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2019 Dec. CH352-C

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U F192206 Pages:6

Reg No.:_______________ Name:_____________________________________


Course Code: CH352
Max. Marks: 50 Duration: 1Hour

Instructions: (1) Each question carries one mark. No negative marks for wrong answers
(2) Total number of questions: 50
(3) All questions are to be answered. Each question will be followed by 4 possible answers of
which only ONE is correct.
(4) If more than one option is chosen, it will not be considered for valuation.
(5) Calculators are not permitted
The sum of the series is

a) b) c) d)

2. The solution of the differential equation is

a) b) c) d)
3. The resultant of two equal forces has the same magnitude as either of the forces, then the angle
between the two forces is
a) 1200 b) 300 c) 900 d) 600
4. Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 are dropped from the top of a tower of same height. When
these bodies reach the ground, their kinetic energies will be in the ratio
a) 1:2 b) 1: √2 c) 1: 4 d) 1:1
5. The top view of a pentagonal prism with axis perpendicular to the vertical plane and parallel to
horizontal plane will be a
a) Pentagon b) Rectangle c) Trapezoid d) Straight line
6. In perspective projection the object is assumed to be kept on which of these planes.
a) Picture plane b) Horizon plane c) Ground plane d) Central plane

7. Which is the most abundant element available in the atmosphere?

a) Oxygen b) Nitrogen c) Argon d) Carbon di oxide
8. The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human
activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide
a) Carbon Dating b) Carbon Trading c) Carbon Footprint d) Carbon Factor
9. One of the pins in a 3 pin plug top is bigger than the rest. This is most closely related to design
for ‘X’, where ‘X’ is
a) Assembly b) Manufacturing c) Life cycle Cost d) Environment
10. Which of the following can be most appropriately associated with the design space of a ball?

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a) Speed b) Velocity c) Diameter d) Height

11. Removal of ................. is accomplished by aeration of water
a) Dissolved gases b) Suspended solids c) Dissolved solids d) None of these
12. Presence of higher algal content in water indicates that water is
a) Having high b) Free from c) Saturated with d) None of the above
BOD oxygen oxygen
13. The function of skimming tank in sewage treatment is to remove .................. content.
a) Dissolved solid b) Suspended solid c) Oil &Fat d) Gritty & inorganic
14. Aerobic method of composting practised in India is called :
a) Bangalore b) Nagpur method c) Delhi method d) Indore method
15. Match the plume behaviour observed with various atmospheric conditions:
A Looping I Unstable
B Fumigation II Inversion above and lapse below the stack
C Fanning III Inversion
D Trapping IV Inversion above and below the stack with lapse
in between
a) A-I,B-II,C- b) A-IV,B-III,C- c) A-I,B-II,C-IV,D- d) A-IV,B-III,C-I,D-II
16. Which of the following fine dust removal equipment is the most efficient?
a) Bag filter b) Scrubber c) Electrostatic d) Cyclone separator
17. Up to the critical radius of insulation
a) Added b) Added insulation c) Convection heat d) Heat flux will decrease
insulation will will decrease loss will be less
increase heat heat loss than conduction
loss heat loss
18. What are the analogous terms in heat and momentum transfer for diffusivity in mass transfer?
a) Thermal (b) Thermal c) Conductivity and (d) Coefficient of thermal
diffusivity and diffusivity and viscosity expansion and
viscosity kinematic kinematic viscosity
19. The function of liquid redistributors in a column is to avoid

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a) channelling b) cooling c) flooding d) heating

20. The ratio of the slope of operating line to that of equilibrium line is
a) Stripping factor (b) Absorption c) L/G (d) None of the above
21. Psychrometric ratio is
a) hG/kyMB (b) ky/hG c) hG/ky (d) ky/hGMB
22. What kind of drier you suggest for drying milk?
a) Spray drier (b) Rotary drier c) Tunnel drier (d) Drum drier
23. Which of the given statements is true about the following properties:
I. Enthalpy II. Entropy III. Density IV. Pressure
a) All are extensive (b) All are intensive c) I, II & III are (d) III & IV are intensive
properties properties extensive properties
24. Velocity at the throat in a convergent-divergent nozzle is given by
a) PV (b) PV c) (  1) PV (d) RT

