Rules of Thumb
Rules of Thumb
Rules of Thumb
We analyse life-cycle saving decisions when households use simple heuristics, or rules of thumb,
rather than solve the underlying intertemporal optimisation problem. We simulate life-cycle saving
decisions using three simple rules and compute utility losses relative to the solution of the optim-
isation problem. Our simulations suggest that utility losses induced by following simple decision rules
are relatively low. Moreover, the two main saving motives reflected by the canonical life-cycle model –
long-run consumption smoothing and short-run insurance against income shocks – can be addressed
quite well by saving rules that do not require computationally demanding tasks, such as backwards
Much recent research on householdsÕ saving and investment behaviour has focused on
financial literacy, that is, on individualsÕ knowledge of such fundamental financial
concepts as compound interest, and their ability to apply such knowledge when making
financial decisions (Lusardi and Mitchell, 2007; van Rooij et al., 2011). In this article,
we take a different but related perspective on householdsÕ savings decisions. We start
from the – at least to us – natural assumption that even financially sophisticated
individuals do not solve intertemporal optimisation models when they make their
saving and investment decisions. Rather, they often use simple or sophisticated de-
cision rules, which we call rules of thumb in this article. The question we ask is: how
large is the utility loss that households incur when they use such rules of thumb rather
than solve an intertemporal optimisation problem?
It is a well-known finding from psychological research on decision making that
individuals use heuristics, or rules of thumb, in making judgements and decisions. In
economics, rule-of-thumb behaviour has been recognised as an important aspect of
bounded rationality since the seminal work by Simon (1955).1 Life-cycle consumption
and saving decisions are a case in point. There is a large literature on such models and
their solution. In realistic versions which incorporate income uncertainty, the solution
of the underlying intertemporal optimisation problem is rather complicated. It requires
backwards induction, and no closed-form solution for current consumption as a function
of the relevant state variables exists. Many authors argue that individuals are unable to
perform the calculations which are required to solve the underlying intertemporal
* Corresponding author: Joachim Winter, Department of Economics, University of Munich, Ludwigstr. 33,
D-80539 Munich, Germany. Email:
This article is a substantially revised and extended version of unpublished research by Rodepeter and
Winter (1999). We thank Michael Adam, Axel Börsch-Supan, Thomas Crossley, Angelika Eymann, Werner
Güth, Silke Januszewski, Ronald Lee, Alexander Ludwig, Annamaria Lusardi, Daniel McFadden, Matthew
Rabin, Paul Ruud, Daniel Schunk, the special issue editor (Rachel Griffith) and referees, and participants at
numerous seminars and conferences for helpful discussions and comments. We gratefully acknowledge
financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through SFB 504 at the University of
Mannheim (Rodepeter and Winter) and through GRK 801 at the University of Munich (Schlafmann).
Kathrin Schlafmann also gratefully acknowledges support by LMU Mentoring.
For surveys of this literature, see Camerer (1995), Conlisk (1996) and Rabin (1998). Gigerenzer and
Todd (1999) provide a psychological perspective on bounded rationality and heuristics.
[ 479 ]
optimisation problem by backwards induction (Wärneryd, 1989; Pemberton, 1993;
Thaler, 1994; Hey, 2005).
Standard economic theory is based on the notion that if individuals have preferences
over all possible states of nature at the current and any future date, and if their
behaviour is time consistent, there is some intertemporal utility function that individ-
uals maximise. The standard approach in the literature on householdsÕ life-cycle
behaviour is to assume that preferences are additively separable over time and that
there is some discounting of future utility. More specifically, it is standard to assume
that the rate at which individuals discount future utility is constant and that the within-
period utility is of the constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) type.2 A well-defined
intertemporal optimisation problem exists that corresponds to these intertemporal
preferences. This problem is well understood, and the standard model of life-cycle
saving serves as a powerful tool in applied research and policy analysis.3
Many important questions remain open, however. Do individuals behave according
to the solution of an intertemporal optimisation problem? If not, how do individuals
make intertemporal choices? Further, if the assumptions of the standard life-cycle
model are not empirically warranted, can it nevertheless deliver predictions that are
valid in practical applications? There is a large and still growing empirical literature
that addresses these issues from different perspectives.4 It is our reading of this liter-
ature that the question whether rational behaviour is an empirically valid assumption in
life-cycle models is still open.
