other connection points.
(b) Establish and record the values of resistance for VT and CT leads by means of
measurement or calculation.
(c) Record details (e.g. description, number etc) of any non-metering burden connected to
VTs or CTs.
(d) Establish and record the value of the total burden on CTs and VTs.
(e) Establish and record any other burdens necessary to provide evidence of overall
3. Metering Panel/Cubicle
3.1 General
(b) Confirm that meter nameplate details agree with the measurement transformer details
where appropriate.
(d) Confirm that meter registers advance and output pulses are produced for both Import and
Export directions. Confirm separately meter operation for each phase current and for
MC - 511
26 June 2019
normal balanced current operation. (These tests should check all cubicle wiring from the
incoming terminal blocks.)
(e) Confirm the meter to outstation channel allocations and the meter units per pulse values.
(a) Perform prevailing load checks after establishing that the phase rotation of the
measurement voltage supply is correct at the panel or cubicle. Measure and record
Active Energy and Reactive Energy for each circuit/meter, or from other available site
(c) Confirm operation of the metering equipment alarms such as phase imbalance/phase
failure devices through to their final destination points.
MC - 512
26 June 2019
TABLE 1: Standards of accuracy and overall uncertainty for laboratory calibration and
testing of Active Energy meters.
For whole current and transformer operated meters tested with transformer connected:
MC - 513
26 June 2019
Class of Meter 0.2S
MC - 514
26 June 2019
TABLE 2: Standards of accuracy and overall uncertainty for on-site accuracy tests of Active
Energy meters.
The above table assumes the meter is working at or about reference conditions.
MC - 515
26 June 2019
TABLE 3: Standards of accuracy and overall uncertainty for laboratory calibration and
testing of Reactive Energy meters.
* for whole current metering percentage relates to Imax and shall not exceed 100%.
* for whole current metering percentage relates to Imax and shall not exceed 100%.
MC - 516
26 June 2019
TABLE 4: Standards of accuracy and overall uncertainty for on-site accuracy tests of
Reactive Energy meters.
The above table assumes the meter is working at or about reference conditions.
MC - 517
26 June 2019
MC - 518
26 June 2019
1 SCOPE ................................................................................................................ 1
2 STANDARDS ..................................................................................................... 1
4.1 Accuracy............................................................................................... 3
MC - 519
26 June 2019
5.3 Records .............................................................................................. 5
APPENDIX A .................................................................................................................... 7
APPENDIX B .................................................................................................................... 9
MC - 520
26 June 2019
(a) This Sub-Code No. 3 specifies the facilities that shall be provided and the
certain practices that shall be employed, for monitoring output and response of
Power Stations and Generating Units and for control of the Transmission
(b) This Sub-Code supplements the Main Code of the Metering Code to which
reference should be made. In the event of an inconsistency between the
provisions of this Sub-Code and the Main Code, the provisions of the Main
Code shall prevail.
(c) This Sub-Code should also be read in conjunction with any relevant Agreed
(d) The need for Operational Metering is optional at points of generation for
Generating Units or PPMs with Contracted Capacities or Registered
Capacities, as the case may be, between 2 MW and 5 MW and will be the
subject of discussion with the TSO. Operational Metering is generally not
required for Generating Units or PPMs with Contracted Capacities or
Registered Capacities, as the case may be, below 2 MW.
(a) All references to industry standards given in the text of this Sub-Code are to
versions which are current at the Effective Date. Where Operational Metering
is in use at the Effective Date which was installed when earlier versions of
these standards (or their predecessors) were in force there is no requirement to
update such Operational Metering unless expressly required pursuant to this
(b) Operational Metering installed after the Effective Date is required to comply
with the version of any such standard in force at the date of installation.
The TSO shall have the right to install Operational Metering so as to provide
operational information in relation to each Generating Unit and each Power
(iii) any additional data as may be agreed between the TSO and the
relevant Interested User as is specified in the relevant Connection
Current transformers installed after the Effective Date shall comply with:
MC - 521
26 June 2019
i) for circuits with a rated capacity exceeding 100 MVA, a minimum
accuracy of class 0.2S to BS7626/HD553S1;
ii) for circuits with a rated capacity exceeding 1 MVA and up to and
including 100 MVA, a minimum accuracy of class 0.2 to
Each current transformer secondary winding may be used for purposes other
than those associated with Operational Metering so long as such other uses
do not degrade the accuracy outside the limits specified in section 4.1.1.
Voltage transformers installed after the Effective Date shall comply with:
ii) for circuits with a rated capacity exceeding 1 MVA and up to and
including 100 MVA, a minimum accuracy of class 0.5 to
Each voltage transformer secondary winding may be used for purposes other
than those associated with Operational Metering so long as such other uses
do not degrade the accuracy outside the limits specified in section 4.1.1.
