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A report Submitted
for completion of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Divya Sagar (Roll No. :10300216044)
Anuprita Ghosh (Roll No. :10300216051)
Akshay Bhardwaj (Roll No. :10300216059)
Under the supervision of
Mr. Manasija Bhattacharya , Assistant Professor, Dept. of IT



I/we hereby declare that this project work titled “IOT based
Environment Analysis” is our original work and no part or it has been
submitted for any other degree purpose or published in any other from
till date.

Name Roll no. Signature of Students

Divya Sagar 10300216044 ………………….

Anuprita Ghosh 10300216051 ………………….

Akshay Bhardwaj 10300216059 …………………..


I hereby forward the project prepared under my supervision by Divya Sagar (10300216044)
Anuprita Ghosh (1030021601951) & Akshay Bhardwaj (10300216059) entitled “IOT Based
Environment Analysis” be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology from Haldia Institute of Technology
affiliated to the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, approved by All India
Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

Their overall performance and conduct during the working period has been assessed to be

I wish them every success in life.

Counter Signed By Project Supervisor

…………………………………… …………………………………….
Prof. (Dr.) Soumen Paul Mr. Manasija Bhattacharya
(Head of the Department) Associate/Assistant Professor
(Department of Information Technology) (Department of Information Technology)
(Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia) (Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia)


We take this occasion to thank God, almighty for blessing us

with his grace and taking our endeavour to a successful
culmination. I extend our sincere and heart felt thanks to our
esteemed guide, Mr. Manasija Bhattacharya for providing us
with the right guidance and advice at the crucial junctures and
for showing us the right way. I extend our sincere thanks to our
respected head of the department Dr. Soumen Paul, for
allowing us to use the facilities available. I would like to thank
the other faculty members also, at this occasion. Last but not the
least, we would like to thank friends for the support and
encouragement they have given us during the course of our

S.No Contents Pg No.
1.1 Abstract
1.2 Introduction
1.2.1 Wireless Technology

2.1 IOT (internet Of Things) based environment
2.2 Real Time Remote Temperature & Humidity
Monitoring Using Arduino and Xbee S2
2.3 Agriculture Environment Monitoring System
Using Wireless Network
2.4 Environment Monitoring using Wireless Sensor
Network for Agricultural Application


3.1 Proposed System
3.2 System design and Implementations
A) Sensor Network Design
B)Programming Environment And


4.1 Internet Of Things(IOT)
4.2 Applications



6.1 Limitations
6.2 Future Scope
6.3 Conclusions

This project reviews on IOT based environment monitoring system. The main objective of
proposed system is to provide environmental parameters at remote location using Internet. The
proposed system provides a viable and straightforward solution for environmental and ambient
monitoring applications. The system represents the environmental ambient parameter monitoring
using low-power wireless sensors connected to the Internet, which send their measurements to a
central server. Finally, data from all over the world, stored on the base station, can be remotely
visualized from every device connected to the Internet. The deployment of a cyber physical
system that monitors the environmental conditions or the ambient conditions at remote locations.
The resulted solution provides the possibility of logging measurements from locations all over
the world and of visualizing and analyzing the gathered data from any device connected to the
Intenet. This work encompasses the complete solution, a cyber-physical system, starting from the
physical level, consisting of sensors and the communication protocol, and reaching data
management and storage at the cyber level. It overcomes the problem of system integration and
interoperability, providing a well-defined architecture that simplifies the transmission of data
from sensors with different measurement capabilities and increase supervisory efficiency.

Chapter 1

The importance of environmental monitoring is undoubted in our age. This is the field where
wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been first used, their primary purpose consisting in the
observation of the physical world and the recording of physical quantities characterizing it.
WSNs are large networks of resource-constrained sensors with processing and wireless
communication capabilities, which implement different application objectives within a specific
sensing field. The IEEE 802.11 standard has established itself as one of the most popular
wireless technologies offering connectivity. As modern devices and sensors continue to grow in
power and functionality and to reduce in their cost, internet of things (IoT) emerges as a common
platform and service for consumer electronics. IoT enables to be connected to virtually unlimited
devices over the internet. It thus has a great potential of communicating and interacting with

The changes in climate led to the increased importance of environmental monitoring. In order to
determine the quality of the environment, continuous tracking of the environmental parameter is
needed. .As the IoT is the most emerging technology, it plays an important role in collecting the
information from the sensing unit. Generally sensing unit is composed of different sensors like
temperature, humidity, moisture etc., the paper uses an Arduino UNO, Wi-Fi module that helps
in processing and transferring the sensed data to the Thingspeak cloud. Thus the parameters
received is stored in the cloud platform (Thing speak). The changes in the environment is
updated in the form of a database through the cloud computing method. Thing speak also provide
a feature to create a public based channel to analyze and estimate it through the public. An
Android application is created for the direct access of the measured parameters.

Environment monitoring is one of the major application of wireless sensor network.WSN consist
of different sensors which are widely distributed to monitor different environment parameters
like temperature, humidity, gases, pressure , wind speed etc. The use of wireless ambient sensors
can lead to more energy-efficient buildings.WSN consists of sensor nodes which are low cost
devices with limited power. Energy efficiency is the biggest problem when these sensors are
used for large scale environment monitoring.

The importance of environment monitoring is existed in many aspects. The conditions
environment is required to be monitored to maintain the healthy growth in crops and to ensure
the safe working environment in industries, etc. Due to technological growth, the process of
reading the environmental parameters became easier compared to the past days. The sensors are
the miniaturized electronic devices used to measure the physical and environmental parameters.
By using the sensors for monitoring the weather conditions, the results will be accurate and the
entire system will be faster and less power consuming.
The demand of service over the internet necessitated the data collection and exchange in an
efficient manner. Internet of Things refers to the rapidly growing network of connected objects
that are able to collect and exchange data using embedded sensors. It is nowadays finding
profound use in each and every sector and plays a key role in the proposed environmental
monitoring system too. IoT converging with cloud computing offers a novel technique for better
management of data coming from different sensors, collected and transmitted by low power, low
cost microcontroller “Arduino UNO”. An open source website, Thingspeak is used where the
measurement of the parameters are updated. Thingspeak is an open source Internet of Things
application and API to store and retrieve data from the sensors using the HTTP Protocol over the
Internet. Thingspeak is an IoT analytics platform service that allows you to aggregate, visualize,
and analyze live data streams in the cloud. The cloud utilizes the operations of Graphical
visualization and available in the form of virtual server for the users and the objects are
communicated with the cloud via possible ‘wireless internet connections’ available to the users
and the majority objects uses the sensors to tell regarding the environmental analogue data. The
IoT helps bring all things together and permits us to communicate with our very own things. The
measurements thus received can be viewed in these scripts such as JSON, XML and CSV. In the
proposed system, the environmental parameters can directly be accessed by the user, thus
eliminating the need for third parties.

Environment monitoring is one of the major applications of wireless sensor network. WSN
consist of different sensors which are widely distributed to monitor different environment
parameters like temperature, humidity, gases, pressure, wind speed etc. The use of wireless
ambient sensors can lead to more energy-efficient buildings. WSN consists of sensor nodes
which are low cost devices with limited power. This system is used to measure the important

parameters of environment such as temperature, humidity, CO and Light Intensity using sensors
which are suitable for sensing the environmental parameters. The data collected by environment
parameter sensing sensor is send to the master using Xbee.

Wireless Technology

Zigbee Technology:

Zigbee communication is specially built for control and sensor networks on IEEE 802.15.4
standard for wireless personal area networks (WPANs), and it is the product from Zigbee
alliance. This communication standard defines physical and Media Access Control (MAC) layers
to handle many devices at low-data rates. These Zigbee’s WPANs operate at 868 MHz, 902-
928MHz and 2.4 GHz frequencies. The date rate of 250 kbps is best suited for periodic as well as
intermediate two-way transmission of data between sensors and controllers.

Zigbee is low-cost and low-powered mesh network widely deployed for controlling and
monitoring applications where it covers 10-100 meters within the range. This communication
system is less expensive and simpler than the other proprietary short-rangem wireless sensor
networks as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Zigbee supports different network configurations for master to

master or master to slave communications. And also, it can be operated in different modes as a
result the battery power is conserved. Zigbee networks are extendable with the
use of routers and allow many nodes to interconnect with each other for building a wider area
Zigbee system structure consists of three different types of devices such as Zigbee coordinator,
Router and End device. Every Zigbee network must consist of at least one coordinator which acts
as a root and bridge of the network. The coordinator is responsible for handling and storing the
information while performing receiving and transmitting data operations. Zigbee routers act as
intermediary devices that permit data to pass to and fro through them to other devices. End
devices have limited functionality to communicate with the parent nodes such that the battery
power is saved as shown in the figure. The number of routers, coordinators and end devices
depends on the type of network such as star, tree and mesh networks. Zigbee protocol
architecture consists of a stack of various layers where IEEE 802.15.4 is defined by physical and
MAC layers while this protocol is completed by accumulating Zigbee’s own network and
application layers.

Fig: Zigbee system structure

Physical Layer:

This layer does modulation and Demodulation operations up on transmitting and receiving
signals respectively.

MAC Layer:
This layer is responsible for reliable transmission of data by accessing different networks with
the carrier sense multiple access collision avoidance (CSMA). This also transmits the beacon
frames for synchronizing communication.

Network Layer:
This layer takes care of all network related operations such as network setup, end device
connection and disconnection to network, routing, device configurations,etc.

Application Support Sub-Layer:

This layer enables the services necessary for ZigBee device object and application objects to
interface with the network layers for data managing services. This layer is responsible for
matching two devices according to their services and needs.

Application Framework:
It provides two types of data services as key value pair and generic message services. Generic
message is a developer defined structure, whereas the key value pair is used for getting attributes

within the application objects. ZDO provides an interface between application objects and APS
layer in Zigbee devices. It is responsible for detecting, initiating and binding other devices to the

● Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of ‘connected things. The things generally comprise of
an embedded operating system and an ability to communicate with the internet or with the
neighboring things. But the real power of IoT is harnessed when the things connect to a‘service’
either directly or via other ‘thing’. In such systems, the service plays the role of an invisible
manager by providing capabilities ranging from simple data collection and monitoring to
complex data analytics.One such IoT application platform that offers a wide variety of analysis,
monitoring and counter action capabilities is‘thingSpeak’.
Internet of Things refers to the rapidly growing network of connected objects that are able to
collect and exchange data using embedded sensors. It is nowadays finding profound use in each
and every sector and plays a key role in the proposed environmental monitoring system too. IoT
converging with cloud computing offers a novel technique for better management of data coming
and stores it. The working process of the Internet of Things is shown below.

● ThingSpeak

ThingSpeak is an open source Internet of Things (iot) application and API to store and retrieve
data from things using the HTTP protocol over the Internet or via a Local Area Network.
ThingSpeak enables the creation of sensor logging applications, location tracking applications,
and a social network of things with status updates". ThingSpeak is a platform providing various
services exclusively targeted for building IoT applications. It offers the capabilities of real-time
data collection, visualizing the collected data in the form of charts, ability to create plugins and
apps for collaborating with web services, social network and other APIS.
The main role of updating data continuously is done by Thingspeak, which has APIs for
collecting data produced by sensors and APIs for reading that data from applications. The paper
is divided into two parts. One part of the paper is where one has to program a thing to send data.
And, the second part is where the other has to see the data. Thingspeak sits in the middle and
makes it handy to do both. The paper uses easily accessible hardware to build a proof-of-concept
IoT system to monitor air temperature, humidity, soil moisture, soil humidity etc. Further this
can be modified with different sensors or actuators for building something for individual
purposes. Thus a direct access to all the environmental parameters is given to the user after the
above stated procedure is completed.
ThingSpeak enables the creation of sensor logging applications, location tracking applications,
and a social network of things with status updates. System broadcast sensors’ data wirelessly
with the help of an ESP8266 Wi-Fi module based on the Adruino board through internet
connection to ThingSpeak for further analysis. The services or information in the servers are
provided through the Internet that are connected through LAN and made available for users via
smart phones, web browser or other web browser devices to make the system more intelligent,
adaptable and efficient. The ThingSpeak platform has been integrated with MATLAB and can be
performed MATLAB based data analysis. ThingSpeak has got its own toolbox in MATLAB.
The ThingSpeak public channel has been used to analyse and visualize collected data with the
built-in “Analysis” and “Visualizations” MATLAB apps.

