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pCLAMP 8 Manual Windows

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pCLAMP 8 for Windows

User’s Guide
to Clampex and Clampfit
Part Number 2500-127 Rev E June 2001 Printed in USA

Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.

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pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.

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Customer License Agreement for Single User of Clampex.

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pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 pCLAMP INTRODUCTION ......................................................................1

Introduction to pCLAMP...............................................................................................1
Data Acquisition Modes ................................................................................................2
New Features in Windows Clampex .............................................................................3
Results Window.............................................................................................................4
Layout Window .............................................................................................................4
Graph Window ..............................................................................................................4
File Open Options..........................................................................................................4
Automatic Quick Graph.................................................................................................4
Dynamic Update Quick Graph ......................................................................................4
Enhanced Digital Filters ................................................................................................4
Enhanced Fitting............................................................................................................4
Power Spectrum.............................................................................................................4
Time Shift ......................................................................................................................4
Basic Statistics...............................................................................................................4
Variable Time Formats..................................................................................................4
Clampfit 6 Assistant ......................................................................................................4
Summary of the Manual ................................................................................................5
The History of pCLAMP...............................................................................................6

Table of Contents


Technical Knowledge.................................................................................................... 7
Computer System .......................................................................................................... 8
Printing .......................................................................................................................... 8
Digitizer Compatibility.................................................................................................. 9
Hardware Setup and Installation.................................................................................... 9
Computer Resources ................................................................................................. 9
Digitizer................................................................................................................... 10
Parallel Port Key ..................................................................................................... 11
Signal Connections...................................................................................................... 12
Analog Output Signals ............................................................................................ 12
Analog Input Signals............................................................................................... 13
Digital Outputs ........................................................................................................ 13
Digital Inputs........................................................................................................... 13
Telegraphs ............................................................................................................... 13
Software Setup and Installation................................................................................... 13
Windows 95 / 98 / NT ............................................................................................. 14
Automatic CD Loading ........................................................................................... 14
Installing the Digidata Driver — Standard Installation........................................... 15
Installing pCLAMP — Standard Installation........................................................ 16
Uninstalling pCLAMP 8 ......................................................................................... 17
Uninstalling Digidata Driver ................................................................................... 17
Imaging Information ............................................................................................... 17
Resetting Program Defaults..................................................................................... 17
Testing the Digitizer .................................................................................................... 17
Configuring the Digidata 1200................................................................................ 18
Testing the Digidata 1200 Board............................................................................. 19
Setting Initial Analog Outputs................................................................................. 20

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.

Configuring the Digitizer in Clampex .........................................................................20

Base I/O Address.....................................................................................................21
DMA Channels........................................................................................................22
Interrupt ...................................................................................................................22
Configuring the Digidata 1320 series in Clampex.......................................................22
File Formats.................................................................................................................24
Binary Data..............................................................................................................24
Text Data (ATF) ......................................................................................................24
Plain Data Files .......................................................................................................25
Header Information (ABFInfo) ...............................................................................25
Programming Information .......................................................................................25

Chapter 3 EXPLORING THE CLAMPEX INTERFACE......................................27

A Quick Tour of Clampex ...........................................................................................27
Setting Data File Names ..............................................................................................29
Configuring Signals.....................................................................................................30
Configuring the Digitizer.............................................................................................32
Clampex Windows ......................................................................................................33
The Main Window...................................................................................................33
The Scope Window .....................................................................................................34
Statistics Display .........................................................................................................36
The Analysis Window .................................................................................................37
The Results Window ...................................................................................................39
The Lab Book Window ...............................................................................................39
Scaling Data in a Window ...........................................................................................40
Working with Clampex Windows ...............................................................................42
Menus and Commands ................................................................................................43
Customizing a Toolbar ................................................................................................45

Table of Contents

Changing the Position of Dockable Components........................................................ 46

Using the Real Time Controls Panel ........................................................................... 47
The Status Bar ............................................................................................................. 48
Getting Help on Clampex............................................................................................ 49

Chapter 4 OVERVIEW OF CLAMPEX WINDOWS FEATURES....................... 51

The Lab Bench ............................................................................................................ 51
Setting Up Input Signals ......................................................................................... 52
Setting Up Output Signals....................................................................................... 52
Scale Factor Assistant.................................................................................................. 54
Junction Potential Calculator....................................................................................... 57
The Protocol Editor ..................................................................................................... 58
Statistics Display ......................................................................................................... 59
Real Time Controls...................................................................................................... 60
Seal Test ...................................................................................................................... 60
Membrane Test............................................................................................................ 61
Sequencing Keys ......................................................................................................... 64
Using Time, Comment, and Voice Tags ..................................................................... 65
The Lab Book.............................................................................................................. 66
Calibration Wizard ...................................................................................................... 67
Data File Index ............................................................................................................ 70

Chapter 5 ON-LINE DATA ACQUISITION WITH CLAMPEX.......................... 73

Episodic Acquisition ................................................................................................... 73
Definitions ................................................................................................................... 74
Sampling Interval ........................................................................................................ 75
Averaging .................................................................................................................... 76
Start-to-Start Intervals (s) ............................................................................................ 77
Triggers ....................................................................................................................... 77

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.

Math Signals ................................................................................................................79
Waveform ....................................................................................................................80
P/N Leak Subtraction...................................................................................................81
Conditioning Trains.....................................................................................................82
User List ......................................................................................................................83
Non-Episodic Acquisition ...........................................................................................83
Setting the Mode and Trial Length..........................................................................84
Sampling Interval ....................................................................................................84
Gap-free Mode.........................................................................................................85
Event-Detected Modes ............................................................................................85
Triggers ...................................................................................................................88
Threshold-Based Statistics ......................................................................................89
Optimal Data Acquisition............................................................................................90
Analog Data.............................................................................................................90
Analog to Digital Conversion..................................................................................90
Temporal Resolution ...............................................................................................91
Alias, Filtering, and Oversampling .........................................................................91
Amplitude Resolution..............................................................................................92
Input / Output and Direct Memory Access Driven Storage ....................................94

Chapter 6 CLAMPEX EXPERIMENTS....................................................................97

I-V Tutorial..................................................................................................................97
Select Digitizer ........................................................................................................98
Creating Input and Output Signals in the Lab Bench (Setting Scaling and Offset) 98
Setting up Input Signals...........................................................................................99
Setting Up Output Signals .....................................................................................101
Using the Lab Bench, Configuring Overrides and Setting the Holding Potential.101
Telegraphs .............................................................................................................102

Table of Contents

Using Seal Test...................................................................................................... 103

Using Membrane Test ........................................................................................... 104
Editing a Protocol.................................................................................................. 104
Protocol 1: A Conventional I-V ........................................................................... 105
Protocol 2: Repetitive Current Stimulation .......................................................... 108
Naming Data Files................................................................................................. 108
Performing an Acquisition .................................................................................... 109
Using Sequencing Keys ........................................................................................ 110
Displaying and Measuring Acquired Data ............................................................ 115
Concurrently Running Clampex and Clampfit...................................................... 116
Scenarios ................................................................................................................... 119
Cell-Attached Patch-Clamp Single-Channel Recording ....................................... 119
Isolated Patch-Clamp Single-Channel Recording................................................. 121
Whole-Cell Recording of Responses to Drug Applications.................................. 123
Handling Data ....................................................................................................... 127
Terms and Conventions in Electrophysiology........................................................... 129
Current and Voltage Conventions ......................................................................... 129
Whole-Cell Voltage and Current Clamp ............................................................... 130
Patch Clamp .......................................................................................................... 132
Summary ............................................................................................................... 133

Chapter 7 CLAMPFIT OVERVIEW....................................................................... 135

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 135
What’s New in Clampfit 8......................................................................................... 136
Using the Analysis Window.................................................................................. 137
Specifying Data for Analysis..................................................................................... 139
Quick Graphs......................................................................................................... 140
Using the Results Window.................................................................................... 141
Creating Figures in the Layout Window ................................................................... 142

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.

Single Channel Analysis and Clampfit......................................................................143

Chapter 8 CLAMPFIT TUTORIALS ......................................................................147

Creating Quick Graphs ..............................................................................................148
A Quick I-V from Whole-Cell Currents................................................................148
A Quick I-V from a Cell-Attached Recording ......................................................150
Quick Trace vs. Trace Plots from Whole-Cell Currents........................................152
Automatic Quick Graphs in Real-Time.................................................................154
Pre-Conditioning Noisy Single Channel Recordings for Analysis in Fetchan ..........156
Evaluation of Multi-Component Signals: Sensillar Potentials with
Superimposed Action Potentials.............................................................................161
Separating Action Potentials by their Shape..............................................................169

Chapter 9 THE SAMPLING THEOREM IN CLAMPFIT....................................179

Chapter 10 CLAMPFIT DIGITAL FILTERS ........................................................183

Finite vs. Infinite Impulse Response Filters ..............................................................184
Digital Filter Characteristics......................................................................................185
End Effects ................................................................................................................186
Bessel Lowpass Filter (8 pole) Specifications...........................................................187
Expected vs. Observed Overshoot.........................................................................188
Normalized Frequency Response ..........................................................................188
Boxcar Smoothing Filter Specifications....................................................................189
Boxcar Filter Attenuation vs. Number of Smoothing Points.....................................190
Butterworth Lowpass Filter (8 pole) Specifications ..................................................190
Expected vs. Observed Overshoot.........................................................................191
Normalized Frequency Response ..........................................................................192
Chebyshev Lowpass Filter (8 pole) Specifications....................................................192
Expected vs. Observed Overshoot.........................................................................193

Table of Contents

Normalized Frequency Response.......................................................................... 194

Gaussian Lowpass Filter Specifications .................................................................... 194
Expected vs. Observed Rise Times ....................................................................... 195
Normalized Frequency Response.......................................................................... 195
Notch Filter (2 pole) Specifications........................................................................... 196
Notch Filter Frequency Response (60 Hz center frequency, 10 Hz -3 dB width). 196
Settling Points............................................................................................................ 196
RC Lowpass Filter (single pole) Specifications ........................................................ 197
Expected vs. Observed Rise Times ....................................................................... 198
Normalized Frequency Response.......................................................................... 198
RC Lowpass Filter (8 pole) Specifications................................................................ 199
Expected vs. Observed Rise Times ....................................................................... 200
Normalized Frequency Response.......................................................................... 200
RC Highpass Filter (single pole) Specifications........................................................ 201
Normalized Frequency Response.......................................................................... 201
Bessel Highpass Filter (8 pole analog) Specifications .............................................. 202
Highpass Bessel Filter Step Response................................................................... 202
Normalized Frequency Response.......................................................................... 202
The Electrical Interference Filter............................................................................... 203
Assumptions.......................................................................................................... 203
Problem Statement ................................................................................................ 204
Basic Theory ......................................................................................................... 204
EI Filter Block Diagram........................................................................................ 205
Implementation...................................................................................................... 206
Weak Harmonics ................................................................................................... 206
Data Signal Components....................................................................................... 207
Start-up Transients ................................................................................................ 208
Potential Problems................................................................................................. 209
Cutoff Frequency Limitations ................................................................................... 210

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.

Chapter 11 DIGITAL SPECTRAL ANALYSIS IN CLAMPFIT..........................213

The Fourier Series .....................................................................................................213
The Fourier Transform ..............................................................................................215
The Fast Fourier Transform.......................................................................................216
The Power Spectrum .................................................................................................217
Windowing ................................................................................................................218
Segment Overlapping ................................................................................................219
Transform Length vs. Display Resolution.................................................................220

Chapter 12 CLAMPFIT CURVE FITTING............................................................221

Introduction ...............................................................................................................221
Fitting Model.........................................................................................................222
Fitting to Split-clock Data .....................................................................................222
Function Parameters ..............................................................................................222
Parameter Errors....................................................................................................223
Fitting Failure ........................................................................................................223
Numerical Limitations...........................................................................................224
Units ......................................................................................................................225
The Levenberg-Marquardt Method ...........................................................................225
Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence......................................................................226
Levenberg-Marquardt Precision............................................................................226
The Simplex Method .................................................................................................227
Simplex Convergence............................................................................................230
Simplex Precision..................................................................................................230
The Variable Metric Method .....................................................................................231
Variable Metric Convergence................................................................................231
Variable Metric Precision......................................................................................232
The Chebyshev Transform ........................................................................................232

Table of Contents

The Orthogonal Polynomial Set ............................................................................ 233

Transforming Data to the Chebyshev Domain...................................................... 234
Calculating the Coefficients .................................................................................. 235
The Discrete Chebyshev Polynomials................................................................... 235
Isolating the offset................................................................................................. 236
Transforming an Exponential Data Set to the Chebyshev Domain....................... 237
Chebyshev transform of e–ti /25 ms .......................................................................... 237
Integrating an exponential function in the Chebyshev domain ............................. 238
Calculating tau....................................................................................................... 240
Calculating the amplitude...................................................................................... 241
Calculating the offset ............................................................................................ 242
Calculating the fit parameters in the presence of noise......................................... 242
Estimating τ.......................................................................................................... 243
Estimating a1 ........................................................................................................ 243
Estimating a0 ......................................................................................................... 244
Fitting the sum of two exponentials ...................................................................... 244
Using the coefficients of f and its integrals to determine the taus......................... 245
Solving a set of simultaneous equations to determine k1 and k2 .......................... 246
Finding the taus in the presence of noise .............................................................. 248
Finding the amplitudes of the two exponentials.................................................... 249
Finding the offset .................................................................................................. 250
Fitting the sum of three or more exponentials....................................................... 250
Speed of fitting ...................................................................................................... 250
Goodness of fit ...................................................................................................... 251
Success of fitting ................................................................................................... 251
Fitting sums of exponentials to non-evenly spaced data sets ................................ 252
Maximum Likelihood Estimation.............................................................................. 252
Maximum Likelihood for Binned Data ................................................................. 254
The EM Algorithm ................................................................................................ 255

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.

Model Comparison ....................................................................................................256

Maximum Likelihood Comparison .......................................................................256
Least Squares Comparison ....................................................................................257
Defining a Custom Function......................................................................................258
Multiple-Term Fitting Models...................................................................................259
Minimization Functions.............................................................................................260
Sum of Squared Errors ..........................................................................................260
Maximum Likelihood Minimization .....................................................................260
Mean Absolute Minimization................................................................................261
Minimax Minimization..........................................................................................261
Weighting ..................................................................................................................262
Normalized Proportions.............................................................................................264
Zero-shifting ..............................................................................................................264

Chapter 13 CLAMPFIT FITTING FUNCTIONS ..................................................267

Beta Function.............................................................................................................267
Binomial Distribution Function.................................................................................268
Standard Boltzmann Function ...................................................................................269
Shifted Boltzmann Function ......................................................................................270
Charge-voltage Boltzmann Function.........................................................................270
Z-delta Boltzmann Function ......................................................................................271
Current-time Course Equation...................................................................................272
Cumulative Exponential Probability Density Function .............................................272
Log-transformed Exponential Probability Density Function.....................................273
Exponential Power Function......................................................................................273
Exponential Probability Density Function.................................................................274
Standard Exponential Function..................................................................................274
Sloping Baseline Exponential Function.....................................................................274
Alpha Exponential Function ......................................................................................275

Table of Contents

Weighted/Constrained Exponential Function............................................................ 275

Weighted Exponential Function ................................................................................ 276
Gaussian Distribution Function................................................................................. 276
Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz Equation............................................................................. 277
Extended Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation ............................................................. 277
Hill Equation ............................................................................................................. 278
Straight line Function ................................................................................................ 278
Lorentzian Function (distribution form).................................................................... 279
Lorentzian Function (frequency form) ...................................................................... 279
Michaelis-Menten Equation ...................................................................................... 280
Nernst Equation......................................................................................................... 280
Poisson Distribution Function ................................................................................... 281
Polynomial Function ................................................................................................. 282
Voltage-dependent Relaxation (“Tau”) Function...................................................... 282
Constants ................................................................................................................... 282

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 283

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................. 287

Definitions ................................................................................................................. 287
Troubleshooting......................................................................................................... 289
Service and Support................................................................................................... 291
Site License ............................................................................................................... 291
pCLAMP Site License Agreement ............................................................................ 292
Upgrade Policy .......................................................................................................... 293
Compatible Software................................................................................................. 294

INDEX .......................................................................................................................... 295

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Introduction • 1

Chapter 1


Introduction to pCLAMP
Welcome to pCLAMP 8 for Windows, a suite of data acquisition programs by Axon
Instruments, Inc. Designed for a variety of experiments, pCLAMP is the software of
choice for a large number of neuroscientists.
Clampex 8 has many of the special features desired for performing intracellular
electrophysiology recordings. Both whole-cell and single-channel data acquisition in
voltage- and current-clamp modes are supported. Clampfit 8 is the companion windows
application for the analysis of whole-cell recordings, and can perform some analyses
concurrently with Clampex. Clampfit is also used for editing single-channel data files
before their export to other analysis programs. Single-channel analysis is described in the
companion manual, A User’s Guide to Fetchan and pSTAT.
Clampex 8 is also a highly capable recording system for extracellular experiments,
incorporating event-detected data acquisition and basic spike analysis. It supports
multiple-channel recording for general physiology, using the Digidata series of high-
quality, high-speed, low-noise data acquisition systems from Axon Instruments. The
Clampex 8 for Windows user interface expands upon that of AxoScope 1, enhancing both
convenience and ease-of-use.

Chapter 1
2 • Clampex Introduction

Data Acquisition Modes

Clampex provides five distinct data acquisition modes:
Gap-free mode
This mode is similar to a chart or tape recorder, where large amounts of data are
passively and continuously digitized, displayed, and saved without any
interruptions to the data record.
Fixed-length events mode
This mode saves storage space with intermittent signals of a known duration.
Data are continuously digitized and displayed, but only saved for segments of a
specified duration (i.e., a fixed length) in response to a trigger. One trigger
option is to use an input signal’s crossing of an amplitude threshold level.

Variable-length events mode

This mode saves storage space with intermittent signals of varying durations.
Data are continuously digitized and displayed, but only saved for as long as a
trigger level is maintained. One trigger option is to use an input signal crossing a
threshold level, with acquisition continuing until the input signal re-crosses the
threshold level.
High-speed oscilloscope mode
In this mode, data are acquired in sweeps, as with a standard oscilloscope.
Options include on-line averaging and persistence display.
Episodic stimulation mode
This mode is designed mainly for whole-cell experiments. An analog waveform,
holding level, and/or digital pulses are output, while data are simultaneously
acquired in fixed-length sweeps. Each sweep is non-overlapping and can be
triggered by an internal timer or by a manual or external pulse.
Special features include conditioning trains, on-line leak current subtraction, on-
line peak detection and statistics, and an on-line derived-math channel.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Introduction • 3

New Features in Windows Clampex

Windows Clampex includes the following new features:
Tool Bars One button control of any menu command
Real Time Controls On-line control of I/O parameters during digitizing and viewing of data
Sequencing Keys Automatic execution of protocols, tests, and outputs
Statistics Display On-line charting of signal threshold statistics
Shape Statistics On-line charting of signal peak measurements
Membrane Test On-line charting of membrane measurements
Sound Tags On-line voice comments inserted into the data file
Comment Tags On-line written comments inserted into the data file
Scope Window Display data recording at different magnifications
Data Display Multiple methods for viewing data
Windows Clipboard Copy and paste to the Clipboard
Windows Printing All Windows-compatible printers supported
Scaling Factor Assistant Sets the correct scaling factors for all Axon amplifiers
Calibration Wizard Sets amplifier scaling factors from recorded data, or vice versa
Junction Potential Calculator Determines ionic liquid junction potentials
CyberAmp support Provides built-in control of CyberAmp signal conditioners
Clampex 6 Assistant Maps Clampex 6 and Fetchex 6 commands to their equivalents in Version 8
Data File Index Data file viewer and organizer
ABFInfo Displays and edits ABF file headers; separate application
Test Digidata 1200 Tests the Digidata 1200A/B boards and initializes the DAC channels;
separate application
Reset to Program Defaults Initializes the program settings to their default values

Chapter 1
4 • Clampex Introduction

Clampex 8, the second windows version of Clampex, includes the following new
2 DAC Outputs Simultaneous waveforms on 2 DACs.
Long Sweeps 103,224 samples per signal
File Registration Data files can be opened or batch printed from Windows Explorer.

Clampfit 8 shares many of its general features with Clampex 8, and with the exception of
macros it provides all of the features found in previous versions of Clampfit, and has the
following new features:

Results Window A multiple-sheet spreadsheet to receive analysis for graphing

Layout Window Receives and composes images from other windows
Graph Window Plots data in the results window
Export Exports pre-processed gap-free files in ldt format to QUB
File Open Options Opens data files into the existing or new Analysis Window
Quick Graph Plots I-V or Trace vrs. Trace directly from Analysis Window
Automatic Quick Graph Automatically plots last data file recorded by Clampex
Dynamic Update Quick Graph Automatically updates plot with cursor movement
Enhanced Digital Filters High and Low pass filters, Notch and Electrical Interference Filter
Enhanced Fitting Four fitting methods and many predefined functions
Power Spectrum Spectral analysis with trace averaging and windowing
Time Shift Shifts data along temporal axis and aligns peaks

Basic Statistics Includes binning of data in Results Window

Advanced Statistics F- and t-test, Nonparametric and ANOVA

Window Tool Bars Tear-off toolbars for each window

Variable Time Formats Results array can use stopwatch time or time of day

Clampfit 6 Assistant Maps Clampfit 6 commands to their equivalents in Clampfit 8

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Introduction • 5

Summary of the Manual

This User’s Guide is geared toward pCLAMP beginners and includes information on:
How to install pCLAMP 8 for Windows
How to use each of the application features (the user interface)
Acquisition concepts
Sample tutorials and experimental designs

The chapters are organized as follows:

Chapter 1. Introduction briefly describes Clampex 8.
Chapter 2. Installation and Setup lists the hardware and software requirements and
recommendations for Clampex. It also includes detailed installation and setup
Chapter 3. Exploring the Clampex Interface describes how to use the new Clampex 8
for Windows interface. We recommend that you read this entire chapter to learn
about useful tools and helpful shortcuts.
Chapter 4. Acquisition Overview provides an introduction to the Clampex 8
acquisition modes, and introduces you to many new features. You should read
this chapter even if you are an experienced pCLAMP user.
Chapter 5. On-line Acquisition Features looks at specific acquisition features that
directly affect your data or its interpretation.

Chapter 6. Designing Experiments explores the variety of experiments that can be

conducted with Clampex. It also includes a tutorial for setting up an I-V
experiment. New users of Clampex will find this especially useful.
Chapter 7. Clampfit Overview provides a general introduction to Clampfit and
describes the function of each of Clampfit’s window types.
Chapter 8. Clampfit Tutorials takes the reader step-by-step through analytical
procedures common in the evaluation of physiological data.

Chapter 1
6 • Clampex Introduction

Chapter 9. The Sampling Theorem introduces the sampling theorem and prepares the
reader for the intelligent selection of filtering techniques.
Chapter 10. Clampfit Digital Filters describes each digital filter and its characteristics.
Chapter 11. Digital Spectral Analysis is an introduction to Fourier analysis and its
application to the power spectra of electrophysiological data.
Chapter 12. Curve Fitting introduces the varieties of fitting methods available, and
guides the reader in the choice of appropriate methods.
Chapter 13. Fitting Functions describes each of the pre-defined fitting functions and
explains their use, restrictions, and any required data pre-processing.
Chapter 14. File Formats and Naming Conventions describes file formats and their
characteristics file extensions.
Clampex and Clampfit comes with an on-line Help system that includes much of he
information contained in this User’s Guide, as well as additional reference information.
To use on-line Help, press F1 anywhere in the Clampex window, or use the commands in
the Help menu.

The History of pCLAMP

The first pCLAMP applications for controlling and analyzing electrophysiological
experiments with computers emerged at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
in 1973. They were originally used for kinetic studies on nicotinic acetylcholine
receptors and on voltage-sensitive currents. These early versions were converted to PC-
compatible software in mid-1982 and have been in use since 1983 (Kegel et al., 1985).

In 1984, with a view toward serving the entire community of cellular neurobiologists and
membrane biophysicists, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) licensed the
package to Axon Instruments, Inc. for continued development. Since then, pCLAMP has
continued to evolve into an extremely powerful suite of applications that are used by a
broad spectrum of researchers in electrophysiology.
This new version of pCLAMP is designed to run under Microsoft Windows 95, 98, and
NT, which greatly expands the ease-of-use and functionality of pCLAMP.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements • 7

Chapter 2



Technical Knowledge
To install the Axon Instruments data acquisition hardware, you should be familiar with
the following:
How to set up your computer and install plug-in boards
Make changes to the BIOS
Configure the system resource settings

Properly configure Windows NT, if you are using NT.

Perform basic operations in Windows, such as display, create, and change
directories, and copy and move files.
If you are not familiar with how to perform these tasks, you may need to consult a
qualified computer technician. Also, please refer to instructions and precautions
contained in this User’s Guide.

Chapter 2
8 • Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements

Computer System
The following table lists both minimum and recommended system requirements for
installing and running Clampex.

Minimum System Requirements Recommended System Requirements

IBM AT-compatible computer with a 133 MHz (or IBM AT-compatible computer with a 400 MHz (or higher)
higher) Pentium class CPU Pentium class CPU
Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0 operating system with a Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0 operating system with a single
single processor(a) processor(a)
128 MB RAM for concurrent use with imaging systems
200 MB hard disk with 16 MB of free disk space 3 GB hard disk with 500 MB of free disk space
CD-ROM drive CD-ROM drive
800 x 600 display system (small fonts) 1024x768 SuperVGA display with 256 colors
Parallel port Parallel port
One full-length ISA bus slot One full-length ISA bus slot
One free IRQ (of 10, 11, 12 or 15) and one free 16-bit One free IRQ (of 10, 11, 12, or 15) and two free
DMA channel (of 5, 6 or 7) (b) 16-bit DMA channels (of 5, 6 and/or 7)

(a) Dual-boot systems are not recommended.

(b) If only one DMA channel is used, then analog and digital waveform outputs will be disabled.

Clampex supports all printers and plotters that have been installed through your
Microsoft Windows operating systems.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements • 9

Digitizer Compatibility
The Clampex for Windows data acquisition program is not compatible with the original
Digidata 1200 board. Clampex 8 requires the use of a Digidata 1200A or 1200B data
acquisition board.
The Digidata 1200 BNC box (front panel) is labeled Digidata 1200 for all versions of the
Digidata 1200 data acquisition system. If you received or use the AxoScope program
with your Digidata system, you have a compatible Digidata 1200A or 1200B board. You
can also run the DOS TESTDIGI utility or the Windows Test Digidata 1200 utility to
report the identity of the board.
For researchers using the original Digidata 1200 board, a replacement Digidata 1200AE
board can be ordered to upgrade your system to be compatible with Clampex 8 for
For researchers using the earlier TL or Axolab data acquisition systems, you can upgrade
to a Digidata 1200B data acquisition system at a substantial discount. Please contact
your Axon representative.

Hardware Setup and Installation

Computer Resources
The Digidata 1200A/B board requires certain computer system resources. This is very
important, and may require the removal of other devices in the computer in order to free
up the necessary resources.

Required Resources Default Settings Supported Settings

1 Interrupt request (IRQ) 10 10, 11, 12, 15
2 DMA channels/levels* 5, 6 5, 6, 7
I/O address range 320h – 33Fh (see digitizer manual)
* The Digidata 1200A/B requires two DMA channels for full operation. If only one DMA channel is used, then digital outputs and
analog waveform outputs are disabled, but analog inputs and analog and digital output holding levels are still active.

Chapter 2
10 • Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements

The availability of enough system resources should first be verified, as follows:

In Windows 95:

1. Choose Start/Settings/Control Panel.

2. Double-click on the System icon.
3. In the System Properties dialog box, select the Device Manager tab.
4. Click the Properties button, and select the View Resources tab.
5. Reserve each desired resource by using the Add button in the Reserve
Resources tab.
This will prevent Plug and Play devices in your computer from competing
for these resources. If an IRQ is listed as Reserved for use by PCI steering,
but does not have any other device listed as using it, then you can also
“reserve” it.
In Windows NT:
1. Choose Start/Programs/Administrative Tools (common).
2. Select Windows NT diagnostics/Resources.

Before installing the board, first check your computer’s system resources to see if this I/O
address range is in use. The Digidata 1200A/B board is set to a factory default I/O
address range of 320h – 33Fh, on DIP Switch SW1.
In Windows 95:

1. Choose Start/Settings/Control Panel.

2. Double-click on the System icon.
3. In the System Properties dialog box, select the Device Manager tab.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements • 11

4. Click the Properties button, and select the View Resources tab.
5. Select Input/output (I/O).
In Windows NT:
1. Choose Start/Programs/Administrative Tools (common).
2. Select Windows NT diagnostics/Resources.
If the Digidata 1200A/B default I/O address range is not listed, it is free and
available for use by the board. If the default I/O address range is listed as in use
by another device, consult your Digidata 1200A/B manual for alternate I/O
address settings. Before changing DIP Switch SW1 on the board, make sure
that the I/O address range you select is not already in use. Make a note of the
new I/O switch settings.
Take care to discharge any static electricity from your body before handling the board,
and only handle the edges of the circuit board, not the gold edge-connector on the
The Digidata 1200A/B board installs into a standard full-length ISA bus slot in your
computer. The Digidata cable should be carefully inserted into the connector on the end
of the Digidata 1200A/B board, and then connected to the connector labeled TO
DIGIDATA BOARD on the back of the Digidata front panel.

Parallel Port Key

Clampex includes a software protection device called a parallel port key or dongle. A
parallel port key is a small device (2” x 1.5” x 0.5”) that plugs into your computer's
parallel port.
The dongle is required to configure Clampex 8 to control the digitizer. If the dongle is
not installed, Clampex will only run in Demo mode, which displays only simulated input
and output signals on the screen and saves them to files.

Chapter 2
12 • Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements

If the communication ports on your computer are unmarked, the parallel port is a D-
shaped connector with 15 holes. (The D-shaped connectors with 9 or 15 pins are the
serial ports.) If you have two parallel ports, either one will work with the dongle.
Please note that you can usually connect a printer to the back of the dongle, but external
storage devices, such as tape drives or removable disks, may be incompatible and may
require their own separate port.

Signal Connections
Clampex uses the following BNC connections on the Digidata 1200A/B data acquisition
Clampex Digidata 1200A/B Digidata 1200A/B
Signals BNC Sections BNC Names
2 Analog OUT Channels ANALOG OUT 0-1
16 Analog IN Channels ANALOG IN 0 - 15
1 Gain Telegraph ANALOG IN 0 - 15
1 Frequency Telegraph ANALOG IN 0 - 15
1 Cm (Capacitance) Telegraph ANALOG IN 0 - 15
4 Digital Outputs DIGITAL OUT 0-3
1 Digitizer START Input TRIGGER IN Start or Sweep Start
1 External Tag TRIGGER IN Tag

Analog Output Signals

Clampex uses an analog output channel from the digitizer to control the holding level
and/or command waveform of an experiment. For example, the ANALOG OUT #0
channel would be connected via a BNC cable to a microelectrode current/voltage clamp's
External Command Input. If your clamp has an internal command generator, be sure to
switch to external command control. The second analog output channel can optionally be
used to control a separate holding level

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements • 13

Analog Input Signals

The output signals from an amplifier connect to the digitizer's analog input channels.
With Clampex, these analog signals are digitized, displayed on the computer screen, and
saved to a data file on the hard disk.

Digital Outputs
Clampex can output four independent TTL-compatible digital outputs. This lets you
control other instruments, such as a solution changer or a picospritzer. While Clampex
does not output a dedicated oscilloscope trigger to synchronize episodic acquisition with
an oscilloscope, this function can be duplicated with a digital output.

Digital Inputs
The Clampex trigger inputs allow other instruments to externally trigger the start of
acquisition, as well as to insert time, comment or voice tag information directly into the
data file. A TTL-compatible digital input is required.

Clampex can monitor the variable gain, low-pass filter, and/or whole-cell capacitance
compensation telegraphs of many voltage- and patch-clamp amplifiers. Gain telegraphs
automatically update the signal scaling of the input channel, based on changes to the
amplifier’s gain knob. Low-pass filter telegraphs and capacitance compensation
telegraphs store these settings in the data file header. Any unused analog input channel
can be set up for use with telegraphs.

Software Setup and Installation

Prior to loading the pCLAMP CD, you should exit all other Windows programs. If your
computer does not have a CD-ROM drive, you will have to run the pCLAMP CD on
another computer, and copy the program to floppy diskettes. This will require 13 blank
formatted 1.44 MB diskettes. (See “Creating Floppies” later in this chapter.)

Chapter 2
14 • Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements

Windows 95 / 98 / NT
Clampex is a full 32-bit program that runs under Windows 95, Windows 98, and
Windows NT 4.0. The pCLAMP Setup program automatically detects which operating
system is running, and loads the correct files.
The instructions below refer to installing on a Windows 95 system. For Windows NT
assistance, print out the Windows NT Installation notes that appear when you first load
pCLAMP onto a Windows NT system.
Note that pCLAMP does not support dual-processor Windows NT systems. Also, dual-
boot systems are not recommended.

Automatic CD Loading
When the pCLAMP CD is inserted into the CD-ROM drive, it will automatically load
and display the Setup program. This process may take several seconds to complete. If
the CD does not automatically load, you can set up your computer to do so.
In Windows 95:
1. Choose Start/Settings/Control Panel.
2. Double-click the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab.
3. Double-click on CDROM to display your specific device, and then select that
4. In the device Properties dialog box, click on the Settings tab.
5. Under Options, select Auto insert notification, and click OK.
This setting will take effect after you restart the computer.
If you prefer to manually start the pCLAMP Setup program, use the Windows Explorer
to go to your CD-ROM drive, and then double-click on the Setup icon.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements • 15

Installing the Digidata Driver — Standard Installation

To install the Digidata driver:
1. Exit any Windows programs that are running.
2. Run the Setup pCLAMP program from the CD ROM (or floppies).
3. In the Setup pCLAMP dialog box, choose Install the appropriate Digidata Driver
and follow the onscreen instructions.

4. Enter your name and company (institution) name in the Registration window.
The Setup program copies the Digidata 1200 or 1320 driver files to your system
and upgrades your \Windows\System files.
5. When asked if you want to search for and upgrade old versions of DriverLINX,
there is no reason to do so unless you have been using AxoScope 1 and want to
continue using it.

6. Restart your computer to have the Digidata driver take effect.

You can also wait and reboot after installing pCLAMP, as described below.

Chapter 2
16 • Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements

The new Digidata 1200 driver was developed with DriverLINX 4.0. All shared
components of the driver are placed in the \Windows\System folder, and should
not be moved.

Installing pCLAMP — Standard Installation

The following procedure explains how to install the pCLAMP 7 suite of programs.
To install pCLAMP:
1. Exit any Windows programs that are running.
2. Run the Setup pCLAMP program from the CD ROM (or floppies).
3. In the Setup pCLAMP dialog box, choose Install pCLAMP and follow the
onscreen instructions.
4. Enter your name and company (institution) name in the Registration window.
5. In the Installation Drive dialog box, you can change the destination drive and
directory where pCLAMP is installed.
The amount of hard disk space required for this installation and the amount of
space available on your hard disk are displayed. The default Axon Laboratory
Program Folder is created and program icons are added to it. You can rename
the Program Folder or select one of your existing folders. Setup now copies the
pCLAMP files to your system.

You may view the Clampex Distribution Notes for any “Late News” or “Known
Bugs and Limitations.” Also, some of the differences and enhancements when
upgrading from AxoScope 1, Clampex 6 and Fetchex 6 are described.
6. For Clampex to run properly, you need to restart your system.
Before rebooting, remove any disks from their drives.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements • 17

Uninstalling pCLAMP 8
The Uninstall pCLAMP 8 option in the pCLAMP Setup dialog box removes pCLAMP
8 and all of its components from your system. You have the option to keep shared
components that may be used by other programs.

Uninstalling Digidata Driver

The Uninstall Digidata Driver option in the pCLAMP Setup dialog box removes the
Digidata driver ‘DriverLINX AXDD1200’ and its components from your system. You
have the option to keep shared components that may be used by other programs.

Imaging Information
The CD-ROM also contains a demonstration copy of the ion-imaging application
Imaging Workbench. The Imaging Information option in the pCLAMP Setup dialog
box opens a Microsoft Word document that explains how to install Imaging Workbench
from this CD-ROM. It also explains how to run electrophysiology and imaging systems
concurrently on the same computer as pCLAMP.

Resetting Program Defaults

The Axon Laboratory Program folder contains the utility Reset to Program Defaults,
which resets the Clampex settings back to their default values. This is useful when you
feel that you have diverged from the normal setup to a point beyond your control, and
you would like to return to the factory defaults.

Testing the Digitizer

The Test Digidata 1200 test utility program, available in the Axon Laboratory Program
folder, reports the type of Digidata 1200 board installed and exercises the board.

Chapter 2
18 • Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements

Configuring the Digidata 1200

The Configure button in the Test Digidata 1200 dialog box lets you set the system
resources — the I/O addresses, the interrupt request, and the DMA channels — that are
to be used in this test program. When you run Clampex for the first time, you will also
have to configure the digitizer within that application.

To configure the Digidata 1200A:

1. Click Start/Programs/Axon Laboratory/Test Digidata 1200.
2. In the Test Digidata 1200 dialog box, click the Configure button.
The Configure Digidata 1200 dialog box opens. The OK button will remain
disabled until the detected settings are valid.

3. Click Detect to check the settings.

If the settings are not valid, an error message will appear.
4. If the settings are valid, click OK.
If an IRQ or DMA channel is unavailable but was not listed as used by another
device, check in your BIOS for any onboard devices that you are not using and
disable them. IRQ and DMA errors may be reported interchangeably, so be sure
to double-check both settings. Problems with resource availability can often be
solved by reserving both IRQ and DMA channels in your BIOS setup program.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements • 19

Testing the Digidata 1200 Board

1. Click Start/Programs/Axon Laboratory/Test Digidata 1200.
The Test Digidata 1200 dialog box opens.

2. Click the Test button to open the

Test dialog box.
The Test dialog box lets
you read any analog or
digital input and set levels
on any analog or digital
output. Analog voltage
levels range between -10
and +10 volts. Digital
levels are either 0 or 5

Chapter 2
20 • Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements

Setting Initial Analog Outputs

Within the Test Digidata 1200 application, you can set up automatic initialization of the
analog outputs so that they output a known voltage (V) whenever Windows is loaded.
To set up analog outputs to initialize automatically:
1. In the Test Digidata 1200 dialog box, click the Set Initial Output Voltages
The Set Initial Output Voltages dialog box opens.
2. Change the initial output voltage settings, as necessary, and click Apply to
immediately set the output levels.
3. Click OK.
4. If this is the first time you have
set the initial output voltage
levels, click Install in Startup
Group in the Test Digidata 1200
dialog box, and click Yes in the
Query dialog box to ensure that
the initial voltages are set each
time Windows is loaded.

Configuring the Digitizer in Clampex

When you start Clampex for the first time, it may be running in “Demo” mode. In order
to use the digitizer, you may need to first configure it.
To configure the digitizer:

1. Start Clampex by clicking Start/Programs/Axon Laboratory/Clampex 8.

2. Choose Digitizer from the Configure menu.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements • 21

The Select Digitizer dialog box opens.

3. Under Digitizer, select Digidata 1200.

4. Press the Configure button to set the system resources for your Digidata
1200A/B board.
If you previously detected the Digidata 1200A/B board with the Test Digidata
1200A utility, these same settings should appear.
5. Click on the Detect button to check the settings. If the settings are valid, the
word Detected appears in the dialog box.

6. Click OK.
If you receive an error
message, change the
configuration settings as
necessary, and then click OK
when it is enabled.

Base I/O Address

The Digidata 1200A/B board uses a default base I/O address of 320h. However, to avoid
conflicts with other boards in your computer, additional I/O addresses are available. For
each possible I/O address, the Digidata 1200A/B board’s DIP Switch SW1 settings are

Chapter 2
22 • Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements

DMA Channels
The Digidata 1200A/B requires two DMA channels for full operation. There are three
possible pairs of DMA channels to chose from: 5,6; 6,7; or 5,7. If only one DMA
channel is used, digital outputs and analog waveform outputs are disabled, but analog
inputs and analog output holding levels are still active.

One interrupt request channel (IRQ) is required out of IRQs 10, 11, 12, 15. If you have
trouble with any of the above settings, please see “Computer Resources” and “Testing
the Digitizer” sections previously in this chapter.

Configuring the Digidata 1320 series in Clampex

When you start Clampex for the first time, it may be running in “Demo” mode. In order
to use the digitizer, you may need to first configure it.
To configure the digitizer:
1. Start Clampex by clicking Start/Programs/Axon Laboratory/Clampex 8.

2. Choose Digitizer from the Configure menu.

The Select Digitizer dialog box opens.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements • 23

3. Under Digitizer, select Digidata 1320.

4. Press the Configure button to open the Configure Digidata 132x dialog box.

5. Click on the Detect button to check the connections between the Digidata
1320/21 and the SCSI card. If the SCSI card is properly installed and is properly
connected to the Digidata 1320/21, the word Detected appears in the dialog box.

The Configure Digidata 132x dialog box also shows whether a 1320 or 1321 is
installed. The SCSI ID number and the serial number of the device is displayed.
The Power-on Holding Levels set the voltage on both Analog Out channels. The
Digital Outs can also be set to High by clicking on the various boxes above the
numbers corresponding to each digital output.
6. Click OK.
If you receive an error message, refer to the Trouble Shooting chapter in the
Digidata 1320/21 Manual.

Chapter 2
24 • Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements

File Formats

Binary Data
Clampex acquires and stores data in the Axon Binary Format file format (ABF). Binary
encoding is compact, so data files do not occupy more space on disk than is necessary.
There are two types of ABF files:

Binary Integer: When raw data are digitized, acquired and stored to a data file, it is
saved as binary integer numbers.
Binary Floating Point: When a data file is opened into an Analysis Window for
review, the data are internally converted to floating point numbers. This increases
the amount of precision, which is necessary for applying certain mathematical
operations to the data. When saving a data file from an Analysis Window, you can
save it in either integer format or floating point format.
Clampex and Clampfit can read integer or floating point ABF files. Fetchan 6 is limited
to reading integer ABF files and episodic files must be limited to 16,000 samples per
sweep — in the Configure / Program Options dialog check Ensure Compatible with
pCLAMP 6. All of the pCLAMP programs read all previous versions of pCLAMP data
files. In addition, there are several third-party software packages that directly support our
integer binary data file format (see the Axon Instruments Product Catalog for details).

Text Data (ATF)

Clampex can also save data in the Axon Text File format (ATF) , which is an ASCII text
format. Thus, ATF files are easily imported into spreadsheet, scientific analysis, and
graphics programs, and can also be edited by word processor and text editor programs.
Be aware that data stored in a text format occupies much more disk space than data stored
in a binary format, so the ATF format is only recommended for transferring data into
other programs or if the data needs to be edited.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Setup and Installation Requirements • 25

Plain Data Files

Clampex can read and write binary and text files that do not have a header. When such
files are read the header information must be manually re-created by the user. For this
reason, plain binary and plain text files are not recommended, but they can sometimes be
useful for data interchange between third-party programs and Clampex.

Header Information (ABFInfo)

The ABFInfo utility allows you to inspect the header information of ABF binary data
files and ABF protocol files. The header information includes the entire protocol used to
acquire the data, as well as information specific to the file, such as the time of
acquisition, and the actual number of samples acquired. ABFInfo also allows you to
change the scaling at the input and output signals, to save the new scaling in the data file,
and create a math channel.

Programming Information
The file format specifications are described in detail in ABFInfo and in the Axon File
Support Pack (FSP) for programmers. This is available from the Axon Instruments
World Wide Web site, http://www.axon.com, under Programming Tools, File Support
Pack for Windows. The Axon FSP includes library routines written in BASIC, and C,
and supports the reading and writing of ABF-format files and ATF-format files.

Chapter 2
Exploring the Clampex Interface • 27

Chapter 3


A Quick Tour of Clampex

Clampex offers a highly intuitive graphical user interface and tremendous flexibility, both
of which make the application easy to learn and use. This chapter explains each of the
menus, commands, toolbars, windows, and screen regions in Clampex to provide an
overview of the main features. For more details on specific commands or tasks, consult
the Index at the back of this User’s Guide or use the index in the on-line Help system
(available through the Help menu). While highlighting any command or while in any
dialog, pressing F1 will bring up appropriate on-line help.
If you have not already started Clampex, click the Start button, and choose
Programs/Axon Laboratory/Clampex 8 from the popup menu.
A good way to begin exploring Clampex is to click on each of the menus in the menu bar,
and select individual commands to see what options are available in their associated
dialog boxes. (Commands that have an ellipses following the command name open a
dialog box.)
Below the menu bar is the toolbar. The buttons in the toolbar provide shortcuts to many
of the commands. Position the mouse cursor over each button in the toolbar to display a
tooltip, or brief description of the button’s action. Once you are familiar with Clampex,
you can customize the toolbars with the buttons that are best suited to your experiments.

Chapter 3
28 • Exploring the Clampex Interface

To display all of the main components of the Clampex window:

1. In the main window, select each of the commands in the second grouping of the
View menu to display all of the toolbars, Real Time Controls, and Statistics
A check mark will appear before each command name to show that it is selected.
2. If a Scope window is not open, choose Window / New Scope to display a new
The Clampex window should look like the one below.

As you explore the application, remember that pressing the Cancel button or the Esc key
closes the open Clampex dialog box without saving changes. Pressing the OK button or
the Enter key, on the other hand, saves any changes you have made.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Exploring the Clampex Interface • 29

Setting Data File Names

Before you actually acquire data, you must set the data file names, scale your input and
output signals, and configure your digitizer.
The File / Set Data File Names command lets you choose your default directory and
whether you want to use the convenient default for date-based naming or chose a user-
defined prefix. Keep the default setting for short (8 character) file names if you want to
easily identify the files in DOS-based programs, such as Clampfit 6 or Fetchan 6.

Chapter 3
30 • Exploring the Clampex Interface

Configuring Signals
Before you can collect sample data, you need to name the input and output signals and
assign them to specific Digidata 1200A/B channels. To do this, choose Configure / Lab
Bench. You also set the scaling for your instruments so that Clampex will display the
data properly corrected for the amplifier gain and conversion factors.

For the Analog IN #0 and Analog OUT #0, we have supplied a number of predefined
signals that are properly scaled for a variety of Axon instruments. You define the signal
in this dialog box, but you must also select it in the Acquire / Edit Protocol dialog box.

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Exploring the Clampex Interface • 31

Click the Scale Factor Assistant button to go through a series of setup dialog boxes that
help ensure that Clampex reads your data correctly. For now, you can accept the
defaults, but be sure to check and, if necessary, change these options before you start any
experiments. Click the Cancel button to exit the dialog boxes until you are back in the
Scope window.

Chapter 3
32 • Exploring the Clampex Interface

Configuring the Digitizer

Another important item is the Select Digitizer dialog box, which is accessible through
the Configure / Digitizer command.

If you are testing a new installation, Demo should appear in the Digitizer drop-down
box. Click on the down arrow to display the other selections for digitizers.
The demo digitizer is like having a built-in signal generator. It creates signals derived
from the protocol and adds noise, making it perfect for creating some sample data files
while you explore Clampex. Click on the Configure button to change the demo data
output in the non-episodic acquisition modes.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Exploring the Clampex Interface • 33

Clampex Windows
Clampex includes several windows, each of which displays a different type of

Main window
Scope windows
Analysis windows
Results window
Lab Book window
To maximize the information visible to you, you can minimize, maximize, resize, tile,
and close each of these windows as necessary.

