Savon It To 2018
Savon It To 2018
Savon It To 2018
J Cardiovasc Med 2018, 19 (suppl 1):e107–e111 Fertile lifespan, mortality and cardiovascular
Keywords: coronary artery disease, estrogen, menopause
This is a complex issue, difficult to address from the
Manzoni Hospital, Lecco, bClinical Pharmacology, Milan and cSan Giovanni methodological point of view, but it represents the basis
Hospital and Centro per la Lotta Contro L’Infarto – CLI Foundation, Rome, Italy
for the development of goal-directed treatment. This
Correspondence to Stefano Savonitto, Manzoni Hospital, Lecco, Italy question was addressed by transversal7 as well as longi-
tudinal8,9 studies investigating the relation between age
at menopause and all-cause as well as cardiovascular
Received 24 July 2017 Accepted 14 November 2017
mortality. Some of these studies were specifically inves-
tigating cardiovascular health,9 whereas others were lon-
Introduction gitudinal studies on cancer.7 An important longitudinal
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) represents the first cause study on more than 12 000 women followed up for up to
of mortality among women, and in Europe, more women 20 years within a screening project of breast cancer in
than men are now dying of coronary artery disease Utrecht found that any year of delay in menopause was
(CAD).1 However, premature coronary deaths, that is associated with a 2% reduction in the risk of cardio-
before the age of 65 and even 75 years, are more common vascular mortality, a benefit that extended for at least
among men.1 This observation implies that, at younger 2 decades after menopause. In this study, the benefit was
age, women are protected against CAD, and this specific consistent also among women having undergone oopho-
protection is the most likely cause of the overall survival rectomy, whereas in others the association was consistent
advantage of women over men. No such advantage is only for naturally occurring menopause, and not for
being observed for cancer, the second more frequent surgical menopause by bilateral oophorectomy.7,10 Also,
cause of death for both sexes.2 some studies have found a significant association
between early menopause and mortality only in smokers,
The most plausible cause of this fact has been considered which may well be a confounder for cardiovascular mor-
to be the protective effect of estrogen in premenopausal tality.9 In the most recent and complete meta-analysis of
women.3 Estrogen exerts direct effects on blood vessels 32 studies that included 310 329 women, those who
as well as systemic effects that may delay the develop- experienced menopause below the age of 45 appeared
ment and progression of atherosclerosis. Its rapid vaso- to have a greater risk of coronary heart disease (CHD),
dilatory effects are mediated by direct actions on vascular CVD mortality and all-cause mortality, whereas no asso-
endothelial cells. In addition, estrogen also alters serum ciation was found with stroke risk. By contrast, an age of
lipid concentrations (reduced LDL and increased HDL 45–49 years at onset of menopause, compared with 50
cholesterol), coagulation and fibrinolytic systems, anti- years or older at onset, had no apparent association with
oxidant systems, and the production of other vasoactive adverse outcomes.11 In the LADIES ACS study,6 the
molecules, such as nitric oxide and prostaglandins, all frequency of prior myocardial infarction (MI) was identi-
of which can influence the development of vascular cal (15%) among women with menopausal age below or
disease.3 In terms of atherosclerosis, disorder data suggest above median (50 years). In patients with no history of
that estrogen has an anti-inflammatory effect on athero- MI, the mean age at ACS was 73 10 years both among
sclerotic plaques, resulting in plaque stabilization, women below median menopausal age, and among those
whereas plaque erosion, a peculiar substrate for throm- above the median.
bosis in premenopausal women, does not appear to be
inhibited by estrogen.4 Studies using intravascular ultra- The hypothetical link between a longer fertility lifespan
sound (IVUS) have shown less coronary atherosclerosis in and a lower risk of cardiovascular events after menopause
women, with respect to men, despite a heavier burden of might be found in a more favorable risk factor profile as
risk factors.5 Prospective age and sex-matched data from calculated using the Framingham risk score,12 or through
the LADIES Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) study a lower risk of subsequent diabetes mellitus.13 An alter-
confirm that the 10-year advantage of women with regard native hypothesis considers age at menopause as a bio-
to the amount of angiographically measurable coronary logical marker of health and aging: that is, women that are
atherosclerosis persists beyond the 8th decade of age.6 biologically destined to a longer life tend to have also a
1558-2027 ß 2018 Italian Federation of Cardiology. All rights reserved. DOI:10.2459/JCM.0000000000000596
ATS, aterosclerosis; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CDS, change in diameter stenosis; CHD, coronary heart disease; CIMT, carotid-intimal media thickness; CV,
cardiovascular; E, estrogen; EPAT, Estrogen in the Prevention of Atherosclerosis Trial; ET, early treatment; HERS, Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study; HF,
heart failure; IMT, intima–media thickness; LDLc, low density lipoprotein c; LT, late treatment; MI, myocardial infarction; P, progestin; PCI, percutaneous coronary
intervention; QWMI, Q-wave myocardial infarction; WAVE, Women’s Angiographic Vitamin and Estrogen; WHI, Women’s Health Initiative.
