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Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavanam Road – 517583


Subject with Code : Electronic Circuit Analysis (16EC407) Course & Branch: B.Tech - ECE
Year & Sem: II-B.Tech & II-Sem Regulation: R16


1. a) Why hybrid model is used for the analysis of BJT amplifier at low frequencies? Draw the
hybrid model for CE transistor and derive the parameters. [6M]
b) Compare the CE, CB and CC transistor amplifier parameters. [6M]
2. Using low frequency h-parameter model, derive the expressions for voltage gain, current gain,
input impedance and output admittance for a BJT Amplifier in CE configuration. [12M]
3. a) With neat diagram, derive the CE amplifier parameters using approximate analysis. [6M]
b) Obtain the expressions for current gain, voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance
of CB amplifier using simplified hybrid model. [6M]
4. a) Determine the parameters Ai, Ri, Av and R0 of Emitter Follower using simplified hybrid model
analysis. [6M]
b) A voltage source of internal resistance Rs = 900Ω drives a CC amplifier using load resistance
RL=2000Ω. The CE h parameters are hfe=60, hie=1200Ω, hoe = 25µA/V and hre = 2 x 10-4.
Compute Ai, Ri, Av and R0 using approximate analysis. [6M]
5. A CE amplifier is driven by a voltage source of internal resistance Rs = 800Ω and the load
impedance of RL=1000Ω. The h-parameters are hie=1k, hfe=50, hoe = 25µA/V and hre = 2 x 10-4.
Calculate current gain, voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance using exact
analysis and approximate analysis. [12M]
6. Consider a single stage CE amplifier with Rs = 1kΩ, R1 = 50kΩ, R2 = 2kΩ, Rc = 1kΩ, RL =
1.2kΩ, hfe=50, hie=1.1k, hoe = 25µA/V and hre = 2.5 x 10-4, as shown in Fig. Find Ai, Ri, Av, Avs,
AIS and R0. [12M]

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7. a) Obtain the expression for current gain, voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance
For Common Emitter Amplifier with Emitter Resistor. [6M]
b) A CE amplifier is driven by a voltage source of internal resistance Rs = 1000Ω and the
load impedance of RC=2kΩ. The h-parameters are hie=1.3k, hfe=55, hoe = 22µA/V and
hre = 2 x10-4. Neglecting biasing resistors, compute current gain, voltage gain, input
impedance, output impedance for the value of Emitter Resistor RE = 200Ω inserted in the
emitter circuit. [6M]
8. a) Draw the circuit diagram of a single stage RC coupled Amplifier and discuss the steps used
for designing it. [6M]
b) Determine Voltage Gain, Current Gain, Input resistance and Output resistance for a CE
amplifier using NPN transistor with hie = 1200Ω, hre = 0, hfe = 36 and hoe = 2 x 10-6 mhos,
RL = 2.5kΩ and RS = 500Ω (neglect the effect of biasing circuit). [6M]
9. Design a single stage RC coupled BJT amplifier for the following values. Assume that for
Silicon transistor, Vcc = 10V, Ic = 4mA, hfe = 100, hie = 1kΩ, RL = 100kΩ and fL = 100Hz. [12M]
10. a) Draw the circuit diagram of JFET Common Source amplifier with voltage divider bias for
bypassed Rs and determine the expression for input impedance, output impedance and
voltage gain. [6M]
b) Derive input impedance, output impedance and voltage gain of JFET Common Drain
amplifier with neat diagram. [6M]

