Materials 15 01612 v2
Materials 15 01612 v2
Materials 15 01612 v2
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1 School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society (EGIS), Heriot Watt University Malaysia,
Putrajaya 62200, Malaysia
2 Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan;
3 Department of Civil Engineering, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Bandar Sungai Long, Cheras,
Kajang 43000, Malaysia;
4 School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society (EGIS), Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK;
5 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Petronas,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Malaysia;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +60-127560230
Abstract: The challenges of handling user-hostile alkaline solutions in the conventional alkali-
activated binders (AAB) have initiated the development of “just add water” or one-part solid-based
AAB systems. This paper aims to present a preliminary investigation on the development of one-part
ambient-cured alkali-activated binders produced by synthesising high-calcium fly ash (HCFA) and
ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) using sodium metasilicate anhydrous. Three test
Citation: Teo, W.; Shirai, K.; Lim, J.H.;
series were conducted in this study to investigate the effects of GGBS/binder, activator/binder and
Jack, L.B.; Nikbakht, E. Experimental
Investigation on Ambient-Cured
water/binder ratios on the fresh and hardened properties of the one-part synthesis AAB system. It
One-Part Alkali-Activated Binders was found that the SiO2 /Al2 O3 molar ratio plays an important role in the attainment of compressive
Using Combined High-Calcium Fly strength and limits the amounts of solid activators effective in contributing to the alkali-activation
Ash (HCFA) and Ground Granulated reaction process. The optimum SiO2 /Al2 O3 molar ratio was found between 3.20 and 3.30. The
Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS). Materials test results revealed that the optimum proportion between HCFA and GGBS was discovered at a
2022, 15, 1612. GGBS/binder ratio of 0.50. The optimum activator/binder ratio was between 0.08 and 0.12, and it
10.3390/ma15041612 is recommended that the water/binder ratio should not exceed 0.50. This study demonstrated the
Academic Editors: Paola Palmero, potential of the one-part synthesis method in the production of alkali-activated binder for practical
Jean-Marc Tulliani and structural applications.
Paola Antonaci
Keywords: one-part; alkali-activated binder; high-calcium fly ash; ground granulated blast furnace slag
Received: 9 January 2022
Accepted: 17 February 2022
Published: 21 February 2022
and palm oil fuel ash (POFA) [2–7]. AAB has been regarded as an important element of
“sustainable cementing binder systems” for the future [8,9]. It offers a potential reduction
in CO2 emissions by as much as 80% or more, when compared to OPC [10]. Due to its
great potential, over the past decades, there has been growing interest in the development
and application of AAB. This is clearly reflected by the large number of research articles
published in various state-of-the-art reports [8,11–14].
There are basically two methods of producing AAB, either a one-part mix or a two-part
mix formulation. Most of the research on AAB is primarily focused on the two-part mix
type, also known as a solution-activated mixture. This type of AAB can be produced by
synthesising aluminosilicate sources with highly concentrated alkaline solutions made up
of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2 SiO3 ). Both NaOH and Na2 SiO3 are
known for being hazardous and highly corrosive and handling such user-hostile solutions
can be extremely challenging, especially in large quantities for commercial applications.
One-part or “just add water” AAB is developed specially with the intention of tackling the
challenges of handling solution-based alkaline activators. Both aluminosilicate sources and
alkaline activators are in solid form (powder-based) and then blended to make the one-part
binder system. The activation process begins once water is added to the solid mixture. The
whole mixing and handling process is thus similar to conventional OPC concrete. The use
of the one-part system could increase the commercial viability of AAB for mass production
and large-scale applications in the construction industry.
Over the past decades, there have been several attempts at the synthesis of one-
part AAB with various combinations of aluminosilicate sources and solid activators.
Yang et al. [15] and Yang and Song [16] developed cementless binders using FA and GGBS
as the source materials and activated by either sodium silicate powder or a combination
of sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide powders. GGBS-based AAB achieved higher
compressive strength than FA-based AAB, with more notable strength development at
an early age. The FA-based AAB they produced showed very low 28-day compressive
strengths, in some cases less than 1 MPa. Hajimohammadi et al. [17] successfully produced
a one-part geopolymer system utilising geothermal silica and solid sodium aluminate. They
found that samples with less water content had a greater extent of crystallite formation,
possibly due to the rapid dissolution of the aluminate source and the relatively slower
dissolution of the silica source in the early stages of geopolymerisation. Hajimohammadi
and van Deventer [18] studied the effects of water content and Si/Al ratio on the reac-
tion mechanisms and physical properties of fly ash one-part systems synthesised by solid
sodium silicate. They found that the rates of release of Si and Al nutrients from source
materials greatly affect their availability for reaction and their extent of participation in a
geopolymer gel structure. In one-part mix systems, the usual crystalline phases that appear
in fly ash geopolymers are missing, and by increasing the Si/Al ratio, the extent of Si
contribution in the final geopolymer gel is reduced. Participation of more Si in the stages of
gel formation can be anticipated for samples with a lower water content. Waste valorisation
of FA and red mud to produce a one-part mix AAB was investigated by Choo et al. [19].
