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G11 Qi Week1

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Teaching Dates and Time August 29-Sept 1, 2023/7:45-8:45 Quarter QI / Week 1


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of functions.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to accurately construct mathematical models to represent real life-life situations using functions
C. Learning Learning Competency Learning Competency Learning Competency Learning Competency
The learners represents real-life The learner evaluates a function. The learner performs addition, The learner solves problems
Write the LC code for each involving functions.
situations using functions M11GM1a-2 subtraction multiplication, division and
including piece-wise functions: composition of functions. M11GM1a-4
M11GM1a-1 Objective: M11GM1a-3 Objective:
Objectives: At the end of the session, learners At the end of the session, learners
At the end of the session, are expected to: Objective: are expected to solve problems
learners are expected to: involving functions.
1. evaluate a function. At the end of the session, learners
1. define functions; 2. Perform addition and subtraction are expected to perform addition,
2. Identify the domain, the function of function; subtraction, multiplication, division
rule, and the range of functions; 3. Solve problems involving and composition of function.
3. give examples of functions; and addition and subtraction of
represent real-life situations function.
using functions including
piece-wise functions.

II. CONTENT Functions and their Graphs

Representing Functions Evaluation of Functions Addition, Subtraction Multiplication, Solve Problems involving Functions
Division and Composition of

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages Page 1-11 Page 12-13 Page 14-22 Page 14-22
2.Learner’s Materials pages Page 1-9 Page 10-12 Page 13-20 Page 13-20
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
Next Century Mathematics, Next Century Mathematics, Next Century Mathematics, General Next Century Mathematics, General
B. Other Learning Resources General Mathematics by Fernando Mathematics by Fernando B. Mathematics by Fernando B. Orines
General Mathematics by
B. Orines Fernando B. Orines Orines

www. youtube.com
Review: Review: Review: (Quiz Bee)
A. Reviewing previous The teacher will post the following Math Tanaw The class will be group into eight. Each
lesson or presenting
situation, then the students will Directions: group will be given an answer board. All
the new lesson
identify which of them represent 1. The teacher will ask the students they have to do is to answer question to
real-life situations involving how far their house from school. be flashed or presented. Each question
functions? 2. The students will use that distance is one point and good for ten seconds.
1. The perimeter of a square in evaluating the following functions When the teacher says “raise your
depends upon the length of its a. f ( x )=5 x +2 hand” they have to raise the group’s
side. b. f ( x )=3+ 6 x answer board. Failed to raise the board
2. The amount you will pay for a means the group has no answer. The
long distance call will depend upon c. f ( x )=x 2 +6 x +5 group who got the highest score will be
the duration of the call. d. f ( x )=x 3 +2 x2 −x+2 declared winner.
3. The jeepney fare that a
passenger will pay depends upon e. f ( x )=
the distance he or she travels. x+3 1. Given f ( x )=2 x +5, what is
3. The teacher will use pictures of
karosa, kariton kalesa, jeep, tricycle,
f (2)?
and kalabaw to present each function 2. Given f ( x )=2 x +5, what is
rule. f (−5)?
Drill (Round Table) 3. Given f ( x )=2 x +5, and
The teacher shall conduct a drill by
using flash cards which shall be done g ( x )=x 2, what is ( f + g ) (x)?
by group. The class will be divided 4. Given f ( x )=2 x +5, and
into four groups. Each member of the g ( x )=x 2, what is ( f /g ) ( x)?
group will be given flash cards
containing answer that corresponds 5. Given f ( x )=2 x +5, and
to the given question. In every g ( x )=x 2, what is ( f • g ) (x)?
question presented, the member who 6. Given f ( x )=2 x +5, and
holds the correct answer will stand to
present their group’s answer. Each g ( x )=x 2, what is ( f −g ) (x )?
group will be given 5 seconds to 7. Given f ( x )=2 x +5, and
present their answer. The group with g ( x )=x 2, what is ( f ○ g ) ( x)?
the highest score shall be declared as
8. Given f ( x )=2 x +5, and
1. 3 x 2−7 x 2 g ( x )=x , what is ( g−f ) (x )?
2. 5 a−3 a 9. Given f ( x )=2 x +5, and
3. 10 xy +2 xy −xy g ( x )=x , what is ( f + g ) (2)?
4. 7 mn+11 mn 10. Given f ( x )=2 x +5, and
5. 15 x 2−3 x2 + x 2
g ( x )=x , what is ( f ○ g ) (2) ?