A few examples serve to illustrate this point. In experimental studies of intertemporal
decision making, rational behaviour is frequently rejected. In the context of life-cycle
models, a series of experimental studies test whether individuals perform backwards
induction in cognitive tasks that involve some dynamic trade-off (Hey and Dardanoni,
1988; Carbone and Hey, 1999; Johnson et al., 2001). In their experiments, backwards
induction, and hence rational behaviour, is strongly rejected. In experimental studies
of search models (which is an intertemporal decision task slightly different from life-
cycle decision making, but more akin to experimental study), Moon and Martin (1990)
and Houser and Winter (2004) find that individuals use heuristics that are quite close
to optimal but still different from optimal search rules (which have to be computed by
backwards induction). Additional evidence on the prevalent use of heuristics in in-
tertemporal or dynamic decision problems comes from a series of experiments by Hey
and Lotito (2009), Hey and Knoll (2010) and Hey and Panaccione (2011). More closely
related to the topic of this article, Anderhub et al. (2000) and Müller (2001) document
that individuals use relatively sophisticated heuristics but do not use backwards
induction in experimental studies of a simple saving task. Finally, Binswanger and
There are many papers which depart from this standard model. An important example is the literature
on hyperbolic discounting which departs from additive separability and exponential discounting (Laibson,
Browning and Lusardi (1996), Browning and Crossley (2001) and Attanasio and Weber (2010) review this
vast literature. Low et al. (2010) present a recent, sophisticated version of this approach that encompasses
wage and employment risk. Blundell et al. (2008) study empirically whether households insure against income
shocks; they document partial insurance for permanent shocks and almost complete insurance of transitory
shocks among US households.
For reviews of the literature on choice over time, see Loewenstein (1992), Camerer (1995), Rabin (1998)
and Hey (2005).
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
Carman (2011) present survey data on the use of rules of thumb in actual household
decisions. They show that three types of households – planners, rule-of-thumb users
and ÔunsystematicÕ savers – each make up about a third of their sample. Interestingly,
the wealth outcomes of rule-of-thumb users are similar to those of planners.
In our analysis, we take a normative perspective, maintaining the assumption that
individuals have standard intertemporal preferences. Our point of departure is the
observation that individuals have limited computational capabilities. We characterise
individuals who follow simple heuristics, or rules of thumb, rather than use the decision
rule given by the solution to the dynamic optimisation model that corresponds to
maximising their preferences. More specifically, we compute life-cycle saving decisions
under three different exogenously specified saving rules and compare the outcomes
with the optimal solution. The criterion used for this comparison is a consumption
equivalent (CE): we express losses in life-time utility associated with rule-of-thumb
behaviour in terms of additional consumption required to give individuals the same
utility they would achieve if they behaved optimally. The life-cycle model we use is
characterised by both income and life-time uncertainty. Both the model and the
approach used to solve the dynamic optimisation problem numerically are standard in
the literature, following Deaton (1991) and Carroll (1992, 1997). Our approach is
related to earlier work on near-rational behaviour in intertemporal consumption and
saving problems by Cochrane (1989) and Lettau and Uhlig (1999).
Rules of thumb have been analysed in life-cycle saving models before, in particular in
tests of the life-cycle/permanent income hypothesis in the macroeconomics literature.
Starting with the seminal paper by Hall (1978), a series of studies assume that a fraction
of the population behaves according to some simple rule of thumb, such as Ôjust
consume your current income in every periodÕ whereas the rest of the population
behaves optimally.5 Estimates of the fraction of rule-of-thumb consumers in the
population range between zero and well above 50% and depend heavily on assump-
tions about householdsÕ preferences and econometric estimation approaches. In this
article, we explore such a simple consumption-equals-income rule and two other saving
rules that have been used in the economics literature on life-cycle saving behaviour.
More recently, Scholz et al. (2006) studied saving behaviour using data from a sample
of older American households. They show that observed saving decisions are closer to
the solution of an intertemporal optimisation model than they are to two simple rules
of thumb (one assumes a constant saving rate, whereas the second is based on age and
income specific average saving rates). Also related to our research question is a recent
study by Calvet et al. (2007) who quantify the welfare losses that result from sub-optimal
portfolio choices (which are perhaps driven by rules of thumb as well) using Swedish
We should point out that we use the term rule of thumb for any decision rule that is
not the solution to an underlying utility maximisation problem and easy to derive and
apply for individuals with limited computational capabilities. This terminology is con-
sistent with the use in behavioural economics and psychology, as discussed by Goodie
et al. (1999). In most of the economics literature, the term Ôrule of thumbÕ is typically
The macroeconomics literature on rules of thumb includes papers by Flavin (1981), Hall and Mishkin
(1982), Cochrane (1989), Campbell and Mankiw (1990) and Weber (2000, 2002).
