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Oxford Resources For IB: Structure 3.1 - The Periodic Table: Classification of Elements

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Oxford Resources for IB

Chemistry – 2023 Edition


Structure 3.1 – The periodic table: Classification of elements

Practice questions (page 231)
1. a. i. oxygen, O
ii. chalcogens
iii. 2
iv. 1s2 2s2 2p4
v. [He] 2s2 2p4
b. i. magnesium, Mg
ii. alkaline earth metals
iii. 3
iv. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
v. [Ne] 3s2
c. i. iron, Fe
ii. transition elements
iii. 4
iv. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 4s2
v. [Ar] 3d6 4s2
Data-based question (page 234)

As the atomic number and hence the number of protons in the nucleus increase, the outermost electrons are
held closer to the nucleus by the increasing nuclear charge. At the same time, the shielding effect remains
nearly constant because the number of inner electrons does not change. Therefore, ionic radii of both cations
and anions decrease across the period (from left to right).
The discontinuities in this trend are caused by the fact that for early elements in each period (Li to C and
Na to P), the ionic radii in the data booklet are given for cations while for later elements (N to F, S and Cl),
they are given for anions. Anions have more electrons than protons, so their ionic radii are higher because
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of the increased mutual repulsion between electrons.
Noble gases (Ne and Ar) do not form stable cations, so their ionic radii are not given in the data booklet.
Activity (page 237)

Property Sr or I Mg or C or Si Li or F Ba or K or Br C or Pb Cs or F
Ca Cl

atomic radius Sr Ca Si Li Ba K Pb Cs

ionic radius I Ca Si F Cl Br Pb Cs

electron affinity I Ca C F Cl Br C F

ionization energy I Mg C F Cl Br C F

electronegativity I Mg C F Cl Br C F

Skills question (page 237)

1 to 5. Example data:
Example graph:

6. Answers will vary. Guidance: the idea of a repeating pattern across periods should be mentioned, with the
group 1 elements having a large atomic volume, which decreases across the period.

7. Answers will vary. Guidance: you should notice that the law of octaves is only apparent until argon.

8. Answers will vary e.g. V, vanadium

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Activity (page 239)

F– Cl– Br– I–

F2 No reaction F2 + 2Cl– ® 2F– + Cl2 F2 + 2Br– ® 2F– + Br2 F2 + 2I– ® 2F– + I2

Cl2 No reaction No reaction Cl2 + 2Br– ® 2Cl– + Br2 Cl2 + 2I– ® 2Cl– + I2

Br2 No reaction No reaction No reaction Br2 + 2I– ® 2Br– + I2

I2 No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction

Practice questions (page 240)

1. potassium + water → potassium hydroxide + hydrogen
2K(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2KOH(aq) + H2(g)
2. Fr, Cs, Rb, K, Na, Li
3. a. Li + F2
b. Ba + Cl2
c. K + Cl2
d. F2 + KI
Approaches to learning question (page 240)
Answers will vary widely depending on the periodic tables selected.
Practice questions (page 244)
4. a. K: +1, Cr: +6, O: –2
b. C: –4, H: +1
c. C: +4, O: –2
d. H: +1, Cl: +7, O: –2
e. O: +2, F: –1
f. S: +4, O: –2
g. Na: +1, H: –1
h. Fe: +3, O: –2
j. C: –2, H: +1, O: –2
k. C: 0, H: +1, O: –2
l. Na: +1, O: –1
Practice questions (page 245)
5. a. HNO3
b. Na3PO4
c. Mg(BrO2)2
d. K2SO3
Approaches to learning question (page 245)
1. L should be lower case: HCl
2. E should be lower case: He
3. 3 should be subscript: O3
4. OH should be in parentheses, 2 should be subscript: Mg(OH)2
5. Should use English, not Latin: copper(II) oxide

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Activity (page 250)
As an example, the plot for the third transition element of period 4, vanadium, is given below.