The Main Window

The Main window, which appears when you open Clampex, has several different
components. They are described in the table that follows.
Component Location Function
Title Bar Top row Program name: [File name:] [Scope:
Menu Bar 2nd row from top Context-sensitive menus
Acquisition toolbar 3rd row from top Push-button acquisition control
Analysis toolbar 4th row from top Push-button analysis features
Real Time Control Panel Left panel On-line output control and input signal
Statistics Display Right panel (if enabled) On-line charting of shape statistics
Scope window Central area Acquisition window
Analysis window Opens into central area Data files display & cursors window
Results window Button at bottom – opens into central area Spreadsheet of cursor measurements
(System) Lab Book Button at bottom – opens into central area Editable log book
Status Bar Bottom row [X-Y position:] Disk space: protocol
name: time

Chapter 3
34 • Exploring the Clampex Interface

Use the View menu to make components visible. The locations shown in bold italics
represent components that are dockable: they can be relocated to another edge of the
frame or placed anywhere on screen as a floating window. See “Dockable Components”
later in this chapter.

The Scope Window

The Scope window displays digitized data in real time during data acquisition. For
episodic-mode acquisition, if Shape statistics are being measured, the data are overlaid by
full height vertical lines bounding the search region, markers for the selected
measurements, and optionally the baseline.

For gap-free or event-detected modes, you can change the threshold level by dragging a
small triangle up or down on the Y-axis. During event-mode acquisition, red lines appear
at the top of the window whenever data are being acquired.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Exploring the Clampex Interface • 35

You can open multiple Scope windows by choosing Window / New Scope, and view
incoming data at various magnifications, or with different display options.
The View / Store Sweep command preserves the last acquired sweep in Episodic and
Oscilloscope modes. You can easily compare a particular sweep of data to other data, as
this sweep is displayed in a different color and overlays any other data. The stored sweep
is cleared when a new sweep is stored, the protocol is modified, or the Scope window is
cleared by clicking in it and pressing the Delete key.
You can use the Acquire / View Only command to preview data without writing it to
disk, and then use the Acquire / Write Last command to save the data to a file.

Chapter 3
36 • Exploring the Clampex Interface

Statistics Display
The Statistics Display is a dockable window that displays the statistical measurements
selected in the protocol in two ways. The Chart tab in the Statistics Display displays a
chart of the statistical data, whereas the Numbers tab shows a continuously updated
numerical display of the selected statistics.
The Statistics Display appears automatically next to the Scope window for all acquisition
modes except High-Speed Oscilloscope. If you want to hide the Statistics Display,
choose View / Statistics Display to deselect it.
To enable the Statistics Display:
1. Open a new or existing protocol using the appropriate
protocol command in the Acquire menu.
2. In the Mode/Rate tab, select the acquisition mode
you want to use.
3. If you selected Gap-Free, Variable-Length Events, or
Fixed-Length Events mode, click the Trigger tab.
4. Under Threshold-Based Statistics, select Statistics
Display and choose OK.
If you selected Episodic Stimulation or High-Speed Oscilloscope as the mode,
click the Statistics tab, select Shape Statistics, and Statistics Display.

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Exploring the Clampex Interface • 37

The Analysis Window

The Analysis window displays data from data files for review and measurement. To
open the Analysis window, choose File / Open Data and select a data file to open. Then,
choose View / Data Display and Sweeps, Continuous, or Concatenated from the

If you display sweeps of data, the active sweep is displayed in red, and its sweep number
appears in the lower-right corner of the window. You can optionally select which sweeps
to display in the View / Select Sweeps dialog box. To step through the displayed sweeps,
you can use the “<” and “>” keys, choose Next Sweep or Previous Sweep from the View
menu, or right-click and choose the commands from the popup menu.
Four cursors are available to assist in making simple cursor measurements of the active
sweep, such as time, amplitude and sample number. When you drag a cursor with your
mouse, the measurements are continuously updated in the cursor’s text box. The text box
can also be dragged up or down.

Chapter 3
38 • Exploring the Clampex Interface

If the cursors you want are not visible, use the Tools / Cursors command to either bring
the cursors to the visible data, or to move to the data where the cursors are located. To
change how a cursor is displayed and configured, click anywhere on the cursor with the
right mouse button, choose Cursor Properties, and select options in the Cursor
Properties dialog box.

You can use cursors 1 and 2 to calculate derived measurements for all of the displayed
sweeps. These measurements appear in the Results window. To display the new
measurements in the Results window, click the button in the upper-left corner of the
Analysis window. To append measurements to any previous results, click the button.

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Exploring the Clampex Interface • 39

The Results Window

The Results window uses a spreadsheet-like table to display measurements derived from
cursors 1 and 2 in the Analysis window. These measurements include time and
amplitude minimums, maximums, deltas, average slope, mean and standard deviation.
You can select contiguous rows and columns to perform standard copy and paste

The Lab Book Window

The Lab Book window is a text editor that you can use to enter notes about your
experiments. It includes a few basic formatting tools but, more importantly, Clampex can
automatically log a variety of acquisition-related events to this window. To set up these
events, choose Configure / Lab Book Options and select the appropriate options. You
can save the System Lab Book under different file names to archive your notes. Then,
you can clear the Lab Book to begin a new session. You can attach comments to the Lab
Book by using the Tools / Comments to Lab Book command.

Chapter 3
40 • Exploring the Clampex Interface

The following figures show the Lab Book Options dialog box, the Lab Book window,
and the Lab Book Comment dialog box.

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Exploring the Clampex Interface • 41

Scaling Data in a Window

There are several ways to scale data in the Scope and Analysis windows.
The X- and Y-axis areas contain scaling arrows that either expand or compress the
axis. To set the X-axis span or the signal’s Y-axis limits, use the
View / Window Properties command.
The cursor becomes a magnifying glass when placed in an axis area, and when you
drag the magnifying glass along the axis, it magnifies the data along that axis. The
following figures show unmagnified and magnified data, respectively.

If less than the full data is shown along an axis, a scroll bar is available for
scrolling through the data along that axis. However, in the Scope window, the
Y-axis scroll bar is always available in case you need to adjust for an offset.

The View menu and toolbars contain commands for zooming, autoscaling and full-
scaling the data.
Click the right mouse button in a window to display a popup menu with zoom and
scale commands.

Chapter 3
42 • Exploring the Clampex Interface

Working with Clampex Windows

If a window is not visible, it may be minimized along the bottom of the main window.
You can click the Restore or Maximize buttons to enlarge it.

To create a new window, open a file in the Analysis window or use the
Window / New Scope command to create a new Scope window.
Clicking anywhere in a window makes it active and the title bar becomes highlighted.
Each window contains its own menu bar and commands. To learn what a command
does, you can highlight the command and press F1 to open the context-sensitive Help
topic on that command, or press Shift+F1 and select the command you want help on.

To change the axes, signals, colors, and/or fonts in a window, right-click in the window
and choose Properties from the popup menu, or choose View / Window Properties.
Both display the Window Properties dialog box, shown below.

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Exploring the Clampex Interface • 43

Menus and Commands

The menu bar appears just below the title bar in each window. Most Clampex functions
and dialog boxes are accessible through the commands available in the menus.

Please note that each window type has its own set of menus and commands. The menu
names are the same in all windows (except the Lab Book window, which includes a
Format menu), but the commands change, depending on which window is active. To
locate the command you need, make sure the appropriate window is active first.

The conventions used in Clampex are standard for Windows applications, as follows:
Commands followed by a triangle display submenus.
Commands followed by an ellipses open dialog boxes, which contain options.
Commands followed by a keyboard shortcut can be accessed by pressing the
specified keys, such as:
Open Data… Ctrl+O
You can also press Alt plus the underlined letter to access all menus and then press
the key for the underlined letter in the command name.
If a command appears disabled (grayed), it is not available in the current state of
the program.
Right-clicking the mouse in a window displays a popup menu. The commands
available in the popup menu vary depending on the window that is active and the
location of the cursor when you click the mouse.

Most commands have corresponding toolbar buttons, which you can add to the

Chapter 3
44 • Exploring the Clampex Interface

Clampex provides five toolbars, which you display or hide using commands in the View
The Acquisition toolbar contains buttons to conduct experiments within the Scope
window, such as editing protocol files, recording data, and performing seal and
membrane tests.

The Analysis toolbar contains buttons to open data files, change the data display, and
make measurements within the Analysis window.

The Alternate toolbar, which contains only the Open Data button by default, lets you
create your own custom toolbar without changing the Acquisition or Analysis toolbars.

The Sequencing toolbar contains buttons that are mapped to Sequencing Keys you can
define to automate experiments.

The Format toolbar contains buttons to format text in the Lab Book.

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Exploring the Clampex Interface • 45

If a button on the toolbar is disabled (grayed out), that action cannot be executed with the
current condition of the program or data.

Customizing a Toolbar
You can customize all but the Formatting toolbar to meet your needs by choosing
Configure / Toolbars, and selecting the toolbar you want to modify. The Acquisition,
Analysis and Alternate toolbars each have a complete set of tool buttons for customizing.
The Sequencing Toolbar supports over 50 keyboard combinations.

In the Customize Toolbar dialog box, the box on the left lists the available buttons, and
the box on the right lists the buttons in the order in which they appear on the toolbar. To
add a tool button to the selected toolbar, highlight a button in the left box and click on the
Add button. You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to reposition the button
on the toolbar, or just click and drag it up or down. Any changes you make are
immediately visible in the actual toolbar. To remove a tool button, highlight it in the
right box and click the Remove button.

Chapter 3
46 • Exploring the Clampex Interface

Changing the Position of Dockable Components

Clampex has several dockable components:
Acquisition toolbar
Analysis toolbar
Alternate toolbar
Sequencing toolbar
Format toolbar
Real Time Controls Panel
Statistics Display
These components are docked, or attached, to the main window’s frame. To undock an
object, position the mouse cursor over an area of the object not occupied by a tool button,
such as the space separating tool button groups. Then hold down the mouse button as
you drag the component away from the frame. The component is now a floating window
that can be positioned anywhere on the desktop.

After releasing the mouse, you can click and drag the component by its title bar, or
change its shape by dragging an edge or corner. To dock a component on a different
edge (horizontal vs. vertical) of the outer frame, position the component over the desired
edge until it changes shape.
These dockable objects can be hidden or displayed through the View menu, or by
clicking the right mouse button on a dockable component and choosing a command from
the popup menu.

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Exploring the Clampex Interface • 47

Using the Real Time Controls Panel

The Real Time Controls Panel (RTC) allows you to easily control several input and
output parameters while actively digitizing data. This allows you to quickly test different
experimental settings on live data, such as:

Changing the holding levels of cells

Controlling the digital outputs to a perfusion system
Adjusting the sampling rate
Applying filtering to the data signal currently selected
Increasing the gain for better resolution
To display the Real Time Controls panel, choose View / Real
Time Controls. By default, it appears along the left frame of the
main window. To make it a floating window, point to a blank
area of the panel, hold down the right mouse button, and drag the
panel away from the window frame. The Control panel appears to
the right.
You can enter values or click on the arrows in each field to
increase or decrease values. The check boxes enable or disable
filtering, and can be used to toggle the digital output lines.
The following rules apply to the Real Time Controls panel:
The RTC is fully active when you are acquiring data in
View mode. View mode is initiated by choosing View Only
from the Acquire menu. This digitizes and displays data but
does not record it to a file. You use View mode to
experiment with sampling rates and filter settings.

Chapter 3
48 • Exploring the Clampex Interface

The RTC is partially active when recording data in non-episodic modes. Only
output levels can be changed, and a comment tag is inserted into the data at each

The RTC is totally disabled when recording data in episodic mode.

The Status Bar

The Status Bar appears at the bottom of the main window and displays the following
information (from left to right):

Text message area for context-sensitive Help on commands. Also, when the Scope
window is active, clicking in the data area will display the X and Y values of the
The amount of hard disk space available for acquisition. For episodic or oscilloscope
mode protocols, it displays the number of sweeps that can be acquired. For Gap-free,
Variable-length or Fixed-length event protocols, it displays the amount of recording
time available at the current sampling rate.

The name of the last opened protocol file.

The field on the far right displays the current time, followed by the elapsed time since
start-ing Clampex, in hours, minutes, and seconds. You can zero the elapsed time by
using the Tools / Zero Stopwatch command. You can hide the Status bar by using the
View menu.

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Exploring the Clampex Interface • 49

Getting Help on Clampex

In addition to this User’s Guide, Clampex includes an extensive on-line Help system,
from tooltips to context-sensitive Help on dialog box options.
Tooltips — A popup description appears over a tool button when you position the
mouse cursor on a toolbar button.
Help text — An explanatory sentence appears in the status bar when the mouse is
placed over a command or tool button.
Tip of the Day — A short paragraph that appears when you start Clampex that
describes certain useful operations. These tips are also available through the Help
Context-sensitive Help — Help buttons that appear in dialog boxes to explain
Help Topics — An on-line version of this manual that includes an index and Find
Latest Web Info — A Help menu hot-link to the Axon Web site.
Clampex 6 Assistant — Translates Clampex 6 commands to Clampex 8 commands.
Fetchex 6 Assistant — Translates Fetchex 6 commands to Clampex 8 commands.

Chapter 3
Overview of Clampex Windows Features • 51

Chapter 4


This chapter provides a brief description of new features for experimental setup, control
and analysis in Clampex.
Familiarity with these features will
greatly enhance your ability to use
Clampex to its full potential.

The Lab Bench

The Lab Bench is a critical feature
in Clampex, and you need to
understand how it functions before
using Clampex. To open the Lab
Bench dialog box, choose the
Configure / Lab Bench
command, or double-click the
Y-Axis signal name in the Scope
Within the Lab Bench, you define
the properties of the input and
output signals in the Input Signals

Chapter 4
52 • Overview of Clampex Windows Features

and Output Signals tabs. The concept of defining multiple “signals” was new to
Clampex 7. In previous versions of Clampex, a single signal was defined for each
channel of the digitizer in the parameter file. In the new Clampex, however, you can
define several different signals for a given digitizer channel in the Lab Bench.
For example, in the Lab Bench on the digitizer input channel Analog IN #0, you can add
or define several signals, such as Imemb, Ipatch, Iseal, Vm, or virtually any type of signal
that you want. Then, when you set up an experiment or acquisition protocol, you enable
the digitizer’s Channel #0, and then select the desired signal from the list of signals
defined for this channel. This associates a particular signal with Channel #0 for this
particular protocol, with all the signal properties already defined. This also allows you to
conveniently choose between different signals on the same digitizer channel, depending
on the type of experiment that is being performed.

Setting Up Input Signals

When you set up Input Signals, you use the Lab Bench to do the following:
Define the units of measurement and any signal offsets
Define the scale factor by using the Scale Factor Assistant
Enable software filtering
Add additional gain or amplification to the signal before it is digitized.
If you configure a telegraphed instrument, amplifier settings such as output gain, filter
frequency, and membrane capacitance values are also displayed.

Setting Up Output Signals

You use the options in the Output Signals tab of the Lab Bench dialog box to set up
Output signals. Similar to Input signals, you can associate many different signals with a
single digitizer channel, and independently define the scaling for each signal.
Depending on the options you have selected in the Overrides dialog box (accessible
through the Configure / Override command), you can set the holding level and digital

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Overview of Clampex Windows Features • 53

OUTs in the Lab Bench dialog box. The following figures show the Output Signals tab
of the Lab Bench dialog box and the Overrides dialog box.

In addition to letting you set a

number of parameters, the Lab
Bench dialog box also
displays the status of several
parameters that can be
modified elsewhere. For
example, if you change the
command holding level or
Digital OUT in the Real Time
Control, these changes are
reflected in the Lab Bench
dialog box.

Chapter 4
54 • Overview of Clampex Windows Features

Scale Factor Assistant

The Scale Factor Assistant is a series of dialog boxes that open when you click the Scale
Factor Assistant button in the Lab Bench dialog box. It is an extremely useful tool that
helps you set the scale factor for each signal that is created. It asks a few basic questions
that you can answer by reading the values off of the front of the amplifier. The Scale
Factor Assistant then computes the appropriate scale factor for you, thus eliminating the
possibility of an incorrect scale factor calculation. The figures on the following page
show the Scale Factor Assistant dialog boxes for Input Signals and Output Signals,

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Overview of Clampex Windows Features • 55

Chapter 4
56 • Overview of Clampex Windows Features

In Clampex, the scale factor is defined as the number of Volts at the digitizer / number of
user units (e.g., pA). However, oftentimes the scale factor refers to the value that appears
on the front of an amplifiers, such as 50 mV / pA or 10 Vm, rather than the form that is
necessary for Clampex. The Axoclamp series of amplifiers states the gain in nA, so
choose nA in group three.
In previous versions of Clampex, you had to manually compute the scale factor, which
occasionally caused an incorrect scale factor to be used. For example, if you use an
Axopatch 200 with a gain (α) of 50 and a headstage gain (β) of 0.1, the amplifier output
is 50*0.1 = 5 mV / pA (α * β mV / pA). To convert this into a scale factor that Clampex
can use, you would convert this to V / pA, which becomes 0.005 V / pA. The new Scale
Factor Assistant computes this for you automatically.

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Overview of Clampex Windows Features • 57

Junction Potential Calculator

The Junction Potential Calculator provides a wealth of information on the measurement
and determination of junction potentials created by solution changes. To start the
calculation, choose Tools / Junction Potential. The Calculate Junction Potentials dialog
box, shown on the next page, opens and lets you define what type of experiment you are
performing, the type of ground electrode being used, and the temperature of the

After providing this information, the Junction Potential Calculator graphically displays
the various elements of the junction potentials. To determine the new junction potential,
input the concentrations of the various ions in your new solution. The Junction Potential
Calculator computes the junction potential that will be created by your solution. You can
choose the ions from a supplied ion-library list, or add your own ion definitions to the
list. Additionally, you can copy the results of the Junction Potential Calculator to the Lab
Book, save them to disk, or print them.
For more
information on
how to use the
command, refer
to the on-line
Help system.

Chapter 4
58 • Overview of Clampex Windows Features

The Protocol Editor

You use the Protocol Editor to set up the various aspects of your acquisition. Available
through the New Protocol and Edit Protocol commands in the Acquire menu, the Edit
Protocol dialog box, shown below, contains options that define the type of acquisition,
the channels and signals that will be used, the shape of the command waveform, and if
any triggering, statistics measurements, leak subtraction, conditioning trains, or math
channels will be used. For a detailed description of these options, please refer to the on-
line Help system.

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Overview of Clampex Windows Features • 59

Also note the check box labeled “Allow automatic analysis in other programs.” When
checked, Clampex will signal Clampfit that a data file has just been recorded and
Clampfit will open the file and perform any Quick Graph analyses if in Clampfit the
Configure / Automatic Quick Graph option has been enabled.

Statistics Display
You can graph statistics in real time within Clampex. These statistics can be either
threshold-level based measurements, or shape measurements for a sweep of data. Shape
statistics, available in episodic or high-speed oscilloscope modes, are enabled through the
Statistics tab in the Edit Protocol dialog box, shown below.

Chapter 4
60 • Overview of Clampex Windows Features

The results of these measurements can be graphically plotted and

automatically saved to disk. For example, you can easily set up a
protocol to measure the peak response in a given time period and plot
the peak response as the experiment progresses. The Statistics
Display Window, visible on the right side of the main window, opens
automatically when you enable statistics measurements in a protocol.
You can also manually save the contents of the Statistics Display by
using the Acquire / Save Statistics command.

Real Time Controls

The Real Time Controls window, shown here, provides an easy way
to change acquisition parameters or observe the status of your
experiment. For example, you can quickly change the holding
potential, sampling intervals, software filtering, digital OUTs, and the
digitizer gain. During acquisition, several key parameters — such as
the elapsed time or number of samples acquired — are reported at
the bottom of the Real Time Controls. The Real Time Controls is a
“dockable” window, which means that you can click on a region of the control and drag it
away from its default location — the left edge of the window — to a new location.

Seal Test
The Seal Test function Tools/Seal Test has been refined in Clampex. It monitors seal
formation when you are performing patch-clamp experiments. A continuous train of
definable amplitude pulses are delivered to the cell at a definable frequency. By knowing
the amplitude of the voltage pulse applied, and by measuring the steady-state current
level at the end of the pulse, the Seal Test computes the seal resistance. You can easily
copy this value to the Lab Book for future reference. You can also control the holding
potential, a feature that is often used to hyperpolarize the cell to aid in seal formation.
Seal Test will read the telepgraph inputs of a Digidata 1200 within Seal Test if telegraph

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Overview of Clampex Windows Features • 61

reading was enabled in the Configure / Seal Test dialog. If not enabled, the telegraphs
are read only when initiating Seal Test.

Membrane Test
The Membrane Test Tools / Membrane Test significantly extends the functionality of
the Seal Test. Like the Seal Test, the Membrane Test delivers a series of definable
amplitude pulses at a definable frequency, and also has the ability to control the holding
potential. However, the Membrane Test also monitors membrane capacitance (Cm),
membrane resistance (Rm), access resistance (Ra), the time constant of the current decay
(Tau) and the steady state holding current (hold). These values can also be graphically
displayed on-line and saved to a text file or the Lab Book.

Chapter 4
62 • Overview of Clampex Windows Features

The Options button in the Membrane Test dialog box lets you define many parameters,
such as what regions to use for curve fitting, how to save data to disk, the timing and
amplitude of a stimulus pulse train, and which results to display.
Before using Membrane Test you must first define input and output signals through the
Configure / Membrane Test Setup command.

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Overview of Clampex Windows Features • 63

If Clampex is reading a gain telegraphed from your instrument, you have the choice of
reading that gain while Membrane Test is running or only when you exit and enter the
Membrane Test Function. Enabling the Digidata 1200 Gain Telegraphs in this dialog
will allow you to change the amplifier gain while monitoring the membrane
characteristics in this dialog. Because Clampex will also have to sample one additional
signal, the Gain Telegraph, enabling the Gain Telegraph during Membrane Test may
decrease the maximal rate of the pulse repetition. If you are recording the membrane
properties of a small cell, you may choose to turn off telegraphing.
In addition to measuring important initial seal and cellular parameters, you can also use
the Membrane Test command to perform an experiment. For example, you can use the
pulse train to depolarize and stimulate a cell, and induce exocytocis in a secretory cell.
Then, you can record the secretory cell’s whole-cell response and monitor relative
capacitive changes.

Chapter 4
64 • Overview of Clampex Windows Features

You can use both the Seal Test and Membrane Test in a Sequencing Key series as an
important monitor of seal and access resistance. By interspersing the Membrane Test in
your Sequencing Key experimental sequence, and by using the Membrane Test option to
automatically save the results to disk, you can have an accurate record of the state of your
recording throughout your entire experiment.

Sequencing Keys
The Sequencing Keys command in the Configure menu lets you associate certain
events, or a sequence of events, with a keystroke action. For example, you can define a
single key to flip a digital OUT high to activate a solution change, and another key to flip
the digital OUT low to terminate the solution change. These keys are available as toolbar
buttons in the Sequencing toolbar, shown below. You can also define a tooltip (a popup
message) that reminds you what event is associated with each button.

In addition to setting
various digital OUTs,
the sequencing keys
also let you change the
holding levels, insert a
comment tag, start a
Seal or Membrane test,
load and run a protocol,
or display a prompt.
The figure to the right
shows the Sequencing
Keys dialog box with
sample key settings.

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Overview of Clampex Windows Features • 65

In addition to associating a keystroke with a certain event, you can use the sequencing
keys to link one event to another. For example, you may want to start a Membrane Test,
and when it finishes, run an I-V protocol, perform a solution change, and then run the I-V
protocol again. Using the Sequencing Keys, you can link these events together and
define the timing interval between them. You can save an entire sequencing series to
disk, and maintain several sets of sequences for each type of experiment that you

Using Time, Comment, and Voice Tags

Time Tags, Comment Tags, and Voice Tags let you annotate your data while it is being
collected. Each of these tags is available through the Acquire command during data
acquisition, and from dedicated toolbuttons, as with all other commands.
Time tags insert a simple numerical time-stamped tag into the data file. A Comment tag
allows you to add an additional line of text to each tag. It is important to note that a
comment tag is inserted when the tag is activated, not when you finish typing the
comment. Clampex keeps a list of comment tags that have been used so that you can
quickly recall a
previous tag rather
than retyping it.
If you have a sound
card in your system,
you can insert Voice
(audio) tags into your
data files. This is
analogous to recording
your voice on an audio
channel when saving
your data to a VCR
tape. To configure
Voice tags, choose

Chapter 4
66 • Overview of Clampex Windows Features

Configure / Voice Tags and select the appropriate options in the Voice Tag Setup dialog
box. You can control the level of detection above background noise, enable compression
to minimize disk space usage, define the duration of a Voice tag, and determine what
occurs when a Voice tag is externally triggered. When you open your data file, double-
click on a Voice tag to hear the audio comment.

The Lab Book

The Lab Book, shown in the following figure, is a document that logs all of the events
that occur while Clampex is running. For example, the Lab Book records that a protocol
is opened, when a digital bit is set, when the holding level is changed and most other vital
events within Clampex.
You can control the level of detail that is written to the Lab Book by setting the Lab Book
Options under the Configure command. The Lab Book is a very useful record of what
events occurred during an experiment. In addition, several of the functions within
Clampex can write values directly to the Lab Book. For example, the Seal Test and
Membrane Test can write their current values to the Lab Book. The Lab Book can be
formatted using the formatting functions found on the toolbar, and a copy of the Lab
Book can be saved to disk for editing or archiving elsewhere.

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Overview of Clampex Windows Features • 67

Calibration Wizard
The Calibration Wizard lets you define the scaling and offset of a signal, after the data
has been acquired. This is analogous to drawing a known scale bar on chart paper when
recording continuous data to a pen recorder, and then measuring the scale bar afterwards
to determine the scale factor for each signal of data. The Calibration Wizard is available
when viewing data in the Analysis Window, and is activated by choosing the
Tools / Calibration Wizard command.

When using the Calibration Wizard, you have the option of setting the scale factor based
on measurements you make from the data file, or applying a known scale factor to the
data. If you choose to set the scale factor based on the data file, you simply position
Cursors 1 and 2 over two regions of known amplitude and indicate their values. The
Calibration Wizard will then compute the appropriate scale factor and offset and
optionally allow you to apply these values to the Lab Bench, so that any other data files
that use the same signal will also have the correct scale factor and offset. Alternatively, if
you already have defined the scale factor and offset in the Lab Bench, you can directly
update these settings in the data file using the Calibration Wizard.
The following figures show the Calibration Wizard dialog boxes.

Chapter 4
68 • Overview of Clampex Windows Features

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Overview of Clampex Windows Features • 69

An existing data file can also be rescaled in Clampfit using

Edit / Modify Signal Parameters.

Chapter 4
70 • Overview of Clampex Windows Features

Data File Index

The Data File Index (DFI) function
allows you to build and maintain a simple
database of all of the files that you have
acquired in Clampex. You can include all
of the types of files that Clampex
acquires. You can also filter and sort the
database using a number of different
parameters. For example, you can find
all the files that had a specific comment
such as “Growth factor” to find all the
experiments you performed where you
added a growth factor and inserted the
appropriate comment. You can also filter
files based on the acquisition date or
mode. To create a database, choose
File / New / Data File Index.
Once you create the database, you can sort the database by simply double-clicking on any
column heading. The column widths can be auto-sized by double-clicking in the space
between the column headings. To find a file, choose the Edit / Find command and
complete the search options.

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Overview of Clampex Windows Features • 71

Once a DFI is open, you can automatically add newly acquired files to the database by
choosing the Edit / Add New Acquisitions command. In this way, you can have a
running database of all the files that have been acquired by Clampex.
The DFI is also useful as an archive. For example, you may have acquired a number of
data files that you want to archive on a CD-ROM. You can create a database of these
files using the DFI, and then archive the files using the File / Archive command. This
function also saves the DFI to disk and locks out any changes to it. In this way you can
save your data to CD-ROM, but keep the much smaller archived DFI database on your
local hard drive. Later, if you need to find a specific data file, rather than loading one
CD-ROM after another, you can search the DFI, locate the file, and then load the
appropriate CD-ROM.

Chapter 4
On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 73

Chapter 5



Clampex is a versatile and powerful tool for acquiring digitized data of all types. While
excellent for the acquisition of voltage-clamp data, this program is not limited to
measuring current- or voltage-clamp responses. Clampex can be used to measure any
physical parameter that can be linearly converted into a voltage. For example, you can
monitor and/or acquire end-plate currents, measure the fluorescence signal from a
photomultiplier tube, measure pressure from a strain gauge, or acquire any other
combination of analog signals.
Clampex provides 5 different acquisition modes, which are selectable from the
Mode/Rate tab in the Edit Protocol dialog box, shown below.

Episodic Acquisition
Clampex excels at generating complex stimulus waveforms on two DAC outputs, while
simultaneously acquiring data from analog input channels. This is useful for studying
voltage-activated currents using the whole-cell patch-clamp configuration. For example,

Chapter 5
74 • On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex

Clampex can be used to drive a membrane potential to various potentials in controlled

amplitude and duration increments or decrements. The cellular response to these test
potentials is simultaneously acquired. On-line statistics analyses in Clampex can also be
used to measure and display the peak responses and chart those values in real time. If the
pulse amplitudes are uniformly incrementing, then the on-line chart of peak currents will
resemble an I-V curve. Alternatively, the recorded file can be automatically opened in
Clampfit and an I-V curve crated in its Graph window.

A waveform usually consists of a series of voltage steps and/or ramps generated on an
output signal.
An epoch is a subsection of a waveform that can be increased or decreased incrementally
in amplitude and/or duration.
A sweep is the digitized data from all input signals for a defined number of samples. A
sweep can contain up to 100,000 samples. All samples in a sweep have the same interval
of time between them (no gear shifting). A command waveform can be concurrently
output during a sweep. Note: in previous versions of pCLAMP, sweeps were referred to
as “episodes”.
A trace is the digitized data displayed in a sweep.
A run is the data digitized from a complete set of sweeps, often involving amplitude
and/or duration changes. A run can contain up to 10,000 sweeps.
A trial is the data digitized from one or more runs, and is saved as a single file. When
multiple runs per trial are digitized, the runs are all averaged together.

An experiment can be composed of several different protocols, and thus may result in
several data files.
A trial’s hierarchy is defined for a protocol using the Mode/Rate tab.

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On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 75

Note that the duration of

Samples/sweep/signal is
affected by changes in the
sampling interval.

Sampling Interval
You also set a trial’s sampling frequency in the Mode/Rate tab of the Edit Protocol dialog

The sampling interval is set per signal, so even if you acquire multiple signals, each
signal will have the displayed sampling interval. The sampling frequency per signal is
automatically calculated and displayed. The total throughput of the data acquisition
system of [(sampling frequency) x (number of signals)] is displayed at the bottom of the
dialog box.
The sampling interval(s) setting applies to any command waveform.
Sometimes the maximum sweep length of 103,224 samples will result in too short a
duration at your desired sampling resolution. In these cases, you may use the Gear Shift
option to change the first sampling interval to a second sampling interval after any point
in the sweep. This allows you to sample at a slow rate for the major duration of an
acquisition, and then switch to a faster rate to resolve a spike or other event of interest. In
order to analyze gear-shift data files in Clampfit, first interpolate with a factor of 1,
creating a file with a single sampling rate.

Chapter 5
76 • On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex

To set a trial’s on-line averaging, click the
Options button in the Average box of the
Mode/Rate tab.

Two types of averaging options are available: Cumulative and Most Recent. In
Cumulative averaging, each run contributes the same weighting into the average. As
runs are accumulated, each successive run contributes a smaller percentage to the
average, which becomes increasingly resistant to change. This option is recommended
for data with fairly stable baselines.
In Most Recent averaging, only the last N runs are used to calculate the average, so the
average is very sensitive to changes in the data. This is recommended for data with
significant baseline drift.
Up to 10,000 runs can be averaged. The average is updated with every run, but changes
to the average can be removed according to your Undo File update scheme.

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On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 77

Start-to-Start Intervals (s)

You set the timing of sweep and run cycles in the
Mode/Rate tab of the Edit Protocol dialog box.
The Start-to-Start Interval allows you to time the
start of each sweep and/or run relative to the start of
the one before it. This means that a Start-to-Start
Interval must be longer than the sweep length or the total time of a run. If you just want
the computer to execute sweeps or runs as quickly as possible, then use the minimum
setting. A minimum setting results in no lost data between sweeps, producing a
continuous record divided into sweeps. Note that if triggers are used to start a sweep,
then the Start-to-Start Intervals are disabled, because timing is now controlled externally.

You set the triggering of trials, runs, and sweeps in the Trigger tab of the Edit Protocol
dialog box.

The Start Trial default setting is “immediate”, and the trial starts as soon as you choose
Acquire/Record or Acquire/View, or their equivalent toolbuttons. When the Trigger
source setting is “internal timer”, runs and sweeps are controlled by the settings in the
Start-to-Start Interval section of the Mode/Rate tab. If Digitizer START Input is selected
then Clampex waits for a positive TTL-compatible trigger input into the data acquisition
interface before executing a trial, run or sweep. The Space Bar setting waits for the
spacebar or key press Enter before executing a trial, run, or sweep. The selection in the
Trigger Source setting applies to the item selected in the Action field. The rest of the
options in the Trigger tab only apply to non-episodic acquisition modes.

Chapter 5
78 • On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex

Shape statistics, which measure various parameters of evoked events — such as peaks,
areas, slopes and rise times — are set in the Statistics tab of the Edit Protocol dialog
box and are available in episodic and oscilloscope modes.

Shape statistics can only be measured from one Analog In signal, which you select in this
tab. The Region to Search option allows measurements to be made on the data from the
entire sweep, a specified range or by epoch. If a range or epoch is chosen, once you start
digitizing data, you will see two vertical cursor lines bounding your search region in the
Scope Window. To help you specify a range, click the mouse button in the Scope
Window to display the cursor location in samples in the status bar at the bottom of the

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On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 79

Math Signals
Two analog input signals can be arithmetically manipulated and displayed as a separate
on-line signal in the Scope Window. This is set up in the Math tab of the Edit Protocol
dialog box.

By using the general purpose equation, two signals can be scaled, offset, and
arithmetically combined before being displayed. A second use of the math signal is to
measure cellular dye concentrations by ratioing the fluorescence signals from two
photomultiplier tubes.

Chapter 5
80 • On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex

You define the output signals in the two Waveform tabs of the Edit Protocol dialog box.

Two analog outputs and the digital stimuli may be generated simultaneously. The
programmable analog waveform is defined in each waveform table, which consists of up
to ten epochs preceded and followed by a holding level. If the programmable analog
waveform is not flexible enough for your needs, the Stimulus File option can be used to
read data from an ABF or ATF file and output it as an analog waveform. There are also
four digital outputs synchronized to the same epochs as the analog output.

The amplitudes and durations of the epochs in the analog stimulus waveforms can be
systematically increased or decreased incrementally by setting a delta, i.e., the fixed

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On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 81

amount of change in a parameter per sweep. For added flexibility, each waveform has a
corresponding Stimulus tab to specify a user list of values for any one selected parameter
in the waveform tab. The Stimulus tab also allows you to specify a Conditioning Train or
to enable P/N Leak Subtraction.

P/N Leak Subtraction

Leak subtraction is a technique typically used in voltage-clamp experiments to correct for

a cell’s passive membrane current, i.e., the leakage current. Clampex can automatically
record one channel of corrected data with the method called P/N Leak Subtraction. In
this method, a series of scaled-down versions of the command waveform are generated
and applied to the cell, and the responses are measured, accumulated, and subtracted from
the data.
Since the leakage current is a passive current, for each sweep of data, the command
waveform (pulse P) is first scaled down in amplitude by 1/N, such that active currents are
not generated by the cell. Since the leakage current has a linear response, this P/N
waveform is applied N times to the cell. When all N responses are accumulated, their
total approximates the actual leakage current for that sweep of data. The command
waveform is then applied to the cell, and the P/N accumulated response is subtracted
from the resulting sweep of data. To further correct for signal drift, the mean value of the
first holding level is then also subtracted from the sweep of data.
For added flexibility in preventing the occurrence of active currents, the polarity of the
P/N waveform can be reversed. In this case, the P/N accumulated response is then added

Chapter 5
82 • On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex

to the sweep of data. Also, to prevent a conditioning response from the cell, the P/N
waveforms can be issued after the main stimulus waveform.
When leak subtraction is used, although either the corrected or the uncorrected data can
be viewed, only the corrected data are saved. In order to also record the raw data, a
second input channel needs to be used and connected to the same input signal.

Conditioning Trains

A train of pulses can be used to “condition” a cell prior to the main stimulus waveform.
The Clampex conditioning train outputs analog pulses composed of repeated baseline and
step levels. After the conditioning train is completed, the output can be held at a post-
train level. If the number of pulses in the train is set to zero, only the post-train level is
generated, which is a convenient way to change the holding level for a specified duration
before each sweep.
The conditioning train can be output on either the same analog out channel as the
stimulus waveform, or on the other analog out channel. As data are not acquired during
the conditioning train period, no signal will be visible onscreen when the conditioning
train output is being generated.

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On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 83

User List

A User List for both waveforms allow you to override the waveform section and force a
selected component of the analog or digital outputs to arbitrary values. This is done by
creating a list of comma-delimited values that are used in successive sweeps. However,
you can only apply changes to one selected parameter per protocol. Parameters that can
be changed include most of the parameters in the waveform table:
Conditioning train durations and levels of the baseline, pulses and post-train, and the
number of pulses.
Time between sweep starts in a multi-sweep run.
Inactive ANALOG OUT holding level.
Digital inter-sweep holding pattern.
Number of (N) subsweeps in P/N leak subtraction.
Analog durations and levels in an epoch.
Digital bit pattern in an epoch.

Non-Episodic Acquisition
In non-episodic acquisition modes, Clampex can record random events for arbitrarily
long periods of time. This is useful for acquiring single-channel data or spontaneous
synaptic events for further analysis. For example, you may want to determine if the
amount of time an ion channel is in the open state changes with a drug application.
On-line statistics can also chart the frequency of events above a threshold level.

Chapter 5
84 • On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex

Setting the Mode and Trial Length

A trial is the digitized data saved into a single file.
A trial’s length is set in a protocol’s Mode/Rate tab.
You can choose either to record for a fixed duration, or record until the data file becomes
as large as the available hard disk space. The space available on your hard disk is stated
both in terms of the total duration of recording and the total megabytes of disk space
available. Although the total available space on the hard disk is displayed, there is a
2 GB limit to the size of a data file. Both values are inversely related to the number of
channels sampled and the sampling rate, so one way to free up more space is to decrease
the sampling rate. Another way to save disk space, if feasible, is to use fixed length or
variable-length acquisition, rather than gap-free acquisition.

Sampling Interval
A trial’s sampling frequency is set in a protocol’s Mode/Rate tab.

The sampling interval is set per signal, so even when acquiring with multiple signals,
each signal will have the displayed sampling interval. The sampling interval is also
reported in terms of sampling frequency (kHz) per signal. The total data throughput is
calculated from [sampling frequency] x [number of input signals].

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On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 85

Gap-free Mode

Data are acquired continuously without any gaps or breaks in the record, as with a tape or
chart recorder.

Event-Detected Modes
Data acquisition can be triggered by an input signal crossing a threshold level or by an
external trigger. The threshold level is displayed as a thin line in the Scope Window.
Whenever data are being acquired, an event-marker line displays at the top of the signal’s
pane. Event-detected acquisition is useful in saving hard disk space when recording
events that are interspersed with long periods of inactivity.
The threshold level can be changed by dragging the small triangle in the Y-axis area up
or down, or in the protocol’s Trigger tab.

Chapter 5
86 • On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex

The Trigger Settings in the Trigger tab also allows you to set the length of the “pre-
trigger” duration, which is the amount of data that you wish to acquire that occurs prior to
a trigger. Also, you select the polarity of the threshold trigger to be positive (rising) or
negative (falling).

Variable-Length Events
Data are acquired for as long as an input signal has passed the threshold level, or
for as long as an external trigger is held high. This mode is ideal for experiments
such as recording of single-channel currents that are in a closed state for long
periods of time and contain periods of random bursting.

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On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 87

Fixed-Length Events
Data are acquired for same-length sweeps whenever an input signal has passed
the threshold level, or when an external trigger occurs. This mode is ideal for
recording synaptic events, action-potential spikes or other constant-width events.
If during one fixed-length event a second trigger occurs, a second fixed-length
event will be started. The two events will have overlapping data until the first
event ends. In this way no events are lost and each event has the same length.

High-Speed Oscilloscope Mode

Data are acquired in sweeps, similar to a digital oscilloscope. The input sweep
can be triggered by either an external trigger, an autotrigger or the input signal
crossing a threshold level. The autotrigger is set to the greater of 200 ms or the
sweep length. High-speed oscilloscope mode resembles fixed length event mode,
except that additional triggers occurring during a sweep do not initiate additional

Shape statistics calculate various parameters of spikes, such as peaks, areas, slopes and
rise times. These are set in a protocol’s Statistics tab. Shape statistics can only be
measured from one input signal, which you select in this tab. The Region to Search
allows measurements to be made on the data from the entire sweep, a specified range or
by epoch. If a range or epoch is chosen, once you start digitizing data, you will see two
vertical cursor lines bounding your search region in the Scope Window. To aid you in
specifying a range, left-clicking the mouse in the Scope Window displays the cursor
location in samples in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.

Chapter 5
88 • On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex

Data acquisition triggering is set in a protocol’s Trigger tab:

Start Trial initiates the beginning of an acquisition. The setting of “Immediate” means
that there is no delay once you choose to start digitizing data. The setting of “Digitizer
START Input” waits for a TTL-compatible trigger input into the data acquisition
interface before starting a trial. The setting of “Space Bar” waits for a press of the space
bar or Enter key on the keyboard before starting a trial.
Trigger source initiates the acquisition of events for event-detected modes. If you select
an input signal to set a threshold level as the trigger source for events, you can choose
between the setting of “First Acquired Signal”, or any analog input signal name. You can
also use an external or keyboard trigger (“Digitizer START Input” or “Space Bar”).

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On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 89

Refinements to threshold triggering can be made in the Hysteresis dialog.

Threshold-Based Statistics
When acquiring in gap-free or event-detected modes, you can monitor measurements
such as the event frequency or percentage of time above the threshold level. These
threshold-based statistics are set up in a protocol’s Trigger tab, and use the same setting
as for the Trigger Source. If you select an input signal to set a threshold level as the
trigger source for events, you can choose between the setting of “First Acquired Signal”,
or any analog input signal name. You can also calculate these statistics for external or
keyboard triggers (“Digitizer START Input” or “Space Bar”).
To display statistics on-line, check the box for each desired measurement, as well as the
Statistics Display box. Measurements can be automatically saved to a text file, or
manually saved with the Acquire / Save Statistics command.
These statistics can serve as a handy indicator of the progress of the experiment. For
example, it might be expected that in the presence of a certain drug, the channel activity
will increase. If so, the percentage of time spent above threshold is a measure of this
increased activity, and can be used as a criterion for continuing the experiment and
subsequently performing a full analysis using Fetchan and pSTAT.

Chapter 5
90 • On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex

Optimal Data Acquisition

Computer-based data acquisition extends the range of the types, complexity and size of
experiments that can be readily performed in the laboratory. To use these tools
effectively, several key concepts that underpin all computerized data acquisition systems
should be understood, and these are discussed briefly in the following sections.

Analog Data
The fundamental property of analog data is that it is continuous. Analog data can be
obtained from transducers recording a wide variety of properties, including (but not
limited to) voltage, current, pressure, pH, speed, velocity, light, sound levels, etc. The
amplitudes of any of these signals may vary over wide ranges, and the increments are
infinitesimally small. While analog signals can be recorded directly by transferring them
from an analog output to an analog recording device (e.g., chart recorder, FM tape
recorder, etc.), analysis and reproduction of these records always involve some signal
degradation, due to the effects of noise or distortion.

Analog to Digital Conversion

The loss of analog signal fidelity can be minimized by the effective use of analog to
digital conversion. This is the process of converting an analog signal into a digital
representation. Such a representation can be stored on a computer disk, printed page,
etc., without subsequent signal degradation. The popularity of the audio compact disc is
based on the effective use of analog-to-digital conversion to store and reproduce the
music recorded on it. The digital representation can then be replayed precisely, as often
as desired, without the introduction of noise.
While seemingly obvious, the effective use of analog-to-digital conversion requires that
one consider several conflicting goals carefully. In simplest terms, one must decide how
best to preserve the fidelity of the analog signal, using an affordable quantity of recording
media. Since an analog signal is continuous, A/D conversion inherently yields an
approximation of the original data. The goal in A/D conversion is to make reasonable
assumptions with respect to the necessary temporal and amplitude resolutions that are

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On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 91

required to reproduce the original analog signal, and then to choose and set the
acquisition parameters appropriately.

Temporal Resolution
Does the digital representation of the original signal faithfully reproduce the response of
the analog signal in the time domain? It is obvious that a signal with a 10 Hz component
will not be reproduced well by sampling the signal once per second (1 Hz). While an
acquisition at 1,000 Hz is intuitively adequate, it will use unnecessary resources for the
storage of the acquired signal.
So how fast do you need to sample to adequately reproduce the temporal characteristics
of the analog signal? The Nyquist sampling theorem states that if a DC signal is sampled
at a rate that is twice the analog bandwidth of the signal, the sampled values can
reproduce the original signal. Thus, if the sampling rate is 1/∆t (where ∆t is the sampling
interval), the signal must have no frequency components greater than 1/(2∆t). Sampling
at a frequency of twice the analog bandwidth is the theoretical minimum required to
reproduce the source signal.
If appropriate sampling frequencies are not used, two potential errors are introduced. The
most obvious one is that the high frequency information is lost; the less obvious error is
the introduction of aliasing. Aliasing is the introduction of a spurious low-frequency
signal. For those old enough to remember 8 mm home movies (or fortunate enough to
have video frame grabbers in their computers), frame rates of 8-12 frames per second
often yield cars whose wheels appear to be turning backwards (while the car is moving
forward!). This illusion is the effect of aliasing on our visual perception of the wheel

Alias, Filtering, and Oversampling

In practice, it is common to sample at a rate significantly faster than the minimum rate
specified by the sampling theorem. This is known as oversampling. Exactly how much
oversampling should be used depends upon the type of experiment.

For experiments where the data will be analyzed in the frequency domain (e.g., noise
analysis, impedance analysis), it is common to oversample only modestly. The main

Chapter 5
92 • On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex

concern is to prevent aliasing. An anti-aliasing filter is introduced between the signal

source and the analog-to-digital converter to control the bandwidth of the data.
The factor of twice the analog bandwidth required by the sampling theorem is only
applicable if the anti-aliasing filter is ideal, i.e., the gain in the pass-band is unity and in
the stop-band it abruptly changes to zero. Ideal filters cannot be realized, although they
can be closely approximated. For frequency-domain analysis it is common to use sharp
cutoff filters such as Butterworth or Chebyshev realizations. Sampling is typically
performed at 2.5 times the filter bandwidth. For example, if the data are filtered at
10 kHz they should be sampled at about 25 kHz. Slower sampling rates are
unacceptable. Faster sampling rates are acceptable, but offer little advantage, and
increase the storage and analysis requirements.
For experiments where the data will be analyzed in the time domain (e.g., pulse analysis,
I-V curves), greater oversampling is required. This is because reconstruction of the
analog signal requires not only an ideal anti-alias filter, but also an ideal reconstruction
filter. The simplest and most common reconstruction filter is to join each sample by a
straight line. Other techniques can be used, such as cubic-spline interpolation, but
because of their much heavier computational requirements they are infrequently used.
There is no golden rule to tell you how fast to sample data for time-domain analysis, but
in general, 5 times the analog bandwidth is common, and 10 times is regarded as good.