Event Recorders shall be as specified from time to time by the TSO. Each
operational characteristic required to be recorded on Event Recorders shall
be recorded on a separate data channel.
During normal operations, the Event Recorder shall scan each input channel
at a frequency to be specified by the TSO but not less than once every 10
seconds. During a Frequency Transient, the Event Recorder shall scan each
input channel at a higher frequency to be specified by the TSO but not less
than 10 times per second for a period of 30 seconds after commencement of
the transient.
The Event Recorder shall store all scanned information for a minimum
period of 24 hours. Provisions for access to such data shall include the
production of printed data reports. Access to such data shall be available to
the Generator.
4.1 Accuracy
MC - 522
26 June 2019
Metering shall be calibrated, so as to achieve overall accuracy of
Operational Metering within the limits set out below. Calibration
of Metering shall be adjusted due to current and voltage
transformer errors and/or errors due to Generator Circuits (see 4.2).
(b) For circuits with a rated capacity exceeding 1 MVA and up and
including 100 MVA
MC - 523
26 June 2019
4.1.3 Other Measurements:
4.2 Compensation for Current and Voltage Transformer Errors and Generator
Circuit Errors
5.3 Records
MC - 524
26 June 2019
AVR Status
Tap Position
Load Controllers
Field Fail Op
Turbine Trip
Boiler Trip
Trans Diff Op
Trans REF Op
Trans SBEF Op
Buch Surge Op
Buch Gas Op
WT Trip Op
WT Alarm Op
Trip Relay Op
Generational Red. Ah
MC - 525
26 June 2019
MC - 526
26 June 2019
MC - 527
26 June 2019
Contents Page
MC - 528
26 June 2019
1.1 This Agreed Procedure (the “Procedure”) outlines the responsibilities of the TSO and
the Interested User with regard to notification, authorisation and witnessing of the
breaking and replacement of seals on generation Tariff Metering and Generator
Circuits and the carrying out of routine and emergency maintenance, testing and
calibration. The procedure assumes the initial placement of seals by the appropriate
Parties in accordance with the Main Code.
1.2 The Procedure supplements the Main Code and the Sub-Codes of the Metering Code
to which reference should be made. In the event of an inconsistency between the
provisions of the Procedure and the Main Code or a Sub-Code the provisions of the
Main Code or such Sub-Code shall prevail. The provisions of the Main Code shall
prevail over the provisions of any Sub-Code.
1.3 The Procedure is part of the Grid Code and terms and expressions defined in the Grid
Code have the same meaning in the Procedure.
2.1 The Procedure is to be used by the TSO and Interested User staff to ensure that the
breaking and replacement of seals and the carrying out of routine and emergency
maintenance, testing and calibration on generation Tariff Metering and Generator
Circuits is correctly authorised and witnessed and that documentary evidence is
available to that effect.
2.2 Where it is not possible to gain prior authorisation for the breaking of a seal
necessitated by malfunctioning of both main and check meters on a circuit, fire or
similar hazard or non-compliance by a Party with its obligations under the Main Code
authorisation should be sought as soon as possible after the event.
Forms set out in the Appendices to this Procedure may be amended from time to time by the
TSO upon reasonable notice to all Interested Users. The TSO shall also take into account
reasonable comments of Interested Users.
MC - 529
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Maintenance, Testing, Inspection, Calibration and Sealing of Metering
1a Routine Inspection, Maintenance, Testing & Calibration
At least 5 days prior Notify date, time, work required, estimated duration and request TSO or Interested Fax on standard form
to carrying work out breaking of seals (as necessary) Interested User or (Appendix A)
User TSO
1b Inspection, Maintenance, Testing and Calibration in an Emergency
At the earliest Notify, date, time, place, work required, estimated duration and request TSO or Interested Fax on standard form
opportunity breaking of seals (as necessary) Interested User or (Appendix A) or
User TSO verbally
2 Prior to work being Grant permission to break seals (as appropriate) and notify as to Interested TSO or Fax on standard form
carried out (Note 1) attendance User or Interested (Appendix A) or
TSO User verbally
3 Day work carried out Record meter readings prior to seals being broken and commencing TSO or Manual record
work Nominated (Appendix B)
MC - 530
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Maintenance, Testing, Inspection, Calibration and Sealing of Metering
4a Day work carried out Carry out required work. Record details of work done TSO or Manual record
Interested (Appendix A)
4b Where possible Witness work being carried out Interested
User or
5 After work Apply own seals and read meters TSO and
completed Interested
6 After work Check accuracy of manual record and sign to confirm work completed TSO and Manual record
completed and seal applied Interested (Appendix A)
7 After work Record meter readings TSO or Manual record
completed Interested (Appendix B)
MC - 531
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Maintenance, Testing, Inspection, Calibration and Sealing of Metering
8 After work Copy meter record sheet and work sheet and issue to other party TSO or Interested By hand
completed Interested User or
User TSO
Note 1 In an emergency situation when it is impossible to contact the TSO or the Interested User, it may be necessary to break seals prior to the granting
of permission. An emergency situation is defined by the Main Code as when “both main and check meters are malfunctioning or there occurs a
fire or other similar hazard and such removal (of seals) is essential”. In such circumstances fax or other communication of the intent to break
seals will be supplied to the TSO or Interested User prior to the commencement of emergency work. The authorisation procedure to break seals
must be followed retrospectively. In an emergency situation when it is impossible to await the required paperwork, verbal consent may be given.
