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Is 5116 1996

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 5116 (1996): Domestic and commercial equipment for use

with LPG - General requirements [MED 23: Mechanical

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
I S 5 1 1 6 : 1996
(Reaffirmed 2011)
Edition 4.3

Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
(Incorporating Amendment Nos. 1, 2 & 3)

ICS 27.060.20; 97.040.20

© BIS 2004


NEW DELHI 110002

Price Group 8
Domestic and Commercial Gas Burning Appliances (Pressure Type) Sectional Committee, HMD 23

This Indian Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Domestic and Commercial Gas Burning Appliances (Pressure Type)
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Heavy Mechanical Engineering Division Council.
This standard is a necessary adjunct to all the standards on gas burning appliances using liquefied
petroleum gases. Some common features and general requirements of the appliances have been
compiled in this standard to avoid repetition of these clauses.
Liquefied petroleum gases are usually classified as butane, propane and butane propane mixtures.
The appliances covered by this standard can be operated on butane, propane and butane-propane
This standard was first published in 1969 and revised in 1977 and 1985. Since then many
suggestions were received for its improvement and as a result of which 7 amendments were issued.
This standard has been revised to incorporate amendments issued and suggestions received from
time to time. Further, the gas cock allowances are modified according to prevailing practice and
only one modified nozzle for 6.4 mm bore tubing is included in this revision.
For ease of reference this standard has been divided into three sections as follows:
Section 1 Construction,
Section 2 Performance, and
Section 3 General.
While preparing this standard, assistance has been derived from BS 5314 (Part 2) : 1976
'Specification for boiling burners', issued by the British Standards Institution.
This edition 4.3 incorporates Amendment No. 1 (April 1998), Amendment No. 2 (May 2002) and
Amendment No. 3 (July 2004). Side bar indicates modification of the text as the result of
incorporation of the amendments.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with,
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded
off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)'. The number
of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that the specified
value in this standard.

( Third Revision )

(Page 19, Annex M, clause M-2.1.1) — Add the following new para at the
end of this clause:

'In case of mini water heater, arrange the water heater under examination so that
it is as close as possible to the side and back wall of the apparatus in L-1, take
note of the manufacturer's installation mstructions. Light the water heater and
adjust to give maximum water temperature at the maximum heat input.
Measurement shall be taken after 20 minutes operation.'

(ME 23)
Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India
IS 5116 : 1996

Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
1 SCOPE 5.1.1 Plastic components which are liable to
This standard specifies general requirements heating (for example, tap handles, push
and methods of test relevant to these buttons, etc) shall be free of fissures, distortion,
requirements, for domestic and commercial blemishes and discolouration and shall not
equipment, for households and other show signs of ageing when tested as given in
commercial catering organizations, using Annex B.
liquefied petroleum gases at 2.942 kN/m 2 5.2 The material used in the construction of the
(30 gf/cm2) gas inlet pressure. appliance or parts of the appliance shall be
resistant to wear and deterioration occuring in
2 REFERENCES the normal use. The burner parts shall not melt
The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are or distort when the stove burner is operated
necessary adjuncts to this standard. with flames flashed back for half an hour in the
mixing tube. This shall be checked by the test
3 TERMINOLOGY detailed in Annex C.
For the purpose of this standard, the 5.3 All copper and copper alloy parts shall pass
definitions given in IS 6480 : 1988 shall apply. the mercurous nitrate test (season cracking
SECTION 1 CONSTRUCTION test) when tested according to the method
specified in IS 2305 : 1988.
5.4 Non-metallic materials normally in contact
4.1 The construction of all the parts of the with the gas shall not change in weight or
equipment shall be sound and of high standard volume by more than 15 percent after being
of workmanship and appropriate finish. The immersed in pentane or LPG for 72 h at room
construction shall ensure durability and shall temperature, when tested according to Annex D.
comply with the safety requirements. 5.5 The main body of the burner (including
4.2 Rivets, fastening screws, plugs, etc, shall mixer head, mixing tube and burner head) shall
not lead into gas passages, except where be of substantial and durable construction.
adequate provision has been made to ensure Metals having a melting point below 510°C
permanent gas-tight joints. shall not be considered acceptable for top
burners while metals having a melting point
5 MATERIALS below 800°C shall not be considered for oven,
griller or auxiliary burners or any other
5.1 Fittings and materials shall comply, where combination thereof.
specified, with the relevant Indian Standards
and shall be appropriate to the conditions 5.6 The components of the gas taps may be
arising in the part of the appliance in which made of the following materials. Examples of
they are used. The appliance shall be free from suitable materials specified below are for
swarf, grit, and other foreign matters. guidance:
Wherever practicable, rigid metal tubing shall Alloy LM 6, LM 20 Bodies — Alloy 4600 and
be used for internal gas supplies integral with Alloy 4600 A of IS 617 : 1975
the appliance. If flexible tubing is used, it shall
not be fitted on the outlet side of any control Alloy DCB 1 Bodies (die castings) — DCB
which is capable of cutting off the gas 1 of IS 1264 : 1989
completely, except where screwed metal Alloy DCB 3 Bodies (pressure die castings)
connections are fitted. The use of low pressure — DCB 2 of IS 1264 : 1989
rubber or plastic tubing fitted or pushed on Alloy CZ 122 Bodies, plugs (hot pressed) —
nozzle is not recommended. Leaded brass of IS 6912 : 1985

