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Central Injection Unit Undo the retaining pins and remove the central injection unit

from the intake pipe complete with the gasket. Plug the intake
pipe end to prevent entry of extraneous matter.
Removal and refitting
Refitting is the reverse order of removing. Pay attention to the
Select the neutral position of the gearchange lever and apply condition of the seals and gaskets, renew if applicable.
the handbrake. On completion, check the fuel pressure as described below.
Since, after the engine is stalled, fuel remains under pres- WARNING. Never re-use the gasket mounted under the
sure, always depressurize the fuel system. To do this, disconnect central injection unit and sealing rings of fuel pipes.
the fuel pump wiring plug from the injection wiring harness. Start
the engine and run it until it cuts off. Operate the starter motor for Dismantling and reassembly.
three seconds to equalize pressure in the pipework. Reconnect
the fuel pump wiring plug to the injection wiring harness. Undo the retaining screws and remove throttle position (TP)
Disconnect the battery negative lead. sensor 10 (Fig. 9-4), injector 6, fuel pressure regulator, vacuum
Remove the air cleaner and disconnect the throttle cable from hose manifold housing 13 and idle air control valve 14.
the central injection unit. Undo two retaining screws and disconnect the fuel supply
Detach the fuel pipes from the central injection unit and plug part from the throttle housing.
the pipe ends to prevent fuel leakage. Reassembly is a reverse of dismantling. Examine the seals,
Disconnect the wiring plug (Fig.9-3) of throttle position sensor renew if applicable. When refitting the TP sensor, align the throt-
4, injector 2 and idle air control valve 9. tle shaft flats with the TP sensor pickup lever.
On the central injection unit detach the vacuum hoses to the
Examination and repair
canister and MAP sender, along with the crankcase vent hose.
Make certain everything is reconnected properly. Injector is a one-piece unit. When removing the injector,
take care not to damage the wiring plug or atomizer head.

WARNING. Never clean or wash the injector with petrol

or other cleaners.
Renew the injector seals. In the event of deposits on the
injector filters (the major diameter filter is a purge filter, while the
minor diameter filter is an intake filter), blow the filters with com-
pressed air, then flush the fuel tank and fuel pipes.
Apply sealant on the retainer screw thread when refitting the
Fuel pressure regulator. Remember that the spring under
the regulator cover is compressed, so exercise care when
unscrewing the cover.
When the regulator is removed, examine the valve seats, use
a magnifying glass if necessary. The seat must not show any pit-
ting, dents or surface irregularities, otherwise renew the fuel sup-
ply housing of the central injection unit.
It is recommended to renew the valve diaphragm after each
dismantling. Always smear the thread of the regulator cover
securing screw with sealant.

WARNING. When refitting the fuel pressure regulator

check to see the diaphragm sits correctly without skewing.
Fuel supply housing of central injection unit. During
reassembly of the central injection unit always renew the gasket
Fig.9-2. Removing the central injection unit and intake pipe: between the fuel supply housings and throttle plate. Cut-outs in
1 - intake manifold preheater; 2 - intake manifold; 3 - central injection unit the gasket should be aligned with the bores in the throttle plate.

Apply sealant on the thread of the housing securing screws.
Throttle position sensor. Before fitting the TP sensor, fully
close the throttle, then turning the sensor anticlockwise, align the
flats of the shaft with the sensor pickup lever.
Tighten the securing screws.