6. 25 xyz−15 x yz
7. 16 x+ x−2
2 2 2 2
8. 100 x y −50 x y −20
9. 50 mn+ 18 mn−10+15
2 2 2
10. 3 x y−2 x y +5 x y

Values infusion: The teacher will discuss: The teacher will discuss that when a The teacher will ask the winning group about the
B. Establishing a purpose for The teacher will ask his students fundamental operation is applied to problems arise during the quiz bee. Ask also the
the lesson
When a function f is defined by group how they cope up with those problems.
about the following questions. y=f ( x ), then x is called the two or more given functions, a new Same with the other groups.
1. What is the importance of our function can be formed.
independent variable. Any element
role in our community?
of the domain can be chosen as a
2. How our decisions and actions
value of the independent variable.
affects our future?
The result value determines the
corresponding value of the
Real life connection 1.
dependent variable y. such
The teacher will show a picture of
process is called evaluating a
tricycle followed immediately by
asking the students with the
following questions.
1. How much is your fare from
home to school?
2. Is there a relationship between
the distance of your home from
school and the amount of your
tricycle fare? How?

Real life connection 2.

The teacher can show a picture or
video clip whose main content is
the price of rice or price of
petroleum products. After showing
these pictures or video clip let them
answer the following questions.
1. How this necessity affects your

2. What do you think are the
reasons of price increase?
3. Is the shortage of rice in the
country (demand) affect your family
budget for the month? How?
4. What do you think are the
solutions to lower the price of rice?
5. Given that the price of rice is
high because of rice shortage, 1
kilogram cost Php60. How much is
5 kilogram?
Using these situations, let the
students define and illustrate
Note that every element in the set
of inputs, there corresponds one
and only one element in the set of
outputs based on the function rule.
However, different elements in the
set of inputs may produce the
same element in the set of outputs.

A teacher
The G
will discuss the
following: of (
A N function is a Srule of
( Corre between
correspondence e two
sets, such that,t to each
element of the first seto called
dence f
there corresponds one
f only one) elementu of the

I set called range. t
n p
p u
u t
In t this part of the lesson,
s the
s can use any ) of the
situation to introduce, define
illustrate functions in real life

settings. It is also important that
the teacher can discuss supply
and demand as integration of the
lesson in the subject principles of

Examples: Examples: Definition: Examples: 

