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The present study deals with the water quality of Talcher Area. Sample was collected from Ghats
of river Brahmani, tube well and tap water of different colonies in Monsoon and in Post Monsoon.
The collected sample was analysed in P.G Department of Environmental Sciences, Sambalpur Uni-
versity. The parameters studied were DO, pH, Conductivity, Temperature, Sodium, Potassium,
Dissolve Oxygen, Total Solid, Chloride, Alkalinity, Hardness, Sulphate, Chemical Oxygen Demand,
Nitrate, Phosphate and Fluoride. Water quality index was calculated by using NSF water quality
index. Analyzed data were compared with the standard IS: 2296 (Surface Water Quality Standard)
and IS: 10500 (Drinking water Quality Standard). The maximum pH of 7.91 ± 0.17 was found at
Jagannath Ghat. Maximum average conductivity was found as 559.28 ± 8.92 μS/cm in tube well
water of Jagannath colony and minimum was 90.66 ± 1.15 μS/cm in Tarini Ghat. Temperature was
maximum 28.5˚C ± 0.36˚C in tube well water of C.W.S. Colony. The maximum Sodium, Potassium,
Chloride, Alkalinity and Nitrate content was recorded as 12.37 ± 1.23, 95.9 ± 7.75, 541.66 ± 2.84
and 24.27 ± 0.61 mg/L respectively in tube well water of Balanda colony. The high dissolved oxy-
gen content was recorded as 7.92 ± 0.34 mg/L in tap water of C.W.S. colony. Maximum hardness
value was recorded as 326.69 ± 5.30 mg/L in tube well water of C.W.S. colony. The high value of
COD and Sulphate was recorded as 188 ± 8 and 132 ± 5.43 mg/L in tube well water of Jagannath
colony. Maximum Phosphate and Fluoride content was recorded as 423.27 ± 2.59 and 664.23 ±
5.03 μg/L respectively in Paschimeswar Ghat. Statistical calculation was subjected to two-way
ANOVA and Correlation coefficient.
DO, Temperature, Chloride, Sulphate, Phosphate
Corresponding author.
How to cite this paper: Sahoo, M., Mahananda, M.R. and Seth, P. (2016) Physico-Chemical Analysis of Surface and
Groundwater around Talcher Coal Field, District Angul, Odisha, India. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 4,
M. Sahoo et al.
1. Introduction
Water is an essential constituent of all the animal and plant life. A river and its tributaries play an important role
in industrial and social development. Growing population, accelerating industrialization and intensification of
agriculture and also urbanization exert heavy pressure on our vast but limited water resources. Waste water from
mining and other related industries is the most common source of water pollution and it is increasing day by day
[1]. The effluents from mines and industries have a great deal of influence on the pollution of the water body;
these effluents can alter the physical, chemical and biological nature of the receiving water body [2]. Municipal
and industrial waste water discharge constitutes a constant polluting source, whereas surface runoff is seasonal
phenomenon, largely affected by climate within the basin [3]. However the untreated/partially treated waste wa-
ter may contain toxic compounds, discharge from industries, mining, domestic and commercial areas enter the
surface water body they get dissolved or lie suspended in water or get deposited on the bed [4].
Brahmani river basin along Angul-Talcher region is based on heavy deposit of coal and other minerals. Coal
mines and related industries spread over major urban and sub-urban areas of that region. Industrialisation is con-
sidered the trigger of development strategies due to its significant contribution to the economic growth and hu-
man welfare [5]. Availability of water and good infrastructure has to be conducive for industrialization in the
study area. River and other streams are not far from the industries and contaminate continuously from point as
well as non-point source. Waste generation due to the operation and expansion of mining and industrial activity
in Angul-Talcher is going to be a serious negative impact on the water resource in the near future. This problem
is persisting and cannot be ignored that it can have a serious long-term impact on water resource. The impact of
effluent discharge from mining and other industries on water resources may range from minimal through to severe
[6]. The mines of MCL, Aluminium smelter, NTPC’s power plants etc. draw water for their use from the Brahmani
and its tributaries and in return they release thousands of gallons of wastewater to the river, which contains ob-
noxious substances like SS, TDS, ash, oil & grease, heavy metals, fluorides, phosphorus, ammonia, urea and
acids. The fly ash generated during these power plant operations and ash ponds in the coalfield area also created
environmental hazard particularly in water by increasing the suspended, dissolved and heavy metals concentra-
tion. Somewhere the water of river Brahmani including tributaries is not matching the prescribed limits of Indian
Standard. The river water samples show that various physical and chemical parameters are not within the class
“C” limits of Indian Standard [7].