IS 5116 : 1996

Alloy CZ 121 Nuts, etc — Type I of IS 319 6.7.1 Components

: 1989 Electrical components shall comply with the
Alloy PB 102, Springs (phosphour bronze) appropriate Indian Standards.
PB 103 — Grade I and II of IS 7608 : 6.7.2 Earthing
Appliances shall conform to the earthing
Alloy En 56 series Springs (stainless steel) — requirements of IS 3043 : 1987.
Grade 1 of IS 4454 (Part 4) :
1975 6.7.3 Connection
Alloy C 106, C 107 Tubes — Grade DHP and Any flexible cable connecting the appliances to
DPA of IS 2501 : 1985 the main electrical supply shall have a
Alloy CZ 108 Washers — Alloy CuZn37 of minimum useful length of 1.80 m. It shall be of
IS 410 : 1977 3 cords, and, if supplied for a portable
appliance, shall embody strengthening cords as
5.7 Drip trays, if provided, shall be made of specified in IS 694 : 1990.
non-corrosive material or appropriately With a fixed appliance it shall be possible to
finished and treated to resist corrosion. connect and disconnect the electric supply with
6 DESIGN FOR MAINTENANCE the appliance fixed in its working position.
6.1 Every part of the appliance shall be of such 6.8 There shall be easy access to components
construction as to be secured against and controls for maintenance and adjustment.
displacement, distortion, warping or other 6.9 The gas and water connections should
damage and shall be supported to maintain a preferably be so placed that the installation
flxed relationship and reasonable conditions of pipes can easily be connected without
handling and use so as to ensure continued appearing at the front.
compliance with these requirements. Such
parts not permanently secured shall be 6.9.1 It shall be possible to descale all
designed so that they cannot be incorrectly waterways susceptible to the formation of scale.
assembled and cannot be improperly located or Wherever practicable, appliance shall be
misaligned in removing or replacing during provided with a point for the measurement of
cleaning or other servicing. gas pressure. This should preferably be located
after all controls.
6.2 Thermostats, orifices, burner ignition
devices, oven and griller door springs, air 7 WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH
shutters and other accessories and controls which 7.1 The finish of exposed parts shall be durable,
may require cleaning, repair or adjustment in the easy to clean and not subject to excessive
field shall be readily accessible. deterioration in normal use. Parts which come
6.3 Condensate from the products of in contact with foodstuffs shall be capable of
combustion shall not drip from the appliance to being hygienically cleaned. The finish shall, on
the floor. visual examination, show no defects, such as
pinholes, blisters, roughness and exposed areas
6.4 Level of metal, which might give rise to unduly rapid
An appliance when fitted according to deterioration in the use. The surface shall also
manufacturer's instruction shall be in level. be free from burrs and sharp edges, which
might cause injury to the user with normal
6.5 Noise operation. The finished components shall meet
It is desirable that the intensity of noise should relevant requirements covered in 7.2 to 7.4.
be as low as possible whether from burners, 7.2 Vitrous-enamelled components shall meet
pilot, resonance effects in flue, water the requirements as given in Annex E. The test
circulation, local over heating, mechanical shall be carried out on a specimen measuring
vibration or any other case. 40 mm × 75 mm prepared from the same base
6.6 Handles add Knobs metal and enamels, as the components, and
processed and fired along with the components
These shall be so constructed and fitted that they to ensure identical conditions.
do not work loose or break easily in normal use.
7.2.1 A separate specimen shall be used for
6.7 Electrical R e q u i r e m e n t s each test.
Where the appliance is intended for connection 7.3 The top flat surface of the body of the
to the mains electrical supply, the appliance, if plated, shall have a coating of
requirements given in 6.7.1. 6.7.2 and 6.7.3 minimum of 10 microns of nickel followed by
shall be met. 0.2 microns minimum of chromium. The

IS 5116 : 1996
coating shall be tested as per the requirements 7.3.2 Adhesion Test
given in 7.3.1, 7.3.2 and 7.3.3. Cut a piece of a plated article, hold it in a vice
7.3.1 The thickness of nickel plating shall be and apply a coarse file to the cut edge in such a
determined by BNF jet method or any other manner as to raise the deposit. There shall be
method, such as coulometric method as no separation between the coating and the base
specified in IS 3203 : 1982. metal and the coating shall continue to adhere
to the base metal.

All dimensions in millimetres.


IS 5116 : 1996

7.3.3 Corrosion Resistance fixed at the end of a counterpoised arm which is

The plated article shall be subjected to the test kept horizontal.
for 12 h as covered in IS 6910 : 1985. The rating Apply the apparatus to the surface under test
shall be assigned using the methods described and move the ball, after loading with not less
in IS 6009 : 1970. than 1 500 g, at 3-4 cm/s relative to the surface.
7.4 Paints or Similar Finishes If the indicator bulb lights, the surface is
deemed to have been penetrated. For metallic
Surfaces finished in stoving paint or similar paints a visual examination of the scratch is
material shall conform to the requirements necessary in order to determine whether the
given in 7.4.1 and 7.4.2. film has been penetrated. The finish is deemed
7.4.1 Resistance to Abrasion to have failed if the scratch has Jagged edges, is
The apparatus required for this test shall be as greater than 1 mm wide or penetrates the film.
shown in Fig. 1 with a 1 mm diameter steel ball Clean the ball after each test and inspect
frequently to verify that it is a 1 mm sphere.