In such circumstances written consent must follow forthwith.
MC - 532
26 June 2019
[TSO/Interested User] Date: [
Tel: [ ]
Fax: [ ]
We request permission to carry out the work described below and to break such seals as are necessary.
We estimate the duration of the work to be from [ ] to [ ]. The work is to be
carried out at [Site] by [ ].
Name Signature
Position Date
Continued .........
MC - 533
26 June 2019
We acknowledge receipt of your request dated [ ]. We hereby [give/withhold]* consent. Our reasons
for withholding consent are [ ].
Our representative dealing with sealing is [ ]. He will/will not be attending when the work is
carried out.
Name Signature
Position Date
Name Signature
Position Date
Name Signature
Position Date
[* Delete as appropriate]
MC - 534
26 June 2019
MC - 535
26 June 2019
MC - 536
26 June 2019
Contents Page
MC - 537
26 June 2019
1.1 This Agreed Procedure (the "Procedure") outlines the responsibilities of the TSO and
the Registrant with regard to notification, authorisation and witnessing of the breaking
and replacement of seals on Non NIE Customer Tariff Metering and the carrying out
of routine and emergency maintenance, testing and calibration. The Procedure
assumes the initial placement of seals by the appropriate Parties in accordance with
1.2 The Procedure supplements the Main Code and the Sub-Codes of the Metering Code
to which reference should be made. In the event of an inconsistency between the
provisions of the Procedure and the Main Code or a Sub-Code the provisions of the
Main Code or such Sub-Code shall prevail. The provisions of the Main Code shall
prevail over the provisions of any Sub-Code.
1.3 The Procedure is part of the Grid Code and terms and expressions defined in the Grid
Code have the same meaning in the Procedure.
2.1 The Procedure is to be used by the TSO and the Registrant to ensure that the breaking
and replacement of seals and the carrying out of routine and emergency maintenance,
testing and calibration on Non NIE Customer Tariff Metering is correctly authorised
and witnessed and that documentary evidence is available to that effect.
2.2 Where it is not possible to gain prior authorisation for the breaking of a seal in the
event of an emergency as described in MC8.7.3 or non-compliance by a Party with its
obligations under the Main Code, authorisation should be sought as soon as possible
after the event.
2.3 A record of work and inspections carried out must be maintained in accordance with
2.4 Throughout this Procedure, timetables reflect the number of Business Days (BD)
before or after which (as the case may be) an activity should be completed.
Forms set out in the Appendices to this Procedure may be amended from time to time
by the TSO upon reasonable notice to all relevant Parties. The TSO shall also take
into account reasonable comments of relevant Parties.
MC - 538
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Maintenance, Testing, Inspection, Calibration and Sealing of Tariff Metering.
MC - 539
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Maintenance, Testing, Inspection, Calibration and Sealing of Tariff Metering.
MC - 540
26 June 2019
For forms completed by the Registrant, please fax or post to the following address:
or such other address and /or recipient as the TSO may notify from time to time.
MC - 541
26 June 2019
Serial No..................
Page 1 of 2
Notification is hereby given to carry out work described below and to break such seals as are
necessary on:
Stop Time:
Name: Signature:
Position Date:
(* Delete as appropriate)
MC - 542
26 June 2019
Serial No..................
Page 2 of 2
Name: Signature:
Position Date:
Confirmation of sealing:
Date of work:
Name: Signature:
Position Date:
Name: Signature:
Position Date:
(* Delete as appropriate)
MC - 543
26 June 2019
Serial No ....................
Page of
For multiple feeder sites use additional sheets.
MC - 544
26 June 2019
MC - 545
26 June 2019
Contents Page
MC - 546
26 June 2019
1.1 This Agreed Procedure (the "Procedure") covers the collection and processing of tariff meter
readings which are taken quarterly pursuant to MC8.8 and the reconciliation of such meter
readings with Settlement Values collected electronically and stored on the Data Collection
System. This reconciliation is achieved by comparing the manually read meter register readings
with the accumulations recorded in the Data Collection System. Financial adjustments are then
made pursuant to the terms of the PPA by use of the Meter Reconciliation Statement.
