Topic 3 Notes
Topic 3 Notes
Topic 3 Notes
o Communities and ecosystems can be described and compared through diversity
o Low diversity could indicate pollution, eutrophication or early stages of succession.
o Simpson’s Diversity Index helps to measure biodiversity.
o It is important to repeat investigations over a period of time. It tells us if biodiversity
is increasing or decreasing and if conservation efforts are needed/effective.
o Measuring biodiversity is important to identifying, exploring and conserving areas
of high biodiversity.
o Assessing changes in biodiversity over time helps us assess the impact of human
activity in a community.
• Biodiversity hotspots are regions with high levels of biodiversity that are under threat from
human activities.
o There are 25 recognised hotpots around the world – there about 10 which are
tropical rainforests.
o Hotspots are areas where 70% of the habitat has already been lost.
o Focus on vascular plants and ignore animals
o Do not represent total species richness and diversity
o Focus on places that have already lost habitat and not ones that may be under threat
or are losing it currently
o Do not consider genetic diversity
o Do not consider the value of services like water resources
• Extinction rates are believed to be 100 to 10,000 times more than the background
extinction rate.
§ There are edge effects on the fragments – there are fluctuations of light
temperature and humidity at the edges as they interact with human
activity as compared to the middle.
§ Invasion of the habitat by pests or humans increases the possibility that
domestic and wild species come into contact and spread diseases.
o Pollution
§ This can be in the form of:
• Local pollution – spraying pesticides that drift into wild spaces,
oil spills
• Environmental pollution – air pollution, acid deposition, smog
• Run-off from fertilizes, leading to eutrophication,
biomagnification of toxic chemicals in food chains
• Climate change altering weather patterns
o Overexploitation
§ Overexploitation due to catching, hunting and harvesting has escalated
with increasing human population.
§ If we exceed the maximum sustainable yield of any species, it is
unsustainable to continue exploiting it.
§ Many species are the victims of hunting and poaching for exotic pets
and products, for example, elephants.
o Introducting exotic/alien species
§ Humans can do this by bringing their own crops or livestock to other
§ Sometimes, non-native species can outcompete native ones and cause
disturbances and imbalance in the ecosystem.
§ E.g.
• Rabbits in Australia were brought for game hunting, but
reproduced too quickly and took over the area. Viruses were
introduced to kill them but did not work
• Cane toads were introduced to control pests on sugarcane but
outcompeted native species
• Red fox, camel, blackberry, prickly pear cactus, crown of thorns
starfish, etc.
o Spread of disease
§ Diseases of domesticated animals can spread to wild animals and vice-
versa – diseases which the species are unable to deal with.
§ They can mutate and infect other species when they are usually only
meant for one species.
§ E.g.
• Swine flu in 2010 passing from pigs to humans
• Bird flu affecting both birds and humans since 2003
• Foot and mouth disease affecting hooved animals spread to
humans in the UK in 2001
o Modern agricultural practices
§ Monoculture – salinization, loss of soil fertility
§ Pesticides – kill other organisms which are not pests
IB Environmental Systems and Societies SL 6
Topic 3: Biodiversity and Conservation
Shreya Mozumdar
§ Species that feed on only one type of diet can be vulnerable as they will
lose their food supply completely if anything happens to the species they
feed on.
§ E.g. giant pandas eat only bamboo, koalas eat only eucalyptus leaves
o Useful to humans, living in herds
§ Species that live in large groups are more liable to overexploitation by
humans as many can be exploited at once.
§ E.g. bison
o Island organisms
§ Organisms living on islands are more vulnerable because:
• Populations may be small
• High degree of endemic species (have no other habitat)
• Low genetic diversity
• Vulnerable to the introduction of exotic species
o The IUCN is the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
o It monitors the world’s species through the Red List of Threatened Species.
o The Red List is a list of species under varying levels of threat to their survival.
Data is gathered on a global scale.
Extinct (EX)
Least Concern (LC) Near Vulnerable Endangered Critically (no doubt
(Widespread and Threatened (V) (EN) Endangered that the last
abundant) (NT) (risk of (very high (CR) individual
(may be extinction risk of (highest has died)
threatened in the extinction in risk of Extinct in the
in the wild) the wild) extinction wild (EW)
future) in the wild) (individuals
only survive
in captivity)
IB Environmental Systems and Societies SL 8
Topic 3: Biodiversity and Conservation
Shreya Mozumdar
o Natural products
§ Many of the fertilisers, medicines and pesticides we use are derived from
plants and animals.
