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311305-Basic Science Syllabus

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BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305

: Architecture Assistantship/ Automobile Engineering./ Artificial Intelligence/

Agricultural Engineering/
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning/ Automation and Robotics/ Architecture/
Cloud Computing and Big Data/
Civil Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/ Computer Technology/ Computer
Civil & Rural Engineering/ Construction Technology/ Computer Science &
Engineering/ Fashion & Clothing Technology/
Digital Electronics/ Data Sciences/ Electrical Engineering/ Electronics & Tele-
communication Engg./
Programme Name/s
Electrical Power System/ Electronics & Communication Engg./ Electronics
Engineering/ Food Technology/
Computer Hardware & Maintenance/ Instrumentation & Control/ Industrial
Electronics/ Information Technology/
Computer Science & Information Technology/ Instrumentation/ Interior Design &
Decoration/ Interior Design/
Civil & Environmental Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Mechatronics/ Medical
Production Engineering/ Printing Technology/ Polymer Technology/ Textile Technology/
Electronics & Computer Engg./ Textile Manufactures
: AA/ AE/ AI/ AL/ AN/ AO/ AT/ BD/ CE/ CH/ CM/ CO/ CR/ CS/ CW/ DC/ DE/ DS/
Programme Code EE/ EJ/ EP/ ET/ EX/ FC/ HA/ IC/ IE/ IF/ IH/ IS/ IX/ IZ/ LE/ ME/ MK/ MU/
Semester : First
Course Title : BASIC SCIENCE
Course Code : 311305


Diploma engineers have to deal with various materials and machines. This course is designed with fundamental
information to help the diploma engineering students to apply the basic concepts and principles of physics and
chemistry to solve broad- based engineering problems. The basic concepts and principles of sciences related to heat,
electricity, magnetism, optics, semiconductors, engineering materials will help in understanding the technology
courses where emphasis is on the applications of these in various technology domain applications


This course is to be taught and implemented with the aim to develop in the student, the course outcomes (COs)
leading to the attainment of following industry identified outcome expected from this course: Apply principles of
physics and chemistry to solve broad based relevant engineering problems.


Students will be able to achieve & demonstrate the following COs on completion of course based learning

CO1 - Use basic instruments to measure the physical quantities in various engineering situations.
CO2 - Apply the basic principles of electromagnetics to solve given engineering problems.
CO3 - Apply basic principles of thermometry and fibre optics to solve engineering problems.
CO4 - Predict the structure, properties and behaviour of molecules and compounds based on the types of
chemical bond.
CO5 - Apply the concepts of electrochemistry and corrosion preventive measures in industry.
CO6 - Use the appropriate engineering material and catalyst appropriately.

MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme

BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305


Learning Scheme Assessment Scheme
Based on LL &
Contact Based on
Theory TL
Course Course Hrs./Week SL
Course Title Abbr Credits Paper Total
Code Category/s SLH NLH Practical
Duration Marks
Max Max Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
311305 BSC DSC 4 - 4 2 10 5 1.5 30 70*# 100 40 50 20 50@ 20 50 20 250

Total IKS Hrs for Sem. : 4 Hrs

Abbreviations: CL- ClassRoom Learning , TL- Tutorial Learning, LL-Laboratory Learning, SLH-Self Learning
Hours, NLH-Notional Learning Hours, FA - Formative Assessment, SA -Summative assessment, IKS - Indian
Knowledge System, SLA - Self Learning Assessment
Legends: @ Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, *# On Line Examination , @$ Internal Online
Note :

1. FA-TH represents average of two class tests of 30 marks each conducted during the semester.
2. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in FA-PR of any course then the candidate shall be
declared as "Detained" in that semester.
3. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in SLA of any course then the candidate shall be
declared as fail and will have to repeat and resubmit SLA work.
4. Notional Learning hours for the semester are (CL+LL+TL+SL)hrs.* 15 Weeks
5. 1 credit is equivalent to 30 Notional hrs.
6. * Self learning hours shall not be reflected in the Time Table.
7. * Self learning includes micro project / assignment / other activities.

♦ Candidate remaining absent in practical examination of any one part of Basic Science course i.e.
Physics,Chemistry will be declare as Absent in Mark List and has to appear for examination. The marks of
the part for which candidate was present will not be processed or carried forward.


Theory Learning
Learning content mapped with Theory Suggested Learning
Sr.No Outcomes (TLO's)aligned
Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's. Pedagogies.
to CO's.

MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme

BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305
Theory Learning
Learning content mapped with Theory Suggested Learning
Sr.No Outcomes (TLO's)aligned
Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's. Pedagogies.
to CO's.
TLO 1.1 Explain physical
quantities and its types
with examples.
TLO 1.2 Differentiate Unit - I Units and Measurements
between scalar and vector 1.1 Unit, physical quantities: fundamental and
quantities with examples. derived quantities and their units Systems of
TLO 1.3 Apply units: CGS, MKS and SI .
dimensional analysis to 1.2 Scalar and Vector Physical Quantities.
check correctness of 1.3 Dimensions, dimensional formula
equation and conversion of ,Applications of dimensional analysis; correctness
units in different systems . of physical equations ,conversion factor for Chalk and board Improved
TLO 1.4 Estimate the interconversion of units in different systems of lecture, Tutorial
errors in the measurement units. Assignment
for the give problem. 1.4 Errors, types of errors: instrumental, Demonstration
TLO 1.5 Explain the systematic and random error, estimation of errors:
working of ancient absolute, relative and percentage error, significant
astronomical instruments figures.
to measure distance , time 1.5 Ancient astronomical instruments:Chakra,
and hour angle . Dhanuryatra , Yasti and Phalaka yantra .
TLO 1.6 Explain the 1.6 Applications of Vernier calipers , Screw gauge
procedure of measuring the .
dimension of a given
object by using vernier
calipers and screw gauge .
TLO 2.1 Explain electric Unit - II Electricity, Magnetism and
field, potential and Semiconductors
potential difference. 2.1 Concept of charge, Coulomb's inverse square
TLO 2.2 Explain magnetic law, Electric field, Electric field intensity,
intensity and flux with potential and potential difference.
their units. 2.2 Magnetic field and magnetic field intensity
TLO 2.3 Apply laws of and its units, magnetic lines of force, magnetic
series and parallel flux .
combination to the given 2.3 Electric current, Ohm's law, specific Chalk and board Improved
electrical circuits.Explain resistance, laws of series and parallel combination lecture, Tutorial
2 the heating effect of of resistance, conversion of galvanometer into Assignment
electric current. ammeter and voltmeter, Heating effect of electric Demonstration
TLO 2.4 Distinguish current . Educational Games
between conductors, 2.4 Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors,
semiconductors and Energy bands, intrinsic and extrinsic
insulators on the basis of semiconductors, minority and majority charge
energy bands. carriers.
TLO 2.5 Explain the I-V 2.5 p-n junction diode, Depletion layer I-V
characteristics and characteristics of p-n junction, static and dynamic
applications of p-n junction resistance, applications of p-n junction diode ,:
diode. Half wave rectifier.

MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme

BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305
Theory Learning
Learning content mapped with Theory Suggested Learning
Sr.No Outcomes (TLO's)aligned
Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's. Pedagogies.
to CO's.
TLO 3.1 Convert
temperature in different Unit - III Thermometry and Fiber Optics
temperature scales. 3.1 Heat, temperature, temperature scale: Degree
TLO 3.2 Compare different Celsius, degree Kelvin, degree Fahrenheit.
modes of heat transfer with 3.2 Modes of heat transfer: Conduction ,
examples. Convection and Radiation , Applications in daily
TLO 3.3 Inter-relate the life . Chalk and board Improved
characteristics of the three 3.3 Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, Gay Lussac’s law, lecture, Tutorial
gas laws. perfect gas statements equations and simple Assignment
TLO 3.4 Inter-relate the numerical. Demonstration Flip
characteristics of the three 3.4 Law of thermal conductivity ,Newton's law of classroom Educational
gas laws. cooling. Games
TLO 3.5 Explain total 3.5 Law of refraction, total internal reflection.
internal reflection in 3.6 Optical fibber: Principle, construction and
optical fiber. working Types of Optical fibers;Single mode step
TLO 3.6 Differentiate index, Multimode step index, Multimode graded
between types optical index Applications of optical fibers.
fibber with applications.
Unit - IV Chemical bonding
TLO 4.1 Explain the
4.1 Indian Chemistry:-Philosophy of atom by
properties of given
Acharya Kanad.
material based on the bond
4.2 Electronic theory of valency: Assumptions ,
Chemical bonds: Types and characteristics of
TLO 4.2 Describe the
electrovalent bond, covalent bond, coordinate
molecular structure of
bond, hydrogen bond, metallic bond and Simulation, Model
given solid, liquid and
4 Intermolecular forces of attraction. Display, Demonstration
4.3 Molecular arrangement in solid, liquid and Chalk and board , PPT, ect
TLO 4.3 Describe the
crystal structure of the
4.4 Structure of solids: crystalline and amorphous
given solids.
solids ,Properties of metallic solid, Unit cell:
TLO 4.4 Explain
simple cubic, body center cubic (BCC) , face
Properties of metallic
centre cubic (FCC), hexagonal close pack

MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme

BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305
Theory Learning
Learning content mapped with Theory Suggested Learning
Sr.No Outcomes (TLO's)aligned
Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's. Pedagogies.
to CO's.
Unit - V Electro chemistry and Metal
Corrosion, its prevent ion
5.1 Electrolyte- Types of electrolyte, ionization
TLO 5.1 Describe
and dissociation ,Cathode, Anode, Electrode
mechanism of electrolysis
potential: oxidation and reduction, Mechanism of
of CuSO4 solution by
electrolysis :Electrolysis, Electrochemical series
using cu and pt rods
for cations and anions. Mechanism of electrolysis
TLO 5.2 Solve numerical
of CuSO4 solution
based on Faraday’s first
5.2 Faraday’s laws of electrolysis: Faraday’s first
and second law of
and second law, relation between electrochemical
equivalent and chemical equivalent, Numerical.
TLO 5.3 Distinguish
Applications of electrolysis: Electro-refining of Simulation,
between primary and
copper and Electroplating. Demonstration, Flipped
secondary cell
5.3 Difference between primary and secondary Classroom, Collaborative
5 TLO 5.4 Describe the
cell. Learning, Case Study, On-
phenomenon of the given
5.4 Corrosion: Definition and Types of corrosion site/Industrial Visit ,chalk
type of corrosion and its
Dry corrosion: Mechanism, Types of oxide film, and board etc.
Wet corrosion :Mechanism hydrogen evolution in
TLO 5.5 Identify the
acidic medium, oxygen absorption in neutral or
different factors affecting
alkaline medium ,Galvanic cell action by Daniel
rate of corrosion for the
given type of material.
5.5 Factors affecting the rate of corrosion.
TLO 5.6 Select the
5.6 Corrosion control: Modification of
protective measures to
environment, Use of protective coatings, coating
prevent the corrosion in the
of less active metal like Tin (Tinning), coating of
given corrosive medium.
more active metal like Zinc (Galvanizing), Anodic
and cathodic protection, Choice of material-using
pure metal and using metal alloy

MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme

BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305
Theory Learning
Learning content mapped with Theory Suggested Learning
Sr.No Outcomes (TLO's)aligned
Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's. Pedagogies.
to CO's.
TLO 6.1 Identify the
Unit - VI Engineering Materials and Catalysis
ingredients of the given
6.1 Paints: Purposes of applying paint,
Characteristics of paints, Ingredients of paints,
TLO 6.2 List out salient
Function and examples of each ingredient.
properties of the given
6.2 Varnish: Types, Difference between paint and
paint and varnish.
TLO 6.3 Describe the
6.3 Insulators: Characteristics,
properties of insulating
Classification,Properties and Application of Glass
materials for the given
wool Thermocol.
6.4 Polymer and Monomer : Classification on the
TLO 6.4 Differentiate the
basis of Molecular structure, on the basis of
given types of structural
monomers (homo polymer and copolymer), on the
basis of Thermal behavior(Thermoplastics and
TLO 6.5 Describe the Simulation,
polymerization process of Demonstration, On-site
6 6.5 Types Polymerization Reaction, Addition
the given polymer. Visit ,Chalk and Board,
Polymerization, Condensation Polymerization,
TLO 6.6 Explain the etc.
Synthesis, properties and application of
properties and uses of the
Polyethylene, Polyvinyl chloride, Teflon,
given polymer, elastomer
Polystyrene, Phenol formaldehyde, Epoxy Resin.
and adhesive.
6.6 Adhesives: Characteristics, Classification and
TLO 6.7 Describe the
their uses
application of relevant
6.7 Lubricants: Classification, properties and
adhesives required for the
given material.
6.8 Catalysis: Types of catalysis homocatalysis
TLO 6.8 Suggest the
,heterocatalysis .
lubricant for various types
6.9 Catalyst: Types of Catalyst Positive, Negative
of machines in industry.
and Auto-catalyst, Catalytic Promoter and
TLO 6.9 Select the
Catalytic inhibitor, Industrial application of
relevant catalyst for given


Practical / Tutorial / Laboratory Learning Sr Laboratory Experiment / Practical Number of Relevant
Outcome (LLO) No Titles / Tutorial Titles hrs. COs
LLO 1.1 Use Vernier caliper to : Measure
dimensions of given objects. Measure the Measurements of dimensions of given
1 2 CO1
dimensions of objects of known dimensions. object by Vernier caliper.
LLO 1.2 Estimate the errors in measurement.
LLO 2.1 Use Micrometer Screw gauge to:
Measure dimensions of given objects.
Measurements of dimensions of given
Measure the dimensions of objects of known 2 2 CO1
objects by micrometer screw gauge.
LLO 2.2 Estimate the errors in measurement.
LLO 3.1 Apply Ohm’s law to solve circuit Determination of resistance by Ohm’s
3 2 CO2
problems. law.
LLO 4.1 Determine the specific resistance of Determination of specific resistance
4 2 CO2
given wire. of given wire.
Determination of equivalent
LLO 5.1 Verify law of series connection of
5 resistance in series connection of 2 CO2

MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme

BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305
Practical / Tutorial / Laboratory Learning Sr Laboratory Experiment / Practical Number of Relevant
Outcome (LLO) No Titles / Tutorial Titles hrs. COs
Determination of equivalent
LLO 6.1 Verify law of parallel connection of
6 resistance in parallel connection of 2 CO2
LLO 7.1 Use magnetic compass to draw the
magnetic lines of forces of magnet of Determination of neutral points by
7 2 CO2
different shapes and determine neutral magnetic compass.
LLO 8.1 Use P -N junction diode to draw
forward bias and reverse bias I-V Determination of static and dynamic
characteristics 8 resistance of given P N junction 2 CO2
LLO 8.2 Find out static and dynamic diode.
resistance of given P N junction diode
LLO 9.1 Determine forbidden energy band Determination of forbidden energy
9 2 CO2
gap in semiconductors band gap in semiconductors.
LLO 10.1 Use Joule’s calorimeter to
Determination of Joule’s mechanical
determine Joule’s mechanical equivalent of 10 2 CO3
equivalent of heat by Joule’s law.
LLO 11.1 Determine the pressure-volume Determination of pressure-volume
11 2 CO3
relation using Boyle’s law relation using Boyle’s law.
LLO 12.1 Use Newton”s law of cooling to Determination of the rate of heat loss
determine the rate of heat loss due to 12 due to convection by Newton's law of 2 CO3
convection phenomena cooling.
LLO 13.1 Use Searle’s thermal conductivity
Determination of Coefficient of
apparatus to find coefficient of thermal 13 2 CO3
thermal conductivity.
conductivity of given material ( Virtual Lab )
LLO 14.1 Determine the refractive index of Determination of the refractive index
14 2 CO3
glass slab using TIR phenomenon. of glass slab.
Determination of the Numerical
LLO 15.1 Determine the Numerical Aperture
15 Aperture (NA) of a given step index 2 CO3
(NA) of a given step index optical fibre
optical fiber.
LLO 16.1 Identify cation in given ionic Identification of cation in given ionic
16 2 CO4
solutions by performing selective test solutions.
LLO 17.1 Identify anion in given ionic Identification of anion in given ionic
17 2 CO4
solutions by performing selective test solutions.
LLO 18.1 Identify states of matter of
materials by using simulation. by Appling
heating and cooling Techniques. 18 Identification of states of matter. 2 CO4
LLO 18.2 Relate temperature-pressure
LLO 19.1 Determine the electrode potential
of copper metal. by setting Electrochemical
Determination of electrode potential
LLO 19.2 Measure electrode potential of Cu 19 2 CO5
of copper.
Using Voltmeter.
LLO 19.3 Measure the cell potential for
various conditions.
LLO 20.1 Determine the electrode potential
of Iron metal. by setting Electrochemical
Determination of electrode potential
LLO 20.2 Measure electrode potential of Fe 20 2 CO5
of Iron metal.
Using Voltmeter
LLO 20.3 Measure the cell potential for
various conditions.

MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme

BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305
Practical / Tutorial / Laboratory Learning Sr Laboratory Experiment / Practical Number of Relevant
Outcome (LLO) No Titles / Tutorial Titles hrs. COs
LLO 21.1 Determine the voltage generated
from chemical reaction using Daniel Cell. Determination of the voltage
LLO 21.2 Set up Daniel Cell. Prepare 21 generated from chemical reaction 2 CO5
Electrolyte Solution using Daniel Cell.
LLO 21.3 Measure voltage accurately
LLO 22.1 Prepare Electrolyte Solution of
CuSO 4 of known concentration
LLO 22.2 Set up electrolysis apparatus
Determination of electrochemical
LLO 22.3 Control various parameters of
22 equivalent of Cu metal using 2 CO5
Faraday’s first law.
LLO 22.4 Determine electrochemical
equivalent of Cu metal using Faraday’s first
LLO 23.1 Prepare Electrolyte Solution of the
given metal of known concentration
LLO 23.2 Set up electrolysis apparatus
LLO 23.3 Control various parameters of Determination of equivalent weight of
23 2 CO5
electrolysis metal using Faraday’s second law.
LLO 23.4 Analyze the data obtained from the
LLO 23.5 Verify Faraday second law
LLO 24.1 Prepare corrosive solutions Preparation of corrosive medium for
24 2 CO5
LLO 24.2 Determine the extent of corrosion. Aluminium at different temperature.
LLO 25.1 Prepare corrosive solutions.
LLO 25.2 Determine the extent of corrosion Determination of rate of corrosion at
25 2 CO5
LLO 25.3 Compare the corrosion behaviour different temperatures for Aluminium.
of Aluminum at different temperatures.
Determination of effect of
LLO 26.1 Determine the effect of
temperature on viscosity for given
temperature on viscosity for given 26 2 CO6
lubricating oil using Redwood
lubricating oil using Redwood viscometer-
LLO 27.1 Determine the steam
Determination of the steam
emulsification number of given lubricating
27 emulsification number of given 2 CO6
lubricating oil.
LLO 27.2 Measure the steam flow duration
LLO 28.1 Calculate the flash and fire point Determination of flash and fire point
of given lubricating oils using Cleveland 28 of given lubricating oils using 2 CO6
open cup apparatus Cleveland open cup apparatus.
LLO 29.1 Determine the flash point of given Determination of flash point of given
lubricating oil using Abel’s closed cup 29 lubricating oil using Abel's closed cup 2 CO6
apparatus. apparatus.
LLO 30.1 Determine thinner content in oil Determination of thinner content in
30 2 CO6
paint. using electric oven oil paint.
Note :
i. A suggestive list of practical LLOs is given in the table, more such practical LLOs can be added to attain
the COs and competency. A judicial mix of minimum 12 or more for physics and minimum 12 or more for
chemistry practical LLOs need to be performed, so that the student reaches the ‘Precision Level’ of Dave’s
‘Psychomotor Domain Taxonomy’ as generally required by the industry. ii. Hence, the ‘Process’ and ‘Product’
related skills associated with each LLOs of the laboratory work are to be assessed according to a suggested sample
of Performance Indicators (Weightage in %) as follows: 1) Preparation of experimental set up 20% 2) Setting and
operation 20% 3) Safety measures 10% 4) Observations and Recording 10% 5) Interpretation of result and
Conclusion 20% 6) Answer to sample questions 10% 7) Submission of report in time 10%.

MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme

BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305

Micro project

Series and parallel resistances: Prepare models for combination of series and parallel resistances.
Magnetic flux: Prepare models to demonstrate magnetic lines of lines of forces of different types of magnet.
Vernier Calipers: Prepare prototype vernier caliper of desired least.count using card sheet.
Conductivity: Collect different materials such as metal, plastics, glass etc. and prepare models.
Gas laws: Prepare models to demonstrate Boyle's laws, Charle's Law and Gay Lussac’s law using household
Carbon resistors: Determine the resistance and tolerance of carbon resistors using color codes and measure values.
Thermal conductivity: Take different metallic plates of various metals and calculate rate of flow of heat.
Temperature sensor : Use Temperature sensor IC LM 35 to measure temperature of given body in various
temperature scales
Mobile applications : Use mobile applications for measurements of different physical quantities.
Optical Fiber and TIR: Prepare model to demonstrate total internal reflection and the propagation of light.
Convert given galvanometer into ammeter of desired range.
Convert given galvanometer into voltmeter of desired range.
LDR: Use Light dependent resistor for measuring the intensity of light.
Types of bonds: Prepare chart and models displaying different types of bonds with examples.
Prepare a chart for showing different types of bonds or molecules.
Crystal Structure: Prepare Models of SC,FCC,HCP,BCC.
Ionization: Prepare chart displaying ionization phenomenon.
Corrosion-Prepare Chart displaying images of observed corrosion processes in the surrounding.
Adhesives: Prepare chart or model to demonstrate the applications of various adhesives.
Polymer: Collect the samples of different polymers and list their uses.
Collect information based on market survey of different Polymer and compare the following points. i) Structure ii)
Collect information by library survey regarding engineering material used in various industries.


