The document describes an Ancient Onyx Dragon, including its stats, abilities, lair, and nature. It has powerful psychic and shadow abilities. It builds beautiful lairs to house its collection of art and historical items, which it acquires through legitimate means rather than theft. Though non-violent, Onyx Dragons are threatened by other dragons seeking to claim their hoards.
The document describes an Ancient Onyx Dragon, including its stats, abilities, lair, and nature. It has powerful psychic and shadow abilities. It builds beautiful lairs to house its collection of art and historical items, which it acquires through legitimate means rather than theft. Though non-violent, Onyx Dragons are threatened by other dragons seeking to claim their hoards.
The document describes an Ancient Onyx Dragon, including its stats, abilities, lair, and nature. It has powerful psychic and shadow abilities. It builds beautiful lairs to house its collection of art and historical items, which it acquires through legitimate means rather than theft. Though non-violent, Onyx Dragons are threatened by other dragons seeking to claim their hoards.
The document describes an Ancient Onyx Dragon, including its stats, abilities, lair, and nature. It has powerful psychic and shadow abilities. It builds beautiful lairs to house its collection of art and historical items, which it acquires through legitimate means rather than theft. Though non-violent, Onyx Dragons are threatened by other dragons seeking to claim their hoards.
Armor class 21 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 26d20 + 252 Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. Str 19 (+4). Dex 28 (+9). Con 26 (+8). Int 25 (+7). Wis 18 (+4). Cha 28 (+9). Saving Throws DEX +14, CON +14, WIS +9, CHA +14 Skills Insight +10, Perception +19, Persuasion +16, Stealth +24 Damage Resistance Psychic Senses Blindsight 90 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 29 Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) Shadowstep. Can travel through shadows, using them as portals. Whilst within a shadow, does not require air, food, nor water. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). Instead of failing a saving throw, save instead. Actions Multiattack. The dragon can use its Confounding affect, and then make a bite attack, and then two claw attacks. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 2d10 + 10 piercing damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 2d6 + 15 slashing damage. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 2d8 + 15 bludgeoning damage. Confounding. Each creature of the dragon’s choice within 200 feet (regardless of the creature’s awareness) must make a DC 24 Intelligence saving throw. On success, they do not know they were targeted. On failure, the creature loses confidence in their plan for 1 hour, quickly falling into a deep depression. Self-doubt eats away at them causing disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. The affect can be ended early by someone else giving a particularly good motivational speech. They must spend their turn making a DC 24 Charisma based check. On success, both the creature and the person giving the speech become immune to Confounding for 5 days. Breathe Weapons [Recharge 5-6]. The dragon can use its action to breathe out its choice of noxious gases. Shadow Call. (Breathe) The dragon roars, summoning its shadow creature allies. Something with its moist breath sends them into a frenzy. All those within a 90-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 24) to avoid the flurry of shadows attacking them with tiny claws. On a failure, they take 10d10 slashing damage and have disadvantage on their next attack roll, or half as much if they succeed. Pleasant Pheromone. (Breathe) The dragon silently exhales a sweet smelling gas. Those within a 90 ft cube (centred on the dragon) must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 24) or spend their next Action to make a single melee attack against a nearby ally. If there is no ally within range, the target must use the Dash action to get closer to an ally. The effect lasts for 1 minute or until a successful Wisdom saving throw (DC 24) is made at the end of their turn. Change Shape. Like other seasoned dragons, this dragon can transform into another form that has its Challenge Rating or lower. It typically prefers to hide in plain sight as a humanoid. When it does this, it loses its combat actions and takes the Strength and Dexterity of the form it has changed into.
