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Teacher Questionnaire

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<Grade 4>
<TIMSS National Research Center Name>

© IEA, 2014
Teacher Questionnaire

Your school has agreed to participate in TIMSS 2015 Since TIMSS is an international study and all
(Trends in International Mathematics and Science countries are using the same questionnaire, you may
Study), an educational research project sponsored find that some of the questions seem unusual or are
by the International Association for the Evaluation not entirely relevant to you or schools in <country>.
of Educational Achievement (IEA). TIMSS measures Nevertheless, it is important that you do your best to
trends in student achievement in mathematics and answer all of the questions so comparisons can be
science and studies differences in national education made across countries in the studies.
systems in almost 60 countries in order to help It is estimated that you will need approximately
improve teaching and learning worldwide. 35 minutes to complete this questionnaire. We
This questionnaire is addressed to teachers of appreciate the time and effort that this takes and
<fourth grade> students, and seeks information thank you for your cooperation and contribution.
about teachers’ academic and professional When you have completed the questionnaire,
backgrounds, classroom resources, instructional please place it in the accompanying envelope and
practices, and attitudes toward teaching. Since your return it to:
class has been selected as part of a nationwide
sample, your responses are very important in <Insert country-specific information here>.
helping to describe primary/elementary education in
<country>. Thank you.
Some of the questions in the questionnaire refer
to the “TIMSS class” or “this class”. This is the class
that is identified on the front of this booklet, and
which will be tested as part of TIMSS in your school.
If you teach some but not all of the students in the
TIMSS class, please think only of the students that
you teach when answering these class-specific
questions. It is important that you answer each
question carefully so that the information that
you provide reflects your situation as accurately as

TIMSS 2015
About You

G1 G5
By the end of this school year, how many years will A. During your <post-secondary> education, what
you have been teaching altogether? was your major or main area(s) of study?
Check one circle for each line.
_____________ years
Please round to the nearest whole number. Yes
G2 a) Education—Primary/Elementary -------------- A A
Are you female or male?
b) Education—Secondary ------------------------- A A
Check one circle only.
c) Mathematics ------------------------------------- A A
Female --- A d) Science ------------------------------------------- A A
Male --- A
e) <language of test> ----------------------------- A A
f) Other --------------------------------------------- A A
How old are you?

Check one circle only.

B. If your major or main area of study was
Under 25 --- A education, did you have a <specialization>
in any of the following?
25–29 --- A
Check one circle for each line.
30–39 --- A
40–49 --- A No
50–59 --- A a) Mathematics ------------------------------------- A A
60 or more --- A b) Science ------------------------------------------- A A
G4 c) Language/reading ------------------------------- A A
What is the highest level of formal education you
have completed? d) Other subject ------------------------------------ A A
Check one circle only.

Did not complete <Upper secondary

education—ISCED Level 3> --- A
<Upper secondary education—
ISCED Level 3> --- A
(If you have not completed
<post-secondary or tertiary
education>, go to #G6)

<Post-secondary, non-tertiary
education—ISCED Level 4> --- A
<Short-cycle tertiary
education—ISCED Level 5> --- A
<Bachelor’s or equivalent
level—ISCED Level 6> --- A
<Master’s or equivalent
level—ISCED Level 7> --- A
<Doctor or equivalent
level—ISCED Level 8> --- A
<Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire
Questionnaire 12
School Emphasis on Academic Success

How would you characterize each of the following within your school?

Check one circle for each line. Check one circle for each line.
Very high Very high
High High
Medium Medium
Low Low
Very Very
low low
a) Teachers’ understanding of k) Students’ desire to do
the school’s curricular goals --- A A A A A well in school ------------------ A A A A A
b) Teachers’ degree of l) Students’ ability to reach
success in implementing school’s academic goals ------- A A A A A
the school’s curriculum -------- A A A A A
m) Students’ respect for
c) Teachers’ expectations classmates who excel
for student achievement ------ A A A A A in school ----------------------- A A A A A
d) Teachers working together n) Clarity of the school’s
to improve student educational objectives --------- A A A A A
achievement ------------------- A A A A A
o) Collaboration between
e) Teachers’ ability to school leadership and
inspire students ---------------- A A A A A teachers to plan instruction --- A A A A A
f) Parental involvement p) Amount of instructional
in school activities ------------- A A A A A support provided to teachers
by school leadership ----------- A A A A A
g) Parental commitment to
ensure that students are q) School leadership’s
ready to learn ------------------ A A A A A support for teachers’
professional development ----- A A A A A
h) Parental expectations for
student achievement ---------- A A A A A
i) Parental support for
student achievement ---------- A A A A A
j) Parental pressure for the
school to maintain high
academic standards ----------- A A A A A

