Tac75 10
Tac75 10
Tac75 10
Your big chance page 4 Let us know! See readers survey page 27
Angle of Attack 3
Aircrewman of Distinction 7 CAPT MARTY STEERE
Phyz Biz 12
Fleaglegram 18 ART EDITOR
Safety Awards 19
Down to Earth 25 MARY KONOPNICKI
TAC Tally 31
TAC RP 127./
Articles. accident briefs, and estOCIAted Material in this magazine are nondireCtive in nature. All suggestions and recommendatiOns
are Intended to remain within the Scope of existing directives. information Used to brief aPcIdents and Incidents does not identify this
persons. places. or unite Involved and may not be construed it incriminating under Article 31 of five Uniform Code of Military Juttlee.
Names, dates, and places used in conjunction with acCident Aeries are fictitious. Air Force units ate iNtCOurisged to republish the Mater
contained nereln: however, contents are not for public teleate. Written permission must be obtained frOlin HA TAC before matetraii ma
republished by other than Department of Defense organizations.
Contributions of articles, photo; and items of interest from personnel In the field alts encouraged, at are comments gild Clitititm.
reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for clarity and readability. Direct communication is authdrized with: The Editor. TAC ATTACK,
HO TAC/SEPP Langley AFB, Va. 23665. Autovon 432.2937
Distribution F X, Controlled by SEPP.
Angle of
Know I
Chief of Safety
cveral recent aircraft accidents indicate that people. From one mission to the next, they could
-lay have some shortcomings in our supervi- track the progression of their subordinate flight
management of aircrews. This epistle is pri- members. They knew that Lt X flew lousy left
marily intended for those in direct supervisory wing; that Capt Y had family problems; and that
positions at squadron level, but everyone should Lt Z was weak on instruments. The flight com-
be vitally interested. mander was boss, confidant, counselor, instruc-
The theme is -- KNOW! The object, goal, pur- tor, and frequently, savior.
pose, responsibility and challenge is to KNOW Not many, if any, squadrons use flights that
your people. To properly supervise performance, way any more, but that is no reason why flight
monitor training and schedule intelligently, you commanders, ops officers and squadron com-
have to be intimately knowledgeable with all your manders cannot KNOW their people as well or
people. You must KNOW their strengths, ca- even better. Without maintenance and supply
pabilities, experience, proficiency levels, cur- responsibilities, squadron leadership can devote
rency, personal characteristics, physical and virtually all their time to the aircrews. They
mental condition, and especially weaknesses -- cannot afford NOT to KNOW.
as a start. Leadership, in some respects, is a When you do KNOW, it will be abundantly
study, a science, and the art of managing people. clear who is ready for what mission, who needs
You must KNOW your people to lead them effec- closer supervision and more training, and who
tively and professionally. carries the strength.
When you do KNOW them, you can lead them Dig in, gang. Review personnel indicators and
-- then you will start becoming a professional note people that are low in each area. It only
manager. takes a little imagination and initiative and you
There was a time in TAC when flights did will be surprised at what such a review will tell
everything together, but most of all they flew you. If we can be of help in organizing such a
together. The flight commander was lead, the review for you, just call. In the meantime, accept
assistant flight commander was element lead and the personal and professional responsibilities of a
sillmetimes lead. Other flight members flew two topnotch leader and manager -- KNOW.
four and, on occasion, the best one might be
e. Flight commanders really knew their Have a good one!
4 OCTOBER 1975
•• without pre ju ce
bars until a Lieutenant at Ma cDill made an base doesn't mean you 'll have good PC on final
unsuccessful attempt to land one several years with a lower airspeed and loads on the system.
ago . Shortly thereafter. the guys in the field We all know that we keep good PC-2 pressure
received a lot of guidance on the subject . A few to less than 10% RPM taxiing back after shutting
successful landings were made . but success rate off the right throttle . but a few gentle cycles of
was way below 100 percent . A transient recce the stick will probably make it drop a lot faster .
crew at a base where I was stationed nearly The Dash One says to fly the approach the same
made it. They really had their act together and way with or without single PC failure -- and for
recovered the bird ninety degrees to GCA final good reasons.
approach course after running out of lateral The second fact of life is asymmetrical thrust .
control authority on short final. In fact. they ne- The throttle that works is the one opposite your
\IC>r made it down due to other problems (a real dead. or potentially dead. wing. Cobbing the
·ne fire with the warning lights wired power will roll you into the dead wing due to
~ .<wards). but aircrew experience and super yaw from asymmet rical thrust. Now you've really
crew coordination saved them on that approach. got problems because you won't have the lateral
After a Martin-Baker letdown and a couple of control response you're used to having . Th is is
days of crew rest. they gave us an informal where aircrew experience can play a big part --
briefing on the flight . That's when I decided that it certainly helps to have a gorilla for a GIB so
this emergency was worth a little "what if that he can help you hold all that rudder . I'll bet that
one ever happens to me" thought on a regular you will be wishing you had given him a little
basis . By all means . put it into your flight more stick and rudder time before that day.
briefings when you get to the hydraulic failure With that bit of background. let's look at how
landings on the " Emergency of the Day" board. the Dash One tells us to land . First. maintain a
Now to the specifics of why this is about the minimum of 250 knots prior to configuring to
hairiest thing your Phantom can do to you land. Next. jettison all external stores and reduce
without creating a mandatory ejection situation . gross weight as much as practical . If you skip
The big problems you will face are decreased ahead to the minimum touchdown speed chart.
lateral control authority, coupled with yaw / roll you'll see why this is a smart thing to do. An F-
due to asymmetrical thrust. Procedures in the 4C with minimum fuel (1.500 pounds). no flaps
Dash One are a result of these two factors and and no external stores has a minimum touch-
the way they are going to fight each other as down speed of 181 knots. Once this is done.
you smoke down final . start to set yourself up for a straight-in . no-flap
Let's consider degradation of lateral controls approach avoiding any hard maneuvering and
first. As a bare minimum. you will be flying with using turns away from the dead engine.
