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Effect of Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate On Organic Pollutants Removal in The Intermittent Contact Oxidation Process

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Effect of Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate on Organic Pollutants Removal

in the Intermittent Contact Oxidation Process


学籍番号 47-196809

氏 名 Regina Mardatillah

指導教員 Hiroyasu SATOH

1. Research Background and Objectives Surfactants discharged into the sewer system
The most important role of sewer pipe is to may negatively affect microbial activities for
transfer sewage from its sources to the sewer self-purification and thus purification
destination, which is often a sewage treatment performance due to their toxicity. To explore the
plants. Tanji, et al. [1] has studied that installing potential of sewer pipes as a reactor for pre-
porous media in sewer pipes could enhance the treatment of sewage, this study assessed the
ability for sewer self-purification. The term possible adverse effect of SDBS on the
“sewer self-purification” means the ability of microorganisms in the ICOP. Specifically, to
water to purify itself of contaminants in sewer examine the potential of the ICOP to remove
pipes. One of the methods to enhance sewer self- organic pollutants under exposure to SDBS and
purification is called the intermittent contact examine the capability of the ICOP for SDBS
oxidation process (ICOP). The ICOP promotes removal.
microbial growth and retention of 2. Methodology
microorganisms by installing sponge media in 2.1 Airtight Reactor Setup
sewer pipes to facilitate organic pollutants A lab-scale ICOP reactor as shown in Figure 1
removal in the intermittent flow sewage [3]. was prepared. The channel simulating sewer
Greywater is defined as sewage from households’ pipe had an inner dimension of 48.5 cm (length)
activities except for human excreta. It derives × 7 cm (width) × 6 cm (depth) and a slope of
from bathroom, laundries, kitchen sink, showers, around 2%. A piece of inoculated sponge media
and accounts for 50% – 80% of the sewage made of polyurethane sized 44 cm x 7 cm x 1 cm
volume [4]. In term of chemical contaminants, (BCD-2, pore cell density 6 cell/cm, Achilles
surfactants have found as the major chemical Corporation Tokyo, Japan) was placed on the
contaminant in greywater. In this study, sodium bottom of the channel as a habitat for
dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) is a model of microorganism. The outlet of the channel was
surfactant which is widely used in laundry led to the synthetic sewage tank with a working
detergent [5]. The typical greywater contains volume of 1L. The whole reactor was placed in
anionic surfactants determined by the methylene an air-conditioned room at 20±1 ⁰C during the
blue method in the range of 3 – 70 mg L-1 [6]. study. The channel was installed with an oxygen

sensor (ME2-O2-φ20, Winsen Electronics the reactor was operated for 18 days. Run 3,
Technology, Zhengzhou, China). The channel under 20 – 60 mg L-1 of SDBS, the reactor was
was made airtight to ensure reliable oxygen operated for 6 days each of condition except 80
consumption measurement during the mg L-1 for 9 days.
experiment. 2.3 Performance Evaluation
Every day, 1 L synthetic sewage with chemical For each day of monitoring, the samples were
oxygen demand (COD) concentration of around taken eight-times at 0, 30, 60, 120, 240, 360, 480,
500mg/L with different SDBS concentration was and 1440 minutes. The following parameters
prepared and placed in the synthetic sewage tank. were measured: COD, methylene blue active
The COD of the synthetic sewage was from substances, and methylene blue active
peptone, yeast extract, acetate, and SDBS. The substances (MBAS), and oxygen consumption
recirculation pump was operated for 5 minutes rates (OCR). The concentration of COD was
every 30 minutes repeatedly at a flowrate of 200 measured by dichromate method without
mL/min. The air pump was operated for 5 mercury [7] in combination with titration. The
minutes every 6 h to refresh the air inside the concentration of MBAS was measured by the
channel. MBAS method. To calculate OCR, reduction