They found that one-part alkali-activated FA could be synthesised at ambient temperatures
using red mud as the solid alkali activator. However, the resulting compressive strengths
were low, less than 2 MPa. This is possibly due to the low pH level (<11) of the mate-
rials they produced, which would have hindered the active polycondensation reaction.
Kim et al. [20] found that calcium oxide (CaO) is a more effective activator for GGBS than
calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2 ) in terms of achieving higher compressive strengths and
producing more C-S-H gels.
Synthetic alkali silicates are the most widely used activators in either one-part or
two-part AAB mixtures [21]. For one-part AAB, synthetic sodium metasilicate anhydrous
has been proven to be highly effective for strength development [22–24]. Ma et al. [24]
investigated three different types of commercial sodium metasilicate powders, namely
Na2 SiO3 -anhydrous, Na2 SiO3 .5H2 O and Na2 SiO3 .9H2 O, respectively. In terms of strength
development, Na2 SiO3 -anhydrous achieved the highest followed by Na2 SiO3 ·9H2 O, and
Materials 2022, 15, 1612 3 of 22
Na2 SiO3 ·5H2 O was the lowest. The N-A-S-H gels developed in Na2 SiO3 -anhydrous and
Na2 SiO3 ·9H2 O-activated geopolymers appear to be better geopolymerised compared to
Na2 SiO3 ·5H2 O-activated geopolymers. To further minimise the CO2 emissions, alkalin-
ity and cost associated with Na2 SiO3 -anhydrous activated geopolymers, Ma et al. [25]
explored the possibility of partially replacing a portion of Na2 SiO3 -anhydrous with sodium
carbonate (Na2 CO3 ). The results showed that increasing the Na2 CO3 content decreases
the compressive strength and the quantity of gelatinous products, which eventually led to
many large micro-cracks and high porosity. Although a combined composite activator is an
attractive and cleaner solution, somehow this may sacrifice the performance and economic
benefit. To improve the commercial practicality of geopolymers, Askarian et al. [26] studied
various types of solid activators, such as sodium silicate, calcium hydroxide, sodium oxide,
lithium hydroxide, potassium carbonate and their combinations. They found that under the
ambient-cured condition, the highest compressive strength was obtained from a precursor
made up of 50% fly ash and 50% slag activated by a combination of sodium silicate, calcium
hydroxide and lithium hydroxide.
Regarding the precursor materials, the majority of the studies used low-calcium FA
as the aluminosilicate source. The use of high-calcium FA for one-part AAB systems is
extremely rare due to its flash setting and low workability characteristics [27]. In this study,
high-calcium FA combined with GGBS is synthesised using sodium metasilicate anhydrous
to produce an ambient-cured one-part AAB system. The use of GGBS enables to eliminate
the necessity of heat curing [5]. The effect of GGBS/binder, solid activator/binder and
water/binder ratios on the fresh and hardened properties of one-part AAB systems are
thoroughly investigated in this paper. Optimum proportion ratios as well as their statistical
correlations are proposed to pave the way for one-part AAB technology to be deployed in
future construction practices.
2. Experimental Programme
2.1. Materials
2.1.1. High-Calcium Fly Ash (HCFA)
Fly ash (FA) used in this study was obtained locally from YTL Cement Bhd Malaysia. The
oxide analysis of the FA determined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis is shown in Table 1.
The pozzolanic compounds level of the FA used in this study (SiO2 + Al2 O3 + Fe2 O3 ) is 61.9%
and can therefore be classified as Class C fly ash according to ASTM C618-12a [28] (i.e., >50%).
The FA contains a relatively high percentage of CaO (18.94%), greater than 10%, and
therefore is classified as high-calcium fly ash (HCFA).
Table 1. Oxide composition of HCFA and GGBS from XRF (by mass).
were cast in each mixture to determine the compressive strength. Prior to testing, each
specimen was weighed to obtain their respective densities.
A2 A3 A4
A5 A6 A7
Figure 1.
1. Flow
Flow characteristic
characteristic from
from test
test series
series A.
