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Gas Lift2021

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Production Department

Third Year

Instructor :
Tarek . N . A . Daw
Production Operations & Workover Engineer Specialist
Gas Lift System
 Gas lift is one of a number of processes used to artificially lift oil
from wells where there is insufficient reservoir pressure to produce
the well.
 The process involves injecting high pressure gas through both the
casing annulus or through the tubing to reduce fluid density from
the point of gas injection, then a lower formation pressure is able
to lift oil to the surface.
 The heavy fluid in the tubing is lightened and lowers the
hydrostatic pressure in the production string by mixing with the gas
injection and is raised to the surface by expanding gas and the
formation fluids starts to flow to the surface under the reduced
back pressure of the lightened fluid column.
 The injection gas separated from the oil at the surface, treatment,
repressurized and re-injected to start the production. 2
Gas Lift Method
 Method of artificial lift in which uses additional energy (high compressed
pressure gas) to supplement formation gas.
 Produced fluids are lifted by reducing fluid density in wellbore to lighten
the hydrostatic column, or back pressure, load on formations.

The main objective of gas lift system is to reduce pressure drop in the
tubing when the reservoir is being produced, the pressure drop is due to:-
 The weight of the fluid on its way to the surface.

 Losses by friction caused by fluid flow.

In a Natural flow well

Fluid column weight reduced by formation gas.
In Gas lift system
Fluid column weight reduced by formation and injected gas.
Flow line to
Gas Lift Working Principle
Gas mixes w/oil, it reduces the SP.gr of oil. The gradient has been
reduced, the hydrostatic pressure reduced to a point where the
reservoir pressure is greater than the BHP, oil & gas moves upwards
by gas expand.
The injection gas lifts the oil to the surface by one or combination of
the following processes:
1- Injected gas reduces fluid density.
2- Expansion gas bubble (Swelling) as the hydrostatic pressure reduces.
3- Displacement of fluid by injection gas bubbles.
‫ وعند‬. )‫ٌسبب الغاز المضغوط فى البئر تخفٌف كثافة عمود السائل (نفط أو سائل لتل‬
‫تخفٌف كثافة العمود سٌكون بأستطاعة ضغط الطبمة المنتجة رفع عمود السائل الى أعلى‬
‫ كما ٌعمل الغاز المضغوط داخل البئر‬.‫بممدار ٌتناسب مع انخفاض كثافة العمود فى البئر‬
‫عمال آخر وهو دفع السائل أمامه لٌساعد فى أخراج النفط من الطبمة المنتجة وبذلن‬
.‫وٌستمر التدفك من الطبمة الى داخل البئر‬
5 ‫ٌحدث تخفٌف للضغط المسلط على الطبمة‬
‫‪Gas Lift Mechanisms‬‬

‫‪Gas Mechanisms :‬‬

‫‪Gas Lift uses additional high pressure gas to addition formation gas.‬‬
‫‪Produced fluids are lifted by reducing fluid density in wellbore to‬‬
‫‪lighten the hydrostatic column, or back pressure, load on formations.‬‬

‫‪Gas Lift System‬‬ ‫نظام الرفع بالغاز فى اآلبار النفطٌة‬

‫ٌعتبر هذا األُسلوب إحدى الطرق المستخدمة فً اآلبار التً ٌنمطع حركة السائل المنتج فٌھا إلى السطح أو ال‬
‫ٌصل إلى وحدات الفصل ذات الضغط العالً نسبٌّا ً حٌث ٌموم الغاز المحمون إلى البئر برفع السائل المنتج‬
‫منھا و ذلن بخفض كثافة النفط و تملٌل ضغط عمود السائل إزاء نطاق اإلنتاج من المكمن لٌحدث فرق الضغط‬
‫المناسب بٌن المكمن و لاع البئر مما ٌساعد على تدفك النفط من المكمن إلى جوف البئر و من ثم إلى السطح‬
‫كما تموم الفماعات الغازٌة المنتشرة فً عمود السائل داخل أُنبوب اإلنتاج عند تمددها كلما إرتفعت فً األنبوب‬
‫وازدادت مساحتھا بدفع كتلة النفط و إزاحتھا إلى األعلى وإن آلٌة الرفع بالغاز تعتمد بالدرجة األُولى على‬
‫الطالة الكامنة فً ضغط الغاز المحمون عند نھاٌة أنبوب الحمن لدفع النفط من هذه النمطة إلى السطح من جھة‬
‫وعلى إنتشار فماعات الغاز فً عمود السائل داخل األُنبوب لتملٌل كثافة النفط و بالتالً تملٌل ضغط عمود‬
‫لٌسھل رفعه إلى السطح من جھة أُخرى‪.‬السائل‬
Gas Lift Application

 Gas lift is the only form of artificial lift that does not require the
use of adown hole pump.
 Gas is typically injected down the csg. and passes through the
SPM and valve for production up the Tbg. It is unlikely to inject
down Tbg and production through csg.

 Why do we use Gas lift system instead of the Pumping system?

 Production Efficiency.
 Deep Reservoir Depth .
 Economic Gas Injection.
 Low Service & Maintenance.
 Run Life For Gas Lift Valves.
 High GOR Wells.

Advantages Of Gas Lift System

Capable of lifting large volumes of fluid.

Surface wellhead equipment requires minimal space and cost

of down-hole equipment low.

Most efficient in wells that have high GOR or GLR and better
performance in sandy well conditions.

The use of wire line unit allows for the economy (less costly)
of service and maintenance operations(with out killing the well
or pulling the tubing if replaced gas lift valves).

Valves and mandrels require No mechanical linkage to the

surface. This reduces rig time when repairs.
Dis-advantages Of Gas Lift System

Needs high- pressure gas well or compressor.

Gas supply flow line needed to each well.

High operating cost with corrosive gases.

