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Python Programming Language A Crash Course To Mast

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2021 Beginners Guide to

Python Programming Language

A Crash Course to Mastering Python Programming Language in
One Hour

Gary Elmer
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior
written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of
publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility
for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied,
with respect to the material contained herein.
Printed on acid-free paper.

Printed in the United States of America

© 2020 by Gary Elmer
Table of Contents
About the Author
You are probably wondering ‘How do I learn Python easily?’ Well, look no
more, help is here. The main goal of this book is to take you from being an
absolute beginner to a pro in coding in Python 3. Python gives a simple and
straightforward approach thereby making it an impeccable programming
language. The Python interface gives you an avenue to go on coding
adventures as you get instant feedback on your ideas with the interactive
Whatever your reason for venturing into programming is, whether building
games or user interface, Python can give it all to you in simple steps and
even short codes. Since Programming is all about making your computer
follow your instructions and bringing your ideas to reality, then with
Python. Even if you are not new to programming and have learnt other
languages before, you are likely going to need Python to step up your
coding game.
Throughout this book, I will walk you through writing codes with Python in
simple and fun steps. I will be dishing out ideas and skills you will need as
a beginner and walk you through the terms and basics you need to know
about coding. In order to get the most out of this book, you need to be
willing to learn. Take notes and write the lessons out in your journal, this
helps in retaining knowledge for a longer time and helps the lesson stick.
Consistency is the key to being an expert programmer so I recommend that
you ensure you code every day.
Python techniques discussed in this book are concise so if you are interested
in learning more about any of the concepts discussed you can progress to
advanced textbooks. The first two chapters introduce you to Python, its
features and rudiments. Going further, we explore how to write programs
and implement them, the various sets used and writing. The last chapter
discusses useful tips while writing programs. Furthermore, errors and bugs
that might occur during coding are also discussed.
To get started you need to install Python. Go to www.python.org to
download the latest version and install. Some computers come with the
program pre-installed while some don’t. If you use a Mac or Linux, find out
if its installed on it and ensure it is the latest version, if it’s not you would
need to upgrade to the latest version. Now that you’ve installed Python on
your PC, let’s start the journey of programming.


When we talk about programming logic and techniques, we are referring to
the instructions in a program arranged in an order so as to solve a problem.
While working on a problem, different program logic can be developed as a
solution, what matters most is that the logic works for the problem and the
given task is performed. In programming, you have to be conversant with
the characters used in giving instructions in order to perform a given task.
These characters include:

1. Variable
2. Constant
3. Keywords
4. Data types
5. Identifiers
6. Repetition/Loops
7. Decisions/Selections
8. Arrays


In programming, data processing has a laid out structure or model that it
follows while a specific task is being carried out. This model is known as
the IPO. Basically, data fed into a computer through the keyboard,
touchscreen or scanner is known as the input . Data in its raw form is of
lesser value until it is processed and output is generated. Process is the
activity carried out on the input which converts it into something
meaningful. Output is the result of the processed input and it can be in the
form of pictures, documents, audios and in programming, output is usually
the execution of the task for which a program as written and processed. So
in Python, the input is the written code or instruction while output is the
task performed.

A program is a set of commands in the form of codes written to instruct a
computer to execute a given task. Codes are embedded in a program so they
are written as the input and processed as instructions to perform a specific
task. An example of program is
Z = X + Y,
The mathematical expression given above is an example of a program
where X, Y and Z are variables. When we instruct the computer to calculate
the value of X and Y, the result which is Z is the output.


When conditions are introduced into a program, the output of the program
will be according to the condition introduced. In Python, there are ‘true’ or
‘false’ values you can use as conditions on the program.
The ‘if’ condition contains a set of codes which only runs when the
condition embedded in the code is true. If the condition is not met and the
code is false, ‘else’ code with a different set of instructions run. So ‘if’ code
is used when a condition is met (true) while ‘else’ is used when the
condition is false and the ‘if’ condition is not met. The ‘elif’ condition
simply gives an option to try another condition if previous conditions are
not true. An example is:
a = 350; b=56
if b > a :
print (“a is greater than” a)
elif a == b :
print (“a and b are equal”)
else :
print (“a is greater than b”)


When codes are written, values need to be stored in a memory bank where
they can be retrieved, these memory banks are known as variables and
constants. Variables are datasets that can be changed while constants’
values remain unchanged throughout a program’s execution. A constant
value is usually named and assigned initial values while the variable value
can be assigned in the process of program execution.

In python, each dataset given belongs to a category which shows the kind of
tasks a program can be expected to implement on the dataset, this category
is known as the data type. The standard types of data in Python are:

1. Numeric
2. Sequence type
3. Boolean
4. Set
5. Dictionary

In one of the previous sections, we defined variables as values that can be
modified in a program. When you change the values of variables in Python,
you need to follow certain guidelines so you do not create a wrong code
that will not deliver the required output. Python has specific variable
naming guidelines:

1. Variable naming is case sensitive. For example, uppercase letter

O can be mistaken for number zero thereby causing confusion in
the code so you have to be careful when using letters like this or
avoid them when writing codes.
2. Keep variable names short and clear. Do not just use a letter to
represent a certain word as the program can be interpreted as
something as, e.g. do not use p for pillow to avoid confusion.
3. Letters, underscores and numbers are the only characters that can
be used in naming variables. When naming variables, bear in
mind that you cannot start with a number. Using underscores in
variables also makes codes clearer, for instance, a_variable is
easier to understand than avariable .
4. Try as much as possible not to use spaces in variables naming,
use underscores instead.
When naming variables, bear in mind that you are probably not going to be
the only one to work on the program, therefore use names that describe the
information explicitly and specifically to avoid confusion. Do not try to
save time by rushing on variable naming, this might actually slow you
down in the long run when you have issues with deciphering the program.
As you write more programs, you get better at naming variables, you might
run into errors and dead ends at first but do not worry, practice makes
perfect. An example of a clear and complete program is
house price = price_per_room * rooms +
price_per_floor_squared * ( floors ** 2 )
house_price = house_price + expected_mean_house_price
The above program shows the variable names in an easy to understand
format and anyone can decipher what the program means.