IS 5116: 1996
7.4.2 Resistance to Heating 8 GAS TAPS
When the appliance is operated with LPC at its 8.1 The appliance shall have at least one tap for
normal working pressure for a continuous each burner.
period of 8 h, there shall be no appreciable 8.2 The 'ON', 'OFF' and any fixed position of tap
change of colour of any of the appliance and the handles shall be clearly and durably indicated
finish shall not become tacky or show other or shall be obvious by design or position (see
signs of deterioration. This does not apply to Fig. 2 ) . Where it is not obvious which tap
parts which come into direct contact with the operates which burner, some indication shall be
flame. After the initial burning-off period, there given. All taps shall close in the same direction.
shall be no detectable odour from the flame The direction of rotation of a tap knob (handle)
when the appliance is operated normally. from off-on-simmer shall be anti-clockwise.
Taps shall be designed so that when placed in
7.5 Concealed Gas Supplies any position and viewed from a distance of 3 m,
will definitely indicate whether the valve is
Concealed tubular fittings liable to corrode open or closed or in intermediate position.
shall be protected by bituminous paint or other 8.3 Where taps are fitted with adjustable stops,
equally protective material. there shall be means for locking the stops in
7.6 Water Supplies position. If screws are used for this purpose,
they shall not lead into gas passages.
All water-carrying tubing and components 8.4 Preferably all taps (excluding pilot taps)
shall be resistance to corrosion, or shall be should lock in the 'OFF' position but in all cases
treated with a corrosion resistant finish both it shall be impossible for any handle or tap to
internally and externally. move accidentally, for example, by the weight
of plugs or handles or when caught by clothing.
7.7 Screws, Nuts, Bolts a n d Springs If this requirement is satisfied by means of an
automatic locking device, the tap shall be easy
All springs and those screws, nuts and bolts, to operate with one hand.
which are visible or which are to be removed for
maintenance shall be of corrosion resistant 8.5 Taps shall be so made that in normal use
material or treated to resist corrosion. and with reasonable application of lubricant, the
gas passages do not become blocked (see Fig. 3 ) .




IS 5116 : 1996
8.5.1 Taps shall be lubricated with a suitable 8.11.1 Simmer flame shall be obtained by fixed
grease, resistant to the action of the gas and simmer orifice.
capable of operating at the maximum 8.12 The niting means adopted shall be
temperature of 110°C. sufficiently robust to withstand normal use
8.6 Each taper plug tap shall be spring-loaded without distortion or damage.
to maintain a gas-tight fit. Helical springs
fitted in taps and valves shall have flattened 9 INJECTOR JETS
ends, which shall be rounded before fitting. 9.1 The injector Jets shall be fixed calibrated
8.7 Taper plug taps shall have dimensional type and it shall not be possible to loosen them
allowances when in 'OFF' position given in without the use of tools. The dimensions of the
Fig. 4. injector Jet shall conform to the following
8.8 All controls or taps shall be easy to operate
at all temperatures normally attained in use. Across flats 6 mm, Min
8.9 Screws, nuts, etc, which regulate the Projection from the face 6 mm. nominal
tension of taps valve or springs, shall not loosen of mounting
in operation of the appliance. It shall not be Threads M 5 or 1BA
possible to cause a leak during normal manual
operation of tap. 9.1.1 Injector Jet shall be made of metal, with or
8.10 Screw-down valves shall be so designed without ceramic tip. The melting point of the
that it is impossible to withdraw completely the metal shall not be less than 650°C.
valve stem in the normal operation of the tap. 9.2 The size of the Jet in litres per hour of flow
8.11 Taps having an 'OFF' position shall have of LPG at STP conditions shall be impressed
positive stops at the 'OFF' and simmer position upon it.
except that special purpose taps (for appliance 10 BURNERS
incorporating auto or self ignition device), for
example, taps with simmering position in 10.1 The construction of the burners and the
between 'OFF' and 'ON' may have a movement assembly shall allow their dismantling from
beyond the simmer position with a positive stop. the supports easily with or without the use of
tools (see Fig. 5 for guidance).

A = Top take up 1.1, Min A1 = Bottom teke up 1.2, Min

B = T o p ridge formation allowance 0.4, Min B1 = Bottom ridge formation allowance 0.4, Min
C = Bearing surface above gas-way 3.0, Min C1 = Bearing surface below gas-way 3.0, Min
D = Circumferential seal 2.80. Min

All dimensions in millimetres.


IS 5116 : 1996


10.2 The burner supports shall be rigid and any kind ot packmg.
shall be fixed in their place. Their construction
shall ensure the stability of the burners and 10.4 If primary air regulators are used, they
shall prevent their undue movement in a shall be so designed that they are not easily
horizontal plane. maladjusted by the user and the construction
10.3 The lightness of the joints in the burner shall be such that primary air adjustment can
assembly shall not depend upon adhesives or be made with the burner in place ( see Fig. 6 ).

A = lnjector jet
B = Throat
C = Aeration control
D = Locking device
E = Mixing tube