2. Objectives
2.1. Main Objective
To study the water quality of Talcher area.
3. Study Area
Angul-Talcher Industrial complex of Odisha is situated at latitude 200˚95'N to 210˚10'N and longitude 840˚55'E
to 850˚28'E, 139 meter above sea level (MSL) and 150 km away from Bhubaneswar, the state capital of Odisha
(Figure 1). It is a thickly populated area. This area is one of the largest coal belts of India. The two major rivers
namely Mahanadi and Bramhani are flowing on the two sides of the study area. Taking the advantages of the
location, vast coal deposits, water availability and the manpower, Mahanadi Coal Fields Ltd. (MCL) has devel-
oped a number of open cast and underground mines in this industrial complex. Besides, a good number of coal
based Thermal Power Plants (National Thermal Power Corporation, Kaniha, National Thermal Power Station,
Talcher, Captive Power Plant, NALCO, Angul), several heavy industries (National Aluminum Company, Angul,
Heavy Water Project, Vikrampur, Bhushan Steel and Strips Ltd., Jindal Power and Steel Ltd., Silicon Steel, Nava
Bharat Ferroalloys, Monet Ispat Ltd., Rungta Mines Ltd., etc.), coal washeries and a large number of ancillary
medium and small scale industrial units have come up in the area in the last few decade. All these mining and in-
dustrial activities have caused significant degradation of environmental quality and now this area is considered
M. Sahoo et al.
as one among 24 hot spots of India. Though coal mines are not having any effluents discharged, the washout of
mining areas and drain water from workshops & townships ultimately goes to the river. The coal washeries
coming up in the locality may add in future. In this way the river water gets polluted.
M. Sahoo et al.
sium was estimated by systronic flame photometer. Winkler iodometric method was used for the determination
of dissolved oxygen in water samples. The analysis of the sample was done on the basis of standard methods
suggested by the American Public Health Association. Total Solid content was determined by Gravimetric
method. In the present study chloride content was determined by Argentometric method. Total hardness of the
samples was analysed by titration with EDTA using Erichome black-T as an indicator.Total alkalinity and alka-
linity due to carbonates, bicarbonates were estimated by titrating the sample with diluted H2SO4 using phenol-
phthalein as an indicator to pH 8.3 and methyl orange as an indicator to pH 4.2 and 5.4.The titrate value gives
phenolphthalein alkalinity (PA) and the second one gives total alkalinity (TA). COD is determined by using re-
flux condenser, ferroin indicator and titrating the sample with ferrous ammonium sulphate. Nitrate and phos-
phate can be determined by spectrophotometric method. Determination of fluoride is done by SPADNS method.
5.1. pH
As compared to the river water, tap water & tube well water, the maximum value of pH was found in Jagannath
Ghat of river Brahmani i.e. 7.91 ± 0.17 during monsoon period which indicates the alkaline nature of water [8]
and the minimum value was found in Pashimeswar Ghat of river Brahman i.e. 6.66 ± 0.29 in post monsoon
(Table 1 & Table 2). pH values are well within the range as compared to permissible limit of pH in drinking
water which is within 6.5 to 8.5 as per IS: 2296. The water was alkaline in nature which could be due to solutes
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which may show a buffering action i.e. H+ ions are compensated with OH− ions. Alkaline state of pH might be
due to chemical buffering and release of bicarbonate and carbonate ions or salts [9]. All the samples have pH
values below the prescribed values and could be classified as suitable for drinking purpose. The value showed a
trend of increasing pattern from monsoon to summer (acidic and alkaline) with little seasonal variations [10].
The reduced rate of photosynthetic activities reduces the assimilation of carbon dioxide and bicarbonates which
are ultimately responsible for increase in pH [11]. The pH value of river, tube well and tap water shows no sig-
nificant difference (Fc = 1.21 < Ft = 0.39). Also pH values of season 1 and season 2 shows no significant dif-
ference when subjected to two-way ANOVA (Fc = 2.74 < Ft = 0.14).
5.2. Conductivity
Among river water, tap water and tube well water minimum conductivity was found in Tarini Ghat of River wa-
ter i.e. 90.66 ± 1.15 μS/cm in monsoon and maximum conductivity was found in tube well water of Jagannath
colony i.e. 559.28 ± 8.92 μS/cm in monsoon period. Values are slightly higher in monsoon than post monsoon
season (Table 1 and Table 2). High conductivity attributed to the predominance of non leached substratum. Di-
lution of water during the monsoon season causes a decrease in electrical conductance of rain water [9]. The
difference in conductivity value in river, tube well and tap water (Fc = 1.60 < Ft = 3.44) and Seasonal variation
(Fc = 0.01 < Ft = 5.32) shows no significant difference.