1.2 The Procedure seeks to ensure that any discrepancy between tariff meter register readings and
Settlement Values collected electronically from such meters is identified on a regular basis such
that appropriate adjustments to payments can be made.
1.3 The Procedure supplements the Main Code and the Sub-Codes of the Metering Code to which
reference should be made. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of the
Procedure and the Main Code or a Sub-Code the provisions of the Main Code or such Sub-Code
shall prevail. The provisions of the Main Code shall prevail over the provisions of any Sub-
1.4 The Procedure is part of the Grid Code and terms and expressions defined in the Grid Code have
the same meaning in the Procedure.
The Procedure shall be used by the TSO and Interested User staff who are responsible for meter
advance reconciliation readings and processing.
Proformas and examples set out in the Appendices to this Procedure may be amended from time
to time by the TSO upon reasonable notice to all Interested Users. The TSO shall also take into
account reasonable comments of Interested Users.
MC - 547
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Reconciliation of Meter Readings with Accumulated Settlement Values
MC - 548
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Reconciliation of Meter Readings with Accumulated Settlement Values
MC - 549
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Reconciliation of Meter Readings with Accumulated Settlement Values
MC - 550
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Reconciliation of Meter Readings with Accumulated Settlement Values
Note 1: time of reading shall be taken from the radio clock or data collector associated with the meter being read
Note 2: 0.02% is the maximum error due to 1 Settlement Period in 3 months (i.e. this tolerance allows for the fact that meter readings will not be taken precisely at
the end of a Settlement Period).
This tolerance is in itself tighter than the relevant accuracy of the metering system (0.5%)
MC - 551
26 June 2019
SONI Limited hereby notifies the undermentioned Interested User that all Generation tariff meters at the undermentioned site will be read for the purposes of meter
advance reconciliation pursuant to MC8.8 of the Main Metering Code of the Northern Ireland Grid Code on the date and at the approximate time stated below. The
person(s) attending on behalf of SONI Limited is/are indicated below.
Interested User:
TSO Representative(s):
For TSO:
Signature: Name:
(in block capitals)
Date of Issue:
MC - 552
26 June 2019
MC - 553
26 June 2019
MC - 554
26 June 2019
Difference Recorded
in Meter Register
Comparison Report MWh
Metering Point (as appropriate)
Generator Gross Meter
Generator Transformer Meter
Unit Transformer Meter
Station Transformer Meter
Net Settlement Value Adjustment MWh
Associated primary transformer losses are ignored in establishing the Net Settlement Value
For TSO:
Signed: Name:
(in block capitals)
Signed: Name:
(in block capitals)
MC - 555
26 June 2019
MC - 556
26 June 2019
Contents Page
1. Scope of Procedure............................................................................................... 1
MC - 557
26 June 2019
1.1 This Agreed Procedure (the "Procedure") covers the collection and processing of
Tariff Metering readings which are taken at intervals as set out in paragraph 2.2 and
the reconciliation of such meter readings with Settlement Values collected
electronically and stored on the Data Collection System. This reconciliation is
achieved by comparing the manually read meter register readings with the
accumulations recorded in the Data Collection System. Financial adjustments are then
made pursuant to the terms of the Conditions (applicable to electricity agreements
entered into with NIE Energy as Supplier) by the use of the Meter Reconciliation
1.2 The procedure seeks to ensure that any discrepancy between Tariff Metering register
readings and Settlement Values collected electronically from such meters are
identified on a regular basis.
1.3 The Procedure supplements the Main Code and the Sub-Codes of the Metering Code
to which reference should be made. In the event of an inconsistency between the
provisions of the Procedure and the Main Code or a Sub-Code the provisions of the
Main Code or such Sub-Code shall prevail. The provisions of the Main Code shall
prevail over the provisions of any Sub-Code.
1.4 The Procedure is part of the Grid Code and terms and expressions defined in the Grid
Code have the same meaning in the Procedure.
1.5 The procedures set out in MP NI 105 are also relevant in relation to the collection and
processing of Tariff Metering readings taken at intervals and the reconciliation of such
meter readings with Settlement Values collected electronically and stored on the Data
Collection System.
2.1 This Procedure shall be used by the TSO and Registrant staff who are responsible for
meter advance reconciliation readings and processing.
2.2 Meter advance reconciliation for a Metering system will take place at the start and the
end of a supply contract, and at least every 12 months.
2.3 Throughout this Procedure, timetables reflect the number of Business Days (BD)
before or after which (as the case may be) an activity should be completed.
2.4 The agreed meter advance reconciliation tolerances allowed for Non NIE Customer
Metering are detailed in Appendix A.
Forms set out in the Appendices to this Procedure may be amended from time to time
by the TSO upon reasonable notice to all Registrants. The TSO shall also take into
account reasonable comments of Registrants.