When writing programs in Python, certain elements are used to execute
tasks on given variables and values to give results. These elements are
represented by symbols known as operators. For example, if we need to
perform subtraction operation on given values, we use the ‘-’ operator to
give the instruction, i.e;
print ( 15 - 11)
There are various categories of operators in Python:
1. Arithmetic operators: they are used to execute mathematical
tasks on numeric values. Examples of arithmetic operators are
addition ( + ); subtraction ( - ); multiplication ( * ); division ( / );
modulus ( % ); exponentiation ( ** ) and floor division ( // ).
2. Assignment operators: these operators are used to assign values
to variables. They assign values of right operand to the left
operand. Their examples are equal to ( = ); add AND ( += );
subtract AND ( -= ); multiply AND ( *= ); divide AND ( /= );
modulus AND ( %= ); exponent AND ( **= ); floor division
AND ( //= ).
3. Comparison operators: they are used to compare two given
values on both sides of the operand and deduce the relationship
that exists between them. The common comparison operators are
equal ( == ); not equal ( != ); greater than ( > ); less than ( < );
greater than or equal to ( >= ); less than or equal to ( <= ).
Another name for comparison operators is relational operators
4. Logical operators are used in combining conditional statements.
‘And’ ( true if both statements are true); ‘or’ (used if one of the
statements are true) and ‘not’ (false if both statements are false)
are all examples of logical operators. They are referred to as
Boolean operators.
5. Membership operators: are used to identify the relationship of a
particular sequence in an object. Operators used to indicate
membership are ‘in’ (true if a sequence with the specified value
is found within an object); ‘not in’ (true if a sequence with the
specified value is not found within an object).
6. Bitwise Operators: are used in comparison of binary numbers.
They work on bits and execute tasks bit by bit. AND ( & ); OR ( |
); XOR ( ^ ); NOT ( ~ ); Zero fill left shift ( << ) and Signed right
shift ( >> ) are examples of bitwise operators used in python.
7. Identity operators: they compare the memory locations of two
different objects. The two identity operators are ‘is’ (true if the
variables on either sides of the operator point to the same object
and false if not); ‘is not’ (false if the variables on either side of
the operator point to the same object and false if not).
There is operator precedence in python. If there are more than one
operations to be performed, one of the operators needs to be evaluated
before others. For example, multiplication has a higher precedence than

Sometimes, when writing programs in Python, you might need to repeat a
task. When repeating similar tasks, you are bound to make errors so Python
makes this less tasking by having features to aid repetition of tasks without
errors. The execution of a code over and over again is known as iteration .
With iteration, you can repeat the same task a number of times. A program
that utilizes iteration in its codes is referred to as a loop . There are two
types of iteration; definite and indefinite. While carrying out an indefinite
iteration, the number of times the loop has to be repeated is not stated but
with definite iteration, it is stated when the loop starts. In Python, definite
iteration is performed with the for loop while indefinite iteration is
performed with while loop.
When definite iteration loops are used, for is the keyword used to integrate
them into a program in Python. Python implements the collection-based or
iterator based loop which loops a collection of items rather than individual
values. It is the most widely used loop and uses the keyword for each
instead of for . An example of for loop is
for a = 10 to 15
< loop body >
The program above means for every time a is between 10 and 15, the
program should be repeated.
The while loop is used to indicate in-definite iterations where the number
of times the loop has to be iterated is not specified. It is used to iterate a set
of codes with a ‘true’ condition attached to it. When the ‘true’ condition is
no longer met and becomes false, the while loop stops iterating and the
next loop in the program is performed. The next loop which becomes
executed is the else statement which has been programmed to run if the
while loop is broken. In conclusion, the while loop is used when we do not
know the number of times a program has to be executed, if it is known, then
for loop should be used. An example of while loop is
num = 65
while num<81
print ( num )
this program will continue to print 65 until the loop is broken and the
condition of the number being less than 81 is no longer met. It will then
proceed to execute the next program.
As a programming language, Python offers many useful and sophisticated
features thereby making it a first choice in the programming industry. It is
versatile as it offers procedural oriented programming as well as object-
oriented programming. Python offers many features to its users, some
significant ones are:

1. Free and open source

As a widely used programming language, Python is free to use for everyone
and is available to download free of charge on its official website . Its
source code which is freely available to all is updated regularly to bring
new features to the users. With a growing community, users worldwide can
contribute and share ideas amongst themselves.

2. Ease of coding
With Python, anyone can learn to code. Although it is a high-level
programming language, it is easy to master and very beginner-friendly
when compared to other programming languages.

3. Extensibility
With Python, programs can be written into other languages like C++
programming language and vice versa.

4. Portability
Python can be used across various OS without having to rewrite the code. If
a program was written on a Mac platform, it can be run on other platforms
like Windows and Linux without changing the code.

5. Object-oriented Language
Object-oriented language is one of the key features of Python. It recognizes
concepts of classes and objects encapsulation which helps in writing
programs with lesser codes and reusable codes.

6. High level language

When coding with Python, no need to worry about how the codes are
structured or built. A line is enough to execute some complex programs in
Python as against other programming languages that require long lines of
codes for simple tasks.


Programs can be developed in Python by making use of some building
blocks. Some of these building blocks are:

1. Variables: As was discussed earlier, these are values that can be

changed or manipulated when writing a program. Python
allocates value to variables based on the references given.
2. Data types: Since Python gives value of variables based on the
references assigned, the data types that are compatible with
Python are Boolean, integer, string, list, object, dictionaries and
3. Operators: Are symbols used to represent mathematical tasks
that are executed on given variables and values to give results.
Operators used in Python are arithmetic, assignment, bitwise,
comparison, logical, membership and identity operators.
4. Expressions: Are combinations of values with certain operators
like multiplication or division. An example is x + y = z where x
and y are variables.
5. Identifiers: As stated earlier variables and functions have to be
named for proper identification and to avoid confusion. An
identifier should be clear, case sensitive, not start with a digit and
can only contain letters, digits and underscores.
6. Functions: Are also statements that depict the IPO (input-
process-output). There are built-in functions and user-defined
functions in Python.
7. Classes: One of the features that make Python stand out is being
an object-oriented language. Classes are the basis on which
objects are created in Python.
8. Comments: These are started with the hash (#) character in a
9. Statements: These display the tasks that should be executed. An
example is x = 31 + 45.


Being an object-oriented programming language, Python is full of objects
which are variables and functions. Classes are prototypes used to create
objects. When naming classes, some basic guidelines have to be followed:
● Class names have a different naming pattern in Python known as
CapWords convention and should be used when naming them.
● The ‘camel_case’ naming convention where underscores are not used
between words.
● Built-in classes’ names come in lowercase.
● Exception classes should have Error words.


A programmer does not write a code just for him/herself, other people and
even the writer will read the code again and again. Proper documentation
when writing the codes enhance readability for other users not just the
writer of the code. In order to write readable codes naming conventions for
each building block is required and certain naming styles have to be
followed e.g.
● Function: lowercase words only; underscores are used to separate
● Variable: lowercase letter, word or groups of words; underscores are
also used.
● Class: uppercase is used to start each word, camel_case style is used.
● Method: same as function.
● Constant: uppercase letter, word or groups of words; underscores are
also used.
● Module: short lowercase word or words; underscores are used.
● Package: short lowercase word or words; no underscores are used.

In Python, some keywords have been reserved with specific functions
attached to them so they can’t be used outside these functions and when
naming classes, variables etc. some of these keywords with their functions
● break: break away from a loop.
● and: logical operator
● def: define
● del: delete
● elif: conditional statement if else
● false: comparison operator
● from: import certain parts
● if: conditional statement
● lambda: create anonymous function
These and many more are examples of reserved keywords in Python.