An Onyx Dragon’s Lair
Onyx dragons build their own homes and take great pride in the aesthetic of it. In an arctic tundra they might build their own ice palace or in a forest spend centuries moulding sturdy branches into a huge grotto for them to live in. Where ever they build it, they will do it with as little help as possible, to proudly claim their achievement and beauty they’ve created is exclusively theirs. They will often build these out of the way, further hidden by the impact they have on an area just for existing. Lair Actions During combat, the “Lair” of the dragon has a turn. This is always at initiative 20, with a dexterity of 0. On its turn, the lair can do one of the following, but it must chose a different action each time (or no action at all). • The lair reports back to the dragon the exact number of creatures in it. The dragon also learns their exact positions, despite stealth or invisibility. The lair shares this information until the start of its next turn. • A target within the lair must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a success it is unaware of the attempt. On a failure, the creature compulsively whispers its plan, objective, and desire. The lair shares this immediately with the dragon. Whilst in this compulsive state, the creature can only use a bonus action, if it has one. Regional Effects Some creatures are drawn to the power that emits from the dragon, and the shear density of power sometimes creates creatures who linger in the area around the lair. • If a creature begins a plot against the dragon, or knows and covets a particular piece of its collection, within six miles of the lair, the dragon dreams of this person. Over time, the dragon will collect enough information to understand how to thwart, dissuade, or eliminate the threat. The dragon does not dream without this. • Alongside the dragon’s keen design abilities to create a grand home for itself, it exudes an air of indifference. It will not catch the eye of a passer-by. It may well just blend in completely to its surroundings. This isn’t an illusory effect – a wizard looking for such won’t find any. It’s more of a psychic affect. A strong intelligence check about the lair might reveal that it does truly look remarkable: the details are wonderful and perfect for the area; it does not at all look natural though. • For six miles around the lair, shadow creatures investigate the area by night looking for riches that can be rightfully claimed. These are harmless, ethereal creatures who only hope for the praise of their dragon. They can pass between shadows, leap like splattered ink through light, and vanish without a trace. They are social creatures, with each other, and gossip throughout the day about what they’ve discovered. • All locks, traps, and even simple latches on windows are difficult to open within a mile of the lair. Decide on the DC of unlocking or disarming it, and then add 5. People notice this, but rarely talk to each other about it. As such, no reputation for this oddity occurs. If the dragon dies, the affects end immediately. The shadow creatures are orphaned and will fade away in the light of the next full moon unless they find another creature with the Shadowstep skill to work for. Proud, without envy. A collector, without overindulgence. Beautiful, without self-interest. Onyx dragons do not care for gold or pearls. There are thousands of those around and other dragons embarrass themselves in their obsessions for such basic yearning. Beauty is what these dragons ache for. They might build their lair near the source of a great natural beauty; a ring of blossom trees, the stark contrasting colours of a pristine desert, or near a particularly beautiful family of elves who they can admire for years on end. More recently, as civilisation becomes more developed, onyx dragons might find themselves pulled towards the art they create. Certain cities might offer opera, galleries, magically enhanced water features, and all on the same night. Swimming through the beauty of the best of society fills them with an airy drunkenness that booze could never reach. The may spend vast periods of their life among such societies. Theft is not beauty. It is the taking away of beauty – the sullying of it. As such, it’s a great source of pride to the dragon to acquire these legitimately with an agreement of the passing of ownership. In this way, the dragon will develop a very refined gallery of items. Predominantly visually pleasing items, but items unique or rich in history are also coveted. This is not to say that all onyx dragons are equally principled. They are capable of stepping into – what they might consider in their species – sin. A slow burning obsession might cause them to set things in motions that leads to their technically legitimate acquisition. An arranged marriage, “finders keepers”, or working themselves into a position where they may receive a gift. So long as it does not tarnish the art. It’s because of their non-violent method of massing wealth that they don’t often last long. Whilst they have ways of protecting their hoards from creatures beneath them, other dragons are a threat. Just because their collection lacks gold, does not mean that others will find their hoard useless. Onyx dragons are often picked off early. They become oddly long lasting eventually though, being able to spot threats from afar and maneuver around them.