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ISSN 2395-695X (Print)

ISSN 2395-695X (Online)

Available online at www.ijarbest.com

International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Ecology Science and Technology (IJARBEST)
Vol. I, Special Issue III, August 2015 in association with VEL TECH ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHENNAI
International Conference on Innovations in Machinery and Structures 2015 (INOMAS’15) - 26th August 2015



ABSTRACT Total Hardness

Groundwater has been a very important Calcium
source of water for various uses since ancient times.
Much of the drinking water used by human and other Magnesium
living beings. During the recent years due to Sodium
urbanization and industrialization, groundwater is Potassium
increasingly laced with pollutants from industries, Iron
Municipal sewers, and agricultural fields that are
treated with fertilizers and pesticides. Today, human
activities are constantly adding industrial, domestic Nitrate
sewage, and agricultural wastes in to the Chloride
groundwater resources at an alarming rate. Fluoride
Groundwater contamination is generally Sulphate
irreversible ,i.e., once it is contaminated it is difficult
to restore the original water. Karur is one of the most
important Industrial cities in Tamil Nadu, which is All these parameters are tested by
standard method and following their procedure. The
located on the bank of river Amaravathi river.
results are then compared with the standard
Industries of diverse fields such as dying, bleaching,
textiles, Steel rolling mills, cement and Paper are
located in and around karur town. There is no proper
management and planning for the disposal of STUDY AREA
municipal sewage and industrial efficient at Karur. The study area in the karur taluk
The city generates organic and inorganic wastes of with the location of the sampling points
about 250-300 tonnes per day and the municipal are shown in
corporation dumps them in the dump yard at karur. follow
The typical sewage comprising of domestic and
other wastewater are discharging directly into the
river without any proper treatment. Hence, the resent
study has been undertaken to investigate the
physicochemical analysis of ground water on the
bank of Amaravathi river at Karur.

Water is collected from twenty
station around karur district, according to the
standard methods prescribed in BIS:13969-
Standard for the sampling of
groundwaterguidelines). Once polluted by industry,
groundwater is very difficult o be treated.
The water
quality assessment test are conducted for the
following parameters,
Total Dissolved Solids COLLECTION OF WATER
Electrical SAMPLES
The water samples are collected from
various locations around karur taluk using sample
bottles Then the collected samples are preserved by
pH adding chemicals.

ISSN 2395-695X (Print)
ISSN 2395-695X (Online)
Available online at www.ijarbest.com

International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Ecology Science and Technology (IJARBEST)
Vol. I, Special Issue III, August 2015 in association with VEL TECH ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHENNAI
International Conference on Innovations in Machinery and Structures 2015 (INOMAS’15) - 26th August 2015