WARNING. Never clean or wash the TP sensor or idle air

control valve with petrol or other cleaners.
Idle air control valve. Replace the sealing washers with new
ones. The idle air control valve is of a taper shape, 10 mm diam-
eter. Always replace it with a new valve of the respective model.
Before fitting the idle air control valve to the throttle housing,
check the distance between the mounting flange and valve end.
Remember, an excess protrusion of the valve can cause dam-
The distance should be less than 23 mm. When with a new
idle air control valve it is in excess of 23 mm, sway the valve with
Fig.9-3. Central injection unit: your hand, pushing it in.
1 - fuel pressure gauge; 2 - injector; 3 - connection for fuel delivery pipe; 4 -
throttle position sensor; 5 - connection for fuel return hose to tank; 6 - pipe union To avoid damage, do not hand push the valve which was in
for canister purge hose; 7 - pipe union for crankcase vent hose; 8 - pipe union use. For this purpose it is recommended to use a diagnostic tool
for MAP sensor hose; 9 - idle air control valve; 10 - quadrant for throttle actua- or specialized monitor.
tion from pedal in the passenger compartment
After having refitted the idle air control valve and central injec-
tion unit, reconnect a diagnostic tool to the diagnostic plug and com-
mand the ECM to reset the parameters of the idle air control valve.
Throttle housing. When reassembling the central injection
unit, it is a good practice to renew the sealing gasket of the fuel
supply housing.
Scrape the gasket from the throttle housing and vacuum
housing, fit a new gasket.

Fuel supply pressure - checking

Carry out the following checks: inspect the fuel delivery lines
for leaks, check the fuel pressure regulator and electric fuel pump
for satisfactory operation.
Relief the pressure in the fuel line, as described earlier for
removal of the central injection unit.
Reconnect the wiring plug to the fuel pump.
Disconnect the fuel pipe from the fuel supply pipe union of the
central injection unit, then using a T-piece connect a pressure
gauge between the pipe union and fuel pipe.
Turn the ignition key to the position «Ignition».
Check the pressure gauge is functional, check its connection
shows no leaks. The pressure should be within 190-210 kPa.
When there is no pressure, listen to hear the fuel pump cuts in
Fig.9-4. Components and assemblies of central injection unit: when the ignition key is turned to the position «Ignition» (the
1 - throttle stop screw (preset at the factory); 2 - fuel pressure regulator cover; pump operation and its relay clicks can be distinctly heard in the
3 - spring; 4 - diaphragm; 5 - air cleaner gasket; 6 - injector; 7 - holder; 8 - fuel passenger compartment).
delivery pipe union; 9 - fuel return pipe union; 10 - throttle position sensor; 11 -
throttle shaft; 12 - grommet; 13 - vacuum pipes housing; 14 - idle air control Should the fuel pump fails to operate, check the pump circuit.
valve After two seconds of operation the fuel pump shuts off, as no

crankshaft position pulses are fed to the ECU when the engine is Evaporative emission control system
not running. To re-activate the fuel pump, switch off the ignition
for ten seconds, then switch it on again. Examine the hoses and charcoal canister. If the housing is
found cracked or damaged, renew the charcoal canister.
After the fuel pump is shut off, the fuel pressure can slightly
go down and then stabilizes; or it can go up, if the engine is warm. If leakage is evident, check the hose connections for tight-
When the fuel pressure fails to stabilize and instead, goes down, ness. Renew a leaking canister.
operate the fuel pump and immediately after its stop, pinch the
hose that supplies fuel to the central injection unit. Electrical equipment
If no pressure drop is evident, check the fuel line for leaks Refer to Fig.9-5 for electric wiring diagram that is comple-
between the fuel tank and central injection unit, check the gauze mented with the injection wiring harness routed between the
filter for tightness, then re-check pressure in the fuel delivery sys- injection electronic control unit (ECU) and various sensors and
tem. injection system actuators.
A lower pressure (below 190 kPa) can be caused by a faulty Through a separate connector, three wires of the injection
fuel pressure regulator or by a restricted flow in the fuel delivery wiring harness are linked to the low tension (LT) input of the
system. tachometer in the instrument cluster, to the «CHECK ENGINE»
The fuel delivery system capacity can be checked by return lamp and terminal «15» of the ignition switch.
flow. When necessary, renew the gauze filter. There are five fuses in the injection wiring harness.
The fuel pressure regulator can be checked by a pressure Fuse 16 (50 amperes) is housed separately. It protects the
gauge; for that disconnect the return hose and immerse it into a intake manifold preheater. The remaining four fuses (15 amperes
container. Operate the electric fuel pump, pinch the return hose each) are located in a separate fusebox 17, on the left-hand side,
and check the pump pressure by the pressure gauge. Release the under the facia console.
hose. The pressure gauge reading is the pressure of the fuel pres-
Refer to Table 9-1 for detailed information on the circuits
sure regulator valve actuation. Renew the fuel pressure regulator
when applicable.
Table 9-1
A higher pressure in the fuel supply system (in excess of 210
kPa) can be caused by a faulty fuel pressure regulator or a high- Injection system protective fuses
er resistance to fuel return to the fuel tank. To check this, connect Fuse Circuits protected
a pressure gauge to the system; then working in the engine bay,
disconnect the return hose and immerse it to the container.
1-2 Fuel pump «on» relay (contacts)
Switch off the electric fuel pump and read the pressure gauge to
check the pressure. Electric fuel pump. Fuel injector.
Should the pressure exceeds the normal value, renew the
fuel pressure regulator, otherwise, identify and eliminate the
cause of higher resistance to fuel return. 3-4 Oxygen sensor. Vehicle speed sender.

