Academic Writing
Academic Writing
Academic Writing
Unit-1: Introduction to the Writing Process: Conventions of Academic
Writing, Writing in one's own words – Summarizing and Paraphrasing.
Prepared by: Prof. M.Pati
Short Type of Questions:
1. What is the writing process?
A process is a series of actions that are followed to some desired end result. In order for the
result to be successful, all steps must be followed. Cooking is a process and a recipe is the
directions you follow to get a positive end result. If you are baking a cake and skip one of the
ingredients or forget to bake the batter at the right temperature, you will not have a tasty or
successful final result. This is true for writing too…writing is a process that involves multiple
steps that must be completed to create an effective essay.
2. Mention any three writing processes.
Prewriting – in this stage, you plan what you are going to write. You choose your topic,
identify your audience and purpose, brainstorm ideas, and organize your information.
Drafting – in this stage, you start with a working thesis and then write your ideas in sentences
and paragraphs. You follow your prewriting plan to create a first draft of your essay.
Revising – This stage involves making changes that will improve your writing. You focus on
large-scale elements of the essay, such as, overall organization or logical flow of support,
effective thesis statement, interesting introduction and concluding paragraphs, well-
developed body paragraphs with clear topic sentences, appropriate tone and style for
intended audience and purpose, etc.
Editing and Proofreading – this is the stage of your essay where you polish your essay. You
focus on smaller-scale yet important essay elements, such as, clarity in sentence structure,
appropriate word choice, correct spelling and grammar, and accurate document format.
Publishing – in this final stage, you choose a way to present your work to an audience (often
this is indicated by your instructor).
3. What is paraphrasing?
Paraphrasing is the manner of presenting a text by altering certain words and phrases of a source
while ensuring that the paraphrase reflects proper understanding of the source. It can be useful for
personal understanding of complex concepts and explaining information present in charts, figures,
and tables.
• While aligning the representation with your own style (that is, using synonyms of certain
words and phrases), ensure that the author’s intention is not changed as this may express an
incorrect interpretation of the source ideas
• Use quotation marks if you intend to retain key concepts or phrases
• Use paraphrasing as an alternative to the abundant usage of direct quotes in your writing.
4. What is Paraphrasing?
Whilst English is a language where rules are broken for creative effect, academic writing demands
a more restrained correct English. Correct English is arguably demanding.
o use of 'I' or 'me' is frowned upon unless necessary. Equally avoid "the author states" (and
"author" variants) when it is oneself.
o Infinitives should not be split (accurate writing does not need this method of impact).
o Avoid alliteration, that is prevent a string of words each starting with the same letter.
o A string of adjectives or adverbs to add emphasis creates redundancy.
o Do not make a habit of parenthetical clauses within sentences: either use alternative
punctuation or create more sentences.
Completely avoiding plagiarism requires effort because it can happen accidentally as well as
deliberately, and is still the supreme academic crime. It can apply to small quantities of text, a large
quantity of text and rip offs of other pieces of work. This is why writers need to know the tradition
and body of knowledge by previous writers, so that accidents are avoided as well as incidents
One function of proper attribution is that material is accurate. Even in a narrative led, postmodern
condition of a flux of meaning, accurate treatment of claims, statements and sources is necessary.
Carrying out analysis can be shown to be related to linguistic tropes (derived from an application
to history by Hayden White, 1973 and 1976, in Green, Troup, 1999, 207-208).
o Metaphor is risky in academic writing because it implies imaginative external connections more
appropriate to other style of writing, although it can have evaluative power (see below).
o Irony is postmodern yet in bare text alone is not detectable and instead performs better in
speech: the explanation needed in writing loses intended impact. In any case such impact is
usually inappropriate. Over use of irony is deliberately to make a mockery of any source.
o Synecdoche is a categorical hierarchy of reference which properly constrains academic writing.
Either the parts stand for the whole or the whole stands for the part and this reflects closely
the process of doing analysis.
o Metonymy is relationship through direct association by some attribute, cause or effect, or
something related for the thing itself and this can be useful for a dynamic analysis.
So this means analysis is converting a concept or event into its constituent elements or indeed
causes and effects. This reveals what is otherwise concealed.
All academic writing should include argument. It may be weaved in and out of analytical evidence
but it should be distinct enough from evidence. The reader should be able to make up his or her
mind in that retained separation because academic writing is about facilitating the accurate
comprehension of the evidence and the issues involved.
Perhaps the judgment is like that produced in a court of law through weighing up the given
evidence. The judgment is comparable with other judgments in other similar cases and there may
be new precedents. The tradition is reinforced and there is addition.
Approval or disapproval indeed comes into evaluation but these subjective stances should be based
on consequences of the evidence as clearly laid out in analysis.
Once the evaluation is done, there needs to be a skilled summary of the evidence and a conclusion
restating the critique and evaluation. Summary and conclusion should not be new material. They
should guide the introduction too, without letting it give the denouement or findings away. An
introduction is a signpost: it should also obey the narrative fiction of something beginning and
where the whole may go, whilst of course this is only really known when the work has been
completed. The reality is that the conclusion, when completed, does rewrite the introduction. A
good piece of work is a circle.
Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in
order to gain a better understanding of it. The technique has been applied in the
study of mathematics and logic since before Aristotle (384–322 B.C.),
though analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development.