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1. a) Draw the Hybrid-pi model and explain the significance of each and every component in it. [6M]
b) Derive the expression for Hybrid- π capacitance of CE transistor at high frequency. [6M]
2. Derive the expressions for the hybrid π parameters gm, gb’e, gb’c, rbb’ and gce. [12M]
3. a) Mention the typical values of Hybrid- π parameters. [6M]
b) A BJT gm = 38mƱ, rb’e = 5.9kΩ, hie = 6kΩ, rbb’ = 100Ω, Cb’c = 12pF, Cb’e = 63pF and hfe =
224 at 1 kHz. Calculate fα, fβ and fT cutoff frequencies. [6M]
4. With the help of necessary circuit diagrams and approximations obtain the expression for CE
Short circuit current gain and derive the relation between fβ and fT. [12M]
5. a) Discuss the dependency of hybrid-pi parameters upon collector current, VCE and Temperature. [6M]
b) A BJT has the following parameters measured at Ic=1mA, hie=3kΩ, hfe=100, Cc=2pF
and Ce=18pF. Find gm, rb’e, and rbb’ for RL=1 KΩ. [6M]
6. a) At Ic = 1mA and VCE=10V, a certain transistor data shows Cc = Cb’c = 3pF, hfe = 200 and
wT = -500 M rad/sec. Calculate gm, rb’e, Ce = Cb’e and wβ. [10M]
b) Define Unity Gain Frequency fT. [2M]
7. Obtain the expression for Current gain with load resistor and explain the variation of frequency
Response with RL. [12M]
8. a) Short circuit CE current gain of a transistor is 25 at a frequency of 2MHz. If fβ = 200KHz
Calculate (i) fT (ii) hfe (iii) Find |Ai| at frequency of 10MHz and 100MHz. [6M]
b) Derive the expression for cut off frequencies fα, fβ and fT. [6M]
9. a) Describe the relationship between low frequency h-parameters and high frequency
Parameters. [8M]
b) Write about Collector junction capacitance and Emitter junction capacitance of
hybrid-pi model. [4M]
10. A transistor has hie = 6kΩ and hfe = 224 at IC = 1mA, with fT = 80MHz and Cb’c = 12pF.
Determine gm, rb’e, rbb’ and Cb’e at room temperature. [12M]

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1. (a) Explain the classification of amplifiers. [6M]

(b) Discuss the need of cascading amplifiers. [6M]
2. Describe different methods used for coupling multistage amplifiers with their frequency
response. [12M]
3. Draw the block diagram of n-stage cascaded amplifier and analyze its various parameters. [12M]
4. Analyze Two stage RC coupled amplifier with neat diagrams. [12M]
5. With neat diagram explain cascode amplifier and derive the overall voltage gain of cascode
amplifier. [12M]
6. a) What is Darlington Connection? Mention the advantages of Darlington Pair Amplifier.[4M]
b) With diagram, derive the expression for current gain and input resistance of Darlington
amplifier. [8M]
7. Explain how the input impedance is increased by Bootstrap Emitter Follower with neat
diagram. [12M]
8. a) Explain the effect of cascading of amplifiers on bandwidth. [6M]
b) An amplifier consists of 3 identical stages in cascade, the bandwidth of overall amplifier
extends from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Calculate the bandwidth of individual stage. [6M]
9. The following figure shows CE-CE cascade amplifier with their biasing arrangements.
Calculate Ri, Ai, Av, Ri’, Avs and Ais if circuit parameters are: Rs=1K, Rc1 = 15K, RE1= 100Ω,
RC2 = 4 KΩ, RE2 = 330Ω with R1 = 200K and R2 = 20K for first stage and R1 = 47K and R2 =
4.7K for second stage. Assume that hie = 1.2kΩ, hfe = 50, hre = 2.5 x 10-4 and hoe = 25 x 10-6
A/V. [12M]

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10. For the circuit shown in Fig. Calculate Ri, Ai, AV and Ro. hie=1.1k, hfe=50, hoe = 25µA/V and
hre = 2.5 x 10-4. [12M]


1. Explain the characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers. [12M]

2. a) Discuss Feedback topologies. [6M]
b) An amplifier has an open loop gain of 1000 and a feedback ratio of 0.04. If the open loop
gain changes by 10% due to temperature, find the percentage change in gain of the amplifier
with feedback. [6M]
3. a) Derive the expressions of input and output resistances for Voltage Series FBA. [6M]
b) Determine the input and output resistances of Current Shunt feedback amplifier. [6M]
4. a) Derive the expressions of input and output resistances for Voltage Shunt FBA. [6M]
b) Determine the input and output resistances of Current Series feedback amplifier. [6M]
5. a) An amplifier has a voltage gain of 400, f1 = 50 Hz, f2 = 200kHz and a distortion of 10%
without feedback. Determine the amplifier voltage gain, f1f, f2f and Df when a negative
feedback is applied with feedback ratio of 0.01. [6M]
b) A voltage series negative feedback amplifier has a voltage gain without feedback of A = 500,
input resistance Ri = 3kΩ, output resistance R0 = 20kΩ and feedback ratio β = 0.01. Calculate
the voltage gain Af, input resistance Rif, and output resistance Rof of the amplifier with
feedback. [6M]
6. a) State Barkhausen Criterion for oscillations. Explain the principle of operation of
oscillator. [6M]
b) Classify the different types of oscillators. [6M]

