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Name: ________________________________________ Date: _______________ Pd.

__________ US History
Letter to the Editor – Revolutionary War
Letter to the Editor Assignment: A letter to the editor is a letter sent to a
newspaper about issues of concern to its readers. Usually, letters are intended
for publication.

It is 1776. You are a staunch Loyalist living in Philadelphia. You do not want to
break away from the mother country despite all of the pressure you feel from
the Patriots who live in your town. You decide to explain your position to remain
loyal to the Crown by writing a letter to the editor to your local newspaper, the
Pennsylvania Evening Post. You are trying to make the Patriots understand &
accept your position. Be persuasive!

It is 1776. You are a proud Patriot living in Philadelphia! You want to break away
from the mother country – after all, the British have not been treating the
colonists fairly! You decide to explain your position to break away from the
Crown by writing a Letter to the Editor to your local newspaper, the
Pennsylvania Evening Post. You are trying to make the Loyalists understand &
accept your position. Be persuasive!

What to Include in the 2 Letters:

1) Persona
Be creative! Are you a farmer or a business owner? A lawyer or a fisherman? Create a character – name,
address, job, etc. This persona will help make your letter believable. Personas should be different in each of
the two letters that you create.
2) Political Position
Be Specific! There are many examples of political beliefs given in the excerpt you read in class. Put yourself
in the shoes of both a Loyalist a Patriot – think as a Loyalist and Patriot would think! You are trying to make
other people understand your point of view, and possibly join your ranks.
3) Arguments against your Foe
Be incisive! Point out the weaknesses in the arguments of your rival; i.e. when writing as a Loyalist, point out
the weaknesses of the Patriot’s argument, and vice versa. Remember to use the Patriot/Loyalist reading as a

- Remember to read your letters aloud to yourself – if it doesn’t make sense to you, it won’t make sense to me!
- Use the appropriate language & tone for this type of letter. You aren’t trying to make friends, but you also don’t
want to be tarred and feathered!
- Review the rubric as you write your articles – it shows you what I will be looking for, and what you should be
including in your letter. Be creative!
- Check spelling and grammar
Name: ________________________________________ Date: _______________ Pd. ________ US History

use the rubrics below to grade each of your letters.

Letter to the Editor Rubric: Each letter is worth 15 points.

LETTER #1 = 15 Points
RUBRIC Advanced (5 Points) Proficient (4 Points) Basic (3 Points) Below Basic (2 Points)
Impact Student is persuasive & Student offers a clear Student expresses a Student does not
articulate in expressing and focused point of point of view. indicate a point of
his /her point of view. view. view.
Completeness Student’s letter includes Student includes a Students include 2 of Student does not
a realistic persona, a persona, a political the 3: a persona, a include 2 of the aspects
well articulated political position and an political position, of the assignment:
position and a argument against the and/or an argument persona, political
completely developed beliefs of the against the beliefs of position and/or an
argument against the Loyalists/Patriots. the Loyalists/Patriots. argument against the
beliefs of the beliefs of the
Loyalists/Patriots. Loyalists/Patriots.
Mechanics Letter is well-written & Student uses clear and Student’s letter Student’s letter
creative. Author fully correct grammar and contains some contains serious
develops his/her ideas mechanics to develop problems with mistakes in grammar
with strong & his/her ideas. mechanics that and/or mechanics
persuasive style. obscure the strength making its impact on
of his/her ideas. the reader minimal.

Letter #2 = 15 Points
RUBRIC Advanced (5 Points) Proficient (4 Points) Basic (3 Points) Below Basic (2 Points)
Impact Student is persuasive & Student offers a clear Student expresses a Student does not
articulate in expressing and focused point of point of view. indicate a point of
his /her point of view. view. view.
Completeness Student’s letter includes Student includes a Students include 2 of Student does not
a realistic persona, a persona, a political the 3: a persona, a include 2 of the aspects
well articulated political position and an political position, of the assignment:
position and a argument against the and/or an argument persona, political
completely developed beliefs of the against the beliefs of position and/or an
argument against the Loyalists/Patriots. the Loyalists/Patriots. argument against the
beliefs of the beliefs of the
Loyalists/Patriots. Loyalists/Patriots.
Mechanics Letter is well-written & Student uses clear and Student’s letter Student’s letter
creative. Author fully correct grammar and contains some contains serious
develops his/her ideas mechanics to develop problems with mistakes in grammar
with strong & his/her ideas. mechanics that and/or mechanics
persuasive style. obscure the strength making its impact on
of his/her ideas. the reader minimal.

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