IS 5116 : 1996
10.5 If the burner is made and assembled in d) Shall open and close in times not
two or more parts they shall be so designed to exceeding the following limits:
provide proper self-locating arrangement so
that they are always re-assembled to its Operation Time
original design preventing any maladjustment Manually Non-manually
in their assembly. This shall also be applicable Operated, Operated,
for primary air regulators. seconds seconds
11 DRAUGHT DIVERTER Opening from cold 40 90
Closing from the 75 90
11.1 Where an appliance is to be, ventilated to fully heated
outside air. a draught diverter shall be fitted condition
and its resistance to draught shall be tested by
the method given in Annex F. The appliance e) Shall be free from any weakness in design
shall meet the following requirements: which will give rise to failure to danger; and
a) Combustion shall comply with 22, and f) Shall be protected against adjustment by
b) Pilots shall remain stable and shall not be unauthorized persons.
extinguished and flame failure devices 14.2 The requirements of flame failure device
shall continue to function normally. shall be checked by the method given in Annex G.
12.1 Enclosed Burner 15.1 Valve Cleaning
An appliance in which the burner is enclosed in The thermostat should preferably be so
a chamber, for example, a hot-food cabinet, designed that the valve can be withdrawn from
shall be provided with a designed flue outlet. the body and, after cleaning replaced without
12.2 Obstruction alteration of the temperature calibration. If it is
so designed, this operation shall be possible
The flue shall be protected either by design or without removing the complete thermostat
position against inadvertent obstruction. from the appliance.
12.3 Wall Staining 15.2 Bypass
The design and the position of the flue outlet Any bypass orifice should either be readily
shall be such that staining of the wall and accessible for cleaning or suitably protected
ceiling of the room is minimized. against blockage. Thermostats for use with
13 PILOTS relay controls shall have the bypass, if any,
13.1 All pilot flames and weep terminals shall 15.3 Calibration Marking
be protected as far as possible by design and
position against diminution or extinction, for The settings shall be indicated by easily
example, by draught, by products of distinguishable durable markings.
combustion, by over-heating, by condensation, 15.4 Sealing
by corrosion, or by matters falling from above.
Means shall be provided to avoid interference
13.2 Ignition of the main burner from the pilot with the calibration.
flame shall be smooth and no pilot flame shall
lift, roar, or lengthen sufficiently to cause 15.5 Calibration
discolouration on any external surface, soot While operating the oven burner, the
deposition or smell at working pressure temperature shall be maintained to the
2.452 and 3.432 kN/m2 (25 and 35 manufacturers calibration within ±10°C. This
gf/cm ). requirement shall be tested by the method
14 FLAME FAILURE DEVICE given in Annex H.
14.1 Requirements for flame failure device 15.6 Backlash
shall be as under: Except when the appliance is fitted with a
a) Shall prevent gas from being supplied to fixed-setting thermostat, the change in
the main burner until the pilot flame, if temperature due to backlash shall not exceed
provided, is established; 10°C when tested by the method given in
Annex H.
b) Shall, after flame failure, stop all gas flow
to the main burner; 16 GAS SOUNDNESS
c) Shall be actuated only by a pilot flame, if All gas carrying parts of the appliance shall be
provided, to ignite the main burner sound and these parts when connected, to form
without failure or delay; a complete assembly shall also be sound
IS 5116 : 1996
against any gas leakage. The complete b) a non-return valve on the water inlet.
assembly shall also be sound against any gas The pressure relief valve when
leakage. The complete assembly shall be provided shall be so constructed that the
checked at 14.71 kN/m 2 (approx 150 gf/cm2). relieving pressure cannot exceed 60 percent of
The details of test are given in Annex J. the hydrostatic test pressure of the storage
17 WATER SOUNDNESS vessel. The relieving pressure shall be plainly
and permanently marked on the relief valve
17.1 Components itself.
Tubing, fittings, water taps, ball valves and 17.3 Connections
cylinders shall comply for soundness with
relevant Indian Standards. Screwed water inlet and outlet connections
shall have either an IS 5 5 4 : 1985 taper
17.2 Appliances external thread or an internal thread which is
Manufacturers shall state whether the suitable for direct connections to an IS 554 :
appliance is intended for connection to a cistern 1985 taper external thread.
or main water supply; in the former case they Further following type of connections are also
shall also state the maximum static head to acceptable.
which the appliance should be subjected,
together with the recommended range of Suitable for direct connection to copper tubes to
working heads. Appliances shall not leak or IS 2501 : 1985 and mild steel tubes to IS 1239
show any signs of distortion at a water pressure (Part 1) : 1990 and suitable for screwing to
50 percent greater than recommended IS 554 : 1985 pipe threads medium and heavy.
maximum head and appliance intended to 18 GAS INLET CONNECTIONS
withstand the full water pressure, that is, with
outlet water control, shall not leak or show any 18.1 Nozzles shall be machined from free
sign of damage or distortion at a static pressure cutting brass or mild steel.
of water of 205 MN/m 2 (21 kgf/cm2) when tested 18.2 Where nozzles for flexible tubing are
by the method given in Annex K, unless there is fitted, they shall be so positioned as to facilitate
a water surface open to atmosphere. fitting of the tubing and also to prevent heating
17.2.1 All appliances using pressure containers of the tubing to more than 60°C. Shape of
whatever pressure their component parts can nozzles is given in Fig. 7.
withstand shall be able to withstand a vacuum 18.3 Screwed gas inlet and outlet connections
of 49 kN/m 2 (0.5 kgf/cm2) without permanent shall have threads specified in 17.3.
deformation taking place, unless a safety device 18.4 The pipe/tube used for main gas rail shall
is fitted which prevent any vacuum being be of mild steel. The wall thickness of main gas
formed. rail shall be 1.6 mm + no Iimit/–0.15 mm. The
17.2.2 An appliance without a water surface external surface of the gas rail shall be treated
open to atmospheric pressure shall be fitted to resist corrosion. Any other connection made
with: from the main gas rail shall be only metallic.
a) a pressure relief valve, and

Tolerance on all Dimensions ± 0.25

All dimensions in millimetres.

