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RELA - English Build Your Skills No. 1

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Directions: Use the graphic organizer to outline your own realization on “what

lesson in life did the COVID-19 pandemic have taught you?” Your writing will be
measured through the given rubric. After you have done writing the outline,
combine and rewrite all the sentences in a paragraph form. Write your answers on
the space provided.

Topic sentence:
We all know that COVID-19 is still active and we need to keep ourselves safe. We still
use face masks to keep us away from the disease. We don’t know when the pandemic
ends. But even though the pandemic made our life even harder, we still learned a lot
about hardworking, independent, and other new things.

Supporting detail 1:
When the government announced that Philippines will be having a strict lockdown, I’m
going crazy overthinking what will happen. I don’t know what to do in the first 2 weeks of
being stuck in the house. But I have to accept that this is really the reality now. To avoid
being bored at home, I started helping my family in household chores since I don’t have
time for this when pandemic haven’t started. But now, I got the chance to give my time
in my family even now that I’m in the online mode of classes.

Supporting detail 2:
Aside from having quality time with my family, I also made new friends through my
online classes; playing video games like ML, CODM, and Roblox; and even in social
medias. At least it made me comfortable and happy unlike when the pandemic just
started. Being lonely in the house sometimes gives me peace, I just want to be alone
like no one is distracting me. It also improved my communication by texting.

Concluding sentence:
Overall, we shouldn’t be mad for having the pandemic in our lives. Pandemic still though
us a lot of lessons that will gain us more knowledge. Look at us now, we managed to
overcome the hardest part of our life for the past 2 years. I still prioritize my studies well,
my career, my family, and also myself. I know that my friends and my family are always
there for me in my difficulties but also they can’t be always be there for me.



[5] [4] [3] [2] [1]
Topic Are clear and Are clear and Most topic It contains some TSs are
Sentence effectively effectively introduce sentences are topic sentences difficult
introduce each each paragraph effective but they do not To find.
paragraph. but they do not reflect the Paragraphs
They also effectively always accurately content of each begin without
relate to and reflect the content paragraph a clear topic
support the of the sentence
main idea paragraph
Supporting Main ideas are very Main ideas are well Supporting details Supporting details Supporting
details well supported [with supported, uses and information and information details and
insightful examples specific examples and are relevant, are relevant, but information
and details]. It details to support key but some key several key are missing,
includes cohesive ideas. some issues are issues are unclear, or
devices/transition cohesive unsupported. The unsupported. Not related
words between device/transition main idea Main idea is to the topic.
details. words are used but is clear but the somewhat clear There is a
not between supporting but there is need seemingly
details. information is for more random
too general. Only supporting collection of
few cohesive information. information.
devices/transition Misplaced of No transition
words are used transition words are
and not between words used. used.
Concluding Ends with a Ends with a Ends with a Ends with Not
sentence conclusion that conclusion that conclusion that a conclusion but ending with a
summarizes the summarizes the main summarizes the not summarizing conclusion
main points and points but follow a main points the main points and not
follows logically from little the information but follows a from the rewording the
the information presented. Rewords little the information topic sentence
presented. Rewords the topic sentence information presentend.
the topic sentence. presented. Not Rewording the
rewording the topic sentence
topic sentence
Organization It is very well It is well organized. It organization is It does not It lacks proper
organized. It exhibits exhibits command of satisfactory. It have a organization.
command of focus; focus, coherent exhibits some consistent Ideas seem to
coherent organization and command of focus. Some be thrown
organization body interesting develop- focus and is attempt at together
paragraphs develop ment. developed fairly organization is without a
ideas well and flows Body paragraphs well. Most body visible but the consistent
very well. develop most paragraphs paragraph is not sense of
ideas well develop some structured development
ideas well and well. The writer or focus. It
flows for the most ‘jumps’ from reads like a
part. idea to idea random
and the collection or
information ideas.
seems to lack

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