ThingSpeak allows you to aggregate, visualize, and analyze live data streams in the cloud.
ThingSpeak provides instant visualizations of data posted by your devices or equipment. Execute
MATLAB code in ThingSpeak, and perform online analysis and processing of the data as it
comes in. ThingSpeak accelerates the development of proof-of-concept IoT systems, especially

those that require analytics. You can build IoT systems without setting up servers or developing
web software. For small- to medium-sized IoT systems, ThingSpeak provides a hosted solution
that can be used in production.

ThingSpeak Key Capabilities

ThingSpeak allows you to aggregate, visualize and analyze live data streams in the cloud. With
ThingSpeak, your data is stored in channels. Each channel stores up to 8 fields of data. You can

create as many channels as you need for your application.

ThingSpeak is a platform providing various services exclusively targeted for building IoT
applications. It offers the capabilities of real-time data collection, visualizing the collected data
in the form of charts, ability to create plugins and apps for collaborating with web services,
social network and other APIs. We will consider each of these features in detail below.

The core element of ThingSpeak is a ‘ThingSpeak Channel’. A channel stores the data that we
send to ThingSpeak and comprises of the below elements:

 8 fields for storing data of any type - These can be used to store the data from a sensor or
from an embedded device.
 3 location fields - Can be used to store the latitude, longitude and the elevation. These are
very useful for tracking a moving device.
 1 status field - A short message to describe the data stored in the channel.

To use ThingSpeak, we need to sign up and create a channel. Once we have a channel, we can
send the data, allow ThingSpeak to process it and also retrieve the same.

Chapter 2

Bluetooth wireless technology is inexpensive, short-range radio technologies that eliminates the
need for proprietary cabling between devices such as notebook PCs, handheld PCs, PDAs,
cameras, and printers and effective range of 10 - 100 meters and generally communicate at less
than 1 Mbps. Bluetooth uses specification of IEEE 802.15.1 standard. ZigBee is one of the
protocols developed for enhancing the features of wireless sensor networks. Characteristics of
ZigBee are low cost, low data rate, relatively short transmission range, scalability, reliability,
flexible protocol design. It is a low power wireless network protocol based on the IEEE 802.15.4
standard. ZigBee has range of around 100 meters and a bandwidth of 250 kbps. Traditionally
ZigBee and other IEEE 802.15.4 based protocols have been considered for sensor network
applications due to their energy-efficient design.
However, recently developed power-efficient Wi-Fi components, with appropriate system design
and usage model, have become a strong candidate in this domain. Other technologies like
Bluetooth, zigbee, RFID has limitations of transmission range. Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) is a system that transmits the identity of an object or person wirelessly using radio waves
in the form of a serial number. RFID technology plays an important role in IoT for solving
identification issues of objects around us in a cost effective manner. The other communication
technologies like ZigBee, RF Link can make the communication nearly in the same range of Wi-
Fi but they can’t broadcast the information as they can only communicate peer to peer.

Climate change results in variation in weather conditions and patterns of extreme weather events.
The health effects of weather change(including changes in climate variables and extreme weather
events) on human infectious diseases are forced through impacts on pathogens, hosts/vectors,
and disease transmission. First, a series of infectious diseases is spatially and temporally
restricted by climatic variables. Changes of climate variables in spatial and/or temporal scales
will affect the development, survival, reproduction, and liability of disease pathogens, hosts, and
their interaction with human beings. Second, sudden and dramatic changes in weather conditions
due to extreme weather events and meteorological hazards have profound effects on many
infectious disease. Due to our incomplete knowledge of some of these extreme weather events,
being able to accurately predict their patterns and their health impacts remains challenging. Last,
extreme weather, including large scale extreme weather events and meterological hazards, often
involves combined shifts of several climate variables, making it more complicated to predict the
implications for disease pathogens, hosts, and transmission.

The hospitals and patient’s care unit and therefore propose a system which can be very useful
for biomedical applications, where doctors can monitor the subject condition from the place
where they are sitting and hence proper and timely care to the patient can be given. This will
help in curbing deaths due to delay in timely care. Further, in case of emergency, the doctor is
also informed about the patient via SMS, thus even when the doctor is not in his chamber, he will
be immediately informed about the patients, as in any case of emergency, they can get immediate
treatment. Generally in critical case patients are assumed to be monitored continuously for their
heart rate, oxygen saturation level, blood pressure, body temperature, pulse oximetry (SPO2) and
ECG, etc. In the last methods, the physician needs to be present physically on sight, so that the
real-time health monitoring system is used every field such as hospital, home care unit, generally
in critical case patients are assumed to be monitored continuously for their heart rate, oxygen
saturation level, blood pressure, body temperature, pulse oximetry (SPO2) and ECG, etc. In the
last methods, the physician needs to be present physically on sight, so that the real-time health
monitoring system is used every field such as hospital, home care unit, sports using a wireless
sensor network. This health monitoring system used for chronicle disease patients who have
daily check-up. So, researchers design a system as a portable device. The researcher designed a
different health monitoring systems based on the requirement. A different platform like

Microcontroller, ASIC, PIC microcontroller and embedded systems are used to design the
system based on this performance and in recent years cloud-based e-healthcare systems have
emerged. In future FPGA based or using IoT, we can develop a system that will help to monitor
different health parameters.

The recent changes in climate have increased the importance environmental monitoring; making
it a topical and highly active research area. This field is based on remote sensing. The IoT
growth has changed various aspects of modern life. For IoT users, smart Agricultural systems
have satisfied the needs of yield management and energy efficiency in external environments and
have provided visions of self-managed exercise and further services through Program Maximum
of such embedded structures are also considered as real time organisms, which mean that the
real-time properties such as response time, worse case execution time, etc., are important design
concerns. Recent advancements, such as the vision of the Internet of Things (IoT), the cloud
computing model, and cyber-physical systems, provide support for the transmission and
management of huge amounts of data regarding the trends observed in environmental
parameters. In this context, the current work presents three different IoT-based wireless sensors
for environmental and ambient monitoring: one employing User Datagram Protocol (UDP)-
based Wi-Fi communication, one communicating through Wi-Fi and Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), and a third one using Bluetooth Smart. All of the presented systems provide
the possibility of recording data at remote locations and of visualizing them from every device
with an Internet connection, enabling the monitoring of geographically large areas. The
development details of these systems are described, along with the major differences and
similarities between them. The feasibility of the three developed systems for implementing
monitoring applications, taking into account their energy autonomy, ease of use, solution
complexity, and Internet connectivity facility, was analyzed, and revealed that they make good
candidates for IoT-based solutions Application of Distributed Wireless Chloride Sensors to
environmental Monitoring: Initial Results”, Over the next 30 years, it is anticipated that the
world will need to source 70% more food to provide for the growing population, and it is likely
that a significant amount of this will have to come from irrigated land. However, the quality of
irrigation water is also important, and measuring the quality of this water will allow management
decisions to be made. Soil salinity is an important parameter in crop yield, and in this paper, we
describe a chloride sensor system based on a low-cost robust screen-printed chloride ion sensor,

suitable for use in distributed sensor networks. Previously, this sensor has been used in
controlled laboratory-based experiments, but here we provide evidence that the sensor will find
application outside of the laboratory in field deployments. We report on three experiments using
this sensor; one with a soil column, one using afluvarium, and finally on an experiment in a
greenhouse. All these give an insight into the movement of chloride over small distances with
high temporal resolution.

These initial experiments illustrate that the new sensors are viable and usable with relatively
simple electronics, and although subject to ongoing development, they are currently capable of
providing new scientific data at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Therefore, we conclude
that such chloride sensors, coupled with a distributed wireless network, offer a new paradigm in
hydrological monitoring and will enable new applications, such as irrigation using mixtures of
potable and brackish water, with significant cost and resource saving. We proposed a system
contribution to the development of greenhouse production in Morocco. The proposed solution
involves the development of an integrated system for automate the drip fertilizing irrigation in
green house. The solution adopted involves a data acquisition card PCL-812PG controlled by
PC. The irrigation is provided by a hydraulic circuit based on an electric pump. Water needs are
evaluated by measuring soil water status by soil humidity sensor. artificially supplying water to
land where crops are cultivated. Traditionally hand pumps, canal water and rainfall were a major
source of water supply for irrigation. This method has led to severe drawbacks like under
irrigation, over-irrigation which in turn causes leaching and loss of nutrient content of soil.
Changing environmental conditions and shortage of water have led to the need for a system
which efficiently manages irrigation of fields. Automated irrigation system is a machine based
system which automates the irrigation of land by combining various software and hardware
approaches together for field irrigation. This paper deals with a detailed survey of various GSM
based automated farm irrigation systems. GSM serves as an important part since it is responsible
for controlling the irrigation facility and sends them to receiver through coded signal. To
improve irrigation water use efficiency, reduce cost of irrigation water, this paper discussed the
design of wireless sensor network and Internet technology of farmland automatic irrigation
control method. Emphasis on an analysis of the routing protocol of sensor network nodes to
achieve the system hardware and software design, middleware, and applications such as mobile
phone or wireless PDA of internet of things, will constitute a variety of sensors intelligent

network, thus enhancing the overall automation system and monitoring levels. The final analysis
of the network in the Internet based on the agricultural plants of farmland water-saving irrigation
system integrated approach. User use mobile phones or wireless PDA can easily soil moisture
content of online monitoring and control to realize the irrigation automation. As a new internet of
things information network , for most types of agricultural materials, agricultural products
through the Internet of Things will be fresh growth state, response to environmental changes,
storage preservation, distribution and quality and safety of equipment, machinery, With the
development of internet of things, its technology has been widely applied to all aspects of
agricultural production, water-saving irrigation involves engineering, agriculture, biology,
automation, communications, and many other technologies. water-saving irrigation automatic
control system based on wireless sensor using the sensor and set the conditions and the receiver
communication, control irrigation systems, valves open, close, so as to achieve the purpose of
automatic water-saving irrigation. In WSN various Environment monitoring sensors are placed
inside the field, sensors include CO sensor, moisture sensor, temperature sensor & humidity
sensor. Using this information, Environment monitoring parameters calculated remotely at
control system and display on the remote station android mobile wirelessly. This Unit consists of
a Wi-Fi module, sensors, a microcontroller, and power sources. In WSN various Environment
monitoring sensors are placed inside the field, sensors include CO sensor, moisture sensor,
temperature sensor & humidity sensor. Using this data, Environment monitoring parameters
calculated remotely at the control system and display on the remote station android mobile
wirelessly. This Unit consists of a Wi-Fi module, sensors, a microcontroller, and power sources.
The proposed system helps in determining the presence of environment changes with a low cost
hardware and providing a real time fast solution. It helps users to quickly respond to the
situations based on results obtained. Prediction of disease occurrence ensures that control
measures, especially the application of chemical treatments or biological control agents, are used
more effectively We are using Raspberry Pi as a controlling unit and as a Wi-Fi module. Values
of CO, Moisture, Temperature, and humidity are updated on firebase. Users can access data via
Android App and webpage (designed in PHP). Real-time values are updated on the firebase

The performance of the wireless Health monitoring system has to be increased so that Patient
Data can be transmitted securely and easily, where the prime components are Packet Loss Ratio

and Energy consumption. The biomedical wireless sensors work at a cycle with low energy
consumption for increasing the life expectancy of the network. Whereas from the results it can be
inferred that the Packet Loss Ratio and Energy Consumption is small for LEACH Protocol. IoT
based patient’s health parameter recording system which can be accessible by the physicians of
an organization. The system works by sensing the heartbeat rate, the temperature of the patient
and constantly saves the updated data to the server of the system. This system is proposed in
order to reduce the burden of the patients when they visit the physician but the concerned
physician is not able to attend the patient, hence patient has to move to another physician then
the new physician can start the treatment of the patient by accessing the related data or records
from the server. The current hospital-centric healthcare system is failed to treat conditions that
demand immediate treatment such as heart strokes. So, the goal is to be tilting from hospital
centric treatment to patient-centric treatment. Project proposes a health monitoring system that
monitors crucial parameters of the patient such as temperature and heart rate using sensors as
well as a fit bit that is connected to a raspberry pi board. The project contains alerting the doctor
through SMS if any vital parameter of the patient deviates from the normal value. Apart from
helping the physician monitor the patient’s basic health parameters this health monitoring system
also provides that the patient takes the prescribed medication at the right times. The raspberry pi
acts like a private server that logs the details of the patient’s medication. The patient is sent
reminders to take medicines through SMS according to his prescription. As health care services
are an important part of our society, automating these services lessen the burden on humans and
ease the measuring process. Also, the clarity of this system helps patients to trust it. An
automated irrigation system was developed to optimize water use for agricultural crops. The
system has a Distributed wireless network of soil-moisture and temperature sensors placed in the
root zone of the plants. In addition, a gateway unit handles sensor information, triggers actuators,
and transmits data to a web application. An algorithm was developed with threshold values of
temperature and soil moisture that was programmed into a microcontroller-based gateway to
control water quantity. The system was powered by photo voltaic panels and had a duplex
communication link based on a cellular-Internet interface that allowed for data inspection and
irrigation scheduling to be programmed through a web page. The automated system was tested in
a sage crop field for 136 days and water savings of up to 90% compared with traditional
irrigation practices of the agricultural zone were achieved. Three replicas of the automated

system have been used successfully in other places for 18 months. Because of its energy
autonomy and low cost, the system has the potential to be useful in water limited geographically
isolated areas.

