Lesson Plan Sample Steps
Lesson Plan Sample Steps
Lesson Plan Sample Steps
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of various linguistics nodes to
comprehend various texts of the oral standards of English in order to participate in
various oral communication demands (situation, purpose and audience command of the
conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking of
different formats to write for a variety of audiences and purpose. of verbal and non-verbal
elements of communication to respond back
B. Performance Standards
The learner analyzes text types to effectively understand information/messages
and prepares for and participates effectively in a range of conversations and
collaboration with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly
and persuasively.
C. Learning Competency
Use verbs when giving information and making explanations. ( EN7G-IV-c-5)
D. Specific Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
1. modifies verb;
2. construct sentence and labels the verb; and
3. properly use verb in giving out information and making explanations.
Use verbs when giving information and making explainaton
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages - 97-98
2. Learners’ Materials Pages - 112-114
3. Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
2. Greetings
4. Class Rules
Yes ma’am.
B. Reviewing Previous Lesson
D. Presentation
(State the cognitive objective after presenting
the topic.)
Our topic for today is all about the how to making explanations.
2. Linking Verbs
- A linking Verbs , link subject of a
sentence to a describing word or
to other information about the
( am, is , are, was, were, will be,
could be , can be, would be, etc.)
1. The girl is sleepy.
2. We are excited .
3. Many farmers were happy with the rain.
Take note : Verbs that have to do with the
five senses are linking verbs: fell, look, smell
, sound, and taste.
1. The dinner smells wonderful .
2. The sweater feels itchy.
3.Helping Verbs
- Some Verbs are made up of more than
one word . They have a main verb plus
one or more words that come before it .
- The word that come before main verb
are called helping verbs .
- Helping verbs provide more
( am , is , are, was, were, has, have, do,
does, can, could, would )
1. The smell of pizza is making me hungry .
2. We have practiced piano everyday this
3. They are listening to an interesting audio
Before we’re going to proceed . Do you
understand the verb and the 3 types of Verbs?
Very good!
Now let’s proceed . Now that you’ve learned
what verb is, let us going to use verb in making
Yes ma’am!
Using Verbs in explanation of something that
has happened , you give people reasons for it,
especially in an attempt to justify it.
In giving explanations there should be reasons ,
details or descriptions so that it can be
understood . It also answers the questions “why”
Here’s How !
F. Developing Mastery
Now your knowledge will be tested . This activity
will examine if you really listen and understood
our discussed topic. You have 3 minutes to Yes ma’am!
answer .
Activity 1: Fill Me !
Direction : Use the given verbs in the box to
complete the sentences. Students Answers:
1. visited
2. celebrate
3. greeted
4. see
5. talked
Answers :
1. visited
2. celebrate
3. greeted
4. see
5. talked
Activity 2: Match Us !
Direction : Match the situation presented in
column A with a set of explanation found in Student Answers:
column B. 1. D
2. C
3. E
4. A
5. B
1. D
2. C
3. E
4. A
5. B
G. Generalization
What is Verb?
Words that show what someone or
something is doing .
What are the 3 types of verbs?
Action Verbs , Linking Verbs , Helping
Who can give me sample sentences that applies
Another example!
It is a word that shows action?
Action Verbs
It link the subject to the describing word, what is
Linking Verb
What is helping verbs ?
Have a main verb plus one or more words
that come before it .
Made up of more than one word.
Helping verbs provide more information.
Is everything clear ?
Yes sir !
Do you have questions regarding to our topic?
No, sir !
If none, then let us have an activity.
H. Application
Now, since you already understood our lesson .
I’m going to group you into 2 groups. I’m going
to show you a picture for 20 seconds and your
team members have to remember what the
people/characters in this picture are doing .
After 20 seconds are over you’re going to
construct a 5 sentences describing what you
have seen in the picture , note that the 3 types
of verbs must be applied .
The team who finish first have 3 pts . The
constructed sentences must check and the team
with the least mistake gain 2 pts . Total of 10
points . Do you understand ?
Yes ma’am!
Picture :
I. Evaluation
Direction: Underline the verbs in the sentence
and label it label and identify what type of Verb it
Helping Verb1. He will play football.
Group Assignment!
Direction : Each Group should take a 5-8
pictures that portray an action verb and
construct a sentence using the different type of
verbs . Put it a short bond paper.