Amplitude Resolution
The amplitude resolution of an A/D converter corresponds to the smallest increment in
signal that it can resolve. This resolution is a result of two properties of the converter
hardware: the number of "bits" in the conversion and the full-range voltage input that the
A/D converter can handle. Most high speed A/D converters (e.g., those supported by

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On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 93

pCLAMP) are binary devices with 12 bits of resolution. The number of possible A/D
values is a power of two, often referred to as the number of bits. Commonly, these values
8-bit converter = 28 = 256 values
12-bit converter = 212 = 4,096 values
16-bit converter = 216 = 65,536 values
The full voltage range of most A/D converters is typically ±10 V. The amplitude
resolution is defined by the full-scale input range divided by the number of sample
values. Thus, for a 12-bit system the amplitude resolution is 20 V/4,096 bits or
4.88 mV / bit. For a 16-bit system the resolution is 0.305 mV / bit.
On the surface of it, it would seem desirable to use a 16-bit A/D converter system.
However, 16-bit systems are generally significantly more expensive, or at an equivalent
price, significantly slower. Further, the extra resolution is not always realizable. In
systems that are installed directly into a computer there is a significant amount of noise
introduced by the circuits inside the computer. This noise can be made negligible
compared with the resolution of a 12-bit A/D converter, but it can rarely be made less
than the resolution of a 16-bit A/D converter. In fact, some so-called 16-bit systems have
so much noise that they only offer about the same usable resolution as a 12-bit system.
Nevertheless, manufacturers usually market these as 16-bit systems because if they are
used with substantial averaging, the noise can be reduced and the benefits of the higher
resolution can be realized.

In the majority of physiological applications, the resolution of a 12-bit A/D converter is

sufficient. It allows measurements at better than 0.1% resolution. For example, consider
a voltage-clamp amplifier whose output is 100 mV/nA, spanning ±10 V (±100 nA).
Current can be measured with a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter in 0.0488 nA
If one wants to obtain the best resolution of the source signal, the need for preamplifiers
to scale the input signal appropriately becomes apparent. The goal is to have the input
signal use as much as possible of the input voltage range of the converter, so that the
resolution of the data signal can be as precise as possible. Thus, for a biological signal

Chapter 5
94 • On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex

that varies over the range of ±100 mV, a preamplifier with a gain of up to 100 is needed
to fill the ±10V data acquisition range.

Input / Output and Direct Memory Access Driven Storage

It is essential, of course, for the acquired data to be transferred from the A/D converter to
the computer's disk for permanent storage. The following discussion assumes that the
A/D and D/A converters are located on a board (digitizer) that plugs into the computer.
The simplest way to achieve this is under the direct control of the microprocessor.
Because this technique makes heavy use of the input/output ports of the microprocessor,
it is often referred to as I/O Driven. A crystal-controlled clock on the digitizer board
initiates A/D conversions at regular intervals. After each conversion is completed a
status bit on the digitizer board is set high to indicate that the conversion is complete.
The microprocessor reads the converted value from the digitizer board and moves it to a
location in memory. If necessary, the microprocessor moves a new D/A value to the
board, then waits for the next converted value. When an array of converted data has been
filled up, the microprocessor stops the conversions, displays the data and saves it to disk.
On PC computers, it is not possible to continue acquiring A/D conversions during the
disk write.
In many experiments, continuous gap-free acquisition to disk is required. To achieve
this, more sophisticated techniques to handle the incoming data are required, such as
direct memory access (DMA).
DMA acquisition requires the presence of a DMA controller circuit, either on the
computer motherboard or on the digitizer board. The purpose of the DMA controller is to
move arrays of data between two locations without involving the microprocessor. To use
the DMA controller, the microprocessor sets it up in advance by telling it how many data
values to move, where to get them and where to put them. Once the process begins, the
microprocessor is free to perform other tasks.
For example, to achieve gap-free acquisition to disk, Clampex uses the Digidata 1200B
digitizer board under DMA control. While the DMA controller is loading acquired data
into the first of two memory buffers, the microprocessor simultaneously displays the data.
When the first memory buffer fills, the DMA commences filling the second buffer

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On-line Data Acquisition with Clampex • 95

without a pause. As soon as this commences, the microprocessor takes the opportunity to
write the contents of the first array to disk. When it finishes the transfer to disk, the
microprocessor resumes real-time display of the data that is filling the second memory
buffer. When the second memory buffer fills, the DMA commences filling the first
buffer again, without a pause. This cycle continues indefinitely.
If analog output waveforms are to be generated simultaneously with the acquisition at
maximum speed, as done by the Clampex acquisition program, a second DMA controller
channel is required to transfer the D/A values from the computer memory to the digitizer
board. Similarly, if synchronous digital outputs are to be generated, either a third DMA
channel is required or the digital data must be transferred simultaneously with the D/A
data. The latter technique is used in the Digidata 1200B.

Chapter 5
Clampex Experiments • 97

Chapter 6


This chapter presents information to help you actually do an experiment. We walk you
through a step-by-step tutorial on setting up experiments. We discuss how Clampex can
be used to further manipulate data files that have already been recorded. We discuss how
to use the Quick Graph feature in Clampfit to automatically plot an I-V curve while
Clampex acquires data. We finish by presenting several scenarios for doing different
types of experiments.

I-V Tutorial
This tutorial is designed to walk a user through the steps of setting up various types of
experiments in Clampex. The goal of this section is to teach a user how to set up
Clampex to perform a given experiment, rather than discuss each feature of Clampex in
detail. For more information on a given feature, a user can simply access the on-line help
by pressing F1.
Goal of the experiment: To examine the I-V relationship of whole-cell calcium currents
from cultured neurons in response to the application of a drug.
The experiment will consist of:
1. Obtaining a whole-cell recording.
2. Monitoring access resistance.
3. Performing an I-V.

Chapter 5
98 • Clampex Experiments

4. Monitoring the peak current at a single voltage.

5. Applying a drug while measuring the peak current, and then performing an I-V.
6. Washing off a drug while measuring the peak current, and then performing an
7. Monitoring access resistance at end of experiment.
Hardware used:
• Axopatch 200B, headstage set to β=0.1
• Electronically controlled solution changer
• Digidata 1200B

Select Digitizer
One of the first steps in performing an actual experiment is to select the appropriate
hardware for acquisition. This is done with the Configure / Digitizer menu item. By
default, Clampex is installed with the demo digitizer active. We will continue to use the
demo digitizer for this example, but you must select and configure your Digidata 1200
before doing an actual experiment.

Creating Input and Output Signals in the Lab Bench (Setting Scaling and Offset)
A powerful and flexible new feature of Clampex is the Lab Bench. The Lab Bench is
used to set the scaling and offset factors for all of the input and output channels that will
be used in a typical experiment.

In the example above, an Axopatch 200B is being used in voltage-clamp mode to record
membrane currents in response to square voltage steps. We will set up Clampex to
acquire the membrane currents on Analog IN #0, and to output the voltage command on
Analog OUT #0. One of the new features of Clampex is the concept of signals and
channels. In previous versions of Clampex, a single Analog Input channel was usually
set up for a single type of input or signal, for example Analog IN #0 could be set up for

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membrane current signals (Im) and Analog IN #1 could be set up for membrane potential
signals (Vm). In Clampex 8, it is very easy to set up a single Analog IN channel for
many different input signals, and to rapidly switch between signals when setting up your
acquisition protocols.

Setting up Input Signals

1) To set up the Lab Bench for this example, go to the Configure / Lab Bench menu
2) Select the Input Signals tab, and then highlight the Digitizer channel Analog IN #0.
You will notice that there is already a number of default signals associated with
Analog IN #0.
3) Add another signal to Digitizer channel Analog IN #0 by pressing the Add button.
4) Give the signal a unique name such as “Im”.
Now set the scaling for this new signal. This is done in two steps: by entering the
units for the signal and by setting the scale factor.
5) To set the signal units, in the Scaling section select the unit prefix “p”, and enter the
unit type as “A”.
To set the scale factor, we will use the new Scale Factor Assistant, which replaces the
process of manually computing the scale factor. All we need to know is the gain
settings of our amplifier, which can simply be read off of the front of the instrument.
In our example, the signal is membrane current, and we will assume the Axopatch
200 is set to an α value of 1 and a β value of 0.1.
6) Press the Scale Factor Assistant button and indicate that you have an Axopatch 200
series amplifier connected to Analog IN#0.
7) Press the Next button.
8) Since the experiment will be done in voltage-clamp mode, select the V-Clamp Mode

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9) Set Config Setting to Whole Cell (β = 0.1) to match the β setting of our
Axopatch 200.
10) Set Preferred Signal Units to “pA”.
11) Set Gain to 1 to match the α setting of our Axopatch 200.
12) Press Finish.
The scale factor of 1e-4 V/pA was automatically computed and entered as the Scale
Factor. For most amplifiers, there is no need to adjust the offset and therefore we will
leave the offset value at its default of 0.

For this example, set the gain (α) to a value of 1. This is referred to as “unity gain”. The
setting of unity gain is very important when you enable telegraphs, a functionality that we
will discuss in the next section. For now, be sure to set the gain to 1, and set up the Lab
Bench to reflect this. We will discuss how Clampex deals with changing the gain in the
telegraph section.

Clampex has an on-line software RC filter. We can specify both a high-pass and low-
pass filter that will be applied to this Analog IN channel. For our example, leave this
turned off.
Furthermore, we may want to have an additional gain applied to our signal before it is
digitized to ensure that we are maximizing the dynamic range of our digitizer (See A-D
conversion section). Since the Axopatch 200B has a number of different output gains, it
is unlikely that you will need to use any additional hardware conditioning for the
membrane current signal. You have now finished setting up the Analog IN channel to
record “Im” signals from your Axopatch 200.
We will now configure Analog IN #1 to record the membrane potential. You will add the
10 Vm OUTPUT signal from the Axopatch 200 to Analog IN #1, and set the scaling
factor to record voltage in mV. The Scale Factor Assistant should not be used for this
signal, as it assumes that the Analog IN channel is connected to the scaled output of the
Axopatch 200, and not to other signals such as 10 Vm. Since the gain of the 10 Vm
OUTPUT of the Axopatch 200 is x10, manually set the scale factor (V / mV) to “0.01”
for the signal “Vm”.

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Clampex Experiments • 101

Do we need to use any Hardware Signal Conditioning? We need to consider that with a
gain of 10, does the signal that we are recording adequately utilize the dynamic range
of the digitizer? This topic is discussed in detail earlier in the manual, but some of the
important concepts will be reiterated here. Typically, the cellular membrane potential
will be in the range of ± 100 mV, and with a gain of 10, the Axopatch 200 will output a
voltage in the range of ± 1V (100 mV *10). Given that the dynamic range of the digitizer
(Digidata 1200) will be ± 10 V it is apparent that only ~ 10% of the dynamic range will
be utilized (± 1V / ± 10). Therefore we will add an additional Hardware Conditioning
gain of 8 to the membrane potential. As a result, the dynamic range of the membrane
potential before it is digitized is ~ ± 8V (8* ± 1V), representing ~ 80% of the dynamic
range of the amplifier, a significant improvement in resolution. If you have the digitizer
in demo mode you will not be able to change the Digitizer gain.

Setting Up Output Signals

Setting up the output signals is very similar to setting up the input signals. You need to
determine an output scaling factor and offset for each signal that you create on a given
Analog OUT channel. You will notice that there are three Signals already associated
with Analog OUT #0 by default. We can add another signal, “VmCmd” to Analog
OUT#0. For this new signal, set the Signal units to “mV” and use the Scale Factor
Assistant to set up the scale factor. In our example, we would indicate that the
“VmCmd” signal is connected to an Axopatch 200, with a Mode Setting of “V-Clamp”,
and that the Ext. Command Input of 20 mV/V on the Axopatch 200 is connected to
Analog OUT#0.

Using the Lab Bench, Configuring Overrides and Setting the Holding Potential
An important point about the Lab bench is that the Lab Bench shows the status of various
options. One example is setting the holding level in the Output tab. The holding level
can be changed in a number of locations. For example, you can set the holding level
directly in the Lab Bench, through the Output tab of the protocol, the Real Time
Controls, and through the Seal or Membrane Test. How the holding level is set depends
on the settings in the Configure / Overrides dialog box. Here you can choose to use the
holding level from the Lab Bench. When this option is selected, you can directly set the

Chapter 5
102 • Clampex Experiments

holding level in the Lab Bench; if you change the holding level anywhere else, these
changes are also made to the Lab Bench. For example, you can set the holding level in
the Real Time Controls, and the changes will be made in the Lab Bench and the holding
level in the protocol is automatically changed.

A convenient feature of Clampex is the ability to detect various amplifier settings through
“telegraphs”. These telegraphs allow you to change the settings of various amplifier
controls, such as the gain, without having to reconfigure the Analog IN channels after
each change in amplifier gain. For example, on an Axopatch 200, the state of the gain
(α), filter frequency and capacitance compensation settings can be directly utilized by
Clampex. You may recall that we set the gain of our Analog IN #0 signal “Im” to a value
of 1, or unity gain. When using telegraphs, Clampex performs all calculations relative to
this unity gain, and therefore it is very important that unity gain is set up correctly for the
signal that will be telegraphed. The telegraphs are configured through the
Configure / Telegraphed Instrument menu item.
In our example we will indicate that an Axopatch 200 CV 201 is being used, and that
Analog IN #0 is connected to the scaled output of the amplifier. Since we want to
telegraph all three settings, we will simply connect the appropriate outputs of the
Axopatch 200 to 3 different Analog IN channels, which we can define. We will set the
gain, frequency and Cm to be sent to Analog IN channels 13, 14 and 15 respectively,
although we could use any unused Analog IN channel. Now, if we close the Configure
Telegraphed Instruments form and return to the Lab Bench, we will notice that the
“Enable Telegraphs” section at the bottom of the form reports the current status of these
three telegraphed parameters. If you enable the telegraphs, you will notice that the gain
setting in the Scale Factor Assistant is automatically inserted via the telegraphs.
Furthermore, any changes that are made to these parameters are automatically updated
and utilized by Clampex.

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Using Seal Test

Clampex provides two functions that assist in monitoring gigohm seal formation and
membrane properties in patch clamp recording. These are the Seal Test and the
Membrane Test. The first step in establishing a whole-cell recording is achieving a
gigohm seal.

Before starting the Seal Test, you need to ensure that it is configured correctly using the
Configure / Seal Test Setup menu item. By default, the Seal Test is set up to record
input signals from the channel Analog IN #0 using a signal setting of I-Stest (pA), and to
output Seal Test signals to the channel Analog OUT #0 on a signal setting of Cmd 0. We
will change the input signal to “Im”, and the Seal Test output signal to “VmCmd” to
match the signals that were just created in the Lab Bench. You can also adjust the
amplitude of the pulse when the Seal Test is started and set initial holding levels. We
will set the initial holding level to a value of 0 mV.
After configuring the Seal Test, it can be started from the Tools / Seal Test menu item or
the button on the acquisition toolbar. After starting the Seal Test, you will observe
the current response to square voltage steps. When using the demo digitizer, it is often
helpful to multiply the pulse amplitude by 10, by enabling the x10 option, to get a bigger
signal response.

You will also see that Clampex continuously reports the Seal Resistance value. This
value can be logged to the Lab Book by pressing the Lab Book button. You can also

adjust how often the pulses are delivered using the slider . Adjusting
the amplitude of the pulse on-line is also possible. In some cases, you may want to
hyperpolarize the cell to aid in seal formation. This is done by setting the “Holding
(mV)” value. You can set up Clampex to keep the holding potential once the Seal Test
exits, by checking the “Keep on exit” box. When the Seal Test is terminated, the holding
potential is set to its last value during the Seal Test. Once whole-cell access has been
obtained, you can close the Seal Test and start the Membrane Test.

Chapter 5
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Using Membrane Test

The Membrane Test is similar to the Seal Test, but provides descriptive information
about a cell’s membrane properties. The Membrane Test is configured in a similar
fashion to the Seal Test by choosing the Configure / Membrane Test Setup option. The
Membrane Test options allow you to set such parameters as what delimits the curve-
fitting region, which results are displayed on-line, how to save the results, and how to
define a pulse train.
The pulse train is a series of pulses that can be delivered during the membrane test. For
example, the pulse train may be used to deliver a series of stimuli while monitoring
membrane capacitance. The source of the pulse train can be set using the Pulse Signal
option and this allows you to define a separate signal, perhaps a separate stimulating
electrode, for the pulse train. Setting up a pulse train is similar to the configuration of
conditioning trains in episodic acquisition. You can define the time and amplitudes of
the baseline and step regions, as well as the length of the train. The train is started by
simply pressing the Pulse Train button during a Membrane Test.
Once the Membrane Test has started, you can send the data from the Membrane Test to
the Lab Book, or you can write the data to a file using the Save Results… button. When
you save the results to a file, all of the values that have been calculated since the
Membrane Test was started are written to the file. These values are also continuously
plotted in the Results Display.

Editing a Protocol
The details of an acquisition are defined in the acquisition protocols. As this is a fairly
complex issue, we will only discuss the features that are relevant for setting up our
example. In this case, we will describe how to build two protocols: one that performs an
I-V, and one that repetitively steps the cell to the same voltage. We have provided these
demonstration protocol files for you, named tutor_1A.pro and tutor_2A.pro, as well as
the sequencing key file, named tutorA.sks.

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Protocol 1: A Conventional I-V

To get a fresh protocol, select Acquire / New Protocol, which will generate and open a
new protocol. We will examine each relevant tab of the protocol to ensure that the
protocol is set up correctly.

Select Episodic stimulation as the Acquisition Mode. Since our I-V will step
from -80 to +60 in 10 mV increments, we need to have 15 steps. Therefore, we
set the sweeps/run to a value of 15. We will keep the Start-to-Start time for
sweeps set to “Minimum” to have the protocol execute as fast as possible. Since
we will sample the data at 10 kHz, the number of samples/sweep/signal should be
set to 2064, to ensure that each sweep is long enough to gather enough data. Be
sure to check the box labeled “Allow automatic analysis programs in other
programs”, so that when Clampfit is running simultaneously with Clampex the
last recorded file will be automatically opened by Clampfit and analyzed.

Input and Output Channels

In the Input Channel tab, you activate the Analog IN channels that you are
acquiring from, and indicate which signal that you created in the Lab Bench you
would like to record on each channel. In our example, you would activate
Analog IN #0 and Analog IN #1, and specify the “Im” and “Vm” signals
In the Output Channel tab, you define which Analog OUT channels and signals
are active. Set the Channel #0 to the signal “VmCmd” that you created in the
Lab Bench. We will also define a holding level of -80 mV.

The next logical step is to define the stimulus waveform in the Wave 0 tab. We
will set the Source of the waveform to be defined by “Epochs”, which are
described by the table at the bottom portion of the form. For this protocol, we
will disable the digital outputs. You can change the Inter-Sweep holding level,
but currently we will leave it at the default value of “Use Holding”. The only
item remaining to be done is the description of the actual epochs, which is

Chapter 5
106 • Clampex Experiments

performed in the Epoch Description spreadsheet. We will define the A, B, and C

epochs as step epochs by selecting “Step” as the Type. You can also use the
PgUp and PgDn buttons to cycle through the epoch types. For our example, we
need to make the following Epoch descriptions.
(Note that you can only enter values on lines that have a white background.
Lines that have a dark gray background represent items that are automatically
computed by Clampex.)

Epoch A Epoch B Epoch C

Type Step Step Step
First level (mV) -80 -80 -80
Delta level (mV) 0 10 0
Final level (mV) 0 60 0
First duration (samples) 500 1000 500
First duration (ms) 50 100 50
Delta duration (samples) 0 0 0
Delta duration (ms) 0 0 0
Final duration (samples) 500 1000 500
Final duration (ms) 50 100 50
Digital bit pattern 0000 0000 0000

When finished, you can preview the waveform by pressing the Update Preview
button at the bottom of the form. In fact, it is often very useful to have the
Waveform Preview window open while you are creating your protocol, and
simply press the Update Preview button every time you want to see the effects
of something you have changed. It is very handy to shrink the size of the
Waveform Preview and keep it displayed in one of the corners of the screen.

We will leave the Trigger tab in its default state for this protocol.

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The Stimulus tab is where you define additional stimulation parameters, such as
conditioning trains, leak subtraction and arbitrary values from a user list. For this
demonstration, using the demo digitizer, we have not added P/N leak subtraction
to our protocol in the Stim 0 tab. However, when recording from real cells you
might wish to add P/N leak subtraction to your protocol as follows. You can
define the signal to which leak subtraction is applied, and the number, polarity
and timing of the leak subtraction pulses. Furthermore, you can optionally
display the raw or corrected data. We will define 5 sub-sweeps of opposite
polarity that occur before each individual sweep, and these sub-sweeps will have
a minimum start-to-start time.

Clampex can display on-line various spike-oriented shape statistics on an
acquired signal. Go to the Statistics tab of the protocol editor and check the box
Shape Statistics. In our example, we will measure the peak amplitude and time
of peak on the “Im” signal.
If we were recording actual inward calcium currents, we would want to set the
polarity of the peak detection to negative. Since we are using the demo driver,
we will set the polarity to positive to illustrate the functionality of the statistics
display. We can define a search region and a baseline region either in terms of
time or epochs. We’ll define the search region as Wave 0 Epoch B, and the
baseline region as Wave 0 Epoch A. If you want to ensure that you are searching
the correct regions of your waveform, return to the Waveform tab and use the
Update Preview button. If Shape Statistics are enabled, the Waveform Preview
window will show the Baseline and Search regions used in the peak detection.
The Acquire / Waveform Preview menu item also shows the baseline and
searching regions.
We will also indicate that we want the statistics display to be shown when the
acquisition is performed, by enabling the check box in the bottom left corner of
the form. Furthermore, the statistics can be automatically saved whenever an
acquisition is saved to disk, although if this option is not enabled, you can always

Chapter 5
108 • Clampex Experiments

manually save the statistics using the Acquire / Save Statistics menu item. For
now, we will enable this option.
That completes setting up your first protocol. Save the protocol using the
Acquire / Save Protocol As menu item or button with a name such as

Protocol 2: Repetitive Current Stimulation

The second protocol is one that is designed to repetitively activate the current by giving
step pulses from -80 to +10 mV. This type of protocol if useful when one wants to
monitor the effect of a drug over time.
To create this protocol, we will modify the existing protocol that we just created. Use the
Acquire / Edit Protocol menu item or the button on the acquisition toolbar to edit
the current protocol. In the Mode / Rate tab, adjust the Sweeps/run to 6. For
demonstration purposes we have made the protocol as fast as possible, but for real use
you might want to adjust the Sweep Start to Start interval to 10 s and resave the protocol.
In the Wave 0 tab, change the First Level of Epoch B to +10 mV and the Delta level to 0.
This will create a protocol that simply steps to +10 mV every 10 seconds for 1 minutes.
Press the Update Preview button to ensure that you have changed the waveform
correctly. Save the protocol under a new name, such as “tutor_2 .pro” using Acquire /
Save Protocol As.
At this point, you have configured Clampex correctly for the hardware that you are using
for your experiment, and have defined the two protocols that you need to use in order to
perform your experiment. Additionally, you have learned about the Seal Test and the
Membrane Test, which aid in the formation and monitoring of your gigohm seal.

Naming Data Files

Before you save any data to disk, it is useful to define the filenames and locations where
the data will be saved (and opened from). This is done in the File / Set Data File Names
dialog box. Here you can define whether you want to use classical 8 character pCLAMP

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Clampex Experiments • 109

filenames for compatibility with the pCLAMP DOS analysis programs, or optionally use
long filenames that can be used with Clampex and Clampfit.
The Date prefix option automatically uses the current date as the first part of the file
name, instead of you typing in a file name. The required numeric portion of the data file
name forms a file sequence number that is automatically incremented by one whenever a
new file is created. An “ABF” (Axon Binary Format) file type is assigned to newly
recorded data files, and the data are stored in a binary integer format.
For this example, we will use “tutor” as the filename prefix. Select long filenames,
disable the date prefix, and type “tutor” in the file name field. Press OK.

Performing an Acquisition
In this section, we will discuss how to manually perform an acquisition and save the data
to disk. In the next section, we will discuss Sequencing Keys, one of the advanced
features of Clampex that allow you to define an entire experiment that can be run at the
touch of a single button.

Performing the acquisition is very straightforward. You can either start the acquisition
using the items under the Acquire menu item, or you can use the appropriate items in the
toolbar. You can View an acquisition without saving it to disk by pressing the

View button . Once the acquisition completes, you can save it to disk by selecting the
Write Last button . Alternatively, you can simply press the Record button and
the data is saved to disk during the acquisition. You can overwrite your last recorded
data file by selecting the Re-Record button . You can also repeatedly perform
your protocol by toggling on the Repeat button . If your acquisition was measuring
statistics, and you do not have automatic statistics saving enabled in your protocol’s
Statistics tab, you can save them by selecting Save Statistics under the Acquire menu.
Another very handy feature of Clampex is the ‘Store Trace” function, accessed by the
button. This function simply saves a copy of a given trace on the Scope Window,
which is displayed until the user erases the Scope Window (easily done by selecting the
window and pressing Del). This function is very useful when you are monitoring a given
current over time, such as with the repetitive current protocol we designed, and you want

Chapter 5
110 • Clampex Experiments

to keep only one reference trace and one current data trace displayed in the scope

Using Sequencing Keys

Sequencing keys are an extremely powerful and flexible feature of Clampex that allows
you to define an entire experiment composed of several different protocols, interspersed
with Membrane or Seal Tests, and parameter changes such as digital outputs to control
solution changes. Sequencing keys allow you to associate an event such as running a
protocol, running a Seal or Membrane Test, or changing a parameter, with an individual
keystroke and its associated tool button. Each keystroke can then be linked to another
keystroke, allowing the user to set up a chain of events that define an entire experiment.
In this section we will discuss how to use the information from the previous sections to
design a complete experiment that can be run by the touch of a single button. Before
setting up the sequencing keys, it is often helpful to determine the flow of the experiment.
In our example, the experiment was to examine the I-V relationship of whole-cell
calcium currents from cultured neurons in response to application of a drug.
We will use the sequencing keys to automate the experiment after whole-cell access has
been achieved. We can think of the experiment in terms of the protocols and events, such
as solution changes, that we will use.
1) obtaining a whole-cell recording
2) monitoring access resistance Membrane Test
3) performing an I-V Tutor_1.pro
4) monitoring the peak current at a single voltage Tutor_2.pro
5) start applying a drug Digital Out ON
6) monitoring the peak current at a single voltage Tutor_2.pro
7) monitoring access resistance Membrane Test
8) performing an I-V Tutor_1.pro

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9) washing off the drug Digital Out OFF

10) monitoring the peak current at a single voltage Tutor_2.pro
11) monitoring access resistance Membrane Test
12) performing an I-V Tutor_1.pro
Now that we have established what the events are that we would like to define in the
sequencing key setup, we can proceed to configure a sequencing series. You set up the
sequencing keys through the Configure / Sequencing Keys menu item or, if the
Sequencing Toolbar is active, by pressing the button. Once you open the
Sequencing Keys, you will observe that any sequence you define can be saved to a file,
and subsequently recalled. To define a new event in the sequence, press Add… button.
You are prompted as to what key you would like to define. Choose the default of Alt-0.
You will observe that you can define 1 of 5 operations that can occur when the key is
activated. For each key you define, you can also define what happens when the operation
completes by setting up the Sequencing tab. In this case, we will link each event to the
next key, so that we can set up a continuous sequence of events. Furthermore, we can
also define when the next event will occur. For example, we can specify that we would
like the next event to occur when the current acquisition finishes, or after some fixed time
has expired.
In our example, we will define Alt-0 to run the Membrane Test for 1s, and when it
completes, we will immediately run the Tutor_1 protocol while saving the data to disk.
1) In the Operations tab, select Membrane Test.
2) Enable ‘Save results on exit’, so that the output of the Membrane Test will be saved to
3) Set up the sequencing tab by defining the Next Key as Alt-1.
4) Specify that you want to “Start next key” when the start-to-start time of 1s has
5) In Extras, you can also specify the Tool tip that is displayed under the Alt-0 button
when the Sequencing Toolbar is visible (View / Sequencing Toolbar).

Chapter 5
112 • Clampex Experiments

6) Press OK to finish defining Alt-0.

7) Now add the Alt-1 key.
8) Set the operation mode to ‘Protocol’.
9) Specify the Action as ‘Record’.
10) Next, use Browse to set up Alt-1 to use the protocol file Tutor_1.
11) Only run the protocol once by setting the repetition count to 1.
12) Set the sequence to link to the next key of Alt-2 when the acquisition finishes.
Add the Alt-2 Sequencing Key by following steps 1 through 12 and this time link the key
to the protocol Tutor_2, and choose Alt-3 as the Next key in the Sequencing tab.
To toggle an electronic solution changer on and off, you can use the Parameters
operation. Simply specify which digital bit you would like to turn on or off. For
example, you could connect your solution changer to Digital OUT #0 and you would
enable Digital OUT #0 when you wanted to activate a solution change, or disable the
Digital OUT when you want to end the solution change.
In our experiment, the Alt-3 key is defined to flip Digital Out 0 high. Add the Alt-3
Sequencing Key and in the Operations tab choose Parameters and enable the Digital OUT
Bit Pattern, and uncheck all bits except bit 0. Choose Alt-4 as the Next key in the
Sequencing tab. In our example, we want to keep our Digital Out high until we set it
back to low after we observe an effect of the drug on the cell. To keep the digital bits
high when we run subsequent protocols, we must set the Use Digital Holding levels from
the Lab Bench under the Configure / Overrides option. When this option is enabled,
any change to the digital outs are stored in the Lab Bench, and are only changed when the
Lab Bench is changed, and not by loading and running a protocol.

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Clampex Experiments • 113

Using the outline of the experiment you can set up the entire sequence. Try using Copy
Keys to create new keys, followed by Properties to edit the new key. When you are done
the sequence should look like:

Key Next Key Type Description

Alt+0 Alt+1 Membrane Test Start-to-Start = 1.
Alt+1 Alt+2 Protocol Record using 'Tutor_1.pro'. 1 reps.
Start-to-Start = Minimum. Protocol time takes priority.
Alt+2 Alt+3 Protocol Record using 'Tutor_2.pro'. 1 reps.
Start-to-Start = Minimum. Protocol time takes priority.
Alt+3 Alt+4 Parameters Digital = 00000001. Start-to-Start = Minimum.
Alt+4 Alt+5 Protocol Record using 'Tutor_2.pro'. 1 reps.
Start-to-Start = Minimum. Protocol time takes priority.
Alt+5 Alt+6 Membrane Test Start-to-Start = 1.
Alt+6 Alt+7 Protocol Record using 'Tutor_1.pro'. 1 reps.
Start-to-Start = Minimum. Protocol time takes priority.
Alt+7 Alt+8 Parameters Digital = 00000000. Start-to-Start = Minimum.
Alt+8 Alt+9 Protocol Record using 'Tutor_2.pro'. 1 reps. Start-to-Start =
Minimum. Protocol time takes priority.
Alt+9 Alt+Shift+0 Membrane Test Start-to-Start = 1.
Alt+Shift+0 None Protocol Record using 'Tutor_1.pro'. 1 reps.

You can save the sequence with the Save Set button, naming it something like
“Tutor.sks”. After closing the Sequencing form, you can start the entire experiment by
pressing Alt-0, or the first key in the Sequencing toolbar . It is also worth noting that
a sequencing series can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into a word processor, to
allow you to print out the sequencing series for your lab notebook.
To run the demonstration sequence file tutorA.sks and its two protocol files, you may
wish to return Clampex to its default configuration. Do this by closing all Axon software
and then running the program Reset to Program Defaults found in the Axon Laboratory
folder. Choose Clampex as the application to return to default values. Now run Clampex
and under Configure / Sequencing Keys open the set tutorA.sks.

Chapter 5
114 • Clampex Experiments

This should be found in the Axon / Clampex 8 folder, and the two protocol files,
tutor_1A.pro and tutor_2A.pro should be in the Axon / Params folder. If the Sequencing
Toolbar is not visible, use the View / Sequencing Toolbar command. Use
File / Set Data File Names to turn off the Date prefix and set the File name to tutor with
the suffix 000, which, if you have used these protocol files before, may necessitate
deleting any data files with the name tutor. Now initiate the experiment by pressing
Alt-0 on the Sequencing toolbar. At the end of the experiment your Clampex Window
should look like that below. The protocols did not save the statistics data at the end of
each recording, so save the statistics from the entire experiment now with the command
Acquire / Save Statistics. You can view the statistics spread sheet in Clampex by
opening the .STA statistics file into the Results Window with the command
File / Open Other / Results.

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Clampex Experiments • 115

Displaying and Measuring Acquired Data

After you have acquired your data, Clampex provides some basic analysis functionality.
It should be noted that your data is best analyzed in Clampfit, but Clampex will allow
you to quickly browse through your data and perform simple measurements.

You can open your data file using the File / Open Data menu item or the button.
This dialog also provides a number of options that control how the data is displayed once
it is read into Clampex. For example, you can determine if each data file is opened into a
new window, how to control the axes scaling, and you can set the number of sweeps or
signals that you would like displayed. Open the last data file that was recorded by
selecting File / Last Recording or the button in the Analysis toolbar.

Once the data is opened into the Analysis Window, you will see that there are 4 cursors
that can be moved by clicking and dragging on the cursors. Many of the options that
control the Analysis Windows are available by clicking the right-mouse button while in
various areas of the window.
For now, we will simply measure the peaks of our calcium currents that we acquired
during the last I-V of the sequencing series, which was the last file that was recorded, and
which should now be displayed. We will measure the minimum value between cursors 1
and 2, so set cursors 1 and 2 so that they delimit the region of the peak inward calcium
current. Select the Tools / Cursors / Write Cursors function. This function can also be
performed by pressing the button at the top left of the Analysis Window or from the
analysis toolbar. Now double click on the Results Window at the bottom of the screen, or
select Results from the Window menu item. You will observe that for each trace, a
number of parameters were measured. You can control which measurements are made,
and in what order they are displayed, by selecting the Window Properties of the Results
window. You can save these measurements to a text file by selecting File / Save As.
These values can then be read and plotted in Clampfit.
There is extensive control over various features of the Analysis Window. Chapter 3
discusses these features in detail. A useful reminder is that most properties can be set by
right-clicking in various areas of the Analysis Window. You can set various properties of
the cursors and the Analysis Window through this functionality.

Chapter 5
116 • Clampex Experiments

Concurrently Running Clampex and Clampfit

Despite the power of Clampex itself, we will now coordinate its acquisition with I-V
plotting in Clampfit. For this demonstration you may first wish to return Clampfit to its
factory default values. Do this by closing all Axon software and then running the
program Reset to Program Defaults found in the Axon Laboratory folder. Choose
Clampfit as the application to return to default values.
Now load both Clampfit and Clampex and in Clampex load your protocol file tutor_1 or
the protocol file provided as tutor_1A.pro. Using the Record function in Clampex (do
not use the sequencing keys yet) record a file, which should then appear in the Analysis
Window of Clampfit.
We will now use this file to create our I-V plotting routine and then we will set up
Clampfit to run an Automatic Quick I-V Graph concurrently with our experiment in
Clampex. With the focus on the Analysis Window in Clampfit, use the command
Analyze / Quick Graph / I-V to plot an I-V curve of our test file. We want to plot the
peak current Im against the command voltage VmCmd. In the X-Axis Waveform group
choose Epoch and Epoch B level for the X-axis of the plot. For the Y-Axis choose the
Signal Im and the EpochB region of Waveform 0. We want to detect the positive peak
in Epoch B so choose the Peak group and choose Positive Polarity. We apply a
smoothing factor of 5 points in peak detection. Under Graph choose Append because we
will want to see all I-V curves in the experiment plotted together. When you close the
form a graph window will appear with an I-V plot.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Experiments • 117

Minimize all applications on your Windows desktop except Clampex and Clampfit.
Move the mouse to a blank part of the Windows TaskBar, Right Mouse Click and choose
Tile Horizontally to give equal place to the two applications. You may now wish to
arrange the Windows within each application to make maximal use of the desktop space.
In Clampfit minimize or close all windows except the Analysis Window and the Graph
Window and arrange the windows with a Window / Tile Vertical command in Clampfit.
Before beginning the experiment, check Clampfit to see that it is configured to run
concurrently with Clampex. Make sure the Configure / Automatic Quick Graph is
checked. Open the Configure / Automatic Quick Graph Options, check Generate
Graph and select I-V. In this demonstration, make sure that Prompt for Arithmetic is not

Chapter 5
118 • Clampex Experiments

checked. When you run an actual experiment at slower rates of acquisition, you would
enable Arithmetic in order to subtract control sweeps from the sweeps to be automatically
analyzed and plotted as I-V or Trace versus Trace graphs.
In Clampex, load your tutor.sks sequencing file or the sequencing file provided as
tutorA.sks with the command Configure / Sequencing Keys / Open Set. If the Statistic
Window is visible and has data in it, clear the data with the command Acquire / Clear
Statistics. Now start the experiment by pressing the Alt-0 toolbutton. As the data is
acquired you should see six I-V curves plotted in the Graph Window.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampex Experiments • 119


Cell-Attached Patch-Clamp Single-Channel Recording

Clampex's Seal Test utility can be used to monitor seal resistance until a suitably high-
resistance seal is obtained. Currents can then be recorded in the gap-free mode, or
alternatively in variable-length events mode. Important information like the time of the
recording, the holding potential and telegraph information will be stored in the file header
and can be retrieved by selecting the File / Properties menu item. Additional
information about the experimental conditions can be added as a voice tag or a typed
comment tag. The toolbar buttons can be customized to present your preferred form of
comment tag.
The simplest procedure would be to use gap-free recording. If event frequency is
reasonably high, gap-free recording is probably the best mode to use. However, it is
often not predictable what the event frequency will be until the data starts to appear.
Based on the nature of the patch, it may be less than a second, or more than a minute,
before enough events occur to permit a good analysis of the events. One way to be
prepared is by having two protocols ready to run: a gap-free protocol if event frequency
is high, and an event-triggered protocol if event frequency is low.

The sequencing keys can then be used to automatically load one protocol or the other,
based on your initial impressions of the data. At this point, your subjective experience of
your preparation and your specific experimental goals will determine how to proceed.
You need to consider how long your patch is likely to be stable, and how many events
will be sufficient to make a particular experimental measurement.
For example, if you just want to generate amplitude histograms at multiple voltages to
calculate a single channel I-V, then you probably just need a few hundred events at each
voltage. As a consequence, your recordings may be relatively short. On the other hand,
if you are primarily interested in knowing about channel kinetics, then relatively long
recordings may be in order. Some experience with how long your patch is likely to be
stable is another important factor, and also whether the single-channel activity itself is

Chapter 5
120 • Clampex Experiments

going to be stable or show rundown. The real-time display of threshold-based statistics

may be useful for making decisions about how to best get the desired data from your
patch. For example you should be able to detect rundown by generating a running
estimate of event frequency in the statistics display.
Since the two Analog Out channels and four Digital Out channels allow the user to
change experimental parameters in real time, it is possible to get a clear representation of
their cause and effect relationships in experiments. By using a BNC "T" connector to
send the same signal to a peripheral device such as a valve controller, and to one of the
acquisition channels, the user can simultaneously record the output signals in addition to
the experimental response. (Recordings may then be viewed in a continuous or
segmented format). However, this dedicates an entire Analog In channel to a parameter
that changes only occasionally. For many applications, the better approach is to take
advantage of the fact that changes in the output signal levels and the digital outputs can
be tagged internally. Tags are added to the data file each time you change an output
voltage or digital output. Or, within the Trigger tab of the Protocol Editor, you can
select the External Tag option, and use the Digidata 1200 “Trigger In: Tag” BNC to mark
changes in the file while recording.

If you want to change the holding potential to determine the voltage dependence of
conductance or kinetic parameters, the simplest thing is to stop the trial, adjust the Vout
channel or the amplifier setting, and start another gap-free trial. However if you wish to
see if there are immediate (i.e., nonstationary) effects of the voltage jump, then you can
change the Vout signal in real time and have a comment automatically inserted into the
recording at the time of the voltage jump. In order to analyze such data in the other
programs of pCLAMP, the acquired file can be opened in Clampex or Clampfit, and with
the cursors, data ranges can be selected and saved as separate binary integer files to be
analyzed independently later.
When event frequency is low in single-channel experiments, a great deal of disk space
can be conserved if the system only records during the time when the channel is active.
The variable-length events mode is ideally suited for this. And the pre-trigger interval
can be set to record data before the trigger, to assure that baseline drift can be evaluated
and corrected in the subsequent analysis of the data. The pre-trigger interval also sets the
amount of data that will be saved after the signal goes below the threshold value, so that

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with this value set correctly, events are saved in their entirety. In addition to saving disk
space, the relatively smaller files created in the variable-length events mode are more
easily handled in Fetchan 6 than are files that include all the closed time. In Fetchan,
these closed-time gaps are added into the closed-time intervals, and so become part of the
idealized recording.
When recorded at a high bandwidth, single-channel data may be too noisy for event-
triggered acquisition to be practical. Baseline drift can also be a problem with threshold-
based event detection. Event-triggered acquisition can also require that the baseline be
adjusted in real time to keep the position of the data constant relative to the trigger
threshold. One option to get around these problems is to acquire the data on two Analog
In channels, one filtered and the other set at a higher bandwidth. Trigger information can
then be taken from the filtered signal. The higher bandwidth setting on the second
Analog In channel preserves single-channel data for Fetchan analysis. Since the filter
settings in the Clampex Lab Bench are applied to each channel separately, this can be
accomplished entirely within Clampex. For example, the Clampex low-pass filter of
Analog In channel 0 could be set to 5 kHz, while the low-pass filter of Analog In channel
1 is set to 1 kHz along with a high-pass filter set to .5 Hz. This basically makes Analog
In channel 1 AC-coupled and will essentially remove baseline drift. With this setup,
events would be detected on the AC coupled 1 kHz channel, while single-channel data
would be saved at 5 kHz.
However, an important caveat to this approach is that the minimum event duration will be
in part a function of the filter setting on the trigger channel, and in part a function of the
filter setting on the data channel. Single brief events may not trigger acquisition.
However, brief events within bursts of activity will be resolved at the higher bandwidth.
Therefore, this approach would best be applied to the analysis of kinetics within bursts of
activity. If the user is changing the holding potential while conducting a variable-length
event-driven acquisition, they should also keep in mind that the change in channel
amplitude will also alter the event-detection sensitivity.

Isolated Patch-Clamp Single-Channel Recording

The big advantages of isolated patch-clamp recording (whether inside-out or outside-out)
over cell-attached recording is that it provides the experimenter the ability to know

Chapter 5
122 • Clampex Experiments

precisely the transmembrane voltage, ion gradients and drug concentrations. While
conditions on the pipette side of the membrane are usually held static, the conditions on
the bath side of the pipette may be dynamically controlled as a way to study the
regulation of P-open. As such, these patch-clamp configurations are ideal for the study of
ligand-dependent channel activation. If ligands are applied slowly or have stationary
effects once applied, data acquisition from these patch-clamp configurations can be
treated the same as data acquisition from cell-attached patches.
However, the real strength of these recording modes comes from the ability to coordinate
acquisition with solution changes made by an electronic valve controller or a piezo-
electric switching device. This way, each patch can be used to establish both the control
and the experimental response, as well as to follow non-stationary activity from the
moment that a solution change is made.
To accomplish this, either the data acquisition should be controlled by the drug
application system (DAS), or the drug application should be controlled from Clampex.
In order to coordinate a single run of acquisition with the use of a DAS, a signal from the
DAS can be sent either to the Digidata Trigger In START input or to an acquisition
channel. If a signal from the DAS is sent to the START input, then the START input
must be appropriately configured in the Protocol Editor’s Trigger tab. Once a start signal
is received, acquisition will continue until the Stop button is hit, a preset duration is
achieved, or the disk space limitation is reached. The disadvantage to this approach is
that no pre-trigger data are acquired.
The alternative approach is to feed the signal from the DAS into one of the Analog In
channels configured as a trigger for variable-length event-driven acquisition. In this
configuration, a pre-trigger interval can be set. (Note: fixed-length event-driven and
oscilloscope acquisition cannot be used for single-channel analysis in Fetchan). The
system can then be armed by hitting the Acquisition Toolbar’s Record button. Data will
not be written to disk until a signal is received from the DAS. Acquisition will be
terminated by the stop button, a preset duration, disk space limitation, or by the return of
the DAS signal to a value below the trigger level.
A DAS may also be controlled in real time with either an Analog Out or Digital Out
channel of the Digidata. In this case, the gap-free recording mode of Clampex may be

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
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used and configured to automatically tag the changes made to the output channel that
provides the voltage-step commands to the DAS. Note that while a voltage-step
command may be ideal to gate the function of a valve driver, it is not a suitable input to a
piezo-electric solution switcher. Too abrupt a change in the command voltage to a piezo-
electric device will cause ringing in the motion, and may even damage the piezo-electric
crystal stack. However, it is possible to control a piezo-electric solution switcher, such as
the Burleigh LSS-3200, if the Digidata voltage step command is conditioned by a simple
RC circuit.
Gap-free recording containing periods of channel activity corresponding to agonist (or
other drug) applications can be prepared for analysis by opening the file into a Clampex
Analysis Window and using cursors 1 and 2 to delineate segments of interest. The
File / Save As menu item can be used to save each segment as an *.abf file for
subsequent analysis in Fetchan.
If recordings were made in the variable-length event-driven mode, and the DAS step
command was used as a trigger channel, when the saved data file is opened, it can be
viewed as sweeps with the View / Data Display / Sweeps menu item. If the sweep-
length exceeds the length of the longest triggered acquisition, then each triggered
acquisition will appear as a separate sweep. Data can then be sorted on the basis of
sweeps and selectively saved.

Whole-Cell Recording of Responses to Drug Applications

The responses to drug applications in the recorded whole-cell mode normally take the
form of macroscopic currents unsuitable for analysis in terms of single-channel events.
Rather, the responses are analyzed in terms of the peak amplitude and the kinetics of rise
and fall. The fixed-length events mode of event-triggered acquisition is ideal for this
kind of data. The acquisition of the data as discreet sweeps provides the ability to detect,
synchronize and average events. This mode is designed to capture any class of events
that transpire within an anticipated (fixed) length of time. This mode creates a sequence
of sweeps that can be averaged or analyzed for individual shape statistics in Clampfit.

Chapter 5
124 • Clampex Experiments

It is worth noting the three acquisition characteristics that distinguish fixed-length

acquisition from high-speed oscilloscope acquisition, although for post acquisition
analysis there is no difference.
1) In fixed-length mode there is one sweep per event.
2) Fixed-length events mode guarantees not to miss any events, whereas in high-
speed oscilloscope mode multiple events can occur during a sweep and will be
missed as individual events.
3) Most important, the trigger for each sweep in fixed-length events mode can be
uniformly coordinated with an external process such as a drug application system
(DAS). For these kind of data, it is probably most practical to coordinate the
DAS and the acquisition with an external pulse generator. The pulse generator
would send a signal in parallel to the DAS and the Digidata Analog In channel
serving as the event trigger input. However, it is possible to use an Analog Out
signal from the Digidata for the same purpose. Using Clampex’s Real Time
Controls Panel, if the Analog Out signal is sent in parallel to the DAS and to the
Analog In channel serving as the event trigger, then data will be written to disk
only when a suitable Analog Out signal is sent. The Analog Out value can then
be set back down and thus rearmed for another acquisition.