Canister valve.
Electric fuel pump
Intake manifold preheater relay (winding).
Removal and refitting. Disconnect the wiring and depres-
surize the fuel delivery system as described in the procedure for
removing the central injection unit. 5-6 ECU. Ignition control module.
Disconnect the fuel pipes from the fuel pump and undo the
nuts holding it to the fuel tank. Withdraw the fuel pump unit from
the fuel tank. 7-8 Reserve

Refitting is a reversal of the removal procedure.

In addition to fuses, there is «a fusible link» at the end of the
The electric pump cannot be dismantled or repaired. In case
red wire connected to the battery. This fusible link represents a
of failure, always replace it with a new one.
length of black wire of 1mm2 cross-section, whereas the main red
wire is of 6 mm2 cross-section.

Fig.9-5. Wiring diagram for VAZ-21214 vehicle, CFI:
1 - electric fuel pump and fuel level sender; 2 - injector; 3 - oxygen sensor; 4 - octane potentiometer; 5 - air temperature sensor; 6 - MAP sensor; 7 - throttle position sen-
sor; 8 - coolant temperature sensor; 9 - idle air control valve; 10 - diagnostic plug; 11- speed sender; 12 - canister purge valve; 13 - spark plugs; 14 - ignition module;
15 - electronic control unit plug; 16 - intake manifold preheater fuse; 17 - fusebox, injection system; 18 - crankshaft position sensor; 19 - instrument cluster with tachometer
and «CHECK ENGINE» light; 20 - main fusebox; 21 - ignition relay; 22 - fuel pump cut-in relay; 23 - intake manifold preheater relay; 24 - intake manifold preheater;
Ä - to battery «+» terminal; Ç - to ignition switch terminal «15»

VAZ-21214-20 vehicle
The VAZ-21214-20 vehicle is fitted with a 1.7-L engine,
Sequential Fuel Injection.

Engine 21214-10
The engine 21214-10 is four-stroke, four-cylinder, in-line,
SOHC, with Sequential Fuel Injection System.
The 21214-10 engine is based on the 21213 engine. Both
engines have similar housing components, piston / connection
rod mechanism and power unit mounting. The differences
include the sequential ignition system used instead of the carbu-
rettor, the hydraulic valve lifters and hydraulic chain tensioner in
the valve timing gear. All this results in different engine disman-
tling and reassembly, with respect to removal and refitting of air
supply units, fuel metering system and lubrication system.

Power unit - removal and refitting

Before removing the power unit, depressurize the fuel supply
system. For that disconnect the fuel pump wiring plug from the
injection wiring harness, operate the engine, let it run until it
stops, then operate the starter for three seconds to equalize
Fig.9-7. Removing the accelerator linkage:
pressure in the fuel lines. 1 - bracket; 2 - return spring; 3 - support bracket; 4 - throttle cable; 5 - sector
Disconnect the battery negative lead. with throttle lever; 6 - cable retaining bracket; 7 - throttle pedal; 8 - pedal pad.

