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BA 5019 SHRM Question Bank

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SEMESTER: III Semester/ II Year



Meaning – Strategic framework for HRM and HRD – Vision, Mission and Values
– Importance – Challenges to Organization’s – HRD Functions - Roles of HRD
Professionals - HRD Needs Assessment - HRD practices – Measures of HRD
performance – Links to HR, Strategy and Business Goals – HRD Program
Implementation and Evaluation – Recent trends – Strategic Capability, Bench
Marking and HRD Audit.

1. Define Strategic Human Resource Management
2. Compare HRD and HRM.
3. Identify two vision statements of a company of your choice
4. Classify the types of on –the –job training.
5. What is meant by HRD functions & HRD Audit?
6. In your opinion what are the recent trends in HRD.
7. Define HRM.
8. Compare objectives and goals.
9. How would you show your understanding of the framework of HRM competencies?
10. What are the current challenges for HRM?
11. How would you evaluate the ROI of training?
12. What is procedure followed in a HRD audit of a company?
13. What is meant by the term benchmarking?
14. What is HRD Audit?
15. How would you show your understanding on the term HRD programme evaluation?
16. Why is strategic assessment needed?
17. Define company’s mission and vision
18. Classify the different types of Bench Marking.
19. How would you apply Competency mapping in an organization?
20. What is meant by Strategic Capability?

Define Strategic Human Resource Management. How would you describe the framework of
1) Strategic Human Resource Management Process? State the objectives & recent trends in
What is Benchmarking? State its characteristics, Discuss about the different types of
benchmarking. State its advantages and dis- advantages.

(i) How are business goals and strategy linked? Give e x a m p l e s. (ii) List the levels of
HRD need assessment.

Comment on the role of HRD professionals in strategizing their functions in the organization.
Explain the different challenges faced by them in current scenario

5) What is the necessity of integrating organizational mission with HRD?

6) Explain the links between HR, Strategy and business goals with examples.

7) Explain the steps involved in HRD program implementation and evaluation.

8) Discuss the role of the Human Resource Manager in Strategic Planning

In what ways does the HRD function relate to the organization strategy? Give contextual

1) HR Managers play a vital role in managing today’s workforce- Discuss.
Why some organizations that fail to invest heavily in human assets still be financially
3) What is the most important workplace trends affecting HR today?


e- Employee profile– e- selection and recruitment - Virtual learning and

Orientation – e - training and development – e- Performance management and
Compensation design – Development and Implementation of HRIS – Designing
HR portals – Issues in employee privacy – Employee surveys online.

1) Define e-Employee profile
2) What is meant by outsourcing?
3) What do you mean by the term e-training and development?
4) List the challenges in outsourcing
5) Can you assess the value or importance of employee privacy?
6) Write short note on e-recruiters in India
7) What is a HR portal?
8) How is e-training conducted
9) What are the benefits of e-selection?
10) Outline what is meant by compensation design?
11) What is meant by repatriation?
12) Define recruitment.
13) Outline the scope of internal sourcing.
14) Using theory briefly explain about E-selection?
15) Why is virtual learning important?
16) What is meant by HRIS?
17) State any two differences between e-recruitment and e-selection.
18) What do you mean by e-orientation?

19) How do you design a HR portal?


1) Explain E-Selection and E-Recruitment pointing out its advantages.

Explain the steps involved in the e-recruitment process if you are a HR involved in the
recruitment process of your concern?

3) Examine the concepts of virtual learning and orientation

Explain the components required for best virtual learning environment Outline the benefits of
virtual learning?

5) What is e-orientation? List out its merits.

6) How is e-compensation system designed in an organization?

7) How will merger create value and when will this Value will be be realized.

8) What problems can result from cutting corners to save time or money in staffing process?
UNIT – 3

Domestic Vs International HRM - Cultural Dynamics - Culture Assessment - Cross

Cultural Education and Training Programs – Leadership and Strategic HR Issues in
International Assignments - Current challenges in Outsourcing, Cross border
Mergers and Acquisitions - Repatriation etc - Building Multicultural Organisation -
International Compensation

1) Define International Corporation.

2) Mention any two problems relating to international compensation procedures

3) Write about the benefits of joint venture.

4) Can you assess the advantages of cross-cultural training?

5) Write short note on International Compensation.

6) What is meant by acquisition or take over?

7) What are the responsibilities of HR manager in a MNC?

8) What does cultural assessment mean?

9) What is cultural dynamics?

10) Outline the scope of cross border mergers.

11) Compare between expatriation and repatriation

12) Define outsourcing.


1) Examine and explain the factors affecting International HRM.

2) Discuss the steps involved in building and running a multi- cultural organization

3) Explain about cross cultural education and training programs

4) Distinguish between Domestic HRM and International HRM

5) Explain the Recent trends with reference to Mergers and Acquisitions.

6) Discuss about cross cultural mergers and acquisitions

7) How the outsourcing the helps the HR Managers.

UNIT – 4
Career Concepts – Roles – Career stages – Career planning and Process – Career
development Models– Career Motivation and Enrichment –Managing Career Plateaus-
Designing Effective Career Development Systems – Competencies and Career Management
– Competency Mapping Models – Equity and Competency based Compensation

1) Define Career.

2) What is Career Planning?

3) Give the benefits of Career Management.

4) Enumerate the stages in Career development

5) Define competency mapping development?

6) Explain the concept of career motivation

7) Explain the concept of Career Development

8) What is meant by Career plateau?


1) How do the employees in an organization manage their career plateaus?

2) Bring out the steps in career planning and process.
3) Explain four models of career development with suitable examples.
4) Discuss the components of Career motivation?
5) Explain in detail concepts and roles of career.
How does global human resource management differ from domestic human resource
7) How can employees be more successful with retention of Repatriates?
8) Trace the impact of Training and Development on employee performance and productivity.
UNIT – 5

Need for Coaching – Role of HR in coaching – Coaching and Performance – Skills

for Effective Coaching – Coaching Effectiveness– Need for Counseling – Role of
HR in Counseling - Components of Counseling Programs – Counseling
Effectiveness – Employee Health and Welfare Programs – Work Stress – Sources
Consequences – Stress Management Techniques - Eastern and Western Practices -
Self Management and Emotional Intelligence.


1) Define coaching.

2) State the role of HR in coaching.

3) Can you identify the consequences of stress in an organization?

4) Differentiate between Counselling and Coaching.

5) What is meant by employee health?

6) How would you explain emotional intelligence?

7) What are the symptoms of Stress?

8) Can you identify the different objectives of coaching?

9) Define Stress.
1) What are the different types of employee welfare programmes?

2) Explain about the Coaching Process with appropriate examples

3) Elaborate on Employee health and welfare programs provided in an organisation.

4) Discuss about the management’s role in safety and health of employees.

Compare and contrast job enlargement, rotation and enrichment. How are they similar to and different from
each other?

6) What are the guidelines for promoting emotional intelligence in an organization?

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