When the threshold value is reached, the alarm system that consists of buzzer and LED alerts the
doctors and he can act more quickly. The objective of developing monitoring systems is to
reduce health care costs by reducing physician office visits, hospitalizations, and diagnostic
testing procedures. The GSM technology helps the server to update the patient data on the
website. Many further improvements can be made in our system to make it better and easily
adaptable such as adding more advanced sensors. The biometric data of the patient which is
stored and published online can be given to scientists and researchers of medical fields to
analyze the value and find patterns or for other research work. There are several places on the
Internet of Things (IoT) is used Such as smart environment, smart home, smart city, smart
parking, agriculture fields, and medical fields. In the medical field also, there are several
processes are used the internet. In, monitor a patient’s heart rate, body temperature, respiration
rate and body movements using Raspberry Pi. After connecting the Internet to the Raspberry Pi
board it acts as a server. Then the server is automatically sending data to the web server. Then
these parameters are monitor using webpage anywhere in the world using laptops, smart phones,
etc. If these parameters are going to abnormal, it will automatically send an alert message to the

As we know that it is very difficult to screen the patient for 24 hours. So here the status of patient
health i.e Pulse rate, Body Temperature, Position of the body, ECG, and Blood pressure and so
on. All of these parameters can be measured by utilizing some sensors. The collected data
through the sensors is then transferred to the internet. And Via internet this information is
transferred to computers which are registered to the server of the database as well as the
smartphone of the doctors. After analyzing the data doctors can then prescribe the medication
based on the data results shown by the system. The presented prototype will minimize the burden
on patients to visit the doctors every time for monitoring of these health parameters. A wireless
healthcare monitoring system using mobile devices and sensors can be implemented in a global
network with the help of Arduino and Raspberry Pi. The devices and IoT collect and share data

with each other, making it possible to collect, analyze and monitor data more accurately. Thus
IoT can be used for monitoring the patient and gives services in a timely manner. The proposed
system can be enhanced and extended by using other invasive as well as non-invasive sensors
for picking up essential medical potentials of a patient. This can be further analyzed, stored and
transferred on a global platform. Mega Arduino can also be used that is capable of interfacing
many sensors at the same time. This will help to show results parallel so that ease of connection
and time saving can be facilitated.

Table: Comparison between different technologies

Specifications NFC RFI Bluetooth Wi-Fi

Maximum 10cm 3 10-100 100 meter
Coverage Range meter meter

Frequency Of 13.56 MHz Varies 2.4 GHz 2.4GHz,5GH

Operation z

Communication 2-way 1-way 2-way 2-way


Data Range 106,212,42 Varies 22 Mbps 144 Mbps

4 kbps

Applications Credit card EZ-Pass Communicatio Wireless
related tracking Internet
items between phone
payments- and

Low-power Wi-Fi promises multiple years of battery lifetime while providing easy
integration to existing infrastructure with built-in IP-network compatibility. Wireless Fidelity
(Wi-Fi) is a networking technology that allows computers and other devices to communicate
over a wireless signal.

Internet of Things (IOT)

The term “Internet of Things” (IoT) refers to the possibility of connecting sensors, actuators or
any device to the Internet. It can lead to a significant change in our daily lives in the way we live
and interact with the devices such as home appliances, smart meters, security sensors, HVAC
systems, etc. The vision of Internet of Things calls for connectivity not only to consumer
electronics and home appliances, but also to small battery powered devices which cannot be
recharged. Such small devices, often various types of sensors and actuators, are required to
sustain reliable operation for years on batteries even in the presence of heavy
interference. The IoT is a technological revolution that represents the future of computing and

IOT (internet Of Things) based environment analysis

Present innovations in technology mainly focus on controlling and monitoring of different
activities. These are increasingly emerging to reach the human needs. Most of this technology is
focused on efficient monitoring and controlling different activities. An efficient environmental
monitoring system is required to monitor and assess the conditions in case of exceeding the
prescribed level of parameters (e.g., noise, CO and radiation levels). When the objects like
environment equipped with sensor devices, microcontroller and various software applications
becomes a self-protecting and self-monitoring environment and it is also called as smart
environment. In such environment when some event occurs the alarm or LED alerts
automatically. The effects due to the environmental changes on animals, plants and human
beings can be monitored and controlled by smart environmental monitoring system. By using
embedded intelligence into the environment makes the environment interactive with other
objectives, this is one of the application that smart environment targets. Human needs demands
different types of monitoring systems these are depends on the type of data gathered by the
sensor devices. Event Detection based and Spatial Process Estimation are the two categories to
which applications are classified. Initially the sensor devices are deployed in environment to
detect the parameters (e.g., Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, LDR, noise, CO and radiation
levels etc.) while the data acquisition, computation and controlling action (e.g., the variations in
the noise and CO levels with respect to the specified levels). Sensor devices are placed at
different locations to collect the data to predict the behaviour of a particular area of interest. The
main aim of the this paper is to design and implement an efficient monitoring system through
which the required parameters are monitored remotely using internet and the data gathered from
the sensors are stored in the cloud and to project the estimated trend on the web browser.

Real Time Remote Temperature & Humidity Monitoring Using Arduino and Xbee S2

A monitoring system generally refers to an automated system that simultaneously and

continuously records one or more physical parameters such as temperature, relative humidity,
wind flow, light intensity, soil moisture etc. at one or more predefined places. Continuous

monitoring of any sensitive environment helps to meet security and regulatory compliance needs.
Monitoring temperature and/or humidity conditions is an essential ingredient of a wide range of
quality assurance applications. Monitoring deterioration would provide an early warning of
incipient problems enabling the planning and scheduling of maintenance programs, hence
minimizing relevant costs. Furthermore, the use of data from monitoring systems together with
improved service-life prediction models leads to additional savings in life cycle costs.
Temperature and humidity are key issues to be taken care of in manufacturing plants and
particularly that of electronic assemblies. Lack of control over any of them will not only affect
the component and equipment but also the
process and the operators' comfort, all ultimately leading to loss in production. Temperature and
relative humidity affects the airborne survival of viruses, bacteria and fungi. Thus environmental
control in hospitals is important because of infectious disease transmission from the aerosol or
airborne infection. Temperature and relative humidity plays an important role in the lifecycle of
the plants. When plants have the right humidity they thrive, because they open their pores
completely and so breathe deeply without threat of excessive water loss. Wireless sensor network
(WSN) has revolutionized the field of monitoring and remote sensing. Wireless sensor network
or wireless sensor & actuator network (WSAN) are spatially distributed sensors to monitor
physical or environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, fire etc. and to
cooperatively pass their data through the network to the main location. The aim of this paper is to
design and develop a system which fulfils all above requirements. In this paper digital humidity
temperature composite (DHT11) sensor is used to sense the environmental temperature and
relative Humidity. Arduino microcontroller is used to make complex computation of the
parameters and then to transmit the data wirelessly by using Xbee S2 module to the receiver. At
receiver section Xbee S2 module is used to capture the serial data, which is transmitted, by
transmitter and using Digis XCTU software the data is logged onto PC.

Agriculture Environment Monitoring System Using Wireless Network

The agricultural practices such as irrigation, crop rotation, fertilizers, pesticides and animals
were developed long ago, but have made great strides in the past century. The history of
agriculture has played a major role in human history, as agricultural progress has been a crucial
factor in worldwide socio-economic change. The concern of better quality agricultural products
from the consumers made the farmers adapt to latest agricultural techniques by implementing
modern technologies for producing better agricultural products. Among the important things
which are taken into consideration by the farmers are the qualities of agricultural land, weather
conditions etc. Traditional farming involves a human labour. With proper data the farmer will be
able to deliver the quality product to the consumer. In this paper we have discussed about
monitoring of agriculture parameter using soil moisture level sensor, Wireless technology. We
update the parameter result from the sensor node data is transferred to the wireless transceiver to
another end server PC. From the PC, then after that values are analysed and some predicate are
applied on it. If they gives positive response then there will continuous monitoring but if it
shows negative then it will provide total farming solution and cultivation plan. It also send these
all solution to farmers or user via SMS to them in their regional languages.

Environment Monitoring using Wireless Sensor Network for Agricultural Application

Environment monitoring system, in general, is used to monitor various environment parameters

with the help of sensor. Some communication media, like Wireless Communication, is needed to
transfer sensor data. An environment parameter can be temperature, pressure, humidity, GPS
location, or an Image. We can design a system to monitor all or any of these parameters as and
when required. For monitoring purpose we need to install some sensors on each node. A node
will interact with sensor and will transfer that data to controlling unit. A controller will receive
data from each node and can take action depending on programming done. User can use
Graphical user Interface (GUI) to manage all activities or to check data at any time. GUI can be
designed using python, HTML, CSS or any other language. Depending on sensor types, various
monitoring services can be designed. To monitor and control services or action we can use
Internet. Data acquired by sensors can be transferred over network by using web server or by
using some SMS service. To provide energy, battery cell can be used.

Chapter 3



The proposed prototype is summarized using a block diagram as shown in Fig.1. The system
consists of sensor networks, control and processing unit and a web server which can store data
and provide necessary tools for analysis.

Basic configuration of the proposed system

The base of the system is built up using an Arduino UNO board which provide control and
processing with the help of AT mega 328 microcontroller. The sensor networks consist of
various sensors to sense key environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, air
pollution, sun light intensity and rain. The Arduino directly communicate with the individual
sensor and collects necessary data. Once data are available, it performs a series of processes and
transfers the data to the server via a Wi-Fi module (ESP8266). The sensors that are configured
and are used for monitoring real time data of the environment are DHT11 (Temperature &

Humidity Sensor),MQ135 (gas sensor), KG004 (rain drop sensor) module and RES-0276 light
dependent resistor (LDR). On the server side, we have chosen an API platform which provides
support for various graphical analysis tools such as MATLAB, Google Gauge etc. These tools
enhance the analysis and visualization capabilities and provide a better graphical user interface.

3.1 System Design and Implementation

The primary focus of this work is to design an IoT based monitoring system which keeps track of
environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, air pollution, sun light intensity and
rain. The design works in real time and captures the data for analysis. The description covers the
creation of sensor networks, electronic device, the functional software requirements,
programming and development process, the implementation and testing as well as the end-
product of the prototype. The details of the different constituent blocks are included in the
subsequent paragraphs.


Different types of applications require different types of sensors to collect data from the
environment. This article takes a look at some common IoT sensors

In an Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, two things are very important the Internet and physical
devices like sensors and actuators. As shown in Fig. 1, the bottom layer of the IoT system
consists of sensor connectivity and network to collect information. This layer is an essential part
of the IoT system and has network connectivity to the next layer, which is the gateway and
network layer.