Convert the units of a given physical quantity from one system of units to another.
Measure room temperature of hot baths / bodies by using mercury thermometer and convert it into different scales.
Prepare a chart to summarize units and measurements
Enlist information like band gap, material used, dimension etc about different semiconductor devices.
Give details about the explanation of concept like electrostatics, magnetic domain, current electricity.
Demonstrate the variation of angle of refraction with respect to refractive index using online tools.
Use a digital vernier caliper and micrometer screw gauge for measurements.(lab- based).
Applications of optical fibers in civil, mechanical , electrical engineering etc.
Applications of semiconductors in civil, mechanical , electrical engineering etc.
Explain covalent bond, ionic bond, coordinate bond, hydrogen bond, intermolecular forces
Draw Crystal structures of SC,BCC, FCC,HCP.
Distinguish between paints and varnishes.
Solve numerical based on Faraday’s first and second law of electrolysis.
Enlist various Adhesives with properties and applications.
Compare between Thermoplastics and Thermosetting.
State properties and applications thermocol and glass wool.
Differentiate the given types of structural polymers and list out their applications.
Demonstrate Mechanism of wet corrosion by waterline corrosion.
Prepare chart showing mechanism of electrolysis of CuSO4 solution by using Cu and Pt electrodes.
Write properties and applications of solid, semisolid and liquid lubricant.


Sr.No Equipment Name with Broad Specifications Relevant LLO Number
MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme
BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305
Sr.No Equipment Name with Broad Specifications Relevant LLO Number
1 Vernier Calipers: Range : 0-150mm , Resolution: 0.1mm 1
Micrometer screw gauge : Range : 0-25mm, Resolution: 0.01mm, Accuracy
2 2
±0.02mm or better
Digital multimeter : 3 1/2 digit display, 9999 counts, digital multimeter measures:
3 3,4,5,6
Vac, Vdc ( 1000V max) , DC A, AC A(10 amp max), Resistance ( 0 - 100 MOhm
4 Resistance Box: 4 decade ranges from 1 ohm to 1K,accuracy 0.1 % - 1 % 3,4,5,6
5 Battery eliminator : 0- 12 V ,2A 3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12
6 Boyle’s apparatus: U tube manometer , barometer 11
Joule’s calorimeter : well insulated "mechanical equivalent of heat apparatus" in
7 10,12
wooden box, , digital / analog thermometer,
Electronic balance, with the scale range of 0.001g to 500gm pan size 100 mm;
8 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,30
response time 3-5 sec.: power requirement 90-250 V, 10 watt
Electric oven inner size 18’’x18’’x18’’; temperature range 100 to 2500 C. with the
9 30
capacity of 40 lt.
10 Ammeter 0-2 amp voltmeter-0-5v DC 19,20,21,22,23
11 Redwood viscometer-I 26
12 Cleveland open cup apparatus 28
13 Abel's close cup apparatus 29


(Specification Table)
Aligned Learning R- U- A- Total
Sr.No Unit Unit Title
COs Hours Level Level Level Marks
1 I Units and Measurements CO1 7 2 3 4 9
Electricity, Magnetism and
2 II CO2 13 3 5 6 14
3 III Thermometry and Fiber Optics CO3 10 2 4 6 12
4 IV Chemical bonding CO4 6 2 3 4 9
Electro chemistry and Metal Corrosion,
5 V CO5 12 3 4 5 12
its prevent ion
6 VI Engineering Materials and Catalysis CO6 12 3 5 6 14
Grand Total 60 15 24 31 70


Formative assessment (Assessment for Learning)

Two unit tests of 30 marks (Physics 15 marks,Chemistry-15 marks) and average of two unit tests.
For laboratory learning 50 marks (Physics 25 marks,Chemistry-25 marks).