3.1.2. Density
The dry density of one-part alkali-activated paste in each mixture was measured at
3, 7, 14 and 28 days. All results are presented in Table 3 and Figure 3. The density was
evaluated by weighing the mass and dimensions of three 50 mm cubes per age and taking
the average value.
Mix No A4 A5 A6
Average diameter (mm) 196.50 178.75 214.75
Percentage flow (%) 96.5 78.8 114.8
Percentage flow (%) = difference between the flow spread and the inner base diameter of cone (100
mm) divided by the inner base diameter of the cone.
Figure Correlationof
/Al22OO3 3molarity
A5 and
and A6.
Density dry density increases in relation to the SiO2 /Al2 O3 molar ratio and re-
placement level of GGBS. As can be seen from Figure 3, the densities increased along with
The dry density of one-part alkali-activated paste in each mixture was measured at
the steady increase of the SiO2 /Al2 O3 molar ratio due to the increase in the replacement
3, 7, 14 and 28 days. All results are presented in Table 3 and Figure 3. The density was
level of GGBS or the GGBS/binder ratio. It is evident that the increases in densities were
evaluated by weighing the mass and dimensions of three 50 mm cubes per age and taking
more pronounced when the GGBS/binder ratio exceeded 0.30. On average, the dry den-
the average value.
sities achieved 1955 kg/m3 at 28 days. It is interesting to note that mixture A8 with a
Generally, dry density increases in relation to the SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio and replace-
GGBS/binder ratio of 1.0, despite having the highest SiO2 /Al2 O3 molar ratio (3.56), did
ment level of GGBS. As can be seen from Figure 3, the densities increased along with the
not exhibited the highest densities. As a matter of fact, it had lower densities at 28 days
steady increase of the SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio due to the increase in the replacement level
compared to mixture A7.
of GGBS or the GGBS/binder ratio. It is evident that the increases in densities were more
Based on the observation, mixtures with combined HCFA/GGBS (such as mixtures A2–A6)
pronounced when the GGBS/binder ratio exceeded 0.30. On average, the dry densities
demonstrated the highest rates of dry density gain at an early age of 3 days, with densities
achieved 1955 kg/m3 at 28 days. It is interesting to note that mixture A8 with a
ranging from 1951 to 1972 kg/m3 . A slight decrease in density could be observed at later
GGBS/binder ratio of 1.0, despite having the highest SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio (3.56), did not
ages, typically around a 0.5–1.5% reduction. This phenomenon is probably due to the low
exhibited the highest densities. As a matter of fact, it had lower densities at 28 days com-
alkali-activation reaction and water evaporation at later ages of curing.
pared to mixture A7.
3.1.3. Based on the observation,
Compressive Strength mixtures with combined HCFA/GGBS (such as mixtures
A2–A6) demonstrated the highest rates of dry density gain at an early age of 3 days, with
The results of the compressive strength obtained at 3, 7, 14 and 28 days with all
densities ranging from 1951 to 1972 kg/m3. A slight decrease in density could be observed
mixtures are presented in Table 4 and Figure 4. It should be noted that setting and hardening
at later ages, typically around a 0.5–1.5% reduction. This phenomenon is probably due to
of mixture A1 with 100% HCFA did not occur satisfactorily and strength development
the low alkali-activation reaction and water evaporation at later ages of curing.
failed to take place throughout the whole age of curing. As mentioned in Section 3.1.1, this
is mainly due to the low reactivity of HCFA that limits the leaching of Ca to the matrix. As
Table 3. Density of one-part alkali-activated pastes from test series A (kg/m3).
mentioned by Luukkonen et al. [33], the composition of binding phases of alkali-activated
bindersMixis No. 3 Days
greatly affected by the Ca content:7 Days 14 Days and C-A-S-H
N-A-S-H, C-(N)-A-S-H 28 Days gels are
formed in A1 low-, intermediate-,
1906.67 and high-calcium
1917.33 systems, respectively.
1922.67 Yang et al.
1916 [16] and
Kim et al.A2 [20] observed that in
1950.67 high-calcium one-part
1922.67 systems, the
1934.67 main binding
1921.33phase is
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 23
It is obviousStrength
3.1.3. Compressive from Figure 4 that with GGBS introduced into the mixture, the gain of
compressive strength significantlystrength
The results of the compressive developed. As can
obtained at 3,be7,seen
14 and from
28 the
days result, strength
with all mix- gain
was directly proportional to the replacement levels of GGBS
tures are presented in Table 4 and Figure 4. It should be noted that setting and hardening and the SiO 2 /Al 2 O3 molar
ratio. The higher the content of GGBS, the greater the compressive
of mixture A1 with 100% HCFA did not occur satisfactorily and strength development strength development.