The main purpose of sensors is to collect data from the surrounding environment. Sensors, or
‘things’ of the IoT system, form the front end. These are connected directly or indirectly to IoT
networks after signal conversion and processing. But all sensors are not the same and different
IoT applications require different types of sensors. For instance, digital sensors are
straightforward and easy to interface with a microcontroller using Serial Peripheral Interface
(SPI) bus. But for analogue sensors, either analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) or Sigma-Delta
modulator is used to convert the data into SPI output.
This system works by collecting data of specific environmental parameter, including gas content
sand the amount of dust present in the air. The system has five fixed sensors and an additional
connection port for an extra gas sensor. The five fixed sensors monitor six types of air
parameters: PM 2.5, humidity, temperature, CO2, O2, and rain .The extra sensor can be chosen
from multiple types of gas sensorsthatare compatible with this device, such as CO, SO2, and O3.

In general, after sensor modules detect the air environmental variables, they generate either
analog data or digital data depending on the sensor type for further processing. An analog to
digital converter is utilized to convert analog data into a digital signal. The Arduino
microcontroller processes all the acquired digital signals and then displays the final results on
theOLED (organic light-emitting diode) screen. A professional debugging assistant software can

continuously receive the incoming environmental parametersfrom the serial portand store the
data in a text file onthe host computer. The Arduino micro-controller communicateswith the host
computer through its serial port. These extracted data can be plotted ona graph, whichoffers a
way to visualize trendsover a period of time for changing air environment parameters and
historical weather patterns.

A. Sensor Network Design-

The only way to get the real sense of the various environmental parameters is through the use of
the sensors. The design of the sensor network is crucial part of the system as the end user would
rely on data provided by these sensors only. Correctly designed and accurately calibrated sensor
network will serve the purpose. The sensors used to measure various environmental parameters
have been listed in the Table1. The DHT11 Sensor provides a temperature and humidity readouts
with a calibrated digital signal reading. It uses the digital signal acquisition method for
temperature reading capture and appropriate humidity sensing mechanism which guarantees
consistency and long-term steadiness. DHT11 sensor comprises a resistive-type humidity
measurement component and Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) temperature
measurement component.

List of Sensors

Sensor Name/Models Measurement Parameters

DHT-11 Temperature and Humidity

MQ-135 NH3,NOx, alcohol, Benzene, smoke,CO2

Rain Sensor KG004 Rain Drop

LDR RES-0276 Light Intensity

MQ135 gas sensor is sensitive to benzene, alcohol, smoke etc. This sensor is composed of a
micro AL2O3 ceramic tube, tin dioxide (SnO2) sensitive layer, measuring electrode and heater
are fixed into a crust made by plastic and stainless-steel net. The heater confers necessary work
conditions for work of sensitive components. The enveloped MQ135 has 6 pins, 4 of them are
used to fetch signals and other 2 are used for providing heating current. Resistance value of
MQ135 is different for various kinds and concentration gases. So, when using this component,
sensitivity adjustment is very necessary. For this, calibration of the detector is needed. The rain
sensor module KG004 is a cost-effective sensor and it works through a series of exposed parallel
traces on board which produces electrical variations when drops or water volume changes. For
sensing the light intensity of the sun, the LDR has been used. An LDR is a resistive sensor whose
resistance changes with the light intensity that falls upon it. This allows them to be used in light
sensing circuits. The resistance of this decreases with increasing incident light intensity. The four
mentioned sensors are connected to the digital inputs 7 and analog inputs A2, A0 and A1 of the
Arduino UNO R3 board respectively. Fig. 2 shows the connection terminals that exist in the

B. Programming Environment & Development Process

The microcontroller in the Adruino board is programmed with the Adruino IDE for connecting to
the sensor network, reading their data and finally for sending these data over Wi-Fi network after
pre-processing. For storing the data on the server side ThingSpeak platform has been used.
ThingSpeak is an open source IoT application and API to store and retrieve data from things
using the HTTP protocol over the Internet or via a Local Area Network (LAN). The complete
steps that has been followed for successful transmission of sensor values described by the

3.2. LPC1768

The microcontroller used in this system LPC1768 is an effective choice for the implemented
system. As our proposed system is a low power consumable solution, the microcontroller
should be also low power consuming. The LPC1768 is an ARM Cortex-M3 based
microcontroller for embedded applications requiring a high level of integration and low power
dissipation. The ARM Cortex-M3 CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline and uses Harvard
architecture with separate local instruction and data buses as well as a third bus for

Block Diagram

Wi-Fi Module


Humidity 16*2 Character

Sensor LCD


3.3. Sensors
The system consists of temperature sensor, humidity sensor, LDR and pressure sensor. These
4 sensors will measure the primary environmental factors like light intensity, temperature,
pressure and relative humidity respectively. All these sensors will gives the analog voltage
representing one particular weather factor. The microcontroller will converts these analog
voltages into digital data.


Raspberry Pi is a low cost and portable size of Computer board it has a high-performance
powerful processor. Its main core language is Raspbian OS can also develop script or
program using C language. Raspberry Pi 3 has Broadcom BCM2837 ARM cortex – A53
1.2GHz memory, 1GB LPDDR2 (900MHz) RAM , micro SD, 802.11n Wifi module ,
Bluetooth is 4.1 Classic low energy, 40 pin GPIO , Camera Serial Interface (CSI) , Display
Serial Interface (DSI) .

Specifications and performance

As for the specifications, the Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer powered by

the Broadcom BCM2835 system-on-a-chip (SoC). This SoC includes a 32-bit ARM1176JZFS
processor, clocked at 700MHz, and a Videocore IV GPU. It also has 256MB of RAM in a POP
package above the SoC. The Raspberry Pi is powered by a 5V micro USB AC charger or at least
4 AA batteries (with a bit of hacking).

While the ARM CPU delivers real-world performance
similar to that of a 300MHz Pentium 2, the Broadcom GPU is a very capable graphics core
capable of hardware decoding several high definition video formats. However, in order to keep
costs of the Raspberry Pi low, the UK charity has only licensed the H.264 codec for hardware
decoding (and it is unclear if users will be able to purchase/activate additional codecs). In that
regard, the Videocore IV GPU is rather potent as it is capable of hardware decoding 1080p30
H.264 with bitrates up to 40Mb/s.

What does the Raspberry Pi do?

The allure of the Raspberry Pi comes from a combination of the computer’s small size and
affordable price. Enthusiasts envision using the small form-factor PC as a cheap home theater PC
(HTPC), or secondary low-power desktop. Institutions, like schools and businesses, could benefit
from deploying a fleet of computers for a fraction of the cost of traditional desktop towers. The
small size makes for an easy-to-hide computer that sips power and can be mounted behind the
display with an appropriate case. It could also be used in niche applications, like digital signage.
While it will not blow away any recent hardware in performance, it does make for a cheap
secondary computer which could be useful for troubleshooting and researching solutions if your
man rig fails to boot as well.


For environmental monitoring of that particular agricultural field, various air quality sensors
are used (i.e.,) CO2 and SO2 sensors. The level of CO2 is essential in determining the plant
growth.Then SO2 is toxic for plants and others living forms. Monitoring these two gases is

essential in smart way of doing agriculture using Iot.

Why measure CO2?

- If levels become too high CO2 begins to act as asphyxiant

- A general indicator of indoor air quality

- High levels can enhance plant growth.

-Place that CO2 sensors are used?

- Confined workspaces.

- Brewing and carbonated drink industries

- Controlled plant growth.

- Photosynthesis.

- Fermentation.

- Aerobic respiration.

Types of CO2Sensors

• Mass Airflow sensors

- thermal conductivity

• Solid state electrochemical sensors

• Mixed oxide sensors

• Ion selective membrane sensors

• Optical sensors

Carbon dioxide optical sensor

• Concentration range 0-999 ppm

• Typical sensitivity (-30, +30) ppm• Temperature up to 300 C

• Response time 10 s

Side view of the CO2 sensor: lon the left, the pyroelectric detector with encapsulated porous
silicon microcavity centered at 4257 nm, on the right the IR source.


IOT Live Weather Station Monitoring Using Node MCU ESP8266

This is all about IOT based Live Weather Station Monitoring Using NodemCU ESP8266. We
will interface DHT11 Humidity & Temperature Sensor, BMP180 Barometric Pressure Sensor

and FC37 Rain Sensor with NodeMCU ESP8266-12E WIFI Module. We will measure humidity,
temperature, Barometric pressure, and rainfall and upload the data to a web server.

Once the code is uploaded you can find the IP address of NodeMCU in the serial monitor. With
the same IP, you can go to any web browser and display the data in a beautiful widget format.
The project is very interesting and can be used in remote areas or in a freezer where the data is to
be monitored.

What is a Weather Station?

A weather station is a device that collects data related to the weather & environment using
different sensors. There are two types of weather station, one which is having own sensors and
the second type of weather station is where we pull data from the weather station servers. In this
tutorial, we will go for the first one, i.e. we will design our own weather station.

Weather station sensors may include a thermometer to take temperature readings, a barometer
to measure the atmospheric pressure, Hygrometer to measure humidity, rain sensor to measure
rainfall, anemometer to measure wind speed and more. Weather stations are also called
weather centers, personal weather stations, professional weather stations, home weather station,
weather forecaster and forecasters.

Components Required:

The components needed for this project, i.e. IOT Live Weather Station Monitoring Using
NodemCU ESP8266 are given below:

1. Nodemcu ESP8266 12E Board

2. BMP180 Pressure Sensor

3. DHT11 Humidity Temperature Sensor

4. Rain Sensor FC37

5. 4.7K Resistors - 2

6. Breadboard

7. Connecting Jumper Wires

NodemCU ESP8266

NodeMCU An open-source firmware and development kit that helps you to prototype your IOT
product within a few Lua script lines. After flashing this firmware user can code in LUA
scripting language.

Simple ESP8266 can only be used to connect other micro-controllers like Arduino to internet
with its inbuilt WIFI chip. But with NodeMCU development kit this hardware module can use its
GPIO pins to connect to other peripherals without help of any other micro-controller.

That means you can program NodeMCU to work with other devices using GPIO along with
connected WIFI.

This make NodeMCU ideal for use in IoT projects. These can be programmed and then
connected with other hardware like relays, buttons etc via GPIO and also to WIFI. Over WIFI
hey can contact with some more powerful machines like raspberry pi using protocols like

Using WIFI these nodes can transfer states to main machine located on network or some sort of
server. Server/Main machine can also issue commands to these nodes which they can perform as
per their programming.

NodeMCU Hardware

1. ESP8266: It is main chip which with inbuilt wifi

2. USB to UART convertor: This chip will convert usb data to UART data which main
chip can understand
3. Voltage regulators
4. Status LED: This LED is basically used to show current status like flashing/booting
5. MicroUSB port: Connect board to Computer for programming and powering the board.
6. Reset/Flash buttons: Perform actions on board.
7. GPIO pins: To connect board with other peripherals.

DHT11 Humidity & Temperature Sensor

About DHT11

The DHT11 is a basic, ultra-low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a
capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air and spits out a

digital signal on the data pin. It’s fairly simple to use but requires careful timing to grab data.
The digital signal is fairly easy to read using any microcontroller.

This DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor features a calibrated digital signal output with
the temperature and humidity sensor capability. It is integrated with a high-performance 8-bit
microcontroller. Its technology ensures the high reliability and excellent long-term stability.
This sensor includes a resistive element and a sensor for wet NTC temperature measuring
devices. It has excellent quality, fast response, anti-interference ability and high performance.

Each DHT11 sensors features extremely accurate calibration of humidity calibration chamber.
The calibration coefficients stored in the OTP program memory, internal sensors detect signals in
the process, we should call these calibration coefficients. The single-wire serial interface system
is integrated to become quick and easy. Small size, low power, signal transmission distance up to
20 meters, enabling a variety of applications and even the most demanding ones. The product is
4-pin single row pin package. Convenient connection, special packages can be provided
according to users need.

