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Anderson Greenwood Series 93T Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valves

Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Before installation these instructions must be fully read and understood

Installation and maintenance instructions The safety of lives and property often depends Note: remote pressure pick-up piping must
for Series 93T POSRV (Pilot Operated Safety on the proper operation of the pressure relief have the equivalent flow area of tubing for
ReliefValves). valve. The valve must be maintained according lengths up to 20 feet. For lengths greater than
The intent of these instructions is to acquaint to appropriate instructions and must be 20 feet, larger tubing or pipe should be used.
the user with the storage, installation and periodically tested and reconditioned to ensure
operation of this product. Please read these correct function.
instructions carefully before installation.
Storage and handling
Removal of the seal wires in an attempt to adjust Pressure relief valve performance may be
and/or repair this product by unauthorized or adversely affected if the valve is stored for an
unqualified persons voids the product warranty extended period without proper protection.
and may cause damage to equipment and serious Rough handling and dirt may damage, deform,
injury or death to persons. or cause misalignment of valve parts and may
The product is a safety related component alter the pressure setting and adversely affect
intended for use in critical applications. The valve performance and seat tightness. It is
improper application, installation or maintenance recommended that the valve be stored in the
of the product or the use of parts or components original shipping container in a warehouse
not manufactured by Anderson Greenwood may or as a minimum on a dry surface with a
result in a failure of the product. protective covering until installation. Inlet and
Any installation, maintenance, adjustment, test, outlet protectors should remain in place until
etc. performed on the product must be done the valve is ready to be installed in the system.
in accordance with the requirements of all
applicable Anderson Greenwood procedures and 1 General valve description and
instructions as well as applicable National and startup
International Codes and Standards.
1.1 Operation
Safety precautions The Anderson Greenwood Pilot Operated Safety
Relief Valves utilize the principle of back-
When the pressure relief valve is under loading the top, or large area, of a differential
pressure never place any part of your body area diaphragm with line pressure to hold
nearthe pilot exhaust nor the outlet of the the diaphragm closed up to set pressure.
mainvalve. At set pressure the pilot valve relieves,
The main valve outlet should be piped or vented partially evacuating the dome (volume above
to a safe location. the diaphragm) and the seat assembly lifts
Always wear proper safety gear to protect permitting discharge from the main valve.
head, eyes, ears, etc. anytime you are near When the pilot reseats, line pressure is diverted
pressurized valves. Never attempt to remove to the dome closing the main valve.
the pressure relief valve from a system that is
pressurized. 1.2 Installation
Never make adjustments to or perform Both inlet and outlet may be standard ANSI of
maintenance on the pressure relief valve while DIN flange connections and are to be installed
in service unless the valve is isolated from in accordance with accepted piping practices.
the system pressure. If not properly isolated The installed position of the safety valve should
from the system pressure, the pressure relief be in the upright position as shown in Figure 1.
valve may inadvertently open resulting in When remote pressure pick-up is used the pilot
seriousinjury. supply tube is connected to a remote location
Remove the pressure relief valve prior to rather than to the inlet neck of the valve. If a
performing any pressure testing of the system. block valve is used in the remote pilot supply
line, be sure it is opened before pressurizing
the system or opening the isolating block valve
under the main valve, if one is used.
Engineering Doc. #05.9040.082 Rev. E

www.valves.emerson.com 2017 Emerson. All rights reserved. VCIOM-03093-EN 14/11

Anderson Greenwood Series 93T Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valves
Installation and Maintenance Instructions

External Pilot valve

Outlet adjustment
Supply tube


Main valve
(typical) Inlet

Figure 1

1.3 Start-up Larger size valves may require that the retainer
There must be pressure at the valve inlet be pulled into place with the retainer screws.
to establish a differential in force across Start several screws in opposite holes using the
the diaphragm and load it in the closed screws to pierce through holes in the film and
position. Pressure must pass through the pilot tighten one thread at a time.
supply tube and pilot, and exert force on the Note: the film must be stretched tight and
diaphragm. On normal start-up, the valve loads be free of wrinkles and scratches to insure
itself without incident as pressure increases. abubble tight seal.
Block valves are often used under safety valves Install the remaining screws in the seat
in order to isolate them when maintenance retainer, trim the excess film from the outer
is required. When putting the safety valve in diameter and cut a hole in center for the
service be sure the block valve is fully opened. seatbolt.
If the block valve is opened after system
startup, the safety valve, may briefly vent to the 2.3 Assembly
atmosphere before the dome gets pressurized. Reassemble the diaphragm, seat and guide in
It will then close off positively. the reverse order of disassembly. Apply a light
film of lubricant to all threaded parts. Care
2 Main valve maintenance (Refer to should be taken to adequately tighten the seat
Figure 2) bolt(s) on those valves with guides to prevent
the diaphragm from pulling away from the bolt
2.1 Disassembly under pressure.
Remove the cap bolts, lift the cap from the Note: the 8, 10 and 12 main valve
valve body and lift the diaphragm, seat and diaphragms have a diameter hole in the
guide from the valve. Remove the seat bolt(s) to center to allow dome pressure to pressurize
separate the diaphragm from the seat, guide, the film seat. Make sure all replacement
and retainer plates. diaphragms have this hole. If the film seat
is not pressurized, the main valve seat will
2.2 Repair sealoff.
Inspect the nozzle seating area for nicks or Carefully insert the guide squarely into the
scratches. If they cannot be removed with nozzle and lower the diaphragm assembly into
crocus cloth or fine sandpaper, the nozzle must place. Align the holes on the diaphragm O.D.
be remachined. The nozzle may be removed with those on the body. The body seal gasket or
from the body. Machining of the 93T nozzles ring is placed between the diaphragm and body.
should be limited to .06 material removal since Replace the cap and bolts and cross-torque
the diaphragms used in these valves have a bolts to 50 ft-lbs.
shallow dish.
To replace the film seat, remove the retainer Refer to paragraph 8 for Soft goods repair kits.
screws and ring and lift the primary film seat
and secondary seat from the seat plate. Install
a new film seat by placing the film over the
seat plate with the edges of the film extending
beyond the outside diameter of the plate. Place
the secondary seat on the film and the retainer
with those in the seat plate and press the
retainer down evenly over the seat plate ridge.