failed alsoplace
includes the strength
throughout gainage
the whole ratio, taken as
of curing. Asthe ratio of in
mentioned compressive
Section 3.1.1,strength
this at
due toagetheto thereactivity
low compressiveof HCFA strength at 28 days.
that limits It is noteworthy
the leaching of Ca to thethat early-age
mentioned development
by Luukkonen was etsignificant
al. [32], thein composition
the first 7 days. The compressive
of binding strength could
phases of alkali-acti-
vated up to 70–80%
is greatly ofaffected
the compressive
by the Castrength
content: at 28 daysC-(N)-A-S-H
N-A-S-H, depending on andthe replacement
gels areofformed
GGBS.inAs shown
low-, in Table 4, the
intermediate-, andstrength gain attainment
high-calcium at 3 and 7 days
systems, respectively. Yangfor mixture
et al.
[16] withKim a GGBS/binder ratio of
et al. [20] observed 0.50
that inwas 71% and 80%,
high-calcium respectively.
one-part systems, the It ismain
bindingto note
that at
phase 14 days,
is likely to bethe strength C-S-H
crystalline attainment wasC-A-S-H
and also shown as fairly
gels. It isconstant between [33,34]
well-documented mixtures A2
that A7,formation
regardless ofof the GGBS replacement
C-S-H/C-A-S-H gels produceslevel,awith an average
compact matrix of and84.7% of compressive
improves the
strength attained at 28 days.
It is obvious from Figure 4 that with GGBS introduced into the mixture, the gain of
compressive strength strength
Table 4. Compressive significantly developed.
of one-part As can bepastes
alkali-activated seen from
A. strength
gain was directly proportional to the replacement levels of GGBS and the SiO2/Al2O3 mo-
lar Compressive
ratio. The higherStrength (MPa) of GGBS, the greater the compressive
the content Strength Gain strengthRatiodevelop-
Mix No.
3 Days ment. 7Table
Days 4 also includes
14 Days the strength 28 Days gain ratio, ftaken
3 28
as the ratio
f /f
7 28
of compressive
f14 /f28
strength at a designated age to the compressive strength at 28 days. It is noteworthy that
A1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0 0 0
early-age strength development was significant in the first 7 days. The compressive
A2 5.81 22.49 41.09 49.49 0.12 0.45 0.83
A3 24.12 strength could reach up
46.31 to 70–80% of 64.88
54.89 the compressive0.37 strength at 28 days 0.71 depending0.85 on
A4 39.45 51.64 61.28 73.11 0.54 0.71 0.84
A5 49.24 60.28 67.79 76.65 0.64 0.79 0.88
A6 57.09 64.07 68.63 80.07 0.71 0.80 0.86
A7 57.43 67.68 74.51 90.88 0.63 0.74 0.82
A8 49.92 70.07 77.88 78.45 0.64 0.89 0.99
f3 : Compressive strength at 3 days, f7 : compressive strength at 7 days, f14 : compressive strength at 14 days,
f28 : compressive strength at 28 days.
15,x 1612
9 of2322
Figure SiO2/Al
2 /Al O3 molar
2O23 molar
ratio and
and compressive
compressive strength
strength atat
one-part alkali-activated pastes from test series A (N/mm 2 ).
one-part alkali-activated pastes from test series A (N/mm ). 2
ratio exceeded 0.50, the flowability and setting time dramatically reduced, as shown in
mixtures A7 and A8. Obviously, compressive strength development increases along with
the GGBS content. An optimum balance between flowability in fresh conditions and
compressive strength is required in order to achieve a feasible mixture. Based on the
results from this series, the optimum proportion between HCFA and GGBS was found at a
GGBS/binder ratio of 0.50. This was deduced based on the results of flow spread diameter
and compressive strength from mixture A6. It achieved a compressive strength of 80 MPa
at 28 days with a flow spread diameter of 214.75 mm (114.8% flow).
The relationship of compressive strength at 28 days with respect to GGBS/binder
ratios is plotted in Figure 5. Generally, the results showed good correlations between
compressive strength and GGBS/binder ratios, with a calculated correlation coefficient (R2)
of 0.956. The trend showed that compressive strength increased with the GGBS/binder ratio,
reached a maximum at a GGBS/binder ratio of approximately 0.70, which corresponds to a
SiO2 /Al2 O3 molar ratio of 3.348, and then decreased afterward. It is noteworthy that the
predicted maximum compressive strength at a SiO2 /Al2O3 molar ratio of 3.348 corresponds
well to our test observations, which found that the optimum SiO2 /Al2 O3 molar ratios were
close, in the range between 3.20 and 3.30.