C. Presenting
1. The area of a circle is a Strategy 1: Giving examples B. Sum and difference of Functions. Solve the problem.
examples/instances of the
new lesson function of its r. A=π r 2 using discussion method or  
If f and g are functions with domain A proposed train fare would charge
discovery approach. Df ∧D g, respectively, their sum ₱20.00 for the first 5 km of travel and
2. The approximate amount of ₱0.75 for each additional kilometre over
The teacher will present the and difference is the functions
community tax C ( x ) paid by a the proposed fare.
problem below and discuss its defined as
taxpayer whose gross income is  A. Find the fare function f (x) where x
solution.  ( f + g )( x ) =f ( x )+ g (x)
x represents the number of kilometres
x (₱)is C ( x )=5+ A. Evaluate the function  ( f −g ) ( x )=f ( x )−g(x )
1000 2
f ( x )=x +3 x−2 for each travelled
 The domain of ( f + g )∧(f −g) is B. Find the proposed fare for a distance
3. The table below shows the replacement value of x.
PHILPOST rates for sending Df ∩ D g of 45 km
a. -3
printed materials. B. Product of Functions
b. 2
 If f and g are functions with domain
c. 0
Weight Price
d. 3
Df ∧D g, respectively, their product
20 g and below ₱14
More than 20 g ₱32 e. a is the functions defined as
but not over 50g f. x+3
 ( f . g ) ( x )=f ( x ) . g(x )
More than 50 g ₱54  The domain of ( f . g ) is D f ∩ D g
but not over 100g
More than 100 g ₱132 Solutions: C. Quotient of Functions
but not over 250g A. To evaluate the function, simply If f and g are functions with domain
More than 250 g ₱263
but not over 500g replace x in f ( x) with t5he given Df ∧D g, respectively, excluding
More than 50 g ₱525 a. If x=-3, then
replacement value then, simplify the values of D that will make
but not over
−3 )=(−3 )2 +3 (−3 ) −2
thef (result. g ( x ) zero , then,their quotient is
¿ 9+ (−9 )−2 the functions defined as
b. If x=-0, then
 ( )
( x )=
f (x)
g ( x)
f ( 0 )=( 0 ) +3 ( 0 ) −2
¿ 0+0−2
 The domain of ( fg )( x ) is D f ∩ D g

c. If x=3, then , excluding those values of x that will

( fg )( x )
f ( 3 )=( 3 ) +3 ( 3 )−2
make undefined.
¿ 9+ 9−2
¿ 16 D. Composition of Functions

If f and g are functions with domain
Df ∧D g, the composite function f
and g is defined as
( f ○ g )( x )=f [ g (x) ]
The domain of ( f ○ g )( x )consist
of all real numbers f in the domain
of g for which
Strategy 2: g ( x ) is∈the domainof f .
Solution: A. The teacher can present the The teacher will present video clip
video clip “Finding Function about operation of functions.
Set Func Set of
Values.mp4” then ask his students
of tion Output on the steps that they found it
Inp rule difficult.
Are All A=π rAll
Strategy 1: Discussion
a of radi areas The teacher will present and discuss
circl i A the following problems.
e A. Given f(x) = 3x + 2 and g(x) = x2.
Am All All tax x Find:
oun inc
C ( x )=5+
amoun a. f(x) + g(x)
1000 Note: the teacher can use any of
t of om t C(x) the two strategies. b. g(x) – f(x)
Tax ex
Pos Wei c. f(x)  g(x)
tal ght f ( x)
Pric of g(x )
e mat e. f(g(x))
eria f. g(f(x))
l to
be Strategy 2:
sen The teacher can present video clip
about operation on functions.

Note: the teacher can use any of the

two strategies. He can also facilitate
strategy 1 using discovery approach.