For example, with the data being read into Analog In 0, and Analog Out 0 used to
control a valve driver, set the acquisition protocol for fixed-length event-driven
acquisition with two Analog In channels (0 and 1). Use a BNC "T" connector to
send the Analog Out 0 signal to both the valve controller and to Analog In 1. In
the Trigger tab of the Protocol Editor, select IN 1 as the trigger and a trigger
threshold value below what is required for the valve controller. For example, if
the valve controller needs a +5 V signal to activate the valve, set the trigger
threshold for +3 V. Now the acquisition session can be armed by clicking the
record button. When you want to activate the valve controller, you can type "5"
into the text field for Analog Out 0 and then trigger the valve when you press the
Enter key. This should generate your response and a record of the relative timing
of the valve control signal. To turn off the valve, type "0" into the text field and
press Enter.

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Clampex Experiments • 125

Whole-Cell Recording of Spontaneous Activity

While it is tempting to use the gap-free recording mode for events such as
miniature synaptic currents, in fact, the fixed-length events mode of event-
triggered acquisition is also ideal. Each event that passes a threshold will trigger
a sweep of uniform length, and while the sweeps are in a temporal sequence, they
can also be overlapping in time. If multiple triggers are detected during the same
interval, then the data will be saved as multiple overlapping sweeps. This
permits complete events to be saved independent of event frequency. Having the
data in this format then permits automatic analysis of shape statistics, such as
amplitude and rise times, to be conducted in Clampfit.
If data are recorded gap-free, it becomes more difficult to analyze in the
pCLAMP environment, since there is no post-hoc event-detection algorithm.
Events could of course be identified manually, and data such as amplitude and
duration written to the results sheet with the use of the cursors.

Whole-cell Recording of Evoked Activity

In most cases, fixed-length event-triggered acquisition is best for recording
whole-cell evoked activity. It is possible to record multiple kinds of responses to
stimuli in the event-triggered modes by setting up the trigger channel to trigger
off an external device, such as a stimulus isolation unit that is used to shock a
presynaptic nerve bundle. The pulse controlling the stimulator may also be read
into Analog In channel 0, while postsynaptic responses are acquired on Analog
In channel 1. If Analog In channel 0 is selected as the trigger channel for fixed-
length event-driven acquisition, data will be acquired on channel 1 every time
that the presynaptic nerve is stimulated. This way, sweeps of data on Analog In
channel 1 are recorded independent of any specific feature of the data, so that
failures as well as evoked signals can be included in the analysis.
Alternatively, variable-length event-driven acquisition may be used if the data to
be acquired is in the form of spike trains rather than single responses. However,
in this case, the trigger should come from the data rather than the stimulus, so
that complete runs of spikes are acquired.

Chapter 5
126 • Clampex Experiments

Oocyte Recording
The use of real-time controls and gap-free recording is ideally suited for
relatively low-frequency data acquisition, such as recording whole-cell responses
from a Xenopus oocyte. If one is recording the responses to bath-applied drugs,
responses typically occur on the time scale of seconds, and so acquisition rates on
the order of 10-100 Hz are all that is needed. By double-clicking on the Scope
window, one can call up the Window Properties dialog and select "Rolling
display" to display the data as a chart record, suitable for acquisition on this time
Bath application of drugs can be controlled in real time using the Digital Out or
Analog Out signals. If an Analog Out channel is used to control a valve driver,
relatively accurate timing can be achieved by first typing the desired level in the
real-time control text field, and then waiting for a specific time mark (e.g., an
elapsed time value) before hitting the Enter key. The Analog Out will only
change once the Enter key is struck. This way, a complete experiment containing
multiple drug applications can be saved as a single file.
If you want to record a complete experiment in a single file, but omit long times
of inactivity such as when the drug is being washed out, Clampex can be toggled
between the Record and View modes using the Pause-View toolbar button .
Acquisition will pause, but the elapsed-time counter will keep counting.

Measuring Behavioral Data

Sometimes data needs to be acquired during a behavioral experiment, where the
animal may be unattended and inactive for long periods of time. An activity
monitor or a photoelectric cell can be used on a trigger channel to control
acquisition in the variable-length event-driven mode, based on specific
behavioral or environmental parameters.

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Clampex Experiments • 127

Handling Data
After completing your experiment, you will want to inspect and possibly edit your data in
Clampex or Clampfit. You can
get right to this job by hitting the
Last Recording toolbar
button in either
application. The file will open
using the defaults for display
which have been selected in the
File / Open Data menu item.
You can alter the display and
scaling by calling up the
Window Properties dialog
(double click anywhere in the
window), or by using the special
Zoom Axis tool. Place the
cursor on either the X or Y axis,
and the cursor will turn to a magnifying glass with arrows. When you then click and drag
the cursor along the part of the axis you want to look at, the window zooms and scrolls
right to your area of interest. If there is an event you want to isolate and save, you can
select it with the analysis cursors. Press Shift+1 to bring Cursor 1 into the field. Then
pressing Shift+2 will bring in the second cursor so you can bracket the section of data
you want to save. For example, this could be a cluster of single-channel openings
associated with a drug application. You can then call up the Save As dialog from either
the file menu or the toolbar button.

Save Options
There are several options in the Save As dialog. The currently selected options
are listed at the bottom of the dialog box. To change them, just hit the Options
button. If you do not want to save the entire data range, data can be selected
based on the window or the cursors. You can also choose to either save or
discard hidden signals, and whether you wish to shift the time base to zero.

Chapter 5
128 • Clampex Experiments

If the data is displayed as sweeps (View / Data Display / Sweeps), then you can
select multiple segments of the data for display with the View / Select Sweeps
command, and then save only those sweeps as a new file. This is especially
useful in the event-triggered modes, as it will allow you to view specific
experimental and/or control responses and save them as separate files.
Data reduction is another option in the Save As dialog. Over-sampled data can
be decimated or substituted with an average. Data can also be reduced to just the
minimum and maximum values of segments (of up to 100 sample points).
Another important feature selected in the Save As dialog is the data file type. All
Clampex raw data files are initially saved as integer binary data. However, an
edited file may be saved as floating point binary. While Clampex or Clampfit
will read either floating point binary or integer binary data, it is important to note
that the DOS analysis programs will only read integer binary data. If you want to
do single-channel analysis in Fetchan, use the integer format, and in Configure /
Program Options check the box labeled Ensure data files and protocols are
compatible with pCLAMP 6 to limit sweep lengths to 16384 samples. The
other file type option is "Axon text format" (.atf). This is the format you should
use if you want to export data to other programs such as Sigma Plot or Excel.
Note that Axon's long standing role in setting standards for data acquisition
systems has led to the development of third-party software for the analysis of
pCLAMP data. Individual investigators may sometimes find such programs
suited for their particular needs. You may find that in order for Clampex binary
integer data files to be recognized by software packages compatible with
pCLAMP 6 binary data files, it may be necessary to change the file extension
from “abf” to “dat”.

Data File Index

The Data File Index (DFI) allows you to construct an index of your data files,
based on acquisition date, acquisition mode, and/or embedded comments. Use
the File / New / Data File Index menu item to create a DFI. The index is
presented in a spreadsheet form, with many different file parameters to further

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Clampex Experiments • 129

sort on, by clicking on a column header. Or, bring up a pop-up menu to access
the Window Properties to hide unimportant parameters. These options give you
great flexibility in being able to rapidly organize and find files from particular
types of experiments. This is especially valuable in managing data from archival
sources such as CD-ROMs that have huge amounts of data.

Terms and Conventions in Electrophysiology

Current and Voltage Conventions

In many cases, Clampex will be used to record membrane potential and current. There
are various conflicting definitions of current and voltage polarities, so we take the
opportunity to discuss here the conventions used at Axon Instruments. This information
is also presented in various instrument manuals and other publications provided by Axon

Positive Current
In this discussion, and in all amplifiers manufactured by Axon Instruments, the
term positive current means the flow of positive ions out of the headstage into the
micropipette and out of the micropipette tip into the preparation.

Inward Current
Inward current is current that flows across the membrane, from the outside
surface to the inside surface.

Outward Current
Outward current is current that flows across the membrane, from the inside
surface to the outside surface.

Chapter 5
130 • Clampex Experiments

Positive Potential
In this discussion, and in all amplifiers manufactured by Axon Instruments, the
term positive potential means a positive voltage at the headstage input with
respect to ground.

Transmembrane Potential
The transmembrane potential (Vm) is the potential at the inside of the cell minus
the potential at the outside. This term is applied equally to the whole-cell
membrane and to a membrane patch.

Depolarizing / Hyperpolarizing
The resting Vm value of most cells is negative. If a positive current flows into the
cell, Vm initially becomes less negative. For example, Vm might shift from an
initial resting value of -70 mV to a new value of -20 mV. Since the absolute
magnitude of Vm is smaller, the current is said to depolarize the cell (i.e., it
reduces the "polarizing" voltage across the membrane). This convention is
adhered to even if the current is so large that the absolute magnitude of Vm
becomes larger. For example, a current that causes Vm to shift from -70 mV to
+90 mV is still said to depolarize the cell. Stated simply, depolarization is a
positive shift in Vm. Conversely, hyperpolarization is a negative shift in Vm.

Whole-Cell Voltage and Current Clamp

Depolarizing / Hyperpolarizing Commands
In whole-cell voltage clamp, whether it is performed by TEVC, dSEVC, cSEVC
or whole-cell patch clamp, a positive shift in the command voltage causes a
positive shift in Vm and is said to be depolarizing. A negative shift in the
command voltage causes a negative shift in Vm and is said to be hyperpolarizing.

Transmembrane Potential vs. Command Potential

In whole-cell voltage clamp, the command potential controls the voltage at the
tip of the intracellular voltage-recording micropipette. The transmembrane
potential is thus equal to the command potential.

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Clampex Experiments • 131

Inward / Outward Current

In a cell generating an action potential, depolarization is caused by a flow of
positive sodium or calcium ions into the cell. That is, depolarization in this case
is caused by an inward current.
During intracellular current clamp, a depolarizing current is a positive current out
of the micropipette tip into the interior of the cell. This current then passes
through the membrane out of the cell into the bathing solution. Thus, in
intracellular current clamp, a depolarizing (positive) current is an outward
During whole-cell voltage clamp, sodium inward current flows in some cells
after a depolarizing voltage step. This current is canceled by an equal and
opposite current flowing into the headstage via the micropipette. Thus it is a
negative current. When two-electrode voltage clamp was first used in the early
1950's, the investigators chose to call the negative current that they measured a
depolarizing current because it corresponded to the depolarizing sodium current.
This choice, while based on sound logic, was unfortunate because it means that
from the recording instrument's point of view, a negative current is
hyperpolarizing in intracellular current-clamp experiments but depolarizing in
voltage-clamp experiments.
Because of this confusion, Axon Instruments has decided to always use current
and voltage conventions based on the instrument's perspective. That is, the
current is always unambiguously defined with respect to the direction of flow
into or out of the headstage. Some instrument designers have put switches into
the instruments to reverse the current and even the command voltage polarities so
that the researcher can switch the polarities depending on the type of experiment.
This approach has been rejected by Axon Instruments because of the real danger
that if the researcher forgets to move the switch to the preferred position, the data
recorded on the computer could be wrongly interpreted. We believe that the data
should be recorded unambiguously.

Chapter 5
132 • Clampex Experiments

Patch Clamp
By design, the patch-clamp command voltage is positive if it increases the potential
inside the micropipette. Whether it is hyperpolarizing or depolarizing depends upon
whether the patch is "cell attached", "inside out" or "outside out".
The patch-clamp pipette current is positive if it flows from the headstage through the tip
of the micropipette into the patch membrane. Whether it is hyperpolarizing or
depolarizing, inward or outward, depends upon whether the cell is "cell attached", "inside
out" or "outside out".

Cell Attached Patch

The membrane patch is attached to the cell. The pipette is connected to the
outside surface of the membrane. A positive command voltage causes the
transmembrane potential to become more negative, therefore it is
hyperpolarizing. For example, if the intracellular potential is -70 mV with
respect to 0 mV outside, the potential across the patch is also -70 mV. If the
potential inside the pipette is then increased from 0 mV to +20 mV, the
transmembrane potential of the patch hyperpolarizes from -70 mV to -90 mV.
From the examples it can be seen that the transmembrane patch potential is
inversely proportional to the command potential, and shifted by the resting
membrane potential (RMP) of the cell.
A positive pipette current flows through the pipette, across the patch membrane
into the cell. Therefore a positive current is inward.

Inside-Out Patch
The membrane patch is detached from the cell. The surface that was originally
the inside surface is exposed to the bath solution. Now the potential on the inside
surface is 0 mV (bath potential). The pipette is still connected to the outside
surface of the membrane. A positive command voltage causes the trans-
membrane potential to become more negative, therefore it is hyperpolarizing.
For example, to approximate resting membrane conditions, say Vm = -70 mV, the
potential inside the pipette must be adjusted to +70 mV. If the potential inside

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Clampex Experiments • 133

the pipette is increased from +70 mV to +90 mV, the transmembrane potential of
the patch hyperpolarizes from -70 mV to -90 mV.
From the example it can be seen that the transmembrane patch potential is
inversely proportional to the command potential.
A positive pipette current flows through the pipette, across the patch membrane
from the outside surface to the inside surface. Therefore a positive current is

Outside-Out Patch
The membrane patch is detached from the cell in such a way that the surface that
was originally the outside surface remains exposed to the bath solution. The
potential on the outside surface is 0 mV (bath potential). The pipette interior is
connected to what was originally the inside surface of the membrane. A positive
command voltage causes the transmembrane potential to become less negative,
therefore it is depolarizing. For example, to approximate resting membrane
conditions, say Vm = -70 mV, the potential inside the pipette must be adjusted to
-70 mV. If the potential inside the pipette is then increased from -70 mV to
-50 mV, the transmembrane potential of the patch depolarizes from -70 mV to
-50 mV.

The membrane potential is directly proportional to the command potential.

A positive pipette current flows through the pipette, across the patch membrane
from the inside surface to the outside surface. Therefore a positive current is

1) Positive current corresponds to:
Cell-attached patch patch inward current
Inside-out patch patch inward current
Outside-out patch patch outward current
Whole-cell voltage clamp outward membrane current
Whole-cell current clamp outward membrane current

Chapter 5
134 • Clampex Experiments

2) A positive shift in the command potential is:

Cell-attached patch hyperpolarizing
Inside-out patch hyperpolarizing
Outside-out patch depolarizing
Whole-cell voltage clamp depolarizing
3) The correspondence between the command potential (Vcmd) and the
transmembrane potential (Vm) is:
Cell-attached patch Vm = RMP - Vc
Inside-out patch Vm = -Vc
Outside-out patch Vm = Vc
Whole-cell voltage clamp Vm = Vc

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Clampfit Overview • 135

Chapter 7


Clampfit provides the perfect tools to display and analyze your Clampex data and to
prepare publication-quality presentations of your results. The steps in this process
correspond to the three main types of windows that you can use in Clampfit: Analysis,
Results, and Layout. As data is analyzed in Clampfit, Graph windows are also created as
intermediates for both analysis and presentation purposes. Formatting for figure
preparation can be done in either the Analysis or Graph windows, and the plots copied to
the Layout window. Data can also be further analyzed in a Graph window, using the
curve fitting options described below. The Results spreadsheet holds the data appearing
as a plot in a Graph window, and the entire Results spread sheet can be saved.
The general operation of the Clampfit Analysis window is essentially the same as that of
Clampex, except that many more analysis options are applicable. Both windows share
the same scrolling, zooming, data selection and cursor control. Likewise, since the cursor
control, right-click, and many of the tool bar options are the same in both programs,
getting started in Clampfit is easy after using Clampex.
The Results window in Clampfit is also similar to that in Clampex, with the results of
cursor measurement becoming one among many sheets. In fact, a Clampex results sheet
can be directly opened directly in Clampfit and become the first sheet in the powerful
Clampfit Results workbook: a flexible spreadsheet environment for data analysis,
reduction and graphing. The workbook comes configured with seven pre-named

Chapter 7
136 • Clampfit Overview

worksheets and three additional open sheets. The predefined sheets: cursors, basic
statistics, statistics, resistance, fit parameters, graphs, and spectrum provide automatically
indexed locations for some of the most commonly used functions, helping you keep track
of your analysis. Data can be moved into the open sheets from the predefined sheets or
from other programs using the Windows clipboard. Data can also be copied into the open
sheets from the Analysis window by using the Edit / Transfer Traces command.
Any number of Analysis windows can be opened at a given time so that fit data from
multiple experiments can be directed to the same sheet in the Results window. In this
way, fit parameters from control and treatment groups can be automatically tabulated.
Statistical analysis of the tabulated values can then be directly conducted within the
environment of the Results workbook, using the built-in Clampfit statistical functions that
include analysis of variance, as well as parametric and nonparametric statistics.
Clampfit provides the Layout window for the final process of figure preparation. Traces
and curve fits may be copied into the Layout window from the Analysis window. Graphs
and charts created in the Results workbook can also be pasted into the Layout window
with additional text and draw objects added to create a high quality-figure. Finished
figures can be printed directly or exported as an enhanced metafile picture to other
programs such as Microsoft Word, Origin, Corel Draw or PowerPointTM .
There are two additional windows in common to Clampex and Clampfit. The System
Lab Book provides a record of the files you have opened and the analyses you have
conducted, allowing you to organize your progress and results. The Data File Index
builds a searchable database of files, with files opened by clicking on the file name.
Put together, these Clampfit windows will take you all the way from raw data to the
professional presentations of your results.

What’s New in Clampfit 8

Clampfit 8 provides the analyses commonly applied to whole-cell electrophysiology
experiments in a real Windows environment which permits multitasking and the transfer
of data and figures between Clampfit and other applications running in Windows 95, 98
or NT. This means that simple cut and paste operations will permit you to bring

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Clampfit Overview • 137

analytical results from other programs into the Results sheet. Clampfit will also import
any numerical file as data and display it directly in an Analysis window, providing an
analysis engine for many kinds of data generated by any program that can produce simple
ASCI or binary output. You can input files exported from Fetchan and pSTAT, including
histograms and scatter plots.
Clampfit extends the strength of previous versions of pCLAMP for basic data reduction
and analysis of electrophysiological signals by incorporating noise analysis and flexible
forms of signal conditioning. In addition to conventional high and low pass options, the
filter functions of Clampfit include notch and electrical interference filters. Data files
can be baseline-corrected and spurious activity edited out.
Data reduction and presentation often involve many steps, from simple fits of the raw
data to extrapolation of complex functions based on those fits. Clampfit is configured
with a wide range of predefined fit functions that will allow you to use the Windows
environment to get both your raw data and final analyses into the same figure. For
example, concentration-response data can be fit to the Hill equation, or reversal potential
data from ion substitution experiments can be fit to the extended Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz
equation. The Layout window can then be used to format a presentation of both raw data
and plots of the final analysis.

Using the Analysis Window

Clampfit is the ideal tool for post-acquisition analysis of Clampex data files, but, as noted
above, nearly any kind of data can be brought directly into the Analysis window. This of
course includes raw data files from previous versions of pCLAMP, which can be opened
whether they were acquired as gap-free, event-driven, or episodic data. When a non-
Axon text or binary file is selected, a dialog with options is provided for the conversion
of the file into the scaled data that will be displayed in the Analysis window. In this
dialog you can specify the number of signals present in the file and assign names, units
and scaling factors to those signals. A preview of the source file is provided and you can
specify a number of lines to be skipped so that header information is not misread as data.
If the data file does not have a time column, you can specify the sampling rate, and
Clampfit will generate the time values when you import the data.

Chapter 7
138 • Clampfit Overview

Once raw data has been read into the Analysis window, Clampfit supports several kinds
of data conditioning, including filtering and baseline correction. Baseline correction,
Analyze / Adjust / Baseline can be applied as a fixed offset, based on a value entered by
the user or based on the mean calculated for the entire file or a cursor delimited region.
Clampfit will also correct for linear drift in the baseline by applying a slope correction.
Often the most useful form of baseline correction is manual correction. As shown in the
figure below, the method for manual baseline correction permits the user to define the
baseline in data which requires complex correction functions. The user is given the
option to apply a correction based on a series of independent slope factors. When this
option is selected, a line is drawn over the data. The user can then define the appropriate
correction by adding vertices to the line, clicking to create inflection points, and dragging
the points to places in the file where the slope of the baseline changes. This form of
correction may be ideal for single channel data prior to export (see below).

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Clampfit Overview • 139

Another signal conditioning option provided by Clampfit is the blanking out of portions
of the file. This option is useful if the file contains multiple types of activity that should
be analyzed separately. By selectively blanking out portions of a file, a single recording
can be saved in different ways, in each case retaining the information about total elapsed
time. The blanking option is also useful if an otherwise good recording contains a few
episodes of seal breakdown or other spurious noise. This blanking option will also be
important for the export of data to be used for single channel analysis.
Of course after you have applied any of the Clampfit signal conditioning options, it is
probably a good idea to save the conditioned data as a new file. Clampfit has the same
flexible File / Save As / Options that are found in Clampex. Every time you use the
Save As command, Clampfit displays the active options that will be applied to your new

Specifying Data for Analysis

Both Clampex and Clampfit place the most frequently used options easily at hand
by providing toolbars to which toolbuttons can be added, with the command
Configure / Toolbars. In both applications cursors are crucial tools for data analysis and
they can be controlled with the same shortcuts and keyboard commands. In Clampfit the
cursors also provide the basic method for specifying a data range for the fitting functions.
Episodic data can also be selected for analysis on a sweep-by-sweep basis with
View / Select Sweeps. Once a set of sweeps has been selected, the cursor range can be
applied to all of the sweeps to obtain fits for the entire set. Various shape statistics can
also be calculated for data displayed as sweeps, with the Analyze / Statistics command.
With the View / Data Display command, data can be displayed as a series of sweeps, on
a continuous time base across sweeps, or as a series of concatenated episodes. If the data
were not originally acquired in episodic mode, they can be viewed as sweeps and then
shape statistics applied to the sweeps.

Chapter 7
140 • Clampfit Overview

Quick Graphs
Although plots can be most flexibly constructed from the Results Window, Clampfit
provides two types of quick graphs for the fast calculation and display of results. The
quick I-V plots, created with Analyze / Quick Graph / I-V, are very flexible. Data can
be referenced to specific points or epochs in the waveform output or even a cursor-
selected point in a channel opening. Likewise the current values can be calculated based
on cursor placement or as the mean or peak values within a cursor delimited range. The
second kind of quick graph provides a plot of one trace (or sweep) against another trace,
sweep, or associated waveform output. This approach will also generate an I-V
relationship when the waveform output includes a voltage ramp epoch, since the cursors
can be used to select just the response associated with the ramp epoch.

Traces can be copied directly from the Analysis window into the Layout window.
By first zooming and arranging the Analysis window before you give the command
Edit / Copy to Layout Window, you can specify how much of the window format you
want to include in your graphic. Another way to move data out of the Analysis window
is with the command Edit / Transfer Traces, which allows you to either generate graphs
or transfer numerical values to the Results workbook.

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Clampfit Overview • 141

Using the Results Window

The Results window combines the basic features of a spreadsheet with special links to the
Analysis window. The special links embedded into the pre-named pages provide
automatic placeholders for values generated by curve fits and other kind of analysis. For
the most part, these links are self-explanatory. New results may either be appended to
previous values or else, at the user’s option, written over previous measurements.
However, since column headings can change if you refit data with different settings, it is
not always possible to append results in the predefined sheets. In general, a warning
message is provided under such circumstances, however, a safe practice is to always save
the Results file before sending new calculations to a Results worksheet. In order to save
a set of results, the user can save the Results workbook and then open a new one before
starting a fresh set of curve fits. In this way, the new results will be written into a new
workbook. The File / New / Results command automatically prompts for a save of the
old Results file before creating a new workbook. Alternatively, if you want to keep
multiple types of curve fits in the same workbook, the data from one set of curve fits can
be cut from the predefined sheet and pasted into one of the open sheets in the Results
workbook before generating a new set of fits.

Data can be imported into the Results window in several ways. Data can be pasted from
the Windows clipboard into the user-defined worksheets, or text files can be opened
directly as results sheets. A variety of file types, such as pSTAT generated histograms,
can be opened with the File / Open Other / Results command and re-examined with the
new fit functions of Clampfit, so the histograms themselves can become presentations
built up in the Layout window. Data from the Analysis window can also be transferred
directly by using the Edit / Transfer Traces command. Note that the Results sheets are
not indexed to single data files and so can contain the data and fits from multiple
experiments. This permits the user to perform a consistent analysis on a large data set

Chapter 7
142 • Clampfit Overview

and produce comprehensive data arrays amenable to subsequent statistical analysis and
figure preparation.
Clampfit will fit the predefined (or user entered) functions to data displayed either in the
Analysis window, or in the Graph window. Likewise data can be fit in a Results
spreadsheet by designating columns in a Results window. While fitting data in the
Analysis window or in a Graph window allows the fit to be displayed along with the data,
fitting in these windows is only suitable for simple X-Y pairs of data. Data in a Results
window, on the other hand, can be fit with complex functions such as the Goldman-
Hodgkin-Katz equation by assigning the multiple variables to specific columns in a
Results worksheet. Sets of data in the Results sheet can also be specified for parametric
or nonparametric statistical analysis.
Graphs cannot be saved, except when copied to the Layout Window, but the underlying
data of a graph is always in the Results workbook and the graphs remain hot-linked to the
data columns that were used to generate them. This means that a nicely designed Results
workbook can serve as a template for an existing graph. You can change an existing
graph just by pasting in a new set of numbers into a column that is linked to the template

Creating Figures in the Layout Window

The Layout window provides a place where the many elements of Clampfit come
together for final preparation and presentations. Graphs, raw data traces, and even
tabulated data can all be copied directly into this window. To enter statistical results
from the Lab book, first copy and paste them into the Results window, and from there,
copy them into the Layout window.
The Layout window can be configured either as an open page or as an array of frames. It
is easy to display multiple results in a single Layout window when the window is
configured as an array. When graphs or traces are copied to the array, they are
automatically positioned on the page and appropriately scaled. An open page however,
may be best for preparing final figures for publication. With the array disabled, items

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Clampfit Overview • 143

within the layout can be flexibly scaled and placed in such a way as to make the most
aesthetically pleasing presentation.

Single Channel Analysis and Clampfit

While single channel analysis cannot be performed directly in Clampfit, this program is
designed to be a valuable aid for pre-processing single channel data. For example,
filtering and baseline adjustment performed in the Analysis window of Clampfit can be
very useful for conditioning data prior to analysis by other programs. Clampfit comes
bundled with the widely used single channel analysis programs Fetchan and pSTAT
which, as part of the pCLAMP release, provide a robust environment that includes burst,
first latency and maximum likelihood analyses, along with basic event duration and
amplitude analysis. Gap-free or event-triggered data acquired by Clampex can be opened
directly by Fetchan in order to create idealized records. Data that have been conditioned
in Clampfit can be saved in binary integer format files which can be opened by Fetchan.
Be sure not to save the data in binary floating point format if it is to be read by Fetchan.
Although Clampfit will not read in Fetchan event list files, it will read histogram files that
have been created by pSTAT and exported in ASCII format. Such files can be imported
into the Analysis or Results windows, permitting you to use the powerful Clampfit fitting
routines to fit your data. It also makes it easy to include pSTAT data in presentations that
you create in the Layout window. Note that in order to get a histogram display of the
data you must import the pSTAT ASCII files into the Results window. You can either fit
directly from the Results window or you can create a plot prior to fitting from the Graph
window. You can also exclude brief events or otherwise limit the fitting range in the
Graph window with cursors brought up by Tools / Select Region, or by specifying a row
range in the fitting dialog when fitting directly from the Results window.
Clampfit provides the Gaussian function for fitting to amplitude data and exponential
probability functions for fitting to either conventionally-binned dwell-time data or dwell-
time data that have been transformed by log interval binning. Fitting to dwell-time data
supports either least-squares minimization or log likelihood maximization. However, it is
not recommended that conventionally-binned data be fitted using maximum likelihood
estimation, which is primarily recommended for fitting to log-binned data. The Clampfit

Chapter 7
144 • Clampfit Overview

fitting routines will generate error estimates for each parameter as well as a maximum
likelihood estimate and the Schwartz criterion for maximum likelihood fits. The
estimation of individual parameter errors is an advantage that Clampfit maximum
likelihood fitting enjoys over pSTAT. In addition, Clampfit provides a more efficient
and more accurate algorithm for maximum likelihood fitting to log-binned dwell-time
distributions, using the EM algorithm for initial parameter estimates and the variable
metric fitting method to fine-tune the fit. For example, the figure below shows variable
metric fits of 2, 3 or 4 exponential terms to log-transformed open dwell-time. Note the
steady improvement of the fit with the higher order functions.

Square root transforms of the binned data can be calculated using column arithmetic in
the results sheet. However, Clampfit does not provide options for excluding zero-count
histogram bins from the fit nor does it correct for binning and sampling promotion errors
of conventionally-binned data, as does pSTAT. Even so, you might find that Clampfit
provides a more flexible environment for fitting, display and presentation of dwell-time
and amplitude histograms, fitting residuals and component curves.
As in pSTAT, Clampfit also provides an option for statistically determining the best
fitting model (number of terms) for dwell-time or amplitude distributions; check

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Clampfit Overview • 145

Compare Models in the Analyze / Fit / Data/Options tab. However, this functionality is
extended in Clampfit in that fitting models are iterated automatically. Moreover, you can
specify confidence intervals for standard and maximum likelihood comparison statistics.
The respective F-statistic or Chi-square table values are computed automatically and
displayed along with the test statistics so you can evaluate the results without
referring to statistical tables. This information is provided following the fit in the
Analyze / Fitting Results / Statistics tab. For example, the following figure shows the
results of an automatic model comparison for the log-binned data shown above:

The model comparison statistics are shown to the right in this information dialog. Note
that since the difference in the Chi-square value for models 4 and 5 (that is, 4 and 5
terms) is not significant, the 4-term model is accepted as the best fit.
Clampfit also provides an option to export files in a format *.ldt. Single channel data
exported in this format can be analyzed with QUB, a specialized suite of applications

Chapter 7
146 • Clampfit Overview

available from the University of Buffalo. These programs provide an alternative to

Fetchan for creating idealized records by applying maximum likelihood interval analysis
to find the most likely rate constants for specific models. Information about these
programs and downloads can be found on the QUB website http://barrel.med.buffalo.edu.
Note that these programs represent a highly specialized approach to single channel data,
referred to as hidden Markov modeling, and are neither directly supported nor endorsed
by Axon Instruments. Therefore, Clampfit users are advised to read the information and
the references provided on the QUB web site before using the QUB programs to analyze
their data. It should also be noted that the QUB methods are best suited for data that have
not been heavily filtered.
Unlike the idealization of single channel records performed by Fetchan, the idealization
procedure in the QUB suite does not permit the identification and editing of individual
events. Therefore, the data must be carefully pre-processed in order to assure that they
are suitable for idealization. This can be done either in Clampfit or in the pre-processing
module of QUB. Pre-processing in Clampfit is easy. First, data to be analyzed by QUB
should be baseline-adjusted before export, best accomplished using the manual
adjustment method described above. If a record has segments of noise from the
breakdown of patch resistance or other spurious signals, these portions of the record can
be removed before export by using the “blank” command. The recording is then
exported as multiple segments and the QUB programs can be applied to fit a model that
would describe the activity within segments (information about time between segments
will be lost in the QUB analysis). If a recording clearly contains multiple kinds of
channel activity (distinguishable for example, by amplitude), the “blank” command can
also be used to create a sequence of homogeneous segments, suitable for fitting to a
single model.
Note that, along with the hidden Markov model analysis, the SKM and MIL modules of
the QUB suite do generate amplitude and event duration histogram files (respectively),
which can be opened directly as Results sheets in Clampift. Once the X-axis
data in the QUB duration histograms is converted to Log values (using
Analyze / Column Arithmetic in Clampfit), the SKM-idealized data can be fit with
conventional methods, as described above. This approach permits the direct comparison
of QUB and Fetchan idealizations.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampfit Tutorials • 147

Chapter 8


The following scenarios will introduce the functionality of Clampfit, implementing

procedures that are frequently found in the evaluation of physiological data.
Occasionally the tutorials do not take a straightforward approach in order to show the
user a variety of features. Once you master these features you may wish to perform the
analyses in a more direct manner.
The scenarios highlight some of the features discussed in the overview. We will give
menu commands for each step in the analysis, but you should also become familiar with
the alternative method of using tool buttons; do this by passing the cursor over the
toolbars and reading the tool tip for each button. Also try the appropriate context-
sensitive commands that a right mouse click will bring up. Context-sensitive on-line help
is available everywhere in the program by hitting the <F1> key or through the Help
buttons in the dialogs.
The sample files are found in your ...\Axon\Data folder. Following the tutorials you
might want to save the changes from time to time. This is not explicitly mentioned, and
is not really necessary, since you will find that most of the steps are reproduced quickly,
once you know the way. If you want to save the analyzed files nevertheless, we
recommend not to replace the original sample files. pCLAMP 8 handles two different
types of binary files. Integer ABF files are assumed to contain original data and cannot
be overwritten from within the programs. Analyzed files are by default saved in floating
point ABF format, and can be overwritten. Overwrite only ABF floating point files.
Much of Clampfit’s functionality could equally be used to manipulate data in an
illegitimate way. Remember that it is your responsibility as a scientist to carefully

Chapter 8
148 • Clampfit Tutorials

consider what changes you introduce into your data and to maintain the integrity of your

Creating Quick Graphs

One of Clampfit’s new powerful features is to make generating current-voltage plots as
easy as a few mouse clicks. Furthermore, in co-operation with Clampex 8 you can create
I-V plots in real-time immediately after the application of a step protocol. This gives you
a new dimension of control over the course of your patch clamp experiments. To learn
operating this new feature, we will first generate I-V plots from existing data files, and
then set up Clampex and Clampfit to do this automatically.

A Quick I-V from Whole-Cell Currents

Open the sample file Cav1.dat.
It is a whole-cell patch clamp
recording showing outward
currents in response to a
voltage step protocol.
To see the protocol that was
applied, either select
View / View Stimulus
Waveform, or press the
button in the Analysis
Window toolbar. From a
holding potential of -50 mV, depolarizing voltage steps were applied using the Analog
Output Channel AO #0. We will plot the peaks of the elicited outward currents versus
the step voltage.
Set cursors 1 and 2 to 32 and 250 ms, respectively, and select Analyze / Quick Graph /
I-V, or click the toolbutton. There are two ways to assign the step voltage to the
x-axis: specify it by the positions of cursors 1 or 3, or define it using Epochs. See the
definitions on page 97 for the definition of Epochs. In the example all four cursors are

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Clampfit Tutorials • 149

placed in Epoch B, so each of the three Waveform options in the X-Axis group leads to
the same result.
On the y-axis, we are going to plot the peak outward currents elicited during the voltage
step. There is only one Signal (AI #0), which we can specify. To avoid the capacitive

transient at the onset of the voltage step, we restrict the search for a Peak of Positive
Polarity to the Region between Cursors 1..2. In addition, Clampfit offers the
opportunity to smooth the signal while Peak is selected, minimizing the influence of
high-frequency noise, or individual channel openings in relatively small cells. Up to 21
Smoothing points are
allowed, but depending on
your signal and sampling
interval you should make
sure your choice is
appropriate. You can do
that by either comparing
I-V curves with and
without smoothing
enabled, or by smoothing
your signal using
Analyze / Filter. In the
third tutorial we will learn
how to compare a filtered
signal to the original.

Chapter 8
150 • Clampfit Tutorials

For our comparatively slow currents, 11 Smoothing points provide a sufficiently smooth
signal with little danger of over filtering. Upon OK Clampfit creates a new Graph
Window with the I-V plot, which can be customized in many respects after double-
clicking to obtain the Properties Dialog, or by using the items in the View menu.

A Quick I-V from a Cell-Attached Recording

In cell-attached and inside-out patch clamp recordings, the recorded current must be
inverted (see Penner 1995 for a discussion on polarity). The membrane potential can be
calculated by simply inverting the command potential in the inside-out configuration,
while in the cell-attached mode the resting potential of the cell has to be added. Many
experimenters invert the current and the command potential using a negative scaling
factor during the acquisition. Since in cell-attached recordings the computation of the
membrane potential requires knowledge about the resting potential, other experimenters
invert the current only, while a third group acquires both in the original polarity.
Clampfit deals with the different strategies by giving you the opportunity to invert either
of the signals.

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Open the sample file Oncelliv.abf. It is the current response to a voltage step-protocol
applied to a cell-attached patch with many copies of a non-selective cation channel
almost steadily open. The current was inverted using a negative scaling factor, which
you can review by double-clicking on the y-axis header. On the Outputs tab you see that
the command potential stored in the file was not inverted, so we have to do that now.
We are going to plot the mean current during the voltage step versus the step voltage.
Double-click on cursor 1 and enter 12.5 into the Move To / Time field. Then click Next
and select Epoch C Start from the Move To / Epoch drop-down. In the
Analyze / Quick Graph / I-V dialog assign the Mean between Cursors 1..2 to the
y-axis and enable the Invert checkbox in the x-axis section.

Tile the Graph- and the Analysis Window Vertically and move cursor 1 a little using the
mouse or the cursor keys. While Configure / Dynamically Update Quick Graph is
enabled, the I-V plot is automatically updated to the mean between the new cursor
positions. From other experiments it is known that this channel type reverses around
0 mV. Since the current in our recording reverses at 55 mV, we can assume a resting
potential of the cell of -55 mV. Select Analyze / Adjust / Stimulus Waveform and
enter 55 into the Analog OUT 0 field. Clampfit had auto scaled the plot when it was
created. Now that it is updated to the offset in the command potential, we have to repeat

Chapter 8
152 • Clampfit Tutorials

the auto scaling by clicking the button in the Graph window toolbar or selecting
View / Auto Scale.
Since it is relatively unusual that the resting potential can be precisely determined and
corrected for, Adjust / Stimulus Waveform only applies to the currently analyzed file
and cannot be saved. Should you want to save the waveform adjustment, to correct for an
offset in the command potential during the recording, go to Edit / Create Stimulus
Waveform Signal and use this signal for the evaluation.

Quick Trace vs. Trace Plots from Whole-Cell Currents

The application of voltage ramps frequently contributes to the characterization of ligand-
gated currents (Okada et al. 1994, Tang & Papazian 1997). The sample file Inrctc02.dat
is an example for an inwardly rectifying
current in response to a voltage ramp. Select
Analyze / Quick Graph / Trace vs. Trace.
This feature allows plotting different
elements of a data file versus each other
sample by sample. The dialog provides two
identical sections for the definition of the x-
and y-values, respectively. The available
Traces, Waveforms, and Signals are
selectable from drop-down lists. Additionally, as in Quick I-Vs, the values can be
inverted to account for data from cell-attached or inside-out recordings. We want to plot
the only available sweep of the input signal AI #15 versus the output signal AO #0, so the
default settings apply. While in Cav1.dat we had to avoid the capacitive transients at the
beginning of the voltage steps, we now can perform the analysis on the entire ramp
Epoch. Therefore, specify Epoch C in the Region drop-down list. Clampfit creates a
plot which, in fact, looks very similar to the original data file, but is calibrated in mV and
pA, respectively. To compare with the current elicited under control conditions, open the
file Inrctc01.dat and repeat the previous steps, making sure the Append radio button is
We are next going to create a Layout Window containing the original data file, the
voltage step protocol, and the I-V curves. Activate the Inrctc02 Analysis Window.

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Clampfit Tutorials • 153

Edit / Copy to Layout Options allows to choose between copying analyzed data files
either in the fashion they are displayed in the Analysis Window, or using the Page Setup
settings. In addition, you can specify three parameters to be automatically included in the
comment line, the file name, the acquisition date and time and the comment. Select Page
Setup settings and uncheck the three parameters for the comment. If you now go to
Edit / Copy to Layout Window, or press the button, Clampfit opens a Layout
Window and prompts where to place the graphic and which comment to add. The Layout
window by default has
2 Columns and 3 control after drug application
Rows. Increase the
number of Rows to 5 0 0

by selecting
A I #15
(p A )

-200 -200
View / Window
Properties or right- -400 -400
clicking outside the 0 1000 0 1000
Time (ms) Sw 1/1
Graphic you have just Time (ms) Sw 1/1

pasted. Drag the

Graphic to the right voltage ramp
Column using the left
...from Analysis Windows
mouse button. Then
make it two rows high
AO #0

...from the Waveform Window

dragging one of the
bottom drag handles. -100 ...from the Graph Window

While the Array is 0

Time (ms)
Sw 1/1
enabled, the size and
position of all
Quick Trace vs. Trace
Graphics are confined voltage (mV) Inrctc02
to the gridlines. -100 -50 50 Inrctc01

However, you can

optionally disable the
current (pA)

Array in the Window -200

Properties dialog.
With the Graphic
selected go to -400

Chapter 8
154 • Clampfit Tutorials

Draw / Object Properties, press the rightmost button in the Layout Window toolbar, or
use the right-click menu on the Graphic to adjust scaling and alignment. Try different
settings and look what happens. To obtain an appearance as in the Layout below, you
have to assign a larger Printer Font in the Page Setup of the Analysis Window. Make
sure the y-axis scaling in both Analysis Windows is identical, and copy the control
recording to the Layout, too.

Select Draw / Drawing Tools / Text, or click the toolbutton to add labels to the
individual Graphics. Double-click to edit the text, and use Object Properties to alter the
font or add a Bounding box. To illustrate the voltage ramp that was applied, activate one
of the Analysis Windows, View the Stimulus Waveform and click the ⇒Layout button.
Have the Waveform pasted to Column 1, Row 3, and add a line at 0 mV using the Line
tool. Pressing <Shift> while you draw the line restricts its direction to every 90°.
Double-clicking on a selected item also brings up the related Object Properties dialog,
which for the Line allows you to change width and color, or to add arrow heads. Several
other Drawing Tools are accessible through the Layout Window toolbar or the Draw
menu. Furthermore, you can select multiple items by clicking on them while you hold
down <Shift>, or by dragging a frame around them. Then use the Draw menu to Align
or Group them. And finally, you can Move individual items to the Front or Back. For
most of the commands in the Draw menu there are toolbuttons available, too.
Return to the Graph Window we created before. The Trace vs. Trace Graph in can be
customized in the Properties dialog that is brought up by double-clicking, through the
right-click menu or if you select View / Window Properties. For the sample Layout
above, starting from the factory default window properties, all Fonts and the Axis titles
were altered, and the Gridlines, the Frame box and the Legend title were removed.
When the Graph suits your needs, copy it to the Layout Window, make it 2 Columns
wide and 2 Rows deep to finally yield a publication quality figure illustrating the
activation of an inwardly rectifying current by drug application.

Automatic Quick Graphs in Real-Time

After we have learned how to create Quick I-V and Trace vs. Trace Graphs, we are now
going to configure Clampex and Clampfit to co-operatively generate Quick Graphs
during an experiment. Start Clampex and select Acquire / New Protocol. The Protocol

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Clampfit Tutorials • 155

Editor with the Mode / Rate tab in front opens. The default is an Episodic Stimulation
protocol, which we do not need to alter for now. It is important that the Allow automatic
analysis in other programs checkbox on the bottom of the tab is enabled. Now record a
data file. As the acquisition finishes, Clampfit is brought to the front and the data file is
automatically opened. Create a Quick I-V plotting the Value at cursor 1 versus the
Waveform at cursor 1 and select Append.

Tile the Graph and the Analysis Windows Vertically, make sure Configure / Automatic
Quick Graph is checked, and select Configure / Automatic Quick Graph Options.
Check Generate Graph and select I-V.
Clampfit additionally allows you to perform an
Arithmetic expression on the incoming data
file. The settings of the most recently created
Quick Graph determine the settings that will be
applied to every newly incoming file.

As you now record another data file, it replaces the file in the Analysis window, and a
Quick I-V is automatically added to the existing plot. To keep track with your recording,
you may want to create a Clampex Sequence, which links to a Gapfree protocol after the
step protocol was applied. Then it will be useful to tile the two application windows on
the screen.

Chapter 8
156 • Clampfit Tutorials

While we performed these introductory steps with the digitizer in demo mode, you can
now go on testing the Automatic Quick Graph feature in an actual recording using your
own Episodic Stimulation protocols tailored to your needs. You will soon appreciate
having the evaluated response to the stimulation available a moment later, facilitating
your decision about the further course of the experiment.

Pre-Conditioning Noisy Single Channel Recordings for

Analysis in Fetchan
In electrophysiology, he best strategy to deal with noise is to avoid recording it.
However, you will often have important data that cannot be analyzed without pre-
conditioning. To learn more about Clampfit’s functionality during this tutorial, we will
introduce artificial noise into a data file. Then we will remove the noise, while
maintaining as much of the information in the file as possible.
The sample file Kchann.dat is a patch clamp recording of a single active channel. It is
the kind of recording that is used to be presented as “typical data” in publications. That
means, hardly ever any recording is as clean as this one, so we are going to make it a
little more realistic. First we use Edit / Transfer Traces to convert the binary data file
into ASCII data in the Results Window. In order to minimize the computational effort,
we will work with a section of the file only. Select View / Data Display / Sweeps and
enter 20000 in the Sweep length field of the upcoming dialog. The Data Display
commands are more easily accessible through a context menu that opens if you right-
click on the x-axis. Now select the first sweep using the View / Select sweeps command,
the right-click menu in the data area, or the button in the Analysis Window toolbar.
Edit / Transfer Traces gives you the option to transfer the data from the Analysis
Window to the Results Window or to a Graph Window. The latter option is originally a
superset of the first one, since it transfers the data to the Results Window and, in the same
step, creates a graph using the transferred data. The maximum number of samples
Clampfit can transfer is 110,000, the sweeps are 20,000 samples long, so we can
highlight Full trace in the Region to transfer drop-down list. We want to transfer the
first sweep only, so the Trace Selection should be All visible traces. Another way

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would be setting up one of the cursor pairs to include the Region to transfer in
Continuous data display. Press OK and take a look at the Results Window to find the
first portion of the data on Sheet8. Now we can start creating the artificial noise.
We first generate line frequency hum. Select column C by clicking on the column header
and then go to Analyze / Create Data, or alternatively press the button in the Results
Window toolbar. The upcoming dialog allows you to define the Fill Range in From and
To fields for columns and rows. The default setting is the current selection on the
Results sheet, that is rows 1 to 20,000 of column C in our example. We can keep this
default here. The Series Option group offers a set of predefined functions plus one field
for custom Expressions. In the Data Limits fields the variables used to generate the
series can be specified. Click on different functions to see which variables can be defined
there. If the Fill Range comprises more than one column and row, the selected Fill
Direction option determines in which way Clampfit fills the cells. Your selection is
represented graphically in the dialog.