Take 20ml of the given hard water sample
Then the samples are analyzed for different is pipetted out into a clean conical flask.5ml of
parameters such as pH, chlorides, Total Hardness, ammonia buffer solution and 2 drops of Eriochrome
Total Dissolved Solids, alkalinity, Sulphates, Black-T indicator are added. The solution turns wine
Fluorides, etc.The analyzing processes are carried red in colour. This solution is titrated against EDTA
out in the Environmental Engineering laboratory solution taken in the burette. The changes of wine
using Standard Methods. red colour into steel blue colour is the end point. The
titration is repeated to get concordant values.
S.No. Station Location Wash and wipe the dish and dry it in a hot
1 S1 Punnam air oven for dryness. Measure the initial weight of
dishes by in electrical balance. Take 20ml of filter
2 S2 Vengamadu
sample in china dish and evaporate in a water bath at
3 S3 Karupampalayam 103 cool the container to dryness in a
4 S4 Semadai desiccators and weight the dishes again. Note the
5 S5 Chellandipalayam increase the weight of dissolved solids in the sample
is calculated.
6 S6 Thirumaniliyur
7 S7 Gandhigramam ALKALINITY
8 S8 Arasucolony Alkalinity can be measured by titrating the
9 S9 Pulliyur sample with a strong acid until all the buffering
capacity of the aforementioned ions above the pH of
10 S10 Nerur bicarbonate or carbonate is consumed. This point is
11 S11 Karur functionally set to pH 4.5. At this point, all the bases
12 S12 Othaiyur of interest have been protonated to the zero level
species, hence they no longer cause alkalinity.
13 S13 Sukaliyur
14 S14 Sanapirati The sulphate ion is a polyatomic anion with
15 S15 Velusamypuram the empirical formula So2 and a molecular mass of
16 S16 Velayuthampalay am 96.06 Daltons it consists of a central sulfur atom
surrounded by four equivalent oxygen atoms in a
tetrahedral arrangement, Sulphates occur as
17 S17 Velliyanai microscopic particles resulting from fossil fuel and
18 S18 Thanthonimalai biomass combustion. They increase the acidity of the
19 S19 Visvanathapuri atmosphere and form acid rain.
20 S20 Manavadi
Table No.1 pH Take 50 ml sample or an aliquot diluted to
The protective cover of the pH meter is 50 ml such that the calcium content is no more than
removed and pH meter is turned on by the switch. 10 mg. Samples which contain alkalinity greater
Calibrate the pH meter with at least two standard than 300 mg/L should be neutralized with acid,
buffer solution among of pH 4, 7, 9. Rise the boiled for 1 min and cooled before titration. Add 2
electrode do with deionizer distilled water and ml NaOH solution or a volume sufficient to produce
carefully wipe with a tissue paper. Dip the pH meter a pH of 12 to 13. Start Titration immediately after
in the sample solution and swirl the solution and wait addition of the alkali. Add 0.1 to 0.2 g indicator
up for one minute for study reading. mixture. Titrate with EDTA solution, with
continuous mixing, till the colour changes from pink
CHLORIDES to purple. Check end point by adding 1 to 2 drops
Take 25ml of sample in a conical flask add excess titrate to make certain that no further colour
2 to 3 drops of potassium chromate indicator to get change occurs.
light yellow, colour titrate the sample against silver
nitrate solution until the colour changes from yellow ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY
to brick red the same procedure is repeated until Rinse conductivity cell with at least three
constant values are obtained. portions of 0.01M KCl solution. Measure resistance
of a fourth portion and note temperature. In case the

ISSN 2395-695X (Print)
ISSN 2395-695X (Online)
Available online at www.ijarbest.com

International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Ecology Science and Technology (IJARBEST)
Vol. I, Special Issue III, August 2015 in association with VEL TECH ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHENNAI
International Conference on Innovations in Machinery and Structures 2015 (INOMAS’15) - 26th August 2015