23 <Grade
School Environment

G7 G8
Thinking about your current school, indicate the In your current school, how severe is each problem?
extent to which you agree or disagree with each of
the following statements. Check one circle for each line.
Not a problem
Check one circle for each line.
Minor problem
Agree a lot Moderate problem
Agree a little Serious
Disagree a little problem
Disagree a) The school building needs
a lot significant repair -------------- A A A A
a) This school is located in
a safe neighborhood ----------- A b) Teachers do not have
A A A adequate workspace (e.g., for
b) I feel safe at this school -------- A A A A preparation, collaboration,
or meeting with students) ---- A A A A
c) This school’s security policies
and practices are sufficient ---- A A A A c) Teachers do not have
adequate instructional
d) The students behave in an materials and supplies -------- A A A A
orderly manner ---------------- A A A A d) The school classrooms are
e ) The students are respectful not cleaned often enough ----- A A A A
of the teachers ----------------- A A A A e) The school classrooms need
f ) The students respect maintenance work ------------ A A A A
school property ---------------- A A A A f) Teachers do not have
g) This school has clear rules adequate technological
about student conduct -------- A A A A resources ----------------------- A A A A
h) This school's rules are g) Teachers do not have
enforced in a fair and adequate support for
consistent manner ------------- A A A A using technology -------------- A A A A

<Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire

Questionnaire 34
About Being a Teacher

G9 G10
How often do you have the following types of How often do you feel the following way
interactions with other teachers? about being a teacher?

Check one circle for each line. Check one circle for each line.
Very often Very often
Often Often
Sometimes Sometimes
Never or Never or
almost never almost never
a) Discuss how to teach a) I am content with my
a particular topic -------------- A A A A profession as a teacher -------- A A A A
b) Collaborate in planning b) I am satisfied with being
and preparing instructional a teacher at this school -------- A A A A
materials ----------------------- A A A A
c) I find my work full of
c) Share what I have meaning and purpose --------- A A A A
learned about my
teaching experiences ---------- A A A A d) I am enthusiastic
about my job ------------------- AA A A
d) Visit another classroom
to learn more about teaching - A A A A e) My work inspires me ----------- A A A A

e) Work together to f) I am proud of the work I do --- A A A A

try out new ideas -------------- A A A A g) I am going to continue
f) Work as a group on teaching for as long as I can --- A A A A
implementing the
curriculum --------------------- A A A A
g) Work with teachers from
other grades to ensure
continuity in learning --------- A A A A

45 <Grade
About Teaching the

G11 G12
Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree A. How many students are in this class?
with each of the following statements.

Check one circle for each line.

_____________ students
Write in the number.
Agree a lot
Agree a little
Disagree a little B. How many of the students in #G12A are in
Disagree <fourth grade>?
a lot
a) There are too many _____________ <fourth grade> students
students in the classes --------- A A A A Write in the number.

b) I have too much material to

cover in class ------------------- A A A A G13
c) I have too many teaching How many <fourth grade> students experience
hours --------------------------- A A A A difficulties understanding spoken <language of
d) I need more time to prepare test>?
for class ------------------------ A A A A
e) I need more time to assist _____________ students in this class
Write in the number.
individual students ------------ A A A A
f) I feel too much pressure
from parents ------------------- A A A A
g) I have difficulty keeping up
with all of the changes to the
curriculum --------------------- A A A A
h) I have too many administrative
tasks --------------------------- A A A A

<Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire

Questionnaire 56
G14 G15
How often do you do the following in teaching this In your view, to what extent do the following limit
class? how you teach this class?
Check one circle for each line. Check one circle for each line.
Every or almost every lesson Not at all
About half the lessons Some
Some lessons A lot
Never a) Students lacking prerequisite
a) Relate the lesson to knowledge or skills ------------ A A A
students’ daily lives ------------ A A A A b) Students suffering from
b) Ask students to explain lack of basic nutrition --------- A A A
their answers ------------------ A A A A c) Students suffering from
c) Bring interesting materials not enough sleep -------------- A A A
to class ------------------------- A A A A d) Disruptive students ------------ A A A
d) Ask students to complete
challenging exercises e) Uninterested students --------- A A A
that require them to
go beyond the instruction ----- A f) Students with physical
A A A disabilities --------------------- A A A
e) Encourage classroom
discussions among g) Students with mental,
students ----------------------- A emotional, or psychological
A A A disabilities --------------------- A A A
f) Link new content to
students’ prior knowledge ---- A A A A
g) Ask students to decide
their own problem
solving procedures ------------ A A A A
h) Encourage students to
express their ideas in class ---- A A A A

67 <Grade
Teaching Mathematics to the TIMSS Class

M1 M3
In a typical week, how much time do you spend In teaching mathematics to this class, how often do
teaching mathematics to the students in this class? you ask students to do the following?

Check one circle for each line.

_____________ minutes per week
Write in the number of minutes per week. Every or almost every lesson
Please convert the number of hours into minutes. About half the lessons
Some lessons
a) Listen to me explain new
In teaching mathematics to this class, how would mathematics content ---------- A A A A
you characterize your confidence in doing the
following? b) Listen to me explain how to
solve problems ---------------- A A A A
Check one circle for each line.
c) Memorize rules, procedures,
Very high
and facts ----------------------- A A A A
Medium d) Work problems (individually or
with peers) with my guidance - A A A A
a) Inspiring students e) Work problems together in the
to learn mathematics ---------- A A A A whole class with direct
guidance from me ------------- A A A A
b) Showing students a variety of
problem solving strategies ---- A A A A f) Work problems (individually or
with peers) while I am occupied
c) Providing challenging by other tasks ------------------ A A A A
tasks for the highest
achieving students ------------ A A A A g) Take a written test or quiz ----- A A A A
d) Adapting my teaching to h) Work in mixed ability groups -- A A A A
engage students’ interest ----- A A A A i) Work in same ability groups -- A A A A
e) Helping students appreciate
the value of learning
mathematics ------------------- A A A A
f) Assessing student
of mathematics ---------------- A A A A
g) Improving the understanding
of struggling students --------- A A A A
h) Making mathematics
relevant to students ----------- A A A A
i) Developing students’
thinking skills ------------------ A A A A

<Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire 81

Using Calculators and Computers for
Teaching Mathematics to the TIMSS Class

M4 M5
Are the students in this class permitted to use A. Do the students in this class have computers
calculators during mathematics lessons? (including tablets) available to use during their
mathematics lessons?
Check one circle only.
Check one circle only.
Yes, with unrestricted use --- A
Yes, with restricted use --- A
Yes ---A
No --- A
No, calculators are not permitted --- A
(If No, go to #M6)

If Yes,

B. What access do the students have to computers?

Check one circle for each line.
a) Each student has a computer -------------------- A A
b) The class has computers that students can
share --------------------------------------------- A A
c) The school has computers that the class can
use sometimes ----------------------------------- A A

C. How often do you have the students do the

following activities on computers during
mathematics lessons?
Check one circle for each line.
Every or almost every day
Once or twice a week
Once or twice a
Never or
a) Explore mathematics
principles and concepts -------- A A A A
b) Practice skills and procedures - A A A A
c) Look up ideas and
information -------------------- A A A A

92 <Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire

Mathematics Topics Taught to the TIMSS Class

The following list includes the main topics addressed by the TIMSS mathematics test. Choose the response that
best describes when the students in this class have been taught each topic. If a topic was in the curriculum before
the <fourth grade>, please choose “Mostly taught before this year.” If a topic was taught half this year but not
yet completed, please choose “Mostly taught this year.” If a topic is not in the curriculum, please choose “Not yet
taught or just introduced.”

Check one circle for each line.