The flow characteristics of all mixtures in test series B are presented in Figures 6 and
7. The flowability of the fresh state has been visually observed on all mixtures. As a gen-
eral trend, all mixtures, except mixture B5, exhibited considerable flowability spread, with
average flow spread diameters exceeding 200 mm. Based on the observation, mixture B5
displayed a highly cohesive and viscous paste with a fast setting time. The flow charac-
teristics of the mixtures were greatly influenced by the Na2O concentration in the solid
Figure 5. 5. Relationship
activators andofsource
Relationship of compressive
compressive strength
strength at were
28 daysat 28 days
with GGBSwith GGBS
to binder to
byratios Na ratios
(GGBS/B (GGBS/B ratio).
2 molar
ratio. Table 5 summarises the Na2O/SiO2 molar ratios of the mixtures in this test series.
3.2. Test From
Figure B:shows 7,
Activator toisBinder
evident that initially,
Ratio flowability
average flow increased
spread diameters andwith the increase
Na2O/SiO 2 of
theThe molar
Na2main ratios
O/SiO of the
2 molar mixtures.
objective of ratio between
test series B was0.118 and 0.167,
to evaluate which corresponded
the optimum activator/binderto mixtures
B1–B3 From
with Figure 7, it is evident
activator/binder that
ratios ofinitially,
0.04 to flowability
0.08. increased
Mixtures B2 andwithB3 theachieved
increase ofthe highest
(A/B) ratio. The GGBS/binder ratio was kept at 0.50 following the results obtained from
the Na2O/SiO2 molar ratio between 0.118 and 0.167, which corresponded to mixtures B1–
test series A. flow
Thespread diameter
water/binder ratio with
was keptcomparatively
constant at 0.40.close values
Table at 263.25the
5 summarises and 266 mm,
B3 with activator/binder ratios of 0.04 to 0.08. Mixtures B2 and B3 achieved the highest
mixture Further
proportions and increasing
the molar the
ratios Na
of O/SiO
2 molar
2 ratio beyond
average flow spread diameter with comparatively close values at 263.25 and 266 mm, re-
in 0.167
the led
mixtures to a decline in
for thisspectively.
test series.
flowability, which A total
impliedof six mixes
that anyincluding
higher mixture
Further increasing the Na2O/SiO2 molar ratio beyond A6
of taken
Na O from test
exceeding series
2 0.167 led to a decline A
Na are
2 in 2 molar
the solid
implied activators can significantly
that any higher amount of Na2reduce the flowability
O exceeding a Na2O/SiO2 molarof fresh pastes.
ratio of 0.167
The results revealedin thethat
significantly reduce the flowability
an activator/binder ratio ofoffresh
0.08 pastes.
(corresponds to
Table 5.TheMixture proportions (by weight) for test series B.
a Na2 O/SiO2 molar ratio = 0.167) proved to be the optimum amount of solid to
results revealed that mixture B3 with an activator/binder ratio of 0.08 (corresponds activator in
Mix HCFA GGBS a Na2O/SiO 2 molar ratio = 0.167) proved to be the optimum amount of solid activator in
Activator Water Molarity
of flowability.
a similar
a similar
finding was also reported by Oderji
finding was also reported by Oderji et al. [35].
et al. [35].
No. % kg/m3 % kg/m 3 kg/m 3 kg/m 3 Si/Al Na/Si H/Na (Na + K)/Al
B1 50 627.03 50 627.03 0.04 50.16 0.40 501.62 2.918 0.118 9.54 0.408
B2 50 620.54 50 620.54 0.06 74.47 0.40 496.43 2.995 0.143 7.67 0.492
B3 50 614.19 50 614.19 0.08 98.27 0.40 491.35 3.071 0.167 6.41 0.577
B4 50 607.97 50 607.97 0.10 121.59 0.40 486.37 3.148 0.19 5.51 0.661
A6 50 601.87 50 601.87 0.12 144.45 0.40 481.49 3.224 0.211 4.83 0.745
B5 50 595.89 50 595.89 0.14 166.85 0.40 476.71 3.301 0.232 4.30 0.829
HCFA: high-calcium fly ash, GGBS: ground granulated blast furnace slag, A/B: solid activa-
tor/binder ratio, W/B: water/binder ratio, Si/Al: molarity ratio of SiO2/Al2O3, Na/Si: molarity ratio
of Na2O/SiO2, H/Na: molarity ratio of H2O/Na2O, (Na + K)/Al: molarity ratio of (Na2O +
B4 B5
Figure 6. Flow characteristics from test series B.
Figure 6. Flow characteristics from test series B.
