Visualization of Cytoskeletal Elements by The Atomic Force Microscope
Visualization of Cytoskeletal Elements by The Atomic Force Microscope
Visualization of Cytoskeletal Elements by The Atomic Force Microscope
Traditionally, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and light microscopy are the techniques
that have made major contributions to our understanding of cellular morphology. At present,
there are three main techniques to study the cellular cytoskeleton: TEM [1,2],
immunofluorescence microscopy [3,4], and developed recently, transmission X-ray microscopy
[5]. It was found that the cytoskeleton consists of three types of filaments: microtubules,
microfilaments, and intermediate filaments. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a newer
technique, which has great potential in biology, primarily due to its ability to image biological
objects directly in their natural conditions. Lateral resolution of the AFM on rigid surfaces can
approach the atomic level. While scanning soft biological surfaces, the AFM can achieve a
resolution of about 1nm [6-11]. The vertical resolution is mostly determined by the AFM scanner
sensitivity, and typically is as high as 0.01nm. The AFM is broadly used to study cell
morphology [12-20]. However, visualization of the cellular cytoskeleton has been restricted to
fibers that are close to the cell surface [18,21-29].
In the present work, we describe a technique to visualize the cytoskeleton using AFM.
We use the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 to remove the membrane, soluble proteins, and
organelles from the cell. The concentration of the detergent is relatively low (0.5%) to prevent
possible damage of the cytoskeleton. After removal of soluble proteins, the remaining
cytoskeleton is imaged by the AFM in either contact or tapping modes. The advantages of this
technique are the following: (1) One can quantitatively compare the cytoskeletons of different
cells, for example, by measuring its volume per unit of projected area (see the Results and
Discussion for more detail). (2) The detected signal does not depend of any staining agent,
permeability of membrane for fluorescent dies, etc. (3) The imaging is non-destructive. There is
no deterioration of the sample during the scanning. Samples can be easily preserved at 4°C or in
dry gases for long term storage. (4) Ultrahigh vertical and single fiber lateral resolutions are
easily reachable with a typical commercial AFM. (5) The technique requires a basic contact
AFM mode. So, even the low-end AFM is suitable for the use of this method.
Atomic Force Microscope. Nanoscope Dimension 3100 by Digital Instruments/Veeco was used
in the present study. The imaging was done in air and in liquid using the liquid fluid holder. A
standard contact mode of scanning was used. All scanning in liquid was done in Hank’s
balanced salt solution (HBSS). A V-shaped standard narrow 200 µm AFM cantilever (Digital
Instruments/Veeco, CA) was used through the study. The radius of the probe and its cleanness
were tested on the reversed grid (TG01, Micromash, Inc.). A typical AFM tip used had the radius
of the apex of ca.20-40 nm. The tip was cleaned before each series of measurements by a UV
short-wave lamp for 2 min. The total signal on the AFM photodetector was set to 3-4V, whereas
the negative setpoint 0.5 - 1V for imaging in liquid and 1 to 2 V while imaging in air. The scan
rate was set ca. 2-3 Hz to optimize the image quality. Each image was collected in resolution of
512x512 pixels. The AFM tip was positioned over the cells with the help of built-in zoom optical
system allowing observation areas from 150x110 to 675x510 µm2 with 1.5µm resolution.
Cells. Primary cultures of human foreskin epithelial cells were prepared by a two-stage
enzymatic digestion as described in [30] and cells were maintained in keratinocyte serum free
medium (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). The 60mm cell culture dishes were mounted on the chuck
of the AFM with a double sticky tape.
Cytoskeletal preparation for the imaging. All protein removal was performed in 60 mm
diameter plastic Petri dishes. The cells attached to the Petri dish were washed twice with HBSS
solution. The cells were treated either for 10 min at room temperature or overnight at 4oC with a
solution of 0.5% Triton X-100 detergent (Sigma) mixed with buffer [4] (10 mM M Tris–HCl, pH
7.6, 0.14 M NaCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 4% polyethylene glycol 6000). After the treatment, the cells
were washed twice for 2 min in the buffer and then fixed in the buffer with 1% formalin for 10
min. The treating solution was removed and the cells were washed twice with HBSS solution.
The HBSS solution was added to scan the cell cytoskeleton in liquid. For scanning in air, the
cells were washed with MilliQ ultrapure water and dried under ambient condition (24oC, 48%
humidity). The cells were imaged immediately after preparation. However, the dry samples
stored under nitrogen were imaged 2 days later without any traces of deterioration. Petri dishes
with the cell cultures were mounted on the AFM chuck with a double sticky tape.
Results and Discussion
The smaller this index, the smoother the surface. Let us show how this formula works.
Two cells presented in Fig.8 have rather different cytoskeletons. For example, the cell in Fig.8a,
has a denser skeleton than the cell shown in Fig.8b. It also has a large amount of “bright bumps”
presumably consisting of insoluble proteins that are components of the endoplasmic reticulum or
lysosomes. Zoomed areas are shown in the same figure under those cells, Fig.8c,d. Each zoomed
area has a line, along which the vertical section curve is shown below, Fig.8e,f. From these
section curves, one can clearly see the difference in the fiber density. Using Nanoscope software
(version 5.12r.4 roughness analysis option) to find the surface area, one can find the SFDI=0.70
(higher density) and =2.8 (lower density) for the cell of Fig.8a, and b, respectively. These values
were calculated for the entire zoomed areas shown in Fig.8c,d. One can clearly see the
correlation between the SFDI and the density of the cytoskeleton.
It should be noted that this index depends on the radius of the AFM tip used for the
scanning. Additional study is required to make the SFDI index independent of the tip geometry.