It should not be used for viscous oil → µ > 5 cp and emulsions

which are difficult to lift efficiently and slow to start up after

Wet gases (gas freezing) will reduce the reliability of gas lift

Gas Lift System Applications
Constraints Typical Range Maximum*
Operating Depth 5,000’ - 10,000’ TVD 15,000’ TVD

Operating Volume 100 - 10,000 BPD 30,000 BPD

Operating Temperature 100° - 250° F 400° F

Wellbore Deviation 0 - 50° 0 - 70°

Corrosion Handling Good to Excellent
Gas Handling Excellent
Solids Handling Good
Fluid Gravity >15° API
Servicing Workover Rig or Wireline Unit
Prime Mover Type High Pressure Gas (Compressor)
Offshore Application Excellent
System Efficiency 10% - 30% 11
‫‪‬‬ ‫? ‪Where injected the gas be applied‬‬
‫)‪1-Through Production Casing when the well productivity (PI‬‬
‫)‪& (BHP) is low. Intermittent flow (un-steady state flow) (PTL‬‬

‫‪Intermittent Flow Gas Lift System‬‬ ‫نظام الرفع بالغازالمتقطع‬

‫طالة الرفع تتولَّد بنفس طرٌمة الرفع المستمر إالّ أن الغاز ٌُحمن أي تكون عملٌّة الحمن دورٌّة مبرمجة تُحدَّد فٌھا فترتا‬
‫َظمان على وفك لٌمة الضغط فً كل من أنبوب اإلنتاج و الفراغ الحلمً ٌُعاد بعدها الحمن لفترة زمنٌة‬ ‫الحمن و التولف وتُن َّ‬
‫معٌَّنة ٌتولَّف لفترة معٌَّنة أُخرى لتأمٌن أفضل رفع للنفط‬

‫)‪2-Through Production Tubing when the well productivity (PI‬‬

‫‪& (BHP) is high. Continuous flow (steady state flow) (PAL).‬‬

‫‪Continuous Flow Gas Lift System‬‬ ‫نظام الرفع بالغازالمستمر‬

‫طالة الرفع تتولَّد نتٌجة لتمدد الغاز المحمون بضغط عا ٍل فً بٌئة ألل ضغطا ً مما ٌساعد على حركة االنفط داخل أُنبوب‬
‫اإلنتاج أو الفراغ الحلمً بصورة مستمرة مع إستمرارحمن الغاز‬
From Tubing

Injection Gas
From Tubing

Produce Injection Gas

From Casing From Casing
(2) (1) T.N.Daw
Surface Facilities For Closed Circuit Gas Lift System
Oil storage
Gas export Tank To pipe line
Injection Gas pipeline
gas Gas

Producing Gas and oil

wells separator
Injection Gas
Oil Production Water
manifold disposal well

Metering and
control choke

Day-2 GLD1-Intro
and Valve
Surface Equipment For Gas Lift System
For proper selection, installation and operations of gas lift systems, the production
engineer and operator must know the equipment and the fundamentals of gas lift
technology. The basic equipment for gas lift technology includes the following:
1- Gas distribution manifold.
2- Gas Compressor's Station.
3- Distribution lines to conduct the gas to the wellhead.
4- Differential pressure recorder.
5- Surface gas flow controllers (Root) (Choke).
6- Dehydration unit (Anti-freezing , Scraper).
Gas – Liquid Gathering System
 Gas and Liquid Gathering System (Gas injection manifolds) in the field can
reduce the total installed pipe length and centralize operations such as gas flow
measurement and control.
 The optimum number of manifolds to be installed will depend on the total
surface area of the field and the number of wells. The number of wells per
manifold may range from less than 10 to more than 30 well.
Gas Injection Manifolds

Gas injection manifolds in the field can reduce the total installed pipe length
and centralize operations, and the diameter of the pipeline depends on the
flow rate, the number of wells, and the length of the pipelines.
20” Gas distribution line
Differential Pressure

Used to indicate and record gas injection pressures by

two pen recorder on a special chart daily or weekly.
Foxboro Chart

Casing Pressure

Start -up the


Tubing Pressure

Gas Control

Gas out line

to the well

Sample Point

Oil Flow Line

Gas Injection Line
Daniel Orifice

Manual chock ( Root )
(Surface Controller)
Open or Close

This valve (choke) is installed through the gas flow injection line to control the
gas pressure and volume required to produce the well at maximum rates. 23
Gas Scraper

Used to separate any hydrates that may fund in the gas such as water
or condensate and that to get as much dray gas. 24
Methanol Tank

This tank is always near the well and there is a Methanol inside it using to
avoid the freezing problems especially in cold winter nights. 25
Methanol Tank

Glycol Dehydration Unit

The amount of water vapor is reduced and removed by cooling using

Glycol to prevent slug formation before sent the gas injection to
distribution system. 27

Gas Lift System Installation

Gas Lift System Installation
The type of gas lift installation to be used in a particular well depends
upon whether the well is to be placed on continuous or intermittent lift:

Tubing Flow Installations

In these installations lift, gas is injected down the casing and production
takes place through the tubing string.

Types Of Tubing Flow Applications:

1- Open type installation.
2- Semi-closed type installation.
3- Closed type installation.
Open Type Installation
 In open installations the tubing and gas lift mandrel are hanging freely
inside the casing string and no packer or standing valve is run.

 The tubing length should be extended below the operating valve;

this prevents gas to be blown around the tubing shoe.

 Gas is transported in the casing-tubing annular space to the valve

or to the end of the tubing.

 The main disadvantage of this type, when the well is shut-in, the
annulus will fill with fluid and therefore when the well start again,
the valves will be flow liquid this effect usually result in the leaking
failure of the valves.

Gas Injection Production

Gas Lift Open Gas Lift Valves


Zone T.N.Daw
Semi-Closed Type Installation

 In semi-closed installations have a packer as a seal between the

tubing and casing and formation is sealed from injection gas
pressure .
 These installations are suitable for both continuous and
intermittent gas lift .
 Well fluids cannot enter the annulus during shut-down the well.

 Well unloading operations is not required with every shutdown.

 It also has check valve on the gas- lift valves to prevent well fluid
entering the annulus.

Gas Injection Production

Gas Lift Semi-Closed Gas Lift Valves


Closed Type Installation

 In closed installations add a standing valve at the end of the tubing

to eliminate high pressure gas being exerted on the reservoir in
wells with very low BHP .If sand production, or scale or paraffin are
a problem, then the standing valve should not be used.

 Usually the standing valve is wire line set in a landing nipple near
the packer .