Materials 2022,15,
Mix No B1 B2 B3 B4 A6 B5
Average diameter (mm) 238.00 263.25 266.00 249.75 214.75 126.68
Percentage flow (%) 138 163.3 166 149.8 114.8 26.7
Percentage flow (%) = difference between the flow spread and the inner base diameter of cone (100
mm) divided by the inner base diameter of the cone
Figure 7. CorrelationofofNa
7. Correlation Na 2 O/SiO
2O/SiO 2 molarity
2 molarity ratioratio and average
and average flow spread
flow spread diameters
diameters from
from test test
B. B.
3.2.2. Density
3.2.2. Density
The dry densities of the one-part geopolymer paste in each mixture measured at 3, 7, 14
The dry densities of the one-part geopolymer paste in each mixture measured at 3, 7,
and 28 days are presented in Table 6 and Figure 8. The density was evaluated by weighing
14 and 28 days are presented in Table 6 and Figure 8. The density was evaluated by weigh-
the mass and dimensions of three 50 mm cubes per age and taking the average value. For
ing the mass and dimensions of three 50 mm cubes per age and taking the average value.
mixture B5, only one cube was prepared for ages of 3, 7 and 14 days due to the damage of
For mixture B5, only one cube was prepared for ages of 3, 7 and 14 days due to the damage
specimens during the demoulding process.
of specimens during the demoulding process.
Figure 8 shows that at all ages, the dry density increased with the increase in the
Table 6. Density of one-part alkali-activated pastes from test series B (kg/m3 ).
amounts of solid activators or the Na2O/SiO2 molar ratio. The main reaction product in
Mix No. one-part systems 3-Day is likely crystalline
7-Day C-S-H and also C-A-S-H gels.
14-Day It is gen-
erally understood that a high Na2O/SiO2 molar ratio (or Na2O concentration) promotes
B1 1925.33 1885.33 1880 1868
high levels
B2 of the alkali-activation
1898.67 process,1910.67
which leads to the1894.67
formation of more C-S-H/C-
A-S-H gels
B3 and a denser morphology
1921.33 [3,36,37].
1910.67 1918.67 1932
B4 the rate 1966.67
of dry density gain1942.67
was demonstrated1948 to be the highest 1942.67
at the early
age of 3A6 days, with densities 1972ranging between1961.33
1899 and 1976 kg/m1956 3, and then it1954.67
B5 1976 * 1960 * 1964 *
at later ages, with the highest reduction up to 3.0%. These observations were clearly 1966 re-
* vealed
The result is based on only one cube specimen due to damage of cube specimens during the
in mixtures B1, B4, A6 and B5. The reduction is probably due to the low alkali- demoulding stage.
activation reaction and water evaporation at a later age of curing.
Figure 8 shows that at all ages, the dry density increased with the increase in the
amounts of solid activators or the Na2 O/SiO2 molar ratio. The main reaction product
Table 6. Density of one-part alkali-activated pastes from test series B (kg/m3).
in high-calcium one-part systems is likely crystalline C-S-H and also C-A-S-H gels. It is
Mix understood
generally No. that3-Day
a high Na2 O/SiO 7-Day
2 molar ratio (or14-Day
Na2 O concentration) 28-Day
high levels B1 of the alkali-activation
1925.33 process, which leads to the1880
1885.33 formation of more C-S-H/C-
A-S-H gels B2 and a denser1898.67morphology [3,36,37].
1910.67 1894.67 1906.67
B3 1921.33 1910.67 1918.67 1932
B4 1966.67 1942.67 1948 1942.67
A6 1972 1961.33 1956 1954.67
B5 1976 * 1960 * 1964 * 1966
Materials 2022, 15, 1612 13 of 22
* The result is based on only one cube specimen due to damage of cube specimens during the
demoulding stage.
Generally, the rate of dry density gain was demonstrated to be the highest at the
early age of 3 days, with densities ranging between 1899 and 1976 kg/m3 , and then it
decreased at later ages, with the highest reduction up to 3.0%. These observations were
clearly revealed in mixtures B1, B4, A6 and B5. The reduction is probably due to the low
alkali-activation reaction and water evaporation at a later age of curing.
Table 7. Compressive strength of one-part alkali-activated pastes from test series B (N/mm2 ).
Figure Na2O/SiO
2 O/SiO 2 molar
2 molar
ratio and
and compressive
compressive strength
strength atat
(N/mm 2
one-part 2). ).
optimum SiO2 /Al2 O3 molar ratio fell between 3.20 and 3.30, which somehow explained
why mixture B5 exhibited no further increase in strength.