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
used in a much more narrow sense, namely, for households that spend a fixed fraction
or all of their income in every period (Deaton, 1992b; Browning and Crossley, 2001).6
This is only one of the rules of thumb we consider. As will become clear below, the
other rules of thumb that we analyse are forward-looking and therefore much closer to
the life-cycle framework than the Ôfixed consumptionÕ rule of thumb usually postulated
in economics.
The remainder of this article is structured as follows. In Section 1, we present a
version of the standard life-cycle model of saving decisions which allows for both life-
time and income uncertainty. Next, we describe three saving rules which can be used in
this framework (Section 2). In Section 3, we simulate and compare saving decisions
based on the these saving rules. Section 4 concludes.
max Es ð1 þ qÞst sts uðCt Þ s.t.; ð1Þ
fCt gTt¼s t¼s
At 0 8t ¼ s . . . T ; ð3Þ
An exception is Deaton (1992a) who specifies a more complicated rule of thumb; see the discussion of
Rule 3 in Section 2.
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
Maximisation of expected discounted utility given by (1) is subject to a standard law of
motion for assets At (2) and a borrowing constraint (3). Note that while the
household will optimally hold zero assets at the end of terminal period T, the
individual might die before T with non-zero assets, that is, there are accidental
bequests in our model.
Income Yt is determined by an exogenous process which is widely employed in the
life-cycle literature (Carroll, 1992, 1997; Cocco et al., 2005). This process features a
deterministic hump-shaped pattern as well as both permanent and transitory shocks. In
particular, income Yt can be written as
Yt ¼ St Pt Vt ; ð4Þ
where Pt is the permanent income component and Vt is the transitory shock. Recall that
the random variable St reflects life-time uncertainty and takes the value 1 as long as the
individual is alive while it is set to zero thereafter. The permanent income component
Pt itself follows a random walk with a drift
Pt ¼ Gt Pt1 Nt ; ð5Þ
uðCt Þ ¼ ; ð6Þ
where c is the coefficient of relative risk aversion (and the inverse of the intertemporal
elasticity of substitution).
As in any model of intertemporal decision making, the individual’s decisions can be
described by a time-invariant decision rule, that is, a mapping from states into actions.
In the life-cycle saving model, such a decision rule will be a function Ct ¼ Ct(At, Yt) that
maps current assets and current income into saving decisions. As noted before, we take
the decision rule given by the dynamic programming solution to the intertemporal
optimisation problem as a benchmark. All other decision rules (i.e. any function that
maps states into actions) are interpreted as rules of thumb or heuristics. In the next
Section, we present three such rules.
Before we analyse how rules of thumb perform relative to the benchmark solution,
we conclude this Section by briefly sketching how the solution to the intertemporal
optimisation model given by (1)–(5) can be computed. While there is no closed-form
solution, the optimal allocation of consumption over time is characterised by the
following first-order condition:
1þr t
u 0 ðCt Þ ¼ s Et ½u0 ðCtþ1 Þ: ð7Þ
1 þ q tþ1
This is a modified version of the well-known standard Euler equation in which next
period’s expected marginal utility is weighted with the conditional probability of being
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
alive in period t þ 1. While the intuition of Euler equations such as (7) – balancing
marginal utility across periods – is clear that, in general, there is no closed-form
solution which would allow individuals to compute their optimal consumption decision
in each period. Rather, every consumer has to solve the entire life-time optimisation
model by backwards induction in each decision period. As noted by many authors
before, this procedure is computationally demanding and we can safely assume that
individuals do not actually solve this problem when making their consumption and
saving decisions (Hey and Dardanoni, 1988). Moreover, Pemberton (1993, p. 5) points
out that the intuition behind the Euler equation does not help us find simpler
behavioural rules that would generate as if behaviour.
To solve the intertemporal optimisation problem for the case with implicit borrowing
constraints numerically, we apply the cash-on-hand approach by Deaton (1991) in the
version developed by Carroll (1992). Cash-in-hand denoted by Xt, is the individual’s
current gross wealth (total current resources), given by the sum of current income and
current assets,
Xtþ1 ¼ ð1 þ r ÞðXt Ct Þ þ Ytþ1 : ð8Þ
To reduce the number of state variables we follow the approach in Carroll (1992)
and standardise all variables by the permanent income component. The solution to the
optimisation problem is then computed by backwards induction over value functions
starting in the last period in life T, where households consume all remaining wealth.