25. The chemical potential of a component in a solution is

a) Equal to its molar (b) Equal to its molar c) Equal to its activity (d) Equal to its partial molar
entropy free energy free energy
26. Which of the following binary mixtures may form minimum boiling azeotropes
a) Carbon b) Hydrochloric c) Chloroform - (d) Phenol - cyclohexanol
disulphide - acid – water
27. The upper consolute temperature for two partially miscible liquids is the temperature at which
a) Two conjugate (b) A homogeneous c) The vapor (d) None of the above
phases coexist liquid phase is pressures of the
formed two phases become
28. For a gas phase reaction A + 2B  C at equilibrium, an increase in pressure
a) Increases (b) Has no effect c) Decreases (d) Increases equilibrium
equilibrium equilibrium conversion
constant constant
29. Identify the true statement:
a) The concept of (b) The dynamic c) The velocity (d) A fluid exhibits equal

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continuum in a viscosity of a gradient can be shear stresses at all

fluid flow perfect gas interpreted as rate points when in motion
assumes that increases when it of angular
movements of is compressed deformation
fluid elements isothermally
above their
mean path is
quite significant

30. Pitot tube is used to measure

a) liquid level in a (b) flow velocity at a c) angular (d) vorticity
tank point deformation
31. The flow of an incompressible fluid with no shear is known as
a) Potential flow b) Laminar flow c) Turbulent flow d) Couette flow
32. Mach number is defined as the ratio of square root of
a) Inertia force to b) Viscous force to c) Viscous force to d) Inertia force to elastic
viscous force surface tension elastic force force
33. For a submerged body, if centre of buoyancy is above the center of gravity, the equilibrium is
a) Stable b) Unstable c) Neutral d) None of these
34. For an autocatalytic reactor, the suitable reactor set up is
a) P.F. reactors in (b) CSTR in series c) CSTR followed (d) P.F. reactor followed
series by P.F. reactor by CSTR
35. Which of the following fixes the volume of a batch reactor for a particular conversion and
production rate?
a) operating (b) rate constant c) density of (d) none of these
conditions (e.g. mixture
pressure and
36. Space time equals the mean residence time
a) when the (b) for large c) for narrow (d) for CSTR
density of the diameter tubular diameter tubular
reaction mixture reactor reactor

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is constant
37. In an ideal tubular-flow reactor
a) there is no (b) mixing takes c) there is a uniform (d) all (a), (b) and (c)
mixing in place in radial velocity across
longitudinal direction the radius
38. With increases in temperature, the rate constant obeying Arrhenius equation
a) Increases (b) Decreases c) decreases (d) can either increase or
exponentially decrease, depends on
with temperature the frequency factor
39. The equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction
a) increases in the (b) decreases in the c) remains (d) can either increase or
presence of presence of unaffected in the decrease; depends on
catalyst catalyst presence of a the type of catalyst
40. The thermal conductivity is maximum for

a) Silver b) Chrome-nickel c) Aluminium d) Carbon steel

41. Heisler’s chart show the temperature-time history of a solid in transient conduction as a function of
a) Reynolds number b) Fourier number c) Reciprocal of (d) Reciprocal of Prandtl
and Prandtl and reciprocal of
Reynolds number number and reciprocal of
number Biot number
and Biot number Biot number
42. Natural convection dominates if
a) Gr/Re2 << 1 b) Gr/Re2 >> 1 c) Gr/Re2 = 1 (d) Pr. Gr/Re2=1

43. The reciprocity theorem states that

a) A1F12 = A2F21 (b) A2F12 = A1F21 c) F12 = F21 (d) α1F12 = α 2F21

44. The ratio of heat transfer rate with a fin to the heat transfer rate without fin is referred to as
a) fin efficiency (b) fin effectiveness c) fin conductance (d) fin resistance
45. In boiling heat transfer, regime in which maximum heat transfer takes place is

a) Film boiling b) Transition boiling c) Nucleate boiling d) Interfacial evaporation

regime regime regime regime
46. The formation of large crystals is favoured by
a) A high magma (b) A high degree of c) A low nucleation (d) All of the above

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density supersaturation rate

47. Drag Coefficient in CD, in Stoke’s law regime is given by
a) 16/Re,p b) 24/ Re,p c) 18.4/ Re,p d) 0.079/ Re,p0.25
48. Pressure drop in a packed bed for laminar flow is given by .................. equation
a) Kozney – b) Blake-Plummer c) Leva’s d) Hagen Poiseuille
49. For a multipass heat exchanger, the LMTD correction factor is always
a) 0 b) 1 c) >1 d) Between 0 and 1
50. Agitated film evaporator is suitable for concentrating .............. liquids
a) Foaming b) Viscous c) Very thin d) corrosive


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