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Soil Mechanics Ce404

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TECH/ CIVIL/EVEN/SEM –4TH /CE 404/2018-2019

YEAR: 2019
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
(Multiple Choice Type Questions)
1. Answer any ten from the following, choosing the correct alternative of each question: 10×1=10
Sl Question Marks CO No. Answer Key
1 (i) As per Terzaghi, soil may be defined as 01 1 B
a) Consolidated sediments o solid particles
formed by physical and chemical weathering
without an admixture of organic constituents.
b) Sediments and other unconsolidated solid
particles with or without admixture of organic
c) Sediments with an admixture of organic
d) Sediments formed by physical and chemical
disintegration of rocks.

(ii) The favourable conditions for the formation of 01 1 C

Kaolinite minerals are`
a) Low temperature and high rainfall
b) Low temperature and low rainfall
c) High temperature and high rainfall
d) High temperature and low rainfall
(iii) The three-phase soil system consists of 01 1 D
a) Soil, water and air
b) Solid, semi-solid and water
c) Soil, semi-solids and water
d) Solids, water and air
(iv) A soil mass has 40% water content and the volume of 01 1 D
water is 30 cc. the weight of dry soil is
a) 30 g
b) 40 g
c) 70 g
d) 75 g
(v) Considering the following statements 01 1 C
i. Porosity is zero in a fully saturated soil.
ii. The dry density of soil is less than the density of
soil solid.
iii. The moisture content of soil can be more than
iv. Drying of soil results in an increase in void ratio.
Which of the statements is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 1 and 2
c) 2 and 3
d) 3 and 4
(vi) The property of fine-grained soils to change from liquid 01 1 C
state to plastic state with decrease of water content is
known as
a) Liquidity
b) Plasticity
c) Consistency
d) Shrinkage
(vii) A soil sample found to have flow index of 0.4 and 01 1 C
toughness index of 1.25. if the plastic limit of the soil is
20%, the liquid limit of the soil will be
a) 20%
b) 25%
c) 30%
d) 35%
(viii) In the word D10, the symbols D and 10 represent, 01 1 C
a) Particle size, cum % finer
b) Particle diameter, cum % retained
c) Particle diameter, cum % finer
d) Particle size, cum % retained
(ix) A soil sample having LL = 60% and PI = 35, the soil is 01 1 A
classified on plasticity chart as
a) CH
b) MH
c) OH
d) MI
(x) The stress due to self-weight of a soil mass 01 3 A
a) Increase linearly with depth
b) Decrease linearly with depth
c) Constant through the depth
d) Decrease cubically with depth
(xi) The falling head permeability test is 01 2 C
a) Suitable for coarse-grained soil only
b) Suitable for fine-grained soil only
c) Suitable for both soils
d) None of the above
(xii) Which of the following is true about effective stress 01 3 B
(σ’), total stress (σ) and pore water pressure (u) in the
capillary zone
a) σ > σ’
b) σ’ > σ
c) σ = u
d) σ’ = u
(Short Answer Type Questions)
(Answer any three of the following) 3 x 5 = 15
Sl Question Marks CO No. Answer Key
2 What are the index properties of soil? 5 1 Index Properties
of Soil
3 (a) What are the Laboratory methods to determine the 1 5 Soil Moisture:
permeability? Permeability

3 (b) Determine the coefficient of permeability for Variable 4 5 Soil Moisture:

head permeability test. Permeability

4 (a) Briefly describe Confined and Unconfined Aquifer. 2 3 Seepage analysis

4 (b) How to determine co-efficient of permeability in 3 Seepage analysis

Confined Aquifer? 3

5 What is flow net? Discuss the characteristics and uses 5 2 Two dimensional
of flow net. flow through soil

6 Find the intensity of vertical pressure at a point 4.5m 5 3 Using Boussinesq

below a 20-kN point load acting at horizontal ground Theory
surface. What will be the vertical pressure at a point 2m
σz = 0.4716
horizontally away from the axis of loading but at a
kN/m2 when, Q =
depth of 5m? 20 kN and z =
σz = 0.264 kN/m2
when, r = 2m and
z = 5m
(Long Answer Type Questions)
(Answer any three of the following) 3 x 15 = 45
Sl Question Marks CO No. Answer Key
7 (a) Write short note on Quick sand condition and Phreatic 08 2 Seepage analysis
7 (b) A homogeneous earth dam has a top width of 6 m and a 07 2 Earth dam from
height of 42 m, with side sloped of 3 to 1on u/s and 4 to “Seepage
1 on d/s. the free board is 2m. There is a horizontal filter analysis”
at the base on the d/s side extending for a length of 60m
from the toe. If k= 9X10-4 mm/s, find the quantity of Quantity of
seepage per day for a 100 m length of dam. seepage,
Q = 39.245
8 (a) Explain the terms: Total stress, Neutral Stress, Effective 8 3 Effective Stress
Stress and Pore water pressure. Principles

8 (b) Estimate the effective stress due different water table 7 3 Effective Stress
level below ground level. Principles

9 (a) Derive the relationship between the following: 9 1 Physical

a. Void ratio and Porosity Properties of Soil
b. Dry Density and Percentage Air Voids
c. Specific Gravity, Water Content, Degree of Saturation
and Void Ration

9 (b) A fully saturated clay has a water content of 40% and a 6 1 Index Properties
mass specific gravity of 1.85. After oven drying, the of Soil
mass specific gravity reduces to 1.75. Determine the
Specific gravity =
specific gravity of solids and shrinkage limit.
Shrinkage Limit
= 21.4%
10 (a) How to determine the permeability for stratified 8 5 Permeability
deposits? under “Soil
10 (b) A falling head test was performed on a soil specimen 7 5 Laboratory
having a diameter of 100 mm and a height of 120 mm. method to
the standpipe had a diameter of 12 mm, and the water determine the
level in it dropped from 550 to 410 mm in 2 h.
Determine the time required for the water level in the Time for the head
standpipe to come down to 200 mm. Also determine the to fall from 550
height of the water level in the standpipe after a period to 200 mm = 6h
of 24 h from the beginning of the test. 53 min

Height of the
water level in the
standpipe after a
period of 24 h =
16.15 mm.

5 (a) Derive the Westergard’s formula for point loads. 8 3 Stress distribution
in soil
5 (b) A concentrated load of 45000 lb acts at foundation level 7 3 Vertical Stress, σz
at a depth of 6.56 ft below ground surface. find the = 11.43 lb/ft2 by
vertical stress along the axis of the load at a depth of Boussinesq
32.8 ft and at a radial distance of 16.4 ft at the same
depth by i) Boussinesq and ii) Westergaard’s formulae Vertical Stress, σz
for µ = 0. Neglect the depth of the foundation. = 7.25 lb/ft2 by

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