Taking this into account the optimal behaviour in period T 1 can be computed and
so on.
From a more technical point of view, we employ equally spaced grids for both
standardised cash-on-hand and standardised savings. Piecewise Cubic Hermite Inter-
polation is used for points not on the grid. Shocks to the income process are
approximated by Gauss–Hermite quadrature.
where YtP is permanent income as of period t, At are current assets and Ht is the present
value of (non-asset) income given by
We return to the issue of whether rules of thumb could be modified or combined to account for different
savings motives and stochastic shocks in the concluding Section.
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
" #
Ht ¼ Yt þ E Yi ð1 þ r Þti : ð11Þ
Assuming that individuals consume their permanent income in every period, and
re-arranging these identities, we obtain the Ôpermanent incomeÕ decision rule,
r 1
Ct ¼ YtP ¼ ðAt þ Ht Þ: ð12Þ
1 þ r 1 ð1 þ r ÞðT tþ1Þ
Setting the interest rate to zero for the moment, this reduces to
Ct ¼ YtP ¼ ðAt þ Ht Þ: ð13Þ
T t
Here, one can see that individuals distribute their (expected) total wealth equally
over their remaining life-time, smoothing consumption but not insuring themselves
against utility losses from negative income shocks as in the life-cycle model presented in
Section 1. However, individuals update their expectations about future realisations of
the income process. If the stochastic component shows persistence or follows a random
walk, permanent income reflects all past and current shocks.
Note that in the absence of income uncertainty (or in the case of certainty equiva-
lence), there is no need for precautionary saving, and this rule of thumb corresponds
to the solution of the underlying optimisation problem (if one further ignores time
preference). In the life-cycle model with income uncertainty presented in Section 1,
the permanent income rule deviates from the benchmark solution. However, as Pem-
berton (1993) argues, this rule is both forward-looking and easy to compute. Therefore,
it might be reasonable to assume such a decision rule for individuals which are Ôfar-
sighted rather than myopicÕ and whose Ôconcern is for ÔÔthe futureÕÕ rather than with a
detailed plan for the futureÕ (p. 7, emphasis in the original). Pemberton refers to the
underlying concept as Ôsustainable consumptionÕ. Our simulations allow us to evaluate
how such forward-looking behaviour performs relative to the benchmark solution.
Table 2
Savings Motives Captured by Alternative Decision Rules
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
3.1. Calibration of the Life-Cycle Model and Welfare Measure
In Table 3, we report the benchmark parameter values used to calibrate the model. We
chose these values to be in the range of values typically used in the literature.8 The
parameter values in the income process have been taken from Cocco et al. (2005). The
authors report estimates of the deterministic, hump-shaped life-cycle profile as well as
the estimated variance of permanent and transitory shocks. Furthermore, they differ-
entiate between three education groups: households whose head does not have a high
school degree, whose head has a high school degree, or whose head has a college
degree, respectively. We stratify our simulations by these three education groups. This
approach allows us to analyse how the performance of a rule of thumb is affected by the
characteristics of the income process faced by the household. Moreover, stratification
by education addresses some of the heterogeneity in saving and income insurance that
has been documented by Blundell et al. (2008), inter alia.
To quantify the welfare loss associated with using rules of thumb instead of the
optimal solution to the maximisation problem, we compute a CE measure. To be
precise, we compute the percentage increase in consumption a household following a
given rule of thumb would need in each period and in each state to have the same
expected life-time utility as if it was using the optimal solution. As the within-period
utility function is of the CRRA form, there is a closed-form solution for this measure
once the expected life-time utility has been computed under both the rule of thumb
and the rational behaviour.
The analytic solution for the CE can be derived in the following way. Under CRRA
preferences, the expected life-time utility of a household following a given rule of
thumb EUROT is given by
" #
t 0 ðCt Þ
EU ¼E ð1 þ qÞ st ; ð14Þ
where st0 is the ex ante probability of being alive in period t. The CE is then defined as
( )
t 0 ½Ct ð1 þ CEÞ1c
E ð1 þ qÞ st ¼ EUOPT ; ð15Þ
1 c
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
Table 3
Parameter Values Used for Calibration of the Life-Cycle Model
Notes. *In specifications without life-time uncertainty, the age of death is fixed at 80. yParameters values are
from Cocco et al. (2005). Standard errors in parentheses.
expected life-time utility under each rule is then computed as the average simulated
discounted life-time utility. Equation (17) then gives the CE measure directly.9
As an alternative welfare measure, we also computed the percentage change in income which would give
households the same expected utility under a given rule of thumb as under the optimal behaviour. In this
case, however, there is no closed-form solution since households adjust their behaviour as income changes.
