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Annex 2B to DepEd Order No. 42, s.

Grade 1 to 12
Teaching Dates and Times June 4- 8, 2018/ 7- 7:55 Alvarez/ 7:55- 8:50 Aure Quarter First
9:10-10:20 Campos/ Mojica- 1:55-2:40
1. Define scanning. 1. read the selction silently. 1. Define scanning. 1. use the correct form of the verb 1. use the correct form of the verb
2. Scan a passage for necessary 2. develop comprehension 2. Scan a passage for necessary 2. 2.
information. of the text given. information. construct grammatically correct construct grammatically correct
I. OBJECTIVES sentences sentences

The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning;the sounds of English and
A. Content Standards
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate context-
dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Write the EN7RC-I-a-7; EN7RC-1-a-1.5.2 EN7RC-I-a-7; EN7RC-1-a-1.5.2 EN7RC-I-a-7; EN7RC-1-a-1.5.2 EN7G-I-a-11: Observe rules on subject EN7G-I-a-11: Observe rules on subject
LC code for each verb agreement verb agreement
Scanning for Specific Information Phil-IRI (Scanning Information) Scanning for Specific Information
Subject-verb agreement Subject-verb agreement

III. LEARNING RESOURCES English Arts I.2000. pages 136-139 English Arts I.2000. pages 136-139
A. Reference
1. Teacher's Guide pages
2. Learner's Material Pages
3. Textbook Page English Arts I, pp. 11-12 Testing Reading Power 1 pp, 97 English Arts I, pp. 11-12

4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource

English Times Volume 1 English Times Volume 1
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resource
Constructivist Approach: Recall: Constructivist Approach: Recall:
IV. PROCEDURE Present sets of pictures to students. Present sets of pictures to students.
Today is the first day of classes, a
Ask them to identify the pictures and
Each student would be tasked to read Since yesterday's time was spent with Effective communication is governed by
Ask themcommunication
Effective to identify the is
pictures andby
short and simple orientation on class the selection for five minutes and scan the orientation and introduction of construct
observing simple
rules onsentences.
subject-verb construct
observing simple
rules onsentences.
rules and introduction of subject the important information from the text one's self and the students, the topic agreement. agreement.
teacher and students will be on Scanning will be done today.
conducted first. To open the
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the discussion, ask students what reading
new lesson materials they are fond of.

Ask students on how they answer Ask the student to jot down the levels Ask students on how they answer Familiarize: Out of the sentences, let Familiarize: Out of the sentences, let
questions from a reading selection correspond their scores at the end of questions from a reading selection them identify the simple subject and the them identify the simple subject and the
given to them. Pre-Test given to them. verb. Ask the students to identify the verb. Ask the students to identify the
B. Establishing a purpose for the new lesson number of the subject. ( singular or number of the subject. ( singular or
plural) plural)

Show a sample announcement poster Present the questions written on the Show a sample announcement poster Discuss with the students the basic rules Discuss with the students the basic rules
to students. Ask a textbook. to students. Ask a on subject-verb agreement. a. Singular on subject-verb agreement. a. Singular
question like: "When will the event question like: "When will the event subject takes a singular verb. b. Plural subject takes a singular verb. b. Plural
happen?" (let students answer the happen?" (let students answer the subject takes a plural verb. The subject takes a plural verb. The
expression ‘a number’ takes a plural expression ‘a number’ takes a plural
C. Presenting examples/instance of the new question) Now, ask question) Now, ask verb. c. The expression ‘the number’ verb. c. The expression ‘the number’
lesson students: " How did you come up with students: " How did you come up with takes a singular verb. takes a singular verb.
that answer?" that answer?"
A. Discuss with the students that what Let them answer the following A. Discuss with the students that what Method 1: Let the students work in Method 1: Let the students work in
they did with the previous activity is questions given at the back of the they did with the previous activity is group. Each group should have a group. Each group should have a
"Scanning." B. book. Then, they may proceed with the "Scanning." B. magazine that contains articles about magazine that contains articles about
ancient people that could be used as ancient people that could be used as
Present to students what Scanning is next reading text. Present to students what Scanning is
their references. Let them write ten their references. Let them write ten
through a Powerpoint presentation. through a Powerpoint presentation. sentences about the information from sentences about the information from
C. Group the C. Group the the article following the rules on the article following the rules on
students and tell them that they are to students and tell them that they are to subject-verb agreement. Let them label subject-verb agreement. Let them label
answer Exercise IV, p. 12 on their answer Exercise IV, p. 12 on their the subject and the verb and their the subject and the verb and their
English Arts I. English Arts I. number. number.
D. Present to them the information D. Present to them the information
D. Discussing the new concept and practicing that they need to scan from the that they need to scan from the
new skill #1 passage. passage.
E. Instruct students toscan the E. Instruct students toscan the
passage on Exercise IV, page 12 of passage on Exercise IV, page 12 of
English Arts I. English Arts I.
F. Check and discuss students' F. Check and discuss students'
answers answers

Group Activity: (Differentiated Group Activity: (Differentiated

Activity/Instruction) Thinking Skils Activity/Instruction) Thinking Skils
(Outcome-Based Performance) (Outcome-Based Performance)
Constructivism Approach Constructivism Approach

E. Discussing the new concept and practicing new

skill #2

Provide another reading piece to be The students would be reading the text Provide another reading piece to be Language is mastered when applied and Language is mastered when applied and
scanned by the students (preferably a silently and provide answers to the scanned by the students (preferably a through the basic rules. through the basic rules.
short news article) Tell them the given questions short news article) Tell them the
information that they need to locate in information that they need to locate in
the article. the article.
F. Developing Mastery
Ask this question to students: Ask this question to students: Ask this question to students: Ask: What are the rules on Subject-Verb- Ask: What are the rules on Subject-Verb-
Why is scanning important for Why is scanning important for Why is scanning important for Agreement Agreement
readers? readers? readers?
What do you think is the advantage What do you think is the advantage
G. Finding the Practical Application of Concepts and disadvantage of scanning for and disadvantage of scanning for
and Skills in daily Living information in a text? information in a text?

Ask some students to define the term Ask some students to define the term Ask some students to define the term
"Scanning." "Scanning." "Scanning."
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about
the lesson

I. Evaluating Learning Administer a 5- item quiz. Administer a 5- item quiz. Administer a 5- item quiz. Administer a 5- item quiz. Administer a 5- item quiz.
J. Additional activities for application or
A. No. of Learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of Learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners
who have caught up the lesson
D. No of learners who continue to require
E. Which of the teaching strategies work well?
Why did these work?
F. What Dificulties did I encounter which my
principal or superior can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

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