IS 5116 : 1996
SECTION 2 PERFORMANCE heat input at the standard pressure –15 with
all the taps turned on.
20.3 The gas consumption of the pilot alone
19.1 During the tests the initial adjustment of shall not exceed 5 1/h at a gas inlet pressure of
appliance shall not be altered unless 2.942 kN/m2 (30 gf/cm2).
specifically required in the test procedure. The
appliance shall be adjusted and operated in 20.4 The fiow through the injector Jet at 30
accordance with the instructions given on or gf/cm2 shall be measured with a wet gas meter
issued with the appliance. Before any tests are using compressed air (free from oil/impurities)
made the appliance shall be operated at its full and converted the same at STP (27°C and 760
working temperature for a sufficient period to mm Hg). Thereafter using 0.75 as multiplying
remove any temporary protective coating, factor, the value of air fiow at STP so obtained
which might interfere with observations. The to be converted to flow of LPG at STP.
gas connections and system up to and including NOTE — For the above test, one litre of LPG = 2.46 g.
the burners shall be examined for leaks before 20.5 The temperature of the room during the
and after test. The performance test results test shall be between 25°C and 30°C.
shall not be valid unless the system is sound.
The appliance shall be at room temperature at 21 IGNITION AND FLAME STABILITY
the start of each test unless otherwise stated. 21.1 There shall be some means of ignition
19.2 The room in which tests are conducted from an easily accessible position. In addition it
shall be adequately ventilated but free from shall be possible to light the pilot (or burner in
perceptible draughts. The gas/air shall be the absence of a pilot) directly with a match. It
supplied to the appliance through a control shall be possible to see the main burner fiames
valve, an adjustable pressure regulator and an either directly or by reflection when the burner
accurate meter with a pressure gauge on its has been lit. The ignition pilot flame shall be
inlet. A pressure gauge shall be fitted to the clearly visible at the time of lighting, unless it
inlet of the appliance and additional water is protected by a safety device, but not
manometer to any pressure test points on the necessarily thereafter, although it is desirable
appliance. The gas/air pressure shall be that the pilot flame should be visible at all
measured correct to 2.5 mm water gauge at the times whether protected by a safety device or
inlet to the appliance and controlled so that any not. The pilot shall be capable of igniting the
variation does not exceed 2.5 mm water gauge. main burner smoothly over the range of
pressures from standard underload to overload.
19.3 Except where otherwise stated, the The smoothness of ignition of the burner shall
appliance shall satisfy the performance be Judged when all the ports or Jets have
requirements using LPG. Wherever the ignited.
combustion characteristics of burners are
concerned, each burner shall be tested 21.1.1 Where an appliance is fitted with a pilot
separately and in all possible combinations not protected by a flame failure device, the pilot
with other burners. This procedure shall be and main taps shall be designed so that it shall
used for appliance with up to four burners. For not be possible to turn the main gas taps 'ON'
appliance with larger number of burners, the with the pilot tap 'OFF' nor shall it be possible
test procedure becomes impossibly long and to turn the pilot tap 'OFF' with the main gas
discretion shall be exercised to eliminate tests tap turned 'ON'. Open boiling burner and grill
on combinations of widely separated and which pilot taps are exempted from this requirement.
are fitted in appliance of open construction are It is desirable that any burner with a rated
unlikely to interfere with the combustion of output in excess of 5 040 kcal/h should be
each other. protected by a flame failure device.
20 GAS CONSUMPTION 21.2 Burner flames shall carry across to all
ports or Jets on the same burner under normal
20.1 Each burner assembly under separate working condition from full gas rate down to 75
'QN/OFF control shall be within ± 8 percent of percent of full gas rate at gas inlet pressure
the manufacturer's declared gas consumption from 2.452 to 3.432 kN/m2 (25 to 35 gf/cm2).
in g/h2 or 1/h or heat input in kcal/h at 2.942
kN/m (30 gf/cm2 gas inlet pressure when 21.3 It shall be possible to operate appliance
measured according to 20.4. with taps fully open 2at gas inlet pressure from
2.452 to 3.432 kN/m (25 to 35 gf/cm2 without
20.2 Appliances having more than one burner, the flame either extinguishing blowing off or
shall give within percent of the declared striking back and without the formation of soot.

IS 5116 : 1996
21.4 Pilot flames shall be stable without lifting 23.2 Surface Temperatures
or soot deposition at gas inlet pressure from
2.452 to 3.432 kN/m 2 (25 to 35 gf/cm2). When operated as described in 23.1 no portion
of the surface of the appliance, other than a
21.5 The flxed minimum pilot rate shall be working surface, likely to be accidently touched
sufficient to relight the main burner at 2.452 shall exceed 120°C (working surfaces include
kN/m 2 (25 gf/cm2 gas inlet pressure. pan supports, oven flue outlets, grill covers and
plate racks).
21.6 Thermostats
23.2.1 Surfaces which is normal use have to be
Flame stability at bypass or maintenance rate touched for short periods (for example, tap
shall meet the requirements given 21.6.1, handles), shall not have a temperature
21.6.2 and 21.6.3. exceeding 60°C.
21.6.1 Variable Setting Thermostat 23.2.2 The temperature of synthetic rubber
When tested by the method given in Annex L, diaphragm in gas carrying components shall
the flames shall be stable at all rates from not exceed BOX.
normal maximum gas rate down to and
23.2.3 Test given in 25.2 of IS 4246 : 2002 shall
including bypass rate when the appliance door be carried out.
is quickly opened and closed. The flames shall
also remain stable when the thermostat head is SECTION 3 GENERAL
rotated rapidly in both clockwise and
anti-clockwise directions. 24 INSTRUCTIONS
21.6.2 Fixed Setting Thermostat Each appliance shall be accompanied by an
instructions sheet, card or leaflet dealing with
When tested by the method given in Annex L, the following:
the flame shall not be permanently extinguished
or flash back at maintenance rate after the doors a) Brief instructions for installation,
of the appliance are opened or closed sharply regulation and maintenance of the
appliance. This includes setting of flue
21.6.3 Protection of Rods and Phials and terminal, if required;
Thermostat rods and phials shall be so b) For use with LPG at 2.942 kN/m 2 ( 3 0 ,
positioned as to be protected from damage in gf/cm2);
normal use of the appliance.
c) Total gas consumption in g/h (1/h) (with
22.1 On no account the carbon monoxide/ d) Any special instruction for use of the
carbon dioxide ratio of exhaust gases, of any appliance;
appliance operating at any consumption at e) Where cooking ranges with high level
which the flame is stable at gas inlet pressure grills or independent wall flxing grills are
from 2.452 to 3.432 kN/m 2 (25 to 35 gf/cm2) supplied, the minimum height allowable
shall exceed 0.02. The carbon monoxide and between the top of the grill and ceiling or
carbon dioxide contents of the products of overhead shelf from the Are hazard point
combustion shall be determined by the methods of view;
capable of accuracy of 0.001 percent and 0.5 f) If threaded connections are provided on
percent, respectively of the volume of the gas and water inlets and outlet, size of
sample. This test need not be performed on
burners with a gas rate of less than 20 1/h at thread; and
2.942 kN/m 2 (30 gf/cm2) gas inlet pressure. g) Rating of the burners in kcal/h (with LPG).
TEMPERATURES 25.1 The method for packing shall be such as to
minimize the damage to the appliance in
23.1 Floor Wall a n d Ceiling Temperatures transit. If governors or relay controls are
unavoidably supplied loose, moving parts shall
Appliances installed on or near walls and floor be clamped with the valve in the open position
as intended for normal use shall not give rise in and the inlet and outlet shall be plugged.
operation to wall, floor or ceiling temperature
in excess of 65°C above the room temperature 25.1.1 All open pipe ends and connection
after 2 h operation. This requirement shall be openings shall be suitably plugged, and sealed
tested by the method given in Annex M. to prevent the entry of extraneous matter.