Data is one of the pillars of code writing, tasks are executed as a result of
the data processed into the program. So every value is seen as a data-type in
object programming. However, there are different data types according to
their functions in Python. Some of them are:

1. Integers: also known as numbers. They do not have limits and

keep going as long as desired if there is sufficient amount of
memory to contain all. Prefixes can be added to integers to
indicate number bases apart from 10 like binary, octal and
2. Floating numbers: floating point numbers come after an integer
and are represented by decimal point or e.
3. Complex numbers: are statements written with the combination
of real and imaginary numbers. An example is a + bj where ‘a’ is
the real number while ‘b’ is the imaginary number.
4. List: is an important data type in Python and used extensively for
many functions. It represents a sequence of data which could be
the same or different written in order. Commas are used to
separate variables in a list, then enclosed in a bracket [], ideally, a
list contains variables which can be manipulated or changed.
Operations can be executed on a single item or range of items
within a list.
5. Tuple: is similar to a list, the difference between them is that
values in a tuple are constant i.e. they cannot be changed. The
items in a tuple are also separated with a comma but the tuple is
enclosed in a parenthesis (). As with a list, operations can also be
executed on a single item or range of items within a list.
6. Strings: is a list containing Unicode characters represented with
single (‘’) or double quotes (“”).
7. Set: is also a form of list but the items are not arranged in an
orderly manner. The items in a set are separated using commas
and enclosed in braces {}.
8. Dictionary: is a data-type whose function is to store key-value
pairs and be available when retrieval of the values is required.
They are also enclosed in braces {} with each item in pairs.


In previous sections, classes have been discussed and defined as a blueprint
for object creation in Python where all entities are regarded as objects.
Object-oriented programming is an approach used to model situations in
order to solve problems. When a real life task needs to be performed in
programming, entities involved in the problem like cars, structures,
relationships and other entities are represented as objects which are then
modified in a bid to execute the task. Attributes of a particular object can be
associated with its class. Classes are represented with the ‘class’ keyword
with a colon (:) after it. There are class members which are the attributes
allocated to each object. The basic class members are:

1. Class variable: is modifiable data value that can be shared by all

objects within the class.
2. Method: this is a function allocated and distinct to a particular
class definition.
3. Object: is the basic block of Python. Everything found in Python
is seen as an object. All forms of variables and methods can be
found in an object. An object is defined by the prototype given
by its class.
4. Instance: is an object belonging to a certain class.
5. Instance variable: is a variable allocated to a certain instance and
distinct to a particular method.
6. Data member: is a variable whether instance or class in which a
class’ data is stored.
7. Inheritance: this implies a class allocating characters to its sub-
8. Instantiation: creation of an object for a particular class only.


Variables are memory banks for storing values in Python. As soon as it is
created, it holds its location in the memory bank. Various data types can be
reserved in a variable depending on the preference of the programmer.
Numeric, Boolean or set are examples of the types of data that can be stored
in variables. To assign values to variables in Python, the equal sign (=) is
used. The operand to which value is assigned i.e. the variable is on the left,
then the equal to sign and lastly the value is on right like so
decade = 10
where decade is the variable, = is the equal to sign which assigns variable
and 10 is the value assigned to the variable ‘decade’. A single value can
also be allocated to more than one variable at the same time.


1. Variable naming is case sensitive i.e. uppercase O is different
from lowercase o so attention should be paid when naming to
avoid mistakes and confusion.
2. Keep variable names short and clear. Do not just use a letter to
represent a certain word as the program can be interpreted as
something as, e.g. do not use p for pillow to avoid confusion.
3. Letters, underscores and numbers are the only characters that can
be used in naming variables. A number cannot be used to start a
variable name but letters and underscores can be used.
4. Avoid spaces in variables naming, use underscores instead.


When variables and functions become obsolete and are not usable anymore,
Python deletes them automatically so as to free up memory space. They can
also be removed by a programmer if they are no longer needed in a
program. The del function is used to delete a variable manually. If a group
of variables needs to be deleted, the action can be iterated until all that
needs to be removed are deleted.

Simply put, literals are unprocessed information given in variable or
constant. They are basically constant and do not change throughout a
program’s runtime. In Python, there are five types of literals:

1. String literals: generated by writing characters in single, double

or triple quotes. The various forms of string literals are single
line string literal and multi-line string literal.
2. Boolean literals: are conditional literals and represented by either
true or false.
3. Numeric literals: represented by python numbers which are
integers (positive or negative), floating points (fractions and
decimals) and complex numbers (real and imaginary).
4. Special literals: is used to describe literals with no data input. It
is represented by none . When no input is given, output is also
5. Literal collections: this encompasses four different literals
namely lust literals, tuple literals, set literals and dict literals.
They are all collections of data within Python, with differences in
data sets, functions and how they are represented.

Methods are instructions that can be embedded into an object in order to
execute a task. In other words, they are like action codes called on objects
or classes. They are easy to integrate with a code, once written with the
class or object to work on, output is given without delay. Methods should
not be confused with functions; methods need an object to be able to
perform while objects are not required in functions. As a result of this,
methods can change an object’s behavior and value since they are
associated. There are various built-in methods used in Python namely:

1. Methods for strings: Used when datasets have the same value
but different formats and the data has to be sorted. Methods used
for this situation in strings are lower ( ), upper ( ), strip ( ), split (
) etc.
2. Methods for lists: If a list needs to be modified, then methods
are used. append (arg), remove (arg), count ( ) and clear ( ) are
examples of methods used to modify a list.
3. Methods for dictionaries: Also used to modify the dictionary
data-type. dict.keys ( ), dict.clear ( ) and dict.values ( ) are
methods used when working on the dictionary data-type.

When using methods and functions, there are three basic categories. There
is the built-in category that is already programmed with Python. Next
category is user-defined methods which are created by Python users to
assign certain methods to keywords and lastly anonymous functions. When
declaring user defined methods, certain guidelines should be bore in mind:

1. The def keyword should be used to define the method and its
2. Assign tasks to be executed to the method and provide
descriptions so the method can be clear.
3. Parameters should be added to a method. Enclose them in the
method’s parenthesis and end the line with a colon.
4. Add a return statement to the defined method so an output will
be given. This helps to avoid getting none feedback.
To represent methods and functions, some elements have to be included so
they can perform as desired. These elements are:
● Docstrings: These are used to describe what a function does. It
comes immediately after the function header and is represented with
triple quotes.
● Arguments: Are bits of information sent to a function in its call
time. They come immediately after the function name within the
parenthesis. There are four types of arguments namely keyword
arguments, required arguments, default arguments and variable
number of arguments.
● Parameter: Is a variable written inside the parenthesis in a function’s
● Recursion: Happens when a function is given the ability to call itself
i.e. data can be looped through or iterated. Care has to be taken to
prevent a situation where the loop keeps going on and eats into the
processor’s memory.


In the previous section where naming of various concepts in Python was
discussed, it has been asserted that proper naming is important for
readability of codes. It also improves the quality and reusability of codes,
other users will be able to interpret the codes easily if naming conventions
are followed. In naming methods, some guidelines should be paid attention
● When naming methods, only lowercase words can be used.
● If more than a word is to be used, then an underscore should be used
in between to enhance readability.
● Non-public methods names should be started with an underscore.
● When a method name needs to be mangled, two leading underscores
should be used so Python mangling rules will be applied. If this is not
done, Python can mangle the method name subclasses and this causes

One of the most important features of Python is being an object-oriented
programming language; this means almost all entities in Python are objects.
It is the basic block of Python. It is the raw data that is processed to give out
an output. It is a form of dataset with variables and methods embedded in it.
An object is defined by the prototype given by its class. When a real world
problem needs to be solved with Python, the entities like buildings, cars,
interactions between employer and employee, teacher and students and all
forms of entities can be represented as objects with their data inputted to
give out an output. A class is the building block of an object; it contains all
details about the object. An object can also be seen as an instance of a class
i.e. an object belonging only to a particular class. Objects cannot stand
alone; they need a class to define their variables and functions. Usually, the
basic constituents of an object are:
● State: this shows the attributes of a particular object like age, breed,
color etc.
● Behavior: this reflects the methods or functions embedded in an
object e.g. go, come, bark, sleep etc. It also shows the response of an
object to these functions.
● Identity: assigns a name to an object so interactions with other
objects can be possible e.g. Frank, Dog, Car etc.