a manual rudder . You may or may not lose the Prior to commencing final approach . and
PC system on the dead engine. depending on above 5.000 feet AGL if possible. blow the gear
windmill RPM and load you are putting on that down. The Dash One says to maintain 230 knots
PC system with the flight controls. Just because from this point until the landing is assured. Be
have good PC pressure at 250 knots in sure to turn off the anti-skid and watch for the
.ght and level flight on the way back to the four warnings the Dash One lists during this
YOUR BIG CHANCE fighter jocks. but they are real and vv
probably facing them for the first time in our
TO LOG A RIDE flying careers when we try to bring one of these
down final. Next time you're stuck with talking to
IN A a many- motor driver at the bar. bring up the
subject and you'll probably learn a lot about
MARTIN-BAKER SEAT flying from him . The Dash One recommends that
we fly a steep. low-power final when we try it
out in our Phantom.
The next phase of the approach is the transi-
--without prejudice tion to minimum touchdown speed . "When
landing is assured" means different things to
different folks . but minimum touchdown speed
means minimum. Personally speaking, you 'll see
me favoring 230 knots rather than taking any
chance of going below the minimum. I would
probably reduce power slowly passing the
runway threshold and approaching ground ef-
fect. The object of the approach is to land in the
first third of the runway and avoid augering in
on short final due to getting too slow with the
power too high. The flight manual doesn 't
recommend an approach-end barrier en-
gagement because touching down in the right
spot is likely to require power adjustme ~
resulting in lateral control problems. In
event the next step in the checklist is ca.
"Land or Eject. " You might want your GIB to
rotate the command selector valve to help you
with option two .
Once you've got the beast on the ground .
you've still got some work to do before you can
turn the bird over to maintenance. Put the hook
down and keep it on the runway until the mid-
field or departure end barrier. Manual rudder
and differential emergency braking is all you
have available for directional control. Be very,
very careful using the brakes at high speeds . As
phase of the approach. Warning number one you slow down . the drag chute might not be
says to expect a shortage of lateral control au- much of a friend if there's a significant
thority if you select afterburner on final . Second . crosswind .
a go-around is probably not possible if you let If you think the above discussion sounds
your airspeed get below 230 knots . and be very pretty hairy-- you 're right . That's why you are gi-
careful anytime you add power below 230 ven the legitimate option of ejecting if condi-
knots. Third. use minimum power on final since tions aren 't favorable. I don't think you would
minimum control airspeed is a direct function of catch me attempting it on a wet runway with a
power setting. Warning number four says that if crosswind unless there were a midfield barrier.
you run out of lateral control authority. you will and it would take a mighty smooth talking SOF
probably have to reduce power and lower the to get me to try it from the back seat on my no-
nose to accelerate if you ever expect to roll out. segunner's TR-4 . What you do is your choice .
All of this stuff about minimum control but by all means give it some thought occa-
speeds . asymmetrical thrust and lack of lateral sionally so you can make an intelligent deci c
control authority sounds pretty foreign to us if it happens to you. ---->
6 OCTOBER 1975
Major Errol G. Stump
1 07th TFS(ANG)
127th TFW
Selfridge ANGB, Mich
Major Errol G. Stump, leading an F-1 00 forma- down with the fuel shutoff switch. Using dif-
tion, failed to get a nose gear up indication after ferential braking, Major Stump brought the air-
takeoff. His wingman noticed the nose gear on craft to a stop in the center of the runway, 4,000
Major Stump's F-1 OOF had only partially feet from the end . With the assistance of crash
retracted and hydraulic fluid was coming from rescue, both pilots egressed the aircraft unin-
the wheel well. Major Stump attempted to lower jured. The F-1 OOF sustained very minor damage
the gear several times with the emergency gear with a bent pitot boom and buckle at the boom
extension handle without success. attach point.
While he burned down fuel, the runway was Investigation revealed the attaching lugs for
foamed 2,500 feet from the approach end to the the cylinder assembly were broken on the beam
3,000 feet remaining marker. Major Stump set assembly allowing no control of the nose gear.
up a long straight-in approach and touched down Major Stump maintained perfect control of the
1,200 feet beyond the approach end. While the aircraft throughout the approach, touchdown, and
nose was still in the air, the drag chute was roll out. His sound professional judgement and
rl<:!ployed . The copilot called out airspeeds, and at outstanding skill qualify Major Stump for this
) Kts, Major Stump smoothly lowered the nose month's Tactical Air Command Aircrewman of
.:he foamed runway. The engine was then shut Distinction Award. _:;::;....
Man is a slave to his intelligence--there are warning light giving the pilot an indication of a
many things he can't do because he knows better. malfunction. The strut door and aircraft wheels
were damaged during the landing roll.
When taxiing a heavyweight jet. caution
should be used to prevent brakes from becom-
ing overheated. Specific emphasis should be
placed on briefing proper procedures and tech-
niques for executing formation takeoffs . Using
brakes to maintain position can give you more
VOODOO 800 800 problems than just hot brakes. A blown tire
when making a formation takeoff can ruin your
The RF-1 01 was number two in a flight of four whole day. It's a lot less embarrassing to explain
on a cross country flight. After approximately an why you took the lead on takeoff than why y ~
hour and ten minutes of flight the anti-skid ino- blew a tire and ran off the runway.
perative light illuminated. The pilot recycled the
anti-skid system. then turned it off when the
light remained on.