5.3. Temperature
Temperature was found maximum in tube well water of C.W.S. colony i.e. 28.50˚C ± 0.36˚C in Post Monsoon
and minimum in tube well water of C.W.S. colony, Balanda colony and tap water of C.W.S. colony i.e. 24.83˚C
± 0.06˚C. During the present investigation, no great difference was found between the temperature of the river
water, tube well water and tap water and the temperature was between 24˚C - 28˚C (Table 1 and Table 2). The
maximum temperature was due to greater solar radiation, clear atmosphere and higher atmospheric temperature.
During winter the temperature remain low due to cold low ambient temperature and shorter photo period [9].
Area wise temperature between river, tube well and tap water found no significant difference (Fc = 1.52 < Ft =
3.44) but seasonal variation found highly significant (Fc = 194.65 > Ft = 5.32) subjected to two way ANOVA.
5.4. Sodium
Maximum sodium was found in tube well water of Balanda colony i.e. 97.73 ± 1.22 mg/L during Post Monsoon
due to high rate of mineralization in the sediments but minimum value was found in tap water of C.W.S. colony
i.e. 0.48 ± 0.01 mg/L as compare to river water can be explained on the basis of lower microbial activity [8].
Maximum sodium found in tube well water due to leaching of surface and underground deposits of salts (Table
1 & Table 2). The addition of waste water containing soap solution and detergent from the surrounding slummy
area are responsible for increasing sodium level in water bodies [9]. The sodium content between areas and sea-
sons show significant difference when subjected to ANOVA [Areas (Fc = 41.01 > 3.44), Seasons (Fc = 8.12 >
5.5. Potassium
Maximum potassium content was found in tube well water of Balanda colony i.e. 12.37 ± 1.23 mg/L and mini-
mum value was found in tap water of all the colonies in monsoon. In monsoon all the samples of tap water
found as below detective level (Table 1 & Table 2). Potassium remains mostly in solution without undergoing
precipitation. The high value of potassium in tube well water in Balanda colony might be due to the presence of
geochemical strata [8]. Subjected to two way ANOVA the seasonal variation and area wise variation in Potas-
sium content of river, tube well and tap water shows no significant difference. Area (Fc = 1.82 < Ft = 3.44) and
Season (Fc = 1.9260931 < Ft = 5.32).
M. Sahoo et al.
gen increases due to the dissolve of oxygen during the period of photosynthesis. In the present study DO content
of water sample ranged from 4.04 to 7.92 mg/L. As DO level falls; undesirable odours, tastes and colours reduce
the acceptability of water. The lowest DO value indicates not good healthy condition for the community [12].
High temperature and addition of sewage and other waste might be responsible for the low value of DO [9].
Significant changes of DO were observed due to aeration, organic matter elimination of addition from sediments,
algal activities [13]. The water quality at downstream was comparatively more disturbed than the upstream as
well as dam reservoir due to release of domestic sewages, washing of motor vehicles, bank side abuses by peo-
ple, surface run off and agricultural tail water to river system [14]. The dissolve oxygen content of river, tube
well and tap water shows significant difference (Fc = 20.91 > Ft = 3.44) and the seasonal variation shows no
significant difference (Fc = 2.02 < Ft = 5.32).
5.8. Chloride
The maximum value of chloride content was recorded in tube well water of Balanda colony in Monsoon i.e.
95.90 ± 7.75 mg/L and minimum value was recorded in tap water of Balanda colony in post monsoon i.e. 16.03
± 4.99 mg/L (Table 1 & Table 2). The chlorine content of water samples may decrease rapidly, particularly at
warm temperatures. Exposure to strong light or agitation will accelerate the rate of loss of chlorine, so maximum
chloride was found in tube well water where as less chloride found in tap & river water. The high chloride con-
centration of water may be due to high rate of evaporation or due to organic waste of animal origin [9]. The
higher content of Chloride in pond may be due to animal origin like human faeces and sewage inflow [16]. In
uncontaminated water which is not flowing from sediments, the quality of chloride present is ordinary quantity
[17]. The high concentration of chloride may be due to the uses of inorganic fertilizer, land fill leachates, septic
tank effluent and industrial and irrigation drainage [18]. Significantly the river, tube well and tap water differ
highly from each other but seasonally non significant. Area (Fc = 37.24 > Ft = 3.43), Season (Fc = 4.60 < Ft =
5.9. Alkalinity
Alkalinity was found minimum in Pashimeswar Ghat of river Brahmani in Monsoon i.e. 98.33 ± 2.23 mg/L and
maximum in tube well water of Balanda colony in Post Monsoon i.e. 541.67 ± 2.84 mg/L (Table 1 & Table 2).