instrument indicates conductivity directly, and has NITRATE

internal temperature compensation, after rinsing as Transfer 10 ml of 1.0 mg NO3 - N/L
above, adjust temperature compensation dial to standard to a 50 ml beaker, add 10 ml buffer and stir
0.0191/ °C and with the probe in standard KCl with magnetic stirrer. Stop stirring after mixing and
solution. The level of sample aliquot must be above immerse electrodes. Start stirring again. Take mill
the vent holes in the cell and no air bubbles must be volt reading when stable (after about 1 min). Repeat
allowed inside the cell. Adjust the temperature of with 10 and 50 mg NO3-N/L standards. Plot on a
sample to about 25°C (outside a temperature range semi logarithmic graph paper potential measurement
of 20 - 30°C, error increases as the sample of the standards in mV, on arithmetic scale, vs. NO3
temperature increasingly deviates from the reporting - N concentration on logarithmic scale. The
temperature of 25°C). Read sample conductivity and calibration curve should be a straight line with a
note temperature to nearest 0.1°C. Thoroughly rinse slope of +57 ±3/ decade at 25ºC. Recalibrate the
the cell in distilled water after measurement, keep it probes and the instruments several times every day
in distilled water when not in use. The value of using the 10 mg NO3 -N/L standard. Transfer 10 ml
temperature correction [0.0191 x (t-25)+1] can be sample to a 50 ml beaker, add 10 ml buffer and stir
read. with magnetic stirrer. Stop stirring after mixing and
immerse electrodes. Start stirring again. Take volt
FLUORIDE reading when stable (after about 1 min). In case of
Prepare a series of working standards by direct reading ion meters, follow manufacturer’s
diluting 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 ml of standard solution to instructions to set up and calibrate the ion meter
100 ml, corresponding to 0.5, 1.0 and 2 mg F- /L, using standards in the prescribed range. Standards
respectively. Take between 10 to 25 ml standards already diluted with the buffer may have been
and sample in 100 ml beakers. Bring the samples and supplied with the meter.
the standards to the room temperature and add an
equal volume of buffer to each beaker. The total Important: Wash and blot dry electrodes and
volume should be sufficient to immerse the electrode stirring bar when used for different solutions and
and permit the use of the stirrer. Follow samples. Samples and standards should be
manufacturer’s instructions to set up and calibrate maintained at nearly the same temperature
the ion meter using standards in the prescribed throughout
range. Standards already diluted with the buffer may calibration and testing procedure
have been supplied with the meter. Avoid stirring POTASSIUM
before immersing electrodes so as not to entrap air Follow instructions of flame photometer
bubbles. If a direct reading instrument is not used, manufacturer for selecting proper photocell,
plot on a semilogarithmic graph paper potential wavelength, slit width adjustments, fuel gas and air
measurement of fluoride standards on arithmetic pressure, steps for warm up, correcting for
scale vs. fluoride concentration on logarithmic scale. interference and flame background, rinsing of
burner, sample ignition and emission intensity
Important: Wash and blot dry electrodes and measurements. Prepare a blank and potassium
stirring bar when used for different solutions and calibration standards, in any of the applicable
samples. Samples and standards should be ranges, 0-100, 0-10, or mg K/L. Measure emission
maintained at nearly the same temperature at 766.5 nm and prepare calibration curve.
throughout calibration and testing procedure. Determine potassium concentration of the sample, or
diluted sample, from the curve.

Take 50 ml of mixed sample into a 125 ml as above and express as total dissolved iron.
conical flask. If this volume is expected to contain
more than 200 μg iron use a smaller portion and
dilute to 50 ml. Add 2 ml conctric HCl 1 ml NH4OH.
Hcl solution, a few glass beads and heat to boiling
till the volume is reduced to 15-20 ml, cool, and
transfer to a 50 ml volumetric flask. Add 10 ml
buffer solution and 4 ml phenanthroline solution,
dilute to the mark with water. Mix and allow 10-15
min. for colour development. Filter sample through
a 0.45 μ m membrane filter into a vacuum flask
containing 1 ml conc. Hcl /100 ml sample. Analyze

ISSN 2395-695X (Print)
ISSN 2395-695X (Online)
Available online at www.ijarbest.com

International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Ecology Science and Technology (IJARBEST)
Vol. I, Special Issue III, August 2015 in association with VEL TECH ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHENNAI
International Conference on Innovations in Machinery and Structures 2015 (INOMAS’15) - 26th August 2015

Follow instructions of flame photometer
manufacturer for selecting proper photocell,
wavelength, slit width adjustments, fuel gas and air
pressure, steps for warm up, correcting for
interference and flame background, rinsing of
burner, sample ignition and emission intensity
measurements. Prepare a blank and sodium
calibration standards, in any of the applicable
ranges, 0- 100,0-10, or 0-1 mg Na/L. Set
instrument zero with standard containing no
sodium. Measure emission at 589nm and prepare
calibration curve.

ISSN 2395-695X (Print)
ISSN 2395-695X (Online)
Available online at www.ijarbest.com

International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Ecology Science and Technology (IJARBEST)
Vol. I, Special Issue III, August 2015 in association with VEL TECH ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHENNAI
International Conference on Innovations in Machinery and Structures 2015 (INOMAS’15) - 26th August 2015

Determine sodium concentration of the sample, or

diluted sample, from the curve.