Recirculation pump
Air pump rate of oxygen concentration in the reactor was
ON= 5 min; OFF= 6 hrs
ON= 5 min; OFF= 30 min
A calculated from the response of the oxygen
Oxygen sensor
sensor then standardized by the footprint area of
Slope 2%
sponge in the reactor.
1 L, prepared every day
(500 mg COD L )-1
2.4 Identity of Remaining MBAS
Synthetic sewage tank
As a result, which will be explained in 3.2 it was
Figure 1 Airtight ICOP Reactor found that removal of MBAS by ICOP was low.
2.2 Reactor Operation However, there remained a possibility that
Initially, microorganisms from a wastewater SDBS was degraded partially while remaining
treatment plant were inoculated and biomass MBAS unchanged. To grasp the identity of
development to the sponge media for 37 days. remaining MBAS after treatment for 24 h, the
Then, after biomass development, run 1, 2 and 3 sample was lyophilized, and analyzed by thin-
were performed where Run 1 and Run 3 were fed layer chromatography (TLC).
with synthetic sewage containing SDBS and Run 3. Results and Discussions
2 synthetic sewage containing no SDBS. 3.1 The organic pollutant removal
Run 1 the reactor was operated under 20 – 40 mg Changes of COD concentration of the water in
-1 -1
L of SDBS for 5 days and 60 – 80 mg L for 6 the synthetic sewage tank with different SDBS
days each condition. Furthermore, during run 2

concentrations during Run-1 and Run-2 are to its original level. During Run-3, again SDBS
shown in Figure 2. concentration in feed was increased from 20 mg
L–1 to 80 mg L–1. However, in Run 3, the
reduction of OCR was not significant: OCR
during the period with SDBS concentration 60
mg L–1 or 80 mg L–1 was only 7.5% less than that
of the period with SDBS concentration 20 mg L–
or 40 mg L–1.
Figure 2 Changes in COD concentration in
each SDBS condition in Run-1 and
Run-2. Influent COD concentration
was approximately 500 mg L-1
Figure 2 shows that the concentration of COD
decreased dramatically in the initial 4 hours after
the synthetic sewage was introduced, then Figure 3 Oxygen consumption rate
slowly decreased afterwards. The SDBS affected during Run-1, Run-2, and Run-3
the COD removal as shown in Figure 2, where It was thought that the COD removal decreased
with increasing SDBS concentration in synthetic due to decreasing of microbial activity which
sewage, COD removal decreased. Compared to related with damage of microbial cells caused by
the condition without SDBS, the ICOP the direct interaction between SDBS and
performance decreased by 8%, 14%, 12%, 34% microorganisms [8]. Yin, et al. [9] reported that
for 20, 40, 60, 80 mg L-1 SDBS containing in the toxicity of SDBS probably caused by the
synthetic sewage, respectively. reduction of surface tension on the cells could
The removal performance of COD can also be inhibit microbial activity. That is, the decline of
evaluated from OCR in the channel as shown in the polarity of the cellular membrane (due to the
Figure 3. In Run-1, OCR was around 9.6 g O adsorption of surfactants on it) results in its
m–2 d–1 during the period with SDBS 20 mg L-1 malfunction substrates cannot enter the cell, and
and 40 mg L-1. After SDBS concentration was toxic substances inside cells if any cannot be
increased to 60 mg L1, OCR remained similar removed from the cell. Both cases cause cellular
level for two days, then suddenly dropped to decay.
around 7 g O m–2 d–1. During days 51 to 60, OCR 3.1 The SDBS Removal in the ICOP
dropped about 27 % of days 38 to 49 with SDBS The concentration profiles of MBAS were
20 mg L–1 and 40 mg L–1. During Run-2 without collected almost every day in Run-1 and on
SDBS, OCR gradually increased and came back selected days in Run-2. Findings are shown in

Figure 4. 4. Conclusions
Findings are provided as follow:
Increasing SDBS concentration in sewage
decreased the ICOP performance. However,
after microorganism were acclimatized the effect
became much less. It means that the ICOP can
show its COD removal performance under
existence of SDBS at least up to 80 mg L–1. In
Figure 4 SDBS removal rate of various addition, The SDBS removal rate remained less:
concentration. The error bar 17 – 32%. However, there is a possibility of
represents the standard deviation for
n = 4, except for 40 mg L-1. n = 5 surfactant remained was produced by microbes
The MBAS removal rate remained less during and/or SDBS itself was converted to other forms.
the ICOP ranging from 17 – 32% in a day Overall, the ICOP shows a promising
operation. MBAS concentration decreased in the performance as a pre-treatment of sewage and
initial 8 hours, and then the removal was almost further study is needed.
stopped. Note that MBAS concentration is not REFERENCES
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