Mostly taught before this year
Mostly taught this year
Not yet taught or
just introduced

A. Number
a) Concepts of whole numbers, including place value and ordering ----------------------------------------------------------- A A A
b) Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and/or dividing with whole numbers --------------------------------------------------- A A A
c) Concepts of multiples and factors; odd and even numbers ----------------------------------------------------------------- A A A
d) Concepts of fractions (fractions as parts of a whole or of a collection, or as a location on a number line) ----------------- A A A
e) Adding and subtracting with fractions, comparing and ordering fractions ------------------------------------------------- A A A
f) Concepts of decimals, including place value and ordering, adding and subtracting with decimals ----------------------- A A A
g) Number sentences (finding the missing number, modeling simple situations with number sentences) ------------------ A A A
h) Number patterns (extending number patterns and finding missing terms) ------------------------------------------------ A A A
B. Geometric Shapes and Measures
a) Lines: measuring, estimating length of; parallel and perpendicular lines -------------------------------------------------- A A A
b) Comparing and drawing angles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A
c) Using informal coordinate systems to locate points in a plane (e.g., in square B4) ----------------------------------------- A A A
d) Elementary properties of common geometric shapes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A
e) Reflections and rotations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A
f) Relationships between two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes ------------------------------------------------- A A A
g) Finding and estimating areas, perimeters, and volumes -------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A
C. Data Display
a) Reading and representing data from tables, pictographs, bar graphs, or pie charts --------------------------------------- A A A
b) Drawing conclusions from data displays ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A

<Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire 103

Mathematics Homework for Mathematics Assessment of
the TIMSS Class the TIMSS Class

M7 M8
A. How often do you usually assign mathematics How much emphasis do you place on the
homework to the students in this class? following sources to monitor students’ progress in
Check one circle only.
Check one circle for each line.
I do not assign mathematics
homework --- A Major emphasis
(Go to #M8) Some emphasis
Little or no
Less than once a week --- A emphasis
1 or 2 times a week --- A a) Assessment of students’
ongoing work ------------------ A A A
3 or 4 times a week --- A
b) Classroom tests (for
Every day --- A example, teacher-made or
textbook tests) ---------------- A A A
B. When you assign mathematics homework to the c) National or regional
students in this class, about how many minutes achievement tests ------------- A
do you usually assign? (Consider the time it would
take an average student in your class.)
Check one circle only.

15 minutes or less ---
16–30 minutes --- A
31–60 minutes --- A
More than 60 minutes --- A

C. How often do you do the following with the

mathematics homework assignments for this
Check one circle for each line.
Always or almost always
Never or almost
a) Correct assignments and
give feedback to students ----- A A A
b) Discuss the homework
in class ------------------------- A A A
c) Monitor whether or not the
homework was completed ---- A A A

4 <Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire
Preparation to Teach Mathematics

M9 M10
In the past two years, have you participated In the past two years, how many hours in total
in professional development in any of the have you spent in formal <in-service/professional
following? development> (e.g., workshops, seminars, etc.)
for mathematics?
Check one circle for each line.
Check one circle only.
No None --- A
a) Mathematics content ----------------------------A A Less than 6 hours --- A
b) Mathematics pedagogy/instruction ------------ A A 6–15 hours --- A
c) Mathematics curriculum ------------------------ A A 16–35 hours --- A

d) Integrating information More than 35 hours --- A

technology into mathematics ------------------- A A
e) Improving students’ critical thinking or
problem solving skills ---------------------------
f) Mathematics assessment ----------------------- A A
g) Addressing individual students’ needs ---------- A A

<Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire 125

How well prepared do you feel you are to teach the following mathematics topics?
If a topic is not in the <fourth grade> curriculum or you are not responsible for teaching this topic, please choose
“Not applicable.”

Check one circle for each line.

Not applicable
Very well prepared
Not well

A. Number
a) Concepts of whole numbers, including place value and ordering ----------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
b) Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and/or dividing with whole numbers --------------------------------------------------- A A A A
c) Concepts of multiples and factors; odd and even numbers ----------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
d) Concepts of fractions (fractions as parts of a whole or of a collection, or as a location on a number line) ----------------- A A A A
e) Adding and subtracting with fractions, comparing and ordering fractions ------------------------------------------------- A A A A
f) Concepts of decimals, including place value and ordering, adding and subtracting with decimals ----------------------- A A A A
g) Number sentences (finding the missing number, modeling simple situations with number sentences) ------------------ A A A A
h) Number patterns (extending number patterns and finding missing terms) ------------------------------------------------ A A A A
B. Geometric Shapes and Measures
a) Lines: measuring, estimating length of; parallel and perpendicular lines -------------------------------------------------- A A A A
b) Comparing and drawing angles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
c) Using informal coordinate systems to locate points in a plane (e.g., in square B4) ----------------------------------------- A A A A
d) Elementary properties of common geometric shapes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
e) Reflections and rotations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
f) Relationships between two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes ------------------------------------------------- A A A A
g) Finding and estimating areas, perimeters, and volumes -------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
C. Data Display
a) Reading and representing data from tables, pictographs, bar graphs, or pie charts --------------------------------------- A A A A
b) Drawing conclusions from data displays ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A