The first five ionization energies of vanadium are relatively low, and they increase very gradually, so vanadium
shows a variety of oxidation states, from +1 to +5, in its compounds. The oxidation state +5 corresponds to the
most stable valence electron configuration, [Ar], so vanadium(V) compounds are the most common. The sharp
rise in ionization energy from IE5 to IE6 makes the removal of the sixth electron very unfavourable, so the
compounds of vanadium in oxidation states greater than +5 are unknown.
The stability of certain oxidation states for other transition elements can be explained in a similar manner. The
successive IE plots and oxidation states of chromium and copper are discussed in the main text.
Practice questions (page 250)
6. Mn2+ is formed from Mn by losing the two 4s valence electrons, leaving the ion with a
particularly stable half-filled 3d sublevel, [Ar] 3d5. To become Mn3+, this ion will have
to break this stable configuration by losing one of the 3d electrons. This is
unfavourable, so Mn3+ is less stable than Mn2+.
Fe2+ is formed from Fe by losing the two 4s valence electrons, leaving the ion [Ar] 3d6.
The paired electrons in one 3d orbital experience extra repulsion, so one of these
electrons is easily removed to form the Fe3+ ion with a more stable [Ar] 3d5
7. a. [Ar] 4s2 3d3
b. In oxidation state +5, vanadium formally loses all its valence electrons and gains a
particularly stable configuration of a noble gas, [Ar].
Practice question (page 253)
8. The chloride ions can replace water molecules in the complex, for example:
[Cu(H2O)6]2+(aq) + Cl–(aq) ⇌ [Cu(H2O)5Cl]+(aq) + H2O(l)
Chloride ions will produce less splitting between the two non-degenerate d-orbitals of
Cu than did water. This means that light of lower energy, lower frequency, and longer
wavelength will be absorbed when electrons are promoted between the two non-
degenerate d-orbitals. The complementary colour transmitted by the copper(II)–
chloride complex will be different than that of the copper(II)–water complex.
Skills question (page 253)
Answers will vary depending on the data collected. The guidance on graphs and

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uncertainties in Tool 3 should be followed.

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End of topic questions (pages 254–255)
1. Answers will depend on the student, but a possible answer might be: The
elements in a particular period have outer electrons in the same energy level while
the elements in a particular group have a common number of valence electrons.
The chemical properties of the elements depend on their electron configuration, so
they change gradually in both periods and groups. Across a period, metallic
character of the elements decreases while non-metallic character increases. As a
result, the chemical properties of oxides change from basic (for most active
metals) through amphoteric (for less active metals and metalloids) to acidic (for
non-metals). Down a group, metallic character of the elements increases while
non-metallic character decreases. Transition elements with incomplete d-sublevels
have variable oxidation states that also demonstrate clear periodic trends.
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. a. Descending the group, atoms have a greater number of shells/energy levels;
For example, lithium has 2, sodium has 3 and potassium has 4.
b. Fluorine has greater effective nuclear charge / more protons than oxygen
Fluorine has 9 protons and oxygen has 8; Fluorine has a smaller radius than
Fluorine and oxygen have the same number of shells/energy levels;
c. Cl has 17 electrons AND Cl– has 18
Cl– has one more electron than Cl
Cl: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 AND Cl–: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6; Cl– has more electron-electron
repulsion hence larger radius;
d. i. Cl2(g) + 2KBr(aq) → 2KCl(aq) + Br2(l)

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M1: correct reactants, products and balancing; M2: correct state symbols
Accept Br2(aq) instead of Br2(l)
ii. Chlorine is more reactive than bromine;
So chlorine displaces bromine from its compound
Chlorine is a stronger oxidizing agent than bromine; So it is reduced, and
bromine, oxidised;
Accept converse explanations for bromine being less reactive/weaker oxidising
16. a. One/1
b. Down group the atoms have more shells/energy levels / atomic radius increases;
Less energy needed to overcome decreased attraction between nucleus and outer
c. i. Colourless to pink
Do not accept “clear”.
ii. Any value between 9 and 14
d. 2Rb(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2RbOH(aq) + H2(g)
M1: correct reactants, products and balancing;
M2: correct state symbols
17. a. Rainwater is naturally acidic due to the presence of dissolved carbon dioxide, forming weak carbonic
CO2(g) + H2O(l) → H2CO3(aq);
b. Combustion causes the (small amounts) of sulfur in coal to form sulfur dioxide;
Sulfur dioxide dissolves in water to produce sulfurous acid, which is then oxidized by atmospheric
oxygen into sulfuric acid;
c. i. metal corrosion, erosion of wet surfaces, erosion of limestone buildings, lake acidification, kills
ii. Answers will vary. For example:
Liming acidic soils/waterbodies
Flue gas desulfurization by alkaline scrubbers
2Rb(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2RbOH(aq) + H2(g)
M1: correct reactants, products and balancing;
M2: correct state symbols
18. a.