MC - 558
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Reconciliation of Meter Readings with Accumulated Settlement Values
1. Annually For each calendar month draw up a plan of the meter readings TSO Registrant Fax
which are to take place and issue to the Registrant. Such readings
to be scheduled at intervals not exceeding 12 months.
2. At least 5 BD Advise the Registrant of date and time for reading to take place. TSO Registrant Fax on standard form
before reading MR1
3. Within 3(or 12 Read meter registers (in the presence of the Registrant TSO and Manual record on
as per ref (1)) representative if attending) as close as is practicable to the end of a Registrant standard form MR2
months of last Settlement Period. Record time and date of reading and meter
reading register values. The TSO and Registrant representative sign record
sheet.(Note 1)
4. Before leaving Sign off and hand copy of actual meter values with time and date of TSO Registrant Manual record on
site reading to the Registrant. standard form MR2
MC - 559
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Reconciliation of Meter Readings with Accumulated Settlement Values
5 Within 15 BD of Input meter register values, time and date of reading to the meter TSO
meter reading register comparison process of the Data Collection System.
6 Within 10 BD of Where meter register comparison process shows a discrepancy (as TSO Registrant Fax on standard form
comparison described in Appendix A) - Prepare a Meter Advance MR3
process in Ref Reconciliation Statement and issue to the Registrant.
7 Within 5 BD Investigate and take corrective action as necessary (refer to Agreed Registrant TSO Fax
of receipt of Procedure 2 'Maintenance, Testing, Inspection and Sealing of Tariff
statement in Ref Metering (Non NIE Customer) - report back to the TSO).
MC - 560
26 June 2019
Subject: Interface and Timetable Information - Reconciliation of Meter Readings with Accumulated Settlement Values
8a On or before15 Where the Meter Reconciliation Statement can be agreed, indicate Registrant TSO Fax on standard form
BD after receipt agreement on form and sign and return to the TSO. MR3
of Meter
8b Where the Meter Reconciliation Statement is disputed, indicate Registrant TSO Fax on standard form
non-agreement on form and sign and return to the TSO. MR3
Immediately thereafter raise a formal dispute as per MC15.
Note 1: Time of reading shall be taken from the data collector which is synchronised with the Data Collection System
MC - 561
26 June 2019
The acceptance limit for the Meter Advance Reconciliation between the main register
advance and the instation aggregated demand values for the corresponding period
shall be within a tolerance of + 0.1%.
Allowance shall be made for the possible variance in the meter reading time and the
corresponding half hour point, and that a reasonable advance has occurred over the
period considered.
Where check meters are installed a main / check meter advance comparison shall be
undertaken and the tolerance shall be within + 1.5%.
MC - 562
26 June 2019
For forms completed by the Registrant, please fax or post to the following address:
or such other address and /or recipient as the TSO may notify from time to time.
MC - 563
26 June 2019
Serial No ....................
To: (Registrant)
SONI Limited hereby notifies the undermentioned Registrant that all Non NIE Customer tariff
meters at the undermentioned site will be read for the purposes of meter advance reconciliation
pursuant to MC8.8 of the Main Metering Code of the Northern Ireland Grid Code on the date and at
the approximate time stated below. The person(s) attending on behalf of SONI Limited is/are
indicated below.
Registrant Representative:
TSO Representative:
For TSO:
Signature: Name:
(in block capitals)
MC - 564
26 June 2019
Serial No ....................
Page of
*Where applicable
MC - 565
26 June 2019
Serial No: ....................
(kWh/kVArh) *
Import Export
Difference Recorded using Meter Register
Comparison Process
Settlement Value Adjustment
For TSO:
Signature: Name:
(in block capitals)
Position Date:
For Registrant:
Signature: Name:
(in block capitals)
Position Date:
(* Delete as appropriate)
MC - 566
26 June 2019
MC - 567
26 June 2019
Contents Page
MC - 568
26 June 2019
1.1 This Agreed Procedure (the "Procedure") describes the key interfaces and timetable
responsibilities of the TSO and the Interested User for agreeing the appropriate Settlement Values
required for insertion into the Data Collection System when Settlement Values (or their constituent
meter values) submitted via the normal data collection methods are believed to be incorrect or missing
save in the case of Meter Advance Reconciliation which is dealt with in Agreed Procedure No. 3.
1.2 The Procedure only applies to generation Tariff Metering. For a given Connection Site/meter
for a Business Day, it covers the following:
1.3 The Procedure excludes a procedure in the event that the TSO and the Interested User fail to
agree estimated Settlement Values and Settlement Values in the event of a discrepancy between
main and check meters. This would be the basis of a dispute and be dealt with in accordance
with the Disputes Procedure as provided for in the MC.