6 <Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire
Teaching Science to the TIMSS Class

S1 S2
A. Is science taught mainly as a separate subject (i.e., In teaching science to this class, how would you
not integrated with other subjects) to the students characterize your confidence in doing the following?
in this class?
Check one circle for each line.
Check one circle only.
Very high
Yes --- A High
No --- A
a) Inspiring students
B. Please estimate the time that you spend on science to learn science ---------------- A
topics with students in this class. A A A
b) Explaining science concepts
_____________ minutes per week or principles by doing
Write in the number of minutes per week. science experiments ----------- A A A A
Please convert the number of hours into minutes.
c) Providing challenging tasks
for the highest
achieving students ------------ A A A A
d) Adapting my teaching to
engage students’ interest ----- A A A A
e) Helping students appreciate
the value of learning
science ------------------------- A A A A
f) Assessing student
comprehension of science ----- A A A A
g) Improving the understanding
of struggling students --------- A A A A
h) Making science
relevant to students ----------- A A A A
i) Developing students’
thinking skills ------------------ A A A A
j) Teaching science using inquiry
methods ----------------------- A A A A

<Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire

Questionnaire 141
Using Computers for Teaching
Science to the TIMSS Class

S3 S4
In teaching science to the students in this class, how A. Do the students in this class have computers
often do you ask them to do the following? (including tablets) available to use during their
science lessons?
Check one circle for each line.
Check one circle only.
Every or almost every lesson
About half the lessons Yes --- A
Some lessons
No --- A
(If No, go to #S5)
a) Listen to me explain
new science content ----------- A A A A
If Yes,
b) Observe natural phenomena
such as the weather or a
plant growing and describe B. What access do the students have to computers?
what they see ------------------ A A A A
Check one circle for each line.
c) Watch me demonstrate an
experiment or investigation --- A A A A Yes
d) Design or plan experiments
or investigations --------------- A A A A a) Each student has a computer -------------------- A A
e) Conduct experiments or b) The class has computers that students can
investigations ------------------ A A A A share --------------------------------------------- A A
f) Present data from experiments c) The school has computers that the class can
or investigations --------------- A A A A use sometimes ----------------------------------- A A
g) Interpret data from experiments
or investigations --------------- A C. How often do you have the students do the
A A A following activities on computers during
h) Use evidence from experiments science lessons?
or investigations to support
conclusions -------------------- A A A A Check one circle for each line.
Every or almost every day
i) Read their textbooks or
other resource materials ------ A A A A Once or twice a week
Once or twice a
j) Have students memorize month
facts and principles ------------ A A A A Never or
k) Do field work outside the class A A A A never
a) Practice skills and procedures - A A A A
l) Take a written test or quiz ----- A A A A
b) Look up ideas and
m) Work in mixed ability groups -- A A A A information -------------------- A A A A
n) Work in same ability groups -- A A A A c) Do scientific procedures
or experiments ----------------- A A A A
d) Study natural phenomena
through simulations ----------- A A A A

2 <Grade
Science Topics Taught to the TIMSS Class

The following list includes the main topics addressed by the TIMSS science test. Choose the response that best describes
when the students in this class have been taught each topic. If a topic was in the curriculum before the <fourth grade>, please
choose “Mostly taught before this year.” If a topic was taught half this year but not yet completed, please choose “Mostly
taught this year.” If a topic is not in the curriculum, please choose “Not yet taught or just introduced.”

Check one circle for each line.

