Nielsen 2013
Nielsen 2013
Nielsen 2013
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What is This?
Henrik S Nielsen
Over the last 2 years, ISO TC 213, the committee that publishes the ISO geometrical product specification (GPS) stan-
dards, has published about 35 standards, more than double the number of the preceding 4 years. This rapid development
has brought many significant changes to the ISO-GPS system. The author is the chairman of that committee and gives an
overview of the more important ones in this article. The work is now at a crossroad, where items that have been on
the TC 213 work program for many years have been completed. This has allowed TC 213 to start new strategic initia-
tives that will guide the development of ISO-GPS standards over the next 8–10 years. This article will outline the two
stages of the strategic plan, the changes to the ISO-GPS standards complex that is envisioned, and how it will impact the
users of these standards; whether they are part of the specification community or the verification community.
Dimensioning, tolerancing, standards, geometry, product specifications, ISO, geometrical product specifications (GPS),
TC 213
Chain link
1 2 3 4 5 6
the uncertainty in order for it to be proven to not Finally, ISO 1101:2012 (‘‘Geometrical product specifi-
conform. cations (GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing — Tolerances
Only product that can be proven to conform shall be of form, orientation, location and run-out’’),12 which was
shipped to the customer, and only product that can be published recently, adds some new possibilities to geome-
proven to not conform shall be rejected and returned to trical tolerancing. However, the primary aim is to make
the supplier. If both parties adhere to these rules, there tolerances independent of the view plane, so they are
should never be a situation where a delivered product unambiguous when used on a three-dimensional (3D)
does not conform to specifications, nor a situation model in a computer-aided design (CAD) system.
where a conforming product is rejected and returned. ISO TC 213 has also developed a number of tools
These rules mean that it makes a difference whether that will be available for specifications in the next gen-
a customer requires the supplier to provide proof of eration of specification standards. In particular, the
conformance or relies on incoming inspection. They ISO 16610 ‘‘Filtration’’ series13 defines a number of new
also mean that there is a gray area where neither con- filtering tools, which allow the separation of different
formance nor nonconformance can be proven. kinds of surface features. One can think of it as separat-
ISO/TS 14253-26 of 1999 is a guide to estimating ing short-wave and long-wave surface components from
uncertainty for GPS measurement that introduces the each other, but in reality, it is much more complicated
novel idea of a target uncertainty and the Procedure for than that.
Uncertainty Management (PUMA) method that aims at Finally, on the surface texture front, a lot of work
proving that the actual uncertainty is less than the target has gone into developing the ISO 25178 ‘‘Surface tex-
uncertainty with minimum effort, rather than estimating ture: areal’’ series that expands the surface texture area
the actual uncertainty as accurately as possible. from two-dimensional (2D) profile-based evaluations
to 3D areal-based evaluations.
Overall, ISO TC 213 has approved 35 standards
ISO 8015 fundamentals—concepts, and other documents over the last 2 years. This com-
principles and rules pares to the nine completed between 2006 and 2009
Last amongst these fundamental standards is ISO (Figure 2). While many of these were conversions of
8015,8 which was published in a new and significantly Technical Reports (TR documents) and Technical
updated version in 2011. It formally states 13 basic Specifications (TS documents) into International
principles for GPS that up until then had been taken Standards, it does indicate a significant improvement
for granted, but not been available in a standard that in productivity and a desire to reach compromises to
could be referenced, or at least not in a form that pro- allow work to progress for the committee.
vided traceability between the principles and GPS This means that many of the work items that have
specifications. been active for many years have been concluded. The
revision of ISO 545911 has been on the work pro-
gramme for 15 years and the new ISO 110112 has been
Recent developments on the programme for the better part of a decade. It
also means that there are several tools available in
The standards discussed above all aimed at developing
terms of filtering and association that are not available
the structure behind the ISO-GPS system without pro-
to designers, because the drawing indications to invoke
viding much in terms of indications that would be visi-
these tools have not been standardized yet. This clean-
ble on technical drawings. However, with this
up in the work program has caused ISO TC 213 to
foundation in place, ISO TC 213 has started issuing
develop a strategic plan. This plan has two phases and
standards that dramatically increases the vocabulary of
is discussed in the next clauses.
the GPS language and allows designers to express
much more precisely what their requirements are to the
components they design.