 The intermittent flow often uses the closed installation but

continuous flow designs do not require a standing valve.

Gas Injection Production

Gas Lift Closed


Standing Valve
(Bull Plug)

Casing Flow Installations

 In these installations lift gas is injected down the tubing and

production rises in the casing.

 It is used in continuous flow gas lift wells producing very large liquid

 No packer is run in the well.

 The tubing is bull-plugged and injection gas can only enter the well
through the gas lift valves.
 The tubing has not been unloaded every time after the well is shut

 The casing is exposed (uncovered) to well fluids restricting (Check)

its use to non-corrosive liquids.
Gas Injection Production

Casing Flow Gas Lift Valves


Standing Valve
(Bull Plug)
Gas Lift Down-Hole Equipment
The Tubing in a gas lift well usually has several gas lift valves and
mandrels installed at different depths.
 Mandrel of gas lift valves (GLM)
Side pocket mandrel (SPM).
Conventional mandrel.
Can be defined as a special pieces of pipe that have the primary application as
receivers for retrievable gas lift valves. The mandrel provides a fully open bore
permitting(passing) wireline operation through the mandrel.
SPM may also be utilized as receivers for dummy valves, circulating valves,
chemical injection valves……etc.

 Gas lift valves. SPM

Valve in Mandrel

 Sliding Side Door (SSD). Type Port Ptro

6th 3050 R-2A ¼” 914#

 F- nipple & R- nipple. 5th 4750 R-2A ¼” 909#
 Production Packer. 4th 6250 R-2A ¼” 905#
3rd 7600 R-2A ¼” 906#
 Perforated Joint. 2nd 8750 R-2A ¼” 911#
1st 9750 RDO 3/8”
 Standing Valve ( Check Valve) N/A
Gas Lift Mandrels

Side Pocket
,developed in 1953

Mandrel developed
in 1930

Conventional Mandrel is run on the tubing with the

valve mounted on the external part of the mandrel
before the tubing string is run.
Side Pocket Mandrel allows the gas lift valves to be
installed and retrieved by wireline unit .

Gas inlet

Valve Pocket

Depending on the direction of gas flow for which they are
designed, Mandrels can be for both:

(A)- 3 ½” Tubing Flow Side Pocket Mandrel

Mandrel Ports

Bottom of
Mandrel 42
(B)- 2 ⅞” Casing Flow Side Pocket Mandrel

Gas outlet

Gas lift valve installation and retrieval methods :
 Gas lift valves are installed in side-pocket mandrels and spaced out along the
production string.
 Conventional valves and mandrels stalled/retrieved with the tubing by using
Workover Rig..
 Wire line unit used to installed / retrieved valves set inside SPM in the tubing
string by a special wireline tool called kick over tool.
Un-Loading( Kick-off )Valves

1- Used for the start-up of gas lift operations only to unload the well to the desired
point of injection with the available kick-off gas pressure and are usually closed
during normal production.
2- May be spring or nitrogen charged type and used in the upper SPM.
3- Open only when annulus and tubing pressures are high enough to overcome valve
set pressure.

If the surface injection pressure is high enough to unload the well,

unloading valves are useless and should be replaced by a dummy valves.
Types of Gas lift Valves

1- Injection(Casing)Pressure Operated Valve (IPOV).

The body is designed to allow the casing pressure to act on the larger
area of the bellows. it's mainly affected by casing pressure, Pc. and
most suitable for continuous or intermittent flow gas lift
In opening or closing the valve. It requires a build up in Pc to open
and a reduction in Pc to close.

2- Fluid (Tubing) Pressure Operated Valve (FPOV).

The tubing pressure is acting on the larger area of the bellows.
it's mainly affected by fluid pressure ( tubing pressure, Pt ).
and most suitable for continuous flow.
In opening or closing the valve. It requires a build up in Pt to open
and a reduction in Pt or Pc to close.
3- Pack-off ( Dummy) Valve (RD 1½ inch).
Dummy valves are used to:
A- Blank off the tubing for production and completion to enable
pressure test for tubing.
B- The SPM with dummy valve installed, should be pressure tested at
the surface prior to being run into the well.

4- Conventional Valve.
it's attached to the outside of the tubing in special mandrels and
can be run and retrieved along with the tubing string only Need
Workover Rig.

5- Orifice ( Operating )Valve

Simple orifice valve complete with a check valve.
it's mainly affected by: Pc or Pt , port size
is positioned in the lowest SPM.
Gas Lift Valve Latch

Fishing Neck

1- Latch is threaded on to the top of the gas Lift valve.

2- Latch mechanism enables the valve assembly to snap

into the SPM.
3- To retrieve the valve, a straight pull with slick line
tools will shear the latch shear pin and release the valve

Latch Ring
Pulling Tool

Valve Latch

Running Tool

Dummy Valve

Tool String for Running & Pulling Gas Lift Valves

Before Running-in During Pulling-out

► Rob-socket. ► Rob-socket.
► Stem Bars. ► Stem Bars.
► Knuckle Joint. ► Hydraulic Jar.
► Mechanical Jar. ► Knuckle Joint..
► Centralizer. ► Mechanical Jar.
► Kick-over Tool.(Type-R) ► Centralizer.
► Running Tool.w/valve. ► Kick-over Tool.(Type-R)
► Pulling Tool.w/valve.
The KOT is used for placing the valve in the mandrel inside the
tubing and for replacing the damaged valve with a new valve.
1 2 3 4


Running Tool
Pulling Tool

1 2 3 4 50
Gas Lift Assembly Before Running
Rob-socket Stem
Knuckle Joint

Mechanical Jar
Valve with Latch

Pulling Tool Pocket

Pulling Tool

Running Tool Valve Latch Packing

Casing (Injection) Pressure Operated Valve
Unbalanced bellows valve with pressure charged dome
(Single Loading Element)

 The only loading element is a Nitrogen Charged Dome.