Figure No.5


Figure No.1


Figure No.6


Figure No.2



Figure No.3
Figure No.8
Acceptable & Permissible limit
Acceptable Permissible
limit limit

dissolved solids 500 2000
Figure No.4 conductivity - -

ISSN 2395-695X (Print)
ISSN 2395-695X (Online)
Available online at www.ijarbest.com

International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Ecology Science and Technology (IJARBEST)
Vol. I, Special Issue III, August 2015 in association with VEL TECH ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHENNAI
International Conference on Innovations in Machinery and Structures 2015 (INOMAS’15) - 26th August 2015

PH 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 The groundwater samples were taken at the

Total Karur taluk. Twenty water samples are collected
around 20km at karur. The water samples were
Hardness as 200 600 subjected to physico- chemical analysis. The results
CaCo3 mg/L of Karupampalayam, chellandipalayam,
Calcium as Ca Thirumanalaiyur,Ghandigramam,
75 200 Arasucolony,Pulliyur,Othaiyur,Thanthoni malai,
and Visvanathapuri are show that most of the
Magnesium as
30 100 physico-chemical parameters like TDS, TH, Ca, Mg,
Mg mg/L CI, Fe, F. are well above the permissible limit. The
Sodium as Na results show that most of the groundwater sampling
- - stations near the dyeing area are much polluted.
Some of the groundwater stations far away from the
Potassium as K
- - dyeing area are used for drinking and irrigation
mg/L purpose. The ground and river water samples are
Iron as Fe mg/L much polluted in the urban area than rural area.
0.3 0.3 This may be due to the heavy pollution load,
domestic sewage, and other waste by thickly
Manganese mg/L
0.1 0.3 populated inhabitants. The above results confirm
that the groundwater quality is affected. But if the
Nitrite as NO2 same condition continues in future, the groundwater
- - source will completely be polluted and become unfit
of drinking and other purposes. It is high time to
Chloride as CI
250 1000 preserve and protect this valuable ground source.
mg/L Hence, dumping of waste ,dyeing waste water
Fluoride as F should treated properly to avoided and they should
1.0 1.5
mg/L not be let into the river. The mentioned pollution
control measures should be taken properly to protect
Sulphate as SO4
200 400 the ground water sources.
Phosphate as PO4 REFERENCE
- -
Table No.2 1.APHA, (1985) Standard method for the
examination of the water and waste water
16th edition APHA. Washington DC.
Potable Water Not Potable 2.Jain, C.K., M.K. Shamia and Omkar. (1997)
Water Indian J.Env Prot.,l7(6):401-405.
S1 S3
3.Zahir Hussain, A., (2004). Assessment and
S2 S5
Control of ground water quality on the banks
S4 S6 of Uyyakondan Channel of River Cauvery at
S10 S7 Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu. Ph.D_Thesis.
S11 S8
4.Sreedevi, P. D.J GeolSoc India, 2004, 64:
S13 S9 619-636.
S14 S12
S15 S18 5.Subramani, T., Elango, L., and
Dhamodarasamy, S. R. Environ Geo,2005,
S16 S19 47: 1099-1110.
S20 6.Murugesan, A., A. Ramu and N. Kannan
(2005). Indian J.Env.prot., 25 (10):885-892.
Table No.3

ISSN 2395-695X (Print)
ISSN 2395-695X (Online)
Available online at www.ijarbest.com

International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Ecology Science and Technology (IJARBEST)
Vol. I, Special Issue III, August 2015 in association with VEL TECH ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHENNAI
International Conference on Innovations in Machinery and Structures 2015 (INOMAS’15) - 26th August 2015

7.WHO, International Standards for drinking

water.World Health Organization (2005).

8.Schiavo, M. A., Havser, S., Gusimano, G.,

and Gatto, L.Cont shelf Res, 2006, 26 (7):

9.G. Raja and P. Venkatesan 2009 Assessment

of Groundwater Pollution and its Impact in
and around Punnam Area of Karur District,
Tamilnadu, India ISSN: 09734945;

10.R.Rajamanickam and S.Nagan 2010

Groundwater Quality Modeling of
Amaravathi River Basin of Karur District,
Tamil Nadu. International journal of
environmental sciences Volume 1.

11.Vasanthavigar, M., Srinivasamoorthy, K.,

Gandhi, R., Chidambaram, S. and
Vasudevan, S.Environ Monit Assess,
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