The computation is therefore more involved. But under the rules of thumb considered here, households
spend most (or even all) of their income anyway, in particular in earlier periods of life. The two welfare
measures (percentage increase in consumption and in income, respectively) thus turn out to be almost
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
Panel (a): No High School
45 100
40 90
35 70
30 60
20 30
10 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age Age
30 60
25 40
20 30
10 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age Age
30 60
25 40
20 30
15 10
10 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age Age
Fig. 1. Behaviour Due to Different Decision Rules: Income Certain, Life Length Certain
Notes. The Figure plots the behaviour generated by the different decision rules: rational behaviour
(solid line), Keynes Rule 1 and Deaton Rule 3 (dashed line), Permanent Income Rule 2 (dash-
dotted line)
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
are impatient, so optimal behaviour (solid line) shifts more consumption to earlier
periods in life than permanent income rule (dash-dotted line) would suggest. Note also
that since households are borrowing constrained, Rule 2 households consume less than
their permanent income early in life. Finally, due to impatience, rational households
would like to have a decreasing consumption profile over their life cycle; however, due
to the borrowing constraint, these households cannot consume more than their
income early in life.
The differences between education groups are also interesting. With increasing
education, the income profile becomes steeper. The implications are straightforward.
Marginal utility of consumption is high for low levels of consumption at the beginning
of life and lower for higher consumption levels later in life. For given education and
income profiles, consumption levels are identical for all rules as long as households are
still borrowing constrained. Between households that follow different rules, differences
in consumption arise only later in life and these differences are more pronounced the
higher education and the steeper the income profile.
The right column of graphs in Figure 1 shows asset holdings for the three education
groups and alternative decision rules. As noted above, Rule 1 and 3 (Keynesian and
Deaton) households consume their current income in every period so they do not
build up any assets. Asset holdings are larger for Rule 2 (permanent income) house-
holds than for rational households since the latter prefer earlier consumption because
of their impatience.
In Figure 2, we introduce uncertainty: income follows a stochastic process with a
deterministic component and i.i.d. shocks, and the length of life is uncertain. In this
environment, rules of thumb can now show whether they succeed in helping house-
holds to insure against income shocks and life-time uncertainty in the absence of
insurance markets. As noted above, we simulated realisations of the stochastic income
process for 100,000 households; the graphs in Figure 2 show averages across these
simulations, again by education group and decision rule. The graphs in the left column
again show consumption spending, those in the right column show asset holdings.
Note first that differences in consumption and, thus, also in asset holdings arise
already early in life when households are borrowing constrained, in contrast to the
deterministic income case in Figure 1. This is because some households realise positive
shocks which are, depending on the decision rule used, not consumed fully. Also for
this reason, consumption decisions implied by Rule 1 (Keynesian) and Rule 3 (Deaton)
are now different. Another difference to the earlier results is that because of uncertain
lifetime, households effectively become more impatient and impatience increases with
age. Thus, consumption is shifted towards younger ages. In particular, rational con-
sumers save less, so their behaviour moves closer to that of Rule 1 and 3 households;
conversely, it differs more from that of Rule 2 (permanent income) households. The
asset holdings reflect these effects of uncertainty.
A peculiar feature of Rule 3 is that it does not allow for asset decumulation once
households are retired. This drawback of this rule is due to its simplicity. One could
also imagine that households who follow this rule switch to a different one after
retirement. However, we refrain from modelling rule switching in this article.
Finally, Figure 3, which is similarly structured, shows the average age profile of
consumption expenditure and asset holdings when income follows a random walk so
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
Panel (a): No High School
45 200
35 140
30 120
25 80
20 60
10 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age Age
30 120
25 80
20 60
10 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age Age
30 120
25 80
20 60
15 20
10 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age Age
Fig. 2. Mean Behaviour Due to Different Decision Rules: Income I.I.D., Life Length Uncertain
Notes. The Figure plots the mean behaviour generated by the different decision rules (calculated
from 100,000 simulations): rational behaviour (solid line), Keynes Rule 1 (dashed line), Perma-
nent Income Rule 2 (dash-dotted line), Deaton Rule 3 (dotted line)
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
Panel (a): No High School
50 200
45 180
40 160
35 120
30 100
25 80
15 20
10 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age Age
35 120
30 100
25 80
15 20
10 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age Age
35 120
30 100
25 80
15 20
10 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age Age
Fig. 3. Mean Behaviour Due to Different Decision Rules: Income Random Walk, Life Length
Notes. The Figure plots the mean behaviour generated by the different decision rules (calculated
from 100,000 simulations): rational behaviour (solid line), Keynes Rule 1 (dashed line), Perma-
nent Income Rule 2 (dash-dotted line), Deaton Rule 3 (dotted line)
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
that shocks have much more severe consequences. The main implication is that
rational households save more and have larger asset holdings than in the i.i.d. case. For
the three rules of thumb, the differences are minor.