A normal descent and GCA were accom-
plished. but when the aircraft touched down the WAKE TURBUlENCE GETS ~~RDV~RK
nose began to drop abruptly from the normal
aerodynamic braking attitude. Back pressure The number two Aardvark pitched out five sec-
was applied and the nose gear was stopped one onds after lead for a touch-and-go landing. Every-
thing was normal until short final. Over the over-
to two feet above the runway . The aircraft then
run, at an altitude of 30 to 50 feet, the F-111 encoun-
started pulling to the left. The pilot lowered the tered wake turbulence.
nose wheel to maintain aircraft control and The PWSO, who was flying at the time, applied
cleared the runway at the high speed taxiway. back stick which resulted in an excessive nose
Both main gear tires were flat both main wheels high attitude and an increase in descent rate. The
and skid detectors were damaged and the left IP took control, advanced the power to max,
strut door was damaged beyond repair . lowered the nose and completed the landing, but
What happened? Investigation revealed that was unable to prevent a firm touchdown. Realizing
the a1rcraft had taxied a long distance. 2.5 the firmness of the landing, the IP decided to make
miles. in a fairly high temperature. 87 degrees . it a full stop.
at near-maximum gross weight prior to takeoff. Damage to the aircraft was minor. We were lucky
Braking was used during taxi and some braking this time. Wake turbulence can ruin your whole day.
It has cost the Air Force millions of dollars due to
may have been used during the early part of the
destroyed and damaged aircraft and claimed many
takeoff roll to maintain formation position . It is
lives. Just because you are flying a heavy, fast jet
suspected that sufficient heat built up in the does not mean you are immune to wake turbulence.
brakes to melt the thermal plugs allowing the Take a few minutes and check out the August 74
tires to go flat . During heat buildup. the insula- issue of TAC ATTACK, it's got a good blurb ab
tion on the anti-skid wiring melted causing a the phenomena and how to avoid it-it could~
short which illuminated the anti-skid inoperative your life.
8 OCTOBER 1975
TAC Tips ..interest items, mishaps with morals, for the TAC aircrewman
TAC had two recent near midair incidents . One
involved a flight of four Phantoms doing tactical
formation in a Restricted Area designated for
their tra ining . After rolling out of a delayed 90.
the number-two man spotted a bogey at 1 2
o'clo c k to the flight and about a mile ahead.
Lead spotted the tw in Cessna and began a left
descending turn . Fortunately. the Phantom came
no closer than 500 feet to the civil aircraft.
The other incident happened to a T-Bird on
GCA final. Appro ximately 3 .5 NM on final. the
GCA controller told the pilot he had traffic at 2
o'clock. 1 m ile . moving right to left and that the
t raffic appeared to be level. The pilot spotted a The lesson to learn from these two incidents is
single engine. light aircraft crossing his flight wherever you are flying , keep the ·head out and
path and leveled the T-33 off . The aircraft passed the eyeballs uncaged . Don 't let the fact that you
within 100 feet vertical distance of each other. are on an IFR clearance or that you are in a
The civil aircraft was not being controlled by, or Restricted Area lull you into a false sense of se-
in communication with . any agency and was curity . Use aggressive search / clearing
w ith in both a Municipal and an Air Force Airport procedures -- keep those eyes open . It will pay
Traffic Area . big dividends .
SAVES SLUF While these two conscientious folks were do-
ing their part in trying to find a problem. the
We at TAC sometimes get caught up in point- same engine was giving pilots fits with its
ing fingers and slapping hands when human er- rumbling and vibration . On three successive
rors result in accidents and incidents . Once in flights. pilots called for Red Ball to check out the
awhile. however. we get reports on outstanding engine . Each one got a thumbs-up and pressed
work from guys in the field that bear repeating. on . No writeups were made . No one and no
Here's just one : system provided for correlation of the Red Ball
CMSgt Thomas Neal. Propulsion Branch Chief. calls. pilots' concern or SOAP results.
and Mr. Jack Robinette. SOAP Technician from The engine quit due to #6 bearing failure on
the 23d FMS. England AFB. LA noticed increas- the fourth flight. Indications were there. and
ing iron traces for eight straight flights in an A- CMSgt Neal and Mr. Robinette certainly did their
7D engine oil sample . In addition. traces of alu- part to find the trouble . Had there been a system
minum and chromium appeared in the aircraft's for coordinating SOAP. engine shop and Red
oil after its last few flights . Suspecting that the Ball data. this SLUF might have gotten a new
aluminum traces came directly from aluminum heart in time .
oil cans while they were being opened. the two As a result of this accident. and a few others.
initiated a controlled experiment. Testing oil every possible effort is being expended to fix all
taken directly from freshly opened cans. they the TF-41 problems and put you guys back in
found no aluminum traces. Although none of the the machine. It will take time. Despite all this.
A-7D's SOAP samples resulted in a trend that CMSgt Neal and Mr . Robinette are congratu-
Jired aircraft grounding. the engine was lm- lated for their dedicated performance . They
jiately flagged for monitoring . prove that TAC has people who CARE!
'lol -
Paul Durham
Each year the President of the United States perished . 100.000 were homeless. almost
proclaims a week in October as Fire Prevention 1 7.500 buildings were in ruins . Direct losses in
Week. For those who have never heard how Fire this needless conflagration were $168.000,000
Prevention Week was started. we would like to and that was back when a dollar was worth a
take you on a little trip back to Chicago on a buck. The indirect loss was incalculable . To
warm Sunday evening -- 9 October 1871. A mark this tragic disaster. Fire Prevention Week is
thoughtless. careless act sparked a fire at a observed annually during the week containing
modest city home. It seemed small and easy to October 9th. its anniversary date . This observa-
control. but it wasn 't. Thirty hours later. 2.100 tion should remind us that fires are not unavo ·-
acres of Chicago were a blackened. smoldering dable accidents. They are usually the result
waste . More than 200 of its citizens had some thoughtless act or neglect .
(requiring around 4 days to recover) . Much
the problem evolves from the " desynchroniz'-
tion " of certain physiological functions. For
example. heart rate circadian rhythm and the
body temperature rhythm become temporarily
dissociated during long flights and do not get
back into phase at the same rate . There is a dis-
crepancy in the rates at which they return to
normal . which may am aunt to 2 - 4 days .
