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MIS 272 Lesson3

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Intelligence for
MIS 272 Shuichi

Intelligent Robotics

Using machines to perform physical labor

Students Learning Outcomes

3.1. Discuss the applications of robots in various industries

3.2. Identify common components of robots

3.3. Discuss impacts of robots on future jobs

3.4. Identify legal issues related to robotics

Overview of Robots (1 of 3)

• Everybody has a different definition of a robot:

• Robotics involves — using machines to perform
physical labor, such as packing boxes, assembling
products, painting automobiles, and vacuuming floors.
• Robots are physical agents that perform tasks by
manipulating the physical world.
• They’re great for performing repetitive tasks and even
better for performing dangerous tasks, but they still
require programmers to “tell” them what to do.
• Combining robotics with AI produces machines that
can adapt to changing environments and learn how to
perform additional tasks
Overview of Robots (2 of 3)

Therefore, the realistic view of robots involves envisioning

robots as:
• A machine or a physical device or software that with the
cooperation of AI can accomplish a responsibility
• Sense and effect the environment
• Applications of robotics in our day-to-day lives have been
• Fourth Industrial Revolution
first time 2011
• Applications of robotics in manufacturing, health, and
Overview of Robots (3 of 3)

• Robots are moving from automation (performing
repetitive tasks) to autonomy (self initiated
executed tasks) Steed backlean
• Imaginative robots: R2D2 and C3-PO (Star Wars)
• Factories are using robots to automate routine
tasks for the last several decades
• Consumer focused robots – Roomba a
• Self driving car! (robots that we have to trust)
Three AI options in any
robotic project
• With any new robotics project, you must
first consider the type AI that’s most
applicable. You basically have three
• Expert system: You tell the robot what to
do and how to do it by programming it. exvacume room A B

• Supervised learning: You teach the robot

what to do, correcting it when it makes a
like children ex selfdiving conj 3,53lb
• Unsupervised learning: You provide the
data and algorithms, and the machine learns
how to perform the task.
Changing Precision Technology

• A mobile production company in China

• Using robotic arms to produce parts for mobile phones
• Reduced number of workers from 650 to 60 (~90%)
• Productivity: up by 250%; defects down from 25% to
Illustrative 5%

Applications of t

Robotics (1 of 10) • Automate factories: Speedfactory in Germany and the

• Raw material → products reduced from months to
• Agile/fast manufacturing to catch or create trends
• Additive manufacturing, robotic arms, and
computerized knitting, …

• Employs collaborative robots (cobot)

• Combining humans and robots for complex tasks
• Efficient production, modernized work environment
Illustrative • 60 work side by side with humans in B M W’s S C
Applications of
Robotics (2 of Tega

10) • A social bot supporting preschoolers

• Storytelling, offering help with vocabulary, …
• Uses feedback from students via reinforcement
• Watch the video
Illustrative Applications of
Robotics (3 of 10)
• San Francisco Burger Eatery
• Flipping burgers: from human to machine
• The burger-making machine
• Not a traditional moving robot
• Complete, end-to-end, burger prep device
• Two machines makes 20 burgers per hour.
• Has 350 sensors, 20 computers, and nearly
7,000 parts
• Spyce
• Budget-friendly, mostly robot enabled restaurant
• Founded by MIT engineering graduates
• End-to-end, form order taking to preparation and
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

• Indian multinational firm working with Virginia Tech

• To improve the process of harvesting tabletop grapes

Robots in the Defense Industry

Illustrative • M A A R S (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic
Applications of System)
• An upgraded version of special weapons
Robotics (4 of 10) observation reconnaissance detection system (S W
O R D S) robots that were used by the U.S. military
during the Iraq war
• S A F F I R (Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot)
• A humanoid robotic structure that get into confined
spaces, more through narrow isles and can climb
Illustrative Applications of Robotics (5 of 10)

• Pepper
• A semihumanoid robot
• Manufactured by SoftBank Robotics
• Is about 4 feet tall, has three directional wheels attached, enabling it to move all
around the place
• Can understand human emotions
• Can walk autonomously, recognize individuals, and can lift their mood through
conversation, avoids collusions
• Supports commends in Japanese, English, and Chinese
• Can be used in service industries as well as homes
• Has its cons too (incompetence or security issues)
Illustrative Applications of Robotics (6 of 10)

• Use of Pepper
▪ Nestlé Japan, a leading coffee manufacturer, has employed Pepper to sell
Nescafé machines to enhance customer experience
▪ Courtyard by Marriott and Mandarin Oriental are employing Pepper to
increase customer satisfaction and efficiency
▪ Central Electric Cooperative (CEC), an electric distribution cooperative located
in Stillwater, Oklahoma, has installed Pepper to monitor outages
▪ Fabio, a Pepper robot, was installed as a retail assistant at an upmarket food
and wine store in England and Scotland, …
Applications of
Robotics (7 of 10)

• Pepper Robot as a Participant in a

Group Meeting
Illustrative Applications of Robotics (8 of 10)