Features of DHT11

– Ultra low cost

– 3 to 5V power and I/O
– 2.5mA max current use during conversion (while requesting data)
– Good for 20-80% humidity readings with 5% accuracy

– Good for 0-50°C temperature readings ±2°C accuracy
– No more than 1 Hz sampling rate (once every second)
– Body size 15.5mm x 12mm x 5.5mm
– 4 pins with 0.1″ spacing

BMP180 Barometric Pressure Sensor

About BMP180

The BMP180 is the new digital barometric pressure sensor of Bosch Sensor Tec, with a very
high performance, which enables applications in advanced devices such as smartphones, tablet
PCs and sports devices. It follows the BMP085 and brings many improvements, like the
smaller size and the expansion of digital interfaces. This precision sensor from Bosch is the
best low-cost sensing solution for measuring barometric pressure and temperature. Because
pressure changes with altitude you can also use it as an altimeter! The sensor is soldered onto a
PCB with a 3.3V regulator, I2C level shifter and pull-up resistors on the I2C pins.

The BMP180 is the next generation of sensors from Bosch, and replaces the BMP085. The
good news is that it is completely identical to the BMP085 in terms of firmware/software -
you can use our BMP085 tutorial and any example code/libraries as a drop-in replacement. The
XCLR pin is not physically present on the BMP180 so if you need to know that data is ready

you will need to query the I2C bus

The ultra-low power consumption down to 3 μA makes the BMP180 the leader in power
saving for your devices. BMP180 is also distinguished by its very stable behavior
(performance) with regard to the independence of the supply voltage.

Features of BMP180

– Vin: 3 to 5VDC
– Logic: 3 to 5V compliant
– Pressure sensing range: 300-1100 hPa (9000m to -500m above sea level)
– Up to 0.03hPa / 0.25m resolution
– -40 to +85°C operational range, +-2°C temperature accuracy
– This board/chip uses I2C 7-bit address 0x77.

Rain Sensor

Rain sensors are used in the detection of water beyond what a humidity sensor can detect.

The rain sensor detects water that completes the circuits on its sensor boards’ printed leads.
The sensor board acts as a variable resistor that will change from 100k ohms when wet to 2M
ohms when dry. In short, the wetter the board the more current that will be conducted.

A rain sensor or rain switch is a switching device activated by rainfall. There are two main
applications for rain sensors. The first is a water conservation device connected to an automatic
irrigation system that causes the system to shut down in the event of rainfall. The second is a
device used to protect the interior of an automobile from rain and to support theautomatic
mode of windscreen wipers. An additional application in professional satellite communications
antennas is to trigger a rain blower on the aperture of the antenna feed, to remove water
droplets from the mylar cover that keeps pressurized and dry air inside the wave-guides.

Circuit Diagram & Connections

Below is the circuit diagram for making Live weather Station Monitoring Using
NodeMCU. Assemble the circuit as shown in the figure below.

First Assemble the circuit as shown above in the circuit diagram and upload the main into file to
NodeMCU board.

Chapter 4


Internet Of Things(IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and
digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and
the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-
computer interaction.

The definition of the Internet of Things has evolved due to the convergence of multiple
technologies, real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors, and embedded systems.
Traditional fields of embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, control
systems, automation (including home and building automation), and others all contribute to
enabling the Internet of Things. In the consumer market, IoT technology is most synonymous
with products pertaining to the concept of the "smart home", covering devices
and appliances (such as lighting fixtures, thermostats, home security systems and cameras, and
other home appliances) that support one or more common ecosystems, and can be controlled via
devices associated with that ecosystem, such as smartphones and smart speakers.

There are a number of serious concerns about dangers in the growth of IoT, especially in the
areas of privacy and security; and consequently industry and governmental moves to begin to
address these.


The extensive set of applications for IoT devices is often divided into consumer, commercial,
industrial, and infrastructure spaces.

Consumer applications

A growing portion of IoT devices are created for consumer use, including connected
vehicles, home automation, wearable technology, connected health, and appliances with remote
monitoring capabilities.

Smart Cities

The Smart city projects held in various countries such as Seoul, Dubai, New York, and
Singapore have supported many major smart cities development. The smart city development
can be seen as the future of leading smart life, and entering the development of IoT technology
will become very reasonable where as the innovation rate of creating today’s smart cities is
remarkable. The smart city development using sensors requires very cautious and systematic
planning at all in single stages, with government policy approval and citizens agreements to
appreciate the internet of things technology

Smart home

IoT devices are a part of the larger concept of home automation, which can include lighting,
heating and air conditioning, media and security systems. Long-term benefits could include
energy savings by automatically ensuring lights and electronics are turned off.

A smart home or automated home could be based on a platform or hubs that control smart
devices and appliances. For instance, using Apple's HomeKit, manufacturers can have their home
products and accessories controlled by an application in iOS devices such as the iPhone and

the Apple Watch. This could be a dedicated app or iOS native applications such as Siri. This can
be demonstrated in the case of Lenovo's Smart Home Essentials, which is a line of smart home
devices that are controlled through Apple's Home app or Siri without the need for a Wi-Fi
bridge.There are also dedicated smart home hubs that are offered as standalone platforms to
connect different smart home products and these include the Amazon Echo, Google Home,
Apple's HomePod, and Samsung's SmartThings Hub.In addition to the commercial systems,
there are many non-proprietary, open source ecosystems; including Home Assistant, OpenHAB
and Domoticz.

Smart parking lots

By enabling smart parking, arrival and departure of various vehicles can be tracked for different
parking lots distributed in the city [12]. Consequently, the smart parking lots should be designed
in a way to consider the number of cars in each zone [13]. Moreover, new parking lots should be
established where a higher number of vehicles are available [14]. Correspondingly, the data of
smart parking lots can bring advantages for both vehicle owners’ and merchants’ daily lives in a
smart city.

Smart Health

Health is considered very vital one around the people and people needs automation to monitor
the health. Efficient and effective health monitoring system needed because a person is affliction
from bad health and does not have automated usage. The current situation is very critical and
identified being patients is very decisive in disease identification. To resolve this issue an
automated IoT connected wireless automated system makes possible for monitoring health
oriented issues. This solution is best and captures patient health in a protected manner.

Elder care

One key application of a smart home is to provide assistance for those with disabilities and
elderly individuals. These home systems use assistive technology to accommodate an owner's
specific disabilities. Voice control can assist users with sight and mobility limitations while alert
systems can be connected directly to cochlear implants worn by hearing-impaired users.They can
also be equipped with additional safety features. These features can include sensors that monitor
for medical emergencies such as falls or seizures. Smart home technology applied in this way
can provide users with more freedom and a higher quality of life.

Smart Transportation and Mobility

The development in transportation system is the main factors indicate the nation’s infrastructural
growth. The main application is IoT sensor based automated transportation system. This system
helps to monitor road condition and alert applications. The principles of crowd sourcing and
sensing provides the significant idea to make the smart transport and mobility. The IoT based
smart Transportation development is considers the cost of fuel and also eco-friendly global

warming feature. Many countries funded smart transportation research projects to make the
environment safer and smarter. Particularly Lithium-ion battery performance for electric vehicles as
explored and these projects have been funded in numerous.

Smart Water

Water is one of the life’s essential elements. Water pollution is one of the world’s major
problems. The water should be monitored to ensure the safe supply of drinking and useful water
for various purposes such as agriculture. Recently, water levels are very low and there is a drop
in the lakes. It is therefore too important to find the water monitoring and control system
solution. IoT is a solution for it.

Security and Emergencies

The system proposed can detect smoke, various flammable gasses and fire. This system is
capable of providing the nearby fire department with hazard location coordinates. This fire
hazard sensing system with a systematic IoT framework highlights an innovation in application
to the public safety and service life support sector.

Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID)

These systems consisting of readers and tags are playing a key role in the context of the IoT. By
applying these technologies to any involved object, it is possible to carry out their automatic
identification and assign a unique digital identity to each object, in order to be incorporated in
the network and related to the digital information and service.

Wireless sensor network (WSN)

WSNs can provide different suitable data and also may be used in many cases such as
healthcare, government and environmental services and seismic sensing [10]. Furthermore,
WSNs could be integrated with RFID systems to gain some goals like obtaining information
regarding the position, movement, temperature, etc.


As well as the Internet can enable a remarkable interconnection of people, the existing trend in
the IoT can similarly provide an interconnection of objects and things, in order to establish smart
environments To this end, the capability of uniquely identifying objects is crucial for favorable

outcomes of the IoT. This is due to the fact that uniquely addressing the large-scale combination
of objects is vital for controlling them via the Internet. In addition to the mentioned uniqueness
concept, reliability, scalability as well as persistence denote the key requirements to develop a
unique addressing scheme.

Vehicular traffic

Vehicular traffic data are one of the most important data sources in a typical smart city in which,
by using these data and applying a suitable analysis, citizens and the government will benefit
greatly. Citizens could be also able to use the vehicular traffic data to determine the arrival time
to a destination.

Environmental pollution

A city cannot be considered as a smart one if its citizens are unhealthy. To this end, a smart city
should monitor the environmental pollution and deliver the related information to citizens,
especially to those with health care conditions. Reference also reported a separate module to
achieve noise and environmental data.

Surveillance systems

In a smart city, security is the most important factor from the citizens’ viewpoint. For this
purpose, the whole smart city should be continuously monitored. However, analyzing the data
and detecting crimes are very challenging. Reference has proposed new scenarios to enhance the
security of the smart city.

Smart energy and smart grids

The utilization of the IoT can furnish intelligent management of energy distribution and
consumption in heterogeneous circumstances. The IoT nodes have some abilities such as sensing
and networking which raise the possibility of optimal scheduling of energy suppliers. This
management can also be extended to emergency conditions. One of the most important results of
this extension is fault location, isolating and service restoration (FLISR).Implementing this
property thanks to the IoT provides an advanced tool which determines the position of the

defective parts, separates them, and applies switching task to recover the largest number of
healthy part of the affected energy feeder. Also, at the advanced level, this function can be
developed by using self-healing methods that are able to activate the participation of the
customers as well as of dispersed generation units. Implementing these strategies leads to
increase the reliability, power quality and profits. Some of the main specifications of the smart
grids are categorized.

Legal and social aspects

The IoT system may be service based on the user-provided information. For such cases, the
service provider has to be in accordance with different local and international laws. Also, the
users should have enough incentives to participate in the defined scenarios and data collection. It
will be more convenient if opportunities are given to the users to select and take part in
submitting data which denote a thing . Reference deals with the issues of systems which
incorporate humans as a data resource to provide a secure interaction.

Big data

Considering about 50 billion devices, it is certainly necessary to pay attention to transferring,

storing and recalling and also analyzing such a huge amount of data produced by them . It is
obvious that the IoT infrastructures will be some of the major resources of big data. .

Sensor networks

Sensor networks can be considered as one of the most important technologies to enable the IoT .
This technology is able to shape the world by providing the ability of measuring, inferring, and
understanding environmental indicators.Recent developments and improvements in technologies
have provided devices with high efficiency and low-cost to employ remote sensing applications
in large-scale. In addition, smartphones are associated with a diversity of sensors and,
consequently, they enable a variety of mobile applications in several areas of IoT. To this end,
the major challenging task is to process the large-scale data of the sensors in terms of energy and
network limits and various uncertainties.


As a result of some issues related to the heterogeneity of contributing things, to the restricted
storage and process capability, as well as to the enormous diversity of applications, the
middleware plays a critical role in the interconnection of the objects to the application layer. The
key objective of the middleware is, indeed, to concisely integrate the functionalities and
communication capabilities of all involved devices.

Responsive customers

Transactive controllers and many other smart devices can be utilized to manage smart homes. In
a home gateway is introduced in order to allow the home controller to cooperate with the
aggregator who is responsible to collect data from many homes. Based on the signals from
transactive controllers, the aggregator is able to specify the electricity purchasing prices from the
electricity market and send the signals about the acceptance/rejection of bids to these devices.
The possibility for monitoring and controlling the electrical appliances can enhance the
participation of the active customers in the operation of the system that is well-known as demand
response. Demand side activities are reported by the International Energy Agency (IEA) to be
the key option in every energy policy decision, due to the operational and economic advantages

Commercial application

Medical and healthcare

The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), (also called the Internet of health things), is an
application of the IoT for medical and health related purposes, data collection and analysis for
research, and monitoring. The IoMT has been referenced as "Smart Healthcare", as the
technology for creating a digitised healthcare system, connecting available medical resources and
healthcare services.