ISO 14405-1:2010 (‘‘Geometrical product specifica-
tions (GPS) — Dimensional tolerancing — Part 1:
Linear sizes’’)9 gives a number of modifiers that allow
the designer to express requirements to linear sizes that
go far beyond the old-fashioned and expensive envelope
requirement that only is appropriate for fits. Srinivasan10
discusses this in more detail.
ISO 5459:2011 (‘‘Geometrical product specifications
(GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing — Datums and
datum systems’’)11 updates the concept of datums for
the first time in 30 years. To put this in perspective, the
previous version of this standard was issued in the same
year when IBM introduced the personal computer. Figure 2. ISO TC 213 standards approvals 2006–2011.
6. ISO/TS 14253-2:1999. Geometrical product specifications 16. ISO 5458:1998. Geometrical product specifications (GPS)
(GPS) — Inspection by measurement of workpieces and — Geometrical tolerancing — Positional tolerancing.
measuring equipment — Part 2: Guide to the estimation 17. ISO 12180-1:2011. Geometrical product specifications
of uncertainty in GPS measurement, in calibration of (GPS) — Cylindricity — Part 1: Vocabulary and para-
measuring equipment and in product verification. meters of cylindrical form.
7. ISO/TS 14253-3:2002. Geometrical product specifications 18. ISO 12180-2:2011. Geometrical product specifications
(GPS) — Inspection by measurement of workpieces and (GPS) — Cylindricity — Part 2: Specification operators.
measuring equipment — Part 3: Guidelines for achieving 19. ISO 12181-1:2011. Geometrical product specifications
agreements on measurement uncertainty statements. (GPS) — Roundness — Part 1: Vocabulary and para-
8. ISO 8015:2011. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) meters of roundness.
— Fundamentals — Concepts, principles and rules. 20. ISO 12181-2:2011. Geometrical product specifications
9. ISO 14405-1:2010. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Roundness — Part 2: Specification operators.
(GPS) — Dimensional tolerancing — Part 1: Linear sizes. 21. ISO 12780-1: 2011. Geometrical product specifications
10. Srinivasan V. Reflections on the role of science in the evo- (GPS) — Straightness — Part 1: Vocabulary and para-
lution of dimensioning and tolerancing standards. In: meters of straightness.
12th CIRP conference on computer aided tolerancing 2012, 22. ISO 12780-2: 2011. Geometrical product specifications
Huddesfield, UK, 18–19 April 2012. (GPS) — Straightness — Part 2: Specification operators.
11. ISO 5459:2011. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) 23. ISO 12781-1:2011. Geometrical product specifications
— Geometrical tolerancing — Datums and datum systems. (GPS) — Flatness — Part 1: Vocabulary and parameters
12. ISO 1101:2012. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) of flatness.
— Geometrical tolerancing — Tolerances of form, orien- 24. ISO 12781-2:2011. Geometrical product specifications
tation, location and run-out. (GPS) — Flatness — Part 2: Specification operators.
13. ISO 16610-1:2006. Geometrical product specifications 25. ISO 2768-1:1989. General tolerances — Part 1: Toler-
(GPS) — Filtration — Part 1: Overview and basic ances for linear and angular dimensions without individ-
concepts. ual tolerance indications.
14. ISO 2692:2006. Geometrical product specifications 26. ISO 2768-2:1989. General tolerances — Part 2: Geome-
(GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing — Maximum material trical tolerances for features without individual tolerance
requirement (MMR), least material requirement (LMR) indications.
and reciprocity requirement (RPR). 27. ISO 10579:2010. Geometrical product specifications
15. ISO 1660:1987. Technical drawings — Dimensioning and (GPS) — Dimensioning and tolerancing — Non-rigid
Tolerancing of profiles. parts.