This will be done in the forthcoming study. For now, it can be used as a measure of a relative
comparison utilizing the AFM tips of the same geometry.
To find the volume occupied by the cytoskeletal filaments, we used free software WSxM
by Nanotec Electronica (version 4.0 develop 3.4). After drying, the cytoskeletal frame collapses
to the surface. We assume that the volume of the collapsed structure is approximately equal to
the volume of cytoskeletal fibers and insoluble components of the endoplasmic reticulum. To
exclude contributions of the nucleus, the calculations of volume were done over the area away
from the nuclear region. The volume was found by first removal of any overall tilt of the image,
and then, by using option “flooding/find hills”. To compare different cells, each volume was
normalized by dividing the volume by the area it occupies.
Fig.9 shows an example of statistical variation of the calculated quantities over more than
20 cytoskeletons, the volume over area ratio and the SFDI index. A relatively large variation of
the calculated quantities can probably be explained by various stages of cell development. This is
in agreement with work described in Ref. [33] on the cytoskeleton of human peripheral blood
lymphocytes, where it was showed that the concentration of F-actin fibers increases in older
We describe a relatively simple technique for direct visualization of cytoskeletal fibers by means
of atomic force microscopy (AFM). Nonionic surfactant Triton X-100 in a low concentration
was used to remove the membrane, soluble proteins, and organelles from normal human
epithelial cells. The cytoskeletal filaments and non-soluble endoplasmic reticulum were imaged
in both liquid and air-dried ambient conditions. The lateral resolution of this technique was
ca.20 nm. Because the AFM is a true 3D technique, we are able to quantify the observed
cytoskeleton by its density (the SFDI index) and volume (per unit area). The types of fibers can
be identified by their size, similar to electron microscopy.
This new technique has the following advantages over existing techniques of TEM,
XTM, or fluorescence microscopy. (1) The signal detected does not depend on any staining agent
or permeability of the membrane for fluorescent dyes, which are used in all existing techniques.
Therefore, one can qualitatively compare the cytoskeletons of different cells. (2) The imaging is
non-destructive. There is no deterioration of the sample during the scanning like radiation
damage in XTM and TEM, or fading of the florescent dye. Samples can be easily preserved at
4°C or in dry gases for a long storage, and reused later. (3) High lateral resolution is comparable
with TEM, the best of existing techniques. Presumably, this resolution can even be increased
because of the AFM’s ability to reach molecular resolution on biological samples [6-11].
Specifically for microtubules, the resolution of ca. was attained 5nm in recent work [32]. The
vertical resolution of presented here technique is well below the nanometer level, and surpasses
any existing techniques. Both vertical and lateral resolutions are easily reachable with a typical
commercial AFM. Finally, the technique requires only a basic contact AFM mode, so, the
method works with even the low-end AFMs.
Disadvantages of the proposed technique can be outlined as follows. (1) Cells have to be
treated. This excludes their scanning in-vitro. Despite almost every other technique requires to
do the same type of destructive treatment, some optical fluorescent imaging allows obtaining the
information about the cytoskeleton in-vitro. (2) The AFM is a surface analysis technique.
Therefore, it is impossible to get the information about inside fibers. The other transmission
techniques allow getting such information. (3) The treatment can potentially alter the
cytoskeleton. Despite the treatment is close to the cell fixation used for XTM, at the present
stage, it is not completely clear how the treatment can alter the cytoskeleton. Further study is
needed to elaborate the suggested method.
To draw to a close, the suggested technique appears to have some advantages over the
existing methods of studying the cytoskeleton. However, it clearly cannot provide all the
information that may be obtained by the other methods. The suggested technique can be
considered as a complimentary to the existing methods, giving in particular, rather accurate
information about surface density of cytoskeletal fibers, and the total amount of fibers.
I.S. is grateful to New York Center for Advanced Material processing (CAMP) and NSF (CCR-
0304143) for partial support of this work.
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Figure Legend
Fig.1. An AFM image of a part of a viable cell. Only some large fibers located close to the
membrane can be visualized.
Fig.2. 80 x80 µm2 AFM scan of one cell treated for 10 minutes, imaged in (a) HBSS solution,
and (b) the same cell imaged after drying in air. After drying the cytoskeleton and remaining
proteins collapse to the substrate. (The brighter the area, the greater it’s height.)
Fig.3. A 16x16 µm2 AFM scan of an area of the cytoskeleton imaged in HBSS solution (right),
and in air (left image).
Fig.4 The AFM images of the cellular cytoskeletons imaged in air. The bar size is 25 µm.
Fig.5. 77x77 µm2 AFM images of the same cytoskeleton: (a) with a small z-range to emphasize
the actin fibers, (b) with a large z-range to show the height features around the nucleus, (c) the
deflection image of the cytoskeleton.
Fig.6. 3.5x3.5 µm2 AFM image of actin fibers. The arrow indicates the change of the fiber height
from 12 to 6 nm.
Fig.7. Lesser density fibers would produce higher corrugated surface image scanned with the
Fig.8. A 100x100 µm2 AFM height scan of two different cytoskeletons, (a) and (b). The brighter
means the higher. (c), (d) are 25x25 µm2 zoomed areas of (a) and (b), respectively. Fig. (e) and
(f) are the height profiles taken along the lines shown in (c) and (d) correspondingly. Once can
see the higher density of the cytoskeleton in left figures, (a), (c), (e).
Fig.9. An example of statistical variation of the quantities, the volume/area ration and the SFDI
index, calculated over more than 20 cytoskeletons.
a b c
a b
c d
120 100
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
X[µm] X[µm]
e f
Fig.8 Fig.8
6 8
0 0
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0 1 2 3 4
Volume/area SFDI