Since we are going to create a sine wave, we use the custom Expression, which must be
specified in terms of a function with the independent variable x. For ease of calculating
the algorithm, we use a line frequency of 50 Hz, corresponding to a 20 ms wavelength.
Therefore, we use the function
y = sin ( 2 π * time / wavelength ) = sin ( 2 π * time / 20 ms ) = sin ( π * time / 10 ms ).
On the Results sheet, we find the time, in sampling interval steps, in the first column. As
it will be the independent variable, we enter 0.1 into the X Increment field. The X Start
could be any number in this example, since it only introduces a phase shift in a periodic
function like a sine. The constant π is accessed by typing in “pi”. The amplitude of the
sine wave shall be about 1/4 the amplitude of the signals, which is some 16 pA. So the
Expression we enter is:

We additionally create harmonics in columns D..F, reducing the wavelength in the term
by integer division and the amplitude in integer steps. To keep track which signal you
created in which column, rename them by double-clicking on the header of column C,
always pressing Next after you have typed in a convenient name.

Chapter 8
158 • Clampfit Tutorials

Now that we have the original signal in column B, and line frequency hum in columns
C..F, we are going to add the components together. Select Analyze / Column
Arithmetic, or click on the button in the Results Window toolbar. In the Column
Arithmetic dialog there are several controls, which assist in entering the Expression.
The Column button allows you to Specify a list of columns using the “cA” notation
explained in the dialog, or to Select from the list. The Operators button opens a pull-
down list of basic mathematical operators, while the Function button lists the functions
supported by Clampfit. See the on-line help for a more detailed description. The items in
the Special pull-down yield the row number, the maximum number of rows in the
columns the expression includes, and the constant π. Undo reverts the most recent
change you did to the Expression. The Specify Region group allows restricting the row
range the Expression is applied to. When only a subset of the rows is to be analyzed, the
Excluded region is forced to zero if this option is checked, else it remains unchanged.
We want to add all but the Time column and put the results out in an empty column. So
the Expression you should apply is:
cG = cB + cC + cD + cE + cF
Both, OK and Apply, execute the Expression, but after Apply the dialog remains open.
Now the data set in column G should be a patch clamp recording with a lot of line
frequency hum. We are next going to save this composite signal, open it as data and
remove the noise.
Select File / Save As, set the file type to Axon Text Files (*.atf) and enter a name like
Kc_noise. Then select File / New / Results to close the ATF file, and subsequently
Open it as Data. Clampfit by default assumes the multi-column ATF file to be a sweep
type file and displays each column as one sweep. Select sweeps #1 and #6 and go to
View / Distribute Traces. This feature allows to offset the display of overlaid traces for
a user-defined distance. Note that the offset is only added to the display, not to the data.
Enter 30 in the Distance field and Auto scale the y-axis.

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The original recording, displayed in the lower trace, is now heavily contaminated with
noise, as can be seen in the upper trace. Since in real life you did not create the noise
yourself, it is useful to perform a power spectrum before filtering. Select sweep #6 only,
auto scale the y-axis once more and go to Analyze / Power Spectrum. A number of
settings can be adjusted in the Power Spectrum dialog, which are explained in detail in
the Digital Spectral Analysis section of this manual. For our purpose a Rectangular
Window together with the maximum Transform Length will do. There is no need to
Exclude spectral bins, and the analysis shall apply to the full length of the Active trace.
Clampfit creates a Graph Window with the power spectrum in a Log-Log plot. Right-
click on one of the axes or go
15 to View / Axis Type and select
Linear-Linear. Zoom the
first few hundred Hz by
Power (pA²)

dragging the mouse cursor

along the x-axis. As expected,
the spectrum exhibits four
sharp peaks at 50 Hz and three
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Frequency (Hz)

Chapter 8
160 • Clampfit Tutorials

Return to the Analysis Window and select Analyze / Filter. The Electrical Interference
section allows us to adjust several parameters. We know that there is no more than the
fourth harmonic in our signal. Clampfit determines, which Harmonics are present and
only filters existing ones. So it is mainly a matter of execution speed to restrict the search
for harmonics to a realistic number. The Cycles to average setting determines the
bandwidth of the filter. Since this parameter is limited by the number of samples in the
filtered region, set it to 100. Higher values would result in an error message. Clampfit
can automatically determine the line frequency in the signal, but since it is usually
known, you should set this parameter manually. Upon OK the filter has completely
removed the hum, as you can
convince yourself by performing
another Power Spectrum and
appending it to the existing plot.
In addition, you can compare
sweeps #1 and #6 once more.
Not only line frequency hum can contaminate recordings. Other influences, such as
mechanical vibration may produce broad bands instead of sharp peaks in the power
spectrum. Now that you have learned how to produce and to remove a certain type of
noise, you might try to introduce wide-band noise and remove it using the Notch Filter.
By such practice you will learn a good deal about the benefits and limitations of different
filter algorithms. The on-line help and the Digital Filters section in this manual provide
valuable additional information.
It should be mentioned that if you have episodic data most of the steps we performed to
introduce artificial noise can equally be done using Analyze / Arithmetic from the
Analysis Window. This feature, which even requires less computational effort, because
no conversion of binary to ASCII data is necessary, will be described in the next tutorial.
We took a more complicated way to learn about Clampfit’s Results Window, some of the
features it offers, and the input and output of ASCII data. Furthermore, we learned how
to use power spectra and digital filtering to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in our

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Clampfit Tutorials • 161

Evaluation of Multi-Component Signals: Sensillar Potentials

with Superimposed Action Potentials
In this tutorial we will learn how to use Clampfit for separating the fast and slow
components of a signal. This situation occurs especially in extracellular recordings,
where contributions of different excitable cells, or different compartments of one cell
coincide, forming a multi-component signal.
Open the sample file Senspot.dat. Using software filters, we will separate the
sensillar- or receptor potential, the relatively slow downward deflection of the signal,
from the much faster action potentials superimposed on it (Thurm 1972, Kaissling &
Thorson 1980). Digital filtering requires a single, continuous sampling interval (see the
Filters section), which is not the case here, as you can see if you select File / Properties
or press the button. So we have to convert the gear-shifted sampling intervals of 200
and 600 µs to a single interval using either Analyze / Data Reduction, or Analyze /
Interpolation. For comparison we will do both.
Data Reduction can be used to eliminate samples from a file, which was acquired at an
excess sampling rate, or has to be reduced in size for other reasons, such as graphing,
minimizing storage requirements, etc. There are two parameters to set. The Reduction
factor n is the factor, by which the number of samples in the file will be reduced. The
selection of the reduction Method determines how Clampfit eliminates the excess
samples. Decimate retains only every nth data point, while the samples in between are
deleted. This method minimizes the computational effort, but introduces the danger of
aliasing, since the resulting data file is equivalent to one acquired at a lower sampling
rate. That means, no signal containing higher frequencies than half the sampling
frequency in the reduced file may be processed using Decimate reduction.
Substitute average, in contrast, does not introduce any artifacts. Here every n samples
are averaged to yield the new data value. This method can eliminate transients and high
frequency noise, and can even smooth the signal, since the averaged values are not
restricted to the resolution of the A/D converter. The expense for these advantages is the
slower performance, which should be relevant only on very slow computers, or with very
large data files. Therefore, whenever possible, Substitute average should be the method
of choice.

Chapter 8
162 • Clampfit Tutorials

Min/Max determines the largest and the smallest values out of every set of n data points
and retains them. Therefore, the minimum for n is 2 with this method, which makes it
inappropriate for our project. Because, as with Decimate, a subset of the samples in the
original file is retained without a change, Min/Max also requires attention to prevent
Similar to Data Reduction, Interpolation allows choosing the Interpolation factor and
one of two algorithms, Straight line or Cubic spline. While Straight line simply
interconnects the existing samples, creating a step-like signal with newly introduced
high-frequency components, Cubic spline generates a smooth signal, again at the price of
a slightly slower performance.
In this tutorial, we do not want to increase or decrease the number of samples, but only
create a file with a single sampling interval. Therefore, we use the reduction- and
interpolation factors 1. This creates new files with the lower and the higher sampling rate
as in the original file, respectively. If you minimize the Analysis Window with the
original file, have the windows with the derived files tiled, and compare the signals after
zooming in, you will find that there are more high-frequency components in the
interpolated file, while the reduced file looks somewhat smoother. Since we intend to use
software filters in the next steps, and the sampling rate determines the range of the
allowable cutoff frequency, will use the interpolated file.

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Select Edit / Create Duplicate Signal, make the new signal active by clicking on it, and
select Analyze / Filter or press the button in the Analysis Window toolbar. First we
want to isolate the slow component of the response, that is the sensillar potential. Several
types of Lowpass filters are available, which are described in detail in the Filter
Specifications section of this manual. Select individual filter types to see the Cutoff
range reported in the Lowpass group change. Specify a Gaussian filter at a -3 dB
frequency of 70 Hz. Press the Select button and choose The active signal in the
upcoming dialog. Since there is only one sweep in the file, the Traces selection is
meaningless here. Upon OK your selection is reported in the filter dialog. Since we
want to apply the filter to the entire length of the trace, set the Region to filter to Full
trace and press OK. The action potentials are removed, except for small residuals. To
give the signal, which is by default called DC2, a more convenient name, either double-
click on the signal name in the y-
axis header, or select Edit /
Modify Signal Parameters.
Enter something like 70 Hz Lo in
the Signal Name field and press
Save. A warning tells you that
you are about to make permanent
changes in a data file.
How can we be sure now that our choice of the cutoff frequency was appropriate? The
filter should have removed the fast action potentials – which is easy to see – without
affecting the shape of the slow sensillar potential – which is a little more difficult to
determine. There are two ways of answering this question, both following the same
strategy, that is subtracting the filtered signal from the original one.
One way is to create a Math signal. This is described in the respective section of the
Clampex manual, and will therefore be discussed only briefly. Select Edit / Modify
Math Parameters and enable the checkbox on top of the dialog. Highlight the lowpass-
filtered signal in the Analog IN #B drop-down list and select the General purpose
Operator Subtraction. Upon OK Clampfit prompts you whether to save the new
settings to the original file or to keep them for the current session only. Opt for the latter
and Auto scale the Math signal. Except for a small transient at the very onset of the

Chapter 8
164 • Clampfit Tutorials

sensillar potential, the baseline of the Math signal is straight, clearly indicating that the
filter left the shape of this slow voltage change largely unaffected.
The same result can be obtained by subtracting the signals, using the Analyze /
Arithmetic command, also accessible through the toolbutton. The biggest difference
between the two methods is that the Math signal is not stored in the data file sample by
sample, but only as an algorithm to perform between two signals. Arithmetic, however,
creates new samples in all signals, or alters existing ones in one of the existing signals.
The Arithmetic dialog is very similar to the Column Arithmetic dialog explained in the
previous tutorial. The Traces button brings up a dialog similar to the Select Traces
dialog we met during filtering. Upon OK your selection is translated into an expression
following the template
FileName @ SignalName : T{TraceSelection}.
The file and signal names are omitted if you selected The active window and/or signal.
TraceSelection can have the values VISIBLE, ALL or ACTIVE. If you Specify a list of
traces, or Select from the list, the trace selection is reported in the “tn” notation
explained in the dialog. The Operators, Function, and Undo buttons work as they do in
the Results Window Column Arithmetic. The items in the Special pull-down list,
besides π, insert the sample start time and the maximum time in the destination trace.
Add Traces gives you the opportunity to retain existing data and put the result of the
Expression out in new traces. Since all signals in the data file must have the same
number of sweeps, new traces are created in all signals, not only in the specified
destination signal. In the Region to analyze drop-down list you can define to which
portion of the trace the Expression is applied. Again, if only part of the trace is to be
analyzed, you can have the Excluded region forced to zero.
We want to compare the resulting trace to the existing signals in our file. Therefore, we
must either create another signal to use as the destination (Edit / Create Duplicate
Signal), or add new traces. Use the first method for now, close the Arithmetic dialog,
create a duplicate signal and rename it to “Subtracted”. The Expression you then apply
should resemble

Subtracted:T{VISIBLE} = DC:T{VISIBLE} - 70 Hz Lo:T{VISIBLE}.

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Clampfit Tutorials • 165

If you use the Traces button, the signal which was active before you selected the
Arithmetic command is not specified by name.

The resulting signal is identical to the Math signal we created before, as you can
convince yourself by subtracting them from each other, following the steps we have just
learned. Then disable the Math signal (Edit / Modify Math Parameters). If you like,
you can try other filter cutoff frequencies or filter types. The lower the cutoff frequency
you specify, the more prominent is the transient before the sensillar potential in the
subtracted signal. This indicates that at lower filter frequencies the faster elements of the
sensillar potential are more seriously distorted. In contrast, the more you increase the
cutoff frequency, the larger are the residuals of the action potentials. The 70 Hz we
originally chose was a reasonable compromise. As you try other filter types, you will
notice that the infinite impulse response filters (i.e., all types, but Gaussian and Boxcar)
require a comparatively long time to phase in, and additionally start at 0 mV. The Digital
Filters section in this manual explains these end effects in detail, and in the following
paragraphs of this tutorial we will learn two ways to deal with them.
After we have isolated the sensillar potential, we will now take a look at the action
potentials. The signal Subtracted already fulfills the most important criterion for the
evaluation of action potentials: they sit on a non-fluctuating baseline. We will compare
that to highpass filtering the signal. Scale the x-axis so that the first 500 ms are on
display, create another Duplicate of signal DC, make it the active signal and select
Analyze / Filter. Two types of Highpass filters are available, a single pole RC filter and
an 8-pole Bessel. Apply a 100 Hz RC filter and Auto Scale the Active Y-Axis.

Chapter 8
166 • Clampfit Tutorials

Clampfit auto scales the end effect, which starts at a negative value near the original first
data point. To remove this transient, set cursor 1 to the start of the file, cursor 2 to about
15 ms, and select Analyze / Force Values. This function allows you to assign either
values that result from the cursor positions, or a fixed value, to a Region to force. The
Trace Selection again allows specifying the Signals and Sweeps to include. Force the
Region Cursor 1..2 in the Active Signal to the Fixed value 0 mV. Now the signal can
be auto scaled easily.
The filtered trace exhibits a considerable residual from the steep portion of the sensillar
potential, forming a downward deflection the earlier action potentials are superimposed
on. The flat region of the sensillar potential, where the late action potentials occur, has
been effectively removed, however.
The other way of avoiding the
end effects is removing the
baseline offset before filtering.
Activate signal DC, set cursors 1
and 2 to 0 and 50 ms,
respectively, and select
Analyze / Adjust / Baseline or
click the button. This feature
corrects an offset or drifting
baseline you can specify using one of four Methods. Subtract mean and Subtract
slope use the region selected in the drop-down list. While mean calculates the average of
all data points in the specified region, slope fits a regression line. Then Clampfit
subtracts the result from the entire trace, so that the specified region coincides with a
straight baseline at y = 0. Similarly, you can correct an irregular baseline if you select
Adjust manually and click on the correction line to create tie points that can be dragged
to follow an irregular curve. And finally, you can enter a fixed value, which is to be
subtracted from the selected traces. Assuming the data values before the onset of the
sensillar potential represent the baseline, the most suitable selection for our purpose is the
mean between Cursors 1..2.

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Clampfit Tutorials • 167

As you create duplicates of DC now, they start at zero and the end effects of the filters
are minimized. Depending on your application, the amplitude offset in the original data
file might be relevant. In this case, you should measure it before you Adjust the
Baseline, or perform the adjustment in the duplicate signal, alternatively.

(mV) 0

RC 100 0


RC 300 0

Bessel 50
Bessel 100 0
100 200 300 400 10 ms
Time (ms)

As you apply a highpass filter to the next duplicate signal now, the end effect does not
occur. Try the RC filter at a higher cutoff frequency, in the figure it is 300 Hz, to see the
sensillar potential almost completely eliminated, but the action potential waveform
increasingly distorted. At a comparatively low cutoff frequency of 50 Hz, the 8-Pole
Bessel highpass filter introduces ringing in response to fast changes in the signal, such as
the steep portion of the sensillar potential. If the cutoff frequency is increased to 100 Hz,
the ringing disappears, but the action potential waveform is distorted more severely. The
right side of the figure illustrates the influence of the different filter algorithms and
frequencies upon the indicated section on the left. Depending on your application, the
choice of the suitable highpass filter is far more critical than for lowpass filters. Filtering
individual regions of the signal using different algorithms or cutoff frequencies might be
necessary for specific applications.

Chapter 8
168 • Clampfit Tutorials

Now that we have separated the sensillar potential from the action potentials, we can go
on evaluating parameters that describe the response. Use Tools / Cursors / Write
Cursors to write the times of the action potentials to the Cursors sheet in the Results
Window or apply Analyze / Statistics. In addition, you can use the cursor measurements
to characterize the sensillar potential. Or you can try to mathematically describe the time
course of its initial phase. This will be demonstrated in the next paragraphs.
Maximize signal 70 Hz Lo and zoom the first 500 ms. Set cursors 1 and 2 to 85 and
240 ms, respectively, and select Analyze / Fit or press the toolbutton. Clampfit
provides a highly sophisticated fitting feature, giving you the opportunity to select from a
set of Predefined Functions, or to specify a Custom Function. Four different Search
Methods are available, in combination with various Minimization and Weighting
Methods. A number of additional options are available on the Data / Options tab, and
the Seed Values tab allows you to enter initial parameter estimates, either in a purely
numerical way, or with the assistance of a graphical representation. Not all options
available in the dialog apply to all data sets, methods, or functions. Since fitting is a
fairly complex issue, it is beyond the scope of this tutorial to explain every detail. So we
strongly recommend that you read the Introduction to Fitting section in this manual for
more detailed information on the functions, the algorithms and trouble shooting. In
addition, a number of ATF files can be found in the ...\Axon\Data folder. Their file
names indicate their functions and they are ideally suited to help you become more
familiar with the Fit feature.
We are now going to investigate, whether the steep initial phase of the sensillar potential
can be described by an exponential function. Presumably several processes with different
time constants superimpose to shape this waveform (Kaissling 1998, Vermeulen &
Rospars 1998). Therefore, we will test exponential functions of different orders and
compare these models. For this purpose Clampfit provides an automatic comparison of
Fitting generally applies to the region between cursors 1 and 2. They already confine the
region we are going to fit, so select Exponential standard from the Predefined
Function group on the Function / Method tab. Uncheck Select fitting methods
automatically and select Levenberg-Marquardt, Sum of squared errors
Minimization and no Weighting. On the Data / Options tab, enable Compare Models.

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Clampfit Tutorials • 169

The Starting- and Ending terms are Automatically set to the maximum possible, the
95% Confidence level should be adequate. On the Seed Values tab, you can review or
alter the estimates Clampfit has automatically generated. If you change the original
values, they can optionally be restored with the Auto-Estimate button.
Upon OK Clampfit starts fitting exponential functions of increasing order to the data.
While the Automatic checkbox in the Compare Models group is enabled, the
comparison stops if – for least square fitting based on the F-statistic – a higher-order
model does not improve the fit. If the Ending terms are set manually, however,
Clampfit continues up to the specified order. Select Analyze / Fitting Results or click
the button. The Parameters and the fit Statistics are put out on two tabs. The
Model number spinner in the bottom of the dialog allows you to review the values for
the different models. In the Best Model group on the Statistics tab Clampfit reports that,
under the specified fitting conditions, a second order exponential function reasonably
describes the fitted portion of the data. Use the Clipboard- or Lab Book buttons to copy
to the respective destinations the results for the model that is currently displayed in the

Separating Action Potentials by their Shape

Electrophysiological recordings often comprise rather similar signals, which slightly
differ in their amplitudes or kinetics because they originate from different cells. One
well-known example of these signals are action potentials extracellularly recorded from
insect sensilla (Frazier & Hanson 1986, Schnuch & Hansen 1990). This tutorial will
demonstrate how Clampfit can be used for characterizing the waveforms in a series of
similar signals. Then we will investigate whether the differences in the measured
parameters permit use to assign them to different subpopulations, and finally we will save
them in two separate files for further evaluation.
Open the sample file Spikes02.abf. It contains spontaneous action potentials of two
different types, which were extracellularly recorded from an insect olfactory sensillum.
The file was acquired in high-speed oscilloscope mode, using the highpass-filtered signal
AC as the trigger channel. For waveform analysis, only an unfiltered signal is relevant.
Therefore, Maximize Signal DC selecting the respective item from the right-click menu

Chapter 8
170 • Clampfit Tutorials

in the data area. One of the sweeps was obviously triggered by an artifact. You can
exclude it from the analysis by unselecting it and performing all analyses on the Visible
Traces only. Click on the artifact to make it the active sweep. In the lower right corner
of the Analysis Window Clampfit reports the number of the active sweep. Now go to
View / Select Sweeps, highlight sweep #63 and press the Invert button. Or, simply use
the <Del> key to deselect the trace.
In sweep #39, there is another artifact. You can either remove it using Analyze / Force
Values, or exclude it from the analysis specifying the Region to analyze Cursor 1..2.
We will use the second method here.
There is a slow drift in the baseline the action potentials sit on, as can be seen best in
Concatenated Data Display mode. Depending on the recording method, slow drifts can
have different origins. Frequently seen is a slowly drifting electrode potential, when non-
chlorided metal electrodes (e.g., tungsten, platinum) are used (Geddes 1972). Insect
sensilla often exhibit slow, occasionally oscillatory, changes in their steady state
potential, whose origin is not completely understood. A common way to deal with
slowly drifting signals are AC-coupled recordings. In the previous tutorial, possible
effects of highpass filtering on the signal waveform were demonstrated for digital filters.
Comparing the signals AC and DC in the sample file, we can see that analog filters
equally affect the waveform. Therefore, we remove the drift in the baseline using
Analyze / Adjust / Baseline. To compare the Methods Subtract mean and manually,
create a duplicate of signal DC before selecting the Baseline command.
Activate DC and set the cursors to 0 and
2 ms. While the Trace Selection is
Active signal and All visible traces,
adjust the baseline using the mean
between Cursors 1..2. Now set the Data
Display to Concatenated, activate signal
DC2 and select Adjust manually in the
Baseline dialog. A colored correction
line is displayed, which can be dragged
to shape by clicking on it to create
moveable tie points. The x and y

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Clampfit Tutorials • 171

coordinates of the most recently altered point are reported in a floating toolbar. When the
line closely follows the drift of the baseline, press Finish and set the display back to
Sweeps to inspect the differences between the two Methods. While the manual
adjustment exhibits a surprising accuracy and can lead to a satisfying result depending on
the application, in this case mean adjustment results in less variation between sweeps.
So we will use signal DC.

The next step in the waveform analysis is aligning the peaks of the action potentials. In
the original file the signals are aligned at the threshold crossing point at 4 ms (100
samples). The Analyze / Time Shift command opens a dialog with several options:

Clampfit can shift sweep type data to either direction for a fixed time interval, which can
be entered numerically, or alternatively defined by the position of one of the cursor pairs.
Time Shift removes a number of samples, corresponding to the shifted interval, at one
end of the Analysis Window. There are two options to deal with these “wrapped”
samples. Rotate samples adds them to the other end of the sweeps. This option is useful
when you are not completely sure about the Time Interval, because a Time Shift can be
undone by shifting in the opposite Direction. However, the rotated data points are not
separated from the rest of the data in any way. So you should be aware that every time
shift affects the integrity of the data. The other option, Replace wrapped samples with
zeros, makes it easier to recognize the samples that are not part of the actual data file.
The time shift cannot be undone, however, unless the original file is re-opened.

Chapter 8
172 • Clampfit Tutorials

The waveform analysis we are going to do requires that all action potentials be aligned
with a prominent element, that is their positive peaks. For the analysis of multi-signal
files, you can specify in which Signal Clampfit looks for the peaks. The Region to
search allows restricting the peak search to the interval between one of the cursor pairs,
thus excluding unwanted signals like the artifact in sweep #39. Since the interval to shift
is different for each individual sweep, which excludes undoing the shift anyway, we have
the wrapped samples replaced with zeros. The Trace Selection, which we already know
from other dialogs, remains All visible traces. Upon OK all peaks are aligned in the
center of the Analysis Window.
Now set the cursors 1 and 2 to 5 and 10.8 ms, respectively, so they include the action
potentials at their bases, but exclude the transient in sweep #39. Using Analyze /
Statistics we are going to determine waveform parameters that might be characteristic for
the individual types of the action potentials. The measurements Clampfit can perform on
the data file are essentially the same that Clampex offers during acquisition (see the
Statistics section in the Clampex chapter). So if your recordings are well-reproducible
regarding time course and amplitude, it will save time if you set up Clampex to perform
the measurements in real-time.
For our action potentials not all parameters Clampfit measures are relevant. While the
Peak value is very interesting, the Time of peak is identical for all sweeps, because we
aligned the peaks. The Anti-peak and the Time of its occurrence might be different for
the two types of spikes and can be further evaluated. The other measurements, such as
the Area under the peaks and the kinetics of rise and decay, as well as the Half width

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Clampfit Tutorials • 173

might yield differences between the two spike types and should be included in the further
evaluation. The Peak polarity is still positive, while cursors 1 and 2 again define the
Region to search. Upon OK Clampfit writes the measurements to the Statistics sheet in
the Results Window.
We assume that the action potentials belong to two populations. First we will distribute
them into two groups, evaluating their peak-to-peak amplitude. Then we will investigate,
whether the other parameters in these two groups are significantly different from each
In the Results Window Statistics tab select the column named “Anti-Peak (ms)” by
clicking on its header. Now select Edit / Insert / Columns and rename the new column
to “Peak-Peak”. For computing the peak-to-peak amplitude, use Analyze / Column
Arithmetic to subtract the “Anti-Peak” from the “Peak” column (see the second tutorial
for details on Column Arithmetic). The peak-to-peak time can be calculated by
subtracting 6 ms (i.e., the time of the positive peaks after aligning) from the “Anti-Peak
(ms)” column. There are different ways of determining the threshold between the large
and the small action potentials.
The simplest way is by creating a scatter plot. If there are clear differences, they should
show up with this comparatively coarse method. Select the “Peak-Peak” column on the
Statistics sheet by clicking on the column header, and go to Analyze / Create Graph.
By default, your selection is assumed to include the dependent variable Y, and is plotted
versus an incrementing X. Right-click on the plot and select Properties, or alternatively
go to View / Window Properties in the main menu to open the Window Properties
dialog. On the Plots tab set the Curve Type to Scatter to remove the connecting lines.

Counts per 50 µV bin
Peak-Peak (mV)


0 20 40 60 80 100 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
Row Number Amplitude (mV)

Chapter 8
174 • Clampfit Tutorials

In our example, there are obviously no peak-to-peak amplitudes between 2.10 and
2.25 mV. Another way to determine the threshold, which can also reveal less evident
differences, is a frequency distribution histogram. This requires the definition of bins.
With the “Peak-Peak” column selected, go to Analyze / Basic Statistics.

Of the Statistics Options that are available in this function, only the Number per
category is relevant for our project. Select Perform Breakdown Analysis, highlight
“Peak-Peak” in the Category column drop-down, check Bin the categories, and press
Specify bins. A dialog comes up, allowing you to specify bins of user-defined or fixed
size. To cover the entire range of the occurring peak-to-peak amplitudes, specify 20
Fixed bins with the Initial Value 1.7 mV and a Width of 0.05 mV.

Clampfit writes the statistics on the Basic Stats sheet in the Results Window. Select the
“Bin center” column first and press the X toolbutton to make it the X-column, which is
reported in the column header. Then select the “#/Cat-Peak-Peak” column and press the
Y+ button.
Now go to Analyze / Create Graph, or press the toolbutton, alternatively. Unless a
different Graph Window is open, the default template is a Line Graph. Select Properties
from the right-click menu and, on the Plot tab, set the Plot Type to Histogram. On the
Y-Axis tab, enter 0 in the Bottom limit field. After OK, the plot should look similar to
the histogram in the figure above. Again there is no amplitude around 2.15 mV. So we

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Clampfit Tutorials • 175

can state the null hypothesis that the action potentials with a peak-to-peak amplitude
below this threshold are different from those having an amplitude above. In the
following steps, we will test this hypothesis.
Clampfit features a number of statistic tests, which are accessible in the bottom section of
the Analyze menu. See the on-line help for details on their use and their algorithms. For
each of the parameters we determined, we want to compare two samples of unequal size,
and calculate the probability that they originate from two different parent populations.
Several tests can be used to investigate this question: an F-Test followed by an unpaired
Student’s t-Test, a nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-Test, and One-Way ANOVA
(Sokal & Rohlf 1981). The general handling is identical for all statistics features
available from the Results Window, so only the F- and t-Tests are demonstrated here.

Select the columns “Peak” through “Half Width (ms)” and go to Analyze / F-Test and
Student’s t-Test. Check F-Test and the two Unpaired options in the Student’s t-Test
group. The lower half of the dialog is identical to the Basic statistics dialog. The
Column selection should still be All selected, Breakdown Analysis with Binned
categories from the column “Peak-Peak” still active. In contrast to the previous
procedure, this time we use two user-defined bins, comprising the large and the small
peak-to-peak amplitudes, respectively. Click on Specify bins and select Defined Bin
Size. Using the Add button, specify two bins, ranging to and from the previously
determined threshold of 2.15 mV. The lower and upper limits of the bins must include
the entire range of the category values, so set them to 0 and 5 mV, respectively. The Edit
and Delete buttons are only clickable, while one of the bins in the Bin Number column
is highlighted.
Upon OK the Lab Book window pops up, reporting a number of parameters for every
column we included in the analysis. In the beginning of each column-related section
more general information about the input values is given, such as the sample size, the
mean, and the variance within each bin. Then the test results are put out, for the tests we
performed the F-value and F-probability first. This parameter indicates whether the
variance of the two groups is different. Below that the results of the t-test are listed: the
t-value, the probability, and the degree of freedom. Depending on the F-probability, use
the t-probability from the pooled or the separate t-test in the further course, even if you
will find that there is virtually no difference for our example. A probability value of

Chapter 8
176 • Clampfit Tutorials

0.0000 means that the probability that all peak amplitudes of the action potentials belong
to the same population is less than 10-4.
H: Peak 0<=Bin 0<2.15 2.15<=Bin 1<5
Sample size 31 68
Mean 1.3132 1.7075
Variance 0.0041 0.0052
Degree of freedom 30 67

F-Value 1.2461
Probability 0.5129

t-Value Probability (2-tail) Degree of freedom

Unpaired (pooled var.) -26.1606 0.0000 97
Unpaired (separate var.) -27.2656 0.0000 64

To summarize, of the 12 parameters we evaluated, 5 are significantly different for the two
types of action potentials we distinguished (p < 10-4). They are all correlated with the
amplitude. The peak-to-peak amplitude is not included, since it was the basis of our null
hypothesis. For the reasons explained above, Time of peak, Mean and Standard
deviation are also not considered here. Virtually all parameters that describe the time
course of the action potentials are not significantly different for the two groups (p >
0.05). Only the time of the greatest right slope (p = 0.04) is different, but on an
extremely weak basis. So we have collected good evidence that the data file contains two
types of action potentials with different amplitudes. For further evaluation we are going
to save them in separate files now.
First we sort them in the order of increasing peak-to-peak amplitude. In the Results
Window, select the “Peak-Peak” column and go to Analyze / Sort, or click on the
toolbutton, alternatively. Your selection before the command determines the default Key
Column, but you can also highlight any other column in the drop-down list. The default
Row Range also depends on your selection before the command, in our example it
includes all non-empty rows. The Columns To Sort should normally comprise all
columns, because the relation between individual columns gets lost if only a subset of
them is selected here. The data can be sorted in either Ascending or Descending Sort
Direction, and finally sorting can be performed in a Case Sensitive way, if the Key
Column contains strings.

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Clampfit Tutorials • 177

After sorting, scroll down until you reach the gap in between the sub- and supra-threshold
peak-to-peak amplitudes. The last sub-threshold value should be found in Row 31. To
better separate the two result blocks, select row 32 by clicking on its header and go to
Edit / Insert / Rows. Select the sub-threshold Rows in the “Trace” column and Sort
them in an Ascending manner. Tile the Results- and the Analysis Windows vertically,
activate the Analysis Window and go to View / Select Sweeps. In the By Selection field,
highlight those sweeps whose numbers are in the Trace column now, all the time holding
down the <Ctrl> key. Before you press OK, select By user entered list and copy the
contents of the Range field, which exactly reflects your selection, to the Windows
clipboard. Depending on your application window size, you might have to select the
sweeps in two portions, scrolling down in the Results Window. This can easily be done,
if you again press <Ctrl> before you start highlighting the remainder of the sweeps
during the second turn. Upon OK, only the small action potentials are on display.
Save the file as Spikes_s.abf now, making sure that the Data selection reported in the
Save Data As dialog is Visible sweeps and signals. Re-open the original data file,
adjust the baseline, align the peaks and open the select sweeps dialog once more. Paste
the clipboard contents into the Range field and press the Invert button. Your selection
now includes the sweep with the artifact (#63), so unselect it by clicking while you hold
down <Ctrl>. Then save the Visible sweeps as Spikes_l.abf for further evaluation.

Chapter 8
The Sampling Theorem in Clampfit • 179

Chapter 9


(See Definitions in the Appendices section).

The sampling theorem states that an analog signal can be completely reproduced by
regularly spaced samples if the sampling frequency is at least 2 times that of the highest
frequency component in the signal. Thus the minimum sampling interval T is given by

2 fh

where fh is the highest frequency component. For example, if the highest frequency
component in an analog signal is 5000 Hz, the sampling rate should be at least 10,000
times per second if the signal is to be faithfully reproduced.
The maximum frequency f h in an analog signal is generally referred to as the Nyquist
frequency. The minimum sampling rate of 2f h samples per second that is theoretically
required to accurately reproduce the analog signal is referred to as the Nyquist rate. If the
sampling rate is less than the Nyquist rate then two types of errors are introduced. The
first is that high frequency information will be irretrievably lost. The second is the
introduction of artificial low frequency components, referred to as aliasing.

Aliasing is especially problematic if there are periodic components in the analog signal.
This is illustrated in the following figure which represents a 2500 Hz sine wave sampled
at a rate of 2000 Hz (two-fifths the Nyquist rate). The sampling points are shown as dark

Chapter 9
180 • The Sampling Theorem in Clampfit

squares. Note that the reconstructed 500 Hz waveform (heavy line) is only one-fifth the
frequency of the original signal.

In the real world information regarding the exact spectral composition of analog signals
will rarely be available, especially in the presence of noise. To avoid distortion of the
digital signal by frequencies that are above the Nyquist limit, a value of f h should be
selected in accordance with the particular experimental requirements, and the analog
signal should be lowpass filtered before sampling to reject frequencies above f h. Filters
applied in this way are known as anti-aliasing filters or guard filters.

In practice, it is common to sample at a rate significantly faster than the minimum rate
specified by the sampling theorem. This is known as oversampling. Exactly how much
oversampling should be used depends on the experiment.
For experiments where the data will be analyzed in the frequency domain (for example,
noise analysis or impedance analysis), it is common to oversample only modestly. The
main concern is to reduce or prevent aliasing, which is accomplished by introducing an
anti-aliasing filter between the signal source and the analog-to-digital converter to control
the bandwidth of the data.
The factor of twice the analog bandwidth required by the sampling theorem is only
applicable if the anti-aliasing filter is ideal, that is, the gain in the pass band is unity and
in the stop band it abruptly changes to zero. Ideal filters cannot be realized although they

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The Sampling Theorem in Clampfit • 181

can be closely approximated. However, all filters will pass a fraction of the signal
spectrum that exceeds the corner frequency. Consequently, it is necessary to sample at a
rate that is above the Nyquist limit.
For frequency domain analysis it is common to use sharp cutoff filters such as
Butterworth or Chebyshev realizations. Sampling is typically performed at 2.5 times the
filter bandwidth. For example, if the data are filtered at 10 kHz they should be sampled
at about 25 kHz. Slower sampling rates are unacceptable. Faster sampling rates are
acceptable but offer little advantage and increase the storage and analysis requirements.

For experiments where the data will be analyzed in the time domain (for example, pulse
analysis or I/V curves) greater oversampling is required. This is because reconstruction
of the analog signal requires not only an ideal anti-aliasing filter but also an ideal
reconstruction filter. The simplest and mode common reconstruction filter is to join each
sample by a straight line. Other techniques, such as cubic spline interpolation, can be
used but as such techniques demand much heavier computational requirements they are
rarely employed.
There is no golden rule to tell you how fast to sample data for time-domain analysis, but
in general 5 times the analog bandwidth is common, and 10 times is regarded as good.
Sampling at 20 times the analog bandwidth is excessive and would only rarely be used.

Chapter 9
Clampfit Digital Filters • 183

Chapter 10


(See Definitions in the Appendices section).

In the context of digital signal processing, a system is something that operates on one or
more inputs to produce one or more outputs. A “digital filter” is defined as a system (in
the case of Clampfit, a software algorithm) that operates on digitized data to either pass
or reject a defined frequency range. The objective of digital filtering is to remove
undesirable frequency components from a digitized signal with minimal distortion of the
components of interest.
There will be instances when it is necessary to filter experimental data after they have
been digitized. For example, you might want to remove random noise or line frequency
interference from the signal of interest. To this end, Clampfit offers several types of
digital filters.
The lowpass filters include Bessel (8 pole), boxcar, Butterworth (8 pole), Chebyshev
(8 pole), Gaussian, a single pole RC and an 8-coincident-pole RC. The highpass filters
include Bessel (8 pole) and 8-coincident-pole RC. The Gaussian and boxcar filters are
finite impulse response (FIR) filters while the Bessel, Butterworth, Chebyshev and RC
filters are infinite impulse response (IIR) filters (see Finite vs. Infinite Impulse Response
A notch filter is available to reject a narrow band of frequencies and an electrical
interference filter is provided to reject 50 or 60 Hz line frequencies and their harmonics.

Chapter 10
184 • Clampfit Digital Filters

Finite vs. Infinite Impulse Response Filters

Digital filters can be broadly grouped into finite impulse response (FIR) filters and
infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. FIR filters are also referred to as “nonrecursive”
filters while IIR filters are referred to as “recursive” filters.
The output of FIR filters depends only on the present and previous inputs. The general
“recurrence formula” for an FIR filter, which is used repeatedly to find successive values
of y, is given by M
yn = ∑ bk xn − k
k =0

where y[n] is the output value for the n point x and bk is the kth of M filter coefficients.

In the case of the Gaussian and boxcar filters in Clampfit, the M points ahead of the
current point are also used, giving a general recurrence formula of
yn = ∑ bk xn − k
k =−M

where the “filter width” is 2 x M + 1 points.

The disadvantage of FIR filters is that they can be computationally inefficient as they
might require several tens, hundreds or even thousands of coefficients depending on the
filter characteristics. The advantages are that FIR filters are inherently stable because
there is no feedback and they possess ideal linear phase characteristics, exhibiting no
phase distortion. That is, all frequency components passing through the filter are subject
to the same pure time delay. On the other hand, the output of IIR filters depends on one
or more of the previous output values as well as on the input values. That is, unlike FIR
filters, IIR filters involve feedback. The general recurrence formula for an IIR filter is
given by N M
yn = ∑ a j yn − j + ∑ bk xn − k
j =1 k =0

where a and b are the N and M filter coefficients where “a” represents the feedback
coefficients. Note that the value of y for a given point n depends on the values of
previous outputs y[n-1] to y[n-N] as well as the input values of x.

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 185

The major advantage of IIR filters is that they are computationally more efficient, and
therefore much faster, than IIR filters. The disadvantages are that IIR filters can become
unstable if the feedback coefficients are unsuitable, and recursive filters cannot achieve
the linear phase response that is characteristic of FIR filters. Therefore, all IIR filters will
introduce a phase delay to the filtered data.
The problem of potential instability of IIR filters is solved in Clampfit by limiting the
cutoff frequencies for all filter types to a range where the response will always be stable
(see Cutoff Frequency Limitations). However, the phase delay is not corrected.
The Nyquist rate (see The Sampling Theorem) has important consequences for digital
filtering in that the maximum analog frequency that a digital system can represent is
given by
fh =
where T is the minimum sampling interval and f h is the Nyquist frequency.
As a consequence of this, the maximum filter cutoff frequency of digital filters is limited
to one-half the sampling rate. That is, the ratio of the cutoff frequency to the sampling
rate (fc/fs) cannot exceed 0.5. In fact, only the Gaussian and single pole RC filters can
realize an fc/fs ratio as high as 0.5; the Bessel, Butterworth, Chebyshev and notch IIR
filters are limited to values that are somewhat lower than this because of performance
degradation at higher fc/fs ratios (see Cutoff Frequency Limitations).

The fc/fs ratio limitation should not present a problem if anti-alias filtering and
oversampling is judiciously applied. For example, with a lowpass anti-aliasing filter
cutoff of 4 kHz and a sampling rate of 40 kHz, an fc/fs ratio limited to as low as 0.1 will
allow a maximum cutoff frequency of 4 kHz, which is well above any useful cutoff
frequency that might be applied to this particular digitized record.

Digital Filter Characteristics

An ideal filter would have a rectangular magnitude response with no attenuation in the
passband and full attenuation in the stopband. However, ideal filters are noncausal in that
the present output depends on future values of the input. They are, therefore, not

Chapter 10
186 • Clampfit Digital Filters

realizable. However, realizable digital filters can approximate ideal filters in that the
output can be delayed for a finite interval until all of the required inputs have entered the
system and become available for determination of the output. Different filter types will
optimize different characteristics of the ideal filter that they are meant to approximate.
Therefore, the application of a particular filter type should be carefully considered in
view of the specific requirements at hand.
Most filters introduce a time lag between the input and output signals. Depending on the
filter type, some frequencies will be subjected to a greater lag than others. As a
consequence the output signal will be distorted to some degree. This distortion takes the
form of “ringing” and “overshoot” in the filter output given a step function input (e.g., a
square pulse). Filters that introduce equal time lags for all frequencies are said to have a
constant group delay. Such filters exhibit minimal ringing and overshoot.
A filter can be characterized by its cutoff frequency and steepness of response. In the
Clampfit filters the cutoff frequency is defined as the frequency at which the signal
amplitude decreases by a factor of 2. This corresponds to a drop in power of 1 / √2, or
–3 decibels (dB).
The steepness of a filter “rolloff” defines the rate at which a signal is attenuated beyond
the cutoff frequency. It is desirable to have as steep a roll off as possible so that
unwanted frequencies are maximally attenuated. However, filters that are designed for
maximally steep rolloffs necessarily sacrifice constant group delay characteristics, and
therefore exhibit ringing and overshoot.
The steepness of a filter response is also a function of its order (number of poles), the
higher the filter order the steeper the response. Apart from the single pole RC filter, The
IIR filters in Clampfit are 8 pole realizations.

End Effects
All software filters will exhibit “end effects” at the beginning and/or end of a data record.
In the case of the boxcar and Gaussian filters, end effects occur at both ends of the record
because these filters use both previous and succeeding points to filter the current point.
Clearly, at the beginning of the record only succeeding points are available. These filters

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 187

are, therefore, phased in progressively as previous points become available. Towards the
end of the record less and less following points become available so the filter is
progressively phased out. The filter coefficients are adjusted during these phases in
accordance with the available number of points. Filters with fewer coefficients will
exhibit shorter end effects as the full operating width overlaps a fewer number of
points. The number of settling points required for the Gaussian and boxcar filters is
(filter length – 1) / 2. In the case of the Gaussian the filter length is equal to the number
of coefficients while in the case of the boxcar the filter length is equal to the number of
averaging points.
IIR filters will exhibit startup-transients only. Since these filters do not use points ahead
of the current point for the filter output there will be no phase-out transient. The output
of these filters depends on previous outputs as well as the current input. Therefore, a
certain number of points must be processed before these filters reach stability.
The rise time (Tr) of a lowpass filter can be estimated from Tr = 0.35/fc. As the filter
settles to within about 10% of its final value in one rise time, a duration of 3*Tr will be
sufficient to allow the filter to reach 0.1% of its final value, requiring about (3 x 0.35 / fc)
x fs points.

Bessel Lowpass Filter (8 pole) Specifications

10-90% step rise time = 0.3396/fc
Maximum overshoot = 0.4%
Attenuation: 114 dB at f=10fc
A Bessel lowpass filter has a maximally flat response over the entire frequency range
(constant group delay characteristics), exhibiting minimal overshoot and ringing in
response to a step function. As all frequencies are delayed equally the shape of the
original signal is preserved. Because of these characteristics, Bessel filters are most
commonly used for time-domain analysis of biological data, where the preservation of
the shape of the original signal is critical.

Chapter 10
188 • Clampfit Digital Filters

Expected vs. Observed Overshoot

100 mV step pulse, fs=10 kHz
Expected Observed

Overshoot (%)

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

fc/fs Ratio

Expected vs. Observed Rise Times

100 mV step pulse, fs=10 kHz
Expected Observed

Rise Time (ms)


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

fc/fs Ratio

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 189

Normalized Frequency Response

Attenuation (dB)





0.1 1 10

Normalized Frequency

Boxcar Smoothing Filter Specifications

Smoothing filters are generally used to remove high frequency components from slowly-
varying signals and are therefore lowpass filters. The boxcar smoothing filter uses the
average of the current point and a given number of previous and succeeding points to
replace the value of the current point. The recurrence formula for a boxcar filter is
M xn − k
yn = ∑
k =−M P
where xn is the nth point to be filtered (at k=0), P is the number of smoothing points (the
filter width) and M = P / 2 – 1. The boxcar filter does not introduce a time lag.

Like the other filters, the boxcar filter also attenuates the signal, the degree of attenuation
is directly proportional to the frequency of the signal and the number of smoothing
points. The following figure compares the attenuation of 10, 50 and 100 and 500 Hz sine
waves (sampled at 10 kHz) at various filter lengths:

Chapter 10
190 • Clampfit Digital Filters

Boxcar Filter Attenuation vs. Number of Smoothing Points

10 Hz 50 Hz 100 Hz 500 Hz

Attenuation (dB)




0 20 40 60 80 100

Filter Length (smoothing points)

Note that filtering periodic signals with the boxcar filter can introduce a periodic
attenuation response, as seen with the 500 Hz signal. This occurs because the filter
output for the current point is the mean of its value and the values of its immediate
neighbors. The output will, therefore, depend on the relative proportion of high and low
data values within a given filter length.

Butterworth Lowpass Filter (8 pole) Specifications

10-90% step rise time = 0.46/fc
Maximum overshoot = 16.0.%
Attenuation: 160 dB at f=10fc
The Butterworth lowpass filter has a maximally flat response at low frequencies and a
monotonically decreasing amplitude response with increasing frequency. The group
delay is not constant so the Butterworth filter exhibits ringing and a substantial overshoot
in response to a step function. This filter, however, has sharper roll-off characteristics
than the Bessel filter. It is, therefore, better suited than the Bessel for frequency domain
applications such as noise analysis. However, because of its non-constant group delay

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 191

characteristics this filter should generally not be used for time domain analysis of
biological data.

Expected vs. Observed Overshoot

100 mV step pulse, fs=10 kHz

Expected Observed


Overshoot (%)



0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

fc/fs Ratio

Expected vs. Observed Rise Times

100 mV step pulse, fs=10 kHz

Expected Observed

Rise Time (ms)


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

fc/fs Ratio

Chapter 10
192 • Clampfit Digital Filters

Normalized Frequency Response

Attenuation (dB)



0.1 1 10

Normalized Frequency

Chebyshev Lowpass Filter (8 pole) Specifications

10-90% step rise time = 0.53/fc
Maximum overshoot = 16.0.%
Attenuation: 193 dB at f=10fc
The Chebyshev lowpass filter has a maximally sharp transition from the passband to the
stopband. This sharp transition is accomplished at the expense of ripples that are
introduced into the response. The Chebyshev filter in Clampfit has a fixed ripple of 1 dB.
Like the Butterworth, the sharp roll-off characteristics of the Chebyshev filter make it
suitable for analysis of data in the frequency domain, such as noise analysis. Although
the Chebyshev filter has a sharper roll-off than the Butterworth, it exhibits an even larger
overshoot and more ringing. Therefore, it is also not generally suitable for time domain
analysis of biological data.

