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ch-1 Test

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Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Questions 04. Identify x and y in the following

01. Which one of the following process reaction
involve chemical reactions? Cu +xHNO 3 -.....:a.>Cu(NO 3 ) 2 +yNO 2
(a) Storing of oxygen gas under pressure in a gas +2H 2 0
cylinder (a)4 and 2 (b) 3 and 5
(b) Liquefaction of air (c) 2 and 3 (d) 4 and 4
(c) Keeping petrol in a China dish in the open 05. The foil owing reaction is an example of
(d) Heating copper wire in the presence of air at
high temperature
CaO(s) + H 2 0(l) > Ca(OH) 2 (aq)
I. Displacement reaction
02. The number of atoms of each element is
conserved in any chemical reaction. II. Combination reaction
III. Decomposition reaction
(a) True
IV Exothermic reaction
(b) False
(c) Can't say (a) Only(III) (b)(I) and (111)
(d) Partially true/false (c)(ll)and(IV) (d)Only(I)

03. Complete the missing variables given as ' 06. Ferrous sulphate crystals lose water
x' and 'y' in the following reaction: when heated. How many molecules of
water are lost?
Pb(NO 2 ) 2 (aq) + 2K1 {aq) > Pbl 2 (x) (a) 5 (b)7
+KNO3 (y) (c)2 (d)4
(a)oq and aq
(b)s ands 07. Heating of limestone produces
(d)oq ands (a) slaked lime (b) quick lime
{d)s andaq (c) lime water (d) caustic soda
08. Carbon dioxide gas burns with a pop 14. _T he carbonate of metal lead is a white
sound when a burning candle is solid. It decomposes when heated to
brought near it. form carbon dioxide and a yellow solid
(a) True oxide 'X'. What is X?
(b) False (a) Zinc oxide (b) Lead oxide
(c) Can't say (c) Silver oxide (d) Magnesium oxide
(d) Partially true/false
15. Which of the foil owing is exothermic
09. The formation of quick lime and reaction?
carbon dioxide from calcium (a) Dissolution of sodium hydroxide in water
carbonate is an example of (b) Evaporation of water
(a) photochemical decomposition reaction (c) Sublimation of silver chloride
(b)thermal decomposition reaction (d) Dissolution of salt in water
(c) oxidation reaction
(d) displacement reaction 16. Identify the endothermic process from
the following:
10. Electrolysis of water is a (a)H 2 0(/)~ H2 0(g)
decomposition reaction. The mole (b)CaO(s)+ H20(/)~ Ca(OH) 2 (aq)
ratio of hydrogen and oxygen gases (c) Combustion of methane
liberated during electrolysis of water is (d) Addition of cone. HCI to water.
(a)l :1 (b)2 :1
(c)4 :1 (d)l :2
17. When zinc granules are reacted with
dilute sulphuric acid, then which of the
11. Which of the following can be following gas is evolved?