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M1: correctly labelled axes
M2: increasing trend
b. Cu: [Ar] 4s1 3d10
c. Cu2+: 1s2 2s2 3s2 3p6 3d9
19. Cu2+ (in copper(II) nitrate) has an incomplete d-subshell
Zn2+ (in zinc nitrate) has a full d-subshell;
d-d electron promotion possible in Cu2+ thus, absorbing light / not possible in Zn2+;

20. a.
∆E = (6.63 × 10–34 J s) × (5.5556 × 1014 s–1) = 3.68 × 10–19 J (3 sf)
b. [CoCl4]2– complex is blue and absorbs longer-wavelength photons / any value
between 585 and 647 nm than the [Co(H2O)6]2+ complex;
Therefore chloride ions cause a smaller ∆E than water molecules;
21. The first two IE of calcium (590 and 1145 kJ mol–1, respectively) are low, so calcium
readily lose its two valence electrons to form Ca2+. The jump from IE2 to IE3 (4912 kJ
mol–1) is very sharp, so the third electron cannot be removed from calcium by
chemical forces.
In contrast, the first four IE of titanium (659, 1310, 2653 and 4175 kJ mol–1) are closer
to one another, and their increase is more gradual, so titanium can lose two, three or
four electrons in chemical reactions.

Structure 3.2 – Functional groups:

Classification of organic compounds
Practice questions (page 259)
1. a.


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2. B
3. D
Practice questions (page 267)
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. C
Skills questions (page 270)
Answers will vary widely depending on the homologous series chosen and database(s)
used. The guidance in Tool 3 should be followed.

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Practice questions (page 273)
9. a. 3-methylhexane
b. 2,4,4-trimethylhexane
c. 3-ethyl-2,4-dimethylhexane
10. a.


Practice questions (page 275)

11. a. 2,3-dichlorobutane
b. 4-chloro-3-iodopent-1-ene
c. 1-bromo-1-chloroethane
12. a.



Practice questions (page 278)

13. a.


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14. a. hept-3-ene
b. 2,4-dimethylpent-2-ene
c. 2,2-dimethylpropan-1-ol
d. 3-methylpentan-2-one
e. 3,3-dimethylbutanal
Activity (page 280)

Practice questions (page 282)

15. a.

b. The carbon atom that is attached to the hydroxyl group is also attached to two
alkyl groups, hence it is a secondary alcohol.

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16. B
Skills questions (page 283)
Isomer Full structural formula structural Skeletal formula

propan-1-ol CH3CH2CH2OH

propan-2-ol CH3CH(OH)CH3

methoxyethane CH3CH2OCH3

3. Answers will vary depending on visualization software used.

4. Answers will vary. Examples include:
- skeletal formula more practical for large molecules
- 3D models show molecular geometry
- structural formulae do not necessarily reflect molecular geometry
- condensed structural formula for complex molecules are impractical
- ball-and-stick models represent electrons in bonds as sticks not clouds
5. Answers will vary. For example:
- All three molecules are polar
- Propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol can form hydrogen bonds between their molecules and
are therefore more volatile than methoxyethane
- Propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol can be reduced to form propanal and propanone,
- Propan-1-ol can be further reduced to form propanoic acid
Practice questions (page 286)

18. a. trans-pent-2-ene

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b. no cis–trans isomerism; pent-1-ene
c. cis-hex-3-ene
d. no cis–trans isomerism; 2-methylpropene

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19. a.

; No

; Yes

; Yes

; No

; Yes

; No
Activity (page 289)
a. The chiral carbon is bonded to four different groups, as shown in b.
b. i.


Skills questions (page 290)

1. Answers may include:
- Concentration of the solution
- Path length
- Intensity of the light source

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- Absence of other light sources
2. Answers will vary according to student plans. Guidance: Option 1 requires a
protractor or other device to measure the angle of rotation of one of the polarizing
filters. Option 2 requires changing the concentration of the solution in the measuring
cylinder but not its volume. Option 3 requires varying the volume of solution in the
measuring cylinder but not its concentration. Option 4 involves analysing mixtures of
two or more compounds and varying the ratio of each component in the mixture.
Practice question (page 292)
20. a. pentan-2-one