Mostly taught before this year
Mostly taught this year
Not yet taught or
just introduced

A. Life Science
a) Characteristics of living things and the major groups of living things (e.g., mammals, birds, insects,
flowering plants) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A
b) Major body structures and their functions in humans, other animals, and plants ------------------------------------------ A A A
c) Life cycles of common plants and animals (e.g., humans, butterflies, frogs, flowering plants) ---------------------------- A A A
d) Understanding that some characteristics are inherited and some are the result of the environment ---------------------- A A A
e) How physical features and behaviors help living things survive in their environments ------------------------------------ A A A
f) Relationships in communities and ecosystems (e.g., simple food chains, predator-prey relationships,
human impacts on the environment) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A
g) Human health (transmission and prevention of diseases, symptoms of health and illness, importance of a
healthy diet and exercise) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A
B. Physical Science
a) States of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and properties of the states of matter (volume, shape); how the state of
matter changes by heating or cooling ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A
b) Classifying materials based on physical properties (e.g., weight/mass, volume, conducting heat,
conducting electricity, magnetic attraction) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A
c) Mixtures and how to separate a mixture into its components (e.g., sifting, filtering, evaporation, using a magnet) ----- A A A
d) Chemical changes in everyday life (e.g., decaying, burning, rusting, cooking) --------------------------------------------- A A A
e) Common sources of energy (e.g., the Sun, electricity, wind) and uses of energy (heating and cooling homes,
providing light) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A
f) Light and sound in everyday life (e.g., understanding shadows and reflection, understanding that vibrating objects
make sound) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A A A
g) Electricity and simple circuits (e.g., identifying materials that are conductors, recognizing that electricity can be
changed to light or sound, knowing that a circuit must be complete to work correctly) ----------------------------------- A A A
h) Properties of magnets (e.g., knowing that like poles repel and opposite poles attract, recognizing that magnets
can attract some objects) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A
i) Forces that cause objects to move (e.g., gravity, pushing/pulling) ---------------------------------------------------------- A A A

<Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire

Questionnaire 163
Choose the response that best describes when the students in this class have been taught each topic. If a topic was in the
curriculum before the <fourth grade>, please choose “Mostly taught before this year.” If a topic was taught half this year but
not yet completed, please choose “Mostly taught this year.” If a topic is not in the curriculum, please choose “Not yet taught or
just introduced.”

Check one circle for each line.

Mostly taught before this year
Mostly taught this year
Not yet taught or
just introduced

C. Earth Science
a) Common features of the Earth’s landscape (e.g., mountains, plains, deserts, rivers, oceans) and their relationship to
human use (farming, irrigation, land development) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A A A
b) Where water is found on the Earth and how it moves in and out of the air (e.g., evaporation, rainfall, cloud formation,
dew formation) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A
c) Understanding that weather can change from day to day, from season to season, and by geographic location ---------- A A A
d) Understanding what fossils are and what they can tell us about past conditions on Earth--------------------------------- A A A
e) Objects in the solar system (the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, and other planets) and their movements (the Earth and
other planets revolve around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth) ----------------------------------------------- A A A
f) Understanding how day and night result from the Earth’s rotation on its axis and how the Earth’s rotation results in
changing shadows throughout the day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A
g) Understanding how seasons are related to the Earth’s annual movement around the Sun -------------------------------- A A A

417 <Grade4>
<Grade 4>Teacher
Science Homework Science Assessment
for the TIMSS Class of the TIMSS Class

S6 S7
A. How often do you usually assign science How much emphasis do you place on the following
homework to the students in this class? sources to monitor students’ progress in science?
Check one circle only. Check one circle for each line.
I do not assign science Major emphasis
homework --- A Some emphasis
(Go to #S7) Little or no
Less than once a week --- A a) Assessment of students’
1 or 2 times a week --- A ongoing work ------------------ A A A
3 or 4 times a week --- A b) Classroom tests (for
example, teacher-made or
Every day --- A textbook tests) ---------------- A A A
c) National or regional
B. When you assign science homework to the achievement tests ------------- A A A
students in this class, about how many minutes
do you usually assign? (Consider the time it would
take an average student in your class.)
Check one circle only.