D. Discussing new concepts Group Activity (Jigsaw) Group activity: Group Group activity: Group Group activity:
and practicing new skills#1 presentation/ Gallery walk presentation/ Gallery walk Guided Practice (Gallery Walk)
The teacher will group the
students with 6 members each. In this part the teacher can use Each group will be assigned to solve
Each group will present their any of this activity for practicing one of the problems.
output on the board. skills. Guided Activities (JIGSAW)
1. Identify the domain, the Activity 1: The students will group into 8 with 5 1. A perfume bottle in a solid spherical
function rule, and the range of the members. Each group will answer the shape with cylindrical perfume
A. The students will select at least
following: given set of questions which will be container is being proposed for the new
5 out of 10 problems which will be
presented by randomly selected Pacman Scent.
a. The volume of spherical presented by their group presenter
balloon of radius is given by in front. member. The teacher can select the
4 group presenter by using calculator
If the function
V = π r 3. through its random function.
3 f ( x )=2 x 2+ x−3, and A. perform the following fundamental
b. A jeepney passenger pays ₱8 2 x−1 operations on each given functions.
for the first 5 km as fare, and an G ( x) = , find the
Then, determine its domain.
additional ₱0.50 for every following function values.
succeeding distance d in a. f(x)  g(x)
kilometer. f ( x)
c. The interest earned by a
principal invested at 5% b. g(x )
compounded annually for 3 years c. f(g(x))
is computed using the relation d. g(f(x))
i=Prt , where I is the interest, P
is the principal, r is the rate, and t
1.f (0) 6.G(0) 1. f ( x )=x +1 ; g ( x )=2 x−3
is the time. 2. f (−2) 7.G(5) 2. f ( x )=3 x−1 ; g ( x ) =4−2 x
d. One of the group will present The radius of the inscribed cylinder in
3. f (3) 8. 3. f ( x )=x 2 +1 ; g ( x )=x−3 the 2r-cm radius sphere is r cm. find the
definition of function through G(−7)
singing/rap. 4. volume V® of the cylinder.
4. 9. 2 2 2. Kamao Network charges ₱500
f ( x )=2 x −3 x ; g ( x )=x 13
2. Formulate rea-life situation
using functions.
5. f ( x )=x−2; g ( x )=
monthly cable connection fee plus
₱125 for each hour of pay-per-view
(PPV) event regardless of a full hour or
a fraction of an hour.
Rubrics (Checklist) 2 1
6. f ( x )=x ; g ( x )= A. Construct a table of values and
1. Has all the steps in the 2x sketch a graph that will show a mode of
computation 2
7. f ( x )=3 x +1; g ( x )=x−3 payment for customer who may spend
2. Each step is done correctly h number of hours in watching PPV
8. f ( x )=x 2 ; g ( x )=2 x 2 events.
3. Has correct interpretation of
the result 9. f ( x )=x 2−5 and B. What is the monthly bill of a
, customer who watched 25 hours of
g ( x )=2 x + 4 PPV events?
E. Discussing new concepts and Activity 2: MATH DETECTIVE
practicing new skills#2 10. f ( x )=5 x +1 and C. What is the monthly bill of a
(group activity)
customer who watched 12.1 hours of
Directions: g ( x )=4−2 x ,

1. Use the given set of numbers to PPV events?
evaluate function f ( x )=2 x−9 . For expert Group: D. What is the monthly bill of a
B. perform the following fundamental customer who watched 0.2 hours of
2. Place your answers in its
operations on each given functions. PPV events?
corresponding box to form the
hidden word. Then, determine its domain.
a. ( f + g ) (x) Rubrics (Checklist)
3. The first group that finishes the 1. Has all the steps in the
task will yell and declared as b. ( f −g ) (x )
winner. c. ( f • g ) ( x) 2. Each step is done correctly
d. ( fg )( x ) 3. Has correct interpretation of the
e. ( f ○ g ) ( x)
f. ( g ○ f ) ( x)
g. ( f ○ f ) (x )
h. ( g ○ g ) ( x )

1. f ( x )= √ x−2 ; g ( x ) =
2. f ( x )= √ x +1; g ( x )=
3. f ( x )= ; g ( x )= √ x−1
3. Catherine has 5x+2 math problem
to do for homework. She knows
that 2x-1 of the problems are very
easy. The rest of the problems are
hard. How many of the problems
are hard?
Rubrics (Checklist)
1. Has all the steps in the
2. Each step is done correctly
3. Has correct interpretation of the
F. Developing mastery Independent Practice: Independent Practice: Independent Practice:
(Leads to FormativeAssessment3) In this part, let the students select Each student will be given 15 minutes Solve the problem.
and solve at least 1 problem. to answer the following questions. A lechon manok store has an average
A. Given f ( x)= x−2. Find: They will be given a chance to select of 5,000 customer per week and sells
between set A to D. for ₱225 per whole-grilled chicken.
1. f (0)