We now turn to the central question of this article: how does rule-of-thumb behav-
iour translate into utility losses, relative to using the optimal decision rule? Table 4
shows utility losses, expressed as CEs, for a variety of scenarios. More specifically, the
numbers in the Table are the percentage increases in consumption in each period that
would compensate an individual for using a non-optimal decision rule rather than
solving the corresponding intertemporal optimisation problem.
In Panel (a), we report results using the benchmark calibration described in Table 3.
When there is no income risk, CEs and thus utility losses are generally very low (<1%).
The CE is lowest for college graduates since their income profile is the steepest. This
implies that their marginal utility is very high early in life relative to low marginal utility
later in life when their consumption level is very high. But differences between the
decision rules only occur once households are no longer credit constrained and their
consumption level is already high. Hence, college graduates require only a small
increase in consumption in the early periods to compensate for the relatively low utility
losses later in life. The CEs are relatively high for households in the middle education
group that follow Rules 1 and 3: these households face a large drop in income at
retirement which is not smoothed by these rules. These results provide a first important
insight: utility losses implied by rules of thumb depend on the income profile, both in
early life and around retirement, and they are not necessarily ranked by education.
Table 4
Life-Time Utility Loss from Using Alternative Decision Rules
Notes. Life-time utility losses are expressed as the percentage increase in consumption in each period and state
that would compensate an individual for using non-optimal decision rules rather than solving the corre-
sponding intertemporal optimisation problem. Parameter values for the benchmark model are reported in
Table 3.
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
There are also differences in CEs depending on whether the length of life is
uncertain. As mentioned above, life-time uncertainty effectively makes agents more
impatient. Hence, rational households shift more consumption to earlier periods in
life. This implies that rational behaviour differs more from the consumption profile
implied by the permanent income rule, and thus the utility loss of following this rule
Next, consider the case with stochastic income (the third and fourth lines of Panel
(a)). Rule 1 (Keynesian) households do poorly now since not smoothing transitory
income shocks is very costly: their CE goes up to between 15% (high education) and
25% (low education). CEs for the other two rules also increase relative to the certain
income case, but they remain below 10% for all education groups. Deaton’s Rule 3 does
quite well – this is exactly the environment for which it was designed. Rule 2 (perma-
nent income) does relatively poorly for high education households whose income
profile is steep so that borrowing constraints bind longer. Whether lifetime is uncertain
or not does not have a major effect.
The random walk case (the last two lines of Panel (a)) is perhaps most realistic. Even
though income shocks now have permanent effects, CEs are still relatively low (mostly
below 10%), in particular for Rules 2 and 3. Here, the permanent income rule does
well because it takes shocks into account by updating permanent income. However,
there is no smoothing of small shocks early in life because of borrowing constraints, so
utility losses relative to optimal behaviour still arise. Only the Keynesian Rule 1 does
poorly, even though CEs are smaller than in the i.i.d. case.
Before we turn to a more general interpretation of these results, we briefly discuss
Panels (b) and (c) of Table 4. In these simulations, we use alternative parameter
values to investigate the sensitivity of our results with respect to householdsÕ risk
aversion and the variance of the income process. In Panel (b), we increase risk
aversion by setting the coefficient c equal to 9 rather than 3. If risk aversion is higher,
the curvature of the utility function is larger, so the effects of steep income profiles
are more pronounced. As long as income is certain, high-school graduates that follow
any of the rules of thumb come close to optimal behaviour in utility terms. For the
other education groups, CEs tend to increase when risk aversion increases for most
decision rules but they remain low. When income is uncertain, higher risk aversion
affects rule-of-thumb households quite negatively unless they have very steep income
profiles. For the low and middle education groups, CEs go up considerably in the
i.i.d. case. Finally, when income follows a random walk, high risk aversion households
fare very poorly under any rule of thumb; Rule 2 (permanent income) does slightly
In Panel (c), we increase the variance of the permanent income shock in the random
walk case by 3 standard errors. These numbers should be compared with those in the
last two lines of Panel (a). It is apparent that increasing income variance makes rules of
thumb perform less well; CEs increase across the board. However, they typically remain
below 20% which is perhaps surprisingly low given that the income process has now a
rather large variance. As before, Rule 2 (permanent income) performs best in the
random walk case since it updates permanent income after each shock.