Since rap id travel by jet aircraft has beome
commonplace for people such as businessmen
and aircrews. acceleration of the resynchroniza-
tion process has become an urgent matter. This
resynchronization is also known as "jet fatigue"
or "jet lag ." The exhaustion of traveling executi-
ves has caused concern for companies with
international interests . Several companies.
including Continental Oil and Phillips Petroleum .
recognized the problem some years ago. and
now require their long distance jet travelers to
have a 24-hour rest period at their destination .
British Airlines has extended rest periods for its
The Russians have tried yet another approach
-- they maintain their aircrews on a stable work-
rest cycle. and it has been reported that Sovi~
pilots who fly to Cuba are billeted in a spe( J
CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS Havana Hotel which is run on Moscow time .
One other approach is under study by a phar-
maceutical house -- they are working on a re-
search project which they hope will result in a
drug (or hormonal substance) that would shift
By Lt Col Harold A11dersen the body's hormones and physiological func-
HQ T AC Physiological Training Coordinator tions back to normal rhythms . One author states.
" Hormone therapy for travelers may not be a
The "social period" of 24 hours is only one of distant prospect. ..... So much for the future.
many cyclic periods which influence human be- What can be done now to alleviate " body clock"
havior. performance. "feelings." capabilities. etc . fatigue? A recent USAF TIG Brief article sums it
Yet. our society expects each individual to have up this way:
the same capabilities at all hours of the day. and "Commanders . flying supervisors. flight
to be like all other individuals at a given hour . schedulers. and flight surgeons must remain
Indeed . despite the important role of biological aware of the risks involved where schedules may
rhythms in our lives. most of us are not aware of force aircrews into disrupted sleep patterns and
the extent of their influence . at least as long as operate out-of-cycle with their normal 'body
we do nothing to disrupt them . clock.' Where practical and feasible. the sleep
Human responses to long flights which alter period during crew rest should overlap as .much
normal circadian rhythms have been known to as possible the time period during which the air-
disrupt the normal. integrated functioning crew member usually sleeps ." It is important
of the body's physiological / psychological to note that resistance to "jet lag " varies from
mechanisms . One group of observers noted dif- one person to the next. With this in mind . here
ferences in recovery times between easterly and is a quote from AFR 60-1. para 7 -8c.'Aircraft
westerly flights . Travelers got farther "off commanders will terminate a flight when saf<
schedule" on the easterly flights (requiring 6 to may be compromised by fatigue fact
8 days to recover) than on the westerly flights regardless of flight duty periods authorized. .. _
12 OCTOBER 1975
People do strange things that tion, he ignored the dangers in- that commercial items were
provide food for thought -- after volved in mixing heat and used. A bit of tomfoolery and
the fact -- like unnecessarily ex- powder. The second accident thrills added to the excitement
posing themselves to the follows the same theme, except of the occasion . Only thing
destructive nature of explosives. missing was common sense.
Take two recent TAC accidents Talk to the people injured in
as examples. these two accidents and you
An airman, in his apartment, probably would hear comments
drilled a 'hole in a live round of of bad luck. But, luck was not a
20MM ammunition to remove factor . Attitude toward personal
the powder. Reason not clear. safety is the key. These indi-
Tl,e heat of the drill bit ignited viduals did not have much going
powder and the case rup- for them in terms of using plain
'-._....- Jd. Result: a badly mangled old common sense.
hand and some lost fingers. Personal safety begins with
Surgery has already been the individual. You can talk and
performed three times. write about safety all day
Two airmen manufactured a without results -- unless the in-
homemade cannon out of pipe dividual is properly motivated
for a back yard experiment . and concerned with self pre-
Again, reason not clear. One servation .
end of the cannon was capped Thought and common sense
and a hole filed in the pipe for prior to action are still the best
·an ignition port. Next, they accident prevention devices go-
loaded the pipe with the powder ing for us. A good rule of thumb
and BB shot from commercial is: Don 't do anything dumb! ___:>.
12 guage shotgun shells. One
airman held the device while
his buddy provided the match.
The "holder" suffered severe
shrapnel wounds to his left arm.
Both of these accidents are
scary -- considering the injuries
could easily have been fatal.
One wonders why either occur-
red . In the first accident, the in-
dividual obviously did not realize
the hazards involved. Aside
, the fact he should not
e possessed the ammuni-
Hazards of explosives
. iltddeltU a~td iltcidt~ttalt
~i~ a
mailtteM~Ue tlut.
each. These guys were lucky. How would you
AIRCRAFT FIRES have reacted? If you don't know basics fo fire
fighting. talk to your supervisor . Request a brief-
ing from the fire department. It could save
By TSgt Whiting, TAC/SEG valuable Air Force equipment -- or even your
life .
Two Super Sierra Hotel avionics specialists
were dispatched to perform avionics
maintenance on a B-57E . After checking the air-
craft forms and contacting the crew chief. they EAGLE DROPPINGS
applied external electrical power with an MD-
3A. One specialist entered the forward cockpit During postflight of the F-15. panel b~
and turned the inverter switch on. Shortly (located under the speed brake} was found miss-
thereafter the other person. who was standing mg.
on the ground. noticed smoke coming from the On the day prior to the incident. the aircraft
inverter / battery compartment. The inverter had ground aborted for faulty fuel readings.
switch was immediately shut off. the MD-3A Instrument specialists had requested that panels
shut down and removed from the aircraft. One 6 6 and 6 9 be removed to faci I itate their trou-
specialist unsuccessfully attempted to extinguish bleshooting. A crew chief removed panel 69 and
the fire with his shirt. then his co-worker put out had started on panel 66 when a thunderstorm
the fire with a CB fire extinguisher . Fire damage stopped the work . The aircraft was towed to a
was limited to burned wiring insulation in the hangar for further maintenance without appro-
vicinity of the inverters-- cost was $705 . Cause priate Form 781 entries being made for panel
factor was internal failure of the battery con- removal. No more work was done by this crew. A
troller relay. resulting in plastic insulation and crew chief from the second shift arrived at the
related wiring overheating and catching fire . A hangar and noticed panel 69 had been
Category I materiel deficiency report was removed . He made an appropriate 781 entry.
submitted on the relay . Panel 66 was covered by the speed brake and
Although these specialists did save an irrepla- not noticed by the crew chief . The faulty fuel
ceable aircraft. the attempt to extinguish a class probe was found under pane l 69. fixed. panel
"C" fire by smothering it with a shirt could have secured . and the 781 entry cleared . Since no
been disastrous . Maintenance supervisors must maintenance was required under panel 66 . its
insure all of their workers are aware of the un- loosened bolts went undetected. Maintenance
predictable fire hazard potential of the many dif- and aircrew preflight did not include panel 66
ferent flight line and shop functions . There are as the speed brake was closed . During speed
specific "do's and don'ts" for extinguishing dif- brake actuation in flight. pane l 66 was to~
ferent classes of fires . and all personnel should loose.
be aware of basic fire fighting techniques for This incident could have been prevented .