Packages in Python are collections of multiple modules. Just as there are
folders and subfolders in computer memories and files are arranged on the
basis of certain criteria so they can be accessed easily, packages perform the
same function in Python. It is used to bundle modules which is an array of
multiple objects with classes and functions. It created a hierarchical
arrangement of the modules to avoid collisions. It is a directory containing
Python files and the package special file _init_py . Modules can be
imported into a package file as long as the special file is present in the
package file. Creating a package is similar to creating folders and
subfolders in a computer. To create a package:
● Create a new folder and name it.
● Create a subfolder in the first folder and give it a desired package
● Create a _init_py file in the subfolder.
● Create or import modules and functions in the package.


A class is made up of objects with variables and methods. Each of them is
an attribute and can be tweaked to get a desired result. To access the
attributes of a class, some in-built methods in python can be used e.g.
● getattr(): used when the attribute of a class needs to be checked.
● hasattr(): used to check if a class has a certain attribute.
● setattr(): used when a class needs more attributes.
A class’ method can also be accessed by allocating an object to a particular
class i.e. instantiating a class into an object. This enables the programmer to
access the method of the particular class. Accessing methods of a class is
done using the self parameter. This parameter is also useful when instance
methods need to access the attributes and other methods and functions
performed on a particular object. A class’ method can also be accessed from
another class by passing an instance of the called class to the calling class
i.e. the latter class instance is passed to the former class instance.


As it has been established earlier, objects are basic data types in Python.
They are used to represent real life concepts and consist of variables and
methods. When a real world problem needs to be solved with Python, the
entities like buildings, cars, interactions between employer and employee,
teacher and students and all forms of entities can be represented as objects
with their data inputted to give out an output. An object is an instance of a
class; this means classes are made up of objects. Examples of objects and
how they are used in codes are:
scoobie = dog ()
The object here is scoobie. Another example is
man = harry
dog = animal
dog = mammal
dog = canine
The last three examples assign three different attributes to the same object
which is dog. This shows that objects can have different attributes. At the
same time, an object can be instantiated into a class. An example is
door = door 1
door = door 2
door = door 3
The class here is the door with three object instances.


When programs are written, there is always a possibility of unauthorized
access to it. Access specifiers are responsible for denying unauthorized
personnel access to data and prevent its use for functions other than what it
was developed for. In other words, they specify the class variables that can
be accessed in a program. There are three forms of access specifiers in
● Public: these variables can be accessed from outside the class.
● Protected: these variables can be accessed from outside by a class
derived from it. This can be enforced by using a single underscore
before the variable name i.e. _variable-name.
● Private: this means the class variables cannot be accessed from
outside, it can only be accessed from within the class. This specifier
can be enforced by using double underscore for the variable name i.e.


These are similar to access specifiers but they are used to modify access to
variables and functions of a class in object-oriented programming. They
also limit access to variables from outside members. When access modifiers
are put in place, data cannot be accessed by unauthorized bodies thereby
preventing it from being manipulated by these unauthorized bodies.as with
specifiers, underscores are also used in modifiers to specify the type of
access the programmer is willing to attach to a program. Granting of
unauthorized access to data can occur as a result of inheritance. This is a
very important concept in object-oriented programming and is considered
one of its pillars.
Inheritance in programming is similar to inheritance in real life. A parent
can transfer his/her genetic characteristics to their offspring and the
offspring inherits these characteristics even though he/she possesses their
unique characteristics as well. When a class inherits the attributes and
variables of another class, inheritance can be said to have occurred. This
leads to code reusability within and outside the program. The class from
which attributes are transferred to another can be referred to as the base
class while the class to whom attributes are transferred can be referred to as
the child class. A base class can have several child classes and at the same
time, a child class can inherit its attributes from several base classes. In the
process of transferring data from base class to child class, data can get
intercepted by unauthorized sources which could lead to its destruction or
manipulation. Therefore, care has to be taken during inheritance to prevent
data from getting into wrong hands. A demonstration of inheritance in
Python is:
# parent class
Class Car
def __init__( self )
print ( “Car is ready” )
def whatisThis ( self ):
print ( “Car” )
def move ( self )
print ( “move faster” )
# child class
Class Toyota ( Car ):
def __init__( self ):
# call super ( ) function
super ( ) . __init__( )
print ( “Toyota is ready” )
def whatisThis ( self ):
print ( “Car” )
def move ( self )
print ( “accelerate faster” )
car = Toyota
car .whatisThis ( )
car .move ( )
car .accelerate ( )
Car is ready
Toyota is ready
Move faster
Accelerate faster
The program above shows Car as the parent class and Toyota as child
class. It can be seen that Toyota inherits the attributes and functions of Car
as seen in the move method.
Access modifiers can be executed in three forms namely:
Public access modifiers
All variables and functions in Python possess public characteristics by
default so they can be accessed from both inside and outside the class.
Example of public access class is
class car
def __init__( self, name, model ) :
self .name = name
self .model = model
This program can be interpreted to mean car class’s attributes (name and
brand) can be accessed from within and outside the class and modified. The
above program variables can be modified as follows:
>>> c1 = car ( “Toyota”, camry)
>>>c1 . model
>>> c1 . model = corolla
>>> c1 .model
Another example of a program with public access variables and functions in
a class:
class employee:

# constructor

def __init__(self, name, gender):

# public data mambers

self.employeeName= name

self.employeeGender= gender

# public member function

def displayGender(self) :

# accessing public data member

print("Gender: ", self.employeeGender)

# creating object of the class

obj= Employee("Frank", Male)

# accessing public data member

print("Name: ", obj.employeeName)

# calling public member function of the class

Name: Frank
Gender: Male
This program shows employee name and gender are public data values.
These values can be accessed from in the program because of this function.


These class members can only be accessible to subclasses extracted from it
and other members within the class. In other words, a child class will be
able to access a base class if the latter is protected. A class member can
attain protected status by adding a single underscore as a prefix to its name.
One of the public access program examples is illustrated below as a
protected class member.
# super class

clas s Employee:

# protected data members

_name = None

_gender = None

_role = None

# constructor
de f __init__(self, name, gender, role):
self._name = name

self._gender = gender

self._role = role

# protected member function

de f _displayGenderAndRole (self):

# accessing protected data members

print("Gender: ", self._gender)

print("Role: ", self._role)

# derived class

clas s Manager(Employee):

# constructor

de f __init__(self, name, gender, role):

Manager.__init__(self, name, gender, role)

# public member function

de f displayDetails(self):

# accessing protected data members of super class

print("Name: ", self._name)

# accessing protected member functions of super class

self._displayGenderAndRole ()

# creating objects of the derived class

obj = Manager("Frank", Male, "Analyst")

# calling public member functions of the class

Name: Frank
Gender: Male
Role: Analyst
This program shows employee name, gender and role as protected data
values, thus they can only be accessed from within the class and subclasses.


