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Structural Wall Reinforcement Design

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Structural walls are frequently designed with out of plane loads and two curtain of reinforcement. spWall has an
option for design of walls with two curtains of reinforcement as well as one curtain of reinforcement to accommodate
various needed wall thicknesses.

For each plate element, the required areas of reinforcement Asx and Asy are computed based on the average moments
per element and are output along with design forces and governing ultimate load combination. In both horizontal and
vertical directions, the reported reinforcement is the total required area of steel per unit length. Half of the reported
value applies to each curtain in models with two curtain layout.

If the area of vertical reinforcement required for a plate element is greater than one percent of the gross area of the
concrete section (0.5 percent for CSA A23.3-04), the program indicates that ties are required for bars in compression.
If the program reports that ties are required for a single curtain design, switching to two curtain design should be
considered by the user.

The general considerations for design of wall elements in spWall are as follow:

 spWall calculates the required reinforcement only for the ultimate load combinations.
 For walls with two curtain of reinforcement, spWall considers contribution of both layers in calculation of
required reinforcement.
 In cases where the load is not reversible from wind or seismic (i.e. only one layer of steel is subjected to
maximum stress like in a retaining wall) the design may be conservative and the user can use a single layer
option to optimize the design.
 The plate design criteria section of the inputs provides options for minimum and maximum reinforcement
ratios (As/Ag) and location of reinforcement centroid with respect to the face of the wall for each curtain.
 One curtain is not permitted for wall thicker than 10 inches by default unless the box is checked to allow this
condition (Chk-1) in cases where the user deems suitable.
 spWall permits the user to override the default code minimum reinforcement ratios for investigation of as
built wall by invoking the check box for (Chk-2)

 spWall calculate the required reinforcement for all ultimate load combinations and reports the greatest value
and the corresponding load combination. In the following example the required vertical reinforcement for
element “1” is 1.46in2/ft and the related load combination is “U1”.

 In
n instances wheere the requiredd area of verticcal reinforcemeent for a plate eelement is greaater than one ppercent
0.5 percent for CSA A23.3-04 4), spWall willl examine the llocation of the neutral axis annd indicates thaat ties
arre required for bars in compreession by placiing a star in thee Tie column.

 he load combin
Th nation which calls
c for “Ties required”
r flag iis not necessarrily the same looad combinatioon from
w the greateest required reiinforcement is reported.

spWall useers who have designed
d walls with
w a total req quired area of ssteel greater thhat 1% of the grross area of thee
concrete seection have to contend
c with thhe confinemen nt requirementss of ACI 318, 114.3.6. This proovision indicattes that
“vertical reeinforcement need
n not be encclosed by lateraal ties if verticaal reinforcemennt area is not ggreater than 0.001
times grosss concrete areaa, or where verttical reinforcemment is not reqquired as comprression reinforrcement”.
The properr consideration
n of this conditiion as provided
d by spWall is important to eensure the successful perform
mance of
on reinforcemeent in the wall section.

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