We can draw several conclusions from the numbers in Table 4. In the case of
income certainty, life-time utility losses resulting from following some rule of thumb
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
rather than solving the underlying intertemporal optimisation problem are relatively
small. When income is uncertain, individuals who follow rules of thumb in their
consumption and saving decisions suffer considerable utility losses relative to the
optimal decision rule. Not surprisingly, the magnitudes of these utility losses depend
on preferences (here, we studied risk aversion) and the specific structure of the
income process. There are also many cases in which rules of thumb do not imply
substantial utility losses and rules of thumb which are simpler than others (such as
Deaton’s rule) do not necessarily perform worse. Unless risk aversion is very high
(q ¼ 9), utility losses as expressed by CEs are below 20% and the permanent income
rule stays even below 10%.
The main conclusion from this comparison is that there is considerable variation in
the life-time utility loss associated with using rules of thumb. There is no uniformly
best rule of thumb, and for most stochastic environments analysed in this article,
there is some rule of thumb which yields relatively small utility losses (<10% of life-
time income). In the case of uncertain length of life and a random walk income
process, however, utility losses are substantial for all rules of thumb. When risk
aversion is very high, using a rule of thumb is a particularly bad idea. This observa-
tion is interesting since one might speculate that in real life, households with high
risk aversion might also be those who are financially less sophisticated and thus more
likely to use rules of thumb. Similarly, high education households which might be
more likely to use sophisticated savings strategies would actually perform relatively
better using rules of thumb than low-education households since their income
profiles are steeper.
What makes a rule of thumb perform well? Based on our results, we conclude that
the key factor that makes a rule of thumb successful is its ability to generate a measure
of life-time income that correctly reflects movements in future income. If the life-time
income process exhibits a strong deterministic trend and modest shocks with low
persistence, this might not be too difficult. We discuss some implications of this finding
in the concluding Section.
4. Conclusions
In our simulations of life-cycle consumption and saving decisions under three heuristic
decision rules, we found that losses in total life-time utility can, in general, be sub-
stantial compared with optimal behaviour (i.e. using the solution of the underlying
intertemporal optimisation problem for given standard life-cycle preferences). The
magnitudes of these losses vary with the assumptions about preference parameters and
the properties of the income process. An important result is that for most environ-
ments we simulated, there is some simple rule of thumb which results in only modest
utility losses (expressed by compensating variations, these losses are equivalent to be-
tween 5% and 10% of life-time income).
We conclude this article with a discussion of possible extensions of our analysis and
implications for future research in the life-cycle consumption and saving framework.
The saving rules we analysed in this article reflect two distinct motives for saving
(consumption smoothing and precautionary saving). A natural extension of our
approach would be to combine two or more of these rules of thumb. For example,
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
individuals could use a simple static rule, such as Deaton’s rule (Rule 3) to insure
themselves against adverse income shocks and, at the same time, they could do some
consumption smoothing by using forward-looking rules, that is, the permanent income
rule (Rule 2) which focuses on income uncertainty. By combining several rules of
thumb, individuals should be able to improve their total life-time utility considerably
and they might actually come quite close to using the solution to the underlying
optimisation problem in utility terms. The concept of mental accounting introduced to
the life-cycle saving literature by Shefrin and Thaler (1988) is closely related to the
notion of using multiple rules of thumb. For instance, mental accounting implies that
individuals make saving decisions with different time horizons and saving goals in
mind. Combining rules of thumb with different objectives, such as those analysed in
this article, with a mental accounting framework, appears to be a fruitful direction for
future research.
Unfortunately, combining two or more saving rules in our framework would com-
plicate the analysis considerably, both technically and conceptually. The optimisation
and simulation problem is obviously much more involved but more importantly, one
would have to make assumptions of how individuals allocate funds to different saving
rules. This allocation might change over the life cycle. This would imply that a second
class of behavioural decision rules would have to be specified for the allocation of
saving into different mental accounts.
It would also be interesting to compare the welfare consequences of suboptimal
savings decisions (the subject of this article) with those of suboptimal portfolio choices,
as in Calvet et al. (2007) when both are driven by rules of thumb. To perform such a
comparison, both simulation models would have to be specified and calibrated con-
sistently, or perhaps even embedded in a unified model. Such an analysis would allow
us to address the question of whether it is more important to use good rules of thumb
for the consumption-saving decision or for the decision of how to invest whatever
amount is saved.