15 minutes or less ---
16–30 minutes --- A
31–60 minutes --- A
More than 60 minutes --- A

C. How often do you do the following with the

science homework assignments for this class?
Check one circle for each line.
Always or almost always
Never or almost
a) Correct assignments and
give feedback to students ----- A A A
b) Discuss the homework
in class ------------------------- A A A
c) Monitor whether or not the
homework was completed ---- A A A

<Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire

Questionnaire 185
Preparation to Teach Science

S8 S9
In the past two years, have you participated In the past two years, how many hours in total
in professional development in any of the have you spent in formal <in-service/professional
following? development> (e.g., workshops, seminars, etc.)
for science?
Check one circle for each line.
Check one circle only.
No None --- A
a) Science content ----------------------------------A A Less than 6 hours --- A
b) Science pedagogy/instruction ------------------ A A 6–15 hours --- A
c) Science curriculum ------------------------------ A A 16–35 hours --- A

d) Integrating information More than 35 hours --- A

technology into science ------------------------- A A
e) Improving students’ critical thinking or
inquiry skills -------------------------------------
f) Science assessment ------------------------------ A A
g) Addressing individual students’ needs ---------- A A
h) Integrating science with other subjects
(e.g., mathematics, technology)----------------- A A

6 <Grade
How well prepared do you feel you are to teach the following science topics?
If a topic is not in the <fourth grade> curriculum or you are not responsible for teaching this topic, please choose
“Not applicable.”

Check one circle for each line.

Not applicable
Very well prepared
Not well

A. Life Science
a) Characteristics of living things and the major groups of living things (e.g., mammals, birds, insects,
flowering plants)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
b) Major body structures and their functions in humans, other animals, and plants ------------------------------------------ A A A A
c) Life cycles of common plants and animals (e.g., humans, butterflies, frogs, flowering plants) ---------------------------- A A A A
d) Understanding that some characteristics are inherited and some are the result of the environment ---------------------- A A A A
e) How physical features and behaviors help living things survive in their environments ------------------------------------ A A A A
f) Relationships in communities and ecosystems (e.g., simple food chains, predator-prey relationships,
human impacts on the environment) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
g) Human health (transmission and prevention of diseases, symptoms of health and illness, importance of a
healthy diet and exercise) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
B. Physical Science
a) States of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and properties of the states of matter (volume, shape); how the state of
matter changes by heating or cooling ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
b) Classifying materials based on physical properties (e.g., weight/mass, volume, conducting heat,
conducting electricity, magnetic attraction) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A
c) Mixtures and how to separate a mixture into its components (e.g., sifting, filtering, evaporation, using a magnet) ----- A A A A
d) Chemical changes in everyday life (e.g., decaying, burning, rusting, cooking) --------------------------------------------- A A A A
e) Common sources of energy (e.g., the Sun, electricity, wind) and uses of energy (heating and cooling homes,
providing light) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
f) Light and sound in everyday life (e.g., understanding shadows and reflection, understanding that vibrating objects
make sound) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A A A A
g) Electricity and simple circuits (e.g., identifying materials that are conductors, recognizing that electricity can be
changed to light or sound, knowing that a circuit must be complete to work correctly) ----------------------------------- A A A A
h) Properties of magnets (e.g., knowing that like poles repel and opposite poles attract, recognizing that magnets
can attract some objects) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A A A A
i) Forces that cause objects to move (e.g., gravity, pushing/pulling) ---------------------------------------------------------- A A A A

<Grade 4> Teacher Questionnaire

Questionnaire 207
How well prepared do you feel you are to teach the following science topics?
If a topic is not in the <fourth grade> curriculum or you are not responsible for teaching this topic, please choose
“Not applicable.”

Check one circle for each line.

Not applicable
Very well prepared
Not well

C. Earth Science
a) Common features of the Earth’s landscape (e.g., mountains, plains, deserts, rivers, oceans) and their relationship to
human use (farming, irrigation, land development) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A A A A
b) Where water is found on the Earth and how it moves in and out of the air (e.g., evaporation, rainfall, cloud formation,
dew formation) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A
c) Understanding that weather can change from day to day, from season to season, and by geographic location ---------- A A A A
d) Understanding what fossils are and what they can tell us about past conditions on Earth--------------------------------- A A A A
e) Objects in the solar system (the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, and other planets) and their movements (the Earth and
other planets revolve around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth) ----------------------------------------------- A A A A
f) Understanding how day and night result from the Earth’s rotation on its axis and how the Earth’s rotation results in
changing shadows throughout the day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A
g) Understanding how seasons are related to the Earth’s annual movement around the Sun -------------------------------- A A A A

8 <Grade
Thank You
Thank you for the thought, time, and effort you have
put into completing this questionnaire.

<Grade 4>

© IEA, 2014
International Association
for the Evaluation of
Educational Achievement


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