DJ-S InstManual v5
DJ-S InstManual v5
DJ-S InstManual v5
Installation Manual
DICOMJet: Installation Manual [DJ-S-INSM-5 – Rev A]
Table of Contents
1 ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 4
DICOMJet: Installation Manual [DJ-S-INSM-5 – Rev A]
1 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
AE Application Entity
DICOM Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine
DIMSE DICOM Message Service Element
DLL Dynamic Link Library
GUI Graphical User Interface
LAN Local Area Network
PC Personal Computer
RAM Random Access Memory
SCP Service Class Provider
SCU Service Class User
SOP Service-Object Pair
TCP Transfer Control Protocol
UID Unique Identifier
USB Universal Serial Bus
VR Value Representation
DICOMJet: Installation Manual [DJ-S-INSM-5 – Rev A]
2 Introduction
This document describes the steps that have to be performed in order to correctly install the
NeoLogica DICOMJet software on a target Windows-based system.
An automatic setup program is provided for DICOMJet, so the installation process is very straightforward.
3 System requirements
Please consider that the amount of RAM that is required for properly running DICOMJet is strongly
dependent on the kind of images (image size, greyscale / color, bit depth) that are sent to DICOMJet through
the DICOM protocol. A host system with 2 GB of RAM should however be suitable for most applications.
DICOMJet: Installation Manual [DJ-S-INSM-5 – Rev A]
4 Setup procedure
In order to start the automatic setup, insert the DICOMJet installation CD (or another provided media
type) and launch the DICOMJetSetup.exe program. A dialog will appear, allowing choosing the language for
the installation setup and for the DICOMJet application GUI. If the user selects the English language, the
“Welcome” dialog will appear.
DICOMJet: Installation Manual [DJ-S-INSM-5 – Rev A]
Read and accept the agreement, then press the “Next >” button.
The "Select Edition" dialog will appear where you can choose which edition will be installed. The 32-bit
edition can run on both 32-bit and 64-bit operative systems, while the 64-edition can run only on 64-bit
operating systems:
DICOMJet: Installation Manual [DJ-S-INSM-5 – Rev A]
Select the desired edition and press the “Next >” button in order to continue with the installation process.
DICOMJet: Installation Manual [DJ-S-INSM-5 – Rev A]
Select the folder where setup will install files then press the “Next >” button.
The "Select Additional Tasks" dialog will appear:
DICOMJet: Installation Manual [DJ-S-INSM-5 – Rev A]
Choose whether you want a DICOMJet desktop shortcut and press the “Next >” button.
The software is now ready to be installed. The following dialog will appear, summarizing all the actions that
will be performed:
Press the “Install” button in order start the actual installation. All needed files will be copied into the chosen
directory. A dedicated program group named “NeoLogica” will be created under the “Programs” folder of the
Windows “Start” menu. If one or more prerequisites are needed the installer will automatically and
seamlessly install them.
DICOMJet depends on the following software:
During the NeoLogica Web Server installation and the NeoLogica FTP Server, the program will try to bind
TCP ports number 80 and 21 respectively. If these ports are already in use on the system, a dialog will show
up, asking a new TCP available port.
DICOMJet: Installation Manual [DJ-S-INSM-5 – Rev A]
If everything works fine, the “Installation Complete” dialog will appear, informing that the installation
process has completed successfully:
The installation process is finished, click on the “Finish” button to close the program. Now you can launch
DICOMJet by clicking on the appropriate icon (program group “NeoLogica” under the “Programs” folder of
the Windows “Start” menu) or by checking the "Launch DICOMJet" checkbox in this dialog. See the [User
Manual] for the DICOMJet usage instructions.
5 Installation checklist
This section provides a checklist which must be executed in order to ensure correct installation of the
DICOMJet Server software module. You may want to print this checklist, and have a technician validate the
installation by following the checklist.
Installation Checklist
Execution date:
Technician executing this checklist:
Other notes:
DICOMJet: Installation Manual [DJ-S-INSM-5 – Rev A]
Executor's signature: