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HT TP: //qpa Pe R.W But .Ac .In: 2012 Soil Mechanics

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Name : …………………………………………….

Roll No. : …………………………………………...……………..
Invigilator’s Signature : ………………………………………..

Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

( Multiple Choice Type Questions )

1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following :

10 × 1 = 10
i) Silty clay is denoted by

a) CM b) SM
c) MC d) MS.
ii) What is the effective stress below 10 m from water level
of a pond which has a depth of 15 m ?
ut .

a) 10 kN/m2 b) 100 kN/m2

c) 0 kN/m2 d) − 100 kN/m2 .

iii) Which among the following clay minerals is most
a c.

unstable ?
a) Kaolinite b) Montmorillonite
c) Illite d) Alluminium.

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iv) Dry density ( γ d ) = ?

htt γb γw
a) b)
1+ w 1+ w
γd γc
c) d) .
1+ w 1+ w
v) γ sat − γ w = ?
a) γ sub b) γ eff
c) γ total d) γd .
vi) According to Bousinesq's theory, the vertical stress at a
point in a semi-infinite soil mass depends upon
a) point load, coordinates of the point and modulus of
elasticity of soil
b) point load, coordinates of the point modulus of
elasticity of soil and its Poisson's ratio
c) point load & coordinates of the point

d) point load, coordinates of the point modulus of

elasticity of soil and its density.
vii) In a standard Proctor Compaction, the water
constant ( w ) and maximum dry density ( γ d max ) are

related as
a) γ d max is linearly proportional to w
b) w is inversely proportional to γ d max
ut .

c) γ d max corresponds to a unique value of w

w p + wl
d) γ d max corresponds to a w = .
viii) Compression Index on a soil helps to determine
a c.

a) total time required for consolidation

b) time required for 50% consolidation
c) total settlement of clay layer

d) pre-consolidation pressure of clay.

4464 2

ix) In a Trixial Compression test when drainage is allowed

during the first stage (i.e. application of cell pressure)
only and not during the second stage (i.e. application of
deviator stress at constant cell pressure), the test is
known as
a) Consolidated Drained Test
b) Consolidated Undrained Test
c) Unconsolidated Drained Test
d) Unconsolidated Undrained Test.
x) Skempton's pore pressure coefficient B for saturated
soil is
a) 1 b) 0
c) between 0 & 1 d) greater than 1.
xi) The coefficient of active earth pressure for loose sand
having an angle of internal friction of 30° is
a) b) 3
c) 1 d) .
xii) If the top surface of the backfill of a retaining wall is

inclined to the horizontal at an angle β , then the

coefficient of passive earth pressure is equal to
cos β ⎛⎜ cos β − cos 2 β − cos 2 ϕ ⎞⎟

a) ⎝ ⎠
cos β + cos 2 β − cos 2 ϕ

cos β ⎛⎜ cos β + cos 2 β − cos 2 ϕ ⎞⎟

b) ⎝ ⎠
cos β − cos 2 β − cos 2 ϕ
ut .

cos β + cos 2 β − cos 2 ϕ

cos β ⎛⎜ cos β + cos 2 β − cos 2 ϕ ⎞⎟
⎝ ⎠
a c.

cos β − cos 2 β − cos2 ϕ

d) ,
cos β ⎛⎜ cos β + cos 2 β − cos 2 ϕ ⎞⎟
⎝ ⎠
where φ is the angle of internal friction of soil.

4464 3 [ Turn over


( Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 × 5 = 15

2. Prove that seepage velocity is greater than discharge velocity.

3. What are the differences between compaction and
consolidation ?
4. Write short notes on the different types of roller and their
5. Define total stress, effective stress and pore water pressure
in soil.
6. Define Density index of soil. Derive the expression of density
index from a hypothetical plot of Density index and Void
7. A stratified soil deposit consists of four layers of equal
thickness. The coefficient of permeability of the second, third
1 1
and fourth layers are respectively , & twice the

3 2
coefficient of permeability of the top layer. Compute the
average permeability of the deposit parallel and
perpendicular to the bedding plane, in terms of the

permeability of the top layer.

( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 × 15 = 45
ut .

8. a) Prove that n = .
1+ e
b) A clay sample originally 25 mm thick and at a void ratio
a c.

of 1·20, was subjected to a compressive load. After fully

consolidation, its thickness was measured to be 24 mm.
Compute the final void ratio. 5 + 10

4464 4

9. a) The following data refers to a compaction test as per

Indian Standard (light compaction) :
8·5 12·2 13·75 15·5 18·2 20·2
content (%)
Wt. of wet
1·80 1·94 2·00 2·05 2·03 1·98
sample (kg)

If the specific gravity of soil grains was 2·7,

i) Plot the compaction curve and obtain the
maximum dry unit weight and the optimum
moisture content.
ii) Plot the 80% and 100% saturation lines.
iii) If it is proposed to secure a relative compaction of
95% in the field, what is the range of water content
that can be allowed ? 9
b) It is required to construct an embankment by

compacting soil excavated from nearby borrow areas.

The optimum moisture content and corresponding γ d in
laboratory is 20·8% and 1·71 gm/cc respectively.

However, the natural moisture content and γb in field

are 8·3% and 1·84 gm/cc respectively. Find out the
quantity of soil to be excavated and the quantity of
water to be added to it, for 125 m3 of finished
ut .

embankment. 6

10. a) A clay layer whose settlement under a given loading is

expected to be 16 cm settles 4 cm at the end of
a c.

2 months. How many moths will be required to reach a

settlement of 8 cm ? How much settlement will occur in
10 months ? 6

4464 5 [ Turn over


b) The soil profile at a building site consists of dense sand

htt up to 3 m depth, normally loaded soft clay from 3 m to

7 m depth, and stiff impervious rock below 7 m depth.

The ground-water table is at 0·40 m depth below ground

level. The sand has a density of 18 kN/m3 above water

table and 19 kN/m3 below it. For the clay, natural water
content is 52%, liquid limit is 66% and specific gravity

is 2·65. Calculate the probable ultimate settlement

resulting from a uniformly distributed surface load of

42 kN/m2 applied over an extensive area of the site. 6

c) In a laboratory consolidation test with porous discs on


either side of the soil sample, the 25 mm thick sample

took 84 minutes for 90% primary compression.

Calculate the value of coefficient of consolidation for the


sample. 3

11. a) A CU test was conducted on a normally consolidated

clay for which it can be assumed that C ′ = Cu = 0 .

ut .

A sample failed at a deviator stress of 50 kN/m2, when

the cell pressure was 100 kN/m2. What is the value of

a c.

ϕu ? If ϕ′ = 32° for the soil, what was the pore water

pressure at failure ? 6

4464 6

b) The results of a direct shear test performed on a soil

htt sample in a shear box of 6 cm × 6 cm size are given
below :
Normal Load (kg) 30 40 50 60
Shear force at failure (kg) 18·1 25·8 33·1 39·8

Plot the failure envelope for the soil and determine its
shear parameters. 9
12. Write short note on the following : 10 × 1½
a) Void ratio
b) Porosity
c) Saturated Density
d) Submerged Density
e) Bulk Density
f) Water content

g) Dry Density
h) Density of Solids
i) Specific Gravity

j) Air Content.
ut .
a c.

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