Fig.9-6. Fuel tank and fuel pipes:

1 - return pipe; 2 - cap; 3 - electric fuel pump; 4 - petrol tank; 5 - fuel filter strap; 6 - fuel filter; 7 - fuel return hose; 8 - fuel delivery hose; 9 - fuel delivery pipe; 10 - fuel rail

Fig.9-8. Removing the components and units of air intake system:
1 - part throttle channel heater hose; 2 - throttle body; 3 - return hose from throttle body; 4 - air intake; 5 - air intake end piece; 6 - intake manifold hose; 7 - MAF sensor;
8 - air cleaner cover; 9 - filtering element; 10 - air filter housing; 11 - filter mounting; 12 - receiver unit; 13 - gasket

Disconnect hoses 7 and 8 (supply and return) (Fig.9-6) from Disconnect the wiring from the throttle manifold, ignition mod-
pipes 1 and 9. Plug the hose / pipe ends to prevent dirt ingress. ule, injector wiring harness, all relevant sensors on the power unit
Disconnect accelerator cable 4 (Fig.9-7) from sector 6 on the and from reversing light switch on the transmission.
throttle hosing, bracket 5 on the receiver unit and from bracket 3 Next proceed with the usual removal procedure as described
on valve cover. in chapter 2.
Disconnect the crankcase evap hose from hose 6 (Fig.9-8) Refitting is the reverse order of removal. The rubber mount-
connection, loosen two clips and remove hose 6 of the intake
ings of the air cleaner are disposal, so new mountings must be fit-
manifold. Cut off three rubber mountings 11 holding the air clean-
ted when refitting the air cleaner.
er to the body and one mounting that retains the cold air intake
end to the radiator, remove the air cleaner complete with mass air After refitting the power unit, adjust the accelerator drive. At
flow meter 7. fully released accelerator pedal 7 (Fig. 9-7), the throttle should be
From the receiver unit disconnect the vacuum hose to the fuel fully closed. The cable should be taut. The cable deflection by
pressure regulator and to the brake servo unit. hand force should be 10 mm as a maximum. When necessary,
Disconnect the canister purge hose from the throttle housing adjust the cable tension using the adjuster nuts at the cable end.
(when the vehicle is fitted with the evaporative emission control At fully depressed accelerator pedal, the throttle should be
system). wide open, throttle sector 6 should have no further movement.

Check the injection system for satisfactory operation, as out- Further engine dismantling is as described in chapter 2 of this
lined in Repair Manual for Fuel Sequential Injection System. Manual. The engine reassembly is reverse of the dismantling pro-
cedure. Before refitting the fuel rail, lubricate the injector sealing
Engine - dismantling and reassembly rings with motor oil.
The main differences on dismantling and reassembly are
related to alternative design of the air supply system. Valve mechanism - design description
Mount the engine on the test bench, drain oil from the oil pan, Valves 2 (Fig.9-10) are operated by the cams through rocker
dismantle the engine in the order described below. arms 3. One end of the lever presses down the valve, while the
Disconnect supply 1/return 3 coolant hoses (Fig.9-8) and idle other end rests on the spherical head of the hydraulic lifter. The
crankcase vent hose from throttle manifold 2. Undo the nuts hold- hydraulic lifters automatically eliminate the clearance in the valve
ing the throttle housing to receiver unit 12 and withdraw the throt- train, so during technical service you do not need to check or
tle housing with gasket 13. adjust the valve clearances.
Disconnect and remove supply 9 /return 1 fuel pipes (Fig.9-6) Lubricating oil through pipe 3 (Fig.9-11) flows to the tensioner
from fuel rail 10, fuel pressure regulator and from the bracket on cavity «E» (Fig. 9-12), through the bore «Ñ» and valve unit 2 into
the receiver unit. Detach and remove vacuum hose 6 (Fig.9-9) the working cavity «Ç» pushing down plunger 5. Tensioner hous-
from receiver unit 8 and fuel pressure regulator 5. ing 1 has a 1 mm bore to release air in the cavity «Ö».
Undo five nuts holding the receiver unit to intake pipe 1 and The diameter clearance between housing 1 and plunger 5
withdraw the receiver unit complete with gasket 7. should be 0.018-0.024 mm and is measured as a difference
Disconnect the wiring from the injectors, withdraw fuel rail 4 between the maximum measured diameter of plunger 5 and min-
with pressure regulator 5, having undone two bolts 3 holding it to imum measured diameter of housing 1.
the intake pipe. Undo retaining nuts and bolts, withdraw the The tensioner housing and plunger make a unit, where no
brackets, followed by the intake pipe with the shield. Detach the replacement of either part is allowed once the clearance has
ignition module and knock sensor from the left-hand side of the been selected. Plunger 5 should easily stroke within housing 1 up
engine. to 16 mm.

