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“Are we too dependent on technology?” is a popular question for debate. Many

think that people’s dependence on technology is becoming too much. Others believe
that humans are not dependent on technology and that reliance on automation has
mostly positive effects. This dependence on technology essay aims to answer
whether people have become overly dependent on technology.
Technology is a positive thing. The constant advancement in technology means that
the execution of duties is becoming easier. Notably, improvements in the use of
technology in the medical field have enabled doctors to save more lives.


Similarly, the automation of key processes at the workplace implies that the work
environment is not only safer, but productivity is also higher. In fact, it is through
technology that parents can stay in touch with their young ones studying abroad.
People are now globally connected as a result of using technology. As it is, every
action people have to carry out is dependent on technology,
However, the use of technology is raising concerns. First, technology has increased
entertainment platforms among particular demographic groups, especially the
youths who are constantly hooked on their gadgets for a long time.
Further, the over-reliance on technology is draining the healthy habits that people
once used to have, leading to numerous health issues. Under this premise. I concur
that people have become overly dependent on technology.
First, the use of technology implies that people are doing less thinking daily. One
study has shown that constant use of the brain hinders the development of diseases
like Alzheimer's and dementia in old age. In fact, proper brain development
commences during early childhood when children engage in games like puzzles.
Unfortunately, people in this generation work their brains less than required.


In fact, everyone uses their calculator to do the simplest calculations. Juggling your
memory to memorize a friend or relative's phone number is a thing of the past.
People no longer think about when there are phones that can store contacts. As a
result, people's mental abilities are severely impaired, making them more
susceptible to dementia and memory loss in old age.
However, the problem is not the technology: the problem is how people use
technology. Technology aims to facilitate processes, increase efficiency,
productivity and make life easier. However, people are exploiting technology by
applying it even to simple tasks.
If technology is used as a tool rather than an escape from reality, its contribution to
society will be seen and appreciated. However, people who sit and play video
games all day have the impression that technology has a bad influence, while some
people play these games to relax and be productive.
Second, under the influence of technology, people no longer have quality
communication with each other. Technology has invaded every aspect of life,
making meaningful conversations difficult.


As a result, these children were smart in life and grew up as better people. It is not
the case nowadays; the trend is that young children are exposed to games like
PlayStation, gamepads, and joysticks rather than communal games. In effect, the
children grow up with low self-esteem and communication problems as they are not
used to being around people.
Further, their thinking is limited to themselves, meaning they grow up with
selfishness, an inability to make friends, and poor behavioral characteristics.
Despite the negative impact of technology today, its contribution to making life
easier and more convenient, as well as its simplicity to use, implies that the role of
technology is crucial. One useful technological gadget is the cell phone.

Notably, the technology seems so convenient that word of mouth seems pretty
useless. For example, two roommates might send messages to each other instead of
talking face-to-face. Most people have started using devices like the iPhone and
iPad, thus spending a lot of time on social networking sites like Twitter and
This means that even if people initially meet and greet each other, this is no longer
possible because they can communicate over the Internet, thus limiting physical
contact. Such overreliance on technology means that the most meaningful human-
to-human conversations are lost, leading to weaker family bonds.
However, the use of technology is essential in the digital age. The world has
evolved into a digital platform where anyone who has not yet entered the digital
world is left behind in the face of new developments.
Basically, technology makes it easier for people to communicate and can affect
many people at the same time without having to do mass communication. Take, for
example, a company posting job vacancies on the Internet. Ads will likely be
discovered and attract more viewers than when published in the newspaper.
Ultimately, people choose to use their devices even when they don't need to because
they don't want to leave their comfort zone. Not so long ago, children enjoyed
playing outdoors. They will come and play with other children in the community
and in the process, they will build up their stamina and immunity. Such interactions
expose children to social life and various challenges such as conflict resolution.
Reference Study Corgi. (2023, August 24). Are We too Dependent on Technology?
Retrieved from https://studycorgi.com/are-we-too-dependent-on-technology/

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