1.4 The Procedure supplements the Main Code and the Sub-Codes of the Metering Code to which
reference should be made. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of the
Procedure and the Main Code or a Sub-Code the provisions of the Main Code or such Sub-Code
shall prevail. The provisions of the Main Code shall prevail over the provisions of any Sub-
1.5 The Procedure is part of the Grid Code and terms and expressions defined in the Grid Code
have the same meaning in the Procedure.
The Procedure shall be used by the TSO and Interested User staff who are responsible for
collection/submission of and agreement of the appropriate Settlement Values.
MC - 569
26 June 2019
When a Settlement Value collected by the Data Collection System is incorrect or is missing, save
in the case of Meter Advance Reconciliation, a substitute Settlement Value shall be determined
by one of the following methods, in order of priority:
3.1 Retrieval
In the event of a failure in the Data Collection System data links, the Settlement Value
shall be retrieved by local access to the relevant data collector (being the TSO data
collector for the IMS), unless data transmission can be re-established within 1 day.
3.2 Substitution
In the event of a failure of the main meter the Settlement Value shall be retrieved by
reference to the appropriate check meter value.
In the event of the check meter failing to function, Settlement Values shall continue to
be retrieved by reference to the appropriate main meter readings.
3.3 Estimation
- Operational Metering
Such load curves shall be used to derive meter values which shall be substituted into
the Data Collection System. Primary transformer compensation values shall be
computed using the agreed loss factors.
MC - 570
26 June 2019
3.3.2 Data Collector failure
In the event of the TSO data collector ceasing to function, Settlement Values shall be
retrieved by reference to the main meter registers in the relevant Generator data
If both data collectors fail, meter advances shall be recorded manually every 24 hours
and Settlement Values derived there from. Such "daily" Settlement Values shall be
entered into the Data Collection System for the Settlement Period 24:00 hrs.
In the event of failure of the automatic compensation device which feeds the
estimated primary transformer loss values to the data collectors, the meter values in
the data collector shall be computed using the agreed loss factors.
In the event of a failure of a voltage transformer fuse on a circuit supplying both main
and check meters resulting in Metering being outside the prescribed limits of accuracy,
Settlement Values shall be computed giving due regard to the mode of failure in the
manner set out in 3.3.1.
When the daily main/check meter monitoring process in the Data Collection System
indicates that there is a discrepancy between the advance of the main and check
meters such that they are outside the Metering system tolerance, the TSO shall inform
the Interested User of such discrepancy and investigate the reasons for such a
discrepancy. Correction for the discrepancy shall be made in accordance with the
appropriate method detailed above once the cause of the discrepancy has been
3.4 General
Subject to MC13, estimated Settlement Values shall be used in relation to all Settlement Periods
in respect of which a loss of data has occurred. Where it is necessary to estimate Settlement
Values and the estimate is disputed, payments shall be made in respect of the amount of the
Settlement Values in dispute in accordance with the relevant PPA.
Forms set out in the Appendices to this Procedure may be amended from time to time by the
TSO upon reasonable notice to all Interested Users. The TSO shall also take into account
reasonable comments of Interested Users.
MC - 571
26 June 2019
MC - 573
26 June 2019
Page 1 of 2
Please find, for authorisation, attached details of substituted/retrieved/estimated* meter values in respect
Connection Site:
Nature of problem:
The date and times affected are detailed in the attached sheet(s).
For TSO:
Signed: Name:
(in block capitals)
I hereby agree/disagree* with the substituted/retrieved/estimated* meter values submitted with this form
for the date and times referred to in the attached sheet(s). The reason(s) for disagreement are attached*.
Proposed alternative values are included.
Signed: Name:
(in block capitals)
MC - 576
26 June 2019
Contents Page
4. Amendments to Forms............................................................................……………….. 4
MC - 577
26 June 2019
1.1 This Agreed Procedure (the "Procedure") describes the key interfaces and timetable
responsibilities of the TSO and the Registrant for agreeing the appropriate Settlement Values
required for insertion into the Data Collection System when Settlement Values (or their
constituent meter values) submitted via the normal data collection methods are believed to be
incorrect or missing save in the case of Meter Advance Reconciliation which is dealt with in
Agreed Procedure No. 4.
1.2 The Procedure only applies to Non NIE Customer Tariff Metering. For a given Connection
Site/meter for a Business Day, it covers the following:
(b) determination of substitute values from check meters, where applicable, by retrieval of
Settlement Values locally at the data collector or by estimation;
1.3 The Procedure excludes a procedure in the event that the TSO and the Registrant fail to agree
estimated Settlement Values and Settlement Values in the event of a discrepancy between main
and check meters. This would be the basis of a dispute and be dealt with in accordance with the
Disputes Procedure as stated under MC15.
1.4 The Procedure supplements the Main Code and the Sub-Codes of the Metering Code to which
reference should be made. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of the
Procedure and the Main Code or a Sub-Code the provisions of the Main Code or such Sub-Code
shall prevail. The provisions of the Main Code shall prevail over the provisions of any Sub-Code.
