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Full Schedule JCC18

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Schedule of the 18th Jordanian Chemistry Conference and Exhibi on (JCC18-2023)

Day 1: Tuesday, 12th September 2023 @ Mövenpick Hotel Amman*

Time Session Presenter
900-1000 Registra on Organizers
Prof. Dr. Abeer Al Bawwab/JCC President
Prof. Dr. Moza AlShamsi/Secretary General
of the Union of Arab Chemists
Conference Opening Prof. Dr. Adnan Abu-Surrah/Chairman of
JCC Scien fic Commi ee
Prof. Dr. Fawwaz Al-Abed Al-Haq/HU
HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan
1050-1120 Coffee Break & Exhibi on
Plenary lecture Prof. Dr. Ma hew Paige
Chemical Structure-Property Rela onships in Surfactant Monolayers University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Plenary lecture
Prof. Dr. Mahdi M. Abu-Omar
1210-1300 Catalysis for the Circular Economy: Upcycling of Polyethylene to Surfactant- University of California Santa Barbara, US
Range Alkylaroma cs
1300-1320 Promo onal Presenta on Hijaz Scien fic Supplies Establishment
1320-1350 Coffee Break & Exhibi on
Plenary lecture
Prof. Dr. Philip Marrio
1350-1440 Taking Advantage of the Analy cal Footprint of Comprehensive 2D Gas Monash University, Australia
Plenary lecture
1440-1530 Plenary Speaker
Analy caOne for Integrated Scien fic
1530-1550 Promo onal Presenta on
Solu ons
1550-1650 Lunch
1650-1730 Exhibi on

*Moderators of the first day are Dr. Lubna AL Rawashdeh (HU) & Dr. Abdussalam Qaroush (UJ)

Schedule of the 18th Jordanian Chemistry Conference and Exhibi on (JCC18-2023)

Day 2: Wednesday, 13th September 2023 @ King Al-Hussein the Builder Complex, The Hashemite
Time Session Presenter
830-900 Registra on Organizers
Plenary lecture Prof. Dr. Philip G. Jessop
CO2-Switchable Materials for Separa ons, @ Ground Floor Theatre Queen's University, Canada
Session 1 @ Ground Floor Theatre Session 2 @ 1st Floor Theatre
Prof. Bader Salameh (HU) & Dr. Bassem Al-Maythalony
Dr. Hazem Amarne (UJ)
O1 Hussam Almassad O5 Mohammad El-khateeb
10 -10 20 Royal Scien fic Society, Jordan Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Environmentally Adap ve MOF-based Atmospheric Water Nickel, Palladium and Pla num Complexes of Polychlorophenyl
Harves ng Thiolato Ligands
O6 Ayman Hammoudeh
O2 Youssef Naimi
Yarmouk University, Jordan
1020-1040 Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco
Synthesis, Characteriza on, and Luminescence Proper es of
Green Hydrogen Produc on and Consump on: State of
Rare Earth Doped BaGd-Silicate Phosphors for Solid-State
the Art and Perspec ves
Ligh ng Applica ons
O7 Mothana Al-Omari
O3 Abdussalam Qaroush
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
1040-1100 The University of Jordan, Jordan
Palladium-Catalyzed Highly Regioselec ve Mono and Double
New Pathways for CO2 Sequestra on/U liza on from a
Sonogashira Cross-Coupling Reac ons of 5-Subs tuted-1,2,3-
Green Perspec ve
Triiodobenzene Under Ambient Condi ons
O4 Hana Alhanash
Advanced Libyan Centre for Chemical Analysis, Libya O8 Feda'a Al-Qaisi
1100-1120 Green Synthesis and Characterisa on of Zinc Oxide The Hashemite University, Jordan
Nanopar cles using Olea Europaea and Citrus Auran folia CO2 U liza on using Biorenewable Zinc Catalysts
Aqueous Leaf Extracts
1120-1200 Coffee Break & Poster Session
Session 3 @ Ground Floor Theatre Session 4 @ 1st Floor Theatre
Moderators Moderators
Prof. Amjad El-Sheikh (HU) & Dr. Khaleel Assaf (BAU) Prof. Mohammad El-khateeb (JUST) & Dr. Mohammad Amer (UJ)
O9 Khaldun Al Azzam
Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Jordan O15 Lubna Tahtamouni
1200-1220 A Novel and Simple Dynamic Coa ng Capillary The Hashemite University, Jordan
Electrophoresis Method for the Chiral Separa on and Synthesis, Molecular Docking Studies, and in Vitro An -Tumor
Quan fica on of Mi glinide Enan omers using Effects of Novel Compounds Targe ng EGFR and VEGFR
Hydroxyethyl Cellulose as a Dynamic Coa ng Agent
O10 Jafar Abdelghani O16 Lina Dahabiyeh
The Hashemite University, Jordan The University of Jordan, Jordan
1220-1240 Magne c Solid Phase Extrac on of Phthalate Products Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Approach for
from Bo led, Injectable and Tap Waters using Graphene Biomarker and Therapeutic Target Discovery: Examples from
Oxide: Effect of Oxida on Method of Graphene Parkinson’s Disease and Colorectal Cancer
O11 Hiba Al Amayreh
O17 Frezah Muhana
12 -13 00 Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Jordan
The Recovery of Vanadium Pentoxide from Spent Catalyst
Mebendazole Loaded Nanoparticles for Lung Cancer Therapy
U lized in Sulfuric acid Produc on Plant in Jordan
O12 Mohammed Meetani
O18 Rawan Khalaf
13 -13 20 UAE University, UAE
An-Najah Na onal University, Pales ne
Analysis of Synthe c Cathinones in Plasma and Urine
Design of Patchy DNA Particles by Colloidal Stamping
using NCI GC-MS/MS

