Blood Grouping Reagents and Anti Human Globulin Reagents - Seraclone - Package Insert - Ani IgG
Blood Grouping Reagents and Anti Human Globulin Reagents - Seraclone - Package Insert - Ani IgG
Blood Grouping Reagents and Anti Human Globulin Reagents - Seraclone - Package Insert - Ani IgG
Stability of the Reaction The performance of the Biotest Anti-Human Globulin Anti-IgG was
Following centrifugation, all tube tests should be read immediately and confirmed against a FDA approved reference reagent in a Multi Center
results interpreted without delay. Time delays may cause a dissociation Field Trial.
of the antigen-antibody complexes resulting to false negative or more
often weak positive reactions. For Technical Support or further product information, contact Biotest
Diagnostics Corporation at 800-522-0090.
Quality Control
The reactivity of all reagents should be confirmed by testing with Note
known positive and negative red blood cells on each day of use. Each facility should verify the optimum spin time for the specific centrifuge
To confirm the reactivity or specificity of Biotest Anti-Human Globulin in use.
Anti-IgG, the reagent should be tested with IgG coated and non coated Manual techniques are to be performed according to the
red blood cells respectively. The reagent is satisfactory for use if it manufacturer’s instructions. Each deviation from these instructions is
reacts only with the IgG coated red blood cells. the sole responsibility of the user. Used tests must be discarded as
Negative results in an antiglobulin test should be verified with IgG hazardous material. Manage waste according to national regulations.
coated red blood cells: Add 1 drop of IgG coated red blood cells, mix
and centrifuge for 20 seconds at 800 - 1000 x g. Glossary of Symbols
Positive result: The negative reaction in the indirect antiglobulin test is
valid, reactive Anti-Human Globulin is present. Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
Negative result: A technical error was made and the test must be In vitro diagnostic
repeated. [LOT] Batch Code [IVD]
medical device
It is recommended that a positive and a negative control be performed
Caution, consult
in parallel with testing.
! accompanying I
Consult instructions
for use.
Interpretation of results
Agglutination of the red blood cells with the indirect antiglobulin test is M Manufacturer e Use by
a positive result and indicates the presence of an unexpected
antibody(ies). Agglutination of the red blood cells with the direct Contains sufficient
antiglobulin test is a positive result and indicates an auto-agglutinin or s quantity for <n> [REF] Catalog number
auto antibodies. No agglutination is a negative result and indicates the
absence of an unexpected antibody or the absence of the t Temperature
[VOL] Volume
corresponding antigen or lack of an auto-agglutinin.
An agglutination viewer may facilitate the reading of tube tests (as
recommended by the AABB Technial Manual, 15th edition). Bibliography
1.Moreschi C. Neue Tatsache über die Blutkörperchen
Limitations Agglutinationen, Zbl Bakt 1908; 46:49,456
• Low frequency antigens may not always be present on reagent red 2.Coombs, RRA, Mourant, AE and Race, RR: “A new test for the
blood cells and a double dose of antigen may be required to detect very detection of weak and “incomplete” Rh agglutinins.” Br J Exp Pathol
weakly reacting antibodies. Therefore, negative reactions with the 26:255, 1945
screening cells do not always indicate the absence of unexpected 3.Coombs, RRA, Mourant AE and Race, RR: “In vivo isosensitization
antibodies. of red blood cells in babies with hemolytic disease.” Lancet i: 264,
• Insufficient or inappropriate washing can lead to false negative or false 1946
positive reactions. Small amounts of residual patient sera/plasma can 4.Pittiglio, D. Harmening. Modern Blood Banking and Transfusion
neutralize the Anti-Human Globulin Anti-IgG. Practices. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis, 1983.
5.Mark E. Brecher, MD et al. Technical Manual 15th Edition, Bethesda,
• There is no anti-complement activity with this product. Cells coated with
MA: AABB, 2005.
complement should not give a positive reaction.
• Some conditions that may cause false positive results are:
- Contamination of sample or reagents
- Autoantibodies
- Improper storage or preparation of red blood cells
- Antibodies to antibiotics or other reagents
- Cold Antibodies
• Positive reactions may be seen from individuals who have received Rh
• Do not use frozen/deglycerolized and enzyme treated red blood
Rev. 07/2008 M| Biotest Medical Diagnostics GmbH, Industriestr. 1,
| Biotest D-63303 Dreieich, Germany,,
Tel.: +49-6103-801-0, Fax: +49-6103-801-140