Class members with private status can only be accessed from within the
class. It is the most secure means of protecting data from unauthorized
access and manipulation. A class member can attain protected status by
adding double underscores as a prefix to its name. the program below
illustrates our employee program with private accessed variables.
clas s Employee:

# private members

__name = None

__gender = None

__role = None

# constructor

de f __init__(self, name, gender, role):

self.__name = name

self.__gender = gender

self.__role = role

# private member function

de f __displayDetails(self):
# accessing private data members

print("Name: ", self.__name)

print("Gender: ", self.__gender)

print("Role: ", self.__role)

# public member function

de f accessPrivateFunction(self):

# accesing private member function

# creating object

obj = Employee("Frank", Male, "Analyst")

# calling public member function of the class


Name: Frank
Gender: Male
Role: Analyst
This program illustrates __name, __gender and __role as private class
members and can only be accessed from within the class. The
accessPrivateFunction ( ) calls for the accessibility of private members of
the class.
An illustration showing a combination of the three forms of access
modifiers is given below
# super class

clas s Parent:

# public data member

var1 = None
# protected data member

_var2 = None

# private data member

__var3 = None

# constructor

de f __init__(self, var1, var2, var3):

self.var1 = var1

self._var2 = var2

self.__var3 = var3

# public member function

de f displayPublicMembers(self):

# accessing public data members

print("Public Data Member: ", self.var1)

# protected member function

de f _displayProtectedMembers(self):

# accessing protected data members

print("Protected Data Member: ", self._var2)

# private member function

de f __displayPrivateMembers(self):

# accessing private data members

print("Private Data Member: ", self.__var3)

# public member function

de f accessPrivateMembers(self):

# accessing private member function


# derived class

clas s Child(Parent):

# constructor

de f __init__(self, var1, var2, var3):

Parent.__init__(self, var1, var2, var3)

# public member function

de f accessProtectedMembers(self):

# accessing protected member functions of parent class


# creating objects of the derived class

obj = Child("Employees", Male, "Employees !")

# calling public member functions of the class




# Object can access protected member

print("Object is accessing protected member:", obj._var2)

# object can not access private member, so it will generate

Attribute error


Public Data Member: Employees
Protected Data Member: Male
Private Data Member: Employees !
The program shows a combination of public, protected and private access
modifiers in a single program.
Python is a high level programming language with several attractive
features making it desirable for programmers nowadays. The building
blocks which act as the foundation of any program written were identified
along with naming conventions for some of them and guidelines for naming
them have been reviewed in detail in this chapter. These naming
conventions are important for readability and ease of interpretation when
multiple users are involved with a program. It has been established that
variables are memory banks in which data is stored in Python. The
importance of object-oriented programming and its peculiarity in Python
cannot be overemphasized with every entity seen as objects in the
programming language.
Operators are certain symbols used to execute tasks on given variables and
values to give results when writing programs in Python. They are used to
manipulate values of operands. Without operators, certain tasks can’t be
carried out in Python. When using operators as functions, additional
functions can be merged with the primary function of the operator. This
concept is known as operator overloading. When this happens, it is
observed that the same built in function of an operator performs differently
with objects of different classes. An example is a situation where the
operator + is expected to perform addition functions ordinarily. When the
operator is overloaded, it will be able to merge lists or concatenate two
strings depending on the objects in the classes. When functions are
overloaded in a program, the codes can be reused without having to rewrite
multiple codes with slight variations. It also improves code clarity and
eliminates complexity. However, overloading should not be applied too
much when writing programs to avoid confusion and inability to interpret
codes properly. An example of a program where overloading is used is on
the len() function on Buy class is:
class Buy:

def __init__(self, pencil, pad ) :

self .pencil = list(pencil)

self .buyer = buyer

def __len__( self ) :

return len (self .pencil)

buy = Buy ( [ ‘pen’, ‘notepad’, ‘book’ ], ‘Python’ )

print (len (buy))


They are used to compare two given values on both sides of the operand
and deduce the relationship that exists between them. They are also known
as relational operators. When operands are compared with these operators,
the result given will be True or False depending on whether the condition is
attached to the statement. There are six comparison operators used in
● Less than (<): gives true result if the operand on the left is less than
the operand on the right. If this condition is not met then the result is
false. An example is
The output is true since 4 is less than 10.
● Greater than (>): gives true result if the operand on the left is greater
than the operand on the right. If this condition is not met then the
result is false. With the example above
The output is false since 4 is not greater than 10.
● Less than or equal to (<=): gives true result if the operand on the left
is less than or equal to the operand on the right. If this condition is
not met then the result is false.
4 <= 10
Output is true since 4 is less than 10, one of the conditions of the
operator has been fulfilled.
● Greater than or equal to (>=): gives true result if the operand on the
left is greater than or equal to the operand on the right. If this
condition is not met then the result is false.
Output is false since 4 is not greater than 10 or equal to 10.
● Equal to (===): gives true result if the operand on the left is equal to
the operand on the right. If this condition is not met then the result is
Output is false as 4 is not equal to 10.
● Not equal to (!==): gives true result if the operand on the left is not
equal to the operand on the right. If this condition is not met then the
result is false.
4 !== 10
Output is true as 4 is not equal to 10.
Logical Operators
Logical operators are used in combining conditional statements. ‘And’ (
true if both statements are true); ‘or’ (used if one of the statements are true)
and ‘not’ (false if both statements are false) are all examples of logical
operators. They are referred to as Boolean operators.
Identity operators
Identity operators compare the memory locations of two different objects.
The two identity operators are ‘is’ (true if the variables on either sides of
the operator point to the same object and false if not); ‘is not’ (false if the
variables on either side of the operator point to the same object and false if
Membership operators
Membership operators are used to identify the relationship of a particular
sequence in an object. Operators used to indicate membership are ‘in’ (true
if a sequence with the specified value is found within an object); ‘not in’
(true if a sequence with the specified value is not found within an object).

Bitwise operators
Bitwise operators are used in comparison of binary numbers. They work on
bits and execute tasks bit by bit. AND ( & ); OR ( | ); XOR ( ^ ); NOT ( ~ );
Zero fill left shift ( << ) and Signed right shift ( >> ) are examples of
bitwise operators used in python.
When using Python, there could be several operators in a program that
needs to be executed. When this happens, there is a rule of precedence
which determines the order in which each of the operators is carried out.
The rule of precedence in Python is listed below with level of precedence in
descending order i.e. from highest to lowest.
● Parentheses ()
● Exponent **
● Bitwise NOT +x, -x,~x
● Multiplication, division, floor division, modulus *, /, //, %
● Addition, subtraction +,-
● Bitwise shift operators <<,>>
● Bitwise AND &
● Bitwise XOR ^
● Bitwise OR |
● Comparison, identity and membership operators ==,!=,>,>=,<,<=,is,
is not, in, not in
● Logical NOT not
● Logical AND and
● Logical OR or
Operators are an integral part of programming with Python and it has been
examined critically in this chapter. The various types are evaluated along
with the operators distinct to each type, their examples and applications are
also discussed. Overloading of operators is good but should not be over-
exploited to prevent a program from becoming cumbersome. Also, the
guide of operator precedence should be properly followed so the task
assigned to a program will be executed properly to get the desired result.
As discussed earlier, conditions can be introduced into programs to direct
the program to give different outcomes when variations exist in the
conditions outlined. Boolean operators are used to denote True or False
conditions in programs. Comparison and arithmetic operators are applied on
variables which then give outputs as either True or False. So the condition
attached to a certain action determines the action that will be performed,
these programmed actions are known as Conditional constructs or
statements. The loop construct suggests the execution of a code over and
over again. With loops, you can repeat the same task a number of times.
When loop construct is implemented, a sequence of steps keeps getting
executed as long as the condition attached is being met. Once the loop
breaks or the condition is no longer met, the sequence is not followed again
and a new task is executed.