 The responsive element is a Bellows which allow the stem

to move the ball on and off seat.
 This valve is from 50% - 100% sensitive to casing pressure in
the closed position.
 100% casing pressure sensitive in the open position.
It requires a build-up in casing pressure to open.
 It requires a reduction in casing pressure to close. 53
Nitrogen Charged Nitrogen
Dome Valve Gas Charge
(Single Loading Element) Loading Element
R 20 , 1½ “
Nitrogen charge acts on the
bellows; exerting a force Metallic Bellows
pushing the ball beside the
Responsive Element

Transmission Element
Gas flow –inlet

Plug Mixture Fluid
Ap (Pt)

Seat T.N.Daw
(IPOV) Opening and Closing Equations (Single element)
Valve closed Ready to open

Closing Force → Fc = Pd x Ab
Fc= (summation of all forces trying to push the ball on seat)

Opening Force → Fo = Pc (Ab - Ap) + Pt Ap

Fo= (summation of all forces trying to push the ball off seat)

Just Before The Valve Open, The Force are Equal →( Fc = Fo )

 A 
 Pd  Pt x ( p ) 
 Ab   Pd  PtxR  
PC  PCO   Pc  PVO  
 1 

 A 
 A  
P   1  R 
  B 

The casing pressure at depth required to

 Pd @ 600 F  open a valve under operating conditions.
Ptro  
 1 R   Ap 
  Where : R = Valve Ratio = 
 A  T.N.Daw
 b 
Valve opened Ready to close

Closing Force → Fc = Pd x Ab

Opening Force → Fo = Pc (Ab - Ap) + Pc Ap

Just Before The Valve Closed, The Force are Equal →( Fc = Fo )

Pd xAb  Pc Ab  Ap   PC xAp Pc  PVc  Pd

The casing pressure at depth must be reduced to a point
less than the dome pressure for the valve to close.
Pd = Pressure in dome, psi
Pt = Tubing pressure @ valve depth when the valve open , psi
Pc = Casing pressure @ valve depth required to open the valve, psi
Ab = Area of bellows, sq.”
Ap = Seat (port) area of , sq”.
Pressure Drop In GLV (Spread)

Defined: As the difference between the opening and closing

pressures ( Pvo) & ( Pvc ) of a gas lift valve.

 Pd  Pt xR   R 

Spread  P psi    Pd    Pd  Pt 
 1 R  1  R 

Is important in intermittent gas lift because it controls the volume
of gas used in each cycle. As the spread increases the amount of gas
injected during the cycle increases.
 If spread is big→ means it will give chance to gas to enter tubing.
 If spread is small→ only small amount of gas will enter tubing.
Production Pressure Effect Factor (Tubing Effect Factor) &
Tubing Effect

 R  AP
P.P.E.F  TEF    x100  x100
1 R  Ab  AP

 R 
T .E  Pt xT .E.F  Pt  
1 R 

if → ∆Pmin = 0 will occur where → Pt = Pd

if → ∆Pmax will occur where → Pt = 0

R 1-R

Port Size (d) Port Area  AP 

 A 
(Ap)  b 
Bellows Area

TEF  x100
Ab  AP

 Example (1)
Suppose a pressure operated valve is located @ 6200 ft with
following data:
 Tubing pressure(Pt) = 325 psi

 Dome Pressure(Pd) = 800 psi

 Area of bellows (Ab) = 0.77 inch sq.

 Area of port (Ap) = 0.129 inch sq.

1- Calculate the casing pressure required to open (Pvo) and

closing (Pvc) the valve ?
2- Valve Spread, T.E.F and T.E?


The casing pressure required to open the valve is :

 800  325x0.167 
PVO  PC     895psi
 1  0.167 

The casing (dome) pressure required to close the valve is :

PVC  Pd  800psi

So, we require higher Pc to open valve as Pt decrease.

Start injecting gas in casing the valve is closed.
Until Pc is raised to 895 psi, then valve will open and gas enters tubing.
So, Pc start to decline and until it reaches 800 psi.
Then valve is closed.
If Pt = 0, then Pvo = 895 + 65 = 960 psi
(This is called the max. Pc Required to open valve).

 800  Tubing Effect

PC  Max      960psi
 1  0.167  (T.E)

There fore, Pt =325 psi reduces Pvo to 895 psi.

Spread  P psi   895  800  95psi

 0.167 
TEF    x100  20%
 1  0.167 
This means tubing pressure effect factor on system is 20%.
And casing pressure effect factor on system is 80%.

T .E  Pt xT.E.F  325x0.2  65psi

Valve Testing (Calibration)
 Before sending to well for installation every GLV should be
adjusted and tested at an opening pressure in the work shop that
corresponds to the desired opening and closing pressure in the
well. This pressure is called: @ 60 °F
Test Rack Opening Pressure (TRO )

 Pd 
The casing pressure required to open
the valve with No effect tubing
Ptro  
1 R 
pressure→ Pt = 0 In valve tester

 Valve opening pressures on the design graph are calculated at downhole

temperature conditions. These calculated pressures must be converted
to reflect the reference temperature so that the valves can be set in the
workshop under those conditions.
Most manufacturers use 60°F as that standard temperature.
API Gas Lift, (Table A-1) gives the conversion factors to account for this
temperature difference. T.N.Daw
Nitrogen Temperature Correction Factors Based on 60 F (Table- A.1)
Nitrogen Temperature Correction Factors for Temperature in Fahrenheit

°F Ct °F Ct °F Ct °F Ct °F Ct °F °Ct
61 0.998 101 0.919 141 0.852 181 0.794 221 0.743 261 0.698
62 0.996 102 0.917 142 0.850 182 0.792 222 0.742 262 0.697
63 0.994 103 0.915 143 0.849 183 0.791 223 0.740 263 0.696
64 0.991 104 0.914 144 0.847 184 0.790 224 0.739 264 0.695
65 0.989 105 0.912 145 0.845 185 0.788 225 0.738 265 0.694

66 0.987 106 0.910 146 0.844 186 0.787 226 0.737 266 0.693
67 0.985 107 0.908 147 0.842 187 0.786 227 0.736 267 0.692
68 0.983 108 0.906 148 0.841 188 0.784 228 0.735 268 0.691
69 0.981 109 0.905 149 0.839 189 0.783 229 0.733 269 0.690
70 0.979 110 0.903 150 0.838 190 0.782 230 0.732 270 0.689