14 OCTOBER 1975
chock talk
per 781 documentation and good leather pad to the line. Vibrations resulted in a
"-----' 'ntenance practices . The following rules can progressively chafed line at the point where the
go a long way in reducing UDOs (Unidentified safety wire contacted the tubing . The tiny pin-
Dropped Objects) : hole depicted in Photo 2 resulted in a complete
Completely remove or open panels / doors; utility hydraulic system failure.
completely install or close them.
Replace all worn or broken fasteners when
they are discovered -- don 't wait .
Make appropriate entries in Form 781 and
make sure they are properly cleared . Insure
that tech order procedures and local directives /
checklists are adequate . If they are not. speak
up .
We 've been lucky so far -- none of these drop-
ped objects have hurt anyone . Our luck may not
continue . however-- it's up to each and every
one of us to increase our odds . If we don 't. we'll
all be losers .
Unless otherwise specified in Tech Orders.
RUBBED THE WRONG WAY rubber hose makes an excellent chafing pad
(see Photo #3) . Since tubing sizes are usually
based on the outside dimension of the lines and
By James M. Fredregill
hose sizes are given for the inside diameter. lo-
Chief of Safety, 132d TFW, Iowa ANG
cating the proper sized hose is simple . The nat-
is unlikely an aircraft will ever be built which ural tension of a tight fit secures the pad
'---" ~ sn'thave fluid-carrying lines located close to nicely. and the part number of the hose is
other components and subject to surges. flexing clearly printed for proper selection . Another ad-
and vibrations . Result? Chafing . One solution to vantage is that this type of chafe pad is easily
the problem is use of chafing pads that serve as
buffers between the chafer and the chafee . Un-
fortunately. improper (or improperly installed)
pads can aggravate an already serious problem.
If the cure kills the patient instead of the
disease . it's time we went back into the books .
Unlike a doctor. the maintenance worker can't
bury his mistakes -- not for long . anyway.
Take a look at the photos . A "jury-fix" pad
(Photo #1) was installed on a utility hydraulic
line . Safety wire was used for securing the PHOTO 3
installed in tight places --just slide it into posi-
tion. This procedure eliminates the need to com-
pletely remove the line. but remember to reposi -
tion the line so that the chafe points are
separated. It is also important to remember that
if you find a need for a chafe pad that is not
covered by the TO . you should submit an AFTO
Form 22 and help everyone out.
Chafing is an old problem that still gives us
headaches-- and engine fires . hydraulic failures .
fuel leaks . ad infinitum . Use the Tech Order and
PHOTO 1 insure your cure doesn 't kill the patient.
Capt Mike Byers
drawings contributed by :
3307 S. Terrace Rd
Tempe AZ85282
Small airplanes ... slow and unprotected .. .powered less by engines
than the fighting spirit of their crews. They found the enemy in
shadowed jungle green, on roads and trails, in caves. They took the
war to him and taught him that defeat can come with smoke as well
as napalm, bombs and guns. Remembered patterns in bamboo and
·- -· -
leaves ... muddy tracks along a stream ... a thread of smoke from cook-
ing fires ... some small change from yesterday that marked the subtle
enemy who thought himself unseen.
They fought where ground fire was heard as well as seen--Their
only armor was their skill, and pride in battles joined and won
despite the odds. A scarf .. .a cartridge belt ...a call sign respected in
the air and on the ground. From lonely mountain runways,
treacherous with shifting winds, muddy jungle strips in monsoon
rains ... Ahn Khe ... Lima 98 ... Tiger Town ... Dak To ... the names mean
less with passing time, but like a ghostly sound of wings that is
heard in twilight on an empty ramp, the memory of their bravery
remains .
C ICAI-IU:R- 1975
Edith, the Hottest Thing in Town Good point. Despite our advanced technology, fire
can still be one of man's worst enemies. See page 10,
An acronym, she is wildly sweeping the companies this issue, for more of the same. -- Fleag
and the countryside. She is a staunch follower of
what she stands for. • • •
Dear Fleagle
llxn RILLS HE ~ ME
IA W TO I F-4(R)C-2-36, page 3-20, para 3-71, DI-
Sit down with your family and plan fire and disaster SARM SWITCH SAFETY PIN 53E230092-l is to
escape routes. Show them how to shut doors during be installed on RF-4C type aircraft (after 63-7750)
a fire to gain those extra minutes while the fire is before applying ground power to the aircraft "for ap-
shut out. Instruct them how to feel a door to see if a proximately I minute with the pin installed before
fire is on the other side, and if it is, seek an alternate removing the ejection seats, or damage to equipment
route out. and injury to personnel may result."