In conditional constructs, there are usually two tasks to be executed with a
condition attached. if the condition is met, only one of the tasks will be
executed but if otherwise the other task will be performed. The if statement
is used to symbolize conditional construct. A program where conditional
construct is used takes the following form:
if condition_1:
elif condition_2:

The program above implies that if condition_1 is True, then

statement_block_1 should be executed. If it comes False, then
statement_block_2 will be executed. If condition_2 is True, then
statement_block_2 will be executed, if it is False, statement_block_3 will
be implemented. The elif condition means ‘if else’ i.e. if condition_2 is
True, statement_block_2 should be executed, else statement_block_3
should be executed.
In order to identify false objects in Python, the following are interpreted as
● Numerical zero values
● Boolean value False
● Empty lists and empty tuples
● Empty strings
● Empty dictionaries
● Special value None


Loops are used when programs need to be iterated. There are two types of
loops; definite and indefinite. While utilizing indefinite loops, the number
of times the loop has to be repeated is not stated but with definite loops, it is
stated when the loop starts. In Python, a definite loop is represented by for
loop repeats a sequence for a given number of times while an indefinite
loop is represented by while which continues repeating a sequence as long
as the condition attached remains True.
Loop constructs have control statements which determine the next line of
action in a sequence. The control statements used in Python are:
● Break statement: as the name implies, the loop breaks when the
condition is no longer met or it has iterated over the given number of
times. This causes the program to execute the next statement.
● Continue statement: this control statement instructs the loop to skip
the rest of the code and at the same time check if the condition
continues to be met before reiterating.
● Pass statement: pass statement instructs the loop not to execute and
code on a particular statement.
The for loop is used when data types (dictionaries, lists, strings, tuples)
needs to be iterated. Examples of for loops in action are:
Exit loop when x is ‘pencil’:
stationeries = [“pen”, “pencil”, “ruler”]
for x in stationeries:
print (x)
if x == “pencil”:
Do not print pencil
stationeries = [“pen”, “pencil”, “ruler”]
for x in stationeries:
if x == “pencil”:
print (x)
To print each adjective for every stationeries
adj = [“yellow”, “2.B”, “sharpened”]
stationeries = [“pen”, “pencil”, “ruler”]
for x in adj:
for y in stationeries:
print(x, y)
To repeat a program when it ranges between 10 and 15
for a = 10 to 15
print (a)
To give the code to be executed when a loop has ended
for x in range (15):
print (x)
print (“done!”)
The while loop continues to execute a sequence in as much as the condition
attached remains True. A simple example is
x = 65
while x<81
print ( x )
This means as long as x is less than 81, the loop will continue iterating.
In Python, data sometimes comes in the form of collections and each
collection consists of different types of data, this chapter examines some of
these data collections in detail. An array is a representation of a sequence of
large data which are similar. An enum gives datasets in an enumeration type
with iteration and comparison capabilities. Lastly, a string is also a dataset
used to represent text rather than numbers.

Although Python does not have an in-built function for arrays, Python Lists
are modified to give arrays. An array can be illustrated as a classroom with
each seat numbered with a value, where each student is seated and can be
easily identified by knowing the number of their seat. Arrays are useful
when large data of similar type needs to be represented by a single variable,
this ability makes it a special variable. Multiple values are held in an array
under a single variable and individual values can be accessed through an
index number. When working with arrays in Python, a NumPy library has
to be imported to be able to use lists as arrays. Since an array is a variable,
its elements can be manipulated and modified as with a list.

To create an array, the array(data type,value_list) module has to be
imported. This specifies the data type and list of each value.
# Python program to demonstrate creation of array
# importing “array” for array creations
Import array as arr
# creating an array with integer type
A = arr.array(‘i’, [1, 2, 3])
#printing original array
print (“The new created array is : ”, end = “ ”)
for I in range (0, 3):
print (a[],end = “ ” )
print ()
# creating an array with float type
b = arr.array(‘d’, [2.5, 3.2, 3.3])
# printing original array
print (“The new created array is : end = “ ”)
for I in range (0, 3):
print (b [i], end = “ ”)
The new created array is : 1 2 3
The new created array is : 2.5, 3.2, 3.3

In Python, an enum is used in creating an enumeration of a set of symbolic
members bound to unique constant values. It is a simple data collection type
for representing names, enums names begin with uppercase letters and
values used are singular. To create an enum, the enum module is used. An
enum’s name is displayed using ‘name,’, type() is used to check the enum
type and ‘repr()’ represents the object in the string.
import enum
#using enum class create enumerations
Class Months (enum.Enum)
Jan = 1
Feb = 2
Mar = 3
# print the enum member as a string
print (“The enum member as a string is : “, end=””)
print (Months.Jan)
# print the enum member as a repr
print (“the enum member as a repr is : “,end =””)
print (repr(Months.Feb))
#check type of enum member
print (“The type of enum member is : “,end =””)
print (type(Months.Feb))
#print name of enum member
print (“The name of enum member is : “,end =””)
print (Months.Feb.name)
The enum member as a string is : Months.Jan
The enum member as a repr is :
The type of enum member is :
The name of enum member is : Feb
A string is a list containing Unicode characters represented with single (‘’)
or double quotes (“”).
Unicode characters are symbols from all languages used in coding. Creating
strings can be likened to assigning values to variables in Python. To assign
a string to a variable, the ‘equal to’ sign is used as displayed below
b = “Hello”
To access the elements in a string, square brackets are used
b = “Hello, World!”
Strings can also be looped through with the for function. For example, to
loop through the letters in the word ‘pencil’:
for a in “pencil”:
These functions and many others can be performed on strings.