a mean age of 65 years, and about half had had a prior although subgroup analysis in the unopposed estrogen
MI. In the ELITE study,20 643 healthy women were part of the study of women having undergone hysterec-
randomly assigned, in a 1 : 1 ratio, to receive oral 17b- tomy did reveal a potential reduction in CHD in women
estradiol (and progesterone vaginal gel in the case of aged 50–59 years [hazard ratio, 0.59 (CI: 0.38–0.90)] but
intact uteri) or matching placebo within strata of early not in women aged 60–69 or 70–79 years, a finding that
postmenopause (<6 years since menopause) and late warrants confirmation in future studies.
postmenopause (10 years since menopause). The
A study more suitable to prove the timing hypothesis was
median age at enrollment was 55 years in the early-
the Danish Osteoporosis Prevention Study,23 which
postmenopause stratum, and 64 years in the late-
involved a cohort of women who were, on average,
postmenopause stratum, and the median time since
50 years of age and 7 months past menopause when they
menopause was 3.5 years in the early-postmenopause
were randomly assigned to receive estradiol alone or in
stratum and 14 years in the late-postmenopause stratum.
combination with sequential norethisterone acetate. This
HRT significantly reduced the rate of progression of
study showed a significantly lower risk of CHD (a com-
carotid-intimal media thickness (primary endpoint) in
posite of death, admission to hospital for heart failure and
the early treatment group, whereas no such effect was
MI) at 10 years of follow-up among women who received
observed in the late treatment group (P ¼ 0.03 for inter-
treatment than among women who received no treatment
action between strata). However, no effect at all was
(hazard ratio 0.48, 95% CI: 0.26–0.87; P ¼ 0.015). In this
observed in both groups with regard to coronary com-
study, no excess risk of any cancer, breast cancer, stroke
puted tomography data (secondary endpoint).
and venous thrombus embolism was observed in the
HRT group. However, as expected from the young
In terms of CAD events, no benefit from HRT was
women’s age at enrollment, the number of events was
observed in the Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replace-
relatively small to draw any definite conclusion.
ment Study (Table 1), again as secondary prevention in
women with average age of 67 who had had prior Q wave
MI, percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary Current recommendations for HRT
artery bypass grafting.21 The primary endpoint in the As briefly discussed in the present review, experimental
Women’s Health Initiative was the rate of CHD (defined evidence of a protective effect of estrogen with regard to
as CHD death and total MI rate). Combined estrogen and coronary atherosclerosis and cardiac events is scarce.24
progestin therapy showed a trend toward an increased Angiographic studies neither show a relation between
risk for CHD after 5 years of follow-up, which persisted menopausal age and coronary atherosclerosis, nor an
through 8.6 years [hazard ratio, 1.22 (CI: 0.99–1.50)].22 effect of HRT on CAD progression. Most studies on
For the overall enrolled population, there was no reduc- HRT have included women who were too old and after
tion in the risk for CHD with estrogen alone after nearly too many years of menopause, whereas the better
8 years of follow-up [hazard ratio, 0.95 (CI: 0.78–1.15)], designed study23 was too small to be conclusive. Among
the issues not discussed here are the type (of estrogen and physicians when deciding for type and duration of HRT
progestin) and duration of HRT. Some expert commit- in early postmenopausal women to improve quality of
tees and scientific societies, such as the US Preventive life, sexual function and other menopause-related com-
Services Task Force,25 the Canadian Task Force on plaints, such as joint and muscle pains, mood changes and
Preventive Healthcare and the American Academy of sleep disturbances.
Family Physicians, have taken a strong position against
the postmenopausal use of HRT (either estrogen alone in
women without uteri, or combined estrogen and proges-
Conflicts of interest
tin in women with uteri) for the prevention of chronic
There are no conflicts of interest.
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