Soil Mechanics Ce404
Soil Mechanics Ce404
Soil Mechanics Ce404
5 What is flow net? Discuss the characteristics and uses 5 2 Two dimensional
of flow net. flow through soil
8 (b) Estimate the effective stress due different water table 7 3 Effective Stress
level below ground level. Principles
9 (b) A fully saturated clay has a water content of 40% and a 6 1 Index Properties
mass specific gravity of 1.85. After oven drying, the of Soil
mass specific gravity reduces to 1.75. Determine the
Specific gravity =
specific gravity of solids and shrinkage limit.
Shrinkage Limit
= 21.4%
10 (a) How to determine the permeability for stratified 8 5 Permeability
deposits? under “Soil
10 (b) A falling head test was performed on a soil specimen 7 5 Laboratory
having a diameter of 100 mm and a height of 120 mm. method to
the standpipe had a diameter of 12 mm, and the water determine the
level in it dropped from 550 to 410 mm in 2 h.
Determine the time required for the water level in the Time for the head
standpipe to come down to 200 mm. Also determine the to fall from 550
height of the water level in the standpipe after a period to 200 mm = 6h
of 24 h from the beginning of the test. 53 min
Height of the
water level in the
standpipe after a
period of 24 h =
16.15 mm.
5 (a) Derive the Westergard’s formula for point loads. 8 3 Stress distribution
in soil
5 (b) A concentrated load of 45000 lb acts at foundation level 7 3 Vertical Stress, σz
at a depth of 6.56 ft below ground surface. find the = 11.43 lb/ft2 by
vertical stress along the axis of the load at a depth of Boussinesq
32.8 ft and at a radial distance of 16.4 ft at the same
depth by i) Boussinesq and ii) Westergaard’s formulae Vertical Stress, σz
for µ = 0. Neglect the depth of the foundation. = 7.25 lb/ft2 by