Fig.9-9. Removing the fuel system components:

1 - intake manifold; 2 - injector; 3 - bolt; 4 - fuel fail; 5 - fuel pressure regulator; 6 - vacuum hose; 7 - gasket; 8 - receiver unit

Fig.9-10. Valve actuation:
1 - cylinder head; 2 - valve; 3 - valve lever; 4 - rail, hydraulic valve lifter; 5 - camshaft; 6 - hydraulic valve lifter; 7 - nut

Fig.9-11. Exploded view of chain tensioner:

1 - chain; 2 - tensioner shoe; 3 - oil delivery pipe to tensioner; 4 - chain tensioner; 5 - camshaft sprocket; 6 - chain damper; 7 - oil pump shaft sprocket; 8 - crankshaft

Fig.9-12. Hydraulic chain tensioner:
1 - tensioner housing; 2 - valve unit; 3 - ball, non-return valve; 4 - stop pin; 5 - plunger; 6 - volume restrictor; 7 - spring;
Ç - working cavity; ë - locating slot; Ñ - hole; Ö - reserve cavity

Fig.9-13. Cooling system:

1 - radiator pad; 2 - radiator return hose; 3 - water pump pulley; 4 - thermostat; 5 - drain pipe from throttle housing; 6 - coolant delivery hose to pump; 7 - transfer hose, ther-
mostat; 8 - coolant delivery pipe for part throttle channel preheating; 9 - radiator delivery hose; 10 - radiator cap; 11 - hose between radiator and expansion tank; 12 - top
fan cowl securing nut; 13 - radiator; 14 - electric fan; 15 - bottom fan cowl securing nut

When refitting to the engine, the tensioner should be free cleaner housing 10. The air then flows through paper filter ele-
from oil, dowel 4 should not protrude from the housing. ment 9, MAF sensor 7, hose 6 and throttle housing 2. From the
throttle housing the warm air is directed to receiver unit 12 and
Cooling system intake pipe and further to the cylinder head and cylinders.

The cooling system features two electric fans 14 (Fig.9-13). Filter element - renewal
The fan cowl is mounted in front of the radiator and is held by two
top 12 and two bottom 15 nuts. 1. Undo four retaining bolts, remove air cleaner cover 8 com-
The introduction of the throttle housing in the cooling system plete with MAF sensor 7 and intake pipe hose 6.
has necessitated its heating-up by delivery of coolant via hose 8 2. Renew filter element 9 so that its corrugation is parallel to
from the cylinder head return pipe. The coolant is returned the vehicle axial line.
through hose 5 which connects the throttle housing to the heater 3. Refit and secure the air cleaner cover.
matrix return pipe.
The cooling fan motor is operated by the electronic control Crankcase ventilation system
unit, so there is no fan blower «cut-in» sensor.
Draught ventilation is provided to expel crankcase gases and
Fuel system fuel vapours into the engine intake pipe.
Crankcase gases are drawn through hose 1 (Fig.9-14) into
The fuel system is within the Engine Management System the intake pipe hose and further via the throttle housing and
(EMS) which is described in detail in a separate Repair and receiver unit into the intake pipe.
Service Manual for EMS, Sequential Fuel Injection, therefore this
At low rpm and closed throttle, most of crankcase gases are
section describes only removal, refitting and replacement of the
drawn along hose 2 to the throttle housing.
air cleaner filter element.
Flushing. To flush the system disconnect vent hoses 1 and
The air filter is mounted at the front right-hand side of the
2 from the intake pipe hose and throttle housing 3. Remove oil
engine bay on three rubber mountings 11 (Fig.9-8).
separator 8 cover 5 and wash both units with petrol or kerosine.
Fresh air through air intake 5 and pipe 4 is drawn into air Flush and blow with compressed air all hoses and connectors.

