Hooker2000 - Two Case Studies of Food Quality Management Systems
Hooker2000 - Two Case Studies of Food Quality Management Systems
Hooker2000 - Two Case Studies of Food Quality Management Systems
To cite this article: Neal H. Hooker & Julie A. Caswell (2000) Two Case Studies of
Food Quality Management Systems, Journal of International Food & Agribusiness
Marketing, 11:1, 57-71, DOI: 10.1300/J047v11n01_04
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Two Case Studies of Food Quality
Management Systems
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Neal H. Hooker
Julie A. Caswell
The interaction of voluntary and mandatory quality management
systems (QMS) is important in food production. Many voluntary
Quality management systems seek to control the overall mix of
characteristics or attributes that determine a product’s performance
Neal H. Hooker and Julie A. Caswell 59
even truly harmonized (i.e., Codex-based) GMPs are only rarely based
on consistent risk analysis techniques that focus on the actual risks to
human health as required by the current SPS agreements (Hathaway
and Cook 1996).
It is in this environment that more stringent and scientifically
grounded quality control and assurance measures that focus on the
whole quality system have been advocated. A standard definition of
quality management is:
All activities of the overall management function that determine
the quality policy, objectives and responsibilities, and implement
them by means such as quality planning, quality control, quality
assurance and quality improvement within the quality system.
(ISO 1996: 8402, p. 1)
The role of quality assurance is key within this definition. When
moving from simple end-point testing of product quality the emphasis
of quality management changes from one of simple quality control to
incorporating a greater appreciation of the process and how it can
influence product quality. Within this environment quality assurance
efforts can more effectively be used to indicate whether a plant is
practicing sufficient control at the key stages of production to enhance
and ensure the final quality of the good. Further, documented evidence
of compliance efforts can be more efficiently validated by the compe-
tent authority, allowing end-point performance testing to be used to
check the effectiveness of upstream controls. Finally, when a QMS is
widely recognized across nations international agri-food trade is facil-
itated as partners are aware of what the QMS dictates of the plant.
The ISO 9000 series developed out of the British BS 5750 stan-
dards. It was adapted for wider use in 1987 with the publication of its
first edition. This framework was then amended in 1994. ISO 9000
certification involves a third party (not the ISO) certifying that the
firm’s QMS is in compliance with the appropriate model. Surak clari-
fies the different language often applied to the accreditation process
between North America and Europe (Surak 1995). Essentially we
follow his classification by calling the third party making the assess-
ment of the plant’s QMS the registration company, which then awards
a certificate of conformance. The ISO appointed registration company
plays a role in advising, coordinating and validating the plant-level
QMS. Certification is maintained via a combination of internal and
third party audits to ensure the QMS adheres to the ISO 9000 require-
The registration company does not need to be from the same coun-
try in which the plant is located. The goal is to promote the consistent
application across countries of conformity assessments, the certifica-
tion process, and costs of obtaining a certificate. However, clearly
firms select a particular registration company based on its reputation
as well as the cost of certification. ISO targeted possible inconsisten-
cies in the accreditation process by introducing a quality system as-
sessment recognition (QSAR) program in 1996 that was intended to
demonstrate the equivalency of certificates regardless of their country
of origin. The system attempts to minimize any potential trade barriers
(perceived or real) due to differently interpreted or implemented ISO
9000 QMS. In 1997 QSAR was reassessed following a survey of
certified firms that identified such trade barrier concerns were un-
founded. Further, a strengthening organization, the International Ac-
creditation Forum, was developed to provide the oversight capabilities
required for the consistent global application of ISO 9000. Validation
of registration companies to ensure consistency across clients and
nations is a continuing concern for ISO and an interesting area of
future research.
The greatest benefit of attaining ISO 9000 certification is seen to be
the increased understanding of the whole quality system that it offers.
However, this benefit comes at a cost. The certification process can be
Neal H. Hooker and Julie A. Caswell 63
4.1 Management responsibility: Defines the firm’s quality policy, organization, and management review. This step ties that part of
management with ‘‘executive responsibility’’ to the quality system.
4.2 Quality system: Defined as the combination of organizational structure, procedures, process and resources, the quality system
must be fully documented and maintained to meet all ‘‘specified requirements.’’ This step involves the preparation of a quality
4.3 Contract review: Addresses the capabilities of the firm to meet its contractual requirements.
4.4 Design control: Reviews the design of the product to ensure that all specified requirements can be met. This step follows each
stage of the process through design review, verification, validation, and changes.
4.5 Document and data control: Linking with other clauses, this is the commitment the firm makes to maintain all documents and data
and guarantee these records reflect up-to-date practices.
4.6 Purchasing: Sets-up checks that all products purchased from subcontractors conform to their specified requirements.
4.7 Control of customer-supplied product: Firms that incorporate customer-supplied ingredients or packaging materials into their
end-products should establish and maintain documented procedures for the verification, storage, and maintenance of these
4.8 Product identification and traceability: A system that follows the product through each stage of production, delivery, and
installation should be implemented. This ‘‘trace-back’’ capability is essential for product recalls.