1.5 The Procedure is part of the Grid Code and terms and expressions defined in the Grid Code have
the same meaning in the Procedure.
The Procedure shall be used by the TSO and the Registrant for the collection of or submission of
and agreement of the appropriate Settlement Values.
3.1 The rules to be followed for both data validation and data estimation for customers with remotely
read half-hourly metering are set out in this paragraph 3.
Prior to half-hourly data being accepted and approved for billing purposes the meter details are
validated. This occurs for new meter installations, meter changes, meters that have been re-
programmed or for existing meters moving to half-hourly profiling.
The meter serial number registered to the metering installation is verified against the
meter ID retrieved during polling to ensure the correct meter has been polled.
The date and time held by the meter and stamped on the data collected is checked to
ensure its accuracy.
After polling each meter the half-hourly data retrieved from the meter is validated by MV90 and
the following checks are performed.
3.3.1 Meter ID
Each time a meter is polled the electronic serial number of that meter is compared to the
device ID stored within MV90. If they do not match then no data is retrieved and the
failure is reported by MV90 for investigation.
Each time a meter is polled the number of channels of data expected is compared against
the number actually received. If they do not agree then no data is retrieved and the failure
is reported by MV90 for investigation.
Each time a meter is polled its time is checked to ensure it falls within two minutes of the
actual time. If the time is out by more than two minutes then the data is retrieved and the
time difference is investigated. The meter will be programmed with the correct time.
Each channel status for each interval is checked for pulse overflows. If a pulse overflow
is reported the data is marked for estimation and the cause is investigated and resolved.
Each channel status for each interval is checked for any interval data that may be
excluded. If excluded intervals are reported then those intervals are marked for
estimation and the cause is investigated.
Each time a meter is polled the number of expected half-hour time intervals between the
start and stop times of the load profile data is calculated and compared with the actual
number of time intervals found in the load profile data file. Any difference in the number
of time intervals is investigated and resolved.
When a meter is polled and it provides an electronic cumulative reading of the prime
register equivalent to the total consumption of the meter, then the difference between
successive cumulative readings is compared to the total of the meter period data for the
same period of time.
MC - 579
26 June 2019
• The sum of pulses * pulse multiplier for all the recording intervals collected is
compared to the meter advance * meter multiplier for the time interval.
• If the difference between these values is greater than the meter register multiplier
then a secondary check is performed.
• If the difference between actual reading and the calculated reading is more than
2% then the problem is investigated and resolved.
3.3.8 Alarms
When a meter is polled and significant meter alarms are flagged in the data file, e.g.
long/short intervals etc. each alarm is investigated.
If a customer’s half hour data profile does not normally register any zero consumption on
the kW import channel then the total number of zero half hour data intervals retrieved for
the kW channel will be counted. If it exceeds 20 intervals then the data is flagged for
Data estimation is required in situations where meter data is incomplete, has been irretrievably
lost or cannot be obtained within the timeframes required. Data substitution is required where the
data obtained is erroneous. Data will be estimated/substituted when required using one of the
following methods in the order specified below:
If the gap in data is 2 hours or less point-to-point linear interpolation will be used to
estimate/substitute the data. Intervals containing a power outage are not used as end
points for interpolation:
(a) If the data gap occurs in the middle of the data, the first point is the last valid
interval before the gap and the second point is the first valid interval after the
(b) If the gap occurs at the beginning of the span the last interval from the historical
data is used as the first point if the historical data is available and valid.
Otherwise the second point (the first valid interval after the section) is used as the
first point – this will cause the load to be estimated as a flat load.
(c) If the gap occurs at the end of the span the first point (the last valid interval
before the section) is used as the second point – this will cause the load to be
estimated as a flat load.
MC - 580
26 June 2019
If the gap in data is greater than 2 hours then the interval data is constructed using the
average load shape based on the three most recent “similar” periods with valid data (i.e.
data that has not been estimated). A “similar” period means the same time period of
week and can be chosen from the previous 90 days. If the period needing estimation is a
holiday, then the “similar days” should be holidays rather than the same day of week.
If adequate data is not available to perform this then one of the methods outlined below
will be employed in the order given:
(a) Where actual meter readings are available an adjustment factor shall be
calculated and applied to the data to ensure that the total estimated consumption
is equal to the total actual consumption.
(b) If only two “similar” periods are available within 90 days, the average is
calculated of these two. Similarly, if only one “similar” period is available the
data for this period is used for estimation.
(c) If no “similar” periods are available in the previous 90 days, the three “like”
periods that are closest chronologically prior to the period requiring estimation
are used. A “like” period means a weekday or weekend/holiday.
(d) If no “similar” periods are available and three “like” periods are not available
then the average of the two “like” periods that are closest chronologically prior to
the period requiring estimation is used.