§ E.g.: guano is a fertiliser made from seabird droppings. Oil palm provides
oil for biofuels, margarine and soap.
o Environmental services
§ These are essential processes carried out by organisms, that are of great
value to the environment.
§ E.g.: fertilization, pollination, soil aeration, photosynthesis, nutrient cycling
and decomposition
o Gene pools
§ Wild animals and plants are a good source of genes to use in hybridisation
and genetic engineering.
o Medicine
§ Antibiotics like penicillin are obtained from fungi.
§ A species of yew in the US yields a chemical that can treat cancer.
§ The rosy periwinkle from the Madagascar forest helps treat leukaemia.
o Biorights
§ Species have a right to exist – a bioright unrelated to human needs and wants.
§ Biodiversity should be preserved for its own sake – it carries intrinsic value.
• Conserving biodiversity involves the sustainable use and management of natural
• Preserving biodiversity attempts to exclude human activity in areas where humans have
not yet encroached.
• IGOs, GOs and NGOs
o Intergovernmental organisations (IGOs) are composed of and answer to a group of
member states. E.g. the UN, IPCC
o Governmental organisations (GOs) are part of and funded by a national government.
They are bureaucratic, and involved in research, regulation, monitoring and control.
E.g. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US
o Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are not part of a government and are not
for profit. They may be international or local and are funded by individuals, altruists
and subscriptions. E.g. Greenpeace
IB Environmental Systems and Societies SL 9
Topic 3: Biodiversity and Conservation
Shreya Mozumdar
Species-based conservation focuses on conserving a particular species but does not consider
the habitat it lives in.
• CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and
o It is an international agreement between governments to address the endangerment
of species by trade.
o Governments who sign up to CITES must change national laws to support CITES’
IB Environmental Systems and Societies SL 10
Topic 3: Biodiversity and Conservation
Shreya Mozumdar
o CITES aims to ensure that trade in wild animals and plants does not threaten their
o Species are grouped in CITES appendices depending on threatened they are by
international trade.
§ Appendix I – the species cannot be traded as it is threatened by extinction
§ Appendix II – the species can be traded, but within strict regulations to
ensure sustainability
§ Appendix III – a species included on a country’s request that needs the
cooperation of other countries to prevent illegal exploitation.
o The lists include 5000 animal species and 28000 plant species.
o Zoos and other captive breeding facilities house many examples of species, but
cannot keep them all.
o Keeping a species in a zoo is not a process to reintroduce into the wild if they have
been wiped out there.
o Advantages
§ The animal is ensured a supply of food and water.
§ The animal is ensured proper healthcare.
§ The animal can breed properly.
§ The animal’s genes are preserved and can be used to recreate it.
§ People are educated about the value of the species in the zoo.
o Disadvantages
§ The animals may become too used to humans and may not be able to adapt
in the wild.
§ Sometimes the species’ habitat has disappeared and it cannot be
reintroduced into the wild.
§ Sometimes animals are treated cruelly.
§ The animals lose the natural instincts like finding food, hunting, defending
themselves, etc. as they have not been exposed to a situation where they
need to use these abilities.
§ They may get communicable diseases from humans.
o e.g. The Royal Botanical Gardens in London grows 25,000 plant species and 10%
of these are threatened species.
o Botanical gardens grow plants to identify and classify them, and carry out research,
education and conservation.
o In seed banks, seeds are stored, frozen or dried. They are gene banks for the plant
o If a plant species is lost in the wild, seeds can be preserved for future use and
reintroduction of the species.
o Seed banks can help protect the genetic diversity of a species.
o Flagship species are charismatic, instantly recognised, popular and capture
people’s attention.
o Most are large and furry but may not have a significant impact on the ecosystem.
o They do, however, have instant appeal and are used to ask for funds from the public.
These funds are used to protect threatened species.
o Disadvantages
§ Prioritised over other species
IB Environmental Systems and Societies SL 11
Topic 3: Biodiversity and Conservation
Shreya Mozumdar
• Factors to conserve an area – surrounding land use and distance from urban centres.
• UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere (MAB) programme created a world network of
international reserves. It has created 480 reserves in 100 countries.