Have a common assembly point once outside, and This pin breaks the electrical circuit to ECM destruct
do not leave this point until released. Many people systems. Also IA W TO I F-4(R)C-2-36CL-l, page 2-
die each year reentering fires when their loved ones 8, fig 2-1, GROUND CHECKLIST (PRIOR T
have already escaped but did not have a common APPLYING EXTERNAL ELECTRICA
assembly point. POWER), this safety pin must be installed to comply
Have everyone memorize the phone number of the with step A, APPLYING POWER, of figure 2-1,
local fire department. Most telephone directories page 2-3. This safety pin is not at the present time
have them listed in the front of the book. The installed on any assigned RF-4C aircraft at this bast.
number on most Air Force bases is 117. Know how Supposedly, the ECM destruct system that requires
to give directions to your home. If you live in some this pin is not installed on the assigned aircraft.
out of the way place, if possible, have someone meet There is, however, no entry in the aircraft forms to
the fire department and direct them in. If you have assure with certainty that this supposition is correct.
some special problem where you live i.e., aged or in- No one seems to know for sure whether the newly
firmed or crippled persons in your home, a shed full arriving aircraft at this base have the destruct system
of flammables, live where the dirt road ends and installed. I have contacted concerned agencies with
across the creek etc, inform your fire department. no results.
They will make a note of these problems, and will
Sgt John E. Strickland
know where they stand before they arrive at the scene
363d AMS/ COMM
of the fire.
REAL THING !!!!! We would like to leave you with
this thought given to us by Fire Chief Robert "Bob"
Dear Sgt Strickland
Kidd of the Caycee, S.C. Fire Department: "You
would not think of sending your children to attend a To ease your mind a bit, no T A C F-4s carry an
school where no fire drills are held, so why do you ECM destruct package. LGMF folks here at head-
allow them to live in a home where there are none?" quarters advise me that Ogden ALC is now in the
process of deleting references to the disarm switch
SMSgt Herbert Williams safety pin in Tech Orders. On the LES E models,
TSgt John R. Breeden however, this pin (with a different name) w~
363 AMS continue to be referenced in its tech data, since ; )
Shaw AFB SC pin also serves to lock the leading edge slats. Hoi-
this has helped y ou out -- Fleag
Fleaglegram responses from the front
sequence of events . It was obvious that this
flight would not be a milk run -- the red light
remained on in the gear handle and there were
no down and locked indications .
Early the same morning . TSgt Edwards. who
worked in the base Accounting and Finance of-
fice . discovered that his breakfast coffee didn't
quite taste as good without his customary after-
breakfast cigarette . "The wife should have
realized that we needed another carton when
she went to the Commissary yesterday. She gets
paid for keeping track of those details . Not only
that. but old Fido couldn't wait another five
minutes before he was let out for his morning
run . I can see this is going to be a great day. No
cigarettes . the dog messin' up the rug -- all I
need now is for the Chief to chew my butt for
something and my day will be complete ."
SSgt Phillips . an Electronic Warfare
Technician . felt pretty good today. " Friday! Pay-
day and only two more work orders to complete
before heading out for the weekend . Just one
problem. Why was my paycheck S 70 short to-
day? I thought they straightened that out I;
month . At least I can probably make it to 1
nance before I get those two birds launched ."
By MSgt Edward E. Whalen Hustling over to Finance. Phillips decided to
4th AMS get some rank working on his financial problem .
Seymour Johnson AFB NC "The man to see is TSgt Edwards . He's the
senior man at the inquiry counter and should be
able to help me out. "
"Hey. Sarge. I've got a problem which I
thought I got fixed with your people last month .
I'm S70 short . How about checking my records
and finding out how they screwed up this time! "
" Find out how they screwed up?" questioned
After their ground attack mission . Capt Sharp Edwards . "Wait a minute and I'll check your
and his WSO. Capt Sparks. felt pretty good on records . Hey. look at this . You were supposed to
the way back to home plate . It was a perfect bring in your BAS statement from your orderly
flight so far. They had taken all the money on room last month and you still haven 't done it.
the range and were even given a few "Atta . Boys" Before you start pointing fingers at other people.
by the Range Officer . Now they were looking for- you should make sure you are clean. The next
ward to a relaxing weekend of fishing for time you come in here accusing us of not doing
"Blues" off the coast. our job there might be a note sent to your
GCA picked them up about 25 miles out and squadron about your derogatory remarks and
now the flight was going to be all downhill. Ten your grubby appearance . Don 't you maintenance
miles out. Capt Sharp called for the landing troops believe in ironing your uniforms or shin-
checklist. It was just about time to land -- time ing your shoes? Most of you guys come in here
to get visions of bluefish out of their minds. for looking like you just climbed out of a steam
the moment at least. Capt Sharp reached for the bath . Pass the word around your outfit that '
gear handle and put it down ... that started the are going to start refusing service to people w.
20 OCTOBER 1975
By Richard W. Fowler, 1LT
88th FTS
Sheppard AFB, Texas
Once upon a range period . .. mailbox each month and hungrily snatch the new
That is how I really wanted to start this article, but issue out of our mailman's hand. Lieutenants will
I didn't want it to sound like a fairy tale. Dropping do just about anything to get their CEAs into the
bombs is a serious matter and TAC ATTACK con- solid black, so you can imagine my desperation
tinually emphasizes that by publishing methods of whenever the editors didn't come up with a collec-
edging a fighter jock's CEA toward that magic tion of those nifty graphs, tables and bombing
bullseye. You might say that this is one of those ar- equations.
ticles but with a slightly different viewpoint. Mine! But when they did. WOW! I'd go bananas. I used
I should confess that I tried to read all kinds of ar- to spend hours trying to figure out what they w
ticles and studies in TAC ATTACK about bombing talking about. I couldn't eat or sleep for days ar
techniques. In fact I used to lurk near the squadron couldn't ask anyone for help for fear they'd d.