Summative Assessment (Assessment of Learning)

End semester assessment of 50 marks for laboratory learning (Physics 25 marks,Chemistry-25 marks).
End semester assessment of 70 marks through online MCQ examination.


MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme

BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305
Programme Outcomes (POs)
Course PO-5
Outcomes PO-1 Basic Engineering
(COs) PO-3 PO-7
and PO-2 PO-4 Practices for
Design/ PO-6 Project Life PSO- PSO- PSO-
Discipline Problem Engineering Society,
Development Management Long 1 2 3
Specific Analysis Tools Sustainability
of Solutions Learning
Knowledge and
CO1 3 1 2 1 1 1
CO2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1
CO3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1
CO4 3 2 2 1
CO5 3 2 1 1 2 1
CO6 3 2 2 1 1
Legends :- High:03, Medium:02,Low:01, No Mapping: -
*PSOs are to be formulated at institute level


Sr.No Author Title Publisher
National Council of Education
Narlikar J. V. ;Joshi , A. W.;
1 Physics Textbook Part I - Class XI Research and Training, New Delhi,
Mathur , Anuradha ; et al
2010, ISBN : 8174505083
National Council of Education
Narlikar, J.V.;Joshi , A. W.;
2 Physics Textbook Part II - Class XI Research and Training, New Delhi,
Mathur , Anuradha ; et al
2015, ISBN : 8174505660
National Council of Education
Narlikar J.V.;Joshi , A. W.;
3 Physics Textbook Part I - Class XII Research and Training, New Delhi,
Ghatak A.K. et al
2013, ISBN : 8174506314
National Council of Education
Narlikar, J.V.;Joshi , A. W.;
4 Physics Textbook Part II - Class XII Research and Training, New Delhi,
Ghatak A.K. et al
2013, ISBN : 8174506713
Haliday, David; Resnik, John Wiley & sons, Hoboken, USA,
5 Fundamentals of Physics
Robert and Walker, Jearl 2014 ISBN : 812650823X
National Council of Education
6 Jain and Jain Engineering Chemistry Research and Training, New Delhi,
2010, ISBN : 8174505083
National Council of Education
7 Dara S. S. Engineering Chemistry Research and Training, New Delhi,
2015, ISBN : 8174505660
National Council of Education
8 Bagotsky V.S. Fundamental of electrochemistry Research and Training, New Delhi,
2013, ISBN : 8174506314
National Council of Education
9 Jain and Jain Engineering Chemistry Research and Training, New Delhi,
2013, ISBN : 8174506713
10 Aryabhatta. The Surya Siddhanta Baptist Mission press ,Calcutta
The Archaic And The Exotic : Studies Published by Manohar Book Service,
Steeramula Rajeswara
11 In The History Of Indian 2008 ISBN 10: 8173045712 / ISBN
Astronomical Instruments 13: 9788173045714

MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme

BASIC SCIENCE Course Code : 311305
Sr.No Author Title Publisher
Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd.
Anju Rawlley,Devdatta V.
12 Applied Chemistry with Lab Manual New Delhi, 2021, ISBN- 978-93-
Khanna Book Publishing, (2021),
13 Dr. Hussain Jeevakhan Applied Physics - II
ISBN: 978-93-91505-57-8


Sr.No Link / Portal Description
Electricity, Magnetism and
1 www.sciencejoywagon.com/physicszone
Semiconductors , basic of fiber optics
Electricity, Magnetism and
2 https://phet.colorado.edu Semiconductors ,Thermometry and basic
of fiber optics
3 www.physicsclassroom.com concepts of basic physics
4 http://nptel.ac.in/course.php?disciplineId=104 concepts of basic physics
5 http://hperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hph.html concepts of basic physics
6 concepts of basic physics
k. https://www.youtube.com/results?
7 concepts of basic physics
8 l. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRGh9_a1J7s concepts of basic physics
9 https://iksindia.org IKS physics
10 www.chem1.com Chemistry instruction and education
11 ww.onlinelibrary.wiley.com Materials and corrosion
12 www.rsc.org Catalysis
13 www.chemcollective.org Virtual Labs, simulation
https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-famous-people/indian- IKS Philosophy of atom by Acharya
sage-acharya-kanad-001399 Kanad.
https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/filter? Identify states of matter of materials by
subjects=chemistry&type=html,prototype using simulation.

MSBTE Approval Dt. 09/08/2023 Semester - 1, K Scheme

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