• Da Vinci Surgical System

• Use of robotics in surgeries is gaining popularity
• Da Vinci system has performed thousands of surgeries
• It is the most ubiquitous robot used in more units than any other robot
• It is designed to perform nominally invasive operations, can perform simple as
well as complex/delicate surgeries
• Its critical components: surgeon console, patient side cart, endowrist
instruments, and vision system
• Has either three or four arms attached that the surgeon controls using master controls
• Patients who have surgery that used the Da Vinci system heal faster than
those performed by traditional methods…

• A Wi-Fi-enabled robotic Crib

• Developed by Yves Behar, pediatrician, Dr.
Harvey Karp, and M I T–trained engineers
• Puts babies to sleep automatically (no more
Illustrative • “Safest bed ever made with a built-in swaddling
Applications of strap!”

Robotics (9 of 10) M E Di

• Machine and Engineering Designing Intelligence

• Available at six hospitals in Canada and one in
the U S
• M E Di helps reduce stress in children from
painful surgeries, tests, and injections
• Care-E Robot
• Airports are growing in size and the number of
people who go to them – excellent target for AI
and robots
Illustrative • KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines) using Care-E Robot
• Reads the boarding pass and takes the
Applications of passenger to the his/her gate, avoiding missed
Robotics (10 of flights, and also carrying his/her luggage
10) • A GROBO T
• Developed in Spain
• Delicately pics strawberries when they are at
their full maturity (a difficult task compared to
other fruits)
Components of
Robots (1 of 2)
• Depending on their
purpose, robots are made
of different components
• However, all robots have
some common
• … and others are
tweaked according to
a robot’s purpose
Power Controller

• Driving force of a robot


• Used to direct a robot in its surrounding

• Force sensors, ultrasound sensors, distance sensors,
Components of laser scanners, vision sensors / cameras, etc.

Robots (2 of 2) Effectors or Rover or Manipulator

• Body and related physical parts of a robot

Navigation of Actuator System

Controller or C P U
Categories of Robots

• Preset Robots
• Preprogrammed to perform the same task
• Collaborative Robots or CoBots
• Collaborate with assists to humans
• Stand-Alone Robots
• Autonomously modifies behavior, learns, and acts
• Remote-Controlled Robots
• Human controlled robots to perform dangerous tasks
• Supplementary Robots
• Enhance the existing capabilities or replace capabilities
that a human has lost or does not have
Autonomous Cars: Robots in
• Self-driving cars (hype or reality?)
• Technical, behavioral, and regulatory challenges
• The future reality: self-driving cars everywhere
• Early version of self-driving-cars
• Researchers at Carnegie Mellon used neural
networks to control an autonomous vehicle,
enabled by the radio antenna developed in
• Newer Enablers – mobile phone technologies,
wireless internet, computer centers in cars,
navigation maps, AI and deep learning
Autonomous Vehicle Development

• The heart of an autonomous vehicle system is a laser rangefinder (or light detection and ranging –
lidar device)
▪ Sits on the vehicle’s roof; generated 3D image of the car’s surroundings, and combines it with
high-resolution world maps
▪ The process is called: mapping and localization
• Sensors, such as the four radar devises on the front and back bumpers to see far distances to
make decisions
• A detailed and current map of the road
• Mcity – a city built for testing of autonomous cars
• Google’s Waymo – one of the early pioneers. Uber, Tesla, and all other car manufacturer are in
this race.
• DOT, NHTSA, and State level laws and rulings…
Issues with Self-Driving Cars

• Challenges with technology

• Environmental challenges
• Regulatory challenges
• Public trust issues
• Self-driving trucks
• Massive impact on logistics
• Autonomous drones and air vehicles
• For commercial and governmental businesses
• By 2025, up to 25 percent of current jobs
will be replaced by robots (an optimistic
Impact of • Group activity:
Robots on • Watch:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHc63Xgc0-8 and
Current and www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggN8wCWSIx4
Future Jobs (1 • Answer the following:
of 2) • What are your takeaways from these videos?
• What is the most likely scenario in your view?
• How can you prepare for the day when indeed
humans may not need to apply for many jobs?
The seven jobs likely to increase in popularity:
Impact of 1. AI development
Robots on 2. Customer–robot interactions
3. Robot managers
Current and 4. Data labelers
Future Jobs (2 5. Robot pilots and artists
of 2) 6. Test drivers and quality inspectors
7. AI lab scientists
• Tort Liability
Legal Implications
• Patents
of Robots and • Property
Artificial • Taxation
Intelligence • Practice of Law
• Constitutional Law
• Professional Certification
• Law Enforcement

• This work is protected by United States copyright laws

and is provided solely for the use of instructors in
teaching their courses and assessing student learning.
Dissemination or sale of any part of this work (including
on the World Wide Web) will destroy the integrity of the
work and is not permitted. The work and materials from
it should never be made available to students except by
instructors using the accompanying text in their classes.
All recipients of this work are expected to abide by these
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