According to Hajimohammadi et al. [18], a higher SiO2 /Al2 O3 (Si/Al) molar ratio
could potentially decrease the amount of Si contribution in the final geopolymer gel and
the geopolymerisation reaction rate in FA one-part geopolymers. This is mainly due to
the formation of larger unreactive silica oligomers instead of small reactive species at a
high Si/Al ratio. From their microstructural analysis, it showed that for samples with a
high Si/Al ratio, the microstructure was less dense with larger pore formation. In terms
of mechanical strength, they also indicated lower compressive strengths with increased
Si/Al ratios.
Figure 10. Relationship of average flow spread diameters and compressive strength at 28 days with
Figure 10. Relationship of average flow spread diameters and compressive strength at 28 days with
activator to binder ratios (A/B ratio).
activator to binder ratios (A/B ratio).
Mix No B3 C1 C2 C3
Average diameter (mm) 266 315 348.75 381.25
Percentage flow (%) 166 215 248.8 281.3
Figure 11.
Figure 11. Average
Average flow
flow spread
spread diameters
diameters from
from test
test series
series C.
3.3.2. Density
Similar to
to the
the previous
previous test series,
series, the
the density
density was
was measured
measuredby byweighing
weighingthe themass
and dimensions
dimensions ofofthree
three5050mmmm cubes
cubes perper
andand taking
taking the average
the average value.value. The
The dry dry
density results
sity results taken
taken from from
test test series
series are summarised
are summarised in Table
in Table 9 and9 and Figure
Figure 12. Also
12. Also in-
cluded ininFigure
Figure1212 are
are thethe curves
curves forfor
H2H2 O/Na
O/Na 2 O molar
2O molar ratio.
ratio. The The results
results showshow
that that
an increase
increase of the
of the W/BW/Bratioratio or H
or the the H2 O/Na
2O/Na 2 O molar
2O molar ratio
ratio led to led to a reduction
a reduction of density.
of density. This
was was expected
expected as anasincrease
an increase of water
of water content
content wouldwould result
result in more
in more pores,
pores, which
which leads
leads to
to reduction
reduction ofof density.AsAs
density. shownininTable
shown Table9 9and
and C3 measured at 28 days decreased by 2.83%, 6.8% and 11.65%, respectively, compared
to mixture B3.
Figure12. Densityofofone-part
12.Density one-partalkali-activated
(kg/m 3 ), at the 3, 7, 14 and
Figure 3), at the 3, 7, 14 and
2828 days
days ofof curing
curing periods.
Table 10. Compressive strength of one-part alkali-activated pastes from test series C (MPa).
3.3.3. Compressive Strength
Table 10 summarises
Compressive the compressive strength resultsStrength
Strength (MPa) of this Gain
series. Similar to dry
Mix No. density, the obtained results showed that the compressive strength decreased fwith the
3 Days 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days f3 /f28 f7 /f28 14 /f28
increase of the W/B ratio or the H2O/Na2O molar ratio, as clearly shown in Figure 13. The
B3 34.79 41.60 56.31 59.89 0.58 0.69 0.94
trends consistently agreed throughout all ages of curing in relation to increased water
C1 25.92 39.08 45.36 56.29 0.46 0.69 0.81
C2 23.21 content. In comparison
34.92 with mixture48.17
39.81 B3, the compressive0.48 strength 0.72 at 28 days of mixtures
C3 19.31 C1, C2 and 23 C3 was found 30.67to reduce by 6%, 19.6% and
38.71 0.5035.4%, respectively.
0.59 0.79
f3 : Compressive strength at 3 days, f7 : compressive strength at 7 days, f14 : compressive strength at 14 10.
The strength gain ratios in this test series are calculated and summarised in Table days,
Based on the observation,
f28 : compressive strength at 28 there
days. was a noticeable reduction in the strength gain ratios with
high W/B ratios. This could especially be witnessed between mixtures B3 (W/B = 0.40) and
C3 (W/B The= strength gain of
0.55) at ages ratios in this
7 and test series
14 days. Again, arethis
calculated and summarised
may probably be attributedin Table
to the10.
Based on the observation, there was a noticeable reduction in the strength gain ratios with
increase in the distribution and size of the pores with the increase in the W/B ratio.
high W/B ratios. This could especially be witnessed between mixtures B3 (W/B = 0.40)
and 10.
Table C3Compressive
(W/B = 0.55) at agesofof
strength 7 and 14
one-part days. Again,
alkali-activated this may
pastes probably
from test series Cbe(MPa).
attributed to
the increase in the distribution and size of the pores with the increase in the W/B ratio.