Anderson Greenwood Series 93T Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valves
Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Parts list
Item Description
1 Diaphragm retainer[2]
2 Cap
3 Seat retainer
4 Nozzle
5 Primary seat
6 Spring pin[1]
7 Guide spring
8 Dipper tube
9 Guide
10 Body
11 Secondary seat
12 Seat plate
13 Diaphragm
14 Top plate pilot
15 Valve seal
16 Body gasket
17 Nozzle
18 Seal-bolt

1. Used in 6" and larger valves only

2. Used in 3" thru 6" size only

3 Pilot maintenance (Refer to Figure3)

3.1 Disassembly
To facilitate assembly, place all parts removed
in an orderly arrangement so the correct parts
are assembled in the proper sequence. Refer to
Figure 3 for parts description and location.
Figure 2
3.1.1 Begin by removing spring bonnet
(Remove the spring compression before
attempting to remove bonnet). Remove
case bolts and upper case. Loosen tube 3.2.2 Before tightening spindle nut, align
fittings on boost tube at lower case and holes in lower case, spacer ring and
body. Remove spindle nut while holding diaphragms with case bolts.
hex spacer. Remove diaphragms, sense Tighten spindle nut snugly but not
boost plates and spacers. Remove lower excessively. Three diaphragms are
case and spindle/seat assembly. Remove sandwiched in the spindle/stack
blowdown adjustment screw and supply assembly and excessive tightening will
port tube fitting. damage them. Hold the hex spacer when
torquing spindle nut to prevent the stack
3.1.2 Clean all parts and replace all soft from rotating.
goods. The nozzles used in these pilots PTFE diaphragms are used in the pilot.
can be reworked, if scratched, by lapping Gaskets are used with each diaphragm
flat to a 2microinch finish. to aid in sealing.

3.2 Assembly Refer to paragraph 8 for Soft goods repair kits.

Assembly is done in the reverse order of
disassembly. Lubricate all screw threads
and end of spring adjusting screw that bears
against spring washer. Use Dow Corning No.33
Silicone grease or equivalent. When assembling
pilot, the following should be observed:

3.2.1 The holes in spindle diaphragm must be

aligned with all holes in the body. The
small hole in lower case must be aligned
with hole in body.

Anderson Greenwood Series 93T Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valves
Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Parts list
Item Description
1 Cap
2 Pressure adj. bolt
3 Bonnet
4 Spring
5 Sense plate
6 Upper case
7 Spacer ring
8 Lower case
9 Boost spacer
10 Spindle diaphragm
12 Nozzle
13 Seat
14 Body
15 Vent
17 Check plate
18 Pilot diaphragm
19 Boost plate
20 Sense spacer A
21 Blowdown needle
Seal, body
24 Seat retainer
25 Retainer ring
26 Bonnet gasket
27 Bushing seal
28 Blowdown seal
29 Diaphragm gaskets
30 Diaphragm gasket
31 Boost tube seal

4 Pilot adjustment

4.1 General View A-A

Two adjustments are provided; one for varying Figure 3
the pressure at which the pilot opens and
one for varying the pressure at which the
pilot closes. The first adjustment controls the
set or popping pressure, the second the Note: if the blowdown adjusting screw has been
reseat or blowdown pressure. To adjust set moved or turned to either extreme, positioning
pressure, a test set-up similar to that shown in it midway will aid in obtaining the corrected
Figure 4 should be used. blowdown. There are approximately 7 to 8 turns
to obtain full travel of the adjustment. Midway
4.2 Set pressure from either end should produce a blowdown
This adjustment is obtained by turning the for snap action. For modulating pilot action,
pressure adjusting bolt, clockwise (in) to back the adjustment screw out (counter-
increase set pressure and counter- clockwise clockwise) to obtain the adjustment limits given
(out) to decrease set pressure. in paragraph 4.5.

