Lecture 5 S.M 2021
Lecture 5 S.M 2021
Lecture 5 S.M 2021
and Networking
ELG4178 A
Prof. Sawsan Abdul-Majid, P. Eng. SMIEEE
Faculty of Engineering
University of Ottawa
Winter 2021
Fiber modes
Optical mode : refers to a specific solution of the wave
equation , that satisfied special conditions that its
distributions does not change with propagation.
The mode represents field configuration which propagates
along the fiber without any changes in the polarization or in
field distribution expect for change in phase
The fiber modes can be classified to:
❑Guided mode
❑Leakey mode and
❑Radiation modes
Guided modes in optical fiber | Fiberlabs Inc
Guided Mode : Each potential path that light propagates
through in an optical fiber is known as a guided mode of the
fiber. Depending on the physical dimensions of the
core/cladding regions, refractive index, and wavelength,
anything from one to thousands of modes can be supported
within a single optical fiber.
Fiber modes can be:
➢ Guided modes
➢ Radiation modes, and Leaky modes
E (r ) = E0 exp( −r 2 / w02 )
At r = wo, E(Wo)=Eo/e
Typically Wo > a
Polarizations of fundamental
Normalized Frequency V:
Also referred to as the V number in fiber optics; the normalized frequency is a
dimensionless quantity, denoted by the symbol V.
For a multimode fiber, the mode volume of that fiber, which is the approximate
number of bound modes within that fiber is directionally proportional to the
normalized frequency.
For a step index fiber, the mode volume of that fiber is directionally
proportional to the square of the normalized frequency, that is V2 .
Propagation constant
E = Eo cos(ωt−βz) where, β = ( 2π/λ ) m−1 is the propagation constant
ω = 2πν = 2πc/λ rad/m is the angular frequency.
Eo is the peak amplitude.
The phase velocity vp is defined only when there is a single electromagnetic wave.
P is a point of constant phase or the wave front.
At point P, (ωt−βz) = constant at any time.
Therefore, the phase velocity
vp = dz/ dt= ω/β
Note, vp = c = 3×108 m/s is the speed of light in free space.
Normalized propagation constant
Normalized frequency v
Fiber modes
Fiber Key Parameters 1
Fiber parameters 2
Calculating Fiber Modes
Sawsan Abdul-majid
Power in the cladding
Lower order modes have higher power in the cladding → larger MFD
Cladding Power Vs
Normalized Frequency
Vc = 2.4
Fiber non linarites
Fiber nonlinearities :
Unwanted effect , occur when optical signals are strong, which limits the upper boundary
of signal power in fiber transmissions.
Nonlinear relationship between refractive index , that is controlled by the power value
and the effective area of fiber core
n=no + n2.P/Aeff
• no- the refractive index of the fiber core at low optical level.
• n2- the nonlinear refractive index coefficient
• P the optical power
• Aeff The effective area of the fiber core in square meters
• The nonlinearities could be eliminated by min. P or max. Aeff.
• The recent technologies are considering maximizing Aeff.
Fiber no linearities types
• SBS Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
• SRS Stimulated Raman Scattering
• FWM Four wave mixing
• SPM self phase modulation
• XPM cross phase modulation
• Inter modulation (mixing)
SBS Stimulated Brillion Scattering
• Imposes an upper limit on the amount of optical
power that can be usefully lunched into an optical
• When SBS threshold exceeded, a significant fraction of
transmitted power is redirected back toward the
• This results in back reflection, and saturation in the
optical power reaches the receiver.
• Significant noise will be introduced which will lower
Bit error rate BER.
• Brillion scattering are inelastic processes in which part of the power is
lost from an optical wave and absorbed by the transmission medium
while the remaining energy is re-emitted as a wave of lower frequency.
• The processes can be thought of as the conversion of an incident
photon into a lower energy scattered photon plus a phonon of
vibrational energy.
• Total energy and momentum before and after scattering must be equal,
i.e. the incident photon energy is shared between the phonon and the
scattered photon.
• Since the frequency of an optical wave is proportional to its energy, the
photon produced by the scattering event has a lower frequency than
the incident photon.
• This frequency downshifted wave is commonly referred to as the Stokes
• A phonon is a quantum mechanical description of an elementary
vibrational motion in which a lattice of atoms or molecules uniformly
oscillates at a single frequency.
SRS Stimulated Raman
• Causes less problem than SBS
• Its threshold near 1 watt.
• Useful in EDFA( Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers) implementation.
• Below the threshold, the SRS rob power from shorter wavelength
channels and feed the longer wavelength channels.
• Limits the amount of the power that reaches the receiver above the
• SBS threshold is strongly dependent on the line width of the optical
SBS and SRS Unwanted effects from
• Both SBS and SRS have so-called threshold pump powers above which
power transfer to the Stokes wave increases rapidly.
• In SBS this means that the amount of optical power leaving the far
end of the fiber no longer increases linearly with the input power. The
maximum launch power becomes clamped and excess power is
simply reflected back out of the fibre.
• A major difference between Brillouin scattering and Raman scattering
lies in the type of phonon generated –
1300 nm optimized
Dispersion Shifted
Specialty Fibers with Different Index Profiles