71 0.977 111 0.901 151 0.836 191 0.780 231 0.731 271 0.688
72 0.975 112 0.899 152 0.835 192 0.779 232 0.730 272 0.687
73 0.973 113 0.898 153 0.833 193 0.778 233 0.729 273 0.686
74 0.971 114 0.896 154 0.832 194 0.776 234 0.728 274 0.685
75 0.969 115 0.894 155 0.830 195 0.775 235 0.727 275 0.684

76 0.967 116 0.893 156 0.829 196 0.774 236 0.725 276 0.683
Ct = 0.841
80 0.959 120 0.886 160 0.823 200 0.769 240 0.721 280 0.679

81 0.957 121 0.884 161 0.822 201 0.767 241 0.720 281 0.678
82 0.955 122 0.882 162 0.820 202 0.766 242 0.719 282 0.677
83 0.953 123 0.881 163 0.819 203 0.765 243 0.718 283 0.676
84 0.951 124 0.879 164 0.817 204 0.764 244 0.717 284 0.675
85 0.949
Tv = 148 F
125 0.877 165 0.816 205 0.762 245 0.715 285 0.674

 0 FxDV 
TV  TS   
86 0.947 126 0.876 166 0.814 206 0.761 246 0.714 286 0.673
87 0.945 127 0.874 167 0.813 207 0.760 247 0.713 287 0.672

 100 ft 
88 0.943 128 0.872 168 0.812 208 0.759 248 0.712 288 0.671
89 0.941 129 0.871 169 0.810 209 0.757 249 0.711 289 0.670
90 0.939 130 0.869 170 0.809 210 0.756 250 0.710 290 0.669

91 0.938 131 0.868 171 0.807 211 0.755 251 0.709 291 0.668
92 0.936 132 0.866 172 0.806 212 0.754 252 0.708 292 0.667
93 0.934 133 0.864 173 0.805 213 0.752 253 0.707 293 0.666
94 0.932 134
 Pd @ 600 F   
0.863 174


214 0.751 254 0.706 294 0.665

TCF  Ct    
95 0.930 135 0.861 175 0.802 215 0.750 255 0.705 295 0.664

96 0.928 136

 Pd @Tv    1  0.00215TV  60 

0.860 176 0.800 216 0.749 256 0.704 296 0.663

   
97 0.926 137 0.858 177 0.799 217 0.748 257 0.702 297 0.662
98 0.924 138 0.856 178 0.798 218 0.746 258 0.701 298 0.662
99 0.923 139 0.855 179 0.796 219 0.745 259 0.700 299 0.661
100 0.921 140 0.853 180 0.795 220 0.744 260 0.699 300 0.660 64
 R  
TRO  PVO    Pt  PC  xCt
 1  R  

(TRO) Definition: The opening pressure to which the valve is set at

the surface under test rack conditions ( Pvo @ 60°F) corresponding
to the desired opening pressure in the well.

Note :
To set dome pressure @ 60F to a value representing dome pressure
@ valve depth condition.
Real Gas Low must be used for correction:

 60  460xZ600F xPd valve .depth  

Pd 600F    
 Tvalve .depth  460  xZvalve .depth  

or using temperature correction charts .Fig.3D-1 or Table A.1

Fig # (3D-1)
Pd @
valve Temp.

Nitrogen Dome pressure
@ Valve Temp.,psig

Pd @ 60 F

Nitrogen Dome pressure

@ 60 F
Gas Lift Valve Cell ( Test.bench@ 600F  150C )

Example (2)
Given :
Dv = 6000 ft Actual Avg. T= 110F
Gas Sp.g = 0.6 Pt = 500 psi
R= 0.1 Pd @ Tv = 815 psi
Ts= 70 F
 1 .3 F 
TV  70   
Calculate , Ptro → Assuming →  100 ft

 1.3 x6000 
TV  70     148F 
Ct  0.841  fromTable  A.1
 100 

 Pd @ 600 F  
TCF  Ct    Pd @ 600 F  0.841x815  685 psi
 Pd @Tv  
 
 Pd @ 600 F  
Ptro    685  761psi
 1  R  1  0.1
  T.N.Daw
 Example (3)

The following data are available:

 Injection depth = 6,300 ft , Tsf = 100 F
 Dome pressure @ valve depth = 817 psi

 Surface opening pressure = 900 psi

 Gas.Sp.gr = 0.75

 Temp. @ valve depth = 126 F ,

 Valve depth @ 2347 ft , R = 0.2562

Find :
Test rack opening pressure @ 60F ?


 520xPd valve .depth  520x817 

Pd 600F       725psi
 Tvalve .depth  460   126  460 

The Z factors can be determined using the Hall–Yarborough correlation.

Computer database Hall- Yarborough.

Z60F = 0.80 at 725 psi & 60F 520x0.8 x817

Pd ( 600F )   683psi
Z126F = 0.85 at 725 psi & 126 F.
 Pd @ 600 F   683
Ptro      918psi
 1  R  1  0.25621
  T.N.Daw
 Example (4)
The following data are available:
 Tubing pressure at valve location = 655 psi

 Surface opening pressure = Pso = 800 psi

 Temp. @ valve depth = 180 F , Ts= 100 F

 Valve depth @ 8000 ft Gas.Sp.g = 0.7
 Valve size 1½” OD , ½” port , R = 0.256
 Valve charged with N2 @ 60 F

Find :
1- Pvo , Pvc and ∆P @ valve depth ?
2- Surface closing pressure (Pvcs) ?
3- PValve @ surface?
4- Test rack opening pressure @ 60F ?
The Pressure required to open the valve is :
 Pd  PtxR  
Pc  PVO   
 1 R

From Fig.3A-1 →→ ∆Pchart= 21psi/ 1000ft = 0.021 psi/ft

 Chart. Avg.Temp 
   
 100  460   Actual. Avg .Temp 
Pcor  21 1000 ft 
  19.6psi / 1000 ft  0.0196 psi
 100  180  460 
 
 2 

Pco  Pso  Pcor xDepth  800  0.0196x8000  957psi

The Pressure required to close the valve is :

 Pd  655x0.256 
957     Pd  880 psi  Pvc
 1  0.256 
Fig # (3A-1)