Compressive Strength (MPa) Strength Gain Ratio
Mix No. 3.3.4. Discussion of Results from Test Series C
3 Days 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days f3/f28 f7/f28 f14/f28
B3 34.79 The effects of 56.31
41.60 water/binder or59.89 H2 O/Na2 O molar 0.58 ratios on the0.69fresh and mechanical
properties of one-part alkali-activated binders was investigated in this series. It is well-
recognised that water content plays an important role that greatly affects the flowability and
strength. With the increase of the water content, the flowability of the mixtures increased,
whereas the density and compressive strength decreased.
The relationship of flowability (in terms of average flow spread diameters) and com-
pressive strength at 28 days with respect to water/binder ratios is plotted in Figure 14. It
is evident that the results showed excellent correlations of flowability and compressive
strength with water/binder ratios. The flowability performance is directly proportional to
the water/binder ratio. On the other hand, compressive strength is inversely proportional
to the water/binder ratio. The calculated correlation coefficients (R2) for flowability and
compressive strength were 0.9987 and 0.9981, respectively.
C1 25.92 39.08 45.36 56.29 0.46 0.69 0.81
C2 23.21 34.92 39.81 48.17 0.48 0.72 0.83
C3 19.31 23 30.67 38.71 0.50 0.59 0.79
Materials 2022, 15, 1612
f3: Compressive strength at 3 days, f7: compressive strength at 7 days, f14: compressive strength19atof 22
14 days, f28: compressive strength at 28 days.
dissolution of Al2 O3 from source materials. Therefore, more participation of SiO2 in stages
of gel formation could be observed from mixtures with lower water content. Based on this
interpretation, appropriate low water/binder ratios should be considered. So far, our test
results suggest that the water/binder ratios should not exceed 0.50 to yield satisfactory
performance in flowability and compressive strength.
4. Conclusions
The effects of GGBS/binder, activator/binder and water/binder ratios on the fresh
and mechanical properties of ambient-cured one-part alkali-activated pastes have been
investigated. Combined HCFA and GGBS were used as the precursor materials in this
study, with sodium metasilicate anhydrous as the solid alkali activator. The following
conclusions can be derived from this study:
1. There was a definite limit on the SiO2 content in contributing to compressive strength.
Based on our test results, the maximum compressive strength was achieved at the
SiO2 /Al2 O3 molar ratio somewhere between 3.20 and 3.30. Once it passed the limit,
the compressive strength decreased.
2. The addition of GGBS with HCFA improved the reactivity of the precursor materials.
It enhanced the flowability and compressive strength development in the ambient-
cured condition. The optimum GGBS/binder ratio was found at 0.50. It was deduced
based on flowability and compressive strength test results from mixture A6, where it
achieved a compressive strength of 80 MPa at 28 days with a flow spread diameter of
214.75 mm (114.8% flow).
3. The optimum activator/binder ratio was found in the range between 0.08 and 0.12,
which satisfied both the flowability performance (>100% flow) and the attainment of
compressive strength up to 80 MPa. There was a limit on the effective amounts of
solid activators in the contribution to the alkali-activation reaction process, which was
greatly influenced by the SiO2 content or the SiO2 /Al2 O3 molar ratio.
4. Increased water content would increase the flowability, but it reduced the compressive
strength and density. Low water/binder ratios should be considered in all cases as
this greatly affects the dissolution and participation of SiO2 in stages of gel formation.
It is recommended that the water/binder ratio should not exceed 0.50.
This paper has summarised findings from a preliminary investigation on the fresh
and mechanical properties of one-part alkali-activated binder pastes. The obtained results
were shown to be promising. However, the microstructure and morphology analysis
was limited and may require further investigation. Future research will focus on the
development of tensile strain-hardening characteristics for alkali-activated composites.
The effects of different types of aluminosilicate materials and commercially available solid
alkali activators on the tensile strain-hardening behaviour of ambient-cured one-part alkali-
activated composites will be thoroughly studied in future work.
Author Contributions: Conceptualisation, W.T.; methodology, W.T.; formal analysis, W.T.; investiga-
tion, W.T. and J.H.L.; writing—original draft preparation, W.T.; writing—review and editing, L.B.J.,
K.S., J.H.L. and E.N.; visualisation, W.T.; supervision, W.T. and L.B.J.; project administration, W.T.;
funding acquisition, W.T. and K.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia through the
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), grant number: FRGS/1/2018/TK01/HWUM/02/3,
and in part by the 2020 MAEDA Foundation Research Grant through with Hokkaido University,
Sapporo, Japan.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Materials 2022, 15, 1612 21 of 22
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank former research Ng Wei Yean for her contribu-
tion to the laboratory work.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.
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