decomposed by the action of sunlight? (a) Oxygen gas
(a) KBr (b) Sulphur dioxide gas
(b) AgBr (c) Hydrogen gas
le) MgO (d) Hydrogen sulphide gas
18. Which of the following gives
12. What will happen, when silver reddish-brown precipitate on mixing?
chloride is placed in sunlight for (a)FeCl 3 + NH 40H (b)NaCI + H20
sometime? (c) AgN0 3 + NH 40H (d)CuS0 4 + H2S
(a) White silver chloride changes into grey 19. The following reaction is an example of
coloured compound 6
Fe 2 0 3 + 2Al >2Fe + Al 2 0 3
(b) Decomposition takes place
(c) Both(a)and(b)takes place (a) thermal decomposition reaction
(d) Nothing will happen (b) displacement reaction
(c) double displacement reaction
13. The heating of lead nitrate produces ( d) neutralisation reaction
brown fumes of 'X' gas. Identify 'X'
from the following. 20. Which of the fallowing is incorrect
(a) Lead oxide statement?
(b) Oxygen (a) Mg is more reactive than H
(c) Nitrogen dioxide (b) Fe is less reactive than Zn
(c) Cu is more reactive than Al
(d) Oinitrogen oxide
(d) Ag is less reactive than Cu
21. What happens when copper rod is (bl double displacement reaction
dipped in iron sulphate solution? (c) decomposition reaction
(d) neutralisation reaction
I. Copper displaces iron.
II. Blue colour of copper sulphate 26. In the double displacement reaction
solution is obtained. between aqueous potassium iodide and
III. Reaction is exothermic. aqueous lead nitrate, a yellow
precipitate of lead iodide is formed.
IV. No reaction takes place.
While performing the activity if lead
(a)(I) and (II) (b)(I), (11) and (Ill)
nitrate is not available, which of the
(c) Only(!) (d) Only(IV)
following can be used in place of lead
22. What happens, when chlorine water is nitrate? (NCERT Exemplar)
added to KI solution? (a) Lead sulphate (insoluble)
(a) 12 (aq) is formed (b) Lead acetate
(b) 10; ions of white coloured are produced (c) Ammonium nitrate
(c) KOH is formed (d) Potassium sulphate
(d) HCl(g) is evolved.
27. In a double displacement reaction such
23. Match chemical compound given in the as the reaction between sodium
Column I with its colour given in sulphate solution and barium chloride
Column II and select the correct solution:
answer using the options given below: I. Exchange of atoms takes place.
Column I
II. Exchange of ions takes place.
(Chemical (Colour of their III. A precipitate is produced.
compounds) comeound) IV. An insoluble salt is produced.
A Barium sulphate 1. Colourless The correct option is (CBSE 2020)
B. Ferrous sulphate 2. Blue (a) (II) and (IV) (b) (I) and (llll
C. Copper sulphate 3. Green (light) (c) Only(II) (dl (Ill) and (IV)