IS 5116 : 1996
(Clause 2)
IS No. Title IS No. Title
319 : 1989 Free cutting brass bars, rods and 3043 : 1987 Code of practice for earthing
sections (fourth revision) 3203 : 1982 Methods of testing local
410 : 1977 Cold rolled brass sheet, strip and thickness of electroplated
foil (third revision) coatings (first revision)
554 : 1985 Dimensions for pipe threads
where pressure tight Joints are 4454 (Part 4) : Steel wires for cold formed
required on the threads (third 1975 springs: Part 4 Stainless springs
revision) steel wire for normal corrosion
617 : 1975 Aluminium and aluminium alloy resistance (first revision)
ingots and castings for general 6009 : 1970 Method for evaluation of results
engineering purposes (second of accelerated corrosion test
694 : 1990 PVC insulated cables for 6480 : 1988 Glossary of terms relating to
working voltages upto and domestic and commercial gas
including 1 100 V (third burning appliances (first
revision) revision)
1239 (Part 1) :Mild steel tubes, tubulars and 6910 : 1985 Method of testing corrosion
1990 other wrought steel fittings: resistance of electroplated and
Part 1 Mild steel tubes, (fifth anodized aluminium coatings by
revision) acetic acid salt spray (ASS) test
1264 : 1989 Brass gravity die castings (first revision)
(ingots and castings) ( third
revision) 6912 : 1985 Copper and copper alloy forging
2305 : 1988 Method for mercurous nitrate stock and forgings (first
test for copper and copper alloys revision)
(first revision)
7608 : 1987 Phosphor bronze wire for
2501 : 1985 Copper tubes for general general engineering purposes
engineering purposes (second (first revision)

(Clause 5.1.1)
B-1 METHOD B-1.2 Visually inspect the component to
establish its initial condition. Place the stressed
component in the cabinet for a continuous
B-1.1 The test shall be made in a dry products period of 48 h at a temperature of 60°C, after
free heating cabinet. Where the plastics is which inspect it again.
integral with, pushed on or secured to another
B-1.3 If during the final examination it is
component, the stressed condition shall either be
observed that the plastics part has sustained
simulated or, where practicable, the plastics part
any fissures. distortion, blemishes or
shall be assembled to the mating component.
discolouration it shall be deemed to have failed.

(Clause 5.2)
C-1 PROCEDURE expected in normal use. attention being paid to
the manufacturer's instructions. Connect to the
C-1.1 Set up the appliance under examination gas supply at a pressure between 2.452 to 3.432
to operate as far as possible in the manner kN/m2 (25 to 35 gf/cm2).

IS 5116 : 1996
Ignite each burner in turn and maintain with or distortion of the burner. Maintain the burner
the flames in the mixing tube. The gas rate with burner top in normal position for half an
chosen for this may not necessarily be the hour in the flash-back condition, and
maximum gas rate that can be accommodated subsequently examine for any distortion or
in the mixing tube but the rate most likely to melting.
cause flash-back and which may cause melting

(Clause 5.4)
D-1 PROCEDURE confuse it with the removal of small bits of
D-1.1 Weigh a piece of material under grease, which may have been present in the
examination in air and then in water; and sample under test. If this is suspected, perform
calculate the volume. Thereafter, immerse in the test on two samples, wash one of them for a
pentane for 72 h at room temperature. In case few minutes in liquid pentane before
liquid pentane is not available, immerse the commencing the test. If deterioration in the
piece in LPG in a sealed container capable of properties of the compound are suspected as a
withstanding the vapour pressure of LPG to be result of loss of weight, then obtain the whole of
expected. After 72 h. withdraw the sample and the component, such as diaphragm or O-ring
allow to weather in air for 5 min and reweigh in and subject to the test as described above
reassembled in the appliance and tested for
air and water for estimation of volume. In case
operation in the usual way.
of loss of weight, care shall be taken not to