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 193

Expected vs. Observed Overshoot

100 mV step pulse, fs=10 kHz

Expected Observed



Overshoot (%)




0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

fc/fs Ratio

Expected vs. Observed Rise Times

100 mV step pulse, fs=10 kHz

Expected Observed

Rise Time (ms)


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

fc/fs Ratio

Chapter 10
194 • Clampfit Digital Filters

Normalized Frequency Response


Attenuation (dB)



0.1 1 10

Normalized Frequency

Gaussian Lowpass Filter Specifications

10-90% step rise time = 0.3396/fc
Maximum overshoot = 0%
Attenuation: 90 dB at f=10fc
The Gaussian FIR filter forms a weighted sum of the input values to form an output value
according to the following recurrence formula:
yi = ∑ a j xi − j
j =−n

where aj are the Gaussian coefficients that sum to unity. The algorithm for and properties
of this filter are thoroughly described by D. Colquhoun and F.J. Sigworth in Chapter 19,
Fitting and Statistical Analysis of Single-Channel Records in Single-Channel Recording,
Second Edition. Eds. Bert Sakmann & Erwin Neher, Plenum, New York, 1995.
The Gaussian filter is particularly suited for filtering biological data for analysis in the
time domain as it produces no overshoot or ringing and introduces no phase delay. The
disadvantage is that it can be slow at high fc/fs ratios where the number of filter
coefficients is large.

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 195

Expected vs. Observed Rise Times

100 mV step pulse, fs=10 kHz

Expected Observed

Rise Time (ms)


0.001 0.01 0.1

fc/fs Ratio

Normalized Frequency Response

Attenuation (dB)





0.1 1 10

Normalized Frequency

Chapter 10
196 • Clampfit Digital Filters

Notch Filter (2 pole) Specifications

The number of poles of the notch filter is fixed at two. This filter) has essentially zero
gain (-inf db) at its center frequency and about unity (0db) elsewhere. The notch filter
has approximately zero phase shift except at its center frequency, at which the phase shift
is undefined (because the gain is zero). In both respects (magnitude and phase) the
resonator behaves like a “real” analogue tuned circuit.
The following figure shows the frequency response of the notch filter with a 60 Hz center
frequency with a 10 Hz -3 dB width.

Notch Filter Frequency Response (60 Hz center frequency, 10 Hz -3 dB width)


Attenuation (dB)






40 50 60 70 80

Frequency (Hz)

Settling Points
The -3 dB width has a significant influence on the number of points required for the
notch filter to settle, the narrower the notch the greater the number of settling points. For
example, for a 60 Hz sine wave sampled at frequency of 1 kHz, applying a 60Hz notch
filter with a 1 Hz -3 dB width requires 2000 sampling points for the filter to reduce the

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 197

amplitude to 0.1% of its original value (-60 dB). In contrast, a 60 Hz notch filter with a
10 Hz -3 dB width requires only 200 points.
The number of settling points also increases with increasing sampling frequency. For
example, a notch filter with a -3 dB width of 10Hz requires 2000 settling points for data
sampled at 10 kHz compared to 200 for data sampled at 1 kHz.
The relationship between the number of settling points (Ps) and the sampling frequency
(fs) and -3 dB notch width (W-3dB) is given by

2 fs
Ps =

for attenuation of the center frequency by 60 dB.

RC Lowpass Filter (single pole) Specifications

10-90% step rise time = 0.3501/fc
Maximum overshoot = 0%
Attenuation: 20 dB at f=10fc
The RC filter function is equivalent to that of a simple first-order electrical filter mad up
of a single resistor and a single capacitor. The RC filter introduces a phase delay to the
output, but the group delay is constant so that there is no ringing or overshoot.
The recurrence formula for this filter is

Y (n) = X (n) + W + (Y (n − 1) − X (n − 1))

where Y(n) is the current output, X(n) is the current data point, Y(n-1) is the output for
the previous point and
W = e− dt τ where τ = 1 2πf

where dt is the sampling interval and f is the -3 dB cutoff frequency.

Chapter 10
198 • Clampfit Digital Filters

Expected vs. Observed Rise Times

100 mV step pulse, fs=10 kHz

Expected Observed

Rise Time (ms)


0.001 0.01 0.1

fc/fs Ratio

Normalized Frequency Response

Attenuation (dB)



0.1 1 10 100

Normalized Frequency

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 199

RC Lowpass Filter (8 pole) Specifications

10-90% step rise time = 0.34/fc
Maximum overshoot = 0%
Attenuation: 80 dB at f=10fc
The 8-pole RC filter is a “multiple coincident pole” realization where the data points are
filtered by applying 8 single pole RC sections in succession. The recurrence formula for
this filter is, therefore, identical to that of the single pole RC filter except that the output
from each previous pole is used as the input for the successive pole, where

Y (n) = X (n p ) + W + (Y (n p − 1) − X (n p − 1))

for p=1 to 8, where Y(n) is the output from the current pole, X(np) is the filter output of
the previous pole for the current point, Y(np-1) is the output from the previous pole for
the previous point and

W = e − dt τ where τ = 1 2π( f f N )

where fN is the normalized cutoff frequency. With the coincident pole design the cutoff
frequency rises as the order of the filter is increased. The normalized cutoff frequency,
fN, is given by
fN = 1
21 / n − 1
where n is the order (number of poles) of the filter. For an 8 pole filter this value is
3.32397. The specified cutoff frequency must be divided by the normalization factor in
order to adjust the positions of the multiple poles. A consequence of this is that the
maximum the maximum fc/fs ratio must be limited to the Nyquist frequency (fc/fs = 0.5)
divided by the normalized cutoff frequency, or 0.5 / 3.32397 = 0.15.

Chapter 10
200 • Clampfit Digital Filters

Expected vs. Observed Rise Times

100 mV step pulse, fs=10 kHz

Expected Observed

Rise Time (ms)



0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

fc/fs Ratio

Normalized Frequency Response


Attenuation (dB)





0.1 1 10

Normalized Frequency

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampfit Digital Filters • 201

RC Highpass Filter (single pole) Specifications

Attenuation: 20 dB at f=0.1fc
The single pole RC highpass filter operates by subtracting the lowpass response from the
data. This is valid in this case because of the constant group delay characteristics of the
single pole RC filter. The recurrence formula for this filter is, therefore,
Y (n) = X (n) − [ X (n) + W + (Y (n − 1) − X (n − 1))]
where Y(n) is the current output, X(n) is the current data point, Y(n-1) is the output for
the previous point and

W = e− dt τ where τ = 1 2πf

where dt is the sampling interval and f is the -3 dB cutoff frequency.

Normalized Frequency Response

Attenuation (dB)





0.1 1 10 100

Normalized Frequency

Chapter 10
202 • Clampfit Digital Filters

Bessel Highpass Filter (8 pole analog) Specifications

Attenuation: 114 dB at f=0.1fc
The highpass Bessel filter has a sharper rolloff than the highpass RC filter. However, the
Bessel filter deviates from ideal behavior in that it introduces ringing in the response to a
step function, as shown below.

Highpass Bessel Filter Step Response

100 mV step pulse (dotted line), fs=10 kHz, fC=100 Hz



Amplitude (mV)







0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Time (ms)

Normalized Frequency Response



Attenuation (dB)





0.1 1 10

Normalized Frequency

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 203

The Electrical Interference Filter

The electrical interference (EI) Filter removes power line interference from an acquired
data signal. This filter identifies and removes complex power line waveforms composed
of multiple harmonics. The interference detection method is adaptive, that is, the filter
will always match the actual line signal even if its properties (frequency, phase and
shape) change during measurement.
The core component of the EI filter is the sine detector which discriminates sinusoids
from other additive signal components. The sine detector generates a reference sine wave
and adjusts its phase until it locks to a specific line interference harmonic. The EI filter
uses an array of sine detectors, one for each harmonic of the interference waveform.
The sine detector basically operates as a digital Phase Locked Loop (PLL) tuned to line
frequency (50/60 Hz) or its multiple. The correlator (phase detector) detects phase
difference between the reference and actual line harmonic. This phase difference is used
as a feedback signal to adjust the reference phase until a perfect match is achieved.

Reference signals, each locked to a specific interference harmonic, are subtracted from
the original signal, thus canceling out the complete interference waveform.

1. The line interference and the data signal are statistically independent, i.e.,
2. The line signal x(n) is stationary across at least M of its periods. We can assume
that the line signal does not significantly change when observed at any M of its
3. The measured signal s(n) is the sum of data signal y(n) with scaled and phase
shifted (delayed) version of the line signal: s(n) = y(n) + Ax(n-d)

Chapter 10
204 • Clampfit Digital Filters

Problem Statement
We want to identify line signal x(n) incorporated inside s(n). We assume that line signal
is composed of a certain number of sinusoids with harmonic frequencies. According to
assumption 3, we need to determine A and d for each harmonic.

Basic Theory
In order to detect the line signal we will use the fact that data signal y(n) and line signal
x(n) are uncorrelated. Practically, we say that cross correlation Rxy is equal to zero:

1 M∆
Rxy (d ) = ∑ y (i) x(i − d ) = 0
M∆ i =0
for each d, where ∆ is the number of samples per period of the line signal. In order to
keep the argument as simple as possible, we will use term “correlation” Rxy meaning in
most places actually “covariance”, implicitly assuming all signals to have zero DC
The correlation of the line signal x(n) and the measured signal s(n) should equal to:

R xs (d ) = R xy (d ) + Rxx (d )

where Rxx is the autocorrelation of the line signal. Since Rxy is equal to zero, we
conclude that if we correlate the line signal and measured signal, we will obtain the
autocorrelation of the line signal. The autocorrelation function Rxx(d) is even and its
maximum is at d=0. Furthermore, since x(n) is periodic, Rxx is also periodic with the
same period.
We use the above argument to determine both the delay d and the scale A of the line
signal inside the measured signal (see assumption 3). The above discussion holds for our
specific situation if we assume that x(n) is a sinusoidal reference signal.

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 205

EI Filter Block Diagram

The adaptive line interference filter block diagram for the fundamental harmonic is
shown in the following figure. The same procedure is repeated for each harmonic by
multiplying the frequency of the reference generator.

Σ Output signal
sin(ω*t + d)
(in phase) -
low pass X
Input signal X filter


low pass
X filter A = sqrt(P^2+Q^2)
Q d = atan(-Q / P)

cos(ω*t + d)

shift d


50/60 Hz Reference

Chapter 10
206 • Clampfit Digital Filters

The low pass filter is implemented as the simple average over M line periods. The
average of the product of two signals, as in correlation definition, is equal to applying a
low pass filter with box impulse response, or sin(x)/x transfer function.
The critical parameter for correlator performance is the averaging period M. The higher
the value of M, the lower the bandwidth of the equivalent low pass filter. By keeping the
bandwidth as low as possible, we reduce the correlation estimate error. Since we
ultimately need to estimate the autocorrelation of the periodic signal x(n), the averaging
period should be equal to a whole number of line signal periods M.
The EI-filter generates a reference sine wave for each detected harmonic up to the
maximum specified harmonic search number and subtracts reference waveforms from the
signal, thereby canceling line interference. Ideally, each reference sinusoid exactly
matches the corresponding interference harmonic both in phase and amplitude, resulting
in the perfect cancellation of line interference.
A practical EI-filter never exactly detects phase and amplitude of interference harmonics.
After subtraction of the generated reference sinusoids any discrepancy in amplitude and
phase will result in artifact sinusoids, that is, components that were not present in the
original signal. After filtering, artifactual components actually replace the original line
harmonics. When harmonic detection is good, the total power of artifact components
after filtering is much lower than line interference power in the original signal.

Harmonic detection errors come from noise and data signal components at line harmonic
frequencies (multiples of 50/60Hz). Generally, noise errors are less significant and can
be successfully reduced by increasing the number of cycles to average. A more
significant source of EI-filter errors are original data signal components that fall at or
close to 50/60 HZ multiples (data signal leak).

Weak Harmonics
Weak line harmonics in the presence of noise cannot be accurately detected. In extreme
cases EI-filtering artifact power for the single weak harmonic can be larger than the
actual harmonic power. In such cases it might be better to reduce the harmonic search
number in order to exclude weak harmonics. Also, increasing the number of cycles to

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 207

average will always improve harmonic detection (if the noise is the main error source).
However, excessively large number of cycles to average will negatively affect execution
speed, tracking performance and startup transient compensation.

Data Signal Components

Any periodic components in the data signal with frequencies at or very close to
50/60Hz multiples will leak through the EI-filter harmonic detectors and will
produce false line interference harmonics.
The figure below shows the result of filtering a pure (no noise and no line
interference) square wave at 10Hz with the harmonic search number set to 3 and
reference frequency set to auto.

Since a 10Hz square wave has strong components at multiples of 10Hz, the
EI-filter locked on to the 5th (50Hz), 10th (100Hz) and 15th (150Hz) harmonics,
generating prominent artifacts.

Strong and sharp pulses in the data signal may produce artifacts in the
EI-filtering process. Sharp pulses (spikes) have significant components at all
frequencies including 50/60Hz multiples. If the spike amplitude is two (or more)

Chapter 10
208 • Clampfit Digital Filters

orders of magnitude larger than actual line interference amplitude, the EI-filter
will produce false line harmonics after the spike in the region whose size is equal
to the number of cycles to average.
In the example below the EI-filter was used at 10 harmonics with 50 cycles to
average. Spike amplitude (not shown in full) was more than 200 mV. Notice the
false line harmonics in the second figure.

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 209

Start-up Transients
Start-up transients are spurious, rapidly changing false harmonics at the very beginning
of the filtered signal. When processing samples at the beginning of the signal file EI-filter
does not have enough information to accurately detect line harmonics. With every new
processed sample the detection becomes better and better and the start-up transient
becomes smaller and smaller. The filter reaches its steady state after a time equal to
number of cycles to average.
The EI-filter automatically compensates for start-up transients by turning off reference
subtraction until it reaches its steady state. When it reaches steady state after the
specified number of cycles to average the EI-filter assumes that line interference
parameters are accurately detected and filters the signal backwards using current
reference parameters.

Potential Problems
The filter is too slow
When dealing with large data sets and high sampling rates the filter might be
slow. If filtering is unacceptable slow try the following:
Check if it is necessary to remove all harmonics specified in the harmonics field.
Try removing only the first harmonic, and if the result is not satisfactory,
increase the harmonic number and try again. The removal of the first three
harmonics will often sufficiently reduce the interference.
Decrease the value in the “Cycles to average” field. Often, smaller averaging
lengths (time constants) will not significantly affect the output signal quality.

Interference is not fully removed

If the line interference is not fully removed try the following:
If residual interference contains high frequencies then it is might be necessary to
increase the value of the upper harmonic to be removed.
If the fundamental line harmonic is still visible in the output signal then the
number of cycles to average should be increased.

Chapter 10
210 • Clampfit Digital Filters

Cutoff Frequency Limitations

All digital filters have inherent limitations, and in some cases deviate significantly from
their analog counterparts. The filters in Clampfit have been restricted to an fc/fs ratio
where the filter response is reasonably close to the theoretically expected response.
1. The theoretical frequency range of digital filters is between 0 and the Nyquist
frequency, which is one-half of the sampling frequency. This applies to all filters
when filtering sampled data. However, the usable range of most software filters is
considerably narrower than this theoretical range. The usable range depends on the
nature of the filter (FIR or IIR) and the filter algorithm.
2. The overshoot during a step response is a characteristic feature of Bessel,
Butterworth and Chebyshev low-pass filters. For analog filters, the magnitude of
the overshoot is constant over the full operating range. For digital IIR filters,
however, the overshoot becomes increasingly larger as the ratio of fc/fs increases.
3. The operating range of the Gaussian FIR filter is limited at the low end by a
practical, rather than theoretical, limitation. Low ratios fc/fs result in the generation
of a large number of filter coefficients. This creates two problems. The first is that
smaller data sets cannot be accurately filtered because the filter length might be
greater than the number of data points. The second is that the large number of
coefficients is computationally inefficient. The number of Gaussian coefficients is
inversely proportional to the fc/fs ratio where a lower cutoff frequency requires a
greater number of coefficients for the filter realization.

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Clampfit Digital Filters • 211

The following table lists the numerical limitations for each filter type. The lower and
upper cutoff frequencies are expressed as a factor times the sampling frequency (fs).
These limits are internally set by the filter algorithm and cannot be altered.

Filter Type Lower Cutoff Limit Upper Cutoff Limit

Bessel (8 pole IIR) 10-4 x fs 0.14 x fs

Boxcar (FIR) Note 1 n/a
Butterworth (8 pole IIR) 10-4 x fs 0.2 x fs

Chebyshev (8 pole IIR) 10-4 x fs 0.2 x fs

Electrical Interference Note 2 n/a
Gaussian (FIR) 10-4 x fs (Note 3) 0.5 x fs

Notch (2 pole IIR) 10-3 x fs 0.3 x fs

RC (single pole IIR) 10-4 x fs 0.5 x fs
RC(8 pole IIR) 10-4 x fs 0.15 x fs (Note 4)

Note 1. The boxcar filter requires that the number of smoothing points be specified.
This must be an odd number in order for the filter to be symmetrical. The
minimum number of smoothing points is 3. The maximum number of
smoothing points is 99. However, the maximum number of smoothing points is
also limited by the number of data points, n, such that the filter width is at least
n/2. So if there are 50 data points the maximum number of smoothing points is
50 / 2 = 25. If this formula generates an even number then the maximum
number of smoothing points will be one less. For example, if there are 52 data
points, then the maximum number of smoothing points will be 50 / 2 - 1 = 25.

Note 2. The electrical interference filter does not have a lower or upper cutoff
frequency limit as it is pre-set to remove either 50Hz or 60Hz interference and

Chapter 10
212 • Clampfit Digital Filters

the associated harmonics (see Electrical Interference Filter). However, there

is a data point minimum as this filter requires a specific number of points to
reach steady state. This minimum is given by minimum points = samples per
period x cycles to average where the samples per period is the sampling
frequency divided by the reference frequency (50Hz or 60Hz) and cycles to
average is the number of cycles of the reference frequency which are averaged
in the response. For example, for a sampling rate of 1kHz, a reference
frequency of 60Hz and 20 cycles to average the minimum number of data
points required is 1000 / 60 x 20 = 334 data points.
Note 3. The Gaussian filter width (see Finite vs. Infinite Impulse Response Filters)
depends on the fc/fs ratio; the lower this ratio the greater the number of
Gaussian coefficients (see Gaussian Lowpass Filter). In view of this, two
criteria are used to limit the lower cutoff frequency. The first is that there must
be enough data points to accommodate at least two Gaussian filter widths. That
is, the minimum corner frequency will correspond to a filter width that is less
than or equal to one-half the number of available data points. The second is
that the maximum number of Gaussian coefficients is limited to approximately
3500. This limit, which corresponds to an fc/fs ratio of about 3 x 10-4, is not
exact because the automatically computed minimum corner ratio is generally
rounded up. Therefore, the minimum corner ratio might correspond to a
number of coefficients that is somewhat more or less than the 3500 limit.
Note 4. The 8 pole RC filter is a “multiple coincident pole” design where the -3 dB
cutoff frequency rises with each pole by an amount given by

fN = 1
21 / n − 1
where fN is the normalized cutoff frequency and n is the number of poles.
Therefore, for an 8 coincident pole filter the normalized cutoff frequency is
actually 3.32397 times the specified cutoff frequency. (see RC Lowpass Filter
(8 pole)). Consequently, the maximum fc/fs ratio must be limited to the Nyquist
frequency (fc/fs = 0.5) divided by the normalized cutoff frequency, or 0.5 /
3.32397 = 0.15.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Digital Spectral Analysis in Clampfit • 213

Chapter 11


Digital spectral analysis involves the decomposition of a signal into its frequency
components. The purpose of such analysis is to reveal information that is not apparent in
the time domain representation of the signal. To this end the Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) is generally used because of its speed. The Fourier transform is based on the
concept, first advanced by Jean Baptiste Joseph, Baron de Fourier, that nonperiodic
signals can be considered as the integral of sinusoids that are not harmonically related.

The FFT samples in the frequency domain, just as a digital signal is sampled in the time
domain. A signal processed by the FFT yields a set of spectral coefficients that can be
regarded as samples of the underlying continuous spectral function. Although long
transforms might look like a continuous spectrum they, in fact, consist of discrete
coefficients that define the “line spectrum” of the signal. The line spectrum indicates the
“amount” of the various frequencies that are contained in the signal.

The Fourier Series

For a periodic digital signal x, the coefficients of the spectral distribution can be
represented by the Fourier Series, which is defined by

1 N −1
ak = ∑ x[n] e − j 2πkn / N (1)
N n=0

Chapter 11
214 • Digital Spectral Analysis in Clampfit

where, for samples x = x0 to xN-1, ai is the kth spectral component, or harmonic, j is a

complex number and N is the number of sample values in each period of the signal. The
real and imaginary parts of the coefficients generated by this function can be expressed
separately by writing the exponential as

cos(2πkn N ) − j sin(2πkn N )

If x[n] is a real function of n the coefficient values, except for a0, will be symmetrical.
The real parts of coefficient a0 will be unique, but the real parts of coefficients a1 and aN-1
will be identical as will the real parts of a2 and aN-1, and so forth. Likewise the imaginary
parts will also follow this pattern except that the sign will change so that a1 = -aN-1, and so
forth. The imaginary part of coefficient a0 (the zero-frequency coefficient) will always be
zero. This symmetry extends to coefficients outside the range 0 to N-1 in both the
positive and negative direction. For example, coefficients aN to a2N-1 will be identical to
coefficients a0 to aN-1. Thus periodic digital signals have spectra that repeat indefinitely
along the frequency axis. This is also true for nonperiodic signals which are more likely
to be encountered in the real world (see The Fourier Transform).
A periodic digital signal with N samples per period can, therefore, be completely
specified by in the frequency domain by a set of N harmonics. In fact, if x[n] is real then
only half this number is required because of the inherent symmetry in the coefficient
Fourier analysis is concerned with determining the amount of each frequency that is
present. This appears ambiguous for a digital signal since a whole set of spectral
representations are possible. However, this is not a problem because spectra that are
produced by digital Fourier analysis repeat indefinitely along the frequency axis, so only
the first of these repetitions is sufficient to define the frequency content of the underlying
signal, so long as the Sampling Theorem is obeyed (see The Sampling Theorem).
If the “transform length” N contains an integral number of cycles then the natural
periodicity of the signal is retained and the each component of the spectrum will occupy a
definite harmonic frequency. This is because the natural periodicity of each component
is preserved during spectral analysis. However, if x[n] contains sinusoids that do not
display an exact number of periods between 0 and N then the resultant spectrum will

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Digital Spectral Analysis in Clampfit • 215

display discontinuities when repeated end-on end. Because of these discontinuities the
spectrum will display a spreading of energy, or “spectral leakage”. In the real world,
signals rarely if ever will be so cooperative as to arrange themselves in integral numbers
of cycles over a given transform length. Thus spectral leakage will, in general, always be
a problem. Fortunately, there are procedures that can minimize such leakage (see

The Fourier Transform

Most practical digital signals will not be periodic. Even naturally occurring repetitive
signals will display some degree of variation in frequency or amplitude. Such signals are
evaluated using the Fourier Transform, which is closely related to the Fourier Series
defined by equation (1).
Equation (1) applies strictly to a periodic signal with per a period N. However, we can
modify this equation to apply to non-periodic signals. Starting with a periodic signal of
length N, we select an arbitrary number of points in the center of the signal. We then
“stretch” the signal by adding zeros to either side of the selected points. We can continue
adding zeros until N → ∞. At this point the neighboring repetitions would have moved
to ± ∞ and we would be left with an nonperiodic signal.
If the signal is stretched in this way then the coefficients, ak, must become smaller
because of the 1/N term in equation (1). They must also come closer together in
frequency because N also appears in the denominator of the exponential. Therefore, in
the limit as N → ∞, the various harmonics become spaced extremely closely and attain
vanishingly small amplitudes. We can think of this in terms of a continuous, rather than a
discrete, spectral distribution.

Chapter 11
216 • Digital Spectral Analysis in Clampfit

As N → ∞ the product Nak remains finite although each spectral coefficient, ak, becomes
vanishingly small. We can write Nak as X. Also, the term 2πk/N can be though of as a
continuous frequency variable that can be written as Ω. Thus, equation (1) becomes
N −1
X = Nak = ∑ x[n] e − jΩn (2)

Since x[n] is now nonperiodic the limits of summation should be changed. Also, since
x[n] will exist for both positive and negative values of n we sum between n = ± ∞. We
also write X as X(Ω) to make it clear that X is a function of the frequency Ω. Therefore,
equation (2) becomes

X ( Ω ) = ∑ x[n] e − jΩn
n = −∞

which defines the Fourier Transform of the nonperiodic signal x[n].

Just as for periodic signals, the spectrum of a nonperiodic digital signal is always

The Fast Fourier Transform

Clampfit uses the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for spectral decomposition. Computing
the Fourier Transform is a computationally intensive task that requires a great deal of
redundant calculations. The Fast Fourier Transform is an algorithm that reduces these
redundant calculations, in part by decomposing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
into a number of successively shorter, interleaved DFTs.
For example, if we have signal x[n] with N points where N is a power of 2 then we can
separate x[n] into two short subsequences, each of length N/2. The first subsequence
contains the even-numbered points and the second contains odd-numbered points.
Successive decomposition of an N/2-point subsequences can be broken down until each
sequence is a simple 2-point DFT. This process is known as “decimation in time”.

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Computing the Fourier Transform at this point is still not trivial and requires factors to
account for the displacement of the points in time.
For a more complete discussion of the FFT (Lynn et al. 1994).
Clampfit uses a decimation in time FFT algorithm that requires N to be an integral power
of 2.

The Power Spectrum

The magnitude of the spectral components, S, derived by the Fourier transform is given
by the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts of the coefficients, where

Si = ai ( real ) 2 + ai (imag ) 2

Since this is the power averaged over N samples (where N is the transform (window)
length) and since only N/2 of the components are unique, the power at each sampling
point (Pi) is scaled such that, for a given sampling frequency, f

Pi = Si

The power spectrum is further scaled by the window factor, ϖ, where for a given window
function, fw, the scale factor for a window of length N is given by
∑ ( fw )
n =1
and the power, expressed in units2, is given by

Pi = Si

Chapter 11
218 • Digital Spectral Analysis in Clampfit

Finally, the total root mean square (RMS) value is computed by taking the square root of
the integral of the power spectrum, such that
RMS = ∑ Pi f / N
n =1

where f/N is value of the frequency bin width in Hz.

The limitations imposed on power spectral analysis are the following:
• The data must be sampled at evenly spaced intervals.
• The transform length must be an integral power of 2.
• The frequency spectrum will range from 0 to one-half the sampling frequency.

If all frequency components in a signal have an integral number of periods in the
transform length then each component will occupy a definite harmonic frequency,
corresponding to a single spectral coefficient. However, real-world signals will rarely be
so cooperative, containing a wide mixture of frequencies with few exact harmonics.
Thus spectral leakage (see The Fourier Series) will almost always be expected. In order
to reduce spectral leakage it is common practice to “taper” the original signal before
transformation to reduces edge discontinuities. This is done by multiplying the signal
with a “windowing function”.
The ideal window has a narrow main lobe to prevent local spectral leakage and very low
sidelobe levels to prevent more distant spreading. As it turns out, these two requirements
are in conflict. Consequently all windowing types will allow some spectral leakage.

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The simplest window is the rectangular (or “do-nothing”) window which does not alter
the signal. This window has the narrowest possible main lobe but very large side lobes,
which permit a substantial amount of spectral leakage with non-harmonics (there is no
leakage of exact harmonic components). All other windowing functions taper the data to
a greater or lesser degree.
Clampfit offers several window functions. The choice of a windowing type depends on
the nature of the signal and the type of information that is to be extracted. To assist in
this decision the window function is displayed in the dialog box along with the time
domain and frequency domain responses for each window type.

Segment Overlapping
Data can be divided into segments of equal length either for sequential processing to
reveal a trend in the power spectra with time or to average the power spectra for all
segments in order to reduce the variance. If the spectra are to be averaged then
segmenting can either be overlapped or the segments can be generated without
overlapping. Both options are available in Clampfit.
Note that the “segments” will be equal to the window length, which in turn is equal to the
FFT transform length.
If the segments are not overlapped then the reduction in the spectral variance is about
M/2 where M is the number of segments. If the segments are overlapped by 50% then
the reduction in spectral variance is about 9M/11, which is a significant improvement
over the non-overlapped case (Press et al. 1992). For example, if 10 segments are
averaged without overlapping the spectral variance would be reduced by a factor of about
5. However, with 50% overlapping the variance would be reduced by a factor of about

Chapter 11
220 • Digital Spectral Analysis in Clampfit

Transform Length vs. Display Resolution

The sampling theorem states that the highest frequency that can be contained in a digital
record is equal to one-half the sampling frequency (see The Sampling Theorem).
Therefore, the highest frequency component that can be resolved by Fourier analysis is
also only one-half the sampling frequency. Moreover, the symmetry inherent in the
spectral coefficients means that only one-half of the coefficients are required to
completely define the frequency spectrum of the digital signal. These issues are reflected
in the display of the power spectrum in Clampfit where the scale ranges from 0 to one-
half the sampling frequency. A two-sided display would simply show a symmetrical
(mirror image) distribution of spectral lines.
The transform (window) length relative to the sampling frequency will determine the
resolution of the power spectrum. In view of the restriction imposed by the frequency
resolution, the frequency scale (x-axis) for a one-sided display will range from 0 to fs/2,
where fs is the sampling frequency. The resolution is dependent on the transform length
L. For example, if fs is 10kHz and L is 512 then the frequency scale, ranging from 0 to
5000 Hz, will be divided into 256 bins (only one-half the transform length is used
because of the transform symmetry), each having a width of 19.53 Hz (5000Hz/256). If,
on the other hand, L is 56 then the frequency scale will be divided into 28 bins, each with
a width of 178.57 Hz.
The bin width, W, in the spectral display is, therefore, given by

W = fs L

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Clampfit Curve Fitting • 221

Chapter 12


Clampfit offers a powerful and flexible tool for fitting curves to data. An extensive set of
options should satisfy the most demanding requirements. Four different search methods
support a large number of “predefined” functions as well as user-defined (custom)
functions. Automatic seeding of function “parameters” is provided for the predefined
functions. Graphically assisted seeding is also available for more demanding fits that
require accurate determination of initial seed values.
A “fitting method” is composed of a search method, a minimization method and an
optional weighting method. The search method is the algorithm that reduces the
difference between the data and the fitted function. The minimization method is used to
specify the quantity that is to be minimized (or maximized in the case of maximum
The search methods include Levenberg-Marquardt, variable metric, Simplex and
The minimization methods include sum of squared errors, maximum likelihood, mean
absolute and minimax.
The weighting methods include function weighting, data weighting, bin width weighting
or no weighting.

Chapter 12
222 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

Linear and polynomial regression routines are also provided. These non-iterative
methods are automatically used when linear regression or polynomial regression is
selected from the pre-defined function list. However, custom-defined linear or
polynomial functions can only be fitted by means of one of the iterative search methods.

Fitting Model
A “fitting model”, or simply, “model” is defined as any function that is fitted to the data.
Functions with different numbers of terms are considered to be different models. For
example, a two-term exponential function and a three-term exponential function represent
different models.

Fitting to Split-clock Data

Some data might have been acquired using two different sampling rates (split clock).
Most predefined functions and all custom functions can be fitted to such data since the
fitting deals with X-Y data pairs and is unaffected by the degree of uniformity of spacing
along the X-axis. Exceptions include those predefined functions that require the x-axis to
be either normalized or converted to integers, and functions being fitted with the
Chebyshev search method, where uniform spacing along the X-axis is required.
Note that, for custom functions, it is up to you to ensure that the function will deal with
split clock data properly. If the custom function does demand uniform data spacing along
the X-axis then the fit to split-clock data will most likely be compromised.
Note that dual sample-interval data can be converted to a single sample interval by using
the Analyze/Data Reduction option.

Function Parameters
The term “parameters” refers to those coefficients of the fitting function that will be
adjusted during fitting. For example, in the following function, A, τ and C are the
function parameters. In all predefined functions the variable C is a constant offset in the
f ( x ) = Ae − t τ + C

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Parameters will or will not be adjusted by the fitting routine depending on whether they
are “free” or “fixed”, respectively. Fixed parameters, which are essentially constants,
will always be assigned a standard error of zero.

Parameter Errors
All search methods will report a standard error for each parameter in the fitting function.
Parameter errors are estimated by evaluation of a covariance matrix using Gauss-Jordan
elimination. The method of error evaluation is identical for all fitting methods, so the
results of fitting by different methods can be compared directly.
In some cases parameter errors cannot be estimated because the covariance matrix cannot
be evaluated. In this unlikely event the message “Could not compute parameter errors.”
is given in the Results Window.
Note that the parameter errors provide an estimate of the uncertainty in the determination
of the parameters themselves. They do not necessarily provide information about the
goodness of the fit. The correlation coefficient and the standard deviation of the fit are
more reliable indicators of the quality of the fit. In fact, if the fit is poor the parameter
errors are likely to be meaningless. In other words, the parameter errors are an indication
of how reliably the parameters of a given model were determined for a particular data set,
where small errors suggest that the parameter estimates are reliable regardless of the
quality of the fit. Therefore, the parameter errors can be quite small although the
deviation between the fitted curve and the data might be quite large.

Alternatively, for small data sets the parameter error estimates can be quite large (perhaps
as large or even larger than the parameter estimates themselves), but the fit, nevertheless,
can still be quite good. Clearly, statistical parameters such as estimated errors cannot be
as reliable with small data sets as with larger sets.

Fitting Failure
The fitting algorithms in Clampfit are very robust and will perform satisfactorily in most
cases. However, there is always the possibility that a fit will fail. The most likely
reasons for a fit failure are that the data are very poorly described by the fitting function
or that the initial seed values were very inaccurate. Fitting can also fail if you have

Chapter 12
224 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

enabled the option to apply sign restrictions and the search algorithm cannot assign
acceptable positive values to the function parameters. This can happen if the data cannot
be reasonably well-described by the sign-restricted fitting function.

In the event of a fit failure possible solutions are:

• Assign more accurate seeds to the fitting function. Graphical seeding should be very
helpful for this.
• Ensure that the data are indeed reasonably well-represented by the fitting function. If
not, select or define a different fitting function. Also, try a different number of terms
or run a model comparison.
• Use the variable metric search method. This search method is the most reliable for
forcing function parameters positive.
• Disable the Force parameters positive option.
• Reduce the tolerance. This could result in a poorer, although still acceptable, fit.
• Reduce the maximum number of iterations. Sometimes an acceptable fit can be
achieved (as judged by the parameter errors and the quality of the fitted curve) even
though the fit does not converge. This is especially true for Simplex, which can
continue to search for many iterations even though it is very close to the function
In the event of a failed fit the error is reported in the system Results Window. When
fitting multiple sweeps, errors do not cause execution to stop. If an error occurs while
fitting a given sweep, the error is recorded in the Results Window and fitting continues
with the next sweep. Therefore, if you have fitted a series of sweeps you should check
the fitting results to ensure that all sweeps have been successfully fitted.

Numerical Limitations
• The maximum number of data points that can be fitted is 32,768.
• The maximum number of function terms (where applicable) is 6.
• The maximum power (where applicable) is 6.

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• The maximum number of parameters in a custom function is 24.

• The maximum number of independent variables in a custom function is 6.
• Only one dependent variable is allowed in a custom function.
• The maximum number of points for functions that contain a factorial term is 170.

The fitting routines in Clampfit do not make any assumptions about the units of the data.
The variety of data sources and the potential for various data transformations makes the
automatic tracking or assignment of units virtually impossible. Consequently, units are
not displayed along with the reported parameter values. It is up to the user to determine
what the units of a particular function parameter are.

The Levenberg-Marquardt Method

The Levenberg-Marquardt method supports the least squares, mean absolute and
minimax minimization methods. The explanation given here is for least squares
minimization but the general principal is the same for all minimization functions.
The sum of squared errors (SSE) is first evaluated from initial estimates (seed values) for
the function parameters. A new set of parameters is then determined by computing a
change vector ∆P which is added to the old parameter values and the function is re-
evaluated. The value of ∆P will depend on the local curvature in the “parameter space”
which can be evaluated to determine the optimal rate and direction of descent toward the
function minimum. This process continues until the SSE is “minimized” at which time
the fit is said to have converged. The criteria by which is judged to be at its minimum are
different for the different search methods.
The Levenberg-Marquardt search method combines the properties of the steepest descent
and the Gauss-Newton methods. This is accomplished by adding a constant λ to the
diagonal elements of the Hessian matrix that is associated with the gradient on the

Chapter 12
226 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

parameter space. If λ is large the search algorithm approaches the method of steepest
descent. When λ is small the algorithm approaches the Gauss-Newton direction.
The method of steepest descent can optimally find major changes in the data and thus
works best in the early stages of the fit when the residual of the sum of squares is
changing substantially with each iteration. The Gauss-Newton method is best for
smoothing out the fit in later stages when these residuals are no longer changing
substantially (see Schreiner et al., 1985). The Levenberg-Marquardt method requires that
the first derivative of the function f(x,P) be evaluated with respect to each parameter for
each data point. These derivatives are used to evaluate the “curvature” in the local
parameter space in order to move in the direction of the perceived minimum. For
predefined functions the exact derivative is calculated. For custom functions a numerical
derivative (central difference) is computed using a step size of 10-7.
Note that as the fit progresses some steps may result in a poorer (larger) value of the SSE.
However, the general trend will be a reduction in the SSE.
The Levenberg-Marquardt method does not report SSE during the fitting process but
rather reports the standard deviation (σ). However, σ follows the same trend as the SSE,
that is, if the SSE increases then σ also increases, and vice-versa. In fact, the standard
deviation is reported by all search methods, providing a standard criterion for judging the
fitting quality regardless of the search method. The standard deviation is given by
∑ (Obs − Exp )2
i =1
n −1
where n is the number of data points, Obs is the observed value and Exp is the expected
value as calculated using the fitting function.

Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence
Convergence is reached when the parameter change vectors go to zero, which occurs
when a minimum is reached in the local parameter space. Note that because of this the
fitting function might converge to a minimum that is not necessarily the lowest (global)
minimum in the entire parameter response surface. Convergence to a local minimum

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Clampfit Curve Fitting • 227

often results in a poorly fitted curve and so is easily recognized. If you suspect that the
fit has converged on a local minimum, you should specify new fitting seed values
(graphically-assisted seeding is very useful here) and re-try the fit. Alternatively, use a
different fitting method. For example, the Simplex search method is not as prone to
convergence at a local minimum.
The iterations are also stopped (convergence is assumed) when the change in the
minimization function (for example, the SSE) is less than a preset value. This value can
be set in the "Precision" field in the Function/Method tab of the fitting dialog. The
default value is 10-6.
Normally, it is preferable to allow the parameters to converge naturally. Convergence on
a precision criterion can result in a poorer fit especially if the precision criterion is
reached before the individual parameters have converged. On the other hand, some
"difficult" fits might require hundreds or even thousands of iterations if only the change
vector criterion is used for convergence. In order to favor convergence on the basis of
change vectors but to also allow difficult fits to converge on the basis of an acceptable
"precision" value, the fitting routine converges on the precision criterion only if this
criterion has been met over at least 100 successive iterations. Given this criterion it is not
likely that further improvements in the minimization function will lead to a better fit, so
the iterations will stop.

Levenberg-Marquardt Precision
The default Levenberg-Marquardt precision is 10-6.
The Levenberg-Marquardt precision sets the minimum absolute change in the
minimization function (for example, the SSE) that signifies convergence. This minimum
difference must be satisfied over at least 100 successive iterations. That is, if
absolute(SSE(old) – SSE(new)) < Precision
over 100 consecutive iterations, convergence is assumed. A less stringent precision value
could facilitate convergence for a particularly difficult data set, but often at the expense
of fitting accuracy. In any case, the statistics of the fit should always be carefully
evaluated in order to determine whether or not the fit is acceptable.

Chapter 12
228 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

The Simplex Method

The Simplex method supports the least squares, mean absolute, maximum likelihood and
minimax minimization methods. The explanation given here is for least squares
minimization but the general principal is the same for all minimization functions.
The Simplex search method is based on the algorithm of Nedler and Mead (1965), and is
an example of a direct search approach that relies only on the values of the function
parameters. It does not consider either the rate or the direction by which the function is
approaching the minimum on the parameter response surface. However, the direction in
which the function parameters proceed is not purely random but rather relies on a clever
strategy that takes advantage of the geometry of the response surface.
A simplex is a geometric figure that has one more dimension than the parameter space in
which it is defined. The vertexes of the simplex are first separated by adding an "offset"
to the initial seed values. The function to be minimized is then evaluated at each vertex
to identify the lowest and highest response values. For example, a simplex on a two-
dimensional space (corresponding to a two-parameter function) is a triangle which may
have the following appearance:

Vmid Vref

P d


where P1 and P2 are the parameters, Vhigh is the vertex which has the highest (worst)
function value, Vlow is the vertex which has the lowest (best) function value and Vmid

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Clampfit Curve Fitting • 229

represents an intermediate function value. A "downhill" direction is established by

drawing a line from Vhigh through a point midway between Vmid and Vlow. The algorithm
then tries to find a point along this line which results in an SSE which is lower than the
existing vertexes.
The simplex changes shape by reflection, contraction, expansion or shrinkage. The first
point tested is the reflected point Vref which lies a distance of 2d along the line from Vhigh.
This reflected simplex is accepted if its response is neither worse than Vhigh nor better
than Vlow. If the response is better than Vlow then the algorithm performs an expansion by
moving a distance of 4d along the line from Vhigh. The expansion is accepted if it has a
lower (better) response than the previous best. Otherwise the reflection is accepted.
If the reflection results in a higher (worse) response than Vhigh then the algorithm tests a
contraction by moving a distance of 0.5d toward the midpoint on the line. If this
produces a better response then the simplex is accepted; otherwise shrinkage occurs
where all vertexes except Vlow move toward the midpoint by one-half of their original
distance from it.
The advantage of the Simplex algorithm is that it is considerably less sensitive to the
initial seed values than the gradient search algorithms. It will rapidly approach a
minimum on the parameter response surface usually in the space of several tens of
iterations for a multi-component function.
The disadvantage of the Simplex fitting method is that its sensitivity does not increase
when it is in the vicinity of a minimum on the parameter space.
Another problem can arise in that the Simplex algorithm may find what it perceives to be
a local minimum but the fractional error is still greater than the convergence criterion (see
below). In this case iterations may continue endlessly. To circumvent this problem, the
fitting routine will stop when there is no change in the fractional error for 30 iterations.
Even if the above error criterion is not met, the fit is assumed to have converged. This
occurrence is reported as a “Stable Fractional Error” in the Results Window. Note that
the displayed value of σ may be the same for many more than 30 iterations before the
fitting routine is terminated. This is because σ is reported as a single precision value
whereas the fractional error is a double precision value.

Chapter 12
230 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

Note that the weighting options are not available with Simplex fitting. This is because
weighting interferes with the “travel” of the simplex and greatly reduces the chances of

Simplex Convergence
The Simplex algorithm can converge in one of three ways. The iterations are stopped
when the fractional error is less than or equal to a pre-established “precision” value.
The simplex is moved over the parameter space until the ratio of the response of the best
and worst vertexes reaches a preset minimum fractional error, at which point the function
is said to have converged:
Vhigh − Vlow
Fractional Error =

The quantities on the right-hand side of the equation are based on one of four
minimization methods that Simplex can use, namely least squares, maximum likelihood,
mean absolute or minimax.
The fractional error is computed for the simplex for each dimension (each having a Vhigh
and Vlow simplex). All simplexes must have a fractional error less than the value of
precision for convergence.

Simplex Precision
The default Simplex precision is 10-5.
The Simplex search is deemed to have converged when the fractional error is less than or
equal to the Precision value. The fractional error can be based on one of four
minimization methods, namely least squares, maximum likelihood, mean absolute or

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Clampfit Curve Fitting • 231

The Variable Metric Method

The variable metric method supports the least squares and maximum likelihood
minimization methods only.
Variable metric algorithms are designed to find either the minimum or the maximum of a
multi-dimensional nonlinear function f. The minimum is used in chi-squared or least
squares applications and the maximum in maximum likelihood estimation.
Clampfit typically uses minimization of least squares, which is asymptotically equivalent
to likelihood maximization for most applications (Rao, 1973). The parameter values that
determine the global minimum of f are optimal estimates of these parameters. The goal
of the variable metric algorithm is to find these estimates rapidly and robustly by an
iterative method.
Clampfit uses the variable metric algorithm introduced by Powell (1978) and
implemented by Dr. Kenneth Lange (UCLA). At each iteration the algorithm computes
the exact partial derivative of f with respect to each parameter. The values of these
derivatives are used in building an approximation of the Hessian matrix, which is the
second partial derivative matrix of f. The inverse of the Hessian matrix is then used in
determining the parameter values for the subsequent iteration.
Variable metric algorithms have several desirable characteristics when compared with
other methods of nonlinear minimization. Like the simplex algorithm, variable metric
algorithms are quite robust, meaning that they are adept at finding the global minimum of
f even when using poor initial guesses for the parameters. Unlike simplex, however,
convergence is very rapid near the global minimum.

Variable Metric Convergence

The variable metric search method converges when the square of the residuals, or the
maximum likelihood estimate if using likelihood maximization (see Maximum
Likelihood Estimation), does not change by more than a preset value over at least four
iterations. This value can be set in the “Precision” field in the Function/Method tab of
the fitting dialog. The default value is 10-4.

Chapter 12
232 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

Variable Metric Precision

The default variable metric precision is 10-4.
The variable metric search is assumed to have converged when the square of the
residuals, or the maximum likelihood estimate if using likelihood maximization, does not
change by more than the Precision value over at least four iterations.

The Chebyshev Transform

The Chebyshev technique is an extremely rapid, stable, non–iterative fitting technique
with a goodness of fit comparable to that of iterative techniques. It was developed by
George C. Malachowski and licensed to Axon Instruments. The explanation in this
section only describes how the Chebyshev transform is used to fit sums of exponentials.

The Chebyshev Transform transforms a data set to the Chebyshev domain (In this case,
domain refers to a functional basis, in which data sets are considered in terms of scaled
sums of functions), using a method equivalent to transforming data to the frequency
domain using Fourier transforms. Instead of representing the data using a sum of sines
and cosines, the Chebyshev transform uses a sum of the discrete set of Chebyshev
polynomials (described below).
Transforming the data allows it to be fitted with various functions of biological interest:
sum of exponentials, Boltzmann distribution and the power expression (an exponential
plus a constant raised to a power). For each of these functions, it is possible to derive an
exact, linear, mathematical relationship between the fit parameters and the coefficients of
the transformed data. If the data set has noise present, as is almost always the case, these
relationships provide estimates of the fit parameters. However, as the relationships are
linear, high-speed regression techniques can be applied to find the parameters.
This method has the following properties: extremely fast fitting at a rate that is
independent of noise (20 to 60 times faster than iterative techniques: 1,000 data points
per second on a 25 MHZ 386 PC), comparable goodness of fit to that of iterative
techniques, and it always finds a fit.

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At present this technique has one limitation: it can only be used on data sets that have
equally spaced data points. This makes it inappropriate at present for fitting histogram
data with variable bin widths.