4.9 Process control: That all aspects of the production process (e.g., buildings, plant, equipment, personnel, etc.) must be carried out
under controlled conditions. Further ‘‘where the results of processes cannot be fully verified by subsequent inspection and testing
of the product and where, for example, processing deficiencies may become apparent only after the product is in use, the
processes shall be carried out by qualified operators and/or shall require continuous monitoring and control of process
parameters to ensure that the specified requirements are met’’ (ISO 9001 1994, p. 6).
4.10 Inspection and testing: Procedures to verify that the specific requirements of the inputs, intermediate, and final product are being
met should be initiated.
4.11 Control of inspection, measuring, and test equipment: Those instruments required to comply with 4.10 should be periodically
4.12 Inspection and test status: Some system of identification of the product that indicates if it is in compliance with the tests
performed must be in place.
4.13 Control of nonconforming product: This is then followed-up with an assurance that nonconforming product is not inadvertently
used (such may be reworked and then reinspected depending upon the details of the quality system).
4.14 Corrective and preventative action: There must be an effective system that implements both corrective and preventative action
when required.
4.15 Handling, storage, packaging, preservation, and delivery: The quality of the product should be maintained during the
post-production stages.
4.16 Control of quality records: All quality records should be readily available.
4.17 Internal quality audits: The quality system should undergo periodic internal reviews to determine its effectiveness.
4.18 Training: Training needs should be identified and addressed to ensure qualified personnel are performing those activities that
affect the quality of the product.
4.19 Servicing: Although unlikely to be appropriate for the agri-food industry, provisions for compliance with any after sales servicing
requirements are included.
4.20 Statistical techniques: When statistical techniques are required to establish, control or verify the process capability or product
attributes they should be documented.
Sources: Adapted from ISO (1996a): 9000-1 and Surak and Simpson (1994).
Principle Description/Activity
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1 Identify the potential hazard(s) associated with food production at all stages, from growth, processing, manufacture and
distribution, until the point of consumption. Assess the likelihood of occurrence of the hazard(s) and identify the preventative
measures for their control.
2 Determine the points/procedures/operational steps that can be controlled to eliminate the hazard(s) or minimize its likelihood of
occurrence (Critical Control Points (CCP)). A ‘‘step’’ means any stage in food production and/or manufacture including raw
materials, their receipt and/or production, harvesting, transport, formulation, processing, storage, etc.
3 Establish critical limit(s) which must be met to ensure the CCP is under control.
4 Establish a system to monitor control of the CCP by scheduled testing or observations.
5 Establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a particular CCP is not under control.
6 Establish procedures for verification, which include supplementary tests and procedures to confirm that the HACCP system is
working effectively.
7 Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to these principles and their application.
processing chain, the critical control points (CCP) for these hazards,
preventative measures to be taken to keep hazards within critical limits
at each CCP, establishment of monitoring procedures, clear responses
to violations of critical limits at each CCP, record keeping, and contin-
ued validation and updating of the HACCP system.
HACCP attempts to assure food safety by focusing on the operation
of the food processing chain. It is based on the view that end product
testing is a less effective method of assuring safety than is close and
continuous attention to food safety at all points in the supply chain.
Like the ISO 9000 series, HACCP lays down an approach to quality
management without specifying particular actions to be taken. As a
voluntary QMS, the goals of a HACCP system are to produce safe
product every time, to demonstrate adequate safety assurance activity
(e.g., as part of a ‘due diligence’ defense), and to support the reputa-
tion of the product in consumer markets. A HACCP system can be a
step toward other types of certification (e.g., ISO 9000) and a cost-ef-
fective technique for updating the QMS system (Mortimore and Wal-
lace 1994).
Alternatively, as a mandatory QMS HACCP-based regulatory re-
gimes are becoming more common. Key examples include HACCP-
based approaches for agri-food supply chains in Canada and Australia;
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) seafood HACCP rule
(FDA 1995); and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food
Safety and Inspection Service’s Pathogen Reduction and HACCP rule
for meat and poultry slaughtering and processing facilities (USDA
1996). FDA is considering extending the application of HACCP-
Neal H. Hooker and Julie A. Caswell 67
4.1 1-7
4.2 1-3 and 7
4.3 --
4.4 1-7
4.5 1-7
4.6 1-3
4.7 1-3 and 7
4.8 6-7
4.9 4
4.10 2-4
4.11 --
4.12 2-4
4.13 3-5
4.14 5-6
4.15 *
4.16 7
4.17 6-7
4.18 -
4.19 -
4.20 -
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Codex, (1995) Codex Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene, Alinorm
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February 19-23.
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and Fishery Products; Final Rule, Federal Register, 60(242), pp. 65096-65202.
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Golomski, W. A. (1994) ISO 9000-- The Global Perspective, Food Technology,
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Expert Technical Meeting on The Use of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
(HACCP) Principles in Food Control, Vancouver, Canada, December.
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of Microbial Risk Assessment in International Trade, Paper presented at the
Second International Conference on Predictive Microbiology Power with Preci-
sion, Hobart, Australia, 18-22 February.
Neal H. Hooker and Julie A. Caswell 71
Holleran, E. and M. E. Bredahl (1996) Food Safety, Transaction Costs and Institu-
tional Innovation in the British Food Sector, in G. Schiefer and R. Hilbig, Eds.
Quality Management and Process Improvement for Competitive Advantage in
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