4. f (π) Solve the problem below. Because of increased labor and
2. f (3) A. Given functions f and g below, production costs, the store owner
find and simplify the following needs to increase the price of the
5. f ( x+ 1) grilled chicken. The owner is aware ofr
3. f (−1) the results of the survey that for each
6. f (3 x) f +g ; f −g ; f . g ; f /g ; g /f . ₱10 increase in price, the number of
4 customer decrease by 12.
B. Given the f ( x )= , find the 1. a. Write a function rule that describes
x f ( x )=x +2 ; g ( x ) =x2 −4the increased price per chicken.
following values.
b. Write a function rule that describes
7. f ( 0 ) 2.
2 the number of customers after the
10. f ( √ 2 ) f ( x )= √ x−1 ; g ( x ) =x −4increase in price.
8. f (2) 3. c. How much income would be realized
by the owner if he decides to increase
11. f ( 1/ x ) x−2 1
f (x)= ; g (x)= the original price to ₱255?
9. f (−1) x +2 x
12. f (2 x ) 4.
C. Given f ( x )= √ x−3 , find the 1 x−2
following values:
f (x)= ; g( x )=
x +2 x
13. f (3)
16. f (x−3) 5. f ( x)= 2
; g( x )=√ x
14. f (4 ) x
1 B. If given f (x)= x3 +3 x and
17. f ( )
1−x g ( x )=x−2, find and simplify the
15. f (12) following composite functions:
18. f (x 2+ 4 x +7) 6. ( f ○ g ) ( x)
D. A computer shop charges
P20.00 per hour (or a fraction 9. ( g ○ g ) ( x )
of an hour) for the first two
7. ( g ○ f ) ( x)
hours and an additional
P10.00 per hour for each
succeeding hour. Find how 10.
much you would pay if you ( f ○ g ) (2)
used one of their computers 8. ( f ○ f ) (x )
19) 40 minutes 11.
20) 3 hours ( g ○ f ) (−3)
21) 150 minutes C. Each pair of the functions below
have a special relationship because
( f ○ g )( x )=x and

( g ○ f )( x )=x . Verify these.
12. f ( x )=3 x−2 ;
g( x )= ( x+ 2 ) 14.
f (x)= ( x −1 )3 ;
g ( x )=√ x−2+1

13. f ( x)= ;
2− x
g( x )=

D. For the given functions f and g,

find the following and state the
domain of each.
a. ( f + g ) (x) b. ( f −g ) (x )
c. ( f • g ) ( x)

d. ( fg )( x )
f ( x )=2 x +3 ; g ( x )=3 x−1

f ( x ) √ x=; g ( x )=x−4
f ( x )=x +2 ; g ( x ) =2 x

3x x +3
f (x)= ; g( x )=
2 x−1 2 x−1
f ( x )=x 2−1 ; g ( x ) =x+1

x 3x
f ( x)= ; g( x )= 2
x +1 x −1
f ( x )=2 x +1; g( x)=x 3

f (x)= ; g (x)=2 x
G. Finding practical The situations below show Solve the problem: Solve the problems:
applications of concepts relationship between two The area and perimeter of a 1. Jay and Rolly are rich. Jay has
and skills in daily living quantities. Identify the sets of square depends on the measure 2
Php 3 x −2 x +1and Rolly has
related quantities and tell whether of its side, According to the rule, 2
the correspondence between the P = 4s and A = s2 where P and A
Php 4 x +3 x−6 if they add their
variables represents function. money together, how much money
stand for perimeter and area of a
will they have?
square, respectively. Find s=3.
1. The volume of prism is related to 1.
the measure of its width, length and 2. 2. Alma and Delia had a class party
depth. for Christmas. The teacher hide jelly
2. The distance traveled by a car is ace around the classroom. Alma
related to the speed and the time it found 3 x+ 5 jellyace. Her friend
has traveled. Delia found x +5jellyace. How many
3.The total cost of rice bought is jellyace did they found all together?
related to the number of kilograms
of rice bought.  3. Joe’s rectangular garden has a
4. The score obtained on a test is perimeter of 10 x+ 22. He already
related to the length of time spent fence 6 x +4 long. How long is the
in studying a subject. remaining materials he need to
5. The area of a triangle is related enclose the garden?
the measure of its base and
6. The pressure of a given mass of
gas at a constant temperature is
related to its volume.
7. The intensity of light is related to
the square of the distance from the
B. (Think – Pair- Share)
The students will find a partner.