IoT devices can be used to enable remote health monitoring and emergency notification systems.
These health monitoring devices can range from blood pressure and heart rate monitors to
advanced devices capable of monitoring specialised implants, such as pacemakers, Fitbit
electronic wristbands, or advanced hearing aids. Some hospitals have begun implementing
"smart beds" that can detect when they are occupied and when a patient is attempting to get up. It
can also adjust itself to ensure appropriate pressure and support is applied to the patient without
the manual interaction of nurses. A 2015 Goldman Sachs report indicated that healthcare IoT
devices "can save the United States more than $300 billion in annual healthcare expenditures by
increasing revenue and decreasing cost.”Moreover, the use of mobile devices to support medical
follow-up led to the creation of 'm-health', used "to analyse, capture, transmit and store health
statistics from multiple resources, including sensors and other biomedical acquisition systems".

Specialized sensors can also be equipped within living spaces to monitor the health and general
well-being of senior citizens, while also ensuring that proper treatment is being administered and
assisting people regain lost mobility via therapy as well.These sensors create a network of
intelligent sensors that are able to collect, process, transfer, and analyze valuable information in
different environments, such as connecting in-home monitoring devices to hospital-based
systems. Other consumer devices to encourage healthy living, such as connected scales
or wearable heart monitors, are also a possibility with the IoT. End-to-end health monitoring IoT
platforms are also available for antenatal and chronic patients, helping one manage health vitals
and recurring medication requirements.

Advances in plastic and fabric electronics fabrication methods have enabled ultra-low cost, use-
and-throw IoMT sensors. These sensors, along with the required RFID electronics, can be
fabricated on paper or e-textiles for wirelessly powered disposable sensing devices. Applications
have been established for point-of-care medical diagnostics, where portability and low system-
complexity is essential.

As of 2018 IoMT was not only being applied in the clinical laboratory industry, but also in the
healthcare and health insurance industries. IoMT in the healthcare industry is now permitting
doctors, patients, and others, such as guardians of patients, nurses, families, and similar,to be part
of a system, where patient records are saved in a database, allowing doctors and the rest of the
medical staff to have access to patient information. Moreover, IoT-based systems are patient-
centered, which involves being flexible to the patient's medical conditions. IoMT in the
insurance industry provides access to better and new types of dynamic information. This includes
sensor-based solutions such as biosensors, wearables, connected health devices, and mobile apps

to track customer behaviour. This can lead to more accurate underwriting and new pricing

The application of the IOT in healthcare plays a fundamental role in managing chronic diseases
and in disease prevention and control. Remote monitoring is made possible through the
connection of powerful wireless solutions. The connectivity enables health practitioners to
capture patient's data and applying complex algorithms in health data analysis.


Digital variable speed-limit sign

The IoT can assist in the integration of communications, control, and information processing
across various transportation systems. Application of the IoT extends to all aspects of
transportation systems (i.e. the vehicle, the infrastructure, and the driver or user). Dynamic
interaction between these components of a transport system enables inter- and intra-vehicular
communication, smart traffic control, smart parking, electronic toll collection systems, logistics
and fleet management, vehicle control, safety, and road assistance. In Logistics and Fleet
Management, for example, an IoT platform can continuously monitor the location and conditions
of cargo and assets via wireless sensors and send specific alerts when management exceptions
occur (delays, damages, thefts, etc.). This can only be possible with the IoT and its seamless
connectivity among devices. Sensors such as GPS, Humidity, and Temperature send data to the

IoT platform and then the data is analyzed and then sent to the users. This way, users can track
the real-time status of vehicles and can make appropriate decisions. If combined with Machine
Learning, then it also helps in reducing traffic accidents by introducing drowsiness alerts to
drivers and providing self-driven cars too.

V2X communications
Main article: V2X

In vehicular communication systems, vehicle-to-everything communication (V2X), consists of

three main components: vehicle to vehicle communication (V2V), vehicle to infrastructure
communication (V2I) and vehicle to pedestrian communications (V2P). V2X is the first step
to autonomous driving and connected road infrastructure.[citation needed]

Building and home automation

IoT devices can be used to monitor and control the mechanical, electrical and electronic systems
used in various types of buildings (e.g., public and private, industrial, institutions, or
residential) in home automation and building automation systems. In this context, three main
areas are being covered in literature:

 The integration of the Internet with building energy management systems in order to create
energy efficient and IOT-driven "smart buildings"
 The possible means of real-time monitoring for reducing energy consumption and monitoring
occupant behaviors.
 The integration of smart devices in the built environment and how they might to know how
to be used in future applications.

Industrial applications
Main article: Industrial Internet of Things

Also known as IIoT, industrial IoT devices acquire and analyze data from connected equipment,
(OT) operational technology, locations and people. Combined with operational technology (OT)
monitoring devices, IIOT helps regulate and monitor industrial systems.


The IoT can realize the seamless integration of various manufacturing devices equipped with
sensing, identification, processing, communication, actuation, and networking capabilities. Based
on such a highly integrated smart cyber-physical space, it opens the door to create whole new
business and market opportunities for manufacturing. Network control and management
of manufacturing equipment, asset and situation management, or manufacturing process
control bring the IoT within the realm of industrial applications and smart manufacturing as
well. The IoT intelligent systems enable rapid manufacturing of new products, dynamic response
to product demands, and real-time optimization of manufacturing production and supply chain
networks, by networking machinery, sensors and control systems together.

Digital control systems to automate process controls, operator tools and service information
systems to optimize plant safety and security are within the purview of the IoT. But it also
extends itself to asset management via predictive maintenance, statistical evaluation, and
measurements to maximize reliability. Industrial management systems can also be integrated
with smart grids, enabling real-time energy optimization. Measurements, automated controls,
plant optimization, health and safety management, and other functions are provided by a large
number of networked sensors.

Industrial IoT (IIoT) in manufacturing could generate so much business value that it will
eventually lead to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also referred to as Industry 4.0. The potential
for growth from implementing IIoT may generate $12 trillion of global GDP by 2030.

Design architecture of cyber-physical systems-enabled manufacturing system

Industrial big data analytics will play a vital role in manufacturing asset predictive maintenance,
although that is not the only capability of industrial big data. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) is
the core technology of industrial big data and it will be an interface between human and the
cyber world. Cyber-physical systems can be designed by following the 5C (connection,
conversion, cyber, cognition, configuration) architecture, and it will transform the collected data
into actionable information, and eventually interfere with the physical assets to optimize

An IoT-enabled intelligent system of such cases was proposed in 2001 and later demonstrated in
2014 by the National Science Foundation Industry/University Collaborative Research Center
for Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS) at the University of Cincinnati on a bandsaw machine
in IMTS 2014 in Chicago. Bandsaw machines are not necessarily expensive, but the bandsaw
belt expenses are enormous since they degrade much faster. However, without sensing and

intelligent analytics, it can be only determined by experience when the band saw belt will
actually break. The developed prognostics system will be able to recognize and monitor the
degradation of band saw belts even if the condition is changing, advising users when is the best
time to replace the belt. This will significantly improve user experience and operator safety and
ultimately save on costs.


There are numerous IoT applications in farming such as collecting data on temperature, rainfall,
humidity, wind speed, pest infestation, and soil content. This data can be used to automate
farming techniques, take informed decisions to improve quality and quantity, minimize risk and
waste, and reduce effort required to manage crops. For example, farmers can now monitor soil
temperature and moisture from afar, and even apply IoT-acquired data to precision fertilization

In August 2018, Toyota Tsusho began a partnership with Microsoft to create fish farming tools
using the Microsoft Azure application suite for IoT technologies related to water management.
Developed in part by researchers from Kindai University, the water pump mechanisms
use artificial intelligence to count the number of fish on a conveyor belt, analyze the number of
fish, and deduce the effectiveness of water flow from the data the fish provide. The
specific computer programs used in the process fall under the Azure Machine Learning and the
Azure IoT Hub platforms.

Infrastructure applications

Monitoring and controlling operations of sustainable urban and rural infrastructures like bridges,
railway tracks and on- and offshore wind-farms is a key application of the IoT. The IoT
infrastructure can be used for monitoring any events or changes in structural conditions that can
compromise safety and increase risk. The IoT can benefit the construction industry by cost
saving, time reduction, better quality workday, paperless workflow and increase in productivity.
It can help in taking faster decisions and save money with Real-Time Data Analytics. It can also
be used for scheduling repair and maintenance activities in an efficient manner, by coordinating
tasks between different service providers and users of these facilities. IoT devices can also be
used to control critical infrastructure like bridges to provide access to ships. Usage of IoT
devices for monitoring and operating infrastructure is likely to improve incident management

and emergency response coordination, and quality of service, up-times and reduce costs of
operation in all infrastructure related areas. Even areas such as waste management can
benefit from automation and optimization that could be brought in by the IoT.

Metropolitan scale deployments

There are several planned or ongoing large-scale deployments of the IoT, to enable better
management of cities and systems. For example, Songdo, South Korea, the first of its kind fully
equipped and wired smart city, is gradually being built, with approximately 70 percent of the
business district completed as of June 2018. Much of the city is planned to be wired and
automated, with little or no human intervention

Another application is a currently undergoing project in Santander, Spain. For this deployment,
two approaches have been adopted. This city of 180,000 inhabitants has already seen 18,000
downloads of its city smartphone app. The app is connected to 10,000 sensors that enable
services like parking search, environmental monitoring, digital city agenda, and more. City
context information is used in this deployment so as to benefit merchants through a spark deals
mechanism based on city behavior that aims at maximizing the impact of each notification.

Other examples of large-scale deployments underway include the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou

Knowledge City; work on improving air and water quality, reducing noise pollution, and
increasing transportation efficiency in San Jose, California; and smart traffic management in
western Singapore. Using its RPMA (Random Phase Multiple Access) technology, San Diego-

based Ingenu has built a nationwide public network for low-bandwidth data transmissions using
the same unlicensed 2.4 gigahertz spectrum as Wi-Fi. Ingenu's "Machine Network" covers more
than a third of the US population across 35 major cities including San Diego and Dallas. French
company, Sigfox, commenced building an Ultra Narrowband wireless data network in the San
Francisco Bay Area in 2014, the first business to achieve such a deployment in the U.S. It
subsequently announced it would set up a total of 4000 base stations to cover a total of 30 cities
in the U.S. by the end of 2016, making it the largest IoT network coverage provider in the
country thus far. Cisco also participates in smart cities projects. Cisco has started deploying
technologies for Smart Wi-Fi, Smart Safety & Security, Smart Lighting, Smart Parking, Smart
Transports, Smart Bus Stops, Smart Kiosks, Remote Expert for Government Services (REGS)
and Smart Education in the five km area in the city of Vijaywada.

Another example of a large deployment is the one completed by New York Waterways in New
York City to connect all the city's vessels and be able to monitor them live 24/7. The network
was designed and engineered by Fluidmesh Networks, a Chicago-based company developing
wireless networks for critical applications. The NYWW network is currently providing coverage
on the Hudson River, East River, and Upper New York Bay. With the wireless network in place,
NY Waterway is able to take control of its fleet and passengers in a way that was not previously
possible. New applications can include security, energy and fleet management, digital signage,
public Wi-Fi, paperless ticketing and others

Energy management

Significant numbers of energy-consuming devices (e.g. switches, power outlets, bulbs,

televisions, etc.) already integrate Internet connectivity, which can allow them to communicate
with utilities to balance power generation and energy usage] and optimize energy consumption as
a whole. These devices allow for remote control by users, or central management via a cloud-
based interface, and enable functions like scheduling (e.g., remotely powering on or off heating
systems, controlling ovens, changing lighting conditions etc.). The smart grid is a utility-side IoT
application; systems gather and act on energy and power-related information to improve the
efficiency of the production and distribution of electricity. Using advanced metering
infrastructure (AMI) Internet-connected devices, electric utilities not only collect data from end-
users, but also manage distribution automation devices like transformers.

Environmental monitoring

Environmental monitoring applications of the IoT typically use sensors to assist in environmental
protection by monitoring air or water quality, atmospheric or soil conditions,] and can even
include areas like monitoring the movements of wildlife and their habitats.] Development of
resource-constrained devices connected to the Internet also means that other applications
like earthquake or tsunami early-warning systems can also be used by emergency services to
provide more effective aid. IoT devices in this application typically span a large geographic area
and can also be mobile It has been argued that the standardization IoT brings to wireless sensing
will revolutionize this area.

