3 Semester: Building Design & Drawing Lab (Ce 393)
3 Semester: Building Design & Drawing Lab (Ce 393)
3 Semester: Building Design & Drawing Lab (Ce 393)
Switch off your mobiles while you are working in the lab.
Don’t throw waste papers in the lab.
Don’t displace drawing board.
Don’t run in the lab.
Don’t spoil the surface of drawing board.
Don’t disturb the fellow students while they are working.
Be familiar with your lab assignment before you come to lab. Follow all instructions
carefully. Observe the safety alerts in the laboratory directions. If you do not understand a
direction or part of a procedure, ask the teacher before proceeding.
Keep silence in the lab.
Before performing practical read instrument manual carefully.
Report all accidents to your teacher.
Before performing practical’s read instrument manual carefully.
Count all accessories before receiving equipments in lab.
Before performing practical’s read instrument manual carefully.
Shoes must cover the entire foot.
Report all accidents to your teacher.
Always perform the experiment as directed by teacher
Learn objective & significance of the practical.
Keep silence in the lab.
Always perform the experiment or work presicisely as directed by teacher.
Before performing practical’s read instrument manual carefully.
Count all accessories before receiving equipments in lab.
Before performing practical’s read instrument manual carefully.
Shoes must cover the entire foot.
Report all accidents to your teacher.
Don’t use mobile phones during lab hours.
Don’t try to repair any faulty instrument.
Don’t run machine without permission.
Do not play with valves, screws and nuts of any apparatus.
Don’t forget to bring calculator and other accessories when you come to lab.
The use of personal audio or video equipment is prohibited in the laboratory.
The performance of unauthorized experiments is strictly forbidden.
In the absence of instructor no student shall be allowed to work in the laboratory.
5th Semester
Be familiar with your lab assignment before you come to lab. Follow all written and
verbal instructions carefully. Observe the safety alerts in the laboratory directions. If you
do not understand a direction or part of a procedure, ask the teacher before proceeding.
Learn objective & significance of the practical.
Maintain silence in the lab.
Always perform the experiment or work presicisely as directed by teacher/instructor.
Bring calculator, graph sheet and other accessories when you come to lab.
Before performing experiment read instrument manual carefully.
Leave the lab cleaner than you found it.
Students must stay away from the yellow strip marked around the machines/apparatus
while the machine is running.
Turn off the machine when you are no longer using it.
Report any broken plugs or exposed electrical wires to the teacher immediately.
Always SAVE your progress.
Always maintain an extra copy of all your data files.
Make sure your external devices are VIRUS FREE.
Feel free to ask for assistance.
Behave properly.
Avoid stepping on electrical wires or any other computer cables.
Do not open the system unit casing or monitor casing particularly when the power is
turned on (30,000 volts).
Do not insert metal objects such as clips, pins, and needles into the computer casings.
Do not remove anything from the computer laboratory without permission.
Do not touch, connect, or disconnect any plug or cable without permission.
Do not touch any circuit boards and power sockets when something is connected to them
or switched one.
Do not open an external device without scanning them for computer viruses.
Do not change the icons on the computer screen.
Do not switch the keyboard letters around.
Do not go to programs you don’t know of.
Do not install any other programs unless told.
Do not unplug anything unless the computer has properly shut down.
Do not copy the work of other students.
Do not attempt to repair, open, tamper, or interfere with anything inside the lab.
Do not plug any other devices.
7th Semester
Learn objective & significance of the practical.
Maintain silence in the lab.
Always perform the experiment or work presicisely as directed by teacher/instructor.
Do thoroughly clean the glassware before and after use.
Do handle the glassware carefully.
Do use large volumes of water, when a person is splashed with acid to prevent serious
Do weigh the articles in a balance only at room temperature.
Do use different pipette for different reagents.
Do not handle chemicals with bare hands.
Do not blow out the last drop from the pipette. When the liquid has drained out
completely, touch the tip of the pipette to the inner surface of the vessel.
Do not add water to acids. Do always add acid to water.
Do not pipette out acids and other toxic reagents by mouth.
The use of personal audio or video equipment, mobiles is prohibited in the laboratory.