b. A is pentan-3-one, CH3CH2COCH2CH3
peak at 29 due to (CH3CH2)+
peak at 57 due to (CH3CH2CO)+
B is pentan-2-one, CH3COCH2CH2CH3
peak at 43 due to (CH3CH2CH2)+ or (CH3CO)+
Practice question (page 299)
21. For structure a (2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoic acid):
There are five different hydrogen chemical environments for this compound. The ratio
for area under the signals for HA : HB : HC : HD : HE is 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 6, with the
hydrogen atoms being labelled along the chain from the –COOH group.
For structure b (3-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoic acid):
There are four different hydrogen chemical environments for this compound. The ratio
for area under the signals for HA : HB : HC : HD is 2 : 1 : 6 : 1, with the hydrogen
atoms being labelled along the chain from the –COOH group.
Skills questions (page 303)
Isomer H NMR spectrum Selection of IR spectrum Major mass
features features spectrum peaks
propan-1-ol 4 signals O—H at 3200 to 3600 cm–1 31 (loss of
3:2:2:1 (broad) CH2CH3)
triplet (0.9–1.0 ppm) C—H at 2850 to 3090 cm-1
multiplet (1.3–1.4 C—O at 1050–1410 cm-1
triplet (3.3–3.7 ppm)
singlet (1.0–6.0
propan-2-ol 3 signals O—H at 3200 to 3600 cm–1 45 (loss of CH3)
6:1:1 (broad)
doublet (0.9–1.0 C—H at 2850 to 3090 cm-1

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ppm) C—O at 1050–1410 cm–1
multiplet (3.3–3.7
singlet (1.0–6.0
methoxyeth 3 signals C—H at 2850 to 3090 cm–1 60 (molecular
ane 3:2:3 C—O at 1050–1410 cm –1 ion)
singlet (3.3–3.7 45 (loss of CH3)
ppm) 29 (loss of
quartet (3.3–3.7 OCH3)
triplet (0.9–1.0 ppm)
Chemical shift and IR data values from the IB data booklet, actual values may vary.

End of topic questions (pages 305–307)

1. Answers will depend on the student, but a possible answer might be: The
functional group of an organic molecule is used to classify compounds and place
them into different classes of organic compounds. It is the functional group that
gives a compound its characteristic physical and chemical properties. This
consistency of chemical and physical behaviour enables predictions in trends to be
made. For example, all alcohols that undergo complete combustion will produce
identical products, namely carbon dioxide and water. All carboxylic acids are weak
acids that only partially dissociate in aqueous solutions. All ketones will not
undergo oxidation reactions, whereas an aldehyde can undergo oxidation, forming
a carboxylic acid. The boiling points of a homologous series (e.g. alkanes)
progressively increases. This enables us to be able to extrapolate the trend in the
data to predict other boiling points. The ability to accurately predict the physical
and chemical properties of organic compounds, strengthens our ability to perform
scientific research and undertake industrial synthetic reactions.
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. a. no AND 2 groups on a carbon in the double bond are the same/hydrogen atoms
no AND molecule produced by rearranging atoms bonded on a carbon «in the
double bond» is the same as the original
b. yes AND has a carbon attached to four different groups
OR yes AND it contains a chiral carbon
Accept yes AND mirror image of molecule different to original/non-superimposable
on original.
7. a. m/z 58: molar/relative molecular mass/weight/Mr is 58 g mol−1/58
m/z 43: loses methyl/CH3 fragment
ORCOCH3+ fragment
Do not penalize missing charge on the fragments.

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b. C=O
Accept carbonyl/C=C.
c. Information deduced from 1H NMR:
one signal indicates one hydrogen environment/symmetrical structure
chemical shift of 2.2 indicates H on C next to the carbonyl
Accept “one type of hydrogen”.
8. a.

b. enantiomers rotate plane of plane-polarized light

equal degrees/angles/amounts AND opposite directions/rotation
Accept “optical isomers” for “enantiomers”.

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9. a. Compound A contains a carbon-carbon double bond and a hydroxyl group
Compound B contains a carbonyl group
b. Any two of the following:

c. Compound B AND C=O absorption / 1750 cm–1

Accept any value between 1700–1750 cm–1
Compound B AND absence of OH / 3200–3600 cm–1 absorption
10. a. two major isotopes with mass numbers 35 and 37
b. diatomic molecule composed of two chlorine-37 atoms
chlorine-37 is the least abundant isotope
low probability of two Cl isotopes occurring in a molecule
11. a.

b. 2 signals
0.9−1.0 AND triplet
3.3−3.7 AND quartet

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Accept any values in the ranges.
Award [1] for two correct chemical shifts or two correct splitting patterns

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