After having their partner, the
teacher will ask them to create
real-life situations using functions

H. Making generalizations The teacher will use flashcards Students will be ask about the procedure Think – Pair- Share (integration of The teacher will ask the students: What
and abstractions about containing the following words and mathematical concepts they use to literacy) did you learn about solving problems
the lesson below. Students will be ask to solve the problems. For this activity, each student will involving functions?
define these words as their name be ask to find their partner. After
randomly selected through having their partner, the teacher will
calculator. ask them to create 2 functions to be
1. function add, subtract, multiply and divide.
2. domain The problem that they have created
will be solve and discuss by their
3. range
4. piece-wise function

I. Evaluating learning Quiz: Quiz: Summative assessment:

Solve the problem below. Given 2
f ( x )=x +3 x+ 2; DIRECTION:
See supplementary exercises on
page 9 of LM, numbers 1 -5 g ( x )=x+ 1 Read each item carefully. Choose the
A. Given f(x) = x2 + 3x – 28. Find: best answer and write the letter that
1. f(5) Find:
corresponds to your answer. Show your
2. f(-4) 3. 1. f ( x ) + g ( x ) solution if needed.
3. f(a) 4. 2. f ( x )−g (x) 1. It is a rule of correspondence
4. f(x+5) 3. ( f • g ) (x) between two nonempty sets, such that,
5. f(√ 5) to each element of the first set called
B. Let f(x) = 4x – 2 Find:
6. f(-2)
4. ( fg )( x ) domain, there corresponds one and
only one element of the second set
7. f(4) 5. ( f ○ g ) ( x) called range.
8. f(x-2) a. relation
6. ( g ○ f ) ( x)

( −52 )
b. domain
9. f 7. ( f ○ f ) (x ) c. function
8. ( g ○ g ) ( x ) d. range

( 38 )
10. f 9. ( f ○ f ) (2)
2. Which of the following situations does
11. f(4) – f(-2) 10. ( g ○ g ) ( ) a. The total cost of rambutan bought is
related to the price per kilogram.
12, f(-2) + f(4) b. The distance traversed by a freely
falling body is related to the square of
its time of fall.
c. The apparent size of an object is
related to its distance from the observer.
d. love of parents to his child is related

to his monthly income.

3. If f(x) = 3x2 + 4x – 5, what is f(-5)?

a. -100
b. -50
c. 90
d. 50
4. Given f(x) = 5x + 1 and g(x) = 4 – 3x.
What is (f - g)(x)?
a. 2x – 3
b. 8x – 3
c. 2x + 3
d. 9x – 4
5. If f(x) = x2 - 3 and g(x) = 2x + 1, what
is f(g(-4))?
a. 78
b. 46
c. -52
d. -8
6. The underground temperature, a
basis for geothermal energy source,
can be approximated using the function
T ( d ) =35 d+ 2 , where d is the
distance from the land surface in km.
Find the underground temperature
3,500 m below the surface.
a. 122.5°C
b. 142.5°C
c. 122,500°C
d. 122,520°C
7. Suppose the production cost of
locally produced smart phone can be
approximated by the model
C ( p ) =4 (3 p+ 25) where p is the
number of smart phones. Which of the
following describe the inputs, the
function rule and the outputs of the
given situations?

