GE Assignment (Meghna)
GE Assignment (Meghna)
GE Assignment (Meghna)
Any activity which helps a writer in finalising a topic, analysing the purpose and
audience and accordingly selecting the most appropriate structure for writing can
be considered a pre-writing activity.
a) Brainstorming
b) Listing
Listing is a type of pre-writing activity in which all the points coming to one's
mind related to the topic are listed on a paper. This helps in giving a concrete shape
to the floating ideas in the mind. Thinking critically and listing one's points in the
form of notes helps a prospective writer to sort out related ideas from the clutter of
unidentified thoughts. After identifying a topic and brainstorming, one can list the
relevant points.
c) Questions
Who, where, what, when, why, how are the six big questions which can help in
researching a topic. They are also termed as journalists' questions as they mostly
help to take one to the depth of a topic, or particularly a story.
d) Clustering/Mapping/Webbing
e) Free Writing
Free writing helps open up a topic; even chaotic ideas can spill onto paper. In this
technique one has to keep writing on a particular topic for a self-designated time,
or space on a page, until one has noted down all the related ideas that came to
mind. Even if one does not get very specific ideas one must keep on writing until
the designated time or space is covered. It is actually a free flowing stream of
words which helps in kick-starting the imagination.
f) Outlining
Although you need not worry about correct language, syntax or mechanics at this
stage yet keep in mind the following three basic points: Topic, Purpose,Reader
Each paragraph should have one main sentence, and all other sentences should
support the point made in that particular sentence. The main sentence of a
paragraph is called the Topic Sentence. Similarly each essay or article usually has
one central idea around which all supporting ideas are given is called the' Thesis
Statement” .
Both are the focus sentences; Topic Sentence gives the main concept or idea about
a paragraph, whereas Thesis Statement is the main central sentence of a whole
essay or article.
b) Choice of Words
❖ The Keep it short and simple(KISS) Principle:- Use simple words, not
complex ones. Academic writing requires that the readers comprehend the
written text.
❖ Do not use jargon and clichés until required for the purpose of writing.
Loaded language is not required for academic or any formal communicative
c) Paragraph Structure
Introduction: It Is Said that well begun is half done which is very true in the case
of writing.If one has been able to give an effective introduction to a topic, it will
generate an interest in the reader to read more and learn about the topic. Mostly the
opening paragraph provides background information about the topic and has the
Thesis Statement in it, which along with other sentences, introduces the topic to
Body: With a transition, then follows the body of an essay, which is generally the
most detailed part related to the thesis statement. It is in this part that the writer
provides all the relevant details with arguments, examples, comparisons, contrasts,
analysis, sequences and other relevant details. One can write the maximum details
of the central idea in the body part and make as many paragraphs depending on the
length of overall writing.In fact one should preferably write separate paragraphs for
different ideas. This will also help in having one Topic Sentence in each paragraph
supported with other details and examples.
Conclusion: Towards the end of the essay, comes the conclusion. It is the final part
which connects the thesis statement with the details of the body of the essay. It is
directly related with the central idea along with a summing up of all the main
points as a whole.
After the main task of composing the first draft is accomplished, the next thing to
be done is to check the draft thoroughly. Read it aloud or otherwise to yourself and
go through it to make it better.
After checking the writing for structure and sequencing, now check your writing
for correctness in spelling, structure and cite wherever you have quoted to avoid
Evaluation is done for an overall presentation of your written product, ready for
presentation or can evaluate on the basis of subject, depth, word
choice etc
The writer may want or need to go back researching, writing or editing so that it is
presentable after evaluation to make the final version more coherent.