571 QB-3
571 QB-3
571 QB-3
Q.1 Temper embrittlement typically takes place with which of the following materials:
Q.2 Brittle fracture typically takes place with which of the following materials:
IET/CH/TP/002-R2, Sept. 11
Q.4 Erosion/Corrosion can be controlled by :
a. Mechanical fatigue.
b. Creep failure.
c. Stress corrosion cracks.
d. Hydrogen induced cracks.
IET/CH/TP/002-R2, Sept. 11
Q.8. The dissolved gases which cause Boiler water condensate corrosion are:
Q. 9 What construction material will you suggest where you are expecting serious
Sulphidation problem.
a. Upgrade to higher nickel alloys
b. Upgrade to higher chromium alloys
c. Upgrading to higher copper based alloys
d. All of the above.
Q.10 Characteristic of Chloride SCC in Austenitic S.S. is: Cracks which are:
a. Transgranular, branching and aggravated at elevated temperature
b. Intergranular and unidirectional (straight)
c. Independent of chloride content
d. None of the above
Ans: a Reference : API RP 571 4.2.3
IET/CH/TP/002-R2, Sept. 11
Q.12 High temperature hydrogen attack is typically due to
IET/CH/TP/002-R2, Sept. 11