In chapter two, inheritance was briefly discussed with access modifiers.
Inheritance in programming is similar to inheritance in real life as a new
class is created from an existing class which transfers its characteristics to
the new class. However, polymorphism is a concept which displays the
execution of a task in various forms. It gives the object the luxury of
choosing the kind of function to be performed on it. Both concepts are
examined in detail in this section.
A parent can transfer his/her genetic characteristics to their offspring and
the offspring inherits these characteristics even though he/she possesses
their unique characteristics as well. As an object oriented programming
language, inheritance is necessary when writing programs. When a class
inherits the attributes and variables of another class, inheritance can be said
to have occurred. This leads to code reusability within and outside the
program as well as reducing code length. The class from which attributes
are transferred to another can be referred to as the base class while the class
to whom attributes are transferred can be referred to as the child class.
There are five types of inheritance namely:

1. Single inheritance
2. Multi-level inheritance
3. Multiple inheritance
4. Hybrid inheritance
5. Hierarchical inheritance
To create a base class and child class
class Person:
def__init__(self, fname,lname):
self.firstname = fname
self.lastname = lname
def printname (self):
print(self.firstname, self.lastname)
#Use the Person class to create an object, and then execute the printname method:
a = Person(“Frank”, “Pen”)
class Employee(Person)

Breaking down the word, “poly” means many while “morphism” means
form. Therefore, polymorphism is a situation where a function name can be
responsible for executing different tasks. As with inheritance where a child
class inherits attributes from the base class, sometimes the attributes
inherited do not actually fit into the child class so they are modified to fit
and re-implemented, this process is known as method overriding or run-
time polymorphism. Polymorphism provides flexibility of codes and allows
objects to be used by functions without giving space for distinction across
the classes. It allows different object classes to share the same method
name. It is basically applied to functions and used in pattern designing.
Types of polymorphism includes:

1. Compile-time polymorphism also known as method overloading

2. Run-time polymorphism also known as method overriding.
An example of method overriding program is
class Animal
def type(self):
print(various types of animals)
def age(self):
print(“Age of the animal.”)
class Leopard(Animal):
def age(self):
print(“Age of leopard.”)

class donkey(Animal):
def age(self):
print(“Age of donkey.”)
obj_animal = Animal()
obj_leopard = Leopard()
obj_donkey = Donkey()
Various types of animals
Age of the animal.
Various types of animals
Age of leopard
Various types of animals
Age of donkey

Polymorphism differs from inheritance in various ways:

● Inheritance is applied to all classes while polymorphism is only
applied to functions or methods.
● Inheritance allows code reusability while polymorphism is concerned
with availing an object the opportunity of choosing the function it
will execute during run-time (overrriding) and complile-time
● A new class is derived from an existing class in inheritance while
functions have multiple forms in polymorphism.
As an object oriented programming language, Python is filled with objects
and some have to be represented in data sets of similar and dissimilar data
types. Arrays, strings and enums are few of the many ways data sequences
can be represented. Inheritance and polymorphism are important features of
Python, the former is necessary for data transfer and creation of new classes
while the latter is responsible for assigning different tasks to a single
When executing a program in Python, errors are likely to occur and when
this happens the program stops. Syntax error and exception error are the
forms of error that can arise in Python. Syntax errors are common with
beginner programmers; they are also referred to as parsing errors. Usually, a
wrong syntax in the code triggers this error and when it is detected, the
program terminates immediately. A simple program with a syntax error is
>>>while True print(“Hello world”)
File”<stdin>”,line 1
while True print(“Hello world”)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In this program, the arrow pointing upward shows the earliest point of error,
i.e at the line before the arrow. It is caused by the absence of a colon (“:”)
before the function print .
Exception error happens when the syntax of a code is correct but for some
reason the code still gave an error response. The program is not terminated
like in syntax error but the normal flow of the program is obstructed.
Exception errors are unavoidable but they can be handled. A program
resulting in exception error is
>>> 10* (1/0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File”<stdin>”, line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
>>> 4 + spam*3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File”<stdin>”, line 1, in <module>
NameError: name ‘spam’ is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
File”<stdin>”, line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can’t convert ‘int’ object to str implicitly

The error code displayed in the last line of the program shows the types of
errors that occurred in the program. ZeroDivisionError, NameError and
TypeError are found in this program but the string printed as exception type
is the name of the built-in exception that occurred in the program.
To handle exceptions in Python, try and except keywords are used. To
catch exceptions, try block is used while except block handles the
exception. A finally block can also be added so the program it is attached
to is executed without minding where the exception occurs. A simple
program where exception error is handled using try and except blocks is
displayed below:
a = [1, 2, 3]
print “Second element = %d” %([1])
# Throws error since there are only 3 elements in array
print “Fourth element = %d” %([3])
Except IndexError:
print “An error occured”
Second element = 2
An error occurred
In the program above, runtime error occurs when the print “Fourth
element” command was given.
When handling exceptions, the except block can be executed more than
one in a program with several exceptions but at most, only one handler will
be executed. This situation is displayed below:
try :
if a < 4:
# throws ZeroDivisonError for a = 3
b = a/(a-3)
# throws NameError if a >= 4
print “Value of b = “ , b
# note that braces ()are necessary here for multiple exceptions
Except(ZeroDivisionError, NameError):
Print “\nError Occurred and Handled”
Error Occurred and Handled
If the value of (a) is changed to greater than or equal to 4, the output given
will be
Value of b =
Error Occurred and Handled
This is as a result of the NameError that occurs when the value of b needs
to be accessed. For the finally block to be executed, the try block has to be
terminated. Else block is also used when the try block does not result in an
exception. A syntax featuring all these exception handling keywords is:
# Python program to demonstrate exception
a = 7//0 # raises divide by zero exception
print (a)
# handles zerodovision exception
except ZeroDivisionError:
print(“Can’t divide by zero”)
# execute if no exception
# this block is always executed
# regardless of exception generation
print(‘This is always executed’)

Can’t divide by zero
This is always executed
This sample program displays the exception handling keywords discussed
in action

As mentioned earlier, exceptions are errors that arise in programs even
though the codes are syntactically correct. Exceptions are unavoidable but
when handled properly, they do not lead to termination of programs. They
are triggered by actions that Python cannot execute or perform. Examples
of standard exceptions that are raised in Python include:
● Exception: the basic form of exception.
● StopIteration: this is triggered when the next()function of an iterator
has no object to perform on.
● ArithmeticError: class of errors with roots from numeric operations.
● StandardError: all types of exceptions except StopIteration and
● ZeroDivisionError: occurs when numbers are divided by zero.
● IndexError: oc)curs when a sequence index number for objects is not
● NameError: occurs when the namespace is empty.
● SyntaxError: occurs as a result of error in Python syntax.
● SystemError: occurs when the Python interpreter fails to exit a
program due to an internal fault.
● RuntimeError: occurs when the error code in a program cannot be
attributed to any error category.
These and many others are built-in exceptions in Python.