Schedule of the 18th Jordanian Chemistry Conference and Exhibi on (JCC18-2023)

O19 Amneh Shtaiwi

O13 Hanan Alchaghouri
Middle East University, Jordan
Damascus University, Syria
1320-1340 Kine c, Thermodynamic and Modeling Studies of
Can Solu on Phase Synthesized Ultrafine Ferromagne c
Spiroquinazoline Deriva ves as Poten al Acetylcholinesterase
Ni/NiO Nanocrystals with Strong Exchange Bias?
(AChE) Inhibitors for Alzheimer’s Disease
O14 Lamia Mamoly O20 Mansour Nawasreh
Damascus University, Syria Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
‫إرجاع حمض الحماض كهركيميائي إلى حمض الغليوكساليك باستعمال‬ Efficient and Green Desymmetriza on Methods toward an -
‫غشاء انتقائي من البولي ستايرين المسلفن غير المتشابك‬ Cancer Cephalosta n Analogues
1400-1500 Lunch
Session 5 @ Ground Floor Theatre Session 6 @ 1st Floor Theatre
Moderators Moderators
Prof. Jamal Dawoud (HU) & Prof. Raed Ghanem (AABU) Prof. Kayed Abu Safieh (HU) & Dr. Abdussalam Qaroush (UJ)
O25 Mousa Al-Smadi
O21 Khaleel Assaf
15 -15 20 Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
Mul ple 1,2,3-Thiadiazole Aroma c Deriva ves: Synthesis,
The Supramolecular Chemistry of Boron Clusters
Characteriza on and Gas-phase Pyrolysis
O22 Faisal Mustafa O26 Fuad Al-Rimawi
Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey Al-Quds University, Pales ne
1520-1540 Mg-doped Mixed Metal Ferrite for Remedia on of Low Density Polyethylene/Zinc Peroxide Composite and
Trichlorophenol and Bacteria Strains: Experimental and Nanocomposite Prepared by Cast Solu on: Thermal, Mechanical
Computa onal Mechanism Approach and Morphological Characteriza on
O23 Amin Thawabteh O27 Bassem Al-Maythalony
15 -16 00 Birzeit University, Pales ne Royal Scien fic Society, Jordan
Masking the Bi er Taste of Guaifenesin-Design, Synthesis, Three-Ring Mo fs in Zeolite Imidazole Frameworks for Enhanced
Characteriza on and in vitro Kine cs-Prodrug Approach Proper es and Applica ons
O24 Osama Abuhasan O28 Ayat Bozeya
The Hashemite University, Jordan Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Molecular Recogni on of Amino Acids and Pep des UHMWPE /MWCNTs Nanocomposite Prepared by Wet Ball
by Cucurbit[8]uril. A Computa onal Study Milling and Hot Press
1620-1640 Poster Session
1. Announcing Poster Award Recipient
2. Presen ng Shields to Keynote Speakers
3. Group Photo


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