The alkalinity of water is caused mainly due to OH, CO3, HCO3 ions. Alkalinity is an estimate of the ability of
water to resist change in pH upon addition of acid. The alkalinity of tube well water was maximum. This may be
due to low water table and lower temperature bringing down the rate of decomposition of salts to a minimum
there by increasing the alkalinity. In the present study, some of the samples analyzed had not in the prescribed
range as per drinking water quality standard (IS: 10500) and hence require suitable treatments before use. Dur-
ing decomposition of dead plants and living organisms CO is released which results in the addition of the car-
bonate and bicarbonate, this might be one of the reason for increase in alkalinity value [9]. The alkalinity of wa-
ter is caused mainly due to OH, CO3, HCO3 ions. Alkalinity is an estimate of the ability of water to resist change
in pH upon addition of acid [19]. Maximum Alkalinity is due to increase in bicarbonates in the water [20]. Sub-
jected to two way ANOVA highly significant difference found in between the areas and seasons in alkalinity
content. Area (Fc = 7.64 > Ft = 3.43), Season (Fc = 18.47 > Ft = 5.31).
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5.10. Hardness
The minimum value of Hardness was found in tap water of C.W.S. and Balanda Colony in Monsoon i.e. 118.33
± 7.54 mg/L but maximum hardness found in tube well water of C.W.S. colony in Post Monsoon i.e. 326.69 ±
5.30 mg/L (Table 1 & Table 2). Natural sources of hardness principally are limestones which are dissolved by
percolating rainwater made acidic by dissolved carbon dioxide. As the value of tube well water exceeds the
permissible limit of drinking water quality standard so it needs treatment before use. The high value of hardness
may be due to evaporation of water and addition of calcium and magnesium salt by means of plants and living
organisms and also due to regular addition of large quantity of sewage and detergent from the nearby residential
localities [9]. Calcium or Magnesium salts or both cause almost all Hardness of water [21]. High value of hard-
ness during summer can be attributed to decrease in water volume and increase of rate of evaporation of water
[8]. Significantly the river, tub well and tap water differ from each other but no significant difference found be-
tween the seasons. Area (Fc = 6.65 > Ft = 3.43), Season (Fc = 0.41 < Ft = 5.31).
5.12. Sulphate
The minimum sulphate content was found in tap water of Balanda colony during Monsoon i.e. 34.2 ± 3.97 mg/L
but maximum sulphate was found in tube well water of Jagannath colony i.e. 132 ± 5.43 mg/L (Table 1 & Ta-
ble 2). Water with higher concentration of sulphate may cause intestinal disorders. Subjected to two way
ANOVA sulphate content shows no significant difference in areas as well as in seasons. Area (Fc = 0.40 < Ft =
3.43), Season (Fc = 0.92 < Ft = 5.31).
5.13. Nitrate
In the present study maximum nitrate content was found in tube well water of Balanda colony i.e. 24.27 ± 0.61
mg/L and minimum nitrate content was found in Tarini Ghat of river Brahman i.e. 0.47 ± 0.31 mg/L (Table 1 &
Table 2). Groundwater levels of nitrate/nitrogen may range up to 20 mg/L or more, with higher levels charac-
teristically occurring in shallow aquifers beneath areas of extensive development. Nitrate concentration in-
creases due to influx of nitrogen rich flood water that brings about large amount of contaminated sewage water
and also nitrate concentration increases due to formation of blooms [9]. Nitrate concentration is found higher in
rural areas because of runoff of nitrate rich fertilizers and animal manure into the water supply [22]. Signifi-
cantly the river, tube well and tap water differ from each other but no significant difference found in between the
seasons. Area (Fc = 5.64 > Ft = 3.43), Season (Fc = 0.19 < Ft = 5.31).
5.14. Phosphate
Phosphate is maximum in Pashimeswar Ghat of river Brahmani during Post Monsoon i.e. 423.27 ± 2.59 μg/L
where as it is found minimum in tap water of Jagannath colony in Monsoon i.e. 102.74 ± 8.94 μg/L (Table 1 &
Table 2). Phosphate occurs in natural waters in low quantity as many aquatic plants absorb and store phospho-
rous many times their actual immediate needs. The maximum value may be due to the solar radiation, which
might have encouraged the biological degradation of the organic matter. Continuous entry of domestic sewage is
responsible for increase of phosphate. The high values of phosphate in monsoon are mainly due to rain, surface
water runoff, agriculture run off; washer man activity could have also contributed to the inorganic phosphate
content [23]. Due to multiplication of plankton concentration of phosphate decrease automatically [9]. No sig-
nificant difference found in phosphate content in river, tube well and tap water and also in between seasons sub-
jected to two way ANOVA. Area (Fc = 0.92 < Ft = 3.43), Season (Fc = 2.25 < Ft = 5.31).