The Orthogonal Polynomial Set

An Nth order polynomial is a function of the form:

PN ( x) = a0 + a1x + a2 x 2 + a3 x3 + L + a N x N ,

where a0, a1, a2, ..., aN are the coefficients of the polynomial, and aN cannot be zero
unless N is zero.
A set of polynomials consists of one polynomial from each order (P0 (x), P1 (x), P2 (x),
P3 (x), ...), in which adjacent members of the set are related by a generating equation.
Mathematicians usually represent a polynomial set with a single letter. In the case of the
Chebyshev polynomials, the letter is ‘T’.1

A polynomial set is said to be orthogonal if every member in the set is orthogonal to

every other member. In the case of the Chebyshev polynomials, T0 is orthogonal to T1,
T2, T3, T4, and so on, T1 is orthogonal to T2, T3, T4, T5, and so on, etc.
Orthogonal2 means at a right angle; synonyms are perpendicular and normal. Those
familiar with vectors may recall that two vectors are tested for orthogonality using the dot
product; two vectors are said to be orthogonal if their dot product equals zero. Similarly,
two functions that are defined only at discrete points in time are said to be orthogonal if
the sum of their product over all sampled points is zero. (This relation may only be true
on a restricted range (e.g., x ∈[–1, 1]), and with a weighting function present.)

1 This dates back to the time when the Anglicized spelling of Chebyshev was Tchebysheff.
2 From the Greek: correct angle.

Chapter 12
234 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

Transforming Data to the Chebyshev Domain

All orthogonal function sets have the property of being able to represent a function in
terms of a sum (or integral) of the members of the set. Depending on the function being
represented, an appropriate scaling factor is chosen for each member of the set. A
function f (t) can be represented as a sum over the Chebyshev polynomials by the

f (t ) = ∑ d jT j (t ),
j =0

where Tj (t) is the jth member of the Chebyshev polynomial set and dj is its scaling factor.
In general, a sum of an infinite number of Chebyshev polynomials is required to
represent a continuous function. In the case of a sampled data set with N sampled points,
a sum of only N Chebyshev polynomials, from order 0 to N-1, is required to exactly
represent the data set. In this case, t is not continuous, but is rather a set of data points tj,
where j runs from 0 to N-1. The above equation then becomes:
N −1
f (ti ) = ∑ d jT j (ti ), for i = 0,K, N − 1. (1)
j =0

This sum of polynomials exactly equals the function at all points in time, even though the
individual members may only cross the function at a few points.
A function that has been represented this way is said to have been transformed to the
Chebyshev domain, and the scaling factors (the djs) are usually referred to as the
coefficients of the transform. Do not confuse these transform coefficients with the
individual coefficients that make up each of the member Chebyshev polynomials! The
member polynomials’ coefficients never change; the coefficients of the transform change
with f (tj).

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Calculating the Coefficients

The orthogonality property of the Chebyshev polynomials makes calculating the djs
straightforward. Recall that every member Tk is orthogonal to every other member Tj, for
all k ≠ j. To determine each coefficient (dk), both sides of the above equation are
multiplied by Tk, then summed over all values of ti:
N −1 N −1 N −1
∑ Tk (ti )( f (ti ) = ∑ Tk (ti ) ∑ d jT j (ti ),
i =0 i =0 j =0

where Tk is the member whose coefficient is to be determined. Rearranging, and

summing over all data points ti eliminates all Tjs except Tk, leaving (after several steps):
N −1 N −1
∑ Tk (ti ) f (ti ) = d k ∑ Tk2 (ti ).
i =0 i =0

The summation on the right-hand side is usually written as a normalization factor (Rk).
Solving for dk :
N −1
d k = ∑ Tk (ti ) f (ti ) Rk . (2)
i =0

The Discrete Chebyshev Polynomials

The generating equation for the Chebyshev polynomials is given by:3
j ( N − j ) ⋅ T j (t )=(2 j − 1)( N − 1 − 2t ) ⋅ T j −1(t ) − ( j − 1)( N − 1 + j ) ⋅ T j − 2 (t ),
where Tj (t) is the Chebyshev polynomial being generated, and N is the number of data
points. It is clear that each Tj (t) depends on the previous two members in the set: Tj-1 (t)

3 Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs and Mathematical Tables, edited by Milton Abramowitz
and Irene A. Stegun, Dover Publications, New York, 1972, p 792.

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236 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

and Tj-2 (t). The zeroth member of this set is defined to be: T0=1, from which all higher
order members may be derived. T1 and T2 are shown below:
T1(t ) = 1 − t
( N − 1)
6 6
T2 (t ) = 1 − t+ t2
( N − 2) ( N − 1)( N − 2)
Clearly, T0 is a horizontal line, T1 is a sloping line and T2 is a parabola.

Isolating the Offset

The offset of a data set can be isolated from the data in the Chebyshev domain. Consider
the general case of a function containing an offset; we can rewrite this function in terms
of its non-constant and its constant parts:

f (ti ) = g (ti ) + K ,

where g (ti) is the non-constant part of the function. Using this function in Equation 2 we

 N −1   N −1 
d j =  ∑ T j (ti ) g (ti ) R j  +  ∑ T j (ti ) K R j .
 i =0   i =0 
The above equation is simply the sum of the Chebyshev transforms of g and K. This can
be seen if we write the transform coefficients of g as d′j (g), and the transform coefficients
of K as d′′j (K):

d j ( g + K ) = d ′j ( g ) + d ′j′ ( K ).

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However, T0=1 implies that the Chebyshev transform of K is nonzero only for the zeroth
coefficient (d′′j (K)). (K can be rewritten as K⋅T0, and T0 is orthogonal to all other
Chebyshev polynomials.) We therefore have:

d0 = d0′ ( g ) + d0′′ ( K ),
d j = d ′j ( g ), for j > 0.

Once a data set has been transformed to the Chebyshev domain, we can isolate the effect
of the constant offset by not using d0 in our calculations of the other parameters.

Transforming an Exponential Data Set to the Chebyshev Domain

Suppose we wish to transform an exponentially decaying signal f (ti) to the Chebyshev
domain, where f (ti) is defined as:

f (ti ) = a0 + a1e−ti τ .

To exactly represent f (ti) requires N coefficients, where N is the number of data points in
the set. However, we can approximate f quite well with a sum of just a few polynomials.
A pure, noiseless exponential with time constant 25 ms, sampled every 1 ms from t = 0 to
t = 255 ms, when transformed to the Chebyshev domain has the following first 11

Chebyshev transform of e–ti /25 ms

0.099618 0.239563 0.260135
d1 d1 d2
8372 867 918
0.196609 0.115307 0.055286
d3 d4 d5
303 353 5378
0.022382 0.007826 0.002404
d6 d7 d8
7511 54434 23390
0.000657 0.000161
d9 d10
552096 851377
The magnitudes of the coefficients rise to a peak at d2, then decline slowly as the
coefficient index increases. Using these coefficients to approximate the exponentials by

Chapter 12
238 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

forming a sum of the first 11 Chebyshev polynomials approximates the original

exponential to at worst 4.5 × 10-5. Below is a graph of the exponential data, with the
above Chebyshev fit superimposed upon it. Inset in this graph is a greatly magnified
view of the residuals between the fit and the exponential. Note the polynomial-like
oscillation of the residuals about the data.

10th order C hebyshev fit

R esidual errors

0.8 0.00004

0 50 100 150 200 250

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250

Although 11 Chebyshev coefficients are sufficient to well approximate an exponential

data set, the presence of high frequency noise would require many more coefficients to
accurately represent the data. If fewer coefficients are used, the approximation will
appear filtered.

Integrating an Exponential Function in the Chebyshev Domain

Let us say that we have a function f (t) that we wish to integrate, and that its integral is
F (t). In the discrete domain, where we only have a finite set of data points (usually
evenly spaced), we write the discrete integral as:
t −1
∑ f (t ′)dt ′ = F (t ).

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The discrete integral F (t) is defined at each value t by the sum of the previous values
from 0 to t–1. Using t–1 as the end point of the integration serves to ensure that the
forward difference equation is equal to f (t):
F ( t + 1) − F ( t ) = f ( t ).
A difference equation in the discrete domain is analogous to a differential equation in the
continuous domain. The equation shown above in the continuous domain would be
expressed as dF/dt = f (t). Forward difference refers to using t and t+1 to form the
How are the Chebyshev transforms of the integral F and f related? If we were to
transform f to the Chebyshev domain, we would obtain a set of coefficients dj ( f ).
Similarly, if we were to transform F, we would obtain a different set of coefficients dj (F).
Comparing these two sets of coefficients, dj ( f ). and dj (F). we would find the relation:

1  ( N + j + 1) N−j 
D j ( F ) =  d j +1( f ) − d j ( f ) − d j −1( f ) ,
2 2 j +3 2 j −1  (3)
for all j > 1,

where Dj (F) is the jth coefficient of F (t) and N is the number of points in the data. Note
that this equation cannot tell us the value of D0 (F), as there is no d-1 ( f ) coefficient.
If f is an exponential function, the following, very similar, relationship exists:

d j( f ) 1  ( N + j + 1) N−j 
=  d j +1( f ) − d j ( f ) − d j −1 ( f ) ,
k 2 2j +3 2 j −1  (4)
for all j > 1,

4 Derived in A Method that Linearizes the Fitting of Exponentials, G. C. Malachowski, in preparation. This equation is
critical to the use of this technique. Proof of this relation is long; those interested may refer to the appendix of the above
paper. Briefly though, it can be described as follows: integrating the Chebyshev transform of a function is the same as the
sum of the integrals of each of the Chebyshev polynomials making up the transformation. The integral of a polynomial is
itself a polynomial. It turns out that after much simplification and rearrangement, each coefficient in the transform of the
integral is a sum of the two adjacent coefficients in the transform of the original function.

Chapter 12
240 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

where k is defined as:

k = e −1 τ − 1,
or, solving for τ:

τ= . (5)
log e (k + 1)

Basically, these equations tell us that any adjacent triplet of Chebyshev coefficients forms
an exact relationship that tells us the value of tau. Note how Equation 4 further restricts
the value of j to be greater than one: it is only true for those coefficients that do not
contain the constant offset term.
Thus, integrating an exponential function in the Chebyshev domain allowed us to
determine the value of tau. This is similar to the case of integrating an exponential
function in the continuous domain:
−t τ
∫e dt = − τ e −t τ + C.

For reasons that will become clear in the section on the fitting of two exponentials, the
right-hand side of Equation 4 can be written as d1j ( f ), which stands for the Chebyshev
coefficients of the first integral of f. Equation 4 then becomes:

d j( f )
= d1 j ( f ), for j > 1, (6)
where k is as defined in Equation 5.

Calculating Tau
Now we can calculate τ using Equations 4 and 5. Choose any triplet of Chebyshev
coefficients, and use those values in Equation 4 to get the value of k. Then use k in
Equation 5 to calculate τ. Every triplet has the same, redundant information built into it:
triplet d1, d2, d3, triplet d2, d3, d4, and so on. Below is an example of the values of τ
predicted using the 8 triplets of the first eleven Chebyshev coefficients. Note: remember

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that d0 cannot be used as it contains information about the offset of the exponential, if

Chebyshev Calculations of τ
25.00000 25.00000 24.99999
d1, d2, d3 d2, d3, d4 d3, d4, d5
003 075 915
24.99999 25.00000 25.00000
d4, d5, d6 d5, d6, d7 d6, d7, d8
98 096 257
25.00000 24.99999
d7, d8, d9 d8, d9, d10
464 885

The small differences between the calculated value and the actual value (25) are due to
the limited precision of the coefficients used. In general, double precision numbers are
used to calculate the fit parameters (τ, the amplitude and the offset).

Calculating the Amplitude

To determine the amplitude of the exponential, we must change directions completely,
and generate an exponential data set based on the value of tau just calculated. The
generated data set will have unity amplitude and zero offset:

g (ti ) = 1e−ti τ + 0.

Transforming this generated set to the Chebyshev domain will give us a different set of
coefficients (d′j (g)). Now we can determine the value of the amplitude of our data set by
comparing the dj (f)’s from our data set to those of the generated set d′j (g)’s. Recalling
that the function that we are trying to fit is:

f ( ti ) = a0 + a1e− ti τ ,
we can transform this function to the Chebyshev domain as:

 N   N 
d j ( f ) =  ∑ a0T j (ti ) R j  + a1 ∑ e −ti τ ⋅ T j (ti ) R j .
 i =0   i =0 

Chapter 12
242 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

The Chebyshev coefficients for g (ti) are very similar to those for f (ti):
d ′j ( g ) = ∑ e−ti τ ⋅ T j (ti ) R j , for all j.
i =0

Comparing these two equations yields the following relationship between the Chebyshev
coefficients of f and those of g:

d j( f )
a1 = , for j > 0. (7)
d ′j ( g )

Note that the amplitude is contained redundantly in all of the coefficients of the two
transforms, excluding the zeroth coefficient. This redundancy is similar to that seen in the
calculation of tau.

d ( f ) d 2 ( f ) d3 ( f ) d 4 ( f )
a1 = 1 = = = = L.
d1′ ( g ) d 2′ ( g ) d3′ ( g ) d 4′ ( g )

Calculating the Offset

Calculating the offset is similar to calculating the amplitude: we compare the zeroth
index coefficients from the two sets of transforms:

a0 = d0 ( f ) − a1d0′ ( g ). (8)

Unlike τ and a1, the offset information is not redundantly stored in the transform

Calculating the fit parameters in the presence of noise

If the data set being fit contains noise, Equations 4, 5, 7 and 8 are no longer exactly true.
For example, when calculating τ, each triplet gives an estimate of τ.

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Estimating τ
Recall that for j > 1, Equation 4 shows a relationship between k and each triplet of
Chebyshev coefficients. In the case of noise, this relationship is not strictly true; di (f) / k
is an estimate of the right side of this equation. Equation 6 then becomes:

d j ( f ) ≅ kd1 j ( f ).

The value of k that minimizes the following expression will be k′:

χ 2 = ∑ d j − kd12j ( f ) , )
j =1

where the sum generally does not include all N of the coefficients, but generally includes
only those coefficients with a significant contribution to the transform; usually n is
chosen to be 20. Expanding the squared term, differentiating with respect to k, setting the
derivative to 0 and rearranging gives us our estimate of k:
n n
k ′ = ∑ d j d1 j ( f ) ∑ d12j ( f ) . (9)
j =1 j =1

Once k has been estimated, Equation 5 will give the corresponding best estimate of τ.

Estimating a1
A similar technique is used to calculate the best estimate of the amplitude a1. The ratios
of the coefficients of our data set (dj (f)’s) to the coefficients of the pure exponential
(d′j (g)’s) now give estimates of the amplitude:

d j( f )
≅ a1.
d ′j ( g )

This can be rewritten as:

d j ( f ) ≅ a1d ′j ( g ).

Chapter 12
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As in the case of estimating tau, we form a linear regression equation to find the best
estimate of a1 (a1′):
χ 2 = ∑ (d j ( f ) − a1d ′j ( g ))2 .
j =1

Expanding the squared term, differentiating with respect to a1, setting the derivative to 0
and rearranging gives us:
n n
a1′ = ∑ d j ( f )d ′j ( g ) ∑ (d ′j ( g ))2 . (10)
j =1 j =1

Estimating a0
The estimate of a0 is calculated by substituting the above value of a′1 into Equation 8.

Fitting the Sum of Two Exponentials

In the two exponential case, two taus must be found. To do so, we shall integrate the
function to be fit twice, and solve the resulting set of simultaneous equations for τ1 and
τ2. (This procedure is somewhat complicated.) Once we have the two taus, solving for
the amplitudes and the offset is a simple extension of the procedure for fitting a single

Suppose we wish to transform a signal f (ti) that is the sum of two exponentially decaying
functions to the Chebyshev domain, where f (ti) is defined as:

f (ti ) = a0 + a1e −ti τ1 + a2e − ti τ 2 .

Let g τ1 (ti ) represent a unity-amplitude exponential with time constant τ1 and let g τ 2 (ti )
represent a unity-amplitude exponential with time constant τ2. Then we can write:

f (ti ) = a0 + a1g τ1 (ti ) + a2 g τ 2 (ti ). (11)

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Transforming both sides of this equation gives us:

d j ( f ) = ∑ (a0 + a1g τ1 (ti ) + a2 g τ 2 (ti ))T j (ti ) R j ,
i =0

τ τ
d j ( f ) = d offset
j (a0 ) + a1d j 1 ( g τ1 ) + a2 d j 2 ( g τ 2 ),

τ τ
where d offset
j ( a0 ) , d j1 ( g τ1 ) and d j 2 ( g τ 2 ) are the Chebyshev coefficients of a0, g τ1 and
g τ 2 , respectively. To isolate the constant term from the calculations that follow, we
shall only use coefficients where j > 0, yielding:

d j ( f ) = a1d τj1 ( g τ1 ) + a2 d τj 2 ( g τ2 ), for j > 0, (12)

since the offset is only contained in the zeroth coefficients.

Using the Coefficients of f and its Integrals to Determine the Taus

What if we were to integrate5 both sides of Equation 12? From Equations 4, 5 and 6, we
know the coefficients of the integral of an exponential function, and we know how those
coefficients are related to the coefficients of the exponential function itself. Applying
those relationships to this sum of two exponentials case yields:

d1 j ( f ) = a1d1τj1 ( g τ1 ) + a2 d1τj2 ( g τ 2 ), for j > 1, (13)

or using Equation 6 to rewrite in terms of the coefficients of g τ1 and g τ 2 themselves:

a a
d1 j ( f ) = 1 d τj 1 ( g τ1 ) + 2 d τj 2 ( g τ 2 ), for j > 1, (14)
k1 k2

5 Since we are dealing with discrete data points, we use a summation.

Chapter 12
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−1 −1
τ1 = and τ2 = . (15a, b)
log e (k1+1) loge (k 2+1)

Integrating both sides of Equation 13 again:

a a2 τ 2
d 2 j ( f ) = 1 d1τj1 ( g τ1 ) + d1 ( g τ 2 ), for j > 2,
k1 k2 j

where we write the Chebyshev coefficients of the second integral of f as d 2 j ( f ) . Note

that j now must be greater than two.6 Substituting in Equation 6 again gives us our final
relation that we need to determine τ1 and τ2:

a a2 τ 2
d 2 j ( f ) = 1 d τj1 ( g τ1 ) + d j ( g τ 2 ), for j > 2. (16)
k12 k22

Solving a Set of Simultaneous Equations to Determine k1 and k2

Equations 12, 14 and 16 now form the three relations that we need in order to determine
the taus. Rewriting them below we have three equations in three unknowns dj, d1j and
d2j, and restricting j to be the same in all cases:
τ τ
d j ( f ) = a1d j1 ( g τ1 ) + a2 d j 2 ( g τ 2 )
a τ a τ
d1 j ( f ) = 1 d j1 ( g τ1 ) + 2 d j 2 ( g τ 2 )
k1 k2
a a
d 2 j ( f ) = 1 d τj1 ( g τ1 ) + 2 d τj 2 ( g τ 2 ), for j > 2.
k1 k22

6 The exact reason for this is beyond the scope of this description (see Malachowski’s paper). Briefly though, it is
required to isolate the effect of the offset from the calculation of the taus.

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In order for these three equations to be simultaneously true, there must exist a pair of
parameters x1 and x2 such that for all j > 2:

d j + x1d1 j + x2 d 2 j = 0. (17)

The solution to this equation is a straight line in x1-x2 coordinate space. To solve it, we
add up the three simultaneous equations, and gather the like terms to find:

 x x   x x 
d j + x1d1 j + x2d 2 j = a1d τj1 ( g τ1 )1 + 1 + 22  + a2d τj 2 ( g τ 2 )1 + 1 + 22 .
 k1 k   k2 k 
 1   2 

The values of x1 and x2 that satisfy this equation are:

x1 = −(k1 + k2 )
(18a, 18b)
x2 = k1k2 ,

as can be seen by substituting these values into the above equation.

Our strategy will be to solve for x1 and x2, from them calculate the values of k1 and k2,
and finally use Equations 15a and b to calculate the corresponding values of τ1 and τ2.
To do so, we must first solve for k1 and k2 in terms of x1 and x2 (Equations 18a and b are
the converse). There is no direct, algebraic method to do so, but we can recognize that
Equations 18a and b are the roots of the quadratic polynomial:

k 2 + x1k + x2 = 0, (19)

as can be seen by factoring the polynomial into the product of its roots:

k 2 + x1k + x2 = (k − k1 )(k − k2 ).

This means that we can determine k1 and k2 by using x1 and x2 to form the above
quadratic polynomial, and then solving for its roots. For a quadratic polynomial, we use

Chapter 12
248 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

the quadratic formula. For higher-order polynomials, such as are used for fitting higher
order exponentials, an iterative, root-finding method is used.7
What if there are not two, real roots? Recall that the quadratic formula either yields two
real roots, one real root, or two complex roots. This corresponds geometrically to two
crossings of the x-axis, one tangential “touch” of the axis, or no crossings of the axis.
If there is one real root, then the data being fit only consisted of a single exponential. In
this case, this technique would yield two taus with the same value as that of the single
exponential, and with amplitudes each one-half of the amplitude of the single
If there are two complex roots, the data being fit is not a pure exponential. Rather, it is
the product of an exponential and a harmonic function (e.g., a cosine). This function is
commonly called a ringing response, or an exponentially-damped cosine. This can be
seen by substituting a complex number into Equations 15a and b ( a± bi ), rewriting the
resulting number in terms of a complex exponential ( reiθ ), where r is ( a +1) 2 + b 2 and θ is
tan (b ( a +1)) , taking the logarithm, substituting back into Equation 11, and simplifying.

Finding the Taus in the Presence of Noise

In the presence of noise, f (tj) is not an exact sum of exponentials, and therefore the
Chebyshev coefficients dj, d1j and d2i do not lie along a straight line, but are scattered:

d j + x1d1 j + x2 d 2 j ≅ 0.

To find the best line through the data, we form the following regression equation, and
minimize the χ2 value:

( )
χ 2 = ∑ d j − x1d1 j − x2d 2 j 2 . (20)
j =2

7 Newton-Raphson iteration, in Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5th edition, Kreyszig, E., John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1983, pp. 764-66.

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The best values for x1 and x2 are determined by expanding this relation, minimizing it
first with respect to x1, then with respect to x2. After rearranging we have the following
set of simultaneous equations:
n n n
∑ d j d1 j = x1 ∑ d12j + x2 ∑ d1 j d 2 j ,
j =2 j =2 j =2
(21a, 21b)
n n n
∑ d j d 2 j = x1 ∑ d1 j d 2 j + x2 ∑ d 2 2j .
j =2 j =2 j =2

Direct solution of simultaneous equations is a well-known problem in mathematics; an

iterative matrix technique8 is used here. This allows us to easily solve for the more
difficult case of finding the solution to a set of m simultaneous equations, which must be
used when fitting the sum of m exponentials.

Finding the Amplitudes of the Two Exponentials

Once the taus of the sum of exponentials are known, a technique similar to the single-
exponential, noise present, case is used to find the amplitudes and the offset. (The
corresponding two-exponential case without noise is not shown.) We generate two
exponential data sets based on the values of τ1 and τ2 just calculated; both data sets have
unity amplitude and zero offset:

g τ1 (ti ) = 1e−ti τ1 + 0 and g τ 2 (ti ) = 1e −ti τ 2 + 0.

Recalling from Equation 12 that the transform of f is the scaled transform of g τ1 and
g τ 2 , the resulting coefficients of each of these data sets is scaled and added together. In
the presence of noise, however, this relationship is not exactly true. Rather:
τ τ
d j ( f ) ≅ a1d j1 ( g τ1 ) + a2 d j 2 ( g τ 2 ), for j > 0.

8 Gauss-Seidel iteration, in Kreyszig, pp. 810–12. This technique has extremely fast convergence, particularly in the sum
of m exponentials case.

Chapter 12
250 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

Linear regression of this equation yields the best possible values of a1 and a2 that satisfy:
χ 2 = ∑ d j ( f ) − a1d τj1 ( g τ1 ) − a2 d τj 2 ( g τ2 ) . )
j =1

Solution of this equation is not shown, but involves expanding the square inside the
summation, minimizing first with respect to a1 and then to a2, and solving the resulting
simultaneous set of equations for a1 and a2.

Finding the Offset

Finally, to find the offset, a formula similar to Equation 8 is used; no regression need be
a0 = d 0 ( f ) − a1d 0τ1 ( g τ1 ) − a2 d 0τ 2 ( g τ 2 ). (23)

Fitting the Sum of Three or More Exponentials

Fitting the sum of three or more exponentials is a simple extension of the fitting the sum
of two exponentials case. A full description is not given here.

Speed of Fitting
In tests performed on a 25 MHz 386 PC, the Chebyshev technique fit at approximately
1000 data points per second. This speed was completely unaffected by noise. There was
a slight dependence on the number of exponentials being fit:

Number of Time to fit

exponentials 1000 data points (s)
1 0.9
2 1.0
3 1.2
4 1.4

Contrast these results to iterative techniques, where fitting a sum of two exponentials
usually requires twice as much time, fitting a sum of three exponentials requires three
times as much time, and so on.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampfit Curve Fitting • 251

Goodness of Fit
In tests comparing the Chebyshev method to the Simplex iterative search method, both
yielded the same values of the fit parameters in low-noise and no-noise conditions. The
tests added varying amounts of noise to exponentials generated from known values. As
the noise levels increased, these two methods produced slightly different values of the fit
parameters for each test case, although the average of the parameters was the same. At
extremely high levels of noise (the peak-to-peak noise reached 30% of the peak of the
exponential), the Chebyshev search clearly did not fit as well as the Simplex method, in
those times that the iterative Simplex converged at all.
Like all fitting methods, the Chebyshev method fits sums of exponentials data best if the
data set spans several times the largest time constant in the exponential. Although the
Chebyshev method consistently outperforms other iterative techniques in this regard,
even it can generate incorrect fits in this situation (e.g., trying to fit an exponential
function with a time constant of 2000 ms to a data set spanning just 10 ms!). In
particular, as the amount of noise increases, its ability to fit an insufficiently sampled data
set decreases.
The Chebyshev method performs most poorly when fitting data with extremely low-
frequency signals present. This may occur under the following circumstances: 60 Hz
noise present (or other low-frequency noise) or insufficiently averaged data (as may
occur by forming a macroscopic current from an insufficient number of single-channel
records: i.e., the single channel events may still be seen). This occurs since low-
frequency noise will appear most strongly in the low–index Chebyshev coefficients, the
same coefficients that contain most of the information of the exponential. Although
iterative techniques do not perform well in this case either, when they converge they do
so to the correct result more often than the Chebyshev technique.

Success of Fitting
The Chebyshev technique very rarely fails to find a fit to the data when fitting
exponentials or sums of exponentials, as it uses mathematical relationships and linear
regression techniques. Experimentally though, it sometimes fails to find a good fit (see
above conditions) and can even fail altogether with some kinds of data (for example, if
the x and y data values are identical). In particular, since the Chebyshev technique

Chapter 12
252 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

always finds an answer so quickly, it is tempting to assume that this answer is always
correct. Be sure to always compare the fitted data to the data set.
Note that the Chebyshev method can fail when fitting shifted Boltzmann or exponential
power functions, although the failure in these cases is expected to be very rare. In the
event of a failure, all function parameters will reported as zero.

Fitting Sums of Exponentials to Non-Evenly Spaced Data Sets

At present, the Chebyshev method only works with data sets having equally spaced
points, since the relations derived here depend upon that assumption. With data sets that
were sampled at two different rates using Clampex’s split-clock acquisition, you must
first use the Analyze Data Reduction command to fill in the missing data points using
linear interpolation.
Note: At the time of this writing the Chebyshev search method had not been published in
a peer-reviewed journal. While Axon Instruments has conducted many empirical tests
that have confirmed the accuracy of the fits, you should occasionally compare
Chebyshev-fitted results to those of one or more of the other fitting methods.

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Data are fitted by maximizing the logarithm of the likelihood with respect to a set of
fitting parameters. Exponentially distributed data (ti) are described by one or more
components (k) of the form:
k − ti / τ j
F (ti ) = ∑ a j e (1)
j =1

where t1, t2 . . . tn are the n measured data points and τj is the time constant of the jth
component. Each aj is a fraction of the total number of events represented by the jth
component where

∑ a j = 1.0

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The probability density function f(ti) is obtained by taking the first derivative of equation
1 with respect to ti, where, for each ti

d k −t / τ
f (ti ) = F (ti ) = ∑ a j τ j −1e i j (2)
dti j =1

The likelihood (L) of obtaining a given set of observed data ti, given the form of the
distribution and the set of function parameters (denoted here by θ) is the product of the
probabilities of making each of the N observations:
L = ∏ f (ti | θ)
j =1

As the likelihood typically takes on very small values the numerical evaluation of its
logarithm is preferable. In practice, limited frequency resolution of the recording system
makes it impossible to record events shorter than tmin. To generalize this case it is also
assumed that no events longer than tmax can be measured. Taking these corrections into
consideration, the conditional PDF is given by
L(θ ) = ∑ ln[ f (ti | θ ) / p (tmin ,tmax | θ )]
i =1


p(tmin , tmax | θ ) = Prob(tmin ≤ t < tmax )

is the probability that the experimentally measurable dwell-times fall within the range
delimited by tmin and tmax given the probability distribution with parameters θ. In
Clampfit 7 tmin and tmax are defined by the lower and upper limits of the data’s time base.
The fitting algorithm used here is not, strictly speaking, a maximum likelihood
estimation. It is an iteratively re-weighted least squares fit to the number of elements in a
bin (which should converge on the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters in
this case). The weighting here has to do with the expected variance of the number of
elements in a bin, which is Poisson distributed. So the weighting factor is the inverse of

Chapter 12
254 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

the variance (remember that mean=variance in a Poisson distribution). The iterative

aspect has to do with the fact that the number of elements per bin gets moved around to
correct for censoring (i.e., short events are not measurable). Because of the simple form
of the 'weighted' sum of exponentials (that's a different "weight"), the derivatives of the
minimized function with respect to each parameter can be written directly and corrected
for this Poisson-distributed variance.

Maximum Likelihood for Binned Data

The log likelihood Lb of observing a particular set of bin occupancies ni for a given set of
dwell-time data of times ti is calculated by
k  F (t | θ) − F (ti | θ) 
Lb (θ ) = ∑ ni ln  i +1 
i =1  p(t s , tk | θ) 
where F(ti) and F(ti+1) are the probability distributions at the lower and upper bounds of
the ith bin using the parameter values θ, and p(ts,tk) is the probability that the experimental
dwell-times fall within the range (k) of the histogram where

p(ts , tk | θ) = F (ts | θ) − F (tk | θ)

In Clampfit, the probability distribution function (equation 1), rather than the probability
density function (equation 2), is used in the calculations. F(t) is evaluated at each bin
edge. The difference gives the probability that an event falls in the bin. This is
equivalent to integrating the PDF over the width of the bin.

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For a sum of m exponential components the probability distribution function is given by

F (t | θ) = 1 − ∑ ai e −t/τi
i =1

where θ is the entire set of coefficients comprising the fraction of the total number of
events in each ith component ai and the time constants τi. The coefficients ai sum to unity,
∑ ai = 1
i =1

Therefore, the set of parameters θ has 2m-1 degrees of freedom. Clampfit can use the
either the Simplex or variable metric search methods to find the set of parameters that
maximize Lb(θ). Note, however, that only the variable metric method constrains the
coefficients ai to sum to unity. In the Simplex method, these parameters are not
constrained and the set of parameters has 2m degrees of freedom.
Maximum likelihood will operate on either logarithmically binned or conventionally
binned histograms. It is, however, recommended that logarithmically binned data be
used if MLE is the fitting method. With conventional binning, it is often not possible to
select a bin width that can represent the data satisfactorily if the time constants are widely
spaced. This problem can be avoided by binning the data into the variable-width bins of
a logarithmic histogram. For detailed discussion see Sigworth & Sine (1987) and
Dempster (1993).

The EM Algorithm
The EM (Expectation step - Maximization step) algorithm computes maximum
likelihood parameter estimates for binned observations from a mixture of exponentials.
This algorithm, described in Dempster et al., (1977), is used in Clampfit to estimate
initial seed values for maximum likelihood estimates for fitting exponential probability

Chapter 12
256 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

Model Comparison
In general, with non-linear fitting routines, when the order of the fitting function is
increased the fitted curve will appear to improve (up to a point, of course, until it
becomes difficult to distinguish between successive order fits). Although it is often
possible to choose one fit over another by visual inspection, this is not always the case.
Moreover, visual inspection is not an adequate substitute for a statistical comparison,
especially if two different models (i.e., different orders) produce fits that are visually very
similar. Clampfit provides a means of statistically comparing different models that have
been fitted with either a least-squares routine or with maximum likelihood (Horn, 1987,
Rao, 1973).
When model comparison is selected, the text “compare models” appears next to the
function name above the equation window. If the selected function does not support
model comparison, the model comparison status text is blanked out.
Note that fixed fitting function parameters are not allowed when comparing models.

Maximum Likelihood Comparison

Suppose you wish to compare two models, F and G, which have been fitted using the
maximum likelihood method. The probability densities for these models are given by
(x,β) and g(x,θ) where x is the data set, and β and θ are the function parameters with
dimensions kf and kg (where kg > kf). The natural logarithm of the likelihood ratio (LLR)
for F and G is defined as

 sup β ( x, β )  g ( x, β ) 
LLR = log   = log  
 sup θ ( x, θ )  f ( x, θ )
where β and θ are the parameter values (maximum likelihood estimates) that maximize
the likelihood for each probability density. The suprema of f(x,θ) and g(x,β) are denoted
by supθ(x,θ) and supβ(x,β), respectively. When model F is true, 2LLR has a Chi-square
distribution with kg-kf degrees of freedom (Rao, 1973; Akaike, 1974, Horn, 1987).
For example at a confidence level of 0.95 (p<0.05) for kg-kf =2 degrees of freedom
(as is always the case between successive models) Chi-square is 5.991. Therefore, if

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Clampfit Curve Fitting • 257

2LLR < 5.991 then it is assumed that model g does not represent a significant
improvement over model f and model f is selected as the best fit.

Least Squares Comparison

In the case of least squares fitting (Simplex or Levenberg-Marquardt fitting methods) the
SSE for models F and G is defined as
SSE f = ∑ [xi − f ( xi | θ)]2 for model F
i =1

SSE g = ∑ [xi − g ( xi | β )]2 for model G
i =1

where xi are the n data points, f(xi|θ) and g(xi|β) are the values predicted by models F and
G, respectively, and θ and β are the set of function parameters that minimize SSE.
To compare models F and G a form of the likelihood ratio test is used. In the case of
least squares fitting the statistic T (Rao, 1973) is defined by

(SSE f − SSE g ) ⋅ (n − k g )
SSE g kf

where SSEf and SSEg are the sums of squared errors for models F and G, respectively.
T has an F-distribution which can be compared with a standard F-distribution table, with
kf and n-kg degrees of freedom. This statistic is denoted in Clampfit 7 by "F".
Note that the degrees of freedom (kf and n-kg ) will be different for each successive

Chapter 12
258 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

Defining a Custom Function

The rules for defining a custom function and associated issues are as follows:
• Only one dependent variable is allowed. The dependent variable is already
expressed, as is the equal sign, so these should not be entered as part of the equation.
Only the right-hand side of the equation should be specified.
• When fitting from Analysis Window data, only one independent variable is allowed.
This variable must be expressed as x1 (or X1).
• When fitting from a Results Window, up to six independent variables are allowed.
These variables must be expressed as x1…x6 (or X1…X6).
• The maximum number of function parameters is 24. Parameter names must be
expressed as p1…p24 (or P1…P24).
• The maximum length of the function including parenthesis is 256 characters.
• Parameter labels (p), independent variable labels (x) and mathematical operations
such as log, sin, etc. are case-insensitive, so you may use either lower or upper case
when specifying these labels or operations.
• Automatic seeding is not available for custom functions. You must specify all seed
values before the fit will commence. If you try to commence fitting (by hitting OK)
before all parameter seeds have been specified you will receive an error message.

• Graphically assisted seeding is not currently available when fitting to data from a
Results Window. If you absolutely require graphical seeding for fitting Results
Window data, you can first save the data to an ATF file, then import the ATF data
into an Analysis Window for graphical seeding and fitting. However, the data can
contain only positive, uniformly spaced independent variable values (x-axis data) for
proper display in the analysis Window. Also, keep in mind that only a single
independent variable can be specified for fitting from the Analysis Window.

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Clampfit Curve Fitting • 259

• The custom function is compiled when switching from the Function/Methods tab to
either of the other tabs in the fitting dialog. Once compiled successfully, the equation
will appear on the line above the equation window in the fitting dialog. If there is an
error in the expression, compiler warnings will be issued.
• Be careful with parentheses. For example, be aware that 2∗x1+p2 is not the same as
2∗(x1+p2). In the former case 2∗x1 is evaluated before p2 is added to the product,
whereas in the latter case, x1+p2 is evaluated before the multiplication is performed.

Multiple-Term Fitting Models

A fitting model can be expressed as a sum of identical functions (terms). Each term in a
multiple-term model will be assigned a “weight” or “amplitude” that will reflect the
contribution of that term to the fitted curve (Schwartz, 1978). For example, a two-term
standard exponential will be of the form
f ( x ) = A1e − t τ1 + A2 e − t τ 2 + C
where A1 and τ1 are the amplitude and time constant, respectively, for the first term and
A2 and τ2 are the amplitude and time constant, respectively, for the second term. The
variable C is a constant offset term along the Y-axis.
Multiple terms for custom functions must be explicitly defined within the custom
function itself, for example, the above two-term exponential function would be specified
f ( x) = p1 * exp(− x1 / p 2) + p3 * exp(− x1 / p 4) + p5
where p1 and p3 are the amplitudes, p2 and p4 are the time constants and p5 is the
constant offset term.

Chapter 12
260 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

Minimization Functions

Sum of Squared Errors

Levenberg-Marquardt, variable metric and Simplex only.
The function to be minimized is
SSE = ∑ ( yi − y )2 = ∑ [ yi − f ( x, P )]2
i =1 i =1

where SSE (sum of squared errors) is the sum of the squares of the difference between
the data yi and the fitting function y = f(x,P) with a set of parameters P to be fitted over N
data points. The optimal values for P are assumed to occur when SSE is at a minimum.
Weighting may or may not be applied to modify this function.

Maximum Likelihood Minimization

Variable metric and Simplex only.
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is available only for the standard and log-
transformed probability exponential functions and only with the variable metric or
Simplex search methods. Moreover, these functions are intended to be used with binned
data. That is, the dependent variable values (x-axis data) are assumed to be bin center

Strictly speaking, the likelihood is maximized so the use of “minimization method” might
be deemed inappropriate here. However, the fitting method minimizes the negative of
the log likelihood value, which is equivalent to maximizing the positive log likelihood.
See Maximum Likelihood Estimation for a description of the algorithm.

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Clampfit Curve Fitting • 261

Mean Absolute Minimization

Levenberg-Marquardt and Simplex only.
Mean absolute minimization is a linear criterion that weights a badly-fitted data point
proportionately to its distance from the fitted curve, rather than the square of that
distance. If some points have substantially more error than others then the best sum of
squares fit might deviate from the more reliable points in an attempt to fit the more
reliable ones. The mean absolute error fit is influenced more by the majority behavior
than by remote individual points. If the data are contaminated by brief, large
perturbations, mean absolute error minimization might perform better than sum of
squares minimization.

The function E to be minimized is

N  N 
E = abs ∑ ( yi − y ) = abs ∑ [ yi − f ( x, P )]
 i =1   i =1 

Minimax Minimization
Levenberg-Marquardt and Simplex only.
Minimax minimization yields a fit in which the absolute value of the worst-fitted data
point residual is minimized. This might be useful for certain data sets when the fit must
match the data within a certain tolerance.
The function E to be minimized is

E = abs (max( yi − y )) = abs (max([ yi − f ( x, P )]))

where max(yi-y) is the largest absolute difference between the data and the fit.

Chapter 12
262 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

For the search methods that support least squares minimization (Levenberg-Marquardt,
variable metric and Simplex)) the sum of the squares (SSE) of the difference between the
data (fiobs) and fitted curve (fi(θ)) is minimized, where

SSE = ∑ fiobs − fi (θ) )2
This works quite well when uncertainties are random and not related to the time or
number of counts. However, the uncertainty observed is often a function of the measured
value y, such that for larger values of y there are substantially greater deviations from the
fit than for smaller values of y. To compensate for this, weighting becomes quite useful
during the assessment of the fit, where:

( 2 
SSE = ∑  f iobs − f i (θ) f (θ) )
 
The Levenberg-Marquardt method is the only fitting method that supports weighting. The
SSE minimization function can be weighted in one of the following four ways:

In this case the denominator f(θ) is 1.

Weighting the sum of squared errors function generates the Chi-square (Chi2)
function. The Chi2 value for a function with a given set of parameters θ is given

m f obs − f (θ)
Chi 2 = ∑ i i
i =1 f i (θ )
where m is the number of points in the histogram fitting range, fi(θ) is the fit
function calculated for the ith data point, and fiobs is the observed value of the ith

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Clampfit Curve Fitting • 263

This is a modified form of the Chi2 function, where

m f obs − f (θ )
Modified Chi 2 = ∑ i i
i =1 fi

where m is the number of points in the histogram fitting range, fi(θ) is the fit
function calculated for the ith data point, and fiobs is the observed value of the ith

Bin width
Weighting by the bin width weights the sum of squared errors by the width of
each ith histogram bin, such that

m f obs − f (θ )
SSEb = ∑ i i
i =1 ( xi − xs )

where xi is the right bin edge value and xs is the left bin edge value. Bin width
weighting is allowed only for the predefined log-transformed exponential
function which assumes log-binned data. It is not available for custom functions.
These weighting options are not available for the variable metric, Simplex or
Chebyshev search methods.
The selected weighting type will also be applied to mean absolute and minimax
Note that if you wish to apply different weighting criteria you can export the data
to a results sheet, modify the data using column arithmetic and subsequently fit
the data directly from the results sheet.

Chapter 12
264 • Clampfit Curve Fitting

Normalized Proportions
The normalized proportion is the absolute value of that parameter divided by the sum
total of the absolute values of all of the proportion terms, that is:

Pnormk = n
∑ Pabs j
j =1

Normalized proportions are most likely to be specified with the exponential probability
functions or the Exponential, weighted/constrained function. The variable metric method
(and only this method) constrains the proportion terms to sum to 1.0 during fitting (see
The Variable Metric Method), but only for the standard or log-transformed exponential
probability functions when using maximum likelihood or the weighted/constrained
exponential with least squares.

In cases where the natural origin for a data set is ambiguous or inappropriate, it would be
desirable to shift the origin of the data that are to be fitted to zero. For example, if a time
constant of an exponential curve is to be extracted from an arbitrary segment of a large
data set it would be reasonable to force the selected fitting range to start at zero. In the
same vein, it might also be desirable to set a zero origin just after a stimulus artifact. To
this end, the “zero-shift” option is provided. If zero-shift is enabled then for a set of i
data points xi, each point x is offset such that x = xi - xo where x0 is the value of the first
data point.
However, it is important to note that zero-shifting can affect the values of some fitted
parameters. Consequently, in some instances, zero-shifting the data might not be
appropriate and could lead to unexpected results. For example, when fitting a “Z-delta
Boltzmann” to current/voltage data the parameter Vmid (the voltage at which the current is
half-maximal) will differ depending on whether or not zero-shift is enabled. In the
following example, the data were zero-shifted prior to fitting.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampfit Curve Fitting • 265

This figure shows a fit of the Z-delta Boltzmann function to current/voltage data. The
fitted curve is the line without symbols.

In this fit Vmid is reported as +81.16 but from the data one would expect Vmid to be about -
-40mV. Nevertheless, the value of +81.16 is in fact correct because the first point
(originally at -120 mV) has been forced to zero such that the actual fitting range is from 0
to +140 mV. On this scale, the reported positive value is a reasonable estimate of Vmid.

If zero-shift is disabled the fitted curve looks exactly the same but Vmid is now reported as
-38.84 mV. The other parameters of this function are identical in both cases. As the
expected value for this data set is indeed in the range of –40mV, it is clear that in this
particular case it would not be appropriate to use zero-shifting. In fact, if zero-shift is
inadvertently enabled it would appear that the fitting routine is malfunctioning, which is
not the case. It is, therefore, very important that the status of the zero-shift option be
known at all times when fitting.

Chapter 12
Clampfit Fitting Functions • 267

Chapter 13


Clampfit provides a number of “pre-defined” fitting functions to assist in data analysis.

Some of these functions require that certain restrictions, such as forced positive
parameters, be applied during the fit. Accordingly, specific options might be
automatically set to force compliance with such mandatory fitting requirements.
Furthermore, some functions might require automatic pre-processing of the data, such as
normalization, prior to fitting. Where applicable, the automatic data pre-processing and
forced option requirements for a function are listed on the line above the function
The references cited provide sources for more detailed explanation of the functions
and/or examples of specific experimental applications.

Beta Function
f ( x) = x a −1(1 − x)b −1 B(a, b) + C
B(a, b) = ∫ 0 x a −1 (1 − x)b −1 dx

a = ατ, b = βτ

Requires a normalized X-axis.

All parameters except the offset (C) will be forced positive.
The beta function is used to describe the steady state filtered amplitude distribution of a
two-state process, where α and β are rate constants and τ is the time constant of a first-

Chapter 13
268 • Clampfit Fitting Functions

order filter. This method has been used to measure block and unblock rates in the
microsecond time range even under conditions when individual blocking events were not
time-resolved by the recording system (Yellen, 1984).
This function describes a probability distribution that requires the x-axis data range to be
0 to 1. If the data do not meet this criterion the x-axis values are automatically
normalized prior to fitting. These values are re-scaled after fitting so that the fitted curve
will conform to the original data.
The beta function is intended to be used primarily with data that have been imported into
a Results or Graph window, and therefore has limited utility with respect to time-based
Analysis window data.

The fit solves for parameters a, b, B(a,b) and the constant y-offset C. The rate constants
α and β can be obtained by dividing a and b, respectively, by the filter time constant, τ.
Clampfit does not perform this calculation.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Binomial Distribution Function

f ( x) = P x (1 − P)n − x
(n − x)! x!
Requires an integral X-axis.
Requires normalized data.
Maximum number of points = 170.
The parameter P will be forced positive.
The binomial distribution describes the probability, P, of an event occurring in n
independent trials. For example, this function can be used to determine the probability
for a particular number of n independent ion channels being open simultaneously in a

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampfit Fitting Functions • 269

patch (Colquhoun, et al. 1995). This function has also been applied to quantal analysis of
transmitter release (Bekkers, et al. 1995, Larkman, et al. 1997, Quastel, 1997).
This function requires integer values of x. If the x-axis values are not integers then they
are converted to such prior to, and re-scaled following, fitting. The ordinate data are also
normalized so that they range from 0 to 1, and are re-scaled after fitting so that the fitted
curve conforms to the original data. Re-scaling is such that the area under the fitted
curve is equal to the area under the original data curve.
The number of sample points for this function is limited to 170 to conform to the
computational limit for a factorial.
The binomial function has limited utility with respect to time-based Analysis window
data. It is intended to be used primarily with data that have been imported into a Results
or Graph window.
The fit solves for the probability variable, P. Since the x-axis scale is integral the fitted
curve will appear as a histogram.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Standard Boltzmann Function

n Ai
f ( x) = ∑ +C
i =1 1 + e − x τi
This function defines a sigmoidal curve. Unlike the “shifted” Boltzmann function, this
function does not include an offset parameter along the x-axis.