D. Zinc sulphate 4. White 28. The process of respiration is . . . . . . .

(a) oxidation and exothermic
(bl reduction and endothermic
(a) 1 3 4 2 (c) oxidation and endothermic
(b) 4 2 1 3 (dl reduction and exothermic
(cl 2 4 3 2 29. When magnesium ribbon is burnt,
(d) 4 3 2 which of the following statements is
24. Complete the following reaction: observed?
(a) Magnesium burns with white flame and
NaCl(aq)+ AgNO 3 (aq)~ ...... + ······ changes into white powder
(a) Na Ag(N0 3 )CI (b) NaN0 2 , AgOCI
(bl Magnesium burns with white flame and
(c) NaN0 3 , AgCl 2 (d) NaN0 3 , AgCI changes into black powder
25. The reaction in which two compounds (c) Magnesium burns with yellow flame and
changes into yellow powder
exchange their ions to form two new
(d) Magnesium burns with yellow flame and
compounds is changes into white powder
(a) precipitation reaction
30. Fire flies glow at night due to ....... of 36. A dilute ferrous sulphate solution was
luciferin (protein). gradually added to the beaker
(a) reduction (b} oxidation containing acidified permanganate
(c) combustion (d) displacement solution. The light purple colour of th
solution fades and finally disappears. e
31. The addition of phosphorus and
oxygen gives a product. This reaction is Which of the following is the correct
an example of ......... reaction. explanation for the observation?
(a) KMn0 4 is an oxidising agent, it oxidises
(a) decomposition (b) precipitation
FeS0 4
(c} oxidation (d) reduction
(b) FeS0 4 acts as an oxidising agent and
32. The following reaction is an example of oxidises KMn0 4
which type of reaction: (c) The colour disappears due to dilution, no
reaction is involved
2KC10 3 (s) t,. > 2KCl(s) + 30 2 (q) (d) KMn0 4 is an unstable compound and
(a) Reduction reaction decomposes in the presence of FeS0 4 to a
(b) Oxidation reaction colourless compound
(c) Displacement reaction 37. Identify the reducing agent in the
(d) Exothermic reaction following reaction:
33. Which of the following statements H 20 + F2 ~ HF + HOF
about the given reaction are correct? (a)H 20 (b)F2
(c) HF (d) HOF
2Fe(s) +4H 2 O(/)~ Fe 3 O 4 (s)+4H 2 (g)
I. Iron metal is getting oxidised. 38. The following reaction is a type of ..... .
II. Water is getting reduced. reaction.
PbO+ H2 ~ Pb+ H2O
III. Water is acting as reducing agent.
(a) oxidation (b) reduction
IV. Water is acting as oxidising agent. (c) redox (d) decomposition
(a) (I), (11) and (111) (NCERT Exemplar)
(b) (111) and (IV) 39. Match chemical reactions given in the
(c) (1), (II) and (IV) Column I with the type of chemical
(d) (11) and (IV) reactions given in the Column II and
select the correct answer using the
34. Identify the oxidising agent in the options given below:
MnO 2 + 4HC1 ~ MnCl 2 +Cl 2 + 2H 2O Column I Column n
(Chemical (Types of chemical
(a)Mn0 2 (b)MnCl 2
reactions) reactions)
(c) HCI (d) H20
A. Formation ofNH 3 1. Decomposition
35. In the equation, from N2 and H2 -- - - - -
Pb 3 0 4 +8HCI ~ 3PbCl 2 +Cl 2 +4H 2 O, B. Calcination of zinc 2. Double
carbonate displacement
the substance, Pb 3 O4 acts as
(a) an oxidising agent C. Rusting of iron 3. Combination
(b) an acid
D. Reaction of aqueous 4. Redox
(c) a reducing agent BaC¼ solution with
(d) a dehydrating agent dil. H2S04
Codes 45. Which of the following gases can ~e used
A B C D for storage of fresh sample of an 011 for a
(al 3 4 2 long time?
(bl 3 4 2 1 (a) Carbon dioxide or oxygen
(cl 1 4 3 2 (bl Nitrogen or oxygen
(dl 4 3 2 (cl Carbon dioxide or helium
(di Helium or nitrogen
40. Gold is a metal which does not
corrode when exposed to the 46. Match the chemical reactions given in the
atmosphere. Column I with the gas evolved given in
(al True the Column II and select the correct
(bl False answer using the options given below:
(cl Can't say Column I Column D
(dl Partially true/false (Reactions) (Gas evolved)
- - --
41. The iron rod is covered with A. Zinc granules are treated I. 02

reddish-brown layer which damages with dilute H 2 SO 4 •

the surface of rod. Which of the B. Calcium carbonate on 2. CO2
following method can be used to reacting with HCI.
prevent its damage? C. Lead nitrate is heated 3. H2
(al By covered it with layer of base strongly in a hard glass
(bl By covered it with thin layer of zinc test tube.
(cl By covered it with layer of dilute acid D. Decom___position of KC103 4. N02
(dl By covered its with layer of copper -
42. Chemically, rust is ...... . A B C D
(al hydrated ferrous oxide (a) 3 4 2 1
(bl only ferric oxide (b) ·3 2 4 3
(cl hydrated ferric oxide (c) 1 3 4 2
(d) None of the above (d) 3 2 4