M. Sahoo et al.
5.15. Fluoride
Maximum fluoride content was found in Pashimeswar Ghat of River Brahmani in Monsoon i.e. 664.23 ± 5.03
μg/L and minimum fluoride content was found in tube well water of C.W.S. colony i.e. 250.64 ± 5.0 μg/L
(Table 1 & Table 2). High concentration of fluoride causes serious health problem. Surface water generally
contains less than 0.5 μg/L fluorides. However, when present in much greater concentration, it becomes a pol-
lutant. Areas exist where the fluoride content of water ranges from 1.5 to 6 μg/L, for example in the Kurnool
district of Andhra Pradesh. Fluoride content is found as significant in river, tube well and tap water but seasonal
variation shows no significant difference subjected to two way ANOVA. Area (Fc = 4.04 > Ft = 3.43), Season
(Fc = 2.90 < Ft = 5.31).
5.16.2. Season 2
In River water, the high positively correlated value was found between the conductivity and chloride (1), con-
ductivity and potassium (0.999), conductivity and nitrate (0.997), conductivity and phosphate (0.998), potassium
and chloride (1) and negatively correlated value was found between temperature and DO (−0.998) at 0.05 level
of significant but at 0.01 level of significant high positively correlated value was found between potassium and
chloride (1), phosphate and nitrate (1).
In tube well water, the high positively correlated value was found between the conductivity and TS (1), con-
ductivity and sulphate (0.999), temperature and hardness (0.999), sodium and nitrate (1), alkalinity and phos-
phate (0.998), phosphate and fluoride (0.997) and negatively correlated value was found between conductivity
and DO (−0.999), DO and TS (−0.998), DO and chloride (−0.999), DO and sulphate (−0.998) at 0.05 level of
significant but at 0.01 level of significant positively correlated value was found between TS and sulphate (1).
In tap water, the high positively correlated value was found between the pH and COD (0.999), conductivity
and chloride (0.999), hardness and sulphate (0.999) at 0.05 level of significant.
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Table 4. Water quality index of physicochemical parameters of monsoon and post monsoon seasons.
Sample TS (S1) TS (S2) DO (S1) DO (S2) pH (S1) pH (S2) Nitrate (S1) Nitrate (S2) Phosphate (S1) Phosphate (S2)
R1 20 20 4 4 87 93 96 95 95 90
R2 20 20 5 4 92 92 97 95 94 89
R3 20 20 4 4 92 78 96 64 94 68
TW1 20 20 4 4 89 89 60 36 92 94
TW2 34 38 5 5 91 92 38 58 83 94
TW3 37 20 4 4 93 91 34 33 91 87
T1 20 20 6 6 91 91 96 95 96 94
T2 20 20 6 6 91 89 95 96 96 93
T3 20 20 6 6 88 89 95 96 96 94
Table 5. Based on 5 factors qualitative study of water between monsoon and post monsoon.
son 2. According to NSF Water Quality Index Legend (Table 3), the quality of tube well water of C.W.S. col-
ony and Balanda Colony found Bad (Table 5). But in Jagannath colony it is found medium.
6. Conclusion
The present study assessed the water quality between river water, tap water & tube well water. Data were com-
pared with surface water quality standards IS: 2296 & drinking water quality standard IS: 10500 and NSF water
quality index in order to classify the quality of water. The parameters were taken for analysis of the water qual-
ity; among them only two parameters exceed the maximum permissible limit. So, the physico-chemical data in-
M. Sahoo et al.
dicate that intensive use of waste dumping and the industrial activities have impacted greatly on the quality of
drinking water in Talcher region. Sampling stations variations were found significant in Sodium, DO, TS, Alka-
linity, Chloride, Hardness, Nitrate and Fluoride contents; the seasonal significant variations were observed in
Temperature, COD, Sodium and Alkalinity content. As a conclusion, in this present work we have documented
the fact that the region has medium quality drinking water as well as bad quality tube well water in two sam-
pling stations as per NSF water quality index.
This study was supported by the Department of Environmental Sciences, Sambalpur University. The authors are
thankful to all the staff of P.G Department of Environmental Sciences for extending all possible and timely co-
operation for completion of this research work.
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