Living Lab

Another example of integrating the IoT is Living Lab which integrates and combines research
and innovation process, establishing within a public-private-people-partnership. There are
currently 320 Living Labs that use the IoT to collaborate and share knowledge between
stakeholders to co-create innovative and technological products. For companies to implement
and develop IoT services for smart cities, they need to have incentives. The governments play
key roles in smart cities projects as changes in policies will help cities to implement the IoT
which provides effectiveness, efficiency, and accuracy of the resources that are being used. For
instance, the government provides tax incentives and cheap rent, improves public transports, and
offers an environment where start-up companies, creative industries, and multinationals may co-
create, share common infrastructure and labor markets, and take advantages of locally embedded
technologies, production process, and transaction costs. The relationship between the technology
developers and governments who manage city's assets, is key to provide open access of resources
to users in an efficient way.

Military Applications

The Internet of Military Things (IoMT) is the application of IoT technologies in the military
domain for the purposes of reconnaissance, surveillance, and other combat-related objectives. It
is heavily influenced by the future prospects of warfare in an urban environment and involves the
use of sensors, munitions, vehicles, robots, human-wearable biometrics, and other smart
technology that is relevant on the battlefield.

Internet of Battlefield Things

The Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) is a project initiated and executed by the U.S. Army
Research Laboratory (ARL) that focuses on the basic science related to IoT that enhance the
capabilities of Army soldiers. In 2017, ARL launched the Internet of Battlefield Things
Collaborative Research Alliance (IoBT-CRA), establishing a working collaboration between
industry, university, and Army researchers to advance the theoretical foundations of IoT
technologies and their applications to Army operations.

Ocean of Things

The Ocean of Things project is a DARPA-led program designed to establish an Internet of
Things across large ocean areas for the purposes of collecting, monitoring, and analyzing
environmental and vessel activity data. The project entails the deployment of about 50,000 floats
that house a passive sensor suite that autonomously detect and track military and commercial
vessels as part of a cloud-based network.

Chapter 5

Requirement and Analysis

Due to the rapid growth of network infrastructure and sensor,the age of the IoT (Internet of
Things)that can be implemented into the smart car,smart home,smart building,and smart city is
coming.IoT is a very useful ecosystem that provides various service (e.g.,amazon
echo);howover,at the same time,risk can be huge too.Collecting Information to help people could
lead serious information leakage,and if IoT is combined with critical control system(e.g.train
control system),security attack would cause loss of lives.Furthermore,research on IoT security
requirements is insufficient now.Therefore,this paper focuses on IoT security,and its
requirements.First,we propose basic security requirements of IoT by analyzing three basic
characteristics(i.e.,heterogeneity,resource constraint,dynamic environment).Then we suggest six
key elements of IoT(i.e.,IoT network,cloud,user,attacker,service,platform) and analyze their
security issues for overall security requirements.In addition,we evaluate several IoT security
requirement researches. This section analyzes security requirements based on 3 typical IoT
characteristics that have been researched in other researches. These security requirements are
commonly applied in IoT security. Therefore, it is important to understand and take advantage of
it to design security mechanisms in IoT environment. A. Heterogeneity In IoT, heterogeneity
means diversity of hardware performances (e.g. CPU computation, memory footprint), protocols,
platforms, policies, etc. The biggest problem of heterogeneity is absence of common security
service. heterogeneity weakens interoperability and causes extra fees about performance and
money to interpret each other. Besides, making security-related policies and updates are more
complex. In order to solve these problems, we can use some technologies (e.g., meta data
registry (MDR), middleware); however, it is not a fundamental solution. For providing common
security service, unified IoT security standard has to be established. Then, developer who are
related to IoT development should follow standards strictly. Recently, standards organizations
(e.g., ITU-T, ETSI, ISO/IEC JTC 1) develop some standards for the security in the IoT. B.
Resource Constraint Most IoT devices are lacking performance and battery capacity. Therefore,
legacy security services, such as TLS (transport layer security), AES (advanced encryption

standard), cannot be applied to IoT devices directly . Therefore, these services or algorithms
should be designed to be lightweight and straightforward to increase efficiency of CPU, memory
and battery. In addition, scalability has to be considered. Apart from lack of performance of
device and network bandwidth also low, so that multicast is more effective than unicast . Note
that, CoAP (constrained application protocol) supports multicast in RFC 7252 officially, but
MQTT (message queue telemetry transport) does not. C. Dynamic Environment Due to mobility
and bad connections, IoT has a dynamic network topology. In very demanding cases (e.g., smart
city), numerous devices may send a large number of requests. Hence, not only flexibility , but
also scalability [6] is required in IoT communication protocols. Cisco forecasts that 50 billion
devices will be created by 2020, and after that, more and more devices will be made.
Consequently, flexibility and scalability will be key security requirements of IoT. SECURITY
of IoT (i.e., IoT network, cloud, user, attacker, service, and platform). We consider reviewing
security requirements from the elements to be the most effective way. A more detailed
description is in the following subsections. Six Key Elements of IoT A. IoT Network IoT
network is a specialized form of conventional network. It has three features as described. In IoT
network, there are many Things (e.g., gateways, sensors), and they may communicate using
lightweight communication protocols, such as MQTT and CoAP based on IEEE 802.15.4. The
most important fact is that IoT network is basically not different from conventional networks.
Therefore, most existing problems (e.g., fragmentation, security attacks) could happen in IoT
network. In this subsection, we focus on the following issues: privacy, security in multicasting
and bootstrapping. Privacy. IoT is becoming more and more closer to human life like ubiquitous.
It can be used anywhere, anytime with anything. People will be monitored by CCTV in
everywhere, and sensors will send any sensed information to the network. Additionally, types of
information will be diversified and amount of information will be gradually increased because of
big data. In this situation, ensuring privacy is critical. Thus, from now on, we need to research
security for privacy under understanding of characteristics and security requirements of IoT.
Particularly, encryption and authentication is necessary to be made use of bitwise operation
rather than mathematical algorithm like ECC (elliptic curve cryptography) in order to make
lightweight security service. Finally, privacy does not always have to be protected. If user is in
emergency situation (e.g., car accident), privacy information is required to provide to doctor or

close people . Security in multicasting. IoT environment which is resource-constrained can be
used multicasting more effective than conventional network. When using multicasting, multicast
group should be created with authenticated users, and secret key that is shared with group
members is required to keep securely . Security in bootstrapping. Bootstrapping is a process that
sends data (e.g., configuration information, key material) to participate secure IoT network. After
that, authentication and authorization are performed. D. Garcia-Carrillo et al. proposes a
flexible, scalable and lightweight bootstrapping for demanding environment like smart city using
AAA (authentication, authorization, accounting), EAP (extensible authentication protocol) and
CoAP. Likewise, bootstrapping is required to designed in a flexible, scalable and lightweight
manner. These are essential characteristics in the IoT environment. Finally, it cannot be
guaranteed to prevent security attack with only network security. So, devices should provide
built-in security. Embedded security can support dynamic prevention, detection, diagnosis and
isolation . B. Cloud Usually, IoT devices use cloud because they cannot save the data in their low
memory capacity. In some cases, sensitive data (e.g., home CCTV video, personal location,
health information) can be used for rescue people. However, if cloud out of order for some
reasons, IoT devices cannot save the data. Then critical data that will be used for rescue can be
missing. As a result, rescue service that require the data may be stopped. Therefore, in this case,
availability is highly necessary, so that device should have back-up cloud to be replaced with
original cloud. There are a lot of data sent from many devices in cloud. To protect the data from
unauthorized user, cloud should use proper access control (i.e., authentication, authorization),
encryption, data anonymity, etc. In addition, the data may not be fully needed to be encrypted
based on the importance of data. In this case, security-level based encryption is required for
efficiency. It is the similar concept with contextual integrity in. User is the most vulnerable
element in IoT security. Even if information system is implemented securely, if a user, especially
system engineer, is careless to manage, any security system will be useless. For example, in ID-
password authentication model, if a user makes the password with a simple and guessable
passphrase, attackers could crack the password easily using brute force attack or dictionary
attack which is well known security attack. That is, the user has to follow strictly the security
rules, and the user needs to be educated about social engineering. D. Attacker Security service
can be compromised by attacker Although a user follows security rule. Due to IoT devices are
connected to network, it can be victim anytime. most of IoT devices cannot apply strong security

service because of its constrained resources. Besides, current IoT security services have not been
fully validated. For these reasons, IoT is easy target to attack so that security attack will be
increased and diversified. Thus, in this subsection, we analyze security requirements against
security threats. In IoT environment, security threats can be categorized into non-physical threats
and physical threats. Non-physical threat can be described as threats which uses network, and
physical threats also can be described as all threat except for nonphysical threat. In contrast to
conventional PC environment, IoT devices may not be placed on secure environment.
Consequently, IoT devices could be easily destructed by nature and people who has malicious
intention. If an attacker is able to access the device in insecure environment, the attacker can do
side channel attack, or can analyze vulnerability of firmware or platform. Therefore, security
mechanisms for the IoT device in harsh environment is required to be considered when device
manufacturer implement the device. Most of non-physical threats (e.g., buffer overflow, sniffing,
man in the middle attack, spoofing) are attacks on confidentiality, integrity and availability. Due
to heterogeneity, IoT security is too complex to prevent the types of attacks. Additionally, IoT
device has constrained resource to adopt the strong security services (e.g., intrusion detection
system, antivirus ) for protecting system from security threats. For these reasons, IoT device is
more vulnerable to security attacks (e.g., DDoS) than conventional PC environment. Even simple
DoS (Denial of Service) can stop operation of device if its performance is not enough. Gateway
that performance is relatively sufficient compared to IoT device could adopt IDS or anti-virus on
behalf of the device. Attackers can attack on IoT system using the vulnerability of firmware,
platform or communication protocol, etc. The security vulnerability is made by system designers
and developers’ inexperience or mistake. Each vulnerability has different impacts on system.
Some of vulnerability is sufficient to break security system, or can steal root permission.
Therefore, vulnerability must be minimized by using secure coding, static analysis, dynamic
analysis, reverse engineering, etc. In critical control field, control permission never be lost and
changed by attacker, and operation should be supported continuously. Therefore, control system
must need a fault tolerance and back-up devices . Back-up device can be replaced when main
device is compromised or stopped. E. Service In this subsection, we analyze security issues (i.e.,
trust, access control, middleware, storage) as illustrated. Before we describe the security
requirements based on security issues, each element of the scenario will be explained. To take
advantage of a service, the user needs to trust the server, and the server needs to provide privacy

to the user. If the user decides the server is trustworthy, the user will use service provided by the
server or group of devices with smart phone, smart watch, or some kind of network devices.
After that, the devices have to progress bootstrapping and access control (i.e., authentication and
authorization). Thereby, devices obtain trust from server. Especially, automated, intelligent and
context-aware devices in real IoT environment might be operated by itself without human
intervention. Finally, the attacker can compromise the server for malicious intentions (e.g.,
collecting personal information). Security Requirements among User, Device, Attacker, and
Service Trust is complex concept. In spite of its importance, there is no clear definition. Due to
unclear definition of trust, it is hard to estimate and evaluate . Therefore, we have to define trust
clearly, and need to make the method for estimate and evaluate of trust in order to the IoT
security. In fact, ‘Trust’ was used with two different meaning . In case of the user, trust means
belief. However, in other case of the device, trust means not only belief but also interoperability
that any kinds of devices can be communicated with each device. In IoT environment,
middleware can be used for platform that support interoperability, and it can provide security for
devices and data. Therefore, when we design middleware architecture, security, privacy, and use
of multi communication medium should be considered . As mentioned previously, access control
is security service including authentication and authorization for ensuring security and privacy.
Due to dynamic environment and resource constraint of IoT, access control should be flexible
and scalable. Furthermore, access control needs to handle various types of access control
policies. In addition, identification method to authorize needs to be strict, and the process for
managing authority should be easy and simple. As a result of the access control, certificate will
be issued. There is a problem in the number of certificates. It could be created too many owing to
scale of IoT (e.g., smart city). So, in this case, delegation of authentication and authorization will
be necessary. The last is storage issue. Confidentiality and integrity of data in storage should be
supported as the cloud environment. F. Platform AllSeen, oneM2M, OIC (open interconnect
consortium) and other standards organizations have been established IoT platform standards.
Open IoT platform (e.g., Mobius, OneM2M, AllJoyn, COMUS) provides multiple functions
(e.g., distributed cooperation, execution control, interoperability between heterogeneous devices
to share data). They are focusing on the functionality of platform mainly, however, security is
considered only in common services (e.g., encryption, access control through authentication and
authorization, signature). At this time, as mentioned earlier, because it is necessary to consider

the performance of various IoT devices, all of security services should be lightweight. In
addition, according to the security level of device, security service should be supported
optionally in order to overcome heterogeneity of device performance. Furthermore, for
authentication and authorization, method for understanding many different security policies used
in diverse devices and domain is required. Finally, as mentioned, attackers can seize device, and
analyze vulnerability of the platform. Therefore, platform needs to minimize its vulnerability,
and should be verified itself using the trusted platform module (TPM).

a. Limitations

Waste Management

The problem of waste management is very crucial issue in big cities, due to two reasons; first the
cost of service and second the problem of storage of accumulating garbage. In order to save and
make use of inexpensive environmental advantages, a deeper penetration of information and
communications technologies solutions in this field will be required. For example, intelligent
waste containers help identify the level of load the trucks carry and allow for an optimization of
the collector trucks route, which in turn can reduce the cost of waste collection and improve the
quality of recycling. To incorporate and make effective use of such smart waste management
services, the IoT will connect these intelligent waste containers, to a control center where an
optimization software will process the data and determine the optimal management and route the
collector truck should follow.