Pso = 800 psi

The injection gas

Ɣg =0.7
pressure at depth and the
injection gas gradient
need to be determined.
Use charts for different
gas gravities at assumed
average temperature
Gas grad = conditions or calculated
21 psi/1000 ft for various injection

Gas pressure gradient, psi/1000 ft
The Spread = P  957  880  77psi

The surface closing pressure, Psc :

Psc  Pvc  Pcor xDepth  880  0.0196x8000  723psi

The Spread(∆P)surface = P  880  723  77psi

The test rack opening pressure, Ptro :

Ct  0.795  @Tv  180F  fromTable  A.1

 Pd @ 600 F  
Ct     P  0.795x880  700psi
 Pd @Tv   d @ 600 F
 

 Pd @ 600 F   700
Ptro    941psi
 1  R  1  0.256
  74
 H.W #1
An operating valve in an intermittent installation is run to 7,500 ft.
where the following data are available:

 The tubing pressure due to a starting liquid slug is = 400 psig

 Surface operating gas lift pressure = 900 psi
 Temp. @ valve depth = 190°F
 Gas.Sp.gr = 0.8 , R= 0.26
 Valve size 1½” OD , ½” port ,CAMCO j-20
Find the following parameters:
a- The opening pressure at valve depth?
b- The closing pressure at setting depth?
c- Valve spread at valve depth ?
d- The required test rack opening pressure?

 H.W# 2
Given the following data (Single element IPOV):
 Tubing pressure = 400 psig
 Operating valve depth = 7500ft @190 F
 Surface operating pressure = 900 psig
 Gas Sp.gr = 0.8
 Area of bellows (Ab) = 0.77 inch sq.
 Area of port (Ap) = 0.2 inch sq.
Calculate :
1- Pvo and Pvc @ valve depth .
2- Spread (∆P) @ valve depth.
3- Test rack opening pressure.

Charged Dome and Spring Pd Nitrogen
Gas Charge
Unbalanced bellows valve with
pressure-charged dome and spring
(Double Loading Element) Metallic Bellows
RDO 5 , 1½”
When using this type of valve in high Ab
pressure installations, it may be
necessary to supplement the spring
Supplement Force
force with a dome charge because a
spring alone may not develop
adequate closing force.
Gas flow –inlet
Spring (Pc)
Adjustment Nut

Reservoir Fluid
Spring prevents damage to the
bellows due to excessive collapse Check Valve
when exposed to forces much
greater than those generated by
the nitrogen charge

(Seal Rubber)
Valve Latch

Spring Valve Assembly T.N.Daw

(IPOV) Opening and Closing Equations (Double element)
Valve closed Ready to open

Closing Force → Fc = Pd x Ab + St (Ab – Ap)

Opening Force → Fo = Pt x Ap + Pc (Ab - Ap)

Just Before The Valve Closed, The Force are Equal → ( Fc = Fo )

At Moment of Opening the Valve…..

 Pd  Pt xR  P xR

Pc  PVO    St PVO  St   t 
  1 R 
 1 R 
The tension of the spring
is expressed as pressure. If the dome is not charged, all of the opening
force will be supplied by the Spring.
Where : R = Ratio (Ap /Ab)
St = an equivalent pressure caused by Spring Tension, psi 79
Valve opened Ready to close

At Moment of Closing the Valve….

Pc  PVc  Pd  St 1  R

 Pd  Pt xR 
Spread  P     S t  Pd  S t 1  R 
 1 R 
When the valve is open, the pressure under the ball is casing pressure Pc.

 Pd @ 600 F  
Ptro    St
 1 R 
 
 Example (5)
Given the following data: ( Spring Not Effect )
 Tubing pressure = 325 psi
 Dome Pressure = 520 psi
 Area of bellows (Ab) = 0.77 inch sq.
 Area of port (Ap) = 0.129 inch sq.
Pvo , Pvc and the spread for the single element loading valve?
The Pressure required to open the valve @ setting depth is :
 Pd  Pt xR   520  325x0.167
PVO     St     0.0  559psi
 1 R   1  0.167 
The Pressure required to open the valve @ setting depth is :

PVC  Pd  520 psi P  559  520  39psi

 Example (6)
Given the following data: ( Spring Effect )
 Tubing pressure = 325 psi
 Dome Pressure = 240 psi , Ab = 0.77 inch.sq
 Spring tension = 280 psi , Ap = 0.129 inch.sq
Pvo , Pvc and the spread for the double element loading valve?

The Pressure required to open the valve :
 P  Pt xR   240  325x 0.167 
PVO   d   S t     280  503psi
 1  R   1  0.167 
The Pressure required to open the valve :
PVc  Pd  St 1  R  240  2801  0.167  473psi
P  503  473  30psi T.N.Daw
 Example (7)

The following data are available: (Spring Not Effect)

 Tubing pressure at valve location = 424 psi

 Surface opening pressure = 900 psi

 Temp. @ valve depth = 126 F , Tsf= 100 F

 Valve depth @ 2347 ft , Gas.SP.gr = 0.75
 Valve size 1½” OD , ½” port ,

 R = 0.256

 Z @ 60F = 0.8

 Z @ valve depth= 0.85

Find :
Pvo , Pvc & Test rack opening pressure @ 60F ?


From )Fig.3A-1( Gas gradient = ∆P chart = 25 psi/ 1000ft = 0.025 psi/ft

 
 100  460 
Pcor  25 1000

ft 100  126
  24.4 psi / 1000 ft  0.0244

 
  460 
 2 

Pvo  Pso  Pcor xDepth  900  0.0244x2347  957psi

 Pd  Pt xR    Pd  424x0.256

PVO    S  957     0  Pd  821psi
 1 R 
 1  0.256 

PVc  Pd  St 1  R  821 0 x1  0.167  821psi

520x0.8 x821
Pd ( 600F )   686psi  P   686   0  922psi
586x0.85  1  0.256 
 H.W# 3

The following data are available:

(Two Unbalanced Bellows charged valves )
 Have the same TRO = 1,200 psig

 One has a spring with a spring force effect (St) = 500 psig

 Valve size 1½” OD , ½” port ,

 Ab = 0.77 sq.inch

 Ap = 0.154 sq.inch

Find :
Find the bellows charge pressure required for each valve.