43. Food items made up of oils and fats Assertion-Reasoning MCQs-

are flushed with nitrogen gas Direction (Q.Nos. 4 7 -54) For question numbers
I. to protect them from being rancid. two statements are given-one labeled Assertion
II. to protect their taste. (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). Select the
III. to maintain the weight of food. correct answer to these questions from the codes
(a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below.
IV. to enhance their flavour.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is correct
The correct statements are explanation of the A.
(a) (I), (11) and (llll (bl Both A and Rare true but R is not the correct
(bl (ll)and (IV) explanation of the A.
(c)(l)and(II) (c) A is true but R is false.
(dl All of the above (d) A is false but R is true.
44. ......... are used to prevent rancidity of 47. Assertion The following chemical equation,
food. 7
(a) Acids (bl Anti-oxidants 2C6H6 + 0 2 ~4C0 2 +3H2 0
(cl Galvanisation items (d) Anti - reductants is a balanced chemical equation.
Reason In a balanced chemical Case Based MCOs
equation, the total number of at_oms of 55. Read the fallowing and answer question
each element is equal on both side of from (i) to (v). s
the equation.
Chemical reactions involve the breaking
48. Assertion CaCO 3 a ➔ CaO + CO2
and making of bonds between atoms to
Reason Photochem ical decomposi tion produce new substances . During a
occurs in the presence of sunlight. chemical reaction atoms of one element do
49. Assertion Quicklime reacts vigorously not change into those of another
with water releasing a large amount of element. Nor do, atoms disappear from
heat. the mixture or appear from elsewhere.
Reason The above chemical reaction is There are certain types of reactions.
an exothermic reaction. Reactions in which a single product is
50. Assertion Photosynthesis is considered formed from two or more reactants is
as an endothermi c reaction. known as a combinatio n reactions.
Reason Energy gets released in the Decompos ition reactions are the reaction
process of photosynthesis. in which a compound breaks down into
simpler compound s.
51. Assertion Fe2 0 3 + 2Al ~ Al 2 0 3 + 2Fe
Displacem ent and double displacement
The above chemical equation is an reactions are one in which an atom or
example of displaceme nt reaction. group of atom is replaced by another.
Reason Aluminium being more reactive A double displaceme nt reaction usually
than iron, displaces Fe from its oxide. occurs in solution and one of products,
52. Assertion Reaction between silver being insoluble, percipitate out (separate
nitrate and potassium chloride is a as a solid). Another of reaction is redox
precipitatio n reaction. reactions in which simultaneo us oxidation
Reason Precipitation reaction produces and reduction takes place.
insoluble salt. (i) Which of the following reactions
involved the combination of two
53. Assertion In the following chemical element?
equation, (a) CaO + CO 2 ~ CaCO 2
CuO(s) + Zn (s) ~ ZnO(s) +Cu(.f) (b)4Na+ 0 2 ~ 2Na2 0
Z~c is_ getti~g oxidised and copper 1
(c)S0 2 + - 0 2 ~ S0 3
made 1s getting reduced. 2
Reason The process in which oxygen is (d)NH 3 + HCI~ NH 4CI
added to a substance is called oxidation {ii) Consider the reaction
whereas the process in which oxygen is Fe 2 0 3 + 2Al--➔ Al 2 0 3 + 2Fe
removed from a substance is called The· above reaction is an example of
reduction. (a) combination reaction
54. Aasertion Corrosion involves the (b) double displacement reaction
damage or deterioratio n of metal (c) decompositio n reaction
component s. (d) simple displacement reaction