The assertion function is raised from the exception. It is a concept that
allows a programmer to attach a condition to a code. A True condition
implies execution of the next code while False stops the program from
running. The assert statement is used to execute assertions in a program.
When the condition comes False, AssertionError Exception is implemented.
So when a program has passed the testing stage, assertion can be
implemented as a sanity check. Assertions are implemented when a
function is called to ascertain the input validity and after the function to
check for the output. This establishes assertion as a debugging aid utilized
in program self-checks, however, it cannot be used in handling run-time


Assertions are used to express confidence in a program. For example, when
a division function is used in a program and you are sure the divisor cannot
be zero, assertion condition is attached to the program to this effect.
Boolean operators which evaluate whether a condition is true or false are
also assertions. So if the program comes true, it continues to run smoothly
but when it comes false the program stops and an AssertionError is
An example of a program with assert function is:
num = int(input(‘Enter a number: ’))
assert num>= 0
print(‘You entered: ’, num)
Enter a number: 100
You entered 100
Enter a number: -10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:/python36/xyz.py”, line 2, in <module>
Assert num>=0
Another example of AssertionError using exception handling keywords is:
num=int(input(‘Enter a number : ’))
assert(num >=0), “Only positive numbers are accepted.”
except AssertionError as msg:

Enter a number: -19
Only positive numbers accepted.
As a result of the except block in the program above, this program will not
stop. The except block will pass the assert statement as an exception
Overall/general principles of Testing and Writing Programs
After writing a program in Python, it is subjected to tests of various types to
determine its usability. These tests form a crucial part of activities done
after writing a program. However, there are certain guidelines to performing
testing on programs. They are called principles and are briefly explained

1. Testing detects presence of defects not their absence, i.e. when

testing is done, it lowers the possibility of finding defects later on
although no defects do not prove correctness of a program.
2. Exhaustive testing is not possible. Everything cannot be tested so
be prudent when planning for testing and make optimal use of
time and resources so the test can cover the most important areas.
3. Early testing is important. Testing a program earlier helps save
time, money and other resources. This ensures defects are
discovered as soon as possible before bugs eat into a program
and also prevents the need to rewrite and rerun codes. Therefore,
it should be started as soon as the requirements of a defect are
4. Defects cluster together in a small portion of a program
according to Pareto Principle which states that 80% of defects
are found in 20% of modules. This means once a bug is found in
a module, it is likely to find more bugs in it. Once the vulnerable
areas are identified, tests should be focused there so other defects
can be identified although this might lead to resistance of the
module to testing later on.
5. The pesticide paradox sets in, this implies that when the sane
tests are run regularly on a program, it grows resistant to the tests
and defects are not found even though they are present. This is
similar to the resistance pests grow to pesticide when it has been
applied several times; the pest develops immunity against the
pesticide and renders it useless after some time. Therefore, tests
should be reviewed and modified regularly to avoid pesticide
6. Absence of errors in a program is a fallacy. Even if a program is
99% free of bugs, it still might not be usable if it does not meet
the need for which it was written.
7. Testing is context dependent, this means the use of a program
determines the kind of testing that will be done on it.

When writing codes, certain guidelines or principles also have to followed

so as to yield great codes:

1. A code is read a million times but written once.

2. Follow a coding standard.
3. Independence of code.
4. Easily testable.
5. Keep it Simple
6. Resilience of code
7. Manage system dependencies.


When a program needs to be written, an outline showing the expectations
and required input should be developed in order to yield great codes and
avoid wasting of resources. Developing a plan helps to avoid getting stuck
midway and wasting time on the program. To design a program before
coding is started, the following steps need to be followed:
● Ensure your code is solving a problem, this is the foundation of
building a program. Have a certain goal of what you want the
program to address.
● With the problem that needs to be solved figured out, outline the
features the program needs to have to be able to address the problem.
● Develop a step by step guide of building the sub-components of the
● With the blueprint developed in the earlier steps, develop the optimal
means of performing the task and avoid repeating codes.
● Design your interface or prototype with the blueprint developed;
Adobe XD can be used for this purpose. With this code writing can be

In program writing, there are three main structures which serve as building
blocks in programming. They are:
● Sequence: is a series of events which are completed in a specific
order. An action leads to a next action is a predetermined order in
sequence structure. The actions are completed in the set order without
skipping any when the sequence is set.
● Selection: is a bit different from sequence as a condition is attached
to the program. The outcome of the condition determines the next
action in the program.
● Loop: keeps repeating a code until the attached condition is no more
fulfilled. The type of loop in the program determines when it stops


In Python, source code (.py file) is compiled into a simpler form known as
bytecode. Source codes might be difficult to interpret at times so they are
compiled into lower-level and platform-independent bytecode forms. The
bytecode(.pyc files) undergoes reloading when the source file is also
updated. Program compilation is useful when a program needs to be
distributed to other python users; all that is needed is to send the .py files or
pyc files. Compiling bytecode is an automatic process with the code used to
interpret (Python Virtual Machine) is already installed with Python
software. Compilation errors occur when Python cannot run a program as a
result of instruction malfunction.
Program compiler errors
These errors arise as a result of not writing a syntax properly thereby
hindering the program from starting. When a compiler error has been
detected, the program should check for other omissions and typos in the
program. Situations which might lead to compiler error include:
● Not declaring the value of a variable before printing.
● Using keywords as variable name.
● Skipping required semicolons.
● Skipping parenthesis
An example of compiler error is
// program to illustrate
// syntax error
void main()
int a = 5
int b = 10
// semicolon missed
printf(“%d”, (a, b))

error: expected ‘;’ before ‘}’ token
The compiler error in this program is as a result of not adding parentheses
before the closing brace.
Another example of compiler error arising as from syntax error is
a = int(input(‘Enter a number:’))

if a%4==0
print(‘You have entered an even number.’)
print(‘You have entered an odd number.’)
C: Python34Scripts>python error .py
File “error .py”, line 3
If a%4==0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The program above gave an error due to the missing colon (:) at the end of
the if statement. This hinders the program from running.
These are errors encountered during a program’s runtime after code
compilation. They are hard to detect because the program does not
distinguish the line causing the error. they can be found by proofreading the
code line by line or testing the program with a debugger. When runtime
error occurs, the program misbehaves, displays an exception dialog box,
gives a wrong output, freezes the application or shutdown totally. They are
caused by variable name misspelling and other errors of commission.
Inputting wrong information into the application or computer hardware
problem can also raise runtime error. In essence, error of commission and
error of omission causes runtime error. Common examples of runtime error
are division of numbers by zero, deducing square roots of negative integers

After writing a program, debugging is done to detect and deal with the
various errors discussed earlier. So, a debugger serves as a tool used to
search through the nooks and crannies of a program, the variables, source
codes and every core area of the program for defects, errors and every other
problem in a program and also solve them. It acts by performing all actions
in a program, executing the tasks line by line and repeating these actions to
detect abnormalities and bugs in the program through the development
There is a built-in debugging tool in Python called pdb . It comes with the
Python program and has all functions needed to detect errors and solve
them. Its features can also be extended using ipdb from IPython. To use
pdb , it has to be called into the code to be debugged, i.e.
Import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
Some programmers also use the print function to show a program’s
behavior and spot bugs rather than default debuggers. To stop debugging,
the quit function is called by pressing “q” followed by ENTER key.
Various types of errors that might arise during code writing and execution
are discussed in this chapter. Exception handling is done with the try,
except, else and finally functions.
Assertions are implemented when a function is called to ascertain the input
validity and after the function for check for the output, it is raised from
exception. In program testing, pesticide paradox should be avoided and
also, testing should be program-context dependent. These and other
principles of testing are necessary for detecting defects. Code writing
principles like keeping it simple, resilient and of good standard needs to be
followed to turn out great codes. Errors should be detected early in
programs to avoid rewriting and save time and resources. Each program
should be developed towards solving a specific program so proper planning
should be implemented.
About the Author
Gary Elmer is a writer dedicated to the world of technology and
programming software innovations. He has written a number of books that
proved to be very helpful in breaking down the intricacies of the world of
technology to readers. This guide to Python programming language is
another entry in the series and has gathered numerous positive reviews

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