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Cpar Q2 Week3

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DAILY LESSON LOG School Grade Level


Department of Education Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 3 Quarter QUARTER 2
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learners shows understanding of the materials and techniques.

B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to discriminates among various materials and techniques.
Critiques available materials and appropriate techniques:
C. Learning a. Analyze and evaluate available materials.
Competencies/Objectives b. Identify and select appropriate techniques.
c. Apply critical thinking skills in art-making.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Begin by asking the students if they know  Review the previous lesson on
Ask the students to recall the different
the importance of choosing the right identifying and selecting appropriate
local materials and techniques they have
1. Reviewing previous lesson or materials when creating art. Encourage techniques in creating art. Review and recall the topics discussed
learned in the previous lessons on
presenting the new lesson them to share their insights and  Present the objective of the current ready for the assessment.
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the
experiences on how choosing the right lesson, which is to apply critical
materials can affect their artwork. thinking skills in art-making.
 Introduce the new lesson by telling
the students that they will learn how
Explain to the students that the lesson  To develop critical thinking skills in
to identify and select appropriate
will focus on analyzing and evaluating the art-making process.
techniques in creating art using local
available materials for art creation. The  To encourage creativity in
2. Establishing the purpose of the materials.
purpose of this lesson is to help them developing unique and thoughtful
lesson  Explain that by the end of the lesson,
understand how to select materials based artworks.
they should be able to apply their
on their properties, availability, and  To promote the use of local materials
knowledge in selecting techniques
sustainability. and techniques in creating art.
and materials that will help them
create their own original artwork.
3. Presenting examples/instances of Present the different materials used in  Show examples of artworks created  Show examples of contemporary
the new lesson creating art in the Philippines, such as using local materials and different Philippine artworks that display
bamboo, coconut shells, abaca fibers, and techniques such as weaving, carving, critical thinking skills in their
clay. Show images and samples of and painting. creation.
artworks created using these materials.  Discuss the techniques used and how  Discuss the importance of analyzing
and evaluating the materials and
techniques used in creating the
they enhance the artwork.
 Encourage the students to identify
the critical thinking skills used in the
 Discuss the different techniques that  Define critical thinking skills in art-
Discuss the properties of each material can be used in creating art such as making.
and their suitability for different art weaving, carving, painting, and  Discuss the importance of analyzing
forms. For example, bamboo is often others. and evaluating the materials and
4. Discussing new concepts and
used in creating sculptures and musical  Explain the characteristics and techniques used in creating art.
practicing new skills #1
instruments, while abaca fibers are advantages of each technique in  Provide examples of how to apply
commonly used for weaving and creating creating an artwork. critical thinking skills in selecting
decorative items.  Show different materials that can be materials and techniques for an
used for each technique. artwork.
 Demonstrate how to use the  Demonstrate how to apply critical
techniques and materials discussed thinking skills in creating an
Discuss the importance of sustainability in the previous step by creating a artwork.
when selecting materials for art creation. simple artwork.  Provide guidance and feedback to
5. Discussing new concepts and Ask the students to share their insights on  Ask the students to practice the the students as they create their own
practicing new skills #2 how the use of sustainable materials can technique using the provided artwork using local materials and
contribute to the preservation of the materials. techniques.
environment and local culture.  Give feedback on their work and  Encourage the students to reflect on
provide tips on how they can their art-making process and the
improve. critical thinking skills used.
 Provide an interactive and engaging
activity where students will analyze
 Provide the students with a selection
Divide the students into groups and and evaluate an artwork created by
of local materials and ask them to
assign them to research and analyze a their classmate.
create an artwork using a technique
specific material used in creating art in  Encourage the students to use critical
of their choice.
the Philippines. Each group should thinking skills to identify the
6. Developing Mastery  Encourage them to be creative and
present their findings, including the materials and techniques used in the
original in their work.
properties, availability, and sustainability artwork and evaluate how these
of the material, and how it can be used in  Give feedback on their work and
choices contribute to the overall
art creation. provide tips on how they can
meaning and message of the artwork.
 Provide feedback and guidance as
 Discuss the importance of preserving  Discuss how critical thinking skills
and promoting local materials and can be applied beyond the art-
Ask the students to apply their learnings
techniques in creating art. making process in daily life.
7. Finding practical applications of by creating their own artworks using the
 Encourage the students to support  Encourage the students to think
concepts and skills in daily living materials they have researched and
local artists and craftsmen by buying critically about their decision-
their products or promoting their making process and problem-solving
work. skills.
8. Generalizing and abstractions Guide the students in summarizing the  Ask the students to reflect on what  Encourage the students to reflect on
they have learned and how they can the importance of critical thinking
importance of analyzing and evaluating
apply their knowledge in their future skills in art-making and daily life.
available materials when creating art.
artworks.  Discuss how the use of local
about the lesson Ask them to share their insights on how
 Discuss the importance of using materials and techniques can
this lesson can help them improve their
appropriate techniques and materials contribute to the development of a
art creation process.
in creating an artwork. unique and meaningful artwork.
The teacher will provide a quiz to assess
the learnings of the students. Make sure
9. Evaluating Learning
that the quiz includes all the topics
discussed for the whole week.
 For application, encourage students
 For students who need remediation, to create another artwork using a
For application, ask the students to create
provide additional materials and different set of local materials and
a group mural or installation using the
guidance on how to improve their techniques, applying the critical
materials they have analyzed and
technique. thinking skills they have learned in
10. Additional Activities for evaluated. For remediation, provide
 For students who need extension the lesson.
Application or Remediation additional materials for the students to
activities, encourage them to  For remediation, provide additional
analyze and evaluate, and ask them to
research on other local materials and guidance and support to students
compare and contrast their properties and
techniques and create a new artwork who may need more practice in
suitability for art creation.
using these materials. applying critical thinking skills in


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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