Reason The reduction reaction occurs (iii) The equation,

between metal and atmospheri c gases. Mg(s) + CuO{s) --➔ MgO(s) + Cu(s)
1. decomp osition reaction (i) The correct observat ion was made by
l I. displace ment reaction the student
(a)P (b)O (c)R (d)S
lll. combina tion reaction
IV. double displace ment reaction (ii) When magnesium ribbon burnt it
V. redox reaction produce s
(a) magnesiu m hydroxi de
(a) I and II (b) Ill and IV
(b) magnesiu m oxide
(c) II and V (d) IV and V
(c) magnesiu m chloride
(iv} Which of the following is a (d) magnesiu m carbonate
decompo sition reaction?
{iii) The magnesi um ribbon must be
(al 2Hg0 Heat ' 2Hg + 02
cleaned before burning in air so as to
(bl CaC0 3 Heat , Cao+ CO 2 (al remove the layer of MgO
(c) 2HgO Electrolysis I H2 + 02 (bl remove the layer of Mg(OH) 2
(d) All of the above (c) remove the dirt
(dl remove the layer of rust
(v} CuO + H 2 ----+ H 2 0 + Cu reaction is
an example of {iv} The type of reaction involved in this
(a) redox reaction (bl synthesis Reaction
experim ent is
(a l decom position reaction
(c) neutralisa tion (d) analysis reaction
(bl displacem ent reaction
56. Read the following and answer question (c) combinat ion reaction
from (i) to (v). (d) combust ion reaction
A magnesi um ribbon 'X' was taken by (v} The yellow flame indicates
four students P, Q,, Rand S and they (a) the complete combusti on
cleaned it by sand paper. 2 cm 'X' and a (b) the flame is not very hot
piece of coat 'Y' were taken in a watch (c) an incomple te combusti on
glass by four students . On burning 'X' (d) oxygen supply is high
and 'Y' by using burner following 57. Read the followin g and answer question s
abservat ion were recorded in the form of from (i) to (v).
table as given below:
Oxidatio n has damagin g effect on
Observa tions Flame's Residue metals as well as on food.
by Item
colour obtained The damaging effect of oxidatio n is
X Dazzling Greyish ash studied as corrosio n and that on food is
p white studied as rancidity .
y Yellowish Black ash Corrosio n causes damage to car bodies,
X Dazzling White bridges, iron railings, ships and all
white powder objects made of metals, specially those
Q, of iron, present in the atmosph ere. Every
y Sooty Blackish grey
year an enormou s amount of money is
X White Grey powder spent to replace and prevent the
flame damage d iron.
y White Black coke Some metals also get tarnishe d in this
flame manner. The change in colour and the
X Yellowish Greyish ash coating of layer indicate s the corrosio n.
s y
When metals are new, they are lustrous
Sooty Black ash
-- and shiny. But their appeara nce become s
The investigation turned up a total of 71
dull after sometime. These all are the
childrens and 9 adults who were affected
signs of corrosion of metals.
by eating rancid cream-filled biscuits
(i) The corrosion of iron is also called as which the children had found in the street
and shared with their families. Most
{;i~xidation (b) redu_cti~n
(c) rusting (d) calcmat1on
children ate 0.5 to 2 biscuits and were
discharged from the hospitals within
(ii) The factors responsible for the 24 hours, one girl ate 12 biscuits and
corrosion are
remained in the hospital for 7 days. All the
(a) oxygen and moisture
hospitalised children were treated
(b) carbon dioxide and water
successfully and the researchers decided
(c) heat and acid
that the cause of illness was the oxidative
(d) All of the above
rancidity of the cream inside the biscuits.
(iii) The black coati~g o_n silver is due to
presence of ..... m arr. Presence of antioxidants is an antidote for
(a) nitrogen dioxide rancidity.
(b) sulphur oxide (i) Which of the follownig food items
(cl hydrogen sulphide become oxidised if placed for a few
(d) carbon dioxide hours in open?
(iv) The rusting process is a type of which (a) Dark green vegetables (b) Biscuits
(c)Oil (d)Potato
(a) Decomposition reaction (ii) The following steps are taken to protect
(b) Displacement reaction yourself from the effect of rancid fats.
(c) Endothermic reaction I. Store oils and fats correctly.
(d) Redox reaction II. Avoid food which contains fats or
(v) Which of the following method is not stale smell.
used for prevention of corrosion of III. Consume antioxidants containing
metals? foods such as dark green
(a) Using anti-oxidants
(b) Painting
(c) Galvanising
The correct steps, mentioned above are
(d) Electroplating (a) I, 11 (b) II, Ill
(c)Onlylll (d)Allofthese
58. Read the following and answer questions
from (i) to (v). (iii) The fresh food become stale and
tasteless when exposed to air due to
Rancid fats are formed in human diet in (a) reduction of fats and oils takes place
places such as cooking oils and fats, deep (b) oxidation of fats and oil takes place
fried foods and some ethnic foods that (c) corrosion of food
are purposely made rancid. However, (d) reaction between carbon dioxide and fats
any fat, given the right conditions and and oils present in food.
amount of time, can go rancid. It means (iv) Which of the following is used to
that any food containing fat can become
rancid. prevent rancidity of foo~?
(a) Species (b) Vinegar
For instance, India, 1992, a group of 45 (c) Antioxidants (d) All of th ese
childrens were hospitalised with
(v) The packed food items like potato chips
vomiting, abdominal pain and
are flushed with which gas?
diarrhoea, which prompted an
(a)C0 2 (b)02
(c) H2 (d)N2

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