Another important research question that we have not addressed in this article is:
how do rules of thumb actually arise? How do individuals decide which behavioural
decision rule they use? In our analysis, we have taken the rules of thumb as
exogenously given because our main objective was to evaluate the utility loss asso-
ciated with using some heuristic rather than computing the optimal solution to the
underlying decision problem. We did not model the choice between the optimal
strategy and using rules of thumb. Rule-of-thumb behaviour could be derived from
some meta problem if the cost of computing the solution to the underlying life-
cycle optimisation problem was taken into account.10 However, such an approach
might run into the conceptual problem of an infinite regress, as discussed by
Conlisk (1996).
A promising approach is to explore how rules of thumb arise endogenously from
learning behaviour; for example, Lettau and Uhlig (1999) investigate a model of
learning rules of thumb in intertemporal decision problems. However, in a life-cycle
saving setting, learning from own mistakes is impossible. Every life-cycle decision is
Computation costs have been considered in models with rule-of-thumb behaviour by Shi and Epstein
(1993) and Hindy et al. (1997).
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
made only once – all decisions are conditional on the planning period (i.e. on age)
and cannot be repeated with a different ÔtrialÕ decisions in the future. Therefore,
learning in the life-cycle saving problem is likely to be based on social interactions with
other people (family, neighbours or friends). Brown et al. (2009) present evidence for
the relevance of learning: in an experimental study with artificial life-cycle decisions,
subjects saved too little initially but learned to save optimally as life cycles were
repeated. In the domain of entrepreneurial financial decisions, Drexler et al. (2010)
conducted a field experiment with micro-entrepreneurs in the Dominican Republic
and found that simple rule-of-thumb training improved business practices and out-
comes. An important question for future research thus seems to be how individuals
acquire the rules they use for making financial decisions and whether policy inter-
ventions can help individuals to improve the rules they use. This research agenda is
obviously related to the ongoing discussion of how householdsÕ financial literacy can
be improved.
Certain institutions might also provide individuals with saving rules so that they do
not need to figure out optimal or heuristic saving rules themselves. An important
example is social security which replaces the need for discretionary long-term saving to
some extent. Another mechanism that provides rules for long-term saving is housing
expenditure. In countries, such as the US and the UK, many households buy their first
family homes relatively early in their life cycle and this decision determines a large
fraction of their consumption and saving pattern over future years. In Germany, due to
its favourable tax treatment, the acquisition of life-insurance policies with substantial
saving components during the early stage of the active working life has been quite
common in the past (Sauter and Winter, 2010). The acquisition of a family home or a
life-insurance policy is a one-time decision that fixes a substantial part of life-cycle
saving and it reduces the scope for discretionary saving over remaining years substan-
tially. There is also some recent evidence that individuals are quite willing to follow
saving rules provided by institutional arrangements (Thaler and Benartzi, 2004; Choi
et al., 2005). The behavioural patterns mentioned in this paragraph (based on direct
imitation, social traditions or institutional arrangements) can be interpreted as fol-
lowing a heuristic saving rule and they might result in decisions that are quite close to
optimal life-cycle behaviour.
Any empirical analysis of rule-of-thumb saving behaviour would have to account
for the possibility that individuals are heterogeneous with respect to the decision
rules they use. Once we give up the fiction of optimal behaviour based on the
solution to a (unique) underlying optimisation problem, the result that all individuals
follow the same decision rule does not need to hold any more. Some individuals
might care more about short-term precautionary saving, some for long-term con-
sumption smoothing, while others might rely on saving rules provided by institu-
tional arrangements. As noted above, combinations of rules might arise as well. To
our knowledge, there exist no econometric studies that try to identify individual
decisions rules in a life-cycle saving context, but this is clearly an important area for
future research that could build on results from laboratory experiments on decision
rules in dynamic problems by Müller (2001), Houser and Winter (2004) and, more
recently, Hey and Lotito (2009), Hey and Knoll (2010) and Hey and Panaccione
Ó 2012 The Author(s). The Economic Journal Ó 2012 Royal Economic Society.
Based on our results on the performance of simple saving rules, we would argue that
an important direction for research on life-cycle consumption and saving behaviour is
how social learning and institutional factors generate simple decision rules, and to test
whether individuals actually use such rules with micro data on household consumption
and saving.
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