( Clause 7.2)
E-1 All enamelled components shall pass the NOTE — If, when rinsing, water gathers in drops on the
tests given in E-1.1 and E-1.2. surface, repeat washing treatment until water spreads
E-1.1 Citric Acid Spot Test
The enamelled surface shall pass the following Select areas on the specimen that remain
requirements when tested as per the following horizontal or nearly horizontal in service. Place
procedure: the specimen in a position such tha t flat area at
least 38.1 mm in diameter is horizontal with
Apparatus — Dropperbottleormedicinedropper. the specimen and the citric acid solution at
Watch Glass — 25 mm in diameter with 26 ± 1°C, place several drops of the solution on
flre-polished edge. the test area to form a pool, and immediately
cover with a clean watch glass in inverted
Towel — Made of soft cotton. position. Use a quantity of solution that is Just
Reagents sufficient to fill the inverted watch glass except
Citric Acid Solution — Dissolve 10 g of for a small air bubble (3 to 6 drops are usually
anhydrous citric acid crystals (H3C6H5O7) in required depending upon the curvature of the
100 ml of water. Solution shall be prepared not watch glass). After 15 min of treatment, remove
more than 48 h prior to use. the watch glass and immediately rinse the spot
of solution from the surface. Dry the specimen
Cleaner Solution — Dissolve 10 g of trisodium with a dry, clean, soft cotton towel by blotting
phosphate (Na 3 PO 4 ) in one litre of tap water. (not by rubbing).
Procedure — Clean the test specimen of all
adhering dirt and grease by means of acetone. Check the test specimen within 2 h after
Thoroughly wash the area to be tested using a exposion to the test solution. Draw 2 or more
soft cotton towel moistured with a warm one approximately parellel lines extending across
percent solution of trisodium phosphate. Rinse the treated area by using the flat point of
in warm running tap water and dry with a soft conventional graphite drafting pencil of degree
towel by blotting. Store the specimen at a 3B held in a normal writing position and
temperature of 26 ± l°C for a time sufficient to applied with firm pressure. Now. rub the marks
bring it within this range of temperature prior with a clean, soft, cotton towel which have been
to and during the test. dipped in water and wrung to expel and excess

IS 5116 : 1996

water. Do not use soap, abrasive or similar E-2 Thermal Shock Resistance Test
cleaning material. E-2.1 Components on which water may spill in
The pencil mark shall be completely removed normal use shall be tested for thermal shock
from treated area. resistance.
E-1.2 Impact Resistance Test E-2.2 The enamelled surface shall be examined
The enamelled surface shall be examined for for any signs of flacking-off or crazing after
any signs of chipping when tested as per the undergoing cycles of test when tested as per the
following procedure: following procedure.
Procedure — Subject the tests specimen to
Apparatus — The apparatus shall conform to radiant heat, so as to reach sturdy temperature
Fig. 8. of 185 to 195°C in about 10 min in an oven.
Procedure — Place the test specimen on the Remove the specimen within 5 s and quench
base of the apparatus and centre the surface with 1 000 ml of water at 15 to 20°C
approximately. Then clamp the specimen firmly directed from an aspirator or other container
into position with the clamps. Now place the through a 5 mm diameter tube, the end of tube
falling weight, consisting of aluminium ball of being 150 mm above the centre of the heated
20 ± 1 mm in diameter weighing 10 g Min on the portion of the tests specimen and the flow rate
release pin through the set of perforation in the being adjusted to 10 ml/s (see Note). Dry the
guide tube, so that height of the impact if 91 cm specimen, replace the same in position under
above the test specimen. Begin the test by the radiant heat source and repeat the
pulling the release pin which allow the falling procedure until 6 cycles have been completed.
weight to strike at the centre of specimen. After The specimen shall not show any sign of
the test there should not be any chipping. flacking off or crasing.


IS 5116 : 1996
NOTE — It is convenient to mark the test area to placed on the pan supports, for half an hour.
ensure that water for quenching is correctly applied. Extinguish the burner and allow the
E-3 Pan supports, burner caps and burner component to cool to atmospheric temperature.
baffles shall be tested by the following procedure. Repeat the heating and cooling treatment
Procedure — Heat the components place in twice. At the end of the test, the component
position by lighting the burner in full on shall not show any signs of cracking, flacking
position with flat bottom pan containing water and blistering.

(Clause 11.1)
F-1 PROCEDURE down-draught. The trunking connected to the
F-1.1 Install the appliance as it would in draught diverter shall be straight for a length
practice be installed and connect the draught not less than 10 diameters. Subject the
diverter, by trunking of the same nominal size appliance to up-draught and down-draught of
as the outlet, to a blower or to some other upto 9 m/s and examine the performance of the
means of producing up-draught and appliance over this range of velocities.

( Clause 14.2 )
G-1 PROCEDURE the manufacturer's instructions. Then turn off
all the gastap. Turn on the gas momentarily at
G-1.1 Opening intervals of 10 s. When the gas pressure at the
With the appliance cold and the main gas burner is zero with the gastap turned on, the
turned off, turn on and ignite the pilot jet. if device shall be deemed to have closed. After
provided. Turn on the main burner tap or taps any unburnt gas has cleared, repeat the test,
and water taps, if necessary. Note the time but this time keeping the gastap turned off
required from ignition of the pilot for the gas in 100 s. Apply a light closely to a port or jet of the
the main burner to ignite. burner and turn the gas on. There shall not
emerge from the burner jets or ports or any
G-1.2 Closing and General S o u n d n e s s part of the device enough gas to be ignited and
Allow the device to attain equilibrium the total gas leakage shall not exceed 1.5 1/h at
temperature with the appliance regulated to the standard pressure using LPG.

(Clause 15.5 and 15.6)
H-1 PROCEDURE H-1.2 Backlash
H-1.1 Calibration
Take the temperature at the fixed setting or, in
the case of a variable thermostat, at a To determine the effect of backlash when
convenient number of dial settings, reversing the rotation of the dial of the
commencing at the lowest and proceeding thermostat knob, select settings at the bottom,
successively to higher settings. At each setting middle and top of the normal working range
turn the dial beyond the required setting and and at each of these settings, after equilibrium
then back so that the setting is approached conditions have been established and recorded,
from a higher one. The temperature is deemed turn the thermostat dial several settings down
steady when the average temperature does not and then up to the original setting. Allow
vary by more than 10°C during two successive equilibrium conditions to become established
periods of 15 min each. and record as before.