22 OCTOBER 1975
~r I really didn 't understand bombing . Only match it with the one above. Essentially the variable
,e was there a glint of understanding when I ac- factors are : target size. tracking time. acceleration ,
Cidentally read one of the articles upside down . My rotational movement. WSO precession , switch set-
CEA dropped 10 feet. But it was no use. It was tings and the size of your wager. Some of these may
ghastly watching myself go from a frustrated hyper- sound a bit unfamiliar but most are significant.
glycemic to a savage manic-depressive. The size of your target will vary, but simply
Well , I finally gave up. I knew if I wanted to be an speaking, the larger the target the easier it is to get a
unnerving , fang -tipped , steely-eyed aviator, I'd shack. There are two ways of increasing target size:
have to set about resolving the basics on my own . I (1) choose a larger target than the frag calls for-
threw away my manuals, kissed my dash-34 good- bomb a city instead of a village, a passenger ship
bye and bugged the hell out of my scheduling of- instead of a san-pan or the Penn Central yard in-
ficer to get me to the range-preferably in an tead of a one-tracker ; or (2) press your target. The
aircraft. closer you get the bigger it looks and the better the
score. When you press, the target can actually
After months of study and data collecting I was
able to synthesize a new relationship between
range scores and factors that influence them. So
become larger than life . Target size =Ts.
revolutionary was the discovery, in fact, that my Next, I've chosen to relate tracking time (Tt) to
new method would allow for a shack on every bomb target size in the following manner: The more time
pass. If your pickle-thumb isn't twitching with ex- spent tracking , the bigger the target will get (press-
citement by now, you are probably a skeptic. So ing) , but the more likely the error since nobody can
please allow me to explain. For simplicity's sake I hold a pip per on target for more than a second . I
found it necessary to divide the factors of bombing base this fact on actual experience. This inverse
into two groups: static and variable. First, I' ll deal relationship is not direct, it is logarithmic, since ad-
with the static factors, those things which never ditional small amounts of tracking time wi II result in
change regardless of the situation. They are: (1) the disproportionately larger errors. Target size is then
aircraft, (2) gravity, (3) dive angle and (4) disbelief. multiplied by the inverse logarithmic factorial of
I learned early in my range career that the first tracking time to produce ,. L
· ..., factors,the aircraft and gravity, are essential in •s •Tt
1ering a bomb. Without an aircraft a bomb can-
be hauled up for the drop and without gravity it We also know that the third factor, acceleration
wi II not return to earth. Just more evidence for Isaac (Gs) , is important at the moment of pickle so I've
Newton , I suppose. At any rate, we now have our grouped it with the first two factors. I've also given
first relationship: the lift of the aircraft (positive) is G-forces a negative sign because (1) I don't like
equal to the pull of gravity (negative) , or Al=-GP. them and (2) I usually have to bunt anyway. Now we
have T.s • L r
The fact that dive angle is listed as a constant - - "S •
may surprise some of you but it's really a matter of
academics. In a level delivery, the angle is zero and Another element I've listed is rotational move-
can be discarded . In any sort of dive bomb, the ment. Some of you call it wind but I prefer to think of
angle is negative and (at the moment of pickle) al - it as the rotation of the earth beneath my aircraft, in-
ways seems to end up the same-at a standard variably to the 3 or 9 o 'clock positions. Rotation de-
point somewhere between 30 and 45 degrees- pends on the direction and the latitude from which
(often on the same pa.ss) regardless of which event you make your run and is always additive to pro-
we 're doing . At least it always did for me. Dive duce ( L
Ts •Tt-
Gs ) + Rm.
angle will be designated the Greek letter " tau " and
wi II be negative, or - T.
The next two factors, WSO precession and switch
The fourth factor is disbelief. Let's face it. WSOs settings, though listed as variables, can actually be
are good guys, but would you trust your bomb eliminated entirely. This is because WSO error has
scores to them? If you do, you have just scored un- already been compensated for in the static equa-
believable at 6. If not, score a beta ( +Bs) next to tion , and any oversight in switch settings can
your aircraft. If you don 't have a WSO, put it there generally be written up in the 781 after the mission.
anyway or this analysis won 't work . Therefore, nothing is added here to our variable
Thus, we 've evolved the static equation of bomb- factor.
ing: AI+ Bs =- (G.p+ T) Finally, the size of your wager (bet size, Bs) does
have a positive effect on bomb scores since the
order to successfully score with our bomb, we larger your bet the better your score. You can try
) need to manufacture the variable equation and this one yourself. Instead of two bits, take a fiver on
. Next we add it algebraically to the variable ec
shack 1nsurance tion .
O:Gp+T-tA&. + Bs
each bomb and see how your score improves. If it
doesn't, I would write up the pickle button. By +Bs= (Ts•it, -Gs)+Rm+Bs
adciing bets, the new resultant is:
•ft- Gs)+Rm+Bs +Gp-tT-tA&. +Bs
Bs= (Ts
(rs ·r~ - Gs)+ Rrn+ Bs Bs -z 8 =(Ts •ft - G + RITI+Gp+Aa.-t T
5 5)
Having examined the variable factors we deal
with on our daily bomb run, it is conclusive that we Dropping the sub-value on the right side we ob-
can now draw the second and more important tain :
equation from the above discussion . That is: Bomb
Score (Bs) will equal the logarithmic inversion of -85 : (T•f- G)+R+G+A+T
target size to trackin'g time minus acceleration
while added to earthly rotational movement and -Bs= l-G+R+G+A+T
wager size, or:
Bs= (T5 ·;:i-- G5)t Rm + Bs Or, in plain English:
At long last we 've arrived at that juncture where
suspicion becomes a reality and fact forges truth . -85 = T+L+A+R
For those of you holding at your IPs, don 't turn this
page. Give your WSO (or your left hand) some stick
time, read on and if you like, call up lead and dou- If That Looks About Right to you then pickle and
ble your bet. you 'll come up with a -Bs on the left side or a nega-
Prior to combining our two equations we need to tive bomb score which I ascertain to be somewh
adjust the static relationship. less than a shack. The way I see it, there isn
range officer alive who has ever spotted one lb_
AL+B5 =-(Gp+T) or, than zero. So he will give you the bull: and you
should be used to that. ___:::....