The physical correlates for A and x are not specified in this equation. It is up to the user
to define these quantities. For example, A might be conductance and x might be cell
membrane voltage (Bähring, et al. 1997). The parameter τ is the “slope” of the function
that specifies the change in x required to produce an e-fold change in A. Note that A is
half-maximal at x = 0 (where f ( x) = A / (1 + e −0 / τ } = A / 2 ). Consequently, the fitted
curve will be sigmoidal only if there are both positive and negative x data with the half-

Chapter 13
270 • Clampfit Fitting Functions

amplitude at or very close to zero. If the half-amplitude is offset significantly from zero
the “shifted” Boltzmann function should be used.

The fit solves for the amplitude A, the “width” τ and the constant y-offset C for each
component i.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Shifted Boltzmann Function

n Ai
f ( x) = ∑ +C
i =1 1 + Be − x τi
Like the “standard” Boltzmann, this function also defines a sigmoidal curve. A is the
amplitude, τ is the “slope” and C is a constant offset in the y direction (see Standard
Boltzmann Function). However, unlike the “standard” Boltzmann function, the “shifted”
Boltzmann includes an offset parameter B that shifts the curve along the x-axis such that
the half-maximal amplitude is at x = − ln(1 / B ) ⋅ τ . Thus, this function is to be used
when fitting a sigmoidal curve to data where the half-amplitude point is expected to be
removed from zero along the x-axis.
The fit solves for A, B, τ and the constant y-offset C for each component i.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt or Chebyshev if fitting only a
single term.

Charge-voltage Boltzmann Function

I ma x
f (V ) = +C
1 + e (Vmid −V ) Vc
This function can be used to examine activation and inactivation profiles of voltage-gated
currents (Zhang, et al. 1995).

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampfit Fitting Functions • 271

The charge-voltage Boltzmann distribution is given by

Qon(E) = Qon-max / [1 + exp((Emid - E) / K)] + C

where Qon-max is the maximum charge displaced, Emid is the potential at which
Qon = 0.5 x Qon-max, K is the number of millivolts required to change Qon e-fold, and E is
the measured potential. C is a constant offset term. This function can be used to fit
current-voltage curves of the form:
I = Imax / [1 + exp((Vmid - V) / Vc)]
g = gmax / [1 + exp((Vmid - V) / Vc)]
where V is the membrane potential, Vmid is the membrane potential at which the current is
half-maximal, and Vc is the voltage required to change I or g e-fold. If I or g are
normalized then the data points should be input as I/Imax or g/gmax and the dependent
variable Imax or gmax in the function above should be fixed to 1.0.
The fit solves for Imax (or Gmax), Vmid, Vc and the constant y-offset C.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt. The variable metric method
also works well with this function but is slower to converge.

Z-delta Boltzmann Function

Vma x − Vmin
f (V ) = Vmin + zd F
(V −Vmid )
1+ e RT

This function can be used to analyze the voltage dependence of gating charges in ion
channels (Hille, 1992).
Vmin and Vmax are the minimum and maximum voltages, Zd is the magnitude of the charge
valence associated with the electric field V, Vmid is the voltage at which f(V) is half-
maximal, F is the Faraday constant, R is the Gas constant, T is absolute temperature. The
temperature is optionally specified (in °C).

Chapter 13
272 • Clampfit Fitting Functions

The fit solves for Vmax, Vmin, Vmid and the constant y-offset C.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Current-time Course Equation

f (t ) = I ′ 1 − e

−t τ j 
 k∞ − (k∞ − 1) e

−t τ k b
+C )
This is the Hodgkin-Huxley model for describing the time course of voltage-dependent
ionic membrane currents. This equation was originally used to mathematically describe
voltage-activated sodium and potassium currents (with a = 3 and b = 1). The term k∞ is
the steady-state inactivation, I' is the maximum current that is achieved in the absence of
inactivation, τj is the activation time constant, τk is the inactivation time constant, and the
power terms a and b are empirically determined (Dempster, 1993, pp. 140-142).
The fit solves for I', τj, τk, k∞ and the constant y-offset C. The power terms a and b must
be optionally specified.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Cumulative Exponential Probability Density Function

f (t ) = ∑ Pi (1 − e − t τi ) + C
i =1

This function fits data that have been binned cumulatively. That is, each successive bin
contains its own data plus the data in all of the preceding bins.
This function should not be used for binned data because cumulative binning creates
artificial correlations between successive bins. This correlation occurs because each
successive bin contains all of the data in the preceding bins. This cumulative exponential
function will provide meaningful results only if the data values are not correlated.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampfit Fitting Functions • 273

The fit solves for the proportion (amplitude) P, the time constant τ and the constant y-
offset C for each component i.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Log-transformed Exponential Probability Density Function

n ln ( t )−ln ( τi )
f (t ) = ∑ Pi e[ln(t ) − ln ( τ i )]e
i =1

Can only be used with Results or Graph window data.

The dwell-time data (t) must be input as log10(t).
This function describes dwell-time data, usually from single channel experiments, that
have been binned on a logarithmic time scale. Logarithmic binning is often preferable to
conventional “linear” binning because of its superior resolution of widely-spaced time
constants (Sigworth & Sine, 1987). Histograms may be imported from pSTAT or the
QUB module MIL.
The fit solves for the proportion (amplitude) P, the time constant τ and the constant y-
offset C for each component i.
The recommended fitting method is variable metric with maximum likelihood estimation.

Exponential Power Function

f (t ) = ∑ Ai (1 − e − t τ i ) a + C
i =1

The fit solves for the amplitude A, the time constant τ and the constant y-offset C for each
component i. The power term a must be optionally specified.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt or Chebyshev if fitting only a
single term (Chebyshev can solve for a single term only).

Chapter 13
274 • Clampfit Fitting Functions

Exponential Probability Density Function

n −t τi
f (t ) = ∑ Pi τ i − e
i =1

This function can be used to fit single channel dwell time distributions that have not been
converted to Log duration. For each component of the distribution, the fit solves for the
proportion P, the time constant τ and the constant y-offset C for each component i.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt. Maximum likelihood
estimation can also be used with either the variable metric or Simplex fitting methods,
but convergence will be slower.

Standard Exponential Function

f (t ) = ∑ Ai e − t τ i + C
i =1

This is the most basic function used to fit changes in current or voltage that are controlled
by one or more first-order processes. The fit solves for the amplitude A, the time constant
τ, and the constant y-offset C for each component i.
The recommended fitting method is Chebyshev.

Sloping Baseline Exponential Function

f (t ) = ∑ Ai e − t τ i + mt + C
i =1

This function is used to fit an exponential of the standard form to data that are
superimposed on a sloping baseline, for example resulting from a constant baseline drift.
The fit solves for the amplitude A, the time constant τ for each component i, and the
common parameters, the slope m and constant y-offset C for each component i.
The recommended fitting method is Chebyshev.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampfit Fitting Functions • 275

Alpha Exponential Function

f (t ) = ∑ Ai te − t τ i + C
i =1

The alpha exponential function has been used to describe temporal responses at the
neuronal soma to synaptic input (Gerstner, et al. 1992 and Gerstner, et al. 1993).
The fit solves for the amplitude A, the time constant τ and the constant y-offset C for each
component i.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Weighted/Constrained Exponential Function

n n
f (t ) = K 0 ( ∑ f i e − K i t ) + C where ∑ f i = 1.0
i =1 i =1

Requires the variable metric fitting method.

This function has been used to describe the recovery rate of ground-state absorption
following photo-excitation of intercalated metal complexes bound to DNA (Arkin, et al.
The fit solves for the proportion (amplitude) f, the rate constant K, the “weight” K0 and
the constant y-offset C for each component i. The f i terms will sum to 1.0.
The fitting method must be variable metric.

Chapter 13
276 • Clampfit Fitting Functions

Weighted Exponential Function

f (t ) = K 0 ( ∑ f i e − K i t ) + C
i =1

This function is identical to the constrained exponential function except that the sum of
the f i components is not constrained to 1.
The fit solves for the proportion (amplitude) f, the rate constant K, the “weight” K0 and
the constant y-offset C for each component i.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Gaussian Distribution Function

2 2
n −(x −µ i ) 2σ i
f ( x) = ∑ An e +C
i =1 σi 2 π

This is for data that can be described by one or more normal distributions. For n
components, the fit solves for the amplitude A, the Gaussian mean µ, the Gaussian
standard deviation σ and the constant y-offset C for each component i.
This function is generally used for describing amplitude distributions of single channel
events (Heinemann, 1995).
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampfit Fitting Functions • 277

Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz Equation
RT [ X ]1 + α [Y ]1 + β [ Z ]1 α = pY / pX
f (X ,Y, Z) = ln
F [ X ]2 + α [Y ]2 + β [ Z ]2 β = pZ / pX

This function can only be used with Results window data.

This function is used to describe the steady-state dependence of membrane voltage on ion
concentrations and the relative permeability of those ions through the membrane.
The equation assumes that all the ions are monovalent. For positive ions [X]1 refers to
the concentration outside the membrane and [X]2 refers to the intracellular concentration.
For negative ions [X]2 refers to the concentration outside the membrane and [X]1 refers to
the intracellular concentration.
The fit solves for the permeability ratios α and β.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Extended Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation

RT − b + b 2 − 4ac
f ( X , Y , Z 2+ ) = ln
F 2a
a = [ X ]2 + 4β[ Z ]2 + α[Y ]2 , b = [ X ]2 − [ X ]1 + α( [Y ]2 − [Y ]1 ) , c = −[ X ]1 − α[Y ]1 − 4β[ Z ]1
α = pY pX , β = pZ pX

This function can only be used with Results window data.

This function is used to describe the steady-state dependence of membrane voltage on ion
concentrations and the relative permeability of those ions through the membrane.
However, this formulation extends the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz relationship to include
the effect of a divalent ion such as calcium or magnesium. By measuring the dependence
of resting potential or reversal potential on varying concentrations of the relevant
monovalent and divalent ions, this equation can be used to calculate the relative

Chapter 13
278 • Clampfit Fitting Functions

permeability of the activated conductance(s) to calcium compared to sodium, potassium,

or other experimental ions (Piek, 1975; and Sands, et al. 1991).
The fit solves for the permeability ratios α and β.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Hill Equation
R ma x [ S ] n
f (S ) = +C
K '+[ S ]n
This is a general equation that can be applied to many kinds of concentration-dependent
pharmacological or ion channel responses. Rmax refers to the maximum response
obtainable with drug S. By definition a partial agonist will have an Rmax value that is less
than the Rmax of a full agonist. K’ refers to the EC50 for the particular agent, indicative of
potency. The value of n places some limitations on the degree of cooperativity of the
ligand-dependent processes. In order to define a concentration-dependent inhibitory
process, n can be seeded with a negative value.
The fit solves for Rmax, K' and n.

Straight line Function

f ( x) = mx + b

The straight-line fit solves for the slope m and the y-intercept b.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampfit Fitting Functions • 279

Lorentzian Function (distribution form)

n 2 Ai ω
f ( x) = ∑ +C
i =1 4 π( x − µ ) 2 + ω 2

The Lorentzian distribution function is generally used to characterize energy transition

spectra that exhibit homogenous broadening of the peak. For example, the natural line
shape in spectroscopy can be characterized by this function. The peak of a spectral line is
narrow but broadens as a result of uncertainties in the energy level of the excited state. It,
nevertheless, retains the Lorentzian line shape.
The fit solves for the area A under the curve, the half-width ω of the peak, the x-axis
center µ of the peak (generally the center frequency) and the constant y-offset C for each
component i.

The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Lorentzian Function (frequency form)

n S (0)i
S( f ) = ∑ +C
i =1 1 + (2πfτi ) 2
The power spectra of current fluctuations produced by ion channels can be described by
the sum of one or more Lorentzian functions of this form where

1 τ o + 1 τc

If the probability of the channel being open is low relative to the probability of the
channel being closed then the channel closed time constant τc can be ignored and τ can be
equated to the channel open time constant τo. At low frequencies the function tends
toward S(0). At high frequencies the spectrum decays in proportion to f 2 (Dempster,
1993 and Stevens, 1981).

Chapter 13
280 • Clampfit Fitting Functions

The fit solves for S(0), τ and the constant y-offset C for each component i.
Note that the parameter τ has units of s if the frequency, f, is in Hz.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Michaelis-Menten Equation
V [S ]
f ( S ) = ma x +C
[S ] + K m

This is a general equation to describe enzyme kinetics where [S] refers to the
concentration of substrate. In this equation, Vmax refers to rate of catalysis when the
concentration of substrate is saturating. Km refers to the Michaelis constant ((k-1 + k2)/k1)
where k1 and k-1 are forward and backward binding rates of the enzyme-substrate
complex, respectively, and k2 is the first-order rate constant for the formation of product
from the bound enzyme-substrate complex.
The fit solves for Vmax, Km the constant y-offset C.

Nernst Equation
RT [ x]1
V ( x) = ln
zF [ x]2
This function describes the condition where an equilibrium will exist between the energy
associated with membrane voltage (V) and the energy associated with a concentration
gradient of an ion species x. Hence, the Nernst potential for a given ion is often also
referred to as the equilibrium potential for that ion.
The fit solves for the concentration [x]2 given a series of concentrations [x]1.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Clampfit Fitting Functions • 281

Poisson Distribution Function

e −λ λx
f ( x) =
Requires an integral X-axis.
Requires normalized data.
Maximum number of points = 170.
The data will be automatically zero-shifted.
The Poisson distribution describes the probability of getting x successes with an
expected, or average number of successes denoted by λ. This is similar to the binomial
function but is limited to cases where the number of observations is relatively small.
This function requires integer values of x. If the x-axis values are not integers then they
are converted to such prior to, and re-scaled following, fitting. The ordinate data are also
normalized so that they range from 0 to 1, and are re-scaled after fitting so that the fitted
curve conforms to the original data. Re-scaling is such that the area under the fitted
curve is equal to the area under the original data curve.
The number of sample points for this function is limited to 170 to conform to the
computational limit for a factorial.
The fit solves for the λ given a series of observed probability values x. Since the x-axis
scale is integral the fitted curve will appear as a histogram.

The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

Chapter 13
282 • Clampfit Fitting Functions

Polynomial Function
f ( x) = ∑ ai x i
i =0

The fit solves for the polynomial coefficients ai. The term a0 always exists in the
solution. A first-order (or “one term”) polynomial is, therefore, given by
f ( x) = a0 x 0 + a1x1 = a0 + a1 x , which is a straight-line fit. The maximum order is 6.

Voltage-dependent Relaxation (“Tau”) Function

f (V ) = +C
a0 eV α + b0 e −V β

This function describes the relaxation kinetics for a two-state voltage-dependent process.
The forward and reverse rate constants are α and β, respectively. The term a0 is value of
α at V = 0 and b0 is value of β at V = 0.
The fit solves for α, β, a0, b0 and the constant y-offset C.
The recommended fitting method is Levenberg-Marquardt.

T = absolute temperature -273.15 deg C
F = Faraday constant = 9.648456 x 104 C/mol.
R = gas (Rydberg) constant = 8.31441 J/mol-deg K

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
References • 283


Arkin, M.R., Stemp, E.D.A., Holmlin, R.E., Barton, J.K, Hörmann, A., Olson, E.J.C. &
Barbara, P.F. Rates of DNA-mediated electron transfer between metallointercalators.
Science 273, 475-480, 1996.

Bähring, R., Bowie, D., Benveniste, M. & Mayer, M.L. Permeation and block of rat
GluR6 glutamate receptor channels by internal and external polyamines. J Physiol. 502,
575-589, 1997.
Bekkers, J.M. & Stevens, C.F. Quantal analysis of EPSCs recorded from small numbers
of synapses in hippocampal cultures. J. Neurophysiol. 73, 1145-56, 1995.
Colquhoun, D. & Hawkes, A.G. The Principles of the Stochastic Interpretation of Ion-
Channel Mechanisms. In: Single-Channel Recording, Second Edition. Ed. B. Sakmann
and E. Neher. Plenum Press, New York. p. 432, 1995.
Dempster, A.P., Laird, N.M. & Rubin, D.B. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data
via the EM algorithm. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 39,1-38, 1977.
Dempster, J. Computer Analysis of Electrophysiological Signals. Biological Techniques
Series. Academic Press, London, pp. 196-197, 1993.
Frazier, J.L. & Hanson, F.E. Electrophysiological recording and analysis of insect
chemosensory responses. In: Insect-Plant Interactions. Miller, J.R. & Miller, T.A.,
Editors. Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 285-330, 1986.
Geddes, L.A. Electrodes and the Measurement of Bioelectric Events. John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1972.
Gerstner, W., and van Hemmen, J.L. Associative Memory in a Network of `Spiking'
Neurons. Network 3, 139-164, 1992.

284 • References

Gerstner, W., Ritz, R., and van Hemmen, J.L. A Biologically Motivated and Analytically
Soluble Model of Collective Oscillations in the Cortex: I. Theory of Weak Locking. Biol.
Cybern. 68, 363-374, 1993.
Heinemann, S.H. Guide to Data Acquisition and Analysis. In: Single-Channel
Recording, Second Edition. Ed. B. Sakmann and E. Neher. Plenum Press, New York.
p. 68-69, 1995.
Hille, B. Ion Channels of Excitable Membranes, 2nd Edition. Sinauer Associates,
Massachussetts. p. 55, 1992.
Kaissling, K.E. Pheromone deactivation catalyzed by receptor molecules: a quantitative
kinetic model. Chem. Senses 23:385-395, 1998.
Kaissling, K.E. & Thorson, J.T. Insect olfactory sensilla: structural, chemical and
electrical aspects of the functional organization. In: Receptors for Neurotransmitters,
Hormones and Pheromones in Insects. Satelle, D.B., Hall L.M., Hildebrand, J.G., Editors.
Elsevier / North-Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, pp. 261-282, 1980.
Larkman, A.U., Jack, J.J. & Stratford, K.J. Quantal analysis of excitatory synapses in rat
hippocampal CA1 in vitro during low-frequency depression. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 505,
457-71, 1997.
Lynn, P.A. & Fuerst, W. Introductory Digital Signal Processing with Computer
Applications, Revised Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1994.
Okada, Y., Teeter J.H., Restrepo, D. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-gated conductance in
isolated rat olfactory neurons. J. Neurophys. 71(2):595-602, 1994.
Penner, R. A practical guide to patch clamping. In: Single-Channel Recording, 2nd
Edition. Sakmann, B. & Neher, E., Editors. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 3-52, 1995.
Powell, M.J.D. A fast algorithm for nonlinearly constrained optimization calculations.
In: Proceedings of the 1977 Dundee Conference on Numerical Analysis. G.A. Watson,
Editor. Springer Verlag. 1978.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
References • 285

Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T & Flannery, B.P. Numerical Recipes in
C. The Art of Scientific Computing. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge. 1992.
Quastel, D.M. The binomial model in fluctuation analysis of quantal neurotransmitter
release. Biophys. J. 72, 728-53, 1997.
Rao, C.R. Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications. Second Edition. John Wiley
Publications. Ch. 4 & 5, 1973.
Schnuch, M. & Hansen, K.: Sugar sensitivity of a labellar salt receptor of the blowfly
Protophormia terraenovae. J. Insect Physiol. 36(6):409-417, 1990.
Schwartz, G. Estimating the dimensions of a model. Ann. Statistics, 6, 461-464, 1978.
Sigworth, F. & Sine, S.M. Data transformation for improved display and fitting of
single-channel dwell time histograms. Biophys. J., 52, 1047-1054, 1987.
Sokal, R.R. & Rohlf F.J. Biometry. 2nd Edition. Freeman, San Francisco, 1981.
Stevens, C.F. Inferences about molecular mechanisms through fluctuation analysis. In:
Membranes, Channels, and Noise. Ed. R.S. Eisenberg, M. Frank and C.F. Stevens.
Plenum Press, New York. pp. 1-20., 1981.
Tang, C.Y. & Papazian, D.M. Transfer of voltage independence from a rat olfactory
channel to the Drosophila ether-à-go-go K+ channel. J. Gen. Physiol. 109:301-311, 1997.
Thurm, U. The generation of receptor potentials in epithelial receptors. In: Olfaction and
Taste IV, Schneider, D., Editor, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, pp. 95-
101, 1972.

Vermeulen, A. & Rospars, J.P. Dendritic integration in olfactory sensory neurons: a

steady-state analysis of how the neuron structure and neuron environment influence the
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Yellen, G. Ionic permeation and blockade in Ca2+-activated channels of bovine
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286 • References

Zhang, L. & McBain, C.J. Voltage-gated potassium currents in stratum oriens-alveus

inhibitory neurones of the rat CA1 hippocampus. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 488, 647-660,

Further Reading
Bishop, O.N. Statistics for Biology. Longmans, London, 1966.
Finkel, A.S. Progress in instrumentation technology for recording from single channels
and small cells. In: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. Chad, V. & Wheal, H., Editors.
Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 3-25, 1991.
Hamill, O.P., Marty, A., Neher, E., Sakmann, B., Sigworth, F.J. Improved patch-clamp
techniques for high-resolution current recording from cells and cell-free membrane
patches. Pflügers Arch. 391:85-100, 1981.
Sakmann, B. & Neher, E. (Editors) Single-Channel Recording, 2nd Edition. Plenum
Press, New York, 1995.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Appendices • 287


-3 dB cutoff The frequency at which a filter attenuates a signal by –3
decibels (dB).
Channel A physical analog input or output on the data acquisition

Cutoff frequency abbreviated fc, is the frequency in Hz at which the signal

attenuation is -3 dB.
Decibel (dB) A logarithmic measure of the gain of a system. The gain of a
system, in decibels (GdB), is defined by

V 2 Z 
GdB = 10 log10  out2 out 
 V Z 
 in in 
where Vin is the input voltage, Vout is the output voltage, Zin is
the input impedance and Zout is the output impedance. If Zin =
Zout, the above reduces to

V 
GdB = 20 log10  out 
 Vin 
Digital filter Refers to the algorithm used to implement a particular
software filter.
Epoch A subsection of a waveform that can be incremented or
decremented in amplitude and/or duration.

288 • Appendices

fc/fs ratio The ratio of the filter cutoff frequency to the sampling
(acquisition) frequency.
Finite impulse response Or “nonrecursive” filters, abbreviated FIR, have no feedback
and therefore have a finite response to an impulse. FIR filters
typically have between 10 and 150 coefficients, so they are
generally slower than their recursive counterparts.
Highpass filter Attenuates frequencies below the corner frequency, allowing
the frequencies beyond the corner frequency to pass.
Infinite impulse response Or “recursive” filters, abbreviated IIR, have feedback
characteristics that cause the impulse response of the filter to
theoretically continue forever. IIR filters generally have few
coefficients so they are computationally fast compared to FIR
Lowpass filter Attenuates all frequencies beyond the corner frequency,
attenuating frequencies below the corner frequency.
Notch filter Attenuates a specific frequency, allowing all other frequencies
to pass.
Ringing The generation of oscillations in the filter response following a
step or an impulse.
Run The data digitized from a complete set of sweeps, often
involving amplitude and/or duration changes.
Sample A single digitized data point.
(acquisition) frequency Abbreviated fs, is the frequency in Hz at which the data were
sampled. The sampling rate is the inverse of the sampling
frequency (1 / fs ).
Signal A set of software-defined parameters, such as name, units and
scaling information, for a single channel.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Appendices • 289

Step response The response of the filter to a square wave input.

Step rise time The rise time of the filter response to a step pulse. The step
rise time (or simply “rise time”) is given as the 10-90% rise
Sweep The digitized data from all input signals for a defined number
of samples. Previous versions of pCLAMP referred to sweeps
as “episodes” .
Trace The digitized data displayed in a sweep.
Trial The data digitized from one or more runs, and is saved as a
single file. When multiple runs per trial are digitized, the runs
are all averaged together. The digitized data from a single
recording saved into a single file.
Waveform Voltage steps and/or ramps generated on the Analog Out


Software Problems
If you have any installation questions or problems, first check our Clampex or Clampfit
web site through the Help / Latest Web Info command within each application. You
will find information regarding compatibility and configuration issues, as well as
information of potential bugs and bug fixes. We are continually improving our products,
and often a problem that you are having has already been fixed in a newer version of the
program. If you think that you have a problem due to a software bug, you can download
the latest version of Clampex or Clampfit from this location. Or, for access to a wider
range of issues, the Axon home page is www.axon.com.
It’s also a good idea to test your hard disk and file structure when encountering problems.
For non-acquisition related problems, try more than one data file to see if your problem is

290 • Appendices

due to a corrupted data file. If the problem is associated with one protocol file, that file
may be corrupted; use the Acquire / New Protocol command to recreate the protocol. If
the program is generating severe errors, use the utility in the Axon Laboratory folder,
Reset to Program Defaults, to clear the registry entries. Please report any known bugs
to Axon Instruments.
Context-sensitive menus are used. If you are unable to find or access a particular feature,
it might be associated with a different type of window from the one that is active, i.e.,
that has its title bar highlighted. Or, a certain acquisition mode might need to be active
for associated operations to be available. Sometimes, a certain parameter will need to be
selected to enable additional parameters. The extensive on-line Help should be consulted
for assistance.

Hardware Problems
If you have other equipment hooked up to your data acquisition system, start by
disconnecting everything, except for a single BNC cable connecting Analog Out #0 to
Analog In #0, to isolate the problem to the computer system. If you are still unable to
determine if you have a hardware or a software problem, try another Digidata data
acquisition board, if possible, with your computer. If it also doesn’t work properly, then
you probably have a computer compatibility or a software problem. Try moving your
Digidata board to another computer and see how it runs there. If it runs OK, then you
have a computer-related problem.
Besides the data acquisition board itself, other common causes of intermittent hardware
problems are a bad computer slot or a defective cable. Try moving the Digidata board or
using different cables. Our technical support department will help you to further
diagnose your problems.

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Appendices • 291

Service and Support

Axon Instruments is committed to providing superior service and support for all of its
In order for us to diagnose your problem, we need enough information to duplicate your
problem here. You should know the version of your copy of Clampex or Clampfit (found
in Help / About), and of the operating system that you are using (found in the System
control panel.) If you receive an error message, please write down the exact text of the
message. Besides sending us step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the error, a
copy of the protocol file and/or data file may be necessary to resolve your problem.

Contact technical support via:

E-mail: tech@axon.com
Telephone: +1(510) 675-6200
Fax: +1(510) 675-6300
Mail: MSA Department
Axon Instruments
3280 Whipple Road
Union City, CA 94587 USA

Site License
A Departmental Site License is available for pCLAMP. For your convenience, a copy of
the agreement is located on the next page. If you wish to enter into this agreement please
note carefully the conditions stipulated therein and please note that the agreement must
be counter-signed by the Department Chairperson and must nominate and be signed by a
Site Coordinator.
The completed Site License agreement should be mailed to Axon Instruments. In order
for discounts to be applicable, all purchases under the license agreement must specify the
name of the Site Coordinator and must refer to the license.

292 • Appendices

pCLAMP Site License Agreement

1) A "site" is normally a department, but can include two or more departments.

2) All purchases must be placed by a person designated as the Site Coordinator.
3) Axon will supply the CD-ROM and manual for each copy of the program.
4) Each user (one per copy) must register by returning the registration card supplied with the program.
5) The Site Coordinator must enter the name and program serial number of each registered user at the bottom of this
agreement and a copy must be sent to Axon before January 31st each year.
6) All free upgrades of registered copies will be mailed directly to the registered user.
7) All charged-for upgrades and initial purchases will be shipped to the address specified on the purchase order generated by
the Site Coordinator.
8) Each department chairperson is responsible for safeguarding Axon's copyright interest in the program.
9) Discount schedule:
1) Initial purchases: 1st copy ................................................................. list price
2nd, 3rd and 4th copies .......................................... 25% off list
5th and subsequent copies ..................................... 50% off list
2) Upgrades: Discount will be applied to each upgrade order.
For maximum advantage, all upgrades should be placed on a single order.
One copy ............................................................... list price
2nd, 3rd and 4th copies at site ................................. 25% off list on each copy
5 or more copies at site ........................................... 50% off list on each copy

Dept. Chair: __________________________ _____________________________ ________

(signature) (printed name) (date)

Dept. Chair: _____________________________ ________________________________ _________

(signature) (printed name) (date)

Site Coordinator: _____________________________ ________________________________ _________

(signature) (printed name) (date)

Mailing address: ________________________________________________________________________


List of registered users (please print):

Name Serial Number
__________________________________________ ____________________________
__________________________________________ ____________________________

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Appendices • 293

Upgrade Policy

Minor Updates
Axon Instruments occasionally releases minor updates to its software, which corrects
bugs. These are sometimes automatically sent to the owner's address at no cost, or placed
on our web and FTP sites for downloading.
Registered users of Clampex are entitled to updates of the program that implement minor
improvements or correct flaws. A minor update is identified in the version number by an
increase in the second digit from the left. The third digit from the left refers to bug fixes.
For instance, owners of Clampex 8.0 are entitled to free updates designated
Clampex 8.0.1 or Clampex 8.1.
In this regard, please keep Axon Instruments apprised of your current address to avoid
missing out on improved versions of Axon Instruments software that are automatically
distributed to users.

Major Upgrades
Major new versions of software implementing significant enhancements are given an
increase in the major version number. Therefore, pCLAMP 8.0 is considered a major
upgrade from pCLAMP 7.0. Major upgrades are offered to current users at a
substantially reduced price.

294 • Appendices

Compatible Software
Several other programs complement pCLAMP by providing different analysis and
plotting functions. Most of these companies have links in our web site and provide
additional information.

AxoGraph for Macintosh (Axon Instruments) directly reads ABF data files for whole-
cell, minis analysis and graphics.

DataAccess for Windows (Bruxton Corp) imports ABF files into Excel, Igor Pro, Origin
and SigmaPlot.

Data-Pac II for PCs (RUN Technologies) directly reads *.dat and ABF data files for the
analysis of such events as spike trains.

Experimenter's WorkBench for PCs (DataWave Technologies) converts its data files to
ABF files for use with pCLAMP’s single-channel analysis programs.

Mini Analysis Program for Windows (Jaejin Software) directly reads *.dat and ABF

Origin for Windows (MicroCal Software) directly reads ABF data files for general
analysis and graphics.

TAC for Macintosh (Bruxton Corp) directly reads ABF data files for single-channel

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Index • 295

ABF data, 129 membrane, 61

file format, 24 Data File Index, 71 telegraph, 102
ABFInfo, 25 Arithmetic CD-ROM
scaling correction, 69 on-line, 79 alternatives, 13
Access resistance, 61, 110 ASCII files, 24 auto-loading, 14
AC-coupling, 121 ATF, 24, 128 file archiving, 71
Acquisition file compatibility, 24 Chart
modes, 73, 83 Audio tag, 65 statistics, 36
repeat, 109 Autoscaling, 41 Chebyshev
re-record, 109 Autotrigger, 87 goodness of fit, 251
store trace, 109 Averaging polynomials, 233, 235
toolbar, 44 on-line, 76 speed of fitting, 250
view, 109 sweeps, 123 transform, 232
Activity monitor undo, 76 limitations, 233
animal recording, 126 Axis scaling, 41 Clampex 7
AIW (Axon Imaging Workbench), Axolab data acquisition system, 9 system requirements, 8
17 Axon Binary Format Clampfit
Algorithms file format, 24 Analysis window, 135, 137
F-statistic, 257 Axon Imaging Workbench (AIW), averaging, 123
log likelihood ratio, 256 17 file names, 29
maximum likelihood, 252 Axon Laboratory Program folder, Layout window, 136, 142
Alternate toolbar, 44 16 Results window, 135
Amplifier reset to program defaults, 17 Results Window, 141
external command input, 12 test Digidata 1200, 17 shape statistics, 125
gain, 99, 102 Axon Text File, 128 Tutorials, 147
scale factor, 31, 56 file format (ATF), 24 Colors, 42
telegraphs, 13, 102 Axopatch 200 Columns
Amplitude histograms, 119 experiment, 98 copy and paste, 39
Analog signals, 30 gain, 56, 100, 102 Command waveform, 80
output, 80 scaling, 99 Commands, 43
predefined, 30 voltage range, 101 help, 42
Analysis, 115 AxoScope Comment tag
Data reduction, 161 compatibility, 9 RTC, 48
Interpolation, 162 Comments to Lab Book command,
Trace vs. Trace, 152 Baseline 39
window, 37 cursors, 34 Computer, 7
Analyze drift, 76, 120 requirements, 8
Adjust baseline, 166 Baseline correction, 138 system resources, 9
Arithmetic, 164 Behavioral data, 126 Concurrently Running Clampex and
Create Data, 157 BIOS, 18 Clampfit, 116
Fit, 168 Blanking, 139, 146 Conditioning train, 82
Model comparison, 169 BNC connections, 12 Configure
Time shift, 171 Burst activity, 121 demo data, 32
Analyze / Quick Graph / I-V, 116 Digidata 1200, 18
Animal recording, 126 Calibration Wizard, 67 digitizer, 20, 22, 32
Annotation, 65 Cancel button, 28 Lab Bench, 30
Archiving Capacitance Lab Book options, 66

296 • Index

signals, 30 Definitions, 74, 287 application system, 122

Context-sensitive Demo bath-applied, 126
help, 49 data, 32 Dye concentrations, 79
Help, 48 digitizer, 32
menus, 43 mode, 11 Edit
Conventions DFI (Data File Index), 70, 128 Transfer traces, 156
Cell Attached, 150 Digidata 1200 digitizer Edit Protocol command, 58
patch-clamp, 132 cable, 11 Electrophysiology Terms and
cell attached patch, 132 compatibility, 9 Conventions, 129
inside-out patch, 132 configuration, 18, 20, 22 Enter key, 28
outside-out patch, 133 DIP Switch, 10, 21 Episodes, 74, 289
whole cell, 130 driver uninstall, 17 Episodic
Conversion factor, 30, 56 gain, 60 acquisition, 2
Copy and paste, 39 installation, 15 mode, 73
Cumulative averaging, 76 START Input, 77 Epoch, 80
Cursor test program, 17 definition, 74, 287
measurements, 37, 38, 115 testing, 19 Equations, 79
Properties command, 38 voltage range, 101 Errors. See Troubleshooting
results, 115 Digital Esc key, 28
statistics, 34, 78 oscilloscope, 87 Event
text box, 37 Digital Filters, 183 frequency, 89
Cursors command, 38 Digital output, 13, 60, 80 Event-detected acquisition
Customize toolbar, 45 controlling, 47 description, 85
sequence key, 64 threshold level, 34
Data Digitizer. See Digidata 1200 Events
archiving, 129 digitizer logging, 66
display, 42 Disks Evoked activity, 125
Display command, 128 removable, 12 Exocytocis, 63
export, 128 Display Experiments
magnified, 41 data, 35 definition, 74, 287
preview, 35 rolling, 126 sequencing, 110
reduction, 128 signals, 42 Export data, 128
saving, 35, 127 sweeps, 35, 37 External Command Input, 12, 101
scaling, 41 Distribution Notes, 16 External storage devices, 12
types, 128 DMA (Direct Memory Access), 8
Data acquisition channels, 9, 22 Fast Fourier Transform, 213
episodic mode, 2, 73 Dockable Features
fixed-length events mode, 2, 87 components, 46 new, 3, 51
gap-free mode, 2, 85 windows, 34 Fetchan
high-speed oscilloscope mode, Dongle (Parallel Port Key), 11 data files, 121
2, 87 DOS file compatibility, 122
non-episodic modes, 83 compatibility, 128 file formats, 128
variable-length events mode, 2, filenames, 109 file names, 29
86 TESTDIGI utility, 9 Fetchan 6
Data acquisition systems DriverLINX, 16 file compatibility, 24
compatibility, 9 Drivers Fetchex 6 Assistant, 49
upgrades, 9 AXDD1200, 17 File
Data File Index, 70, 128 Digidata 1200, 16 archiving, 71
Decimation, 128 installation, 15 compatibility, 128
Defaults, 17 Drug database, 70

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Index • 297

naming, 29, 108 Boltzmann, 269 on-line, 49

opening, 115 constants, 282 High-speed oscilloscope
File formats, 24 exponential, 272 acquisition, 87
ABF, 24 Gaussian, 276 Holding level, 52, 60, 80, 101
ATF, 24 Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz, 277 conditioning train, 82
binary, 24 Hill, 278 controling, 47
binary floating point, 24 Hodgkin-Huxley, 272 digital, 112
binary integer, 24 Lorentzian, 279 membrane test, 61
header information, 25 Michaelis-Menten, 280 seal test, 60, 103
specifications, 25 Nernst, 280 voltage dependence, 120
text, 24 Poisson, 281 Hysteresis, 89
File Support Pack, 25 polynomial, 282
File types relaxation, 282 I/O address, 21
ldt, 146 straight line, 278 range, 9
Filtering, 60 Fixed-length events acquisition verifying, 10
controling, 47 description, 87 Imaging information, 17
Lab Bench, 52 synaptic events, 125 Imemb signal, 52
noise, 121 triggering, 125 Inputs
telegraph, 102 whole-cell, 123 signals, 51, 52
Filters, 183 whole-cell evoked activity, 125 tutorial, 99
Bessel, 187 Floating point data, 128 Installation
boxcar, 189 Floating windows, 34, 46 CD-ROM, 13
butterworth, 190 Fluorescence signals, 79 Digidata cable, 11
chebyshev, 192 Fonts, 42 drivers, 15
cutoff frequency, 185, 210 Format dual-boot systems, 14
electrical interference, 203 menu, 43 dual-processor systems, 14
end effects, 186 toolbar, 44 parallel port key (dongle), 11
Finite impulse, 184 Fourier Transform, 215 pCLAMP 7, 16
gaussian, 194 Frequency Plug and Play devices, 10
Infinite impulse, 184 events, 89 system requirements, 8
notch, 196 system resources
RC, 197, 201 Gain reserving, 10
rolloff, 186 controling, 47, 52 technical knowledge, 7
Fitting telegraph, 102 Windows version, 14
convergence to a local Gap-free acquisition Internal timer, 77
minimum, 229 description, 85 Interrupt request channel (IRQ), 22
F-statistic, 257 scenarios, 119 Ion concentration, 57
log likelihood ratio, 256 threshold level, 34 ISA slot, 8
maximum likelihood whole cell, 126 Iseal signal, 52
conventional binning, 255 Graph I-V
derivation, 252 membrane test, 61 on-line, 74
for binned data, 254 statistics, 36, 60 protocol, 105
Model comparison, 144 Hard disk, 48 tutorial, 97
Simplex conserving space, 120
advantages and space, 84 Junction Potential Calculator, 57
disadvantages, 229 Hardware gain, 52, 101
weighting the data, 262 Headstage gain, 56 Lab Bench, 30, 51
Fitting Functions, 267 Help holding level, 53, 101, 112
beta, 267 commands, 42 input signals, 52
binomial, 268 context-sensitive, 48 output signals, 52

298 • Index

tutorial, 98 Open Data command, 115 in maximum likelihood fitting,

Lab Book, 66 Oscilloscope 254
Options command, 39 acquisition, 87 Problems. See Troubleshooting
window, 39 Outputs Properties command, 42
Latest Web Info, 49 analog, 80 Protocol
Leak subtraction, 81 digital, 13, 80 drug monitoring, 108
Leakage current, 81 signals, 52, 101 editor, 58
Ligand-dependent activation, 122 Overrides, 52, 83, 101, 112 sequencing, 64, 110, 119
Linking events signals, 52
sequencing keys, 65 P/N Leak Subtraction, 81 tutorial, 104, 108
LLR. see Fitting, log likelihood ratio Parallel port key (dongle), 11 pSTAT histograms, 143
Logging events, 39, 66 Patch-clamp Pulse train, 82
cell-attached, 119 membrane test, 62, 104
Magnifying isolated, 121
axes, 41 seal formation, 60 QUB, 145
Main window, 28, 33 Pause-View command, 126 Quick Graph, 140, 148, 154
Math signals, 79 PCI steering, 10
Mean, 39 pCLAMP 6 compatibility, 128 Ra, 61
Measurements, 115 pCLAMP 7 Ratioing fluorescence, 79
Membrane file compatibility, 24 Real Time Controls (RTC)
capacitance, 61 installation, 16 holding level, 102
potential, 100 Peak response, 60 panel, 47, 60
resistance, 61 Percent rules, 47
Membrane Test, 61, 104 time above threshold, 89 Record command, 109
description, 62 Persistence Repeat command, 109
sequencing, 110 sweeps, 35 Requirements
setup, 62 Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), 73, computer system, 8
Menu bar, 43 79 Re-Record command, 109
Miniature synaptic currents, 125 Picospritzer, 13 Resetting program defaults, 17
Mode/Rate tab, 74 Piezo-electric solution changer, Resistance
122 access, 61
Naming data files, 108 Plots. See graph membrane, 61
New features, 3, 51 Plotter Results window, 38, 39
New Scope command, 35 support, 8 Column arithmetic, 158
New users Plug and Play devices, 10 Importing Data, 141
help, 5 PMTs, 73 Results Window
Next Sweep command, 37 P-open, 122 Transfer traces, 156
Noise, 121 Popup menus, 43 Rm, 61
Notes, 39 Power Spectrum, 217 Rows
Offsets, 52 Preview data, 35 copy and paste, 39
correction, 67 Previous Sweep command, 37 Run
OK button, 28 Printer definition, 74
On-line dongle compatibility, 12 timing, 77
arithmetic, 79 support, 8
averaging, 76 Probability Density Function Sampling, 179
I-V, 74 conditional in maximum interval, 47, 60, 75, 84
statistics, 36, 89 likelihood fitting, 253 multiple signals, 84
statistics measurements, 59 in maximum likelihood fitting, Nyquist rate, 179
On-line help, 49 254 Oversampling, 180
Oocyte recording, 126 Probability Distribution Function Sampling Theorem, 179

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
Index • 299

Saving configuring, 30, 52 cursors, 34, 78

last acquisition, 109 correction, 67 dialog, 59
membrane test, 61 defining, 30, 52 display, 59
statistics, 108, 109 digital output, 13 measurements, 58
Scale Factor Assistant, 54 display, 42 on-line, 36, 89
button, 31 drift, 81 region to search, 78, 87
telegraphs, 102 gain, 52 saving, 108, 109
tutorial, 99 initialization, 20 search region, 87, 107
Scaling naming, 30 shape, 59, 78
auto-scale, 41 offsets, 52 slope, 39
correction, 67 predefined, 30, 52 threshold-based, 89
data, 41 Imemb, 52 tutorial, 107
full-scale, 41 Ipatch, 52 Statistics Display
scale factor, 52, 56 Iseal, 52 window, 36
signals, 30 Vm, 52 Status Bar, 48
tutorial, 99 protocol, 52 Stimulus
zoom, 41 scaling, 30, 101 file, 80
Scenarios, 119 simulated, 11 preview, 106
Scope window, 28, 34 telegraphs, 13, 101 triggering, 125
Scrolling, 41 testing, 19 user list, 81
SCSI ID, 23 tutorial, 99 waveform, 73, 80, 105
Seal Single channel analysis, 143 Store Sweep command, 35
formation, 60, 103 Single-channel Store Trace command, 109
resistance, 60, 103 cell-attached patch-clamp, 119 SW1 Digidata dip switch, 21
Seal Test, 103 isolated patch-clamp, 121 Sweep
description, 60 noise, 121 definition, 74, 289
sequencing, 110 Slope, 39 display, 37
Search region, 58, 87, 107 Software protection device. See persistence, 35
Select digitizer, 32 Parallel port key timing, 77
Select Sweeps command, 37 Solution Synaptic currents, 125
Sequencing Keys ion concentrations, 57 System
description, 64 Solution changer, 64, 122 requirements, 8
experiments, 110 Burleigh LSS-3200, 123 resources, 9
linking events, 65 control, 13 System Lab Book, 39
monitoring resistance, 64 experiment, 98
Sequencing toolbar, 44 sequencing, 112 Tags
Set Data File Names command, 29 Sorting files, 70 audio, 65
Set Initial Output Voltages, 20 Space bar trigger, 77 comment, 65
Settings Spectral Analysis signal changes, 120
defaults, 17 Fourier series, 213 time, 65
Setup pCLAMP 7, 14 Fourier transform, 215 triggers, 13
Shape statistics, 78, 87 power spectrum, 217 voice, 65
analysis, 125 segmentation, 219 Tau
cursors, 34 windowing, 218 membrane test, 61
tutorial, 107 Spike trains, 125 Telegraphs, 13, 102
Signals spontaneous activity, 125 settings, 52
AC-coupling, 121 Standard deviation, 39 Testing
analog inputs, 13 Start-to-Start Interval, 77 Digidata 1200 board, 19
analog outputs, 12 Statistics, 87 Test Digidata 1200 utility, 9, 17
conditioning, 101 analysis, 125 TESTDIGI utility, 9

300 • Index

Text editor, 39 Noisy single channel data, 156 axes, 42

Threshold level, 34, 85 Quick I-V, 148, 150 colors, 42
Threshold-based statistics, 89 Trace vs. Trace, 152 dockable components, 34, 46
Time, 48 floating, 46
elapsed, 60 Uninstall fonts, 42
Timing, 77 Digidata 1200 driver, 17 Lab Book, 39
Tip of the day, 49 pCLAMP 7, 17 main, 28, 33
TL-1 data acquisition system, 9 Units of measurement, 52 minimized, 42
Toolbar Update Preview, 106 properties, 41, 42
acquisition, 44 Upgrades Real Time Controls, 60
alternate, 44 data acquisition systems, 9 resizing, 46
analysis, 44 User list, 81, 83 results, 39, 115
customizing, 45 Valve controller, 122, 123, 124, scope, 28, 34
format, 44 126 signals, 42
overview, 27 Variable-length events acquisition statistics display, 36
sequencing, 44 animal recording, 126 types, 33
Tooltips, 27, 49 description, 86 Windows
sequencing keys, 64 display, 123 95, 10
Trace scenarios, 120 NT, 10
definition, 74, 289 spike trains, 125 system folder, 16
Transferring data, 24 triggering, 88 technical knowledge, 7
Trial View versions, 6, 8, 14
definition, 74, 84, 289 Sweep selection, 170 Write Last command, 35, 109
hierarchy, 74 View command, 109
Trigger View Only command, 35 X-Axis
acquisition modes, 2 Voice tag, 65 scaling, 41
description, 77, 88 Voltage-clamp Xenopus oocytes, 126
drug application system, 122 external command input, 12
fixed-length events, 87, 124 tutorial, 98 Y-axis
hysteresis, 89 scaling, 41
inputs, 13 Waveform, 73
internal timer, 77 definition, 74 Zero Stopwatch command, 48
menu, 58 description, 80, 105 Zoom, 41
multiple, 125 digital output, 80
oscilloscope, 13 epochs, 80, 105
polarity, 86 preview, 106, 107
pre-trigger, 86 tutorial, 105
spike trains, 125 user list, 83
variable-length events, 125 Web site, 49
Troubleshooting Whole-cell
DMA/IRQ errors, 18 evoked activity, 125
latest Web Info, 49 experiments, 97, 123
Reset to Program Defaults, 17 oocytes, 126
TTL-compatible signals, 13 patch-clamp, 73
Tutorial, 97 seal test, 103
Action Potential Shape, 169 spontaneous activity, 125
Automatic Quick Graphs, 154 Window
Extracellular spikes, 161 active, 42
I-V curve, 147 analysis, 37

pCLAMP 8 for Windows User’s Guide to Clampex and Clampfit, Copyright 1998-2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.

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