EOT Report ASHP #01
EOT Report ASHP #01
EOT Report ASHP #01
27 of Jan 2021
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1 Introduction:
Project Components:
General Information:
Main Stakeholders:
(P.O. Box 402 AL Khobar 31952 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
P.O Box # 87236, Riyadh – 11642, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Scope of Work
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2 Facts and Grounds.
2.1 Conditions in Contract.
The Contractor submits Program of Works (Baseline Program) Pursuant to Clause 12 of the
General Conditions of Contract for execution of the project for completion within time.
The general obligations of the Contractor are well defined in three Cluses:
Clause 8 of the General Conditions of Contract. This Clause stated that "the contractor shall
follow the engineer instruction or variation orders at any part of the project after receiving
additional instructions due to modifications required from the owner fulfilling his obligations
properly, Contract terms may be extended according to the consultant recommendation and
Establishment's technical committee after submitting written request by Contractor include
extension justifications.
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2.2 Justification of Claim.
The delayed of the receives of the IFC drawings of the (Ground & second floors) till
22-May-2014 after 137 W.D. from the commencement date, and CSK send notice to
claim by letter REF# CSK-EVA-ECE-SITE-022 to the consultant to highlight the cities
that completely impact the project completion date and to reserve CSK rights for
cost/time impact
The delayed of the nomination of the AHU supplier then the financial & technical
negotiation between the owner & the supplier (as this item under cost plus contract)
Due to the BOQ prices of the hold area (ground & second floors) are 47.28 % of the
sterile building total cost.
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Mitigation actions by the contractor to
reduce the delay impact
The Protocol observes that the contractor has a general duty to mitigate the effect of employer’s
risk events upon the resulting delays.
The valid point is made that this does not extend to an obligation to deploy additional resources.
It have been stated that the duty to mitigate does not ordinarily require the delayed party to re-
sequence the works to avoid the effects of the employer’s risk event.
Moreover, the contractor try to re-sequence the works to avoid the effects of the employer’s risk
event (as the request from the owner & the consultant) by:
Changing relation between activities from (finish to start) to (start to start with lag) or
(finish to finish with lag)
Dwindled some work duration (as possible )
Starting some activities in parallel to reduce the all over duration
The revised time schedule make delay saving up to 48 w.d. at the ground floor work activities
And 24 w.d at the second floor work activities
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2.3 Particulars of claim.
2.3.1 Analysis of the time impact due to the delay
We used the Global impact technique
This method measures the impact of the delays on the contractor’s as-planned CPM schedule.
The various delays are formulated as activities and added to the as-planned network in a
chronological order showing the effect of each delay at a time and demonstrating how the project
is being delayed. The amount of delay equals the difference in completion dates between the
schedules before and after the impacts. The technique can be used for analysis of delay during
and after project completion.
Delay analysis of the project using this technique was carried out by sequential addition of the
delays to the as-planned schedule.
The total float of the project was taken by the delay of this event
Major conflicts found after starting to prepare the shop drawing of the hold area
mentioned by many RFI to the consultant
Receiving 3 different versions of room data sheet pushed us to demand the final stamped
copy of the ROOM DATA SHEET
Received stamped room data sheet by 25-Feb-2014
Event no. 3
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AHU supplier nomination as per minutes of meeting dated 7-Apr-2014
AHU is nominated by Eng. Khaled Farid & Eng. Michael Anwar to be Tanta and CSK to start
proceeding in submittal issuing for AHU.
As the agreed with the Owner/consultant we have to receive the nomination AUH
supplier before preparing the submittal.
The nomination was delay 42 after 25-Feb-2014
Event no. 4
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Modifications of the underground drainage according to the following sequence:
Event no. 5
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• Modifications regarding to HVAC & industrial networks (steam, condensate,
compressed air & nitrogen) in ground floor submitted for approval by CSK on 01-04-
• Modifications confirmed by Dr. Ahmed Gamal on 10-04-2014 as per attached E-mail and
ECE sent this modifications by mail on 16-04-2014
• The work is held due to revise the room data sheet of the ground floor per the weekly
meeting 29-Apr-2014
Event no. 6
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Modifications regarding of HVAC (Second floor)
• Weekly meeting on 14-04-2014 due to conflicts between design and room data sheet raised by
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Event no. 7
• Technical & financial AHUs review between supplier & consultant.
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2.4 Critical paths:
AS shown by the events time impact on the project completion date, there are
three main critical paths we have to be concerns in their affects; as follows:
(a) Events affected the Ground floor activities completion (longest critical path)
(b) Events affected the second floor activities completion (near of the longest critical path)
(c) Events affected the project due to the delay of the AHU negotiation (3rd main critical
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Time impact on Ground floor activities
Event no. #1
Event no. #2
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Time impact on Second floor activities
Event no. #1
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Second floor activities path impacted by (-ve 21 w.d.)
Event no. #2
Event no. #6
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Second floor activities path impacted by (-ve 77 w.d.)
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Baseline time schedule of the AHU activities:
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Updated time schedule of the AHU activities
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Event no. #1
Event no. #2
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AHU activities path impacted by (-ve 33 w.d.)
Event no. #7
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committee after submitting written request by Contractor include extension justifications and
after Employer approval".
According to the base line program submitted via submittal ref REF# RD-MAT-OT-001, dated
24th Dec. 2013, which was approved by the CONSULTANT (ECE) via same transmittal dated
2nd Feb. 2014 with remarks was taken in consideration.
Extension of time due to the delays of the received of the ground & second floor design
Extension of time due to the delays of the nomination of the AHUs supplier.
nt name/description critical path e EOT Remarks
Received of last IFC design drawings Ground path, 2nd floor path, &
1 41 0 total float
(release to hold area AHU path
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Received of room data sheet (ground & Ground path, 2nd floor path, & 6 w.d.
2 12 6
second floors AHU path from float
3 AHU supplier nomination AHU path 42 41
4 Modifications of the underground drainage Ground floor path 87 81
Modifications regarding to HVAC &
5 Ground floor path 87 81
industrial networks
Modifications regarding of HVAC (Second
6 second floor path 87 77
AHUs review between supplier &
7 AHU path 42 72
Accordingly, CSK hereby request an extension of at least 81 working days (101 calendar days)
to our contract completion date to take into consideration the above delays.
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