IoT Application – Waste Management

b. Vehicle Tracking

The vehicle tracking facility makes use of road sensors and intelligent display systems that help
drivers to find the best path for parking in the city. The benefits from this service are many such
as faster the car takes to locate a parking slot means lesser CO emission from the car, lesser
traffic problems, and ultimately happier citizens. The IoT infrastructure can directly integrate the
vehicle parking facility. Furthermore, like we discussed earlier, by using communication
technologies, such as Near Field Communication (NFC) or Radio Frequency Identifiers (RFID),
we can understand the electronic confirmation system of parking and locate slots reserved for
residents or disabled persons, thus offering a better service to residents that can make use of
those slots and also as an efficient tool to spot any violations quickly.
The monitoring technology currently in use for air and water safety mainly uses manual labor
along with some advanced instruments, and lab processing techniques. Through IoT systems, the
need for manual labor is reduced. As a result, frequent sampling is allowed, increasing the range
of monitoring and sampling, allowing sophisticated on-site testing, and providing responses to
detection systems. This prevents any further contamination of water bodies and other natural
resources and related disasters.

c. Extreme Weather

Powerful, advanced systems currently used for weather forecasting allow deep monitoring, but
they suffer from using broad instruments, such as radar and satellites. These instruments that are
used for small details lack the accurate targeting potential for smart technology.

d. Air and Water Pollution

Current monitoring technology for air and water safety primarily uses manual labor along with
advanced instruments, and lab processing. IoT improves on this technology by reducing the need
for human labor allowing frequent sampling, increasing the range of sampling and monitoring,
allowing sophisticated testing on-site, and binding response efforts to detection systems. This
allows us to prevent substantial contamination and related disasters.

e. Reliability

The analytics and action delivered by IoT also help to ensure system reliability. Beyond
consumption, IoT prevents system overloads or throttling. It also detects threats to system
performance and stability, which protects against losses such as downtime, damaged equipments
and injuries.

f. Environment and Conditioning

One of the greatest challenges in the engineering of buildings remains management of

environment and conditions due to many factors at work. These factors include building
materials, climate, building use, and more. Managing energy costs receives the most attention
but conditioning also impacts the durability and state of the structure.

Future Scope

The recent hype about our IoT future has forced companies to consider the basic building blocks
for the Internet of Things—i.e., hardware, software and support—to enable developers to deploy
applications that can connect anything within IoT’s scope. In this paper, we introduced the IoT
and summarized case studies about the IoT. Through numerous Internet technology advances,
the world is moving towards any time, any place, anyone connected paradigm. In the present
context, "Things" are simply those computerized and networked devices that become part of the
IoT. Some of those Things will be directly accessible over the Internet, whereas others would be
supposedly hidden in local networks behind firewalls and address-translating routers. New
applications and businesses are created continuously, and Internet content is always evolving. In
this climate many researchers have proposed IoT technology. However, there are still a lot of
challenges. In order to resolve these problems, we should overcome the challenges of the IoT.
Therefore, future work requires resolution of these challenges. Grouping the web services
required by user as well as their discovery is an important issue in IoT scenario. In the future,
home automation, smart cities, intelligent International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology (IJERT) transport and e-health in such domain IoT applications can be developed.
There are large numbers of devices that can sense the activity that are happening in the
surrounding to provide services to the end users. Most of the IoT devices are capable of sensing
environmental parameters but do not have the intelligence to give proper response depending on
the sensed information. Hence, it is necessary that the IoT devices should be grouped in clusters.
Users must be made aware of the presence of cluster to benefit from the services offered by it,
and hence there is need of a cluster discovery mechanism . Our message is intended as a wake-up

call for computer professionals, but is also relevant to everyone involved as a user. We know the
potential of IoT markets is huge, but some domains will mature more quickly than the rest. Here
is Internet of Things application areas that have the potential for exponential growth. According
to Gartner (an information technology research and advisory firm), consumer applications will
drive the number of connected things, while Enterprise will account for most of the revenue.
Gartner estimated that 2.9 billion connected things are in use in the consumer sector in 2015 and
would increase to over 13 billion till 2020.

The UK Government allocated £40,000,000 towards research into the Internet of Things in
their 2015 budget. The British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne posited that the
Internet of Things is the next stage of the information revolution and referenced the inter-
connectivity of everything from civil transport to healing devices to home appliances. The
proposed system does the reconfiguration of the sensors threshold values. There is scope for
development of an environment which can be automatically controlled based on the alerts from
the monitoring system.For example,when the temperature exceeds the threshold value that is set,
coolers will be turned on automatically to required temperature. The developed air quality
monitoring and visualization system accurately measured the concentration of pollutants carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, smoke and dust in atmosphere. The sensor has been integrated with
IoT framework which has efficiently been used to measure and monitor the pollutants in real-
time. So IoT is a major technology by which we can produce various useful internet applications.
Basically, IoT is a network in which all physical objects are connected to the internet through
network devices or routers and exchange data. IoT allows objects to be controlled remotely
across existing network infrastructure. IoT devices will be a huge part of how we interact with
basic everyday objects. In just one year alone, we went from having 5 million IoT devices
connected to the internet to billions. The future is happening now, and these devices are getting
smarter every day through machine learning and artificial intelligence.
People will get addicted to Tech connections
The surveys suggest that the usage of the IoT based devices will increase vastly. It will influence
the people over this and the coming decade. There will be some of the magical things that will

make the people addictive to the devices and people can’t resist to leave it. The convenience and
the benefits will keep the people attracted to the devices.

In the future, we can even expect that people will choose the connectivity over security. As
connecting with society, friends and new technology with convenience will become more
critical. People will even start keeping all their information data of themselves and their families
in these devices, and they start trading the safety and security for the convenience. The users will
begin making all the rational decision in a stake of their security and safety.
The kids, adults everyone will get addicted, and the house will become a big IoT device. While
human beings will not be able to cope without all these.

Say no to Unplugging!
Unplugging to the internet these days is very difficult by the end of 2025 there will be no term as
such as Unplugging. There will be threat alert, distrust and all still people will not be able to
disconnect with an online platform or the digital platform. People will become dependent on the
The surveys even say that:
Businesses will start penalizing the employees in the company who are connected in the internet
or those who disconnect. Remaining active in the digital media and the social media will gain
reward. However, the full withdrawal will be very difficult and can be impossible.

We can also hear the stories where it would you can see things like people tried to disconnect but
failed to do so. While you will not be to able to detached yourself with all these devices. As you
will be surrounded by all these things and won’t able to avoid it. People will have the illusion of
being detached, and it will not be true.

Increase in Internet participants

There will be people who will try to disconnect to the digital media and Social media.
Eventually, as soon as they try to divide double the people will come and join the Internet
platform. It just doubles up but can never go down. The smart TVs, Smartphones, voice searches
will become an essential requirement.

Even the disconnection here means those users are searching for a better option to connect again.
Ultimately, it means the users always doubles up instead of decreasing.

Risk mitigation and Human ability will make IoT safer

The ingenuity of human beings will make them genuine users, in the same way, the risk
mitigation will decrease.
All the networked devices will become reliable as the Power grid and make the platform safe
from the wrong actions. However, at points occasionally it will go out- and that will be a disaster
because people will, of course, survive it. There will get a lot of regulatory and technology-based
advancements that will act as the remedies and will decrease all the threats.
As the citizens in the countries and people in the whole world will become much more aware of
the Security and safety in the internet platform. This thing will increase pressure in the
Government if something goes wrong. It will automatically make the companies take a pressure
and make everything safe for the users.

What is the future scope of IoT?

The future of IoT or where and what advancements that we can see in the IoT future or after 25
years. You can see the top five themes that can be seen in the future of IoT is listed below take a
look at it:

People will get addicted to Tech connections

The surveys suggest that the usage of the IoT based devices will increase vastly. It will influence
the people over this and the coming decade. There will be some of the magical things that will
make the people addictive to the devices and people can’t resist to leave it. The convenience and
the benefits will keep the people attracted to the devices.
In the future, we can even expect that people will choose the connectivity over security. As
connecting with society, friends and new technology with convenience will become more
critical. People will even start keeping all their information data of themselves and their families
in these devices, and they start trading the safety and security for the convenience. The users will
begin making all the rational decision in a stake of their security and safety.
The kids, adults everyone will get addicted, and the house will become a big IoT device. While
human beings will not be able to cope without all these.

A rapid increase in IoT: Increase in risk

Whether the people are connected or not but the chance will stay, with the massive increase in
the IoT devices usage. This may lead to security and liberty issues getting magnified by the IoT

The Threats can turn into gruesome attacks and all the other acts which can be very violent. The
physical attacks are in the public and people can watch it. However in the cyber attacks will be in
private and you will not know who is the attacker but the results are terrible.

With the rise of the IoT and the security, the concern will increase so as the liberties by the users.
You can say this will help to know where you are walking and light your way or can grab your
sensitive and personal information. It will become the biggest challenge for the cops,
government and the whole world.

How will IoT be used in the future?

The future will see only IoT everywhere, it will like without an artificial intelligence use lives
would be incomplete.

Increased DDoS attack

Cybercrimes will increase and there will be extensive use of IoT devices to facilitate the DDoS
Attack. In the year 2016, the world was introduced with an Internet of Things malware- a strain
of malicious malware that can easily infect the already connected campaigns like DVRs, security
cameras and more. This malware got access to the devices with the default password and
Later, the malware turned the affected device into a botnet to facilitate the Distributed Denial of
Services (DDoS) attack. This usually aims to overwhelm the website with internet traffic.

Reign of Smart Cities

The consumers won’t be the only one using the smart devices, while the whole city and the
country will become smart. It will give the ultimate birth to smart cities. Everyone will adapt
these techniques to become smart in technologies and save time and energy.
In the end, cities will be able to automate, remotely manage, and collect data through visitor
kiosk, video camera surveillance, automobile rentals.


This project tells us how to analyze the environment using Internet of Things. Analyzing the
environment means to know about the temperature, the humidity, the weather conditions and
many more things related to the environment.
India is developing day by day. India is modernizing day by day. Internet of Things (IoT) plays a
very important role in this. The presented design can be used to remotely monitor weather
parameters like the temperature, the humidity, the weather conditions, etc.
Internet of things is a new technology which provides many applications to connect the things to
things and human to things through the internet. Each object in the world can be identified,
connected to each other through internet taking decisions independently. All networks and
technologies of communication are used in building the concept of the internet of things such
technologies are mobile computing, RFID, wireless sensors networks, and embedded systems, in
addition to many algorithms and methodologies to get management processes, storing data, and
security issues.
This project has been completed partially till now. We will complete the project which can
measure all the things related to the environment and that would be very useful in the upcoming










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