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7. a) Derive the expression for frequency of oscillations for RC phase shift Oscillator. [6M]
b) Discuss the working principle of Wein bridge oscillator and derive the expression for
frequency of oscillations. [6M]
8. a) With neat diagram, explain Hartley Oscillator and derive the expression for frequency of
oscillation. [6M]
b) Discuss Colpitts Oscillator and obtain the expression for frequency of oscillation. [6M]
9. a) Give the general analysis of an LC Oscillator. [6M]
b) Draw the equivalent circuit of a Quartz Crystal and explain its principle of operation with the
help of neat circuit diagram. [6M]
10. a) Explain the concept of stability of Oscillators. [6M]
b) In the Hartley oscillator, L2 = 0.4mH and C = 0.004 µF. If the frequency of the oscillator is
120 kHz, find the value of L1. Neglect the mutual inductance. [6M]


1. a) With neat diagram explain Series fed, Directly coupled Class A Power Amplifier and derive
its maximum efficiency. [6M]
b) A series fed Class A amplifier shown if the Fig, operates from dc source and applied
sinusoidal input signal generates peak base current 9mA. Calculate : (i) Quiescent current
ICQ, (ii) Quiescent voltage VCEQ, (iii) DC input power PDC, (iv) AC output power PAC and
(v) Efficiency. [6M]

2. a) Discuss with diagram, Transformer coupled Class A Power Amplifier and derive its
Maximum efficiency. [6M]
b) Explain second harmonic distortion by three point method. [6M]
3. a) Describe Higher order harmonic distortion by five point method. [6M]
b) With neat diagram explain Push Pull Class B Power Amplifier and derive its maximum

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efficiency. [6M]
4. a) Describe Complementary Symmetry Class B Power Amplifier with diagram and write about
crossover distortion in class B power amplifiers. [6M]
b) A class B push pull amplifier supplies power to a resistive load of 12Ω. The output
transformer has a turns ratio of 3:1 and efficiency of 78.5%. Obtain (i) Maximum power
output, (ii) maximum power dissipation in each transistor and (iii) Maximum base and
collector current. For each transistor, assume hfe = 25 and VCC = 20V. [6M]
5. a) Write notes on Class AB operation. [6M]
b) Discuss the need of Heat sink for power transistors. Mention about thermal stability of power
transistors. [6M]
6. a) Compare Single Tuned and Double Tuned Amplifier. [2M]
b) Describe the operation of a single tuned capacitive coupled amplifier with diagram and
derive the expression for its centre frequency, Quality factor, Voltage gain and bandwidth. [12M]
7. Discuss Double Tuned Amplifier with neat diagram and derive the expression for its
bandwidth. [12M]
8. a) Explain the effect of cascading single tuned amplifiers on bandwidth. [6M]
b) The bandwidth of single tuned amplifier is 20kHz. Calculate the bandwidth if such three
stages are cascaded. Also calculate the bandwidth for four stages. [6M]
9. a) With circuit diagram, explain the stagger tuning operation. Give necessary graph. [6M]
b) Explain the stability considerations of a tuned amplifier. [6M]
10. a) A single tuned RF amplifier uses a transistor with an output resistance of 50 KΩ, output
capacitance of 15 pF and internal resistance of next stage is 20 kΩ. The tuned circuit consists
of 47 pF capacitance in parallel with series combination of 1µH inductance and 2Ω resistance.
Calculate resonant frequency, effective quality factor and bandwidth of the circuit. [6M]
b) Explain the advantages, disadvantages and applications of Tuned Amplifiers. [6M]

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