0 =- Gp- T- AL- Bs
0= Gp+T + At.+ Bs
Smoking May Be
CMSgt Savoie, HQ T AC/SEG
Hazardous To Your Health
qecently. a man suffered in-
s that required hospital at-
cion -- injuries resulting Every year more than 1,000 child-
from a bizarre accident. weird ren under the age of four die in protecting your child is use of an
enough to satisfy Ripley automobile accidents. Thousands acceptable well-fitted child restraint
himself. more are seriously injured; some crip- system. There are many on the mar-
It seems the accident pled for life. Most of these accidents ket today, but find one that fits the
resulted from a simple nui- do not occur during long drives on child and the car. Infants should be
sance -- a clogged nozzle on a super highways. They occur during provided an infant carrier. When this
pressurized can of hair spray. routine driving within 30 miles from is outgrown, switch to a child seat.
The victim's wife had dumped a home and at speeds less than 30 miles When a child outgrows that seat,
substantial amount of the hair per hour. he/she is usually strong enough to use
spray (containing alcohol) into Would you give an infant or tod- a regular safety belt.
the toilet in an attempt to free dler a knife or piece of glass as a toy? The next time you are driving
the nozzle orifice with a safety Surely not! But have you ever let around town in your car or stopped at
pin . Leaving the commode un- your child ride unrestrained in the a traffic light, look inside the cars
flushed. she left the bathroom front seat of the car, even for the next to you. Invariably, there are
to her unsuspecting hubby. The short trip to the store? If the answer small children standing on the front
husband retired to the is yes, you risked your child's life seat or up against the instrument
bathroom for his morning needlessly. During a crash or sudden panel. Most of these children do not
constitutional. sat down. lit a stop, the child could be slammed have the lifesaving benefit of any
cigarette. and dropped the against the instrument panel or wind- restraint system.
match into the bowl. The result- shield with tremendous force. Holding You cannot be responsible for
ing explosion imbedded pieces a child in your lap is not the answer as other people's children riding in their
of the toilet lid into the the child would be pulled out of your parents' cars, but do not take chances
bathroom walls . . . and the arms in a crash situation. If you were on the lives of your own children.
,,. im's posterior . not belted either, your weight would Insist that they use a proper restraint
seems you're not safe also help to crush the child. system all the time. You will never
Nhere any more . __.:> The answer to the problem of regret it. __.:>
Down to earth
aircraft systems. For example, San Antonio AL ~
prime for Life Support while Ogden ALC is pr1
for the F-4 aircraft. A Materiel Improvement Project
THK ACCIDE T (MIP) has begun to determine why a certain compo-
nent failed and to find out how it can be prevented
BOARD AND from failing again. The component of a system may
be completely redesigned if a design deficiency is
ACCIDENT found. Many of these projects involve extensive
research and testing. Some testing may require a
PIIIIV-NTIOII year or more.
In the A-7 accident it was recommended that the
design deficiencies which allowed the parachute to
open prematurely be corrected. An EUMR was sub-
mitted and assigned a MIP number. The parachute
was modified to include a longer manual ripcord, a
longer automatic arming cable on the parachute
actuator and improved riser retention. TCTOs were
by Capt Marty Steere, TAC/SEPP established and all TAC/ANG aircraft have been
Another recommendation by the accident board
was that the time span between Basic Fighter
Maneuvers/Dissimilar Combat Maneuvers
Some months ago an A-7 was on a routine train- (BFM/DCM) be reevaluated with a view toward in-
ing mission when the canopy failed and the pi lot creasing the frequency of BFM!DCM sorties. As a
was inadvertently ejected from the aircraft. He sus- result, a new sortie schedule was published in AFM
tained fatal injuries because of premature deploy- 57-7 that establishes a standard for frequent partici-
ment of the parachute which then failed from pation in mission dedicated sorties.
airloads greater than the design limits. This particular accident also highlighted
The accident board was convened and an in- need for aircrews to receive departure trainin
depth investigation performed. The report is in, the the SLUF. LTV's Large Amplitude Motion B..
investigation complete . But the task is not finished. Simulator (LAMBS) is now being used to give A-7
The board's recommendations must be answered aircrews thfs valuable training. There were many
and corrective action taken to prevent the same other recommendations which will not be covered
thing from recurring. How is this done? Let's use here. Some of the recommended corrective actions
this accident as an example and review the se- are complete and in effect; other actions are pend-
quence. ing test results.
When the accident board completed its work, it As you can see, there are many things ac-
compiled the material into the aircraft accident re- complished after the accident board finishes its
port. This mass of material covering all aspects of the work. All recommendations for corrective action
investigation, gives the findings. and causes. Most are continuously monitored by the MAJCOM Safety
important, the board offers recommendations on Project Officer (SPO) who reports on their status to
how to prevent a simi Jar accident. The report is then the Air Force Safety Center at Norton a minimum of
forwarded to the Squadron Commander, Wing every six months. When all the recommended ac-
Commander, Numbered Air Force Commander, and tion is completed, the report is finally closed. This
to the MAJCOM Commander for review and in- may take a year or even longer. The board's efforts
dorsement. Air Force Logistics Command, Air usually result in new procedures, new equipment
Force Systems Command and associated research modifications and a safer aircraft. Sometimes
and development branches also received the report recommendations are simply to reeducate aircrews
and reviewed findings, causes and recommenda- or maintenance personnel on established pro-
tions. cedures. It does not always take an accident to start
During the investigative process, the accident the process of eliminating hazards or deficiencies
board submitted Emergency Unsatisfactory to give us a better system. There are many current
Material Reports (EUMRs) on components that may aircraft projects that resulted from incident catego-
have failed and had a direct bearing on the acci- ry reports, hazard reports, and suggestions from
dent. These are now called Category I Reports and people like you. Do your part to make our aircraft
are sent to an Air Logistics Center (ALC). All the safest and most effective in the world. If you ~
aircraft in the USAF inventory are divided up among aware of a problem, identify it to your boss or s<
the five ALCs; certain ALCs are prime on specific officer. _.:;:>-
26 OCTOBER 1975
R~ader tP.sponse Form '"' ,.,~g:,~.·~~~
Deader Response Farm
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000-318 ~
Thra AUG
Ora An AUG
'airy in
1975 1974 1975 1 1974 1975 1974