(e) If no “similar” periods are available and two “like” periods are not available then
the data for the “like” period that is closest chronologically prior to the period
requiring estimation is used.
(f) If there is no historical data that can be used, the data should be estimated
manually and all assumptions documented fully.
Forms set out in the Appendices to this Procedure may be amended from time to time by the TSO
upon reasonable notice to all Registrants. The TSO shall also take into account reasonable
comments of such Registrants.
MC - 581
26 June 2019
MC - 582
26 June 2019
3b Where revisions to the initial data under (2) above are agreed, prepare TSO Registrant Fax / Post on
revised data and send to Registrant. standard forms
4a No later than Where the data under (3) above is accepted, indicate acceptance on form, Registrant TSO Fax / Post on
the 7th sign and return to the TSO. standard forms
Business Day SE2/SE3
after receipt of
4b Where the data under (3) above is rejected, indicate non-agreement on Registrant TSO Fax / Post on
form, sign and return to the TSO. Immediately thereafter raise a formal standard forms
dispute as per MC15 SE2/SE3
MC - 583
26 June 2019
For forms completed by the Registrant, please fax or post to the following address:
or such other address and/or recipient as the TSO may notify from time to time.
MC - 584
26 June 2019
Serial No: ....................
To: (TSO/Registrant)*
Please find below details of missing / incorrect* meter values in respect of:
Connection Site:
Nature of Problem:
For (TSO/Registrant)*
Signed: Name:
(in block capitals)
Position: Date:
To: (TSO/Registrant)*
I have investigated the circumstances causing the above mentioned missing/incorrect* meter
values. The reason(s) for this are
For Registrant
Signed: Name:
(in block capitals)
Position: Date:
( *Delete as appropriate)
MC - 585
26 June 2019
Serial No: ....................
Page 1 of 2
Note that form SE3 must accompany this to give details of Settlement Values.
To: (Registrant)
Please find, for authorization, attached details of substituted/estimated* meter values in respect of:
Connection Site:
Nature of Problem:
The date and times affected are detailed in the attached sheet(s).
For TSO:
Signed: Name:
(in block capitals)
Position: Date:
I hereby agree/disagree* with the substituted/estimated* meter values submitted with this form for the
date and times referred to in the attached sheet(s). The reason(s) for disagreement are attached*.
Proposed alternative values are included*.
For Registrant
Signed: Name:
(in block capitals)
Position: Date:
(*Delete as appropriate)
MC - 586
26 June 2019
Serial No: ...................
Page 2 of 2
Half Hour Data as Rec. Substituted/ Proposed Half Hour Data As Rec Substituted/ Proposed Half Hour Data As Rec Substituted/ Proposed Alternative
Estimated Data Alternative Estimated Data Alternative Data Estimated Data Data
00.30 08.30 16.30
01.00 09.00 17.00
01.30 09.30 17.30
02.00 10.00 18.00
02.30 10.30 18.30
03.00 11.00 19.00
03.30 11.30 19.30
04.00 12.00 20.00
04.30 12.30 20.30
05.00 13.00 21.00
05.30 13.30 21.30
06.00 14.00 22.00
06.30 14.30 22.30
07.00 15.00 23.00
07.30 15.30 23.30
08.00 16.00 24.00
MC - 587
26 June 2019
Contents Page
1. Scope of Procedure................................................................................................................... 1
MC - 589
26 June 2019
1.1 This Agreed Procedure (the "Procedure") outlines the communication protocols to be used by each
Party in accessing data held by Metering.
1.2 The Procedure supplements the Main Code and the Sub-Codes of the Metering Code to which
reference should be made. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of the Procedure
and the Main Code or a Sub-Code the provisions of the Main Code or such Sub-Code shall prevail.
The provisions of the Main Code shall prevail over the provisions of any Sub-Code.
1.3 The Procedure is part of the Grid Code and terms and expressions defined in the Grid Code shall
have the same meaning in the Procedure.
The Procedure is to be used by the TSO, Registrant and Interested User staff, as appropriate,
involved in designing and installing communications links between Metering and other data
gathering equipment.
Data transfers in the Interim Metering Scheme between the TSO data collectors and the Data
Collection System and Generator data collectors and data collection apparatus operated by any
Interested User shall be formatted and executed through Landis & Gyr's proprietary SCTM (Serial
Coded Tele-Metering) communications protocol.
A range of communication routes may be used for transferring data, including but not limited to
dial-up modems across PSTN or PTN, direct cabling or virtual data links through other
communications media (e.g. X25).
In each case, the prime considerations shall be security of data transfer, reliability and adherence to
national and/or industry communications standards. Therefore each proposed communication route
(other than those allowed for directly within any given communications protocol) shall be approved
by the TSO's telecommunications specialists prior to implementation.