input rule output
A Cost of
C ( p ) =4
(3 p+
of 25)

phone smart
B Number of
C( p ) =4 (3ofp+ 25)
smart phone
C C ( p ) =4 (3
r of
Cost of
p+ 25)
produc phone
d C( p ) =4 (3
of 25)
Number of
phone smart
J. Additional activities for Assignment/Remediation activity: Assignment/Remediation activity:
See supplementary exercises on
application or Solve the following problems. Solve the following problems.
page 9 of L, numbers 6 -10
remediation 1. Let f(x) = 4x – 2
Find: A. Given f ( x )=3 x 2 y+5 x−3 ;
a) f(-2) 2
b) f(4) g ( x )=8 x y−10
c) f(4) – f(-2) Find:
d) f(-2) + f(4) 5. 1. f ( x ) + g ( x )
2. Let g(x) = 2x2 + 5x – 3 6. 2. f ( x )−g (x)
a. ( f • g ) (x)
a) f(3)

b) f( √5 ) b. ( fg )( x )
c) f(3) + f( √5 ) c. ( f ○ g ) ( x)
f ( √5) d. ( g ○ f ) ( x)

d) f (3) B. Given f ( x )=6 x −3;

3. Let f(x) = 5 – x2 and g ( x )=3 x
g(x) = 2x – 5
a) f(3)
b)g(-5) 7. 1. f ( x ) + g ( x )
c) g(f(3) 8. 2. f ( x )−g (x)
d) f(g(-5) a. ( f • g ) (x)
e) f(g(x))
f) g(f(x))


4. Let f(x) = x - 4
b. ( fg )( x )
a) f(9) c. ( f ○ g ) ( x)
b) f(4) d. ( g ○ f ) ( x)
c) f(9) + f(4)
d) f(9) – f(4)
e) all values of x for which
f(x) = 0
5. Let h(x) = x3 – 3x2 + x – 3
a) h(2)
b) h(-3)
c) h(h(-2))
e) all values of x for which
h(x) = 0



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

H. Which of my teaching _____Experiment _____Experiment _____Experiment

strategies worked well? Why _____Role Play _____Role Play _____Role Play

did these work? _____Lecture _____Lecture _____Lecture
_____Complete IMs _____Complete IMs _____Complete IMs
_____Discover _____Discover _____Discover
_____Collaborative Learning _____Collaborative Learning _____Collaborative Learning

Others, please specify Others, please specify Others, please specify

Why? Why? Why?

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
________________ ________________ ________________
I. What difficulties did I _____Bullying among students _____Bullying among students _____Bullying among students \
encounter which my ______Pupils/ behavior/attitude ______Pupils/ behavior/attitude ______Pupils/ behavior/attitude
principal or supervisor can _____Colorful IMs _____Colorful IMs _____Colorful IMs
help me solve? _____Unavailable technology _____Unavailable technology _____Unavailable technology
equipment (AVR/LCD) equipment (AVR/LCD) equipment (AVR/LCD)
_____Science/ Computer/Internet lab _____Science/ Computer/Internet lab _____Science/ Computer/Internet lab
Others, please specify Others, please specify Others, please specify
__________________ __________________ __________________

J. What innovation or localized _____Localized videos _____Localized videos _____Localized videos

materials did I use/discover _____Making big books from views _____Making big books from views _____Making big books from views
which I wish to share with of the locality of the locality of the locality
other teachers? _____ Recycling of plastics for _____ Recycling of plastics for _____ Recycling of plastics for
contemporary arts _____Local contemporary arts contemporary arts
music composition _____Local music composition _____Local music composition
Others, please Others, please Others, please
specify_____________ specify_____________ specify_____________

Note: This material has been crafted for the benefit of the teachers and learners as ease preparation of teaching-learning plan, yet you can modify it as to diversity of learners but not the competencies. Thank you.

Prepared by: MAYLENE G. VILLAROSA Checked by: ARLENE V.

T-III Principal-I


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