Fluid Operated Valve Pd Nitrogen
Gas Charge
It is similar to pressure valve except, the
tubing pressure acts on the larger area of
the bellows and the casing pressure acts Metallic Bellows
on the area of the port General force
balance equations will be resultant which
can be used for: Ab
1- Dome charge with No Spring.
2- Spring with No Dome charge. Spring

3- Combination (Spring & Dome charge). St

This is a double element valve with both
dome and spring as the loading(closing
force). When using this type of valve in Pt Reservoir Fluid
high pressure installations, it may be
necessary to supplement (increase) the
spring force with a dome charge because
Gas injection
a spring alone may not develop adequate
closing force. Ap Pc
(FPOV) Opening and Closing Equations (Double element)
Valve closed Ready to open

Closing Force → Fc = Pd x Ab + St (Ab – Ap)

Opening Force → Fo = Pc x Ap + Pt (Ab - Ap)

Just Before The Valve Closed, The Force are Equal → ( Fc = Fo )

At Moment of Opening the Valve…..

 Pd   R 
P  PVO     St  Pc  
t 1  R  1 R 
Casing Effect (C.E)

At effect the spring charge to open this valve → The dome pressure = 0.0
Then St = Ptro
At effect the dome charge to open this valve → The spring tension = 0.0
Valve opened Ready to close

Closing Force → Fc = Pd x Ab + St (Ab – Ap)

Opening Force → Fo = Pt x Ab
Just Before The Valve Close, The Force are Equal → ( Fc = Fo )

At Moment of Closing the Valve…..

PVC  Pt  Pd  St 1  R

The tubing pressure required to open

the valve with No effect casing
pressure→ Pc = 0 in valve tester
 Pd @ 600 F   R 
Ptro    St C.E.F    x100
 1 R  1 R 
 
 Example (8)
Double element fluid valve with dome charge & spring.
Data are given:
 Surface operating pressure = 800 psi

 SP.gr of injection gas = 0.7

 Valve depth = 8000 ft
 R = 0.0407 , Ts = 100 F
 Tv = 180 F , St = 300 psi
 Pvc= 770 psi

1- Opening pressure @ valve depth (Pvo) ?
2- Test rack opening pressure (Ptro) ?


From Fig.3A-1 →→ ∆Pchart = 21psi/ 1000ft = 0.021 psi/ft

 
 100  460 
Pcor  21 1000

ft 100  180
  19.6 psi / 1000 ft  0.0196

 
  460 
 2 

PC  Pso  Pcor xDepth  800  0.0196x8000  957psi

PVc  Pd  St 1  R
770  Pd  3001  0.0407  Pd  482psi
 P   R   482   0.0407 
PVO   d   S t  Pc  
    300  957   761psi
1  R   1  R  1  0.0407  1  0.0407 

Ct  0.795  @Tv  180F  fromTable  A.1

Pd @ 600 F  0.795x482  383psig  Ptro  

383 
  300  699psig
 1  0.0407 
Analytical Determination Of Valve Spacing
For Continuous Flow Design

To calculate valve installations analytically by follows Equations:

Pko  Pwh
DV 1 
Grd kf

Dv1= Depth from surface to valve (1), ft.
Pko = Available gas pressure for kick-off, psi.
Pwh = Surface back pressure on the tubing, psi.
Grd(kf) = Kill fluid gradient to be unloaded, psi/ft

 PSO1  DV 1 xGrdU   Pwh 
DV 2  DV 1   
 Grd kf 
Pso1= Surface operating pressure of valve (1), psi
Pso2= ( Pso1 – pressure drop between valves ), psi
Pso3 = ( Pso2 – pressure drop between valves )
Grdu = Unloading gradient at desired rate, psi/ft (Fig.3F-1, 3F-2).
for ( ID ) tubing size and desired flow rate ( B/D )

 PSO 2  DV 2 xGrdU   Pwh 
DV 3  DV 2   
 Grd kf 

 PSO 3  DV 3 xGrdU   Pwh 

DV 4  DV 3   
 Grd kf 

 PSO 4  DV 4 xGrdU   Pwh 

DV 5  DV 4   
 Grd kf 

T.N.Daw 93

 Mid-perforation depth = 8500 ft

 Production rate = 2040 B/D
 Surface operating pressure = 900 psi
 Kickoff pressure = 950 psi
 Gas SP.gr = 0.65
 Wellhead pressure = 100 psi
 Surface flowing temperature = 100 F
 Surface static temperature = 75 F
 BHT = 210 F
 Tubing = 2 ½”ID
 Kill fluid gradient = 0.5 psi/ft

Taking 25 psi drop in Pso between valves.

Calculate the valve installations analytically ?

Pko  Pwh 950  0

DV 1    1900 ft
Grd kf 0.5
The well head pressure is Zero for valve (1) only, because start to unloading the well.

 P  DV 1 xGrdU   Pwh   900  1900x0.156  100 

DV 2  DV 1   SO1   1900     2907 ft
 Grd kf   0.5 

 PSO 2  DV 2 xGrdU   Pwh   875  2907x0.156  100 

 DV 2    2907     3550 ft
DV 3   0.5 
 Grd kf 

 PSO 3  DV 3 xGrdU   Pwh   850  3550x0.156  100 

DV 4  DV 3     3550     3942 ft
 Grd kf   0.5 

 PSO 4  DV 4 xGrdU   Pwh   3942   825  3942x0.156  100   4162 ft

DV 5  DV 4     0.5 
 Grd kf 

2- Determine the desired tubing pressure ( Pt ) at each depth of gas
lift valve.

Pt  Gu xDv   Pwh

Pt1  0.156x1900  0.0  296 psi

Pt 2  0.156x2907  100  554 psi
Pt 3  0.156x3550  100  654 psi

Pt 4  0.156x3942  100  715 psi

Pt 5  0.156x4162  100  749 psi

3- Determine the pressure in casing ( Pc ) at each depth of gas lift
valve.( Use Fig. 3A-1 ) and applied for this Equations:

PC  PVO1  Pso1  Gasgrd xDV 1 
 75  460 
Gas.grdcor  0.0215   0.0171 ft

 210  460 

PC  PVO1  900  0.0171x1900  933psi

PC  PVO 2  875  0.0171x2907  924 psi

PC  PVO3  850  0.0171x3550  911psi

PC  PVO 4  825  0.0171x3942  893psi

4- Determine the temperature ( Tv ) at each depth of gas lift valve.