The word comes from the Ancient Greek ἀνάλυσις (análisis, "a breaking-up" or "an
untying;" from ana- "up, throughout" and lisis "a loosening")
Formative Evaluation:
Formative evaluation is used before program design or implementation. It generates
data on the need for the program and develops the baseline for subsequent
monitoring. It also identifies areas of improvement and can give insights on what the
program’s priorities should be.
Process Evaluation
Process evaluation occurs once program implementation has begun, and it measures
how effective your program’s procedures are. The data it generates is useful in
identifying inefficiencies and streamlining processes, and portrays the program’s
status to external parties.
Outcome Evaluation:
Outcome evaluation is conventionally used during program implementation. It
generates data on the program’s outcomes and to what degree those outcomes are
attributable to the program itself. It is useful in measuring how effective your
program has been and helps make it more effective in terms of delivering the
intended benefits.
Economic Evaluation
Economic evaluation is used during the program’s implementation and looks to
measure the benefits of the programs against the costs. Doing so generates useful
quantitative data that measures the efficiency of the program. This data is like an
audit, and provides useful information to sponsors and backers who often want to
see what benefits their money would bring to beneficiaries.
Impact Evaluation:
Impact evaluation studies the entire program from beginning to end (or at whatever
stage the program is at), and looks to quantify whether or not it has been successful.
Focused on the long-term impact, impact evaluation is useful for measuring sustained
changes brought about by the program or making policy changes or modifications to
the program.
Summative Evaluation:
Summative evaluation is conducted after the program’s completion or at the end of a
program cycle. It generates data about how well the project delivered benefits to the
target population. It is useful for program administrators to justify the project, show
what they have achieved, and lobby for project continuation or expansion.
Goals-Based Evaluation:
Goals-based evaluation is usually done towards the end of the program or at
previously agreed-upon intervals. Development programs often set ‘SMART’ targets
— Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely — and goals-based
evaluation measures progress towards these targets.
a. Find a startling statistic that illustrates the seriousness of the problem you
will address.
b. Quote an expert (but be sure to introduce him or her first).
c. Mention a common misperception that your thesis will argue against.
d. Give some background information necessary for understanding the essay.
e. Use a brief narrative or anecdote that exemplifies your reason for choosing
the topic. In an assignment that encourages personal reflection, you may
draw on your own experiences; in a research essay, the narrative may
illustrate a common real-world scenario.
“Interjections are short exclamations like Oh!, Um or Ah! They have no real
grammatical value but we use them quite often, usually more in speaking than in
While interjections are very short, they communicate a great deal because they are
typically used to express emotion. “While any word that shows strong feelings can be
an interjection, look for the usual suspects: Wow!, Zap!, Pop!, and the rest of the
Provide background and/ or a context. What is at stake? Why is this worth debating?
Why should the audience care?
State your burden of proof. (State what it is that you need to prove in order for your
argument to be valid.) This is akin to providing a checklist up-front that you can use
later to prove that your case was stronger.
State your substantive evidence in a clear and simple way. Present and defend each
point carefully and separately. Quote experts, cite facts, provide examples and argue
by analogy (find something that resembles the issue and prove that if this is true,
your point must be too). Use different pieces of evidence that support each other.
Don’t simply let the evidence speak for itself – explain why each piece of evidence
supports your case.
Summarise your position carefully and simply. Show that you have met your burden
of proof. Link your individual points into an overall position. Try to end with a thought
that lingers in the audience’s mind.
Scholarly discourse. Scholars cite their sources and provide lists of the sources to give credit
to the work of other researchers and so that colleagues and others can locate the source and
understand the context of the idea and perhaps find more similar information.
Document your research. Teachers are interested in knowing which ideas stem from the
student and which ideas are built upon those of other writers. Citing sources gives your
teacher a sense of how much work you've done on a paper -- what have you read? what have
you thought about on your own?
Ethics. If you don't cite your sources, you are not giving credit for the work of others. This is
called plagiarism and is considered a serious offense by all universities.
Citation Machine - Available free of charge. Supports MLA and APA styles. - Features an online MLA or APA style bibliographic composer called EasyBib.
EndNote - Supports many citation styles. Available to UAF students. Contact UAF Computing.
Zotero - Download Zotero and install it as a browser plugin.
When referring to published literature, provide details so that others can find and review the
original material. In your research paper, you can make references to source materials using
either endnotes and footnotes or in-text citations. Both styles require a reference list at the
end of the document.
In-text (or parenthetical) citations: When referencing other literature by author or title in
the body paragraphs of your paper, you are using in-text citations. This method is also
commonly known as “parenthetical citations” as the referencing information is often placed
within parentheses.
Endnotes and footnotes: Endnotes and footnotes are a convenient way to declutter your
writing. They are simple notation systems that allow you to use numbers in the body of a text
to reference a cited work. The number corresponds to further information or a citation entry
found at the end of a manuscript (for endnotes) or at the bottom of the page where the cited
reference is mentioned (for footnotes). These notations are rarely found in scientific writing;
however, they are frequently used in the humanities and social sciences. Also, endnotes and
footnotes replace parenthetical information that could include bibliographic data.
Accordingly, if you use endnotes and footnotes, you should avoid parenthetical citations.
Reference lists: A reference list compiles all the works cited within a document for ease of
reference and is included at the end of a manuscript. It must be included regardless of how
source material is acknowledged within the main body of your article.