4.3 Reseat pressure 4.4 Range of adjustment

This adjustment is obtained by turning the All Pilots can be adjusted 10% beyond the
blowdown needle adjusting screw, clockwise nameplate setting.
(in) to increase blowdown, counter- clockwise
(out) to decrease blowdown. A small interaction
between set pressure and reseat pressure
adjustments will occur, therefore it may be
necessary to readjust the set pressure after
setting reseat pressure.

Anderson Greenwood Series 93T Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valves
Installation and Maintenance Instructions

4.5 Adjustment tolerances

Set pressure Minimum crack pressure as % Supply pressure as % of set for
Pilot action[1] Set pressure tolerance ofnameplate set domepressure recovery[2]
Snap 2WC to 1.0 psi 3% 90 90 1
1 psi to 15 psi 3% 92 92
-2WC to 1.0 psi 3% 90 90 1
-1.0 psi to -14.7 psi 3% 92 92
Modulating 2WC to 1.0 psi 3% 90 100
1.0 psi to 15 psi 3% 92 100
-2WC to 1.0 psi 3% 90 100
-1.0 psi to -14.7 psi 3% 92 100

1. Snap action - dome pressure decreases rapidly with a snap to 15% 10% of set pressure at set pressure.
Modulating action - dome pressure decreases slowly to 30% 5% of set pressure and recovers to 60% 10%
of set pressure at set pressure.
2. Pilot seat should be bubble tight at dome recovery for snap pilot action and at 90% of set pressure for
modulating pilot action non-marine.

4.6 Definitions
Set pressure is defined as that pressure where the dome pressure is 15% of the supply pressure.
Crack pressure is defined as the supply pressure where gas flow begins at the pilot exhaust.

Pressure adjustment
regulator Pilot valve to be set
(relieving type)

pressure gage " FNPT Blowdown adjustment

Dome pressure gage

Pressure adjustment

Supply port
pressure Vent
" pipe

Accumulator Blowdown adjustment

Dome pressure
Figure 4 - Optional test set-up

Anderson Greenwood Series 93T Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valves
Installation and Maintenance Instructions

5 Accessory repair

5.1 Check valve

The check valves used on the dual pilot,
backflow preventer, and field test consist of an
upper body, a lower body, and a diaphragm.
Refer to Figure 5.
The check valve diaphragm is the only part Inlet Outlet
that should require servicing. If the diaphragm
is to be replaced, care should be taken not to
scratch or distort it in the center nozzle sealing
area. When reassembling the check valve, Flow
uniformly tighten the body bolts, first one side,
then the opposite side until all are tight. DO
NOT OVERTIGHTEN bolts as this will distort the
diaphragm and cause leakage. Figure 5

Parts list
Item Description
1 Hex head cap screw
2 Upper body
3 Diaphragm
4 Nut
5 Lower body
6 Spring pin
7 Lockwasher
8 Diaphragm support washer

6 Leak testing assembly 7 Pilot set pressure field test

6.1 General
The complete valve assembly should be leak 7.1 General
tested for internal and external leaks using a The pilot set pressure can be checked in the
pressure equal to 10% and 90% of set. field by applying an external test pressure to
the pilot through the field test hand valve as
6.2 Internal leak test shown in Figure 6.
Cover valve outlet with wet piece of paper and Note: if the process pressure at the time of test
observe paper for movement. Any outward is less than approximately 30% of the pilot set
movement indicates a leak. If leakage is pressure, the main valve will not open. If the
detected, remove paper and spray leak test process pressure is greater than 30% and the
solution around nozzle/seat to locate leak. main valve must remain closed, temporarily
Cause of leakage may be damaged nozzle replace the pilot exhaust vent with an orifice
seating surface or wrinkled Teflon film seat. plug having an orifice diameter of .040/.060.
This orifice must be removed on completion of
6.3 External leak test field testing as it prevents the main valve from
Following the internal leak test, check for opening.
external leakage by applying leak test solution
to all joints and seals. Tighten bolts or fittings 7.2 Procedure
as required. A. Connect test gas bottle as shown in
B. Close vent valve C.
C. Open field test valve B. Test gauge will
read process pressure.
D. Open block valve A SLOWLY to increase
pressure until pilot pops. The set pressure
will be the pressure indicated on the test
gauge at the time of pop.
E. To remove test set up, close valves A and
B, open valve C.

Anderson Greenwood Series 93T Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valves
Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Field test valve "B"

Flexible hose

Test gage

Block valve "A"

Vent valve "C"


Figure 7

8 Soft goods repair kits

Soft goods repair kits contain all the seals and

seats to repair a valve. To order a kit, specify
the base number and select the last three
digits from the following tables. To ensure the
purchase of the correct repair kit, the order
should specify the valve model and serial

Kit base number: 04.4744.XXX

Main valve
Material 2x3 3x4 4x6 6x8 8 x 10 10 x 12 12 x 16
PTFE .083 .084 .325 .326 .327 .328 .329
(below 1 psi)
PTFE .323 .324 .325 .326 .327 .328 .329
(above 1 psi)

Pilot (Complete kit consists

ofdiaphragm plus soft goods)
Low pressure (below 15 psi)
Vacuum Pressure
.007 .008

Backflow preventer check valve

Material All pressure
PTFE .781

2017 Emerson. All rights reserved.

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