Fig.9-14. Crankcase ventilation system:

1 - discharge hose; 2 - vent hose; 3 - throttle housing; 4 - oil dipstick; 5 - oil separator cover; 6 - oil pressure gauge; 7 - gasket; 8 - oil separator

Fig.9-15. Exhaust emission system:
1 - clasp; 2 - front exhaust pipe; 3 - lock plate; 4 - pin; 5 - nut; 6 - gasket; 7 - oxygen sensor; 8 - bracket; 9 - bolt; 10 - conical string; 11 - catalytic converter; 12 - suspen-
sion loop; 13 - main silencer; 14 - clip; 15 - front silencer

Exhaust emission system Table 9-2

Injection system fuses
Exhaust gases are drawn from the engine through the
Fuse Circuits protected
exhaust manifold, front exhaust pipe 2 (Fig.9-15), catalytic con-
verter 11, front silencer 15 and main silencer 13. 1-2 Electric fuel pump relay (contacts).
Electric fuel pump.
The downpipe is connected to the catalytic converter flange 3-4 ECU.
by means of a movable joint. Between the flanges there is a met- 5-6 Main relay (contacts).
Oxygen sensor. Vehicle speed sender.
allographite ring with a spherical surface. Canister purge solenoid.
Downpipe 2 is secured with nuts 5 onto exhaust manifold Electric fuel pump relay (winding).
Electrical fan blower relay (winding). ECM.
studs 4, gasket 6 is fitted between them. Lock plates 3 are placed MAF meter. Injection wiring harness.
under the nuts. The other end of the downpipe by means of clasp 7-8 Electric fan blower relay (contacts).
1 is secured to bracket 8, fitted to the transmission cover. Electric fans.

Main silencer 13 is attached to the underbody by two sus- Besides the fuses there is «a fusible link» at the end of red
pension loops 12. wire, which is connected to the battery «+» terminal. The «fusible
link» represents a length of black wire of 1 mm2 cross-section,
The silencers complete with pipes represent single units and
whereas the main red wire is 6 mm2 cross-section.
should be renewed as such during repair.
Cooling fan motors. The cooling fans are operated by two
Electrical system dc motors (MP 8015 model) on permanent magnets.
The motors are triggered by EMS ECU via a relay. With the
An EMS wiring harness is added to the vehicle electrical sys- engine running the relay cuts in when the coolant temperature
tem (Fig.9-16) to connect the ECU with EMS sensors and actua- exceeds 105°ë or cuts off when the coolant temperature goes
tors. No headlamp wipe/wash is fitted to VAZ 21214-20 vehicle. below 101°ë.
Three wires of the EMS wiring harness through a separate The motors are maintenance-free and must be renewed in
plug are connected to the tachometer LT input in the instrument case of failure.
cluster, to «CHECK ENGINE» lamp and to ignition switch termi-
nal «15». Motor specification
There are four fuses in the EMS wiring harness. They are Nominal shaft speed with impeller load, rpm . . . . . . . . .2000 - 2200
located in a separate fusebox 26, underneath the left-hand end Current consumption at speeds and loads
trim cover. Refer to Table 9-2 for details. as specified, amperes, not greater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Fig.9-16. EMS wiring diagram (Sequential Fuel Injection), VAZ-21214-20 vehicle:
1 - coolant temperature sensor; 2 - throttle position sensor; 3 - mass airflow meter; 4 - canister purge solenoid; 5 - injectors; 6 - spark plugs; 7 - ignition module; 8 - elec-
tronic control unit; 9 - idle air control valve; 10 - instrument cluster with tachometer and CHECK ENGINE light; 11 - main fusebox; 12 - LED, antitheft system ; 13 - control
module, antitheft system; 14 - to door courtesy light switch; 15 - to interior light switch; 16 - diagnostic plug; 17 - electric fuel pump and fuel level sender; 18 - fuel pump
relay; 19 - speed sender; 20 - main relay; 21 - crankshaft position sender; 22 - knock sensor; 23 - oxygen sensor; 24 - fan relay; 25 - electric fans; 26 - injection system
fusebox; Ä - to power supply


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