Full Schedule JCC18
Full Schedule JCC18
Full Schedule JCC18
*Moderators of the first day are Dr. Lubna AL Rawashdeh (HU) & Dr. Abdussalam Qaroush (UJ)
Schedule of the 18th Jordanian Chemistry Conference and Exhibi on (JCC18-2023)
Day 2: Wednesday, 13th September 2023 @ King Al-Hussein the Builder Complex, The Hashemite
Time Session Presenter
830-900 Registra on Organizers
Plenary lecture Prof. Dr. Philip G. Jessop
CO2-Switchable Materials for Separa ons, @ Ground Floor Theatre Queen's University, Canada
Session 1 @ Ground Floor Theatre Session 2 @ 1st Floor Theatre
Prof. Bader Salameh (HU) & Dr. Bassem Al-Maythalony
Dr. Hazem Amarne (UJ)
O1 Hussam Almassad O5 Mohammad El-khateeb
10 -10 20 Royal Scien fic Society, Jordan Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Environmentally Adap ve MOF-based Atmospheric Water Nickel, Palladium and Pla num Complexes of Polychlorophenyl
Harves ng Thiolato Ligands
O6 Ayman Hammoudeh
O2 Youssef Naimi
Yarmouk University, Jordan
1020-1040 Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco
Synthesis, Characteriza on, and Luminescence Proper es of
Green Hydrogen Produc on and Consump on: State of
Rare Earth Doped BaGd-Silicate Phosphors for Solid-State
the Art and Perspec ves
Ligh ng Applica ons
O7 Mothana Al-Omari
O3 Abdussalam Qaroush
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
1040-1100 The University of Jordan, Jordan
Palladium-Catalyzed Highly Regioselec ve Mono and Double
New Pathways for CO2 Sequestra on/U liza on from a
Sonogashira Cross-Coupling Reac ons of 5-Subs tuted-1,2,3-
Green Perspec ve
Triiodobenzene Under Ambient Condi ons
O4 Hana Alhanash
Advanced Libyan Centre for Chemical Analysis, Libya O8 Feda'a Al-Qaisi
1100-1120 Green Synthesis and Characterisa on of Zinc Oxide The Hashemite University, Jordan
Nanopar cles using Olea Europaea and Citrus Auran folia CO2 U liza on using Biorenewable Zinc Catalysts
Aqueous Leaf Extracts
1120-1200 Coffee Break & Poster Session
Session 3 @ Ground Floor Theatre Session 4 @ 1st Floor Theatre
Moderators Moderators
Prof. Amjad El-Sheikh (HU) & Dr. Khaleel Assaf (BAU) Prof. Mohammad El-khateeb (JUST) & Dr. Mohammad Amer (UJ)
O9 Khaldun Al Azzam
Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Jordan O15 Lubna Tahtamouni
1200-1220 A Novel and Simple Dynamic Coa ng Capillary The Hashemite University, Jordan
Electrophoresis Method for the Chiral Separa on and Synthesis, Molecular Docking Studies, and in Vitro An -Tumor
Quan fica on of Mi glinide Enan omers using Effects of Novel Compounds Targe ng EGFR and VEGFR
Hydroxyethyl Cellulose as a Dynamic Coa ng Agent
O10 Jafar Abdelghani O16 Lina Dahabiyeh
The Hashemite University, Jordan The University of Jordan, Jordan
1220-1240 Magne c Solid Phase Extrac on of Phthalate Products Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Approach for
from Bo led, Injectable and Tap Waters using Graphene Biomarker and Therapeutic Target Discovery: Examples from
Oxide: Effect of Oxida on Method of Graphene Parkinson’s Disease and Colorectal Cancer
O11 Hiba Al Amayreh
O17 Frezah Muhana
12 -13 00 Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Jordan
The Recovery of Vanadium Pentoxide from Spent Catalyst
Mebendazole Loaded Nanoparticles for Lung Cancer Therapy
U lized in Sulfuric acid Produc on Plant in Jordan
O12 Mohammed Meetani
O18 Rawan Khalaf
13 -13 20 UAE University, UAE
An-Najah Na onal University, Pales ne
Analysis of Synthe c Cathinones in Plasma and Urine
Design of Patchy DNA Particles by Colloidal Stamping
using NCI GC-MS/MS
Schedule of the 18th Jordanian Chemistry Conference and Exhibi on (JCC18-2023)