 
Geothermal.Grd . 100
o  BHT  TSS 
  x100 TV  TFS
 0 FxDv 
  
 
Depth  100 ft 

. .Temperature
 1.58x1900 
TV 1  100     130F

 100 

 1.58x 2907 
TV 2  100     146F

 100 

 1.58x3550 
TV 3  100  
 100
  156F

 
GeothermalGrd . Fo
100 ft
. 210  75
X 100  1.58

 1.58x3942 
TV 4  100     162F

 100  T.N.Daw
Work Sheet Calculation

Depth (ft), TVD Pso ,(psi) Pc , (psi) Pt , (psi) Temp. (Deg F)

1900 900 933 296 130

2907 875 924 554 146

3550 850 911 654 156

3942 825 893 715 162


 Mid-perforation depth = 8000 ft

 Production rate = 700 B/D

 Surface operating pressure = 900 psi

 Kickoff pressure = 950 psi

 Gas SP.gr = 0.65

 Wellhead pressure = 100 psi

 Surface flowing temperature = 150 F

 Surface static temperature = 75 F

 BHT = 210 F

 Tubing = 2 ⅜”ID

 Kill fluid gradient = 0.5 psi/ft

Taking 25 psi drop in Pso between valves.

Calculate the valve installations analytically ?
Gas Lift Problems

What is the main problems effecting on gas lift ?

 Gas Injection Freezing and Pollution.
 Low gas injection pressure.

 Well operation process condition .

 Pressure recorder calibration .

 Leaky valves, tubing, or casing.

 Scale, paraffin, or asphalt in flow line, gas lift valves,

tubing, well bore, or perforations.
 High back pressure on formation.

 Improper time cycle.

Method of obtaining analysis of gas lift installation

 Recording surface pressure in tubing & casing.

 Measurement of gas volume.
 Surface temperature readings.
 Well test for oil & water production.
 Sub-surface pressure & temperature surveys.
 Fluid level determination by acoustic devices ( Echometer or Sono-log).

 Temperature Survey:-
Leaking valve seats and tubing leak.
These problems are clearly detected by this survey from the
decrease in the temperature opposite the point of gas entry into
the tubing .Bottom hole temperature, temperature gradient along
the well depth.
Pressure survey are the best and most widely used method of
properly analyzing gas lift installation.
 Static pressure survey:-
1- Static fluid level.
2- Static gradient.
3- Static bottom hole pressure.

 Flowing pressure survey:-

1- Locate the point of injection.
2- Locate leak in valves, mandrel and tubing .
3- Diagnose multi-point injection.
4- Measure flowing bottom hole pressure.

Possible Causes and Treatments of some common failures of gas lift system
Reason Cause Repair

 Valve Stuck Open.  Rock the well, flush the valve. .

 Packer Leaking.  Reset Packer.
between casing
Tubing Leak.  Pull out, repair leak & re-run .
& tubing
 Circulation Sleeve Open.  Close it.

 Change operating valve to  Adjust gas injection pressure for

higher position (installation). max. production..
Increase Injection Gas  Valve Plugged.  Pull out valve.
Pressure  Increase well temperature  Decrease Test rack opening

affecting valves. pressure (Tro) of bellows charged


 Heavy fluid.  Increase cycle frequency.

 Low injection gas pressure.  Space valves closer.
Fluid slug velocity less
 Valve partially plugged.
than 1000 ft/Min  Flush with solvent.
 Tubing partially plugged.
 Run gauge cutter .
 Valve port too small..
 Exchange for large size.

Possible Causes and Treatments of some common failures of gas lift system

Reason Cause Repair

 Plugged flow line.  Check paraffin or sand

 High separator pressure. accumulation.
High back pressure
 Flow line too small size.  Replace it with large size.
at well head
 Well using too much gas.  Adjust injection control (Root).

 Plugged choke.  Clean or Remove .

 Formation plugged.  Well stimulation.

 Plugged tubing.  Check tubing below operating
Sudden drop
 Increase or decrease gas valve, wash or pull out.
 Standing valve stuck open.  Readjust gas injection control.

 Pullout and clean.

Recommended Practice Prior To Unloading Gas Lift Well
After a continuous flow design is completed and the down hole
equipment is installed, several checks required prior to unloading
well with gas lift system:

 If well killed by workover fluid, it should be circulated clear down

to perforation zone prior to running gas lift valves to avoid
abrasive material may damage the seals .
 Do not stimulate well with valves in place, if required, dummy
valves may run.
 Install collar stop or ( F-nipple) in the tubing prior to start
running valves .
 Ensure gas surface line is clear from debris prior to commencing
injection down hole.
 Function test all surface valves and instruments.
Gas Lift Well Un-loading

 Unload well carefully 50 - 100 psi per 10 min, 1- 2 bbl/ min

 Maximize production choke opening.
 Gradually increase gas injection rate.
 Monitor well clean up and stability.
 Get to target position.
 Perform step rate production test.
 Optimize gas injection rate.
 Note - when unloading all valves are open.

(A) Fluid from casing being
transferred into tubing
through all valves by
injection gas pressure
from surface . All Valves
(B) Fluid in tubing being
aerated to separator by
injection gas through top
All Valves Open
valve as fluid in casing is Open
transferred into tubing
through lower valves .

(C) Gas injection entering

tubing through top &
second valve
immediately after second
valve uncovered . 109
(D) Fluid in tubing being aerated to
separator by gas injection
through second valve as fluid
in casing is transferred into
tubing through third & Valve # 1
bottom valves . Valve # 1 Closed Valve # 2& 3
Closed Closed

(E) Gas injection entering tubing

through second & third
valves immediately after Valve # 2& 3
third valve uncovered . Open
Valve # 2& 3
(F) Producing rate equals capacity
of tubing from third valve for
available injection pressure. Valve # 3
Therefore, bottom valve Closed
(operating valve) cannot
uncovered .


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