IS 5116 : 1996

(Clause 16)
J-1 PROCEDURE tests after the taps have been turned 'ON' and
J-1.1 The appliance shall be tested for gas 'OFF' ten times.
soundness by the following method: J-1.2 The method given below shall be used to
Subject the appliance to be tested2 to an air locate the point of leakage:
supply at a pressure of 150 gf/cm with the
bubble leak indicator (see Fig. 9) in the air Immerse the appliance to be tested or the part
supply line. Apply this pressure with all the through which the gas flows assembled in
taps of the appliance closed and examine the working condition, in a water-bath at room
bubble indicator for the appearance of bubbles. temperature. Then connect it to an air supply
The interval between successive bubbles at a pressure of 150 gf/cm2 for a minimum
passing through it shall not be less than 10 s. period of 10 s with all the taps of the appliance
Repeat the test with all the jets of the appliance closed and the appliance or the tested parts
sealed and all the taps open. Repeat the two shall be examined for leakage of air.


IS 5116 : 1996
The test shall be repeated with all the j e ts between successive bubbles passing through it
sealed and all the taps closed. The interval shall not be less than 10 s.

(Clause 17.2)
K-1 APPARATUS pressure in the system to the test figure. For
K-1.1 A suitable apparatus comprises a hand- appliances with broken feed (for example, ball
operated hydraulic pump, having fitted to its valve) expel air from the system by operating
outlet a stop valve followed by a pressure gauge the pump and fill the cistern. When the ball
(see Fig. 10). floats, raise the pressure in the system to the
test figure. In both cases then close the stop
valve at the outlet of the pump. The appliance
K-2 PROCEDURE shall be considered sound if the test pressure is
K-2.1 Connect the appliance to be tested to the maintained for a period of 5 min. Appliances or
hydraulic pump as indicated in Fig. 10. For parts intended to withstand only the head of
appliances with outlet control expel air from water thy contain (that is, boiling pans,
the circuit by operating the pump with the appliances with broken feed, etc) shall be sound
appliance outlet open. When all the air is when completely filled with water at maximum
expelled close the appliance outlet and raise the working temperature.




IS 5116 : 1996

(Clause 21.6.1 and 21.6.2)
L-1 METHOD thermostat (or relay valve, if fitted). Inspect the
L-1.1 Light the oven burner and adjust the flames to confirm that they have remained
thermostat to the highest setting, with the gas alight and have not lit back.
pressure at the inlet to the appliance set to L-1.2 Examine the stability of the flames at
2.942 kN/m 2 (30 gf/cm2). When the appliance bypass rate when any door on the appliance is
has heated up and the thermostat has cut down quickly opened and closed. This test may be
the gas rate, tur n the thermostat down to its conveniently carried out when the appliance is
lowest setting and note the gas rate. Check that already heated at one of the higher thermostat
this gas rate is the bypass rate of the settings.

(Clause 23.1)
M-1 APPARATUS diameter with a thermojunction bent at a right
M-1.1 The apparatus shall consist of a wooden angle and sealed in position with insulating
floor with side and back walls (see Fig. 11). cement. It shall be necessary to arrange for
The floor shall be approximately 5 cm thick and successive readings to be made from each
consist of a 2.5 cm layer of pine below a 2.5 cm thermojunction, a convenient method of doing
layer of any timber with natural colour nearing this is to connect all terminals of one sign to a
white or off-white flnished in clear varnish with single terminal and each terminal of the
opposite sign to a separate terminal of a
a thickness of building paper between them.
switchboard. Temperature shall be measured
Both the side and back walls shall be of 2.5 cm using these thermojunctions.
pine and painted dull black. The apparatus
shall be large enough to accommodate almost
any appliance, and the side wall shall be M-2 PROCEDURE
detachable so that measurement can be made if M-2.1 Before commencing tests with a new
necessary against both sides of the appliance. apparatus, dry it out thoroughly either by
M-1.2 Thermocouples shall be embedded in previous test or by heating it for 24 h with an
each panel at 15 cm intervals and in such a way appliance in position and operating at
that the Junctions are flxed in position 2 mm maximum gas rate in order to dry out the wood
from the wood surface. They shall be and secure reproducible results. This procedure
conveniently inserted in holes of 8 mm is not necessary in subsequent tests.


IS 5116 : 1996

M-2.1.1 Floor and Wall Temperatures 2 h of operation and at any intermediate time
from the initial lighting if it is considered that
Arrange the appliance under examination so certain local temperatures have been reached a
that it is as close as possible to the side and maximum.
back walls of the apparatus described in L-1,
taking note of the manufacturer's installation M-2.1.2 Ceiling Temperature
instructions. Light all the burners and place a Raise the back panel and use the side panel as
15 cm diameter vessel (with lid) containing 'ceiling' resting on the top edge of the raised
about 2 kg water on each top burner. As soon as back panel and support at front edge by
the water in the vessel boils, reduce the gas convenient stand. Operate the appliance as
rate so that it is Just kept boiling. Measure the described in M-2.1.1 and record the
floor and wall temperatures at the Junctions temperature on the ceiling panel supported 1 m
most affected by the heat of the appliance after above the top of the appliances.

Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, In the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Review of Indian Standards
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no
changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of
Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of 'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards : Monthly Additions'.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. HMD 23 (0309).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue
Amd. No. 1 April 1998
Amd. No. 2 May 2002
Amd. No. 3 July 2004


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